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Challenging Artificial Immunity

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 Challenging Artificial Immunity


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  • 8/13/2019 Challenging Artificial Immunity


    The practice of vaccination against disease beganin 7796 by Edward lenner, who used the pus ofblisters from cowpox to vaccinate people againstsmallpox.

    Despite the fact that vaccination is perhapsviewed as the strongest preventive measureagainst disease in modern health care, its practiceand protocol has been challenged in recent yearsby a growing number of doctors and scientists, aswell as a large number of parents. Recentimmunology research and the availability ofhealth information have caused the challenge ofthe foundational tenets of vaccination."The control or even eradication of childhood diseasehos been heralded os one of medicine's finestaccomplishments, yet there is o growing suspicionthat infection intervention moy have an adverseeffect on the patients. As childhood infections havedecreosed, chronic afflictions hove increosed." 1

    The Economist"Lately, there has been a swell of complaints fromgroups and individuals about vaccine side effectsand the lack of long-term scientific studies andsafety data on vaccines. And, at a time when thereare more than 200 vaccines in the pipeline,concern is mounting that high-profile vaccineadvocates and the lobbies they represent, exert aninordinate influence on the setting of governmentvaccine policy." z

    It may seem incredulous to challenge the practiceof vaccination. After all, it has claimedresponsibility for the eradication of many diseasesin the past L00 years including polio, smallpox,whooping cough and diphtheria. But these claimsare largely based on epidemic studies, rather thanon clinical evidence of effectiveness. Europe forexample, experienced the same rise and decline ofpolio cases yet never had the polio vaccine. Inaddition, many diseases that were once thought tobe eradicated simply take on different forms andare given different names. For example, spinalmeningitis and polio have almost identicalsymptoms.We have learned an incredible amount ofinformation in recent years about the complexworkings of the immune system, mostly due toadvances in cancer, genetics and AIDS research.This has shed new light on the inner workings ofthe immune system. One thing we have learned isthat simply altering the natural physiology of thebody may temporarily give the appearance ofresolution of disease, but may actually createmore problems in the end. Virtually all studies ofeffectiveness of vaccines are based on statisticaldata and the presence or absence of disease. Therehave never been any medical studies that havebeen performed that clearlL demonstrate thatvaccines increase the immune system competenceof the human bod,v. nor has there been anymedical study on the long-term effects of vaccines.

    *r*It must be understood that vaccine studies areeconomically influenced by the pharmaceuticalindustry, which has tremendous influence on theoutcome of these studies. Vaccine sales representa huge profit for these companies and a certainamount of economic bias will always be involved.ABC News

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    "The Advisory Committee on ImmunizationPractices, (ACIP) a group of individuals hand-picked by the Center for Disease Control (CDC),recommends which vaccines are administeredto American children. Working mainly in secret,ACIP members frequently have financial links tovaccine manufacturers, Dependent on CDCfunding, state vaccination programs follow CDCdirectives by influencing state legislatures tomandate new vaccines, Federal vaccine fundscan be denied to states which do not "vigorouslyenforce" mandatory vaccination laws,Conversely, the CDC offers financial bounties tostate health departments for each "fullyvaccinated' child." 3The Medical Sentinel

    The past decade has seen a number of books andarticles written which challenge the practice ofvaccinations, mostly on the grounds of thepotential side effects and long term latent effectsofthe vaccine.

    These topics are certainly a factor in thevaccination debate, but the real issue is whetheror not vaccines actually produce lasting immunitythat is at least equal or superior to immunity thatis obtained via natural exposure.This article provides the last scientificevidence in answering that particularquestion

    Fundamentals of the Immune SystemThe Immune System is the name of a collection ofmolecules, cells, and organs whose complexinteractions form an efficient system that isusually able to protect an individual from bothoutside invaders and its own altered internal cells,which ]ead to cancer.

    The immune system is comprised of the lymphoidtissues and organs of the body. Lymphoid tissuesare widely distributed. They are concentrated inbone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, thymus,and Peyer's patch scattered in the linings of the GItract,The lymphoid system is encompassed by thesystem of mononuclear phagocytes fequivalent tothe reticuloendothelial system or RES)Lymphocytes are the predominant cells, butmacrophages and plasma cells are present also.Lymphocytes are cells, which circulate, alternatingbetween the circulatory blood stream and thelymphatic channels of the body.


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    The immune system is divided into twocomponents, non-specific, also referred to asinnate or non-adaptive immunity and speciftcwhich is also known as acquired or adaptiveimmunity. The breakdown into non-specific andspecific is for classification purposes only as thereis a constant and complex interaction,coordination and communication between allparts of the immune system. The majority of theimmune resistance occurs in the non-specificcomponents.

