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1 May Edition , 2010 Eastertide/Pentecost Our Worship Life Sundays Holy Eucharist 8:30 AM, Rite 1 10:30 AM, Rite 2 Church School Classes meet at 10:30 AM Wednesday 12:10 PM, Holy Eucharist T h e N e w s l e t t e r o f T h e E p i s c o p a l C a t h e d r a l o f S a i n t J o h n A Word From Our Dean... ,Dear Cathedral Family, The great Easter Feast continues this month, yet it leads us to another equally important celebration, Pentecost. On Sunday, the 23rd, we will mark the coming of the Holy Spirit into our lives, another occasion of God showering his love upon us. While the gifts of the Holy Spirit are many, the Holy Spirit itself is the gift of love from God. That love is defined for you and me as the very life of God: the love of the Father for the Son and of the Son for the Father. Not only is this wondrous love given to us, we are incorporated into it because it is a foretaste of the eternal life. Lastly, we are called by Jesus to remember that this love is not only a gift, but it is something which we must practice. In the practice of this kind of love each of us is called to become what we are, the loving family of God. May is a very busy month otherwise. We have the May Breakfast on the 1st, Confirmations on the 1st and the 8th, the Aids Quilt Sunday on the 16th and the Ordination for Deacons on the 22nd. Each of these events is important and should be in your date books. But I want to highlight the Ordination because one of our family, Joyce Thorne, is offering herself for ordination and all of us need to be present to support her as she begins this new chapter in her life in Christ. The service will be at 10 am that Saturday and will be followed by a reception in the Synod Hall. This is a Cathedral Family event and I pray that all of us will come to show our love for Joyce. With every good wish and faithfully, Faithfully, Harry Krauss Harry Krauss Harry Krauss Harry Krauss

Cathedral of Saint John, Providence, Rhode Island, May 2010 Newsletter

Mar 07, 2016



This is a monthly publication of The cathedral of Saint John, in Providence, Rhode Island, giving current information on the current events taking place at our Cathedral.
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Page 1: Cathedral of Saint John, Providence, Rhode Island, May 2010 Newsletter


May Edition , 2010 Eastertide/Pentecost

Our Worship Life

Sundays Holy Eucharist 8:30 AM, Rite 1

10:30 AM, Rite 2

Church School Classes meet at

10:30 AM

Wednesday 12:10 PM,

Holy Eucharist


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A Word From Our Dean... ,Dear Cathedral Family, The great Easter Feast continues this month, yet it leads us to another equally important celebration, Pentecost. On Sunday, the 23rd, we will mark the coming of the Holy Spirit into our lives, another occasion of God showering his love upon us. While the gifts of the Holy Spirit are many, the Holy Spirit itself is the gift of love from God. That love is defined for you and me as the very life of God: the love of the Father for the Son and of the Son for the Father. Not only is this wondrous love given to us, we are incorporated into it because it is a foretaste of the eternal life. Lastly, we are called by Jesus to remember that this love is not only a gift, but it is something which we must practice. In the practice of this kind of love each of us is called to become what we are, the loving family of God. May is a very busy month otherwise. We have the May Breakfast on the 1st, Confirmations on the 1st and the 8th, the Aids Quilt Sunday on the 16th and the Ordination for Deacons on the 22nd. Each of these events is important and should be in your date books. But I want to highlight the Ordination because one of our family, Joyce Thorne, is offering herself for ordination and all of us need to be present to support her as she begins this new chapter in her life in Christ. The service will be at 10 am that Saturday and will be followed by a reception in the Synod Hall. This is a Cathedral Family event and I pray that all of us will come to show our love for Joyce. With every good wish and faithfully, Faithfully, Harry KraussHarry KraussHarry KraussHarry Krauss

