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Page 1: Codal Analysis of Advert


Page 2: Codal Analysis of Advert

My chosen task is going to be an advert and I am going to focus on fashion as it is something that highly interests me.

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VISUAL CODES• The scenery of this advert is

outside, this advert is for a festival summer collection therefore the outdoor setting reflects this and gives reason for the clothes which are advertised. Also the nice weather also reflects happiness which is also reflected in the color of their clothes which is bright

• The models are shown having fun freely, e.g. dancing on a friends shoulders, the Ferris wheel, dancing on cars, this makes the audience excited for summer and creates a positive vibe for the audience. 

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AUDIO CODES• There is a song in the background which is upbeat and

makes you feel happy and makes you want to dance, this reflects the mood of the advert which is fun. Also the song in the background is a popular summer track which the youth will recognize, so the music makes the clothes seem for the young. 

• The only other sound in this advert is right at the end when 'boohoo dot com' is said, this simply establishes the brand at the end of the advert and it is the last thing you hear. 

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NARRATIVE CODE• The narrative code of this advert is explaining a festival

and how it is all about having fun and embracing your youth and inner child, the models are seen playing with bubbles riding karts, dancing around and not caring what anyone thinks. This advert basically screams fun in the sun. 

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TECHNICAL CODE• In this advert certain parts are slowed down and some

parts have been sped up, for example when the girl is being spun round it goes quick which could demonstrate how time flies when you are having fun. 

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ENIGMA CODE• The enigma code within this advert is that summer and

sunshine means happiness and that also this is reflected in the clothes that we wear which can also entitles us to feel good and have fun. The clothes never get in their way which shows them to be quite comfortable and appropriate for festivals. 

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TEXTUAL CODE• The only text in this ad is at the very end when it says, the title appears alongside it, this again is just to establish the brand and to show where all the clothes you have just seen come from.

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VISUAL CODES• The setting of this advert is on a rooftop

and seems quite exclusive making the dress code seem quite exclusive.It is also nighttime which makes the clothing advertised seem appropriate for night wear and mostly for club wear as that is the vibe given off by the advert. 

• The models are shown to be quite sexy and sassy as they walk as if they are strutting around acting as if they own the place which promotes that they have confidence, and with focus to the clothes it makes it seem as if the clothes give confidence. The promotion of confidence also brings in the sexy element as they are shown touching themselves as if they are proud and confident within their own skin. 

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AUDIO CODES• The background track is one for the youths as it is R&B,

this therefore attracts a younger audience to their clothes.

• The lyrics within the song that is played suggests sex appeal as it reads 'I can see you watching me' which boosts the confidence factor and the models accepting the fact that they feel sexy, and due to what is being advertised, this is due to the clothes. 

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NARRATIVE CODE• The narrative code of this advert is the way that you dress

entitles if you feel sexy or confident within yourself, this shown through the various shots of the girls running their hands up their body, admiring themselves, the way they act when in the clothes, e.g.- in a sexy manner, laying in a sexy pose across a sofa. 

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TECHNICAL CODES• The advert makes very fast cuts at one points and this

connotes to living in the fast lane or perhaps being edgy due to the edgy clothing on the first girl, which represents a trend to represent your personality. It is also resembles a club as a clubs quick lighting change seems the exact same way. 

• Slow motion is used when the girl flicks her hair back which represents sexiness and beauty, following the phrase about time slowing down when you look at some people, that is what that part of the advert demonstrates. 

• The camera shaking coincides with the shake of a beat in the music which demonstrates the feeling of a club as sometimes with the loud music of a club, with a harsh bass, the room can shake, this also represent edge and night life. 

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ENIGMA CODE• The enigma code of this advert is that if you dress to feel

sexy you look sexy and also that being out at night still has some edge to it and that you should dress to impress. 

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TEXTUAL CODES• Throughout the entirety of the advert there

is a title in the bottom left corner which says '#OMGFASHION'. This involves the youth as it is a hash tag for popular social networking website twitter. This also directs who this ad is for, it is for the younger generation. 

• There is also a title which reads 'dresses from £5' which notifies the audience of the deals which can be found on this online store and brings in more buyers due to the cheap price which has been advertised.

• At the end the website name is placed in like the boohoo advert, this is the last thing you see of this advert and establishes where all outfits on this advert can be found. 

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VISUAL CODES• The setting of this advert is in a studio which

has only a backdrop which permits all the attention to the outfits shown and the one model, this personally reminds me of the idea of a showstopper as all your attention is focused on the one model and what she is wearing.

• The background is quite dark whilst the light which surrounds the model is quite bright which represents standing out and not blending it, it also represents being an individual which is promoted within the brand. 

• There is also a spotlight at one point which enforces the idea of the brand promoting individuality and standing out from the crowd. In fact it physically illustrates the saying of 'having the spotlight'. 

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AUDIO CODES• The music in this advert is not one for the charts ad

therefore already stands for originality as it is not often heard from people and stands out, like the clothes which are shown within this advert. 

• The music in this advert is edgy and its almost as if the model can hear it as she reacts to each part of the beat, starting to walk when the beat comes back in, head banging to it etc. By the model reacting to the original music suggests she is original as she knows it and therefore everything about her is original, leading to her clothes which shows the brand shows individuality. 

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NARRATIVE CODE• The narrative code of this advert is that it is okay to stand

out and to be an individual away from the crowd, and that in fact life becomes more fun when you do so and you will feel sexy in your own way when you do so. This is shown through the poses on the models face, and her head banging to the music having fun. 

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TECHNICAL CODES• In this advert there are parts where the lights

are flashing which represents a club which suggests that they do clothing suitable for nightwear. It also becomes interesting to look at as it makes you not want to take your eyes off of the media which is being shown to you.

• This advert has freeze frames at the start of each new outfit, showing you the sort of clothes which are on offer and giving you an opportunity to see them more closely as opposed to having to follow the model with your eyes as she acts with the clothes on, often doing drastic movements. 

• Slow motion is also used at one point and again this gives you another opportunity to look at the clothes in an eased manner as opposed to having to watch their every move. 

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ENIGMA CODE• The enigma code of this advert is that to be individual you

must set your own trends and truly be yourself without caring what other people thing, as the models in this video do, by dancing and doing silly things. 

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TEXTUAL CODES• Topshop is shown in capital letters right at the end of the advert

so it is the last thing you see and it resonates in your brain so it makes you want to go to topshop and shop.