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Different Types of Fitness Training ......................................................................... 4

Cardiorespiratory Fitness ....................................................................................... 8

Muscular Fitness .................................................................................................. 12

Flexibility.............................................................................................................. 16

Evaluating Lifestyle .............................................................................................. 20

Nutrition .............................................................................................................. 23

The Role of Supplements in Fitness Training ....................................................... 26

Basic Circuit Training ............................................................................................ 29

Advanced Circuit Training .................................................................................... 33

Fine Tuning Programs .......................................................................................... 37

Stretching Exercises at Work and Traveling......................................................... 40

Calisthenics and Stretching For the Elderly ......................................................... 43

Calisthenics and Stretching for Teens .................................................................. 46

Workout Do's and Don'ts ..................................................................................... 49

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Copyright © 2017 Nutra Active Pte Ltd

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Published by Derek Evans

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Improve Your Fitness Level Through Calisthenics

How Do You Know if You’re Physically Fit?

Yes you do regular morning exercises like a 20-minute walk in the park, jumping jacks and

jogging. But how can you be sure if you are really considered as a physically fit person?

Physical fitness in broad terms is determined by a good condition in your bodily functions

including the muscles. If your body is performing well then you can consider yourself in good

shape and a certified physically fit human being.

Is Physical Fitness Obtained Only in the Gym?

In this modern world, exercises can already be performed without the help of a gym or aerobic

instructor. There are lots of fitness programs already available in videos. You can browse and

purchase some of the popular ones in the Internet.

Why is Exercise Essential?

A healthy body is determined by being free from any kinds of illnesses. However, it does not

mean that when you’re not ill, you should just let your body disintegrate, as you grow old.

The best thing to do in order to maintain a healthy you is to have a proper balanced diet and

regular exercise. Working out even for just ten minutes helps your blood to circulate properly,

as it also promotes the building of muscles.

What are the Different Types of Fitness Training?

There are lots of different exercises especially made for body building, shaping and promoting a

healthy body. Some of the exercises include weight lifting, while others do not. Some include

choreography with music, while others are just plain exercises. With the many forms of fitness

training, which one will you explore?

All kinds of fitness training are essential especially when done regularly. Exercises may vary

from the simplest way of walking towards a more active workout like aerobics. All of these

exercises are performed using muscles. Thus, they are intended to further enhance muscle

strength, size, stamina and endurance.

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Calisthenics and Stretching

Calisthenics and stretching are just some of the many forms of exercises fashioned by some of

the known fitness gurus of today. These two were known to be partners in the fitness world.

Besides, you cannot do any exercise without doing initial stretching.

Stretching prepares your muscles for more serious muscular movements. It helps elongate,

build up and lubricate muscles by the steady application of force. It is regularly done before

any other exercise to intensify the series of activities in the joints. It also helps prevent muscle

cramps. It can be done before and after an exercise.

Calisthenics on the other hand, is a kind of fitness training or exercise used to boost the body’s

strength, stamina and flexibility. Normally, you don’t need to have weights or any other

equipment to perform this kind of exercise.

There are many benefits that accompany this kind of training. Some of which are: it helps

strengthen several muscles particularly the skeletal and the cardiac muscles; it also helps

increase the rate of heart beat such that by doing so, facilitates a healthy heart.

Calisthenics is also a form of dance carried out on-stage. Doing such exercises will target

problematic regions of the body like large bellies and thighs. The normal workouts are: sit-ups,

jumping jacks, leg lifts and gymnastics. However, there are still a lot of exercises you can

perform using calisthenics.

Here are some of the calisthenics exercises you can perform:

Dumbbell Calf Raises are done using a dumbbell held on one hand. Movements included here

are calf bending, body raising/lifting and balancing which is usually done on top of a box.

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Hyper-Extensions are done usually on a bench or any other elevated object and require the

help of another person. This kind of exercise is primarily focused on the torso and legs.

Grip Exercise builds ultimate strength on the hands and forearms. As the word grip describes,

it implies a certain amount of force with the intense gripping of a rubber ball on the hands.

Push-Ups are one of the normal exercises known to target the abdominal muscles as well as

build triceps, shoulders and chest.

Shrug is one form of calisthenics exercise that targets the torso, shoulders and legs. It is similar

to dumbbell calf raises such that it also uses dumbbells as props.

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Fitness Inside and Out!

What is Cardiorespiratory Fitness Training?

Cardiorespiratory fitness training is a kind of exercise that enhances the capacity of both the

circulatory and respiratory systems to provide adequate amounts of oxygen to the skeletal

muscles. In the process, a healthy heart is produced as oxygen is sufficiently circulated all

throughout the body.

What is Cardiorespiratory Fitness?

Cardiorespiratory fitness on the other hand is a condition by which the muscles of the body

performs its work by circulating blood reaching the heart and thus supplements sufficient

amount of oxygen through normalized breathing. It is also known as CR endurance or aerobic


This condition is required to sustain the regular utilization of large groups of muscles. It is also

needed at elevated levels to allow constant and uninterrupted bodily functions. High levels

would also permit a fast recovery from fatigue.

What is the Importance of Cardiorespiratory Fitness?

CR fitness is said to be responsible for the prolonged use of large muscles of the body. It is

expected to be at its peak, but it would depend on the state and ability of the cardiovascular,

respiratory systems and the muscles as well.

It is very essential such that it is the determining factor by which a body can be considered

healthy or not. It also determines the lifespan of a person suffering from certain heart disease.

If it can be heightened at some particular level, the risks of dying from cardiovascular disease

will be reduced.

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How to Test Your Cardiorespiratory Fitness?

If you are a person born with a heart problem, then you should be aware of your CR fitness

level. Regular monitoring is very important.

Boost your level of cardiorespiratory fitness by engaging in specific exercises. There are three

tests by which CR fitness is known; these are: One-mile walk assessment, Treadmill test, and

the three-minute step assessment. Take your pick and proceed with a healthy fitness program.

How to Improve Cardiorespiratory Fitness?

