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Common Mistakes in English Instructor Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진 Lesson1 There are three words that can easily cause confusion for students of English. There are advise, recommend, and suggest. They’re all about telling other people what you think they should do. But I’d like to take the time in this lesson to find some differences. First we’ll look at differences in terms of meaning and use, and then we’ll take the time to look at differences in grammar. So let’s start with advise. Advise, we could say, means to tell someone what you think they should do, or what decision you think they should make. But I would answer that, you’re doing this because you have the expertise, the experience, or some knowledge to know what’s best. So people who advise are usually people who have some authority. For example, a doctor can advise a patient, a banker can advise a client. All right. Now let’s take recommend. It had the same basic definition. Recommend means to tell someone what you think they should do. And I feel that it’s the same as advise, but it doesn’t’ have that air of authority, You don’t have to be somebody with expertise necessari ly. You just believe what you think is best. So friends can recommend in action, teachers can recommend in action.

Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

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Page 1: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

Common Mistakes in English

Instructor :Jennifer

Institution: LearnersTV

Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

Lesson1 There are three words that can easily cause confusion for students of English. There are advise, recommend, and suggest. They’re all about telling other people what you think they should do. But I’d like to take the time in this lesson to find some differences. First we’ll look at differences in terms of meaning and use, and then we’ll take the time to look at differences in grammar. So let’s start with advise. Advise, we could say, means to tell someone what you think they should do, or what decision you think they should make. But I would answer that, you’re doing this because you have the expertise, the experience, or some knowledge to know what’s best. So people who advise are usually people who have some authority. For example, a doctor can advise a patient, a banker can advise a client. All right. Now let’s take recommend. It had the same basic definition. Recommend means to tell someone what you think they should do. And I feel that it’s the same as advise, but it doesn’t’ have that air of authority, You don’t have to be somebody with expertise necessarily. You just believe what you think is best. So friends can recommend in action, teachers can recommend in action.

Page 2: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

I would then argue that uh recommend can be used in more situations more relationships.

[1:36] The final one was suggest. Suggest has still the same basic definition, telling someone what you think they should do, but it’s more about offering an idea. So maybe we can then refine that definition for suggest and say it’s to offer an idea about what to do. Perhaps the person has a better idea but you want to offer the idea for consideration. Okay. All Right. So now let’s pause and see if you understood my explanation. I’m going to show you three sentences, and I want you to which of the three verbs fits each one. We’re only going to use each verb once. 1. We had no plans until Erin () that we have a picnic in the park. Answer. Suggested. Why? Because this is an informal situation. And Erin, to our knowledge is not an authority. Also we had no ideas about what to do until Erin made the suggestion. 2. The lifeguard () swimmers to stay close to the shore. Answer. Advised. And this is because the lifeguard is an authority.

Page 3: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

3. We () that the gym have a later closing time so that people could exercise after work.

[3:09] We don’t like the present schedule. Answer. Recommended. Why? First of all, we’re not the authority in this situation. And this is more than just offering an idea for consideration. We don’t like the schedule that suggest we want to change it because the change is the best thing to do. That’s what we believe is the best thing to do. Okay. So now let’s talk about grammar. What are the differences among these three verbs? Let’s start with advise. You can advise someone to do something. For example, a doctor advises a patient to quit smoking. Or the negative, a doctor advises a patient not to eat fatty foods. You can advise someone on something. For example, a banker advises a client on financial matters. Or a professor advises students on academic matters. You can also advise against something. For example a doctor can advise against smoking. Advise is a verb, and the noun is advice. You can give advice to someone.

Page 4: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

Or we often say, give a piece of advice. And note that advice is an uncount noun, so you don’t use an article. I also want to note that giving advice can be done in a variety of relationships and situations. It doesn’t necessarily have to be coming from somebody with expertise or somebody in authority. Recommend. You can recommend something, a noun, you can recommend doing something, and you can recommend that someone do something. For example I can recommend a change in your sleeping habits. Or I can recommend changing your sleeping habits. I can recommend that you change your sleeping habits. Recommend is the verb, it had a noun form, recommendation, and we say make a recommendation. In terms of grammar suggest is similar to recommend. You can suggest something, suggest doing something, or suggest that you do something. For example, I can suggest a pizza party. I can suggest having a pizza party. Or I can suggest that we have a pizza party. Suggest is the verb.

[5:53] The noun form suggestion, and we can make a suggestion. Okay. So now that we’ve looked at the grammar, let’s pause and do a check and make sure you understand which verbs take which grammatical forms. I’m going to show you sentences, and I’ll give you a choice between two verbs.

Page 5: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

You decide, grammatically which verb must complete the sentence. 1. The lawyer advised/recommended his client not to discuss the case with anyone. Answer. Advised. 2. Jeff suggested/advised that we leave early and allow time for traffic. Answer. Suggested. 3. The teacher recommended, or advised changing a few lines in my essay. Answer. Recommended. 4. My mother loves to advise, or recommend me on fashion. Answer. Advise. 5. Could I please make an advise, or a suggestion? Answer. A suggestion. 6. Laura advised, or suggested going out to eat. Answer. Suggested.

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7. Could I give you a piece of a recommendation, or advice? Answer. Advice. 8. People drive during snowstorms, but meteorologists advise, recommend against it. Answer. Advice. All right. I hope all of this has helped. Good luck on your English studies.

Lesson2 Students can easily confuse the simple present with the present progressive. I’ve seen this quite often with the verb ‘think’. ‘I think’ or ‘I’m thinking’. What’s the difference? One difference is the kind of thinking. If you want to talk about your opinion, use ‘I think’. That’s the simple present. For example, ‘I think this is a funny movie’, ‘I think this is a very good magazine’, ‘I think it’s very difficult to write in Japanese’. When you use ‘think’ to talk about opinion, you can simply say ‘I think’, or ‘I think that’. But if you’re talking about the process of thinking, and think means something close to decide, consider, reflect, then you need to use the present progressive. ‘I am thinking’. For example, I might say, ‘We’re thinking of taking of trip to Canada. We haven’t decided yet.

Page 7: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

But we’re thinking about it. ” So we’re considering the idea of taking a trip. The process of thinking about it. Here’s another example. The calculator. Sshh. I’m thinking. So I’m telling you to be quiet, because I don’t want you to interrupt the process of my thinking. Get it? Example. Roommate one: Why are you sitting here in the dark? Are you trying to sleep? Roommate 2. No. I’m thinking about work. There have been so many changes lately. I’m not sure I like them. Maybe it’s time to find a new job. In this exchange ‘I’m thinking’ means ‘I’m reflecting on all the changes at work. So in those examples, the difference was the kind of thinking.

[2:56] Again, opinion requires ‘I think’, the simple present. The process of thinking requires the present progressive ‘I am thinking’. Another difference is time. If you’re talking about all the time in general, use the simple present ‘I think’. For example let’s say I’m writing to my friend and I write, “Hello Tracy, I just wanted

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to let you know that I think of you often. I’m sorry I haven’t written for a while. I think of you often. So I think about her a lot. Thoughts of her are in my mind all the time, or in general. But, consider this example. My friend is in the hospital. I pick up the phone and I say, “Hi. How are you? I’m thinking of you.” I want to let my friend know that right now, today, thoughts of her are in my mind. Okay. Let’s review those differences. We use the simple present ‘I think’ to express opinion or to talk about our thoughts in the general present. We use the present progressive ‘I am thinking’ to describe how we consider or reflect on something or to talk about our thoughts at the time of speaking, meaning right now. Here’s the final note on grammar. Do you say ‘I think that?’ ‘I think of?’ or’ I think about?’ Let’s talk about those differences. Use ‘that’ to introduce a clause, which is a whole idea with both subject and verb. Example. I think that it’s difficult to write in Japanese. The clause at this statement is ‘it’s difficult to write in Japanese’. Use ‘of’ or ‘about’ to introduce a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. Examples. Do you often think about Henry? Are you thinking of him right now? Kathy still thinks of her old boyfriend Henry.

