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Classification Style of Public Building

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/29/2019 Classification Style of Public Building



    Individual Task

    Architectural History and Theory

    Classification Style of Public Building

    2nd Semester 2010-11

    Patricia G. Adelina-2010420214

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    A. Background of the



    A. Literature


    B. Process of Creating



    A. Classification









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    A. Background of the Study

    What an architect wants to communicate will be different with others, so does

    building. The outlook of a building, born from design, is significant part for its the first

    thing we seat the first time. It communicates the building expression that differs it

    from another. And what cause the difference is medium used by building. So medium

    will lead us to know the building function by forming form. A form of one building will

    be different with another because an idea as a background. This idea, shortly, comes

    from function of the building.

    The prominent aspects above are keywords for us to give a label on a certain

    building, into before modern era, modern era, or post-modern era. In fact, therere

    almost 80% buildings in Indonesia that cant be labeled for people start to build

    something depend on their selfishness. We can see now buildings that compatible

    only in Europe are built here, in tropical climate place.

    By this assignment Im trying to give a classification on an urban building, that

    is a medical clinic. This assignment is made on purpose to fulfill a task in architectural

    history and theory subject.

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    A. Literature Theory

    Architecture is an art and science in designing buildings, including the

    process. Its started by needs that an architect must solve the problems which may

    appear. For short, architecture happens in order to provide mediums for human

    activities, to fulfill its aims.

    Architecture is the thoughtful making of space

    (Louis Kahn)

    Architecture is multidiscipline science that covers mathematics, science, art,

    technology, humanism, history and philosophy. So its made by consciousness and

    its work not only accommodates function but also has characteristics and meaning.

    In learning architecture, we divide it into three periods: before modern

    architecture, modern architecture, and post-modern architecture.

    1. Before Modern Architecture

    Architecture before modern era is architecture grown by influences from

    certain regional geographic area. Unfortunately we mostly learn about western

    architecture as an approach, because its been written in succession periods

    of styles. In fact that eastern architecture is valuable to explore too.

    This classical architecture is generally divided into:

    a. Egyptian Architecture (3050 AD900 AD)

    Mostly known for its pyramid and another sacred building like


    b. Classical Architecture (850 AD-476 AD)

    b.1. Greek Architecture

    The expressions of this style are influence by myth and

    sensitivity of nature. Greek people mostly built temples for

    worship activities. This ideology was being the basic thought of

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    aesthetics in creating building. They used three orders of Doric,

    Ionic, and Corinthian.

    b.2 . Romans Architecture

    Romans style is nearly alike with Greek style, only that

    plan section had been improved.

    c. Christian Early Architecture (373 AC-500 AC)

    Christian Early style used three orders of columns from Greek

    and Romans order of proportion.

    d. Romanesque (around 4 AC)

    Architecture from this age had escaped from Roman style and

    became a simple Europe Vernacular Architecture

    e. Gothic Architecture (1130 AC)

    It spread from France. Salient characteristic from Gothic is the

    high ceiling far from human scale, especially in church and

    cathedral, and the pointed roof. This style is a symbol of illumination

    to humans and presented by lights arrangements.

    f. Renaissance (15 AC- 17 AC)

    This era was an

    enlightment period in

    architecture. Renaissance

    style emphasizes symmetrical

    plan as classic architectures

    have demonstrated, and

    usually based on module.

    Faades are symmetrical

    around their vertical axis. The

    columns and windows show a

    progression towards the

    center. For example:

    Cathedral of Pienza by

    Rosallino and Alberti.

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    There is a regular repetition of openings on each floor, and the

    centrally placed door is marked by a feature such as a balcony,

    rusticated surround. Renaissance architects used columns,

    pilasters as an integrated system. Ceilings are flat of coffered, and

    are not left open as in medieval time. Openings that dont have

    doors are usually arched. Windows are set within a semi-circular


    g. Baroque Architecture (late 16 AC)

    Distinctive features of Baroque architecture are

    g.1. In churches, broader naves and sometimes given oval forms

    g.2. Fragmentary or deliberately incomplete architectural


    g.3. Dramatically use of lights

    g.4. Opulent use of colours and ornaments

    g.5. An external faade characterized by a dramatic central


    g.6. The interior is a shell for painting, sculpture, and stucco.