Cardiorespiratory fitness can be further enhanced by doing a controlled healthy physical activity

such as: walking, running, cycling, swimming, rowing, jumping rope, skiing and calisthenics

exercises. These kinds of activities would further increase you pulse rate and thus helps you to

sweat out all those unwanted toxins present in the body. However, before doing such vigorous

workouts, it is always important to consult a physician before doing so.

What are Safe Exercises for CR Fitness?

Aerobic Exercise is a type of CR fitness training. Oxygen is greatly used for the sufficient

production the body’s needed energy requirements.

As oxygen is amply supplied to the muscles there is an efficient transfer of air in the lungs

continuing to the blood vessels. The oxygenated blood is then transported to the muscles by

the fast pumping action of the heart. In this manner, the size of the blood vessels are regulated

as the blood is dispersed at a distance from a stationary muscle to a working one. Thus, blood

is efficiently circulated into the bloodstream to the heart.

When this exercise is properly and regularly worked out, it would surely incur positive changes

in the cardio respiratory system. Thus, this will increase the body’s resistance against cardiac

arrests. Increased fitness due to aerobic exercises can improve the muscle’s working capacity

and intensity.

Running functions as part and can is considered as one form of aerobic exercise such that it

facilitates normal movement of oxygen and blood to large groups of equipped muscles. It also

produces sufficient amount of energy.

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Running can be done three times a week, 20 minutes per workout, and can be increased to

about 5 to 6 times a week if the body is conditioned accordingly. There are also some

variations of running. These are: Interval training, Fartlek training and Cross-country running.

Alternative Forms Of Aerobic Exercise

There are a variety of aerobic exercises to choose from. By far, running is the most effective

and therefore considered the easiest way of exercise since it doesn’t require any equipment

and facilities.

However, there are still some alternative forms of aerobic exercise that will best suit your

preferences especially when you don’t like to run. These are: swimming, cycling, walking,

cross-country skiing, jumping rope, racket sports, and dancing.

Remember: Before doing any physical activity don’t forget to condition your

body. Do stretching prior to any exercises and consult your doctor.

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Learning the ABC's of Muscular Fitness

Few people ensure that their workouts include all essential components of physical fitness:

flexibility, body composition, aerobics, and of course muscular fitness. Men generally

concentrate on muscular fitness and flexibility while women focus more on aerobics and body

composition. If you want to be truly healthy, you need to ensure that your workout includes on

all these areas and you’re exercising properly and effectively.

In this chapter, the main focus shall be on muscular training. Exercising your muscles regularly

will enable you not only to improve your looks and effectively control weight but also reduce

the chances of gaining injury and fortify your bones as well. Muscular training can also make

you feel better of yourself.

The following tips will help you get started on the right track in developing and strengthening

your muscles.

The Major Muscle Groups

It’s important that your muscular training contains exercise routines for each major group of

muscle then simply increase the number of repetitions or time spent on muscle groups that you

wish to focus on more.

Abdominals – This is one of the most popular muscle groups, and crunches and curls are

common exercises for the abs.

Biceps – Another popular group of muscles, biceps and be found on your arms and can be

developed with the help of weights like dumbbells or barbells, if that’s what you wish.

Calf – All sorts of calf raises can be used to strengthen calf muscles and help people develop

physical strength.

Deltoids – These can also be found on your shoulders and are commonly exercised with the use

of dumbbells.

Gluteals – These muscles are found in your buttocks, and exercising them will ensure that you

don’t have a drooping behind, which is a growing danger, as you get old. Squatting and leg

presses are some of the common exercises for glutes.

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Hamstrings – These are found on the back of your thighs, and must also be exercised regularly

as they are the muscles commonly affected in muscle strains.

Hip Abductors and Adductors – Both these muscles are also found on your thighs and can be

exercised using leg lifts and other exercise machines with similar focuses.

Lower Back – Exercising your lower back muscles will help you maintain proper posture.

Pectoralis Major – These muscles can be found on the upper chest area and can be exercised

through bench presses and push-ups.

Quadriceps – These muscles are found on the front of your thighs. Squatting, lunging, and other

leg exercise machines will keep your quadriceps in good form and ensure that you have

powerful legs to depend on.

Rhomboids - This group of muscles will give you powerful shoulders if you exercise them


Trapezius – These are also known as upper back muscles, and can increase your endurance.

Mid-Back Muscles – Make sure to focus on these muscles as they can give you the illusion of

having an exceptionally well-formed back and a tinier waistline.

Triceps – This group of muscles can also be found on your arms and can be kept in shape with

push-ups, extensions, and even bench presses.

Start with the Hard Ones

While some forms of exercise allow you to start with something easy – in some cases, it’s better

that way even – muscular training makes it necessary to begin your routine by focusing on the

larger muscle groups and spending as much time as necessary on them. Afterwards, you

gradually move on to smaller muscle groups.

Take It Easy

Muscular training is not like joining a marathon; there’s no hurry as you from Step 1 to so on in

your workout. Rapid unbalanced movements may just cause you to injure yourself!

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Don’t Cheat on Yourself

Start with 8 or 12 repetitions and no less than that. Deliberately miscounting repetitions will

just backfire, and you’ll soon realize that muscular training has gained you nothing but lots of

money! Take a rest whenever necessary just as long as you complete your routine.

While life is easier for men when it comes to muscular training, most women feel apprehensive

about this particular type of exercise because they don’t wish to end up looking like a female

version of Hulk Hogan. If this your problem as well, simply consult a fitness trainer and he or

she will be immediately able to advise what routine you should follow.

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Flex and Stretch Your Way to Physical Fitness

Flexibility is one of the core exercises that make up a total body workout. Unfortunately, it is

often overshadowed by exercises dedicated to muscular strength and weight loss because of

the latter’s more visible benefits. Nevertheless, focus should still be given to flexibility exercises

as it yields a number of advantages to people who perform them regularly.

Benefits of Flexibility Exercises

Better Posture – Like muscle training, flexibility exercises can also help your body maintain god

posture since stretching your muscles will ensure that they’re properly aligned.

