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Cloud Computing - Healthcare Research and Development - Jeff Nevil

Feb 19, 2018



Jeff Nevil
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  • 7/24/2019 Cloud Computing - Healthcare Research and Development - Jeff Nevil


    Cloud computing - Healthcare Research

    and Development


    The world is slowly awakening to the realisation that many of the financial products and services we

    pay out excessive amount in fees for, are now free and its all thanks to cloud computing. Gradually

    gaining popularity since its birth in 2000, Cloud Computing eliminates the need for a personal system

    or local server for sharing data.

    We demand everything to be faster, expecting no movement in the cost. This article will briefly

    discuss how cloud computing allows this, saving global enterprises huge amounts of money. Whilst

    also investigating the possibilities of implementing cloud computing into the ever growing world of

    Healthcare R&D Solutions.
  • 7/24/2019 Cloud Computing - Healthcare Research and Development - Jeff Nevil



    Cloud computing - Healthcare Research and Development ................................................................... 1

    Cloud Computing - Reshaping industries ................................................................................................ 3

    Cloud Computing Healthcare R&D - Trends & Forecasts ........................................................................ 5

    Patient Data Security .............................................................................................................................. 7

    Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 9

  • 7/24/2019 Cloud Computing - Healthcare Research and Development - Jeff Nevil


    Cloud Computing - Reshaping industries

    Image Source:

    Cloud Computing has the potential to disrupt entire industries, reshaping businesses and markets aswe know them. The result is a total shift in how we think about information. Despite having already

    made huge waves in the technology industry, according to theEconomist Intelligence Unit,the

    impact of Cloud Computing has barely even begun.

    Giants of Cloud Computing such as, iCloud, Google Drive and Dropbox have and will continue to

    readjust the way in which we use and think about digital content. All driving the creation of new user

    experiences using digital technology. Industries need to buckle up and prepare for a revolution. The

    rise of utility computing services, whether it be delivered via internet or private clouds, will continue

    to rattle markets. The outcome being an influx of new business model generation and a refashion of

    information sharing for years to come.
  • 7/24/2019 Cloud Computing - Healthcare Research and Development - Jeff Nevil


    Thats just a small glimpse at what impact the cloud is currently having out there and its future

    potential, I find these two quotes from industry experts very insightful.

    Mark Ridley,technology director at has stated that with the Cloud comes not only the

    option to readjust business organisation but provides a new vocation. He believes the notion of an

    Information Technology Department with noticeable difference from the rest of the business will

    eventually bend to a network organisation of teams containing both technical and non-technical

    skills. Its no longer feasible to simply have one team purely dedicated to dealing with everything

    technology based.

    The expert and user roles are now merging. Change is of course at the very core of IT

    development. If a business has new employees joining and immediately they are not faced with a

    similar level of organisation and services they are used to in their everyday life, you instantly have an


    Backed up byDr Tua Huomoof the European Institute of innovation and technology. Who argues

    that switching to The cloud will not only challenge suppliers to voyage into a new technology

    platform. Resulting in the development of operational processes, all of which are more keenly

    focused on customer value.

  • 7/24/2019 Cloud Computing - Healthcare Research and Development - Jeff Nevil


    Cloud Computing Healthcare R&D - Trends & Forecasts


    Weve touched on the fact that Cloud Computing has the ability to globalise the workforce

    affordably. When it comes to Healthcare research and development it is predicted that from 2014 to

    2020 we shall see a rapid expansion. The main factor being the ever increasing use and cost of

    research and development by large pharmaceutical companies.

    What are the benfits for Healthcare R&D? To name a few; controlled spending on infstructure,

    flexibilty, less time spent on personal training, unlimited data storage, effective sharing of prosessesall equal and a much more cost-effective plan.

    Pharmaceutical companies who have already taken the leap to Cloud Computing use the system to

    effectively manage and take care of their online clinical research activities. Driving this transition are

    factors such as, evolution of next-generation, constant increased spending in research and

    development and finally the growing proof that with Cloud Computing comes many advantages. Its

    predicted that both biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical companies will boost and push the

    implementation of Cloud Computing within the healthcare R&D.
  • 7/24/2019 Cloud Computing - Healthcare Research and Development - Jeff Nevil


    The continuous success and rise all boils down to geography. Consisting of Asia Pacific, Europe,

    North America and the rest of the world. The top player currently and also predicted to hold the titleright through till 2020, is North America. The large number of actively participating companies

    dedicating time to healthcare R&D is predidcted to push the North America Cloud Computing market

    into the healthcare sector. As for Europe and Asia pacific, improved healthcare infrastructure and

    emerging economics are set to improve their Cloud Computing market. If there is a hiccup in the

    road restraining growth it will be the worries surrounding patient data security.

  • 7/24/2019 Cloud Computing - Healthcare Research and Development - Jeff Nevil


    Patient Data Security


    So we know that modern information technology is being increasingly used within the healthcare

    system, to both enhance medical services and of course reduce mounting costs. With great

    opportunity comes risk. The cloud offers easy and immediate access to all medical data, with this

    bears the risk of data protection. Is the cloud a safe option for healthcare?

    There is a part of me that is highly concerned about the safety of medical information when being

    saved in the cloud. However, there are ways to ensure security and privacy is implemented

    successfully. With the right strategy there is very little to worry about.
  • 7/24/2019 Cloud Computing - Healthcare Research and Development - Jeff Nevil


    Cloud computing requires an extremely detailed and advanced integrated and orchestrated strategy.

    Fundamental to the success of cloud computing and the value it has the potential to add. Its simplyabout ensuring certain elements are in place.

    - Understanding the value of Cloud.

    - Exploring Cloud workloads and deployment models

    - implement a cloud solution based on the above factors

    - Always have a plan to monitor key performance indicators and business benefits

    - Systems MUST be adaptable to various departments

    - Architectures must encourage open sharing of information & Data Incredibly important in

    the Healthcare industry as it slowly moves towards an information-centric delivery model

    facilitating data sharing and a collaborative workflow. Small steps are being made tostandardise medical data formats and jargon. The outcome being widespread secure

    mechanisms available for all healthcare participants i.e. Providers, patients, agencies,

    government, insurance etc.

    - Portability is key for remote access to systems and data.

    - Most importantly security and data protection are paramount -. IT infrastructure must be

    enhanced and continuously monitored including underlying monitoring and management

    processes. Security data privacy must be well communicated and fully explained between

    company and patient. Having an understanding of everything that could potentially

    happen/go wrong is incredibly important in getting this right.

  • 7/24/2019 Cloud Computing - Healthcare Research and Development - Jeff Nevil




    Finally, to conclude, although brief I have tried to touch upon all the key elements currently in place

    regarding Cloud Computing, most importantly how it will affect the healthcare R&D. I understand

    for some The Cloud has well and truly been integrated into their everyday and working life for some

    time now. However, I felt it important to touch on the subject that will of course affect us all. That

    being our data being shared and stored somewhere up in the air. Im a strong believer in pushing

    things forward although I find it a little hard to keep up sometimes, The Cloud truly is a marvellous

    system to push us into a much cleaner, economical, organised an efficient world.