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Chit Chat 2 Sb

May 28, 2017



Kasia Bielawska
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Page 1: Chit Chat 2 Sb
Page 2: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Storter unit

Uni t

Uni t

Uni t





Uni t

Uni t

Uni t

Uni t

Uni t



pout Shrbto;Course consunont: Derct Sfuonge


















60Extro topicsHigh numbersDotesChristmosNew YeorVolentine's DogPoncoke TuesdogSt George ond the DrogonThe UK ond l re lond



Page 3: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Hel lo. Whot 's Uour nome?Mg nome's Helen.

How ore gou?

Whot 's gour quest ion?Whot 's gour fovour i te

colour, Jet?

Storter unit Lesson 1 Whot's gour nome? Mg nome's .. .

Page 4: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Whqt's gour fovouriteonimol, Nick?

Whot's Uour fovouritecolour, Kot?

Whot's gour fovourite colour? / Do gou l ike pizzo? Storter unit Lesson 1

Page 5: Chit Chat 2 Sb


I t 's o piono.

Whot 's th is? ar i . r"ir;D

Storter unit Lesson 2 ls i t o v io l in? Yes, i t is

Page 6: Chit Chat 2 Sb

This is Kot.Let 's begin!She con ploy the v io l in.


This is Nick.He's o stor!He con plog the electr ic guitor.

This is Spike.Music's fun!Listen! He con plog the drums.

This is Jet .She con ployThe electr ic piono . . .

Toke i t owog!


Who con plog the viol in? Storter unit Lesson t O

Page 7: Chit Chat 2 Sb

1 sports time

\:--_ -


Listenonocho nt .




@,I con' t swimAnd I con' t skote.But I con singAnd my song's greot!

I con' t d iveAnd I con' t ski .But I con donce.Just look ot me!


Look! | con ski .

Whot 's the motter?I con' t swim.

Unit 1 Lesson 1 I con/con' t swir

Page 8: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Con gou skote, \ Listenondreod.



l re you i l $P0RTS $UPIR$IARPCan you play football? Ll

2 Can you ski? E

Can you play basketball? [

Can you play tennis? I

S Can you swim?

6 Can you play hockey?

No, I con' t !

ro-rz points:Well done! You

are a SportsSuperstar!

5-9 points:Good. Youlike sports.

o-4 points:Play a new

sport. It's fun!

Con gou plog tennis? Unit i Lesson 2

Page 9: Chit Chat 2 Sb



Triqthlon: the Super Sport

r Cqn you swim? . Con you r ide o bike? ' Con you run? i

-t*:? rhen 1ou ccn d" " lli:lhlori :

Find o tr iothlon for you.

Why triothlons?I con't ploy tennis orbosketboll. But I canrun, swim ond ride

my bike.

1 Michel le con r ide o bike 40 km.

2 Joel con' t run.

3 ioel con' t p log bosketbol l .

4 An Olgmpic t r iothlon is 51.5 km.

5 Michel le con' t do on Olgmpic t r iothlon.

6 Joel con swim 200 m.








, Folse


' Folse

' Folse


Trioth lon

Children (7-10)

Children (11-14)

Unit 1 Lesson 3 He/She con/con't su -

Page 10: Chit Chat 2 Sb


I can't throw.Sorrg, Penng.

@'oWhat's Lhis?

ItS a crown.It's verg old.

'And there's a dragon on it!

Can gouthrowLhe ball to me,

Look at t'his,Penng.


Can gou see the crown?

Yes, Professor:But there'sa problem.


Two children have

Unit 1 Lesson 4

Page 11: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Heg! Whot's thot?There's o noise upstoirs.Help! Oh no!l 'm scored.


l iv ing room



Heg! Whot's thot?There's o noise downstoirs.Help! Oh no!I 'm scored.

ls there o big ghost on the bed?Are there four ghosts in the bothroom?Are there two big ghosts in the kitchen?ls there o big ghost in the l iv ing room?Are there three l i t t le ghosts in the bedroom?

There ore ghosts in the bedroom.There's one on mg bed.There's o ghost in the bothroomWith my hot on i ts heod!



There ore ghosts in the l iv ing room.There's one on the TV.There's o ghost in the ki tchenWith i ts hond on me!


Unit 2 Lesson 1 ls there o ghosVAre there two ghosts in the

Page 12: Chit Chat 2 Sb



Green bug, pink bug,' /y 'here ore you?

Bugs, bugs, evergwhere.Under the toble, on the choir .Red ond purple, p ink ond green.Con gou Jind ot leqst th i r teen?


?,4.: "1'l"r'r '' '1:,:=1'1:t'

Lrstenond sing.



Red bug, blue bug.Are you there?

A.nd l 'm under c choir .

Block bug, gel low bug,Are you in the house?i& l i" i r , i , i r : o- : ' i ; ' - r


u nder



Ask ondonswer.

