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Février 2021 Catalogue édité et publié par la Direction Commerciale Produits Catalogue public Catalogue de prix de maintenance France métropolitaine (c) Fujitsu 2021 v1

Catalogue de prix de maintenance France métropolitaine...Sévérité 1 = Panne totale Sévérite 2 = Panne non bloquante Sévérité 3 = Panne non bloquante ayant une solution temporaire

Sep 30, 2020



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  • Février 2021

    Catalogue édité et publié par la Direction Commerciale Produits

    Catalogue public

    Catalogue de prix de maintenanceFrance métropolitaine

    (c) Fujitsu 2021 v1

  • DEFINITIONSMaterials-spares Service / Pièces détachées

    The customer reports a defective device to the help desk over the telephone or directly to the Fujitsu service partner with whom he has made this service agreement. The spare supply will be handled

    following the agreed service level.

    Le client envoie à ses frais la pièce défectueuse. A réception de la pièce défectueuse, une pièce neuve équivalente sera envoyée au client dans les plus brefs délais.

    Bring In Service / Retour atelier

    Following consultation with the help desk, the customer shall bring the defective device to a qualified service point (service partner or repair centre) specified by Fujitsu. Fujitsu shall assume the cost for

    the resulting labour and the required materials or replacement parts. The cost and risk of the transport to and from the service point (service partner or repair centre) shall be borne by the customer.

    La main d’œuvre et les pièces de rechange sont prises en charge par Fujitsu. Les coûts et risques de transport aller/retour au centre de service indiqués sont à la charge du client.

    Send In & Return Service / Retour à la base

    The customer reports the fault to the Fujitsu help desk over the telephone. If the malfunction cannot be repaired by the help desk over the phone, a repair order is send to the repair centre. The customer

    sends the defect product by stating the repair number to the repair centre. After repairing, the product is send back to the customer/partner. Fujitsu shall assume the cost for the resulting labor, the

    required material and the transport back to the customer.

    Le client envoie son équipement, à ses frais. Fujitsu prend en charge les coûts de main d'œuvre, des pièces détachées et du transport retour jusqu'au client.

    Collect&return Service (pick-up) / Enlèvement sur site

    The customer reports a defective device to the help desk over the telephone. If the malfunction cannot be repaired by the help desk over the phone, the defective product will be collected on site. After

    repairing in a Fujitsu repair centre the product will be returned to the customer's place.

    Les transports aller et retour, la main d'œuvre et les pièces détachées sont à la charge et sous la responsabilité de Fujitsu.

    On-site Service / Intervention sur site

    The customer reports a defective device to the help desk over the telephone. If the malfunction cannot be repaired by the help desk over the phone, a Fujitsu service partner to start the reparation at the

    location of the customer. There no costs for material, labor and travel.

    L’intervention est prise en charge à 100 % par Fujitsu.

    Executive swap on-site Service / Executive swap sur site service

    In the case a hardware repair becomes necessary, this Support Pack includes the replacement of the defective product by a new product. There no costs for material, labor and travel.

    Service de rétablissement rapide avec remplacement du produit défectueux par un produit neuf; pris en charge à 100% par Fujitsu.

    On-Site Exchange Service / Echange sur site

    The customer reports a defective device to the help desk over the telephone. If the malfunction cannot be repaired by the help desk over the phone and an adequate service pack has been acquired, the

    defective product will be replaced by an equal product (swap).

    L’échange du produit concerné au poste de travail par un produit identique; pris en charge à 100% par Fujitsu.

    Door-to-door Service / Echange standard sur site

    The customer reports a defective device to the help desk over the telephone. If the malfunction cannot be repaired by the help desk over the phone and an adequate service pack has been acquired, the

    defective product will be replaced by an equal product through delivery. (door to door - doorstep delivery). If desired the service can be extended to replacement at the workstation (desk to desk).

    L’échange à l’accueil (door-to-door) peut évoluer selon les produits concernés vers un échange au poste de travail (desk-to-desk); pris en charge à 100% par Fujitsu.

    HDD Discard / Service de rétention disque

    When a defect on the hard disk was indicated to the Service Desk Fujitsu or to the service partner, the customer who benefits from this service, will keep his defective hard disk. He has to give back to

    the technician or to the service partner the hood of the hard disk. The hood of the hard disk is then dismissed at Fujitsu, for proof of replacement. This service is attached to the guarantee and to the

    serial number of the product. The service of preservation of the Hard disk is valid during all the period signed in conformance with a service pack bought in supplement of the standard warranty.