Move Faster and Better – Flexibility exercises can also readily improve your body’s

performance and complement whatever benefits your body has gained from aerobics and

muscle training.

Lessened Physical Injury – Just like other exercises, flexibility can also significantly reduce the

chances and the seriousness of suffering from physical injuries.

Effective Preparation for Strength Training – Before you can get down to exercising your

muscles and make them look bigger and feel stronger, you need to perform the necessary

flexibility exercises first. Flexibility exercises will prepare your muscles for the workout you

intend to accomplish and lessen the chances of having strained or sore muscles.

Warming Up and Cooling Down

These two exercises should always be part of any exercise workout you’re following.

Warm Up – This form of exercises effectively relaxes muscles and consequently makes your

workout easier to accomplish and obtain quicker results. It also prepares your body by making

sure that all of the important functions – circulation of blood, breathing, and nerve

transmission – will adjust effortlessly to whatever workout you have in mind.

Cool Down – At the end of your workout, you will once again have to relax your muscles and

cooling down is the best way to achieve this. Cooling down exercises can also make you feel

less dizzy or nauseous after a demanding workout. It also allows all important body functions to

resume a normal state in a gradual process.

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Tips to Have Efficient Results from Flexibility Exercises

Take It Seriously – Flexibility is just as good as any other exercise so prepare your body the way

you would before doing aerobics, weights, or even belly dancing. Allocate the required time

and effort for flexibility exercises.

Choose a Flexibility Exercise that Matches Your Capabilities and Preferences – Flexibility

exercises doesn’t have to be relegated to warm-ups and cooling down exercises alone. If you

can’t work up any interest for those two then look for other avenues to explore. You can

integrate flexibility exercises, for instance, with your favorite sports or use props to make it

more interesting.

Don’t Push Yourself! – Many make the mistake of going for the gold at their first attempt of

stretching. If you’re new to flexibility exercises, start from the beginning instead of skipping

levels to avoid injuring yourself.

Combine It with Mental Exercises – Your body will be more receptive to flexibility exercises if

you’re able to relax your mind as well. As such, a good warming up to flexibility exercises would

be spending a few minutes meditating or visualizing in silence.

Getting the Wrong Idea about Flexibility Exercises – Men are generally resistant to the idea of

flexibility exercises because they feel that it’s only for women or sissies. Thinking this way will

naturally affect your performance, and yes, it is an erroneous impression because all the

greatest athletes of the world can easily vouch for the necessity of stretching exercises.

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An Example of a Flexibility Exercise

Lower Back – Stretch the muscles on your hip until you feel that they’re effectively strained

while simultaneously doing the same to your abdominal muscles. Maintain this position for five

seconds before slowly releasing them. Repeat this routine thrice.

Afterwards, lie on your back then stretch your right leg and keep it as close as you can to your

chest. Do your best to keep your head and back flat on the ground while doing this. Maintain

this position for at least half a minute.

While you certainly don’t need to spend too much time on flexibility exercises, you should

definitely include them in your regular exercise routine. At the very least, make sure that your

routine begins with a proper warming-up and ends with a cooling-down exercise. Lastly, keep in

mind that enhanced flexibility is just as impressive as physical strength and agility!

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Evaluating Lifestyle: Are you Living Healthy?

Everyone is so busy fulfilling his or her everyday jobs and commitments. People are working

extra just to make both ends meet. Their schedules are so pre-occupied that they cannot

squeeze in even a single activity in their organizer anymore. The big question arising is that are

you living a healthy lifestyle?

There are some studies with evidence that shows some lifestyle behaviors can actually improve

the health and wellness of an individual, thus prolonging life. The only problem nowadays is

that people tend to lose track from what we call a "healthy" lifestyle.

With all the stress and problems that people are encountering daily, the value for maintaining a

healthy lifestyle is sometimes being neglected already. Nowadays the number of people who

are getting addictive to smoking and even alcohol is increasing every year. These substances

are the main cause of different chronic diseases that are mostly fatal.

The increasing number of individuals who are classified as obese is also another alarming factor

in the current lifestyle of the society. Many of us enjoy eating foods from fast food chains such

the Mc Donald's. These foods may satisfy you from hunger but the consequence of eating it is

quite scary. Not only it will bring a lot weight in our body, but it may also cause different kinds

of physiologic problems such as kidney and heart problems.

So how can you evaluate yourself in order for you to identify whether or not you are living a

healthy lifestyle. You can do that by asking yourself these simple questions:

1. Are you exercising regularly like three to five times a week?

2. Do you often consume caffeine everyday like 3 to five times daily?

3. Do you sleep 7 hours or more every night?

4. Do you eat a balanced and healthy diet?

If your answer to all of these questions is yes, then I congratulate you because you are living a

healthy lifestyle. If your yes-answers only applies to some of the questions above then you are

probably losing out of track in living healthy. If you'll try to analyze it, these are just some

simple questions yet it affects your lifestyle so much. So how do the questions apply to your


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The first question about exercise is very important to every human being. Daily exercise will

make your body system stronger which in turn prevents you from contacting illnesses and life

longevity. It is also a good form of reducing stress for those who are frequently exposed to


Caffeine is known for their energy-giving function. Adults consume a minimum of 2 to 3 cups of

coffee everyday. The caffeine can cause heart problems and even make a person moody. It

also interrupts one's sleeping, which will further create stress to an individual.

Having proper rest and sleep and as well as eating a healthy diet plays an important role in

one's health. If one has good sleep and at the same time consumes nutritious meals he or she

increases her protection against various diseases.

Knowing all these things is just the start of renewing your lifestyle. It is very easy to learn and

gain information but quite hard to live it out. So how can you actually incorporate these things

to your everyday lifestyle?

1. Do not or as much as possible avoid eating from fast food chains. Prepare your own

meals for the whole every morning to help yourself avoid being tempted from going to

fast food restaurants. Include a piece or two of fruits and vegetable with plenty of

water in your everyday eating habit.

