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Oct 16, 2021



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Carreggiata Nord in variante

Gallerie artificiali di imbocco

Relazione tecnica e di calcolo dei rivestimenti


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1.  INTRODUZIONE ................................................................................................................................................... 4 

1.1.  GALLERIA IN VARIANTE - OPERE DI IMBOCCO .................................................................................................. 7 

2.  DOCUMENTI DI RIFERIMENTO .................................................................................................................... 13 

2.1.  NORMATIVA ................................................................................................................................................... 13 

2.2.  DOCUMENTI PROGETTUALI ............................................................................................................................. 13 

2.3.  SOFTWARE UTILIZZATO .................................................................................................................................. 14 

3.  CARATTERISTICHE DEI MATERIALI E DEGLI ELEMENTI UTILIZZATI ......................................... 15 

4.  CRITERI DI DIMENSIONAMENTO ................................................................................................................ 17 

4.1.  GENERALITÀ .................................................................................................................................................. 17 

4.2.  DIMENSIONAMENTO AI SENSI DELLE NTC 2008 ............................................................................................. 18 

4.2.1.  Stati limite ultimi ....................................................................................................................................... 18 

4.2.2.  Stati limite di esercizio .............................................................................................................................. 23 

4.3.  CARICHI AGENTI E COMBINAZIONI DI CARICO ................................................................................................. 23 

4.4.  MODELLO DI CALCOLO ................................................................................................................................... 31 

4.4.1.  Software utilizzato ..................................................................................................................................... 31 

4.4.2.  Vincoli elastici .......................................................................................................................................... 32 

4.5.  DEFINIZIONE DEI PARAMETRI DI INGRESSO ..................................................................................................... 35 

4.5.1.  Stratigrafia di riferimento ......................................................................................................................... 35 

4.5.2.  Elementi strutturali ................................................................................................................................... 35 

4.6.  MODELLO DI ANALISI GALLERIA ARTIFICIALE ............................................................................................... 38 

4.6.1.  Risultati delle analisi ................................................................................................................................ 38 

5.  CRITERI DI VERIFICA ELEMENTI STRUTTURALI ................................................................................. 39 


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5.1.  CRITERI DI VERIFICA AGLI STATI LIMITE ......................................................................................................... 39 

5.1.1.  Verifica a pressoflessione ......................................................................................................................... 39 

5.1.2.  Verifica a taglio ........................................................................................................................................ 42 

5.2.  VERIFICA GALLERIA ARTIFICIALE ................................................................................................................... 43 

5.2.1.  Risultati analisi ......................................................................................................................................... 44 

5.2.2.  Verifica arco rovescio ............................................................................................................................... 48 

5.2.3.  Verifica piedritti ........................................................................................................................................ 49 

5.2.4.  Verifica calotta ......................................................................................................................................... 50 

5.3.  VERIFICA PORTALE - TRATTO COPERTO (SEZ 1) .............................................................................................. 52 

5.3.1.  Risultati analisi ......................................................................................................................................... 53 

5.3.2.  Verifica arco rovescio ............................................................................................................................... 57 

5.3.3.  Verifica piedritti ........................................................................................................................................ 58 

5.3.4.  Verifica calotta ......................................................................................................................................... 60 

5.4.  VERIFICA PORTALE - TRATTO A BECCO DI FLAUTO (SEZ 2) ............................................................................. 62 

5.4.1.  Risultati analisi ......................................................................................................................................... 63 

5.4.2.  Verifica arco rovescio ............................................................................................................................... 67 

5.4.3.  Verifica piedritti ........................................................................................................................................ 69 





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Nell’ambito del progetto di ampliamento a tre corsie del tratto autostradale dell’ A1 Milano

– Napoli compreso fra il fiume Arno e lo svincolo di S. Giovanni Valdarno, si deve

affrontare l’attraversamento collinare del cosiddetto “Colle di Canniccio”, che si innalza a

ridosso della sponda destra del fiume in corrispondenza di una stretta ansa che il fiume

percorre tra la confluenza del fosso Cetina ed il mulino Bruscheto. Questo

attraversamento collinare attualmente avviene tramite una galleria naturale denominata

“Bruscheto” di lunghezza complessiva pari a circa 313 m costituita da due fornici paralleli

aventi ognuno una sede viaria costituita da due corsie di marcia per una larghezza

complessiva di 9.2 m.