Page 9: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

How do you know when to choose ‘about’ or ‘of’? You can ‘think about’ or ‘think of’ something. And there’s usually no difference. For example. What do you think about the new boss? What do you think of the new boss? Both questions mean, tell me your opinion of the new boss.

[6:01] But, consider these examples. Can you think of someone who can help? I need to think about all the possibilities before I make a decision. In these two examples, you must use the given preposition. Be careful. Infinitives and imperatives will not use the progressive. For example we say, ‘Think about it’, ‘Please let me think’, ‘I want to think about it’, ‘I need you to think of a solution’. Let’s try an exercise. In this exercise read each dialogue. Then choose the correct verb to complete the statement. For example, read this dialogue to yourself. And then I’ll tell you the answer. Wendy. Have you seen all the James Bond films? Jake. I have, and I think that Sean Connery made the best James Bond. 1. Co-worker1: How are the kids? Co-worker2: Good, thanks. You know I often think that parenting is harder than any office job.

Page 10: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

2. Salesperson: Have you decided? Customer: I’m not sure. Salesperson: I think the coat looks great on you. And it’s on sale today. 3. Roommate1: Let’s turn on the TV. Roommate2: Shhh not now. I’m thinking. I need quit to finish this math problem. 4. Student 1: How did you like class today? Student 2: Our teacher explained things well, but I think that German grammar is difficult in general . 5. Husband: Why are you crying? Wife: I know it’s silly, but I’m thinking of getting old, and I feel sad that all good things have to end. Husband: Don’t think of such sad things!

[9:02] 6. Magician: Think of a number between one and one hundred. Child: Okay. Magician: Are you thinking of forty-three? Child: No, seventy-one. I guess you can’t really do magic. 7. Son: Dad, what are you thinking? You have the funniest expression on your face right now. Father: Do I? I just realized that I look and sound exactly like my own father when he was my age.

Page 11: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

8. Businessman 1: Do you want to make a deal? Businessman 2: Let me think about it. 9. Eve: Do you really want to break up with me? Brian: I care for you, Eve, but I need time to think. 10. David: Is your family really going to move to California? Claire: Maybe. My parents are thinking about it because my father got a very good job offer in Los Angeles. Okay. Thanks for watching. Happy studies.

Lesson 3a Sometimes students make mistakes with usage, not form. That means they’re saying everything correctly, but the structures aren’t right for the situation. They’re not appropriate. In this lesson, we’re going to talk about making requests. And we’re going to make sure you choose the right requests for the given situation . Topic: Requests Objective: To make appropriate requests. Appropriate is an adjective. It means well-chosen for a specific situation, or suitable for a certain purpose. What is a request? When we make a request, we are asking others to perform an action. This is different from telling them. We can tell people to do something by using commands, instructions, and directions.

Page 12: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

These are different from requests. So isn’t it better to be polite and always ask people to do something rather than tell them what to do? And aren’t all requests polite? No. How you ask them and how you tell them can be polite or rude. You need to understand when commands, instructions, and directions are appropriate and when it’s better to make a request. I’d like to demonstrate my point and show you that it’s not always what you say, but how you say it that can be rude or polite. Let’s start with the command. I’m going to say it two different ways. Listen to the difference. Go home. Go home. The first way could be said to a person who came to a party of mine uninvited. Now they’re behaving badly and I want this person out of my house. I say, “Go home”. The second way could be said to a co-worker who’s at the office very late, working long hours and I’m worried about this person’s health. I think they should go home and rest. So I say, “Go home”. Hear the difference? Okay. Now let’s take the request. We will use the question. Will you please open the door? Listen to the two different ways. First way.

Page 13: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

Will you please open the door? Second way. Will you please open the door? The first way could be said to, let’s say a family member. Your brother, your sister is standing near the door, they see with lots of bags, and they’re just looking at you.

[2:54] Maybe they’re being funny, maybe they’re being lazy. Either way it annoys you. So you say, “Will you please open the door?” The second way you could say to a stranger. You still have the heavy bags and you can’t open the door easily. You need some help. You want to ask the stranger to assist you. You say, “Will you please open the door?” Get the difference? Telling people to form an action Most often we use the imperative to give commands, instructions, and directions. Let’s recall what the imperative is. To form it, use the base verb. For example, go, stop, help me. Use “do not” plus base verb to make a negative imperative. For example, do not drive fast. Don’t lie. The imperative is appropriate for these purposes. Giving commands. For example in the army, you might hear “Stand up straight! March! Give me fifty push-ups. Giving instructions.

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For example step to the right, bring your feet together, step toward like this, now turn to the left, don’t watch your feet. Giving directions. For example, go straight for two miles, turn at the traffic light, make a left onto Elm Street, don’t park on the street. It you want to ask people to perform an action, you can soften the imperative with please. For example, please listen. Sing a song, please. Please don’t leave. This turns commands into requests. Let’s pause for an exercise. Comprehension Check one. Choose the correct answer. Example. Which is a command? Please leave. Stop! Put in 1 cup of sugar. Answer. B. Stop! 1. Which is a direction? Don’t do that. Please calm down. Turn right on Beacon Street. Answer. C.

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2. Which is a request? a. Please speak more slowly. b. Come here right now! c. Keep you back straight when you dance. Answer. A

[6:00] 3. Which is an instruction? a. Don’t follow me. b. Insert the CD here. c. Please explain this to me. Answer. B That’s the end of part one. Be sure to check out parts two and three.

Lesson 3b

Let’s talk more about how we ask people to perform an action. In additions to using imperatives, we can use questions. Some common questions for making requests are can you or could you and will you or would you. Note that ‘could you~’ and ‘would you~’ are more polite. So from less polite to more polite, here are some examples. Can you show me? or Will you show me? Can you show me please? or Will you show me please? Could you show me? or Would you show me? Could you show me please? Would you show me please?

Page 16: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

So you see again that could and would are more polite and ‘please’ always makes any questions more polite. Additional Requests Do you mind cooking dinner tonight? Would you mind mailing a letter for me? Would it be too much trouble to pick me up from work? Take a note of the grammar. Do you mind/would you mind’ takes a verb with the –ing. The last expression, ‘would it be too much trouble~’ combines with the infinitive. Asking People NOT to DO Something. Sometimes it's best to use the imperative, especially if it's a matter of safety. This is called warning. You are telling someone not to do something dangerous. For example: Slow down. Don't fall. But in other situations, it's more appropriate to ask a person not to do something. For example: Would you please stop doing that? When you ask someone not to do something, you can imply your wishes instead of stating them directly. This is considered more tactful. Tactful means you're behaving in a way that doesn't upset others. So here's some examples of Implied requests not to do something. I really wish you would stop calling me 'little girl. In other words you saying: Don't call me 'little girl. I wish you wouldn't be so negative. In other word:, Don't be so negative.

Page 17: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

It might help if you did a little more around the house. In other words: I want you to help more around the house. You know, it wouldn't hurt to call more often. In other words: I want you to call more often. Sometimes the speaker uses "we" in a statement, but the meaning is really "you" this is done to make a request less like a command and more like a suggestion or reminder. For example, a parent might say: "Let's not call each other names."

[3:16] Let's stop and try another exercise. Comprehension Check 2 Read each statement and identify the situation. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. Example: "please get back to work. Don't waste your time or mine.“ What's the situation? An employee speaking to a boss a boss speaking to an employee or, one employee speaking to another. Answer: B This request is too direct for an employee to use with a boss. And for one employee to use this request with another is unnatural. One employee with another would more likely to use suggestions. Such as: Let's get back to work. 1. “I wish you'd stop doing that.” What's the situation?

