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Case Presentation Dengue Fever

Apr 07, 2017


Health & Medicine

Zain Khan
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Page 1: Case Presentation Dengue Fever
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Clinical Medicine

Case Presentation

Atif RahimNasreen AkhterZain Ul Abidin

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History Mrs. Nishat 60 years old Female Housewife Gulistan E Joher, KHI Admitted in DSH on 14/11/2015 via ER


Fever Headache For 3 DaysMalaise

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HOPC According to my patient she was in usual state of

health 3 days back when she started having Abrupt onset high grade continuous fever documented at 103 F, Associated with chills, headache, Generalised body ache and Easy Fatiguability, NO Aggreviating and Relieving Factors.

Temp mildly ↓paracetamol but recurred.

Persistent above symptoms brought Patient to the Hospital

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Contd.. No h/o

Polyarthralgia Rash Abdominal pain/swelling Hematemesis/melena/Mucosal bleeds Yellowish discoloration of mucosa & skin Altered consciousness/Seizures Hematuria/oliguria Chest pain/palpitations/breathlessness Cough with expectoration

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Contd… Past History

Not contributory Personal History

not smoker/ No other addiction Occupation

Housewife Family History

Not contributory Socioeconomic History

Patient lives in her own 2 rooms, ventilated houseWith her husband And 3 children, use tap water.

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On Examination My Patient was Lying comfortably on the bed, was well

oriented with time place and person.

Vitals BP – 100/70 mmhg Pulse – 94/min RR – 28/min Temp – 1020F

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O/EOn General Physical Examination My Patient is of Moderate built & nourishment, She has a Fever at 102 F, She is mildly Tachypneic, Not dyspneic.Besides that no abnormal finding on GPE.

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Contd..Systemic Examination CVS

JVP not raised S1, S2+ No additional sounds No murmurs

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Contd… RS

Tachypneic Normal Vesicular Breathing Sounds No added sounds

Abdomen Non tender No organomegaly/free fluid BS +

CNS No Functional Neurological Disorders

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Differential Diagnosis

Dengue FeverMalariaTyphoidViral Hepatitis

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Investigations• CBC• MP• Dengue Serology

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Investigations 13/11/15 – done outside

Hb – 13.6 TC – 3500 DC – P-55/L-42/E-3 ESR – 5/8 Platelet – 80,000 RBS – 97 Urea – 27 Creatinine – 0.7 Sodium – 136 Potassium – 3.6 Smear for MP – negative

14/11/15 – DSH Hb – 13.6 TC – 3400 DC – P-45/L-52/E-3 PCV – 39 ESR – 3/7 Platelet – 70,000 RBS – 94 Urea – 21 Creatinine – 0.8 Sodium – 139 Potassium – 3.8

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MP Test NegativeDengue IgM & IgG Positive

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Final DiagnosisDengue Fever

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ManagementTab Panadol 2+2+2IV Ringer Lactate

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Dengue Fever

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History of Dengue Fever The Word Dengue is derived from the Swahili

phrase "Ka-dinga pepo", meaning "cramp-like seizure caused by an evil spirit

The first record of a case of probable dengue fever is in a Chinese medical encyclopedia from the Jin Dynasty (265–420 AD) which referred to a “water poison” associated with flying insects

The first confirmed case report dates from 1789 and is by Benjamin Rush, who coined the term "breakbone fever" because of the symptoms of myalgia and arthralgia.

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Dengue Fever

WHO says some 2.5 billion people, two fifths of the world's population, are now at risk from dengue and estimates that there may be 50 million cases of dengue infection worldwide every year.

epidemic in more than 100 countries

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Dengue fever genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridaealso known as breakbone

fever.(bonecrusher disease) -Dandy Fever

Aedes aegypti main mosquito vector

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Endemic in more than 100 tropical and subtropical countries

Pandemic began in Southeast Asia after WW II with subsequent global spread

Several epidemics since 1980s

Distribution is comparable to malaria

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Manifestations of dengue virus infection:




Dengue Fever


Without haemorrhagic

With unusualhaemorrhagic

No shock


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Flavivirus family Small enveloped

viruses containing single stranded positive RNA

Four distinct viral serotypes (Den-1, Den-2, Den-3, Den-4)

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Dengue Viruses

Four closely related single-stranded RNA Dengue viruses (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4)

Each serotype provides specific lifetime immunity, and short-term cross-immunity (A person can be infected as many as four times, once with each serotype)

