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May 10, 2023



Khang Minh
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NMTMkM ado mil hark roe up

mili rri resell. ANwW Tort Itwr nu Wile ad milt 4

jira rteaot de yeeraerl.





Wataad, unkesnpt sad smthaven,ADAMSON LAW CALIFORNIA Bsmjsmln Brnhn. noont aUnrtrrrl

ta OestessJ Perstilngf'n earpajdltton tn CONDITIONAL AGREEMENTGRADE CROSSING NUISANCE MearJoD end a native born Kl

Psveoen, restctied the Unlteod StatesPROPOSES DEFIANT ade of the river yetasrOay after

noon, artes- - rigtit days spent laHope Held Out That Problem May Be Solved Without Clash oeU

filthylite aTaares

and verminJell.

Infested FOR TROOPS WITHDRAWALOnly Ida fa Fifac Suits to Tsa of State Central Between City and Companies; Council Prepared to Brahn. sooordlng; to his story,

Its C illiiwMij b to Con- - Men Who Paaa Drastic Ordinance. known no reason for has srrrsrt neveMTv In! mate of Oumn of to Look After tasas a Carnuira army ofltoM rerStock and Public Which Will Huchea On Western Trip One AT tbe EI Paso railroads which oper-

atesa request that

oarnlaed htm as memberespedttton

of Oest-er-

and Takes Position That Concessions by Mexico Would Legalizethey stats their IntentionsPy Additional Wages. fa Making a Bad Job. trains through the business section in this most impo-u- manar. The fact I usa pod at the omrttudrm he waa a Presence of American Expedition Which de Factoor tbe city st the present urns Is consid-ering

that one or the II Paso railroads has long awy.AUTHORITIES DIFFER ADVICE OF NATIONAL view

the grade crossing problem with a recognised the conditions snd that Its Tim scosL. eft or his arrest, spent Government Has Never Admitted.toON VALIDITY eliminating the nuisance at some have announced in favor orTO ACT MANAGERS UNHEEDED time in the near ruture. In feel, the lines giving reller should have strong Influence7S hours Incnmmunltwdo heafom be

(f Declarad to Be Sound Legisla-tion

C O. P. Lead in Minnesota Cut centerwhose


the cityor



to bethrough



railroadlbs other

alreadylines. It

hasis understood

had plansthatand


slfcrwedon this

to ooanntunlrsiteside of the river.

with Washington Deeply Concerned Over Failure of Plans andCourts Must Advise Rail-

waysto 385; Congregational Leaders

the necegglty ror doing swsv with the spi ideations prepared ror sinking its He tarns given to undrrsutnd by his Dissolution of Commission Within Next Fewgrade noosing, but it seems that no defin-ite

tracks surriciently row to permit the guards Unit he whs to be taken toHow to Put It in Effect; Still figuring on Final Results; policy or plan of action has been de-termined

age or trains under the present levelspass

or Chihuahua and allot, though tilts Days Is Not Unexpected.Suits to Be Filed in Every Dis-trict

Wilson Loses 187 Votes inn .o an yet. the crossings. dlnquIrUns Information was notCity tiff Take UcfrrailnedTraversed by Roads. New Mexico. Sisad. Bell Use Plan t stored. uonuiiunli-aur- to him officially.Every member or the city council. In-

cludingSpecial to ,he Morning Times. etüues bet traen Mexico and A

By Associated PrWMayor Lea. has announced that the Undoubtedly the cltltens of Kl Paso would After army offhoerM and friends Washington. Nov. it With the growing Hlstes, notified Urn xmertcan comnSasloners

NowBy Associated Press. city administration la preparing to take the

prorer hi have the transcontinental lines had spent several days la vain ef-forts

conviction thst UUion Carranta stands nnn-l- last Monday mat General Cairansa hadTort. Not. la Satis riled by rail-roads

San Francisco. Cat, Nov. 15 Chester If. nocesssiy action toward rouulrinir the rail. '""ganUe g bell line, which would carry the to procuro tlie loraosat' of behind Luis cabrera in the latter'g re-fusal

tbe time limit for the ream motionagainst Bat federal gxrrernmeot to Howell, chairman or the Republican Stale roads to elimínalo the most dangerous rrors- - ,hn outskirts or tho city, but Brsthn, Andres t.. (taróla, oonerul to agree hi the plan ror the condi-tional

days rrom November 14. Ha added thattsst the ronsttfcihotisJity of the Adsmson Central committee. Issued a statement to-day

lugs unless the rgllrogd announce their .. m.ii-i- i mat many serious que withdrawal or the American troops Mexico did not desire to confiscate propedght hour law are axxtsxcSed to result in charging that the Republicano who un-dertook

plsns. Hons must be settled by the railroads In general for the de govern-ment, lu Mexico, lias caused the doepest concert arty by trying to force owners to workthe Interpretation of the statute If It be to look after Charlea E. Hughes arur the i hrlsUnss holldsys xolve.t before rinsl plsns can be an Intemitoil lilmsrlf tn the case in administration circles herer 11 under Impossible circumstances and ss--u

lumeio, us railroad tnansgarg oomprlalng during Ms trip through California, not only the council will have prepared an Iron Iwlind Honored Will the lines ho aide tn t and imorvrded In convincing the mated thst tbs tune limit or ths deereawe national aosrsrsnes rjolallllt or rail made a bad job or It, but suppressed and and ordlnanrn whleli will together and use. MM same tracks through miMtary auUioritlsm n Chihuahua Mr. Gainers, who lo chairman of tho might be extended gata, either for tbs en-urewsya announssd In s StsfeMSsat here to disobeyed instructions from the east ilw give Uio railroads a cerlgln prescribed 111" clt or win esrh line tsrkle the problem of the priaonrr'N Imsoeenoe atad Mexican mediators now In session at At-

lanticcountry or for certain districts, shouldDl(M. statement blames them ror the loes or the length of time to eliminate the croaalngs. separately r How will the proJerU be ri procured an order for his reteSMe, city, yesterday flatly refused to conditions warrant at ths eanjrauoa ofTo Tst Leafs vshelty. stale rrom the Republican column According to ftie rSty gtlomry, such an nsnced? fa the trsrk sinking nivtbod pref ncquieeee in the agreem "lit reached by Al the sixty days.

Sain destgggd to Mst the validity or the National Manager Advice Unheeded ordinance will stand me test of the high ergble. rrom gn engineering point or vtsw. Jimopii Wllllsmn. an Aasertuan berto Pan I and Imacio Bonillas, his col-leagues,

A dlspstch rrotn Mexico City, dated Nor.lsw and to restrain the gorsrnmeat from "If the advice and practical demands or egt courts, because ordinances sllnllsr Ui

to thgt or providliiK a route ground the flgjl thai or the l usa- - (.minios dbf wiui the AnterteaQ común art. 10, said hundreds against the exproprtattonputting ft tato effect seré filed in this the national manaren or Mr. Hughes' cam the one ulilch unl i., ..... .. .. lámeos msiriri- - ir the track slnklna trl-t- , who tn also a iirlsonrr In the The Mucin, in mmmlsslnnsrs. on lbs other degree 0T1 tbe ground that It waa aa bsvally today by the New York Central and palgn bad not been defied and suppressed been upheld m other cities f Texas and ,n,n"1' adopted, can the r Jnares Jail, hold on a charge or ii unl. srr equally determinad nut to agree possihtllty against prevailing iisiilllsiatg toKrte railroads. by those temporarily In charge or It In otner stales. problem lie solved? selling cattle to enera I IVmhlilg'K lo an unconditional withdrawal. Thug an work mines in córtalo districts.

Similar sulla re to be brourbt within CsUTomta," the statement said, "Mr. Hughes Amicable Agreeineul May Be Reached. Growing Impallrsre or ( III, ens cxtmllllnn, Mr. Garx-t- annountHHl Impasse Is created which, It is feared, may

the next raw days by each railroad in the would now be. beyond question, president-elect

While the citisen of Kl Paso sre tat loregolng are only a rew or the ycMtrrday. will he rrltxasexl iukiii his resulttho next

Infewdissolving tbe commission within

country in each of lbs r doral districts It or the united sutes." ss a unit In their BMut'saMaail or questions which the rallrosdt must rurtilehlna; SA.DOO hall in guaraní) days.traverses, acoordlhf to Bllafia Lee, chair-man

KeesUaf Makes No Comment. tho plan .r tin- egty munrli, many bellsve '" "'" OWTI sallsraetlon beroirsnower

Arrrdosdu to Nuggral Coatgrssslss. BERLIN DECLARESthey ran wltrn his ixsho Im ixalletl'Francis V.or the conference committee. Mr. Lee Keesllng, chairman or the Re-publican

It will not be ossar.v for the council be rtpected to announce npMaruiitvtlieirIssued a statement at the end of the com-

mittee'sSUIe Central committer at the to tske retretas action, a spirit or Uto other hand, the cltltens

plans. On .or trial. Up to a late hour last F.llso Arredondo. Menean giubsasgdorthree-da- secret session, explai-

nertime Mr. Hughes wag In the sUU, said: between the pnbln' mid public hupatletit The grade

or stowhik night the ball liad not designate, after irreivlng a report rrom Mr.the ratlroadV program In their rigid "I'm not going to say anything. The trie sen corporal! iMsed on mutual on has been the

crossing sltuMHai Cabrera today, lert ror Atlantic city to cm--

against the law. The statement follows:grams were all published at the time." derstsudlug. Is abroad In the land snd Is n.r some line lna

eiiylt u


the rgHrosala with in o Tim greatest secrecy sur-- i' BRITISH GAIN INPredictions as to Electors. thought Uial the railroad ofTlrlsla ,(,, minis his mission, bul It Is understoodWay retirte Ara? ttastafted to. and exe iii o... in iic:ais nave beenPrediction that the lowest Democratic cutlve boards will agree that a grave siiua-Uo- oiiio- a vjonlng or It that ho will attempt to compote the

"Two questions are Involved In the ap-peal

elector to California will run ahead of the hss arisen In Kl Paso in connection of the commission by suggestingby the railroads to the courts for highest Republican elector were made to-

nightwltli the grade crossings In the business iiiiMuir

tlH-iii.ii narmomoiis relations A. F. L TALKS OF a otitpromlae and the AIREHfht on the A damson law: by Democratic leaders trier watching district- - ni, unci much longer unli'ss

railroad- - cannot be Mr. Arredondo on two previous occasions FRONT ISthe"I. If the law railroadsunconstitutional?" the slowly augmenting returns rrom county Some of the citizens si In favor or lev ii i.i.h - - lias averted a sensstloiisl crisis 10 Masticanir It If constitutional, what doss It clerks the give in, rlty theing railroads properly approached with badil Mj retttt American relations by munscllng iirudeeoe,

meen? "The difference win be about 00 In when raeh acUou was contemplated by mo"Opinions bars been agarggggd by eminent favor or the Democrats." said Sidney M. Bjat WAR PREVENTION arranta government. It Is understood. UNIMPORTANTauthorities that the law Is unconstitutional Van Wyck. jr., chairman of the Demo-

craticfsua'Sver, Uiat ClUsaa trrana la to-

lland there are conflicting; opinions as to campaign committee. ij itile bla drtuand mat tho Americanhow the law. If constitutional, should be Available returns were considered 1n)H STRONG GERMAN AMERICANS HIKE troops lie withdrawn as a matter of right.

iimtesiaa no an tastes or me situation and that the IllelrawaJ ration! lie rondl"Therefore the railroads roust, aa a mat-

terproportionately, bee ansa tbey were trout rasas Representative Proposes

Hom-- 011 concessions by Mexico. To agree Special Dispatches to War Min-iotr- y

or duty, ask the courts if the law Is smaller counties, most of which had giver i Commercial Union Between lo g conditional withdrawal. It Is pointed From Trenches Says At-tackwithin power of the oourts. It tg a duty Wilson good majorities. Tbey snowed the rURLto ATTACK TOWARD U. S. and a. out. would bsve to legalize the presence at Beaumont Htmel smllowest WESTDemocrat 14.7TS ahead of the highthey owe, not alone to the owners or those of the iitpedllloii In Mexico.

properties, but siso to the pttbnc bhat s as Republican, but nearly all me bigBaltimore, Aid., Nov. It Two mi'lhods ror Trading oa Pershing. St. Pierre Divion b of Pmcti--

the revenue ror the payment or coonaes were gnu mining.employment by Hie ml. o sltW in a il.c American coiiiliilssloiiers, according to cally No

ism RXMMBKS LEADS WILSON BY tag FRENCH ARMY policy or preparation against war arc set reliable reports bsrs, regard General Per-

shing'swin Abide CeorVs PiilfJiB. VOTES IN MINNESOTA. COAST FROM rorth lu resolutions presented at toe con- rarer as all llsry base had lo bothnr DRUM FIRE OF BIG GUNS"ir the lsw Is declared exwatftutlonal. It By Associated Press. hi, lion bum of Iba Itederatlun of will, and they rear that ir It Is called TEARS WORKSIs expected the court will make clear Its St Paul. Mtou.. Nor. IS. With or the Labor and which Uie couunltt m Inter home, nil hope or wringing a satisfactory TO PIECESmeaning-- and tho railroads, It Ig unneces-sary to noun ties la Minnesota having turned In national relations had under consideration agreement irnm l arransa will vanish

to say, will rslthfully follow lbs In-

structionstheir tabulation sheets to the secretary or PARRAL today. It Is realised that rrom a military point Preceded by Clouds of Gas, bt- -

or the coarta, sute and with unofficial a resolution Mimadead bj m nicti of thereturns rrom Uio or ,! it, expedition has no value, and rnntry Advances m Moat"in the bringing or suits throughout the remainder. Mr. Hughes' plurality was rut Tess Keilerstlon ot Labor, urges Us rstSb Ural the men could he used to belter ml Violent Onslaught;country the railroads have no desire to to gas. me total rota was Wilson m,7W. Hshiiienl of s j oioiiM'rclal imlou betw een vafllsgc on the bonier, but as a club over Germanadelay action or to retort to technicalities. Hughes War Office Bulletin Announces the United Sim,., gnit the Suutlt and i.entral cgrruiua. secretary Lane and his associates Desperately Resist, DrivingThe railroads am anxious to have a speedy The orriclal vote, checked over at the Mexican Refugee Brings First De-

tailedAmerican republics. .To this ''int. II"' re so argued Pershing's presence In Mexico was Enemy Back Fromdecision on the points at Issue. These sep-

aratecspltol today, gave Wilson oo.mss and 'amat by Crown Prince's M:i, Account of Occupation lutioii ravors Uie Issuing or bands by the nvsjuaju. Victory.

suits are iiecesfarv to protect the In-

dividualHughes 00,076. Indicating a big lead ror the bat Declarea Only Limited Ad-

vantageof Western Chihuahua

oiicii states govei niiieul to rtuaaou steam,sen. o Alfonso m. siller, ror nearly a year By Assoclsted Prosaroads. A single, suit will protect Republican candidate outside or Ml Psul Mining ship lines to i 10 onmirnr suioiik rirst of Hie Mcxlcsii embassy,

Hie Individual road ooty In the particular and Minneapolis. Gained" at Heavy Loss Town by Six Hundred Cavalry He countries ratOpOSlng such union snd was rseailedsecretary

hidav by HI tin larransa loBerlin. Nov. is (via LcrtdxirrtpselaJ

Jurisdiction In which the test case was In tbe 46 counties, Allan L. Benson. So-cialist,

in Men and Guns. Hie extension of rrsdll or loans Ui such forrerelved here rrom the AncrTfrootmen under Villa. lake the p., st of foreign descr bebrought and would leave all roadg subject polled SJW and J. Frank llanly. countries ss may reque,.i tbetn. In order srfalrs

tbe Brtash gagn at Bsaarantto prosecution m other Jurisdictions. Prohibitionist. IJM. FOOTHOLD SECURED that they may abln tn participate In Hm

Miller Juan Amador.Haniel snd St Pierre dlvísloo aa imitDVorRrplares"The railroads have chosen what seems BANDIT CHIEFTAIN management thereof. The resolution states tani. The Osrmsn line, bore wwr. rOried

to be the shortest and most practical meth-od

ETt BLICANH FEEL. HI IRK 1HEV IN ST. VAAST WOOD LOOKS LIKE Hist In the Interest or all Hie iieopie of This .si,-- was ajTinigcd. It la under-stood,

since the logs or ThIeovaJ tk.of reaching an early decision and In HAVE MOUSE Or RKPRKSKM l MANIAC the republics or this continent, Including uheu Mr. Arredondo was In Mexico sector,ung toward ths Brttlah, an- -

the meantime avoiding a multiplicity or By Associated Press. Some Progress in Eastern Section the assurance of peace amung ourselves, City recently, In the belief that good re-

lations' - " " "com uro it sdvsntageouslr

prosecutions and suits. Washington, Nov. il.lncompleui can Proclamation Describes Ameri-cans

"Is or more vital Importance and thererore would he asslgled If a man con-

versant ""P'ismons. They dM mtaWTttt"The railroads earnestly desire to take rasgas of tot vote In severs! close con ot freasoire Also Admitted; aa "White Chinese" entitled to greater eonsldsrsllon than the with the reeling In Washington their guns and tbs Oartosn

the right road and It is for this reason gfesslonsl districts today breuglrt n Prussian General and selfish desires or a raw Individuals, whose were In clttrgo or negotiations st that end. trenches went badly dwmillsbed bagarathat tbey bare asked the coarta ror light changes tn tbe unofficial election results Appointed Aide

Orders Their Arrest and chief aim Is to exploit them and their In-

dustriesMr. mi let- replaces the late Juan N. Ama the flrltlsb Infantry tttardraeL

to show them that road." which Indícate tost M7 Republicans. 21? de Camp to of Their Property; even to the point or precipitating dor, ronnerty Garran la's confidential agent Preceded by clouds of gas, aays ths acDemocrats and Ml or other parties have emperor r rancia Joseph. Salazar Rides wars between them and ror the retention or In Washington. eounls. lb attack was delivered with theWithor justn will been elected to the slity fifth congress. Raiders. this privilege." nuuott violence. It citended from Orand

APPKAS roa BROTHEaHOODS. Representative Do re mus, chairman or toe By Associated rrsst The establishment and maintenance by BON ILL AH hoi lis OUT HOPK court to liebuterne. where no other greatD eran CI allc national committee, still claims, www, novemner tg nü0!". eewton 0f lbs American Federation of Labor In OT I till I Xi. Ml I XII M sttack bad been auenmid itmsi .. . .

By Associated Press. bossier, met rtemcrrau will make rains warn i ue t reninMtrong German I, two dgyg after the r,rua' with tr.c other labor bodies or By Associated Press. ' July orfnnt'.ve. Ths Germans reai.M m.

Washington, Nor. 15. Suits by railroads on tbe final returns tn all or seven or the -.-.!. miiiwi i,i iw omme river,todaybut

north der'L. y in,r,J , uh' ",,rIW "O h" other couutrles, or sn InUinisttonsI con desperate eourags rrom their batteredorattacking the conaUtuttonsllty of the eight close districts which apparently have elect-ed

ng to the hufl-t- 'n laaund hv in.arronl

bsrs, therorceg gt gnu Bgr great or labor ror. the hearing and dlt Atlantic City, N. J., Nor. II. Unlets new trenches and succeeded ln repulsing tbs

hour railroad law ware begun today in Republicana by small inalorttlrs rice tonight were able go gam only limited or Durango.vmistas started toward tbe stats rutalon or causes or disagreement between and unexpected opposition develops, mem-

bersattack on boto wings of the sector, to

many parts of the country, and the depart-ment

Speaker. Clark and other Democratic lead-ers to Bl pggo

This information was brought two or more nations Is provided lor In a or the Mexican American Joint com-

missiontoras easeg driving the British out attar

or justice plans to defend them also confidently expect to cut down tbe loatss. The Germans gained a roothnM in was Inyesterday by a reTugss resolution Introduced by H. M. Melaiih hollered tonight, an agreement uau aireaoy won thePsrral at tbe Urns or ths oc? covering the withdrawal or the punitiveRepuHissn plurality. MM French positions V3Um or the Federal Employes' union. It Ism tits St. vmitAAVS" cupatlon. The, Is expedition and method nr border controlman aa .& Representative Woods, chairman of the wood. fhey si on marie some nmrr,.. o. considered thor-oughly that the deliberation of mis con-


omclally gut Attorney Itepubllqan committee, undoubtedly would wwn or tnereliable, and his story of ths re-cent shall lead to executions of such po-

liticalwill le- ready by the end of tits week for SsTTAKg LOST G BOUND IN

General has made no urh control the organisation or tbe boose. A gotra.' village or Prea developments ta Mexico Ig regarded action by the workers as wilt bring submission lo the two governments. BKAIIMOVr HAMKI. RKfilON.lsiuoti

planningto the

torailroads, and the department speaker to be ejected must receive s ma-

joritysrtlvhtiesr,i MimenUo account or ths villa to tbe attention or the governmental repre-

sentativasthat an agreement was In (Copyright b.v the Assnelased ncontest each suit as It sight was made Bonillas, oftry Igngclocomes one

for bearing Assistant or the house, or MS votes. Although HWMAN UENKRAI. NEW AIDE of such nstlont "the expediency With the British Amies In rnn Bs.up Attorney General DC Blx or Iba Amarte Ihe Mexican st the closeUnderwood win have direct charge of the tbe omclsl returns show the Republicans CAMf TO AUNTaiAN KMPKROB.By

AlvsrsdoSOS connected with the or setiemenl by dlplomsUo meang." representatives, Ml (rls London). A British chaplainMining or a session that had lasted untilgorsrninent's defense and Frank Hsser to be one short or g majorltv. tliev are AseottgatdPreas.

company, tbe refugee taya night, toe battlefield or the Ancre forf,"--lman. or Kansas City, Mo., has been counUng on tbe Progressiva elected In Min-


on November 4, tbs dsy bofore Ths altered attitude or the Mexicana. In wounded hidden In the shell crátera duringto assist him. Mr. Ilnderwnrui .inZ tbe Progressive. Republican to London, Nov. la a dlspstch to enterad the town, 011 their way over-land MINERAL RESOURCES dicated by tin- amiouiicemaot, developed st tho brush sdvsnce, accompanied by a fwwispear personally In most or tho Morning post rrom to Cullsosn, SUvslos, 00 me soldiers,....... esses, but Islana and the Independent In Maaaachuanlts Budapest says:

rsciric Houtbera ma second session todsy. although It was came upon an isolate -employ associate


mwi ii necessary to 10 vote witn them for James H. Mann ror "Tne, Prussian Dsn eral nrumi hasor Mexico line. Ths Americans m not attended by Luis Cabrera, chtlrmau or containing nearly too Germans, who prranptspeaker. been appointed aide da camp to KugKior " - hwn were Leslie the Mexican commission, who did not re- -Tisttoroey general and Solicitor asn-

era Prospecta of Francis Joseph. The amtounoetnaot or h's Hawkins, a w. Morris, Barn-ardThe chaplain ordereds Republican tbsDavis have been tn gain were ap-

parentWin rrom Philadelphia until late tonight man to nie otumenm.

Mr. Undsrwood rrequently sinceok. In tbe thirty second Pennsylvania sppoinanent Is viewed with no friendly McDonald. Dr. T. J, Flanagan, and How-

ard HASTILY EXPLOITED Ha waa accompanied here by AmbassadorHealgnate

upon the open giound. nranaratnK csuit were mid. and the general Imeí oí dlatrlct, where the ran vats or all Plus jeuuug ui certain Austrian military circles, Other

Gray.Arredondo and Mrs. Arredondo. pustog tham hack with an escort, when

burr where ft Ig openly declarad tala la an. Americans In Parral decided to tne German officer,ommao w nsm neriaen on. Inronns precincts today showed Representa-tive

Although Mr. cabrera has not been here asssna iim .m.iitakeHon so far reaching the department shows Hairhrvld leading (lily Campbell, his other atop tn the alleged Prussian laa Hon Uielr rhanoea. and their rate Ig since ho maniresled his opposition to tho or the fores to which he was mrreaesrthat the railroads bass their prayers ror Democratli opponent, by twelve voles, on ot Austria. Tbey are: W. k. CrrwelL c. B plsn that was sanctioned Monday by his w rainy ma man and masarestraining orders against the the unofficial reuirns Canqihrll led Barch "On the other hand the political Isadora

iniui. W. c. Palmer and Jake Meyers, or CHractor of Bureau of Mineg Says colleagues, It Is known that other Mexicans He was about to kill lbs chaniain Chenitlaw

isbecoming effective on the ground that reld by nineteen votes. Countrv nreein. i. new ms appointment wim jubilation, pro

A. M. whatlay and son, who conduct a Títere Has Bxaaat Waste and No ware In telephonic communication wnn turn Brtuah Infantrvman shot hiresist

igngnWtratonalthose eontenUona

Theandgovernment wui un are to oe dlrtng that the new appointee will ax

dairy farm thirty miles wast of Parral, Consideration for Life today. It It net believed however, tost the xvhsreupon tfgt other Oerrrtans again held!H!TSiLbM a"pto vowr to

assertenact such

that Chairman Fltsgersld or the house aauvm. or Use s wholesome Influents tn oconalareths

believed to have bean there at the Urns unexpected development late today was up their hands and shouted um,prtattons oomoSttee, after Moo to bandits reached Parral oses to be made prisonerfimtat with las group of alleged military in. Chicago, Nov. It.- - Ths development of dus to bis counsel.admlnlstrsUou leaders todsy plsns the BI fev Villa. llxrepi for local Inerrocttvepro-gram riaxiert court. the mineral resources or ths United States Mr. Cabrera, It now Is known bat been bomb ng at


for tbe whiter session, said efforts "According to reporta currant In politi-cal

"Ths town or Parral was looted nr nni. taekt from ma direction of erres, thewas described ss gn orgy or nasty exploi-tation

opposed, apparently unalterably, to tbsAT AaStTRATtON wouio do mecte go ao with the circles, drat tic stons and valuables by Herrera Germans made no effortHKARINC. sway usual changea may be ex-

pectedbefore the by Van H. Manning, director or the plsn ss It baa base suggegtad. There ap lost

to retake meltshortly in Austrian evacuation on November a." the ground lu the BeaumontAssociated Press. ntUltarr com refuges HtmelBy rxvbureau o' nSnss, addressing ths American peered reason to believe that be hsd start-

edcould be mands. Including me ssid. "On the Kb, vntg. wtm glon today (vhdnasday. Theor Brttlahresignation Field a following antNew York. Nor. la. Inslsaotg Milting Congress, today: a counter plan, but that his sssoctateswhere rail-

roadoraraaat Baron Conrad (00 cavalrymen, all to rroeeedhig wtm Itsron Hostsando rf splendid condi-tion

consolidation and sisoswitchmen worked 14 and 11 hours s BEATEN DEMOCRATS "Great as has been the advance la the close to continue consideration or the oneW WEST chief of staff." and wall are occupying the ground smiiÁi,mounted, reda Intoday and tell asleep after eattng lunch. ths city. mining Induatry," he asid, "it Is dsplor-ghl- s which had virtually been agreed upon Mon-dayV1RUINIA rUX tWNTEBTW. My room where WM ln north or the river.them lose nminf;analog to their Joba When w,,,,,they to have to sty that It baa been carried afternoon.

railed to return on time, wore cited todas By Assiclsted Press. OtXANO PASLIAJIENT sVaSIFswatl v sd sgood new of the troops, and I count-ed on fa a most wasteful manner snd wtm 5?T tevragahar a battalion were

by r. I EggWtoo. s llnhssai In the iMsriegioB, w. vs., Nov. 1. ngaaSMr W. AMBfaDINO rONBTTTtTlOfof. mam gg they pssasd. Villa had a crutch little ror the tgfety of the men Mr. Bonillas denied tonight that Mr. Ca-bré

takstt today rrom trenches abutiina- in.ew York Ostral yards at Buffalo, N. Y SMgrson god s. nun, oogm oamo By Assoclsted Prssg. on his saddle, and had ths appearance or a

regard rs bad interfered with the adoption or raptured during lbs last twin days.before the bosrd of arbttratlon In lbs erats, who. oa the race of omctsK returns. man: sc. lis kept looking from one side

who labor tn the mines. any plsn and sought 10 Imply ths Unpres-sio- An order dated October 13, Issued by thsbetween the Swltrhmeo't untos me tnird Tbs Hague (via London. Nov. t$)r to tbs other, as though sarpactlng to be."Had our mineral resources been Wise-

ly that the utmost harmony prevailed commander or the aecond inard reserve disnd It railroads over demands or the mea bars ssnimuus vote Dsrlbtment haa aeaaatf s developed, tbey would have lasted manyfired upon by tho American dish. vision, wuicu has lostgome amongsniper. I breathed heavily lu ths ares-e-lor an eight hour day and higher pay. tasomttoa providing ror tbs amssutrasnt rears longer and yielded tan tints-g- muchEggleetou testined he averages il hours counties of boto dtsMSrag, according of srtlcle go of the constitution that

easier when be passed, sad 1 ha m. battle, wis found on one of tbe men.a day and that be doss not see bis little lorinatloii Um lay. lotice of conn-si- hsncsfcrm Usara

go furtiva eyes bad not saaa ma. cbaaf need or tbs United A talea If rOBKlGNRTtS TUX It eatls'oa tbs guards to make great ex-ertionsson awake for weeks at a tune. Dome lobs siresay been fflsd ta the ennntlaa re will be universal man-

hoodua ms heart say. three trsiniosds or sol II should meet new conditions or trade. and aterrice which ara neceas!

the Buffalo he suffrage Stat aa nlural vetas or saaa. diera Ig and wider nwauaar u to as org. minba ittedin yards, asserted, aventare under rxanmand or femoral loga Vasa a deeper among ny the unbroken spun of their ene-miespulaory voting. Ssisssr, arrived from J Imenas. Ths tratos our indusu iss and the sUminsnon of fac-

tionalismBy Associated Preas. and adds:

B. B. Dusehsne. g foramen m A deassnd Jor a recount of the ballots to The sos disability of women also is re gad asen raxpsursd rrom lbs Porosa of cistv and gsntlmsniallsm." Mexico City. Nov. 1. The dale when we shall see to It that lbs . BrttlahDetroit by the Michiganthree

CentraT tasurted CabellDemocratic

co unagad

for candidatea oa both Baa morad by ths raaogatioa. The actual sral Mayootta, who waa killed la aa ev Dr. Geprge UBS dtnlth, director or tbs mines to tho republic shall beeems tub and French snores are exterminated In thethat by working hours Republican tickets rorhe Is able to briar bis eanissiEso

a day overtimes aaiii electors and united States aeeator

ores granting of ths voto to wosaaa. however. Wg'rsasi ooMHsto or Seats Rossi's. geological survey, dsidsred that any regu-lation

Joct to forfeiture becauso of hell may have created ."

where be csn support bis family. Be ral ae asas mass nv alionueva nM. still distant, aa II datpaads oa ths pass tesa "watts Oaatigi,-- ' of prises asedad to be under red hat bean extended to Feb. 14 m cases where Tns oraer also erapbsslted ths bseasaityseanng tbe aspubUcsn raanamSs. ing oi an esse turat mil, wweb '"VlUa'tasusd eral control, conditions have 7conunusdoncuitara tost it ne worked M hours a day county preelaiiiattoa prevented operation. Today Pago

tor gee aays m a year he weald receive aa Tbs recosas aWotssMy wui start tomorrow la unlikoly. soon after "The private owner of coal laud has was me osto set ror tbe forfeiture orfo reman gi.w for the year. A helper, be as the counlv ostmatssiamars eipeet the of- - Party m ear. I isaaisi Cart bTMtX ihe protAmednn no tie re sacred a right to say whether coal mines which bad been kilo for two months

io would earn IIJN7. nctsi canvass to have bean completed by vanaar i.iuoen, or Ths Netherlands, Intro rosnpaniss :tt lbs JfUtfJ at Parral, ami shall be mined or rig an exorbitant pries rrom September It, the data on which the raansra rotuccArnutenai it asserted that some of Use crewa ducsd lite oosnsts ihatxi on Mas Indispensable national resource than forfeitures bill lu pgrltaiueut. under decree went Into effect.anorta thai loitlelal ln,ml,b o a. pro Xwork 16 hours a day, to hours tah.'aáan.oc Texts Thursday and FTidar ttdrwoiiiii roturii.fíaí' " lbs coal Miarslora have lo combina In exactá sometimes between lunch gad the instituted m hartón, Lahell. Logan ssl """" a wages tea corumtaUvnal obaurle. Luis Cabrera, chairman of the Mexican Jtew Mexico Thursday fair, warmtr aaat

steal. The will ha boo ass aata rest of and excessive profit from the consumer, or SSiamllSlnil. Which la raafsnlna at Atlan- - ponton ; t'rtday fair.tuued tosnorrow. iflfafjsotasvtimilJaisiWTf

ths railroads to oherge a tbs tramo til ue. City with the American commission lu Arliona rburadar sad grata rase, mttm." to settle ouiawndlnr ohtagt to tentperatura




Here Is the Newest Style IS



7 erñnoi ammunition on. quint dayIn order ady fur ernerfenriet.Naturally You See It at BKBI.IV MM N rMrATg. Mr. HI II IMOvercoat- - mA hwh' i H orncNMtn

SOL I. BERG S FIRST m nuilVer.ln V I.' illy Wireless to Mgyvllle.iTii riorl Hint we nWiwr Mississippi.

The cut opposite illustrate the very newest tlquenmpegiii



Atien- -

nhi ii neither before nor alterstyle Overcoat. It is bound to be popular tn iiiv. itt mpteii to moii i in- - liner,

I i onsiiiereo hers m iurnttmng lonirsoirWith Young Men. This style is like hun-



to I'"that



or tneoientente


exclusive M' loi i fiimve purposes only.of other things We carry The Mattn tuil ninr rrvncn papers,

With us. We cordially invite your inspection nuhiisuritlo

Novembertii intormallon

It. Uie reportreaching

or capere,

lain i . of Hie Mississippi, whimof this New Model. n "in the American port of Mew

Urleant urtobet IS (aalleo tlclober It) lorHivie. wii'-i- tn the r.nglttii chanto t onMoKinlwi x a hie aubmarlne was sightcuOther Overcoats at a distance or melara, headed west-ward at- mil p ed Captain couibeaux ASBOThe rHirteu. immediately mmi' ii m IMIn addition to the model illustrated we're steamer so that Me nern of tne t.-- i

,,, un . ii' enemy ami ordrd thshowing other styles which give us the smart-


rw lo battle stations. Whni he judged. ,. ...... . riwu ii. ..mvcd iM or

in An immense uereu a i'ii m m, .i...-i- iiii.ortiinateiyOvercoatsline of town. in.- i,i ... 'i turned, lotHa- linmsiin. it. I. i IU. w,il'M Without FROM A BIG GUNvariety of fabrics, colors, and models to i viiii ni i.ik ...i.i JgSge In com

choose from in Young Men's and Con-


hatibe Maun adiia."capum l ouiii'aut lian presented a re-

portmodels. Whether you prefer theIlea."

ii mil incident u inn naval authurlSo hastens the little red Q. T. S. car to the assistance of motorists encountering tire

beautifully fitting shaped-bac- k or the popu-

larCHIMIN- - M Ml FOR II VI Hilt IM. trouble, regardless of the time, place o: distance. We maintain a large fleet of

"Belters" in either medium Ml ll H IN HHir, III I tIKI Vlength or long uy Associated I'reaa. FREE SERVICE CARSLondon, Nov. it,.- After receiving a re-- IOfficers" model, the standard"Army or loin i aptaln Curlli, of tne straineri niiiiiiiiiiui. wtiirh recently was sunk by t Which are at the instant disposal of unfortunate motorists. We strive to help mo-

toristsbox-bac- k "Chesterfield" (that never goes out man suhmai tne ofr the Spanish roast,

ai Mayer, Hie London managsr of the overcome the terrers of road troubles.of fashion) or any of the other many good r rami .mo ' aiiaus nir 1111,11111 ninpnii,iivni'rn of the Columbian, denounced the

styles of the season you'll find them here, unionAmerican


tin- usrmsnaThe Columbian,

in destroyingtie sald.

an Either Phone Main 4600in the best tailored garments that your money had


o mi roiiiany.v i mi owned

bul wanby

takentne llswatlan

over by Will bring one of our little Q. T. S. cars t your rescue almost instantly and our at-

tendantcan buy. sinceroiupmy,

thi' war.whirl) luid bran ortsnlted will send you on. your way rejoic ng, just as good as new.

iii, shipping or our rompan, in-

All the Most Attractive Models of the Sea-


tailingIn ownd

uariyin America

s quarteranil

of stindermillion

Amen-ra-tou. We Sell United States Nobby Tread Tires

in Guaranteed Clothes, such as Hirsh-Wickwir- e, the shipregistry,"

are underbl ssld.



the Italian"'

A reward of $100 will be given to an - car owner who has a tube puncture bySophomore, Langham-Hig- h (his and

wan boiimlKrench


Uenoa with aboirtThe linliunulan

n.nno tnn nail or tack when using one of these celebrated casings when same have been pur-

chasedor oala when ahe was trpilnrd. Hbe

first long pants suit) for Young Men and hadfSlre.



about I,carro

Sou horneawan


HI. from us.

Men, shown here. 11.. ton and New York. In addition to imware tons or oil, which the needed ror fuel aa INC.TIREahe waa an oil burner. or thv QUICK SERVICE,Columbian's crrw were Am toJust rorrsvcsft, a rir load of shrsr-- lined rosta, the Mr. Mtyr asya he planned to aend thekind worn by nlnfvUwiUia of the military men. Be-ware

crew bark to trie mini Htstas on one of Phone 7007 Originators of Free Road Service Kansas and Texasof Imitation. Hoe oum fin. Doa't oou any ttie company's boabt rroin Krifrec.