Page 18: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

A police officer speaking to a dangerous driver. A student speaking to a teacher who often forgets the student's name. A person speaking to a friend who often criticizes himself. Answer: C A police officer speaking to a driver would not use an implied request. They would need to speak more directly and use a warning. "Stop driving dangerously, Stop doing that." And the in the case of the student, it will be best not even to make a request but to simply give a reminder. The student can simply tell the teacher what his name is. 2. "Let's wash our hands. We wash our hands before eating." What's the situation? A parent speaking to a child. A doctor speaking to a patient A hostess speaking to a dinner guest Answer A A doctor would not speak this way to a patient. Doctors give directions and instructions and warnings. A hostess would also not speak in this manner. a hostess would most likely make an offer. Such as: "Would you care to wash up before dinner?"

[6:06] 3. “Would it be too much trouble to move the bed near the window?”

Page 19: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

What's the situation? A young child speaking to her parent. A guest speaking to the hotel staff. A homeowner speaking to hired furniture movers. Answer: B A child would not use such requests. It’s a little too formal or too long. The child would simply ask “Can we move the bed near the window?” C is also possible, but in this situation there are likely many pieces of furniture. And to take the time to be polite making request for every single piece of furniture is just too much. 4. “Will you call me? But don’t call after 9, okay?” What’s the situation? A girlfriend speaking to her boyfriend. A job seeker speaking to a job interviewer. A patient speaking to a receptionist at the doctor’s office. Answer: A A job seeker needs to remain formal and polite. The job seeker could ask “Might I expect your call? May I expect your call? Will you be calling me?” The job seeker should also not be too demanding. So would be best to say something such as: “Please call me at your convenience.”

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A patient should also be polite when speaking to a receptionist. The patient could ask “Will you please return my call?” To state specific time the patient could say “Please call me any time before nine o’clock.” That’s the end of part two. Be sure to check out part three.

Lesson 3c - Requests Common mistakes in English Lesson Three Special Requests Asking for the time of day The most common question is: “What time is it?” You can make it more polite by saying ‘please’. “What time is it, please?” We can also ask “Could you tell me what time it is?” “Could you please tell me what time it is?” “Do you have the time?” And before asking any of the above questions, it’s best to say “Excuse me.” Such as, “Excuse me, do you have the time?” Asking someone to dance Now some of these questions are more like an invitation rather than request. But I find all the differences interesting. So let’s take a look. The first one is very casual. You can ask “How about a dance?” The next two are more common. “Do you want to dance?”

Page 21: Common Mistakes in English - KOCW · 2013. 3. 18. · Common Mistakes in English Instructor :Jennifer Institution: LearnersTV Dictated by : 이얼, 김유정, 이한빛, 이유진

“Would you like to dance?” And with the “Do you want to dance?” More naturally it sounds like “Do you wanna dance?” A little more polite would be “Would you care to dance?” And the very polite request would be “May I have this dance, please?” That’s a very formal request. Since the focus right now is on special request, let’s take a moment and talk about the kind of request me make at a restaurant: ordering food. In my personal opinion, I don’t think it’s very polite to use the imperative. Even at a fast food restaurant like McDonalds, I wouldn’t say “Give me.” “Give me a hamburger.” “Give me a coke.” I think it’s better to say “Could I have…? Or “I’ll have…” For example, “Could I have a cheese burger, small fries, and a coke?” Or “I’ll have a fish sandwich, large fries, and vanilla shake, please.” Okay? Now, it it’s a nicer restaurant, you can still use “Could I have…?” “I’ll have…” You could also say, “I’d like…” “I’d like grilled tuna, please.” You might also say, “I’ll try…” “I’ll try the grilled tuna, please.” So at any kind of restaurant I don’t think it’s appropriate to say “Give me…”

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Better to say, “Could I have…?” “I’ll have…” “I’ll try…” Or “I’d like…” Okay? Asking for Permission When you request someone’s permission to do something, you are asking them to let you perform an action. We can use “Let me…” and of course always add ‘please’. Examples: Let me cook dinner for you Let me drive home. Please let me explain. Let me finish, please. We can also ask, “Can I…?” Or “Could I…?” And of course make them more polite by adding ‘please’.

[3:00] For example, “Can I go now?” “Could I take this home?” We could also ask, “Do you mind…?” Or “Would you mind if I…?” Another variation is “Would you mind terribly if I …?” And to these questions, the appropriate answers are: “No, that’s fine.” “No, that would be fine.”

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“No, not at all.” “Please do.” By giving these answers you are saying “No I don’t mind. It’s not going to be a problem. Please go ahead and do what you want.” Example: Daughter: Would you mind terribly if I didn’t spend New Year’s Eve at home this year? I’d like to go out with my friends. Mother: “I suppose that would be fine.” Another way to ask permission is “Would it be all right if I…?” For example: “Would it be all right if I borrowed your red sweater?” The question “May I…” is very polite way to ask for permission. Examples: May I be excused? May I please have some more? May I take this please? Written Requests Informal requests are often made in notes: Call John Meet me at the gym. Please make 10 copies of this. Formal requests are often used in business writing: I request that you take the time to review my case. We request all employees to give at least one month’s notice before taking vacation time.

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Note the grammar here. With ‘request that’ we say request that plus you plus the base verb. I request that you take the time. I request that he take the time. I request that they take the time. Request that + a person + the base verb. In the second structure, it’s request + who + infinitive. We request all employees to do what. Request, who, to do what. Let’s talk about general politeness in writing. Sometimes you need a level of formality that’s neither too much nor too little. For example, when you write to me you don’t have to be overly polite, but please don’t order me to do anything. For example, you could write, Jennifer, would you please teach a lesson on present perfect? Jennifer, I’d like to ask you to help me with the pronunciation of “L”. Jennifer, I’d appreciate it if you covered adjective clauses in a future lesson.

[6:05] I think you’re ready now for final exercise. Here’s the final exercise. Listen to the question and choose the appropriate statement. Example. What would a father say to a son? B) Don’t forget to turn off the light. 1. What would a girlfriend say to her boyfriend? B) Call me later, okay?

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2. What would a mother say to a small child? A) Clean up the toys, please. 3. What would you say to your roommate? A) Could you help me open this please? 4. What would a student say to a teacher? B) May I leave class a little early today? 5. What would a husband say to a wife? A) Can you help me take the trash out? 6. What would a brother say to a sister? A) Do you mind if I turn it up? 7. What would a teacher say to her students? B) Please open your books to page 10. 8. What would you say to your neighbor? B) Do you know what time it is? 9. What would you say to your friend. B) Please play a song for me. That’s all for a lesson on requests. Thanks for watching. And if you haven’t done so already please consider subscribing to my channel.

Lesson4a – Wish & Hope

This is our local mall. As you can see it’s Christmas time. The mall is full of decorations and shoppers. People come to the mall with the hope of finding presents for their loved ones. Parents bring their children, so that they can visit Santa Claus.

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The line can be long because one by one the children sit with the Santa, talk to him, and share their Christmas wishes. What do you wish for this Christmas? What are your hopes for the New Year? In this lesson we’re talk about the differences between WISH and HOPE. Differences in Meaning Both HOPE and WISH refer to a person’s desire, in other words, what someone wants. We use hope to talk about what is real, likely, or possible. We use WISH to talk about what is unreal, unlikely, or impossible. More about “HOPE” You can HOPE that something is true: Example1 “I hope there are still some Christmas cookies left. I’m hungry!” Example 2 “I hope Mom is baking some more Christmas cookies right now.” You can HOPE that something happens: For Example: “I hope it’ll snow on Christmas Day.” Also correct: “I hope it snows on Christmas Day.” You can HOPE that someone does something For example: “I hope my grandparents will visit over the holidays.” Also correct: I hope my grandparents visit over the holidays. When we talk about our desires or expectations for the future, we can also use: HOPE + the infinitive: for example, “Jeff didn’t buy a plane ticket. He hopes to find a ride home with someone.”

