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2. ObjectivesWhat is Netiquette?How to keep yourself safe onlineSharing personal information 3. NetiquetteWhat does it mean to do the right thing online? Ethics: A set of principles and morals governingpeoples behavior, including honesty and respecttoward others Online Ethics: A set of principles and moralsgoverning peoples behavior as it relates to theInternet and digital devices Digital Citizenship: A safe, responsible, andethical approach to functioning in the digitalworld 4. Netiquette Click picture to watch video 5. NetiquetteThink of someone you believe is veryethical. In what ways is the person you identifiedethical? What are examples of ways that people behaveunethically in their dealings with others? What are examples of ways that people behaveunethically online? 6. Keeping yourself safe onlineHow can you tell when an online relationship isrisky? Online Predator: A commonly used term forsomeone who uses the Internet to developinappropriate relationships with kids or teens Stereotype: A popular belief about a group ofpeople, based on assumptions that are often false Risky: Potentially harmful to ones emotional orphysical well-being Manipulate: Trying to influence somebody to dosomething they might not otherwise do, for onesown benefit 7. Keeping yourself safe onlineClick picture to watch video 8. Keeping yourself safe What are some examples of positive interactionsbetween strangers online? What are some examples of uncomfortableinteractions between strangers online? 9. Personal informationHow can you respect the privacy of othersonline? Reputation: The general impression of aperson held by others and the public Persist: To continue and endure Context: Different factors that surround a pieceof information that help determine its meaning Tag: To add a descriptive word, label, or phraseto a photo or video 10. Personal informationClick picture to watch video 11. Personal information Why do you think things posted online tend topersist, even when you prefer they didnt? What kinds of things might be good for yourreputation in the future if they are posted onlinenow? What kinds of things might be harmful? 12. Wrap it up What are some of your responsibilities toyourself, your friends and family, and yourcommunity when you are online? How can you avoid getting involved in riskyonline relationships? How can peoples reputations be affected bywhat is posted about them online? What impactcould this have on their future? 13. Credits "Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum forGrades 9-12 | Common Sense Media." Reviewsand Ratings for Family Movies, TV Shows,Websites, Video Games, Books and Music. N.p.,n.d. Web. 6 July 2012..