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CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES II LAB ____________________________________ Exercise #1: Statistical Treatment of Experimental Data _________________________________________________________ Objective: To gain experience in the use of statistical analysis of experimental data, and to apply the statistical methods to establish the precision and accuracy of measurements employing laboratory glassware. Background: Most experiments involve multiple measurements or determinations of the desired result. Usually these repeated trials are performed by one person, but they could also represent a grouping of results from the same experiment performed by several lab workers. Once the results have been calculated (correctly, we hope!) and tabulated, they must be reported in a manner that represents their reliability to the reader or prospective user of the information. The most common treatment of experimental data uses the science of statistics. What follows is a brief summary of applications from that area. [Anyone majoring in a scientific discipline would benefit greatly from a course in basic statistics.] Two definitions are important to consider when using scientific data: precision and accuracy. These two words are often used interchangeably in everyday language; however, in scientific work there is a distinct difference between them. Precision is the proximity of measured results to each other. It is an indication of how reproducibly a result can be determined (i.e., if a procedure is done again and again, will the same answer be attained?). Accuracy is the comparison of the measured result to the actual or accepted value. Consider the following examples of quiz grades: CASE I_ _CASE II_ _CASE III_ 97 % 58 % 97 % 58 % 53 % 99 % 21 % 55 % 98 % poor precision good precision good precision poor accuracy poor accuracy good accuracy Obviously, the desired goal would be to have good precision and good accuracy (as shown in CASE III) for scientific measurements and results. Let us consider the following results from an experiment to determine the atomic weight (mass) of the element molybdenum (Mo): 97.58, 92.17, 95.36, 90.11, 94.94, and 96.83 g/mole. The first calculation would involve finding the average (or mean). This is defined as the sum of the individual results (X i ) divided by the number of measurements or results (n):

Chem 206 Lab Manual

Nov 01, 2014



DeeJay Dlutz

chem 206 manual
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Page 1: Chem 206 Lab Manual


____________________________________ Exercise #1: Statistical Treatment of Experimental Data


Objective: To gain experience in the use of statistical analysis of experimental data, and to

apply the statistical methods to establish the precision and accuracy of measurements

employing laboratory glassware.

Background: Most experiments involve multiple measurements or determinations of the

desired result. Usually these repeated trials are performed by one person, but they could also

represent a grouping of results from the same experiment performed by several lab workers.

Once the results have been calculated (correctly, we hope!) and tabulated, they must

be reported in a manner that represents their reliability to the reader or prospective user of the

information. The most common treatment of experimental data uses the science of statistics.

What follows is a brief summary of applications from that area. [Anyone majoring in a

scientific discipline would benefit greatly from a course in basic statistics.]

Two definitions are important to consider when using scientific data: precision and

accuracy. These two words are often used interchangeably in everyday language; however, in

scientific work there is a distinct difference between them.

Precision is the proximity of measured results to each other. It is an indication of

how reproducibly a result can be determined (i.e., if a procedure is done again and again, will

the same answer be attained?).

Accuracy is the comparison of the measured result to the actual or accepted value.

Consider the following examples of quiz grades:


97 % 58 % 97 %

58 % 53 % 99 %

21 % 55 % 98 %

poor precision good precision good precision

poor accuracy poor accuracy good accuracy

Obviously, the desired goal would be to have good precision and good accuracy (as shown in

CASE III) for scientific measurements and results.

Let us consider the following results from an experiment to determine the atomic

weight (mass) of the element molybdenum (Mo): 97.58, 92.17, 95.36, 90.11, 94.94, and

96.83 g/mole.

The first calculation would involve finding the average (or mean). This is defined as

the sum of the individual results (Xi) divided by the number of measurements or results (n):

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Let us begin by setting up a data table.

















X = 94.50

So the average X (pronounced "X bar") will be (566.99 g/mole)/6 = 94.50 g/mole.

Next we will calculate the deviation which is the absolute difference between the

average ( X ) and the individual result (Xi), or |( X - Xi)|. By adding deviations and dividing by

the number of results, we obtain the average deviation (AD):

average deviation (AD) = | (X-X ) |



For Trial #1, the deviation would be | 94.50 - 97.58 | = 3.08 g/mole.



| X - Xi|






















X = 94.50


So the average deviation (AD) will be (13.43)/6 = 2.238333 or 2.24 g/mole. Note

each result is given to the hundredth’s place; therefore the mean and average

deviation are given to the hundredth’s place.

The relative deviation is defined as the ratio of the average deviation to the mean

value. It is often given as a %.

average deviationrelative deviation = x 100%

average result

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In this example, it would be 2 24

94 50



g / mol

g / mol x 100% = 2.37 %

Here the relative deviation is given with three significant figures. The rubric for

multiplication and division is to present results using the least number of significant figures

of the factors in the problem.

The relative deviation can also be reported in "parts per thousand", ppt, if the fraction

is multiplied by 1000 instead of 100. Here, the answer would be 23.7 ppt. You might also see

the relative deviation reported in ppm, "parts per million", which means the fraction is

multiplied by 1,000,000 or 106 (our answer would be 2.37x10

4 ppm).

The average deviation gives a measure of the precision of the experimental results. In

this experiment, we know the accepted or actual result for the atomic mass of Mo. From

various books and charts, it is given as 95.94 g/mole. We can therefore report the error of the

data. The error is the difference between our average answer and the actual value (often

called absolute error). When this is divided by the actual value, we get the relative error.

When this is multiplied by 100% we get the percent error.

percent error = | actual value - average experimental result | X 100%

actual value

Using our results:

|(95.94 - 94.50)|

95.94 x 100% = 1.50 % error

We could also report relative error as 15.0 ppt, had we multiplied by 1000 instead of 100.

Error and relative errors are measures of accuracy.

Let’s summarize.

Represent a series of data using the average, or mean value - X

Average or percent deviation represents the precision of the data.

Absolute or percent error represents the accuracy of the data.


What happens when we don’t know what the actual, or true value is. After all, isn’t

that the goal of doing the measurement to begin with? We have two choices, do the

measurement many, many (did I say many) times until we are confident in the result, or rely

on statistics to help us estimate the accuracy of our result. In what follows we introduce the

statistical approach.

The statistical approach is based on the use of the standard deviation, n-1

(sometimes designated, s). For this, we need to square the individual deviations in the table,

obtain the sum, divide by (n-1), and then take the square root of the answer.

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standard deviation n-1 =


i(X - X )


For Trial #1, the deviation squared would be (3.08)2 = 9.4864 (g/mole)

2. We will not worry

about the units here, because later when we take the square root, we will end with g/mol


With our data, this becomes 4054956 1

2 85.( )


g / mol = n-1

[You may also see an answer reported with n when the above calculation uses n as the

divisor rather than n-1. This is done sometimes if there is a large amount of data so that n ≈n-

1.] The details of the calculation are given in the table below.



X - Xi

( X - Xi)2





























X = 94.50

AD = 2.24

n-l = 2.85

The standard deviation can be reported in terms of relative standard deviation, often

using units of % or parts per thousand, ppt:

relative standard deviation = n1

X x 100% =

2.85 g / mol

94.50 g / mol x 100% = 3.02 %

or = n1

X x 1000 =

2.85 g / mol

94.50 g / mol x 1000 = 30.2 ppt

The standard deviation is reported to the same decimal place as the individual results.

Here we report the value of n-1 to the hundredth’s place, just as the experimental molar

masses. The relative standard deviation is given with three significant figures since this was

the least number of significant figures of the factors used in its calculation.

To give an estimate of error of the mean (proximity to the true value), the standard

deviation is often converted to an expression called a confidence interval. This is a range,

centered at X , in which we can expect to find the true value with a certain degree of

confidence. To determine the confidence interval we make use of the statistical value, t,

which can be obtained from the table below.







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We will calculate a value

( )( )t


n 1

Using the value of t90% = 2.015 from the table for n -1 = 5 (n = 6 results), this gives us

( . )

.2 015

62 34


Now we can report our answer as 94.50 ± 2.34 g/mole, meaning that we have a range

extending from

the lower confident limit 94.50 - 2.34 = 92.16 g/mol

to the upper confidence limit 94.50 + 2.34 = 96.84 g/mol

This means that there is a 10% chance (100% - 90%) that the true value lies outside the range

92.16 to 96.84 g/mol. The value of 2 represents the width of the confidence interval.

The range becomes wider if we want to decrease the odds of misrepresenting the

actual value. Prove to yourself that for 95% confidence, our answer would be expressed as

94.50 ± 2.99 g/mole or that there is a 5% chance of finding the true value outside the range of

91.51 to 97.49 g/mole.


NOTE: If you have a scientific calculator, you will probably notice that you have keys

with labels of , 2, n-1, n. Thus your calculator is already programmed to do

calculations involved in deviations and standard deviations. Because procedures vary

amongst different models and manufacturers, you should consult the instruction

booklet that was included with your calculator. [Oh no, where did I put that.....]


When performing an experiment, we often have occasion to question a result.

Sometimes we know that an error has occurred in the procedure and we make an entry in our

notebook to indicate what happened. We might then eliminate that particular trial from our

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final calculations with good justification, but we do not obliterate the entry in our records.

However, even if a noticeable error has not happened, we might wonder about the validity of

a result. For example, notice that the answer for Trial #4 in our data has a high deviation

(4.39 g/mole). Should this result be eliminated from our final calculations or must we retain

it? There are several statistical ways to evaluate this and one (the Q test) is described below.

First, arrange the results in numerical order (ascending or descending). Working with

our data set, we get






90.11* (the suspected value that we want to consider)

Take the difference between the highest (97.58) and lowest (90.11) values. This gives us the

range of 7.47. Now take the difference between the suspected value (90.11) and its nearest

neighbor (92.17). Ignore the sign (+ or -). This gives us 2.06.

Now we define experimental

difference of suspect and nearest neighborQ =


With our numbers

We now consult a statistical table of Q values with different confidence levels

depending on the number of results, n (below). For example, with n = 6, Q50% = 0.560, Q95%

= 0.625, and Q99% = 0.740.

In our case Qexp = 0.276. This is less than any Q from the table. Thus we are NOT

allowed to remove the suspected value of 90.11 from our data. If Qexp > Q from the table, we

may eliminate our suspected value. For example, if Qexp = 0.676, we could say that the value

90.11 could be removed from the data with 95% certainty. We would then go back and redo

all calculations based on the 5 remaining results.

We finish up this introduction to error analysis by discussing how average deviation,

standard deviation and confidence limits relate to the representation of precision and accuracy

of experimental results. Measurements can deviate from true results as an accumulation of

random and systematic errors. Random errors are equally likely to lead to too high or too

low results. By performing a measurement numerous times we can reduce the influence of

random errors. We use the confidence interval to indicate the uncertainty resulting from

random errors. We use significant figures to represent the limitation of the measurement

device. For instruments with digital displays, the precision is given by the right-most digit on

the display. (eg. a reading of 9.076 g is precise to +/- 0.001 g). For equipment with graduated

scales the precision is taken as +/- 1/10 the smallest division. When representing

experimental measurements, the number of digits (significant figures) used should represent

the precision of the measurement.

Q-Test values

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25 0.277 0.317 0.393

30 0.260 0.298 0.372

If we discover that the actual (true) result lies outside the confidence interval it is

likely that there are systematic errors at play. Systematic errors will lead to inaccurate results,

no matter how many data points are averaged together. Now the confidence interval can help

us ferret out potential sources of these errors. As an example, if the true result lies outside a

95% confidence interval, there is a 95% certainty that our technique has introduced a

systematic error. One of the main sources of systematic error is the use of an uncalibrated

instrument. The following exercises will help you review statistical analysis of data.

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10-11-206, Chemical Principles II Lab Name: _______________________

Exercise #1 Major: ______________________

[1] How many significant figures are indicated in each of the following


(a) 0.02670 g _____ significant figures

(b) 328.0 mL _____

(c) 7000.0 ng _____

(d) 0.00200cm _____

[2] A sample containing the known amount of 102 g/L of chloride was analyzed twice by a

student. Answers of 101 and 98 g/L were reported by the student.

(a) Calculate the student's average (mean) answer __________

(b) Calculate the absolute error __________

(c) Calculate the percent error __________

[3] The weights (masses) of nuclear pellets were found to be 127.2, 128.4, 127.1, 129.0, and

128.1 grams.

(a) Calculate the average (mean) __________

(b) What is the median (middle measurement)? __________

(c) What is the range of the measurements? __________

[4] An alloy was analyzed four times for silver and the results were 95.67%, 95.61%,

95.71%, and 95.60% Ag.

(a) Calculate the standard deviation, n-1 __________

(b) Calculate the relative standard deviation (in %) __________

[5] Four measurements of sodium levels in blood samples gave results of 139.2, 139.8, 140.1,

and 139.4 mmol/L of Na+

(a) Calculate the average value __________

(b) Calculate the standard deviation, n-1 __________

(c) Calculate the relative standard deviation in ppt __________

(d) Calculate the range for 90% confidence __________

(e) Calculate the range for 95% confidence __________

[6] The precision of a method is being established, and the following data are obtained:

22.23, 22.18, 22.25, 22.09, and 22.17%. Is the 22.09% value a valid measurement at

the 95% confidence level? (i.e., should it be included or omitted in the results?)