Where's the red bug? ,

uVhere's the red bug? l t 's in/on/behind/under the . . . Uni t 2 Lesson 2

Page 13: Chit Chat 2 Sb

1 There's o TV ond o sofq in the l iving room.

2 There's o big plont in the dining room.

3 There's o big bed in Andreo's room.

4 The bothroom is upstoirs.

5 There's o cooker in the hol l .

6 There ore three bedrooms in Andreo's house.

f lot

,%. : .a

- _-- . -11

, True );J ( Folse ))\\--'r#




Unit 2 Lesson 3 There ore three bedrooms upstoirs.

Page 14: Chit Chat 2 Sb

It isn't in Lhe

Itb here, f,an!It's under theLable!

What,s thaL?

Quickl There'sa noise upstais!

,,,|jo qfe lOU ?

Run !Pza w

ir/rltllnrn $, {\\



Unit2Lesson4 @

Page 15: Chit Chat 2 Sb

3 Bc hc etthytListenond sing.


Ask ondonswer.

Pleose come in.Are gou OK?Whot's the motterWith gou todog?

Doctor, doctor,Whot con I do?l 've got o stomoch oche.Owl Oooh!

Your heod is hot.Your eges ore red.Pleose drink thisAnd go to bed.

Doctor, doctor,Whot con I do?I 've got o heodoche.Ow! Oooh!

Your heod is hot ...

is hot ...

l 've got o sore throot.

Unit 3 Lesson 1 Pleose dr ink th is.

Page 16: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Let 's plog footbol l , Nick.

No, I con' t . l 'm i l l . l 've got oheodoche ond o sore throot.

Listen,reod ondoct.


Reod ondmotch.

Don't p log outside. Go to bed.

Drink lots ofwoter ond go

to s leep.

Mmm. This ice creom's good! Don' t eot lots of icecreom, Nick!

Ow! Ooh! l 've got ostomoch oche now!

Don' t p log outside. Unit 3 Lesson 2

Page 17: Chit Chat 2 Sb




Completethe chort.

o @tr

. Don't dr ink lots of cota. I

@ . Ride a bike. I. Don't ride a bike. r-, i


'* farf lots o* Qvrait. r l

a*\A legela$tel

( 6 ) . Drink lots of water.. Don't drink lots of water. I

c)+oos r ){ rR I- ill'i' -i1+ t' ^

05a a a a o ' l e l a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

(L).Playasport .. Don't play a sport.

. Eat lots of frui t and vegetables. l /J

. Don't eat lots of fruit and vegetables,

( s ) . Drink lots of cola.

. Eat lots of chocolate and sweets.

. Don't eat lots of chocolate and sweets.

Unit 3 Lesson 3 Plog/Don't plog o sport.

Page 18: Chit Chat 2 Sb

w !I

Be6gsrc? LetScall the police.

No, Alex.Don't goLo'tho telephone.

ln the morning

Whats the mattecPenng ?

Ooh, rng hegd ! I"ve gota terrible headoche.

; ',7ir 7,

Have gou got the uown?Give it to me.

Here gou are,Professon

Unit 3 Lesson 4

Page 19: Chit Chat 2 Sb

V/:-n-7 r-*4-/ t ( , , . t

- - - l t t_vf ; i ,+ F H t---









The trumpet is in the kl tchen. l t 's next to theThe _ is in the dining room. l t 's the toble.

The _ is in the l iv ing room. l t 's the sofo.

The drum is in the

The viol in is in the

. l t 's the bed.

It',s the toble.

Units 1-3 Review A

Page 20: Chit Chat 2 Sb

r Play the game OO= Go to the picture.

El = 'Yes,I con.' Stoy whereyou ore.'No, f con't.' Miss o turn.


Don't ployloud

Con youI pfcrybcsketbol

You conswim

200 m.You've got

heodoche.You can

run 5 km.

Eot lotsof


You'vegot o

sore throot.


LAn youplay thefl skale?

Drink lotsof water.

Eot lotsof fruit.

drink lotsof colo.

Don't eotfots of

ice cream.

Units 1-3 Review A @

Page 21: Chit Chat 2 Sb

4 t{y towmListe n,reod ondonswer.

1 The

2 The

3 The

4 The

5 The

6 The

clothes shop is next to the cof6.

c inemo is opposi te the bookshop.

sports centre is next to the cofe.

supermorket is next to the bookshop.

bookshop is opposi te the c lothes shop.

cofe is next to the c inemo.



Ask ondonSwer.


*=' . . .?i

--i +,

next to









Fo lse

Fo lse

Fo lse

Fo lse

Fo lse

Fo lse

Where's the cofe?

It 's next to the c lothes shop.


Yes, there is.I t 's opposi te the there o sports centre?

Unit 4 Lesson 1


Where's the cinemo? lt 's opposite/next to the cof6.