    "The non-specific defense system respondsimmediately to protect the body from allforeign substances, whatever they are. Thenon-specific system reduces the workload ofthe specific defense system, by preventingentry and spread of micro-organismsthroughout the entire body." +

    "In the 1980's Paola'steam at the PasteurInstitute in Parisshowed that 987o ofthe immune responsetriggered at the earlystages of infection isnon-specific." s

    Nature Medicine

    Lines of Defense1st lines of defense are the physical barriers whichinclude the skin, mucosal membrane, tears, ciliaryelevator, and urine. Chemical barriers includesebum sweat, stomach acid and lysozymes.2nd lines of defense are the macrophage system,complement, fever, interferon and inflammation.The macrophage system attacks and consumespathogens by engulfing them, a process known asphagocytosis.Complement cooperates with macrophages byattaching to foreign cells and initiating theingestion of the cells by phagocytosis. Interferonsare a class of proteins; activated by fever thatprevent viral replication in surrounding cells andalso inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

    "The antiviral action of interferon provides am aj o r ho st defens e ag ains t viraI infe cti on s. " 6

    Essentials of MedicineFever is a powerful part of the immune system, asit interferes with pathogen gro\ /th, inactivatesmany pathogen toxins, and facilitates a moreintense immune system response. Manyphysicians now recommend allowing fevers to runtheir course. .$,rp


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    "Fever is a systematic response toinfection. It is generally agreed thatmoderate elevation of body temperatureimproves the body's disease fightingcapacia." T

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    3rd lneF(n(&l.nte, Lyhpnoql.rantrMel

    Human Physiology

  • 8/13/2019 Challenging Artificial Immunity


    When tissue injury occurs, whether caused bybacteria or viruses, etc, substances such asbradykinins, complement and histamines arereleased. This process is called inflammation andit strongly activates the macrophage system toremove damaged cell tissue. Inflammation is avital part of the healing and repair process of theimmune system and when it is delayed orinhibited, healing and repair is incomplete.

    "Inflammation is one of the mostimportant mechanr'sms of host defensesince it marshals the attack on theinjurious agent and leads to repair of theaffected tissue."aThe Cell Biology of Inflammation

    The third lines of defense are the specific systems,also known as acquired or adaptive immunity. Thespecific system consists of B cells [humoral), and Tcells [cell-mediated). These cells havemechanisms for selecting a precisely definedtarget and for developing rnemory to the antigen,so that subsequent exposures will result in a moreefficient and effective response.

    Definition of ImmunityImmunity; 1. Protection against infectious diseaseby either specific or non-specific mechanisms. 2.Pertaining to the immune system or immuneresponse e

    Dorland's Medical Dictionary

    Every standard definition of immunity involvesthe overall competence of both the non-specificand specific components of the immune system torecognize, isolate and eliminate foreignpathogens. This competence also involves theability of the immune system to be able todistinguish between self and non-self, Immunity isthe body's ability to establish and maintainmolecular identity. There is a huge differencebetween true immunity and the absence ofsymptoms of disease.Theoryand Practice of Vaccines

    Vaccines are suspensions ofinfectious agents usedto artificially induce immunity against specificdiseases. The aim of vaccination is to mimic theprocess of naturally occurring infection throughartificial means. Theoretically, vaccines produce amild to moderate episode of infection in the bodywith only minor side effects. They are said to workby causing the formation of antibodies, which areproteins that defend the body from an invasion byharmfulgerms.

    Vaccines are grouped into three different types:Attenuated microbes, in which the antigen isdiluted or weakened. Attenuated vaccines includethose to prevent measles, mumps, rubella, polioand chicken pox.

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    Killed organisms, fragmented organisms, orantigens produced by recombinant DNAtechnology. Examples of these include pertussis,Hib, Hepatitis-B, and many of the experimentalHIV vaccines.Toxoids, which are comprised of the toxins ofparticular infections such as tetanus or diphtheriaand have been partially detoxified by heat orchemical treatment.

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    Vaccine and Antibody ProductionThe clinical evidence for vaccines is their ability tostimulate antibody production in the recipient afact that is not disputed. What is not clear,however, is whether such antibody productionproduces immunity.The most predominant forms of life are viruses,bacteria and fungi, each with countless numbersof varieties and strains. When the weight andnumber of these organisms are multipliedtogether, they are the greatest biomass inexistence on earth."lnfection with viruses does not always result indisease, In fact, a great majority of virus infectionsremain arymptomatic. Even before theintroduction of the polio virus vaccination, about98% of infected humans developed only minor flu-like illness or no illness at all. 0f 45,000 U.S.military personnel inoculated in 1942 with a yellowfever vaccine inadvertently contaminated Hep-Bvirus, only about 900 developed clinical hepatitisand only 33 had severe disease." M