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Lab Exercise 1: Calibration of a Volumetric Pipet.

Volumetric pipets are used to deliver a specific volume of a liquid. In this exercise

you will determine the accuracy and precision of using this tool.

a) Pull the 10-mL volumetric pipet from your drawer.

b) Obtain approximately 100 mL of deionized water in a clean beaker and

allow the temperature to equilibrate with that of the lab.

c) Record the temperature and refer to the density chart posted in the lab to

find the density of water at that temperature.

d) Determine the mass of a dry wash bottle.

e) Discharge 10 mL of deionized water into the wash bottle using the

volumetric pipet. Allow the pipet to drain; don’t force the contents out with the pipet

bulb. Record the mass and determine the volume based on the density of water.

f) Repeat steps (d-e) four more times by adding to the contents of the bottle.


Temperature of Water: _____________

Density of Water: _____________

Mass of Wash Bottle: _____________

Trial Mass of Bottle + Water Volume of Pipet






Average Volume ________________

Average Deviation ________________

Standard Deviation ________________

95% Confidence Interval ________________

1) Does the confidence interval include 10 mL?

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Lab Exercise 2: Precision and Accuracy of a Buret.

Burets are used to deliver a measured volume of a liquid during a titration. In this

exercise you will determine experimental accuracy and precision using this tool.

a) Obtain a 50-mL buret

b) Obtain approximately 100 mL of deionized water in a clean beaker and

allow the temperature to equilibrate with that of the lab.

c) Record the temperature and refer to the density chart posted in the lab to

find the density of water at that temperature.

d) Mount the buret to a buret clamp supported by a ring stand.

e) With the stopcock closed, fill the buret to the 0-mark with water. It’s not

important that you fill exactly to the 0-mark, only that you know what the initial

reading is. Record this value in the table below.

f) Determine the mass of a clean, dry 150-mL beaker.

g) Discharge ~ 8 mL of deionized water into the beaker from the buret. Try to

get close. You’ll need this skill in week 3 when you perform a titration. Record the

final volume in the buret and the mass of the beaker + water. Calculate the volume

discharged using the density of water.

h) Repeat step (g) four more times by adding to the contents of the beaker.


Temperature of Water: _____________

Density of Water: _____________

Mass of Beaker: _____________

Trial Mass of Beaker +


Initial Buret


Final Buret







The volume discharged is simply the final buret reading – initial buret reading.

The volume based on mass of water collected is given by V = m/d, where d is the

density of water in g/mL.

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1) Use these definitions to complete the subsequent data table.


Trial Volume from

buret reading

Volume from

mass of H2O








2) Use column B as the “true” value, determine the percent error for each row.

3) What is the average % error? What is the average absolute error?

4) How does the average absolute error compare to the magnitude of the smallest

graduation on the buret?

5) How does the average absolute error compare to the magnitude of the precision of

the buret?

Revised: A. Langner 2/22/09

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Experiment #2: Decomposition of KClO3

Objective: Determine the value of the gas constant, R, by measuring the decomposition of potassium chlorate, KClO3, using a liquid displacement method.

Background: Most gases obey the ideal-gas equation, PV = nRT, quite well under

ordinary conditions, that is, at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Here P

is pressure, V is volume, n is moles of gas and T is absolute temperature. The gas

constant, R, relates these quantities and is now known to have a value of 0.08206

L.atm/mol.K. Small deviations from this law are observed, however, because real-

gas molecules are finite in size and exhibit mutual attractive forces. The van der

Waals equation,



n aP V nb nRT


eq. 1

where a and b are constants characteristic of a given gas, takes into account these

two causes for deviation and is applicable over a much wider range of temperatures

and pressures than the ideal-gas equation. The term nb in the expression (V - nb) is

a correction for the finite volume of the molecules; the correction to the pressure by

the term n2a/V2 takes into account the inter-molecular attractions.

In this experiment you will test the validity of the ideal gas law by determining

the gas constant by the thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate, KClO3. The

evolution of O2 from the sample can be measured gravimetrically (mass difference)

and by measuring the volume of evolved gas by displacement of water. A

manganese(IV) oxide, MnO2, catalyst will be used to speed up the decomposition

reaction. The overall reaction is given by:

2KClO3(s) 2KCl(s) + 3O2(g) eq. 2

Analysis of the results will be performed using both the ideal-gas law and the

van der Waals equation. The experiment will be performed in triplicate to establish

the precision of the measured value.

You will work with mixtures of potassium chlorate and potassium chloride,

KCl. From eq. 2 you can see that KCl(s) is a product of the reaction and,

consequently, will not react. If a sample of the KClO3/KCl mixture is accurately

weighed before and after the oxygen has been driven off, the mass of the evolved

oxygen can be obtained by difference. From this moles of O2 can be determined.

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The oxygen can be collected by displacing water from a bottle or closed flask, and

the volume of gas can be determined from the volume of water displaced. The

measurement of displaced water is performed in such a way that the initial and final

temperature and pressure are identical. This way the ratio of moles of gas to volume

of gas in the closed system must be constant.

Letting n1 and V1 represent initial moles and volume of gas (air and water

vapor), and n2 and V2 by final moles and volume of gas (air, water vapor and evolved

O2), we can write the relation;

2 1

2 2 1O

V V Pn n n


eq. 3

In the case of the van der Waals equation the relationship is a bit more complicated;

however, to a good approximation;


2 1

2 2 1 1O

V V n nn n n P a b


eq. 4

Where n = n2-n1 and V = V2-V1, respectively. Equations 3 and 4 can be used to

determine the gas constant R.


You MUST wear safety goggles at all times while in the laboratoiry.

When sealing the test tube containing the KClO3/MnO2 mixture make sure

none of the reactants come in contact with the rubber stopper. KClO3 is a

strong oxidant and will react violently with the stopper if forced into contact

with it.

Return unused KClO3 and MnO2 in separate vials. Remember, MnO2 will

accelerate the decomposition of potassium chlorate.

Make sure all glassware is secured with clamps before starting the reaction.

Do NOT remove hoses from the glass tubing.

Replace the cap on the syringe needle after use.

All usual safety precautions should be followed, including any special

precautions given by your instructor.

Procedure: Work in partners

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1. Obtain a vial of potassium chlorate (KClO3) and a vial of manganese(IV) oxide (MnO2). Both reactants have been mixed with inert potassium chloride (KCl).

2. Assemble the experimental apparatus shown in Figure 1, but don’t attach the test tube. The tubes and stoppers have already been pre-assembled. You will use a 250-mL Aspirator Flask rather than a bottle. The aspirator flask should be clamped to a ring stand to secure it. Fill the flask with water to the neck. Fill glass tube A and the rubber tubing with water by loosening the pinch clamp and attaching a rubber bulb to the end of tube B and applying pressure through it. Close the clamp when the tube is filled.

3. Add approximately 0.20 g of the MnO2/KCl mix and 0.5 g of KClO3 to the provided test tube. Accurately determine the mass of the test tube and contents to the nearest 0.0001 g. Mix the solids in the test tube by rotating the tube, being certain that none of the mixture is lost from the tube. Cover the tube with the rubber septa. Clamp the tube to a ring stand and attach tube B by pushing the needle through the septa. (CAUTION: When you attach the test tube, be certain that none of the solid mixture contacts the septa. With added heat and pressure a violent reaction could result.)

Figure 1: Experimental Apparatus

4. Fill the beaker about half full of water, insert the end of tube A in it,

open the pinch clamp, and lift the beaker until the levels of water in the

flask and beaker are identical. Then close the clamp, discard the water

in the beaker, dry the beaker, and determine it’s mass. The purpose of

equalizing the levels is to produce atmospheric pressure inside the

flask and test tube.

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5. Set the beaker with tube A in it on the bench and open the pinch

clamp. A little water will flow into the beaker, but if the system is airtight

and has no leaks, the flow will soon stop and tube A will remain filled

with water. If this is not the case, check the apparatus for leaks and

start over. Leave the small amount of water in beaker, at the end of the

experiment, the water levels will be adjusted and this water will flow

back into the bottle.

6. Heat the lower part of the test tube gently (be certain that the pinch

clamp is open) so that a slow but steady stream of gas is produced,

as evidenced by the flow of water into the beaker. When the rate of gas

evolution slows considerably, increase the rate of heating, and heat

until no more oxygen is evolved. Allow the apparatus to cool to room

temperature, making certain that the end of the tube in the beaker is

always below the surface of the water. Equalize the water levels in the

beaker and the bottle as before and close the clamp.

7. Determine the mass of the beaker with water. Measure the

temperature of the water and, using the density of water in Table 1,

calculate the volume of the water displaced. This is equal to the volume

of oxygen produced.

8. Remove the test tube from the apparatus and accurately weigh the

tube plus the contents. The difference in mass between this and the

original mass of the tube plus solids is the mass of the oxygen


9. Record the barometric pressure. Your instructor will have access to a


10. Repeat the experiment 2 more times for a total of three trials using a

new test tube for each trial.

Waste Disposal Instructions KClO3 is a powerful oxidizing agent and should not be disposed of in a waste basket! Do not attempt to clean out the residue that remains in the test tube. Return the test tube to the instructor or follow his instructions for disposal of its contents.

TABLE 1 Density and Vapor Pressure of Pure Water at Various Temperatures

Temperature oC



Temperature oC

Vapor Pressure






















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Data & Analysis

Table 2: Moles of O2 Evolved.

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Mass of test tube + reactants (g)

Mass of test tube + products (g)

Mass of O2 evolved (g)

Moles of O2 evolved (mole)

Table 3: Volume of Water Displaced

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Mass of dry beaker (g)

Mass of beaker + water (g)

Mass of water displaced (g)

Temperature of water (oC)

Density of water (g/mL)

Volume of water displaced, V2-V1 (L)

Table 4: Determination of Gas Constant (For eq. 4 use a = 1.360 L2atm/mol2, b = 31.83 cm3/mol)

R from eq. 3 R from eq. 4

Trial 1

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Trial 2

Trial 3

Average, X

Standard Deviation, n-1

95 % Conf. Int., X ±


1. Does your value of R based on the ideal gas law agree with the accepted value within

the confidence limits of the result?

2. Does your value of R based on the van der Waals equation agree with the accepted

value within the confidence limits of the result?

3. How does the solubility of oxygen in water affect the value of R you determined?

Explain your answer.

4. Use the van der Waals equation to calculate the pressure exerted by 1.000 mol of Cl2;

in 22.41 L at 0.0 °C. The van der Waals constants for Cl2; are: a = 6.49 L2 atm/mol

2 and

b = 0.0562 L/mol.

5. How much potassium chlorate is needed to produce 20.0 mL of oxygen gas at 670

mm Hg and 20°C?

6. A certain compound containing only carbon and hydrogen was found to have a

vapor density of 2.550 g/L at 100°C and 760 mm Hg. If the empirical formula of this

compound is CH, what is the molecular formula of this compound?

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Experiment #3: Acid-Base Titrations

Objective: Determine the concentration of acid in an aqueous unkown by using the technique of acid-base titration with an indicator.

Background: There are many definitions or classifications of acids and bases. For this

experiment, the Arrhenius definitions will be most useful:

An acid is a substance that provides hydrogen ions (H+) in aqueous solution.

A base is a substance that provides hydroxide ions (OH-) in aqueous solution.

Neutralization is the reaction of the H+ from the acid with the OH

- of the base:

HX(aq) + MOH(aq) MX(aq) + H2O(l) eq. 1

Here X- is a monovalent anion (e.g. Cl

-) and M

+ is a monovalent cation (e.g. Na

+). The

product of a neutralization reaction is a salt and water.

Using compounds as examples of acids and bases, we get equations such as these:


- + Na


- Na


- + H2O eq. 2



2- + Na


- K



2- + H2O eq. 3

Acid Base salt water

Equation 2 represents the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide to produce sodium chloride and water. Equation 3 appears more complicated, but it still

represents an acid, potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) reacting with a base, sodium

hydroxide (Na+OH

-) to produce a salt, potassium sodium phthalate (K



2-) and

water. The molecular structure of the phthalate anion is given below.





Notice that both reactions 2 and 3 involve reacting one mole of acid with one mole of base; some reactions have ratios that are not one-to-one. When the reaction is complete, this is called the equivalence point. All of the acid will have reacted with all of the base and the flask or beaker will now contain only the salt produced with water.

Often a visual method is used to determine when the reaction is completed. We will use an acid-base indicator that changes color dramatically as the solution changes from acidic to slightly basic (or vice versa). The indicator will be phenolphthalein, often abbreviated as "phth" It is colorless in acid and pink in base. When the indicator changes color, this is called the end point of the reaction and the indicator is selected so that the end point and the

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equivalence point will be close, consequently giving results. Titration is a technique that involves a controlled reaction between two substances. In our experiment, one substance (the base, NaOH) is placed in a buret and the other substance (the acid, KHP) is in a flask. The phenolphthalein indicator is added to the flask containing the acid, then NaOH is slowly added to this mixture until the indicator changes from colorless to pink. This signals the end of the reaction.