Page 22: Chit Chat 2 Sb
Page 23: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Mg town's nome is Northburg.There ore two cinemos in thetown. There's o big pork with ostotue. On Soturdogs ondWednesdogs there's q morketin the squore.

I 'm from Edinburgh. l t 's on oldcitg. There ore lots of shops ondcof6s, ond there ore museumsond cinemos. There's o costle inEdinburgh. Mg flot is oppositethe costle.


Where is there o costle?Where is there one shop?When is there o morket in Northburg?How monu churches ore there inLittleton?

5 How mong cinemos ore there inNorthburg?

6 ls there o school in Litt leton?7 Are there museums in Edinburgh?

l'm from Littleton. lt's o littlevi l loge next to o river. There'son old church in the v i l loge ondone shop! Mg school isn't in thevil loge. l t 's in the next town.

Unit 4 Lesson 3 I 'm from Edinburgh.

Page 24: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Excuse me.Where's King Street?.,

Go straight past thecinema.Thenturn leftab the bank- King Streetis oppositethesquare.

Thk rs the shop.Let's go!

To a bookshop?^27_""jio"

Excuse me. Have gou gota book about crowns?

Flna/lg King Fri6 --



It's the crown. lts mogic!


l,I/hots thatnoise?

Oh, no! Lookin the square!

Unit4Lesson4 @

Page 25: Chit Chat 2 Sb

1 He's swimming.2 He's dr inking.3 She's reoding.4 She's ploging footbol l .

5 She's div ing.6 He's wr i t ing.7 He's eot ing.8 She's doncing.

ls bug @swimming?

ls she div ing?

Yes, she is.

Unit 5 Lesson 1 He's/She's swimming. ls he/she reoding?

Page 26: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Come on, Nick.

No, thonks. l 'm reoding.

And now l 'mskipping.

Whot ore Uou doing,Jet? Are gou jumping?

No, l 'm not-I 'm doncing.

Whot ore Uoudoing, Jet?

l 'm reoding.

Whot ore Uou doing?

Are gou doncing?

Are gou swimming? Yes, I om.

Unit5Lesson, @Whot ore Uou doing? l'm skipping.

Page 27: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Deor Mott, , rrn x.,lidoy in o big hotel ,

ll * ;i: ::l,U,"lri i h:t,now Mum is p\oving t:tt]tiiootbot\ on the

under o tree' Xm is PIoYing t

beoch' .re beoch, too. He's running\

Digger is on th

Love trom

Tess XX

Who is wr i t ing th isletter?Who is ploging tennis?

Where is Tess sitt ing?Where is Dod reoding?

Whot is Digger doing?Whot is Tim doing?



@ Unit 5 Lesson 3 Mum is ploging tennis.

Page 28: Chit Chat 2 Sb

]-eut the bagdown! Put

Uour hands up!

I don't know.

Unit 5 Lesson 4

Page 29: Chit Chat 2 Sb

I t 's hot ond sunnu.We con goto the pork. Come on, Spike!

Shh! l 've goton ideo.

We con't go to thepork. l t 's ro in ing.

Thot 's OK. l 've got on umbrel lo.

But i t 's cold ond windg. Look!

Thot's OK. l 've got o kite.We con plog with i t .

But . . . i t 's snowing!

Thot's OK. We've got hotsond coots. Woit o minute

. . . i t 's snowing???

Hel lo, Kot.Hi , Nick.

Whot oregou doing?

Er.. . we're ploging outside. I t lS hot ond sunng.


I l t 's sunnu. \

- t \

@ Unit G Lesson 1 It's roining. / lt's cold ond windg.

Page 30: Chit Chat 2 Sb

: s snowing here on me.Cn no! Whot con I do?

roven' t got my hot.s i t snowing there on gou?

t 's hot ond sunny here.Tne sun is high in the skg.: isn ' t ro in ing here.m on the beoch! Goodbge!

No, i t 's ro in ing here on me.Oh no! Whot con I do? 9gI hoven't got my boots. e>(9ls i t ro in ing there on gou?


Lrstenond sing


Listenond f ind.



: , ' , ng/sunng? Unit 5 Lesson 2

Page 31: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Choosetit lesfor thepoems.

Moke opicturepoem.

Poem L

@0, d fs 6[or'ti:


$-fu*-J d$ l':.,..t*, a\aV

/<---- / t Roin is Jol l ing Jol l ing down

on the houses on the townon the trees ond on the ground


t-------, t'----/




Unit 6 Lesson 3 The wind is blowing.

Page 32: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Professq we've gota guestion.

Come with me.

But iL's aldand windgoutside.

And itsraininq.


Yes. How can goupick up a mr?

ffiWfr;:'ffii"I want Lhat diamond!

Unit6Lesson4 (D

Page 33: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Hel lo, Kote. Are gouhoving o good hol idog?