D. C BOOTH, MGR.Have yon aeen the "Rotylttw" Travellnc KNSL4NB MtV INVOKK "TON fOR TON

POLMJf WITH I.KItMtN shipsilea: at M.A07 hooka like cenntne wal-ru- a llv Associated Press.Mail orders filled right-Wr- ite. md right away and will wear aa well aa a high London. Nilr. I. The matter of the tl

priced Baa. Ttiey ontne In atara IT and IS. strurtlon of llrlllth ahlpplna; by Hermansubiiiarlnea came up In the house or lordsthis arieriionii. when Union Sydenham in Mrs. C: L. Dixon Aawafes Colorado, Texas, Men coed him, win Imvp a fresh start when hvlp'd Ih vuvernment lo make a declaration Sl in oilire. uuge isuiynj wa. uoi

in the lsstelertten.In the nature or s policy In r.indidat,- -to Find Husband Dead Kill 86 Rattlershchair or Ureal Britain and Iter slllea as s

Headquarters for military Everything for the winter reply to "the monstrous prOreedlnfl" or u rn HITS WAIMIN.

the ormian aubmarlnea. H declared that Caught in One Den T. C. Trague escaped Injury yesterdaygoods. Uniforma mad to to keep you warm. Under-


Iherr was an uneaey reeinur In the rottiHry I When Mrs. C. L. Dixon, of 13 Myrtle art 'moon when an automobile driven bythat the submarine menace waa more se-

riousavaq awoke rrom her sleep at t o'clock

tlutn the suthorltles were willlne; to .Inesinv morning, she round her hits Special to the Morning Times. Thoaaaa Wiley, a negro, crashed Into Idaorder, fit and workman-shi- p Sweaters, Sheep-line- d inn! band, 0. U rilion. desd In He died Colorado, Texas, Nov. 15.- - Boyd ureen wagon at Second and Oregon streets yes-

terdayAdmiral Lord ssld that Ureal i rom heart failure. and seven compsntona exhibited on the afternoon st 1:tt n chirk. The wag-ongurarteed. U. S. Coats, Mackinaw, Britain had arrived at a serious erial Mr niton- was 67 years old. and ram streets lodav rattlesnakes and nne

Inr ror energy and .11 was time lo El Paso 11 veara aro rrom canton. Ohio. coach whip snake They were all caught aa badlv damaged. The negro wa

Army Standard. Gloves, ate. ror .plain ieakinit w Ihc housi mioit, yesis h was empioyeu wiui under on rock or In one dn. There arrested pending an tnvestlrallon of thedonfrnona and newspaper had been mux Hue K.I I'aso & Southwestern railroad con wsa one is Inches long and the real acrhleiit.

ranged rrom two feet to flvs feet. Theytied by thr most autocratic government206-1-0 San Antonio St since the time or rharaoh. were caught and killed on Morgan

lar Creek, four mllea weat or town, In Tom"Had lh hloekadr been properly enforced rmm the rirsl," he asserted, "we The funeral service will be held rrom Smith's pasture.

the III... .i.l, StluiUoüa is .1... ...,. YOUR COLDstimuli! not have'

peen raced by this subma taking company chapel this afternoon atline mens..- O'clock. Burial will be St jI Assistant1. The arquls or Crewe, lord president or will conduct Attommy relievedne Masonic lodge will be easily by takingth ncll, replying for Hie government,


retary or state, asid It would he possibly then be placed on I'nea bi the city where. the servlrcs. General Heremiike such derlarasaid It was useless to Waytrarrir la iirnteal. Tns is only one Mr. Plion Is survived by his wire, a on a spoonful oiOF CALIFORNIA numlier or steps necessitated h; Uie war liona as Lords Sydenham snd Beresfnrd alater. Mrs. C. F. Dunham, of Angele.,

DEFIANT ror weeks, lo get these returns. H said tls- amtMOjuwiit woman labor. dafssnclnd without uie puaer to enforce Ral., and c brother, M. K. Dixon, connected for Boundary HearingHist Hi. startlnr or Judicial Inqulrlea. how Women are also now replacing tne tiag them. The only voles whlrh would spesk with a bank at Kansas City.ever, would result In further delay and gagiuu at some or the railroad station with Influence now were the voices or the I nun Pase unci that the complete returns from West Vir-ginia

notably the Parla. Lynns and Mediterra-nean

csnnnn on Uie various fronts. Special lo (ha Morning Time).íi might not tie known before January stations. Although the luggage or It Is uaeless,"ssld the Msrr)uis or Crewe, Austin, Texas, Nov. IV Assistant Attor-

neymuía harked all discussion or therI next. the travelers they are rompsled to carry "bl threaten lo nxsrt particular reparation MERCHANT'S WIFE ADVISES Oenrral C. W. Taylor will leave to-

morrowrin or th staleaordliiary la aonvlimea eiceedngly nssvy, the In Ib terms or peace unless we are ahi-to

ror Paso lo represent slate orlegislaturetl

toiiavHie capítol

and thelhat



ei-HKNI I I Itr K UKXK O LOl'NT women w ruiiining inmr duties unrom- impose those terms by obtaining com-

pleteEL PASO WOMEN Texas when taking or testimony tn the Ne

Ereaaed or several days In ronnertlim ' IM - III t.MKN 117 MURK VOTER, plsiulngly. victory." aieilro.Tejss boundary dispute Is resumed, EMULSIONwith the call liovernor linn. I.I rrrtisrd llv Assoriatcd I'reaa. The admiralty, ronllnuPd the lord presl "I ' had stomaob trouble so bad I November 10.

N. m Nov. I.nrrirlal dent, had besn singularly siircesslnl In theManta Ce. rigoresto dlsruss tlie matter but fruit andPARIS HAS Mi in win could eat nothins toast,destruction or submarines, but theAt tile Office of Hie sei elm or state H on Iha elmiion received bv Un seciTtary or enemyTO KKAR COM. hum , dirrtcultlKs In dealing with this menace hot water. Everything; else soured Cases Against 1 10a Matul no official returua had ' stale to, lav by Bernsllllo, Taos and By Associated Press. after each meal. It fortifiesbail Incresard.b"n

fon tomorrowrriei1 and

Houstonnon wis

0, Vonng,especteil


total androiuillrs

US loadded

Wllaon'sl volea

aggregate,Ui Hughes'

with rrPalia,s

Mov.osl famine.

H. ParisManufacturers,has no reason



to The Ksrl or Litton, civil lord of the ad-

miralty,and formed tras. Dieting; did no good. Alleged Speeders Are the throat and cheat while

clerk Uiere, who siso has lierh elected sec- these taken into aerouul. the vol now having denied thai the rlset had I waa miserable until I tried buck-

thornstands Hughes, W.7A7; Wilson. 31.71. S those working for the national de denartrd rrom Its traditional policy or mixed Dismissed it enriches the blood tofanae, will have an smnle supply nf roal. oark, glycerine, ate., aa by Murphythe theand destroyingradaction or Wilson's leail rmm last night's seeking out enemy,

MtV arrordlng to s statement msde lodav hv In Adler-l-k- ONE 8POONKUL. U bron-chitis

HM figures or IK7 votes. Minister or Public Works Bemhat lo the subject was dropped. help avoid grippe,Bacausaf1The largrnt change was In Torianc chamber of deputlrs, which adopted the benefited me IN8TANTL.T." Jutt m !, gpr, were made andMother-Mad- e, Quick county, where no report on the presiden nrst clauses or a hill which would AMERICANS HIKE TOWARD Adler-t-k- a empties "BOTH large andlhappy yesterday when Judge James J. Mttr- - even pneu-

monia.Acting Cough Syrup Hal vote previous had besn rerelveil riom maximum rrtaM prices o( coal and other ,, . , ii, viv i'iivII'".', guarnían oi wie speeii u,,, Scott's is welleight precinct. combustibles snd regulate Inelr sal dur-ing WEST COAST FROM : missed thMr rases. All the complaints had

inicial rapoMl now have been received the war. iiHtlpation, sour atomach or gaa and been riled within th" laal Ml days. Judge worth insistingBkaaia Krgt Raaaly la Bvarr ii oui eirht enmities, with WW prerlucls. M Ssnihst ssd the price or coal had PARRAL phy Is attempting to clear tils docgei upon.

Tliere arc tn or the AM prcrinrts in Uie prevents appendtcltla. It haa (jl'lt'K Btaomfitld. N. J. 16--tas Haally sal Increased from HI franca per bin In April, thai A. J. Hall, who waa elected to sur- Boott a Bowne.Little. ii from which no rrport has been re- - tl, to let) franca per ton in May. France (Continued from Pssa fe) HST aetlon of anything; we ever sold

eived. Most or them am small and. II was able, however, to economise on thewas ssld, normally arc Itepulillean. Cor Importation of roaj to the extent or front "White Chinese." ss ho rererred to Amert-csn- The Warner Drug Co. Adv.Koieriior r.iiv luvrhVta glv Mm sum, He eigmy in i m one hundred m'llloii and the confiscation or their prop-

erty.Mothers, you'll never know what you publMan, W.fWI; De Baca. Democrat, 30,l. franca ir month. The production of ThiTc Chinese who were brought heare mianing until you make up this in lor senator: 5S0 nrerlncls give llubbell, Krencb roal has ticen greatly Increased, the Tore t. ni were killed. More than MO or theexpcnalvc, t round kyrttp and Hrpulillcan. tM,TS: Jones, Hcniocrat, j.3. inliilsler said, but It waa still Insurrtrlnnt townspeople who rerused tn leave their Need Glasses? Ask Segall

,ii congressman !U and the supply waa .luminal. st hy the property and accompany Herrera, were arIt. In 1I1 love tasteits pleasanttry en naiidri. Itepubllcau. Hft.i nne stii in of labor. M. Betnbal urged the rested. Everything of vrlue In the etiv Scientific Eye Examinationand nothing elae will loosen a ooubu or rial, .UI. somung rrom the trenches to tbe in m s ,,r was r, .unseated. I stuck close to my hidchest cold and hral the inflanied or the rreateal number or miners possible. bouting place, knowing fliel If I venturedswollen throat membranes with such ( HAS. K. Ill IIIKM TO RENT the streets. I wnuld be In danger or ar El Paso Optical Co.ease and promptness. It's equally as II IM.IWi.on NKW JKHMIlV real. What happened to the Americansjrood for grown-up- aa for children. IH A .SO, ISt d lies, To Curs a fold la One Day who remained III the r'tv is not known.' 100 Texas St.. ner Oregon

This splendid cough syrup la made by New York. Nov. it. Charlea K. Hughes, Take 1, AXATIVF. BROMO QITNINK Tablets, Brtusrd Bale C.oadiirt b Trevlao.pouring '' 1 ounces of Vines (50 cents Hepubllran candidate ror the presidency. imiggl its refund money If It falla to cute. The refugee said be left Parral on No Established if01

worth), into a pint bottle snd Ailing the will leave here Saturday with Ills tamliy E. W. vember 1, and made his wry aroot tn hiLottie with slain granulated sugar ror l akcwood. M. J where he will rest rather s cabin, a snort distance north or

This gives a full pint a several It wsa announced tonight Have vonr eves taatafl and glasses ritteit Parral. He rode north lo tnnendnrli whereayfamily of

youmuch better cough William H WIHcoi. chairman or the by the ferlr Optical Co.. II Mills nidg so a small band or frightened c.arranclatas

.national roiiiiuHier will srioiii rs. exiiericnre. satlsractlon guaranteed. look his I'lse and made eirted liiqu Tiesremedy than you could bur ready-mad- s Tpany Mr. Hughes to Lakewood. Mr. Will idv. rhout the bandits. He walked tn ortlt, gotfor Si.M) a clear saving of however, ssld he would keep In U a burro, mid rode Into chihuahua (ien i.l.MtO I III N Alt V AMB BUN

The itn.-- t it touches the inflamed, republican hradtwartera Itera by vis AUTOMOBILE STOLRN. eral Trrvlno reDised to give him s salvo DIBEABK8 CURED IN OXK WBKK.memliran that line tha llnr ib ''Hy neral di .. until, 'lo SO he in rete, hllll-e- on the inm nis ruiupllratloBs sad alter

An anlomnblle owned by th- - Minis mn la beakthroat and air passages. the hraling be-- h. riuupany, wat taken rrom In rmm or train, and arrlied In Juaret yesterdsr.mill tures.

Deoesft year money

gtna, uie phlegm loosen a, aoraneaa KAT AT TUB rfAOV tlO fl. Stanton. Adv lh. in,, iiraude Valley bank at m o'clork Hrrrers Beporled KilledH.. 1. Celee Block.leavi-a-, leeaen and wiui,- Villa wsa In Parral, he dispatched mncough stiaama soon yesterday urternoon wlule J. K. HInea was Over La loa Clotklas Ce.

tinsi.ear altogether, thus ending a In the bank. The police have been k ila force to Hants Barbera, and engaged the

than thought STRONG GERMAN FORCES the Carrsnrlstas under Herrera sl a small piareoough quicker you aver to aearch ror machine, wblcb bearspossible. Hoarseness and ordinary ATTACK FRENCH ARMY license numlier Us. called Los Mules The Carrsmiaiss were

hadlv de reeled, and about two or theiratRUfh are conquered bv It in 24 hours ON SOMME number were bronchi hick prisoners. Itor h'ss Excellent (or bronchitis, whoop-ing

was reported lhat Herrera in lieen killed,cough, spasmodic croup, bronchial but persons who know the carrania leader

asthma or winter ooughs. FREE XO say he would not be llkriv ui jeoitardlac EXPOSEDPinex is a highly concentrated aoav wuuld be ntwived. The bl his lire under air circumstances. NO GOLDaound of genuine Norway pins extract, s provision giving ornen the right lo be ASTHMA SUFFERERS Trevleo Bas Me II ft lor Villa.aossbined with guaiaool and la famous elected to General Jarlnpi B Trevino. rnminander or riatalsssworld for its quick healing the northessieen itlHt'ry gone, baa Ourtbe over

MOTOaMKN A New Heme Care That Anyone Can 1 1 his ntentlnn i lake the lled In 1WILL ACT ASfleet on the membranes. ORIN UBff VJdraggle



substitutes.of Pinex"

Ask yourwith

OslUy Associated

I' tit is sPresa.III I LAB. Without titseeeafert or Leas of time person

Kt ouagainst vpis nil

i declaredhis bandlta.


hit Cflfimadelike Naturae

lo lookvBfL Kfh that Anybody Can Buyounces Method that Astb rnuirn irnui ii' iiimi'Palia, Nov. II Motor women on the We htve s New cures city ye leniay Hen-

directions and don't accept anythingPan street railways soon will be a reality. a. and we want try It st our eral i n wi be suriecded as comman Lri IIelse. Guaranteed to give absolute satis-

factionPrefect or Police Laurent has Issued an expense No Blatter whether your ess iioitiiessteiii tone by tleneral M "I F you are buying a new piano, come to this atore FIRST

or money refunded. The PiaeX order autboriilna- - the employment or wom-en.

it ut long ho is now moving north Ml 1 A Youll find here an instrument thai is bceeUfui, artUtic,They will first undergo tralntng and


Asthma,tl ta present

you shouldas


ror a freeor

A report s I ml I e ia erar wy and with a truly g assart abletrial or our method. Mo matter In whatclimate ou live, no matter what your





neara bandit

On E 11 Aa inetrtunent that tas to its reeonant Olympic Spruceagewith





ar trouhleilrelieve rorre under cslrxlbi Conlrerss. A majority OUR REPLACEMENT It If II sottred board tJ ostugos tbe richeet.Ssael tons Imaginable

Gunter Hotel you promptly. orVilla.



reported.the two battalions deserted to SYSTEM U Hit That has aa action pronounced perfect by skilled

Wa eaoeolally want to aend It to thosewhere all tonus Wliaout Plates arparsnlly hopeless cases,

nilKI'HtiOS BAM ANTONIO. TKXAA. 1CUHOPCAN iiihehis. doucnea, opium prepsrauont. NOTMIMi KNOWN or ATC omtaary Bridge Week Il2yfcr -- And all at a splendid piica aavinajor tsHit tvH at HAtiurraAL.A Hotel Built for tita We


"patentto ahow




own no tnrnrmaimn bat been received regkrd-tn-lasoimd

applicableroots remain




three BBll: For a rea plasta-a- lta that will never betray bm the toareFCRCTT 1TIUUOX. Maaaaw. CMTsCSal aaSsdieartars T. p. a. a a. a. a. expense, thai this new method Is designed in the


nine Americanstnlnlng district

and riveMining

rorelgnersmen It is practically impossible lo vsU PBa Use esonsry It aavee la tba present, buy a

lo end all difficult breathing, all wheeling, loose of nature.bellev ir the men mas no erfort to come these teeth rromand ail those terrible paroxysms sl once north lo resell UK border the y will be safe. AU Work Uuaraateed 1 WrlUefsnd for all tinte. It may be they have taken the same route Tea Years.

This free offer Is too Important to neg-

lectto the western roast as has been attempted

a angle day. Write now and then by thu t'srrsl crlngecs Persons ramlliarbegin the usathod SI once. Send no mon with Mexico say the route is relatively dan-

gerous.New System DentistsLevy Grocery Company auoiw. simply mall coupon below. Do I) Todsy. The trip la approximately 00 mllea. OU riBBT NATL BANK BUM.

JUBT ARRIVED VKKK AkfTHMA COUPON. VICTOBY OVtVJI V ILL 1STA Uvarlta bísob.Cosas la sooa vita a Mead. Try yourchunísima cuy Mexico. Nov. It TBS

Net OUI PtcafJxas, dosea BBst New Hhellrsl Ainionda, poattd In iN I'll It ASTHMA CO.. Itootlis lltsA. vanee guard of the carrania roi rats met s You're wain nans any tlasaw

Near Hoar Pltdttas, doeen lBo New Shelled lotans, Hiund Masara and Hudson HU Buffsio. 1. Y. Villa band near Ortlt. s point ha if war be- -

Send rree trial of your method to: i wren Chihuahua city and Simla Roi F. G. Biiiinga Piano Co.Ntoe large Nee alacmerei, eatth. lac Near Citron, pound routed the band, which lost ID k DENTISTRYMaw lot ported lluUaod Herring. Mew Orange aad laenoa Peel, cording to reporta received tonight by Oea- - FREE 1429 East Botdatrarderal Trevin. it was sited that the gov iii A eel early aa eaarse waataaever far4 for ment casualties amounted to elevan wound- - teaartsr aaiWaark,Mea Nata, pound. Bfto Issaortasl Candied Cherries, lb. . .Sao ttaaejeameTrada Wka Us and Save Money. Mail Orders Prompt Attention. kallwey communication with Santa B Ma-

ils. General Trevloo said, has beenPhoaas 605 ana 606. 204 and 206 E. Overland St. restored.



CHILD GETS SICK E. L. Llgon, Tried onLabor Day Rioting


CROSS, FEVERISHCharge, Fined $100

ACHING KIDNEYS IN Y. M. C. A. RACE to Shop Filledtried before Juris Adrian Pool, of thecounty court, on charsras arrowing; out ofthe rioting on last Labor Dar. was fined After AllIF CONSTIPATED inri and ron. This la the first of the Team Driving Dodge Catches Up Promptly

ehor Day raarii to he tried We eat too much meat, whichW. E. I.tinsrord, who wu rharged with With Hudson Drivers fen

riot Kidneys, than Back hartasimilar offense, ws promised Immunity Novelhy County Attorney 0. W. croom If Iv and Bladder bothers"California of Frs" cm'I would testify. I.unsford took sdvantage yon.Syrupor thl HI testimony wai of no material With an early running sfesn yesterday A SALE OF 200 NEW HATSthe to s plsccharm tender stomach value to the state, I.tinsrord saw trolley morning

even with theHodge


and bothup

drove Intoropas cut and the tmlleya op in tne air, sinrnla al the sama time In tn T M. C. Aor bowel. nut ne rouio not name any person who Most folks forgVt that the kidneys, arnhsrstiln cnnasaL Itasn ara In sorxl trimImpliratad the dlsln rnam-- like the bo we la, cat siuarglah and ann th iinvrrs pntlnislssnr and dessminn-ii- .

said he wan not. clogged and need a Hushing occa-sionally,

fs.h anllrtpaung winning tha final vlrtory.A laxative today htm a erek chllrl K. W. llavslett. who Was a motorman else we have backache and Willi th Piriu.nw.nt At s toaek and nrrk

on one af the esrs stopped on Han Antonio dull mlaery In the Jtldney region. Se rac, 1... ih tsama wrrn kaysd up to Ui Hats Worth 95 Sale Beginstake the time from play to empty direct and atoned, lesiiricri i.igon nan sinus vere neaaache rheumatic twinge. lilgh'-s- t (iitrii, uw Matwall only a mtlr lr $4ttoslr"i' with



becomeata sluggish,

c I oars; ad Mm.further




atnndan nan

deniedla law





all aortas. id


bladder disorder.eleepleas-nea- a


and runnlnamgftt rams


nasal a. (tasara saw Up to $10.00 Today at 8 A. M.tng. He said he wan not on the atreet, wiiroi in rharas, ths Dodgr wppari natomarh sour, remained on the atdewalk. lie add he did Tom simply must keap your kidneys Uw night lust w mllM barond llarnrlillook at tha trjrtfus, mother! If say to rieysiett: "ir I wera you active and clean, and the moment you un tha Nashvlll curnnlkc.. having psssrd

Coated, or your rhlul la listless, croaa. mi off thla rar and be a man At the feel an ache or pain In the kidney re-gion,

uir Hudson oiiii- timr nast. which SI sunfavorinh, breath bad, reatleaa, doaan't request of Sergeant (Wider, l.lson aald he gt about four ouncea of Jad down lad rovarrd M17U. milos from Kleat haartlly, full of cold or haa aore started to take a rar to the barn, but a Baits from any good drug store here, aso. sUiiM.inr it mllrs brvond anahls, OT A HAT BUT WHAT IS WORTH DOUBLElthrfiat or other children's allmant. rar stopped altead and blocked hli way. anil Hi.- Maiwrll I? miirs the otnar skis oftakeany

He sutad he took the controller and keya a tablaapoonful jn a glaaa of wa-ter Mianptiis. marhsnlcisn Inwiiii driver and An both andtimely astounding. Importa teaspnonful of 'Californiagive before breakfast economybuilding, forand atarted bark to the Trust a few days fins anlrlia. with tha anginr all .adjustedsVrup of n," than don't worry, where he delivered them to an official of nd your kidneys will then act fins. snd nibhed and Kllshrd rasdy for an asrly ed velvet silk velvets and hatter'sIt la perfectly harmtaae, and In the glertrlr company. On the way. he Thla famous aalta Is made from the atari Uiis momtng. "Lyons" hats, plush.

a few haura all thla conatlpatlon aald. s man stopped him anil wanted the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com um riira was inr oniv otnar rar so pas.potaon. our bile and fermenting waate controller ao he could run the car Into ihe blned with linn... nnd la harmless to Ittlr 11, k. wliii h It did In a wild ilsslt Trimmed with fur. gold and silver braid, rosebuds andWill rntly mnv. out of tha bowels, car ahead. I.igon aald he did not let the flush clogged kidneys ahd stimulate snd storiprd st dusk tn rollas fsrtnsr onand you have a well, playful child man have It. mem to normal nctlvlty. It nlao thf way ui Mrngihls. All tha utos wrra other effective and new ideas. Some in colors, but

within Irss than too milns of l.ltlls

A thorough "Inalde cleansing" represented by county Attorney Croom aodj tha acida In tha urine so It tnr t iris.rt rrrrivrd. Itsws of their mostly black. Trot-abo- ut and semi-dre- hats. A fewoftlmaa all that Is necaaaary. tt assistant County Attorney W. H. Kryer. no longer Irritates, thua ending blad-der arrival in the Arkansas rlty la sxpaatadshould Ue the flrat treatment given In The defense waa rcpreaented hy a. w. dlaordera every minute the leased wireover special might be for It will beany sickness. SUnlnn and Judge U A. Pale. Jad Aalta la harmless; Inexpensive; to the Kl PSSO Tlmea. worn evening wear. a great

Beware of counterfeit fig syrup. makea a delightful efrervescent llthla-wate- r Friday Is the nnal dav alkiwed for the for the hundred whoAak your druggist for a bottle Sentence drink which everybody should fastest rara to reach New York i:itv. but opportunity two women come toof "California SyniD of Fiara." which Suspended take now and then to with less than hair the distance coveredkeap their thesekid-neys wonder valueshue full directions for hablen, children Ghien Man Convicted olean, thua avoiding eeiioua

during thethe

nrat two days It 4s going k get this morning. Priced only $4.95or all agea and for grown-up- s plainly require most reckless daring, steadyprinted on the bottle. look carefully Burglary Charge A n local druggist aays he part



maintainedsevers! teams

enduranceto pilot


the Better Than Ever! New Shoes Fash-ionable

onann aea that It la made by the "Call aell, lots of Jad Salts to folks who be-lieve

favorite machines over tne home atretchfbrnta Klg Syrup Company." Adv. In overcoming kidney trouble 10 get in on Unta. Our November For Today! YetJr Charlie I ee was convicted yeatrrday by while it la only trouble. Adv. among the teams actively enraged tn tneaa lurv of the Thirty fourth district court membershi, lamiialm. which sra not

on a r harare of hurslarv and riven a Tlve ng the leadlnir cars are W. H. Walker SalesCourt of Criminal years' impended sentence. The defendant Wallace Thew. driving Uie Paige; H. H 100 SKIRTS Simple .

T waa alleged to have taken a thermos kit, s Ten Insane Persons n, in the Ktuilebaker. with W. 8. CookeA r s lalr of ISsors snd an automatic targei his mechanician: :. I. Klasle. with a figure out the savings I WOMEN'S HIGHfrom the home of Chief Deputy special team ,,r buys r the Bov Scouts. IJuat LACEÍJ f iL C .... ai Sheriff Stanley OOOd. Sr., sometime during Are Taken to Asylum driving his sweetheart's car. tha Chandler. Suits regularly $45.00 A Special Pur-

chase,BOOTS Kid. leather LoukJ vet Muriua ii ic JUfJJJ V lasi April. Uood recovered ill but his re w hile r. A. l.ortus, m. his aqusd or foot-

ball for $29.75. Suits worth up toAustin. Teiaa. Nov. 15. In a unanimous BP'Iver

Dontsles,- Having In his custody tan Insane persons, up the



theIs IihimmI

High schoolwith their

IS bringing"iep' $39.50 go at $24.75. Dresses Worth heel. Hunter last. A good,

opinion. Hi., court or criminal appeals today wAngel, Jesus, snd (tutllermo judge Adrian Pool left last they develop rvstlnight for San may snine I. morereversed and remanded the raseTf K. É. " ee young defendant, also irieu in im than .in the gridiron, and bring the Cadillac that are priced $33.50, at dressy looking boot yet surpris-inglySapp snd l.ou Sspp, from Angelina county. Tttlrly fouri Minn yeateroay on a rnarsr Antonio. Teas. where he will place the $5 & Moreinto a rplace standing the racers.

given roriy and twenty years, respectively, oí burglary, were each given a two years charges in the Southwestern Insane asylum. belated renoi t rsmeamong

in showing the $22.75 ; dresses regularly inexpensive at. theupon conviction for the killing or Dirk suspended sentence. On August M last

havethe This will make 1(4 Insane persons Judge Hudson had imllivl nut or a mud hole 1 $23.50. at $15.95. Coats that PirtoWstu. Tha court's main ground fur re Hlo Orando Pharmacy was alleged $5.98

versal waa that the trial court erred In per-mitting

been entered and an automobile tire taken. Pool has succeeded In placing In state In-

stitutionsiM'vnnd Memi.ius, and' made a flvliis Mulsh sell regularly for $22.50. atof another hundred which shemiles.the state to Introduce certain testi-

monyThe lire was later recovered. during the term he has been In

to Impeach a witness for the defenae. county Judge. passed the Hodge and sioiiied ror the night $15.98. Some sale, eh? WOMEN'S BOOTSabout 3 miles ahead of her.Thewords

recordand was


largestraaa contained

ever riled7SO,inoIn the Makes Application Judge Pool bss lieen able to find s ptsce Todays running will tell the uln. Nerve Thanksgiving and Table Kid, turn sole, leather Louis

court of criminal appeals. for the Insane from the county while other and speed will do II. Watch ror your 2 A SCOOP Our New YorkThe case of Marias, from El I'aeo to Be Administrator counties had to remain on the waiting list.

favorite, and If he Is losing fur need of Linens are aynonomousOffice haa

heel. Regularly we sell thesesubmitted brier rnr the Hitch In arm helo him It will organizationcounty, was stateon

In the court of criminal appeals today. This was true of Kl Paso county until be s good tiling lor him anil tine thing for and savings await you this shoes for $6.00. Priced today,of A. V. Ainsa Estate Judge Pool was elected. The couiity jsll association, aa wall aa Uie rcleml you week at oHir eale. Don't miss just expressed us a little over

ami county hospital prior to his election persuade to Join the Y. M. C A. special, pair $4.48THIS AND rtVK CENTS! had numbers vital one hundred new skirts,of the unfortunates In them. cmn. ror uie social neen or men, it when savings are so atli v i MISS THIS. Cut thla slip, en- - UT Frank S. Alnsa haa made amplication to be As a result or the erfurts of Judge Pool Uie Y. M. C. A. Is the greatest men s rluh bought at reduction.this a greatClose fue rents to Foley 4 Co., sur. Slier Appointed administrator or the estate of these have all been provided room in slate In the world. But It Is more than a club. time I TWO NEW QUEEN QUAL-ITY

field Ave., Chicago. III., writing your nameKT V. Alnaa. who died Intestate on October insuniuons. Is an association of men for mutual Skirts that would sell in asnd address clearly. You will receive ln4 last The heirs specified ara Mrs. Eloísa benefit, backed and supported by the lead Women are buying Silver-

wareSTYLES Button shoes,Tetum a trial package containing Foley's and 3 regular way at $5.00 ands. Alnsa, surviving mother, surviving MONCMITIN. ing business men or uie world, it helMHoney and Tar Compound. Tor bronchial Ulster, Mrs. Ysahel Flato. Mr. Marguerite aa they never bought the latest welt soleWhen a severe cold settles on the lungs It men or all clsasss. $6.00. Serges, poplins and very styles,coughs, colds snd Kidneycroup: Foljiy sndwood snd Mrs. Garments Pomsroy, Is beforein annual Thanks-

givingrills, for pain In sides snd back, i frtnk g. Alnas snd Richard A. leading



nf Its our other dependable materials and French heels. Very spe-ci-tisni. uacaaenc. aioney aun sale theirreason It Is alway best lovgo to bed and anticipating in tha winter shades andand Foley Cathartic Tab!menu, companylng the applicant's pennon is Vske Chamberlain s Couab Remedy and in for today, pair ..... $3.98wants laying largethartlc.


and thnrouihlycomforting

cleanslnto stout - waiver for the aPDofiiUiH'iit as sdmlnla reeled until well along inward recover ARIZONA WILL BE a styles. A splendid oppor-

tunitytrilor from the other heirs. The applies supply.Mrs. Charles K. Woodarri. Sandy Creek, IIlyan Owl Drug Store.- - MIV. Uon states the nrobaMa value of tile tie Y.. writes: "Chamberlain's Cough Itemed to buy an extra skirt NEW OPERA SLIPPERScedent's estate Is 1100.000. The matter will cured me of bronchitis last fall. When Last, but least I Our matchnot to coat toArizona University In- taken up during the January term 4 your or A new kid opera alipper withthe probate court, DRV WHEN FINAL Basement Sale of data-

ware,wear around the house. beaded leather LouisStudent Is whist- vamp,Seriously ' NEW W. V. T. WKHTKRN MANAKKR liable moMctne and found It very soothing China, Cutlery and Priced so very reasonable

By Assorlscd Press. and healing. In a week's time I was w. n ". Kitchen- Needs at price today at. . .$1.95 heel. A new interpretation ofHurt by Buck Deer district wayChicago, Nov. IS. A. R. Cowan, untamable everywhere. (Adv.)

Phoenix. Arli.. Nov. 15 Well Abbott, a RETURNS COME IN under present day market val-uations!

Second Floor the alipper for evening wear.oi MATRICIDE ON TRIAL.ór i.s nlon Teiegrsph rompsny. in rnarge

freshman at the University Arizona, thePriced, pair $4.98By AssociatedIllinois and mwa, was today appointed gen Presa.knocked down and seriously Injured by a eral manager of the mountain division Burrajo, N. Y.. Nov. jurorsdeer al state fair here.buck (he comprising eight states, with hesdquariers were selected from 3 talesmen examined,!auMr m at DMiver. The hew appointment will w today lu (he trial uf John Edward Talpsrfair, entered the where the deer was effective December I. Mr. Cowan will charged with tli murder of his mother Many Citizens Jolt Whan Theykept with his arms

penfull or bay. He was W. J. Lloyd, rormerly of Chicago, Mrs. Agnes Telper. on January ,H). Indira Learn Law Will Be Effec--. Capt. Joe A. Owens, SAN ANGBUAN NAatCO JtmtiK. K. DuHols or San Angelo in he Judge or the

attacked by the buck, which knocked Mm who asked that be be retired after M years' tlons were that It might be several days Special lo ihe Morning Times. dKtrlct court or ihe Flrty first district.down snd gored him with Ms sutlers Ab of service with th Weatern Union. before the Jury Is completed. Uva Soon. Austin. Texas. Nov. If. Uovernor Fergu-

sonfills the vacancy caused by the recent sud- -

butt's clothes were torn to shreds and he Mr. Cowan has been with the company "ueslloo put to talesmen by the district State Superintendent today announced the appointment i.r len death of Judge Jolui W. Tlmriilnreceived ssevrsl wounds la the legs. Hs w years, the last six ss district superin-

tendentattorney indicated mat tne prosecution Special to the Morning Tlmea

was rescued by other attendants. hers. would be mint on cin umsiantiai evidence Phoenix. Arli., Nov. Thousands of Buildings, Diesciusens of Arlxona received a terrific Joltlonay wnen tney teanieo wat toe new Special to the Mornlnr Tlmea.

lie dry" nrohlbluon amendment, w Austin, Texaa, Nov. is. After an Illness ofbars the Importation of liquor for personalW.L.DOUGLAS use, nerotnea errertive as soon as uta ra three weeks rmiowinr an operation, Captainsuit of Uie election has been officially an Jos A. Owens, stsle superintendent of publicnounced by the proclamation of the gov bulldtnrs snd round s. died thla mornlnr sternor The original prohlblUon amend an infirmary bars."THS SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE" iiu iit. adopted In 1914, did not become ef

ve until the nrsl or Uie following Captain Owens was sufTertnr from cai- -

year, and saloonkeepers and brewers had rrene and had Ms root amputated, and since$3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 & $6.00 almost two whole months hi which to get Hist time never rallied.or nu n sux as.Captain Owens was TO years of are sndYou Save Wearingcan Money by It was naturally sastimcd when the bora In new Yorkwaa city.cent siuenanient prohibiting the shipmentW. L. Douglas Shoes. The best 01 liquor into tne sute ror personal use When Governor FerrueoD he came ajnv

Known Shoes in the World. was aubinlUed lo Uie people that It would mor "he appointed Captain Owens superin- -not go Into errnct until January t, but there lenaent or panne nuiKunss ana amanas anaIs 110 such provisión In Ihe new amendment as held tas position until his death.. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stampedW 11 pc. uincs erreruve as soon as tits gov

In the early days las rovemor worked foron tne bottom or ail shoes at the factory ernor's peorlamallnn Is Issued, which mav ptln Owens. He name to Austin fromteed and the or neiore. uanaggivint. Oalvsslon. where his Home had been forThe value is wearer protectedguaraní When It became known thai the new member orHe s UMmany years. was.

against high prices for inferior shoes. The retail amendment barring "personal use" liquor KnlffhU uf Columbus snd siso of Austinn tne state might tase erren wiuun in lodre ofprices are the ssme everywhere. They cost no more next few weeks there was s rush to tsle body

Elks.was sent m osrvaston tonurtit

tn San Fntnosoo than tney do in New York, They navagraph




inmsnsatsof messages ror burial there tomorrow.

are always worth the price paid for them. iquor tor personal use before the bars re Stomach Tnrablea.nil up By uie terms of tha new amend Parsons who have stomach trouble araT'he quality of W.L. Douglas product ú poarsoteed n 111. however, persons who havs liquor In lo become discouraged. They win

JL than in making fine their possession arier tha new bone dry tha toliowliir thst their ohsneSs of rby more 40 years cxpcrimct , amendment goes mío erren are llstMa to are excellent A. s. Williams, inshoes. 1 he smart styles am tne leaders m tne fash-


an under thst provision of tha Uw ins or s Don't wait for another cold snap to catch you.which forbids hiving limine In one a boacentres of America. They am made in a sessloD. Consequently all liquor shipped ly afflicted with stomach Place order.factory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest MMl.BBBBBBBIBIBBBBBniBBBr Into the gtsle for personal use must not ass ssot is a hospital, but your

t arrive in Arisona but do consumed received little mem sad asms home to die.paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and ie) the pn.riamulloii of Uie governor Is nr. imams surtesiea ins

brrlaln' Tablet!, which hewane. ,'ssupervision ot experienced men, all working with

aaVaanaP ''.7S. official advice in all the county altor he is a well man snd welrbs 1

an nones t oecernunauon 10 maax uk m times aaaaaaawaantaw. Nv of the slate, calling to their attention talnable everywhere. (Adv.)ai l mat uie new smemiment becomes effor the price that money can buy. ferilve as soon as Ilia governor's Drools Otm rsealrlns. ax N. oraren at. auso

Ask our deader (seeavsldreea below) for mauou is issuad has been sent out by Arms k Cycle Co - Adsl Wllev K Jones, who tW. I. Douglaa Shoe. If he cannot announced It aa his phi to enforce Ove

apply yoa with the kind yoa want, amendment to the strict letter of Uie law For winters supply of coal. Just telephonetake no other make. Write for as soon as 11 becomes effective. Acid Stomachs Are your

boOWet azula inin? how toíi?KhetndíidUof asVaV BwtlDOMWarkl Proceedings of the DangerousgnalUy for the prion, r TZ.Z. O State Supreme Court

mall, poete w. rSiiZi. m C 586axe free. iss Sprk St., Brocktoa. mm. Hnerlsl lo Uie Morning Tunes. Nine Tenth, of all Stosssek TroubleEL PASO. TEX. AusUu, Texas. Nov. ts The following la Aridity, Says New VorkSOLD BY THE FASHION pi o. ei'iooaa iMPl III aupceme court 10

Apntlcatton granted by agreement for IheaajWs SI of iteilog final judgment S A

k A. P. Hy. Cu vs. Horn.. (.. l.ltUeln fromcsrnes count) mads s special study or stomach snd Jiuf iiVxi'ff i ifiiiiiiiif miV AptilicaUons granted Pearl ktrksey vs intestinal diseases recently made Ose start We have a full stock ofhANKlWS BY MAIL -- oiiiliein ra. Hon Oq., from Hltl county Im. stassimnt thai nearly all Intestinal

ir ei.uic riuiiips leu siumgi Max trouble as well as many dlsaaaas or ths(laid va. at. C. Hterllng A Hons, from Havlor vital ara airee iraceavie to esorgans, uy"Watson's Groceries Are S Compound t:amdeii 11. in, Co. vs. It H. Yarbrougti rsasivs stoasaea aridity, commonly termedy from Narsiswsihsa; m L. Loosrd vs. Ban sour heartburn, whim aot only Gallup Coalford umber Co. et si., from Polk. irritates sad ionstnss the delicate Unlnr orr Famous for Quality' Interest Application dismissed ror want of Jurtsdlc the stomach but may often cause sastrltla5 y uon 1,1 ly ui M'ownsviue h.- kinder sad dangerous stomach ulcers.rroin Cameron nraiy. andKstiast, ha easily leads to s rjironlr i Lump stove sizesays,far act sjanr Al lUcsnoas lent sed c. K. Man ley vsHome Made Nut Brand (Pacana) 25c eonummly lor inARBQUB8T w r. rtuunw ci si i ruin weui) romuv nusiaaen

Banking ay digestion and Is ths rincipsi cause rorFrench vs. Hal lie Ue Moss. Irani OslJ Home Made RaJsan Bread 15c sarrias with U ua isa: W. H. knoll vs. Ilus Thomas st al the Indlscrlndnsis swajlov or ins vanfrom DsUa; H M. Perruw Í. A. sua patent digestive alas whichva fc A. P.Home Made Graham Bread 10c saj ; bligauaa ta epssi aa aocoual. Hy. Co., from Mrlsnnsn; TourMon Wun bring only temporary sod raise rallar.

and all v ask is aa oiiportualtg Co. vs. á. brsrtusa 'co . from ascot In so acid condition or the stomach noFRESH OYSTERS 2- - to asplais olaariy why your a doenss consumer Lignite Co. Howard srtinoU dlgeesguts wnsxevar aaouia os We Have Wood andOtaos, rrom Wood; Atrip iKuibls cushion these likely to merelyshould 4 employed as are pass

Iga fcjttra selects m aaalad cans Ssfej sera gar sant, and Fire Co. el Si. vs. Southwestern Surely Ins. the- - sour, burning acid on Into the luteswag retir mees will k asas Co.. rrom Dalla. J. H. Reeves vs. V. H. Unes, causing serious trouble there. Inlutaljr safs If ssot bg mail ta simisoit et al Ironi Burlsaon. V. A. PeUy stead he recommends the use of some sim-

ple, Kindling. Tooet si. vs. ally of San Antonio, (rota Bagar; harmless and Inexpensive antacid suchthis lnaUtutloa. Tuu saav atavs Tom ri va. H. ü Mm un. rroro Klnnsy; as s isaspooarul or blsuralrd magnesia,

RECEIVED A shipment of Loisisistna r acoaaloa to tatauk ua lot laUa I. A Hhiwrrs Kurntlure CO. vs. Hose Hsssa, taken with a Hilar hot or rold wster rightha JUST now new'v ua cation. rrohi Harris; C, D. Barlow vs. CduarUo after meals or whenever distress Is fall.