    Quand un défaut sur le disque dur a été signalé au Service Desk Fujitsu ou au partenaire de service, le client qui bénéficie de ce service conserve le disque dur défectueux. Il doit remettre au technicien

    qui intervient, ou au partenaire de service le capot du disque dur. Le capot du disque dur est ensuite renvoyé chez Fujitsu, pour preuve de remplacement. Ce service est attaché à la garantie et au

    numéro de série du produit. Le service de conservation du Disque Dur est valide durant toute la période souscrite au titre d’un service pack acheté en supplément de la garantie standard.

    (c) Fujitsu 2021 v1

  • Délai d'intervention

    Le délai d’intervention correspond au délai écoulé entre l’enregistrement par Fujitsu de la demande Client et l’arrivée d’un technicien de maintenance sur le site du Client ou sur le site où se trouve le

    matériel en défaut. Le délai d’intervention est décompté pendant les horaires de couverture du service. Les délais d’accès ou d’indisponibilité du Client ou d’un tiers pour accéder au matériel suspendent

    le délai d’intervention.

    Délai de réparation

    Le délai de réparation correspond au délai écoulé entre l’enregistrement par Fujitsu de la demande Client et la réparation du matériel. Le matériel est considéré comme réparé lorsqu’il est possible

    d’accéder aux fonctionnalités du produit d’origine. En le cas de défaillances récurrentes, chaque demande d’assistance fera l’objet d’un nouvel engagement de délai de réparation. Le délai de réparation

    est décompté pendant les horaires de couverture du service. Les délais d’accès ou d’indisponibilité du Client ou d’un tiers pour accéder au matériel suspendent le délai d’intervention.

    Dans les deux cas et si cela s’avère nécessaire, le service de maintenance inclus la restauration du système d’exploitation sur la base des CDs d’origine fournis avec la machine. Ces CDs sont à fournir

    par le Client ou un tiers lors de l’intervention du technicien de maintenance.

    Limites du service :

    Ce service n’inclut pas les opérations suivantes :

    · Réinstallation ou la restauration du système d’exploitation customisé par le Client ou un tiers

    · Paramétrage du système d’exploitation

    · Installation et configuration de toute application logicielle

    · Résolution des problèmes d’inter-connectivité ou de compatibilité avec des matériels non supportés au titre du présent contrat

    · Prise en charge des problèmes réseaux

    · Restauration des données

    Fujitsu est dégagé de ses engagements dans les cas suivants :

    · Equipement non couvert dans le cadre du service

    · Informations et données du Client ou d’un tiers absentes, partielles ou erronées

    · Tentative de réparation par le Client ou par un tiers

    · Tout retard incombant au Client

    · Non application par le Client ou d’un tiers des préconisations correctives ou modifications système qui lui été communiquées par Fujitsu Technology Solutions

    Niveaux de services proposés pour les Support Packs :

    Services de base :

    Retour atelier 5 jours ouvrés du lundi au vendredi 9H-18H

    Enlèvement sur site 5 jours ouvrés du lundi au vendredi 9H-18H

    Echange standard à l'accueil sur site 5 jours ouvrés du lundi au vendredi 9H-18H

    Intervention sur site 5 jours ouvrés du lundi au vendredi 9H-18H sans délai

    Services étendus :

    Intervention sur site 5 jours ouvrés du lundi au vendredi 9H-18H délai de réponse J+1 (*)

    Intervention sur site 5 jours ouvrés du lundi au vendredi 9H-18H délai de réponse 4H

    Intervention sur site 7 jours sur 7 24H sur 24 délai de réponse 4H

    Option de conservation de disque (dur ou SSD) en panne par le client

    Niveaux de sévérité :

    Sévérité 1 = Panne totale

    Sévérite 2 = Panne non bloquante

    Sévérité 3 = Panne non bloquante ayant une solution temporaire d'évitement

    (*) = pour tout incident enregistré avant 12h

    Article A :

    Nous vous rappelons que les prix conseillés des services d'assurance ne doivent pas être modifiés. Ils sont exprimés en "Toute taxe d'assurance comprise" et qu'ils ne sont pas soumis à la TVA. La

    distribution de produits d'assurance relève du code des assurances sous le contrôle de l'ACP (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel).

    Conditions spécifiques aux demandes de renouvellement de Support Packs :

    1. Le matériel à la date de la demande doit être sous contrat valide, la demande de renouvellement doit être transmise à Fujitsu au moins quatre vingt dix jours avant l'échéance du contrat en cours.