Page 2: Cathedral of Saint John, Providence, Rhode Island, May 2010 Newsletter


From The Deacon’s Bench

From time to time, people ask, sometimes hesitantly, exactly what the form and function of a deacon is, after all. We know what we think a deacon ought to be. I have heard all sorts of things, from, "I haven't got a clue," to "That's just a new priest, isn't it?" It is understandable, this sense of confusion that we all live in, because the national church isn't always certain what they want a deacon to be, either. But, it is getting clearer, as we move along on the road to including the deaconate in the orders of our church life. First of all, there are currently two types of deacons in the Episcopal church. One is the transitional deacon, which means that this person is on the way to becoming a priest. That particular kind of deacon usually works in a church, sometimes the church that will call him/her when he/she becomes a priest. It is a kind of relationship which is often understood as a prelude to being a curate, or new priest assistant in a parish. This deacon centers his/her ministry in the parish, which means helping with the church school, adult education, sick calling or whatever pastoral duties the rector might assign. This person is "in transition" as a deacon, not intending to remain a deacon, but to become a priest. Also, this deacon is usually paid by the parish in which he/she will remain after becoming a priest. The other kind of deacon is the Vocational, Perpetual or Permanent Deacon. This is the kind of deacon who is called to ordination as a deacon, does not feel called to priesthood and understands him/herself to be a lifelong member of the Order of the Deaconate. This deacon does not function primarily out of the parish, but is directly under the authority of the Bishop and the Archdeacon of the Diocese, is responsible to them and is placed in the parish to perform liturgical functions (that is, assist at the altar, proclaim the Gospel and preach the Good News.) This deacon is not paid at all, either by the parish or the diocese. What particularly distinguishes this deacon from the other is that this deacon finds the basis of his/her work in the world, not the church. We do not run the Sunday School. We do not do parish calling or parish function (except for those things mentioned above.) We do bring the world into the church by raising concerns, often out of our diaconal experiences, when we preach. We become an icon of the world to the church, by bringing the love of Jesus out into the world in some of the most needy places, and then returning to the church to raise awareness of the needs of others. Some of the places that you will find deacons in the Diocese of Rhode Island include, but are not limited to: soup kitchens, homeless shelters, women's centers, senior citizen homes, AIDS hospices, hospitals, youth programs, Hospice Chaplaincy Programs, prisons, children's homes and counseling centers. So you see, the confusion comes from having two very different things called the same name! And, now you know the difference. The kind of deacon that you have right now at the Cathedral of Saint John is a Permanent, Vocational or Perpetual Deacon; I would answer to all three of these names! Remember, too, that we move around the diocese at the discretion of the Bishop and are intended to be transient (we move around a lot!) Also, when John Higginbotham moves along to his ordination, he will become a Transitional Deacon—on his way to being a Priest! Your sister in Christ, Deacon Barbara

Page 3: Cathedral of Saint John, Providence, Rhode Island, May 2010 Newsletter


From the Seminarian My Dear Friends in Christ, It is with great joy that I announce to you my upcoming graduation from the Episcopal Divinity School (EDS) in Cambridge, Massachusetts on Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 2:00 o’clock. I will receive a Master of Divinity degree. This is a very joyous occasion for me and my family because this is the culmination of a journey I began in August 1980. Fresh out of the Navy, Bishop Odore Gendron, the Roman Catholic Ordinary of Manchester, New Hampshire, assigned me to St. Meinrad Archabbey in Southern Indiana to begin my theological education. When I finished my 2 year pre-theology curriculum at St. Meinrad, Bishop Gendron sent me to St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts for major seminary. At the end of second theology, I took a leave of absence from St. Johns’ and finished up my studies at Boston College. In May of that year I informed Bishop Gendron that I would not be a candidate for the diaconate. It has been a very long and convoluted journey. The thread that connects these two very formative periods in my life has been my response to God’s call to the priesthood of Jesus Christ in service to the church, first in the Roman Catholic tradition, and now in the Episcopal Church in the Anglican tradition. As most of you know, up until five years ago, I was a practicing Roman Catholic until a complete change of heart and mind caused me to finally respond to God’s patient, respectful, and unbelievably persistent call. I left the Church of Rome and became an Episcopalian. As a relatively new Episcopalian, I came to the Episcopal Divinity School with an agenda. I wanted to focus my academic work on learning as much as I possibly could about the theology, liturgy, history, polity, canons and traditions of the Episcopal Church in the Anglican tradition. Anglican studies became an academic self-defined special competency at EDS. Last fall, I was very fortunate when Bishop Wolf assigned me to the Cathedral of St. John under the tutelage of our Dean, the Very Rev. Harry E. Krauss. His mission and yours was to ‘Anglicanize’ me. I want to thank all of you. I am extremely grateful to Dean Krauss and to all of you for your participation in, and your contribution to, my theological education. I am grateful to God for this wonderful opportunity. After graduation from EDS, I will continue my service and my education at the Cathedral of St. John. By the grace of God and the movement of the Holy Spirit, and with great anticipation, I look forward to ordination in the upcoming year. Faithfully yours in Christ, John Higginbotham