5 Pecan, large selacted mats, that year' crop . WrlU taaag. aad as fa ourLinea,Antonio


El raso,n

P. Hy Co. vs Tais simple remedy la Just s taw

1 50c 50c saw IsOadtles, W. Baker traillesrrom

or sweetenslu entering

sfl Itsths


scldneuconpcSd vi. Sadie tinman st si., rrom Harris rotwty;I . tenu Diasolvs the dangerous acidity snd SantaFeFuelCo.vv. iississii vs ai. ts. t. nomnson there will be no need ror medicine s allEL PASO BANK synsptoms of Indjgealloc wlU ronHly

5 Watsons Grocery Court adjourned until Wednesday reaas. SulTerers from acidity, ao ir siotaai'h or iniligrstlon should set s taw uuaesaANB TRUST CO. ot the purs hlsurstad magnesia from their

v J 110-21-2 Texas Street drugglit snd give UUs Uestment a trial. Let us make an estimate on what you require in lumbar andA Gtsaranty Fund Bank In view, however, of tas many varieties material.;M Telephone --t ; of msgneeia used ror various purposes, builders'

ttnmach sufferers should be careful t,v retII Paso, Ta it oily lo the blsurstsd (urtu (either powderr tablets and lu a sealed package to to

aura lu purl ty. Adv. atas1



ELPA5Q MORNING TIMF3, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1916gasa i Mltwe ft s

lrr, crniimsndlnr the etpedltlonary rorcet Soldiers Careless Valley Dairymen'WAR BRIDES' ONE WILLIS OVERHEARD HI Mrtlr o, the Banquet ended.

CarVKrtilstWhile the

Bieseinrtonvarious talks

drewwere brnr


m Mailing Money, Meet With El Pasosrtoonaut-o- a blackboard, crratinr mm li

lauani Postmaster States Board of HealthOF SEASON'S BEST CUSTOMERS TALK The mualc or the was rumlthed

by the Van Surdejn orenetmet with the citytipper valley dttryaaeaso many are the cates of carelessnessOBITUARY shown bl soldiers In mailing- mney and board or health yeattrdty in see ir the

ether valuablet si the local potlofflre Uiat ordlnsnre requiring, iwo tests I year rorPRODUCTIONS HERE A. JC. Sbellon bar wiitten to tufWrnlar cowt could not be reduced In

ruaersJ of Mr. . W. Deaa. believed that on test wouldteat. It ItWhile in Downtown Drug Store; "leorae Bell, Jr.. commanding tn oneThe funeral of Mrs. O. W. Dean, who El I'tto patrol dlfrtrt, and Ueneralt Cleai provo mors tatltractory In neversl respect.

Wat Influenced and Tells died at a local hospital Sunday noon rrom ontt and Morton, roaunandina the provlt It It alto pointed out that the dairymenthe matterwould lie aavtd nomelhlng InWhat Followed. typhoid rever, will be held from Uie Flrat or inspection fee. Alderman J, P. O'Cnfli

Mm. Nazi mora, Rotetan Trage-dienne,

MeUiodlst Episcopal church, at Montana and rauUoned nor chairman of the health rtepartmtttt;Only rerenU according to Mr. Shel and Dr.

Score 3posses in Film Mr. B. wniia. with tan Bob Moor com-pany, streets, this afternoon at t.K o'clock. ton. one or hit men brought him a MO J.Dr.


Rtwllnr,C klutu.

memn-- rrlty physlrltn.

of the board of

Drama at Alharnbra. stairs that he bad occasion to f Rev. H. M. Smith will omclttt. The body i piece that had worked it way ttiroutni health, attended the meeting. The boardto Kelly a I'ollard'a Drur Store often and Will be at Ule realdenrev ant Arliona ttreet. an ordinary envelops, un Uie rollo ing of health It now rontlderlng Uie queaUon

-- war he heard people come In and make sratlfy-in- r frm to o'rlock nnui t o'clock. Burial hóf a ta ptte was tounn mat rui t, rmiktnr tlic change requested.nriitet," Herbert arenon's raimMia In the envelope.reports shout natural vttalttas and on will be at Kverareen cwneterv. Mrs Deanproduction, whiett at juat been reieaaed la survived by her huaband and 19 year-ol-oat occasion a personal friend or his waa tald Mr. Hhcllon yetterday, "but if solNew Yorh, packed the Alhambra theater at there and hoiirht bis third bottle of Vital ton. Clarenre, and rour broUiers. Bat wat dlart Insist unon sending money and val-eaeh thowtnr of the picture yesterday. Dim Hat. Mr Wllllt talked with him and church

a wealdurlrrrknown


last IPIn tat Methodist usbl s In ordinary envelopes they should HAVE A COLD

Alia Nar.lmova, Ule greet Rutilan iragcdl learned what it had done for Ma tndises years. register Uiem ror their own protection.lion. It then that Mr. Wllllt decided The ordinary envelope it not road orenne. hafi the leJ In Uie character of Joan wat maxcolm numrn to phokvh

in the to try Vltalltae himself He had been tiif- Malcolm strong neper and tny article that it not orLA GRIPPEQOCIAL TEA BISCUIT I'liMt'Hlrama. which waa taken from A. fraaer. secretary or Uie held light It llkrly to work a hole throughher wonderful stare i urce at. rennr with Indlrettlnn also. In fact, "felt Chamber of Commerce. left H Pato last Uie and berome loL Then thereO a crisp, slightly sweetened loan la courted, by Oeorge, a young man til 01." After uslnr v Italltaa for some ulaht Tor Phoenix, Aria., where he will at-tend It likely

paperto be accusation or dishonesty

In the villare where the atnirrlea among the time Mr. Willis then rave thlt report: "My the Arliona Btttt Fair the rest of tht on Uie part or postal employee when really "mif biscuit that adds a pleasing and 1 peaaanu are turd and numerous, loan, the stomach U now a sound aa II aver was week as a representative or Ule Kt Pato no one was at raufc."central figure in the htmber or Commerce. He- taya the fairvicinity, la popular I eat better rod have rained In weirntfitting touch to the after-- and la lord bv it to oe uie iitatuai asa nasi ever neiderar one. Joan and Have taken in all two houiea and l can In tttt otttbwtat. TOOK THE HI RT OLT OF" HER BACK.Otorga are betrothed.' praise Vltalltae very much. It la pleas-

antreport more cae or kidneynoon or evening refreshment. Boon after loan la mantea to aeorrt the to take and reel yourteir rrowior trouble amona women than m:n. Mrs.

threaten l nr war clouds hover about themyou Jane Meals sue Rhea Anna Tutcumhla, Ala., writes: "IByrd.Equally agreeable with ices or J The young husband enllttt and: Iraret ror tironeer etch day Word hat been received In El Paso or was down with my bark to l rould not Need Glasses? Ask Segall

Uve front t few weeks after tht weddin Anyone who It akeptirsl about Vltalltae l lie death or Jame Moltarue Ithea, Uie stand up more men half or the time. Fo-

leycerenKiny. may toon becom convinced by heartnr the young ton ( tapL J. :. Rhea, or the kidney Pills look all of the hurt out. Scientific Eye ExaminationHit three brothers, Franj. Eric and report received at the demonstrsUoo or Eighth cavalry, chler or ttaff or Uie TenUt They are the belt kidney pill I ever took."

loin him The sad newa that her hurndAmo, tha wonderful etTecUvmeaa of thlt new division, tt Midland. Texat, Tueaday. Mrs. ItheiimaUc pains, swollen ankl-a- . backache, El Paso Optical Co.

hta been Hhet had bean vtalUng captain Rhea's ttlff Jnlnta, eora muirles and sleepkilled In battle reaches the niu product. Vltalltae It Nature's beet knownNATIONAL BISCUIT I bride. Her only impulse Is to take her corrective and If quickly effective ror rather,land

captain Rhea left El Pato for Mid bladdtr aliments Indtcsl disor-dered act

108 Texat St, near Oregonlift. yesterday. No funeral arrengmota kldneyt. Foley kidney fillProaperuve motherhood brlnts about 1S01chronic Established, rheum eUsm.a new responsibility and the realises the

nervous nava peen mint. prompUy. A. E. Ryan Owl Drug Store. Adv.will debility, liver sod kidney IDs. Drop Inbar something to live for. today and talk with Mr. Motor and templeThan comet the call for mora aoldlers. Vltalltat rree at Kelly It Pollard t DrufThe nation muat have another raneraUon or Mote. Alto sold by Tatbefi prur Store,men. There It only one way to solve thesituation, and the military authorities stsrt i. as Cruces: Columbus Drur Store, Colum-

bus; GET IT AT McMlCKLE'Sa movement lo get the young women of me Dónalas unir Store, rmuiiea, andneighborhood to marry the oldlera who are Biaben Drur Store, Blsbee. Adv.deparunr ror the battle front. AT LESS THANJoan la arouaed by toe cruelty or It alland appeals to the women, ft he roes to GROCERIESthem, pieailina- wlUi Uwm not to aubmlt to WHOLESALE PRICESNew Concrete Road W. D. Howe Is Chosen the terrible mllltajlsm. Tim military orn-een FRANK MURCHISQN

learn of her efforts and the t Upper Valley to Be Special Judge of the The word la passed to her cell that theklny It u paat through the villare, and Joan We are ihe leading grocery house of the Southwest and with our enormous stock of

Open This Month 34th District Court aaeipaawomen and


Uie place.them to


orrtnueaa reneral

theELECTED HEAD OF Eatables we can save you 40 to 50 per cent every day in the week. Don't delay

W. P. Mow u unanimouslyprotestthe head

againstor a loor

tha war.procetalon

She marchesor women

at Get your list together and visit El Paso's busiest Grocery House. See us before youl whli'h will attend to Anthony, the New Iperlal Judge clad In mourning. When they attempt to

imr, win nr omriaiiy opened ano rourih district court yesterday meet the monarch the soldier to buy. 'ndi rated lu tlie public un tome day Our association. Judge tsn M Jackson y not hoot her unirte she turns Uie women berk, THE TOLTEC CLUBmanktgivinr wee. To oeceaion It reeling well yetlerdav and believed short but loan walkt up to Uw king and carrieslo be mi Judre Adrian reit would be beneficial out her rirtt Intentions and glrtt thePool, who u planning ne nnat io me The noberaon r will be on call when

women a picture or a war bride who rinelly THURSDAY BARGAINSwhich he himself the resorts to death as Uie nnly reliefThirty-fourt- court convenea thltwill (ive. Judre Pool li runout for hit wondeiml character work It shownberhr.uea, end It it egperted a large crowd mnmlnr.



the trialvenire


theno was

TheIn UliS picture Other Officers Ara Seiswtod by

will take advantage of thl, oue. Tlie nerbe-ru- telertlon of UM jury will be inade from Only two toots ara fired In tht court of Now Director Preceding An-nual

u III be held al Ule end or the concrete Wholesome LoafWH. this number. Thlt will make the second the pliotori AJiia, and neither one or them It BREAD 4cThlt will afford lutoltu an opportunity time ine noberaon eta hat been called In warfare. Mr. Brenon carried out hit Banquet. QnlyIn make a trip ever Uin now thoroughfare, trial. ordinal idea or rlvlnr the world a war pic-

turewhich already hat heroine a faortl auto and ammunlUon.without pfciurfiir

Mr. Brtnoobaúles with arma

the Humorous Talks Are Made bpsays



- Helming,built under







road,or rroeieat

the induttriouaIn Uie









ttnir-Sle- t


Gen.J. H.


Mauryand Others

Kamp, BROOMS - Only 200 dozen at these prices- - 4 String . . 15c; S String . . 20cIt aald to be the beat nmcrale road in the Seth Omdorff Is hornea have been made vlrtlma of forcea InI'nlled ine. which they had no Interest-a- a In Uie F CORN Quality 20c seller, Can 10c; Dozen 1.20rase Main RegularWhen the mad If officially dedicated or murium in the Prank M. Mitrrhlson will direct the . . . . .Judre foo wanta evnry cm ten to enjoy Sworn Sheriff; Kuropuan or the Tollec club during lbs cnmlng

rid over lit smooth turraee and a tenulne

as "War Brldct" la a dramatic taUre on mill year. At a mtlnr or the newly elected COFFEE--Breakfa-st Call everywhere at 40c; sale price, lb. 25cbarbei ue when they reach tha end or lantm n is a powerful termnn that la de directors last night, preceding the annual SuH . . .

Two Deputies Named voin or prearnniK. nut which atrlkaa a hu hanuiiel, Mr. Murrhtaon electedUle tliorniighlare. waa pret-man rnorn in me yrapoir oirtiiru presante ulent or Uie rlub; Maury Kdwards, ylre- - FRUITS- - Assorted 31b. Cans Regular 25c seller, Can . 15c; Dozei . $1.80

17 DCATHH, BIRTHS V as one elrnincant feature or war. Naslmov irrsldrnt: A. K. Kerr, uetaurer, and :arllor the eek ending yesterday the healths,, fteth OmdorfT. newly elected sheriff, ei- - ana artnon aiaanci tneir reputauona on tera, secretary.

Recti to be twnrn In office thlt rooming proilurUon of "War Brldea," anddepartment reported total or 47 deathtf by to At Uie- annual gSSStSBS or toe memher?II weraT" Ikiiiii waa anirnved by the county eonv too nevo mure new unir in motion PItht.

anil 3 Me, Iran. The blrtht mlttlonert Tuesday. Frt Bryant and Will lure pictography. They have demon si rated director lor tlie coming year wire elected THURSDAY ONLY,American rollnwa: t. V. Has J. I'rlmin. J. Colea,llord will be Sheriff (irndorfTa chief datiu- that ofrecorded were: Amerlcaiii, n. Meilcana, I Uta. llord. who waa city fire marshal, remere

havedatrurtlontU'iirk t new

property,note In motion

unra Dudley and W. E. Arnold. With Every $6 00 Order ottigneo vi go mío m anenrrt omca. n. a. la not convincing or dramatic and Fully tto member wart present tt the SUGAR 15 lbs. $1.00IILPI TV Ft I.t4t AM TO RIO FRIO. annual the The Groceries, Not Includingrollowlur Hireling

Sheriff llm ulgham left lae( Daaaon waa appointed yetterday aa Uie new Uiat a great theme, a great character and a banquet,Deputy irire marshal and will begin hit duties to well selected cast furnish Uie rirtt essen-tials

hanquei hall was decorated with roltou- - Sugar.or a groat photoplay. woorl brancliet, anil at rem tanir wrrrperls Pi rnjoy a two montat' varatlon. TneV' . KlhietriokC Ivy Ftnley and John The picture It one or the beat ever shown large bouquets or yellow chrysanthemum,

Is a well known hunter, and duiinf u?deputy Ti deputies In Uie ahertrre in ki (.. it will be shown rour more and abaeuae eipeeta to add m hit long list daya at the Alhambra. MMu .1 anlmalt killeil rollo wlnt 'menu waa aerved:Martini Curaisil Some of Our Grocery BargainsAturred ele j üalted Almunda olive

Hora d'Uuvre VariesClear Oreen Turtle en Taste

Paltlo or Lobater a If Newburr Sautenie TinnauNw, i cans ISo; dot SSo Star and Hora Shoe Tobacco, Ib SKcHweet Breada (Dace Tipo Chianil Corn. Avondale, S casta 15o; doa SSo Tes, In balk, green and black, lb t&cSave the Babies. Iloinsn ,Punch

Hoatt Hprlng ChlrkenHlchiilleu Milk, tall, S cauta loe; doa SSo Poatum, Inatant, SOc tlse SOc; 4Ao etao SOc

Atpsragus Tlpt Potato Hlasole Milk, small, 4 oaaa ISc; dot 4SO Halsm Para, can 5c; doa SOc

MORTALITY is We Waldorr salad i haniparn Kagto Milk, osa loot dos SI.SO Milk, small. SOc; large bottle OOosomething frlghtihl realize that ofINTAJÍT oan hardly TutU u u Assorted Cakes I Hum- - Milk, S can 16o; doa Pimcntoen, regular 16c adler, only OSo

children born in oivilized countries, twentytwo oent, or nearly cigarsDemi Taase Benedlrtlne

Clrtreta Greasn Chill, can So; doa Sac .VMparagUM, regular 16c eller. only IOcper Merabert Are t'srtooiied. Soap, V. O., oan Se;,doa SSo Peas, Van Camp's, regalar SOc toiler, can ISoone-quart- die before they reach one tMrtyseven Maury Kemp acted at toasUuaater. Nr. HtrtneT status, oan ISo; dos Sl.üo Peon, I'eil Pott?, regular Ilk Keller, can 10cyear; oent, or moreper Krmp tialed tn oigsnlialloii It Judged by Hartllnrw, resanar lac mUer, In olí, S can lar DnWj iv,, regular 16c teller, can. . .Ho

than ono-thir- d, before they are five, and one-ha- lf before they are fifteen ! occasionthe ronduct

to ttaleol Ita


during theand



Henil nos, in mustard, S casa l&o; do SSa Huonounh, regular 16c can, 10c; doa S1S0of the luir exlttenae no tcaudal had de Rardlnoa, Cnderwood's, rafalar 10o toller, osa. .OOo Mason Jar, pinta, 46c; quarts, 86c; Vt' gal . . 70

We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Oastoria would save a ma-

jorityi eloped lu reriert upon

rererredUie organisation

to activi-ties

Salmon, red, flat oan, 10o; doa Sl.SO Crtoco, small, 3Sc; mod., 46c; large canIn a humorous vein in Maimón, red, flat Horawro. oan ISc; dos si. 44 Cottolcne, mod. can 00c; large pall SI.S6of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these reeded


variousthe s




proNal morí, rod, tall can, 14c; dos Sl.SO MitMtard. P. P regular IOc heller, only. l.V

included a atrial ol cartoont or Idtoayn salín. ni. red. large flat can SOo; dot SS.40 Mustard, P. P., regular 16c seller, only 2 for. 16clafantile deaths are occasioned by the use ofnarootio preparations. Drops, tinotures rrarleaHlrttliirton,

or variousthe Time


drawn bywhlrh

Hen Ixnj; Cabin Sjrrup, pint, l.V; qaart SOc Cmna, In "a lb. tana I6e; doa SISOCaMn sr,, ti gal. SOo; gal Sl.SO Vealljoaf. regular Sue teller,inrrrmi'nl. Ixnj can only 10.-creeled muchand soothing syrups Bold for children's complaints oontain more or lesa opium, or Major (leneral Charlea M. Clrmsnt, com Karo Hyrnp, rod and bino, cant ISo; H cal. SOc Corned Heef, regular S5c aeVlcr, can only. 16c

inaiidei ol Uie Seventh provisional division. Karo Sjrrup, rod and bloc label, gallon .40c Potted Mcata, regular 6c teller, t cant 06cmorphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity toast.u u was


l niprrupontalons


rrapondhi raso

to the Verva Syrup, quart, ISo; gal. SOc; gal OOo Vienna Heuauge, regular IOc seller, can 08c

retard clement wat In a happy mood. He Pcanát Butlcr, 10c ta 7 Vi; ISc ta 10ci SSo aa. .15c Bliudng, bottle, l.V- seller 10c; Mr seller only. . . 16ccirculation and leadthey stupefy, to congestions, sickness, death. Oastoria declared hr fell it a great honor to talk l'reserrees mular flte antier 15c; doa Toilet Hoap, rogoiar 6c teller 14c; IOc teller . . .05cto Sfav rretenta, rcjtr SAc toiler 90c; dos SS.15 lava Soap. 8e alte SHe; IOc seller okooperates exactly the reverse, but you must see that it bears the signature of

"I haveAnalvir


Ponultald. "that KI Paso r. A. Tobacco, packaget 16c; SOo l,ory Hoap, . regular IOc Imr.

Chas. EL Fletcher. Oastoria causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the a rlty or Kfioa



tft.mmup or

lungersn.nxi linearte, Tobacco, pacssgrs, 6c; SOo Ixmos Hoap, 7 bar S6c; case 100 liars. SS.25

pores of the skin and allays fever. amiI'm In




here" lie


their health. Good ShorteninR Small Pail 50cTv louud Ujat KI Tato s one or the Crusto Shortning (A. Cakes and Bread. Meditan Pail 68cbest places lu which I waa err rorcedLetters from Prominent Physicians against my will to sojourn. The Peitntyl Large Pail $1.20

viols irtxins riüoyrd their alay here Immeiotcly and I am Inclined lo liellrv uial

15 Plain DraAi addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. mv Soulh Carolina rhildreu arc alto tn OI IVFQ Come lidMrt Controls see PintJudging rrom tlie ai'lloving their slay. Quart 25c15c,Dr. JL r. Peeler, of St Unit, Ma. tart: "I bar prescribed tout Castor! thai there were M arretls in arh regimeul w Barrel of tJiZIn many caaea and hart always found It aa tAcltnt and tpaady remedy " uiiring the patl pay day.Dr. Frtdarick D. Rogar, of Chicago, HI, aayt: I har. found Fletcher 'e Paso

"I watIt sli


the annualwe got

ratnraJIuut full

Intli shipped to El Paso. Con- -

Cat toría vary useful in tha treatment of child ran' I complain la. Inrbes In ooe hour last tununar." GREEN tains 180 gallons. Gallon 90cHotpllalll) oely rree arurie. ....Dr. William C Bloomar, of Cleveland, Ohio, aaya: In my practica I am miglad to recommend yoar Caatorla, knowing it la perfectly harmltaa and III

always satisfactory. hospitalityhlafi Iflbule






Dr. B. Down, of Philadelphia Pa taya: 1 hart prescribed your Caa-torla

wheiever have tone, irom lbs AUantlr See Our Big Window Advertisementsto the Har fic" be declared, "I nave neverin my practical for many ytara with graat ttitlafa-tlt- m to myself and eiicoimured a more taaclneiuir bodybenefit to my pattente." Mineo than those whom I have met in KI

Paso " He alto .poke highly of the army THURSDAY Meat!; ' s1x:ohoi. - s ron csare Dr. Edward Parrlah, of Brooklyn, N. T, laya: "I hare naed your Caa-torla

rrlenda he bat made at Port Bliss. Bargains-- K. C. Qualitym my own household with good reaulta, and hare adriaed aerwal "1 csjue here a militiamen," he aald tn

closing, 'and III an bark a soldier, thankspatlenta to ose it for Its mild laxative affect and freedom from barm." to the hard pare set by the armyDr. J. B. Elliott, of New Tork City, aaya "Having during tha paat air men."

who Save :ntTurted ma tnd my OYSTERS, Fresh, Received Daily, Pint .. 25c; Quart . . 45cyears prescribed your Caatorla for infantile stomach disorders. I moat Haase did Man.heartily oommend its use. The formula ooaUlna nothing deleterious lohn





ring presideut,orrtcer, SHOULDER OF BEEF, (For Roasting) K. C. Quality, lb. 10cMstsTftogaatts Di4ttmratnjtV ta the moat delicate of children." Krtuk M. Murchlaon, wtre referred lo on . .

Dr. C. 0. Bpragmj, of Omaha, Nab, aaya: "Tour Caatorla la an idealUwrrom

programthe retiring


he cuatomaryand Uie

exruMaumOrnTxmJaiiTntorBTSB medicine for children, and I frequently prescribe it While I do not advo-



aatorlatetthe new."




Uk MUTTON (The Very Best) Leg and Chops, lb. .... 15ctha Indiscriminate use of proprietary medicines, yet Caatorla is aa during h.s admlnlstraUoo, declared

exception for conditions which arias in tha care of child ran." tnatthe patl

ihe anair




ujion lo en-- 'In Beef Slew, K. C. best, lb .10c Home Made Sausage, lb. . . . . ..10cDr. J. A. Parker, of Kansas City, oto., saya: "Tour Cestería holds tha tertiin more gueita inan during any pre- - Standing Rib Roast, lb .17e Veal Stew, 2 lbs 25cvlou year In tbt b ttorv or the .esteem of the medical profession in a manner held by no other proprie-

taryUoa. In hutnorout vein ne ufttred "atolo-- ' Round Steak, K. C. beat, lb . ... .20s Veal Shoulder Roast, lbpreparation. It is a sura and reliable medicine for Infanta and chil-

dren.alet" tor a number or uuast thai ocrurr-- d Veal

In fact, it la the universal household remedy forHafantllo alimenta."during In administration. Losa Steak, K. C bast, lb. . 22VaC

Chops, nice and fat, lbAetrl Mr ve. ni... o tb no. .mm preedant, Veal Loin Steak, lb. . .77.Dr. H. F. MerrlU, of August. Ma, aayt: "Caatorla la one of the very be uivuld make no pronahws but Rump Roast, K. C. bast, lb ..17Vic Sliced . .25cwould try to llvt up to the record, made Bacon, lbfinest and most remarkable remedies for Infants and children. In my by previous presidents Rolled Ro salts, fot and juicy, lb. ..22V.C Sliced Liver, 2 lbs

. . .30copinion your Caatorla has saved thousands from an early gram. I osa 1il-- ea "Masai Ml" Pickled Pit Feat, 3 for ... 10c Freeh

. 25cfurnish hundreds of M tru I .Ml" aaa the subject to which J. Brasas, 2 sets '. ! . . .25ctestlinowlsls from this .locality as to Its efficiency H MrBiiMitn. city attorney, waa celi.l upon Pork Chops, boat, lb. ... . . . . .25c Livorurst, lband merits." to respond. He nplatnad mat "marni nil' Fork Leg Roast, lb . .15c

meant "nul much of anyitiug." and then .22V,c Werwisrst, lbproceeded with a line of hutnorout talk ..15cPork Shossldsr, lb .'.lTVfcsGENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (.onrernlnr .ruin luetubera of Uie club. Bolctrna, lb. 12A double quartet, called "The Tollers" Hamburrsr Steak, lb ...15c Chipped VicBean tho Signature of tad led by Jama 0. McNary.' aaur "The Beef, lb. ...50ci J9 Winter sans' tnd "Tht Stem Konr- . a m rs i o ..

wSsntatW toast.Judge


folliesM. Jackson

of Hilt."ivtpoaota.

entertainingto the

Um morning joy rone oausage, Oest Quality, lb. 20cguests with a larr array of wtt and humor. . .Two ytara age at a similar banquet, be aald. You Hada luda fresa .Mew Mauro bad twitted bun. Better Come Early and Avoid the Ruthand he claimed tbt Democratic victory tathat atat in the lag flection at revenge fur

ig in eipianauon it naual be atat VISIT ODI STORE IfOTItE HOW BUSY WE ARE! 40to that Judre Jeekton ctsajMisned In Ne CLERKS AT YOUR SERVICElu Use For Over 39 Years Melco 10us ueartet atas. VISIT OUR CAKE AND CANDY DEPARTMENT.quartet again sang. reasUrinsJ IT WILL PAY YOU.sW Copy of Wrapper. ''Tottec Ploei." tune to UielTIM, Kind You Have Always Bought ten

flow."ot --De wo wntre tas wurtaberger Sao Our tIjtst't were crie of "Ueueral Sell." but of Prices. McMicklles EAST OF COURT HOUSE

at nwatral refuted te make say 50O.2-4-- 0 E. Sanaiat, after itrtukJug a Matt to Otatral Perth- - Anttxsio St.






Coraet Conrt Stamped for Em--broidT QtoM al $10, Should

Have Boon 10

TJw copular Dry Ooode company' adrarwhich appeared In Wedncaday

vcnln Herald contained an llm of lrover tamped ror embroidery. In

two piar Hi y were quoted at 10 rentand la another plaee at tin. To an

the public rlitil. we reprint Hie Item jualai II aliould be. QCorset rover stamped for ubfoktery atIn rent- - a large assortment, beauiif'ullviamp?ri, dainty designs, on rood quality'inirclotli. Tbe cloth alone I worth nutre

than the lamprd rrroent. While theylast, each, al H renta -- (Third Floor.) Adv.

Eirope an War Simmaryara

While the'Mrlllah were furtherhi I va min their front north oftbe After river or oovttaottdat-In- g

their newly roa pusjIUuua.the Krenett and Hermana havebenn engaged In violent cómbalaboth mirth and south of the

In both ration themade amina In the

northern corner aad ass Ma a out-skirts of the Bt Flam Vaaatwood north of tbe river la theeaatem pen of the village ofPreaeolre, nonth of the stream.

Tbe t'roiK'h offteial xumunl-OBÜo-

In admitting the low oftilla eround. aer the Germanaobtained only limited advantageat the price of very heavy loaaea.

aonthextendedIn the







frontthe EverythingToWear That You Need;

of five ml lea, and south of theHommeCliauliuw


AMatneourtabout three






Uunohed after BestStyles, Values andSelectionHereBerlin. In reverting to the Brlt-ta-

attack, which Rare them the





downall the




henry New Ideas In Young New Styles In Suits andofcaaunltlea.








ready Men 's Suits Overcoats For Hard-To-F- itwhich add that fighting la

near Kallly .Hallltnel and THE Hart Schaffner & Marx Menri taaiJi i Acoordina; to London,5.7 Orrmana have been wade A

tanner on the Anere front since Varsity Fifty Five suits, singleSare








havethe gain,



and double breasted, belters, have JCfE have plenty of sizes and pat-ter-ns

'"'i-li- Tranaylvanlan front, aside many distinguished features in for men who think theyfromlahlnc



In Prance,sanguinaryalmost

la fnrn--

lapels, draping, in waistcoats; in are hard to fit. Hart Schaffnet &cairemenu Here cvwhere the A are Marx have made a scientific studygaining (round against the Ru-manian

form shape backs, in slant pockets.Kueslana. In the





theirthe You'll be delighted with the vari-

etyof fitting very stout men, very tall

antagonistthe Dobradja




In of designs. men, short stout men; we guaran-teena


occupationthe town of


heon We also show suits made up by to fit you and give you a

the Danube. Tbe royal palace toBucliarest luta been bombed by smart style besides.Teutonic allied aircraft. The House of Kuppenheimer, Rog-

ersTbe queen and the royalprlnceaees were not to the build-ing Peet and Eiderheimer Stein at

Berlinat the


that on tbe t erna Comp ten Hat SttdW On$32. Yy$20,river bead to art) la, the entente so $25. $30, $35andallien


Incapturedthe valley

somethe Teutonic

heights Other Makes at $15 U ptoards Our Great Second Floorallied line haa been drawn back toorder to prevent presa are on Haflanks.

In Galicia, according to the Advance Styles Inhave driven


office, the Russiansfrom WE bring together for you the

former Ruaalan trenches to the Fall OvercoatsNarayuvka liver region. Berlin finest hats made; hats design-edaaaerta. however, that attacks by


Haas lana In this vicinity were VARSITY SIX HUNDRED made to give you comfort, style, and. Vaaat Of tiortsia. the Russians, by v value; soft and stiff models in alla heavy bombardment, have com-pelled

by Hart Schaffner & Marx, in-




Italiana to




all the most vigorous over-coat

the best colors, $3, $4, $5, $6 several potota. styles; one good name forCOURTSIN THE

many good models. Loose box draping; form Remarkable Display Ofi. ii

TH..TY.JOaTHr.T.,.Tramea . osa rww. fitting models, single and double breasted; many

W. Ulhave belts; the best you'll see this season. The Shirts On First Floor

stsu ni Tiiu n. aaaa OSbmU. Jvuawiu.

Uoo House of Kuppenheimer, Rogers Peet and "Fit-for-aala an.l uilleaino llonuM. aiarpj

iamd witinwasaas.

bar- - Overcoats are also here, at IV EW colors, patterns, materials;runl,




a. Mm


Aliar, um$18, $20, $25, $30, $3$, $40, $45 buy all you can afford the

pia u,


try uoa.


district oourt. Other Makes at $15 U pwards values warrant it(Sallar CstassM. ImM

Je HÜ1 w. Markar aiawuti CMa oc

This store is run in your interest the moreaf Toa m. U Una. arad tai

uUwrul uaaahirl tUmt II. salle f mill we do for you the more we do for ourselvesjCa if. D. St a L aa. Q. u a a a. Railu Co.. duaa. luanaat la few f pUJaitn.

lUsTICf COURT.(I. n. Oaai. IMSICat is a A K 14. cSara with Men of the Army Are Requested This Is the El Paso Home of

V.2ÜÍ o(uTintya.; VSufttae

ftajS tlBarrUlo.

pd aaa.rt

to View Our Line of Sheep Stacy Adams, Ralston, FarnumSiau at twas ek C. wTTEiit. ralla: nnad U

skin Lined Coats. They're the and Holland Shoes for Men andBest in El Paso. Second Floor Vé Y 'lafrfdVul a jM éñf UñA Young Men Second Floor

.saín rwalu,r. u Tav to anet Saalllo a

u, R4 r omn. t; wildit. Kam ru; wt. W

r. k. ounimii vOnanwi asaTHW.

EAT MM aVafAU agragT. ralat. lwa WJ

l Ú I I IBTATlon AND BTST9 I ft II TnilfflíSlaW

orwmaTCsa. ? 1 P I fg jtsnsasasas-aiiis-B MuaWfcJwV--

and o. Iba sarmajiuiatl turplu M0 tnr or le seller and tb federal id to or the American AoclaUon of Agrleultural nvau in lb field of coaopeuuoa, daerotgry Guards Cannot Mail HomedCollege Professors tba torosas for Ir current year N0O4O0 snd mechanical rollases. Collage snd Kipsrlinaal Itstlon. Houston today told tap Mtoclsilon.rvorln tu laven year of Um fouo A postponad pisa o broaden the work by avorswn rttiripl or lbs

Widows Pensioned in Sam at arefasser ua im losxior the peoalon or Mm nootributory .icwland bill, which would provlds "Already.' asid the asorstsry. "tb Amar, Toads and Lizards to Folkswitwws, rsursaannns fl tunoas aao wa rsrsrred to ivoauiutta tbs gsnersl Una or lean fanner If lb most (Tlcteu! tvtuerÜ Ib foiutdatlou. hav received Drtaetii Ruvsnuaant strrlrultursl - at Mm world. H doa uot produra gsrsof $687,000 Last Year Wl aTanag UMtjOOu Back. Home, Funston Averspananwi suajon.of sngiaaarlng par sars, but be deas produce front two toTo Establish Rapid develnpmsnu

( olorsdoWimsm rradsrlolt eeojo, prssioaol of Engineering In Kurops duftar lbs war baa made Uvea or four urns mors por nun. or paroottags. wa rs lcul rbaltBy associated Pre. man. Arthur Tnlanlns Uadlav. nrssldant ni Stations It ItuperaUva

(tatld Iau A. Msrtton, of alt or labor ma capital than the turo By HoelsBd Its

ifaw York, Nor. Vale, vise haría Experiment at Iowa roiiage. that orgaaliéd entlnesr-lo- rsxtner. lie la alert,It. Pension aiuouiiutur rhslrman. and mnkllti resesrrb work b tlarud In ÜM Ute pean inore use more San Antonio, fbia1 tasad oni" RWfW re paid to at rollsgs and Thwiug . prsstdant or die Westsrti ñaserv under etiioursceinenl or tha rdrl govern and belter iMcniaery snd ass atore power umpuunt r tb la tie Puttb board Prank Agriculturalt A. Pruik wsr Colleges aVMBV ful sgsnetae at tits anrviea than rannei .f Um Mexican boticr

ra sis clad lo the exrruUve rotnnilUee. r.rrori. umi uare nsau uisue 10 anace any uuisr nsnon. seadliur live taaarts. Bttla gildalantiR to a to pravas eparats in rtvsl tn Ule field of ronuMtltlon slid will ouxn um- i muHt a la IU inaiiy brandis ws rs Br AMortalad rrsss. stftuUon for rsssaroborinas ting more snd mora easily holri hi own lu th 'tea nrnerro mat kiipuna iroin un division of üu Waaalnaion, Nor. U 1 harp uondaituiauou from hum I rasa ror agricultural siBasatir. KaamoVir1;: atricUy observed bv His

feWbf enialili.h eusUMWIiir riu It was declared uafurtunau last ai ready Tbs ...Idler agre bean lasilIn auanectioo with sarineewtoaWn-o- on ííwT feri iu!.trlu7lo losu


z,1 "111,' I The sjsrlran rsnasr now leads at wauM aaek boom



Political Advertising.Commenting ape s, feature of the political campaign

Just closed, the New Tork Herald aaystI Daily Sfert Story

1 Barrí Du ta at Ttsr i "The distinctive 'high note' of this year's campaignSbs tis is BoafM has been the wide ose of the advertising column of 'a ' nrML J. P WlUJAhas. two bbtwhiumt basanewspapers by candidates and party organisations. m.r.,..Never before in ths history of ( FOLGBh MCEIMSEY.)American politics hsa re-

sort Off the Coast. W OtMrtl Prraa XaatdaUaa ) much about women, but It eouMn't keepbeen had in an marked a degree to this manner of him home root if bs did. s II Mplacing Issues before the people. Money that hereto-fore

Wm T TASK vntn OWN i iff.has been wasted in the many way with which

Ky HUSAH B. CLAOETT. Dsnghter, gtve osad onto my counsel. If When autumn climbs the golden Mnare fkmlMar haa thla year bom put to the far hist why lavtoia nrton wis determined

raw anUMim the youth attending Jtse Is tpodest tnd I take her hand and do her will.. ronwii ADTKRTiMNn BsnuMNTAirmx bettor us of presenting the claims of parties and their to carry out hep pigs) tai ths race of angry Children between the of three and

quiet in manner and looketh thee In Urs For in bar Mnxaer and her shmesgescandidate through the columns of oppr.altion she could not have told. Prob-

ablysvsn ire so often bent their de-


eye bs sure he hath a past, but If h doth I rind a bean that leapt like mtnnewspapers that on ownare strut and swagger ranting often st youinnii And to with andwidely road. it wa due to the opposltlno hut this thst these song dance keepsuggestions have been miscreancies be sur he Is s tarn bird My march beside her thelast Ides. fad. on steep."Thl Idiosyncrasy, whatever her preparad la ths hope ofdevelopment ssslitlng t Itero. TheltfSrPTA'i marks a distinctx" progresa In politi-cal friend were minded to rail, M passed snr following might be read aloud to the little

To Joy snd trMIe fn in the bringmanagement It show realisation of the fact that thing that bad gone before. ones st bedtime The Ed. Kvery young men tella some girt at tome sty autumn or tha rolden winra,he American people can bo boat reached hit need of the to his life.83v áad SüiS: ST mm through ap-peal Tot it wot vary imple thing the pro lime right woman

to their intelligence and the day of reliance upon posed to do merely to shan the besten Nava yoa exhausted the pottrbiiitiet of Tha sea become bar own, as wall;prejudice and passion are of the" past No campaign psth thst lea toward While sulphur Spring the cistern? With the help or yrmr little hout th best Km In a girl's life ror The dingle sad the dappled dell;can be Imp to he engaged in Just a little before The river wtndt at ne'er pefors..UN shorn of ouch characteristic accompaniment of and go anywhere that would take her swsy sister you might tusprnd yourself within WithAmerican política as t' reom the life her people had led for genera an inch of the water's surface by a rope her marriage tcarlst branch! bending overoratory and a or-tai- n To sweep with glorióos hues fas snore.amount of Hon and expected her to lias White ftul sod make races at your reflection.outsideMt XI Hutrfsr. )' display, both of whloh coot And wake the fields that one ware cloverFew children realise A young man la beginning to pun out ofthephur toor .Saratoga during the enjoymentsRib S3 aanSt. In stMSSSmoney hut It nao boon driven la upon the manager thla and Washington, during

summer,the be had In hanging out the attic wtssjDWs. Ma dsmfed years when he cease to sneer with gaudier colors than thsy knewwinterMir and San tar, mm

iareowihm own


that If they wore to roach the ntasoea of thinking months, with frequent trip m New York. If lhere are say oM folks In your family, It hit párenla Tor being old fUMOSSM. in all tkelr spring of mitt god daw.'they

Tka Hindu DM am raw must rely upon newspaper advertising. This inch ta grsjidptjrea, wait un these are,. Whan asked where the VterON pill TI ta Ml. kactadlnt .nl I aed " explain the largo number of political advertisements

was going she bout the yard where they eta see you snd ships art docked In sails of sun.''iiiiiP'W li iiiiiip' ' ' shook her bead with t smile. Her steeds wear brightHa iihiiiw In the columns of the it wui sotass yoa A MOMENTWrl rapar son ;

PXwea MM nlnu Man nek ana 1k fla tn. linar all -

the people."newspaper that rea oh "I hare no denmte pton," sbs replied frightened to the point of convulsion Her cheeks are mirrors of a light

MI Tail mraur Mas - Msnwii ran w M (MfMI But far hark In the TWe MUSE That drifts between the sndday night,ofrecesses her brttn offt ka arada, afar It p a and m, n4ar aflama.. and acidar UM A ohlld any nstursl resourreDimetiwat t very postare idea. Sbs was going need hardly be told mat many a happy And. it a ray to crown a queenMM 1 Oaearal MimM. Water plpeo fro n the Pennsylvania camp Wednes-day

some wherr by wgter and tiene. She ion gen trtrmooo may be rpem In papa's garage. For revels where ths world once grdenMMMM



and r.arwrsaand Bpart

asesa,Dm. night giving the hoys s touch of homo life. for Portugal or the fjords of Nnrwsy. bol How th momenta fly while dropping THE i;SINsjB). Has donned ror rests! Joy and nstrth

SSSt-- Artvanleliia and rtrralstrae fMM she ul led on t steamer fop the fjords of in ate he t In the gasoline tank' How every-thing

The man who never smiles, gsdrooka, snd The starlet rainbows of ths earth,The Pole have lorii granted Newfoundland, the Norway of Amsrtoa. liles! An armful of old "wtste thrust ven whines and whimpers, deas please r know delight at youth hat known,

whe rail Rlr m Wil anj piMlSMI .win awtrtr a separate government looks I hearthan he thewhose sre sndme more grins scat of song IntoneJt M maun of their own upon condition that Th walk to Signal or Cabot's Tower, It down little ttstrt throat will gtve berthey Join the Herman Who always hers tat vacant The orsilly simpers. gospel t beauty meantrtftartJm warm tha reaidtna. army and fight for It. not one to take alone. It It long. It Is steep faes ths most comical appearance.MM. fans ar earnra'lan MUM MM M The rosd followi the tbore until It begins In Ths family medicine rloaet what a tresa-ar- tvle hi nut is empty eery, and we To sweeten snd to give content.M glsSll carra el sime I Mat. hrnrt th. al. ssrend and It lonely. When steamer come trove for the little ones! Father's nerve groan and moan the while he's being gay And so dear bean, alt else above

NOTICI TO TNI PUBLIC If further proof that Mexico behind the time were Ibere it always a sprinkling of people, tonic ir taken lo generous tiunbierfnls will snd merry. I Ufa beats with wonder mellowed lora.J Mn far svrrrharicsa m arate far OM MMl M Um Mm Mm Tlaara needed. Car ransa comea forward Thl ir must know tha truth. And puis leap tnd tent thrill.