15 June

Today we're in Liverpool It's a big city

There ore lots of shops ond porG, but it'sroining todoy John is in the hotelHe's swimming in the pool I'm sitting in ocofe. It's next to a big squore


1 Where is Emmo?2 ls i t sunng?3 Where is John?4 Whot is John doing?5 Whot is Emmo doing?6 Where is the cofe?

@ Units 4-G Review B

Page 34: Chit Chat 2 Sb

@ 0.h


1 There's o museum in the town.2 Nick is eot ing.3 The cofe is opposite o clothes shop.4 Jet hos got on umbrel lo.5 The dog is s leeping.



You've got twominutes. Go!

Units zr-6 Review r CD

Page 35: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Listenondreo o.


spocc school

Look ondonswer.


,/':\((|)) 48\.2

Whot 's the motter?

s is an apple I

We've gotEngl ish.

fif;iWhot t ime is i t?

I t 's hol f post e leven.We've got Moths.

I hoven' t got mgMoths book!

Unit 7 Lesson 1 It 's nine o'clock. / l t 's holf post eleven.

Page 36: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Reodondwri te.

Hove we got P.E. todog?

No, we hoven' t .

Li ste n

onoch oose,

rl)) 4e\ - / -

At hol f post e leven.

Cn Mondog we've got Science of ten o'c lock. Uni t 7 Lesson 2

Page 37: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Addressliv_ | li(i Gol


Click on o picture to reqd qbout i t .

bg Ben



There ore twentg-f ive chi ldren in mg closs.There qre th i r teen bogs ond twelve gir ls.We've got Moths ot hol f post n ine.We've got o closs pet. l t 's o mouse!We've got Art on Fridog. l t 's mg fovourite lesson.At breok I con ploU footbol l wi th mg fr iends.Mg closs teocher 's nome is Miss Kennedg. She's greot!

Unit 7 Lesson 3 We've got o closs pet.

Page 38: Chit Chat 2 Sb

w 7

What lesson havewe got now ?

lLs half past two.We've got Historg.

Bogs and girls,we haven't gota Historg lessn todag.We are goiry toLhe maseum.

I like themuseum.ItS greab.

I don't likethe svsrmis

Don't be qfraid .44ummjesCan't walk and talk'

Unit 7 Lesson 4

Page 39: Chit Chat 2 Sb

I l ike sciencef ict ion f i lms.

Theg're greot!

Whot TVprogrommes dogou l ike, Kot?

I don' t . Theg're scorg!

Whot TVprogrommes dogou l ike, Spike?

I l ike onimolprogrommes.

Do gou l ike quizzes, Nick?

Theg're greot!Zzzzzzzzzzzl No, I don' t . Theg're bor ing!

@ unit 8 Lesson 1 Theg're greoUboring/scorg.

Page 40: Chit Chat 2 Sb

I t 's seven fortg-f ive. Mg fovour i teprogromme's on Chonnel 2.

Miss J. Bond, SuperSpy - 008

I t 's e ight f i f teen. Unit 8 Lesson 2

Page 41: Chit Chat 2 Sb

TV GuideChannel2

4.45 TennisFrom London



Channel 1

4.20 Film: Space Schoot ,@t

6.00 News and Weather

6.20 Dinner TimeToday: Fantastic pizza

7.05 The Olympics%Today: Swimming '?=+

7,40L and HToday: L andH go for a walk

' : .€

Channel 3

4.30 Amazing AnimalsLions from Africa

5.30 Big Cat and Littte Dog @Cartoon fun with the crazy pets

6.05 Question TimeBritain's favouriteqrilz

7.00 The Pop Music ProgrammeThe Superstars

7.30 Football OArgentina vs. England

5.50 Schools QuizWith schools from Cardiff

and Dublin

6.15 Three Crazy Pirates @

6.55 News

7.10 Mozart: The Man and hisMusic Sj|

8.10 NIy Favourite Songs 0t?*:tez






-rr-. progrommes do gou l ike?

WWhot 's Uour fovour i te \

progromme? , Mg fovour i te progromme is'The Pop Music Progromme'

Unit 8 Lesson 3 Whot t ime/chonnel is i t on?

Page 42: Chit Chat 2 Sb

wuHere areLhe photos ofLhe museurfi,Professor.

It's the manwith Lhe crown.

looking at?And this is7l1s diamond.

/ l ikei t ! /want i t !

:,f#';:x"x,g* rtlZii,""o,

. . . cHOO!

What's that noise'.

Whatnow, Penny?What can we do?

/'ve got an idea !

Unit8Lesson4 @

Page 43: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Whot do gou do in Uourfree t ime, Spike?

I wotch TV.

Whot do gou do in

Uour f ree t ime, Jet?

I p log footbol l .I r ide mg bike.

I p log computergomes ond I p log

toble tennis.