2. Exercise, exercise and exercise. No matter how busy your life is, never ever neglect to

exercise everyday. You can do this without disrupting your work through walking short

distance places instead of driving. Taking the stair instead of the elevators is another


3. Start aiming for cessation of smoking and alcohol intake. You can help yourself stop

smoking or drinking by gradually decreasing its consumption.

4. Instead of taking caffeine every morning, try replacing it an apple. The apple can offer

three times the effect of energy boosting that caffeine gives without the bad effects of


Living a healthy lifestyle in spite of the fast paced world is still not impossible to attain. All it

take is some discipline, determination and as well as responsibility in order for you to achieve it.

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A Guide to Proper Nutrition in Achieving a Healthy Body

A healthy body will lead you to different success in the future. This is because being healthy

means being mentally and emotionally fit as well. Even though the word healthy is easy to

understand, it is quite difficult to attain especially in this fast paced world.

Nutrition plays a vital role in achieving a healthy body. Calisthenics and other exercises should

go together with proper nutrition or diet in order to be called holistically healthy. So what

exactly is proper nutrition and what is the basic diet that goes perfectly with simple stretches or


Proper nutrition deals with consuming the right kinds of foods and at the same time attaining

the recommended caloric intake everyday. This includes a mixed of everything in the daily total

meal of an individual. A mixed of everything means eating all sorts of foods like fruits,

vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, and even fats and so on.

With all the hectic schedules, attaining proper nutrition is quite hard to achieve. We tend to

get tempted eating all the wrong stuffs because of the same old reason, which is lack of time.

So how can we effectively maintain and achieve a healthy diet? Here are the simple guidelines:

1. Eat sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits everyday. Fruits measuring 2 cups and 2

½ cups for vegetables are needed to attain an intake of 2,000 calories, which is

recommended by dieticians.

2. There are five sub-groupings of vegetables, which are the orange, legumes, dark green,

starchy and others. Make sure to select a variety of it everyday.

3. Whole grain is an important type of food to be consumed. At least 3-ounces of it or

more is the recommended intake.

4. Milk is still the best so never forget to drink it at least 3 cups a day. Choose milks that

are low in fat or even fat-free.

5. Fats are also essential in everyone’s diet. Lots of people hate it thinking that it may lead

to excess baggage in their bodies. The truth about it is that everyone should take at

least 10 percent of it from the total calorie intake daily. As much as possible avoid the

saturated fats.

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6. Choose foods enriched in carbohydrates. They are known for giving energy.

Carbohydrates also have fibers which function as the body’s natural cleansers.

7. Another important factor in the diet of an individual is the water intake. Being well

hydrated is included in the fitness routine. Did you know that about 75% of our body is

made up of water? So imagine yourself working out all day without drinking enough

water to replace the lost fluids. Lack of fluids may lead to improper blood flow which

can make your work out a total waste of time.

8. Avoid too much salt in your diet. The maximum amount of salt intake for a day is about

6 grams per day. You should also remember that this includes the added salts on your

frequent meals.

9. Don’t forget to eat your breakfast too since you are fasting the entire time you are

sleeping at night.

10. Food supplements are also included in one’s diet. Our body has the natural functioning

of desiring to eat various kinds of foods. But through consuming too much junk food,

our body gets used in craving too much junk food and interferes with the natural craving

for healthy foods. Food supplements aid in giving the nutrients that our body needs in

which we fail to eat.

11. Eat in small amounts but frequently. If you will keep food sizes in small amounts, it

would be easier to consume the desired foods and remain healthy. The recommended

intake of meat that is cooked is about 3 ounces. It is similar in to a deck size of cards.

Of course diet is not the only factor you need to consider in attaining a healthy body. Proper

exercise even simple stretches should also be considered if you want to be holistically healthy.

There are so many exercises or fitness routines that you can do even in amidst of a busy

schedule. So if you feel like you’re losing out of track, there’s no better day to reform your

eating habits than today.

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Supplements: Their Role in Fitness Training

Supplements are the extra source of nutrients which are consumed other than the usual foods.

If you are a fitness buff or an athlete, improvement in the performance is what you’re dreaming

for quite some time. In relation to this, you will spend most of your time at the gym trying to

build up your muscles but it takes a lot of time before you’ll see drastic results. With your busy

lifestyle, what you need is the fast solution for it.

There are people who think that that drinking certain drugs can solve their problems easily

without working out too much. The questions now is it really effective and most of all safe to


The main function of these supplements is to enhance the body physique of an individual.

There are different kinds of supplements such as synthetic drugs and most of the times you can

buy it without prescription at any drugstores.

Let us try to identify some of the supplements and how does it affect one’s body. First is the

anabolic steroid which helps build muscle and increase its mass. These steroids are similar to

the testosterone, male hormone, which is produced naturally in man’s body.

Though the effect of steroids is beautiful on one’s body, it also has its side effects. This

substance can cause elevated blood pressure and other heart or cardiac problems, cancer, liver

damage, strokes, and so on. It can cause flare ups in skin like acnes and even alopecia or

baldness. Guys are also at risk of being infertile, erectile dysfunction and breast enlargement

Other famous supplements are the Andro and DHEA. These substances are natural broken

down to testosterone. The downside of these substances is like the anabolic steroids with

hormonal imbalances.

Creatine which normally secreted by our liver, pancreas and kidneys is also now being used as

supplements. It gives an effect of energy-boosting. The bad effect of it is muscle tear and


These supplements are out in the market to aid in fitness training of an individual which is

useful to athletes. Will these substances make you a better athlete or individual in the end?

Based on some studies, most of these substances have little to no effect at all when it comes to

endurance and strength. What is indeed sure about these things is the side effect it causes in

one’s body.

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So instead of risking your health just for the sake of developing big muscles and gaining enough

strength needed, why don’t you do it the natural way is guaranteed effective and very safe to

use? Here are some tips in helping you attain the body you want to achieve:

1. Manage your time properly. In order for you to achieve your dream body, giving

enough time to training and the likes is a must.

2. Eat the right kind of foods. Too much sugar or fats will hinder you to achieve the body

you want. Concentrate on foods which are high in protein such as lean meats, fruits and

vegetables and low in fat dairies.