SUBI bp a rvroMdaa Mjnad trr Ika MM ar Ora nal lUHM The with a proposition for mostly dnaing toward ths tower, where produce the rxysst spirits After a day of world, youWhen

TPS the fro and unlimited coinage of silver there la t magnificent rlsw or the harbor moping It will please your parents to tee Is certainly Infested with stupid eM snd autumn climbs the golden Mil.mat our a and ocean. This and much mors was told you dashing about the house your old self silly youth who on girt to be arrested; they

Thsin tha booklet i trims had learned again. skip shout from piar to place, no law or potent charm of little thingsThough It is byone of the oldest Institutions In ths To comfort and to Mest."Our Country! In her Inlcsrouj c with n the Electoral

coun-try, heart. Rut there was one grave omtaalon. order rearing, each thinking that his idiot Whencollege is still without a football team rsce delights ut With Its cheering. Who lire Itself lis aweehiess tingsInrteed. two Ths flrtlnation, may nhc alwmrn KM) right, httt was wind, the other,nor, so far as is known, has It adopted when I Mo, "bs snd Through tender stmplsnest.oar country, right or I UMB-- Wtephcn DwMar. a college yell. mitt What was fog In the city wat a fine sayt to me am gay

rain higher up, and th wind was t rale quit yonr worry; Just as. I never fret like Ho lost dehrht, my dtsr:Pancho I chase him In a hurry. Hard namesVilla has yon!"announced his IntenUon of going Ah had rait wind before, but never like Ho vanished dream of tun;to tropical Mexico to Join Zapata. He might go to a atlll this, it whipped her wet skirts shout herl call him on the spot tmtli net ran a. In some melodious spherehim with look, theftDeportation of the Belgian. warmer place without causing any complaint from this until she thought be would never move IMMsrsrsa 1É wlrlxslng;what I think


him tnd mm. i Their anthems have begun.section. again She tried to loosen them at she And what escape! us now

Fur the purpose, presumably, of reissuing tlerman tumbled alorr th rocky path, her bream I like to see s pleisant soul nor do I It hot a iweetness tentrrtvnpmen tor the rank, the Oerroana ara deporting ail An Oklahoma, editor rooting end going In gasps. Ahead was the Tu gul UmI say i the wouldn't marry the car to pan ft, save when N decorate s To crown soma other brow

to the foot orles and agricultural regionsreport that a resident "died with-

out tower, gray and somber, built to defy the the handsomest roan alive usually keep bar been thaTt mostly solid granite; and whan I In tn unseen rtrmamentBelgian men the aid of a physician." The medical society Is meet just such a guy I'm tempted ror thaurred elements, ah saw a little group of people word sad marries ths hOtasUsst on.of the haiea.r u domain to substitute at the forge and to take the mutter up with the board of public utilities sunding In in angle of the granite mass grapple, to pound Ms hose, distort Ms eye K xpert one counts the mostplow while the eratwhlle art lean array themselves In without delay. one figure, apart from the others tnd nearer Th average young man may not know ggd sprain his Adam apple. Wlsxu out of tors'i heart gtven.the panoply of war. It la declared that the Belgian to her. Than everything waa blank. She wss We do not count Its costgovernment la In poeeeaaloñ of the tart of a decree That man who fought with the aillo and who Is now ronsrloui only of Mind terror as ths wind Bo much it seems like

from Herman headquarter, under date of October ashing to enter the Herman army must he rsnrht and whirled her about For s spare,S, mitvjftctlng to forced labor all Balglana Vbls to work sort of a fellow one who la

an Inquisitivo eternity fronted bar, than the awfumest of Romedesirous of seeing all the tbe wind subsided and she round herself 14M JESS LIBffiYS one, son where, think of you;and who, for want of employment or for any other phases of the life of battle. clinging desperately to the gray sieev of Don't he ssd tad don't be blue.reason, are receiving public aupport. Thla more recent an ultMr. Rome one. some where, sees the gleamsact of the Herman authorltlea In thua forcing Into a While we remonstrate with Or your eyes tmld Ms dreams.may Old Sol for his fiery "What made yoa attempt that sion?" Don't beveritable alavery tha people of a country dominated by attention during the summer months, wo always take the man said roughly, giving bar t little TALKS ON HLAglrSk Some one,


don'tholdsbs drear,

dear.raaaon of a superior military machina haa been treated It back in November days such a have been freed ng htks at he tot her go. But Lavlnlt had no Hymns your name and ftndi yonryen

ryesbriefly In the preen dlapatchee for several weeks pact; us up tight during the present week. mind to be 1st go and clang In the arm I Bending o'er Mm like tha tklu.bat recently mora complete detalla of the practice have that was hair withdrawn.become public The primate of Rngland haa laauad a The foolleh report that, during the recent cold snp. Txin't dare to faint," th vole went on Some one, soaiearheie. holds you fast

neutral natlona, calling on them to ue th Ice Rl sharply. "Mdn't yoa know Signal Hill was In Mi bosom, lirst snd lastprotect to ail the men of Paso sntered Into a gnlcldo pact la ICSes rara, ltla. t Ska attfjkws tuses worthy, sensible man. coropettnt to takatheir good offloea In an attempt to ave the subject of without foundation. The Ice men of HI Paso ware too

no pitee for a woman nolsss she had a man care or yon, I see no obstacle to your wed-ding

Don't be weary waiting beretrained from thl neweat and moat Intolerable buy filling coal orders with her?" Mm. Some one, somewhere, sends you cheer.a country to hava tima to even CmTITSgfe-- g DKl.ITTtrsLsay "howdy" "1 don't know. Th book said walk, so Through the spaces, through the gloom.serfdom; and on representations from Its official repre-

sentativeto their competitor. au Ms mthI walked." tnd an Mt prideI will die site shall grieve Toeere t Punís i Ms to tha aeai of the activity, the state depart-

ment"Why didn't yoa bring toras one with O rest you somewhere on the tide.I will die ere tbe thai! grip; Ssm W. O. writes "I am t young reliaof the United Matee haa called the attention of A suggestion of how to TOUT"beat the high cost of living If tbt alights me when I woo, ble md well behaved man, yet tbe young

the chancellor of Germany to the fact that saoh comes from an American "1 Mi alone." Soma one. naasatwtssea alt th, mi.Imperial consul, who haa been stationed I can acorn and let her go," women do not take to m Csn you sug-gesta proceeding la looked upon by the civilised world a a In Oermany for the past eleven years. According to the "Surely yon mads friends coming up on There are some men who imagine they any reason why?" Wears your memory ss a angle

breach of tha commonest principle of humanity. If consul the food shortage In Hermany has been athe tasmart" tall desperately fn love with some pretty Perhaps you are too diffident when In

Don't he bop leta , just be true;positive "No. Thai wax just whtt I dldot wish to Some one. somewhere, tbinkt ofnothing more. Were thla the first Instanos of such an blessing to the people who, aa the reault of eating less, do. All my Ufe I hare wanted to get away

young woman at nrst tight. They begin pay-

ingttie society of the opposite sex. sbowhxg no trusts sad loves you and win whig

youattention to her at andundertaking by the kaiser, It might not cause such a r In far better physical condition than ever before. He from everybody.'

onea, propose particular attention tn any one glri. Chooa o mew be re to you at you a lagwith undue hasta. If they are ac-

ceptedmarriage nice sail herof revolt In the breasts of the people who can-

not,also say that the one young ltdy, upon per Tin together two shah wandfeeling experience has been a groat lesson In "Well, yon missed It by tbe fraction of a by tbe young Bissau, nothing will sistently, whether you feel like calling oreven for the exigencies of war, subscriba to a pol-

lerthe efficiency of plain food. If the American people second. Another tuch gnat and you would satisfy them sava that an acriy data be get not Take her to church and placet of

Homnwhere happy in tbe end.of Involuntary servitude; at least, It might be given aro willing to live on plain food and lea of It for awhile, htv got awty from everybody. I caught for th marriage. Thsy past every evening amuaesnent ir you ie the is becoming in-

terestedAt your bom from day tothe benefit of that shadow of a doubt which Is the Just the food barons will soon come to their senses and the

you Just In Um. at her horns. Tbt go to their boarding tn you. either make up your mind That's our destiny o'er sll;day.

He left her la the angle of the wall anddue of every person, corporation or state when It la housewife's problem will bs solved. forward, tail, broadthooldered. bouts and write her a long letter before to marry or stop calling before her affec-tions

Brave to face the battle's awayatepped abrought to the bar of public opinion. But thla Is not man with keen Mo eye they consign themselves to slumber. They bar goo oat to you. And to answer duty's call.her to theor nothing but eventhink her sadthe first Instance In which the Herman military haa tr. Cary T. Hrayoon, th Whit llouae physician, and a determined mouth. At your pott, with constant trustsays or their butlnestneglect pursuits LevWt Trssakttloe.Bought to r. mpei service from the inhabitants of a President Wilson's nervee were the steadiest In the offi-

cial"Come," he paid, extending hit hand. This It the delirium of courtship, ft It

In the Issue and tb belonging to thoss opposed to the aaose for household tha day after the wioetion. and that Uta "You must see the view before we go." quite the reverse from being sane and

B. M. A. Billot: "I sin i young girl of ThatThe


til tbe torra and dunwho bad a beau of twenty one. He Is our Friend.which the Central powers sre warring, and who were chief executive walloped him In a game of golf, simply


heatllatedThis time ths word was Im-


sound. A young man of this tort Is sura need to nail regularly, but has aluce dropforced under their authority as the result of supsrlur to prove to him that he had little doubt as to what tha "If we are to make Quldl Vtdl we that Mi girl It t veritable angel, a daugh-

terped off. Ha U vary deer to me tnd I think Tomorrow stags serosa the bill

force. The Wench men and women In tha occupied people of the country would do with the ballot. This, mutt be off." of the angels-Afte- be still caret for me. What can I do to WM Before tMs dav In dartmaaa rUaa.

portions of northern France have been compelled to of course, Is very Interesting, but It could have been "hut I am not going to Quldl Vldl." marriage, inch t man wakes up Mm hark? He It always at the parti I at-

tendThe hope of ail onr. stirring will'

work for the Hermans; and while, on a moderate scale, made more so If w oould have known the temperature "Yet. you ar. The village It my objec-tive

with a rude start He finds be It wedded to snd talks to me there He tsked to la in the future aa It riles.a vary human person. A few fiufta are escort me bom from on of these, hat ( pot so we make It is our own

the Belgians have been doing the bidding of their con-

querors.of Mr. Wilson during the paaalng hour of the fitful point" Whanday. to the oresent we Irrmaeiwith her virtues. He was having withmingled refuse htm,many had to come an"It It not mina."It haa, only been lately that a wholeaale depor-

tationwhat ho ate for hi breakfast and lunch and dinner, The glory that soulsthe our hava'See here." For the first time the taw hit to desperately ta love with bar that he other you og man. Hs was orfsrgfed. How known

haa been decreed and thouaanda of families in color of his necktie and the pedigree of hi caddie. wilful The detthlrsi courage or the heart.fsre and It wtt filled with soger. "TV ynu did not nonce that she waa tod had dM t do right or wrong? He Is 111 now.this unfortunate country been broken up. think I am going to give up my trip be-

causea decided temper. Sven rourtsMp should Should I go to see Mm or write to Mm? Thus are we bulldltur as w.

The Belgian government has every reason to fear that Miss Annie Hharpley, after confessing to serving a term you we obsttnttely determined to go he ist about cooly tnd deliberately. Ons Pie Me ad rise." Our future In our present hour.In a penal Institution for forgery, recortad bark th came?" should not look lor faults In tbe other, but You did right in rsfutlng the 10071 With sll th golden chance to growyoube her waythe last decree of ths Hermans Is about to applied to power To leveller snd to

la of porsuaalon and borrowed MO.OOO from "What hat my dstermlnatloo to do with one should be aMe to see them when they bams of any one tare th young man who sweeter flower.territory, a cenaus being wealthy Chi-cagoto the whole occupied as crop out scrampanlsd yoa to the party. Do not visit

taken by the military authorltlea, acting under orders people. She then spent It In an effort to get David It?"" It Is a revelation to many a man tn sss your former sweethesrt bat It would Oot to Uve, that's oertanl

from tha seat of the Berlin government, of all the un-


Helssco Interested sufficiently In a play she had written "Can you crott that ttrlp alone? lis a girt whom he adored In her pretty evening not be smsss to sand Mm t short Fat csn'! crush rmtta allnodded toward the naprow path where the beginning tilings sil overto

In Belgium. The object of thla aweeplng or; produce It, and In supplying a sweetheart with pin wind had full although the could out frocks later on In work apron and with letter expressing your sympathy re It wvrUi the hlowa that ransweepmoney. That self earns of tousled hair, ft doesn't do for girl to be garding Ms Unless, expressing tbe hopepower persuasion afor the double haador, a declared by the Belgians, is pur-pose

, pre-vented feel It where the tai. "I Ihould thtnk one To straighten tip and rare it.any of her creditors always drafted In finery before a lover. he win speedily recover. He knows thefrom upthe the the Ger-

mantaking action You tnd 1of completing ruin of country against experience would be sufficient ana ugr true men of worthher. We hopo Miss Sbs ihould trest Mm to a plain coanime way to your home ir be has ths desire to

hordes have already rendered wellnlgh worthless Sharpley, who Is really well named are done. The omen wno were nere ten With love and toil replica ftcall . Let th affair tike liswill now and then that he may not bank loo own course.and of forcing Belgian workmen to accept agalnat their remain within the confinen of the Windy City. At some time ago. I am going on. You are

much on bar dolled up beauty. If the ab-


roe c nance we've missed on earthoffered their and thua re-


least, we hope she will not get Into this locality. We coming with me. Hurry. The climb downconscience work by captor of a curl would mean tbe loas Smile snd keen eoe-- If, th. -do not believe either Ore rocks will toon bs dangerous."

Herman artisans to replenish loases Incurred dur-ing

David Belasco or anybody else la evident reluctance of Mt admiration, a girl or good tens Sing and ksep sweet It's thethe fighting. If It ware otherwise, the Belgian gov-

ernmententitled to a oont of Kl Paso's money via Miss Annie that




suchhit head and laughed. would want to know of it. I never of the Past To dig through the deeps of

waytbe weather

contends) If the Hermans only designed to Hharpley.It wu long and rough scramble to tbe of oonrtsblpa But Gliiipscs And get lots or run rrom the day

the moat pic I do think a couple should winter and tutu A chance ror us all In the rime.combat the idleness of Belgian workman, It would em-ploy

'ittle nailing village, one of

them on public works In the neighborhood of their Creating a Reserve Corps. ;uresque on the Newfoundland roast It wssUfaoxer each


deliriumbefore being


lasts overror A price st the sad ror the worst

And often thebe fbrgotten first shall beglimpse or nature never to TWXXTY-FO- t rS YEARS AWr TODAY secondhomes and families. "But," say the statement, "they (From the San Antonio light ) andi

Impossible of description. s collide or months or to. Then an And orun tbe last ibaU bs nrst '

have not dona this, but, on ths contrary, have sent out In one respect progress Is being made under the pro-visions stood silent. "To

love tettlss down to earnest af William Potter, of Pstxnsylvanla. was ap Keep on the cool tide of struggleof ths country or purposely deprived of employment of For a lime Lavtnla recUon. He twalls patiently the outcome And wtdaOe and week- -recent lawa Har- congress whloh would missed It." she said at pointed minister to Italy by Presidenthavprepare think I might Or, whan thehad ceased work. The Hermans or Mi wooing- - marriage. To the tune of the trust that Isworkmen who never to a great reserve of trained ' evermen for comeImmediate for max lor me"Thankservice in last. you enthusiasm hit died nut, he grows tired or

i have offered the attraction of high wages to those who time of military necessity. That Is In the formation of I take It yoa are not often made to do toe glri. He aelxea upon the first excuae toa vwr tosí nema srsry on ting.

consent voluntarily to deportation, and thus, by si-dling

a body of he asid, with a imu. Wilson Oerbsr, inspected of being amen aultable to taka command. More than anything." break tb engagement Ardent courtships I know the Mack boors bow thsymoonsMner tb federal autborrtts at com.hopes of bettering their lot, to do work directly 2,00 have taken the examination required "Thla It the nrst Um within my mem-

ory."seldom turn out well. Calm, earnest court by I've met th shadows daeand are to Boise, Idaho, mat a violent dssth tn a

connected with ths war. Tha deported Belgian ha be commissioned at once. They include many special-lat-She answered

crossed,bla toril.

yourxeir"I Imagine

" ships are those bullded upon i rock, en-

duringforty-fo- fan over a cataract In a canoe Pv faced life's rum, whipped and dximb

thus the cholea between starving and treason." engineers; doctors, you sre not often for all tima. Love Increases. Instead in sou wit no one to call my own.mechanics, telegraphers, etc. way." he re-

pliedtn attempt to escape arrest"I generally have urypretty And ouror dwindling away. yet plastic spirits stfTJThe Berlin war ministry haa Instated In Its reports who would bo of Immense service In tlm of need. They carelessly. "Do you ses that tiny, hule and arise within tn .

that everything la moving for the favor of the kaiser on are required to appear before army hoards and pas ex-aminations

whitewashed oottage over yonder? board-

edANSlVXhS TO COnnr.SPONIIENTS. Complete returns front the tiste or Illi-

nois The weariest heart that climbs theall ths fronts. In Interviews with press correspondents, showing their qualifications, after whhh there on stiiinaa, 1 am glad to re-

member(Correct name and sddreti mutt be given Hit

gave cievelsnd ast.Mi and Harrison inn ruueiiesi manner on the wave.hill.

O el man statesmen and generals have told of the re-

servesthey aro laaued commissions and are required to keep I was there. The fallowing winter

to Insure attention, not to print. Use inkaufthe country has lounging on their anna In mobi-

lisationIn touoh with the war department so that they may be

was most severe. ThereI helped

was muchland Write short letters, only on one side of The hurt rest tempersnipe wis T snd ths

ON THE WAT TO srssr.smell nry The twinkle of tbeferlng. to m a way sunshine the'campa, ready at the be ok of the hand or tha instantly available. It is expected that eventually the ltdy over t portions tlm." H gltnred at paper. Address Miss Llbbey. 01 President lowest 0 degrees. skat nass me tr

tn eve,

first blast of tha trumpet's ''assembly" to launch Into list of such men will Include at least) 6,000 names, which her rurto'tsly. "DOS' It aver occur to yoa strstt, Brooklyn, N. T.)00 Wy.k) ul,Ua foot ha Mu leagueTWRTEKN TRAM AGOtha fray, fresh and vigorous, and deal further death will give the country a nucleus around which to sat her to wonder how th other htlf Uvea"'

sis Ha a nsrtag PUsiattieTODAY.

and destruction to the entente pawns the human play-things

an army of defonoe. She shook her head. 'This la my nrst Um raso and big men,M. A. C. writes: "I am a young woman or John Alexander Dowis, in t speech at the

of this mighty military power. The offensive of Othorwiss ths plans for a groat reserve corps do not escape from the batten oath."from rwtrty four, of a quiet disposition. I have SMloh laberntrle at ZIon City, slid be had

Ths stenographer sad an 3to get away On tbe sacklong warth Anglo-Frenc- of the and of the seem to be working out aa wall aa the frame rs of n

"Doo't you ovanbeen keeping company some Um with t bean offered over a nuJhon sent or land

anmrn.Italiana, have been sneered at aa of loo amall conse-quence

anticipated. It is reportad from Washington, forIt," he asked casually.

young man of thirty. He has a Jealous at a tile to build mother Zlon City.When lbs nan and of rice can.

to merit a passing comment. With a fanfare of instance, that many thouaanda of national guardsmsn They were louring along th e

St. disposition. He M keeping company with Brr bssrta ta face th! voluptuous adjectives and gripping verba, Poland In are refusing to take the new oath, which would pro-

videstretch of rosd




tndtoofced another girl., but quit her for me. Do you The Amarinan Ornithologists union ol heads held Mrh ew

basa snd with .John's. At spoke

Russia Is liberated from the clout of the a term of enlistment of three think 11 advisable to marry Mm. or noi?" I'MlsdelpMa began a campaign to protect On tha tothat In waythecaar years; active duty back at th lovely view. 1 wouldn't beIf tbe roan discovered beyond sll the Mrdi of. north America tolling where the tidei of

heroes of thla valiant nation may volunteer In the armies und throe year la the reserve. One report placea the Iter ir I had not relt I most escape from youngthat he did not care sufficiently auvur iiu

I of the kaiser volunteer willingly and of their own Vol-ition,

number so refusing at 40.00. while many organisations if fordoubting

bit former sweetheart to marry her, bs The forts of Asa Domingo ware bomThs merchaul and tb lawyer

but volunteer. More decrees are issued have not yet reported. What will be done to fill the When tttsy parted neither knew th oth-

er's pursued the wisest tnd best court to part barded by revolutionists The rrnlssr AtThe


callingand tha hi sax

compelling Belgian workmen to leave their fireside .ncanclea caused In the guard by thla refusal Is a probl-em-nam. Lavtnla did not think It frag btr. If be really loves you sad you BalUmore arrived to gtve protection to fn the tonsMn




and loved una and take the place of Hermans whose yet to bo solved. Federal aupport probably cannotto mention heft, u they would never are equally Interested In Mm and he la s Am en csn Interests.

meet again, and If there was a purposeservice ar needed In the trenches which are defend-ing

be extended to those guard organisations whloh refuse behind tbe keen, amused eyes as the man Tb highest temperature was TS sod thsA mighty stream of axssatag to this Ufa

the honor of the llapatiurgs. to for ths specirisd tsrm and a decision of that toarhed bar hand In parting there was no by a beery gray Mtnket thai showed no towstt atm

What a combination of boasting and hedging! nature might eliminate the entire guard of several stales. outward sign that be did not tcqnletee in vtsw other than that or the i learner a deck. O" b wxty ta. tailing, wftk fins spfrtts forAt any rate It will bo a difficult task to find hep decision. He atespied her overtures with no de-

greeiif.enoughWhat can It lead the outside world to believe? men to fill the holes In the ranks created aa a reult The next morning she left for Labrador. of eagerness. Mil under hit apparent The Best Philanthropy. Ths Joy or Bvtag purpose

A neutral country, looking on In amassment at the In of Individual refusal to r-- enlist, She wot a lita lile In retching the indirrerenoe was a tteadfast determmatlnn BeIn ths faces pat stag bywhether ontlre ture that you gtvs ths thpoor ami fractions of International pledges end the most humble organisations refuse

state steamer, and. somewhat bresthleat from thst made Iterlf evident their lsst evening To the tumult of the officeor not. That will they moat need, though It behave tha your example From thseffect haste, wat following the steward down the whan b soiled the silence thai peace of ruin and tkyboarddemanda of humanity, may well thank the Hod of Its of cutting down the alaa of on which leaves them rar behind. If giveour national youguard, which deck when th back of a rough, coat between them by saying:fathers that ths heel of th beastly Mar haa not been already, ia insufficient in numbers,gray had fallen money, aiwnd yon rae If with It, end du not A kessasfessr dress Is sastuand makes the task caught and held her attention There was "Too have not yet retracted tb wordsset down within Its fair domain; and It may well Inqalre: ni merely abandon It lo thaax. We make, cu Aaaxd these humidcreating a reserve doubly difficult. Thj situation haa nine thing funtil ar about It. so familiar thst you laid to me' tbe morning we left St rióosHow far has our civilisation advanced slnoe the became so acute that a time limit haa boon she moved hastily forward, confronting the lohn's.1

mistakes aometlnies. Often the oor or meadows fringed with cool reared mplaced on man Is not so cold tnd hungry st be Is And the rtvri winding wsyaVdays of Narof the It owner with Mating rtr that should hold Ureinguard. must signify by November SO whether syet. "Tt It not you dirty tad ragged tnd gross. . . . There ara I sit there with my matesit will under the terms of the now law or not"Tog!" against me I wat beginning to regard a thousand hacking It ths branches of evil Where the rosrtog dry broadsWith the view of encouraging the negroes of Mlssla-- ' in the event that any great percentage rePuss,"Why not?" yoa as a friend." to one who Is striking at ths root, and it A thousand nnrr iinti 1

atppl to remain at their far pi work rather than to leave refusals ao far indicate, there will boas In-

dividual "You ram because you knew I was tail-

ing'Toa bad recognised the posaiMlluei of may be that ha who bestows the largest And a million Ilute needs.created this steamer?"on rrtendshlp even before you spoke."Jor the north upon th first offer or better pay, the situation harmful alike to the amount or timo sad money a tas needy out witn them I would goguard and to the "Partly. I Intended taking the trip. It "You are mistaken I had given It no is doing the most by bis mod Inor all thelife to dun anddirector of extension work of. ths stats agri-

culturalcorps, made no difference If I cam now or later thought." thai

grindproduce misery wMch he strives Wham tn tha mmilla sea et- -coilas la planning a serie of farmers' institutes Thsre are, of course, many thouaanda of able man BO. Do not misunderstand ros. It wat Dot "You know I was to he tntttod." vain to relieve ft It the ptoui slave breed-er

And tha 'desama are .state wvnator negroes. By teaching ths negroes better farming who have boon trained In military duties. The reserve for your rharnttng society, but because I sb did not answer dl ready "For two devoting the proceeds of every tenth Thus fancy brings releasemethods and pointing out th way of avoiding certain corps the nation Is capable of producing would bo enor-

mous,know It It not desirable for a woman, es-pecially

siiaki we haw nsnhe: of ut known who slsve to buy a Sundays liberty for ths cross bs trgHitsad ngakts young woman, to take tats trip th other waa. I do not even know your cars,crop conditions, it is hoped to Inores the usefulness of including former federal soldiers, guardemen. th alone," Basse, hat I am totot to ask you to my Ai d over at a Mssssd peaceth nag rose to tliemselvee and to ths state Much haa prod net of military training campa, schools and col-

leges."And how sax I to know you win sot home. Win yon osgas?" unaware!

already haga accomplished In this direction by negro There aaorns a disposition, however, not to en-roll,

make yourtstf as imptsMBat as other nao-pi- His seat sorMaed to a wonderful gasto. More on West FrontCounty agenta, who are working under the direction ora which is bat oat oral Undoubtedly la Mm of You are as much rrrtagtP M thsy " ?" (rrom tb hprtagfleid BepubUcanl To Teach Policemen.gatols demonstration agent of every man of military training would respond H regarded bar steadily. "Too win taka "And yoa stay WMI Part ivports thst the nernuuia (Frotn thenothai beck." bs said it last. uprtngfleld HapuMlcaaInstantly. In a tottxrrupted "You )' Um of peace the Individual will not come "No." She

longer have a general reserve and bate to It saatr bra am men it.., .v. .turned fresa Mm sttkiiql so-other

"Toa know me?A California cltiseo, stranded In Hawaii, worked his

forward, fearing perhape the enrollment of his name word. Toar picture stood on your brother rdraw men from sonic other rt or the Use' uiuon st Harvard It cocapkttely lh,i,rto Ban Franelas) might put a burden on him that hi fallow oittaon doe They rsn intoto inert an attach, ttoueral Maurice, who m,w thai Hie ni.lw.r.i k.. .way aa an silsr on a steamship In or-

derfog Mret otght. (Mpraasaxg, desk at college He ta my very goad frtoxM lo haveseems beentliat h might oaat his voto for Wilson. And yet

not Share. The further wo go Into Jar pareg noes the petettrsiing tog. There were eleven days sad the picture Is a won terful llkstte." HiiUah militaryassigned Uie role of or rmiriirtlon to pollcooxan. bat this la ma

some Hi Paso Iremeorata had to be ustuled to th polls clearer does It appear that universal training la the only uf it. snd um trip was lisgSliuid to a Hs did got consider H sanitary to tall "there ere more Haimnpress agent,

th,ii..aaya Hurt

equitable in which nut long before the fourteen days hs had the rrora hi rlgM du e. 11. si The aeimtineIn automobiles hlrsd the manner the hurdra can be carried Iter begged plrtui western front sé?by than ever."county committee before But bothwere up lav to a had offered menus or th .rsxVVad lbs only manner In whloh frlMtdllaesa. Pptsad. That would route Istei st. waa not higher v.there will hathay would consent to oaat their ballots. created a It wo; the attack it Urs Homme hasreserve worthy the was one thing to be stone In tunthra. ready for what hs had W ta and ha could of fttcwve snd th. ilka, m th psychology " 'nam. coarsesxtMj thomsr to bo asoae sad wssgasd axstm ratapetled t great inn sagitarias of crimínala lid rfeTMt... .1kí :A 4 Gentian troupa then. social sdraocax, V



MRS. ROBERT McCART,' Jr.. "Beans la Beans' Evangelist BoyleRy ásaneistid

, ata reaProas

smmi atarjMCA.

and tha coat to soaring Closes Revival at M'a'f' aw?skyward with pork, beer, Austin Park Church am exported to South America m the peatXIETY eggs and other foods until i nree eeas. axrerteo the alíennos Of teasfinancial rxxtBtBtutlty today w. tha broadenthe cost of living represents KvMftfUt Bojrto closed bis at Ing of this movem-n- t About MkMft.Om In

the Analta Park Christian church list nlrht sold haa roata to the sooth ra continentan increase of from 30 to 50 Th member of the board of the church, rrom the United Stairs this year. TVa

cent. WhOe and including Ua paator. war loud In their movement la made possible, hankers say.meatsper pralaao of kit asolee. TBey warn delighted by trade conditions aa a reenlt of whichvegetables ara beyond the t having ao many or the soldier boya at Houlh American counuiss. particularly Ar-

gentina,land tha meaner ao regularly. have bean a balance agamsl unareach of many millions of Ml who board If HTM till Boyle's aarmona cotmtry.

Mis H'ulff Hada Rebei-- t sfeCart, Jr Lonekhoaaen. Fred whitlork ShreMe4 Wheat than. Ha leaver thla morningA complete surprise lo Uia fashionable ara. Oerald Kalrhtld. Maurice families. with Mr. and Mr, ft. ft. Caab, Mr. and Mr

eat la ihe wedding or Mlaa Allra Henrietta A"shine. Fleming Page and l.loyd tillleaple Biscuit continues sell at M. K. Ration and Mr. and M ra. J. P. 00H1VMiirr Iba lorely daughter ir Mr. and Mra. The rooms were stir actively decorated to fr a trip In Uta Klepham Butt dam. Uponrodrrlro Wulfr, of Torreón, M lire, and In green and yellow A lar birthday cab the same old price and re-

tainshla raturn ha rosa lo Marra to vielt some

Robert Mrfrsrt, Jr.. of Inda. nnrengo, Max ornamented ths center or the table. It was manda aad will nreaeh Mr" mam. FromIco which took piara laat ventar at I iced In green decorated In yellow lighted the same high nutri-

tivethere ha will go to hla home IB Peleclnns.

o'clock at the homa or Un bride elster, rslwlleaMra. W. H. Jamiesoo. wlla or Dr. Jaime Captain and Mrs. Reaney were present quality. Shreddedon. or Uta carino apartnirnle and assisted Ibefr 1with lh young penpis. 1M ROOMS tar M4D COMrOffJT. Krumblea latheThe reremony waa very qulat and sim-ple, daughter (n entertaining. wheat biscuit contains allanil w.i performed In tha llvlnt; room Hotel Savoy, new and strictly first breakfaat )or Dr. and Mra. Jamteeon'a apartnirnta. He as) a art BUsa the rich body-buildi- nutri-

mentratee reasonable overland and Stan too Ad.

the presence or th- - family and naar The Klahth cavalry band played ror the m f food that givesralallrcs Ha. Henry Mater officiated tiinrint at the favalrv Officers in the whole wheat H you II the food jFollowing the ceremony a wedding air dull last evening. The affair was l'n- - Man Is Injured WhenIf" aerrao at ine Hotel Paao not), and waa attended by th? usual grain, including tha bran I value of whole JHnone.

Mr. and Mra. ateCart left later in thaJOUjT crown. coat, which is so useful in Auto Strikes Bicycle wheat, plus a 1

evcnlii ror Havana ami Hem- York, whera tai risk in Entertain the bowels V moat satisfy- - Ithey win apand all weeks or mora. Miss Clara Fink experta lo entertain keeping healthy R. S. Uniterm, aa employs or Ihe Lore is IRi muta thv win Mr. MoCartf iw.rtiv re MtaJ Emilia o i manna wnoae andacttve. Batitforanymeal Pegram company, was thrown rrom hla Ing flavor.parents at Fort Worth. Taiaa. They will marriaee to Nelson Rhelnhelmar tekiS bicycle In a collision with an automobile fjjoneinakn


lhaPaao thelt boma and will occupy place tha second of December. with milk or cream or in al San Antonio and Campbell streets yes-

terdayCaruso aiarUtients upon their hvirnlng it lo o'clock He escapedratum to Kl Paao. They will bf "at home" Luaehea for Bride combination with fruits. injury, however. His bicycle was badlyto friends shortly after lha hrat or Uta tare w J Kustaea Is lo give a luncheon damaged. The Identity of the driver la,year. on Friday. December I. at her home. North Madeat Niagara Falls, N.Y. not known.Mra. Mrcart hu been making El Paao El Paao Ifeel, complimentary k Missliar home slave the trouble lo Mexico and limllle ormsbes, a WMY NOTlita leen residing with her sister. Mra. Buy navajo rugs now. we guarantee anal- -Jsmleson, and Dr. j ami 'son Her mother Hamntnn Chanter la Meet Auto ArtWade Strides Bicycle, irn s Shop. City Nauonal Bankand two brothers, Harry and Carlos Wuirr. Tint wade Hampton chapter. II. D. C. wlU lildgrecently arrived here for the Dttrwedding. afternoon at I an o'clock,mar Mrs. Me: art's stay In Kl Paao ana has meet on Friday Breaking Boy's Leg;made many manda the smart set, at the Trlnlt M. church, ftouth. Tha CHINA Mrs T. A.amonr John T. Brown ramp and friends are cor Thurston, iota weal Missouri Phone m.and has enjoyed her share of popularity Driver Doesn't Stop Adv. IHi eoelsty . diaily inviten to attend

Mr. MrCart, Jr.. Is the son or Mr. andMrs. Hobert MrCart. Sr., or Port Worth. at Patliek AlUr Quilt. Roberto Firueroa. a it year-ol- boy, susTexaa. Por ttie past number or years he The at Patrick Altar nulld will meet Fri Utned s fractured right let whan he washas been maiding lo Inda. Durengo, Max- day afternoon with Mra. J. I. Drtseoll at thrown rrom hts bicycle In a collision with

He la manager or the Inde Hold Min her homa, ll Nevada street. an automobile si Montana and Brownr company and la aaaorlatsd with other streets at 19:10 o'clock yeaterday artemoon

Interests through the sute or Duranro. Dsnre Postponed. The drivr or ine automootte 010 not snipThe hlt-- school rofbsll team have post-

ponedHis Identltv was not learned bv

Woxaaa'a dab. their dance, which they had planned or the accident. A. N. Marrate. managerMra. Hal K. Christie, chairman, presided to give shortly and will give It upon their of the w. H. Austin neaity company

at the opening meeting or the current event return home from Austin, which will be t tna The New Edisonand literature rieparliusnl or the Woman's tha rtrst week In December. hospiui at th- police station, where hei inn neid yesieraay anamooa in toe auui waa attended h fir J L. Ollbert, assistantlor tun of the chili building. Other ofT! Mall. police aurgeon. Later the boy was recara or this department are Mra. A. 8. J

The HalDance




entertain with an Mra. McCart la tha bride of Robert Mot 'art. Jr., and before her roavrrlajre moved to hla home 4MH laat Sixthhylar. vice chairman; Mra. Neale. aec- - evening. Novem-

berlaat evening, waa Mlaa Alloa Henrietta, Wulfr. street.Informal dance on Friday IsMrs. H. I'. Jackson, treasurer, and hall. Giving Recitals and Musicalesthe Odd Fellows'M, at newMrs. H. P. Moaaott, chairman of music.

