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© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi 1 Visualizing Japanese Grammar Appendix Shoko Hamano George Washington University

Conjugation Summary Japanese

Jan 15, 2016




Verb Conjugation of japanese verbs
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Page 1: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi1

Visualizing Japanese Grammar


Shoko Hamano

George Washington University

Page 2: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi2

• The table to the right shows various basic forms of i-adjectives, using takai “expensive” as the example.

• The following forms also pattern as adjectival stems: ja na(i) “not,” dewa na(i) “not,” ta(i) “want to,” yasu(i) “easy to,” niku(i) “hard to,” dzura(i) “hard to,” te hoshi(i) “want someone to,” and rashi(i) “looks like.”

高い(たかい)It is expensive.高かったIt was expensive.

高くないIt is not expensive.高くなかったIt was not expensive.

高いですIt is expensive.

高かったですIt was expensive.

高くないです高くありませんIt is not expensive. 高くなかったです高くありませんでしたIt was not expensive.



Hypothetical 高ければ

Stem 高 Adverb (ku-form) 高く

te-form 高くて Neg. te-form 高くなくて


Conjugations of i-adjectives


Neg. hypothetical

Page 3: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi3

• The diagram to the right shows various basic ways nouns appear, using hon “book” as the example.

• The following types and forms are also treated as nouns or noun phrases: watashi-no hon “my book,” omoshiroi hon “interesting book,” yonda hon “books that I read,” onaji “same,” byôki “sick, sickness,” and tada “free of charge.”

• The patterns containing the following forms at the end are also treated as na-adjectives: hazu (expectation), tsumori (intention).

本だIt is a book.本だったIt was a book.

本じゃないIt is not a book.本じゃなかったIt was not a book.

本ですIt is a book.本でした本だったですIt was a book.

本じゃないです本じゃありませんIt is not a book.本じゃなかったです本じゃありませんでしたIt was not a book.



Hypothetical 本なら

te-form 本で Neg. te-form 本じゃなくて


Conjugations of nouns


Neg. hypothetical

Page 4: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi4

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of na-adjectives, using kirei “clean” as the example.

• Na-adjectives are essentially nouns. The difference only appears before another noun: na-adjectives appear with na, regular nouns with no.

• The patterns containing the following forms at the end are also treated as na-adjectives: yô (appearance), mitai (appearance), sô (intuitive judgment), teki (similarity).

きれいだIt is a book.きれいだったIt was a book.

きれいじゃないIt is not a book.きれいじゃなかったIt was not a book.

きれいですIt is a book.きれいでしたきれいだったですIt was a book.

きれいじゃないですきれいじゃありませんIt is not a book.きれいじゃなかったですきれいじゃありませんでしたIt was not a book.



Hypothetical きれいなら

te-form きれいで きれいじゃなくて


Conjugations of na-adjectives

Neg. te-form


Neg. hypothetical

Page 5: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi5

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of one-step verbs, using taberu “eat” as the example. 食べる(たべる)

I eat.食べたI ate.

食べないI do not eat.食べなかったI did not eat.

食べますI eat.食べましたI ate.

食べませんI do not eat.食べませんでしたI did not eat.



• Some other frequently used one-step verbs are miru “see,” miseru “show,” iru “exist, stay,” oboeru “memorize,” neru “sleep,” and kiru “wear.”

• The suffixes seru (causative) and rareru (passive) also conjugate as one-step verbs.

Hypothetical 食べれば

Stem 食べ

Imperative 食べろ

“Let’s” 食べよう

Potential 食べられる Passive 食べられる

“Without” 食べず(に)

Causative 食べさせる

te-form 食べて Neg. te-form 食べないで食べなくて


Conjugations of one-step verbs

Neg. hypothetical

One-step verbs

Page 6: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi6

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of ta-line five-step verbs, using matsu “wait” as the example. 待つ(まつ)

I wait.待ったI waited.

待たないI do not wait.待たなかったI did not wait.

たちつてと っ

待ちますI wait.待ちましたI waited.

待ちませんI do not wait.待ちませんでしたI did not wait.



Hypothetical 待てば

Stem 待ち

Imperative 待て

“Let’s” 待とう

Potential 待てる Passive 待たれる

“Without” 待たず(に)

Causative 待たせる

te-form 待って Neg. te-form 待たないで待たなくて

待たなければ• Some other frequently used ta-line five-step verbs are katsu “win,” tatsu “stand,” and motsu “hold.”

Conjugations of five-step verbs

Neg. hypothetical

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© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi7

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of ra-line five-step verbs, using uru “sell” as the example. 売る(うる)

I sell X.売ったI sold X.