    2. L'extension de garantie initiale de 3 ans doit avoir été souscrite pour demander une 4° année.

    3. Les extensions 3 ans et 4° année (ou 4 ans) doivent avoit été souscrites pour demander une 5° année.

    4. Il doit impérativement y avoir continuité du niveau de service.

    Pour une prolongation de 4° et/ou 5° année avec un niveau de service supérieur à celui précédemment souscrit, demandez un devis à votre commercial en précisant les points suivants :

    => Numéro de série de l'équipement

    => Niveau de service actuel

    => Niveau de service et durée attendus

    Aucune commande ne sera acceptée par Fujitsu sans établissement d'un devis préalable.

    Nouveauté : recherche des références de Support Pack disponibles pour chaque référence de logiciel

    Pour vous aider à retrouver toutes les références de Support Pack disponibles pour une référence logiciel donnée, une Table de référence croisée Logiciel -> Support Pack a été ajoutée dans la

    dernière section du catalogue de maintenance.

    Pour vous positionner au début de la table de référence croisée faire une recherche dans le PDF via les touches "CTRL + F" et le critère de recherche "croisée".

    Ou pour vous positionner directement dans la table sur les Support Packs disponibles pour un logiciel particulier, par exemple le logiciel ETERNUS SF V16 Basic Tier S ayant la référence

    FTS:D01918G80H faire une recherche "CTRL + F" sur ce critère et toutes les références Support Packs correspondantes s'afficheront : FSP:G-SW3HN60PRE0C, FSP:G-SW3HN63PRE0C, FSP:G-

    SW5HN60PRE0C, FSP:G-SW5HN63PRE0C, FSP:G-SWTHN60PRE0C, FSP:G-SWTHN63PRE0C, avec leur libellé respectif :

    Support Pack 3 years Technical Support & Subscription (incl. Upgrade), 9x5, 4h remote response for ETSF V16 SC Basic TierS

    Support Pack 3 years Technical Support & Subscription (incl. Upgrade), 24x7, 4h remote response for ETSF V16 SC Basic TierS

    Support Pack 5 years Technical Support & Subscription (incl. Upgrade), 9x5, 4h remote response for ETSF V16 SC Basic TierS

    Support Pack 5 years Technical Support & Subscription (incl. Upgrade), 24x7, 4h remote response for ETSF V16 SC Basic TierS

    Support Pack Prolongation of 12 months Technical Support & Subscription (incl. Upgrade), 9x5, 4h remote response for ETSF V16 SC Basic TierS

    Support Pack Prolongation of 12 months Technical Support & Subscription (incl. Upgrade), 24x7, 4h remote response for ETSF V16 SC Basic TierS

    Pour les logiciels de VMware en OEM, vous avez aussi l'option de rechercher les Support Packs disponibles à l'adresse web :

    Enfin, pour rappel, la liste des Support Packs disponibles pour chaque produit matériel est disponible via Fujitsu Support Pack Finder à l'adresse web :

    (c) Fujitsu 2021 v1

  • Tarif Support Packs France métropolitaine Février 2021





    Produit Référence Description DuréeAvec


    Prix indicatif

    HTDescription garantie standard

    Général GEN Services génériques

    Général GEN DTI:FR-PRS-0000004 Aide téléphonique à l'installation 30mn 123,53 €

    Général GEN DTI:FR-PRS-0000005 Aide téléphonique à l'installation 1H 245,88 €

    Général GEN DTI:FR-PRS-0000008 Visite d'inspection 453,00 €

    Général GEN Installation serveur PRIMERGYInstallation serveur PRIMERGY Sur Devis

    Général GEN Installation stockage Installation stockage Sur Devis

    Général GEN Visite de pré-installation Visite de pré-installation Sur Devis

    Poste de travail DP1 Moniteurs Fujitsu

    Poste de travail DP1 DISPLAY E20T-7 LED - B22-8 TE Pro - B22-8 TS Pro - B22-8 WE Neo - B24-9 TE - B19-7 LED - B20T-7 LED proGreen - E19-7 LED - E20T-7 LED - E22-8 TS PRO - E24-8 TS PRO - L19T-4 LED - P24-8 TE Pro - X22-1 CAM - X22-1 CAM(P) 3 ans échange standard à l'accueil sur site