The minutes or the last meeting wareread bv the secretary. It was decided to Dea re at Motel Paaa del Nana. whsn the picture is ended you leave reel-

ing BEAUTY HELP Every Afternoon athold a callrd meeting aTter the meeting or Colonel Hamilton Dlaton Turner, of the better ror having seen IL "A Corner TODAY'Sthe current event and literature depart Second Pennsylvania Artillery, and the or-

nearaA muyeme nts in coiieens- win he shown st the nreeiao

in to decide upon the ball which the or hla leglment. are Issuing invita today lor the last time To those whowomen or the club bad planned to give tlons ror a nance to be given on December (Advertisement.) Tou can keep hair at Ha very beat Theon Thanks giving-- II, at the Hotel Paao del Norte. The af-

fairand those who ara Ured id the morbid and by washing; It with thla simple. Inex-

pensiveThe program n follow rd Mrs. Charles Is being given to celebrate the seventy PAY" SPBIX.N A NEW ONE 1 sordid moving pictures, ihls bl ight, rollick ahaunpoo, which clannsae thetndrrws sang a solo, with Mr. Evans at sixth anniversary or the regiment, which AT III CRAWrOwD. ins romantic play oi i. aweet young hair and acatlp thoroughly of all thathe piano. Hhe received a hearty applause rormerly waa the Second Pennaylvanla In-

fantryFrederick E. Fay, who has been mystify iireani is nearuiv rc, ominended. dandruff end dirt and leaves a olean, EdisonHum the audlenre and reaponded to an Captain K. Nowlen Is chairman ror Ins IIhe patrons of the Crawford theater all wholesome feetlcui: Just aencore. The suhl rt or the arorram was the arratr. this week, laid bare the mysteries of We VYIUWAM MARV MILKS MlvrKR.

useThe Romantic Novel." The romance of cabinet last nlrht to the amatement or an The management or the Wigwam takes of oanthrox dissolved In a

history written by Sir Walter Scott. Ales Tea DaasanL audience that filled the theater In Ha limit sperlal pleasure today In presenting the oup of water, afterwarde rlnalruy thor ConservatoryMra. W. H. Seamon Is to five a tea dan Tonight Mr. Pay will introduce his big Lady nalnty of the Screen." Marv Ml oughly with clean water. One findscussed by Mrs. J. T. Benio'n. The revivals sent next Saturday afternoon at her part sensational art. "The Black Bae or Bag Mlnter. In another of those superb Mutual that the hair dries quickly and evenlyid romances In modern literature In the manta In the Lucerne. dad," which promises to be more Interest American masterpieces. "Faith." All who la unatreaked, hrlg-ht- aoft and fluffy,Inulaworks

stevenaonor Rudyard




MrsIng and mystifying than the "Cabinet saw Mlas Mlnter In "Oniric's Adventure' ao fluffy in faot that It looka more Corner Oregon andBridge Marty. and In "Youth's Kndearlng Charm." will abundant than It la, and ao aoft thatJ. W. Lorentxen. currant events on local Mr. K. Mitchell it to give a bridge party Tomorrow artemoon Mr. Fay will gira ant to see her In her latest and greatesteoiulliioiis was led bv Mrs. Carl Smith home Bliss what he calls ar ranging It becomes a pleasure. Allon Friday afternoon at Iter on a personal matinee. By this production. It haa everything to recom-

mendBoulevard, whereupen discussion rollowed by a rew or the aralp Irritation will disappear and the westreet, comnllmentarr to her house guest. -- he means that all persons who attend the It Sperlal care waa used In choosnrinbcrs. The president then read tin Miss Thekla ErrkhofT, or San Francisco, matinee may have one question answered ing the scenario and the production was hair win be orárnter tnan ever be-

fore).schedule of renta ror the club building Cal. absolutely free and alone In booth Adv.There are no fees lists Mita Margare a made under the personal direction or have ample facilitiesespecially provided ror the purpoae. James Klrkwood. Mary Plrkford's directorinirhiork Is for this schedule reatar talártela.aad Mra.and desiring the use or the club Captain some of her greatest successes. Theanyone Can Lain and Mrs. Victor S. Foster en COMINti "NT. tftl.Y MARRIKTI." Is moat artistic and the sets to for all ofbuilding w til kindly get In touch wUtt the tertalned at dinner laat evening at the Por nine months, with not a single per-

formancephoUirraphysre eiaixiraie anu ej.suy 11 is worm wntte

care- - yourhalrman.Mra. 9. J. Freudentbal announced the Eighth Cavalry officers club, Fort Bliss. out. "Hearty Married" rilled the to call attention of Mary Plckford'g thou-

sandsopening meeting of the music, department preceding tlie hop Their gueeta ware Oalety theater. New York City, and waa or admirers to Mlaa Mlnter'a wants. We have manyMlaa Heard, Mlas Amy Heard. conceded to be Ihe moat attccesafulMargueriteor the club to be next Thursday even-


ment to our Mary and to her similarity Useful Giftin the auditorium or ths club. It Is Mrs. A. (J. Fisher, Captain L m. Nrciure. venture or laat year. In arUng. Her personal charm la aa Brest andLieutenant Vincent Krwln. and Wlnthrop This season there new beautifulare uiree "Nearly Maranil and her whlehto be In the rorm or a house warming, stage experience precededan excellent urogram la being arranged. Miller. ried" companies touting the country at W Inng screen experience haa made bar a

Mrs. I'reudenthel If rhalrman for that de prices, but even that does not deny El moat nnisneo actress, see stary antee sun things by the world'sTatrU Club Dear TeafJhLWestpartmcnt. The meeting then adjourned. rasoans ine privilege or witnessing ter once and you will want to see herMrs. S. H. uthrland, president, presid-

edThe west YsleU Country club will give famous automobile comedy at 60 cenia top whenever the appears. "Palth" Is the sur

at the called meeUng which rollowed. weekly dance at the clubhouse tonight. prices. In other words, there will be no attraction of Uie week. greatest artists. ComeII was moved and carried that Die ball Col. J. C. Richards, of the Sixteenth Penn ratea m pricaa mr this exceptional attrarwhich was to liavr been given on Thanks-giving

sylvania inrantry. will have tha sixteenth Hon at the next week, comevening will be postponed for a band, olay for (he dancing. Tha ballroom menrlnjf Monday night. November , el William Pox eRakaet ManteH and heat them d. Bring your

dale In February, probably on St. M Been prmnnao wixn naatmr anparaxiia though Tt will rost the Aitrfra Alden riavers amoer. hiday. ao the rueau will be comfortable during management far almve the usual cost or the Ply," directed by J. Oordon Kdwards

the evening. A large crowd Is expected. production. at the Rijou theater today far the last time Because it Combines friends.PartlrlpanU of Musical Drill Patrons or the popular stork should re It is the story of a beautiful woman who

Tha horse show authorities are upeet by Eatartalaa Brtdse Clo. member thxt the theater will present a road lures men to destruction. You will have Practicability Withtha fact that two regáñenle of cavalry have Mra. W. H. flhanberd entertained her attreruon on naturnsy and Sunday, al the chance today to aee a molt unusualbeen at the Melds ror 10 days and It la bridare club yesterday afternoon. The though the stork company will appear to olctiirenot known to how great an extent Ibis will guests or the club were Mrs. H. M. Hobhe Wight and tomorrow night, the offering Tita se lungs in acensa or me mbu or rouy. Beauty El Paso Phonograph Co.arraet the horse show cntrlea, but It will and Mra. C. E. Bradford. Next Wedneg oeing "ine i nree or i s which is suDDoaed to oe ownsa nv uueetiundoubtedly be detrimental. day tha club will meet with Mra. J. a Blanche, are duplicates or the roams In the the Omen Wristlet Watch

Rebearaala continue ror the musical drill, Crane. JUST TWO MORE PKHPOBMANCEft l Hall of Folly which nourished In Is tha parfaot timepieceone or the most interesting events or the Tonight and tomorrow night marks the Pana a rew years ago. Tna real Han or Corner jV. and Boulevard, captain W. ft.. H. Uodaon la drtinng laat two performances or ,TThe Three of Polly waa known ror the luxurTouanass or and perfect gift for wife, Oregonthe participants. Among those who will shower ror the Pythian sisters' Or us." as on Saturday and Sunday the Texas its fittings, tepeatrtei, paintings and works sister or sweetheart.rida in the musical drill are Mra. W. U. nóme at Weatherford. Texaa. was Orand will be occupied by a road musical of art, I. W. FOSTITCH, Mgr.Mlildleton. Mra. Aside from being a beau-

tifulNaill, leader; Mra. Troy given laat evening by Mature temóle show. The place flourished for many years, out

Klnnon Stevens, Mrs. James K. Slaters. the K. of P. hall In Those who of it'sMargaret Pythian In the desire to witness and enjoy eventually It was closed. re mis picture piece JewelryVance. Mrs. Clyde I. Eastman. Mra. C. K. Lamer Duimtnr mis snower ta to eerve one of the cleanest and prettiest western by all means at the'Rljou. I Is the best also an aoovrrata timekeeper.Koenier, Mrs. Victor s. Foster, Mrs. Her-

bertas a Thanksgiving offering. Mrs. Forren piays nr recent years snould avgn them William Pox production ever shown in RI The fact that It la made byK. Mann, Mrs. James U Collins, Mrs. Baker waa chairman for the err air. selves of this Information. The night prices Pasoi.'.,i'. n Moore. Mrs. Anderson. Mlas Beu- - musical program waa giren during the range rrom IS to to cents, and reserved seats the makers of the famous

lah Brown. Miss Kllxabelh Stevens, MissMiss

evening. may oe nan at the Crawford theater hot "CARMEN" AT THE TBI STATE TALHINU Oruen Verlthln Watches laHill.Hornhrixik. Miss Mary.coo icvr office or by calling Swia. The Audra Alden MACHINE COMPANY. your guarantee) of thatFlorence Yancey, MlasF.lsle Crawford. Miss

car SOCIETY PERSONALS piayers return n November Tonight at S:M p. oi. we will give a aomHeard,Kvniyn Jones and Miss Amy with the riamedv ur last year. píete Virtióla production or the opera. If you are contemplatingor the association; CapA. Brers, president "Mearlv Marrlul "Carmen." In addition lo Ihe music, which giving a watch aa a gift, balain K. Knglr. captain C. 1.. Kaelman, I. leu MUs Thekla F.rekhorr, or San Francisco,i. nam stoart Cramer. Lieutenant lloran Cal.. Is the house guest or Mra. E. Mitchell. will he sung bv Parrar, Caruso. Amato, sura to come In and see ourEXCEPTIONAL TALENT TOMORROW and oth-- great artista, an explanatoryxtruiafeiinw. Lieutenant Vincent Myer, of Bliss street. Wristlet Watches.NKJMT. be dereeding inNorman P. Morrow, Lieutenantleutenant ir all the acts that have madek p. corn Lieutenant Julian Barnes. Lieu Captain L. A. MeClure or the Sixteenth application

0. Rees, R. Kmmlt lllnea appear In the extra added program at tha Ing of the dirferrnl aelecllona will ba glv PRICK!tenant Thomas Infantry came up from Mexico to spend tomorrow la free lo all sAdmission(Friday) night, enand others. a few days here. He Is on bis way to 111 SOattend the University of Nevada. patrons win oe rorced to make arrange This Is the rtrst or a series or monthly

ixrhraiei. HlrUkatav Aanlvrraart. men's lo return to their homes by "owl" oi grand operas to be given by na up.Klltabrth Reanry, daughter of Captain afra. Federico Wuirr of Torreón. Mág-

ico,sperlal automobile service. Never in the In solid 14k. gold, IIT 00

Robert J. Reaney. celebrated tier history of local amusements have ao mam FRANCIS BUSHMAN PltUlAVand Mrs la the guest or her daughter, Mra. W. arte expressed a willingness lo for The Unique will have Francia Bushman up.thirteenth birthday anniversary wl'h an R. Jaraleaon. and Dr. Jamlrson. or the compete

the me caen prises aa nave and Heverly Bayne In "In tha Diplomaticdancing party last evening at Caro sao Mra. Wuirr already signifiedhome ol her párente In Richmond t rrare Kl Paso attend the wedding

cameor her

to their desire to lake part tomorrow night Harure" for Ihe apeclal attraction Friday, We also at all Ms hotThe Invited guests were Lucila Hlrkey daurhter, Misa Alice Henrietta Wuirr. to after the play "The Three of Ua." Saturday and Sunday. Thla la a five-ar- t carryLucila Walinouser, r.ucanein neeiiey , nciune

Robert McCart, Jr., which took place laat Aa a rule the haa played In Metro play presenting a vivid story ol times complete lineSmith. Isabel I'onieroy, Thelma Boone, evening at the home of Mra. Jamleson. apactiy euairnrf on its military nlrht love and international política, with Mr aMarv Nichols, Vera Hurst, Viola Allen and Friday but wiui a rnmbttintton of military Huahuian and Miss Bayne playing the leadsLucila Hlckry; Lang Franklin. Lawrence Mra. Oeorge Altken left yesterday ror a acta and those rrom civilian walks, the and you cau expect a claaty picture. of Elgin, Waltham

proposed show will be Ihe most extendedvisit or several weeks with mends In NewJersey and Mew York. nr like nature ever staged. and Hamilton Brace-

letPatrons who dealrn m avoid disappoint BREAKFASTMlsi Elate Crawford arrived HAVE DARK HAIR Watches.yesterdayCAN'T BEAT 'TIZ' rrom Loa Angelas, Cal to visit her

or seats. MM and make certain.cousins. Mr. and Mra. Harrv ft. Potterfor the winter. Mlas Crawford Is rrom "LITTLE I. lilt NEXT IHMMt." onMat orange. N. J., and anent nan or laat Startling expose and lively entertainmentwinter In the city with the Potters. ire cleverly and powarriiiu combined In AND LOOK YOUNGWHEN FEET HURT 'The Little Olrl Next I'ooi, which, after

Mra. B. L. Parrar, who haa hssn nattte long runs In Chicago. San Francisco. Los W- - T. Hixson A COLD MORNINGAngeles and olliec metrnnoliun center-- .III at oHtel Dteu. waa removed to her homeon Montana yeaterday Her roualn. Mrs. cornea ror the nrat time In the WigwamMary p. Wilson, of Colorado Springs, ar theater Sunday. This pimtodrama. which Companyrived vea te to mend a nwmth nr nan,. is orougni to Texaa hy me largo booking tea"Ta" for tired, puffed Don't stay gray I Nobody OSsore, up wiUi nor. concern, usyea. con a ttyiann. lias r Milla and Mas

aching, caJouned iW rorded Ihe greateat hit of any film produi wlten you darken graj, taated hair Electrically Percolated Coffee it always madeMlaS Leah Laeorakv (If TaiaisVana la aw. Hon In the large rllles this year. It wl with ajfatea Teat aad Hnlpbttr.or corns peeled Sunday to Spend aeveral months piove bare, as elsawhepe. the llvelleal just right and your second cup is as hot as the first.

WIUI Nr. and Mra. I. Winner ,.r th. topic or discussion rurnished by any localOeorgette apartiuenU. theater since "Damaged Hoods" waa shown Orandmother kept her hair beauti-

fullyat Ihe wigwam. darkened, glossy and attractive Brown Toast, hot from Elec-

tricCrisp piping anMra. W. H Plum will entertabt this after "The title lilrl Next Door" may he with brew of Here Tea and Sulphur. PIANOScalled sensational ir thai aby teem one meansnoon



at barto six


4B0Iwith an the exhibition or Uie unusual. The play Whenever her hair took on that dull, old on easy terina Toaster can be made on your breakfast tableHasting throws a attong searchlight into tha civic faded nr streaked appearance, thisstreet, Uovernment Hill. nomttllnieiiUrv in rat holes that were discovered by the In simple mixture waa applied with won-

derfulViolins, Maatranslna, Guitars. as want it.tlte Wbmen's Missionary society or Trinity veatlgaUon of the ransuua Illinois Welrare effect. By aaklnej at any drug DUNN'S MUSIC STORE you

Methodist church. commission. It doea II without beingsordid or uiaudllu. aa In the raae uf scenario store

Compound,"for "Wyeth'a

you willHace

etanda large



404 Ban Antonio Ms,Start the day right with an Electrically pre-

paredbaaed the ItMlaa Rertha Watson r Eagle Paaa it plays on imagination. la a or llila recipe. Improved

la Ung with her sister, Mra. Prank Ter- - diBSSSllsilloii or conditions aa aniaung as Breakfast. The will lessrell, for soaxte tima they are true. Kvery Incident lieart the by the addition of other Ingredients, current cost youstamp of authenticity by tbe records of all ready to use, fop about S centsthat coinndaeloo. "The Llltle (Hrt Rail Thla simple misture can be depended KXCHAMGK YOUR OLD GOODS than four cents a day.

Special Agent or the Treasury Denart- - Tkmii" provokes dlsciiaaioii beeauaa lite upon to restore natural color and "OR NKW.ment Charlea K. Lewla le yeaterday ror stale or affairs It laya bare Is little drnanu d beauty to the hair.New York. Pj attend a conference of the of by Ihe average in, n WESTERN FURNITURE CO.apeclal agents, collectors .and appraisers of lie atorlea of actual undlUona are bound A n downtown drugglat

to Da said there next week. Be lotelher by an engaging romance In which says everybody tlsss WyeMt'e Sage "ITao savors That llaves Yob in and See the New atDrop Appliancesfore returning o Kl Paao, Mr. Lewla will Its Hule heroine sup)llrs thrill aTler thrill and Sulphur Compound now becatireIn a mo-

ment.bis aa she eerapee by a hair's breadth rrom It darkens ao naturally and evanlyYou can ov nappy-foote- d spend annual vacation vlsluna; with Ourpern The l.lule olrl Next boor" began US-IS- a Ntaolou. Officetall It hasIlea "Tl" and never Buffer mends acid relatitea In DeUo't and Chicago lis career with a rerord of si crowded that nobody can been ap-

pliedand other eastern points. weeka at the La dalle theater, Chicago It's so easy to ose, too. Toowith tender, raw, burning;, Mastered, Coma to the matinee Sunday. simply dampen a comb or aoft brushawollen, tired, aching feat. "Tlx" and Mrs. Mary Webb, who retamed leiaaillt and draw It through your hair, tak-

ingonly "Tía" take the pain and aore-naa- front California, haa taken an aiiaruurnt at LAST DAY FOR "A CORNER IN one strand at a time. By morn-ing

Need Glasses? Ask Segallout of coma, callouatea and bun-

ions.xw7 r.aet Boulevard. AT THE aRJU:UN. the gray hair disappears; after El PasoPerhaps a purer, ieeeter, tuote appealing another uppluwtioo or two, it Is re Scientific Eye Examination

Howe made chili cael picture Hum "A corn r in Colleens'' has stored to its natural color and lookscarne, rnrhl ladeaAs aoun aa you put your feet In a teníalas Orders taken for family psrttea never been made, at ieaat no picture mat glossy, aoft and beautiful This prep-aration

1 Paso Optical Co."Tit" nntli. you Juet feel the happi-

nesshaa been ahuwn in Kl Peso m toas whlio

eoaklna In Mow aood your poor, Florencei ocurrí.




Ad.JOIUOII. 110 it eoutalned ao much guuuine humor, ao many is a delightful )olUi requisite, 106 Teaaa St, near Orogon

old feet feel. They want to dance nie.isuhle human tuuctirs aid surh a tt Is not Intended for the cure, miti-gation Established 101 Electric Railwayfor lo. "Tta" la Brand- "Tla" In Ml RT IN PALL PROM TMfCk satlaiarPM-ll- happy ending. Ueesla ain, or prevention of dlaeasa. Arv.

ntantly drawe out all the polaonoua Juan lerda received a deep gash In bla cale, as tbe little raiechicmue oileen, Jusjror ahead when he fell rrom an automobile Mini. - her way into Ine innermost receaae.

exudatlona which ptjrr up your teet truck at Overland and Oregon aireóte at or your heart --and you love tier for ev iyand oBuae aore. Inflamad, achina, i ociock yesterday afternoon He was Ml of devilment she doea She la the per Companysweaty feet. orougni to the emeraeBry hospital, where aounicaiiiHi oi mm) am. nuunitng youtn GEO. H. H1GGINS, ML D. MEXICAN DISHES

Dr. i. L. (lllberl. aaslllant police she loves life and everything In lire andUet a box of "Tin" at any surgeon,site derives aolld Joy out ul every Util HowsopathJc shtystrlaa, HOT AND IsAVOHY

drue store or department atora. Oat harmless prank aur playa. Tha story la of 111 Capíes Bldgt ORIGINAL MEXICAN Phone 2323 Electric BUf.Instant relief. Uugh at foot auf the kind Met gets netil next to you, and MtONi: NO. SSe.forera who complain. Because your I se iBdlea atoaBMaBdPotMrr far you aim kri and smile and then Uugh right RESTAURANTto bother loud end you reel lust liauny PMgBBsa of látanla sad t Uildxeaifeet are never, never coins Art Mtan. City National out aa as ASI Mase, Angelus Hotelthe larerree couple of youiurul lovers, gjaopfc.

cur make you limp any more. Adv. and




PLAY GAMES TODAY E Officials Named for Minee-Hig- h Game Saturday TABLED BY BOSSES VAN SURDAM'SOhio and Pennsylvania Outfits Fraternity Leader Fails to Make FOOTBALL COLUMN FATJTMAMix It at Camp Stewart; Progress si New Orleans

Coach l.oftua of tba hlgb acbool gnawersOther Date On. Session. coach Mrkale'a nrotegt aa follow J o ta Paso's r.witMill random will lie eftnrded ier Van: Iteplvhig to rur rejtieat thatIHItJI llnr lo tfwndy l aniiiilin i,t. to th- - rnnalltiiUon of ttw a I eiprel injf vlw relative to Oiach Mr

rimteitt In the pan rd timj arur norial nation of Prolraalonal Baaauall kaie'a prate at agalnat the hi Paao Mars Cíparettefootball Marrrr ranva irlwiiM for trill l.ranr wr ronaldarad at hinlaht'a aa arhool r.iotl.all playara belrur put In theafternoon. Csmi' i. mn rtn will aw the alon of th' iirtantti annual merlina herr. aaiM elaaa with bli University of AiixonaFourth uhlii Inttntrv anil the Third fM Mm ma ih iiiin IlllbllllU Wars propoaaia to men In the lection or an honorary footSylvanta Nld artillery Minada rlaah. wiUi radurr ih mrmbarahlp of th national liall team In thla taction of the country.ta artillery raen of an eaty Ik. ar.i from nine to flo, providing ror I baa; to expreaa a few dlffarencct of

over the Nun urda. rrprr.iMii iii. n by Iba minor lfagua in tba opinionTna Sercrnd Ma-- huaetts sinbiilaii'' nati'inni liaarhall canmlaaton. rluuigva In "The vrrv fart that the Dnlvarrltr of

coruiniiy and ilw Mthth Ohio Inrarttrv ire rnllnir- - of tba nathiml board, r iHmiii Arltona coach make a protest seem to

avocad to lock honya on Uie Klthlli i laU in ..r kaguaa and othar matter involv eaSkbllah the ability of tile KI Paao highfield lert rrlatlona bfl"tl ami rind. cnooi cootoaii inayer aa a lacior e iaeTie medli ln rase ldra neve Ing playara ronaldered In tna geiectlon of thl honor-

arynotiilnr undom t wrrrt inr team, and Th.- minor rluha at the ariarno"n apaalonI'am Thla la strengthened by hitdrariit ronridcni on the iart of tli ifhlo volril inianlmoiialy to labia fnur daniand ofatnnalon there may lar playerathat,avn. who .po to aijt UV lttt-- Hi" am ol ría- ll playrra' fratrrnlty uh Kiiarmgnuersity or caliber on Hie hlgb

bulan' squad la rejnty to mas a atroOff mill". in writing by I'raaldant David rhool team. If they deaerve a meritediad for the Ion end of the .din-- . FillU. fha ilrmanda wi afolli leeogiiitlon. I am alrnngly In favor of It,Tba Rio Urtndr prk will lie the rfJ llllmlpatmn of allgd contraria permit-

tingalthough I can appreciate Coaeb McKale's

of a riah Saturday arVrmmn laviaei-- rluh In auapand Injuri o playara; giv-ing iHititlon. However, ir tha high achuol team

in-i Uanla arlllwn ami II ir.t playira Uh rltrbt to algn new ronlrarta played under tha name or "institute."North Carolina Infantrj in- rtauir imninlial ly afver tbalr unconditional rr "academy ' or anme such appellation, Coa. hday afVrrKNiti ..iun Iwm lega ullowaara to minor league player Mekale would readily recognise ua. What a TWasvajiWrkwaSjsMtWthe Knruie.'ra and Ilw Hr''"' irlll of traveling; exponaea from thlr riomc Hub Hi a nao t Our team by another nametery at th School of Win. to i In hib'g city or II tprtng training muid play Just as good. If tba playing

Looking torwai.i to what "i win ramp and ehangea In tha procedure ur th ability of theae boya enutlea Stem to aaba Uwdr hardrt tato l II a..n th national hoard In plavara' claim caaaa ao honorary piare, tha mere fart that ttiey gleton, B W W. L. ftyttwortn,Thinv third Vlrhiran mm ara indy to aa I" rive the fraternity notice of the rluh a are labeled ' high arhool" should not de-

prive fleorr F.vant Roy Yonge, C. ti. Newman.scrap Ih- - Finn Hi ml hnn h th- - .! fine and opportunity to reply. them of that recognition MORE THAN SIXTY A r. coiea. latvia oro., ver." a"Rio i.iaod park From lh ki t. rr until The ronvinllon arlad upon tna fraternity'! "Cnarb Mckale't plea that the high triiool W Kayter. T. M, Wlngo. J. H. PtaBona.tna rinah-- Ulta arum-- boilld - hotlj COS demand after Secretary Karrell, of should not ba represented be rauta "It Bryan Broa.. W. H. Wagner. T. H. Roaert,trttrd. If Uw Mlrluitatiih'ia prove aa rood aaaoclatlon. hail argued agalnat them. There alvrt college rnofball in Ml taction a H 1.0 Keiiv Pollard, standIn actual play a In j' waa no argument In aupport of thitn. black eya ror anyone to read In Spalding"! ard iirorery Co fik Auto auppiy Co., c.

all ihe Icagrtea which ara meuiher of nffirial cuide that a hlgb acbool player CITY FIRMS JOIN F. Johnton k .. W. L Amonen, E. T.

the aaaoriatlon held eonfereoeei today, hut is ranaco wnn conege playera on tne Kdwardt, í. 0. McOracly, R. C. Kolar, F.BENNY LEONARD IS SO imporunt action wag annonnr. b fust elevan' la one of tba a ironfeat rea M. Man W 11 waft. V. B. Andreaa.aona why they should be rerognlied. J. Miller Wllnttrth, C. B sttevens.DUNDEE'S MASTER "Football men will agree with me. I ba-tiere, t. t:ampbeii. S. bavis, Henry

that Uw standard of college and HIGHWAY LEAGUE tdlfton, Harvey Wlhox, n. I. fnveiimlveralty football In II la teetlon la not A. Leppel, nave cmrkett. H jraBiby twanrlsi-- d Pre. WHAT BECAME OF nearly aa high at It tbould be. At these Klrkpttrlrk. Oeorge l.elltmn, JohnPhiladrlpiiii. Nov. II ltrnn r.inard. of roilegea grow older, and tha country more M. wyatt ana l m i.mnn.New Years, h aupfiior mi tirruWiip. settled, they will gradually come Into theiraim. tin popular d lalon .on Juhttny own. and leave the El Paao high airsnnl hi 111 vmi I WITS UH.fiiiiid, or uii' same city, In a six round far behind, ao If tha high acbool boya de Many Btatsaats Man Become sie- - Lr"10fl. Nov. IV F.lghly negrot iut her tonnrhl. Th riant waa faal DEAD GUARDSMEN? aerve racotnitlon, I am ror giving it to stevedores rrom nal more, who loaded thethroughout, with nmard hailn tin bal them now. At ror the present, the more Affiliatexl With Texas Good canro of the Herman submarine Deutsrh-lan-tr or rour or tin all round ronard rnmpatltlon the college men have, the Roads Association. last week. hav been ordered to re-

turnwtrbtd tM and luinde IWL, pound. greater will be tha spur to rat ta tbalr It learned to- on January wasplaying ttartdtrd. Tin cannot he done official or the F.eatern For-

wardingby merely Ignoring high arhooi't clalme to Klxty-flv- F.l Paao husmeas men and While

FAST WORKS FEATURE Phoenix Papar Discovert That a representation on the firma have become member of the Kl company declined to orfer an ex-

planationand arbitrarily bolstering up Ihe college Paao Highway league und through that or or the order, Ihe belief prevailsDAY FOR PRINCETON Úrlrhl

Twenty-fiv- e Have Been Slain standard In this tectum. sanitation the Texas flood Hoadt associa-tion,

that another norman submarine may beHtar lUfrt'i'Vta. Man. " tn El Paso Recently. Instead of the I'nlveralty of Aiixona hy the simple prooatt of paying t expected about that time or that the

to pity high tchnof, and then pro Into the Chamber of Commerce. Many Deuttchland may make another trip ao lat".l Pf letting that we thould not be ronaldered. otherg have ilgued but have not paid the Although Uie Deutschltnd't cargo was

Cambrldrr. Maat.. Viv r. In today'i What became or the rorpae of ti national the Uang ror coach Mrkale to do la tn ineremre are not eligióte w loaded several clays ago and the hat pro-

visionsfiKitiaii practica m liv atMliutn. thr YALE STUDENTS PAY guardainen alain In El Paao during the paat Nay them and wartiip them, which I con-fidently

Rand These ar urged to pay at onre ror en daya on board, the Um ofa which rrx i Princeton laal II til W MM II queauon calculated believe they bmild do. That would in order that they may be ltiued the but Iter departure still waa uncertain at a lata

- Sefeeted it lo a in an huur'a TRIBUTE TO SHEVLIN Mine' MalrMtaj. nearly put Mgh arhool out af tha run tons and carda which make them mem-ba- r hour. Her crew was riven thore leave to-

night.ttniirrle with th h am later whan th" nl holding liHiueata over tile bodl ning, matead or leaving ft an open con- of th aula association.ernitid Ikiiii I up afalnl Uw Varally uii orina, or the High eleven, and a meet violent deaths In tola rllv and tentlnn as It la now The nrlintn mimoae In tha organisationH team, tnada no or Um uititiiui, who lly Aaanclated Prega. Coach riwyer. of the Mlna team, yea rounly. II will probably come aa ome- "KB A MX lrTtJ8., of the Kl Paso Highway league at a branchara rertrd t a likely to trt in Iba rimo New Haven. CSOS., Nov. 1. Tribute to terday aalectefl offlrlala for the hlg ihlng or a turprlae to tba people of Rl at, a a of tba Chamber of Commerce, la to work El Paso Jail andaiini Brown i Saturday, neither I to Pa., to learn that tola number or guarda-- Coach Dwyar or the Minea will write athe nieinnr) or Thouiaa I.. ronn-- r game at the High atadliim Sahnday af for the ronatrnrtlon or the Kl Paso to tortwaa aliL- la M 1. on Ttiey follow. men have been killed In the city but thai letter on Ma tubjert In t raw dtys It Wortb hlgtrway. connecting Kl Paso with Ftre Station Will Be

Tba second Harvard trim la srhrdnh-- Yale football (plain and coach, who died Weferee H. K. an Surdaiii. Wealeyan. story iinil be true, lince it appear. In the la imped that all the fang who tea the the great nignwajfi rrom ua r.ast anain piav ih. BrAiBrS aarntal wain Saturday. laal winter, waa paid by Val ataden ta at Ufsplra I.. W. vV ihb'll. Mew Mexico rolumna of Hid phoenix Hepnblu an, an game Saturday will watch the work of end North that center at fort Worth, and alto Offered for Sale

maaa Araiea. eminently reliable puhllrallon with a Urge Cheat, half back fox and lineman Catey for the bulldtov of Ins road from San An-

tonioa meeting tonight. The mention or

Head llneaman Syke William. Sewa-- rirriilailon In Aidliona. That the "whole of the Mati: alto the two walkers, and boh to Kl Paso. Today the city jail and lh? central fireANNIVERSARY OF Shevlln'a name hy one of Ihe prikera. nee. sale slaughter" In tha eeareaated district arte, of tna Minea, and then drop the Irramrtant mart legislation will be urirurt station will he cm the market ror tale. A

Ib tu(lriita rosa In a laid.v mid gave the Timekeeper Holm. Hprhlgfleld Y M. could have escaped the attention or tba a port desk of the Times their opinion" tt the coming meeting of the Texas legis-lature.

resolution aulhoruing the aalc nr the rltyunlvralty cheer with nine "flhevllna" at C. A . and i:apuiu Kldd. nklthoma Ag pollra and the provoal guard It llkewlto Among Uie measures that will be property la scheduled to ronie before theHie end a tt'i Slwvlln came 10 Mew glea. surprising. Ihe police committee tin! the urged will be one to create a sute Mgh city council nils morning. The city haaHaven from ihe weal and developed what Aa to the ime, coach l.oftua aaya: army authorities thould look into th mat-ta- way romnussion. reías ana inniene are imrrliaaed the countv Jail and intend mov-In-

FALL OF JUAREZ ae mcd to lie a hnpeleaaly b'MU ii team Into know the Minera ar coming hark and at leaat producá the corpses of HEARD ABOUT only Slave in iras union uhi mi uuv Into It as toon tt Ihe new county Jillone that won ovu I'rinci ion atrong and thai It Will be a hunch the slain The rate or the militiaman killed have such a commission and as a result on the roof or the new court houte 11

Heart on ti "Tart" Junea. pit k garas Tor ua to Win." in the Coney Island !.. n doubtleaa refera HOTEL LOBBIES they are retting none of the federal ap-

propriationcompleted and ready Inr occupancy. The

er at the meeting, al. that the two"(1 Coach liwyer alxea up the outlook aa to tha kllllnr of Sergeant uwen Blerne, a detlned to aatltl the state, consideration paid for the county jail prop-ertyYale captain. In hp opinion, were rtbaflls follow "I feel lhat tin- - game will be veteran of the regular aervlre, and for counties and cummunltle In the work of was M3,lfl0, and the tale waa mtda

and lllaek. pr aenf leader or th. elefsn Hi. beat rohteat that haa buen .en in whose death the. ranger in question It now Fern people lettered about the hotel lob building and extending food mads When-ever

through A. P. coles, appointed by the com-

missioners TheBorder Town Neglects .to Cele-

brateawaiting trial. night. of them sought tfeelr Texas swings Into line and r.rettei 1 to dispose of Ihe property.Jgnea aNik. oiilmlatically or ule chancea thla aertloQ and thai It will b any Met lstt Most affirmed the salehighway omtiKssicin. federal money win romnilssbinen yestenlt.vThat Mexlrant bold the InIn ti e I'rlncet m game on Sutiinlay. Imdy'a. haul' nirhi to the final whlatle.". guardsmen unmet or else went m imr wanu ruoina deedThird Anrihrersary of Its be available. and aulhorlr.ed Mr. Colea to draw arouteinpt win alto be newt to the people to spend the night. A change was notlrrd vFollowing It the nal or those wno nave conveying the Jal to ths city.Deliverance From Huerta. of F.I Paao, but It muat be true, unlet the rrom tne usual crowds won apena xneir eveHe publican (perish the thought; could be nlngt about the lobblea signed up for membership In the El Paso It la stated that the proreeda from ihe

tain of the city Jail and centra' tallón willthe Highway league and nave pain tneir memListen to following harrowing or n. m.Mrs. Jonn Montgomery Tyrone, be used to for the county jail and toYeaterdav marked the third annlvaragry It a ruest at the Hotel McCoy. bershlp fee: payof the capture or Juaret by villa Arltona publlcatliin In quaatlon: Mrs. C. c. Lea of Lsa Cruces, n. m it Burt ornaorrr. president; Mtiroim a. build another fire stationand th" downfall or .1 iwwer or um nssrtt Prater, tecretary; W. 0. Roe, Fit Ford. The ordinances aiilburlilna; the calling orgovernmeul in northern Mailro. JÜJST SPOKT FOR JUST SPOJRT "Fully St militiamen, amour thjuae who stopping tt tiie Hotel Zrlgcr

M. Torrrilnaon. Robert Krakauer. 0. W. Ihe tJN.nOu bond election will be presentedJourneyed to F.l Pato, Texas, during the K:ioa snviier. a mercnani 01 new neriui Thelten, Fred W. Norton, Leo Trask. W. H. to the rllv council thl morning ror theirJnat thue year ago, November 15, WIS. Mexlran have Uvea Ohio, and hit family ara stopptor st the beingreoent .rials, lot! tbalr Hheltnn. A. W. Blttlrk, .ark Sllversntrre. final retdlnr. The latutncea are

Villa ncakeil int.. the bonier town on u Hotel r.elrer.-- 33 Mac, as a reuní or outrage a rnnxmiuad agalnat K. T. Amonen, W It. Illllltrd, J C. Perry. asked for the Installation of a deep stormfri iaht nam which he hart romniandeereil Kl HasE Otear it. Wood of Chatnberaoe, N. M., It Untrs tt tha disposal plant.them at The exact ntauber or 0. 0. Btkoriky. R. A. WhIUork. C B. newer, septiraona- dltanre aoutb, aurprlaed the garrl ÉliuaíHea win rtil)l.v naver WJTnoWn. rearlttaraaWat tba Hotal fMwMofVf: Wbodworth. Fred Woortworth. I. V. Sin and for street loading and sew r .e,ionwin capturad the town almoat ilhnnl AClROgS TEE BOARD Ato BACK ducted

owing toby


strict cenaorslUnorriruls

being con atfl.



onidoriT.of Denoar. fiólo., stopping funds

Moat or the nrfircra and t large number "During a recent visit to tba Pssf City,of Uie federal aoldhira aaraped tn K.I PstO, Bg try scHNLiuiui- - Phoenix men learned of many of theae ARMY ORDERSMl arjaaa or more of Uioaa who re atrocities Hit Informant were reliable 30 Years of Rheumatismnauneit bahtDd were executed under order I IDA IKK RISKS TO HK.MAHK hat haa lacking; In the hlg Kaat Texaa men and officers in ihe ntllltia service, but HpHal in tha Maratator villa, who from tlv day or Ida arrival My' since Colonel Mail WIIUI of Ihe burg John may rorm a stork company, their name are being withheld owing to waawngwe. near. JOHN B BKNSTBT,In Juaret until laat Heeeniber retualued Chih Juaret has billed Hie and he may tell the learn uutrtvut. It It tne law. Strvanlb InfantrT liauuaiaas ntioatLabaoluic tuaaler of northern HSStfO mullid, in ror the coming winter meet-

ingalmost a chu'h thai he will do something "In each In the

tvUMIh mfailri, RALPH C



Instance, however, man to toante Infamo, oujor.riiilowinr th iikiir of Juareat there waa tt the I. .. ai track, the lean, hungry. with the nutrit ror i.anliier hefore he varlnui regiments had been .killed, to that 1,111,11. Ill .111 HT .A VIM Took S. S.S.-1N- 0W Wella right at Tierra blanca, a abort illtam e geiierutlnr or the burttrda áTtSaaanWorry day n to Bl Paao. II was McCloakey wlm my Informante knew of which they tpoke. faacrr. major, aaalanad lo joarpnaoulh. wlu'ic ihe f..e j- - weir airaln rout or Die I.I... k have come to an cud. Thla sold tha Salt Lake club ror im k Cbotey. F. JAIIA. rSpSSW 9VWL IlllSIUIf. lUBlOT

Uiliu 1I11..1 naa taken without the rir It v new., igyi ike I Mo longer will and It waa McCloakey who first polnlaa They, In manywho

caaat, furnlthed Ihe namea Twenlr nnh Infantrr; Al.VAN B HKAIIing or a lint. rtahador It. Mar he wear tot with Ihe reet long since the Mormont fur the big money by

or tna men had been murdered. Ninth Infsnlo. al. Mladktd U Nlnlk Thirty sufferer from her Rhrmatiam, and at the same"A wholesale slaughter took place In the JOHN a HAVls. flat Iksutanaat. NlnaUaeSi years aradn. with in. 4,O0U nen abandon!! thn si uffi'd ihisadbaN, Ths day- - ol rpraaa hint the barkert to butt into tbaropiul and rrlieaiuir acroaa thn deaart to Inr a n isi roup rard over wn laya or Coast league, after breaking away from segregated districts not many weckt ago,Twsntvfanlrj. raotaln,

smiui lalsiiirv.KARL ('. BUCK, nnt Uwloianl Rheumatism without relief, then time replenish the blood with theresulting In Ihe death or militiamenojinaga. At ujlnaga. In January. Pill, Mer more while wailing ror a rair prtuo the old Union aasorlation. , two fantrj. JBSF. HAXTKB. thatS. S. S qualitiesradn put up a brief battle agalnat Villa and aaalnal a banglail that he luipis-n- to and 14 Mexlcant. At a retult order were at Infantrr. stsaln. rlahll, findinrr perfect health in strength giving

then arroai n- bin Grande and hare under rover are also rone. Mine a a a potted at each ramp prohibiting any rtdlltln TUlrdis the experience of Mrs. Brame only S. S. S. can give. The suc-

cesswith hi men aurrondarnd to l.ieutnuant It la a chicli that It will he the Iran Men. COAST PltoMnmis n man or regular from frequenting the dls Infsnlri. ruSdn. aaalctiad Ttllrd InfsnCrT. UxTP H.