3. Never skip a meal especially breakfast. Follow your mother’s advice which is breakfast

is the most important meal of the day. How can you build up your muscles if you don’t

have enough energy to do so and enough nutrients to build?

4. Avoid substances that are harmful such as alcohol, smoking, drugs and others. These

things will just make your body weak which is in contradiction to what you want to


5. Train yourself harder and even smarter. If big muscles are what you want, then keep

working out until you reached your goal. It may take some time so a little dose of

patience is also important.

6. If you're weight and diet in improving your performance is your main concern, talk to

a professional or certified dietitian who is best in evaluating your nutrition and the

likes. And if supplements are still your favorite option, doctor or any medicine specialist

will help you a lot.

Fitness training is not an easy task. A lot of things are needed like determination, discipline and

patience are needed to be successful in achieving your desired goal. So the next time you want

to consider the supplements for an easy solution, better think again before doing so.

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The Things You Need to Know on Basic Circuit Training

What exactly is circuit training? It is the best way to continuously enhance the mobility,

stamina and strength. The format of circuit training uses exercises of group 6 to 10 strength

that are done in one exercise after the other. Every exercise is done for specific repetitions or

prescribed period of time before going to the next form of exercise.

The exercises on each circuit are divided by short and timed intervals of rest. Each circuit is

divided by a rest period that is quite longer. The sum total of circuits done during training

sessions may differ from about two to six, actually it depends upon your level of training

(whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or even advanced), the length of your training and

training goal or objective.

The first thing you need to consider in circuit training is the planning. Identify the exercises that

can be done using the equipments that are available. Think of three to four circuits of about six

to ten various exercises. Try to ensure in every circuit that there should be no two

simultaneous exercises should be done at the similar muscle group.

Set up each circuit so that you can work each part of the body as upper-body, total-body, core,

lower-body, and trunk and so on. Bear in mind that a warm up and cool down is essential. You

can perform easy jogging, stretching and the likes.

Here are some examples of different exercises that can be performed in sessions of circuit


For upper-body exercises you do bench dips, press-ups, bench lift, medicine ball chest

pass and inclined press up.

The core & trunk consists of stomach crunch exercise, sit ups, back extension chest raise

For the lower-body, you can do compass jumps, step-ups, squat jumps, astride jumps,

bench squat, hopping shuttles and shuttle run

In total-body exercises, treadmills, burpees, skipping and squat thrusts are your options.

What are the sample exercises for circuit training? The six exercises circuit training is made up

of press-ups, treadmills, squat Jumps, bench dips, sit-ups and squat thrusts. For the eight

exercises, you can perform the press ups, squat jumps, treadmills, squat thrusts, sit ups, shuttle

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run, bench dips, and back extension chest raise. The length for these exercises should be

around twenty to thirty seconds for every exercise with thirty seconds rest or recovery in

between exercises.

The duration or length can either be based on time or even set of exercise repetitions that can

be completed in about sixty seconds of 100% effort. If the training is based on a number of

repetitions, regular testing is needed to identify the maximum repetitions that can be

performed in sixty seconds for every exercise.

There are good things and as well as bad things when it comes to circuit training. Some of its

benefits are:

1. It develops one’s strength and as well as endurance.

2. It is considered to be an appropriate exercise for training different sports.

3. Circuit training can suit any age, health and fitness of most athletes by adjustment.

4. It is very simple to do.

5. You can select various exercises to motivate you in performing these exercises.

The downsides of circuit training are as follows:

1. Most of the exercises need specific equipment like in the gym in order to perform it.

2. Large space is needed for the equipments and performing the circuit training exercises.

3. Adding of equipments need specific monitoring on one’s health and safety.

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An example of exercise that you can is warming up for ten to fifteen minutes with swimming,

easy jogging, or even cycling and then does the exercises below in proper order. Move fast from

one exercise to another, but do not perform the exact exercises too fast.

1. Run a 400-meter at a race pace of 5k

2. Perform five chin-ups

3. Finish thirty-six abdominal crunches

4. Fifteen squat thrusts together with jumps

5. Perform fifteen press-ups

6. Finish the squat of 30 body-weight

7. Repeat exercise number one

8. Perform the squat and ten pound dumbbell presses

9. Complete ten-foot (elevated) press-ups

10. Do a thirty-six low-back extensions

11. Perform fifteen bench dips

12. Finish fifteen lunges on each leg

13. Again, repeat exercise number 1

14. Repeat exercises two and thirteen once only

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An Introduction to Advanced Circuit Training

Let’s pursue our study of circuit training. As discussed previously, basically, circuit training is a

new addition in the Physical Training field, appearing first in 1950 with new additions like the

Boxercise and as well as Body Pump which will make wave real soon.

The Circuit Training’s goal is to continuously develop the muscular respiratory systems.

Throughout the training, the participants are considered as sole individuals and not as a whole

mass. Each will push themselves up to their limits receiving minimum instructions from the


The improvement on the cardiovascular system that circuit training contributes should be

stressed out. Then a considerable application is required both in administration and as well as


Circuit training also improves the holistic physical fitness, in contrary to fitness made specifically

for specific sports. You should also recognize that a muscular as well as respiratory system

could be improved through work. The training of endurance training, firm basic work of circuit

training, must be kept regularly and maintained for a long duration.

You should begin at the basic level, which is the standard or basic of the individual or class, the

level of intensity should be increased gradually. The cardiovascular system should place a

progressing load.

There are some basic guides you can follow when you want to plan your circuit training:

1. Warm-up is their standard fitness.

2. Consider the number of individuals that you will take.

3. Know your aim for circuit training

4. 45 - 60 minutes is the normal available allotted time

5. Consider the equipment and space available.

6. Motivating music and proper sound system is also part of circuit training.

7. Clear and easy to be understood and follow exercises.

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You should have an objective or aim when doing planning for circuit training. Keep your

objectives attainable. Your exercises must be arranged and selected in order for you to

consider all factors in fitness and as well as overload principle. Circuit training is not similar to

weight training, wherein the trainer is working at a maximum level of weight than to the weight

that they can handle successfully for specific repetitions, and then rest, before attempting to

make their second exercise. In circuit training, the participant works at below maximum level

for a period of time in which he or she can have a rest or none.