    Poste de travail DP1 DISPLAY B32-9 TS UHD - P34-9 UE - P34-9 US -B27-9 TE FHD - B27-9 TS FHD - B27-9 TE QHD - B27-9 TS QHD - P27-9 TS QHD - B27-9 TE - B27-9 TS - B24-9 TS - B24-9 WE - B24-9 WS - P24-9 TE - E24-9 TOUCH - B27-8 TE Pro - B27-8 TS Pro - B34-9 UE - P27-8 TS UHD - P27-8 TE Pro - P27-8 TS Pro - P24-8 WE Neo - P24-8 WS Neo - P24-8 WE Pro - P24-8 WS Pro - B24T-1L - B24T-7 LED - B24T-7 LED BA - B24T-7 LED PG - B24T-7 LED Pro Green - B24W-6 LED - B24W-7 LED - B27T-7 PRO - B27T-7 LED - E24T-7 LED - E24T-7 PRO - L24T-2 LED - L27T-1 LED - P24T-7 LED - P24W-7 LED - P27T-7 LED - P27T-7 UHD3 ans échange standard à l'accueil sur site

    Poste de travail DP1 DISPLAY B22T-7 LED Pro Green - B22W-7 LED - B22W-7 LED Black - B23T-6 LED - B23T-7 LED - E22 TOUCH - E22T-7 LED - L21T-1 LED V160 - L21T-1 LED V169 - L22T-7 LED - L22T-8 LED - X23T-1 MHL 3 ans échange standard à l'accueil sur site

    Poste de travail DP1 FSP:GBTD00Z00FRDP1 Support Pack prolongation +12 mois valide si durée totale (garantie standard + extension + prolongations)

  • Tarif Support Packs France métropolitaine Février 2021





    Produit Référence Description DuréeAvec


    Prix indicatif

    HTDescription garantie standard

    Poste de travail S9B FSP:GSXA00Z00FRS9B Support Pack option rétention disque dur - CELVIN Storage - durée de validité égale à la période de garantie ou de l'extension de garantie associée Oui 184,71 €

    Poste de travail S9B FSP:GTXA00Z00FRS9B TopUp option rétention disque dur - CELVIN Storage - durée de validité égale à la période de garantie ou de l'extension de garantie associée Non 184,71 €

    Poste de travail S9B FSP:GBTB00Z00FRS9B Support Pack prolongation +12 mois valide si durée totale (garantie standard + extension + prolongations)

  • Tarif Support Packs France métropolitaine Février 2021





    Produit Référence Description DuréeAvec


    Prix indicatif

    HTDescription garantie standard

    Serveur SV7 FSP:GA5S63Z00FRSV7 Support Pack 5 ans intervention sur site 7 jours sur 7 24H sur 24 délai réponse 4H valide en France 5 ans Oui 2 582,35 €

    Serveur SVQ Serveurs x86 Business Critical PRIMEQUEST

    Serveur SVQ PRIMEQUEST 3800E2 - 3800E - 2800E3 - 2800E2 3 ans intervention sur site

    Serveur SVQ PRIMEQUEST 3800B2 -3800B - 2800B3 - 2800B2 3 ans intervention sur site

    Serveur SVQ PRIMEQUEST 3400E - 2400E3 - 2400E2 3 ans intervention sur site

    Serveur SVQ FSP:GSXA00Z00FRSVQ Support Pack option rétention disque dur - PRIMEQUEST - durée de validité égale à la période de garantie ou de l'extension de garantie associée Oui 897,65 €

    Serveur SVQ FSP:GBTS20Z00FRSVQ Support Pack avec autocall prolongation +12 mois valide si durée totale (garantie standard + extension + prolongations)

  • Tarif Support Packs France métropolitaine Février 2021





    Produit Référence Description DuréeAvec


    Prix indicatif

    HTDescription garantie standard

    Stockage S8F FSP:G-SW51863PRS8F Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETERNUS CS800 ENTERPRISE BASE ZONE 1 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 224 561,00 €

    Stockage S8F FSP:G-SW52263PRS8F Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETERNUS CS800 ENTERPRISE CAPACITY ZONE 1 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 191 081,00 €

    Stockage S8F FSP:G-SW58J63PRS8F Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETERNUS CS800 M1 ENTERPRISE DAE Zone 1-4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 15 075,29 €

    Stockage S8F FSP:GS5A00ZQFPRS8F Support Pack 5 year HDD Retention for CS800 M1 ENTERPRISE BASE 40 CORE 51TB Non-Returnable Disk Drive (NRD) Zone 1-4 5 ans Oui 15 083,53 €

    Stockage S8F FSP:GS5A00ZQGPRS8F Support Pack 5 year HDD Retention for CS800 M1 ENTERPRISE HIGH DENSITY BASE 40 CORE 204TB Non-Returnable Disk Drive (NRD) Zone 1-4 5 ans Oui 4 022,35 €

    Stockage S8F FSP:GS5A00ZQHPRS8F Support Pack 5 year HDD Retention for CS800 M1 ENTERPRISE BASE 51TB Non-Returnable Disk Drive (NRD) Zone 1-4 5 ans Oui 15 083,53 €