売らないI do not sell X.売らなかったI did not sell X.

らりるれろ っ

売りますI sell X.売りましたI sold X.

売りませんI do not sell X.売りませんでしたI did not sell X.



Hypothetical 売れば

Stem 売り

Imperative 売れ

“Let’s” 売ろう

Potential 売れる Passive 売られる

“Without” 売らず(に)

Causative 売らせる

te-form 売って Neg. te-form 売らないで売らなくて


• Some other frequently used ra-line five-step verbs are iru “need,” kiru “cut,” shiru “come to know,” toru “take,” naru “become,” noru “get on,” furu “rain,” and yaru “do.”

Conjugations of five-step verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 8: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi8

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of wa-line five-step verbs, using kau “buy” as the example. 買う(かう)

I buy X.買ったI bought X.

買わないI do not buy X.買わなかったI did not buy X.

わうお っ

買いますI buy X.買いましたI bought X.

買いませんI do not buy X.買いませんでしたI did not buy X.



Hypothetical 買えば

Stem 買い

Imperative 買え

“Let’s” 買おう

Potential 買える Passive 買われる

“Without” 買わず(に)

Causative 買わせる

te-form 買って Neg. te-form 買わないで買わなくて

買わなければ• Some other frequently used wa-line five-step verbs are au “meet,” iu “say,” suu “inhale,” and warau “laugh.”

Conjugations of five-step verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 9: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi9

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of ba-line five-step verbs, using tobu “fly” as the example. 飛ぶ(とぶ)

It flies.飛んだIt flew.

飛ばないIt does not fly.飛ばなかったIt did not fly.

ばびぶべぼ ん

飛びますIt flies.飛びましたIt flew.

飛びませんIt does not fly.飛びませんでしたI did not fly.



Hypothetical 飛べば

Stem 飛び

Imperative 飛べ

“Let’s” 飛ぼう

Potential 飛べる Passive 飛ばれる

“Without” 飛ばず(に)

Causative 飛ばせる

te-form 飛んで Neg. te-form 飛ばないで飛ばなくて

飛ばなければ• Some other

frequently used ba-line five-step verbs are asobu “play,” yobu “summon,” hakobu “transport,” and musubu “tie.”

Conjugations of five-step verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 10: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi10

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of ma-line five-step verbs, using nomu “drink” as the example. 飲む(のむ)

I drink X.飲んだI drank X.

飲まないI do not drink X.飲まなかったI did not drink X.

まみむめも ん

飲みますI drink X.飲みましたI drank X.

飲みませんI do not drink X.飲みませんでしたI did not drink X.



Hypothetical 飲めば

Stem 飲み

Imperative 飲め

“Let’s” 飲もう

Potential 飲める Passive 飲まれる

“Without” 飲まず(に)

Causative 飲ませる

te-form 飲んで Neg. te-form 飲まないで飲まなくて

飲まなければ• Some other

frequently used ma-line five-step verbs are yomu “read,” tanomu “request,” tsutsumu “wrap,” and sumu “reside.”

Conjugations of five-step verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 11: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi11

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of the only na-line five-step verb, shinu “die.” 死ぬ(しぬ)

It will die.死んだI died.

死なないIt will not die.死ななかったI did not die.

なにぬねの ん

死にますIt will die.死にましたIt died.

死にませんIt will not die.死にませんでしたIt did not die.



Hypothetical 死ねば

Stem 死に

Imperative 死ね

“Let’s” 死のう

Potential 死ねる Passive 死なれる

“Without” 死なず(に)

Causative 死なせる

te-form 死んで Neg. te-form 死なないで死ななくて


Conjugations of five-step verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 12: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi12

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of ka-line five-step verbs, using kaku “write” as the example. 書く(かく)

I write X.書いたI wrote X.

書かないI do not write X.書かなかったI did not write X.

かきくけこ い

書きますI write X.書きましたI wrote X.

書きませんI do not write X.書きませんでしたI did not write X.



Hypothetical 書けば

Stem 書き

Imperative 書け

“Let’s” 書こう

Potential 書ける Passive 書かれる

“Without” 書かず(に)

Causative 書かせる

te-form 書いて Neg. te-form 書かないで書かなくて


• Some other frequently used ma-line five-step verbs are aku “open,” aruku “walk,” oku “place,” kiku “listen,” saku “bloom,” suku “become empty,” naku “cry,” fuku “wipe,” and yaku “broil.”

Conjugations of five-step verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 13: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi13

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of ga-line five-step verbs, using isogu “be in a hurry” as the example.

急ぐ(いそぐ)I am in a hurry.急いだI was in a hurry.

