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Los Angeles Daily Herald. VOL. X. LOS ANGELES, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15. 1878. NO. 65 Morning Telegrams. I'nsaenaere Doing rtoiillj. Mohave, Aug. 13.?Coi. j. 11. Woods, Ueo. Barrowdale, I* 8. B. Sawyer, A. Mason, Col. Graham, Misses Calhoun, C. Mason Kinue, C. B. Mayon, fit. A. Jestro, E. Iff. Brier, K. MeCtuy, Mrs. Lent, A. Wagner, L, Klan, J. Werlheiuier. Senator Jones Atolil I>? I lie tiler I. iiohi,l \u25a0 ti-lusac Memorial, Han Francisco, Aug. U.?Sena- tor J. P. Jones arrived iv the cily last evening and, it is reported, will resume his seat In the stock board to-morrow. Tbe delegates of tlio Working- men's party to tbe Coustitutloual Convention liave drawn up and forwarded to tlie President and See retary of State a memorial setting fm tli tbe evils of Chinese immigra- tion and requesting the President and Secretary of State to take lm- mediatesteps to obtain an abroga- tion of the liurliiigiiine treaty. Mine KevelMtioua. . Sacramento, Auk. 14.?Tbe Tullis murder ease is assuming proportions which are great, un 1 circumstances are now brought to light which seem to fasten tlie guilt where it belongs. It has developed that Troy Dye crossed Freeport fer ry the night of the murder, at nine o'clock, with two led horses. He went to Merrill's Island, he admits. The same night two strange men crossed tbe river iv a akilTat the lo»er ferry. Troy Dye, after this crossing, was next day seen on tbe Sacramento side of the river going down toward Grand Island. Also on Saturday night he was met going to Ttillis's ranch. Dye has charged the mysterious boat built and launched here tlie morning of the mur- der on Anderson, a Swede. To-night tbe police coplured Anderson, and ho denies that he ever built the boat. He never built bnt one boat; tbat was last February. In a lung interview the prisoner crossed and lied point blank frequently. He Mid he bad been at work on the thresher near Nicolas for tillee weeks. At last he admitted that he was in Sacramento on August Ist, 2d, and 3d. Ihe uinrJer was committed August tbe Ist, He then accounts for him sell by say- tig he was in bis home sick all those days, except the night of the 2d, when he went to Dye's saloon and tried to borrow five dollars of htm. It is flxed aitd certain that Dye was not In town on Friday night. The prisoner rode into town last night after dark, being followed fiom the 15- --mile house on Ilie Marysville roatl by tbe Sheriffs officers, lie rode at orcein Dye's saloon aid liked for Dye. The officer saw him, and ran to him; he put spurs to his hor*e and rode hy v roundabout j way lo his lions ', where Ihe other officers caught him Last uight in prison he utterly denied that he rode lo the saloon and asked for Dye. It is believed that Dye will make a full confession tomorrow. The officers are in hot chase alter the third man iv the murder. Clark, the partner of Dye, who was under arrest, has in en set free. milter Dtan*e>e Keariivy. New York, Aug. 14.?A Herald reporter inter vie wed Butler yes- terday. He said: "Kearney is not endorsed by me and he knows his own business as I do mine." Swelling with indignation, his cheeks pulling and voice cast in a high pitch, he continued: "Ob! the lying press! the infamous ly- ing press of Massachusetts asserted that Ibrought the man East and that I paid him money to go on. What fair play can be expected from such liars? You know what Qod says in the Bible about lying, but let that pass. I have nothing to do with Kearney what- ever. He has come East to please himself. The true and honest thingshe may utter have my ap- proval, anil the foolish and absurd I can only grieve over. I believe he uoea s honorably, though he may have an unusual style of ex- pression, but you can't expect roses from thistles and you must look to the nature of the causes which produce tuch men aud make tbem possible. Not of my invita- tion is Kearney here, but ns I un- derstand It, solely and wholly on his own responsibility." Omage Dtllieuirle. nf Ihinn*. Ottawa, Aug. 14. ?The streets were crowded last night and much excitement prevailed which the occasional discharge nf a revolver only increased. Fully a Ihousaud Orange Young Britons and Orange- men gathered in their hall ami re- solved to escort their visiting Mon- treal brethren to the train. An equal number of their opponents were at the Catholic Union Hall as (Irmly resolved to prevent the march. The Mayor and leading Oraugcmen endeavored to persuade the Young Britons to leave by Chaudiei'u Station, but without avail. Fiually the rail- way authorities sent word to the Britons that they would not allow the Moutreal delegation to board the train at the lower depot unless the Order became responsible for any damage that might result. The Montreal men then agreed to embark at Chaudiere Station, and at 10:15 left Windsor In an omnibus while a salute was being fired aud cheers given by the excited crowd, which the police was endeavoring to disperse. WIHIIier AHey. Washington, Aug. 14.?Gener-j al Deveus left Washington last evening on a visit to Massachu- setts. Postmaster General Key will begin his western trip next week, probably extending It, to California. Jones, the Wltn' as lino*. San Buknaventuha, Aug. 14. ? Jesse Jones, Hie State's evidence in tho More trial,was admitted to bail last night in tho sum of $1,000 for his appearance as a witness at the November term of Court. The change in tlie stc- tus of the respective parties is rather confounding. Hitherto the prosecution hud defended aud protected Jones's character, while tbe other side attacked it bitterly; now the Mores have him arrested aud the defense promptly come to the rescue anil furnish his bail bond. The sudden Hop over is still the talk of the town, but tbe prisoners' lawyers keep their own counsel as to what Jones has done or will do for their side. It is cer- tain that he has made bis peace with tbe prisoners' friends. Tlie New York Crispin* M .nil l>y Hie hirlkera. New York, Aug. 14.?Tlie 7W- bune says tbat the shoemakers of this city are determined to altl their (ellow workmen whoare now on a strike in Chicago, by forward- ing remittances from tiuio to time ns long as Ihe strike continues. They urge the Chicago men to hold out, even against the threat of in- troducing Chiuese labor. Men iv this city say it may not be long be- fore they have tbe sama contest here ami that they will require pe- cuniary aid. lira, .links Get. Un ona c. New York, Aug. H.? Tba Tri- bune's Washington special says the statement was made last night without qualification that Mrs. Jenks, the notorious witness be- fore tbe Potter Committee, bad been appointed detective iv tbe Treasury Department, and as- signed to duty at tlie New Orleans Custom House. Tbe Poller la veatigatioa. New York, August 14th.?The Potter Congressional Committee continued their investigations this morning. Col. Roberts of the New Orleans Times testified that he was familiar with what was going on. Saw all of tlie visiting statesmen at New Orleans. They were not con- sulted about his visit to Ohio. He merely mentioned to Stevenson, Matthews and Sherman that the situation of the white people in the State was desperate. We had been (iefeated by the Returning Board jin 1872 and again in 1874, 'and wo were afraid of being defeated again In 187G, and people were beginning to think elections | were utterly useless. We consid- ered Ihe election n fair and just I one, ami we polled every white ] vote available; but we feared being ! counted out hy the Returning Board. We nil believed the Re- I turning 1! >ard would not dare to have done what they did do with- out they had received tho moral support of the visitiug statesmen. These apprehensions about the Re- turning Board were what led to my visit to Gov. Hayes. We wanted [to know what notion he would take If elected. He knew perfectly well that I was talking for tlie Democratic side. Yellow Juek «t ~ Grenada, Aug. 14th.?Seven i yellow fever deaths and eight new [ cases in the last twenty-four hours. !At least. 