    Baroque is a symbol of high aesthetics. It took Renaissance

    vocabulary of architecture and used it in a new rhetorical and

    theatrical fashion to express the triumph of Catholic Church.

    h. Rococo Architecture (18 AC)

    Rococo architecture is lighter, more graceful, and elaborated,

    ornate, and austere style than baroque. The different between

    baroque is that rococo emphasizes the asymmetry of form whilst

    baroque is the opposite.

    Rococo used pale

    colours include numerous

    curves and decorations. It

    also brings significant

    changes of privacy

    placement, and improved

    structures in order to

    create a healthierenvironment. Rococo architecture is symbol for art education.

    Mafra National Palace Portugal

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    i. Victorian Architecture (19 AC)

    Victorian style refers to several predominant styles in late 19th

    century. This style represents British and French custom of naming

    architecture style. It combines some architecture style with

    materials and scale made possible by the industrial revolution.

    2. Modern Architecture

    Background of the emerge of modern era was technology development

    when science was growing up so quickly along industrial revolution. It didnt

    emerge by immediate revolution in architecture but step by step happened.

    Modern architecture was growing around 1920 to 1960 because of the end of

    World War II in 1919.

    In order to rebuild the infrastructures, modernist tried to apply efficiency,

    economical technique, and rationality in building.

    Walter Groupius, a modernist, formed an institution named Bahaus

    where its architects rejected overdone detail. They used the principles of

    classical architecture in their purest form without ornamentation of any kind.

    Bahaus building have flat roofs, smooth facades, and cubic shapes, with white

    grey, beige, or black colours.

    Architect in this age thought that building with ornaments, using local

    materials, and made in configuration of shape based from local culture was

    not efficient along with industrial movement. Modernism wasnt just another

    style, it presented a new way of thinking about architecture.

    Modern architecture emphasizes function, attempts to provide mediums

    for specifics needs rather than imitate nature. All inefficient things should be

    left. Architecture happens when function has been achieved, and its

    supported by advanced materials from industrial revolution. For example:

    glass, concrete, steel.

    To gain efficiency in process of architecture, people created mass

    materials production so that architecture would be able to penetrate culture

    and geographic barriers. For its impacts were uniformity buildings around the

    globe. Ornaments and details were thought as a crime. Building should becleaned. Basic of modern architecture is geometry shape.

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    Features from modernism are:

    a. International style

    Modernism has idealism of egalitarian.

    b. Functionalist (Form follows function)

    c. Less ornament, monotone, economist

    d. Simplicity

    For it emphasizes geometrical shape, it produces simple

    design large glasses.

    e. Purist, honest

    f. Utopian

    g. Industrialist

    For short, we can define modern architecture as the universals, international stylestemming from the facts of new constructional means, adequate to a new industrial

    society, but in its taste and social meaning.(Charles Jencks)

    Groupius House Kauffman house

    3. Post Modern Architecture

    Since modern architecture failed to accommodate the essential of

    human senses, the new movement in architecture named post-modern

    architecture emerged. Post-modern architecture tried to escape from tight

    boundaries of efficiency from modern era. Though it appeared in some styles,

    but all the style referred to one idea of freedom to express and to explore local


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    Charles Jencks stated that post-modernism came up by tendency of

    going back to traditional values. He defined post-modernism as double coding:

    the combination of modern techniques with something else (usually traditional

    building) in order for architecture to communicate with the public and a

    concerned communicate effectively with its ultimate users.