急がないI am not in a hurry.急がなかったI was not in a hurry.

がぎぐげご い

急ぎますI am in a hurry.急ぎましたI was in a hurry.

急ぎませんI am not in a hurry.急ぎませんでしたI was not in a hurry.



Hypothetical 急げば

Stem 急ぎ

Imperative 急げ

“Let’s” 急ごう

Potential 急げる Passive 急がれる

“Without” 急がず(に)

Causative 急がせる

te-form 急いで Neg. te-form 急がないで急がなくて


• Some other frequently used ga-line five-step verbs are oyogu “swim,” nugu “take off (clothing),” and sawagu “make a noise.”

Conjugations of five-step verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 14: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi14

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of sa-line five-step verbs, using hanasu “talk” as the example. 話す(はなす)

I will talk.話したI talked.

話さないI will not talk.話さなかったI did not talk.


話しますI will talk.話しましたI talked.

話しませんI will not talk.話しませんでしたI did not talk.



Hypothetical 話せば

Stem 話し

Imperative 話せ

“Let’s” 話そう

Potential 話せる Passive 話される

“Without” 話さず(に)

Causative 話させる

te-form 話して Neg. te-form 話さないで話さなくて


• Some other frequently used sa-line five-step verbs are kasu “lend,” kesu “extinguish,” sagasu “look for,” fuyasu “increase,” herasu “decrease,” and hosu “dry.”

Conjugations of five-step verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 15: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi15

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of honorific verbs, using nasaru “do” as the example.

• This verb is essentially a ra-line five-step verb. The polite forms have i instead of expected ri.

なさるShe does X.なさったShe did X.

なさらないShe does not do X.なさらなかったShe did not do X.

なさいますShe does X.なさいましたShe did X.

なさいませんShe does not do X.なさいませんでしたShe did not do X.



Hypothetical なされば

Stem なさり


“Let’s” なさろう

Potential Passive

“Without” なさらず(に)


te-form なさって Neg. te-form なさらないでなさらなくて


• The other verbs which behave the same way are irassharu “exist, go, come,” kudasaru “give (to me),” and ossharu “say.”

Conjugations of honorific verbs

Honorific verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 16: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi16

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of iku “go.”

• This verb is essentially a ka-line five-step verb. The difference is limited to the direct past form and the te-form in which small tsu appears rather than the expected i.

行く(いく)I will go.行ったI went.

行かないI will not go.行かなかったI did not go.


行きますI will go.行きましたI went.

行きませんI will not go.行きませんでしたI did not go.



Hypothetical 行けば

Stem 行き

Imperative 行け

“Let’s” 行こう

Potential 行ける Passive 行かれる

“Without” 行かず(に)

Causative 行かせる

te-form 行って Neg. te-form 行かないで行かなくて


Conjugations of irregular verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 17: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi17

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of suru “do.”

• This verb behaves largely as a one-step verb with some irregularities.

するI will do X.したI did X.

しないI do not do X.しなかったI did not do X.


しますI will do X.しましたI did X.

しませんI did not do X.しませんでしたI did not do X.



Hypothetical すれば

Stem し

Imperative しろ

“Let’s” しよう

Potential できる Passive される

“Without” せず(に)

Causative させる

te-form して Neg. te-form しないでしなくて


• This verb is also used with activity nouns as in benkyô-suru “study,” sôji-suru “sweep, clean,” sentaku-suru “wash,” ryôri-suru “cook,” and ryokô-suru “travel.”

Conjugations of irregular verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 18: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi18

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of kuru “come.”

• This verb is a very irregular one-step verb.

くる(来る)They will come.きたThey came.

こないThey will not come.こなかったThey did not come.


きますThey will come.きましたThey came.

きませんThey will not come.きませんでしたThey did not come.



Hypothetical くれば

Stem き

Imperative こい

“Let’s” こよう

Potential こられる Passive こられる

“Without” こず(に)

Causative こさせる

te-form きて Neg. te-form こないでこなくて


Conjugations of irregular verbs

Neg. hypothetical

Page 19: Conjugation Summary Japanese

© S. Hamano and W. Kikuchi19

• The diagram to the right shows various basic forms of aru “exist, have.”

• It is a defective ra-line five-step verb. The negative forms are based on the adjective nai.

ある .There is X.あったThere was X.

ないThere is not X.なかったThere was not X.

“exist, have”

ありますThere is X.ありましたThere was X.

ありませんThere is not X.ありませんでしたThere was not X.



Hypothetical あれば

Stem あり



Potential Passive

“Without” なし(に)


te-form あって Neg. te-form ないでなくて


Conjugations of irregular verbs

Neg. hypothetical