100 are down with the fe- ver. The weather is cloudy, with threatenings of rain. Indications ure bad for tho patients. Four cases of black vomit are reported by Dr. Hdglies which, he says, cannot re- cover. Business is entirely sus- pended and trains pass hy without : noticing the place. All Nereue at Ottawa. Ottawa, Aug. 11.?The parties arrested last night wcro before the Police Magistrate to-day and re- manded until Monday. An at- tempt to renew (he disturbance to- Jay was speedily stopped by tlie police. Tbe ounivn Rimers. OTTAWA, Aug. 13, 12 o'clock.? No disturbance lias yet occurred. The Orangemen have dispersed, but the Catholics, numbering over 3.0(10, are still on the streets in tlie vicinity of St, Patrick's Hall. One of the leaders having stated that It was their intention to march to tlie upper town and demolish the resiliences of prominent Orangemen, Mayor Hangs ordered out the foot guards. They are now Btationed at the IreaU of S'issex street, awaiting or- ders. Speeches were made by Catholic leaders. Some of them advised the crowd to uct in an or- derly manner uud not light until they were attacked, and others en- couraging them to march through the upper town and have revenge for last night's proceedings. Be- tween 12 and 1 o'clock this morn- ing, a prominent Orange leader named John Holt, was pounced upon by the mob, and badly beaten. 2A. M.?The military are now extending iv a line across Sussex strict, about six blocks from the Unionists, who are still talking loudly among themselves. The Mayor went down aud premised tho crowd if they would go home lie would guarantee that no one would ditttirb them, and if any damage was done after they left, he would pay for It himself. The crowd were almost persuaded to go home when a young lawyer named Kehoe, President of the Union, told them that the Mayor's otter was not worth anything, aud changed the feeling of tlie crowd to such an extent that they refused to hear any more from the Mayor, and decided to remain until day- light. Fears aro entertained that they may yet come in collision with the military. 2:30 A. m.?The Union men are still on Sussex street, and likely to remain till daybreak. The gang arc now marching up and down the street armed with pitchforks, sing- lug that they will hang Mayor I Bangs to a sour anple tree. Keboe's conduct is generally coudemiied. Kouilsii l*»?llnmeiiiitry Matters. Lon 'ON, Aug. 14th.?In the House of Commons last night the Under Secretary of tho Foreign department in reply to an Inter- rogatory, stated thut it wits impos- sible for Ihe Government to say where the Russian forties in Cen- tral Asia were stationed. Tlio Gov- ernment was qulto willing to take the responsibility of sending a mis- sion to Cabut as it could not regaid With indifference what had been passing in Central Asia during the last two months. The Chancel- lor of the Exchequer pointed out that it was always understood that England had a greater interest in Afghanistan than hail Russia, and was therefore bound to send thither a mission or equal weight and influence with that of Russia. The Under Secretary for India, when introducing the Indian Midg- et, gave the official estimate of the number of deaths from famine iv India at 1,850,000. II i.' I oicall c ..I.tiers London, Aug. 11.?A Berlin dis- patch says that Prince RisintrcK has instructed the German attache at Constantinople to inform the Porte that the coutinuaucj of an ambiguous policy would risk the existence of Turkey iv Europe. Riots continue at O less* aud a proclamation of a stale of siege is expected to lv issued. g&Oy grttflClW glCVitUt 1 hut. : t'vp. v morning MOept Mon- day, BY .lOHKp n 13. LYNCH. ER.V.S FOR DAILYHERALD. \u25a0 ' r HDDUm, by mall or express $10 \ i months " " 6 P iree month n " *' 8 i illveretl by carriers, per Wrek, 25 centH 13 ANGELES WEEKLY HERALD c iiiihiislieil every Saturday moraine. TERMS. i "c year.hy mall orexpress.onecopy..B3lK - t months, ?' " " " ...1 If , cc ?? " ...1 Ut \dvertlsemcnts Inserted at reasonable r i.e.. All Kill tie of Job-Work done to ? ??aapeto with Hap rranri.? tn ?rlee.Sty le, and Kleraurr ol Work. -n>nabJX>. LAWYERS. J. A. GBATEST" ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL- LOR AT LAW. ROOM No. 1 STREI.ITZ BLOCK. Jyßtf JOHN C. MOKUAN, ATTOItN ICY A-'JL' L.A.~W, ml7ir SANTA MONICA. V.E. HOWARD. T. 11. HOWARD. J. BROB-EAU. Howard, Brosseau & Howard, VTTORN HY-« AND COUNSELLORS AT LV W. R ?on>», 66, <f7 and 118 Tem- -0 Blocli. third Moor, lav Angeles. lebB-tf HENRY T. HAZARD, . TTOKNEYATLAW OFFICE?U oms 8 and 9 Downey 'ditom. InBl-tr S. C. HUBBELL. \ TTORNF. V AT LAW,Rooms 3 and 4 *\ Uncommon a Block, corner Main A \u25a0 mmerclal streets, Los Angeles. may7-tf . ..t.tSMKI.I.. G. H. SMITH , it. CHAPMAN. H.M.SMITH sUSSELL, CHAPMAN & SMITHS, TTORNEYH AT LAW. "l-'FICE?TFVi I'LE BLOCK up-Bialrs, l/i* \ itgnlcs. Cal itiirnia. QCnVtf-1 F. P. Ramirez, ?ATTORNEY Al' JL.A.W. tiFFlCE?Temple Block, No. 72, I.os Angeiee. m'J-lni VV. H. H. Russell, AiTORNEY AND COUNSEL- LOR AT LAW. srßoontl 2 nnd 3. Allen's Building, corner of Spring and Temple sts. alblf PHYSICIANS. Dr. Kirkpatrick. i mcc And Residence?No. 15FRANKLIN STREET. feiß-lin Or. N. P. RICHARDSON, I 'liyaiiolnii and tsurgeon It si deuce, Fort Hill, I Offlce, No. 19 TJow- Huena Vista street. I neyßlock.upstairs. J. HANNON, M. J)., I UUNTY I'HYSICIA N. ! JOOMS 9 A 11, LAN FRANCO BLOCK. 1 1 Residence Downey Avenue, East i.os Angeles, near the end of street rail- way. Offlco hours from 10 to 12 A. m.; from Ito t ». m. ap2o tf Dr. Joseph Kurtz lias removed his office to No. 82 MAIN STREET, over Dotter A Bradley's Furni- ture store. Office Hours?From 10 to 12, 4 lo 0 nnd 8 to 9. Residence?Buena Vista street. myltf J. Recktinger, M. D., (OF VIENNA,) IJIIYSICIAN TO THE ITALIAN IN. dependent and French' M. B. Socie- ties. Oculist of the French Hospital In Sun Franoisoo. All chronio obstinate cases and operations on the eyes attend- ed to. OFFICE ?No, 704 Sacramento street, corner of Kearny. Residence?SE. cor- ner Mason and Pacific streets, San Fran- cisco. oc3 ly Dr. Chin Quong Zin, CHINESE DOCTOR. OFFICE?Corner Los Angelos and Ar- cadia streets, ??-cures all kinds of diseases. Office hours from 9 to 12 A. at, and from 2 to 5 and 7 100 P. M. apSulf HUGHES' Russian and Electric Baths, SIONORET'S BUILDING, opposite Merced Theater. R. HUGHE*, in returning thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, can with confidence reoommend his BAT lEL" S An tbo Kroat PURIFIER end EQUAI/- IZKRoftue human body, enabling; the ay item to throw un" lta impurities aud giving to the lung* one-nlxth more inspi- ration of air than can baootaiue'i by breathing, hy opamng the pores nf tbe skin and giving full play to the insensi- ble respiration ao neoottsavy to physical healtb. es-.V lemalt) constantly on -band to walton ladles. Open from 8 A. it. to 7 P. St. s2Btf CYPRESS HEDGE PLANTS. 