    Stockage S8F FSP:GS5A00ZQIPRS8F Support Pack 5 year HDD Retention for CS800 M1 ENTERPRISE CAPACITY 51TB Non-Returnable Disk Drive (NRD) Zone 1-4 5 ans Oui 4 022,35 €

    Stockage S8F FSP:GS5A00ZQJPRS8F Support Pack 5 year HDD Retention for CS800 M1 ENTERPRISE HIGH DENSITY BASE 204TB Non-Returnable Disk Drive (NRD) Zone 1-4 5 ans Oui 4 022,35 €

    Stockage SD3 ETERNUS DSP200 M1 NODE 19.2TB

    Stockage SD3 ETERNUS DSP200 M1 NODE 19.2TB 3 ans intervention sur site

    Stockage SD3 FSP:GSXA00Z00FRSD3 Support Pack option rétention disque dur - Datera DSP 200 License 1 - durée de validité égale à la période de garantie ou de l'extension de garantie associée Oui 472,94 €

    Stockage SD3 FSP:GBTS20Z00FRSD3 Support Pack prolongation +12 mois valide si durée totale (garantie standard + extension + prolongations)

  • Tarif Support Packs France métropolitaine Février 2021





    Produit Référence Description DuréeAvec


    Prix indicatif

    HTDescription garantie standard

    Stockage ST9 FSP:GATS63Z00FRST9 Support Pack prolongation +12 mois valide si durée totale (garantie standard + extension + prolongations)

  • Tarif Support Packs France métropolitaine Février 2021





    Produit Référence Description DuréeAvec


    Prix indicatif

    HTDescription garantie standard

    Stockage SU4 FSP:GBTS20Z00FRSU4 Support Pack prolongation +12 mois valide si durée totale (garantie standard + extension + prolongations)