We will first make a dilute solution of NaOH from a more concentrated solution (often called a stock solution). The concentration of the dilute NaOH solution will be determined by titrating it using a known amount of acid (KHP). Through this procedure the NaOH solution is standardized. Now that the concentration (molarity) of the NaOH is known, it can be used to determine the amount of acid in any appropriate sample, such as acid rain, stomach fluid, urine, soda, or a laboratory unknown.


* You MUST wear safety goggles at all times while in the laboratory.

* Although the acids and bases we will use are rather dilute,

- wash your hands well if acid or base gets on them

- don't rub your eyes with your fingers

- you may wish to wear gloves

- you may wish to wear an apron or lab coat

- wash your lab bench well to remove any acid or base spills

* All solutions may be rinsed into the sinks with running tap water.

* Pipets should be used only with bulbs or pumps. NO pipeting by mouth! * All normal safety rules must be obeyed, including any special precautions issued by

your instructor.

Procedure: (work in pairs)


The preparation of the NaOH titrant solution should be done by one lab partner.

A. Using a 50- or 100-mL graduated cylinder, measure 250 mL of distilled water into a 500-mL flask. With a 10-mL graduated cylinder, obtain 10 mL of 6 M NaOH and add it to the flask. Mix very well. Pour into a plastic or glass storage bottle and cap the bottle (or leave in flask and cover with plastic film). Label this solution as "NaOH titrant" and set aside. Make sure the valve to the carboy containing the 6 M NaOH(aq) is closed after use.

Determination 1: Calculate the approximate molarity of the "NaOH titrant" solution and record it in the data table. (This is a dilution problem so use M1V1 = M2V2 where M represents molarity and V is volume.)

B. Obtain a 50-mL buret. Clean with soapy water and rinse several times with tap water, then rinse with distilled water 2 or 3 times. Pour some of the "NaOH titrant" into a small beaker and rinse the buret with 2 or 3 small (5-10 mL) portions of it. The buret does not have to be dry, but now any liquid in the buret is the "NaOH titrant".

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C. Set up a ring stand with the buret clamp. Attach the buret and, using the small buret funnel, slowly pour "NaOH titrant" solution into the buret, filling it to above the zero-line. Place a "waste beaker" below the buret and allow some solution to run out, making sure that the buret tip is filled and has no air bubbles. Adjust the level of the liquid in the buret to between 0 and 5 mL. It DOES NOT have to be at 0.00 mL to begin!


The preparation of the KHP solution should be done by one lab partner.

A. Clean five 125- or 250-mL flasks. Rinse with distilled water. They do not need to be dry. With a wax pencil, label them as A, B, C, D, E or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or any way you wish.

B. Using a plastic weighing boat, measure approximately 0.6 grams of KHP (potassium hydrogen phthalate). The amount doesn't have to be exactly 0.6 grams, but you need to know and record exactly what amount you have (i.e., 0.5832 g or 0.6117 g) in the data table. Add the weighed KHP to the first flask and using the squirt bottle, rinse the plastic weighing boat with distilled water allowing the liquid to go into the flask.

C. Repeat this process for the other four flasks.

D. Using the 50- or 100-mL graduated cylinder, measure and add 30 mL of distilled water to each flask. Swirl to dissolve the KHP solid.

Determination 2: Calculate the moles of KHP you have and enter it in your data table.

Example: Suppose you weighed 0.6117 grams of KHP.

0.6117 g KHP x 1 mole KHP = 0.002995 moles KHP

204.23 g KHP


A. Record the initial reading of the "NaOH titrant" in the buret, using a card with a dark line as background to read the bottom of the meniscus. Estimate your readings to the nearest 0.01 mL. Have your instructor verify your first reading. Enter it in the data chart.

B. Place a piece of white paper on the base of the ring stand. Add 3 or 4 drops of phenolphthalein to the first flask of KHP solution. Slowly add "NaOH titrant" while constantly swirling the flask to mix. Have your instructor show you. You will see some pink that disappears quickly, but as you continue to add NaOH, the pink will stay longer. Slow down and start adding very small amounts until the pink color persists when swirled. You are aiming for the lightest pink possible. Read and record the final volume of "NaOH titrant" from the buret. [After the sample sits for a few minutes, the color may disappear, but that is OK.]

C. Refill the buret. Repeat the procedure for the next flask until all five have been titrated. Dispose of the waste in the sink with running tap water. Leave the buret ready for the next part.

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Determination 3: What is the molarity of the "NaOH titrant" obtained from each titration?

Enter this in the data table.

Example: The titration required 14.65 mL of NaOH for the sample from Part II which contained 0.002995 moles KHP.

0.002995 moles KHP x 1 mole NaOH = 0.2044 M NaOH

0.01465 L NaOH sol'n 1 mole KHP

Is the molarity of the NaOH solution close to your estimate from Part IA? [If it seems really different from your estimate or prediction, check for potential errors.]

Determination 4: Calculate the average molarity of the NaOH titrant solution, the standard deviation, and the 95% confidence interval. Include this in your report.


A. Obtain an unknown from your instructor and record its number NOW!

B. Using a pipet bulb or pipet pump and your 10-mL volumetric pipet, transfer 10-

mL of unknown to a clean 125- or 250-mL flask. Add 20 mL of distilled water, using

the graduated cylinder. Add 3 or 4 drops of phenolphthalein. Record the initial

volume of NaOH in the buret and titrate until the color becomes a persistent light

pink. Record the final volume in the buret. Refill the buret with NaOH titrant solution

and repeat the procedure for a total of 5 trials.

After you finished the first titration, you should be able to predict how many mL the second sample should require. For subsequent trials add about 2/3 of that very quickly, then slow down to reach the end point.

Determination 5: What is the molarity of the acid in the original unknown?

Example: 10-mL of unknown required 22.50 mL of 0.2044 M NaOH to reach the end point. Be sure to use average molarity of NaOH from Part III.

22.50 mL NaOH sol'n x 0.2044 moles NaOH x 1 mole unk acid = 0.4599 M

10.00 mLunk acid 1 L NaOH sol'n 1 mole NaOH unk acid

Determination 6: Calculate the average molarity of the unknown acid solution, the standard

deviation, and the 95% confidence interval. Include this in your report.

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A. All solutions, including the NaOH, can be washed down the drain with running tap water.

B. Return the KHP vial and unknown container to the instructor.

C. Clean your equipment and lab bench area.

D. Have your instructor initial your lab book.





Determination 1: Approximate Molarity of NaOH Titrant ________________

Table 1: Molarity of NaOH Titrant (Determination 2 & 3)












Determination 4: Average Molarity of NaOH _______________

Standard Deviation _______________

95% Confidence Interval _______________


Table 2: Molarity of Acid Unknown (Determination 5)





M of Acid






Page 23: Chem 206 Lab Manual

Determination 6: Average Molarity of Acid _______________

Standard Deviation _______________

95% Confidence Interval _______________


Question 1: Suppose in step II-D you unknowingly added 35 mL of distilled water to one of the five flasks instead of 30 mL. Does this lead to a systematic error in your results? Why or why not?

Question 2: Suppose in procedure IV you and your lab partner got your signals crossed and you both added 20 mL of distilled water to one of the flasks containing 10-mL of unknown. Does this lead to a systematic error in your results? Why or why not?

Question 3: When phenolphthalein is used as an indicator the pink color at the end point of a titration tends to fade over time. What does this indicate about changes in the solution? Give a possible explanation for this change.

Question 4: Potassium hydrogen phthalate is a monoprotic acid. dihydrogen phthalate (H2C8H4O4) is a diprotic acid. An analyte sample contains 0.127 M KHP and 0.0678 M H2C8H4O4. What volume of a 0.205 M NaOH solution is required to neutralize 25.0 mL of the analyte solution? Show your work.

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Revised: A. Langner 3-21-2009

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Experiment #4: Heat of Neutralization

Objective: To measure, using a calorimeter, the energy changes accompanying

neutralization reactions.

Background: Every chemical change is accompanied by a change in energy,

usually in the form of heat. The energy change of a reaction that occurs at constant

pressure is termed the heat of reaction or the enthalpy change. The symbol H =

Hfinal - Hinitial is used to denote the enthalpy change. If heat is evolved, the reaction is

exothermic (H < 0); and if heat is absorbed, the reaction is endothermic (H > 0). In

this experiment, you will measure the heat of neutralization (or the enthalpy of

neutralization) when an acid and a base react to form water and a soluble salt.

This quantity of heat is measured experimentally by allowing the reaction to

take place in a thermally insulated vessel called a calorimeter. The heat liberated in

the neutralization will cause an increase in the temperature of the solution and of the

calorimeter. If the calorimeter were perfect, no heat would be radiated to the

laboratory. The calorimeter you will use in this experiment is constructed from

styrofoam coffee cups covered by a plastic lid. Some heat will be lost through the

top; therefore, the calorimeter will have to be calibrated.

Calibration of the calorimeter involves determining its heat capacity, Ccal. By

"heat capacity of the calorimeter" we mean the amount of heat (that is, the number of

joules) required to raise its temperature 1 Kelvin, which is the same as 1°C. Provided

the calibration is done in the temperature range encountered during the

neutralization reaction, Ccal incorporates both the heating up of the cups themselves

and the heat loss through the plastic top. Once calibrated, the calorimeter can be

used to determine the enthalpy change of a reaction. At constant pressure the heat

released by a reaction is equal to –Hrxn for the reaction. The released heat of

reaction is absorbed by the calorimeter contents, the calorimeter and is lost through

the top. Mathematically we write

qreleased = -Hrxn = mCsT + CcalT eq. 1

Here m and Cs are the mass and specific heat capacity of the reaction solution. The

temperature change T = Tf – Ti (final – initial).

The heat capacity of the calorimeter is determined by measuring the tem-

perature change that occurs when a known amount of hot water is added to a known

amount of cold water in the calorimeter. The heat lost by the warm water is equal to

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the heat gained by the cold water and the heat absorbed by the calorimeter. For

example, if T1 equals the temperature of 50 mL of cold water and the calorimeter, T2

equals the temperature of 50 mL of warm water added to it, and Tf equals the

temperature after mixing, then the heat lost by the warm water is

heat lost by warm water = (T2 - Tf) x 50 g x 4.18 J/goC eq. 2

The specific heat of water is 4.18 J/K-g, and the density of water is 1.00 g/mL. The

heat gained by the cold water is

heat gained by cold water = (Tf – T1) x 50 g x 4.18 J/goC eq. 3

The heat lost to the calorimeter is the difference between heat lost by the warm

water and that gained by the cold water:

(heat lost by warm water) — (heat gained by cold water) =

heat gained by the calorimeter

Substituting equations 2 and 3 we have

[(T2 - Tf) x 50 g x 4.18J/goC] - [{Tf – T1) x 50 g x 4.18J/goC]

= Ccal x (Tf – T1) eq. 4

Note that the heat lost to the calorimeter equals its temperature change times its

heat capacity. Thus by measuring T1, T2, and Tf, the heat capacity of the calorimeter

can be calculated from equation 4. The following example illustrates this procedure.

Example 1

Given the following data, calculate the heat lost by the warm water, the heat gained

by the cold water, the heat lost to the calorimeter, and the heat capacity of the


Temperature of 50.0 mL warm water: 37.92°C = T2

Temperature of 50.0 mL cold water: 20.91 °C = T1

Temperature after mixing: 29.11 °C = Tf

SOLUTION: The heat lost by the warm water, where T = 37.92 °C - 29.11 °C, is

8.81 K x 50 g x 4.18 J/goC = 1840 J

The heat gained by the cold water, where T = 29.11 °C - 20.91 °C, is

8.20 K x 50 g x 4.18J/goC = 1710 J

The heat gained by the calorimeter is

1840 J - 1710 J = 130 J

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The heat capacity of the calorimeter is, therefore,

130J/8.20K = 16.0 J/K

Once the heat capacity of the calorimeter is determined. equation 1 can be used to

determine the H for the neutralization reaction. Example 2 illustrates such a calculation.

Example 2

Given the following data, calculate the heat gained by the solution, the heat

gained by the calorimeter, and the heat of reaction:

Temperature of 50.0 mL of acid before mixing: Ti = 21.02 °C Temperature of 50.0 mL of base before mixing: Ti = 21.02 °C Temperature of 100.0 mL of solution after mixing: Tf = 27.53 °C

SOLUTION: The heat gained by the solution, where T = 27.53 °C - 21.02 °C, is

6.51 K x 100 g x 4.18 J/K-g = 2720 J

The heat gained by the calorimeter, where T - 27.53 °C - 21.02 °C, is

6.51 K x 16.0 J/K = 104 J

The heat of reaction is therefore

2720 J + 104 J = 2824 J = 2.82 kJ


You MUST wear safety goggles at all times while in the laboratory.

Although the acids and bases used are dilute,

-- wash your hands well if acid or base gets on them

-- don’t get solutions in your eyes or on your clothes

-- you may wear gloves and/or a lab apron

-- clean acid or base spills with ample water

All solutions may be rinsed into the sinks with running water.