With regards to suitability, as stated already, the whole muscles of your body must be exercised

but no same muscle group should be consecutively exercised, and all through out the training,

the exercises must be different enough to shadow the full-range-movement for that of

particular muscle group. However, you should never forget your overload principle and aim as

to the quantity of repetitions and to determine whether they are for power, strength, or


Generally, the circuit layout must follow a sequence with a plan that is easy to follow; this will

become more obvious when the circuit exercises become complicated in its structure. Careful

preparation and planning, identifying the limitations in advance, equipment available, and class

size will all contribute in setting up your circuit layout.

The factor on controlling the circuit will be done on the stage of planning. You can do this in

numerous ways such as:

1. You should have an instructor with whistle equipment that will trigger the start and stop

of exercise for desired time.

2. Know your specific length of sprint like for example a 30-meter sprint which will be

repeated for about ten times and then go the next exercise. Be reminded that there

must be someone doing the sprinting or else use a stopwatch.

Your success in doing the circuit will greatly depend on the personality of your instructor and

the ability of the classes. Accurate performance of the given exercises should be strictly done.

If there is cheating in performing the exercises, the benefits that you will gain will be greatly


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The safety and equipment is always a priority in performing the exercises, especially when you

are improvising and unusual equipment is being utilized. Prior to the exercise, you should

check all the equipments like whether the step boxes are strong and firm and the weights are

all secured to use.

The advanced circuit is done and will take effect just like the format in a beginner's circuit.

However you should note the following:

1. If possible, harder exercises must have a version that is easier to perform like for

individuals who are not properly fit.

2. Your goal is to work out at least forty minutes to an hour.

3. There should be a minimal to zero rest periods in between the exercises or even sets.

4. Encourage and motivate the class.

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Give Me 10 Minutes a Day – and I’ll Give You a Fine-Tuned Body

We have to accept it, even with so many diet fads these days; obesity is still a great problem.

Our forefathers had calorie-rich diets yet they were much fitter than we are today. This just

proves that the sedentary lifestyle that we lead today is the main culprit to our weight

problems. Our ancestors were very much into physical activity, there were still no gadgets or

equipment to help them with their daily chores, and they had to do everything manually.

Statistics on obesity seems to grow with every advance in technology. Intense physical activity

is a rare part of our day-to-day lives. Accompanying obesity are a lot of diseases like diabetes,

hypertension, heart disease and even some forms of cancer.

With all these in mind, we know that we need exercise to fine-tune the different parts of the

body. People who exercise regularly have a lower risk for a lot of chronic diseases as mentioned

above. Cardiovascular training is still the way to go. There are many ways to do this type of

aerobic exercise – we have brisk walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming, and dancing – mainly to

prevent risks for disease. There are also specific weight-training exercises designed to sculpt

particular parts of the body.

Calisthenics and stretching are also some mild exercises that prove to be beneficial to most.

Stretching is mostly done before and after vigorous exercise to prevent any injury to muscles.

When stretching, you have to remember some important tips. A stretch should be maintained

for at least 30 seconds to lengthen the muscle safely. Don’t bounce while stretching since this

could cause small tears in the muscles that could later tighten the muscle even more.

It is also very important that you aim for pain-free! If you feel pain, injury might be occurring.

Hold the stretch at the point right before the pain. Never hold your breath while stretching, do

slow, deep breathing. Do stretches on one side of the body first, then the next. Stretches should

serve as warm-up before exercise and as slow-down after exercise. Or for individuals who can’t

be involved in strenuous exercise, stretching several times a day could improve blood

circulation and prevent muscle tightness.

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There are different stretching exercises for the different body parts:

1. Calves. With the rear foot back and pointing forward, heel flat or slightly raised, front

foot is bent. Lean forward with an imaginary straight line from your heel to the hip to

the head.

2. Hamstrings. Front foot is half-step forward and straightened at the knee. Bend the rear

leg with both hands on the bent thigh. Exhale slowly and tilt buttocks upward with front

leg still straight and feet flat and pointing forward. Inhale, relax and repeat with the

same front foot raised up but heels still on the floor.

3. Quadriceps. Hold on to something secure. Raise your right heel to your buttocks. Hold

your raised foot with your free hand and sustain the stretch. Inhale and slowly push

your hips forward while still holding the foot. Keep the other leg slightly bent. Repeat

with other foot.

4. Back Muscles. With your head down, lie on your back. Pull both legs slowly to your

chest and keep them there by folding both arms around the back of both knees. Exhale

while pulling your legs closer, raising your buttocks away from the floor. Neck muscles

can, likewise, be stretched by lifting your head slowly.

5. Waist Muscles. With both feet forward, legs apart and slightly bent, hold a bar on your

shoulders behind your neck with both hands. Twist slowly to both sides with your

elbows up. Hold each twist.

6. Chest Muscles. With your back chest and facing forward, bring both hands to the back

with elbows out. Exhale while attempting to bring both elbows together. Hold the


7. Shoulder Muscles. Bring one arm horizontally over the chest. Grasp arm above the

elbow with opposite hand and pull arm. Exhale while keeping hips and shoulders steady

in a forward position.

Make sure you include all these simple stretching exercises in your routine aerobic or other

exercises. This will be of great benefit to you to avoid any injury on your muscles. Remember,

any injury will set you back in your goal to getting that body in great shape.

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Exercise While Working or Traveling

Lack the time to exercise because of your very busy schedules? Don’t have the right

equipment? New in the area and still don’t know where you can go for a quick workout at the

gym? Don’t fret! You still have a chance at doing some stretching exercises even while you’re

traveling to and from work or at work. These exercises can also work while traveling away from


Being fit does not necessarily mean that you have to go to a gym regularly. Crazy schedules are

just so common especially among 9-5 workers. Stretching is a form of non-strenuous exercise

that you could practically do anywhere. It can be done to maintain the good health of your

entire well being. It is not difficult to do; it is relaxing and improves your over-all health.