  • Tarif Support Packs France métropolitaine Février 2021





    Produit Référence Description DuréeAvec


    Prix indicatif

    HTDescription garantie standard

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGR60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 3 549,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGS60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 3 549,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGW60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 162,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGX60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 802,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGY60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 5 438,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGZ60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 5 438,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHH60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard TIer2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 557,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHI60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 367,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHJ60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 4 711,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHK60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 4 711,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHP60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 789,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHQ60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 204,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHR60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 408,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLJ60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Hyper-V 2CPU Windows x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 308,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLO60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Hyper-V 2CPU Windows in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 145,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLQ60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for IP-Switch in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 167,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLR60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for IP-Switch x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 495,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLT60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Expan. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 785,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLU60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Expan. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 720,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLV60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 5 480,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM260PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier 2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 349,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM360PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier 3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 532,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM460PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Windows x1 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 145,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM560PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Windows x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 308,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM660PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for VMware 2CPU in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 145,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM760PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for VMware 2CPU x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 308,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTMA60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Exp. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 367,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTMS60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (AST Pack) DX500 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 3 467,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTMT60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (AST Pack) DX600 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 8 032,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTMU60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (ClusterPack) DX500 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 4 442,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTMW60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (Cluster Pack) DX600 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 6 911,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTN660PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 9 402,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTN760PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 16 748,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTO060PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 13 055,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTO360PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 12 454,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTO460PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Optim + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 31 840,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTO560PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion DX8x00 S3 +2CM in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 10 958,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTOJ60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for FC_Switch in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 540,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTOO60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for FC-Switch x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 4 857,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTOP60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF8 MA for Linux in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 145,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTOQ60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF8 MA for Linux x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 308,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTSH60PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF AF650 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 14 838,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT5G63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF PrimeFlex for DX500 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 6 978,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT5H63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF PrimeFlex for DX600 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 14 838,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT5R63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 150,59 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT5S63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 3 542,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT5T63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 990,59 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT5U63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (SRM+AC) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 7 687,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT5V63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (ClusterPack) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 8 736,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT5W63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (AST Pack) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 10 152,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT5Y63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:SC+full ACM CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 6 951,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT5Z63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:ClusterPack CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 5 220,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT6A63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:AST Pack CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 388,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT6B63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:SC Opt+fullACM CM Ex.DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 6 951,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWT6D63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (SRM+AC+AST) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 14 481,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTAC63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 498,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTAI63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 725,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTAJ63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 867,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTAK63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Opt. Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 221,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTAL63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Opt. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 511,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTE963PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Std + full ACM DX500 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 3 363,53 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTEG63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 781,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTEH63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 7 680,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTEI63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 26 878,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTEV63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 498,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTEW63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 727,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTEY63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 868,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTF063PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Std + full ACM DX600 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 6 082,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTF663PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC StdOptm + full ACM DX500 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 5 251,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTF763PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC StdOptm + full ACM DX600 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 11 457,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGF63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 221,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGG63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 6 144,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGP63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 996,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGQ63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 702,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGR63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 3 549,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGS63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 3 549,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGW63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 162,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGX63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 802,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGY63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 5 438,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTGZ63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 5 438,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHH63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard TIer2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 557,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHI63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 367,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHJ63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 4 711,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHK63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 4 711,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHP63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 789,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHQ63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 204,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTHR63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 408,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLJ63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Hyper-V 2CPU Windows x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 308,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLO63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Hyper-V 2CPU Windows in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 145,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLQ63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for IP-Switch in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 167,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLR63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for IP-Switch x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 495,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLT63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Expan. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 785,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLU63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Expan. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 720,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTLV63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 5 480,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM263PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier 2 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 349,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM363PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier 3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 532,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM463PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Windows x1 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 145,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM563PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Windows x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 308,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM663PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for VMware 2CPU in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 145,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTM763PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for VMware 2CPU x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 308,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTMA63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Exp. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 2 367,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTMS63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (AST Pack) DX500 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 3 467,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTMT63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (AST Pack) DX600 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 8 032,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTMU63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (ClusterPack) DX500 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 4 442,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTMW63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (Cluster Pack) DX600 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 6 911,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTN663PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 9 402,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTN763PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 16 748,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTO063PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 13 055,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTO363PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 12 454,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTO463PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Optim + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 31 840,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTO563PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion DX8x00 S3 +2CM in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 10 958,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTOJ63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for FC_Switch in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 540,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTOO63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for FC-Switch x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 4 857,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTOP63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF8 MA for Linux in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 145,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTOQ63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF8 MA for Linux x10 in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 1 308,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SWTSH63PRE0B Support Pack Xtend 12m TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF AF650 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA +12 mois 14 838,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3N700PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5 for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 50 245,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O000PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5 for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 39 165,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O300PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5 for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 37 363,53 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O400PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5 for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Optim + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 95 518,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O500PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5 for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion DX8x00 S3 +2CM in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 32 877,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3N703PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7 for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 50 245,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O003PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7 for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 39 165,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O303PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7 for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 37 363,53 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O403PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7 for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Optim + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 95 518,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O503PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7 for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion DX8x00 S3 +2CM in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 32 877,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35G60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF PrimeFlex for DX500 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 12 481,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35H60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF PrimeFlex for DX600 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 27 370,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35R60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 6 451,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35S60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 10 627,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35T60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 8 971,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35U60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (SRM+AC) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 23 060,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35V60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (ClusterPack) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 26 208,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35W60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (AST Pack) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 30 460,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35Y60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:SC+full ACM CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 20 854,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35Z60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:ClusterPack CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 15 660,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW36A60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:AST Pack CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 164,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW36B60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:SC Opt+fullACM CM Ex.DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 20 854,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW36D60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (SRM+AC+AST) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 43 444,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3AC60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 1 494,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3AI60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 2 178,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3AJ60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 5 600,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3AK60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Opt. Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 6 663,53 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3AL60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Opt. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 536,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3E960PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Std + full ACM DX500 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 10 089,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EG60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 8 342,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EH60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 23 041,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EI60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 80 635,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EV60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 1 496,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EW60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 2 181,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EY60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 5 605,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3F060PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Std + full ACM DX600 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 18 245,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3F660PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC StdOptm + full ACM DX500 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 15 755,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3F760PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC StdOptm + full ACM DX600 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 34 374,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GF60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 6 663,53 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GG60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 18 434,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GP60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 2 990,59 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GQ60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 5 108,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GR60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 10 649,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GS60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 10 649,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GW60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 488,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GX60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 8 408,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GY60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 16 315,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GZ60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 16 316,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HH60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard TIer2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 4 671,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HI60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 100,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HJ60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 14 136,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HK60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 14 136,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HP60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 2 367,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HQ60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 612,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HR60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 224,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LJ60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Hyper-V 2CPU Windows x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 924,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LO60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Hyper-V 2CPU Windows in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 437,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LQ60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for IP-Switch in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 500,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LR60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for IP-Switch x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 4 484,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LT60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Expan. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 5 356,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LU60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Expan. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 8 158,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LV60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 16 440,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M260PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier 2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 4 049,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M360PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier 3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 598,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M460PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Windows x1 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 437,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M560PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Windows x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 924,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M660PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for VMware 2CPU in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 437,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M760PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for VMware 2CPU x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 924,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3MA60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Exp. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 100,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3MS60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (AST Pack) DX500 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 10 400,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3MT60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (AST Pack) DX600 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 24 100,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3MU60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (ClusterPack) DX500 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 13 327,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3MW60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (Cluster Pack) DX600 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 20 735,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3N660PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 28 208,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3N760PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 50 245,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O060PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 39 165,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O360PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 37 363,53 €