All usual safety precautions should be followed, including any special precautions given by your instructor.



Page 28: Chem 206 Lab Manual

Procedure: Work in partners

A. Heat Capacity of Calorimeter

1) Construct a calorimeter similar to the one shown in Figure1 by nesting two

Styrofoam cups together. Make a hole in the lid just big enough to admit the

thermometer. Place the cups in a 400-mL beaker to provide stability. Using a clamp

support the thermometer in the calorimeter, making sure the thermometer bulb

doesn’t touch the bottom of the inner cup. To protect the thermometer, wrap some

paper towels around the top as you gently clamp down.

2) Place exactly 50.0 mL of tap water in the calorimeter cup and replace the

cover and thermometer. Allow 5 to 10 min for the system to reach thermal

equilibrium; then record the temperature to the nearest 0.1 °C on the report sheet.

Figure 1: Schematic of Calorimeter

3) Place exactly 50.0 mL of water in a clean, dry 250-mL beaker and heat the

water on a hot plate until the temperature is approximately 15° to 20°C above room

temperature. Do not heat to boiling, or appreciable water will be lost, leading to an

erroneous result. Allow the heated water to stand for a minute or two, recording the

temperature to the nearest 0.1 oC as you wait. The largest error in the lab occurs

when the thermometer hasn’t had the chance to reach the same temperature as the

hot water, so be patient.

4) Immediately after taking a temperature measurement of the warm water

pour it as completely as possible into the calorimeter, making sure the contents are

thoroughly mixed. Replace the lid and the thermometer, then observe the

temperature for the next 3 min and record the temperature every 15 s on the




Styrofoam Cups

Page 29: Chem 206 Lab Manual

temperature vs. time data sheet.

5) Determine T by taking the difference between the maximum temperature

on your data sheet and the initial temperature of the cold water.

6) Repeat Steps 2-4 two more times, interchanging the inner and outer

calorimeter cup each time. Be sure the cups are thoroughly dried between uses.

B. Heat of Neutralization of HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) H2O(l) + NaCl(aq)

1) Dry the calorimeter and the thermometer with a towel. Carefully measure

50.0 mL of 1.0 M NaOH and add it to the calorimeter. Place the lid on the calorimeter

but leave the thermometer out.

2) Measure out exactly 50.0 mL of 1.0 M HCl into a dry beaker. Allow it to

stand near the calorimeter for 3 to 4 min. Measure the temperature of the acid, rinse

the thermometer with tap water, and wipe dry.

3) Insert the thermometer into the calorimeter and measure the temperature

of the NaOH solution. The temperatures of the NaOH and the HCl should not differ

by more than 0.5°C. If the difference is greater than 0.5°C, adjust the temperature of

the HCl by either warming it by holding the beaker in your hands or cooling the out-

side of the beaker with tap water until the temperature of the HCl is within 0.5 °C of

that of the NaOH, then record the temperature of both solutions in your data table.

4) Lift the lid of the calorimeter and carefully add the 1.0 M HC1 all at once.

Be careful not to splash any on the upper sides of the cup. Make sure the contents

are thoroughly mixed then replace the lid and thermometer of the calorimeter.

5) Record the temperature as a function of time every 15 s for the next 3 min.

6) Determine T by using the highest temperature in your data table.

Calculate the heat of neutralization per mole of water formed. You may assume that

the NaCl solution has the same density and specific heat as water.

7) Repeat Steps 1-6 two more times, interchanging the inner and outer

calorimeter cup each time. Be sure the cups are thoroughly dried between uses and

the thermometer is rinsed with water.

C. Heat of Neutralization of HC2H3O2(aq) + NaOH(aq) H2O(l) + NaC2H3O2(aq)

Follow the same procedure as in Part B, but substitute 1.0 M HC2H3O2 for 1.0 M HCl.

Calculate the heat of neutralization per mole of water formed.

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Waste Disposal Instructions Handle the stock solutions carefully. You may use a

wet sponge or paper towel to clean up any spills. The reaction mixtures produced in

the Styrofoam cups contain harmless salts. They can be discarded in the sink with

running water. Do not discard the Styrofoam cups. They should be returned to

your instructor.

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Data & Analysis:

A. Heat Capacity of Calorimeter

Table 1: Temperature vs. Time Data for Calorimeter Calibration

Trial 1

Temp., oC

Trial 2

Temp., oC

Trial 3

Temp., oC

Calorimeter & Cool Water, T1

Warm Water, T2


Time (s)











150 165 180

Table 2: Heat Capacity of Calorimeter. (see example 1)

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Final Temperature, Tf

Heat lost by warm water (J)

Heat gained by cool water (J)

Heat absorbed by calorimeter (J)

Calorimeter heat capacity, Ccal in J/oC

Average value of Ccal ______________________

Standard Deviation of Ccal ______________________

of Ccal at 95% confidence ______________________

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B. Heat of Neutralization for HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) H2O(l) + NaCl(aq)

Table 3: Temperature vs. Time Data for HCl – NaOH Neutralization

Trial 1

Temp., oC

Trial 2

Temp., oC

Trial 3

Temp., oC

Initial Temp of NaOH(aq), Ti

Initial Temp of HCl(aq)


Time (s)











150 165 180

Table 4: Molar Heat of Neutralization for HCl - NaOH. (see example 2)

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

T for reaction from data

Heat gained by solution (J)

Heat absorbed by calorimeter (J)

Total heat released by reaction (J)

Moles of water produced (moles)

Molar heat of reaction, Hrxn in kJ

Average value of Hrxn ______________________

Standard Deviation of Hrxn ______________________

of Hrxn at 95% confidence ______________________

C. Heat of Neutralization of HC2H3O2(aq) + NaOH(aq) H2O(l) + NaC2H3O2(aq)

Table 5: Temperature vs. Time Data for HC2H3O2 - NaOH Neutralization

Page 33: Chem 206 Lab Manual

Trial 1

Temp., oC

Trial 2

Temp., oC

Trial 3

Temp., oC

Initial Temp of NaOH(aq), Ti

Initial Temp of HCl(aq)


Time (s)











150 165 180

Table 6: Molar Heat of Neutralization for HC2H3O2 - NaOH. (see example 2)

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

T for reaction from data

Heat gained by solution (J)

Heat absorbed by calorimeter (J)

Total heat released by reaction (J)

Moles of water produced (moles)

Molar heat of reaction, Hrxn in kJ

Average value of Hrxn ______________________

Standard Deviation of Hrxn ______________________

of Hrxn at 95% confidence ______________________


1. The accepted value for the molar enthalpy of neutralization is Ho = -55.81

kJ/mol. {P.J. Cerutti et al., Can. J. Chem. 56 (1978) 3084 ) Does this result fall within

Page 34: Chem 206 Lab Manual

the confidence limits of your experimental value for the HCl – NaOH neutralization

reaction? If not, give sources of error that may explain the discrepancy.

2. Answer question 1 using your HC2H3O2 – NaOH results. Why would the value of

Ho be the same for the two reactions?

3. The experimental procedure has you wash your thermometer and dry it after you

measure the temperature of the NaOH solution and before you measure the

temperature of the acid solution. Why?

4. Describe how you could determine the specific heat capacity of a metal by using

the apparatus and techniques in this experiment.

5. When a 3.25-g sample of solid sodium hydroxide was dissolved in a calorimeter

in 100.0 g of water, the temperature rose from 23.9 °C to 32.0°C. Calculate H (in

kJ/mol) for the solution process:

NaOH(s) Na+(aq) + OH-{aq)

Use a calorimeter heat capacity of Ccal = 15.8 J/oC.

6. A 50.0-mL sample of a 1.00 M solution of CuSO4 is mixed with 50.0 mL of 2.00 M

KOH in a calorimeter. The temperature of both solutions was 20.2°C before mixing

and 26.3°C after mixing. The heat capacity of the calorimeter is 12.1 J/K. From these

data calculate H for the process

CuSO4(l M) + 2KOH(2 M) Cu(OH)2(s) + K2SO4(0.5 M)

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Experiment #5: Kinetics I - The Rate Equation

Reaction between Oxalic Acid and Potassium Permanganate

Objective: Determine the rate law for the reaction of oxalic acid with potassium

permanganate using a colorimetric analysis.

Background: Chemical reactions occur at various rates. Some occur instantaneously when

the reactants are mixed using optimum conditions - explosions are an example of this kind of

reaction. Others require a long time to occur - rusting of iron on a car is a slow process.

In industry, controlling the rate of a reaction is of prime importance; it can often

influence the purity of a product, its final form (i.e., big clumps or small particles), and

several other characteristics. Conditions that commonly play a role in the rate of a reaction

are concentration of the reactants, pressure (especially if gaseous reactants are involved),

temperature, and the presence of a catalysts. In this experiment we will consider the

importance of concentration of oxalic acid and of potassium permanganate in determining the

overall rate of reaction between them.

The rate is an experimentally determined quantity. Most reactions occur through a

series of steps called a reaction mechanism. More often than not, the mechanism is not

known. Consequently the observed rate cannot be predicted from the stoichiometry of the

reaction. For right now, we will simply write that

KMnO4(aq) + H2C2O4(aq) Intermediate products

purple colorless red pale yellowish

We can observe the progress of this reaction by its color. When the reactants are mixed, we

will see the dark purple color of potassium permanganate change to a red reaction

intermediate, which gradually changes over to a pale yellow product solution. By measuring

the time from mixing to the appearance of the red intermediate, we can obtain the rate of


The rate of a reaction is a measure of the change in concentration of reactants and

products with time. Like the speed of a car, a rate is always a positive number. Therefore, the

rate based on the potassium permanganate concentration would be written:

4[KMnO ] = rate


eq. 1

Here [KMnO4] represents the change in potassium permanganate concentration during the

time interval t. Since the concentration decreases, the minus sign is needed to make the rate

come out positive.

The rate law expression gives the dependence of the reaction rate on the concentration

of reactants. For the reaction under investigation, we write the rate law as

rate = k[KMnO4]X[H2C2O4]

Y eq. 2

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where the [ ] indicates molarity (moles/L), and X and Y are called the orders with respect to

potassium permanganate (X) and oxalic acid (Y), respectively. The values of X and Y are not

always integers; they are often fractions or decimal numbers. The overall rate order would

be "X + Y". Finally the constant, k, is called the rate constant for the reaction and it is a

constant at any one temperature.

Suppose we do two experiments, keeping the potassium permanganate concentration

constant for both, [KMnO4l1, but varying the oxalic acid concentration,

[H2C2O4]1 and [H2C2O4]2. We could write two rate expressions now:

Experiment #1: rate1 = k[KMnO4]1x[H2C2O4]1


Experiment #2: rate2 = k[KMnO4]1x[H2C2O4]2


If we now take the ratio of these two experimental results


1 4 1 2 2 4 1


2 1 2 2 4 2

rate k[KMnO ] [H C O ] =

rate k[KMnO4] [H C O ]

By cancelling k [KMnO4]1X, we would get


1 2 2 4 1


2 2 2 4 2

rate [H C O ] =

rate [H C O ] eq. 3

If we now take the natural (or Naperian) logarithm of both sides of eq. 3 we would get

1 2 2 4 1

2 2 2 4 2

rate [H C O ]ln = Yln

rate [H C O ]

We could now solve for Y.

1 2

2 2 4 1 2 2 4 2

ln rate /rateY=

ln [H C O ] /[H C O ] eq. 4

By reversing the process (varying the concentration of KMnO4 and keeping the

concentration of H2C2O4 constant), we can find the value of X. Then we can solve for the

overall rate order, X + Y. The rate constant, k, can be determined by substituting X and Y

into the rate expression eq. 2.


● You MUST wear safety goggles at all times while in the laboratory.

● KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) stains skin and clothes, the purple color

changes to dark brown. It will wear off the skin with normal washing, but will cause a

permanent stain on clothing.

- you may wish to wear gloves and an apron or lab coat

● It is always a good idea to

- wash your hands well if in contact with chemicals

- don't rub your eyes with your fingers

- wash your tab bench well to remove any spills

Page 37: Chem 206 Lab Manual

● All solutions should be placed in the special containers in the hoods.

● Pipets should be used only with bulbs or pumps. NO pipeting by mouth!

● All normal safety rules must be obeyed, including any special precautions issued by

your instructor.


Procedure: (work in pairs)

A. Using clean beakers and a graduated cylinder, obtain the following:

● 80 mL of distilled water in a 150- or 200- or 250- mL beaker

● 25 mL of 0.130 M KMnO4 in a small (50- or 100-mL) beaker

● 120 mL of 0.755 M H2C2O4 in a 200- or 250-mL beaker

● One sealed tube (vile) of Eriochrome Black T solution.

Record the temperature in the lab in °C

These solutions will be used to prepare the concentration series for the experiments. A table

of the solution combinations is given below. The subsequent procedure describes how the

solutions are to be mixed.