Page 4: Cathedral of Saint John, Providence, Rhode Island, May 2010 Newsletter


God Willing

The Rt. Rev. Geralyn Wolf, Bishop of Rhode Island

Will ordain

Patrick James Greene And

Joyce Terrill Thorne

To the Sacred Order of Deacons In Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, And Apostolic Church

On Saturday, the Twenty Second of May,

Two Thousand and Ten At Ten O’clock in the Morning

Your prayers and presence are requested The Episcopal Cathedral of Saint John

271 North Main Street, Providence, Rhode Island

A Reception will follow

Clergy are requested to wear Red Stoles

Page 5: Cathedral of Saint John, Providence, Rhode Island, May 2010 Newsletter


Carl Dubose Named Volunteer Of The Year At RI Food Bank

Carl Dubose, longtime member of The Cathedral of Saint John, has been honored by being named Volunteer of the Year by the Rhode Island Food Bank. Carl is well known by the staff at the Food Bank, and he is always willing to help out, whatever the task may be. Kelly Nichols, Volunteer Manager at the RI Food Bank, shared some of what Carl does there in his volunteer work. “Carl is really great,” said Ms. Nichols. “He come in several times a week and helps organize projects for volunteers who work in the Production Room, where food donations come in. He helps in setting up program for the 30 volunteers who help out, both regulars and special groups who come in to help.” She concluded, “He has volunteered for the RI Food Bank since 2004, and he is friendly and is very nice to work with.” We, at the Cathedral of Saint John know well of Carl’s great gifts of helping with whatever needs to be done. He serves as verger, sub-deacon and acolyte, and he has also helped others to learn these roles so that we always have enough servers to make our worship experience full. Thank you, Carl, for all that you do!

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-Thoughts from the Senior Warden- April has been a month of such outstanding promise at the cathedral of Sanin John. The services of Holy Week and Easter Day were glorious and wonderfully attended. Miss Santana announced this month that the children have been very successful in their reading project to help support their counterparts in our companion Diocese of Ezo. The 1810 Society has continued to see healthy growth and is currently on a heartwarming path. And on April 9th the chapter and the clergy threw a pasta party that was the ‘hottest ticket in town’. We had great fellowship, great food, great music, and, maybe best of all, though figures are not yet final, it appears as of this writing that we were able to raise approximately $1600.00 in support of the 1810 Society! Heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in the evening. More events are being planned for the coming months and personally, I can’t wait. God’s Peace To All, Leah

Junior Warden’s Report: May 2010

Many thanks go out to Harrington, Winston and Cliff for their help with the scraping and painting of the stains on the ceiling. It is much easier for those of us with ADD to pay attention to Dean Kraus’ sermons now! I received a second quote to remove and replace two damaged doors in the church school room. Both quotes (carpenters Kevin Flynn and Rick Boyajian) were the same, $950.00. The only difference being that the second one included solid wood doors rather than hollow core. I am still waiting for a quote from Dion Sign Co. to install a new lighted sign out in front of the Cathedral and will call to see what is holding things up. At our last contact the sales representative was going to the City to find out what size sign is allowable on our property. Winston and I have received 2 separate quotes of $675.00 and $550.00 to remove and replace the hot water heater for the ladies’ and men’s room that no longer works. I am recommending that we go with the lower price and get this done as soon as the plumber is available. Initial pricing to repair the portico has come in at $2950.00. This quote includes removal of the old roofing, rerouting of a rain gutter inside of the roof to direct the water back toward the building and replacement of rotten fascia board and moldings. Unfortunately, the new gutters installed on the Church St. side of the Cathedral are filling up with leaves and water is overflowing into the concrete patio outside of the kitchen door. We asked Mr. Gutter to give us a price to clean the leaves out and install “Leafless Gutter Covers”. They were glad to quote work on the right side front and Church St. (3rd and 4th levels) that came in at $1996.00. On the other hand, your Weekend Warriors will put some sweat equity into the mix by repairing broken glass and continue to scrape and paint in the nave.