DiargMondag . plqy footboll

. nide my bike

Tuesdag . plqy volleyboll. neod o book

WednesdaA, play the piono. ploy tennis

Thursdag . ploy ice hockey. wqtch TV

Fridag .reodobook. ploy footboll

SaturdaE . ploy computer- gomes. ride my horse

Sundag . ploy toble tennis. reod a book

Whot do gou doon Tuesdogs?

I reod o book ond Iplog vol legbol l .

Whot do gou doon Soturdogs?

I p log computergomes.

Unit 9 Lesson 1 I reod o book. / I plog vollegboll .

Page 44: Chit Chat 2 Sb




I p log bosketbol l on SundogsAnd computer gomes on Mondoys,On Tuesdogs I go swimming.On Wednesdoys I go f ishing.

On Thursdogs I go running.It 's mg fovourite thing to do.I go running in the pork.I plog the trumpet, too.

On Fr idoys I go skot ingUp ond down the street.On Soturdogs I stog in bedond SLEEB SLEEP, SLEEP!

Do gou go f ishing i lUour free t ime/on Soturdogs?

Do gou gof ishing in gour

free t ime?

Do gou goshopping?

go runnrng reod o book plogcomputer


Hlgo swimming plog hockeg

listen tomusic

Unit 9 Lesson 2

Page 45: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Hellol lm your ^"i,R:::TiHellot I I Ir Yvu' T,m f rom Olomouc

MY nome it.Hlnl:;,,.

Hil r'* ,

, ft;;';"'::i, ','.',' :'o' Banqor


;il;;t"ch RePublic'

On SundoYs I9? wolking with mY

i"l"ur I iistenro^ffi l',)l;1"'Do You like mustcr

fovourite singert

Best wishes'Hono






Hono LucA

Unit 9 Lesson 3 I go shopping on Soturdogs.

Page 46: Chit Chat 2 Sb

wr)Dad, do you gofishing?




Yes. I gof ishingon Saturdags.

ISrNheres Aourfishing rod?

UnitgLesson4 @

Page 47: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Nqme Fovouri telesson

Dog Time




1Whot TV progrommes do gou l ike?I like food progrommes. Mg fovouriteprogromme is 'Dinner Time! '

2Whot t ime is i t on?It 's on ot 6.45 on Fridog.

3Whot do gou do on Soturdogs?I plog computer gomes.

4Whot do gou do on Sundogs?I go wolking with mg fr iends.

Units 7-9 Review C

Page 48: Chit Chat 2 Sb

START Whot'syour


Do you likesciencef iction Do you

ploy omusicol



Hove yougot Engfishon Mondoy?

Whqt time isyour

fovourite TVPro9romme

Whot's yourfovourite TVprogromme?

Whot doyou do onSundoys?

Do youlisten

to music?

Do you goswimming inyour free

Whot do youdo in yourf reetime?

your teccher'sProgrammesdo you like?

Do you goshopping?

Whot doyou do on


WhotChonnel is


TV progrommeon?

@D 4)')(:t/

Units 7-9 Review C

Page 49: Chit Chat 2 Sb

ro Amaz:ng lnimclsListen,reod ondmotch.




Ask ondonswer. rr*jt


::::::::::.:::..::::i#,x i: n ' :: : : : : : : . : . : . : : : : : : : :i )@:: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

gori f lo


Unit 10 Lesson 1 It eots leoves/meot ond f ish.

Page 50: Chit Chat 2 Sb

It doesn't l ivein a hot place.


Listenond f ind.



v<,{wcrocodi le snowg owl

*};fl-.;*+r+-,'^;: -ilt t'

*. tf

polor beor



I t eots meot.I t doesn' t l ive in o hot ploce.I t f l ies.I t 's o


frui t bot


It doesn't

It doesn't fly.

Does i t eot meot?

No, i t doesn' t .

Does i t swim?

Yes, i t does.I t 's o hippo.

It doesn't swim. / Does it f lg? Unit 10 Lesson 2

Page 51: Chit Chat 2 Sb





I Where does the 2 Where does the 3 Where does thegiroffe l ive?

3 Whot does the girof fe eot?4 Whot does the hippo eot?

t ' - . '

4 Where does thehippo l ive?

@ ptonts

f ru i t bot l ive? whole l ive?

@ in the seo

I Whot does the frui t bot eot?2 Whot does the whole eot?

@ fruit @ teoves @ risn

,9, tn grosslonos

@ in rivers @ ln forests

Unit 10 Lesson 3 Where does the whole l ive? Whot does the giroffe eot?

Page 52: Chit Chat 2 Sb


The whale livesin +,he sea.lL eots hundreds "f

{tsh inone dag lt can swim...

with the crown?

Shh! He's here!

the EIue Diamond !

WhaL does hewant?

Look!No, he isn'L.It,s the crown.(L's magic.

Professor! The two children arehere.Theg're in the whalet.

Unit 10 Lesson 4

Page 53: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Reod,' l is ten ondonswer.