Table 1: Solution Volumes for Three Experimental


Experiment #1

Experiment #2

Experiment #3

distilled water

6,00 mL

1.00 mL

5.00 mL

0.130M KMnO4

1.00 mL

1.00 mL

2.00 mL

0.755 M H2C2O4

5.00 mL

10.00 mL

5.00 mL

Total Volume

12.00 mL

12.00 mL

12.00 mL

[KMnO4], M


[H2C2O4], M

Determination #1: Calculate the molarity of KMnO4 and H2C2O4 for each set-up.

Example: Experiment #1

4 4(0.130 M KMnO )(1.00 mL KMnO ) = 0.0108 M

12.00 mL solution

Use a similar approach for the oxalic acid concentration.

B. Using disposable pipets, measure 6.00 mL of distilled water and 5.00 mL of oxalic acid

into a test tube and stir well with a glass stirring rod.

C. One partner should measure 1.00 mL of potassium permanganate and prepare to add it to

the test tube. The other partner should be ready to start the timer when the permanganate is

added. Stir immediately. The solution will change color from purple to red to yellow. Record

the time when the solution color matches that of the tube of Eriochrome Black T.

D. Dispose of the test tube contents in the designated container located in the hood. Clean

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and dry the test tube. Repeat steps (B) and (C), rotating duties of the partners, for a total of 5


E. Repeat the procedure for the amounts in Experiment #2 and then for the amounts in

Experiment #3.


Data and Calculations

Table 2: Data for Experiment #1 Conditions T = oC

[KMnO4] [H2C2O4] time (s) Rate1 = [KMnO4]/time

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Trial 4

Trial 5

Average Rate ____________________

Standard dev. ____________________

95% conf., ____________________

Table 3: Data for Experiment #2 Conditions T = oC

[KMnO4] [H2C2O4] time (s) Rate2 = [KMnO4]/time

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Trial 4

Trial 5

Average Rate ____________________

Standard dev. ____________________

95% conf., ____________________

Table 4: Data for Experiment #3 Conditions T = oC

[KMnO4] [H2C2O4] time (s) Rate3 = [KMnO4]/time

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Page 39: Chem 206 Lab Manual

Trial 4

Trial 5

Average Rate ____________________

Standard dev. ____________________

95% conf., ____________________

Determination of Reaction Order:

The results from the various pairs of experiments will now be combined to find X and

Y. The conditions for Experiments #1 and #2 differ by the oxalic acid concentration,

[H2C2O4]. We can therefore use eq. 4 to give the reaction order with respect oxalic acid:

1 2

2 2 4 1 2 2 4 2

ln rate /rateY=

ln [H C O ] /[H C O ] eq. 4

Substitute your values of rate1 and rate2 to obtain Y; remember that “ln” is natural log not log

base 10.

Now we can use results from Experiments #1 and #3 to get a similar expression for the

reaction order with respect to potassium permanganate.

1 3

4 1 4 3

ln rate /rateX=

ln [KMnO ] /[KMnO ] eq. 5

Substitute your values of rate1 and rate3 to obtain X.

Now we can write the overall rate equation, substituting numbers for X and Y:

rate = k [KMnO4]X[H2C2O4]


Then we can solve for the rate constant, k, using data from any of the three



4 2 2 4

ratek =

[KMnO ] [H C O ] eq. 6

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The units of k depend on the values of X and Y. the rate has units of mol/L.s. Therefore, the

rate constant has units of mol(1-X-Y)


.s. As an example, if X = 1.5 and Y=0.5, the units

of k are mol(1-1.5-0.5)


.s = mol-1


.s = L/mol.s.


Reaction Order X (rounded to nearest 10th

) _______________

Reaction Order Y (rounded to nearest 10th

) ________________

Overall Order of Reaction X+Y ________________

Rate constant, k (with proper units) ________________



Question #1: In this experiment you estimated the reaction rate by

rate = [KMnO4]/time

Derive this expression from the more general relation given in eq. 1 by accounting for the

fact that all the permanganate is converted to intermediate at time t? Based on your

experimental observations, suggest another way to estimate the rate.

Question #2: Using your values of X, Y, and k, what would the rate be if [KMnO4] =

0.0500 M and [H2C2O4] =0.123 M?

Question #3: Each reaction condition was repeated in triplicate to enable the

determination of the precision of the reaction rates. Recall, precision is represented by the

width of the 95% confidence interval, 2. You will now use the s to estimate the precision

of the reaction orders X and Y. Use the determination of X as an example. From eqn 5

1 3

4 1 4 3

ln rate /rateX=

ln [KMnO ] /[KMnO ]

The numerator contains the ratio of two rates. This ratio is too large if rate1 is too large and

rate3 is too small. Alternatively, if rate1 is too small and rate3 is too large, X will be too small.

To incorporate the confidence limits we will use (rate+/2) and (rate-/2) to give estimates of

the precision of X and Y. Here (rate+/2) represents the point half way to the upper

confidence limit and (rate-/2) is half way to the lower confidence limit. The upper and lower

bound of X (X+ and X-) become

Page 41: Chem 206 Lab Manual

1 1 3 3


4 1 4 3

ln (rate /2)/(rate / 2)X =

ln [KMnO ] /[KMnO ]

1 1 3 3


4 1 4 3

ln (rate /2)/(rate / 2)X =

ln [KMnO ] /[KMnO ]

Determine X+, X-, Y+ and Y- from your data.

Question #4: The precision of the rate constant determination can be established in a

similar manner to that employed in Q3 for the precision of X and Y. Defining

X+1/2 = (X+ + X)/2 X-1/2 = (X- + X)/2

Y+1/2 = (Y+ + Y)/2 Y-1/2 = (Y- + Y)/2

We can estimate the upper and lower bounds of k to be;

-1/2 -1/2

+1/2 +1/2

+ X Y

4 2 2 4


4 2 2 4

ratek =


ratek =


Determine the upper and lower limits of the rate constant k from your data.

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Experiment #6: Kinetics II - The Arrhenius Equation

Reaction between Oxalic Acid and Potassium Permanganate

Objective: Determine the activation energy for the reaction of oxalic acid with

potassium permanganate using a colorimetric analysis.

Background: In the previous experiment you determined the parameters of the rate equation

for the reaction between potassium permanganate and oxalic acid.

KMnO4(aq) + H2C2O4(aq) => products

purple colorless yellowish to colorless

The rate law expression gives the dependence of the reaction rate on the

concentration of reactants. For the reaction under investigation, we wrote

rate = k[KMnO4]X[H2C2O4]

Y eq. 1

where the [ ] indicate molarity (moles/L) and X and Y are called the orders with respect to

potassium permanganate (X) and oxalic acid (Y), respectively. The values of X and Y are not

always integers; they are often fractions or decimal numbers. The overall rate order would

be "X + Y". Finally the constant, k, is called the rate constant for the reaction and it is a

constant at any one temperature.

You have already observed that an increase in concentration of either reactant resulted

in an increase in the rate of the reaction, reduction of the time required for the complete

conversion of KMnO4. Provided the reactions were all conducted at the same temperature,

the rate constant, k, likely was determined to be independent of reactant concentration.

However, had the temperature been changed you would have discovered a dramatic change in

the rate of the reaction and the rate constant. For many reactions it has been observed that the

rate constant doubles for each temperature increase of 10 oC. In this experiment you will

determine the temperature dependence of the rate constant for permanganate/oxalic acid


When two molecules react, they must collide with each other with sufficient energy

and with the correct orientation. Think of carrying some packages while walking in a crowd.

If someone brushes against you, it might be annoying, but otherwise nothing happens. If,

however, someone is running and bumps into you (high kinetic energy), they might knock off

a package or two, or even knock you over completely. Conceptually it’s the same with

colliding molecules. Low energy collisions don’t loosen the bonds of the molecules.

Generally, there is a threshold energy that the collision must overcome to break and

subsequently rearrange bonds (knock off the package). This threshold energy is called the

activation energy.

Recall that molecules in a fluid are in constant motion. At any given temperature

some are moving slow and others are fast, have sufficient energy to overcome the activation

Page 43: Chem 206 Lab Manual

energy barrier. As the temperature increase, the fraction of fast moving molecules increases,

thus increasing the chance of reactive collisions. The reaction rate is proportional to the

fraction of collisions with energy in excess of the activation energy. This is mathematically

described by the Arrhenius equation.

aE /RTk = Ae

eqn. 2

Where k is the rate constant, A is referred to as a frequency factor, Ea is the activation energy

for the reaction in J, R is the gas constant (8.314 J/mol.K) and T is the absolute temperature

in degrees Kelvin.

In the previous experiment you measured the rate constant of the KMnO4/H2C2O4

reaction at room temperature for various concentrations of the reactants. Now you will

determine the rate for a single concentration, but at multiple temperatures. To determine the

activation energy from the rate vs. temperature data it is most convenient to take the natural

log of both sides of eqn. 2.

aE /RT


ln(k) = ln(A) + ln e

Eln(k) = ln(A) -


eqn. 3

Inspection of eqn. 3 reveals that a plot of ln(k) vs. 1/T should reveal a straight line, with a

slope of –Ea/R and an intercept of ln(A).

Example: An experiment is run at 20.0, 30.0 and 40.0 oC using 6.00 mL of distilled water,

5.00 mL of 0.755 M H2C2O4(aq) and 1.00 mL of 0.130 M KMnO4(aq) for each run. The

reaction rate at the three temperatures is given in Table 1. The table also gives values for

1000/T and ln(rate) to be used to construct a linear graph.

Temp. oC rate (mol/L.s) 1000/T (1/K) ln(rate)

20.0 5.4x10-5

3.41 -9.83

30.0 1.1x10-4

3.30 -9.12

40.0 2.5x10-4

3.19 -8.29

The ln(rate) vs. 1000/T data is plotting in Figure 1. As can be seen from the graph, the data

points lie along a line. The slope of the line is -7.026, while the y-intercept is 14.12. Using

eqn. 3 we can relate the slope to the activation energy.

Slope = -7.026 K.kJ/J = -Ea/R. eqn. 4

Ea = (7.026 K.kJ/J)(8.314 J/mol.K) = 58.4 kJ/mol

The units of the slope account for the fact that the x-axis is 1000/T. The factor of 1000 comes

from the conversion of J to kJ.

The intercept can be used to obtain a value for the frequency factor A. To obtain an

Page 44: Chem 206 Lab Manual

explicit value for A requires the conversion of rate to rate constant k through the use of the

rate expression given in eqn. 1. As an example, for X = 1.3 and Y = 0.75

rate = k[KMnO4]1.3


[KMnO4] = M1V1/V2 = (0.130 M)(1.00 mL)/(12.0 mL) = 0.0108 M

[H2C2O4] = (0.755 M)(5.00 mL)/(12.0 mL) = 0.315 M

Then rate = k(0.0108)1.3


= 1.17x10-3


or ln(rate) = ln(1.17x10-3

k) = ln(1.17x10-3

) + ln(k) = -6.75 + ln(k)

From the above analysis we can see that for the example data the y-intercept for

ln(rate) vs. 1000/T would be shifted down 6.75 units compared to the y-intercept for ln(k) vs.

1000/T. The frequency factor can be obtained from the y-intercept of the graph by

ln(A) -6.75 = 14.115

or A = e20.87

= 1.15x109 L



Note the frequency factor must have the units of the rate constants. Your values of X and Y

are likely to be different; therefore, the units of A will be different.



● You MUST wear safety goggles at all times while in the laboratory.

● KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) stains skin and clothes, the purple color

changes to dark brown. It will wear off the skin with normal washing, but will cause a

permanent stain on clothing.

- you may wish to wear gloves and an apron or lab coat

● It is always a good idea to

- wash your hands well if in contact with chemicals

- don't rub your eyes with your fingers

y = -7.026x + 14.115 R² = 0.9964




1000/T (T in K)

Figure 1: Arrhenius Plot

Page 45: Chem 206 Lab Manual

- wash your tab bench well to remove any spills

● All solutions should be placed in the special containers in the hoods.

● Pipets should be used only with bulbs or pumps. NO pipeting by mouth!

● All normal safety rules must be obeyed, including any special precautions issued by

your instructor.


Procedure: (work in pairs)

A. Using clean beakers and a graduated cylinder, obtain the following:

● 100 mL of distilled water in a 150- or 200- or 250- mL beaker

● 15 mL of 0.130 M KMnO4 in a small (50- or 100-mL) beaker

● 60 mL of 0.755 M H2C2O4 in a 200- or 250-mL beaker

Obtain a vial of Eriochrome black T in CaCl2(aq) from your instructor. This red

solution will be use as a color guide to determine the stop time for the reaction.

B. Using disposable pipets, measure 6.00 mL of distilled water and 5.00 mL of oxalic acid

into each of 5 test tubes and stir well with a glass stirring rod. In 5 additional test tubes pipet

1.00 mL of 0.130 M KMnO4(aq).

C. Place the ten test tubes in a 400- or 500-mL beaker with enough water to cover the level

of the liquid in the tubes. This will be used as a temperature-control bath to regulate the

temperature of the reaction. The bath will initially be heated to ~45 oC, at which point the

time required for the first reaction is measured. As the bath is allowed to cool to room

temperature, successive trials are performed. The goal is to get obtain a total of 10 rate vs.

temperature measured recorded over a 25 – 30 oC temperature range.