    To understand post-modernism, he gave us the features:

    a. Ideological of post-modernism is used to give direction in

    understanding it.

    a.1. Double coding style

    Post modern building is combination from two style, those

    are modernism and another style.

    a.2 Popular and Pluralist

    Post-modernism gives the flexibility in designing so it can

    adapt within environment.

    a.3. Semiotic form

    Shape in post-modernism has meaning and aim so its look

    is easy to understand.

    a.4. Tradition and choice

    Post-modernism shape contains values adjusted by the

    designers aim and intentions.

    a.5. Elitist and participative

    Post-modern architecture does salient togetherness and

    reduces selfishness.

    a.6. Piecemeal

    Theres an application of history, vernacularism, locations,


    b. Style in post-modernism

    b.1. Hybrid expression

    This is a combination between modernism with

    vernacular, local, metaphorical, revivalist, commercial, and

    contextual values.

    b.2. Complexity

    b.3. Conventional and abstract formb.4. Variable space with surprise

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    b.5. Eclectic

    A mix of certain style in continuing integration to crate


    b.6 Semiotic

    b.7. Pro-metaphor, pro-historical reference, pro-humour, pro-


    c. Design ideas

    c.1. Contextual urbanism

    c.2. Functional mixing

    c.3. Mannerist (tendency to be salient)

    c.4. Meaning design

    c.5. Ambiguity

    c.6. Trends to asymmetrical symmetry

    c.7. Skew space and extensions

    c.8. Collage (combination of different elements)

    B. Process of Creating Building

    This is a comparison between modernism and post-modernism:

    Modern Post Modern


    Attitude toward nature

    Attitude toward thought

    Attitude toward culture

    Typological physical/character:

    Attitude toward basic form

    Attitude toward character of


    Attitude toward technology


    Attitude toward pragmatic sign

    Attitude toward syntax sign

    Attitude toward semantic sign


    Rationalist, economist



    Abstract, straight, forward



    Straight to the point

    Gives efficiency of space

    Contemporer, contextual




    Abstract, hybrid




    Gives experience of space

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    A. Classification Analysis

    Kiara Sehat Medical Clinic is located at Jl. Kiara Condong 399, Bandung. The

    building area is about 241.5 m2. This clinic is set in two level floors plan but the

    second floor is not ready to use yet. These building materials are bricks and

    concrete. Floor is covered by ceramics. There are eight rooms on the first floor:examination room, dentist room, medicine room, receptionist room, two rooms which

    are not used yet, and two waiting rooms.

    1. Process of Creating Building Analysis

    a. Ideological analysis

    Ideology refers to concept that leads to the function in

    architecture. It brings directed and systematic understanding of


    The function of this building is medical clinics where people can

    do some medical checks, consultate, with health professionals, or

    buy some medicines. This clinic was built in order to accommodate

    the needs of health facility today. For short, to answer the urban


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    For its located right beside the major road, we can say that it is a

    street building. In the way of acting the attitude toward nature, this

    is one of the characters we mostly find in post-modern buildings.

    It seems that this building was made in cover of double coding

    as its attitude toward culture. The reason I give my statement is

    related with its faade and Ill explain it later in character analysis.

    Moreover, its size was arranged for it can be fixed with the


    Besides of the building functions, it was designed to be able in

    developing basic form; for example an addition of space. This

    aspect makes the building becomes flexible in use or has functional


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    b. Typological Physical or Character Analysis

    When we are going to analyze a building, we must know how to

    describe its part. To name is to understand. By analyzing its

    medium and form, well understand its character. Mediums that

    form a building differ one to another. Talking about mediums is

    talking about materials that have important plays in shaping the

    building form.

    Basic form of Kiara Sehat Medical Clinic is a box with some

    additions on the right and front side. So I assume we can say that

    its basic form is not pure geometrical form. Basically, the buildings

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    attitude toward the form character is hybrid. It combines a classical

    style with local elements. For example local clay roof tile for window

    shades and local bricks for walls.

    Though this building has double coding style from classic era, its

    technology comes from modern era. When I entered the main room,

    I saw some reinforced concrete columns which were not available

    in classic age. Nevertheless, the dominant classic style as a outlook

    still leads us to the formal development of the building program.

    If we look back at its basic form, the eclecticity from this building

    is referred to rococo faade from classic style. This mixed style is

    continuing integrated as unity. As we know that rococo architecture

    emphasizes asymmetrical symmetry form, this building applies the

    same attitude as well.

