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Crusades & Middle Ages Culture: Medieval Christianity Ch 6.1, p. 105

Crusades & Middle Ages Culture: Medieval Christianity Ch 6.1, p. 105.

Dec 19, 2015



Laurence Baker
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Page 1: Crusades & Middle Ages Culture: Medieval Christianity Ch 6.1, p. 105.

Crusades & Middle Ages Culture:Medieval Christianity

Ch 6.1, p. 105

Page 2: Crusades & Middle Ages Culture: Medieval Christianity Ch 6.1, p. 105.


• Lay investiture• Interdict• Sacrament• Heresy• Relics

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Problems w/ the Church

• B/c of the _____________, wealthy Lords often chose bishops and abbots to serve for political reasons.– These new religious figures didn’t really

care about spiritual duties.• Yay ___________!! Booo…benevolence.

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• To focus Church officials on their spiritual duties:– They were given a _________________!

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But then…Greg VII

• Gregory VII takes Reform further!– Decides to eliminate ____________________• So that the Church can choose Church officials

and avoid the problem entirely.

• “We decree that no one of the clergy shall receive the investiture with a bishopric or abbey or church from the hand of an emperor or king or of any lay person.” – Pope Gregory VII, 1075

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Investiture Controversy fin.

• Compromise = ____________________–Not until both Pope and Emperor attempt

to depose each other, eventually die, and new leaders come in.–Unnecessarily complicated way of

appointing new Church officials.• Both Church and Lord/King ____________, etc.

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More Reforms…

• Pope Innocent III, in 13th Century, increases papal power via spiritual weapons:– Enter the __________________• Forbids priests from giving ______________

(Christian rites) to a targeted group of ppl.

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New Things in Christianity

• Cistercians– Like Benedictine monks, but more active outside

the monasteries.• ____________________________________

• Women!– Numbers increase dramatically– Hildegard of Bingen awesome abbess, composer

AND woman.

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More Regligosity

• Franciscans– Founded by ________________• Abandoned all worldly goods, into absolute

poverty, nature, simplicity working hard, but also begging for food.

• Dominicans– Founded by Spaniard, Dominic de Guzman• Super anti-_____________ through preaching

and personal poverty. Huh?

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The Inquisition

• The Church creates a court, aka ____________________ , to deal w/ those pesky heretics.–Mostly Spanish Dominicans–All about getting heretics to confess so

they could perform penance (receive punishment) and receive salvation.• You know, b/c short-term torture seemed less

bad than Hell.

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Saints & Relics

• Saints became a big deal in the High Middle Ages– And thus __________ also boomed.

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Q & A

• What was the name of the Holy Office which ‘dealt’ w/ heretics?– ___________________________________

• Which Pope is famous for his use of the interdict?– ______________________________

• What is another name for an objected connected to or from a Saint?– ___________________________________

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The Crusades

Ch 6.2, p. 113

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• Crusades• Infidel• Proceed• Libel

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1st Crusade(1096-99)

• Byzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus asks for help against Seljuk Turks–Pope says, let’s get those ____________.• Mostly French warriors moved east, and came

up w/ an additional goal of taking Jerusalem as well.

• Success!

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• French and German leaders aim to re-take Jerusalem and kill a lot of Muslim/pagan ppl.– ____________________.

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3rd Crusade(1190-92)

• Jerusalem controlled by Muslim master-class General Saladin.– The Germans, French and English unite to

attack once more!• German emperor drowns in a river while bathing.

LOL• __________________________ ends up as the

last to throw in the towel, but manages to negotiate safe passage for Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem in the future.

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Later Crusades

• 4th Crusade was a botched attempt to permanently regain Constantinople.