D. For each measurement, one partner should add the aqueous oxalic solution to the test

tube containing the 1.0 mL of KMnO4(aq) and shake with a gloved finger over the top of the

tube. The other partner should be ready to start the timer when the permanganate is added.

Once mixed and placed back into the bath record the temperature of the bath water. Use the

red Eriochrome black T solution as a colorimeteric guide for when to stop the timer.

E. Dispose of the test tube contents in the designated container in the hood. Clean and dry

the test tube.

F. Repeat the experiment for the remaining 4 pairs of tubes, allowing the bath water to cool

between trials to adequately cover the specified temperature range.

G. Repeat steps B-F for an additional 5 trials. Depending on the temperature range you

cover previously, you may start at a lower initial temperature and/or use ice to cool.


Data and Calculations

Table 2: Raw Data for Temperature Studies

Page 46: Chem 206 Lab Manual

[KMnO4] [H2C2O4] Temp. oC Time to red (s)

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Trial 4

Trial 5

Trial 6

Trial 7

Trial 8

Trial 9

Trial 10

Table 3: Data for Rate vs. Temperature Graph

rate = [KMnO4]/time 1000/T (T in K) ln(rate)

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Trial 4

Trial 5

Trial 6

Trial 7

Trial 8

Trial 9

Trial 10

Determination of Arrhenius parameters:

A. Using the data in Table 3, make a graph of ln(rate) vs. 1000/T (ln(rate) is the y-

variable and 1000./T is the x-variable). This should be done using a spreadsheet program

such as Excel or Numbers. Fit the best line through the data using the trendline option of the

spreadsheet. Place the equation of the line on the graph.

B. Following the example given in the background section to obtain the value of the activation energy, Ea for the permanganate/.oxalic acid reaction.

C. Include the rate equation for the permanganate / oxalic acid reaction you determined last week in your report.

rate = k [KMnO4]X[H2C2O4]


Using your values of X and Y, along with the concentrations [KMnO4] and [H2C2O4]

determine the numerical relation between rate and rate constant. The example gave rate =

1.17x10-3k ; however, your values will be different if X and Y are different.

D. Based on the y-intercept for your ln(rate) vs. 1000/T graph and the relationship

Page 47: Chem 206 Lab Manual

between rate and k, determine the value of the frequency factor, A. Be sure to use the proper

units based on the overall order of the reaction.


Overall Order of Reaction X+Y ________________

Activation Energy, Ea (in kJ/mol) ________________

Give C for rate = C*k ________________

Frequency Factor, A (proper units) ________________



Question #1: Consider your ln(rate) vs. 1000/T graph. Was the data evenly

distributed around the line or does the low (or high) temperature end of the curve have more

scatter than the other. Is this result consistent with your observations? Explain.

Question #2: The introduction stated that often the rate doubles for each temperature

increase of 10 oC. What value of the activation energy would cause the rate to double

between 25 and 35 oC?

Question #3: In this experiment you used a red colorimetric guide to establish the

end of the reaction. Would you expect to get the same value of the activation energy if yellow

was chosen rather than red? Support your answer with your observations of the reaction.

Question #4: How would you answer to question 3 differ if the frequency factor,

rather than the activation energy were considered?

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Experiment #7: Visible Spectroscopy

Objective: Determine the wavelength of maximum absorbance for a variety of solutions;

then determine the concentration of an unknown through use of the Beer-Lambert Law.

Background: Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation, which includes a radiation

stretching from cosmic rays at high energies to radio waves at low energies. One small

portion of this radiation is visible light, which contains all of the colors of the spectrum.

Ordinary white light is a mixture of all possible colors, each characterized by the wavelength

(lambda). When we see a solution that has a color, it is because the solution absorbs certain

portions of the visible light; what we see is the complementary or transmitted light. For

example, a solution which appears orange has absorbed radiation in the blue-green region

with wavelengths of light from 485 to 495 nm (1 nm = 1x10-9

m). The table below shows the

complementary relationships of visible light.

Table 1: Complementary Colors of Visible Light

Color - Light



Complementary Color


Wavelength of light

absorbed, (nm)

Transparent Ultra-violet (UV) < 400

Yellow-Green Violet 400-435

Yellow Indigo 435-465

Orange Blue 465-485

Red-Orange Cyan 485-500

Red Green 500-540

Violet Yellow-Green 540-560

Indigo Yellow 560-590

Blue Orange 590-620

Green Red 620-700

Transparent Infra-red > 700

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To make accurate measurements using colored solutions, it is important to determine

the wavelength at which the solutions absorb the most light. This is called lambda max, max.

Experimentally, this can be predicted by matching the color of the solution with the

transmitted color in the table above; but we usually want more than a range. So we would

take the solution and measure its absorbance of light at different wavelengths close to our

prediction to find the maximum point.

To make this measurement, we will use a visible spectrophotometer, the Spec 20™ or

Spec 21TM

. A wavelength is selected, the machine is calibrated with distilled water to give a

reading of 0.00 absorbance (a procedure known as zeroing the instrument), and then the

colored solution is measured at the same wavelength. The scale on the spectrometer gives

two readings: A, the absorbance of light at that wavelength and %T, the percent transmittance

of light at that wavelength. These two measurements are related by the equation below.

A = 2 - log10(%T) eqn. 1

For example, if the %T reading was 23.5%, we could solve for absorbance, A:

A = 2 – log10(23.5)

A = 2 - 1.37

A = 0.63

Usually the absorbance is reported with two decimal places because that is indicative of the

precision with which we can estimate the scale increments from the Spec 21. The Spec 20D

allows for 3-place precision. . Many people feel that measuring %T and then mathematically

converting it to A is a better procedure to use rather than reading the value of A directly from

the scale. The reasoning for this is that the %T scale is linear and the A scale is not. [Note

that when we calibrate the spectrometer to have a 0.00 A reading with distilled water, it also

had a reading of 100 %T, meaning that no light was absorbed and all of it went through the


The intensity (or darkness) of the color of a solution is proportional to the amount of

colored solute dissolved in the solution. This makes sense if you think about making 3 cups

of instant coffee in glass mugs. If you measured 1 teaspoon of instant coffee into one cup, 1/2

teaspoon of instant coffee into the second cup, and 2 teaspoons of instant coffee into the third

cup and then added equal amounts of boiling water to each one and stirred, you could give

them to three friends and ask them to line them up in order of increasing "strengths". By

merely observing the color changes, this could be easily done. You used this approach to

establish the extent of the permanganate/oxalic acid reaction in the kinetics experiments.

We can make quantitative measurements of the concentration of a colored solute

using a spectrometer. This can be done using any concentration unit (i.e., ppm, density,

molarity, % by weight), but most commonly molarity (M) is used. The relationship is

described by Beer's Law (sometimes called the Beer-Lambert Law):

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A = bc eqn. 2

where A = absorbance of the solution (no units)

= extinction coefficient; this is a constant for the solute and represents the

absorbance of a 1-M solution of the solute for a 1 cm wide cuvette.

b = the width of the cuvette; the path length of light going through the

cuvette (usually measured in cm, 1.16 cm for the Spec-21)

c = the concentration of solution, usually in molarity (M)

Experimentally, we would prepare several solutions of known molarity of the solute

in solvent (often, but not always, water). We would then measure the absorbance of each

solution at the max for that solute/solution and make a graph of A (y-axis) versus

M (x-axis). Once this Beer’s Law plot is prepared we could determine the concentration of an

unknown by locating its absorbance on the graph reading off the concentration. This

approach will be taken in the subsequent experiment.



* You MUST wear safety goggles at all times while in the laboratory.

* It is always a good idea to

- wash your hands well if in contact with chemicals

- don't rub your eyes with your fingers

- you may wish to wear gloves and an apron or lab coat

- wash your lab bench well to remove any spills

* All solutions containing copper sulfate (blue) should be placed in the special

containers in the hoods.

* Ammonia (aqueous) has a strong smell, as you may have observed in your kitchen.

It will be located in the hoods.

* Pipets should be used only with bulbs or pumps. NO pipeting by mouth!

* All normal safety rules must be obeyed, including any special precautions issued by

your instructor.


Page 51: Chem 206 Lab Manual

Procedure: (work in pairs)

I. Determination of max

A. Obtain the following solutions:

1. cuvette with red food dye

2. cuvette with green food dye

3. cuvette yellow food dye

4. 50 mL of 0.1 M CuSO4 [copper(II) sulfate], add ~ 5 mL to a cuvette

5. 20 mL of distilled water, add ~ 5 mL to a cuvette

B. Mix 5 mL of 0.1 M CuSO4, 5 mL of 2.5 M NH3, and 10 mL distilled H2O (if

not previously prepared) in the hood, and add ~5 mL to a cuvette.

C. Using the previous table, estimate the range where you expect to find max for

each solution. For example, if you had a solution that appeared orange, you

would expect max to fall in the range 465-485 nm.



max , in nm

(give range)








0.1 M CuSO4


0.05 M CuSO4 + NH3

D. Set the wavelength at mid-point of the range for the first solution. [In our

example of orange, we expect max to be ~ 475 nm.] Using the cuvette with

distilled water, set the scale to A = 0.00 (%T=100). Insert the cuvette with

solution #1 and read the absorbance, A (Spec20D+) or % transmittance

(Spec21). Record it in Table 2. Now set the wavelength at 10 nm higher (i.e.,

485 in our example), zero the machine with distilled water and measure

absorbance of solution and record. Repeat the procedure, adjusting the

wavelength in 10 nm intervals in the direction of increasing absorbance

(decreasing transmittance) until the absorbance starts to diminish. Once max

has been reached, obtain two more measurement (still 10 nm intervals) beyond


E. Repeat step D for the remaining 4 solutions, alternating lab partners as you go.

F. Reserve the remaining CuSO4 solution for part II.

G. Prepare a graph of Absorbance (y-axis) versus Wavelength (x-axis), including

Page 52: Chem 206 Lab Manual

data from all 5 solutions. You will have 5 small curves on the graph (one for

each solution); distinguish the data by using different colors or symbols. Label

the max for each solution.

II. Preparation of Beer’s Law Plot

A. In the hood, measure 25 mL of 2.5 M NH3(aq) using a graduated cylinder.

Transfer it to a 400-mL beaker and add 225 mL of distilled water. Mix well.

This solution will be used to prepare the subsequent solutions.

Determination 1: What is the approximate M of the new NH3(aq) solution?

B. Obtain about 25 mL of 0.1 M CuSO4 solution in a clean, dry 50-mL beaker.

Using a disposable graduated pipet and pipet pump, pipet 1 mL of the CuSO4

solution into a 25-mL volumetric flask. Fill about ½ way with the NH3(aq)

solution prepared in (A). Mix well. Fill to the line (use a dropper near the end)

with the NH3(aq) solution. Cap and mix well.

The reaction that you observe here is:


+ 4 NH3 Cu(NH3)42+

+ 4 H2O

light blue dark blue-violet

Determination 2: Calculate the molarity of the Cu(NH3)42+

ion in this solution.

Hint: You are really calculating the molarity of Cu2+

(or CuSO4) in the solution


1 mole CuSO4 1 mole Cu(H2O)42+

1 mole Cu(NH3)42+

C. Set the wavelength on the spectrometer at the max of solution #5 from PART

I. Set the scale at A = 0.00 (100%T) with a cuvette filled with distilled water.

Using ~ 5 mL of solution in a cuvette, measure the %T or absorbance for the


prepared in B.

D. Repeat procedure B & C using 2 mL of CuSO4 solution; then with 3 mL, 4

mL, and 5 mL.

Determination 3: Calculate the molarity of each Cu(NH3)42+

solution measured in

step D. (hint: If you have the M from using 1 mL of CuSO4 solution, what's the quick

and easy answer if you use 2 mL? 3 mL? 4 mL? 5 mL?)

E. Using data from solutions (1) through (5), prepare a graph of absorbance, A

(y-axis), versus molarity, M (x-axis). This should be a straight line and must

go through the point (0,0) because we forced the spectrometer to read zero

absorbance with distilled water (i.e., 0.00 M CuSO4).

Determination 4: Based on eqn. 2, the slope of the graph created in part D gives the

value for b. Obtain the slope from your graph.

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III. Concentration of Analyte

A. Obtain an unknown from your instructor and write down its number __. Using

a pipet, transfer 5 mL of unknown into a 25-mL volumetric flask and dilute

with NH3(aq) as before. Prepare a total of 4 separate solution of the unknown

in this manner.

B. Set the wavelength on the spectrometer at the max of solution #5 from PART

I. Set the scale at A = 0.00 (100%T) with a cuvette filled with distilled water.

Place each solution in a cuvette (~ 5 mL) and measure the %T or absorbance

for each.

Determination 5: For each absorbance value determine the concentration of the

diluted unknown using A = bc (b was established in determination 4). Using

the fact that the absorbance samples were a five-fold dilution of the original

unknown analyte, determine the molarity of the original unknown.

