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Credit Risk Credit Risk Credit Risk Credit Risk Management 1866

May 29, 2018



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    Explan at ion of check point sExplanation of check pointsExplan at ion of check point sExplanation of check points

    1. Unless explicitly stat ed otherwise, items expressed in the question form such as does the institut ion or is the institution are minimum sta ndards tha t

    ar e expected of all financial inst itu tions. Inspectors, a s th ey go th rough t heir checklists , need to fully verify the effectiveness of th ese item s.2. Unless explicitly sta ted other wise, items worded in the form of it would be desira ble tha t const itute best practice for all finan cial institut ions.

    Inspectors need only confirm these items.

    3. Items that are a combination of the two represent minimum standar ds for internat ionally active banks (those financial institutions calculating their

    capital adequa cy ra tios a ccording to the Basle sta nda rds) but ser ve only as best pra ctices for other finan cial instit utions (those calculating their capital

    adequa cy ratios according t o domestic sta ndar ds).

    Distinction betweenDistinction betweenDistinction betweenDistinction bet ween board of directorsboar d of directorsboard of directorsboar d of directors an dandandand board of directors etc.boar d of directors et c.board of directors et c.boar d of directors et c.

    1. Items tha t a re defined as roles of the board of directors are items for which th e board of directors itself needs to determine all essential matt ers. This

    does not, however, preclude the board of directors from delegating consideration of draft documents to the management committee or similar bodies.

    2. The phrase board of directors etc. includes the board of directors, the ma nagement committee, the business steering committee, and similar bodies.

    Item s th at ar e defined a s roles of the boar d of directors et c. would ideally be deter min ed by the boar d of directors its elf, but ma y be delegat ed to the

    ma na gement comm ittee etc. provided tha t t here h as been a clear delegation of this aut hority from th e boar d of directors, th e man agement comm ittee etc. has

    kept m inut es of its pr oceedings and other ma teria ls tha t would allow after-the-fact confirmat ion, an d th ere a re a dequate int erna l contr ols in place, e.g., the

    results a re reported to the board of directors, and au ditors a re allowed to par ticipat e in the ma nagement comm ittee etc.

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    ItemItemItemItem Risk Management System Check PointRisk Management System Check PointRisk Management System Check PointR is k Managemen t Sys tem Check Point Exp lana t ion of R is k Management Check Point sExplanation of Risk Man agement Check P ointsExplanation of Risk Management Check PointsExplanat ion of Risk Management Check Poin ts RemarksRemarksRemarksRemarks

    2. Awar eness a nd r oles of seniormanagement

    (1) Est ablishmen t of ru les for riskmanagement

    (1) Does senior mana gement est ablish ru les for creditrisk ma nagement in a ccordance with credit r isk

    man agement p olicies and with th e approval of th e

    board of directors et c? Does it r eview these r ules a s


    Do rules for credit risk man agement include the

    scope of lendin g, credit ra tios, portfolio

    management, decision-making authority, screening

    guidelines, credit au dit met hods and other relevant


    Note: Senior man agement

    refers to bra nch office mana gers

    and persons in senior ma nagerial

    positions (including directors)

    with equ ivalent levels of

    responsibility, and so thr oughout .

    (2) Appropr iate r isk management pract ice (2) Does senior ma na gement pra ctice effective creditrisk ma na gement in individual divisions in

    accordan ce with risk m an agement policies and risk

    mana gement rules, and does it bear the

    responsibility for risk ma na gement?

    It is desirable tha t int erna l models etc. based on

    credit ra tings be used t o quan tify credit r isks for

    credit risk mana gement purposes, and that the

    institution set credit risk limits commensura te t o

    appr opriate pr ofitability, allocations of mana gerial

    resources, an d capital adequa cy.It is also desirable tha t such systems have adequat e

    computer system support.

    II .II .II .II . Esta blishment of appropriateEsta blishment of appropriateEsta blishment of appropriateEsta blishment of appropriaterisk management systemsrisk mana gement systemsrisk management systemsrisk mana gement systems

    1. Awareness and evaluation ofrisk

    (1) Esta blishment of integrated r iskman agement systems

    (1) Does the institution practice integrated credit riskmana gement t hat includes, to the extent permitt ed

    und er applicable laws an d ordina nces, its

    consolidated subsidiar ies and su bsidiaries falling

    under t he equity method?