Oiloncl M'chaet M. MrNamee. at that tina' Hit eaaon racing la bound to Is one THUS!. football gamea wherein the trici For a few weeks this order wat mSnSMAU,. firstThlrUwth

IkmUnanl. ThlruwUiA. BtVLO0rT

Infsnur of Texas. Read her letter: of S. S. S. in such cases, asmajor In ouninaiid of a iuailm!i of Hie or ghiilunaly grand plenty lor the university elevent are to meet rigidly enforced, but the lid haa recently BROWN,

nauuln. aasutwdnns Itaateaaat. KtahlT

Infapur;Infante,, ra well in other blood disorders,fifteenth cavalry at rtailaHn dopealer w ho know . e ah lo pick Ihe eastern college crack crews are a er been lifted. BXihlh lof antra: jAÍÜEa m lAxMirrr. July tl, 11R as

l.aler Villa led hla nam agalnat Torreón. hi lu an event ami then haa Ihe ish lot. Their barnstorming piaviug "A Texat ranger killed a militiaman In iMntcaaaM, Tsmr ihlnl Inantra, cáptala, a Swift Spstttflo Co.. Atlanta, da. is due to the fact that tha in-

gredientseoiirasTe to wager accordingly. Ike lirsaiasnH with Hie eattern rollage a saloon known aa the 'Coney Island' a few Tl,l,t. Infsnlri: BUflKNtT BOHINSONraralecaa. tguaacallrnlea, lm and f

wihe to go on record a Haying there team, are all made with the umler weeks aso. Ill feeling between the mtlltla lleuuosnl. Tsranlv hfUi, raplaln. aaagasa I Buffered with Rheumatlrun of S. S. 9. are purelynally into Metlm lly. wlieu the r or are two thing- - he an So batial than suuullnr that none or the travelins men and Texas ranger waa, aa a result, at Infantrr CLTUK Y. EASTUAN. flat ItoaUaiaat. for about thirty years, and nevarHuerta waa broken an dlhe aged uaiirer Tsraotiatk tnfantr, raptaln. .laSgaacI TwaoUsUi tn vegetable and distinguiahed forwaa driven Into exile. anything else, and they are the tirtlnv tor. s are to play at Intermediate points, mver neat and threat or violence by both fanlra: JKMUC ft IHIAlN. flr.i ItsuUaaat. Nlnlli In found a crura till I took H. a H.

r the 1 gallnpart from the akatet either golnv or romlnv- That It why factlont ware made. Brother militiamen faatra. nam tin. ALKXANHUt W tlin.TON. nrat I am now tn perfect health and their restoring properties.and rctrlng not to bet hit own money. lb ward fierry wlret the Times rrom or the murdered toIdler twore that they II.. Twsntj fouiUi Inf antra, naptaja WrjJJJkM no mora nervous worry. I can-

nota a Philadelphia that his Pennty Irani will would lynni the. ranger who com ml lied tne B. MOBBISOH mat Uwlsciaat. BSvaaUi Infantry, say too muoti for what It 'did Blood Need AssistanceJ.'IIIjin fliat llwUoaat,lie unable to rill a date at El Paao. It w..crime, lie waa transferred rrom al PatoAM hAOK PIIICK AHAINST tVi'ui for me. It la the only blood tonto blood haveto tend team of Your must some-

thingwas planned a pickedSmoked to anoxner aitinr.i, however, ami tne threatCigarettes Till during lun daya of racing mi ihe Army league foot bailers annual cha SUM a rut,"- In my estimation. I will always

tracks In the t9U flf: urn iiiru uaa uvou awpOTJUWJ auoouru. auy, captain, aamtaaa rim um to assist it in sustaining youryear if ressoramend It to aufferer.I'ennay that team could be dated In Militiamen and regulara are now prohibited UOfa. ArM tahua. TMrttah tnfanlrr. cáptala. everyurert lea iban t u straight, lloli here late thla fail. from patronising thl a aaloon. augaar Tbtruau mraobrrt laai ti.s sum. rum I am, health and S. S. S. is Nature'splace and to to auuw. uraiuit le to - ' laraaan. Hala lUd Thu-l-fFor 22 Years tu I Iran; hi ; .0 to place and to ' "Texas rangert ara state orneara, pre-

sided nna urfaaur: A1JCXAMDKB W. MUSC ftm Saa- - Raarpeetfnlly, remedy for just such requirements.over by the governor. cannot afRS. B. n. BRAMK.1 for a like nuiidesr id race and rarinc They tanaof, oataala: WILLIAM J. btcahuhbt. ftdayt In Kentucky that ame year, where be placed under arrest by any city, tute Untenant. TMrUanUt Infanin. liaalttn. attlgaarl to Mineral drugs should be left enthe mutiléis were In operation Win u a or rectoral orflcer without the content of the Tttlrt.aUi Infante.. BIC1KNB B flflllSBHftLDBB. Mrs. Brame' s case is typical of blood distin fine Twtsil, fUtaii InfauUr. raiKaul. aa tirely alone in treatingfor leaaon have almoatHabit Was Ruining Him, Bat Ha player la getting letter than H to I on governor they

áaiMd Tblrli ront tnf antra: JAMBS O. TATLOB. others who have foundi to ahota II oiiuiIk like chrlilmat a free hand. many eases as they are dangerous.Conquered It in Three tune, and Ike propose to have the Yule "On another occasion three militiaman irtT?adUTair?rtln Jtf. S. S. S. the only relief from

tide with him all the race aaason. II' were 'put down' In the Mexlran district at rirst 11., av.. nt. uiiaMian! wiuciAja a. S. S. S. is sold at all drug stores.Days, Easily. oriera til t chance u. share in Ilia game Kl Paau. Mite Mexican, auffered a like OSINt'K nru lieutenant. TsmtiU fifth Infantra. es Rheumatism. Mrs. Brame' happy the WriteCAOTUt ALLt Yt. tain. LLXIKB r. BK'B. ItouUnaal. rata ttna-in- . Demand genuine. ourfata. For a time It waa feared that raceawith mm on hla une be tiel each day.

Ike promise u work all night aa aa to riot would be enacted, but the arrival of BaaSjiiallMiiaeaiaain, aaatgaa



tintan al MISBttlX experience will be yours if you Medical Department full parti-

cularsTba portrait below la of Mr. I. J. ron, nut with Hie Morning Timet iportt BnTAN TSAM teveral deter bBianlt of regulars dispelled W Ml uroai). .Is. si XTUsMasu atllaatl gear; follow her advice and take S. S. S.F.hugarav a well known rlllien or l.lvlnga-toh- with a good nioruliig winner each day the raging throngs. tflrM l.lsutcnsnl tlgAirgBItT J tVn.TNK about any blood trouble

Montana, who knew Hint lu lire wta during the meal. l 0 AMH1 "These are only a raw of tha many out Infantn. New Tart najtenal aaard: Baonacl have and will bebeing ruined through Ihe pernlrlout habit a i M IU.ll.jrratea In which tha militiamen have been IMUaw pit ARI.fW R CADB. Saraad Infaalrv. Not a Mystery. you may you

or elgtiette smoking, yet could not rind aII

T Wllll.m('air the victims. Mexicana are known hi hold Tsiaa nalioti.l .u.t.t Uaulenant HAMtTSX. A

There is nothing mysterious fully advised regarding properanything to atop 11 and solace Um- nervnua llNt; HKAHS Al l. nilH TAI.k 07 1 KVHKII. nru. Inf, tut taard:raving until lie got it,.- icmirkahlc Hik WlltN

towhaldo ror


prptnotort pei'l' ag anmuch


disregardao than




guarda. aln MJCNHV l CIAWLKB.

arta,at. about this accomplishment Mrs. treatment. No charge for this ser-

vice.goud ol thethat ran now ha obtained free hnviiig its rat tat -

game In thla neck id tha woods it make Brame only needed a remedy that Address Swift Specific Co.,all the thoroughbred aportainru laugh Smoker Is Given by I AH Jft Rlrlo- Atlanta Cmup their sleeves what a sorry put lit C

i: 1. Clara.lunar fit I would drive out of the blood

they will preaenl ihmugh Um lr mad eu corta, to t al rsvon lo Ooiuusl JOHN for Adv.thoseit k ypi Retail Union impurities responsibledetvor Vi put Ml abuWI only hair tne is Clerks M noNALII. I ,lut InIn of aaraad Uaani,no,o.s. wiili In.wUaallon casaequal from the grand attrai'tnm that mant hohack ci rtieTKK. asartanaaaar carta,Athletic Officer li iti'd ttagrd at K uuoser was given bv the 11. tall clarka' l autaln BOBKTHT MT BMC, J.. calra. l

sou niton during llv two luonlixa he Waa b Bnaa ksjax, JM .Cfkan Hat. caaraladaaad otSotew rtfUi111.!, nsal 4laf. ftao aWUia,it Waabw. Al.last. union Mo. IJSU, In their new i...u 3tcxiducled the open atr arena al that Infantra clawwts aaUoaal an ard BaeaaMan Antonio street, last night The eventarmy mat! .uní great things and talk-

ingHI NCAN BIC'IIAKT. firM ..aira, mom at gart

about litemT.mlltit anuritav loagaa was largely auended. Houglaa. Arta , join kia ittaatal Paliad JAMXS S


lllolliare two entirely Addretaet were made by William J. BOOBSS Infantra. istlevw traataaaal Kl aa Baa- - Chilly Weather Is Here !proH

RESULTS Moran, editor of the Labor Advocate, and ral twwatui. Baa mutfro. i ran earn fsaaaa.RACETIA JUANA V. C. Studlah. C. Baaaett aang Uaaaa: Ma Ice BAttBT 9. WTUItfB. aaaat ats.Clt-i- MM lilt 1 -- wti 1 Un, now avanuV aaeaataae dan: Cape aln JoaKTM J.teveral songa and gave a number or reclu-tlon- tPIP and Hobby l.luytl lutvr ariliod - r. out. tilt: rru a A, mat; Cats (amas. which were anpreclated. lierreth-men-


.oa.t arUllara.L rHIU.IHe,

on. fnoaUi.roaal


dan.M We can help you keep comfortable. Get one of our

Hie eatt to tnend the winter I'Ai, LnaJa. taied. and cigars were served. month.. i,,i,.,,.l KhWrN I' ANDBUa. rstlrcd the REZNOR GAS the juaifji race. Mr. Carson, a form-er Another open meeting, la planned for De-

cemberdan-- NIFTY PORTABLE

rare rktr. bring Ur new tlitt ilraat a Clerks who are not al presentHugh tin, w.i. is barking a pi op. .111. mi ra..l IWnra. IhleS. members we Invited to attend. For burro pawns ..ana Ttva Ranch, m l For all sizefor the ini.l.iing of Uie largest raring rourth raes, ala fori... ... Hayoaarra. flrat; Baata- Speak quick they are going fast, Adv. Made in 11 tvunw roomsplant at Ma. Alia. Cuba, ever ailuuiplrd on "tT1ri,S-d- e. "fcthl aide ur la pood, browne la a El Paso W oman Iswealthy sportsman, and Canton istportl atirat lairu. El Paso Mantel & Tile Co.HI lili rae, our mil gran tl nan. rustthat the new cutirse It to lie built right SrtaUr, ood Ml. rtotSaf. Udr.l Photoplay Authorlu the city or Haven and thai beside . 1.1. 1... Baullasv Wti!., caa tUfstun 311 Milk Streetthe race track there will be rnhslrurled Bat.A eMtrrnllull. Hev M Hoaa tlmvton nhtn a large alatlluni ror Die booking of ath-letic

An LI Paao woman was Uta tntbnt of atentifiea thai after having I. en a la. lo eamca and boxing rouleau. Browne photoptsy wlUrh ras exhibited at the AlSBbarco I year., he got ml of the habit TIA JUANA ENTRIESla said l ba ronnrrled with seven dlf hambra theater Tuesday. The film dramasatirely In a few day, greatly Improving 1. 1. track. He laont anadian rtre was ennuao tier raxnera son,' ana waaui ir lessAKe. lainkh u lhm

race a atabla of hurtes. He recently wrltteu by Mra. W. A. Brand, loo Watt rThei... a contract for ties eervlraa' of minster ilrtet,Kvrrybvdy In Mauguui nkla. la t. Jockey Clavar, a Juaret sadxttt product, hrW 110: an, lüi 11athe big liana.- M 1.. en . he put at tlir repot ted price of st.000 par year. liiatil i.., m huluusai rtaaraa u IHi Bratt. (ittOMtwtste(MYoBlatle.n aln.e BREVITIESSB) AS B. Ui netIUl aaaa. tit; tarmac, 111 Mat mum. 11. usua

nf too en. nal. through th' uion sp:v:f: s hhii.i iant RiutMO w. lit; BaaV. iiai Vaa fare 111gau K proapert. little Harry Lutlafunl, tkltd rata n so to aa rurtao. vxrea. lit;

ala Muta. lit. Cattforul MfB. I VsTTTmilasiigi.i 71 I. t nut with


-- orlarAmleiali.

could neverPerl



ihe fear of Uie pulded unit. .round Ih race III.Furlmltinasasi. ll.l,


All, .,


Kl. Uika. ar Kaart. laMat, n ni muís a alistas Every girl who has a soldier sweetheart wantsbark, he la m in. hall II uf rivlu from III.;t" " '" re" aihveea ir aianv veara lu lo i p .nnii. and a walloping to near is one af these dainty rings, in memory of thebut aflar setting Ue book, be learned how h all Ib nunslra wsu hx II) in. Bant, lit: Try the new 01 Ante bar. you tat ta

cVfuid be S. aaat aaekaS turtoat BlatnSlia. of HER SWEETHEARTS service on the border. Thetlx habit ciioswered in tbrea day. arratcti win, bias In tbr tport of the Mm, n. seat. T. r. Prop. daysflew ba wr!if that he It fnrevr free from iiilMe wiuie tba uf ..TkVnS íiaT' 0"ivi-- : likedevelopment race 1M lixbutra. 5050 lady s ring is exactly cut, beautifully enameled in thsIs 10 muchjas era ring and linp roved rider kty a long n,n. be may b ex nu nTiaa na. ujvvKii. s rurtrwAL hi nuav.aaaitb. p. . led to rouie forth auon aa iiianasar SsTTiioailttJada.' rwtlc? y Prest. National Colors- - a shield in the center, 1916 on one side

id a lknetsr at ratnier title Laruptaf -tt VlagsuüT, Arlt.. Nov. tt Ta funeral of and an eagle on the ether.A vaJtiaMe, lutere.uns book en bow ta l ambaAlliig Loutlurd of mitavilte. tna l)i. perclvel Lowell, roundrr of UM Lowell

wercorn)' the tobi-c- o habit any rornti lad wbn SMork 'eat dead. Obaarvatory bare and aa aaironomar of tn M-K- . Gold $6.50 ALL FINGER SIZESby taw. I. Wood. ISSt VV. uaar vota boh at n sjm- -i i. ah tarnation! reputauon. who died bare laat Suitable forI O K Gold $8.00 . member ofn 'w 101 a and he will Mtd I OHIt i. MrSUjUSKKY. VKTEHAJt If your bo welt um. coiuVUijatad. lafc a sunosy irons a a truss or tsspiaiy. win pe Mwsri any

it frs to anyone who wrhra aakUig for n. mu ul thamberlaui a Taweu juat arur held Sunday, rtu- body will be ulai-v- lu Sterling Salver $2.50 any array organization.aa he tt very anxiout that all who are vlr 1. tar and II rv will correc t UH' dUoldrl S SJMkvmteuai on Mare hUi. dtreeUy in frontSua of the Par tobácea, anuff. load fr tbr a him iiouldeit ol unid mo gentie tn mich aiuou of la St inch where Ur. Lowell BROS.Joe Otr.iuei . of the Ital Wat S1LBERBERGowratrcfixsnajrar evciywlutre. t Adv atad nisity of bit plinaiary discover.fiisriT Olsnta, uf the Texaa league,. Mr.

ar ha katorted the rtslit man to pat Tasa and Mete, D "base" in Utiles baaahsJl. Mr. Wa Set you there atsasaas aast Llgm PUary. Last tteswill eudesvor to flea Ui rluh Into service

srsss Athr. water t and revive Hat aid sap that Dr. Arm Rauta. Buckler Mas . trv BUM try



klnaviile, haa been made aealstaat adluiani ie. ted hrirt at tha lit iH whoa office ra abolished by the rommts city preemeu 10 nv precinct way addad

KENTUCKY TROOPS of the Kentucky brigade and note Is on Mm, lunera tfWtly. Mr, Hennlng. acknowl-edge1,

to lb city.duty at usnerai Win nmlaaioner iame Clifford alaied to he a road building expert, per-

sonallyThe bond or A. Mbro. elected county

Ma in cie.uge Tof terday he had stu nded hi laal meeting supervised the conalructinn of tha surveyor, and A J mil. elected Matte W

who recentlv an nan red herore board aa a commissioner h K. Lyons la lb new Made In the upper and lower valleys th.- peace. b prende nvr judge Jamae I.medical elimine r. haa bn orórd to theiitumiaaloner elected Ui reoreent ill' cnv Tin re la a grs! amount of road work now MnrpnyaTO PATROL BORDER baas boapltal at Port Ills ror trrttraent

frerinct. Commloluner Clifford wa n..t under construct tear tnd conalderable road pprnved.laJor It! of the awroad batH. Denhardl, a candidate. Judge Adrian Pool la endeav work contemplated for next year Otherof Bowlingtsltrm nf the Third kentneky, t Commlaaktoer Clifford teasons urged In favor or the retention orpersuadeorlngOreen, haa returned from a leave or ahuntil ari-- the Mr. Henntnf. are new roads completed re

battalion i remain .mi Ibe board long A NKIGHMfH' ADVICR.of hieanee and la in ronanand will sake place the careful examination or an bond election, which uulre cast winter my aon ',uude had a erraronce more.Three RthuU of Gemtal Wil-

liamon November rhe la being takeil lieror nnsl accept sare

attack of croup. 1 look a neighbor' advicein uke the thai " been aothnrfaed the ntyup county ecrrp The comraleelonere and procured a bottle or hamherlaln'Brigade Ara to Be Omdorff Attends contracted lor Use rumpl'tlun or the new to pubilab a list of ate new polling places. Cough Remedy ft relieved him promptly."court house une tilth of the principal nf There are now I preelnota Hi the city and writes Mr. T. H. Cell. Vanorgrart. Pa Ob-

tainableLast Session Old toe scrip haa to be paid every year in ad evtimiv. In the redlalrlrUpg of various vennarhere ' Sdvof dltlon to at per em interest II i point"'out the tssuanro or the bond will nvsnTIM entucK lrwii it i pud non will Commission inCounty considerable saving to the taxpayersbegin a lour or imni whirl)pitrol duly, this instance. The bond- - will run ror o

win alternately lake the three regiments and will hear onlv rive per cent innf General Williams brigade to IM line of th Orndorrr officiated a county com-


outpoeta which extend from Lu Cruce lo for the laal lime yeatsMlay when i

Fort Hancock. Texei it u prohabls the the rnmmleainner met. Thla morning conalderable prseaure la bln bniughtPlmt Kentucky will b the rlrsi aaeignrti expecta to be indiirled mlo Ibe lo bear on the romnn latonera lu retainVi thU duty. Wild h requires high degree office, having been overwhelmingly charle f Hennlng. countt road engineer. We Told You Souf srttrnfiitaeia ti lora of tlx italianatlwy near the Hlu Orande at pmnu whertaldi have been made in the past. A treatdeal of trouble with Met Iran bandlta ha BUT(irourrtd aeer Fori Hancock and the com AT ONCE! RAPE'S DIAPEPS1N STOPSparty whleh will draw this pout mut neidib on the alert at all timet. The Text end WE DIDN'T TELL YOU HALF ENOUGHor the line or oiilpnata extend from thenty of It Paao through the thickly populated ralley lo I'ort Hancock, stretch or INDIGESTION, GAS, SOUR STOMACHterritory which would próvida excellent . WE TOLD YOU THATloot fur a band or successful raiders .

In New Meilro the line or onlDoala extend northwaid through the Mcellla valleyu. I. as Crures. a distance or 10 mina. TheMew Don't auffer! Hare', the quick-- . eat their favorita food without frMeilro outposts ars wall removedl rom the border, but a there are linn they know It. la nesfOlee to have a "WAR BRIDES"dredit or rormer Vllllstaa working In thi eat and ttarat atomavch bad etomach.valley on the farm and ranchea or Mneri-ran- ,

ravMTi;.g Ianown. Get a large fifty-ce- esse of rape'sthe government denn?d II advisable Dlapepaln irom any drug; store and

to station aoldlera thronrh It to prevent put your stomach right Slop beingpoaainie irntinte. me outpost Une II ap Tima It! In a few minute all stom- - miserable life la too stlort you'reproximately It nulei long and all of It WOULD BE A GREAT PICTUREach dlatrea arone. No Indlajeetlon. not her lone, so make your stayla well ruarded Thla la the work whichHi; Kentucky regiment will be called upon heartburn, eiurneaa or belching of a resabie. Rat what you Ilk andlo perform, beginning on II. gaa, arid, or eructation of undigested It; enjoy It. without fear of re-

bellionHave ever how many Karh regiment will have II daya ot thla food, no dlaaln, bloating;, foul In the atomarh. WE TOLD YOU THATnoticedyou duly. breath or headitone. Pape's Dlapepaln belongs In yourexpensive cigars from Cuba have the El Paao haa had several day of freezing FSLpe'H lilHpf'psIn la noted Tor lie home. Should on of the family aatweather. but as all or tha men In the ken apewd In npeet atomaohs. It something which doesn't acre with HERBERT BRENONturky have extra blanket! and aresquare-en- d shape? Of course you well supplied

rampwith warm clothing. Inrliid-In-

la the surest. Ulckeet stomach doctor them, or In case of an attack of In-

digestion,In tha whole world, and besides. It la dyspepsia, gnatrltla or stom-ach

the sir heavy overroata, there han beenknow there is a reason for that The no suffering. Kach lent In the brlrade I harm lena derangement, It handy to give WAS A GREAT DIRECTORsupplied with a alore. Thousand or corda Millions of man and exornan now Instant relief. Adv.

reason is this; or n re wood are consumed in the CI Paaoarmy ramps every day.

The three kenturky regiment have com-pleted WE TOLD YOU THATOf all thecigar shapes, square-en- d their target practice and have !

is the one most likely to give a free-drawin- g,liedIn a

downlew daya

to atheyroutine


rompnnyrield firing,


which consist or firing by aquada and WIGWAM SUNDAY NAZIMOVAeven-burni- ng smoke. Youwork.romptnlea, range rinding tnd distance

can see that this is so in the case of Lieutenant Roger William. Jr.. who haa WAS A GREAT ACTRESSon duty with tha Twentieth regular Come to the Matineethe OWTL. Inrantry. has been granted a leave,or


Lieutenantto vtalt

Alvlnhi home

II. Clark,in Kentucky.

or Hop- - And Now Sine aw axing the proof of the above we tall youNotice that the blended leaves of the that "WAR BRIDES," a Preited by HERBERT BREN-

ON,OWL filler run all the way down to with the Ruaaian tragedienne., NAZIMOVA

the burning end. When you light gTfWTTÍTi THE is unqualifiedly

the leaves evenly, you know they regoing to burn evenly. No air-hol-es The GREATEST--Th- e GRANDESTor torn ends of leaves to deflect the and Human PictureMoat Eloquent Playdraught and make the OWL gutter. Last Showing Today LITTLEThat square-en- d cures that Ever Shown in El Paso

Notice, too, that you get the full flavor of sxsassMsi mi - ni Word Fall to Describe It Appealthe OWL from the first puff. Not an over-balanced

Come and See for Yoaraelftaste of but the fullwrapper, GIRL Like Brenon and Najdmova, We Stake Our Reputation on Itbalanced flavor of the cigar. añal BBBWaasjBBI I añal bbbbx

We selected the square-en- d shape of the fa EF aPk Only FOUR NORE DAYSOWL as we select the leave and theSumatra wrappers to make the OWL a 1 Don't put it off until the last day to come. You may begood cigar. NEXT crowded out. Each day' attendance will be larger

aaWftfl'? rasaaW EVERYBODY MUST SEE ITJbbbbbI aaaaW 1 mBm SHOWS START 4

ViM a7 Itka DOOR 1 1 :00, 1 2 :50, 2 :40, 4:30, 6:20, 8:05, 9:50

vim p i Admisaion .... 25c, 35c, 50cThe Million Doll


Denver, Colo. HHaXl WaÜ inwIUKUP1 naaBataaaal1N mmmm I 8I rThe Spider ÉV I r MARY MILES




and I Today and TomorrowThe Fly

REMEMBER Nary Miles NinterThis ta Umi beat William Fox

Production rvrr sliown In The charming young miss who looks, ads and charmsi i Paao.

all like our ownSee this Picture by all meant

.TV! z Sgav- . VOafaTB MMM .a.;-- - . Mary PickfordPresenting the super-dramat- ic production in six reels.

Texas-Gran- d Produced by Mary Pickford's "FAITH," old director,

Tonight Thursday JAMES KIRKWOODPrice 18 to BO

The Mggcai Wee tern Plavjrof Years

'THE 3 OF US' Need Glasses? Ask SegallFriday Night Amateur Scientific Eye Examination

Coming, "Nearly Married'106El



near OregonCo. Like a Little Bit of Heaven

Ktlllah4 1(01Like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day as pureand clean and wholesome as thethoughts of childhood and aa captivating aa the sweat smile of youth is

Crawford TexaaSMI Hint

WITH tllTWOSI Milt.Grand


T Ta aeaaaa Greatest Military? PAY ? And BESSIE BARRISCALE is tha cutest cleverest cuttin' uppi.tO Presents "Tha BlackTHE MM. It$t3tavii3n crittir that ever teased the Ufa out of a love-lor- n lad1M MFftOM THt U.S. A

I tout jagiadTOMOMOW 3 New York's Latect Musical "As we kmrxsajr thru life---l-et a Uve by the Last DayP M.Q aje Lana ri ere so many sex) spot ta UfeCaaVedy Sea k never!today orHa Personal Matinee Uxat tiU bright- - - rltlrii- - -Intro!? hxunaa

Malts a i tVtaees '..Me la La love taio atsoaua be weaooeued by earegyboay.

T .night Prisa H U 1 1.J ItlUlr. ii ISO6 AC IN ALL 8 HesU TaatrsMUy IrswfsrS Be Of fire

' wmtmmmmBmmammmmmmtm








nmntn rapt


linaml.To aft at Mm.

ay.wes r. rer. aaaa UNIFORM RELEASED MiáWl Suit SaleMATS SI -- T M. áa Mm. Jeask Maaaa. Kit Baal

Howler M. Waaamlm I. a tar.MtTt- - r. aft a aft Waaar karat, raa waaOF MINING WORLD Mela, oat am M. a key. krcnie Ky iwotar, i raes LnerMea,Iim

Oaaaker.Tt Mr

kar.aa Mr jAka Havw. ttlS Wu Actine Uiwier Order, We are offering excellent values at extremely low prices. These suits are of

MOLINA Te Mr And Mn Saravla Makkaaw 11 CnmmiirioMir Find.Two New yv-- if . in Remark- - Hill.

jJaaajaalla- -KoveadMr



Mrs baer lllliealll. the latest cut, and most fashionable design throughout. You can save fromet Nona ax. vrain. Konaaket 14. kar-- Arrale neyrjolda, truc driver In tniekCamp Bid Fan-- to comi am So JJ, tfieeitd at Fort Mil on

Kg Mine. ATM, charts of wrarmjr aoldler'a rlothln. was U96 to more than 50 by taking advantage of this i,,, Arto. N mn lia BaaU x rlaed yesterday afternoon foliowin hit it"iíSs7i1.'1 'ít suarSt hearin CoTsmlTorir- - before United statst ,i Bawaaaa -y L. H. DAVIS,

14 hurlAd In OaaeaeflaT Bamuel L. Kelly, on the rmund that In --ÍtÍsano othrf minina rtirtfirt In II" Ai.VARiixi r. ii rears. ieei a simal naUnited MllM ! attrariinir arralar mini i Matar' t" IMirlrd la 'earnrdla. tbe order, of the rommandln ol Suits That Sell Foruum tn Jeminr 1ltrt-t- . Yaiepai rount. M'l ah rj6 WpriAna. a raars. ta Pa, Wai nía rompany.

ArUoni For Innr time It wa auiMi tthat til WotNlrrful rittr.l inlf Reynold wat flrtt arrestedropprt hv Uta Military aulborltle at fort Prices Frommine, ownrd th bv rnrmer "rnator V Blla Ranging'unde- - ordera of Tolonel J. W. Heard,A. Clark, rnvrrrrl all the Important nr u rommindint Uie Elthlh cavalry, to Usanoatea or mat niatrirt. wiienitortii.otherIIBItm

entrrrdcrrtr utriwltni.

Ihr rirlitwln nhnoTii'-- al

up Ihr

VCuiffMi l AHT w i I.FT



LIOIMtt.MeOart an Ale ler




be arrested





Wrarlnand tfirrraf

11-e- r

ol $20 To 75 Forovrtnimrnt ( liotllr haoppM nrr iimii urm. Drmteto nraaado aad J a warrant waa served on htm by l ottedthr world f rorper and marl arnrr Herma Malea Marsh! Jare Dilboaw on complaintof Invratora very wealthy, the alock totrlnr jl INTAN MKMMHS AbtAai OjulnlaaA sad if colon rl Heard. Tbe hearln was setfrom SS rent up to III) prr hr. and hav Henása for 4 p. ra. end after the introduction orrnr drvrtr.prri whai la rlalmed V) be the Ton KtCM I.KOM Mdrn Tnrra aad Jiaafa tasa evidence, (.orumtesioner Kelly ordered his $16.75 $19.75lrtvt body or hlrh rridf copper ore In reléate. .OK world. thr rvr of the minina; world The trumony Introduced l tin hearlntwere to Un futuro pomiwlitlna ofopemit tend d to ahow an order had been Itaurdthe Jrmmr dlatrlrt. It la f to ay the fron i of the southern departBvweUnr la lntrtd in the Johnpublic mora Why inrnt permlttlnt trjjrk driver to wear the $29.75 $34.75Jeronv than othrr in thrramp any rountry. uniform, with the exception or the hatThl evidenced 'laatlom!la by aevertl cord 'In place of which, a red hand waaModi promotion" Thl faith hi d on siienri d). and that It wis under thl ordeitar rnnattnt tatrmmi of ntlneera of that In- i oiiunaiidlnr oirtrer of truck romworld fame and thr confldnnr Mown by Quit Drinking any to. 4 wu acttnr when instriirtiiit For Misses And Womenthe loral bualnrat men and rxperlrni rd 'il men to wear the uniform.aatnlnr mn of thr dt'tnrt. who arr pnttlnir ulone Heard la aald to havr laaued postheir Own moliri Into tllr nitrrpi lr lir Itlve inalciu lion that no civilian rmidovrtora aakinr thr puMtr to tnveat. Itrnm Is By John' Wife, or the anrtv alxmld wear ann.v lolhlnr on Velours, Velvets, Broadcloths, Gabardines,In the bertmilnir of a real old Urn li""in the Fort ail ressrvatlon, and It I underand la aald to he onr of thr llieltett mlntn stood that he ha had for aevrr.u day .nun All different with in thr t'nlno. II ha over 7.non pao 90 to 40 men before him every day ror Poplins. orpie nd la trowlnr pre. ( hum drlllirrr violation of tbe order.and olhrr drvrlnpmrnt work In folnf on roily the orders of colonel Heard fur trimming. Black, Navy, GreeH,everywhere. Thoar that arr confllel with uviae und'r whlrh Ihelocated alona- thr treat raiilt arr ronaldercd of truck traína are worklnt Ittn thr rhanned rlrrlr. hertnae thr blr pro-ducer

11 tteo mat no truca driver is perniiurn Brown, Plum and Burgundy.arr on thr namr fault. lo leave Columbus for Perahlnr's neadmiar- -

terminal Artro.a. tera wearln anytltln but the unlforiii.Thr Jrromr dlatrlrt ha a lirrn forrmoat rrven ine newapuper roi rrsponnenis, 11 is

fn thr pmrrraa of Arlaona durlnr thr laat aald. are required to wear the khaki. The Smartness Wearingmonth old mine hair revealed now or reason for thla, It I pointed out, I 10 t Rayser'shodle; new mine hav found ore bndlra, them from beta taken for apt The Qualities Noveltyand nrw onranKattona havr brrn forinrd uniform Is evidence that they are notwith arrt urrt The Verd or Janune iplee. Italian Silk White or black r 1dlKtrlrt for many year ha brrn a wonder Leather GoodsMl prndurrr or wraith. Th rich depoalt" atin pumpa forof ropper ora have made loral aharet et Thefts of an Auto, Underwear evening wear,reptlnnallyprnilatlnr


withThe I


lnvttn- -


Vm lit '(iet Utile rana li. Jewcrly and Bulldog The famous Kayeer manufacture in in dainty pat-terns,

are shown in great varieties, everyper company, with dlvldrnda rTatlrir A IBT lBfT an fit an. nflilif new and to the minute novelty inupward of Wt.onn.Onrt. la well known In thr TiltM he p)re of atah mh) frown Reported to Police union emit, veata, bloomer, chem-ise- e, medium upmining- world. Fortune Vnr JOHN Ha QT if If IH DRINK IXOwere peni by such itemscover Bags, Cases, Travelingcamiaolea, Teddy Beart, etc vamp, asothrr rompanlra In the Vrrdr dlatrlrt In ail And U like hlmaelf ones rtvwe.

effort to oprn other fine ore bodlea. and IIAmi



hjiMitiMaiu mm

InpjjuadlaMaiwI several Utefta were reported to the police New d garment also. ed heels, light Clock, Laundry Kits, Poker Seta,waa thmtirh the peralatent work of the yesterday mornlrif Tn stolen property turnedI'nltrd Verd Falenalon roiupaiiy that Uir (hie rlw I rwM ana W include carpenter' tool, jewelry, an Sl.OO to $8.00 aolea, Military Brushes and numbers ofaavrrt of Jrrnni' rlrh borifea or ropprr "Mitt a affirwia." the natne. automobile, and clothlny

ore waa aolved Ami I UM. that'a John tmcU, Georr klser. of 404 F.aat lllo oranda $4.00 other articles made of leather. TheAnrl I'll wn1 AtXl Ul UBwA few year a ao Kttenalon ihare wrrr Ro I en' fkf nol.liRN TRRATMKNT street, asked for atalilanre In rindin his EXTRA SPECIAL3 noted In renta, now they are aellln.- at An alt aa air rvwjlil he Dodte touiina; car which was taken from prices start at 25c and go up a

ollara each, over 4n u, ri, hat lirrn a Ami pat tt In .nhiTa uppr the ttutneaa district aomcllme Tueday $1.50 Venetian silk veata, pink or A fenula white waahahle kid pump, newreal aurprlar. eapei'lally on the Ulnrk Ki AM i i'tii h In hla law iiiirht The car beart license No. 7j44. white, all size. atk Lateral! modal, alender laat, covered heel. T.rhaiirra. The Jerome ropper belt In huir Ami 1' riMii'T tMi mu A brlndle bulldof, owned by H. K. a Excellent material aad work- - $25.00fitting- therefrom, and laaura of new aharea Han no trior pr, v of 100 Olive ttreet, Is mlastnf. It Today only $1,UU apDeUUby new companies are ragrriv inapprd up. I U WAraathewf klixl (a believed to have been atolen from hla manaM Pr pair

May la Ntrem hoirl rnr Mil te iHkrttw van! Tueaday night.II ha brrn annniuirecl that steam shovel Añd waird lid valte-- l. Mr. Catherine Mlnlok, or mo Halla

operations arr to be commenced at the 'And rrlad airtne street, visited a mend at 1701 MontanaI Mn'iAm ha? thl.'nlted Verde within thr neat six months, I'm aahamrei rvow i. nmtm street yrMerdty and noticed a former White House Prices Onas a means of Inrreaalne; It ore aupplv. servant tin wearlnt a bantl whichThe urfarr ore around the oid And inhn nfrr thoufht a mlniii. had been taken from Iter room. The girlamrltrr at Jerome la to be excavated and Ra wm haifif mjrad of drtrvkT "was arrnated by Detective A. C. Várela and TOILET ARTICLEStransported j.. the aarkadale amelter for And

IIa.sin haj'a




ny nna, Is being held ror inveatittuon. Mr.treaunent. There are liurjdreda of to m Jui makaa m rrj for gladnfOT. Mlnlrk sty about lift worth of jewelry, Ur Sise Llaterln. ....... saoaands of ton of this ore. particularly In I'M proud in ha Ma wtf - including t told watch and chain and, Medium Mae Uaterlae .....the hill Juat northwi at of the alte of the HI nre de U eilfl nf rtTlnHm. kodak, nave been taken Trom her home. ateold plant. It la pronoard to steam ahnvel And laavta a oUw, mw nr. .The watch I a family relic and la valued Small Bite Llaterine ...La. 1BC

t down to the rue that ha been burn-In- r at about tn. Java Rloe Face Powder . . . asefor 14 yeara In Uir Itainoton slope. The time aiimiih A M by (Vt lire casing was stolen rrom la Blanche Face Powder . . saofire can then In- from above, And haU a and lnthe a liquor the Imperial cácate, at t MlUa atreet, DRESSESthus endtnr a rainnus mine fire. Only pre-

liminaryAa ha would a potaon atuff aometitne yesterday morning. SERGE Sanltol Preparation. ...... 18o

work la now helnr done prepara-tory

AM wtian i aav m prarrfl at alfht Thome J. Hayne reported MM then of Oriental Pace Cream af .tl.06to ctartlnr a larire ahoval on surface I


IMllkfUlfor Jolin



of II

Thanlit In cash rrom hi room tt the Cecil Twenty five new aera d reate a. atrJrhtltnea, box plea ta. and belted effect.; Mannen'a Talcum Powdw.r ISoorea. At the request or the United Verde liOMiTN TKEATMKNT rooming house. Overland and Stanton white ajetin collar, and cuff.; embroidery-trimme- d Delta. Thar la another Woodbury1 Facial Soap ... 15c


Hay Coinmlldati-d- ,l.nul- - t.


a vlaltmanaa-e-

tn Jrromnof

Homt Ireatment for Drunkards whilettreet.



the money wee taken taaortment of atraían t- - Una dr. aaaa, with colored embroidered ad Pebeoo Tooth Paete ....... SScand looked over thr irrnuud that A fleece lined overcoat and tome valuable effect., rollara and bait. Navy, Black, .Oreen and tj ( fg 4711 Glycerine Soap lBot to be removed bv Mi method! Mr. calei Ow(HÍkm and I Urt - n l.itlt


i n were atolen from an automobile other dark colore. 111.10 values 'Jr. "3 Dr. Iyon' Dental Cream .. '. tacfelVft II HMLfWl M BOttlr in "a. nrla an authority ou l operation, lo Lieut, J. J. Flreeton. of thecofre rood.havlna; had much experience In Utali and c seventh division, yesterdty morning whileother ttates. The or Will L Costs Nothing to Try the ctr wis standing In front of the Austini lark, manaai'i' of the Vnited Verde i;onper tpaiunentt, 114 Mouth Virginia street.ompany slnre ll. la renerallv rearrlted i a huabeká.,1 aWi bftHhar. fltatif A et of carpenter's tool and a tult

In Jerome Ills work frland el... la a nf ll'iurw, all ou hav to do U stolen fromhas been eirrllent cane containing clothing were THE WONDER HAT SALE which starts-- Friday is the moat note-

worthyand he uphrtrd thr tonr or the dlatrlrt. m may he thUlWul an Inn aa you thai the Union station Tueaday afternoon. J. J.