1have now on band ft few thousand of the MONTERKY CYPRESS, which makes such a handsome hedge. Tbey are In boxes, so that they can be lilted out with tha Wldney Transplanter, war- ranting every one lo live. Also, line plants of same In pots. They have been very scarce; can be bought cheap now, when small, but if lelt until fall or win- ter thoy will be larger and dearer. H. 11. SPENCER, Je'l-lm Hill street, near First. Riirnell & Rebbeck, ;ape Gardeners and len Contractors, No. 195 SPRING ST. HOTEL 3. United States Hotel, HAMMEL& DENKER, Prop's. Cor. Main and Requona Sts. This hotel taken in an entire block, fl*Oßt lUf 320 feel, on Kequetm street, 100 on Maiu ana \u25a0; ? i<\u25a0 't on Lot Angele* street. THE BOOHM Are airy, and nil contain Spring Beds, with the latest Improvements. TH 10 TABLE Is supplied with the best the market affords. UATES MODKUATK. A Free Omnibus is attached to the ho- tel, and baggage is conveyed gratis to and from the depot. The United States Hotel Is centrally located, opposite the Court House, and is near the PosloMlce and Land Office. Call and see us. You will receive good treatment. HENUY HAMMEL. A. H.DENKEK. ST. CHARLES HOTEL I.OS .VSGELKS, CAL., S. W. CRAIGUE A CO.. Proprietors. The St. Charles is located In the busi- ness centre of the city, and is the largest, most elegant and completely organized Hotel In Southern California Free coach to the house. J. A. GORDON, Manager. wrWcsiem TJuion Telegraph In Hotel office. Jylttf MOJAVE HOTEL, Mojave June lion, Cal, rpiUS HOUSE ISNOWPErAREDM 1_ to recelvo its numerous putronsjg"!, and the traveling public In general, lie- ing entirely new and splendidly Int- ntshetl, It anurds superior accommoda- tions. ITS TABLE 1)' HOTE Is second to none in Sonthern California THU BAR Is supplied with the choleest brands uf wlues, liquors and cigars. An elegant BILLIARD ROOM Is also attached to the house. All trains stop here for breakfast and supper, it is the point of departure for the celebrated Inyo county mines, viz.? Darwin, Lono Pine, Cerro Gordo and l'an- amiut. Theofliceof tho LONE PINE STAGE CO. Tn At this hotel. The patronage of ? I raveling public I. retpoctfiitlysoliclled. MATTHEW'S A BOYD, fe2l-lf Proprietors. THE Commercial Restaurant DOWNEY BLOCK, Formerly Hotel Dcs Princes, IS THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN THE CITY. V. BOL, Proprietor. NOW OPEN. SIERRA MADRE VILLA, A Private Hotel on the mOM or tattle lands or the Sierra Madro Mountains. Climate unsurpnssed Cor Summer or Winter Residence. Command* a charming view of valley and mountain, overlooking tbe Han Ga- briel orange groves; is four miles from railroad and telegrnphstatlon; house en- tirely new, lighted by gas, aud contains all modern conveniences. For particulars addiess proprietor, P. O. Box 1141, Los Angeles. ANAHEIM HOTEL, Cor. op CENTER, & LEMON Sts, «yit OMS largo, sunny and alry.-«« TABLE supplied with nil the Injuries tbo market affords. aVPKEBCOACn to tbo Hotel. aplStf E. DUNHAM,Proprietor. FOR SALE. RARE CHANCE FOR A BAKCAiN. 7-, Acersin the Azusa-Duarte Water Rights Perfect and Title Good. FABM HOUSE, BARN 4 COR- RAL ON PREMISES. MrKIFTKKXACRES IN WALNUTS, five years' growth. Also,variety of Fruit Trees between tbe walnuts. TERMS MODERATE. Apply person- ally or by letter to A. J. HORN, mr3tf Poatnin-tcr at El Monte. IMMHW «M Morphine h.b'l .Imlutelr .r>d I\u25a0 111 \u25a0||Ml>,>-',»iilV<mi-'l.ri l in;.- ,nul>ii,-Hv. BUSINESS CARDS. JUDSON, GILLETTE & GIBSON, EXAMINERS OF TITLE AND CONVEYANCERS, Rooms 13 uud 14, McDonald Block, Main St , 1.08 ANGELES, Cal, septOtf W. H. .T. BROOKS. GEORGE J. CLARKE. BROOKS & CLARKE, Searchers of Records and Examiners ofTitles. ro-ALLKN'SBUIDING, corner Spring and Temple streets. J. A. Cakky. Tikis. A. Faqan. DOWNEY CITY ItEAL ESTATE AGENCY. flan -hoi. HotttM, Lots and Other Prop- erty Bought uud Sold on Commission, By Carey & Fagan, DOWNEY C.TV, CALIFORNIA. Mr. t'VVGAS" Is also an Attorney-at-Law. mrlO f BANKING HOUSES. FARMERS' - MERCHANTS' H A.NX. Of I .us Angeles. CAPITAL 600,000 OO ISAIAS W. HKLLMAN President L. O. GOODWIN Vice-President JOHN MILN'KIt Secreta.y BOARIJ OP DIRKCTOUS. Isaiah W., EmiENE Mbykr, O. W. CHILDS, L. 0. GOODWIN. ORAJU.U Oui-oMMcrr, Josk Mascakri., John a. Urikfin, C. E. Tuom, Kkanb Lecocvrevr. Exchange for sale oa NEW YORK, LONDON, DUB- LIN, FRANKFORT, PARIS, BERLIN aud HAMBURG. Receive Deposits and Issue Their Certificates. Buy and Hell LEGAL TENDERS, GOVERN- MENT, STATE, COUNTY, ANDCITY BONDS. Will also pay Ihe highest price for Gold and Silver Bullion. From and afterthll date,on all moneys lcitasTerm Deposits, interest will bo al- lowed. Commercial Bank Ot I,os Angeles. Authorized Capital - 300,000 J. K.noLLENIiECK President E. F. SPKXCF. Cashier Id RECTORS. A. 11. Wilcox, W. Woodwokth, 8. H. Moti-, H. Mabury, f. LANKEItsniU, O. S. WITHEKBY, E. F. SPENCK. J. E. HOLLKNBECK, This Bank Is prepared to receive de- posits ou open account, Issue Certificates nf Deposit, aud transact a general Bank- lugBusiness. Collections made and proceeds remitted atcmront rates of exchange. LOS ANGELES COUNTY BANK. MAIN STREET, lais Angeles _ Cal Capital Stock (paid up), 300,000 J. S. BLAUSON President R.S. BAKRU Vice-President J.M. F.I.I.iirTT Cashier DIRECTORS. .1. S. Si.aoson, r, Bbaudry, V. A. Hoover, Robert S. Baker, J. Hixiiv, Geo. W. Prkscott A. W. IIoV,'MAN. Receive Savings llnnk deposits. Buy and soli exchange on San Francisco, New York, London, Paris, Berlin and Frankfort. B'ty exebange on all parts of the United States nod Europe. Uecelvo money on open account and Cer- tificate of Deposit, and do a general banking and exobauge business. A e%e% e% salary. F<rm.Qi.ttsiensM Kill 1 |J || n w.iHeU to erl! burSUpleGobd.l. ffl I A 1111 d"lTs! f "o.A It u'ro'.'so'i W i,«*sa»?ai., ci?ouu»u,* I ? agM i tffl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F. G. HANNA & CO., 173 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES, SELL ALL KINDS OF FARM IMPLEMENTS. ALSO, AGENTS FOR THE D. M. Osborne & Co. Self-Binder, The Most Successful Machine on the Coast. The Lion Self-Dumping Hay Rake. Stover & Freeport Windmills, THE BICST in tlio WORLD PUMPS AND TANKS A BPECIALTY. J®-DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND SEE US. OLDEST AUCTION HOUSE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. ZED. W. UOYES lias opened out at No. 1 MARKET ST., opposite ihe Court House, and will be pleased to serve his old friends and the public. Particular attention paid to Real Estate sales. Regular sale days for Horses aud rollingstock, WEDNKSDA YS & SATURDAYS. As] have no partners and do my own work, I intend to make my charges less than those or anybody else In the busi- ness, charging on real cstHtu two pet cent, for the llrsl 810QO and ono per ecu t. on all sums above that amount. Will buy FURNITURE. HOUSES, WAGONS und all kluds of property, and piiycasn. N. ii.? Saturday's sales commence at It) A. M. and close ut 4 p. a:. K. W. NOYEfI, Oldest Auotioircer In Southern California. \ nv2l Largest Auction Kouso in the City! H. R. BROWN, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Two doors East of Old Stand, on TOURT ST., opposite Court M" REGULAR SALE on Saturdays from 9 o'clock a. m. till 4 p.m. special Sales made at auy time. HORSES. WAGONS, and all kinds of goods bought and sold. Reference (R. 8. Hyde,Pres B'k Visalia by permis'n \ t.. K.Spence.Cash Com K'k Jaietf K. R. BRO ,VN. Auctioneer. MERCHANT TAILOR. J. STRELITZ, Fashionble Merchant Tailor, No. 12 TEMPLE Block, Spring street, Los Angeles. He has the LARGEST, FINEST AN II BEST STOCKED TAILOR- ING ESTABLISHMENT In Southern Csli'Orma. His old customers and tbe public will find It Ihe place to get BEST STYLES and KITTING obtainable. NEWEST BROADCLOTHS, BEAVERS, DOESKINS, DIAGONALS, FANCY CASSIMERES, VELVET & SILK VELVETING, Constantly on hand. Refers to the prin. cipal Kentlemeu of the city, tor whom he has made clothing. STNo necessity to send to San Frun- cisco for good fitting suits. tlecim-tl' BOOKS, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, AND Musical Instruments, FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Can be found In Immense Quantities AND AT Lowest Living Prices AT THE POPULAR STORE OF LOUIS LEWIN & CO. novlti DIVIDEND NOTICE. The Quarterly Dividend, No. 19, at ibe rate of 12 per c?nt. per annum, on tho capital slock of the Farmers' nnd Mer- chants' Bank of Los Angeles for the three months ondluc July Ist, 1878, has been declared by lta Board of Trustees, payable at once. ISAIAS W. HELI.MAN,President. Los Angelc, July 5,1878. R. F. COLEMAN & SON, Ac ORGANS. Agents for the celebrated PACKARD A TABOR v HI; A NS, GARDNER BROS, and other Drst-clites PIANOS. Instru- ments sold on Tho Installment Plan. PRICES nod THUMBto suit the times. Headquarters at LEWIN A C'O.'S ; STORE, Nos. 11 and 1< SPRING ST., Los Angeles. Jefl-lm LOS ANGELES Exotic Gardens &Nursery ®LOS ANGELES STREET, In «m rear ol Cathedral. TT* Iwould respectfully announce lo my old customers and the public generally thai I have on hand and shall keep cvo rylhlng