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We can also say, HOPE + for (something): example, “The ski resorts hope for an early snowfall”

[2:45] Exercise 1 Look at the picture and complete the statement with the correct verb. Example: Read the statement to yourself, and then I’ll tell you the answer. Answer: With my father’s lucky pole, I hope to catch a fish. 1. What is the father thinking? Answer: I hope she learns to love the game like I do. Or, I hope she will learn to love the game like I do. 2. What is the daughter thinking? Answer: Head down…eye on the ball…left arm straight… I hope I am doing this right. 3. Answer: I hope I grow up to be a ballerina. Or, I hope I will grow up to be a ballerina. 4. Answer: I hope you like my playing. 5. Answer: I hope to find a new hope for my childhood friend.

Lesson4b – Wish & Hope

More about wish You can wish something were or weren’t true, meaning you want the present to be different or untrue. Let’s study these examples. First one. I wish we had a Christmas tree. This use of simple past means in truth, we don’t have a Christmas tree.

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Next, I wish we were flying first class. This use of past progressive means in truth, we are not flying first class. Next, I wish I were with you right now. This use of past tense of BE means in truth, I’m not with you right now. Note, because we’re dealing with an unreal situation, we use were for all persons. I wish I were, I wish you were, I wish he were, I wish she were, and so on. This usage is similar to what we’ve seen in unreal conditionals, if you’ve seen my other lessons. Okay, let’s look at the last example. I wish I could sing you Christmas carol, but I don’t remember any. Here, the use of could plus the base verb means in truth, I cannot sing you a Christmas carol. You can wish something would happen. Meaning, you want the future to be different from what you expect or know it to be. Let’s study these examples. First, I wish we could spend Christmas at Grandma’s. This use of could plus the base verb means in truth, we cannot spend Christmas at Grandma’s for some reason. That’s not our plan. Next, I wish Charlie would tell me what he got me for Christmas. This use of would plus the base verb means in truth, Charlie won’t tell me what he got me for Christmas. And in our last example, I wish you weren’t going to work on Christmas Eve. Here, the use of weren’t going to do something means that in truth, you are going to do this. You are going to work on Christmas Eve. You can wish something had or hadn’t happened.

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Meaning, you want the past to be different or untrue. Let’s look at these two examples. I wish I had gone to the McSteen’s New Year’s party last year. I heard it was a lot of fun. Here the use of past perfect means in truth, I didn’t go to the McSteen’s party. And the second example, I wish you could have seen us trying to get the Christmas tree in the elevator! The use of could have plus the past participle, seen, means that in truth, you were not able to see us. You can wish for something you want to have. For example. The little boy closed his eyes, wished for a new bike, and then blew out the candles on his birthday cake. You can also wish for someone to do something. Example, The director wishes to organize a committee to plan this year’s office party. But note. This use is very formal. Exercise 2 Look at the picture and complete the statement with the correct verb. Example, I’ll tell you the truth and then you make a statement using wish. It’s not possible for me to spend more time here. Answer, I wish I could spend more time here, but I can’t. 1. I’m not a superhero. Answer, I wish I were a superhero.

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2. I’m not allowed to have pets. Answer, I wish I had a cat of my own. 4. You didn’t see me dance. Answer, I wish you could’ve seen me dance in high school. 5. This picture is about 10 years old. I do not look this young anymore! Answer, I wish I still looked this young.

Lesson 4c Exercise 3 Find the error in each statement and correct it. For example I’m in Italy, and I don’t understand a word they’re saying. I wish I speak Italian. Where’s the mistake? Here, with ‘speak’. The correct sentence is, I wish I spoke Italian. 1. I wish I saw your face when you opened the gift. Where’s the mistake? Here, with ‘saw’. What’s the correct sentence? I wish I had seen your face when you opened the gift. 2. I heard that you’re leaving the company next month. I wish you well, and I hope you would be happy in your new job. Where’s the mistake? In the last part with ‘would’. The correct (1:18) is I hope you’ll be happy in your new job. 3.

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I hope I could finish on time. I’m working as fast as I can, so the meal should be ready before the guests arrive. Where’s the mistake? In the first sentence. The correct sentence is I hope I can finish on time. 4. Karen plans to work all night without sleeping. She hopes to have written a 10-page paper for her history course by tomorrow morning.

[2:00] Where’s the mistake? At the second sentence with the infinitive. The correct sentence should read, she hopes to write a 10-page paper. 5. The queen wishes that she meet the famous poet. The poet is honored to accept her invitation. Where’s the mistake? In the first sentence. The correct sentence should read, The queen wishes to meet the famous poet. This is a formal request. 6. I wish I was on a sunny beach right now. I’m tired of the cold winter weather. Where’s the mistake? Here, in the first sentence. The correct sentence is, I wish I were on a sunny beach right now.

Lesson 4d Expressions with HOPE and WISH. I hope so/ I should hope so.

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These expressions mean I hope that’s true, or I hope that will happen. For example, let’s say you’re in a department store and the salesperson says, “Your girlfriend will love this perfume.” You reply,” I hope so.I’m not good at choosing gifts.” I hope not/ I should hope not. These expressions mean I hope that’s not true, or I hope that won’t happen. Example, one parent says to another, “Hide the presents in the attic. The children won’t find them there.” The other replies, “I should hope not.” Don’t get your hopes up. This is said when you are in doubt about something happening in the future. It’s often used when someone is pessimistic or unconfident. For example, a brother or sister says, “Do you think Dad will buy me a new car for Christmas?” The other replies, “Ha! Don’t get your hopes up.” Make a wish. This is said when you want to tell someone to think about what they want (for example while blowing out candles on a birthday cake or before throwing a lucky penny into a fountain.) Here in the picture, you see someone holding a wishbone. Now some people believe that if you hold a wishbone with another person and the two of you pull it apart, the person who has the bigger part is the one who’ll be lucky. Your wish is my command. The is said (often jokingly) to give your agreement to a request. For example one says, “Could you give me a back massage, dear?” The other replies, “Your wish is my command.” Special Occasions. You can hope that you do something. For example, I hope you have a good time, I hope you have a good trip back, We

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hope you enjoy your new home.

[2:52] And you can wish someone something. For example, We wish you a merry Christmas. My friends wished me a happy birthday. My parents wished me good luck before my performance. You’ll also see these expressions. The common in writing, Best wishes for the New Year. Or we often end a letter or message with, Best wishes. Sometimes we drop the word ‘wishes’ and simply use Best. You wish/ I wish. These expressions are said when the speaker believes something is untrue, unlikely, or impossible, but wants the situation to be just the opposite. Example, one friend says, “Wouldn’t you love to be a millionaire?” and you reply ,”I wish!” Exercise 4. Read the statement and choose the appropriate expression. Example. Your friend didn’t study for today’s test. She says, “Maybe the teacher will let me take the test another day.” You know this won’t happen and say, a. “I hope so” or b.“Don’t get your hopes up!” Answer. B. And note this expression isn’t very polite especially if you use a certain tone.

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I can say simply,”Don’t get your hopes up!” and that’s not terribly impolite. But if I say,”Don’t get your hopes up!” doesn’t come across as very polite. Your friend is ready to blow out the candles on her birthday cake. You say “You wish!” “Make a wish.” Answer. B “Make a wish.” Your father says, “It may rain tomorrow.” You and your friends have been planning a hike and a picnic, so you respond: “I hope so.” “I hope not.” Answer: B “I hope not” You roommate is going on a job interview. You say: “(I wish you) good luck.” “Best wishes.” Answer: A. “I wish you good luck” Or you can simply say,”Good luck.”

[6:01] Your mother asks, “Would you please take out the trash this morning?” you’re happy to help, so you smile and say: “Don’t get your hopes up.” “Your wish is my command.” Answer B “Your wish is my command.”