The i,ii.- veiiln K:itenatnn haa de-clared did It Hendricks savs he left the tools on ty : dlvidepd of Mi rents a share.

youbench while he took drink of lemonade. millinery event of the season. Exluaive shapes and deaigna, of

larar siinilua Is beln acniinnlaled Tor Free rial Package Couponfuture nerdi Tie- monthly output from the moat te model. Theae are the same hats displayed in the,0uQ tons of ore la S.m,oiK pounds of r4 a tatavlUs. IMS Bliss read flA paaiinarr

copber.Tkie Jerome Dly ttpper Company.

Or. J.7413

w Mainet.krnn Bldp..

Ceeapaav.CiorlnneU. Ohio.

IMS j.mmlf Jabatls. (lit tottt tt Pas, nrd New York faahion ahowa, and there are no duplicates. Black andowna

The Jeromevaluable

Halay ropiirr company, which binnAAo



that nofia.oiia nan



A M Hu4aan, na Caaakrldt. Oram flvs- -

color combinations, gold lace and f ur trirrafecd in many ways to suita rroup or properties tn thr II .inlAIn trial parta ' titileo Trasünant L.""cV rtoa. II Kan tálenlo. Fiad flve- -

famous Jerome or Verde dlatrlrt, Arliona, tu lain lhal tiat yiai rlaiai fur It Is trae tni our or the new rómpanles of that famous Aary rsApaat. j fTtTHala. so North Orate, rani n.. many tastes. Notice our window displays. BEGINS that bids fair to take lis place alnn Caaaraa. Ill North etaaioa. Hairwith thr l nlted Verde and Verd El Nasa Sf""tension. Baaed on Its metila thr orlirlnal II J. Raaa. CklrAo kotrl. Fool llminat.issiir of stork war sold niuin-l- in anions J F. Ham Anteen, tal t..i..n Marwrll ftAlis properties are only a mile north of Urnunited terde and a half mile further fron Tarlnr. SM WaM MtMouri. I)odt fn We Believe That a Have You Trieduir vrror r.icnion. urina; on Uir samefault on wlilrh Ihr wonderful copper ore Sale Must Result in The Marinellominies uavr pren roiinn. and eonsislniliirv-r- rlainia. The Jerome lialay ha Mutual Satisfaction Toilet Shop?riirht on thr surTaie, alonr the faultIron rappum alinilar to that which cothe rlrh ropper deposit that was cut belowII on the Verde Kiteiinlon. This rapplnirrriirn iron ruiuiuiK ' lier cejll. Willi lowcopper comenta, as well a old vainfrom a few crnla up to I prr tun. A shaft MÓMEDlkcÍMIs now iHituir sunk that has iassed ihrnurhine iron cap and entered the Iron srhlalwiii h la known to overlay the blr copper TeO aa year pala trouble. HOME AÜT0 SERVICEore deposit The personnel of the Jeromenaiay company, orrirnr and inanaHemrnt. PATRONIZEI ruar amy that it win make a sucres Alo, atzaa ai thk time. THE TUTTLE PAINT tfcof thla promtainir pteperty, composed ol GLASS COMPANY Phone 1600Leak-Pro- 0fune oi uie iraain nuainrai man and ei Ri WeBtern Motor Supply Co.penenred mlnlnr men Ip that dlatrlrt Thetareahlenl Is James f. Howies, a prominent tte-l- lt tkartk taataa. Willirtaaep or the dlstrlrti Kmtdnn Is HOME INDUSTRYTice prrsidrut. be ala la tn char re jif Uienperatinit deiartniul of the 1'iuted VerdeKxtanaloD. J. i. i.aiu. mayor of Jerome, latreaaurer, and A. I . Ilaaelburr. or Jerome, BORDERLAND AUTOeecretary Kxpecutlon runa hlrh on the supply cafuture development baaed on the fact thatIt ha all the Keoloairal earmark thai were naxii. mí 8B. id ata FTTMOVTKE PBOOF. 99found on It Ma neighbor, the United ' sata. OOKNIB MTaWlAlC and KAIVBA.Verd and Uie United Verde aiateualon. the Premiumformar with a record production of nearlyforty million dollar and the latter nowItonaos.

IT Jerome opperfleld.Another new company that luu alerted anduti or the mat promlain miuln 100 YEARS OF SAVINGin the Jrrnuir dlaliict, la the Jerome

i oppnrrield Inc. It ocúpenle are on theaatne treat fault on which were developedUw area! or bodies or United Verde and Southern BudUie t Tolled Verde I.xtetialon. the Little TN title tin re weee te Banka In tbe TJnleed Blalta. The ftrt 8v-Itu-Mlay, with a raoM sensational or Bank aa tarted In tjtat year.nen production. Theae situJed on the east fault or the Hlack

areHills TOHAV tivree am 17,4! Haaar In Utla rowntry wboee onawhtned

or mountains, m the Verde mlnlns am about aa billion doUaravabout Uire uulea northeast of the iiimi'i HAM hum: THAT MUCH In one eettttur, bat Otate I Are You Preparing?fee Of Jerome. Surface amy ahow l.n much apreetee work foe thrift to do. Help the country by help-tn- c Large bottles, par doa. .., $1.50and the Iron dike runulna throuarh yountelf start e Havlna Aceoant. V e pay 4 par cat aaaa-pou-

ahead and for the tima Small bottle, dos $1.00assays It per rem iron and 3 Inleerat on aavtnaa depoette. Bl .00 opene en ara ma at. Ara you looking preparing per- fe rent copper The properUe of the the time whenwhen caeh be needed quicklyJerome i.onpri netos have beon eiaon may Upon return of caaes and botria a tó-

batefavoralil) reported on by Oeort aickneaa, accident or old may call for readyage of 50c theon large sin and 25c, kveUiuoe. Um we;! kiatwn1 uduini engineer AMERICAN TRUST AND onqf the Verde dlatrlri. Assava of tin- ore funda? the small taza is allowed. ThenBar it per eut lion end per em for such lb turraie. with thl Aiirfu r showing Now it juat the time to prepareta Ote heart or the arrat copper camp It Now i the time to atari an account with ua This Is What Iteeenu thnoet aurr that thla properly will SAVINGS BANK Costdevelop luto e bonanta like its oldn nrlgti 4 Par Cant Interest Paid on Saving. Account.aor. DELIVERED AT YOUR HOME.Wek seta Ore llrevere4.

omenta-wtre- e tack of high grata fold EVERYBODY'S BANK"ore hav been round In the old workings TheTirst INUtionalBank One Donen One Donanof tbe Silver Mill mine, near kinsman. LARGE SIZEATI, since 11 wu renpaned last week SMALL SIZETttt or tikuut from wlilrh the ore uken EL PASO TEXASltts been round and I 110 being drvrlopn.1M'hy the ore was sacked and Uieu alian $1.00 75cdofted kt not knowu. The ore will be Bi OSStreated In Um ioiiiii nun PHONEaVMJsk (oluiauVU (.lti 8u IN C State 4800

atorifcii Mbsr. National BankTbe old lAMnanrhe copper and gold proprty near I'tew-eM-, Aril., rormerly owned

fey Oeprge It. I.elaud, ba been purrtuted FBtabKahad April. ay ueorge t.uwoni, ami Rio Grande Fuel and Feed Co.ayjeraiori from Bruitb tXilum-r- Capital, Starplua and ProÜU $200,000.00

rurtned close corporation El Paso Brewing Assn.t apruperty. A pemtoaiu amp Intoraet Paid on Sawiaga AcnioaiHi. COAL, WOOD AND FEEDeetebiinaed and operations are to

rl at once. The Comanche tt one of tbe C a. tfOHBHBAD. Preetdent. JOSBPH MAOOPPIN, Vice-Pr- e USE OUR MESQUITE WOODWMiatl nfetet In Vavpl county, having C. M. BAHSUTT. QKüRQB D. PtaOBT, Oaahter.

tacataa lu im, and (he ore treated in U 1. QJUCHB18T. Attn. Ceehler. Servio and Qtalit. Trad with it and save inonay Bf. do not aollult nor .hip order from dry tawritorlae In violation of Tezae law

Betaaa Che i tiuiitai 330 S. iH. Vrain SC Pbotte 1514checks




l.ougweUet tour

Tel-neggagt. -- Adv. if You Want Reaulta Uae Times Want Ada Every Day



Akanaet that they have I.. biotwI to their!tw. a. SHELDON

New OfficeHOTEL

in the Are You WSi? .:::::::::::::::: JiftTt I Wrect private wire to Lnama Irw m mm mm at Dsjaart Bryan saesnbers of allexcrasnge. NEW Location.


Sheldon MAXIMUMHoteltSgi:-,:::;::8t- i


- -- - Mu LAW TEST Add Them If You Can The El Peso Horning Times Pays for Correct Solutions In VALUABLE PRIZES.:5Sfe:::::::::::::::::tfe Mark out the figures, check each one off, croas them out, stack them up, scatter thorn out, past; them together, any way you please BUT

I Cellfanua iSZ ai HOLDS RAILS DOWNADD 'EM QUICK. When you get the total, send to PUZZLE MANAGER. EL PASO MORNING TIMES, aa directed below.

I CBfnmUn tiZW WHAT'S THE TOTAL OF THESE FIGURES?i! KSS uga ::::i2:::''' While ThU lams b Under Repree--non on Mock Exchange,lTJ&jrr:. Jt Others Are Mainly Higher.

Tee problem la tosum of Uw nrurai in the puttls cbart.!v Tort. Nat. li. Itn un boo an up, as ir may wars insraad sed arxrea sarta trow one Ion. column under ear other.Baá, m nun nadar mm. The flmirea run front Two to Nto.

nf I),. -- Hrrrl m,,,, j There e no double fl rural and noCustom ASSAY Office rhararWl which, ire not riBSreS. TheCRfPCHETT FERGUSON "Wt aeor law. Lito k tall of all "A'i" has a lee dad curre,

i Maw a r mkuM rafe while the tall of lbs ft" It itrsiybtA amy era, Cnesnlsta, Metalinrgieta. All Iba other nnirei bar. their usualRepresentatl rea for Ore Shippers, rhártete rutin

lio Seat Fraaetaoo St. Each rirure Is of araryEl Pasa, Texas. ajar ssssttsj? xjrsi other, and no rirure 'i rormed br the

crossinv or orerlapplnf of anotherafternoon aa rapnrta Mat VÜnbvaf.t SOW TO KNTT.M

TMt putils iimblam u restricted toEL. 3? ? ,u"0 or.TS3. w riUSS: resldlnr In Tatst, New Metlro.maximum biduoau (Mr Saopleinn atea okirsdo.Arlsona. California." " of I potete, with IT for Uw

T. A. Thornton C. M. 0rider Utah, Narad, and alto :n the Hepubllrrajan, ampia, mantfwtu --SSa u uToaT of Mailce.

ruin, brtoMj attf H h 111 BlA payment on lubacrrntton to The?tt!ltgCERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Sw2 r5--a Vr Paso Homint- - Timas of from tt.M tofor the and BBSllShDally Sunday

City National Bank Itnlldlng. IñTwuneii talk UMt annJ VaL. ROO entitle, s luhsertber to sub-mitmm aunar asa ar t solution of the pussla.Phone UN El Paao, Texaa .IllhU, art willThe amount or money pad ta

km, Dallar!par raluo ao cover tbe subscription price for the

rnaiimi m ran. paper aroordlnt to the rarultr rate,(sana, whether for city delivery or by mall.


Caaiw nua.r...... Int It. M. pfd. ehfi.lMli At many different solutions may be

Car tad Poand lubmltted as tbe subacrtber deilreiUmbrellas Covered and upon making w addiPonsl payment

with each one, but not more than St. 00Repaired 2 can be paid with arty one solution.Leek aad Ky Work. Ara IBi.r U and Y h(J aBmst This applies to las first problem only.

Safes Opened Kprclslly. iihi. mm ...'pa1 rliimaa It it not necessary to pay tbe asma

WE CAN FIX IT SHOP a Naaaaal laad amount with each solution if more... ' Nara4a Oaeaar Sl2 than on. be tubrnttted.

M7 Myrtle Peone tit. II rt. n N. T. 0. leal? At the prttes have an added value arN. T N. S. and H. ItBull, tnit nap Cop. KU Korfotk and Waatara.ltt cordlnr to what Is paid in on sub-scriptionlintiu Pnti.Jum. BB with tbe wtnnlnr solution!,

.M..1IU1 I'artflr ubsrrlberi should rsm'llsrlie them-selvesI',

Centraland O

Laaiher ltduu l a irio Tl and Tal. M with the DIVIDEND schedule( '.. B SM at. r .... nv before sending In Ihalr subaciipunns

and solutions.Remit by check, money order orDELICIOUS ICE CREAMS Cnapar ...... afiB&B loiter.M ruaVui. iron. 14

SHERBETS and CANDIES i.'i rrmuni iwnn. Ill a ssaaea saiiw .. uu Whatever It paid, whether en oaatraaaia or a number or toluttons, wtD applytjmi-

- TCrnri- u- on conttnoous luberrlptlont to Tbe nPhone. 347 and 348 Omni aiiroic'.'::

' Do Bid. ttS Paso Momlny Times.(. Knrthra pf, 5 5!:S..r:" Solutions unaccompanied by cash sub-

scriptionWe deliver "RIGHT NOW If K Nnh On ttt. H ,.!" Ifd iMvi will not be mustered. Thisluíante Antral .... ropp Ill Pesile Problem !s open to both oldwanted PROMPTLT Intfr I'niiiJ I wor at any and new subscribers within the terri-


riven tlm between Ta., ana Int. lUrnMar.Cnpprr

N J.nrWabaahWnahauw

fd. BKia,

.V.'deslsnated. employes of

11 p nv Total aalaa far Imi dar. I.Ut.M. ahai The El Paso Mo rnln Times or amb-ers of their rastilles.

Phone U. Your Order. SI BUrPIPTION PRICEHOWE SOUND STRONG (EnglHh Edition)Itally and Buaday

The Elitt Coifectionery Co. Two menina t.B)Tare, ateaths ti nHis avenía ! t.MON COPPER MARKET Sea year net

(By Mall or Carrier)E.r npanlah EdIUoa Ratal Sea Spaalab



THE MAIL ORDER HOUSE IMrys trading; Careen Monster BOTH OLD AMD NEW SUBJICRIHKRS OAR OOMPkTnE TSTS TTrBST 1 OgTERS SVOfOAIi OFFORTUNtTY As many prise will be reserved aa there are peopleOF EL PASO Shows. Weak Tendency. TO Alila, tied before any prises are awarded to t bone bending In

lees solution. Vcorrect(run,labad br Oartaa. Maaaeaj a Oa. m Paao. Ta. Note Carefully the Plan of DIVIDEND PRIZES Hake Then Wort. What You Please While the winning of a prise dees not depend uponu have your want. the Uní a aolutton Is reglatarad. It la beet to begin

counting at once and send la your solution sa soon asyou have finished, and If later you have found that you

p IÍ fd4.i"U ,urthar and nariatarrd a hlrli have made a mistake you oaa send In another solutionThe Warner Drag Co. Oood panda



Uaatrat whiott

aapfl,m HoraiSmd if aoootopanled by an additional payment

far anvj Uaaa aad prodlotad that oaa afthlaaToa. Based Edition Tbe offered for Theon Entruah aVubeoHpUona. For Hrnanlah KdMtoa Baals, see Spaarlett RdlfJon. prises ar Individual effort andOrn'dorff Hotel Block FlBafT CAPITAL PRIZK 100 caah. to which will be added fifty Umas the amount paid oa aobacrlptlon by Bl Paao Morning Times reserves ths right to reject any

714 winning the prise. This prise may be worth 1100. i solution and to return whatever amount la paid In oonnectlonEl Paao, Texas. Second Capital Prise 171 oash, to which will be added twenty-fry- . times the amount paid by Nbee fiber wtnnlnr with It if It appear that the answers submitted

the prise. That prise may be worth 1171. ware the reeulta of the effort of some one other thana woat or ao ano apartad 0 la around ( theand for who submitted ths solution. No subscriberam dan haa baan ruuna aa. Taw. how The followlnE table shows what the first and second prises will be worth. Including dividends, acoaedlne to amounts


layjaa H. oloaüv at 4létnId aa paid on subscription or two months, three months, sis months end a year. shall share In any prlae unless all work on the pussla

Onlai nilirlmi was dona by him Or her alona, and If In connectionArañaArkanaaa II U Tune Price of Ku'MtrrlpUon First Prise Fatua Beoond Pilau Fatuo with or If aided or assisted by another subacrtber will

IIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMHIIIIML oalamet 53 inaia ".'.'.'.'... .V..".'.'.'." .al aa Two morrtha fl.60 17B.00 S1H.B0 heve no tight to any prise. If more then ons membergfjanaa aad ano. I r ila I t it iths ........ a. ay..,. a $1.10 M10.SS , , $10.00 In a family Submits the same soluUons only one priseroaaoHdatadDaadaa aiT I 5 a , S4.S0 SI10.00 . 1(10.00 will be awarded Jointly.

11 One year $S.00 SA00.00 S176.00 All those attempting to sorra the pussle will, as aHIDES iOram Mouter Third Prise 50 oash. to which win be added fifteen times the amount said br subscriber wlnnlns the orlse. This condition and consideration, be required to abide by the

M S ft prise may be worth 1170. ruling of the Puxxle Manager. In the event of anyFourth Prise Its In cash, fat which will be added tea times the amount paid by subscriber winning the prise. This questions arising ths Puasls Manager may appoint afSEttZiEi lit arias may be worth HOB committee to adeast him In deciding them, and those

V. Soaelt Year Taartismssns ef Maau Oaaaorldatad r aa T( Fifth Prise HO oaah, to which will be added aoven Urnas the amount paid by asbeorfbar winning the prise. This entering do so with th understanding that such deci-sionMises, Palta, Seat Skins. Etc.JPurs, will be final.Highest atarkst price paid at allurars ' prise may be worth 171.

Write, wire ar paaa. it our aipsssfÓaáa"ciininj

law umaual' Áanajaa.' s . 1 Sixth to Tenth Prises 110 each, to whloh will be added free time the amount asid with the winning solutions. In order that the Puasls Manager may be In a posi-

tionfor suolstloas. IN 11 Thee, prises may be worth too oaoh. to Judge whether a solution wea actually workedEl Paso Hide St Leather Co. :::::::::::::::::::::: 8. U by the person submitting It, eaoh subscriber agrees to" Eleventh to Twentieth Prises t each, to whloh will be added two times the amount paid with tbe winning sotatlonaPhooe M7.

P. a.nanBe i 1IU

south " r-- M I Thee prises mar be worth til eaoh. furnish euoh information as Is desired; working papers,

TiimitiiMiiiiiiiiiHiiMiuiMiiiiiiMnitniuif Twenty-Br- et as Fortieth Prises M eaoh. to whloh win be added the amount paid with the winning atrietanae Theetc.. If sailed for, aad on fallare to comply with such

aWa ..... 1 t lie I prise may be worth 111 eaoh. requests subscriber will relinquish any rights be may


NSW YORK riNASeiAL. (Sl.60 PAYMENT) WITH EACH SOLUTION. svtmb Toa can asad In a subscription for some one otherOnly one list of 40 prises Is offered for both English and Spanish Edition subscriber combined. than yourself and have the solution registered In your

Now Tort. Nor. It. MeraaaSle new. lit The maximum value ef a prise, with either a two. three, eta or tw.rv months' subscription own name. Remember, ths mors you pay on sab- -'

3hdnT If earned la connection withpayment under the dividend scrtptloa ths larger will be your dividend If yoa winsioo LTtSl. vAT'aWwnnUtfdír plan, will be greater a subscription to English Edition than the value of aunt orto If of thla connection with a Spaniah Edition subscription on account of the difference In subscription edlUona! one prises.

price ofMaitoan doUara? HUe.

the two The pussle to offered as a means of entertaining ear....,n, i,,.., OCCUDlNa readers and to Indue those who are not regular read-

ersirlnthe event of es on the Trsl m tlatas wtU be to beoome permanent subscribers. No extra chargerequired toREWARD ' NAXIH0", PRIZE LIST 0o"JPStle. like the JlTrUinSSnV onlyr Wmo IhoX Is made for participation in the pueals solving snd allall moner atendr ifxZi u rt i. au solv. the second, or tie

jata. t: -l lalratDtTtd. fli: a; sl. No payment on ictipCon will be required la solving the secondbreaking

orpU,lie entering will be treated with equal fairness.

For any case of $1806 IN CASH auromom

Rfoblem wtn be to draw two oonanuous chains of etrelts Cut set lato blank aunatMy arooad las border sad seed

Pile. I cannot AUTO STAGE1 UNES that the numbers"J cbert like lbs atnris chats at Be imsU chart below so with rear selutlua sad atessr"

it ar.n.wwrrn'Ant'r Dato sent with my ouisir-a- l, rwen:Ui,,r0r:OT..L t? To the Puttie Mansfsr. El Paso Morning Times,'Bnouto further Ues eniue. the tame chart win he rearranged and El raso, Texas.PAINLESS IN-

FILTRATION-- at I sncloss a total or I for months' subscriptionS tlBwmTX- -: ItTt: The Peaste sfsssate wB khvdly fsraSsi any to aauy sao suuusy ant usa edIUou.

CURE. Swinahii auu. laawa a T. mfornsation ftaatrrd, tf yea do not sheen salily ant S'Bwrurt ,oT " 'ThU Is what Mat second nrtaiaa wtn bs like:awleretaadt Write and yoar tnsjulry will be

War Sutter I anger T Why aob- - sana is nil by afanar os fea the selataas at Themlt a aa oparelloo wtta ha at- - I' I jJTIISMaliaal II si ii imi sOtATION AND PAYMENTStandaat anear, eas aoapltal Thai at 18 8X78995671624488 78 258621 76 4682 (following spaces pruvld for three solutions, with Mas

or wan a tnrthar time In payments you daslrs to task with tbstn. You may submit enor ss many different soluUons ss you wish. Tou can pay56 78 81 18 26 61tgg) 68 16 29 68 79 22 treat o to at oo with sacb eoluuou. The total will apply

TOO TO AWT jewtae adanta. far iyna a'Caerlaaaa. T. Puzzle Problem Closes on one continuous suDscrtpUon)

WM&mj5U8Q 72C4)78 84 (22) 89 89 91 46 68 98 MOTE:must

Solutionsbs sstit on


In Willidtuon




I asa treat Ruptara, Olishas hfSryttiwyS aSa. 28 291 toleUsss IT aaaoattá Pealtjoan,allliuu.


HySroeekt,a outline

asa aajrkri aa to 111 tawnáwt aeSwl hot aaaZL Saturday, December 9, 1916 Tetai sass of flgurea la:60 61ioperation, aad seeeaaahilly trass jpfSjTnii" cfatyAx

aaSTvoas tjaaaaaw seta shsaalt 89 79 Total earn ef fisuras Is: $parr eeyetsaaa ta

t. ISta, TO87 89 81 86 82 81 65 18 71 21 8818 71 Total sum of "figure, hu $ooaattry. Always as BM 86 11 81 18 28 46 46 61 40 14 99 If asar s subeoribw, Ss yoa receive papar by carrier or'

OOJl SULTATSOST sTfinW! aoluaon. Read ate bleak carefully aad nil eat every saniTpore an of B. Wilis asmen and addresses plataby. 81 22 76 77 96 66 75 21 19 89 99 18 68 22 85 fifi MW tubscrlbtr, do yoq wish neper by earner or

specially sriatsd stsats and extra pasBa shaTB ea 86 18 71 21 61 10 18 81 81 91 78 46 61 40 14 99 If you with paper tent aiaewhers. nu n astas snd ad- -

aaartsr paper wtB bs sutudisd sB BaVnaS ppeVassonDr. Ketchersid to Ths Taaas for them, at Be ran ef five seat far to. n.1üüi,i: 1r ei.T,n "5 rosiaav toaetner with extra charts, t ::::::x-7::::::::::::-:.:::

Be eas ssasntiu wtta ta st aseh Using subacrtber lust as soea at poattbls after all anewnrn yossis bavs seen reestvsd and raetawed. ths small UlusWsioh tlstply delivered cernerwill be by erMOTS i Papers ageat onlyIs " ss Idea ef the nature of the sseond pasito, andsay way .will bothtog can b donato-wu- whan address Is wttmu our regular routes or delivery limits,1 na Mwamm solrtng t until ths number of Ues are dtonntad. whloh wtU bs sfur otaarwita aaUvery must bs by mall.1 attt, BMUtr LIVBSY.

wl risk en. ta Oar ta an peala Mas atina Car. LawaatAddreta All SoltitJoiu, Pittances and Inquiries to PUZZLE MANAGER, El Paw Morning Times, El Paso. Texas



IQiWrtg. fcr . O. MM. Trad Mar Rao- - O. ft hi off

Í ANT NO 0e (A, M üVfVn CW. mt6. QVKlcTj rrr-- ( ,? opTHC POUCC fMt ZT , . AtC YOU DNKA 1

JO MI4KT A &M0OT 1 ,


n l ni RATK CARD FaaW.lB Heli L HI Mottey to Ixxtn, titty aupertf.HOYB wants.1 III, wkrab Apply law mar MatI iwt art "nr-- aa. (ally

aaataar antea. Mil oo. I Y Mara. Mar An1 P" '"! " For SaleI wjna w BlBa IM mt MitTtxir mi FBJBt NBA Wttf.II U rf Una par month. kBtaBawf ar tClT1pt I BOOM BTTNOAIATWAll .d.misia Tt mm.m ,, 111 H wsnl. áaaal aurk Why Worry About iY Bl

A itipver andwill I tararí ky lit wnrd Plafaliatt D aal rara nana 4M Trust Smb.K ..I rrni r van Maaa U Tarata lo ardt puxakaaw.

Ma M w u u tndrflalta parlad l I.) hlkaa IIOKI a jui. nHial nut nvaaaatt Aivt What Future POS BAJaS Bt ownar.atar lb. siti..i Or dar la flu .BallaBa It It ak Moatard Trnll. Anjalua H'dat the IF rooaaa; pan oootTcobnib.laaaj h. i.l. n, .mini SbKHIT irirl to arañar ralla In anaarr atura"; Saatk part at bran, kraurws Bl BM fw rarmthAnnual, lot .laaatñad ark) ara ana afW rtrti r 0 Prvna Tt.MB.a

Not napanalsla for aaar taaa oaa to. inarm Forth? mum iaaitnrinn WAn TFT) ftetal rank Hatarrr rail May Bring bJSffi aaak. kaiaaa aa alna lit Artaatia i. Ill SBAy StURIal. AI'VKBTIBINO TWO LOTS IN TDTW.

km adrwlMltuj at kajal ratal A 00f jpjpartaaaajj a ataat mi a ptaajptaj. na MHT MAjNDniHILATAD BPACK Pbtasa PPM Opportunities for the in vesting public Ml W Bio Or.wna. I Tlaa. BBfayiBBl.

Opsn flat tata, -- aaa data, par In. ll BBB4 naaoa,Mil ua Ion. Tr nntl I - II. Ip U'pntivl. H never have bean greater than 'at the

Aatn. nutidsn r.rti laaarUaa. Ma.'.n lira .tintar a.u. par task pat waaMi. III. .

laura) rink ahii rati wall lai taaf; present time. Kl Peo is commanding aaal anwr avw. aaat aaltbbtWDaad, 4 Uoraw fronCaatrarla lor lana araataHB at dlsptay ad apaaa or rrj.a-a- prrtarrad Apply t Mapa Ara. pana atraat aaa panraa. at apa Tama.

nadara labran In ll.tnint "t more and more attention with each HLaa ta. laBlili lanaa far aataB

Nltaatltma Uhuk-i- MaVn.nri.iNi Ntmria "TBS INSCtVANCS. NOT AST PTTBLIirwa mdlnt nal tar aaoh Iaa art! an, pw una. and offer a greater futuro nti,MUM AMi tl. Tnalrt yearanalnaar and .Infuaai, ifLaaaU. par lina aavak MMHIM. IM. J. H. Smith A Sonsaaata' aapanaaaa daalnj Uva maaaaaaiinl or a poal and real attraction to investorUoti aa nhlrt anatnaar at Baatrta lAfbl a Paatar plant more anRead atstaw andat PMPAplnjj autliai Haa of rafaranra la paal and than other place in the Southwest. PBONB Ml. Ml TKXjLI ST.

praaatitampl .. arm A.l.lnava lina 1, Nam Arlt any i. wiui. nsk mTIM Kg BRANCH OFTICBS MAM,

pnlUonII frval haolla ...lanUmja worltar. daalrta You will profit by buying real estate IMABIUI i U aUHK. L't.VWi Wt


wiTVyioTiTAZroiiWAITINB.aorta Intalllcanra and rallaMHu ara ra Saal MB.qui ra. trill Iran loam, ralaranoaa. Add ran A PM. NOW.

'nl.lul.ariEl Paa. Tasaa FllKNl IIUA.N Atllt SÍ" AÍnrBSÍA K St TitÍPíT Numerous bargains are advertised daily IB BYvlatBB



rasaaVlrlss AaB Ptarna TTT. 4'0.


LKPw taja ran.nvaon of Ma patrrata tha Tl KMITII. TINXMITII; (tXI I.IXJIMT UK FKBKMUt ntata aad apjoATaaaa.

aafJajUlm hralvoh trun at tna rouowru pi til N FlrONKnlci in the Times' Real Estate Section and ntoraBoBB fcwÉ. Paoaa III. I '.'KillF.r.n.1, a . atraat iiiuFt. munai. a ui.nilkT li.AHH all toun.l .no .lu.aa lUnn In Oassified. WTratXlavaarn i t IM at man D MM ran Tlam atraaMPr. Phana ifli Boon I. llMllliaBi Bbak. Fiona IM. TIB POM

Times' classified ads bring reeulrs. Tha UILL MUi'NÁj' Bltuallotu Wanlrtl 4 Wanted to Rent. I and laaanaaa I 1 R FaaTAl RA NT LOOATTONS

fci!iÍrtrií'llH a"S ar íñínrSaiimiK flral rlaaa. hlptilr tamaraandad. alahaa poal cost is smalL WAlrraaV-- f. laat" BBfBBBia aVapBaaaar. Blaait far-- DSUfftaAS C. CB0WIIL. t RismiM'W rurllana aad adrarUalM anaptal at ail U.ri In hotal or tralauratn Addraaa Mk TIoapj. Blahad naail taal ppMaapTypiwj IIIb?'mu vil ladr naalraa pttalUaa aa hstaakaapaj fir I at 1ST ATI .WKti'!!.11 0UABABTII0. COMI IN AND

1 iiararau Addraaa W 113 rata Tlniaa wlNT! rTj mJmUmliaatioaa waaaan wapaaa paattlaa aa aaaaa Patota- - kliNAH H. TMSlHl. m Kn SlaW Hlrsch-Robln- stlMiaji III, ran Tiaaat tlE. ó rt i'ajíaTnoav I wa frpal

arUUKSCWp aMalrartrt atanai pralUon In liarutNBBAO B. ATE V! Nt.

WolK a.anañ raoBBl aaat M oknr tp. Wppm TM4. Baal Balll.r dir. ahila frm jlkt'í" Iloom In- - Htiuaea for Sale. I iirtiltktre for Bale. a." f. HAH Miff a Mm.

hflw Unfnrnlshed AtpatrtArtenU for Iteat. MM yBBTIII1 BkankiortutilUea. 20 -- Room RoomingHouse To Divide an Estatepgi rsrhiST- - hJk Real Katate and City IVoperty. 48

HIUT. BTHIl TI.I MOUAHN iftnt In 11. Ml.lgr NolItT. BTr.AMMOT airuBB in a. iwibi - a ywar,

AND COIaD WATKB lsiilvlni AI. wall k . lot Mil 11 aroundUJaUaW WIB Must Soil This Week l ulu llBn ANO III him 'HI TIKAÓ VblailTall' 61taIussiFuSIcT! Newman Investment Co.

MB ANU WF VKMT Nlt'KLT tr, "arte: ir ajMrraailuiiVaUnn of MaTrajda cl(iA" 9TAMP. IBIlltl), 11. h PBOM TWO BM OOOOMAN. atm. Na I. A. F A, M t PUIT 1IAWD Fin raar laaaa UkMT uiHTiiiiT. ai runTi a ri-- r. rob wiu. VUTttt --vrn. n d. I bbbpT

SItniA llaal li.iil.ti In Uia rata 'HOI Ll or P. MB t ABB WIU, BWINU IT. othar ranilla Floor Mat ajM Ml IBM raaul par month. Far mbmbii far Cas sidy A Neel'silia Hlr; anatj Irana a. m.. mi Juaraa. Mai See PI HMTI KK rnoroa. arreaaiad fai raaaaBfl rail; KurulaJied for Ren. M Ui MILLS IT.Tnird PaaTii. III VOSSA. MaarVAanMM PAjT,Un44i hmn'lful Maalar. UPWITUHI .Iraiu Itaal. aíT

Kaartjr ramlar Maaun raid atAjidlna 'r'AlTlN Ml I'lANli for .alt rhaat. t all 111 K MlnuuH.pad Kaaaaa, abi. JIMtM. M.M I non Aaaaa. PM btoaa. Nararla Bt: M

.J.-n- - noaOaafcaVawaaag ROOOtMI tW KaMlt. M4 faat fraat: Oaa haaaa Ona fourth rash, balan. tulL homeseekers' I4.m dv.roon BSSBtasaw. Manhattaa UatthM. ow-narAlJJUl .aanaiunii aUun of B Faaa Net lie M. Van Epps AT A BTMI NT HOUII ION SALI. Wanted MlaorJU It Koulu for itayajaj for auto pad BlMBM IM BMM Wylaa. an our wall lorata.1. aiudsm bunts

Uadpa. Na IM. A, W. and A. at. Pi Ml MaM At. Phoa Wa nata for humadla! aala .ata of tila brat ANTUi- A ia.l I.. .liara laria T!m toua hi TU N Kl Paaa I nan I war hotrsa. w. atara Ski I OaSl78Vróvlíiaara'olí" lhi",ríaak.l0aíd aktjBu 4 BCIU III Mllb BtwmfifViMmonla TPaapva Tharadar at t .M p. m. ili'ailaa iiii. MM oaah. awianoa raatk

taortflra. Pilo riaa I up u data apaftaMnu. EdlK lion and Itutrut-U'ii- i. w S roon rairaialow: I aarnar attand Uta funaral of our lata Broth ar and Lot rant 1 IM ,aak will hand a thta. PllON teaad .Issptna parch; oak floor, a UmbUtbI Ivoata.