    (*) pour tout incident enregistré avant 12H - Pour une cotation avec engagement sur le délai de réparation adresser un email à : [email protected] / 74 (c) Fujitsu 2021 v1

  • Tarif Support Packs France métropolitaine Février 2021





    Produit Référence Description DuréeAvec


    Prix indicatif

    HTDescription garantie standard

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O460PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Optim + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 95 518,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O560PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion DX8x00 S3 +2CM in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 32 877,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3OJ60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for FC_Switch in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 1 620,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3OO60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for FC-Switch x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 14 571,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3OP60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF8 MA for Linux in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 437,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3OQ60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF8 MA for Linux x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 924,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3SH60PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF AF650 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 27 370,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35G63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF PrimeFlex for DX500 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 13 558,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35H63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF PrimeFlex for DX600 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 29 728,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35R63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 6 451,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35S63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 10 627,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35T63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 8 971,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35U63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (SRM+AC) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 23 060,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35V63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (ClusterPack) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 26 208,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35W63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (AST Pack) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 30 460,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35Y63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:SC+full ACM CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 20 854,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW35Z63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:ClusterPack CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 15 660,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW36A63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:AST Pack CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 164,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW36B63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:SC Opt+fullACM CM Ex.DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 20 854,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW36D63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (SRM+AC+AST) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 43 444,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3AC63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 1 494,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3AI63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 2 178,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3AJ63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 5 600,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3AK63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Opt. Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 6 663,53 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3AL63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Opt. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 536,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3E963PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Std + full ACM DX500 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 10 089,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EG63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 8 342,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EH63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 23 041,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EI63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 80 635,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EV63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 1 496,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EW63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 2 181,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3EY63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 5 605,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3F063PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Std + full ACM DX600 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 18 245,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3F663PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC StdOptm + full ACM DX500 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 15 755,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3F763PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC StdOptm + full ACM DX600 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 34 374,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GF63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 6 663,53 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GG63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 18 434,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GP63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 2 990,59 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GQ63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 5 108,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GR63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 10 649,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GS63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 10 649,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GW63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 488,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GX63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 8 408,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GY63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 16 315,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3GZ63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 16 316,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HH63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard TIer2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 4 671,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HI63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 100,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HJ63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 14 136,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HK63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 14 136,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HP63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 2 367,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HQ63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 612,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3HR63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 224,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LJ63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Hyper-V 2CPU Windows x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 924,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LO63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Hyper-V 2CPU Windows in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 437,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LQ63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for IP-Switch in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 500,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LR63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for IP-Switch x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 4 484,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LT63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Expan. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 5 356,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LU63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Expan. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 8 158,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3LV63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 16 440,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M263PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier 2 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 4 049,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M363PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier 3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 598,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M463PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Windows x1 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 437,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M563PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Windows x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 924,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M663PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for VMware 2CPU in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 437,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3M763PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for VMware 2CPU x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 924,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3MA63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Exp. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 7 100,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3MS63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (AST Pack) DX500 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 10 400,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3MT63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (AST Pack) DX600 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 24 100,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3MU63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (ClusterPack) DX500 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 13 327,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3MW63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (Cluster Pack) DX600 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 20 735,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3N663PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 28 208,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3N763PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 50 245,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O063PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 39 165,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O363PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 37 363,53 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O463PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Optim + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 95 518,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3O563PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion DX8x00 S3 +2CM in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 32 877,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3OJ63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for FC_Switch in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 1 620,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3OO63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for FC-Switch x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 14 571,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3OP63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF8 MA for Linux in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 437,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3OQ63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF8 MA for Linux x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 3 924,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW3SH63PRE0B Support Pack 3y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF AF650 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA 3 ans 29 728,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5N700PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5 for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 83 743,53 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O000PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5 for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 65 276,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O300PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5 for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 62 272,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O400PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5 for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Optim + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 159 197,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O500PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5 for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion DX8x00 S3 +2CM in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 54 795,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5N703PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7 for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 83 743,53 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O003PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7 for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 65 276,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O303PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7 for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 62 272,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O403PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7 for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Optim + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 159 197,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O503PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7 