IV. Clean-up

A. All solutions containing copper(II) [blue] should be placed in the special

container in the hoods. All others can be rinsed into the sink with running tap


B. Return the unknown container to the instructor.

C. Clean your equipment and lab bench area.

D. Have your instructor initial your lab book.



Data and Analysis

The data tables for Parts I –III are included below along with spaces for the various

determinations called for in the procedure. These should be included in your report. In

addition you should include the two graphs (absorbance vs wavelength and

absorbance vs molarity) in your report.

Table 2: Part I: Absorbance vs. Wavelength

Page 54: Chem 206 Lab Manual

Wavelength, nm %T

Absorbance, A

Solution 1

Solution 2

Solution 3

Solution 4

Solution 5

Part II: Determination 1: Molarity of NH3(aq) solution ______________

Table 3: Absorbance of Cu(NH3)42+

solutions (Determination 2 & 3)

Page 55: Chem 206 Lab Manual



M of



Absorbance, A


1 mL CuS04


2 mL CuS04


3 mL CuS04


4 mL CuS04


5 mL CuS04

Part II: Determination 4:

Slope of absorbance vs concentration graph b = _________________

Table 4: Part III: Concentration of Analyte Unknown #_______________





c = A/b


M of analyte

1 unknown

2 unknown

3 unknown

4 unknown

Average [Cu2+

] _________________

Std. Dev. [Cu2+

] _________________

95 % l for [Cu2+

] _________________


Question 1: Pure colored substances mostly exhibit a single peak (i.e. max) in the

visible; therefore the simple rules of complementary colors apply. Mixtures are a little

more complicated. When you were in grade school you learned that by mixing yellow

(max = 450 nm) with blue (max = 605 nm) you get green. Describe why this is based

on the wavelength range that is transmitted. What color would you see if you mixed

the two solutions with max = 520 and max = 610?

Question 2: The determination of the Cu2+

analyte concentration was based on the

proportionality between concentration and absorbance. The accuracy of that

determination in turn depended on how well the experimental absorbance data was fit

by the line A = bc. If we let Ai be a measured absorbance value for the concentration

ci, then |Ai – ebci| gives the absolute difference between the data and the line we used

to fit it. Recall the definition for the standard deviation was

Page 56: Chem 206 Lab Manual







Similarly, we can describe how well a line fits the data by defining the standard error.

For the specific example of the Beer’s Law plot, the relationship is;


standard error = 1

i iA bc


Determine the standard error for your Beer’s Law plot.

Question 3: Part II of the procedure required that you make up 5 25-mL solutions of

different concentrations to prepare the Beer’s Law plot. This generated 125 mL of

waste per group, or ~25 L for all the sections of the lab course during the year.

Describe how you would change the procedure to reduce the waste generated and still

get an accurate result for the slope of the A = bc curve.

Question 4: A student proposes to use visible spectroscopy to measure the kinetics of

the permanganate/oxalic acid reaction. As you recall, the initial permanganate solution

was very dark. For a 1-cm sample cell, the absorbance A = 2500[MnO4-]. As a

practical rule of thumb, Beer’s law is only accurate below an absorbance value of

A=1.00. This limits the initial permanganate concentration that can be used.

a) What is the maximum permanganate concentration that can be used and

still have A < 1.00?

b) If the detection limit for the spectrometer is A = 0.01, what is the

minimum permanganate concentration that can be detected?

c) The rate law for the reaction was determined to be

4 1.29 0.76

4 2 2 4

[ ]0.052[ ] [ ]


o o



If [H2C2O4]o = 0.300 mol/L and [MnO4-] is the maximum it can be for visible

spectroscopy, how long would it take for the permanganate to be used up?

Remember the rate law given above was for the average rate for the complete

conversion of MnO4- to Mn


Page 57: Chem 206 Lab Manual

Experiment #8: Spectroscopic Determination of the Equilibrium Constant

for Fe3+

(aq) + SCN-(aq) ↔ FeSCN


Objective: Determine the room temperature equilibrium constant for the reaction between


, ferric or iron(III) ion, and SCN-, thiocyanate ion, to form the complex ion, FeSCN


ferric thiocyanate ion (or thiocyanatoiron(III) ion) in an acidic aqueous solution by using

visible spectroscopy.

Background: Many chemical reactions do not proceed to 100% completion. This means that

not all of the reactants are converted to products even when they are present in the correct

stoichiometric amounts. When the reaction appears to be finished, an analysis would show

the presence of reactants and products. The reaction has not stopped, however; reactants

continue to be converted to products and at the same time products are converted to reactants.

The process continues until there is no apparent change in concentrations of reactants and

products. This state is called dynamic equilibrium; "dynamic" because the reactants and

products continue to convert back and forth and "equilibrium" because the concentrations of

the reactants and products reach a constant value (not an equal value).

If we represent an equilibrium reaction with a general equation such as

aA + bB ↔ cC + dD

then we can define an equilibrium constant, Keq, as the multiplication of the concentration of

products (each raised to the power of its coefficient in the balanced equation) divided by the

multiplication of the concentration of reactants (each also raised to the power of its

coefficient in the balanced equation). We use square brackets, [A] to indicate the

concentration of A, in units of molarity (i.e., moles A/liter of solution).

c d

eq a b

[C] [D]K =

[A] [B] eqn. 1

In this experiment, we will be studying the reaction below;


(aq) + SCN-(aq) ↔ FeSCN


pale yellow-green colorless blood red

The equilibrium expression will be


eq 3+ -

[FeSCN ]K =

[Fe ][SCN ] eqn 2

In this experiment the blood red FeSCN2+

ion absorbs light best at max of

477 nm, which we can measure using a spectrophotometer as we did in the previous

experiment. We can also use the Beer-Lambert or Beer's Law (A = bc) to relate the

Page 58: Chem 206 Lab Manual

absorbance (A) to the concentration (c) of the FeSCN2+

ion. By varying the initial

concentrations of Fe3+

and SCN-, the equilibrium concentration of FeSCN

2+ can be varied.

Through the established Beer’s Law relationship [FeSCN2+

] can be measured by monitoring

the absorbance of the equilibrium mixture at a wavelength of 477 nm.

The absorbance data for different initial values of [Fe3+

] and [SCN-] can be analyzed

in several ways. We will take the approach given in the article by H.A. Frank and R.L.

Oswalt in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, 69, (1947) 1321. Using the

experimental measures: A – absorbance at 477 nm, - Beer’s Law coefficient, [Fe3+

] and

[SCN-] – initial concentrations of the Fe

3+ and SCN

- ions we get:

3+ -

o o

eq eq3+ - 3+ -

o o o o

A [Fe ] + [SCN ]A = -K + bK

[Fe ] [SCN ] [Fe ] [SCN ] eqn. 3

If you look closely at this equation it is in the form of a straight line, y = mx + b. So if we

make a graph with

y-axis y = 3+ -

o o


[Fe ] [SCN ] eqn. 4a

and x-axis x = 3+ -

o o

3+ -

o o

A [Fe ] + [SCN ]

[Fe ] [SCN ] eqn. 4b

then the slope of the line, m, will be -Keq and the y-intercept will be bKeq.



* You MUST wear safety goggles at all times while in the laboratory.

* It is always a good idea to

- wash your hands well if in contact with chemicals

- don't rub your eyes with your fingers

- you may wish to wear gloves and an apron or lab coat

- wash your lab bench well to remove any spills

* All waste solutions should be placed in the special containers in the hoods.

* Pipets should be used only with bulbs or pumps. NO pipeting by mouth!

* All normal safety rules must be obeyed, including any special precautions issued by

your instructor.


Page 59: Chem 206 Lab Manual

PROCEDURE: (work in pairs)

I. Preparation of SCN- solution.

A. Clean a 100-mL volumetric flask. Rinse with distilled water. It does not need to

be dry.

B. Take the volumetric flask to the hood and dispense 10.0 mL of the 0.00200 M

KSCN(aq) solution into the flask.

C. Measure 25 mL of 2 M HNO3(aq) using a 100-mL graduated cylinder and add to

the volumetric flask containing the KSCN solution.

D. Add distilled water, with swirling, up to the 100-mL line. Mix very well by

swirling and inverting the flask. Pour the contents into a clean 250-mL beaker

and label as "SCN" dilution solution".

Determination #1: What is the molarity (M) of the SCN- in this solution? [Hint:

This is a dilution problem.]

II. Preparation of FeSCN2+

and measurement of absorbance.

A. Turn on the spectrophotometer and let it warm up for about 15 minutes. Set the

wavelength at 477 nm.

B. Using a 10.0 mL graduated cylinder, combine 2.5 mL of the 2 M HNO3(aq)

solution with 7.5 mL of deionized water to prepare a 0.5 M HNO3(aq) solution to

act as a spectral blank.

C. Obtain 2 cuvettes and clean them. Fill one to above the line with 0.5 M HNO3.

This will be the "blank" and will be used to set the absorbance, A, to zero (instead

of distilled water).

D. Using a graduated cylinder, pour about 20 mL of ferric nitrate/nitric acid solution

("0.100 M Fe3+

solution") into a small beaker (50- or 100-mL).

E. Place the beaker containing the "SCN' dilution solution" from Part I on a

magnetic stirrer and add a magnetic stirring bar. Using a 5-mL graduated pipet

and bulb (or pump), measure 5-mL of the 0.100 M Fe3+

solution and add to the


Determination #2 Calculate the molartity of Fe3+

and SCN- in the solution prepared

in step II-E. Assume volumes are additive. Place the values into columns D and E of

Table I.

First trial: 3+ 3+

-3 3+(5 mL Fe )x(0.100 M Fe ) = 4.76x10 M Fe

105 ml sol'n

Page 60: Chem 206 Lab Manual


-4(100 mL SCN )x(2.00x10 M SCN ) = 1.90x10 M SCN

105 ml sol'n

F. Using the cuvette with 0.5 M HNO3, blank the spectrometer at %T=100 (A = 0.0).

Pour out a small amount of the solution from the reaction mixture beaker into the

second cuvette and rinse; pour back into the beaker: DO NOT DISCARD! Do the

rinsing a second time, then pour out enough solution into the cuvette so that it is

above the line. Measure and record its %T or absorbance in column F (and/or G)

of Table I. Return this solution to the beaker: DO NOT DISCARD!

Determination 3: If you are using a Spec21 you need to convert the %T to A, using

A = 2 - log(%T) and enter in column G of Table I.

G. Using a 1-mL graduated pipet, add 1 mL of the 0.100 M Fe3+

solution to the

reaction mixture beaker and repeat step (F) and record the new molarities and

absorbance reading into Table I. Continue adding 1-mL portions until you have

completed the trials indicated in the data table.



A. All solutions should be placed in the special container in the hoods. All glassware

can be rinsed with running tap water in the sinks.

B. The disposable pipets should be placed in the "GLASS DISPOSAL" boxes.

C. Clean your equipment and lab bench area.

D. Have your instructor initial your lab book.





Table I: Concentration and Absorbance Data


Trial mL Fe3+

mL SCN- [Fe

3+]o [SCN

-]o %T A

1 5 100

2 6 100

Page 61: Chem 206 Lab Manual

3 7 100

4 8 100

5 9 100

6 10 100

7 11 100

8 12 100

9 13 100

10 14 100

In addition to the normal portions of the report, you must include the graph to

determine the value of the equilibrium constant, Keq.

A Using the values of [Fe3+

]o, [SCN-]o and A from Table I determine the values for

x = 3+ -

o o

3+ -

o o

A [Fe ] + [SCN ]

[Fe ] [SCN ]

y = 3+ -

o o


[Fe ] [SCN ]

and place them into the appropriate columns of Table II.

Table II: x & y Data for the Determination of Keq

Trial x =

3+ -

o o

3+ -

o o

A [Fe ] + [SCN ]

[Fe ] [SCN ] y =

3+ -

o o


[Fe ] [SCN ]











Page 62: Chem 206 Lab Manual

B Using a spreadsheet program, prepare a plot of y vs. x using the results in Table

II. The plot should give a straight line with a slope equal to –Keq. Set a linear trend line

through the data to determine the slope.

C Determine the equilibrium constant from the slope of the trend line. What are the

units of Keq?

D Show sample calculations as requested throughout the report, using any Trial

EXCEPT Trial #1 which has been used as an example.



Question 1: Look at the numerical value for your answer for Keq. What does it

tell you about the ratio of products to reactants? Which side is favored, the

product side or reactant side (i.e., which has the higher concentration)?

Question 2: A student performed an experiment similar to this with a different

set of reactants. The experimental result was Keq = 0. How would you interpret

this result?

Question 3: The determination Keq was based on the goodness of fit of the

line y = Keqx + bKeq. If we let yi and xi correspond to a particular trial, then

|yi + Keqx - bKeq | gives the absolute difference between the data and the line

we used to fit it. The value of bKeq is simply the intercept of the fit line.

Recall the definition for the standard deviation was







Similarly, we can describe how well a line fits the data by defining the

standard error. For the specific example of the equilibrium plot, the

relationship is;


i eq eqy K x bKstandard error =


Determine the standard error for your equilibrium plot.