In my lino of business?TßEES, SHRUBS,PLANTS, etc., wholesale and retail,and at LOWEST PRICES. Orders from abroad promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed. Plants de- livered free of charge In the city. LOUIS J. STENGEL, mrt-2m Formerly BhaeHer A Steugel. FRENCH DRUG STORE! V. CHEVALIER'S ZDIR/CTGi- STORE Has been removed from SIGNORET'S BLOCK to Cat'ilona Block, 118 Main St., Opposite the Mariposa Store. FRENCH AND OTHER FOREIGN PATENT MEDICINES. PERFUMERY, BRUSHES AND ALL TOILETTE ARTICLES. a*-Prescriptions prepared with great care. dstf AGRICULTURAL PARK. SOCTKTIEa, CHURCHES, CLUBS anil PRIVATE PARTIES will find it to their advantage to look at these beauti- ful grounds before making arrangements elsewhere. For PIC-NIC GROUNDS It has no equal In the State. A NEW DANCING PAVILION, Ono or the largest In the State, Juat com- pleted. Fine groves, beau til ul lawns, Base Ball grounds. Croquet grouuds, nwings for families and children, horU zontul bars, in factevery thing: has been built nnd but In tho finest order. No lime, t oablfl or eipense has been spared to make It tlie great pleasure resort oi Los Ai geles The flne.stdrlve nut of the city. Street Cars run to tin*grounds every 2«» minutes for all Picuuies. H.J. WOOD, mll-If Proprietor. Picnic Grounds- SOCIETIES and private parties desir- ing to secure picnic grounds would do welt toconsultthe Meatus, i Of 1 HE?- CITY GARDENS. These grounds have beeu prepared re- gardless of expenso and are provided withone of the largest and best dancing pavilions outside of San Francisco. Arbors, Ten-pin Atleys, Swings, Hori- zontal Bars, Shotting Gallery, und In- deed, everything necessary for the amusement of picnickers, and will be let cheaper than any other grounds lv this vMnity. No Improper persons will be admitted to the Uardens under any circumstances. Lunch can at all times be procured at the house. m9-tf TO LEABE7~ "ElMolinoFarm." For business and educational reasons, desiring to remove Into Los Angeles, I will lease " EL JIOLINO FARM," Including residence and out-buildings horses, mules, wagon, harness, agricul- tural implements, etc., for the terra of TWO Oil THREE YEARS. The farm consists of 204 acres, ou which are4o,ooo grape vines, over 2,000 orange trees, 700 English walnut trees, 600 lemon and lime trees; also a number of black walnut, pecan, almond, tig. apricot, plum, peach, apple, pear trees, bananas, etc.; two or three acres of alfalfa, fifty acres vacant arable land, nnd TIIKWHOLE TRACT ABUNDANTLY WATERED. Attached to the residenoe is a spacious bath-room, supplying hot, col t and shower baths. There is also a BILLIARD ROOM, table and appurtenances. The farm I* most eligibly situated in the FRUIT BELT of tho San Cabriol Mission Valley About eight miles e-\<t of r<oii Angjele* city, und near the It til mad Station o' San Gabriel Mission. If not leased, T WILL SELL THE ENTIRE PROPERTY On advantageous terms, to-wil: Oue- Ihlrd cash, the nulun-e In one, two, three and four years, at 10 percent. Interest per annum Interest, payable semi-annually. R .1. C KKWKN Nos. 10 A 11 ntrellti Bull dint, Spring »L rHjr. Bullotio and Chronicle topy. o2ltf SOCIETY NOTICES. i!?M Masonic Hotlco. f >\u25a0? Angel., ledge «?.«?,*. j .*4_ *A. M.-The Hated mNUui J . vyiiniili Lodge are held on '. first MONDA V nfeaeh meat* at «HK ' /\u25bc> 7:30 p. x. Member* ef hiaiti. -WMf <* pha, No. »>2, and all Muter Kudu ?», 4 good standing are corJinlly Invite*. *aB 8 By order of the W:-Mi* fitas. Smith. Secretary. 'faiEv** L.s Anaeles Chapter**.:- 3B|-.i M:- - *»** """ Stated convocation* oaf.. S T "'S!«*¥ 1 l/jKI MONDAY of each rnejalb. i 'rSK - 1/rvNi 7 x «? »i M>»o»iri« ftat < 1M la*/ "'' ?~'~r t ?nmaimiTi s! tr\ good standing cordially In a IVa*T rlted. By order off -*Ms 3 o s. cfoy.h. r \u25a0 'Smf : i 1 f Sam. Pit acjbr, "=rasa* ij ef Secretary. ' *3 Loi Ingeles Coanell Nt. 11, Himmw I 18 Select Misters, F. * *, »., ij» . Holds iv stated assemblies on th* 44h 5 Monday of each month at Mason 1*Has JB a at 7:30 r. m. Sojourning Com pan 1 dim laS'S. good standing are fraternally lavMM t* \u25a0 -1 attend. By order ofth* Th:. m;. Jjß f lt. Q. CUNNINGHAM. Til Built' 4e*aV^ j Caiir DeLlowCewwMfcriM. *-jat'^ Holds Its stated conclave* at th* Aaa* - lum In Masonic Hall, on tba TB& J* l'H UIISDAY of each month, at7)4 o>*mE &*nE 1 p. m. Sojourning Knight* Templar' j good standing are cordially invited to c*> *J jßtt ? tend. By order of the JUB 1 J. C. Littlicftild, Recorder. °"" fflß^ LO. O. F. lf| j-iSkeaa*, Anfellto Lodge *??>. 'SKI 1. <>. O. r?Regular meetnS * S'j iiS«v or 'bis Lodge are held vt***r . ?,T ? MONDAYevening at » r i a at Odd Fei ows' Hall, Downey BmZ Visiting and sojo'trnlng brothers In good ?itanuiiiK are ioviied to attend. E. A. PREUB3. N. A. 1 aaaM Finer.. W . Wood, Itcc. fc'e*. 'eB^I Aum-lfsluedgeaTe. »Q.I. *).*>.». - S .-\u25a0jlfctSSh. Regular meeting bold eet T4 urwn WEDNESDAY EVENING itaS li week at 7X o'clock. fee- St "" lourning brethren in good / 139 J standing aro cordially invited. "SKJ . ? J. W. BAKD, N. c A. Frank, R. s. . J^s9 Orange Grove Encampment, Na. 11,1.0. o. f. M-m £*mik%. KEGULAR MEETINGS held \\\\\\ \u25a0RarK 1 '' 1 " ie second and FourtS IbbbsbbVi TUESDAYS of each month at ,"~ 7S r. m. Sojourning Petri. .-3 arclis ingood .landing art cordially lnrl- -f'? m\%m led to attend. _ ? c c lips, c. p. rnXWrn B. Makxsrs, Scribe. i*V*a%**l ©Knights of Pythias. K| OLIVE LODCE, No. SrS. meetH every j hursOay evenlAßUtaf " eaaaaaal o'clock, at the Cattle - lUfi, \u25a0aa a *ai Downey Block. All sojourning KnlfftTl *a**BWjl In good standing are .\u25a0nrdially Invited. Bmrnm LA.DUNSMOOB.C.C. \u25a0 C. E. Mii.kb.K. of K. a \u25a0 Confidence Engine Company No. 2. "\u25a0 A REGULAR MEETINGS Ol .1 thu Company will take place on the first Wednesday eve- *1 nine of each month, at t mm o'clock. By order, 1 W. »*. MOORE. Secretary. ,M Blli ASTLEY COOPER'S flial VITAL RESTORATIVE I >wLm The great English remedy for Nervoa* i^a***atl Debility, Spermatorrhea and k remature .Aal Decline of l'bysical Fore*. *b^***bl The Vital Restorative m^Lm Will positively cure, thoroughly and \u25a0 permanently, uny case of t XHALBTEU fl VITALITY or Nervous Debility, either 1 acute or of long standing, and in either V^eVal sex, no matter from what cause pro* The Vital Restorative JH Is a thoroughly scientific prescription, I* \u25a0 uot a quack nostrum, hence perteetly sbbbbbwJ sale to take; is pleasant to the taele. 'mjd supplies it> the eerebro-splnal andaym- pathetic system of nerve* new force, Mnaßaatl Purities and Enriches ?f The blood, rejuvenating and relnvlgoraU Kaaaaal ingboth mind and body. Thousand*, In botli in this country and in Europe, cajn X teslllv to the great restorative properties 1 of this really great uiediriue. Vs****! Price, $:i per botlle, or four time* the ' quantity tor (10. Sent to any address *c- j*ta****i cure lrom observation. I!^b*bbl Address nil lsltera to nwSaawl A. E. MINTIE, M. O , :firndt::ife of the University of Penniyl-n 1 v. >:.;> and lute Resident surgeon te U»e '1 inrliopci'die Hospital of Phlladal- , I pliia,) ; SHnaatal No. Montgomery St.,Sau Franclseo. Sole Agent. MbbbbVJ P. MINTIE can be consulted In reterence to tbe übovecomplainta dor- 9 lug office hours from 9 A. at. toIIA M. i4bbbbbbb! dally, and from o to H In the eve*ySe% ? JaBBBBBnI Sunn.iys ,10 a. m. to IP. K. ConiulßWOtt 'Jxwßßefl FUEtc. Thorougii examination aud ad* J vl.r, Full directions and advlee free' Jbbbbbbbl with every paakage of medicine. IjlHf ,mUm\ THE HERALD fl printing! HO USE Has facilities for doing JOB WORK not equaled in South- ] crn California. Power and 1 Job Presses run by steam se- ] cure promptness and moder- J ate prices. Give this office i a call anil secure work at San 1 Francisco Prices and of a Su j Francisco finish and style. ~^1 Evergreen Lauidry, WASH I F Or ; i i'.lit-'.i for nnd delivered to Any MM * tb* oitj, Wtr Reed & LMiillips, Ada tat BuJ . ! Orders can he left at the *«iek>taßae|^ t Mr. Sam tlellmnu. Hiring St. e4*U

Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1878-08-15 ... · Los AngelesDailyHerald. VOL. X. LOS ANGELES, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15. 1878. NO. 65 Morning Telegrams. I'nsaenaere

Aug 21, 2020



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Page 1: Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1878-08-15 ... · Los AngelesDailyHerald. VOL. X. LOS ANGELES, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15. 1878. NO. 65 Morning Telegrams. I'nsaenaere

Los AngelesDailyHerald.


Morning Telegrams.I'nsaenaere Doing rtoiillj.

Mohave, Aug. 13.?Coi. j. 11.Woods, Ueo. Barrowdale, I*8. B.Sawyer, A. Mason, Col. Graham,Misses Calhoun, C. Mason Kinue,C. B. Mayon, fit. A. Jestro, E. Iff.Brier, K. MeCtuy, Mrs. Lent, A.Wagner, L, Klan, J. Werlheiuier.Senator Jones Atolil I>? I lie tilerI.

iiohi,l \u25a0 ti-lusac Memorial,

Han Francisco, Aug. U.?Sena-tor J. P. Jones arrived iv the cilylast evening and, it is reported, willresume his seat In the stock boardto-morrow.

Tbe delegates of tlio Working-men's party to tbe CoustitutloualConvention liave drawn up andforwarded to tlie President and Seeretary of State a memorial settingfm tli tbe evils of Chinese immigra-tion and requesting the Presidentand Secretary of State to take lm-mediatesteps to obtain an abroga-tion ofthe liurliiigiiine treaty.

Mine KevelMtioua.. Sacramento, Auk. 14.?TbeTullis murder ease is assumingproportions which are great, un 1circumstances are now brought tolight which seem to fasten tlie guiltwhere it belongs. Ithas developedthat Troy Dye crossed Freeport ferry the night of the murder, atnine o'clock, with two led horses.He went to Merrill's Island, headmits. The same night twostrange men crossed tbe river iv aakilTat the lo»er ferry. Troy Dye,after this crossing, was next dayseen on tbe Sacramento side of theriver going down toward GrandIsland. Also on Saturday night hewas met going to Ttillis's ranch.Dye has charged the mysteriousboat built and launched heretlie morning of the mur-der on Anderson, a Swede.To-night tbe police copluredAnderson, and ho denies that heever built the boat. He neverbuilt bnt one boat; tbat was lastFebruary. In a lung interviewthe prisoner crossed and lied pointblank frequently. He Mid hebad been at work on the threshernear Nicolas for tillee weeks. Atlast he admitted that he was inSacramento on August Ist, 2d,and 3d. Ihe uinrJer wascommitted August tbe Ist, Hethen accounts for him sell by say-tig he was in bis home sick allthose days, except the night of the2d, when he went to Dye's saloonand tried to borrow five dollars ofhtm. It is flxed aitd certain thatDye was not In town on Fridaynight. The prisoner rodeinto town last night afterdark, being followed fiom the 15---mile house on Ilie Marysville roatlby tbe Sheriffs officers, lie rodeat orcein Dye's saloon aid likedfor Dye. The officer saw him, andran to him; he put spurs to hishor*e and rode hy v roundabout jway lo his lions ', where Ihe otherofficers caught him Last uightin prison he utterly deniedthat he rode lo the saloonand asked for Dye. Itis believed that Dye will make afull confession tomorrow. Theofficers are in hot chase alter thethird man iv the murder. Clark,the partner of Dye, who was underarrest, has in en set free.

milter Dtan*e>e Keariivy.

New York, Aug. 14.?A Heraldreporter inter vie wed Butler yes-terday. He said: "Kearney isnot endorsed by me and he knowshis own business as I do mine."Swelling with indignation, hischeeks pulling and voice cast in ahigh pitch, he continued: "Ob!the lying press! the infamous ly-ing press of Massachusetts assertedthat Ibrought the man East andthat I paid him money to go on.What fair play can be expectedfrom such liars? You know whatQod says in the Bible about lying,but let that pass. I have nothingto do with Kearney what-ever. He has come East to pleasehimself. The true and honestthingshe may utter have my ap-proval, anil the foolish and absurdIcan only grieve over. I believehe uoea s honorably, though hemay have an unusual style of ex-pression, but you can't expectroses from thistles and you mustlook to the nature of the causeswhich produce tuch men aud maketbem possible. Not of my invita-tion is Kearney here, but ns I un-derstand It, solely and wholly onhis own responsibility."

Omage Dtllieuirle. nf Ihinn*.

Ottawa, Aug. 14. ?The streetswere crowded last night and muchexcitement prevailed which theoccasional discharge nf a revolveronly increased. Fully a IhousaudOrange Young Britons and Orange-men gathered in their hall ami re-solved to escort their visiting Mon-treal brethren to the train. Anequal number of their opponentswere at the Catholic Union Hall as(Irmly resolved to prevent themarch. The Mayor and leadingOraugcmen endeavored to persuadethe Young Britons to leaveby Chaudiei'u Station, butwithout avail. Fiually the rail-way authorities sent word to theBritons that they would not allowthe Moutreal delegation to boardthe train at the lower depot unlessthe Order became responsible forany damage that might result.

The Montreal men then agreed toembark at Chaudiere Station,and at 10:15 left Windsor In anomnibus while a salute was beingfired aud cheers given by theexcited crowd, which the policewas endeavoring to disperse.


Washington, Aug. 14.?Gener-jal Deveus left Washington lastevening on a visit to Massachu-setts. Postmaster General Keywillbegin his western trip nextweek, probably extending It, toCalifornia.

Jones, the Wltn' as lino*.

San Buknaventuha, Aug. 14. ?Jesse Jones, Hie State's evidence intho More trial,was admitted to baillast night in tho sum of $1,000 forhis appearance as a witness at theNovember term of Court.

The change in tlie stc-tus of the respective partiesis rather confounding. Hithertothe prosecution hud defended audprotected Jones's character, whiletbe other side attacked it bitterly;now the Mores have him arrestedaud the defense promptly come tothe rescue anil furnish his bailbond. The sudden Hop overis still the talk of the town, but tbeprisoners' lawyers keep their owncounsel as to what Jones has doneor will do for their side. It is cer-tain that he has made bis peacewith tbe prisoners' friends.Tlie New York Crispin* M .nil l>y

Hie hirlkera.

New York, Aug. 14.?Tlie 7W-bune says tbat the shoemakers ofthis city are determined to altltheir (ellow workmen whoare nowon a strike in Chicago, by forward-ing remittances from tiuio to timens long as Ihe strike continues.They urge the Chicago men to holdout, even against the threat of in-troducing Chiuese labor. Men ivthis city say it may not be long be-fore they have tbe sama contesthere ami that they will require pe-cuniary aid.

lira, .links Get. Un ona c.

New York, Aug. H.? Tba Tri-bune's Washington special saysthe statement was made last nightwithout qualification that Mrs.Jenks, the notorious witness be-fore tbe Potter Committee, badbeen appointed detective iv tbeTreasury Department, and as-signed to duty at tlie New OrleansCustom House.

Tbe Poller la veatigatioa.

New York, August 14th.?ThePotter Congressional Committeecontinued their investigations thismorning. Col. Roberts of the NewOrleans Times testified that he wasfamiliar with what was going on.Saw all of tlie visiting statesmen atNew Orleans. They were not con-sulted about his visit to Ohio. Hemerely mentioned to Stevenson,Matthews and Sherman that thesituation of the white people in theState was desperate. We had been(iefeated by the Returning Boardjin 1872 and again in 1874,'and wo were afraid of beingdefeated again In 187G, and peoplewere beginning to think elections

| were utterly useless. We consid-ered Ihe election n fair and just

Ione, ami we polled every white] vote available; but we feared being!counted out hy the ReturningBoard. We nil believed the Re-I turning 1! >ard would not dare tohave done what they did do with-out they had received tho moralsupport of the visitiug statesmen.These apprehensions about the Re-turning Board were what led to myvisit to Gov. Hayes. We wanted

[to know what notion he wouldtake If elected. He knew perfectlywell that I was talking for tlieDemocratic side.