    Does th e institu tion practice integrat ed

    man agement th at covers not only lending but a llasset s an d off-balan ce-sheet it ems for which th ere

    ar e credit r isks including the credit risks associated

    with mar ket tr ansactions)?

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    ItemItemItemItem Risk Management System Check PointRisk Management System Check PointRisk Management System Check PointR is k Managemen t Sys tem Check Point Exp lana t ion of R is k Management Check Point sExplanation of Risk Man agement Check P ointsExplanation of Risk Management Check PointsExplanat ion of Risk Management Check Poin ts RemarksRemarksRemarksRemarks

    (2) Evalu at ion of new products andactivities

    (2) When int roducing new products and a ctivities, doesth e risk man agement d ivision evalua te th e locus etc.

    of credit r isk, seek opinions from t he legal a ffairs

    division an d in spections division etc. when

    necessary, report t o the board of directors et c. on its

    risk evalua tion findings, and seek t he appr oval of

    th e board of directors etc. for th e int roduction of new

    products and a ctivities?

    2. Screening and management (1) Esta blishment of screening an dman agement system

    (1) Is th e screening and mana gement division insulat edfrom t he in fluence of the busin ess promotion

    divisions, for example, by being indepen dent of th e

    business pr omotion divisions and n ot havingdirectors concurr ently overseeing both th e screening

    and m ana gement division an d the business

    promotion divisions?

    If the screening and ma na gement division is not

    independen t of the busin ess promotion divisions or if

    a director concurr ently oversees both th e screening

    and m ana gement division an d the business

    promotion divisions, ha s t he inst itut ion p rovided for

    checking functions to ensur e tha t screening and

    mana gement is appropriate?

    (2) Role of screening an d man agementdivision

    (2) Does the screening an d man agement divisionprovide appropriate screening an d ma nagement of

    loan s, for example, by accurat ely measur ing the

    borr owers finan cial position, th e use to which t he

    funds will be put , and t he resour ces from which the

    loan will be repaid, an d ut ilizing this informat ion t o

    verify th e accuracy of credit r at ings?

    Does the screening and ma na gement division etc.

    check that business promotion divisions ar eappr opriately following its inst ructions, tha t th ey

    ha ve soun d lending st an ces (providing a smooth flow

    of funding t o borr owers en gaged in sound

    businesses, especially medium, sma ll, an d micro

    businesses etc., banning speculative real estate

    lending a nd lending for excessively speculative

    fina ncial schemes, and refusing to supply funds t o

    ant isocial elements), and t hat they ar e not engaged

    in in appr opriate collections of fund s?

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    ItemItemItemItem Risk Management System Check PointRisk Management System Check PointRisk Management System Check PointR is k Managemen t Sys tem Check Point Exp lana t ion of R is k Management Check Point sExplanation of Risk Man agement Check P ointsExplanation of Risk Management Check PointsExplanat ion of Risk Management Check Poin ts RemarksRemarksRemarksRemarks

    Does the screening and ma na gement division

    commu nicate t o business promotion divisions t hat

    the Financial Inspection Manuals created by th e

    aut horities ar e not t o be used as an excuse for

    refusing to lend t o borr owers enga ged in sound

    businesses, for recalling funds from su ch borrowers,

    or for oth er ina ppropriat e han dling? Does it check to

    ensure that the business promotion divisions are not

    engaged in inappropriate ha ndling?

    3. Credit management (1) Esta blishment of credit mana gementdivision

    (1) Do the business p romotion divisions a nd screeningand m an agement division have systems in place for

    integra ted ma nagemen t of credits (for example, th esta tu s of business conditions in th e borrowers

    industry) that covers, to the extent permitt ed under

    applicable laws an d ordinan ces, the financial

    instit ut ion, its consolidated subsidiar ies, an d its

    subsidiaries falling under the equity method?

    Is a s pecific division a ssigned t o verify th e levels of

    write-offs an d r eserves? Does th is division very t ha t

    th e levels of write-offs an d reser ves ar e

    commensu ra te to credit risks, and does it report the

    amoun t of write-offs and reser ves accura tely to theboard of directors?

    Is a specific division a ssigned t o man age port folio

    sta tu s (including the concent rat ion of lending in

    specific indust ries a nd groups)? Does this division

    engage in a ppropriate portfolio mana gement an d

    does it r eport regula rly on the st at us of th e portfolio

    to th e board of directors?