1 The f irst horse wos big.

2 The first horse hod four toes on its bock feet.

3 The horse todog hos got hooves.

4 The mommoth hod long hoir .

5 The mommoth wos smol l .

6 The Africon elephont hos got big eors.


The first horse wqs qlive 50 million(50,000,000) geors ogo. It wcrs o verusrnqll horse.It wqs 50 centimetres toll fromits feet to its neck. It hod four toes on itsfront feet ond three toes on its bock feet.


The horse is verg different todog.This horse is 1.5 metres tqll from itsfeet to its neck. The horse todog hos gothooves.

Five million (5,000,000) geors ogo, themqmmoth wos on the eorth.The mqmmothwcrs veru big. It hod long hoir ond verglong tusks. It hqd smqll eors. It wqs *reemetres tqll.

Todog there ore elephonts in Africq ondAsio.The Africon elephont hos got ttrickgreg skin ond very big eors. A bigelephont is three metres toll.

Unit 11 Lesson 1 It wos smoll. / lt hod long hoir.

Page 54: Chit Chat 2 Sb

\=*+b/tzhvt- I:il,.1il'*?',.:,''n"bod.


Listenond sing.were


Theg hod short ormsT. Rex! T. Rex!They hod shorp teethT. Rex! T. Rex!

Theg hod o long toi lT. Rex! T. Rex!

Af l of the dinosours were oJroid.They were oll oJroid oJ T. Rex!

two strong legs. @ tt

@ Diplodocus

ond verg

ond verg


big jo

Al l of the dinosoursTheg were ol l oJroid


g) T. Rex

Theg were meot eoters.

irr"g were verg toll '

rh"U hod long n95ks'

3 Theg hod two

strong legs'

Unit 11 Lesson 2

Page 55: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Look,reod ondmotch.

Listenondch eck.


@ oiplodocus

. ' i**--rf-,"*ra.;

@ Velociroptor

i:;,c 'q$rt$i '' ,r l t/ l f .&,


1 l t wos o meot eoter.2 l t wos verg big.3 l t hod shorp c lows.4 l t hod two wings.5 l t hod o long neck ond o smol l heod.6 l t hod no teeth.7 l t hod four strong legs.8 l t wos o f ish eoter.9 l t hod smol l , shorp teeth.



Unit 11 Lesson 3 I t hod smol l teeth,

Page 56: Chit Chat 2 Sb


-//7t 11 / I------------- 't===4

I was asleep {orthree thousand


Run, Alex !The nummgs

: &,<

That Was great, Alex!


The police are here.

We had a callaboul the museum.

We've gob gou,Professor. Hands up!

Unit 11 Lesson 4

Page 57: Chit Chat 2 Sb

12 stonc soupListen,reod ondoct.


A long t ime ogo, there were twofriends. Theg were in o smoll town.



We're t i red ond hungrg.Pleose con Uou give us somefood?

1= Con gou give me some moneg?No, we con' t .

1: No moneu, no food. Now goowog !

But Kim wosn't sod.





Whot ore Uou doing, Kim?Are gou moking o f i re?Yes, lom.Are gou putt ing woter in thepot?Yes. l 'm moking lunch. l 'mmoking soup for us.But there's no food!Look. There's o stone in thewoter. l 'm moking stone soup.

There wos o womon on the street.

Womon: Stone soup? ls i t good?Kim: Yes, i t is . l t 's VERY good with

pototoes, but I hoven't got opototo.

Womon: A pototo? Woit o minute!Bob: Where's she going?Kim: To the shop.

Soon the womon wos bock qt the fire.She hod some pototoes in o bog.

Womon: Here ore some pototoes forthe soup.

Kim: Thonk gou.

Unit 12 Lesson 1

Page 58: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Then there wos q mon on the street.

Mon 2: Whot ore gou moking?Kim: lt 's stone soup with pototoes.Mon 2: ls i t good?Kim: lt 's verg good. lt 's GREAT with

meot ond corrots, but I hoven'tgot ong meot or corrots.

Mon 2: Meot ond corrots? Woit o

Bob:minute.Look, Kim! He's going to theshop.

Soon the mqn wos bqck ot the fire.He hod some meot ond corrots.

Mon 2: Here's some meot for goursoup. And here ore somecorrots.

Kim: Thonk gou.

Soon the soup wos reodg.

Kim: Let's eot the soup now. Becoreful! Don't eot the stone!

Bob: The soup lS greot, Kim!Womon: I l ike stone soup!Mon 2: lt 's fontostic! The meot ond

corrots ore greot.

A lot of people in the vil loge hod thestone soup. But not oll of the peoplehqd i t . . .

Mon 1: I wont some stone soup. I congive gou some moneu.

Bob: l 'm sorrg. There's no soup now.Kim: Thot's OK. Here's o stone. Now

YOU con moke stone soup.