The benefits of stretching are endless. It improves circulation while keeping the different

muscles of the body supple and stretched. Different stretching exercises are described below

that you can do while at work. For sure you can spare a few minutes to do some of these


Arm Stretch. This is easy to do even while sitting in front of your computer. Raise your

arm above your head and elbow bent. With the opposite hand, hold the elbow and give

a slow pull. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite arm.

Squat Press. Stand away from your desk with legs apart. Raise and lower your body

slowly while your heels are stable on the floor. This is to keep your legs and low back

tight. Do a few sets of 50.

Calf Raises. Raise heels off the ground and hold for 2 seconds. Lower both heels for 2

seconds. Do sets of 20 for your claves.

Waist Bends. While standing, bend your waist with arms dangling. Hold for 30 seconds

and do on both sides. Repeat procedure several times.

Seated Twist. To make your back and hip flexible especially when you have to sit on

your chair for hours on end, and follow the following easy steps. Sit tall in your chair and

place the right hand on the outer part of the left knee. Slowly twist your waist to the left

with your body initiating the twist. Do slow, deep breathing while doing the stretch.

Hold for 10 seconds and repeat with the other direction. You may even hold on to the

back of the chair to give a better stretch.

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Additional tips. Make it a habit to move around every 30-45 minutes. This is to allow

the oxygen to circulate around the body especially to areas deprived of oxygen when

sitting for long periods of time. Take short, frequent breaks by taking brisk walks and

taking sips of water. While traveling, you can still do some stretching exercises to

maintain a fit body. You are bound to stay in a hotel room. Make use of your spare time

to do some stretches.

Hamstring stretch. Lie on the floor with one knee bent and the other stretched above.

Hold a towel at the sole of your upper foot and pull the leg toward your chest. Do this

slowly with sets of 10 for each leg.

Neck Stretch. This is a good way to relieve a stiff neck or a headache while traveling. It’s

as simple as tucking in your chin with your head tall like in military attention. Hold the

position for 10 seconds and repeat several times.

Backward bending. This is perfect when taking that stopover during a long drive. Stand

with your feet apart and hands on the hips. Lean back as far as you can go without tilting

your head back. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat several times. This feels

really good!

Chest and Shoulder Stretch. Clasp hands together at the small of your back with your

arms really straight. Now move your arms slowly away from your back, going up as far

as possible. Hold the position for 6 seconds and repeat the same procedure several


Now that you have an idea on some stretching exercises while at work or even while on the go,

you will surely feel more relaxed. You will actually feel more energized the whole day because

of the increased oxygen in your system.

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How to Stay Young through Calisthenics and Stretching Exercises

Our health does not only depend on the food we eat, it is also dependent on our movements.

Without actions, our body would deteriorate and die. Bodily actions maintain the blood flow,

food digestion, etc. Just think about people who get bed ridden for a long time, they grow pale

and several complications arise to their bodies.

Muscles must move continuously to maintain healthy and efficient. When you don’t use your

muscles they lose the ability to contract and they become weak. This explains the muscle pain

we are experiencing when we are subjected to rigorous physical activities after a long time of

rest. Controlled exercises such as stretching and calisthenics are needed to remove muscle

tightness and pain.

Calisthenics comes from the Greek words “kalos” meaning beauty and “sthenos” meaning

strength. Execution and description of calisthenics differ from different countries.

In Australia, calisthenics started on year 1890. It is a competitive form of sports for women.

Participants, starting from three years old can already engage in this kind of sport. In the United

States, calisthenics is a form of exercise with various simple movements that is performed to

increase the strength of the body and improve body resistance. This exercise is done not

through weights or other equipment but merely through body activities.

Stretching on the other hand can be dynamic which involves motion; or static that doesn’t need

any movements. Dynamic stretches can affect static stretches; static stretches can also affect

dynamic stretches but only to some degree.

Due to a higher demand to achieve a healthy body, calisthenics and stretching have grown

rapidly known to all age groups. This article will tackle calisthenics and stretching among


The fitness instructor nowadays are informed and trained on comprehensive exercises that

should be given to elderly. Older groups have special needs especially those with illness,

inactive lifestyle, chronic disorders and frail bones. The program has certain limitations but

needs to be purposive of attaining a well-restored and rehabilitated health among oldies.

There are certain methods of stretching for elderly and it all depends on how strong the

muscles are and how long can they stay in a stretched position. Flexibility can only be improved

if you can improve and strengthen your muscles. Proper strength training can increase the mass

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and strength of muscles. Elderly can also perform the training. Even a 90 year old can exercise

but not too fast compared to younger people.

The responsiveness of oldies to strength training can determine their capability to undergo

stretches. Certain tests to check joints structure are conducted to know which kind of stretches

can work for a person. If soreness of muscles, pain and weakness occurs, stretching should be


On another side, there is a program in calisthenics that can be combined with dancing. This

enables you to exercise and have fun through the accompaniment of music. The program can

develop muscle strength and longer body stamina. Videos that present these kinds of exercises

are available for rent and for sale; you can also join calisthenics classes.

Important information should be kept in mind before engaging in calisthenics or stretching:

1. If you are confused of what exercise to do at your age, ask the advice of your doctor.

This will avoid accidents or over exertion. Ask a qualified instructor to assist you. He

should let you know the do’s and don’t in these physical activities.

2. Take it easy; exercise gradually and rest from time to time. Over exertion can be harmful

and can result to nausea, chest pains, dizziness and inability to talk. Call your physician

once you experienced these warning signs.

3. Sustain your exercises. When you feel muscle pain, do not stop your work out. The pain

will subside after some time.

4. To prevent muscle injury or heart strain, do some five-minute warm-ups before

stretching or engaging in calisthenics.