Page 63: Chem 206 Lab Manual

Experiment #9: Determination of [KMnO4] by Oxidation-Reduction


Objective: To determine the amount of oxalate in an impure sample through the use of a

titration with potassium permanganate, after standardization with pure sodium oxalate. The

titration is based on the oxidation-reduction properties of the reactants.

Background: The technique of titration has been used previously to detect the concentration

of an acid (the analyte) using a known concentration of a strong base (the titrant). The

technique can also be used in situations in which the reaction involves oxidation and


Oxidation is defined as the loss of electrons or increase in oxidation state of a

reactant. The oxidation reaction is often represented explicitly by writing an oxidation half-

reaction. The half-reaction for the oxidation of the oxalate ion is shown below.


2 CO2 + 2 e- oxidation half-reaction

Reduction is defined as the gain of electrons or decrease (reduction) of oxidation state of a

reactant. The reduction half-reaction for the permanganate ion is given below. The oxidation

state of manganese decreases from +7 to +2.

8 H+ + MnO4

- + 5 e

- Mn

2+ + 4 H2O reduction half-reaction

Oxidation and reduction must occur together and are often designated as redox processes to

emphasize this; the number of electrons lost by one substance must equal the number of

electrons gained by the other substance. Since oxalate loses 2 electrons while permanganate

gains 5, the two species must react in a 5-to-2 ratio to equalize the electron transfer. This is

represented by the net redox equation below.

16 H+ + 2MnO4

- + 5 C2O4

2- 2 Mn

2+ + 10 CO2 + 8 H2O

Because the materials we weigh and measure occur as compounds, it is often useful to have

the balanced molecular equation (sometimes called the balanced total equation).

8H2SO4 + 2KMnO4 + 5 Na2C2O4 2 MnSO4 + 10 CO2 + K2SO4 + 5 Na2SO4 + 8 H2O

Potassium permanganate is reduced because it contains the permanganate ion; we can

also say that it behaves as an oxidizing agent because it causes something else to become

oxidized (the oxalate). Sodium oxalate is oxidized because it has the oxalate ion and we could

also specify it as the reducing agent because it causes the permanganate to become reduced.

The kinetics of the reduction of permanganate by the oxalate ion was studied in

experiments #5 and #6. As you may recall, in these studies oxalic acid was used instead of

sodium oxalate. The goal of the present experiment is to use redox titration as a way of

quantifying the oxalate concentration. To achieve this we will need to speed up the reaction.

This can be done by running the reaction under highly acidic conditions and by heating up the

reaction mixture. You should notice that H+ (or H2SO4) appear explicitly in the balanced

Page 64: Chem 206 Lab Manual

equations. Since you have already performed a titration (Experiment #3) and are familiar with

the redox reaction from the kinetics experiments, you will conduct the present quantitative

analysis individually. A full lab report will not be required; however, data tables and

statistical analyses should be submitted with your result.



* You MUST wear safety goggles at all times while in the laboratory.

* KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) stains skin and clothes, the purple color changes

to dark brown. It will wear off the skin with normal washing, but will cause a

permanent stain on clothing.

- you may wish to wear gloves and an apron or lab coat

* It is always a good idea to

- wash your hands well if in contact with chemicals

- don't rub your eyes with your fingers

- wash your lab bench well to remove any spills

* All solutions should be placed in the special containers in the hoods.

* Pipets should be used only with bulbs or pumps. NO pipeting by mouth!

* All normal safety rules must be obeyed, including any special precautions issued by

your instructor.


Procedure: (work individually)

I. Preparation of KMnO4 Solution

A. Obtain ~100 mL of the 0.130 M KMnO4 solution in a clean 500-mL Erlenmeyer

flask; you do not need to be exact because the next part will involve

standardizing the molarity of this solution. Using a 100-mL graduated cylinder,

add 100 mL of distilled water to the flask; swirl and mix well. Continue with

another 100 mL of distilled water until you have a total of 300 mL of well mixed


Determination 1: We will titrate this solution later to find out its exact molarity, but

for now it might be a good idea to have a rough "ballpark" estimate of its molarity.

B. Obtain a 50-mL buret, clean it, and rinse a couple of times with distilled water.

Rinse twice with about 10-mL of your KMnO4 solution (discard the rinses in the

container in the hood) and then fill the buret with the KMnO4 solution, making

sure that the tip contains no air bubbles.

II. Standardization of the KMnO4 Solution

A. Obtain ~200 mL of 3 M sulfuric acid, H2SO4, in a clean beaker. Label the beaker

so it will not be confused with other solutions.

B. Weigh approximately 1.5 grams of pure sodium oxalate, Na2C2O4 (fw =133.96

Page 65: Chem 206 Lab Manual

g/mol) in a plastic weighing boat. Record the exact weight measured. Transfer

the solid to a clean 100- or 150-mL beaker. Rinse the boat into the beaker with a

small amount of 3 M H2SO4; then add about 50 mL of the 3 M H2SO4 and swirl

to dissolve. You may need to heat this gently (DO NOT BOIL) to aid in

dissolving the salt.

C. Transfer the solution to a clean 100-mL volumetric flask. Rinse the beaker with a

small amount of 3 M H2SO4 and add the liquid to the flask. Mix, then fill to the

100-mL line with 3 M H2SO4. Cap and mix well.

Determination #2: What is the molarity (M) of the Na2C2O4 solution?

D. Using a 10-mL graduated disposable pipet, transfer 20 mL of the sodium oxalate

known solution to each of 4 clean 125- or 250-mL flasks.

Determination #3: Based on your results to determinations #1 and #2, what is the

anticipated volume of KMnO4 solution required to titrate the sodium oxalate sample?

Example: For a 0.0430 M KMnO4 solution titrating 20.0 mL of a 0.112 M Na2C2O4:

moles Na2C2O4 = (0.112 mol/L)(0.020 L) = 0.00224 mol

moles KMnO4 = (0.00224 mol Na2C2O4)4

2 2 4

2 mol KMnO

5 mol Na C O

= 8.96x10-4


volume = (8.96x10-4

mol)/(0.0430 mol/L) = 0.0208 L = 20.8 mL

E. Record the initial reading of KMnO4 in the buret. Warm the contents of the first

flask to 70-90°C (DO NOT BOIL!). Titrate to a very faint pink endpoint

(reminds you of the phenolphthalein endpoint). Record the final reading of

KMnO4 in the buret.

F. Refill the buret and repeat step (E) for the other 3 samples. All solutions in the

flasks may be placed in the containers in the hoods when the titrations are

finished. [Keep the KMnO4 in the buret, you need it for the next part.]

Determination #4: What is the molarity (M) of the KMnO4 solution?

III. Determination of %Na2C2O4 in an Unknown

A. Obtain an unknown from your instructor. Record the number # _______ Measure

about 0.6-0.7 g of unknown for each of 4 titrations. Record the masses of each.

Transfer to 4 clean 125- or 250-mL flasks, rinsing each weighing boat with a

small amount of 3 M H2SO4 and add to the flasks. Using a graduated cylinder,

add 20 mL of 3 M H2SO4 to each flask and swirl to dissolve.

B. Record the initial volume of KMnO4 in the buret. Heat the first flask to about 70-

90°C and titrate to a faint pink endpoint as before. Record the final volume of

KMnO4 in the buret. Repeat with the remaining 3 samples. The contents of the

flasks may be placed in the specially marked containers in the hoods.

Determination #5: What is the % (by weight) of Na2C2O4 in the sample?

Page 66: Chem 206 Lab Manual

Example: Trial #1 of the unknown contained 0.645 g of unknown and required 23.65

mL of a 0.0430 M KMnO4 (average value of molarity from the first part) to reach the


moles KMnO4 = (0.0430 mol/L)(0.02365 L) = 0.001017 mol

mol Na2C2O4 = (0.001017 mol KMnO4)2 2 4


5 mol Na C O

2 mol KMnO

= 0.002542 mol

mass Na2C2O4 = (0.02542 mol)(133.96 g/mol) = 0.3406 g Na2C2O4

weight % Na2C2O4 = 100%0.3406 g

0.645 g

= 52.8 %

IV. Clean-up

A. The oxalate (colorless) solution in the volumetric flask may be flushed down the

sink with running tap water. All solutions containing potassium permanganate

(purple) should be placed in the special containers in the hoods. All glassware

may be rinsed with tap water into the sinks.

B. The disposable pipets should be placed in the "GLASS DISPOSAL" boxes.

C. Clean your equipment and lab bench areas.

D. Have your instructor initial your lab book.


F. WASH your HANDS before leaving!


Report: As mentioned earlier, you will not be submitting a full lab report for this

experiment. Instead, you will be evaluated based on the accuracy and precision of your

results and answers to the follow-up questions. To enable your instructor to evaluate your

results adequately you should submit the following items:

a) Data Analysis & Results

b) One complete set of sample calculations

c) Answers to the questions given below.

d) Answers to the optional Statistical Analysis review sheet may be submitted to

replace your score on exercise #1.

Data Analysis & Results

II. Standardization of the KMnO4 Solution

Approximate molarity of KMnO4 (Determination 1) _________________ mol/L

Molarity of Na2C2O4 (Determination 2) _________________ mol/L

Approximate titrant volume of KMnO4 (Determination 3) ________________L

Page 67: Chem 206 Lab Manual

Table I: Standardization of KMnO4 Solution with _______ moles Na2C2O4

Trial initial mL Final mL mL used [KMnO4]





Average [KMnO4] = CX __________ mol/L

Stdev. [KMnO4] __________ mol/L

@ 95% conf. = C __________ mol/L

III. Determination of %Na2C2O4 in an Unknown

Table II: Data for Determination of % Na2C2O4 in Unknown # _______

Trial grams of


initial mL


initial mL


initial mL




wt %






Average wt% Na2C2O4 = & M FX X __________

Stdev. wt% Na2C2O4 __________

@ 95% conf. = M __________

Page 68: Chem 206 Lab Manual




Question #1: Based on your experience with the permanganate/oxalate reaction why

was the titration performed by the addition of permanganate solution to oxalate solution and

not the other way around? Why was the experiment performed at an elevated temperature?

Question #2: The determination of the wt% sodium oxalate is based on a two step

procedure: 1) a calibration step, and 2) a measurement step. We have seen this approach

several times throughout this quarter. The accuracy of the result is therefore subject to the

errors associated with both steps. To estimate the overall error, and therefore relay the quality

of a particular experimental result, requires adding the contributions from both steps. To do

this we must distinguish two cases: 1) the result of the calibration step is added to the result

of the measurement step, or 2) the result of the calibration step multiplies the result of the

measurement step. To represent these cases let CX , MX and FX be the average values of the

calibration, measurement and final result, with C, M and F being their respective 95%

confidence limits

Case 1: For addition & subtraction 2 2 = F C M

Case 2: For multiplication & division

2 2


= XX X



The first case was encountered in the Heat of Neutralization lab. Recall the

calorimeter constant was added to the mCsT term to give the overall heat of neutralization.

The analysis of titration data requires the later case.

Use the average values and confidence limits given for Tables I and II of the Data and

Analysis section to determine the true confidence limit of your wt% Na2C2O4 result (F). It

may seem strange, but the Table II value of average wt% Na2C2O4 is both MX and FX .

However, the Table II value of the 95% confidence limit must be identified with M since

only the error of the second set of titrations is considered in determining it. The values to use

for CX , MX and FX are indicated in Table I and II.

Page 69: Chem 206 Lab Manual


Statistical Treatment of Experimental Data –take 2

[1] What is the difference between precision and accuracy?

[2] How many significant figures are indicated in each of the following


(a) 2.02670 g _____ significant figures

(b) 328.0 mL _____

(c) 7700 ng _____

(d) 0.006 cm _____

(e) 6.7600x10-4



[3] The formula weight of sodium oxalate, Na2C2O4, was measured three times as 135.2

g/mol, 132.3 g/mol and 134.2 g/mol.

(a) Calculate the average measured value _______

(b) Calculate the absolute error _______

(c) Calculate the percent error _______

[4] Five groups of students measured the molarity of a CuSO4 solution using

spectrophotometry. Their results were 0.105 M, 0.112 M, 0.0983 M,

0.123 M and 0.114 M.

(a) Calculate the average (mean) ______

(b) What is the median (middle measurement)? ______

(c) What is the range of the measurements? ______

(d) Calculate the standard deviation, n-1 ______

(e) Calculate the relative standard deviation (in %) ______

[5] The concentration of lead in a soil sample revealed 12.7 ppm, 15.4 ppm, 13.6 ppm, 14.9

ppm, 13.5 ppm and 11.9 ppm for six replicate measurements on the same sample.

(a) Calculate the average value ______

(b) Calculate the standard deviation, n-1 ______

(c) Calculate at 95% confidence ______

(d) Give the limits of the 95% confidence interval ______

[6] Performing the acid-base titration lab a student determined the molarity of the

standardized NaOH(aq) solution to be 0.1005 +/- 0.0034 @ 95% confidence. The volume of

this NaOH(aq) solution required to titrate 20.00 mL of an acetic acid sample was 17.86 +/-

0.28 mL @ 95% confidence. Determine the molarity of the acetic acid solution and give the

95% confidence limit of the result.