    New York University Medical SchoolScientific evidence questioning the role ofantibodies in disease protection can be found inresearch performed by Dr. Alec Burton, publishedin a study by the British Medical Council. Thestudy investigated the relationship between theincidence of diphtheria and the presence ofantibodies. The purpose of the research was todetermine the existence or nonexistence ofantibodies in people who developed diphtheriaand in those who did not. The conclusion was thatthere was no relation whatsoever betweenantibody count and incidence of disease. Theresearchers found people who were highlyresistant with extremely low antibody counts, and

    people who developed the disease who had highantibodv counts.Dr. Burton also discovered that children born witha-gamma globulinemia (inability to produceantibodiesJ develop and recover from measles andother infectious or contagious disease almost asquickly as other

    "Natural Immunity is a camplex phenomenoninvolving mony organs and systems, It cqnnotbe duplicated by the artificial stimulation ofantibody p roduction. " t6Dispelling Vaccine Myths

    There exist a finite number of immune systemcells that are able to respond to foreign antigens.Once a specific immune cell responds to aparticular antigen it becomes committed to thatspecific antigen and is unable to respond to anyother pathogen. Vaccination results in a greatercommitment of specific immune cells that wouldbe utilized in natural exposure, which mayactually weaken the repertoire of immune cells.

    Cause of Long Term ImmunityRecent research by Dr. Rafi Ahmed and hiscolleagues has shown that the stable maintenanceof total memory cells may be dictated by theprinciple of homeostasis. Models suggest that thetotal number of cells in the immune system isconstant and the long-term maintenance ofcellular immunity may be regulated bycompetition for space by memory cells. As anindividual is exposed to new pathogens, somememory cells may need to make way for newones, Since the total number of memory cells canbe very large, the immune system is normallycapable of maintaining immunity to manypathogens at once. The impact of new pathogenscould govern the loss of existing memory cells,and might explain the loss of memory to certainviruses. 17

    Emory Vaccine Research Center

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  • 8/13/2019 Challenging Artificial Immunity


    It is dangerously misleading and indeed the exactopposite of the truth to claim that a vaccine makesus "immt)ne' or protects us against an acutedisease, if in fact it only drives the disease deeperinto the interior and causes us to harbor itchronically, with the result that our responses to itbecome progressively weaker and show less and/ess tendency to heal or resolve themselvesspontaneously.zt

    Dr. Richard Moskowitz, Dissent in MedicineOver time, the term vaccine has evolved to includeall preparations used to generate protectiveimmunity to microbial pathogens or their toxins.More recentllr. the definition of vaccine has beenfurther expanded to include antigenic materialsused to tolerate or turn off antigen-specificimmune responses to prevent or treat immunemediated diseases. A variety of approaches arebeing pursued to induce T cell tolerance. Theseinclude blocking the activation of T cells byantigen presenting cells focusing on theinteractions of the T cell receptor (TCR) withpeptides presented by the majorhistocompatibility complex (MHC). Otherstrategies target costimulatory pathways in Tcells, or the interaction of cell surface adhesionmolecules and their counter ligands. Some of theseexperimental therapies are currently beingdeveloped as vaccines. 2aAmerican Autoimmune Research Association

    'The later part of the 20n century has witnessedan unprecedented rise in the number ofindividuals with impaired immunity, There isconsiderable experience with most vaccines inthose with impaired immunity."zs

    Recent vaccine researchand development hasfocused on recombinantDNA vaccines as a way ofduplicating naturalimmunity, but the findingsdemonstrate that theywork by suppressing theimmune system as well.Could DNA Vaccines Undermine Immunity?DNA vaccines consist of a bit of DNA containing agene for a marker from the pathogen. The idea isthat when the DNA is injected into the muscletissue, it works its way into cells where it isincorporated into cellular DNA The body "learns"to recognize the pathogen and mount a strongdefense to it in the future. But research publishedin the Journal of Clinical Investigatioa shows thatinstead of being immunized to the proteinencoded by a DNA vaccine, it actually learns totolerate it. In fact, when later injected with thesame protein, no antibodies were developed at all.This finding raises the possibility that a DNAvaccine could convert someone who normallywould be able to clear a pathogen-albeit theymight get sick first, to someone who would beunable to clear it at all. zo

    ScienceThe paradigm shift in health care is graduallymoving from a symptom based model, to one inwhich the function, performance and innatehealing potential of the human body is maximized.With this change in understanding comes theconcept that not only are many diseases normaland natural, they may actually benefit the body bystrengthening the immune system.