    (2) Roles of credit auditing division (2) Does the inst itut ion ha ve a credit audit ing divisionth at ver ifies the accuracy of credit r at ings, thestat us of borrower credit ma nagement, an d other

    relevant informa tion? Does th is division verify th e

    appropriateness of credit ma nagement and report its

    findings t o the board of directors etc? If a business

    promotion division or a screening and m ana gement

    division ma na ges th e portfolio, does the credit

    aud iting division verify the ap propriat eness of

    portfolio man agement ?

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    ItemItemItemItem Risk Management System Check PointRisk Management System Check PointRisk Management System Check PointR is k Managemen t Sys tem Check Point Exp lana t ion of R is k Management Check Point sExplanation of Risk Man agement Check P ointsExplanation of Risk Management Check PointsExplanat ion of Risk Management Check Poin ts RemarksRemarksRemarksRemarks

    Do financial institutions calculating their capital

    adequacy ratios according to the Basle standards

    have specialized systems for their crediting auditing

    (including systems in which the risk management

    division performs credit a udits)?

    It would also be desirable for financial institutions

    calculat ing their capita l adequacy rat ios according to

    domestic standards to have specialized systems for

    th eir credit auditin g divisions.

    (3) Roles of r isk ma na gemen t division (3) Does the institut ion ha ve a risk mana gementdivision tha t provides integrated ma nagement of

    asset s with credit r isk exposur e and off-balan ce-

    sheet it ems? Does it pra ctice integra ted credit risk


    Do financial institutions calculating their capital

    adequacy ratios according to the Basle standards

    have specialized systems for their risk management

    division (including systems in which the risk

    man agement division performs credit au dits)?

    It would also be desirable for financial institutions

    calculat ing their capita l adequacy rat ios according todomestic standards to have specialized systems for

    their risk man agement divisions.

    4. Management of problem credi ts (1) Esta blishment of mana gement systemfor problem credits

    (1) Is th ere a specific division assigned to man age an dcollect problem credits? Does it appr opriately

    manage problem credits?

    Does th e institu tion specify the ra nge of credits t hat

    part icularly require man agement a s problem


    Do fina ncial institu tions calculatin g their capital

    adequacy ratios according to the Basle standards

    ha ve specialized divisions for man aging an d

    collecting problem credits? It would also be desira ble

    for financial institu tions calculatin g their capital

    adequa cy ra tios according to domestic sta nda rds t o

    ha ve specialized systems for mana ging and

    collecting problem credits.

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    ItemItemItemItem Risk Management System Check PointRisk Management System Check PointRisk Management System Check PointR is k Managemen t Sys tem Check Point Exp lana t ion of R is k Management Check Point sExplanation of Risk Man agement Check P ointsExplanation of Risk Management Check PointsExplanat ion of Risk Management Check Poin ts RemarksRemarksRemarksRemarks

    (2) Role of problem credit ma na gementdivision

    (2) Does th e division responsible for man aging an dcollecting pr oblem credits a rt iculat e clear guidelines

    for working with problem borrowers an d man age th e

    business conditions etc. at problem borrowers


    Are problem borrowers given appropriat e guidan ce

    in rebu ilding, or ar e th ey liquidat ed or collected,

    based on t he guidelines for working with p roblem


    5. Self-assessment s on assetquality

    See Credit Risk In spection Man ual.

    6. Wr it e-offs a nd r eser ves See Cr ed it Risk In sp ect ion Ma nu al.

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    3. Secur ities appr aisa l ............................................. 56(1) Bond app ra isal ..................................................... 56(2) Equ ity app ra isal ................................................. 56(3) Foreign securit y app ra isal ................................... 57(4) Securities investment trust beneficiary certificate

    app ra isa l..................................................................... 57

    4. Appra isal of othe r asset s ..................................... 57(1) Suspens e paymen t appr aisal ............................... 57(2) Chat tel and rea l esta te appr aisal ........................ 57(3) Golf club member ship a ppr ais al .......................... 58(4) Miscellaneous assets appr aisa l ........................... 58

    Inspections of capital a dequacy ra tiosI. Inspections of the accuracy of capital a dequacy

    ra tios .................................................................... 59

    II . Verificat ion of th e effect of write -off an d res erveinspection results on capital a dequacy ratios.. . .. . 59

    1. Stu dy write-off an d reser ve levels ...................... 602. Calculation of additional requ ired writ e-off andres erve valu es ...................................................... 60

    III. Monitoring of th e financial inst itut ions response t odeclines in th e capit al adequa cy ra tio ................. 60

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    (3) Other a ssets tha t the chief inspector specifically designates for sampling:

    Are designated as classified assets.