See you in church! Andy

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DEADLINES FOR The RECORD The Record, our parish newsletter, is published monthly and is available by email, hard copy and on the Cathedral website. If you would like to receive the Record electronically, please give your email address to our Parish Administrator, Miss Tinker or call the church office at (401) 331-4622. Please send articles to Deacon Barbara at [email protected]. The deadlines for submission to The Record are as follows:

May 23 for the June edition June 23 for the Summer edition

August 23 for the September edition

The Very Reverend Harry E. Krauss, Dean Leonard E. Walker, Jr. [email protected] [email protected] Toni Harrison William B. McBorrough [email protected] [email protected] Leah Nastasi, Senior Warden *The Right Reverend David Joslin, Assisting Bishop [email protected] [email protected] Andrew Costa, Junior Warden Jimps Jean Louis [email protected] Email will be published Samuel Dorbor, Treasurer *Keith Hudson [email protected] [email protected] Arline Walker, Clerk [email protected] *Non parishioners

2010 Chapter Members

Rhode Island Flood Relief Information

The Diocese of Rhode Island and the Episcopal Charities Fund of Rhode Island are recommending these options for contributions you can make toward flood relief donations in Rhode Island:

1. Make a contribution through Episcopal Charities and mail to the diocesan office, or donate online at Designate donations for “Flood Relief” or “Neighbors Helping Neighbors”. All contributions will go to Neighbors Helping Neighbors, a fund set up through the city of Warwick.

2. Make a direct contribution: checks payable to “Neighbors Helping Neighbors”, Warwick City Hall, 3275 Post Road, Warwick, RI 02886-7145.

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The United Thank Offering The United Thank Offering (UTO) is thankful giving in response to the many blessings bestowed on us by God. The money collected from our parish joins that from other parishes in the Diocese and is sent to the National UTO Committee who distributes it yearly to scrutinized, well researched and approved grant recipients. One grant request can be submitted by each Diocese (and one for each companion Diocese) and sent to the National Committee for review. In 2009, $2,650,472.43 was divided among 63 projects, including a chicken farm and school expansion in the Sudan, nets for life, renovation of a conference center, mission exterior repairs, youth programs, etc. Almost all projects address one of the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals). Our parish Ingathering will be collected on May 2 and 9. Please use the UTO envelops in the back of the church or a plain white envelop marked UTO. If you write a check please put UTO on the memo line. the Diocesan UTO Ingathering will be held on May 15 at Christ Church, Lincoln.

Music Report Dear Cathedral Friends, My brother, Frank Mitchell Bush is coming to the Cathedral on Sunday May 9th for the 10:30am service. He will make a musical offering of two Impromptus by Franz Schubert, one for Prelude and the other for Offertory. The following Wednesday, May 12, at 12 noon, he will play a 40 minute lunchtime rectal at All Saints Memorial Episcopal Church. He will play works by Chopin, Schubert, Liszt-Schubert and Prokofiev. It is free and open to the public. If you love great piano music-and great piano playing--please come and support Mitchell with your presence at this event. Thank you all who attended my Annual Spring Organ Concert. I played repertoire that you commonly hear me play and made the American Premiere of the Fantasie, Op 57 by Gerard Bunk. The concert was well received. Mitchell and I will be performing a program at the historic Methuen Memorial Music Hall in Methuen MA, June 2, 2010 at 7:30 PM. All are welcome to attend. Please remember that we are ALWAYS on the look-out for new voices in our choir, and are, as always, grateful for those faithful members who already serve this great ministry of the church. If you would like to join our choir, and I know I hear some great voices on Sunday mornings in the congregation, please stop me and intro-duce yourself! Brink Bush Director of Music

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ECW Notes A women's retreat will be held on October 15 - 16, 2010 at the Canonicus Retreat Center in Exeter. The facilitator will be Ann Hood, author of several books including "The Knitting Circle" and "Do not go Gentle". Cost is $120 (3 meals and lodging) including a $35 deposit which must be made by September 24. Scholarships are available. Space in the main building is limited to 44 people. Brochures will be available shortly.

