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D Ata and C Om Puter C

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    Asynchronous and Synchronous


    Transm ission o f da ta requires co-operat ion a ndagreem ent be t. tran sm itter and rece iver

    tim ing p rob lem s requ ire a m echa n ism to syn chron ize

    the tran sm it ter and receiver

    rece iver sam ples st ream at bi t in terva ls

    i f the two clock s are n ot al ign ed and d r if ting, rece iver wi l lsam ple at w rong t im e a f ter suf fic ient bits are sen t

    two solutions to synchroniz ing clocks asynchronous transm iss ion

    synchronous transm iss ion

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    Asynchronous T ransm iss ion

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    Asynchronou s Transm iss ion

    Send one ch aracter at a time each character begins with a start bit to alert the receiver receiver samples each bit in the character the data bits are usually followed by a parity bit

    the final element is a stop element the stop element is the same as the idle state

    Characterist ics simple

    cheap overh ea d of 2 or 3 b its per cha r (~20% ) good for data w ith large gaps (key board)

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    Synchronou s T ransm iss ion

    block of data transm itted as aframe

    clocks m ust be synchronized can u se sep arate clock l ine

    or em bed clock signal in da ta need to indicate start and end o f block

    use pream ble and postam ble

    more efficient (lower overhead) than async

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    Types of Error

    an error occurs when a bit is altered be tween transm issionand recep tion

    single b it errors

    on ly one b it altered caused by w hite noise

    bu rst errors cont iguou s sequence o fB bi ts in w hich firs t last and any num ber

    of interm ed iate b its in error cause d by im pulse noise or by fading in w ire less

    ef fect grea ter at highe r data rates

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    E rror Detect ion

    there w ill be e rrors introdu ced by the tx. system E rror d etect ion done using error-de tect ing cod e

    funct ion of da ta b its, calculated by tran sm it ter and

    appe nded to the f ram e

    reca lcu la ted and checked by receiver

    st ill cha nce of undetected e rror

    E rror de tect ion using par ity pa rity b it set so cha rac ter has even (even pa rity) or odd

    (odd parity) number of ones

    even number of bit errors goes undetected

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    E rror De tect ion P rocess

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    Cyc lic Redundancy Check

    one of mos t common and power fu l checks

    for block ofk bi ts transm it ter gene rates an n b it

    f ram e check sequence (FC S)

    t ransmits k+n bits wh ich is exa ct ly div is ible by

    some numbe r

    rece iver div ide s frame by that num ber if no remainder, assume no e rror

    for math, see Stal lings chapter 6

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    E rror Correct ion

    correct ion o f detected errors usual ly requ ires data block tobe retransm itted

    not appropriate for wireless app l icat ions

    bi t error rate is high cau sing lots of retransm ission s when prop agat ion de lay lon g (sa tellite) compa red w ith fram e

    tran sm ission t im e, resu lt ing in retransm ission of fram e in error

    p lus many subsequ ent frames

    instead need to correct errors on basis of bits received

    error correct ion provides this

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    E rror Correc t ion P roce ss

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    How E rro r Correc tion W orks

    adds redundan cy to t ransm itted message

    can deduce o r ig ina l de spite som e errors

    eg . block e rror co rrection code map k bit inpu t onto an n bit codew ord

    each d istinc tly differen t

    if get error assum e codeword sent wa s closest to that


    for math, see S talling s chap ter 6

    mean s have redu ced e ffec t ive da ta rate

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    L ine C on f igu rat ion - Topo logy

    phys ica l arrangem ent of stat ion s on m ed ium

    po int to point - two sta tions

    such as b etwe en two rou ters / com puters

    multi po int - multiple s tations

    t radi tiona lly m ainfram e com puter and terminals

    now typical ly a loca l area n etwork (LAN)

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    L ine C on f igu rat ion - Topo logy

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    L ine Con f igu rat ion - Dup lex

    classi fy da ta exchange as half or full duplex

    half dup lex (two-way a lterna te) only one stat ion m ay transm it at a t im e

    requi res one data path full duplex (two-way sim ultaneous)

    s im ul tane ous transm iss ion and recept ion be twee n two stations

    requi res two data pa ths

    sepa rate me dia or freque nc ies used for each direct ion or echo ca nce ling

  • 8/14/2019 D Ata and C Om Puter C


    Summa r y

    asynch ronou s verses synch ronou s transm iss ion

    error detect ion and co rrect ion

    line con f igu rat ion issues