Yellow Juek «t ~Grenada, Aug. 14th.?Seven

iyellow fever deaths and eight new[ cases in the last twenty-four hours.!At least. 100 are down with the fe-ver. The weather is cloudy, withthreatenings of rain. Indicationsure bad for tho patients. Four casesof black vomit are reported by Dr.Hdglies which, he says, cannot re-cover. Business is entirely sus-pended and trains pass hy without: noticing the place.

All Nereue at Ottawa.

Ottawa, Aug. 11.?The partiesarrested last night wcro before thePolice Magistrate to-day and re-manded until Monday. An at-tempt to renew (he disturbance to-Jay was speedily stopped by tliepolice.

Tbe ounivn Rimers.OTTAWA, Aug. 13, 12 o'clock.?

No disturbance lias yet occurred.The Orangemen have dispersed,but the Catholics, numbering over3.0(10, are still on the streets in tlievicinity of St, Patrick's Hall. Oneof the leaders having stated thatIt was their intention tomarch to tlie upper townand demolish the resiliencesof prominent Orangemen, MayorHangs ordered out the foot guards.They are now Btationed at theIreaU of S'issex street, awaiting or-ders. Speeches were made byCatholic leaders. Some of themadvised the crowd to uct in an or-derly manner uud not light untilthey were attacked, and others en-couraging them to march throughthe upper town and have revengefor last night's proceedings. Be-tween 12 and 1 o'clock this morn-ing, a prominent Orange leadernamed John Holt, was pouncedupon by the mob, and badlybeaten.

2A. M.?The military are nowextending iv a line across Sussexstrict, about six blocks from theUnionists, who are still talkingloudly among themselves. TheMayor went down aud premisedtho crowd if they would go homelie would guarantee that no onewould ditttirb them, and if anydamage was done after they left,he would pay for It himself. Thecrowd were almost persuaded to gohome when a young lawyer namedKehoe, President of the Union,told them that the Mayor's otterwas not worth anything, audchanged the feeling of tlie crowd tosuch an extent that they refused tohear any more from the Mayor,and decided to remain until day-light. Fears aro entertained thatthey may yet come in collisionwith the military.

2:30 A. m.?The Union men arestill on Sussex street, and likely toremain till daybreak. The gangarc now marching up and down thestreet armed with pitchforks, sing-lug that they will hang Mayor

IBangs to a sour anple tree. Keboe'sconduct is generally coudemiied.Kouilsii l*»?llnmeiiiitry Matters.

Lon 'ON, Aug. 14th.?In theHouse of Commons last night theUnder Secretary of tho Foreigndepartment in reply to an Inter-rogatory, stated thut itwits impos-sible for Ihe Government to saywhere the Russian forties in Cen-tral Asia were stationed. Tlio Gov-ernment was qulto willing to takethe responsibility of sending a mis-sion to Cabut as it could not regaid

With indifference what had beenpassing in Central Asia during thelast two months. The Chancel-lor of the Exchequer pointed outthat it was always understoodthat England had a greater interestin Afghanistan than hail Russia,and was therefore bound to sendthither a mission or equal weightand influence with that of Russia.The Under Secretary for India,when introducing the Indian Midg-et, gave the officialestimate of thenumber of deaths from famine ivIndia at 1,850,000.

II i.' Ioicall c ..I.tiers

London, Aug. 11.?A Berlin dis-patch says that Prince RisintrcKhas instructed the German attacheat Constantinople to inform thePorte that the coutinuaucj of anambiguous policy would risk theexistence of Turkey iv Europe.Riots continue at O less* aud aproclamation of a stale of siege isexpected to lv issued.

g&Oy grttflClW glCVitUt1hut. : t'vp. v morning MOept Mon-


.lOHKpn 13. LYNCH.

ER.V.S FOR DAILYHERALD.\u25a0 'r HDDUm, by mall or express $10\ imonths " " 6P iree month n " *' 8i illveretl by carriers, per Wrek, 25 centH

13 ANGELES WEEKLYHERALDc iiiihiislieil every Saturday moraine.

TERMS.i"c year.hy mall orexpress.onecopy..B3lK- t months, ?' " " " ...1 If, cc ?? " ...1 Ut

\dvertlsemcnts Inserted at reasonabler i.e..

All Killtie of Job-Work done to? ??aapeto with Hap rranri.? tn?rlee.Sty le, and Kleraurr ol Work.









Howard, Brosseau & Howard,

VTTORN HY-« AND COUNSELLORSAT LV W. R ?on>», 66, <f7 and 118 Tem-

-0 Blocli. third Moor, lav Angeles.lebB-tf


'ditom. InBl-tr

S. C. HUBBELL.\ TTORNF. V AT LAW,Rooms 3 and 4*\ Uncommon a Block, corner Main A

\u25a0 mmerclal streets, Los Angeles. may7-tf. ..t.tSMKI.I.. G. H. SMITH, it.CHAPMAN. H.M.SMITH


"l-'FICE?TFVi I'LE BLOCK up-Bialrs, l/i*\ itgnlcs. Cal itiirnia. QCnVtf-1

F. P. Ramirez,?ATTORNEY Al' JL.A.W.

tiFFlCE?Temple Block, No. 72, I.osAngeiee. m'J-lni



srßoontl 2 nnd 3. Allen's Building,corner of Spring and Temple sts. alblf


Dr. Kirkpatrick.i mcc And Residence?No. 15FRANKLIN

STREET. feiß-lin

Or. N. P. RICHARDSON,I 'liyaiiolniiand tsurgeonIt si deuce, Fort Hill, IOfflce, No. 19 TJow-Huena Vista street. I neyßlock.upstairs.

J. HANNON, M. J).,I UUNTY I'HYSICIAN.! JOOMS 9 A 11, LANFRANCO BLOCK.1 1 Residence Downey Avenue, East

i.os Angeles, near the end of street rail-way.

Offlco hours from 10 to 12 A. m.; from Itot ». m. ap2o tf

Dr. Joseph Kurtzlias removed his office to No. 82 MAINSTREET, over Dotter A Bradley's Furni-ture store.

Office Hours?From 10 to 12, 4 lo 0 nnd 8to 9. Residence?Buena Vista street.


J. Recktinger, M. D.,(OF VIENNA,)

IJIIYSICIAN TO THE ITALIANIN.dependent and French' M. B. Socie-

ties. Oculist of the French Hospital InSun Franoisoo. All chronio obstinatecases and operations on the eyes attend-ed to.

OFFICE ?No, 704 Sacramento street,corner of Kearny. Residence?SE. cor-ner Mason and Pacific streets, San Fran-cisco. oc3 ly

Dr. Chin Quong Zin,CHINESE DOCTOR.

OFFICE?Corner Los Angelos and Ar-cadia streets,

??-cures all kinds of diseases.Office hours from 9 to 12 A. at, and from

2 to 5 and 7 100 P. M. apSulf


Russian and Electric Baths,SIONORET'S BUILDING, opposite

Merced Theater.

R. HUGHE*, in returning thanks tothe public for their liberal patronage,can with confidence reoommend his

BAT lEL" SAn tbo Kroat PURIFIER end EQUAI/-IZKRoftue human body, enabling; theayitem to throw un" lta impurities audgivingto the lung*one-nlxth more inspi-ration of air than can baootaiue'i bybreathing, hy opamng the pores nf tbeskin and giving full play to the insensi-ble respiration ao neoottsavy to physicalhealtb.

es-.V lemalt) constantly on -band towalton ladles.

Open from 8 A. it. to 7 P. St. s2Btf

CYPRESS HEDGE PLANTS.1have now on band ft few thousand of

the MONTERKY CYPRESS, whichmakes such a handsome hedge. Tbeyare In boxes, so that they can be liltedout with tha Wldney Transplanter, war-ranting every one lo live. Also, lineplants of same In pots. They have beenvery scarce; can be bought cheap now,when small, but if lelt until fall or win-ter thoy will be larger and dearer.

H. 11. SPENCER,Je'l-lm Hill street, near First.

Riirnell & Rebbeck,;ape Gardeners andlen Contractors,

No. 195 SPRING ST.


United States Hotel,


Cor. Main and Requona Sts.

This hotel taken in an entire block,fl*Oßt lUf320 feel, on Kequetm street, 100 onMaiu ana \u25a0; ? i<\u25a0 't on Lot Angele* street.


Are airy, and nil contain Spring Beds,with the latest Improvements.


Is supplied with the best the marketaffords.


A Free Omnibus is attached to the ho-tel, and baggage is conveyed gratis toand from the depot.

The United States Hotel Is centrallylocated, opposite the Court House, and isnear the PosloMlce and Land Office.

Call and see us. You will receive goodtreatment. HENUY HAMMEL.



S. W. CRAIGUE A CO..Proprietors.

The St. Charles is located In the busi-ness centre of the city, and is the largest,most elegant and completely organizedHotel In Southern California

Free coach to the house.