Lesson 5a Here are some films I find interesting. Do you think we’re interested in the same kinds of films? In this lesson we’re going to

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talk about adjectives that end in –ing and –ed, like interesting and interested. Students sometimes find it difficult to choose between adjectives that end in “-ing” and “-ed”. But if you understand the difference between active and passive, you can easily choose the correct adjective. If you need an adjective to express an active meaning, then we choose “-ing”. If you need an adjective that expresses a passive meaning, then you choose an “-ed” ending. Let’s consider some other examples. Here’s a movie called ‘The Illusionist’. I found the end of this film surprising. Why did I say surprising? Because there’s an active meaning here, the film did something to me. It surprised me. So the end of the film was surprising. Here’s another film ‘Pulp Fiction’. I think some of you’ve probably seen this film. Some parts of this film were shocking. Why did I choose shocking? Because it did something to me. The film had effect on me. And here’s another film ‘Speed’. This film was very exciting. Now let’s consider examples of adjectives with the “-ed” ending. This is ‘Lord of the Rings’. The story is told in three parts. And each part is very long. The story is very good but truthfully, by the end of each part I feel very tired.

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Why do I choose tired, an adjective with “-ed” ending? Tired expresses a passive meaning. I’m empathizing the effect of the movie had on me. How did I feel? I felt tired. So something happened to me. Similarly, how did I feel when I watched ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’? I felt a little disappointed. This story also has three parts. Now I found the first movie ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ very interesting. But when I watched the second part, I was disappointed. Disappointed. Again, it’s a passive meaning and I’m empathizing the effect that the movie had on me. Participles are verb forms.

[3:00] In English there are present participles and past participles. Present participles end in “-ing” as in boring, exciting, surprising, disappointing, etc. Past participles end in “-ed” unless they are formed from irregular verbs. Examples, bored, excited, written, forgotten, etc. Participles can have different functions. They are formed from verbs, but they are not always part of the verb in a sentence. Consider these two examples. Many people were crying by the end of the film. Here, crying is a present participle and it’s part of the verb. Were crying is a verb in past progressive. Second example.

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The parents took the crying child out of the theater. Here, the same present participle is now an adjective. It’s modifying a noun. Crying describes the noun. Now consider these two examples. The film had excited a lot of interest. Excited here is part of the verb. Had excited is part of a verb in the past perfect. Second example. Excited moviegoers stood in line to buy tickets. The same past participle is now an adjective. It’s modifying a noun. Excited describes moviegoers. Now these adjectives are called by different names: participial adjectives or verbal adjectives are two common terms. When participles are used as adjectives, they express an active or passive meaning. Let’s talk about present participles. An adjective ending in “-ing” expresses an active meaning. It describes someone or something that does an action. Examples. The film is interesting. Johnny Depp is one of the most exciting actors. Some horror films are truly terrifying.

[6:04] The adjectives in these three examples have an active meaning. Someone or something is performing an action.

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In the first example, the film interests people. The film is exciting. In the second example, Johnny Depp excites people. So we call him an exciting actor. In the third example, horror films terrify people. So we can say they are terrifying. So adjectives that end in “-ing” commonly describe a person or thing that have an effect on others. This person or thing creates emotions and feelings in others. But that’s not always the case. Consider these next two examples. The aging actor still had many fans. The increasing sales pleased the producers of the film. Here we still have adjectives that have an active meaning because someone or something is performing an action. But we’re not talking about the effect on others. We’re not talking about creating feelings or emotions in others. The person or thing is performing an action but it’s more about an ongoing action, meaning the action continues over a period of time. The actor is getting older, so we can call him an aging actor. The sales are getting bigger, so we can describe the sales as increasing sales. Now let’s talk about past participles. An adjective ending in “-ed” expresses a passive meaning. It can describe someone or something that receives an action. It often describes a feeling or condition. Examples.

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I lost my friend in the crowded movie theater. Here, the adjective crowded is describing movie theater. It’s describing the condition of the theater and it has that passive meaning. The movie theater is not doing anything, it’s not performing an action. In fact people are coming into it so you could say it’s receiving action. Something is being done to the theater. And in the second example, subtitles are a written translation of the dialogue. Translation is being described. And translation is not performing any action. Something happened to the translation. Somebody wrote it. Somebody () it. So we can describe it as a written translation. And as I said, adjectives that end in “-ed” commonly describe someone’s feelings. So look at these three examples. I’m very interested in actors’ biographies. The actress seemed bored with life in Hollywood. The director felt satisfied with his work. Here’s a note on word order. Participial adjectives can be used like other adjectives. For example we can use them before a noun, as in the aging actor. We can also use them after a linking verb. For example, The actress seemed bored. Participial adjectives can be used with adverbs of degree or comparison.

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Example, I’m very interested in actors’ biographies. Very is an adjective of degree. Next example, Johnny Depp is one of the most exciting actors.

[9:23] So we can say more exciting, most exciting. When I say adverb of comparison, I mean comparative and superlative forms. Participial adjectives can also be followed by prepositional phrases. For example, The actress seemed bored with life in Hollywood.

Lesson 5b.

-ING, –ED So Let’s see how well you understand and we’ll try an exercise. Exercise. Read the text about an American film. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct adjective. Note. In some cases, the choice of adjectives includes a form that does not exist. It is up to you decide what is needed: an adjective with an active or passive meaning. Mr. Holland’s Opus Let’s use one as an example. Read the text yourself. Choose the adjective. In a moment, I’ll tell you the answer. Mr. Holland’s Opus is a wonderful film about the career of a high school music teacher.

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Richard Dreyfuss plays the role of Mr. Holland, a struggling composer who needs some money. We chose struggling because we are describing composer. Composer is doing something performing an action. This is active. So we need ING. A struggling composer. 2. He takes a teaching job and soon discovers how rewarding the work is. 3. His inspiring lessons make a difference in the lives of the children he teaches. 4. Mr. Holland never becomes a famous composer, but his career as a teacher is itself an amazing work of art.

[2:15] 5. Dreyfuss skillfully shows the growth of a frustrated man who finds the strength and honesty to survive life’s unexpected turns. 6. One of the most challenging things Mr. Holland must do is learn to accept his son’s deafness. He finds a way to use his experience as a teacher to become a better parent. 7. After some thirty years of teaching music, Mr. Holland is fulfilled not only with what he has done as a teacher, but also with all that he has learned as a father. 8. The film cleverly combines personal drama with a lot of American history and pop culture. The combination is highly entertaining, and there can be no disappointed viewers. That’s all for now. Thanks for watching and Happy Studies.

Lesson 6a.

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Prepositions. At lunch today, my son said: Mama, I want a muffin. Without thinking, I told him: We don't have any muffins. Maybe I’ll make some later and you can have one for dinner. After a second, I realized I had made a mistake and I had to correct myself. I didn’t want to tell him that he could have a muffin For dinner. I wanted to tell him that he could have a muffin After dinner. Do you understand the difference? What was Jennifer’s mistake? I said: You can have a muffin for dinner. This means You will only eat a muffin. There won’t be any other food. I meant to say or I want to say: You can have a muffin after dinner. In other words, Eat your dinner first. Then you can eat a muffin. Let’s think together. How are these statements different? You can eat a muffin at dinner. You can eat a muffin before dinner. You can eat a muffin after dinner. You can eat a muffin for dinner. You can eat a muffin with your dinner. Let’s look at that first statement. You can eat a muffin at dinner. This means you can eat a muffin at dinnertime.

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When it’s time for dinner, you can have the muffin. You cannot eat it earlier. So at plus meal is emphasis in the time of day. We can break our day into three times, three periods: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. At dinner is telling you to wait until the last period of the day, the last meal of the day. Now let’s consider the other prepostitions and their meanings. “You can have a muffin before dinner” means first you get a muffin, you eat it and now you can have your dinner. “You can have a muffin after dinner” means first eat this and then You can have a muffin. You can have a muffin with your dinner. It means you can have it all together. You can have a muffin for dinner. That means that’s all you get for dinner. This is your dinner. Note: It’s always important understand the whole situation. Why? Because sometimes a preposition can have more than one meaning in order to understand the meaning you need to understand the whole situation.