Your looks are highly dependent on your lifestyle. Staying fit through exercises such as

stretching and calisthenics can let you look younger than your normal age. A study in Utah

revealed that active elderly had lower palpitation during their exercises. They also have higher

uptake of oxygen during maximum exercises and slower palpitations after the exercise. Being

old doesn’t mean inactivity and idleness of the body. Elders can condition their bodies by eating

right foods and having proper exercise.

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Stay Active! Stay Young! Do some Calisthenics and Stretching Exercises!

Teens can be associated with hip, class and active lifestyle. Teens can go wild because of their

confusions and desire to explore new things and new possibilities. There are also those that

succumb in foods and unhealthy stuff thus become obese and unhealthy. Obesity can lead to

diseases like hypertension and other diseases.

Educating your child about health options can lead to a healthy, satisfying life. A good exercise

can be a good alternative that they can follow. Although physical education is learned at school,

sustaining the physical activities and exercises at home, during weekends or holidays can be

advantageous. There are available exercises for varying age. Calisthenics and stretching are

good for people at young ages because their bones are still growing and flexible.

Calisthenics can be performed through different exercises like:

1. Crunches or sit-ups. You will lie on your back on the floor; your knees bent and feet

bottoms are against the floor. Start lifting your shoulders up off the floor by keeping

your abdominal muscles tight. Bring your chest close to your knees. Slowly lay your back

to the floor again.

2. Squat. Stand with your feet width apart. Squat and bring your arms forward; stay in

this position as long as you can. Return to your original standing position when you’re

tired. Repeat over again. There are other forms of squats which you can choose from.

There are some people though who deemed squats as unsafe due to the stress it brings

on the joints of knees.

3. Push- ups. Initial position is face down; toes are curled up against the floor and palms

also on the floor under your shoulders. Push your body up using your arms. Keep a

straight line from toes through head. Lower your body inches on the floor and off.

Repeat the process but be sure to keep your back straight and your head tilted upward.

With the different calisthenics come different forms of stretching for youth. These are:

Active Isolated or (AIS). AIS is a kind of natural stretching that uses body movements to

accomplish unique results. It is gentle but highly effective and is suited for all fitness

levels and ages. The forms of Active Isolated Stretching are Pump and STAR Tech


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Pump stretching. This is a process which involves active and continuous body

movements. Joints are taken in its full range by pumping. This is less clinical and

technical than AIS, although both encourage muscles to restore their strength. Pump

stretches are simple and can have good results.

Breath stretching. This is a kind of stretching which is a combination of different yoga.

It’s not done with movements rather; it uses breath to discharge tensions in muscles.

STAR which means Soft Tissue Active Recovery. This kind of exercise is revitalization and

healing method. This helps accelerate healing and recovery with a muscle area. STAR is

used generally in massage treatment.

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The 10 Things You should know when working out

Nowadays, all of us are paranoid with our health. There are those hypochondriacs that feel sick

whenever they feel something irregular in their body. Let me tell you this, with the fast phase of

the world today, health is also in a speed up level. The result? A shorter life span! Health regime

can take into many forms; they altogether promote ideal body and a healthier life

corresponding to longer life span.

A chosen exercise regime should not only be healthy but safe as well. Workout sessions

required effort and self-discipline. An adage that goes with workout is “75% determination and

25% perspiration”. Once you have started, it will be easy gradually.

What then are the benefits of working out? It is a wise use of your time. It relaxes the mind,

toughens the spirit and strengthens the body. Working out can soar your confidence! It makes

you a better person day by day.

Because there is a tendency for people to over exert in physical workout, there are certain

measures to observe before, during and after exercising. These are the ten tips you can


1. Warm up! Before starting any exercise sessions, you have to prepare your whole body

first. Even if your body is on top physical condition, some stretches and light exercises

are required to adjust your joints and muscles. Stretching can also induce additional

flow of blood into the muscles.

2. Wear proper exercise outfits. You should choose the proper athletic shoes, which offers

comfort and support during workouts. Use leg or arm pads to act as protection for your

body. If you are engaged in workout such as boxing or cycling, use helmets that fit


3. Cross train. Repetitive work out can add stress to bones and muscles and can cause

stress or other injuries. To prevent this from happening, cross training or having

different exercises in your workout routine is helpful.

4. Know and feel your body. Pains and body aches should not be ignored. The pains and

aches can be symptoms of health problems. Over exertion can also cause body aches. If

the physical symptoms continue and intensify in a number of days, consult your

physician immediately.

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5. Study what you are doing. You can easily get adjusted on your daily exercise routines

but additions to this regime should also be learned. Having proper information on what

you are doing can make any workouts safer.

6. Do not exercise on an empty stomach. Meals can make you tired and sleepy; thus many

people skip meals before working out. Like machines, our bodies need fuel to start up;

the foods act as fuel to let the body perform at its peak. Eating a light snack before

exercising is fine and drink lots of water before, during and after working out to avoid


7. Stick on the 10% rule. 10% rule states that you should only increase the intensity, length

and workout frequency by ten percent every week. This percentage of workout is just

sufficient for your muscle performance and body strength to improve gradually. Higher

percentage of work out per week can lead to muscle injury.

8. Have a balanced exercise and rest. Fatigue can struck you when working out excessively.

Your body being worn out can be fragile and thus susceptible to more injuries and

diseases. A balance between rest and exercise is essential to achieve the healthier body

you are craving. Take short periods of rest after each strenuous exercise session.

9. Find a qualified trainer for your training. There are workouts that require using weights.

Nonetheless, proper methods should be followed because heavy weights can cause

serious injuries. The trainer can teach you proper techniques in weight lifting.

10. Eat right and healthy foods. Eat a balanced diet composed of minerals and vitamins.

Vitamin C can help in repairing body tissues. Calcium can help in maintaining strong


Aside from the ten tips enumerated above, there are certain limitations of working out for

pregnant women, elderly, children and other people with known illnesses. Proper identification

of work out and exercises that will fit these people is needed.

According to health experts, you can improve your whole body condition by performing at least

30 minutes of moderate exercises regularly every week. Working out can give healthy results to

your body but precautions should be observed alongside.