J. A. GORDON, Manager.wrWcsiem TJuion Telegraph In Hotel

office. Jylttf

MOJAVE HOTEL,Mojave June lion, Cal,

rpiUS HOUSE ISNOWPErAREDM1_ to recelvo its numerous putronsjg"!,and the traveling public In general, lie-ing entirely new and splendidly Int-ntshetl, It anurds superior accommoda-tions.

ITS TABLE 1)' HOTEIs second to none in Sonthern California

THU BAR Is supplied with the choleestbrands uf wlues, liquors and cigars.

An elegant BILLIARD ROOM Is alsoattached to the house.

All trains stop here for breakfast andsupper, it is the point of departure forthe celebrated Inyo county mines, viz.?Darwin, Lono Pine, Cerro Gordo and l'an-amiut. Theofliceof tho

LONE PINE STAGE CO.Tn At this hotel. The patronage of ?Iraveling public I. retpoctfiitlysoliclled.

MATTHEW'S A BOYD,fe2l-lf Proprietors.


Commercial RestaurantDOWNEY BLOCK,

Formerly Hotel Dcs Princes,



V. BOL, Proprietor.



A Private Hotel on the mOM or tattlelands or the Sierra Madro Mountains.Climate unsurpnssed Cor

Summer or Winter Residence.Command* a charming view of valley

and mountain, overlooking tbe Han Ga-briel orange groves; is four miles fromrailroad and telegrnphstatlon; house en-tirely new, lighted by gas, aud containsall modern conveniences.

For particulars addiess proprietor, P. O.Box 1141, Los Angeles.


Cor. op CENTER, & LEMON Sts,

«yit OMS largo, sunny and alry.-««

TABLE supplied with nil the Injuriestbo market affords.

aVPKEBCOACn to tbo Hotel.aplStf E. DUNHAM,Proprietor.



7-, Acersin the Azusa-Duarte

Water Rights Perfect andTitle Good.


MrKIFTKKXACRES IN WALNUTS,fiveyears' growth. Also,variety of FruitTrees between tbe walnuts.

TERMS MODERATE. Apply person-allyor by letter to

A. J. HORN,mr3tf Poatnin-tcr at El Monte.

IMMHW«M Morphine h.b'l .Imlutelr .r>dI\u25a0 111 \u25a0||Ml>,>-',»iilV<mi-'l.rilin;.- ,nul>ii,-Hv.




Rooms 13 uud 14, McDonald Block,Main St , 1.08 ANGELES, Cal,



BROOKS & CLARKE,Searchers of Records and

Examiners ofTitles.

ro-ALLKN'SBUIDING, corner Springand Temple streets.

J. A. Cakky. Tikis. A. Faqan.


ItEAL ESTATE AGENCY.flan -hoi. HotttM, Lots and Other Prop-

erty Bought uud Sold on Commission,

By Carey & Fagan,DOWNEY C.TV, CALIFORNIA.Mr. t'VVGAS" Is also an Attorney-at-Law.

mrlO f



Of I .us Angeles.

CAPITAL 600,000 OO

ISAIAS W. HKLLMAN PresidentL. O. GOODWIN Vice-PresidentJOHN MILN'KIt Secreta.y

BOARIJ OP DIRKCTOUS.Isaiah W., EmiENE Mbykr,O. W. CHILDS, L. 0. GOODWIN.ORAJU.U Oui-oMMcrr, Josk Mascakri.,John a. Urikfin, C. E. Tuom,

Kkanb Lecocvrevr.

Exchange for sale oa



Receive Deposits and Issue TheirCertificates.



Will also pay Ihe highest price for Goldand Silver Bullion.

From and afterthll date,on all moneyslcitasTerm Deposits, interest will bo al-lowed.

Commercial Bank

Ot I,os Angeles.

Authorized Capital - 300,000

J. K.noLLENIiECK President

E. F. SPKXCF. Cashier


A. 11. Wilcox, W. Woodwokth,8. H. Moti-, H. Mabury,f. LANKEItsniU, O. S. WITHEKBY,E. F. SPENCK. J. E. HOLLKNBECK,

This Bank Is prepared to receive de-posits ouopen account, Issue Certificatesnf Deposit, aud transact a general Bank-lugBusiness.

Collections made and proceeds remittedatcmront rates of exchange.


lais Angeles_


Capital Stock (paid up), 300,000J. S. BLAUSON PresidentR.S. BAKRU Vice-PresidentJ.M. F.I.I.iirTT Cashier

DIRECTORS..1. S. Si.aoson, r, Bbaudry,V. A. Hoover, Robert S. Baker,J. Hixiiv, Geo. W. Prkscott

A. W. IIoV,'MAN.

Receive Savings llnnk deposits.Buy and soli exchange on San Francisco,

New York, London, Paris, Berlin andFrankfort.

B'tyexebange on all parts of the UnitedStates nod Europe.

Uecelvo money on open account and Cer-tificate of Deposit, and do a generalbanking and exobauge business.

Ae%e% e% salary. F<rm.Qi.ttsiensMKill 1 |J || n w.iHeU to erl! burSUpleGobd.l.

fflI A 1111 d"lTs!f "o.AItu'ro'.'so'iW i,«*sa»?ai., ci?ouu»u,*I ? agM i tffl


F. G. HANNA & CO.,




D. M. Osborne & Co. Self-Binder,The Most Successful Machine on the Coast.

The Lion Self-Dumping Hay Rake.Stover & Freeport Windmills,





ZED. W. UOYESlias opened out at No. 1 MARKET ST.,opposite ihe Court House, and will bepleased to serve his old friends and thepublic. Particular attention paid to RealEstate sales. Regular sale days forHorses aud rollingstock,

WEDNKSDA YS & SATURDAYS.As] have no partners and do my own

work, Iintend to make my charges lessthan those or anybody else In the busi-ness, charging on real cstHtu two petcent, for the llrsl 810QO and ono per ecu t.on all sums above that amount.

Will buy FURNITURE. HOUSES,WAGONS und all kluds of property, andpiiycasn.

N. ii.? Saturday's sales commence at It)A. M. and close ut 4 p. a:.

K. W. NOYEfI,Oldest Auotioircer In Southern California.

\ nv2l

Largest Auction Kouso inthe City!


MERCHANT.Two doors East of Old Stand, on TOURT

ST., opposite Court

M"REGULAR SALE on Saturdaysfrom 9 o'clock a. m. till 4 p.m. specialSales made at auy time.

HORSES. WAGONS, and all kinds ofgoods bought and sold.Reference (R. 8. Hyde,Pres B'k Visaliaby permis'n \ t.. K.Spence.Cash Com K'k

Jaietf K. R. BRO ,VN. Auctioneer.


Fashionble Merchant Tailor,

No. 12 TEMPLE Block, Spring street,Los Angeles. He has the LARGEST,

FINEST AN IIBEST STOCKED TAILOR-ING ESTABLISHMENT In SouthernCsli'Orma. His old customers and tbepublic will find It Ihe place to get BESTSTYLES and KITTINGobtainable.NEWEST BROADCLOTHS,


FANCY CASSIMERES,VELVET & SILK VELVETING,Constantly on hand. Refers to the prin.cipal Kentlemeu of the city, tor whom hehas made clothing.

STNo necessity to send to San Frun-cisco for good fitting suits. tlecim-tl'



Musical Instruments,FOR THE

HOLIDAYS,Can be found In

Immense QuantitiesAND AT




The Quarterly Dividend, No. 19, at ibe

rate of 12 per c?nt. per annum, on tho

capital slock of the Farmers' nnd Mer-

chants' Bank of Los Angeles for the

three months ondluc July Ist, 1878, has

been declared by lta Board of Trustees,

payable at once.


Los Angelc, July 5,1878.



Agents for the celebrated PACKARD A


and other Drst-clites PIANOS. Instru-ments sold on

Tho Installment Plan.

PRICES nod THUMBto suit the times.Headquarters at I» LEWIN A C'O.'S

; STORE, Nos. 11 and 1< SPRING ST.,Los Angeles. Jefl-lm


Exotic Gardens &Nursery

®LOS ANGELES STREET, In «mrear ol Cathedral. TT*

Iwould respectfully announce lo myold customers and the public generallythai Ihave on hand and shall keep cvorylhlng In my lino of business?TßEES,SHRUBS,PLANTS, etc., wholesale andretail,and at LOWEST PRICES.

Orders from abroad promptlyexecutedand satisfaction guaranteed. Plants de-livered free of charge In the city.

LOUIS J. STENGEL,mrt-2m Formerly BhaeHer A Steugel.




Cat'ilona Block, 118 Main St.,Opposite the Mariposa Store.



a*-Prescriptions prepared with greatcare. dstf



their advantage to look at these beauti-ful grounds before makingarrangementselsewhere. For

PIC-NIC GROUNDSIthas no equal In the State.