[2:55] Also, if it’s possible to use more than one preposition, you need to know the whole situation in order to choose the best one. Here’s an example of proposition with multiple meanings. Situation A I want a muffin for breakfast. That’s all? You have to eat more. How about a banana and some juice to go with that muffin?

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Here for breakfast means as my breakfast. I want to be my breakfast. Situation B Did you bake muffins? Can I have one now? No. They’re for breakfast tomorrow morning. You had a good dinner. It’s time to go to bed now. In this situation for breakfast means the muffin is being saved for breakfast. It’s meant for breakfast tomorrow morning not for now. So we’re talking about what it’s meant for, what it’s intended for. Now let’s look at an example of having more than one correct preposition. Complete a sentence. We eat bread with dinner. We eat bread with our dinner. We eat bread at dinner. Both sentences are correct. And when these sentences stand alone they mean basically the same thing. Now let’s go beyond the sentence level and understand the whole situation. Situation A We eat bread with our dinner almost every day. It tastes good with soup, and it helps us clean our plate if there’s a delicious sauce. In this situation with is better choice because we are talking about things that we eat together.

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Bread goes nicely with soup and goes nicely with sauce. Situation B We eat bread at lunch and dinner, but not at breakfast. In the morning we only have time to drink juice or coffee. Here at the better choice is at. Because we are focusing on the mealtime. The period of the day during which eat bread. Now let’s try an exercise. Choose the preposition that best completes the statement. Example. Read entire situation to yourself and then I’ll tell you the answer. Answer. What are we having for dinner mom? Roast beef, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob. Yum! 1. Read the statement to yourself first. Answer. After the fried chicken and biscuits, Grandma served blueberry pie. I was so full by then, but the pie smelled so good. I couldn’t say no. 2. Answer. I don’t like to eat much in the morning, so I usually have yogurt for breakfast.

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[6:07] 3. Answer. Steve usually continues to work at lunch. He sits at his computer and eats something quickly. 4. Answer. I like to drink cold juice with a hot breakfast. The sweet juice tastes extra nice when you’re eating salty foods like eggs and bacon. 5. Answer. I try not to snack before dinner because I don’t want to spoil my appetite. Is the highlighted preposition being used correctly? If not, replace it. Examples. Nancy always has the same thing for lunch: a sandwich, juice, and an apple. Is it correct? Yes. Nancy always leaves the apple for last. She eats it before her sandwich. Is the preposition being used correctly? No. We need to say she eats it after her sandwich. 1. The waiter asked the couple if they wanted some wine with their meal.

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Is this correct? Yes. 2. My father likes fresh orange juice at breakfast. It’s the only time of the day he takes the time to squeeze several oranges to get his favorite drink. Is this correct? Yes it is. 3. Most American restaurants serve fries for a hamburger. They go so well together. Is this correct? No, we need to say that the restaurants serve fries with a hamburger. 4. Cookies are a snack food. You shouldn’t eat them with breakfast. Is this correct? Well it’s not incorrect. You can say this but I want to argue that depending on situation it’s more natural to say either you shouldn’t eat them for breakfast or you shouldn’t eat them at breakfast. 5. On Thanksgiving Day, Americans roast a turkey for their family dinner. Is this correct? Yes.

Lesson 6b.

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Prepositions. Your turn! Use the following questions for discussion with a study partner, or write your answers for further practice. 1. What do you like to eat for breakfast? For lunch? How about for dinner? 2. Which do you prefer: coffee or tea? Do you drink it before, after, or with a meal? 3. The following foods are considered side dishes. What do you usually eat them with? Rice, Potatoes, Bread 4. In your country, do most families sit down together at breakfast? What about at lunchtime or at dinnertime? 5. Brunch is a late morning meal. People eat both breakfast foods and lunch foods. Do you see how we formed this word? Breakfast plus Lunch. Equals brunch. What would you serve me as a guest for brunch? Do you understand if I say over dinner.

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[1:34] If I tell you we’re going talk over dinner. It means I want you to sit down with me and we’re going to talk while we eat. Let’s talk over dinner. To talk over a meal means to do so during the meal. In other words, you eat and talk at the same time. Any verb related to talking can be used. Examples. The tourists made plans for the day over breakfast. The bankers discussed business over lunch. The family shared stories over dinner. So you might ask Is to talk during a meal the same thing as to talk over a meal? Well, both during and over can mean from beginning to end. But during can also mean at some point within a period. So if we talk to during a meal, it could mean that we simply spoke at one point between the start and the end of a meal. Over suggests that eating was less important than talking. So the two activities ran parallel. But one was more important than the other. At least that’s my understanding. Let’s look at our three examples again. I would argue that an each situation eating the meal was not as important as the other activity. The main activities were word making plans, discussing business and sharing stories.

[3:07] Again I would argue that eating was secondary.

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Thanks for watching and Happy studies!


WHETHER. Lesson 7 Topic: Whether Part 1. Watch and listen. Right now I’m going to give you a look into my bedroom closet. As you can see, it’s a double closet. I have one side, and my husband has the other. But I have more clothes than he does, So whether he like it or not, I use his side of the closet, too. But actually, the only thing my husband complains about is that I have some things that are very old and out of fashion. It’s true I have sweatshirts that are at least 10 years old. But if you take care of things, they can last a long time, right? One problem I have is deciding what to wear for special event. For example, it’s hard to decide whether to wear dress pants like this or a skirt. And when you don’t know if it will be warm or cool, you ask yourself, Should I take a sweater? Will the sweater go with my skirt? Okay. So maybe these are doubts that only women experience. But don't men face fashion dilemmas sometimes? I think they do. Don’t you guys sometimes need a minute to decide whether you should put on a tie

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for a special event? And then if you choose to wear a tie, I think you need another minute or two to choose the color. I think we all want to dress nicely whether it’s to impress others or simply feel good about the way we look. How well did you understand? Let’s check and see. Check 1. Jennifer said I have more clothes than my husband does, so whether he likes it or not, I use his side of the closet, too. Question. If Jennifer’s husband doesn’t like this situation, Will Jennifer agree not to use his side of the closet? No. Whether or not means he can like the situation or not like the situation. It doesn’t matter to Jennifer. She will continue to use his side of the closet in any case. Check 2. Jennifer said If you take care of things, they can last a long time. Question. Can if in this statement be replaced with whether? No. Whether is often replaced by if in everyday English, but you cannot use whether in conditional statements. Note the statement. If you take care of things, they can last a long time. The first part is a condition. The second part is a result.

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When you have this condition then you get the result.

[3:02] This is a conditional statement. You cannot use the word whether to express the same relationship. So this statement below is incorrect. We cannot say whether you take care of things, they can last a long time. It doesn’t make sense. You must use if in a conditional statement. Check 3. Jennifer said it’s hard to decide whether to wear dress pants or a skirt. Question. Can whether in this statement be replaced with if? No. Whether is often replaced by if in everyday English, but you cannot use if before an infinitive such as to wear and infinitive is to plus the base verb. It is correct to say whether to wear. It’s incorrect to say if to wear. Check 4. Jennifer said when you don’t know if it will be warm or cool, you ask yourself, should I take a sweater? Question. Can if in this statement be replaced with whether? Yes, whether is often replaced by if in everyday English to express two alternatives. Please note the two alternatives in this clause. When you don’t know if it will be warm or cool.

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The two alternatives are it may be warm, it may be cool. It’s also correct to say when you don’t know whether it will be warm or cool. Now some grammar sources say that only whether is the correct word to express that two alternatives. But more and more and everyday English It’s becoming standard to use if. But according to traditional grammar rules, If is only used to make conditional statements. And we can use whether to express two possibilities to alternatives in cases of uncertainty. That’s why you often see whether following phrases like I don’t know or I wonder. They express uncertainty. Check 5. Jennifer said. Don’t you guys sometimes need a minute to decide whether you should put on a tie for a special event? Question. Can whether or not be used in place of simply whether? Yes. Whether or not expresses two possible alternatives, but or not is usually not necessary to include. Note the meaning of this phrase. To decide whether you should put on a tie means you can choose to put on tie, you can choose not to put on a tie.