All serotypes can cause severe and fatal disease

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Transmitted by the bite of Aedes mosquito (Aedes aegypti)

Incubation 3-14 days

Acute illness and viremia 3-7 days

Recovery or progression to leakage phase

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Dengue Mosquito

Aedes aegypti is the most important dengue mosquito

It breeds in collections of water close to dwellings

Common breeding sites are;- Domestic water storage containers - tanks, jars, drums, flower vases with water- Roof gutters /sun shades- Used tyres, discarded tins, cans, pots, yogurt cups, polythene bags, tree axils & - Many more places where rain watercollects

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The most common epidemic vector of dengue in the world is the Aedes aegypti mosquito. It can be identified by the white bands or scale patterns on its legs and thorax.

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Replication and Transmissionof Dengue Virus (Part 1)

1. Virus transmitted to human in mosquito saliva

2. Virus replicates in target organs

3. Virus infects white blood cells and lymphatic tissues

4. Virus released and circulates in blood





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Replication and Transmissionof Dengue Virus (Part 2)

5. Second mosquito ingests virus with blood

6. Virus replicates in mosquito midgut and other organs, infects salivary glands

7. Virus replicates in salivary glands




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Dengue Clinical Syndromes

Undifferentiated feverClassic dengue feverDengue hemorrhagic fever

Dengue shock syndrome

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Undifferentiated Fever May be the most common

manifestation of dengue Prospective study found that

87% of students infected were either asymptomatic or only mildly symptomatic

Other prospective studies including all age- groups also demonstrate silent transmission

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Clinical Characteristicsof Dengue Fever Fever Headache Muscle and joint pain Nausea/vomiting Rash Hemorrhagic manifestations

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Hemorrhagic Manifestationsof DengueSkin hemorrhages:

petechiae, purpura, ecchymosesGingival bleedingNasal bleedingGastro-intestinal bleeding:

hematemesis, melena, HematuriaIncreased menstrual flow

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Clinical Case Definition forDengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Fever, or recent history of acute fever Hemorrhagic manifestations Low platelet count (100,000/mm3 or

less) Objective evidence of “leaky

capillaries:” elevated hematocrit (20% or more

over baseline) low albumin pleural or other effusions

4 Necessary Criteria:4 Necessary Criteria:

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Clinical Case Definition for Dengue Shock Syndrome

4 criteria for DHF Evidence of circulatory failure manifested indirectly by

all of the following: Rapid and weak pulse Narrow pulse pressure ( 20 mm Hg) OR hypotension

for age Cold, clammy skin and altered mental status

Frank shock is direct evidence of circulatory failure

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Physical Exam

Nonspecific findings Conjunctival

injection, pharyngeal erythema, lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly (20-50%)

Macular or maculopapular rash (50%)

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Laboratory Findings Leukopenia Thrombocytopenia (<100,000) Modest liver enzyme elevation (2-5x nml) Serology:• Acute phase serum IgM (+6-90 days) ELISA• Acute and convalescent IgG (99% sens,

96% spec) • Hemagglutination inhibition assay (HI) is

gold standard. Paired acute and convalescent HI assay, positive if >4 fold titer rise

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Treatment No specific therapy Supportive measures: adequate hydration acetaminophen (if no liver dysfunction) avoid ASA and NSAIDs DHF or DHF w/ shock: IV fluid resuscitation and hospitalization blood or platelet transfusion as needed

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Traditional and emerging treatments Emerging evidence suggests that

mycophenolic acid and ribavirin inhibit dengue replication.

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Brazilian traditional medicine,-cat's claw herb

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Malaysia,-natural medicine. Mas Amirtha, Semalu & Kolostrum

Mas Amirtha – Two Capsules 3 times A Day Mas Semalu  – Two Capsules 3 times A Day Mas Kolostrum – Two Capsules 3 times A Day

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Philippines -tawa-tawa herbs

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Sweet potato tops juice

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Treated DHF/DSS is associated with a 3% mortality rate.

Untreated DHF/DSS is associated with a 50% mortality rate.

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Advice Stay in air-conditioned or well-

screened housing Reschedule outdoor activities Wear protective clothing Use mosquito repellent Reduce mosquito habitat

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Mosquito control: Options available

“Mosquitoes take about 7 days to

complete life cycle.

The first three Stages: eggs,larva

and pupa are aquatic.

Therefore, the best way to

prevent mosquito breeding isto remove

stagnant clear water”

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