A NEW DANCING PAVILION,Ono or the largest In the State, Juat com-pleted. Fine groves, beau tilul lawns,Base Ball grounds. Croquet grouuds,nwings for families and children, horUzontul bars, in factevery thing: has beenbuilt nnd but In tho finest order. Nolime, t oablfl or eipense has been sparedto make It tlie great pleasure resort oiLos Ai geles

The flne.stdrlve nut of the city. StreetCars run to tin*grounds every 2«» minutesforall Picuuies. H.J. WOOD,mll-If Proprietor.

Picnic Grounds-

SOCIETIES and private parties desir-ing to secure picnic grounds would

do welt toconsultthe Meatus, i

Of 1 HE?-

CITY GARDENS.These grounds have beeu prepared re-

gardless of expenso and are providedwithone of the largest and best dancingpavilions outside of San Francisco.

Arbors, Ten-pin Atleys, Swings, Hori-zontal Bars, Shotting Gallery, und In-deed, everything necessary for theamusement of picnickers, and will be letcheaper than any other grounds lv thisvMnity.

No Improper persons will be admittedto the Uardens under any circumstances.

Lunch can at all times be procured atthe house. m9-tf



For business and educational reasons,desiring to remove Into Los Angeles, Iwill lease

" EL JIOLINO FARM,"Including residence and out-buildingshorses, mules, wagon, harness, agricul-tural implements, etc., for the terra of


The farm consists of 204 acres, ou whichare4o,ooo grape vines, over 2,000 orangetrees, 700 English walnut trees, 600 lemonand lime trees; also a number of blackwalnut, pecan, almond, tig. apricot,plum, peach, apple, pear trees, bananas,etc.; twoor three acres of alfalfa, fiftyacres vacant arable land, nnd


Attached to the residenoe is a spaciousbath-room, supplying hot, col t andshower baths. There is also a BILLIARDROOM, table and appurtenances.

The farm I* most eligibly situated inthe FRUIT BELT of tho

San Cabriol Mission Valley

About eight miles e-\<t of r<oii Angjele*city, und near the It tilmad Station o'San Gabriel Mission. Ifnot leased,


On advantageous terms, to-wil: Oue-Ihlrd cash, the nulun-e In one, two, threeand four years, at 10 percent. Interest perannum Interest, payable semi-annually.

R .1. C KKWKNNos. 10 A 11 ntrellti Bulldint, Spring »L

rHjr.Bullotio and Chronicle topy. o2ltf

SOCIETY NOTICES. i!?MMasonic Hotlco.

f >\u25a0? Angel., ledge «?.«?,*. j.*4_ *A.M.-The Hated mNUui J .vyiiniiliLodge are held on '.first MONDA V nfeaeh meat* at «HK '/\u25bc> 7:30 p. x. Member* ef hiaiti. -WMf<*pha, No. »>2, and all Muter Kudu ?», 4good standing are corJinlly Invite*. *aB 8By order of the W:-Mi*

fitas. Smith. Secretary. 'faiEv**L.s Anaeles Chapter**.:- 3B|-.i

M:--*»** """ Stated convocation* oaf.. S T"'S!«*¥ 1l/jKIMONDAYof each rnejalb. i 'rSK -1/rvNi 7x «? »i M>»o»iri« ftat <1M la*/ "''?~'~r t?nmaimiTi s!tr\ good standing cordially In aIVa*T rlted. By order off -*Ms3

o s. cfoy.h. r \u25a0 'Smf :i1 f Sam. Pitacjbr, "=rasa* ijef Secretary. ' *3

Loi Ingeles Coanell Nt. 11, Himmw I 18Select Misters, F. **, »., ij».Holds ivstated assemblies on th* 44h 5

Monday ofeach month at Mason 1*Has JB aat 7:30 r. m. Sojourning Com pan 1dim 1» laS'S.good standing are fraternally lavMM t* \u25a0 -1attend. By order ofth* Th:. m;. Jjß f

lt. Q. CUNNINGHAM. TilBuilt' 4e*aV^j

Caiir DeLlowCewwMfcriM. *-jat'^Holds Its stated conclave* at th* Aaa* -lum In Masonic Hall, on tba TB& J*

l'H UIISDAYof each month, at7)4 o>*mE &*nE 1p. m. Sojourning Knight* Templar' t« jgood standing are cordially invited to c*> *J jßtt ?tend. By order of the JUB 1

J. C. Littlicftild, Recorder. °"" fflß^LO. O. F. lf|

j-iSkeaa*, Anfellto Lodge *??>. 'SKI1. <>. O. r?Regular meetnS *S'j

iiS«v or 'bis Lodge are held vt***r. ?,T ?MONDAYevening at » riaat Odd Fei ows' Hall, Downey BmZVisiting and sojo'trnlng brothers In good?itanuiiiK are ioviied to attend.

E. A. PREUB3. N. A. 1 aaaMFiner.. W . Wood, Itcc. fc'e*. 'eB^ Aum-lfsluedgeaTe. »Q.I. *).*>.». - S

.-\u25a0jlfctSSh. Regular meeting bold eet T4urwn WEDNESDAY EVENING itaSliweek at 7X o'clock. fee- St" " lourning brethren in good / 139 Jstanding aro cordially invited. "SKJ. ?

J. W. BAKD, N. cA. Frank, R. s. . J^s9

Orange Grove Encampment, Na. 11,1.0.o. f. M-m

£*mik%. KEGULAR MEETINGS held \\\\\\\u25a0RarK 1''1 "ie second and FourtS IbbbsbbViTUESDAYS of each month at,"~ 7S r. m. Sojourning Petri. .-3arclis ingood .landing art cordially lnrl- -f'? m\%mled to attend._?

c c lips,c. p. rnXWrnB. Makxsrs, Scribe. i*V*a%**l

©Knights of Pythias. K|OLIVE LODCE, No. SrS.meetH every jhursOay evenlAßUtaf " eaaaaaalo'clock, at the Cattle -lUfi, \u25a0aaa*aiDowney Block. All sojourning KnlfftTl *a**BWjl

In good standing are .\u25a0nrdially Invited. BmrnmLA.DUNSMOOB.C.C. \u25a0C. E. Mii.kb.K. of K. a \u25a0

Confidence Engine Company No. 2. "\u25a0

AREGULAR MEETINGS Ol .1thu Company will take place

on the first Wednesday eve- *1nine of each month, at t mmo'clock. By order, 1

W. »*. MOORE. Secretary. ,M


The great English remedy for Nervoa* i^a***atlDebility, Spermatorrhea and k remature .AalDecline of l'bysical Fore*. *b^***bl

The Vital Restorative m^LmWill positively cure, thoroughly and \u25a0permanently, uny case of t XHALBTEU flVITALITY or Nervous Debility, either 1acute or of long standing, and in either V^eValsex, no matter from what cause pro*

The Vital Restorative JHIs a thoroughly scientific prescription, I* \u25a0uot a quack nostrum, hence perteetly sbbbbbwJsale to take; is pleasant to the taele. 'mjdsupplies it> the eerebro-splnal andaym-pathetic system ofnerve* new force, MnaßaatlPurities and Enriches ?fThe blood, rejuvenating and relnvlgoraU Kaaaaalingboth mind and body. Thousand*, Inbotli in this country and inEurope, cajn Xteslllv to the great restorative properties 1of this really great uiediriue. Vs****!

Price, $:i per botlle, or four time* the 'quantity tor (10. Sent to any address *c- j*ta****icure lrom observation. I!^b*bblAddress nil lsltera to nwSaawl

A. E. MINTIE, M. O ,:firndt::ife of the University of Penniyl-n 1

v. >:.;> and lute Resident surgeon te U»e '1inrliopci'die Hospital of Phlladal- , Ipliia,) ; SHnaatal

No. 7« Montgomery St.,Sau Franclseo.Sole Agent. MbbbbVJP. MINTIE can be consultedInreterence to tbe übovecomplainta dor- 9lug office hours from 9 A. at. toIIAM. i4bbbbbbb!dally, and from o to H In the eve*ySe% ? JaBBBBBnISunn.iys ,10 a. m. to IP.K. ConiulßWOtt 'Jxwßßefl

FUEtc. Thorougii examination aud ad* Jvl.r, Full directions and advlee free' Jbbbbbbblwith every paakage ofmedicine. IjlHf ,mUm\


printing!HO USE

Has facilities for doing JOBWORK not equaled in South- ]crn California. Power and 1

Job Presses run by steam se- ]

cure promptness and moder- Jate prices. Give this office ia call anil secure work at San 1

Francisco Prices and ofa Su jFrancisco finish and style. ~^1

Evergreen Lauidry,


i'.lit-'.i for nnd delivered to AnyMM *tb* oitj, Wtr

Reed & LMiillips, Ada tat BuJ. ! Orders can he left at the *«iek>taßae|^t Mr. Sam tlellmnu. Hiring St. e4*U