• _____________________ results in the death of 20,000 kids +/-– __________________, the other five ships land in

N. Africa all kids sold into slavery.

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Random Sidenotes

• Crusaders took it upon themselves to discriminate and punish Jewish ppl during this time– Blamed Jews for ____________________

• The Crusades paved the way for the future development of nation-states– AND the restoration of __________________


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Q & A

• How did the Crusades start?– ________________________________________

• Which city did Muslims and Christians most want to control?– _________________

• T/F: Feudalism became more entrenched and stronger b/c of the Crusades.– ________________________________________

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Culture of the Middle Ages

Ch 6.3, p. 117

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O, Hai Vocab

• Theology• Vernacular• Scholasticism• Chanson de geste• Technical• Corporation

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High Middle Age(d) Architecture

• Two awesome innovations:– _________________ and ______________

instead of round vaulted ceilings– The __________________ all about distributing

weight outward and having lighter walls• Which lead to Gothic-style buildings

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Learning Centers

• Universities pop up all over Europe– First in Bologna, Italy• _________________ in 4-6 years• _____________ in law, medicine or theology in

10 or more years

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• So…what 2 degrees could students earn at university?

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• Study of ___________________– Very popular

• Leads to a philosophical system called ______________________– Let’s reconcile faith and logical reasoning!• Greek philosophy + Christian ideas

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• Wrote Proslogion, aka Anselm of Canterbury– Tried to demonstrate the _______________

_______________ invents the Scientific Method– Church wasn’t too happy w/ this logic business

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Thomas Aquinas

• Tried to answer the question “_________________________?”– Cited opposing opinions before reaching his own.– Really wanted to get to the heart of the difference

btwn good and evil (God’s eternal laws) w/ reasoning.

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Enter Vernacular

• Initially __________ was the universal language of medieval learning.– BUT local vernaculars popped up everywhere• A vernacular literature market blossoms in

the 1100s

• Leads to poetry and ______________for the masses– Chanson de geste, heroic epic

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• What architectural style is characterized by soaring ribbed vaults and pointed arches?– ___________________

• What philosophy tried to reconcile Christian ideas w/ logical reasoning?– ________________________

• Who was the guy who tried to answer the question: “Does God exist?” via Aristotelian reasoning.– _______________________________

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Late Middle Ages

Ch 6.4, p. 120

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• Anti-semitism• New monarchy• Taille• Period• Consequence

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Bubonic Plague, cont’d.

• First comes a “_____________” which hurts European food supplies– The Great Famine

• In mid 1300s the Bubonic Plague arrives in Europe– About 1/3 of Europe dies in 4 YEARS (1347-51)• 25 million ppl!!!!!!!!

– Leads to ____________, trade and labor problems

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Decline of Church Power

• Popes most powerful in 1200s– BUT in 1300s the Church has problems.

• 1st Problem:– ______________________________ and basically

moves the papacy to Avignon, France• 1305-1377 Popes lived in Avignon

– Loss of popularity and credibility in Popes

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Church Decline, cont’d.• 2nd Problem:– ______________________• Church never really recovers after the Avignon

debacle• Multiple Popes arrive (even 3 at one point) and all

declare each other the Antichrist– From 1378 to 1417 all of Europe argues about which

Pope is the real Pope• Church loses even more credibility/authority

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• How did the Great Schism and other crises lead to the decline of Church power?

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The 100 Years War

• Starts b/c King Edward III of England loses his __________________________________– French King seizes it in 1337, thus forever lending

credibility to the gamer-piracy term ‘leet’– Initially English beat up the French b/c of

longbows and lots of peasants• France preferred armed noble cavalry

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100 Years War, cont’d.

• BUT THEN…–________________, a 17-yr-old, has visions

of glory and leads the French to a major victory at Orleans and turns the war.• Later captured by English and turned over to

Inquisition for witchcraft….• France ends up winning b/c of Joan and the

use of gunpowder in cannons.

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New Monarchies Recovery• All the fighting and problems are bolstered by the

fact that strong centralized governments don’t really exist.– Monarchs have ____________________________

_______________…blood is a bit thin or blue…• Countries reorganize w/ new candidates for

kingship, let’s shake things up.

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New Monarchies Recovery• France: King Louis XI, aka the Spider, likes property


• England: War of Roses leads to Henry VII and strong central gov’t.

• Spain: Ferdinand and Isabella make everyone ____________________________________

• Central and Eastern Europe: still chaotic

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Q + A• How many different men claimed to be Pope during

The Great Schism?– ________________________

• T/F: Europe was perfectly stable and ‘healthy’ before the Black Death killed 1/3 of the ppl.– _________________________________________

• During the Late Middle Ages, which country required all citizens to be Catholic?– ___________________