Figura 1-1 Architettonico Nuovo asse Nord galleria Bruscheto


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Il progetto di ampliamento della sede viaria dell’Autostrada A1 nel tratto in oggetto,

prevede la realizzazione di una galleria in variante che alloggi il nuovo asse Nord

dell’autostrada, con una piattaforma costituita da 3 corsie di marcia da 3.75 m e due

banchine laterali da 0.70 m, marciapiedi da 90cm di larghezza e altezza massima di 7cm,

per una larghezza totale pari a 12.65 m; la sezione utile corrente ha un’area di circa

140m2. La sagoma utile è stata mantenuta di altezza pari a 5m nelle corsie da 3.75m e

pari a 4.8m nelle banchine laterali (cfr. Figura 1-1)

La galleria Bruscheto esistente verrà riqualificata e adattata per la via in direzione Sud

invertendo il senso di marcia dell’attuale canna Nord.

La nuova carreggiata Nord della galleria “Bruscheto” si innesta nella zona più interna del

colle ed è caratterizzata da una lunghezza in naturale di 522.87m (fra le progressive di

progetto riferite all’asse di tracciamento 318+644.46 e 319+167.33), e mostra la presenza

di tratte in artificiale che si sviluppano in corrispondenza dell’imbocco lato Firenze per

25.43m e in corrispondenza dell’imbocco lato Roma per 34.02m. Il tracciato della galleria

si estende per una lunghezza di 582.3m circa (lunghezza coperta) fra le progressive di

progetto (riferite all’asse di tracciamento) 318+619.07 e 319+201.35 (Tabella 1-1)

La via di emergenza è realizzata mediante un by-pass pedonale che connette la nuova

galleria con il tracciato esistente (Tabella 1-2). La posizione dell'innesto del by-pass con la

carreggiata in variante non è baricentrica sulla lunghezza, in quanto nella tratta centrale

della galleria si devono sottoattraversare degli edifici, e i dati disponibili al momento

indicano la presenza di materiale fratturato in tale zona, pertanto è stato deciso di spostare

l'innesto del by-pass in una zona più sicura. Per maggiori dettagli si veda la relazione

tecnica della tratta in naturale

La galleria in oggetto interessa prevalentemente la Formazione di Monte Morello, in

diverse condizioni geomeccaniche e con copertura massima di circa 50 m in calotta.

Nel seguito si riporta una descrizione delle opere in progetto, la normativa e le norme di

riferimento adottate per i calcoli e le verifiche, le caratteristiche dei materiali impiegati, la

descrizione delle fasi di lavoro previste, le analisi eseguite e le principali verifiche di

resistenza relative alle diverse tipologie di strutture e sezioni strutturali. Verranno inoltre


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discusse le condizioni geotecniche del sito, i criteri ed i parametri di dimensionamento per

le opere definitive.

Elemento Pk Lunghezza parz [m]

Lunghezza tot [m]

Inizio becco flauto 318+616.962.07

Inizio tratta coperta 318+619.0310.43

Inizio artificiale / paco 318+629.4610.00

Inizio dima 318+639.465.00

Imbocco naturale 318+644.46522.87 522.87

Imbocco naturale 319+167.335.00

Inizio dima 319+172.3310.00

Inizio paco 319+182.336.10

Inizio artificiale 319+188.4312.92

Inizio tratta coperta 319+201.3528.72

Inizio becco flauto 319+230.07582.32




Gall. naturale






Lunghezza totale galleria

Tabella 1-1 Galleria Bruscheto, canna nord (in variante). Suddivisione della galleria in tratte, con indicazione delle progressive di riferimento e delle lunghezze parziali e totali - progressive riferite all'asse galleria

Elemento Pk Dist. SOS[m]

Dist. BPP[m]

Imbocco FI 318+619.03145.47

SOS 318+764.50140.00

SOS 318+904.50

BPP 318+949.50

SOS 319+054.50146.85

Imbocco Roma 319+201.35




Tabella 1-2 Galleria Bruscheto, canna nord (in variante). Ubicazione dispositivi di sicurezza


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La geometria delle opere di imbocco è stata definita in modo tale da soddisfare

contemporaneamente più esigenze, tra cui:

• ridurre gli impatti sulle aree instabili eventualmente presenti;

• contenere le deformazioni delle opere, evitando in particolare il decadimento delle

proprietà meccaniche dei terreni interessati;

• garantire adeguate aree di lavoro.