[6:00] It’s also correct to say to decide whether or not you should put on a tie. All of these are correct. To decide whether you should put on a tie, to decide whether or not you should put on a tie, to decide whether you should put on a tie or not.

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Note. Whether you like it or not is a set expression. You must use or not. You cannot simply say whether you like it. This is a part of a larger statement. We can use it in different situations. Let me give you two common ones. The first is a situation when you’re trying to express that the something is going to happen and no one can change it. Hey whether you like it or not, things change. Nothing stays the same. Second situation is one of the defiance meaning you want to do something, you intend to do something and no one or nothing can stop you. No one or nothing can change your mind. Whether you like it or not, this is what I’m going to do. It’s statement of defiance. Check 6. Jennifer said I think we all want to dress nicely whether it’s to impress others or simply feel good about the way we look. Question. In Jennifer’s opinion how many reasons are there for dressing nicely? 2. Whether or not implies only two possibilities. In Jennifer’s opinion, there are only two possible reasons why we dresses nicely. 1. To impress others. 2. To feel good about the way we look. Of course there could be others.

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But for the sake of the exercise there are two. We’ve learned quiet a lot of whether. Let’s summarize. Whether or not expresses two possible alternatives. Whether or not can express that the result will be the same no matter which of the two alternatives happens or is chosen. Except in the set phrase whether you like it or not, we can omit meaning leave out or not. The two possible alternatives are understood by using only whether. If can be used in place of whether in everyday, informal English. But Whether cannot be used in conditional statements. Use if instead. If cannot be used before infinitives or after prepositions. Use whether instead. End of part 1. Please go on to the next part of this lesson. 7b

Lesson 7b. Topic: Whether Part2 Exercise1, Rewrite each statement using whether or not. Example. Jennifer asks, "Should I take a sweater?" You rewrite Jennifer doesn't know whether or not she should take a sweater. Other possible answers are Jennifer doesn't know whether she should take a sweater or not.

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Jennifer doesn't know whether she should take a sweater. 1. Jennifer asks, "Does the black sweater go with the green skirt?" Answer, Jennifer wants to know whether or not the black sweater goes with the green skirt. It's also possible to say, Jennifer wants to know whether the black sweater goes with the green skirt. "Or not" at the very end of the sentence is not incorrect, but a little awkward. 2. Jennifer's husband asks, "Do I need to wear a tie to the party?" Answer, Jennifer's husband wonders whether or not he needs to wear a tie to the party. It's also possible to say, Jennifer's husband wonders whether he needs to wear a tie to the party. Again, "or not" can go at the end of the sentence, but might be a little awkward. 3. Jennifer's husband asks, "Do you think Claudia and Erik will be at the party?" Answer, Jennifer's husband is curious about whether or not Claudia and Erik will be at the party. Other possible answers are Jennifer's husband is curious about whether Claudia and Erik will be at the party or not. Jennifer's husband is curious about whether Claudia and Erik will be at the party. Note. Whether or not can express uncertainty about two alternatives. Two choices. Here are phrases from this exercise that showed the speaker's uncertainty: doesn't know whether. . wants to know whether.

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Wonders whether. Curious about whether. Let me explain more. When we express uncertainty, whether can be replaced by if as long as it's not before an infinitive or after a preposition: So you can go back in this exercise and change all your answers from whether to if except for the last one. Listen. Doesn't know if she should take a sweater. Wants to know if the sweater goes with it.. Wonders if a tie is necessary. But, curious about whether they will be there. Now here is bonus question 4. It's different from the first 3 and your clue is that you are dealing with 3 not 2 alternatives.

[3:00] Jennifer says, "We have fun when we go out no matter what we do: visiting friends, seeing a movie, or trying a new restaurant." How can you rewrite that statement using whether. Answer, Jennifer and her husband have fun whether they visit friends, see a movie, or try a new restaurant. Are you a little confused about that last statement? Don't worry, I will help you understand. First, let me clarify and tell you that whether or not expresses two or more possible alternatives. In our example we said that “they have fun whether they do the first, the second or the third alternative.” Now, a lot of the times we use the word whether to express only two alternatives or

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two choices. But it is possible to express more. Next, let me remind you that there is a second use of whether. It means “no matter what”. Whether or not can express that the result will be the same no matter which of the alternatives happens or is chosen. In our example we said “They have fun whether they visit friends, see a movie, or try a new restaurant.” So no matter which of these alternatives is chosen, they will have fun. We are not talking about uncertainty, but rather that something will happen no matter what. Exercise 2 Correct the mistake. Example. Please ask me for help whether you need it. This is incorrect. The correction is "Please ask me for help if you need it." Remember, that sometimes we can use if or whether in a sentence and it doesn't change the meaning. But we cannot use whether in conditional statement. 1. Mirela wondered whether she should stay up late and study or not to. The correction is "Mirela wondered whether she should stay up late and study or not.” Remember, the expression is whether or not. The 'to' is unnecessary here. 2. At the previous meeting Mr. Wilson initiated a discussion about if the company should downsize or decrease

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employees' salaries. The correction is "At the previous meeting Mr. Wilson initiated a discussion about whether the company should downsize or decrease employees' salaries. " We are talking about uncertainty here. There are two alternatives, but we cannot use if after the preposition “about”. We must use whether. Also, even if we had a choice, "whether" would be more appropriate because this is a very formal statement.

[6:02] The language is formal. 3. Whether or not Ben keeps his job or loses it will be decided by the company's ability to maintain sales; without enough sales they cannot afford to pay his salary. The correction is "Whether Ben keeps his job or loses it will be decided by the company's ability to maintain sales; without enough sales they cannot afford to pay his salary.” In this statement, there are two alternatives and they are clearly stated. So you cannot use "or not". You could say, "Whether or not Ben keeps his job will be decided by the company's ability to maintain sales.” But you cannot use "whether or not" and clearly state those two alternatives. You need to choose. 4. I know you don't like this dress, but I'm going to wear it if you like it or not. Correction. “I know you don't like this dress, but I'm going to wear it whether you like it or not.” This statement does not express any kind of uncertainty.

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We need "whether" to express "no matter what". Now some of you may still be confused about when we can omit or leave out or not. So let me explain a little more. You can omit "or not" when the other alternative is implied clearly understood. For example, "I wonder whether Claudia and Erik will be at the party. " The first alternative, "They will be at the party. " The second alternative, "They won't be at the party. " The second alternative isn't stated, but it's clearly implied. So we can leave out "or not". When we want to say that the result will be the same no matter which of two alternatives happens or is chosen, we use "or not". Then "whether or not" means "regardless" or "no matter what". Here is some examples in which "or not" must be included. -I'm going to wear the dress whether you like it or not. -Whether you like it or not, I'm going to wear the dress. -She's going to the party whether you want her to or not. -Whether you want her to or not, she's going to the party. Watch and listen again to my opening talk. Pay attention to my use of whether and if. And let's see how much better you understand now. Right now I'm going to give you a look into my bedroom closet. As you can see, it's a double closet. I have one side, and my husband has the other. But I have more clothes than he does, so whether he likes it or not I use his side of the closet, too.

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But actually, the only thing my husband complains about is that I have some things that are very old and out-of-fashion. It's true. I have sweatshirts that are at least ten years old. But if you take care of things, they can last a long time, right? One problem I have is deciding what to wear for special events. For example, it's hard to decide whether to wear dress pants like these or a skirt. And when you don't know if it will be warm or cool, you ask yourself, "Should I take a sweater?" "Will the sweater go with my skirt?" Okay. So maybe these are doubts that only women experience. But don't men face fashion dilemmas sometimes? I think they do. Don't you guys sometimes need a minute to decide whether you should put on a tie for a special event? And then if you choose to wear a tie, I think you need another minute or two to choose the color. I think we all want to dress nicely whether it's to impress others or simply feel good about the way we look. "Whether" can also be used in reported or indirect speech. We touched upon it briefly in this lesson, but we could make it the topic of a future lesson. That's all for now. Thanks for watching and happy studies!