    Clinical Microbiology Review

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    "Through the process of developing and thenconquering infection, the child gets rid of acquiredtoxins and poisons from the body and receives aboost to the immune Vstem.'ztHealingArts Press

    'Whenever the immune system successfully dealswith an infection, it emerges from the experiencestronger and better able to confront similar threatsin the future. Our immune q)stem develops incombat. If at the first sign of infection, you alwaysjump in with antibiotics, you do not give theimmune system a chance to grow stronger." 28

    Andrew Weil, MD

    Severol studies have shown that the incidence ofasthma and allergies tend to rise in countries wherechildhood immunization rates are high. This hasprompted researchers to suggest that certaininfections may trigger immune changes thatprotect children from developing asthma andallergies later. Preliminary studies have shown aprotective effect of measles and infections withintestinal parasites. 2eScience News

    With the rise of vaccines and antibiotics, people indeveloped countries have experienced fewerchildhood diseases than ever before and scientistssuspect that an immune system with no seriouswork to do is likely to become a renegade qrmy,attacking whatever it encounters. 30





    In a study of 58 children under the age of 1"6 withinsulin dependent diabetes and 772 non-diabeticcontrols, infection during the 7st year of life wasassociated with a reduction in diabetic nskInfection during the first year of ltfe may have aprotective effect by modifying the lymphoqtticresponse to subsequent immunologicol challenges.A link with decreasing early exposure to commoninfectious disease could account for the increasedrisk of diabetes over the past thirgt years.3rArchives of Childhood Disease

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  • 8/13/2019 Challenging Artificial Immunity


    References1. Plagued by Cwes,The Economist,Nov 22,1997 v3a4 p.95(3J2. Regush, N. "The Vaccine Machine" ABC News3. Schafly R "0fficial Vaccine poliry Flawed" The Medical Sentinel,L999,4(3) 106-1084. Marieb, E. EssentiTls ofAnatomy and Physiology,WB Saunders, 2000, Philadelphia5. Degrave W. "A B-cell mitogen from a pathogenic trypanosome is a novel eukaryotic proline racemase" Nature Medicine, Aug 2000 p.8906. Andreoli, A. Essentials of Medicrna WB Saunders, 2001 Philadelphia7. Moffetg D. Human Physiology, Mosby Medical Publishing 19932nd edition,B. Weissman, G. The Cell Biology of lnflammation, Biomedical Press 1980, Amsterdam9. Ingelfinger, F. Dorland's Medical Dictionary Saunders Press, 199910. Delegal f. "Childhood Vaccines" Florida Union Times Nov.& 200011. Andreoli, T. Essentials of Medicine, WB Saundert 2001, Philadelphia12. Scott f. "Cell Communication, the inside story" Scientific Ameica4 june 2000 p.7313. Roitt, Brostoff, Male lmmunology,Mosby Publ, 1998 London14. Wimmers E "Defense Against Viral lnfections" NY Med-Uni 199915. Null G. Voccines: A Second Opinion, 200016. Philips, A Dispelling Voccine MythsFeb 5, 199817. Korschun H. "Causes of longTerm Immunity" The Emory Repoft,MeL22,1999 Volume 57,no.2418. Reuters News Media, "Scientists figure out how immune system remembers, March 12,199919. Connaught Labs, Vaccine Warning Inserg 200020. Childrens HospitalofPhiladelphia,www.vaccine.chop.edu21. Foley P. "Development and use ofa highly attenuated vaccine virus"Center for Biologics, 199922. Choang K Avant Immunotherapeutics23. Moskowig R. Dissent in Medicine Contemporary Books, t985 p.14224. Plaut, M. "Vaccines for Immunological Disease"25. Pirofski L, "Use of licensed vaccines for active immunization of the immunocompromised host" Clinical Microbiology Reviewlant99S26. "Could DNA Vaccines Undermine lmmuniry" Science,Dec20,1-99627. Hayfreld,,R.The Fomily Homeopath HealingArts Press, 199428. Weil, A. Spontoneous Healing Random House, 199529. Raloff, J. "Childhood Vaccinations" Scrence News lan 25, L99730. Underwood, A 'Why Ebonie cant breathe' /Vews,teek, May 26, t99731. Phillips, D. "Early infection and subsequent insulin dependant diabetes" Archive of Childhood Diseases, Nov, 1997 77;384-385

    About the Author:Keith Wassung is a nationally known author and speaker in the field of health education and research A fbrmer national drug-ttee weightlifting champion, Keith turned to Chiropractic health care after being diagnosed with a near fatal health condition. Hisrecovery led him to research, write and lecture about the scientific principles of Chiropractic. He is the author of over 100 educationand research papers and the author of three books. He is available for speaking engagements and can be reached via e-mail atkti assurr r'1i snr ai or at (843) 743-835 I


    Discover Chiropractic151 N Sunrise Ave, #1014Roseville, Ca9566l916.772.7722


    Bill Bollinger D.C.