La soluzione adottata prevede la realizzazione di paratie di pali multitirantate.

In aggiunta alla tradizionale tirantatura si è inoltre adottata la tecnica di contrastare la

paratia attraverso la realizzazione di un arco in c.a, ovvero una protesi. Tale intervento

consente di contenere le deformazioni delle opere, limitando i fenomeni di decadimento

della resistenza al taglio di terreni.

A fine lavori si prevede il ritombamento delle gallerie artificiali, secondo pendenze simili a

quelle del terreno in posto (compatibilmente con la presenza di altre opere, quali spalle di

viadotti, dotazioni impiantistiche,…), con geometrie compatibili con le carpenterie dei

portali. Gli spessori massimi dei ritombamenti (misurati da estradosso galleria artificiale)

sono pari a 8m per l’imbocco lato Firenze e 10m per l’imbocco lato Roma..

Tutte le opere di imbocco sono provvisionali, la resistenza alla spinta del terreno nel lungo

termine risulta demandata alle gallerie artificiali, strutture caratterizzate da elevata

rigidezza e resistenza, in grado altresì di reagire alle sollecitazioni sismiche.

Di seguito si riportano le soluzioni adottate per i due imbocchi, sia in fase di scavo che ad

opere ultimate.

Si fa presente che, viste le geometrie similari per i due imbocchi viene fatto il

dimensionamento della galleria artificiale per l'imbocco in corrispondenza del quale le

condizioni geotecniche e morfologiche sono maggiormente gravose, ovvero l'imbocco lato



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La sezione in corrispondenza dell'imbocco lato Firenze è riportata in Figura 1-2, il profilo

longitudinale in Figura 1-3.

La sezione in corrispondenza dell'imbocco lato Firenze è riportata in Figura 1-4, il profilo

longitudinale in Figura 1-5.


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Figura 1-2 Imbocco Nord (lato Firenze) - sezione in corrispondenza dell’imbocco della galleria naturale (fase di scavo).


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Figura 1-3 Imbocco Nord (lato Firenze) – profilo longitudinale schematico delle opera definitive.


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Figura 1-4 Imbocco Sud (lato Roma) - sezione in corrispondenza dell’imbocco della galleria naturale (fase di scavo).


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Figura 1-5 Imbocco Sud (lato Roma) – profilo longitudinale schematico delle opera definitive.


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Si riportano di seguito i principali riferimenti normativi, i documenti di progetto alla base

della redazione del presente documento, l'elenco dei programmi di calcolo utilizzati.


I principali riferimenti normativi sono i seguenti:

• D.M. LL.PP 11 Marzo 1988. Norme tecniche riguardanti le indagini sui terreni e sulle rocce, i criteri generali e le prescrizioni per la progettazione, l’esecuzione ed il collaudo delle opere di sostegno delle terre e delle opere di fondazione.

• Circ. LL.PP. 24 Settembre 1988 n. 30483. Istruzioni riguardanti le indagini sui terreni e sulle rocce, la stabilità dei pendii naturali e delle scarpate, i criteri generali e le prescrizioni per la progettazione, l’esecuzione ed il collaudo delle opere di sostegno delle terre e delle opere di fondazione.

• D.M. 14/01/2008. “Nuove norme tecniche per le costruzioni”.

• D.M. 06/05/2008. “Integrazione al decreto di approvazione delle nuove «Norme tecniche per le costruzioni»”.


I principali riferimenti relativi ai documenti progettuali dell'ampliamento alla terza corsia

dell'autostrada A1 Milano-Napoli nella tratta Barberino del Mugello - Incisa Valdarno (tratto

Incisa - Valdarno) sono i seguenti:

• Progetto Preliminare Galleria Bruscheto;

• Progetto Definitivo:

- Progetto stradale

- Relazione Geotecnica,

- Elaborati grafici e relazioni di calcolo opere di imbocco

- Elaborati grafici e relazioni Galleria Bruscheto - Tratta in naturale


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• SAP2000. Programma agli elementi finiti con solutore a blocchi, Computer and Structures Inc. (Berkeley, CA).