    However, when t he financial institut ion u nder inspection ha s esta blished a sam pling exclusion t hresh old below which credits ar e not

    sam pled, these credits sh all be excluded if the t hresh old is deemed r at ional in light of a genera l evaluation of the institu tions a sset size an d

    nat ure, a nd t he influence on write-offs a nd r eserves etc.

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    ItemItemItemItem Verificat ion of the appropr ia teness of self-Verificat ion of th e a ppropriat eness of self-Verification of the a ppropria teness of self-Verificat ion of th e a ppropriat eness of self-

    assessment sta ndardsassessment standardsassessment sta ndardsassessment standards

    Verification of th e app ropriat eness of self-assessmentVerification of th e ap propriat eness of self-assessmentVerification of th e app ropriat eness of self-assessmentVerification of th e ap propriat eness of self-assessment



    t i t )

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    corporat ions etc.)

    C. Special bonds (issued by pu bliccorporat ions or compan ies in wh ich

    the government has invested but n ot


    D. Bank debentu resE . All bonds from issuin g compan ies th at

    ha ve been ra ted BBB (triple B) or

    better in th eir most recent rat ing by a

    rat ings agency.

    F . All indust rial bonds issued bycompa nies issu ing exchange-listed

    indust rial bonds; all bonds selected for

    over-the-count er pr ice quota tions.However, th e bonds described in E a nd

    F sh all be classified if a study of the

    financial position of th e issuer or the n atu re

    of the industrial bond based on the sa me

    concepts a s for credits indicates pr oblems

    with safety.

    2)2)2)2) Bond classification met hodBond classification met hodBond classification met hodBon d cla ssifica tion met hod A. Stu dy the finan cial position of th eissuers of all bonds except those listed

    in A-F in 1) above using th e sam e

    concepts a s for credits. If the s tud y

    reveals no particular pr oblems with

    safety, or if ther e is a su perior

    guara ntee from a financial institution

    etc., treat th e bond as n on-classified.

    B. The book valu e of bonds described inth e proviso to 1) above an d bonds

    other t han as described in A above is

    assigned to Category II; the estimat edloss for bonds likely to generate losses

    is assigned t o Category IV.

    Note that privately-placed

    bonds ar e categorized according to th e

    degr ee of risk of loss of valu e usin g th e

    sam e meth od as for credits.

    If the institut ion does not ha ve

    credits a gainst th e issuer of the bond,

    it ma y categorize th e bond a ccordingto simplified criteria .

    Verify tha t t he estimat ed loss ha s been assigned to

    Cat egory IV for bonds issued by part ies with borrower

    classifications of effectively bankrupt or bankrupt.

    Verify th at privat ely-placed bonds a re cat egorized

    using the sam e methods as credits.

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    Item Verifica t ion of the appropriateness of self-

    assessment standards

    Verification of th e ap propriat eness of self-assessment



    (3) Golf club memberships Assign to Category II except for those Verify th at golf club member ships a re cat egorized

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    (3) Golf club memberships Assign to Category II except for thoseheld for welfar e pur poses.

    However, when th ere ar e deemed to be

    problems in th e financial position of th e

    issuer of the m embersh ip, assign aborrower classification u sing th e sam e

    concepts a s for credits regar dless of th e

    pur pose for which th e membersh ip is held.

    Assign t hose classified as needs at ten tion

    or in da nger of bankr upt cy to Cat egory II;

    those classified as effectively bankrupt or

    ban kru pt for which th e facilities can s till

    be used a s Cat egory II; and those for wh ich

    th e facilities cannot be u sed as Ca tegory IV.

    When golf club mem berships a re h eldnot as other a ssets but on secur ities

    accounts, use appropriate securities

    meth ods for their categorization.

    If th e institu tion does not have credits

    against t he issuer of the membership, it

    may u se simplified criter ia in


    Verify th at golf club member ships a re cat egorized

    as described left.

    When membersh ips are held on secur ities accounts,verify th at th ey are categorized as described left.

    (4) Miscellaneous asset s Ca tegor ize assets other than thoseabove according to t heir collection r isk a nddegr ee of risk of loss of valu e in light of th e

    nat ure of the asset.

    Verify tha t miscellaneous assets a re categorized asdescribed left.