Lesson 8a Topic: Used To

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Well, that wasn't too good. I used to be better. With two small children, I just don't have the time to practice anymore. Is there something you used to do? Something you really enjoyed? Why did you stop? Maybe by the end of this lesson, you'll be able to tell me. In this lesson, we will look at 3 common expressions. -Used to -Be used to -Get used to They can easily cause confusion, because there are similarities in form and in meaning. This is a lesson in 2 parts. In part1, we will cover "used to" and "be used to". Let's first look at "used to". This structure expresses that something was true or common in the past, but isn't now. Or it expressed that something happened often in the past, but doesn't happen now. So we can use the structure to describe past states and situations or past events and actions. What's important to understand is that the structure helps us create a contrast between the past and the present. Let's look at two examples. I used to be better at the piano. This means, I was better in the past.

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Now I'm not that good. And the second example, I used to play more often. This means, in the past I played more often. I don't play much anymore. Do you see the contrast? This idea of contrast in the past and the present can be expressed more than one way. I used to play a lot. Means the same as I do not play a lot now. I do not play a lot anymore. I no longer play a lot. So "used to" means, not now, not anymore, no longer. The difference is that this expression "used to" is a past tense structure. Let's look at more closely at the structure or form in affirmative and a negative statements. The first is affirmative. I used to practice regularly. We have "used to" plus the "base verb". The second statement is negative. I didn't used to complain about not having time to practice. "didn't" plus "use to" plus the "base verb". Note that "didn't" already signals the past. So "use to" is written without that "ed" ending. Now let's look at the structure of questions.


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Did you used to play a lot? The structure is "did" plus "subject" plus "use to" plus the "base verb". It's also fairly common to ask negative questions. Didn't you used to take lessons? We ask this negative question because we think we are right but we need somebody to confirm our information. And then, of course we could ask a question with the question word or phrases. Example, How often did you use to play? "question word" plus "did" plus "subject" plus "use to" plus "base verb". Please note 2 different pronunciations of the structure. When is followed by a consonant sound we do not pronounce "use to" with a full vowel sound. "to" becomes "ə" I used to practice regularly. I didn't use to complain so much. Both the affirmative and the negative form have the same pronunciation. “'yustə" In contrast, we keep the full vowel sound when the structure is followed by a vowel sound or when it stands at the end of statement. For example, I used to entertain my grandmother with my music. Do you play? I used to. Exercise1. Watch the video clip and then answer the question. Example.

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Listen to Jennifer talk about playing the piano. When I was younger, I used to practice quite often. Which statement is true about Jennifer? a. She practices more now than she did in the past. b. She practiced more in the past than she does now. c. She has always practiced a lot. Answer. b. 1. Listen to Gina talk about her work. What do you do? I'm retired. What kind of work did you use to do? I used to be a social worker for troubled families. Which statement is true about Gina? a. She helps troubled families. b. She doesn't want to retire. c. She was a social worker, but no longer is. Answer. c. 2. Listen to Carol talk about sports. Do you play sports? I used to.

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[5:58] Which statement about Carol is true? a. She doesn't play sports anymore. b. She never played sports. c. She can't play sports. Answer? a. 3. Listen to Carol talk about tennis. How often did you play tennis? I used to play tennis almost every day. Which statement about Carol is true? a. She continues to play tennis as often as she can. b. There was a time in the past when she played nearly every day. c. She's better now at tennis than she ever was in the past. Answer? b. Watch and Listen. Try to answer these two questions. 1. Is it easy for Jennifer to play this fast piece of music? 2. Is she comfortable playing the piano on camera? My fingers just aren't used to moving that fast. I'm also not used to performing on camera, so I'm a little nervous. The answers: It's not easy for Jennifer to play this fast piece of music. She isn't comfortable playing the piano on camera.

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The second structure. "Be used to". Expresses that something is familiar, comfortable, or normal for someone. It's not limited to the past. In fact, very often we use it to describe what we are accustomed to in the present. Let's look at 2 examples. My fingers aren't used to moving that fast. This means, it's not easy for my finger to move that fast. It's not a normal activity. I'm not used to performing on camera. Means, I'm not comfortable performing on camera. Now let's look at form. We have 2 examples. I'm used to my electronic keyboard. I'm not used to performing on camera. In both statements, the verb of "be" agrees with the subject. The first statement is affirmative. The second is negative. The structure is followed by an object. It answers the question, "What?" Be object can be a noun or pronoun? Or a gerund the ‘ing’ form of the verb.

[9:00] We are going to pause now. If you would like to review, what you've learned so far part1, I invite you to "".

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I offer an exercise on "used to" and "be used to". My user name is "Jennifer ESL" follow the direct link listed in the video description. This is the end of part 1. Be sure to watch part2. I'll see you there.

Lesson 8b Topic: Used To This is part 2 of lesson 8. We will now turn our attention to "get used to". Watch and listen. Try to answer this question. What was a normal part of Jennifer's life before she became a mother? Not having much time for the piano is just one of the things I had to get used to when I became a mother. The answer? Before Jennifer became a mother, playing the piano was a normal part of her life. After she had children, she had to learn to change and accept that there was less time to play. This third structure, "get used to". Expresses that someone becomes familiar or comfortable with a situation or activity. The emphasis is on becoming. Becoming accustomed to something. Consider these 2 examples. I had to get used to playing less often.

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This means, I learned to become comfortable with having less time to play. It became a normal situation. I quickly got used to an electronic keyboard. This means, It was strange at first to play on an electronic keyboard, but I quickly became comfortable with it. Now let's take a look at form. In these two examples, you see that the structure "get used to" requires an object. That object can be a gerund, the -ing form of a verb or a noun or pronoun. The verb "get" can be used in the past, present or future. And it agrees with the subject. Exercise2 Read the question, watch the video clip, and then answer the question. When you answer, try to use one of our 3 structures. "used to", "be used to" "get used to". Example. Is Carol a good bowler? Were you a good bowler? I used to be. I won many trophies. Answer? She used to be. Or she used to be a good bowler. 1. Did Yoland stop playing the piano? What kind of work did he do in Belgium?

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Where are you from? I'm from Belgium. And what do you do? I play the piano. Do you give lessons? I used to in Belgium. And what do you do now? I'm the company pianist for the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater. The answers? No, he didn't. He used to give piano lessons in Belgium.


2. What was different about driving in the U.S. for Yoland? How is your life here in the States different from your life back home? Oh, well... Just one thing would be driving an automatic. I used to drive a stick shift. So I had to get used to that. The answer? He used to drive a stick shift. He had to get used to driving an automatic. 3. What was different about shopping in the U.S. for Yoland? Is anything else different? Um... shopping at night.

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I had to get used to shopping at night. In Belgium, all the stores close around 6.. 6:30. And here in the U.S., they're open until 10... 10:30 every night. The answer? He wasn't used to shopping at night. Exercise3. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Try to use one of the 3 structures. "used to", "be used to" or "get used to" 1. Name something that wasn't easy for you to do at first, but is no longer difficult or uncomfortable. 2. People change. Describe one way you've changed for the better. 3. Name something in your culture that probably seems strange to foreigners. Additional practice for this lesson can be found at "". My user name is "Jennifer ESL". Follow the link in the video description. At the beginning of this lesson, I asked you if there was something you used to do, something you really enjoyed. Can you answer that question now? Why did you stop? Maybe, like me and the piano, you'll find a way to enjoy that activity again.

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One thing is for certain. If I want to be as good as I used to be, I better start practicing.