Unit 12 Lesson 1

Page 59: Chit Chat 2 Sb


Listenond sing.


Now i t 's t in: teTo sag goodbyeM/e're at the end"But pie*se d*n' t crg

Remember SpikeAnd the spider, too.We hod o greot t imeMeet ing gou.

And tkreul l : r ,* l [ 'e 's K@t.

Thot 's nny r ; , :me!I 'n ' l verg qrodAt conn';- I i i€; ' gc! nnes.

MU joekei 's u!r ; r l i "P4g leerr is nrc blue.Mg nonle 's l " \ ick.I hnd Jun ' ru i th gert"r

My nome's Jet .I p log Jootbol l .But now l 'm sod.l ' l l miss gou ol l .



Unit 12 Lesson 2

Page 60: Chit Chat 2 Sb


@tt iKing fric had tAo n - I .-]

(rlr! He hat /,;; :?s", I5ut he wos n.s-- ur hlonn Ibut he-ffi"iof,r;."n'u'

Goodbye, LJDragon Crown!


Unit 12 Lesson 3

Page 61: Chit Chat 2 Sb


ls i t sunny?

<.=-,. Ploy o sport.. Don't play d

. Drink lotsof water.

. Don't drink lots

ls i t coldtodaV?

Choosez. Eat lots of

sweels.. Don't eat lots

of sweets.

Choosez. Drink lots

of cola.. Dotr ' t drinklots of cola.

Can vouplay tennis?

ls there aoupboard inyour livitrg


What isls there asquare in

your town?

What's this? Where's the fs shsdrinking?

Where areyou from?

Can you dive?

Where is thabookshop?ls there a

table inyour kitchen?

ls hareading?

l{ow manyoinemas are

there in Vour

What is shadoing

What's this? l{ow manybedrooms drethere in yourhouse/flat?

10 -12 Review D

Page 62: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Do you listanto mueic?

Do you playvollevbdll?

FtNtstfWhat do youdo in Vourtree time?

What do voudo on


. Mammothshadlonghair.

. Mammothsshort hair.

What's Vou?favourite TYprogramme?

What tineis it?

Does it eatmedt?

long neoks.. Thev hdd

short necks.

Do vou likeonimal


Where doesthe whale


What doesthe giraffe


Choosez. Tfia first

horse wos small.. Ths first

horse was Dig.

What tineis it?

. Thev hadsharp Ieeth.. Thev hdd

What TVpr0grdmmesdo Vou like?

t 'v indy?

ls i t hottodaV?

,lave you gotP.E. todaV?

t{hen hdveyou gotEngl ishtodaV?

lldve Vou gotScience onltlondav?



Units 10-12 Review D @

Page 63: Chit Chat 2 Sb



20d{, s.



f lftysixty

oightynin ety


Listen ondchont.


Nowonswertheq uest ions.

I 've got er [ ruyrdred eurosA,rc l I 'm guing ro the shop.I nuy o purple jncketNow whot $rsnre I qot?

I 've got o hundred eurosAnd I 'm going to the shop.I bug o super CD.Now whot hove I got?

I 've got o hundred eurosAnd l 'm going to the shop.I buy o book ond o new bog.Now whot hove I got?

( ( \ '

Page 64: Chit Chat 2 Sb

. inudrY= cbruary

! - -

Seot ember0ctoberNovemberDocembor

30 dogs 31 dogs 28129 dogs








pg\orr l

When's Uour bir thdog?

Mog the f i f teenth.

Page 65: Chit Chat 2 Sb

qI sow three ships come soi l ing in,On Christmos Dog, on Chr istmos Dog.I sow three ships coming soi l ing in,

On Christmos Doy, on Chr istmos Dog.And ql l the bel ls on eorth con r ing,

On Christmos Doy, on Chr istmos Dog.Then let us ql l be hoppy now,On Christmos Dog in the morning.


Moke onAdvent You need: scissors wo piececolendor.

@ Drow twentg-four little pictures. @ Stick the second piece of poperon the f irst.


rs for the pictures. @ Write dotes on the doors. Write1st to 24th.

Listenond sing.


t th i rII

i---] i_-l

Page 66: Chit Chat 2 Sb

teu Ve€r1 December the 31st is

New Yeor's Eve.

2 People wotch fireworks.

People donce ond sing o song forNew Yeor's Eve.

At twelve o'clock people kissond sog, 'Hoppu New Yeor. '

5 In Scot lond, people col lNew Yeor 'Hogmonog' .

On New Yeor's Eve, we con't JorgetOur Jr iends Jrom long ogo.

On New Yeor's Eve, we think oboutOur Jr iends we love ond know.

Remember our old Jr iends, f f ig deor,Remember our old f r iends.

We sing this song together nowTo remember our old Jr iends.

Listen,reod ondmotch.


Page 67: Chit Chat 2 Sb




Li ste nond sing.


