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Corrimal East Public School Newsletter Term 2 Friday 31st May, 2019 Week 5 Upcoming Events Monday 10th June Queens Birthday Holiday Tuesday 11th June Year 4 to CHS Friday 14th June K-6 Assembly (5/6-A item) Wednesday 19th June K-2 Pet Care Program Thursday 20th June Support Unit Parent Workshop (9:20am) Friday 21st June Stages 2&3 Footy Gala day Tuesday 25th June Stage 1 Excursion to Bellambi Point Friday 28th June K-6 Assembly (1/2-Marvel item) Friday 5th July CEPS Athletics Carnival Last day of Term 2 Term 3 Tuesday 23rd July All students return to school Friday 26th July K-6 Assembly (3/4-Incredibles item) Respect Safety Excellence Phone: 4284 4582 Email: corrimale‐[email protected] Website: hƩp://www.corrimale‐ Facebook: hƩps://

Corrimal East Public School...of great books together. Thank you to all the teachers for supporng the PRC with their classes. Parents /carers can assist our students in compleng the

Jul 07, 2020



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Page 1: Corrimal East Public School...of great books together. Thank you to all the teachers for supporng the PRC with their classes. Parents /carers can assist our students in compleng the

Corrimal East Public School


Term 2 Friday 31st May, 2019 Week 5

Upcoming Events

Monday 10th June Queens Birthday Holiday Tuesday 11th June Year 4 to CHS Friday 14th June K-6 Assembly (5/6-A item) Wednesday 19th June K-2 Pet Care Program Thursday 20th June Support Unit Parent Workshop (9:20am) Friday 21st June Stages 2&3 Footy Gala day Tuesday 25th June Stage 1 Excursion to Bellambi Point Friday 28th June K-6 Assembly (1/2-Marvel item) Friday 5th July CEPS Athletics Carnival Last day of Term 2

Term 3 Tuesday 23rd July All students return to school Friday 26th July K-6 Assembly (3/4-Incredibles item)




Phone: 4284 4582 Email: corrimale‐[email protected] Website: h p://www.corrimale‐ Facebook: h ps://

Page 2: Corrimal East Public School...of great books together. Thank you to all the teachers for supporng the PRC with their classes. Parents /carers can assist our students in compleng the

Reconcilia on Week Na onal  Reconcilia on Week  (NRW)  is  a  me  for  all  Australians  to  learn  about  our  shared  histories,  cultures,  and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconcilia on in Australia. The  dates  for  NRW  remain  the  same  each  year;  27  May  to  3  June.  These  dates  commemorate  two  significant                 milestones  in  the  reconcilia on  journey—  the  successful  1967  referendum,  and  the  High  Court  Mabo  decision                 respec vely. Reconcilia on must  live  in  the  hearts, minds  and  ac ons  of  all  Australians  as we move  forward,  crea ng  a  na on strengthened by respec ul  rela onships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.  Morning & A ernoons I  remind  all  parents  that  no  parent  should  be  entering  corridors  or  classrooms  in  the  morning  (a er  morning                 messages) nor should they be peering into classrooms through windows in the a ernoon. Please “kissNdrop” in the mornings and then go about your day knowing that my staff care for your children and will manage any problem he/she may have. Developing independence in your children is of great importance to us at CEPS and I appreciate your support in this regard.   Thank you Mrs Bu ! Today is Mrs Bu ’s last day working with K‐Sonic. I thank Mrs Bu  for her enormous efforts over the past few weeks; I know  she  has  greatly  enjoyed  being  back  at  our  school  and  working  with  the  lovely  kindergarten  students.  We          will welcome Mrs Brown back on Monday; I know she is very much looking forward to ge ng back to school. Thanks again, Janelle!   

School Jumpers & Hats Please do make sure your child/ren have their school jumpers and hats everyday!  Leave I  will  be  on  leave  next week. Mrs  Gammone will  be  relieving  Principal  in my  absence. Mrs  Gammone  is  a  valued                member of our school execu ve and I know she will have your full support as she enjoys the week in this rewarding role.   

Bede Darcey

Kindergarten Enrolment for 2020

We are taking enrolments for Kindergarten 2020 now!


                                                If you have a child starting school next year (or if you know anyone that is looking to enroll next year from our zoned area) please call the school on 4284 4582

School tours and enrolment packages are available now

Page 3: Corrimal East Public School...of great books together. Thank you to all the teachers for supporng the PRC with their classes. Parents /carers can assist our students in compleng the

CEPS Positive Behaviour for Learning Value of the Week Term 2, Week 6


We agree on the rules of the game before playing soccer





NSWPSSA Athle cs Team Selec on Trials

In 2019, the Australian PSSA Athle cs Championships are being held in the Northern Territory. Due to the scheduled date clashing with  the wet season up  there,  the date of  the carnival has been moved  forward. This means  that  the NSWPSSA Athle cs  team will not be  selected at  the NSWPSSA Athle cs Carnival  this year. This does not change the representa ve pathway from school  ‐ Brokers  ‐ South Coast  ‐ NSW,  it  just means that students who make it to the NSWPSSA Athle cs Carnival will not progress any further through that  pathway.  The  team  will  be  selected  at  special  trials.  Informa on  can  be  collected  from  Mr            Stanley.  


Has your child ever come home and talked about CEPSpace? CEPSpace is a free play space area (in the wooden building behind Stage 1 classrooms) which is open at both Recess and Lunch play mes. Many students enjoy going to CEPSpace where they can play with  lego, play with building blocks, play in the cubby house, play with the toy kitchen or draw with their friends.  We would  love  to  refresh  some  of  the  toys we  have  in CEPSpace.  If  you  have  at  your  house,  toys  that  your                  children  no  longer  use  that  you  would  be  willing  to                donate  we  will  kindly  take  them  off  your  hands.    We would  par cularly  love  wooden  train  sets,  match‐box cars,  lego  and  dolls  but  we  ask  that  they  be  of  good                  quality and condi on. Thank you in an cipa on.  