Listening in on Diocesan Mission Join one of these Gatherings!

The Diocesan Mission Task Force invites every member of the diocese to participate in a listening process to influence and inspire our future mission priorities.

Wednesday, May 5, 6:30 p.m., St. Columba’s Saturday, May 8th, 10 a.m., Church of the Epiphany Wednesday, May 12th, 7 p.m. St. Luke’s East Greenwich Clergy Gathering: May 19th 10 a.m., St. Paul’s Pawtucket

In addition to the listening “gatherings” we are also linking with other diocesan bodies such as the Program and Budget Committee, Diocesan Council, and the Bishop and her staff. We are also interviewing individuals. If you would like to speak with one of the task force members individually, please be in touch with

one. You can find more information on our blog: We will be glad to have you join our conversation!

Prayer Shawl Ministry at The Cathedral of Saint John

We are always eager to welcome new members to the Prayer Shawl ministry at the Cathedral. If you knit or crochet and would like to join us, or if you would like to learn, please come by on Tuesday mornings, from 9:00 AM to Noon. Some of our faithful knitters cannot be there on Tuesdays but knit at home and contribute what they make when they are finished. We are eager to have any participation that you can offer. For more information, please contact Deacon Barbara at [email protected] or call the church office.

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1 May B

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ation 10AM & 2PM

Food P

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2 HE 8:30&10:30AM

Adult E

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Choir R

ehearsal 9:50AM

Church S

chool 10:30AM

HE La Inglesia del M

esias 6PM

3 4 Prayer S

hawl 9:30AM

Mealsite 4


5 HE 12:10PM

6 Staff M

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HE & Healing 7


7 American S

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ation 10AM&2PM

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10 11

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14 15

Gailia R

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16 HE 8:30&10:30AM

Choir R

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Church S

chool 10:30AM

Chapter M

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HE La Inglesia del M

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17 18

Prayer S

hawl 9:30AM

Staff M

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Mealsite 4



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20 21


Ordination for

Diaconate 1


Food P

antry 11AM

23 P


HE 8:30&10:30AM

Adult E

d. 9:45AM

Choir R

ehearsal 9:50AM

Church S

chool 10:30AM

Gailia R

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ecital 2PM

HE La Inglesia del M

esias 6PM

24 25

Prayer S

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Mealsite 4



HE 12:10PM


Chapter M

eeting 7PM

28 29

Food P

antry 11AM

30 HE 8:30&10:30AM

Adult E

d. 9:45AM C


Rehearsal 9


Church S

chool 10:30AM

HE La Inglesia del M

esias 6PM



orial D


Office C


Page 11: Cathedral of Saint John, Providence, Rhode Island, May 2010 Newsletter


The Episcopal Cathedral of Saint John 271 North Main Street

The Record

Mailing Address

Goes Here

The Very Rev. Harry E. Krauss, Dean The Rev. Barbara Mays-Stock, Deacon Mr. John Higginbotham, Seminarian

Mr. Brink Bush, Music Director/Organist Leah Nastasi, Senior Warden Andy Costa, Junior Warden

Church Office Hours 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Monday through Friday Office closed on Saturday

Office Phone: (401) 331-4622

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

The Newsletter of

The recordThe recordThe recordThe record

May BreakfastMay BreakfastMay BreakfastMay Breakfast

Saturday, May 1, 2010Saturday, May 1, 2010Saturday, May 1, 2010Saturday, May 1, 2010

At the Cathedral of Saint JohnAt the Cathedral of Saint JohnAt the Cathedral of Saint JohnAt the Cathedral of Saint John

Synod HallSynod HallSynod HallSynod Hall 271 North Main Street271 North Main Street271 North Main Street271 North Main Street

Providence, RIProvidence, RIProvidence, RIProvidence, RI

9:00 to 11:00 9:00 to 11:00 9:00 to 11:00 9:00 to 11:00 Donation: $6 for AdultsDonation: $6 for AdultsDonation: $6 for AdultsDonation: $6 for Adults

$3 for children under 11 years of age$3 for children under 11 years of age$3 for children under 11 years of age$3 for children under 11 years of age