    Rococo building Kiara Sehat Medical Clinic

    The judgment I mentioned above will be explained later in the

    next point.

    c. Communication or Language Analysis

    Architecture has high flexibility to be a toll of communication,

    though it doesnt always successfully happen. The building of

    language are vocabulary and grammar with materials, size, even

    location which do play roles in how community interpret a building.

    In fact we read a wood differently than a concrete wall. So I assume

    that building language is related with expression and meaning, for

    short the style. First thing I have to do in analyzing this building

    language is to analyze its faade.

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    If we intentionally pay attention on its faade, itll appear that

    Kiara Sehat Medical Clinic trends to rococo style (as Ive mentioned

    before). The arrangement of its openings shows progression to the

    centre, in this building is its main entrance door. The windows have

    been made symmetrically to it. But I have to note that this axis does

    not shape a symmetrical axis, for the building has two additions on

    the right which mostly like a garage and on the front side which is

    used as public pharmacy. Remember that rococo style applies

    asymmetrical symmetry faade.

    The repetition of its opening and entrance placement under a

    shelter, used as terrace too, gives strong impression of classic

    style. Yet to achieve the main entrance we have to pace through

    stairs that show the hierarchy of space.

    From analysis of its faade, I say that this building expression is

    nearly close to classic style with some simplification in details. The

    interior is made clean from overdone ornament so it may not mess

    the function.

    B. Critical Suggestion

    1. Analysis of Need, Context, and Form

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    Need is situation when something is necessary or must be done. This

    clinic was built in order to answer public need of health facility. As a small

    medical clinic, this building has achieved all important function to fulfill the

    needs. It has examination room, waiting room, dentist room, small pharmacy,

    receptionist and administrative room, and public toilet, while the activities

    which may happen are examination process, administration process, and


    The rooms arrangement is quiet effective with the receptionist area right

    across the entrance. People can directly walk toward the receptionist area for

    doing some registration activities after entering the clinic. After that, while the

    officer arranges the information, people or patients can wait in the waiting

    area. For dentical check up, there is a certain waiting area behind the

    receptionist through a small all.

    Rooms efficiency is gained from its geometry like shape applied on each

    room. So does its form, efficiency is achieved by its nearly like box shape.

    Since its built as two floor-level building, I assume the need of

    hospitalization will have been answered by making hospitalization area in the

    second floor as soon as the renovation finished.

    2. Suggestion

    Medical clinic is place where people are looking for health service. So it

    requires a healthy environment too. Though this building is able to

    accommodate the medical process, still there are some lacks need to be


    Started from the interior, I noticed that the floor corners havent been

    designed properly. The room floor corners still have pointed angle where as a

    medical place isnt fixed to. For improvement, I suggest to redesign the corner

    floor with a not pointed corner that usually used in hospital.

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    In waiting area in front of

    the dentist room, theres still a

    lack of light. The light source

    comes only from hall that

    transfers the light from

    entrance. There are made

    some openings on the upper

    left side of the wall, but

    ironically they are made from

    blurred glass that blocks the

    light. Its better to use material that can be penetrated by light. Moreover, this

    place needs more ventilation.

    More improvement can be applied in front yard area by making small

    garden and replace the wire fence into proper fence like bricks or concrete to

    avoid dirty effect.

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    A. Conclusion

    After analyzing the process of creating building toward ideology, physical

    character, and language, these are some points Ive arranged:

    1. This clinic was built in order to answer the urban need of facility

    2. It is a street building

    3. It uses double coding, and hybrid style

    4. Its flexible building which is able to improve

    5. Theres a trends to asymmetrical symmetry shape

    6. It has a functional mixing

    Since the six points above are mostly found as characters of post-modern

    architecture according Charles Jenks, so I classify this building into post-modern

    architecture building.


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    Jencks, Charles., Keswick, Maggie. 1987. What is Postmodernism? New York: St.

    Martin Press.

    OGorman, James F. 1998.ABC of Architecture. Pennsylvania: University of

    Pennsylvania Press.