    A. For pur chasing credits issued by non-fina ncialinstitution tha t a re deemed to be long-term credits

    because of cont inuin g purchases at set a mounts ,

    verify th at the pu rchasin g credit is categorized

    using th e same meth ods as for credits.

    Note that banks th at h ave established

    special transaction accounts and use those

    account s to purchase on a cont inua l basispur chasing credits issued by non-finan cial

    instit ut ion so as to be deemed to be providing long-

    ter m credits, have ina ccura tely cat egorized the

    credit and also inaccurately calculated their capital

    adequa cy ra tio, an d ar e fur ther more in violat ion of

    Article 17-10 (ban on inter -accoun t t ra nsfers) of the

    Concomitant Orders t o th e Bankin g Law (Law No.

    10 of 1982). Verify tha t t his has n ot ta ken place.

    B. When the financial institution under inspectionuses tr ust schemes to liquidate credits, and th efina ncial institu tion under inspection holds

    Item Verifica t ion of the appropriateness of self-

    assessment standards

    Verification of th e ap propriat eness of self-assessment



    beneficiary certificat es in th e loan credit tr ust

    h if h h l di

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    scheme, verify tha t these loan credit tru st

    beneficiary cert ificat es ar e categorized using t he

    same meth ods as credits.

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    Item Verifica t ion of the appropriateness of write-

    off and reserve stan dards

    Verificat ion of th e ap propriat eness of write-off an d

    reserve results


    avera ge loss percent age for 1 -

    forecast collection rate.

    post as default r eserves the expected loss amount

    calculated u sing the default r ate-based method.

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    3) Verificat ion of exclusion of abn orma l valuesIf the institu tion excludes losses or

    ban kru ptcies associat ed with specific borrowers

    from its default rat es and/or ban kruptcy

    probabilities becau se these values a re abnorma l,

    verify th at ther e is rational justificat ion for th e


    Specifically, if th e in stitu tion excludes

    losses and ban kru ptcies associated with specific

    borrowers from calculations of defau lt r at es an d/or

    ban kru ptcy probabilities as abnormal values by

    claiming that th e borr ower should have been

    classified as in danger of bank rupt cy but wasinstea d classified as norma l or needs a tt ention,

    verify that the losses and ban kruptcies are

    reflected in calculat ions of defau lt r eserves in some

    form, for example, by including t hem in

    calculat ions of expected loss a mount for credits t o

    in da nger of bank ru ptcy borrowers.

    Verify whet her t he instit ution excludes as

    abnorma l values losses and/or ba nkr upt cies

    associat ed with specific indust ries a nd/or locat ions

    by claiming that there a re sha rp differencesbetween losses an d bank ruptcies in t hese

    indust ries an d/or locat ions an d losses and /or

    bankruptcies in other industries and/or locations.

    In t hese cases it is not appropriat e to exclude

    losses an d/or ba nkr upt cies to specific industr ies

    an d/or locations as abnormal. Rat her, it is

    desirable that the institu tion group credits by

    indust ry and /or location, calculate default r at es

    an d/or ban kru ptcy probabilities for ea ch group,

    find expected loss rat es for ea ch, and calculateexpected loss amoun ts a s the credits t o each group

    mult iplied by the expected loss ra te for t he group.

    4) Verification of calculation per iod for default ra tesand bankru ptcy probabilities

    Verify that calculations of expected loss

    amounts a re based at t he very least on default

    rat es and bankru ptcy probabilities for the

    preceding thr ee calculat ion periods.

    If the calculat ion period is not t hree pa st

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    Study t he appr opriat eness of this r esponse, verify what the capita l adequacy ratio will be in the n ext settlement term as a result of provisions of

    additional required wr ite-offs and reserves a s called for in a ppropriate r esponse plan s, an d endeavor to form a consensu s a mong the chief inspector, th e

    fina ncial institu tion under inspection an d the externa l auditors.

    In a ddition, verify whether t he capital adequacy ratio this settlemen t t erm a nd next set tlement term could be at levels tha t would invoke Prompt

    C ti A ti t f th i A ti l 21 2 t f th C it t O d t th B ki L (1982 Mi i t f Fi O di )

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    Corrective Actions a s set forth in Article 21-2 etc. of the Concomit an t Or ders t o th e Ban king Law (1982 Ministr y of Finan ce Ordinan ce).

    In doing this, verify whet her th e instit ut ion falls un der t he pr ovisions of Article 21-3:2 or 3 of th e Concomit an t Or ders .