K‐2 Pet Care Program   On Wednesday the 19th of  June our K‐2 students will be a ending an  informa on session about safe pet care in the school hall. Please contact your child's teacher if your child has an allergy or an extreme fear of dogs. Doreen Lopres

Page 4: Corrimal East Public School...of great books together. Thank you to all the teachers for supporng the PRC with their classes. Parents /carers can assist our students in compleng the

Woolworths Earn & Learn

Woolies Earn & Learn is back. Please bring in your s cker charts to the collec on box in the foyer.  

School Notes & Payments Requiring Your A en on

Note/Event Involving Payment Due

Southern Stars Rehearsal and Par cipa on Fee   Squad   $30  Overdue  

CoS Premiers Spor ng Challenge Gala Day   Nominated Stage 3   Nil   Overdue  

High School Taster Day Permission Note   Year 4    7.6.2019 

Support Unit Parent Workshop   Support Unit families   Nil   12.6.2019 

Stage 3 Camp Permission and Instalment #2  Stage 3  $100  14.6.2019 

Stages 2&3 Footy Gala Day   Stages 2&3  $5  14.6.2019 

Stage 1 Bellambi Point Excursion  Stage 1   $5  18.6.2019 

CEPS Athle cs Carnival Helper Note       28.6.2019 

Stage 2 Camp Permission and Instalment #2  Stage 2  $40  5.7.2019 

UPDATE!! Congratula ons to the following students who have successfully completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2019 by reading and then recording their 20 books online! Each of these students has received an Eas e Award in recogni on of their effort.  Year 3: Oceana Georgeou

Year 5: Samantha Reed

Year 6: Zoe Brakenridge & Sophie Dickson

It  is wonderful  how enthusias cally  our  Stage  2  and  3  students  are  undertaking  the  challenge  and  taking           responsibility for keeping their Personal Reading Records.   Congratula ons  also  go  to  K‐Titans  who  are  the  first  class  in  K‐2  to                 complete  the  Premier’s  Reading  Challenge  for  2019  by  reading  and                recording 30 books!   I know that all the K‐2 classes have been enjoying reading a wide variety of great books together. Thank you to all the teachers for suppor ng the PRC with their classes.  Parents  /carers  can assist  our  students  in  comple ng  the  challenge by con nuing to encourage and support them in their reading.   Keep up all your great reading everyone! Mrs Taylor 

Page 5: Corrimal East Public School...of great books together. Thank you to all the teachers for supporng the PRC with their classes. Parents /carers can assist our students in compleng the

P&C News – Term 2, Week 5

2nd Hand Uniform open day is Monday 17th June 8.30am-9.00am**

N.B Sizes and items subject to availability (If you have items to donate please hand them into the office ASAP). CASH ONLY… please have correct change (All general items will be available for a gold coin donation, sports jackets and pants amount dependant on condition).

Chocolate Box Fundraiser

Expressions of interest are open for those who would be open to participating in a Chocolate fundraiser. If you are interested please contact Sarah at [email protected].

**ENTERTAINMENT BOOK is available: Entertainment books have been distributed to all Kindergarten Students this week. The cost of the book is $60. As you will see there are lots of discounts to major restaurants, kids play centres, accommodation and lots more. If you wish to purchase the book please follow the instructions set out inside. If you DO NOT wish to purchase your book, please return it to the office on Monday.

Anyone else wishing to purchase, please use the link to support CEPS P&C:


Last day to order State of Origin Meal Deal is Monday 3rd June. New in Canteen - Gluten Free Fruit Muffins for 60c each. Try our new Flame Grilled Chicken Breast piece that you can have as a Burger or Wrap for $4.50. Includes lettuce, tomato and cheese with a sauce of your choice (tomato, bbq, sweet chilli or mayonnaise).

Stickybeaks lunch bags available in the colours: Blue, Green, Grey, Pink, Purple or Red. If you would like to purchase them, they are $10 from the canteen.

Canteen Roster for remainder of Term 2

Linda Canteen Manager (0438840820) [email protected] Have a great weekend!!!

Jayne Ellis P&C President 0419 293 763 [email protected]

Sarah Loemker  Fundraising Officer  0405 084 632  [email protected] 

Easties Eatery Open: Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

Cindy Napier P&C Secretary 0421 221 810 [email protected]

Monday Wednesday Friday

3/6 Vacant 5/6 Amanda A 7/6 Leanne

10/6 Public Holiday 12/6 Joan 14/6 Sandra

17/6 Kay/Nerida 19/6 Vacant 21/6 Sarah L

24/6 Carly 26/6 Joan 28/6 Sandra & Pam

1/7 Cindy 3/7 Amanda A 5/7 Athletics Carnival

Page 6: Corrimal East Public School...of great books together. Thank you to all the teachers for supporng the PRC with their classes. Parents /carers can assist our students in compleng the

Information packs about the Enrichment Program and exam will be

sent to all CHS local students soon.

All Year 4 students have received permission notes about the Taster Day. Notes due back 7.6.2019

Page 7: Corrimal East Public School...of great books together. Thank you to all the teachers for supporng the PRC with their classes. Parents /carers can assist our students in compleng the

All families received a hard-copy of this note on Friday 31st May, 2019

Page 8: Corrimal East Public School...of great books together. Thank you to all the teachers for supporng the PRC with their classes. Parents /carers can assist our students in compleng the