Moke oVolent ine's YOu need:cord.

one piece of red poper. , /

,/ Pencil 1,? ,rirror, )''f?)

@ Orow o heort on the poper.




Cut out the heort. ' , .

@ rolo the poper. .


e @ write




the co ro.

Roses ore red,Violets ore blue,Sugor is sweetAnd so ore you.

Roses ore red,Violets ore blue,l 'm so hoppgWhen l 'm with you.

Page 68: Chit Chat 2 Sb
Page 69: Chit Chat 2 Sb

$run*mt freor$ qnd the DrogonFor geors ond geors, the drogon wososleep. And then . . .

Mon 1: Look! l t 's o drogon.Womqn 1: Run to the c i tg!

The people were behind the citg wolls,The terrible drogon wos outside. l t wosverg, verg hungrg.

Ten dogs lqter, the King wos sod.


Thot night Sobrq's sister, Unq, hod on ideo.

Sobro: Where ore gou going, s ister?Uno: The drogon is s leeping. l 'm

going for help.

Twentg minutes loter, Uno wos outsidethe citg wolls. She wos in the woods forhours ond hours.

Uno: There's o knight! He's s leepingunder o t ree!

George: Whot's the motter?Uno: Pleose help us. There's o terrible

drogon outside mg citg.George: Mg nome is George. Toke me

to th is drogon.


The drogon is st i l l hungrg, butwe hoven't got food for it.In th is hot l 've got the nomesof ol l the people in the c i tg.Tomorrow, one person goes tothe drogon. Pleose choose onome, Pr incess Sobro.I t is mg nome, Fother.Tomorrow in the morning,Princess Sobro goes outsidethe ci tg.

Page 70: Chit Chat 2 Sb
Page 71: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Reod.The United Kingdom (UK)England, Scot land, Wales andNorthern l re land form the UnitedKingdom (UK).Capi ta l c i ty: LondonThe United Kingdom's f lag is theUnion Jack. l t 's red, white and blue.50 mi l l ion people l ive in the UK.

ScotlandCapital city: EdinburghScotland's flag is blue and white.

Northern lrelandCapital city: BelfastThe official flag is theUnion Jack.

Republic of lrelandCapital city: DublinThe Republic of lreland's flagis green, white and orange.


WalesCapital c i ty: Cardi f fWales's f lag is greenand white. l t has gota red dragon.


EnglandCapital city: LondonEngland's flag is red and white.

Page 72: Chit Chat 2 Sb

Main structure Vocabulary

iaaer|o again!h.rsc time!

Whats your favouri te . . .?Do you l ike . . .?What s this?He/She can play the piano.

Revisionviol in, drum, guitar. piano, trumpet

-nrrr fimrts Ume

I can swim.Can you swim?Can he/she skate?

dance, dive, hop. run, skate, skip, ski

play tennis/footbal l/basketbal I

-nt 2flhefs in the house?

Prepositions of there/Are there .?Where's the green bug?Its in/on/behind/under the table.

TV, plant, cupboard, sofa, cooker, bed

bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining room, hall

-rwt 33e healthy!

I 've got a headache.lmperatives: go to bed,eaVdon't eat . . . . dr ink/don' t dr ink

headache, stomach ache, sore throat

fruit, vegetables

-p,rt 4Ity town

Prepositions of place.Where's the . . .?It's next to/opposite the caf6Turn r ighVleft at the museum.

cinema, supermarket, clothes shop, museum,swimming pool, park, cast letown, village, city

-nit 53n holiday

Present continuous tense.He s/She s bug@swimmingUWhat are you doing?Are you dancing?

dancing, dr inking, eat ing, s i t t ing, wri t ing

-nit 64 sunny day

It s hoVcold/windy/ i t snowing?

weatnerCardiff, Dublin, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Oxford

.nit 7Space school

What time is it?I ts half past s ix.When have we got Maths?At two o'clock.I like/don't like Art.

.,lnit Id/hafs on TV?

Its eight twenty-five.What programmes do you like?I like cartoons.

an imal/m usic/sports programmescartoons. comedies, quizzes

Jnit 9i/ty free time

Present simple tense.I read/watch W.What do you do on Saturdays?

play computer games/volleyball, play the piano/trumpet

days of the week (revisron)

Jnit 10Amazing animals

Present simple tense.It eats / lt l ives.What does the lion eat?Where does the giraffe live?

fish, insects, leaves, meat, plants

crocodi le, gor i l la, hippo, penguin, whale, etc.grasslands, forests, rivers, sea

Unit 11Then and now

Past simple tense.The first horse was smaIt had four toes.

mammoths, dinosaurs, diplodocus, T. Rexstrong, short. long, sharp neck/teeth/clawsmeat eater, plant eater

Revision RevisionJnit 12Stone soup

Page 73: Chit Chat 2 Sb


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Page 74: Chit Chat 2 Sb