Cut from $1,000 to S7S0 uarajuwaaat Ulll Trad quit fur lota or amallarhat km la Mi" A tail lUandaaoa a immtRBTHORAfK BATM. Una of Uta aloBM

ron auicKQtUa tnlaaranla

saliIn Uva pJBfl IM Ban Antauki BL PBana MM.

ada pupila, prltata IbbIibiam,

rsopBuj parrlnrs. Ill MMH.IMkkI lianAllaaipii

I Hili KBsaaapaU:

Saal bayBukala

In thaifloon;

tl Furnished HomeraBUaUr laaaakdi Ion laaaa. amatlonalli .imp nal. tag iTaaoa" IMP. MM aaab, baianra 140 pw monthFan raah. kaUanoa raar laniu. I'linna HIS lilt N. Itajaraa. m7m room Willful horns, full aa aro ail: Bar SacrificedfeUII Nil OHAÑCI. Aatos and Aonasioiiss. MM IPs I IBM laaa: rapa arbor; lara Ianata Will UaMale Help viantm. 0B a an aal af ma loa tina tarta,Hood M.M ataak ptaartl raaraliandlM and build HITDown Town a ara suuVrtawd Milrl far Ml. Hanrh UkdaV Batall npnallllak WI MANUÍAllUBI MIA0L.0MT BAl NSuilHllPlHI Isa pk, M Maa An. rtfln. oa aaw taraa.

townAaiaal a aa- -

B N Mao Uarajro. N M FOR WILDlNB ANO LIBHTINQ.oar. TFN iBBBttfulll fumlakad rosaaa, at akin Phutit 4MI. ODttAB. with lsatnf pomh.ANTW) - I'artnar with MM to lakr Iniarrai In ra. MTI. Mil at u Mta you aiaaty an four aaa taaaa far

DIÑOLE naaa.' lat W Hata nranalalaly fwrauiliarl. aa TI faatlaluabla rlaJou to flnlah I Par oatk. ulna mu I, aulumoblln and aaulonjclaa. fnstaaa. flralmppar aaaaaamant aid. aa pasad aunan, ta

l mis. HnraK. "ft. IN. I lar, ataantlt ftitiitah! Btaalat. laakaasa Prara. Ha w II.3T1 rrana haraaa; notkrru flulipailnmin Fot partlritlaia addraaa U Ho lili. U Iran. Atla nvarai. Tor man tasaUaa.rhlaatm. Artaatia. 111 AjMajar aurvapor. Inarm too. half raah; rani only 115. a "D" Uatari II. B Mn II. S) BINOIJ-- BaBBatawaaaBsTriraaB. At ata. Ill a Oaaaa. i aalti at ITM tar land ar lata, or laaa land

kaa, wia Tuwia a.uiaia taina artauaar. liaa YOU WANT a Bin with aoaii atontl to Mn TKANHIK.Vr nd rolil ruimln a "" lamalil II. IS you aata il IS HOUBIK k. ,m7ZÍ ABiaBl.waaa aaapaat A. P. Coles A Bros.rjad oav.atui.Ui taurpantar. I. Artaatia. BolTri!' auurbn. "t'l PtatoflVa I, flnt ban. fur prercw t you aata .10 MM houaa. I Lots; Uaok oar Una: laaaa

FabtK Plauiajiatmcra Notan I'. il. II. now i, Hiln i mutt than MM nnnth ll. In ma lank, tar wrldln. iHc par ouutc foot I' urnlatiftl Hooma (or Rem. MM 101 N.lira una. FOB iaUf iiall Baaapjual prut Un off loa. aa will twin Wr adrrnlM no lunk. all rUau SM your Information, all standard laa llakj fat

ro.,J.I) pa.liianU Alnill 'HI rt .uasiai Bl aioorj inaklti uroptadlhria. autoaaohila haadllpBla, wnldlu oanialn a. at . U6TfL lyitT. E Utatloo Kaahanas for Kl Paao arwantj6TIM tarat In Uraad Turn lo niBiaaa far atasaj-

araTOWNLKT nk ALT CO.. Itn. itlawilrtdlaa to ra'tlon. uotliln IBMIll rooms, arttk ptinBtB kataa. Illll.. tiling HouaaBB for Hale. H fit tint Nail Baal Bid. Pa... Wa rU our aroaurt HEAIil.lilHT. whlrh U aata,Btaraly a Irada bam OtBar nntiipla Ban olaar Newman Investment Co.ILkJlHtSTklta. Na dad.. IR. italtttaTairhar, Good Rooming Houses Special u .il. i. aint. fur lb. .ana prodacl KATN YNt PHTIL iSmliia aaPatBia aaaaa Ma $4,000Bft KNOW THI BAB SUSINiaa.Ilpu auaniaraiiuat limakaalar N'aa Mrlkai. a ubjt.i. M wnk up Btaaaa bssA. 111 B. Btaa

rant .ailr I: rurtit In towfi .laartn wa aaad yur Iran Batana and III Barop auaaaaraaA.Naw ImiiIiiii oa Ulln St.; I roon: hraakfaal

an. I1.M. laaáa It Making Nice Profits lit laoiiuY mi. Ii no aaar km. taltiNtapt. Hroon, lliatll 1 porwk; tnilliat; fcaal aoulh front

i'VrlfAIHlt IradroMB. ptiti Mbaa hat pjpl A bit bar at lbs primMU; taina Umuanarti. rVtaiura. $1 i' i.l Dotal. I.rtl. runiltut; Iwot haall.a, L PASO HKADLIBMT CO.WorlB ripajtinT A Ultla aaah and lltlla

aaak, Maw Manar, ta oaaau k. aiuall h'.lrl. Na halAa rlaarln Ml raoarr; nal r nabla 111! ic'TllSp'oPtSMnlia. IV, HO i h I ALL A MUCH- Trííaílf- i- L.fáC'l eaah. batano aaar. UNTIL II P. biiUAk tiiSVi. ti H atarALL. ia nan an.y. 011 BlCKNILL alt FOB BALI. Close-I- n BargainWAWTI - I UNCI MM MUIT Bl NUtT- - IM Taaaa It T. P. TUBNIB 4 CO. PBaaa 1MB. t Hi..llrr. mil paaaanaar. what Ira wkoala. .11, IM jnCBAT rwnBPjkad laaai tai aaMlaaMai hímM faaa hiatal


kaiMllPt:trata; buff

baitat and

ALlU. Of UOOD AOOBIM. NO OBUNKI Hilt It' r. aaii rouuiln uouao. A pair in w. Hud-- 10. I pantnpar. Ill .m mil Mtrua. paoaa aipp-a- . MaIM. an of Maaoffki aad Or- - Mall Patina wold. HallarNIIO AFFLV BIRNAPO 0. COOK, 117 MON-

TANAWIOMUtO CT Ma laa Franklin a t uaannaar, IBIS Ion BUNNY. nwwlT furalahad rtwwa. I tana; ralla, now trrBkfltui In rood ,t

I CALL BIIORI I ON AftlBT. m rat tai. Too iiaaAll alona worth vIbsIbiW HILL HOei.lidtn unty. iota rt. ifau.I MBA A ATB. NBA T AM sbj PlBáííafll'' i13. 5 III;ta Lauat and round. paaaniaar M.M. On IWAjrrlkl tianral 7naaianar lam; ran atapa Bt. 1 i aaraw lout nana: aliaaliia pomh A awallrar ar bipb.aarn lr.rn It to I aaabth. upportonlUai fat I BWBXL; MONTANA .

liiiuuiiHaia. 114. a pawnf.r M7t0 TIBMI. Bkua bona tor II aa on any kind it tarros lotM IM UIMT Hulidw a. lilla., mil i paar ipttaarkJkl ahiiiiamail .irti nkai Trlagtanli I'u Pt II. a. I. Miitll. (Old wrlal walrh. FOft BUNT- NUwiy fiirnUhad front Govern meet HillTil MAN Our artuani r taarliln iiarboruia anablaa II ftK.NT Offl.T M IM M atan t'. r. f J fw aoupia Ml UU'tim Anderson-Fille- rroa ta laam piajAlALtla ptlpfaailaa autaklr. Vtrlta IJrut f t II.,. ap 1 roon ml pml brtok Irunaalow.Mular rmiaa 111 Mam L, ran Wam. ICIAL. All TIlllH. rouma. 'with iillipBit porah. Spa mil Mjr- -

1 BM bsook ou La laa Bt. all Imlll 1T Twaaa St Phona IMIaadaatnan I buliiVraj, nanui" in. a an. auarantt Iry ua All aan aliaal lh il.. Air- wpa run i. In Isslurw; tvaaanad oaastBai; Mill:WAraU Fltal rlaaa .lit raalu ma TmIb l.nnl llrlndlt Kauvar. ownar. H ' WYOMING IT. C0RNIR

oaaablo of Laktti auoMa . Iiarga of rll liualnaaa BKK HABUAlN NOT! l. Buaaraua. on ainvapiat rtaturn to tan oiln nan oaan nti itn aa nt uva aamara ItllfU fwraaikad fpaal aspapa. PftraM PaaawSÑ south Bouui rrsnt uulldint aub. oorawAddraaa B lit" 'a 'IHpaak. TBI flBNT llama Mir W ihat thav may art a rlupsr in I mis awat. M.IM TIBMI. A snap at Uya BrVw

wantf.Ii T.aiiia am lot antral iMáa para, alao, It NKAB P. O.; PtU. BATTtB. riTllltl.D or Kuthai From IMT Montana Bt imlntar h. n.larnuv.

BBiaaia,If In lam tad. nail fur t All BBBtwai Blsbee Street .y1-- l11 4 '

hoaBkaraar and atoiioarapPar. Uln apa. tpfaraaom, (ONU MM BOWS. BAl. tmaith .'.I Ml. Naaaun akti r Bain Co. anon Pbjn aa iiatauarVa.r. 11 nan Tima. ANt'B VK.H BAÍY.I 1irtT In (Iranif Mr,, krlndlr and hlb- - l.ulhha P' r Till loo Sil W Han Antonio BL FI HMHIIKI rooat. pnaiaa bbbtbbm. 1M1 W.iaui.uj tapaatry brtok bwaaaiow. InW ANTBI Fim u. ork an roñan 1 Ikrward Ptaaaa 111!. Till! tOB IALI-- W. ba a rabvilt Una of ssjaolad PMio till H. tha ITo block IT Si fail front, nod

aaau. oiuat la flral rlaaa. n.aia .aliar naad applr TBANBIBNT; V A B P C L futulslial fw lahlkaata. prttas swaaa- - ", "Nil Kl.YOUT TO .... btin.ii. build a Itnw.i Ftnaia roatartai Ink atan.Yud main Ail atoa ta atoa 'SmW aIb." May field Building ATin Milla Houaa I,) Montana- -front M M fw Mil to III Mr Ifai. Wa buy AM

Wll TTiT traialltlP Pi aBi kaapna tjapaara al M BrT b a mil N T IN wa it an ainwaan n aaoBippB PKH11LAHLK tr.a.1 roOBi. Montana Street Improvement Co.Matar a riana. Tootn (ourth addlUon. bardad Hale MlBVSUal UNI VIBBAL Tiff BPICIAITY 00. Pnoaa I Ml.dBjpnlM Int Mvrtla An Phona lltl UNI fraat raoAi aaiaW Mr taw. mwTSWaNTKIi r.ain pmb ktaaHnrapar Mai alniai'lpnar' M MODATBN ; PtUY. ATHB I.AM 1.14 II ulbaia Inri DnlMII. laantiv MrJ looks and Paaa Ilka tun. fully Paaaa I1M.

la a ta n ara. Brnplnraaal DapL l.'ndarauud to arMa waaa ana: atara woman ai nana tub toulinalatan, Ha Hnoai waaaisao, mow HWtaal BbU, laaad faa ba boapki fwM MB, lalaVBAJITl BBNTIIM BI'WIAl. iav II to II M at W HUai t'.i., Kl Paao. Taa for .ash. Baa Wa laoloi flgk. latj pawlarn. ataan roon. okao Jaran Allan é fa. i hBJlnlan. B 07WArHto

an raquJrr.lii "Amariaan



ptafartad.a worf

t'hluarplar- -

M FINI UfTtm. BB IT M DOWN wr-I-i Mmtv mM Ft.K tSSM lilt nrtn BMIll laar l ran onlrj.lM Ntmrurnudurd run.; kk Hi rVwii. Close-I- n N. El Paso StBarand hand pliav I la 11 luchaa, otarhaulwl aad udloa. Bsraaln fir raah. Ownw hnttn lorn ' of ar aptanrtld buta faaUdaa wa oaa tin youlaala.1 at Unmkn urtaaa Ta tartarí aaaaB In tna rail KlOoti llatrrtl ft. a. ATTlLACiTTaV. obbbb naaat. aaar T at 0. A PBaaa aaa fw raar ila7 tAaa aar lira kl uta ally.

An Aiuort.aau lataJfur rtuuui Tata, nuputy Co.. Haauaioal Tfaaa. si IFOB MAI Jt 111 l adlllar. WBaaí BiaaaI.l MIOH ran afford lo atn yoa aBtraor.Bnarr aal iruok fhaaa fw aaak Ttlntar'. Mapair tkoa I'it. unat'raapail in Mil T. wTfT A."Kaava

See prttn iai rtnl laVViuot roa uaan. A. i IM a BanAA pVl.iniuei Hoiarunaiii. rtvuiia aaa O01NO .art ot lawn, a.uat aatl Walt TBllsanBlia t W. P Payne Al CLOU IN M0DIBN APARTMINT MtiÜ 1 1.MAN T IrTIILMH . .l.r. hi ll ml. rüiiPIJCTK Marian .it Una n all Maaa mf n taTT"" BBIBBkB IBM, OaU phona WUI pay IM awn way. aad wank M.M aaaaa onrtlit MAIN I'HONB IM AM. Al TO Wild, 1AI la alork lor .aah or on ran tal par man plan M.MWANT!... t tpaOa.i.a.1

aaad .1 fall aftar 1 Lam FOKU ran. 111 and mil, aaad iaidtlill ; aaa tBBa; --4ijjaga "ij I.N I rJfi I

IIU-- ntvaa fw aaak. BBraaa ta. Ill W. Otsrland Call ui raaa ta IaffVKPVB BAauoKB I'OlalaViS- - Waaaa -- uiia laaralPa rarak lilt tr Ftr funlvar larwr- - ra Ownaa.CatAlcaua nialla.1 fiaa II K 1MB lUaard aAvd KOOaa Offartxl- - ITML SVtAIIT. ainalalltl ui illaaam of ram N,aaa 'III' 'AH tot aal al SM Montana Bt Man J I M -- T'V'"! PB. AM.

M aad 11. il.ainbuuaa blork Kl Paao. Taaaa Rooming House Buyers, HI.MINOTON tapa Sapaar. oja a ii I av 5 iAiwínTaiiíi romrrWANTKD At une a F.wd dalltary .r It t, on Two total kn a Ua IIM Monk:atAHHMat anual, tía luaranuaal Alaaau Matt rt aUrdltlNO anal Mt aait SipbiHm Anal papad. A ntpar n. Bun I. Naw i to Mark siIpaap, CaluaibMi. K M B B Bptair. Attention Paaaa . tAwTrarlrlaai" MouZ Rat FOB BALK Half loa Itulok trunk . ft HouuT. IAMI I. MANN 00..Ttlt A papa No ai Bltaa ..I.. Mil rat . W. luiat Bpaa."

n OA Al.TIHA PAaapr ll yaat old Aptilr al .aTtna. IBM aaa. balar M par avoath. rant raaap; a. tu. wail aornaBBjatBiaaB.WaJtIIu n.d


Autora.uo. attB ht'opak tr ara-- PBB4




aorouutatañan; Jpaad


otoaltaanl fur Till, lai maal In III. and Mt.l.m y, I, a Ji artr af las (twasi A praaaa kM b W IM



tU.C. a7. I The Lone Star invest rXK BALK rlr.1 rlan c.r? wS--4 JsurñÁrtm'í f

dgjiaalMaWraatk K'j&WmJtmmm

Tats U a fins asonwy- -

Wanted to Bay Mlnx lUieoiia. Onrlandment and Security Co. ITJBUT OPAN AO BOB papa nt laaiaill.woia away. JMB I j ywar BnaarNK aad wrBaaaai u: jwhata rooat aad porofcn ataan kaai m M The Lone Star awyijiiin

mad tiaukj. JSmfm 6apU. Bid BIST-- oa. -Suite 503 Trust Hide. Clothingaa.l uurttr IM ata m LfflfLfTnlT'io. IT t.B?lth -.-wtv,l .Mr Investment A Security

. na i MT Kauaa. Phone 1206 111Boon IM Hwakl Bl Company Pkaaa asi Bad Bbawa M aaat Bad,


in twIIIarTJIt Suite 503 Trus t Bldg. New Bungalow, CliftonpMBItTY nalaaaaaa tut ni.NKBB OPTK K MlMl Milla MulLllO.

TlMta Ml IF .is LaVaYa.aai) Bat mm aat.' Obm Fasta aBBft WANTtlii atapt. falaBtat km... at Maton auaranisaai. rawaa Mr StreetaaaaTRl ant MAM; ana lata phuuiajrapai : aiual ba inip Aihlnaa ra IB i "íiw'íJVanaUr llrl Wattled. aaSB, aaa BaBPAV paaM."' Mónita 'dáaaklLulltu dka at BTssVaaa 111 bwlliadl .IÜ, laan.

i M Mi K.iIU!i Mvaiiaai atapaaaV S.Wl'nra ISAM no. WaNTKD To bu i ar I ñablkaBaa aa aav kmmH m aaad. aw bit, frrai. lativa addraaa HUH ran Tiran VW1ARama mm

aa.iiniulu atar.

InI IrtTaf ran ai

HI i.u) .a..l luvnd Ph.. IM Like Finding Money Nettie M. Van EppsSOCTOB AUIB. To KKcfcaUtije MUtWIajvpotia. II BM Mato Aaa PVbbb MM

bbC Storeoaaaaaaa. Paarala daaaaaaa Nartaaa Brick A Tenement mutt n avwa 'tañadaM.WB will bandlB MIA PltlTi'U AJUv. IB SLPot a atrka. Ill at aaaaa. paíriir-- fruai tw, akato Mj paaws paid.l A naak Ubfat dtua Papn ; paaat aavap Bani M $2,750 lata BM nr aa. fi llian and wanu ta Mil llWit MABIBaV M It Bit ... 11 N ttn.V'tiariiroa'at ,,ffl,,B, Jwi!&yi. Baw.g aaatTB uva It a actwra IW II.IM. Ta jrwanl M wottkT. P. Turner A Co. IIM tarat vnd Otttaa. M Baa tana I nan aswlaaauta aad MsaWsnn; aa

aaiaBwtiTt WSmtLTZ iV4""iTtWRZTZPh. 1439 320 Texas St. WHITNta IT II A Ua SB IM lOB a .ffifWJáaaV'J UPtaM M ja aAp7aaaa at To Property OwnersSa. aa ratanac and MpaPapaoi. Aavtraai Baal UaBtBpilf Btaataj. If rau an faan Mlinnrt.r'undluro for hale. 14 PKItlUBIJtD Basto, bull nunoln. I wontaa at. II I III Ulll s

Ban nam ipMiii I 1 or and I p aa WaaA dan aa lUtl krovlli - - aiBrataa rutas kaanttaa! Phillips Realty Co.KSMjja 'l Jobs avaMwtlt, Una II aaal t bv Wanted Mtw FUBNIYUBI IXCH ANfllD. Ill a IABB--rl SL aYapaa

VSAsSiWw VUrit- -ll laaai bobbb, ftn apart ui n ''JaMaly "jjM i.iia

HaTT All kaida aaad BoBBaaBd atTlB furBllawa .WUI pad JS ST a L.

mrvue-W- ros u: u fair wrap Par Ml Ml pooda. Baa w PBarÁ aa Bt 1 wr M pw arant. Oar pal taa An aad aariM m" PnaOB rUBNlYUNI 00 ni awsw MBAada-- ' VAHs..fallal 111 Mills SUA. PVana MM.




treats aid mt "Uujs- - aa. "txu Sfccrr bao S6ü MMO L 1m 1Wi' "HHl. ( ,

i i )i i ntLLul MIL tt&CT uulfcDndvyvr dlaiM: I J ot W 5w ttu--Bfl ill 1 1 H UiCnr iiRm- - AmaJOf KUMT Off tr

I ! VrtAL FLu5tP4F II I12 tAu IS, (4 u r . . n ' MISSOS

bbsr bbsi i aaá i i mm mm

J umm u h mm BtoTHtR.!


Real Bsurte and City Property- - Real Katmte and City Proper! 7. LIVMTOCB. ARK! TB. At fart Wart, COTTON A B K f TP(far Bator, Huuil

Hawkins Bros. Damar. Cala.. Na IA Caltll nitja. I.AM an tulpa, I M. Markat ataadr Top M MlA OACBIFICI. Hoaa w.aao Markat Markat Barf .tmr. M MW. aaw. and balk. I ia M

bullíhalt aaat. M.M J. Hi, i: MOM alaaban and faadwa, II HUI aalaal. t'aula Baaota. .. In. ladln I. Ml nalaaa rWrf Na Tark. Nat. I apotII. PAW. M M it.. Markat an at. Prim, ni If w tank M.MBi ij nan It wafan nan, tiAaarll M: at lata ttaara. M Ml. fatua a.iaoiu. II aM M.ttut rfr s.tio Uoa Blnu t.ia Markat lawlto Maw. Top. II hatfar.. MM nana. lt: mnotai rotura, nloaad itnaa; M A nat adranra rf I ItM.mT aaU. ikMaatta. MMB; hatrant. M M

aS5h 5ArW!fc --i ,í8Em zrtüi ra..,; ...Stfr jsx im potnav Danaaikar. Miar: laanaur. B.Ua kUrah.

M.I.: Mat. MMa; Mt. M MrA mmra I hthim bino alow Rita at.

sus? ..T"" aj See This BargainNow cotCBTBTTCTtoN on Ha bwn

l itfiii room tnmaaraw. with hrraafral roan: ama,f with oanrrata drfenwar: M-il- hatlu aAhatT ttto 1mm aaraaaa, aaraaaaa aaok aarah. anil,


MM rw raw


ata: aaloaKIY


Ma of .wr pBOl MB ana buaxit TMaa M.M: LkVAVILL 4 NI A in the LocationUilN mm. 4TM II Taam It. Copper Company Right.11.rtsaf una NCJia W mbsb fw smd tM MfM. It "Xjayjj.

sr. Onad.133 aaav

laaal lau"fatoiaaa

on MaMaML

at la Mm IBM MaraAtt vm kdrtat wui am asoa an man i rw A CO

WC wnx TAKS U raw hmrI MM w a ana uto Mt Ban AaaaalPon tar rf But a alw óoki HI61IH IbMAUW

MET im BtrUB ra mm ra nor iiMt Iml .rint - JTljaaW Bt: M.TMPlant mm Bnw m. a. ail antjm..

Hawkins Bros. Ph. 2800 TABBtaiaa.


HaaJBinaMM ta Buy Preorganization Shares Nowi aad . kuak Tl;

Ml. MataarL ArUHI IniM Ttt vrr r- - rtT i '"i h

Oram otaantt. raw- - Mat awraau or Mauiaan Ilk.MM


m noRt Thlt


aaoaaalhta-tha-of IM

wiIf Mwaatad

r.aad BaaTuíá in the NEW JERONE WINNER

lirtT'iAaV'oi built for a bona and at ron NAL or trada far I Put. i:. or.lhaa wa ara aakLtuj laoy aamr rkaat Tkf nana

lof It rrvaa for r nn .mlir akafnii. tm akTHRU NW ON(S. ro ajtJJaraa. Maaa, I rail ka. IM aaaaua.

I iMutlful iiw bunnlmra In iii ill kUia IMg




Halahtauraa iHaaina;




I lanauta








ftaatt ahaBa.

fw Bat B.

" UB. Jerome Copperfields, Inc.. at 10c per share

IF VOU WaWtTK Ha kaar frata oamar af rana wla Ud Id a han aa Maaad Maa alt O, K. Baidww wuonar aad baAd for rmx on RealEUrvanxe Katate. 11

BTCBAjao rw fa raw marte, atad leMdon.MACON BEALTY CO.. I, AM ftrat AMrwaia aa Bait Hira mJmv land:na Ml. IM MUUa alar. MM road raaktanoa Iota In Baa Dlaao. M aan aa Si

Do you know that orno of the biggest mining men and capitalist, in Extracts from the report of the well known engineer, Gecrge A.

iullm-- Ha o Aiir the state of Arizona are interested in this company? Bethune.M tWtaal

Modern Bungalow of


raMIrfa Do you know that the company own and controls one of the famous LOCATIONt Uraa room, aad alaaad-l- lara-t- Mat Oaf af Ootobar. II

pnrcb. hardwand floor., kultl In Paaaa Ibaraof. M laa MM of l 'laraaaa tjarñar ta. JeromefMlorat. ata.: at ear Baa: naar AIM Jaba T. Ombbm aad tba aAkara Btaab Tata Co.. district's most valuable properties? TheVlaU Mhanl. A baantn. I1.IM: No. UM. aad M aat. m abaratT, dlraatad aad Jerome Copperfields, Incorporated, property is situated in theMM rarii aad aaat amint patatanu 1 aill tu ail M aaa. wttaja MB kaaaa nra- -

III li.iullc thU aartba. M laa for abarttTV aaaa. aa tba ftrat r Surface show northeast fault of Black Hills Range of Mountains, about three mileBoa MB. MACBATI. Mar. M Baaaaabw. KM. at bataa ta. ata atar oí Ira assays 3 per cent copper end $2.40 in gold. None of

ítala, katwa Iba aaajthaaaa door at Mid M Paao northeast of the town of Jerome, railroad terminal of the UnitedW. H Austin Agency aauaw. M tba attr oT Paao. Ora íoüowlna dwarlaail alaaltotd tiaanaina m aaia OManoaaB, jaaa t. the world's greatest producers had better and it itCaaaaraa aad BwitBjra ataaka Tarda Ca. copper a showing Verde fc Pacific Railroad, a feeder of the Santa Fe system of railways,

naBBBBBB M a MAMti'afIBIBMi rrta.


ft aaat aad ta the fault a transcontinental railroad line, and be further described as lyingft rraa. aVaaa rank ItuaMd at tña B W oornar on same with the United Verde and the United Verde Ex-- mayana.ataparu.

b. IIMw

IT W.a.

II ft Muní

iba northwest of the town of Clarkdale, also a railroad terminal of oneÁLTA Vim HOHI.

tarap. of the branch lines of the Santa Fe Railroad.H' X. Ill ft ailk north una of adoba Bata

a aMaaad-l- ataat- - n n: w.M11



aarawMl af


bataw:Maaa: I

Ibarra.Maw A good wagon road leads from the Clarkdale Smelter to the property.

luuxiwood floor, ta arar tMlga fkaar Ml ft lo Utat aat M ft from our- -latthrooni aar af MM adaaw boaaa: Itiaa B. II M W. Ma ftINI ft M aula: tnanea W.

atora 1 tba aktk St.iT I tharraa N. M ft to puaa of a. MINERALIZATIONAn l.laal kaaaa, M a Idaal mmMUb lAfT NO. 1. N .rat. a l"alw aat B. B oarnar rf Da

4nü rananBaM:

atthwraaand klirania ft



Matft M

IIIataM:t ft Only 200,000 shares of this stock is being offered to the public. It h While the surface shows on the property the lime and Chert flows,



baUt-- faaturaa. ara B 11 II' W. BM I ft. nrantaf parallat ta the rock in this also the andbaaaatkra, M ft. w, or ut wrai una o un Aoaarvwin already over one-ha- lf subscribed for. of predominant district, Malpais Sandstone,floora, TmrtaMt, firatlm plant I' M" pana aronaru M A BkMni MM ra If. M It' w Mil ft Every buyer preorganizationaaand

willpaid,uka M.toa:


ra.M.0. Tt MtUa and the underlying Schist and Diorits, some pieces of float, large,Cree Realty Co. nth


am.rf lraaMaaar,

oaaa raaoroaltii.

or aiat ruara

rana oaunrt,a aou na.ara stock in the Jerome district has made 300 per cent or more on their others mere fragments having a breccieted texture showing the quarts

Mt mbba rwni MU.wbTab




WllUaraJ T. catnaroa

Prwnot laaaadfar a HI IV NOW U- -í U fc. a Li. and calcide matrix carrying iron and copper. Assays of the ore give

ixcNANti m al im rwmrv. partod battttnUul Iranambar IS. IMS. and dina Jun. laarvraaasj aaa ttic paai uutx llltriltlta. aww a anwTV ircitric it la ttntt Mate.I room botara. Pwaona. Cal., tout In Port Worth. IS, KM. at . taital of IIM pw month, and with an 52 per cent Iron and 3 per cent Copper ; $5.00 Gold and Surer.Ta.-- , ratidor't lian antra for rltt nraaartt w ralla anaotura aaaraaaaaut inaraut. atu lira. trato ,iih iunnf

land. hn u urararatli known aa tba aabrtakl baaM baaara.W. N. CARL. And alao that lartabi ta.pratl laaaad far laamJMjCj4m TLMa,

. Iraaot til rrtrara andar loara rf dala Marón IS.f"" MM. af raoard u book Ml at aaaa AM. daod mm. CONTIGUOUS MINESReal Kalate, Farnui, HAUbotvaa.




aataiha, daaarlbadJ?tk

aa faBaraa. The property is in direct line north from the United Verde Coppert fadnf paaad road. I aaa II' M. for 1.Maoraa. BaaBtatna at a point In tba N! BB af UK APPUCATION AND RECEIPT ENCLOSED.I aora. abrart I mura rana. MbbiiiiI. fot O. kL dt B. A. B. Ca. rbaM rf war. arana batn tba Company's workings, about three (3) miles distant on the same trend

I at. a tarro M Mf l. ura.arda: tirara N 1.M0.I ft Ut an Iran Bin aat In joining the United Verde Copper Company is the Jerome-Vict-or Cop-

perII at oalt MMama V aroand for V B onrnw rf tlrñt traat: ttaatra It. ta APPUCATION FORTira anara jViraata

F. KNOX COMPANY. U' W. l.MT ft to a ataha tat nt tba around Ira STOCK IN THE then the Arizona At Arkansas thenCompeny, Mining Company,Ml i 'apira BMa. Itx... II. lha N W oarnar of that Irani, raid ttaka M ft (

Scenic Drive Building Matul',IT ti. B.

propartr.rf a lanta



Baralwlfar B.



ftaf JEROME COPPERHELDS, INC the Jerome-Dais- y Mining Company, then the Verde Copper' Develop-

mentaaat of lha aaat prunartt Una rf Btarana it tit I ftw Irrat ran art 6Taa aroaad. iban B U II Mining Company. All these being situated between the UnitedSHe M I ft M ataha aat h fro and. Utnua B. I it' JEROME, ARIZONA.a ti ft in tna aaaaar or mm Mti; tara fw

Ona of tba ran ban aa laa aria, rf tba raraa. ara raraa roana with ft. Una rf adoba Mat ll Verde oft Pacific Railroad on the west and the Santa Fe Railroad onakaat baa prbav Lot ra abara ton aam Thethe east Jerome Copperfields, Incorporated, being about one

mmmm n si- - mwNettie M. Van Epps Elncloaed find $ ( 1 ) mile west of the Santa re Railway, where a spur track could bewilt fSkjU VPWH lIlBfM built when wanted.

tar aaad maa l lata. Prtaa maat M rkral aad km rTM'-a- i: 'nraU AmjLTLdBat aau nota ara an na rwmm a M ft ta ataha I'ar tat tor laa BBllll B W atr- - to sharesfar ran. aw w ura i mi

HAWKINB BROS.. Wuaara lirai tbaMaV ln ft to auk fit of stock at 1 0c per share.I and T aaMBB) ?6ji am at attd Ptwu aartrat: ra B. CONCLUSIONa u, ataba: thanes a. lrV w..

Moving Picture Theater ttauMU

1 00 shares can be purchased for $ 0.00NtMt.l



rf waa Kara. rf Ura'a" 1 ra" 250 sharsa can bs purchased for 23.00 After tracing the Iron capping through the Jerome Daisy, and VerdeWTTH n OP it YKABB.






ftOT ft Atan



rtabi 500 pre organization shares can be purchased for 50.00 Copper Development Company, these two last named companiesbMm a)I land Irln.

Nettle M. Van Epps tsitr'sr. if ehtnwh anula afafl 1,000 pre organization shares cae be purchased for 100.00 being on the same trend into the Jerome Copperfields ground, beingft MKSA AVK. taa



CMBirdli.imai ialj ra


rftaran'iba abara


at Partil 5,000 pre organization shares can be purchased for 500.00 continuation of the great Geological and Mmeralogical belt that has

Must Sell a aaa Band an rat ara at ura10.000 shores can be purchased for 1,000.00 made the Verde district so famous as a metal producer.

MalM taa an a. BaaM Pa 8V lain TMrt and aa tba ail afahn Tllllllt and taa Eraatk. I am of the opinion that this property only needs prospecting Bretraurth arlU aa to tba barbaM Mdoar. Sadaak raw bah TraSjC.. w atdBaft A BiAajiiil Mtanttlnirffw ra Mr MulUkUt ilM. with Inurrat thaMB an llaf fruat BM Illh if

OOUSLA C. CBOBfKLt Af NCY. rf Irara. A. D. KII. M lha Mt rf par rant aat with a diamond drill to locate ore, then engineering ability to makeAt II W ana aad NameOA Midi aat.

SUtlNtMAN iRr r4miW- this property a good mining I A Hilt"


baUl Respectfully submitted,t marar Mat. rf TBB. .. U i raw la Ura Addroes i a: i ren a u irruí iwr

Oaart Prraitu. I. IIPwCaM r UA.V. ULilllulllt.IAMIB L?MABB 400.. V JM4 aaa laMIt Bt

Five Lots for $1,000til

If you expect to buy, wire your order at once. A fewraatkra. MM, at a.Nettle M. Van Epps - ilratrtlwil Irani rf laM


aaVALUITAaaa at:


THBtkla, TIM

YIARAbrat 117

days and it will be too late. Wire or place yourfuw rS5! Pnaa radar. Tba prtaa M I II.M l lha Ub AM at f iNf r. batn ora

rf ttawth bataaau Ura Iranr. af I a olank" i raa at a ara rantM ABB 4 Of.. lrra?-ATra--r- SLfSSl CraV"S order with your broker at once.

When You Build a Homeiraum Pttnrt v. At P. BBV, Tata.

H. J IIIIWN irarart,

M batN klMiBilll M JlM braara M at Praw,


James Westervelt We Hove Confidence in Our Com-panyratBTawaTaáaf

t.l.uü.wt.1.. TRUSTEE HAVE YOU?IN HtARr OF oiTV AIM Mil FOOT.Baa IBM Ot. MM aff ArrarUod: aw aMMr 'raaoLuad Pío.

Miataata. Na. MliaTdf4 M Ban AAwrada





CLASSIFIED ,nr llaaTtWi'Sl H Britton Davis C. Smith IRMA'oi il'-Í-

SStJSrM af tha IraJTaJTa. raava. xrknlailA X I Davis & Smith IBusiness, Telephone and Professional FIRM UPWARD SWING STSTAL MARKtTS ABABA. TAfAtT. rAXAlL fT kja.

in reABABA. TtA I, artl llalli, far IABaBa, Wo. I. MAIL pw tax. SMS STOCK BR0KER8DAT mikN

4BE' DIRE CTORY TaJce Rbtw Fran Etmn mndUbT .

I 1


n I 230 Mrm AmI I I Phonm 7M0MmlkmA ClOBkM stt Sabeten-tít- ü I I IS

lUn( Thle tip In Your Homo or Office far Quick llvfarenc It Will Save Advance. Sha. BtaX SX IxaAX SaMiaj. SPECIALTY 'Toa Tim, if You Want Your Hutrlneee Listed Here Call BOM rafal). cat tat. I Arixona CoppfW Stocksand Auk for the Advertíalas; Department. mm reksll, RW


I 4T taxxia xaxVn

A00UN7AR1 VlTtRINARV SUASIONS, kAAt to laU todxr, Ohl xljxAll X4XI ,m k'lli?'rwiikki'l 'ky tax Pre

4 CO Mill. Hldt Pfcaa lV&t n c r ffíliii Imd 'kxiVi xxixxTtxiAVxik nt aa74M7J Pi

miinni rn II nial fot hora an i" manm K.1..X l ilt ttlmfíMr. w Pni. b Uhu fan. 7 f'ana.i.SSI nlfhl 74XX A rxxAxrl raaarraa trkaau n l,: K. 5 ril.mall IVi arka W4JJ M Mfhar iii-6couNiANT-ctRTi- ilo. M1 MAAKR. II V A Phot.. IIS? or 7 II TS NTAPIAWt: L WTSStyin hiui.k UM3F m 4tX 4 it- - (rtamHaraa bj antral ÚVerarr READ THE WANT MM

READ THE WANT ADS ThA rraavvxxx laaxxai a imiar 7 afJtAT, kAAt PW XaXXAd

' U 44AI anlAHASI A Tata ta, par daa. Ma : w ohAbniNI) MACHINIS.

W 41M ..HIM aaioax tl kUIIA Bktl iiSAITOH .ddlni 11

" ''' ARTI8T.aMny. ( iiu.n ni.ii


mjL Áv " S4xa"' Sxaue M IK Trwtkl rw. 14.'- -


Mill. Al


CIVILs liwald



I1 Phona MÁJS. OPPORTUNITY ñ JEROMErt""xt-WTTaTum mi i" ' i" ''111 Tata, 4MI



Wun WW man na rot axAt IM a.jhW(rarÍiTl"7A'iTlt.'l o llltirkwi d

t,..-- 1 11 A At.r.lon litan ne.TAPtfaÁwf1' worki JU (u It. til

AIM'IN ll.chihniv'


swiipa.tav Blo liprl

Ml aat up Pham


I mi 414 soum Riaxito M. FORTUNES IN COPPER MININGnUfl' if li ' H.i. Hlda PROA tiki"iih'iws .i.i.'im. ne miii aids.


Till II1.IAMI llau- lit. HW IllMIllian mmU of clttl ami rtltalnal aw 1117

HW Matin! Sank 7)141 Ilion. 444

kim caUaman.DRIASHAKINS.

v.. .i ,,..f.i,ii phntw'MA.u. Some of the biggest fortunes in this country have been made in copper mining.111 7ni. 04V.



AT once.HC"Pkxa WI TH.

I Most of the copper fortunes were amassed by investing in stock of prospects beforeOWL TlRÍ II I4T ikr. K Aju Itiifirtalor opan


' they became producers.I ACL 0 R U 0 STOkt.

lima Atora ' Aaanla lor Ulloob atar ajiií

Drtka. Mt K, Sn Aotinlo Phon 11 4 The UNITED VERDE has paid $40,000,000 in dividends. The stock of theURNITÜRI PACXIAO AND AIPAIRINA

UNITED VERDE EXTENSION ROSE from 35 cents to $40.00 a share when thatrapxliaxl, rWlnl.loal uKo.u.itad IMr 4 1Toa wUI









company developed the biggest body of high-grad- e ore in the world.ilAlllliHI.HHIM) anil mailn.llo ti'p.







HI da These mines are on the VERDE NORTH FAULT, along which all the copperfOnSiS Xlli II ItMaa. trool lli ullottoho Kl l"aan. Tax AlMmtfaniUA. M limalu

ÉSf.i I. Aril : TWAon. Ant hlliuajlll yet found in the famous Verde District has been discovered.ICl AND Mill

riii (jiiamu: i. i ii n kl "Pur

PurniatllH.1 tinWaiar

.naloA --A mile north of the United Verde and half a mile farther from the Extension


(Jan. J.aalry on the same fault is theJUNK DIALIHt. I

Kl. I'twi IRON' AMI hi I7TAL III. UM CutAaAlatl In tat Hon. rulinar. tmyrn. JEROME DAISYTCXAA llilTTLX AMI II ML in. 1901 Itll"

At W RAX Uta kúrhaal pm-- ml uottlaa. ran.a44 jxaawr. UTAH Lrtan. ruMa anil all

AU. l r pVtA




RlNOVATao''MO The Jerome Daisy has right ón the surface, along the fault, an iron capping

AlATtkBRRtAOH A alltann.



PhANA MM. similar to that which the Extension cut just above its ore body. Thi capping isAUITlHX.A







MaraTtl 50 per cent iron, carries low copper values and runs from a few cents to $26.00 a

lit 1M











CObDtI'hiaia ITTV ton in gold. We believe thiat when the first Jerome Daisy shaft, already started, is

Exi'HANlIk roui old lurollur. to. Wt





nnont man






Co. down through the capping, and right now is in the wonderful iron schist that isNEW an aacaxa hand futnRura trtatchl. aaU nd









111. known to over-la- y the big ore bodies of the district, it will enter aiíore body rival-ingrka OPTICAL ATUOIO. ttA N. Orai that of the Extension. A


uluThe Jerome Daisy Copper Company is organized with 2,000,000 shares, par

M I. Ml m ilIIM



N. l4Aoo.llriwna


1411 value 50 cents. When it was granted its charter, 51 per cent of the stock was iny.l, I'AaVi I I AN III UldaM In CI Pa.

Niabiaax and


Walw utaiutla


planaa Rotath AM. the treasury and the company owned its property (thirteen claims) outright.AfAl IK ,,,... III.

aWiSITai4AAllrrt. xvaiiaaa rioai.




J.jhtrUt. Psalw,

taaA. andTlh

.arila JAMES F. MOWLES, for seventeen years one of the leading citizens RICHARD KINGDON, now in charge of the operating department

reH '..'w!Jx."urn rtrt 4 s. piiixaii ax. of the Verde District, PRESIDENT. of the United Verde Extension, VICE PRESIDENT

10IIIT PRf PA RAT ON A J. J. CAIN, Mayor of Jemore, TREASURER.M. 4 N. tolo pralKUAIilAhV 11 N. A.I I

Till Mta Hi






Every dollar available is going into the ground, not into the pockets of pro-moto- rs.

U 7.1. AN llhun PGwta 7t

TVPi ITtR. We assure you a run for your money and a good gamble.TVPIWRITIR AND O'FICf SUPPLY CO.

AU Luaxx xd raanaxL Qrrlal


t'l K1TAK

rubbarJ at


tu. Afatriatriai a


ur rAaxT

AA4 Baxxl Only a few shares left Bt 50 cents. Wire your orders in, follow with draft orBwxyllAl tor uaxat of aurhuia. 1

TtitntrUtr Oo .

TAakt:M MA lthw TT4T. money order. Arrangements being made to list on the New York Curb. ' C

Prospectus and map mailed on request.POMAUOV U. PARO First Alka4mant .100,000 Shsvre at SO Cents ShareV WXSA41. SXOXaJA,

7. Pkaat AM.

V4A00B YARDS. References Bank of Jerome, Bank of Arizona, Jerome, Ariz. APPLICATIONALAAA





Pk.) For Traasurj Stock in the

nt to AS

Wl LOINS.W. iTXArAMkt txxtxxk IaaT See GUY BIRDS0NG, Broker, 102 Pioneer Plaza JEROME DAISY COPPER COMPANY

of Jaraaas, Aria.O. PASO WkLDINO oo .

iinxfA majatriat. Mar. for further information."frsr:7.,y,ia Herewith find for Shsuee I

mvmmlf Wkk4Ni CA ot I rissusury stock in the Jerome Daisy Copper Company.TÉX AS WILOINO o mmmmmmmVikmi

xaur TdXtxa. ax TVaaa

Jí" mmüTL








rravxan. SV Jerome Daisy Copper Co.To

A J. K.ISSELBURG.Sskcratary



No orders for lees than 20accepted.shares or mora rhaxx, 10.000 share

JSj&?Tti,.M KAa

IV axiaUar,


w jJ xxxaIUtA. J. KISSEIJBURG, Secretary. JEROME, ARIZ. TERMS CASH Drafts or P. O. Money Orders