for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion DX8x00 S3 +2CM in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 54 795,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55G60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF PrimeFlex for DX500 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 20 802,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55H60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF PrimeFlex for DX600 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 45 617,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55R60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 10 752,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55S60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 17 710,59 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55T60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 14 954,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55U60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (SRM+AC) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 38 432,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55V60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (ClusterPack) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 43 680,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55W60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (AST Pack) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 50 765,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55Y60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:SC+full ACM CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 34 756,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55Z60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:ClusterPack CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 26 100,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW56A60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:AST Pack CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 11 940,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW56B60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:SC Opt+fullACM CM Ex.DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 34 756,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW56D60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (SRM+AC+AST) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 72 407,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5AC60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 2 490,59 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5AI60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 3 631,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5AJ60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 9 334,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5AK60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Opt. Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 11 107,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5AL60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Opt. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 12 560,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5E960PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Std + full ACM DX500 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 16 815,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5EG60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 13 904,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5EH60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 38 402,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5EI60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Optimization Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 134 392,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5EV60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 2 492,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5EW60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 3 635,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5EY60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for ExchangeServer Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 9 342,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5F060PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Std + full ACM DX600 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 30 410,59 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5F660PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC StdOptm + full ACM DX500 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 26 258,82 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5F760PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC StdOptm + full ACM DX600 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 57 289,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5GF60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 11 107,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5GG60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 30 722,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5GP60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 4 984,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5GQ60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 8 512,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5GR60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 17 749,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5GS60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 17 749,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5GW60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 5 814,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5GX60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 14 014,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5GY60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 27 191,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5GZ60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 27 194,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5HH60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard TIer2 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 7 785,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5HI60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 11 834,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5HJ60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 23 561,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5HK60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Expan. (+2CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 23 561,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5HP60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier2 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 3 945,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5HQ60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 6 022,35 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5HR60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Basic Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 12 041,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5LJ60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Hyper-V 2CPU Windows x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 6 541,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5LO60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Hyper-V 2CPU Windows in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 729,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5LQ60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for IP-Switch in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 832,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5LR60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for IP-Switch x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 7 474,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5LT60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Expan. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 8 927,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5LU60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Expan. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 13 597,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5LV60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 27 400,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5M260PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier 2 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 6 748,24 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5M360PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier 3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 12 664,71 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5M460PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Windows x1 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 729,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5M560PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Windows x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 6 541,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5M660PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for VMware 2CPU in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 729,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5M760PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for VMware 2CPU x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 6 541,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5MA60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Exp. (+2CM, for >8CM) in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 11 832,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5MS60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (AST Pack) DX500 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 17 334,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5MT60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (AST Pack) DX600 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 40 167,06 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5MU60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (ClusterPack) DX500 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 22 211,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5MW60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle (Cluster Pack) DX600 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 34 560,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5N660PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 47 012,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5N760PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC QoS Management Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 83 743,53 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O060PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Storage Cluster Tier4 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 65 276,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O360PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 62 272,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O460PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: SC Optim + full ACM DX8x00 S3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 159 197,65 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5O560PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle: Expansion DX8x00 S3 +2CM in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 54 795,29 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5OJ60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for FC_Switch in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 2 701,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5OO60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF MA for FC-Switch x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 24 285,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5OP60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF8 MA for Linux in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 729,41 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5OQ60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF8 MA for Linux x10 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 6 541,18 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5SH60PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,9x5,4h Rm Rt for ETSF AF650 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 45 617,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55G63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF PrimeFlex for DX500 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 22 596,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55H63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF PrimeFlex for DX600 Bundle in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 49 547,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55R63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM LocalCopy CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 10 752,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55S63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM RemoteCopy CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 17 710,59 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55T63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 SC Standard CM Exp. Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 14 954,12 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55U63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (SRM+AC) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 38 432,94 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55V63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (ClusterPack) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 43 680,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55W63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (AST Pack) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 50 765,88 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55Y63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:SC+full ACM CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 34 756,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW55Z63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:ClusterPack CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 26 100,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW56A63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:AST Pack CM Exp. DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 11 940,00 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW56B63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Bundle:SC Opt+fullACM CM Ex.DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 34 756,47 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW56D63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 Featurepack (SRM+AC+AST) DX900 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 72 407,06 €

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    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5AI63PRE0B Support Pack 5y TS Sub & Upgr,24x7,4h Rm Rt for ETSF V16 ACM for MS SQL SRV for Tier3 in selected countries in EMEIA 5 ans 3 631,76 €

    Support logiciel E0B FSP:G-SW5AJ63PRE0B Support Pa