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Le caratteristiche dei seguenti materiali e lavorazioni la cui applicazione è prevista

nell’ambito del progetto, le loro specifiche tecniche e di messa in opera, si evincono dai

disegni di progetto, dalle Norme Tecniche e dall’Elenco Prezzi.

Magro di fondazione

Classe di resistenza C16/20

Calcestruzzo strutturale (arco rovescio/calotta):

Classe di resistenza C32/40

Classe di esposizione XC4

Modulo di Young Ec = 36050 MPa

Coefficiente di Poisson ν = 0.20

Peso di volume γ = 25 kN/m3

Acciaio per armature ordinarie:

Tipo B450C, barre nervate

fyk ≥ 450 MPa

ftk ≥ 540 MPa

Ef = 206000 MPa


Costituito da strato di geotessile a filo continuo avente peso >=500g/m2, posato a contatto

della struttura in c.a., guaina in PVC trasparente di spessore Sp.>=2mm, strato di


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protezione costituito da geotessile avente le medesime caratteristiche tecniche del primo



In PVC microfessurato, ø>=300mm, al piede dell'impermeabilizzazione.


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La resistenza nel periodo di lungo termine alle spinte del terreno nelle zone d’imbocco

risulta demandata a strutture a carattere permanente: la galleria artificiale ed il portale di

imbocco e, dove espressamente indicato, dalla paratia di imbocco.

La galleria artificiale presenta una doppia funzione:

• statica, al fine di contenere la spinta laterale del terreno, nell’ipotesi cautelativa che nel tempo tutta o parte della spinta delle terre non sia più assorbita dalla paratia in pali e dai tiranti ma, appunto, completamente da questa struttura;

• ambientale: tale elemento permette un ritombamento della porzione superiore, favorendo l’inserimento nel paesaggio circostante riportando tale zona ad una situazione similare a quella antecedente gli scavi. Questo, inoltre, determina un confinamento superiore della struttura, migliorandone il comportamento statico.

Il portale a "becco di flauto" ha lo scopo di sostenere la spinta del terreno laddove le

altezze risultano inferiori ed inoltre, grazie alla conformazione prescelta, permette un

migliore inserimento ambientale della zona d’imbocco, in quanto esso viene geometrizzato

con pendenze il più possibile simili a quelle del pendio naturale (compatibilmente con

eventuali esigenze costruttive).

Figura 4-1 Elementi strutturali destinati a sopportare le spinte del terreno a lungo termine


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La geometria della struttura ed il suo comportamento in campo tridimensionale forniscono

una rigidezza adeguata al fine di resistere alla spinta delle terre e delle azioni sismiche,

queste ultime valutate nella loro interezza.


4.2.1. Stati limite ultimi

Stati limite ultimi di riferimento

Le nuove Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (emesse con DM del 14/01/2008), indicate

per brevità con NTC2008, considerano cinque stati limite ultimi, che, mantenendo la

denominazione utilizzata negli Eurocodici, sono così identificati:

EQU - perdita di equilibrio della struttura, del terreno o dell’insieme terreno-struttura,

considerati come corpi rigidi;

STR - raggiungimento della resistenza degli elementi strutturali, compresi gli elementi di


GEO - raggiungimento della resistenza del terreno interagente con la struttura, con

sviluppo di meccanismi di collasso dell’insieme terreno-struttura;

UPL - perdita di equilibrio della struttura o del terreno per effetto delle sottospinte

idrauliche (galleggiamento);

HYD – erosione e sifonamento del terreno dovuto a gradienti idraulici.

Gli stati limite STR e GEO sono gli unici che prevedono il raggiungimento della resistenza,

rispettivamente, delle strutture e del terreno.

Ai fini del dimensionamento delle gallerie artificiali di imbocco, lo stato limite da prendere

in considerazione è sostanzialmente solo STR, in quanto:

• Le opere in progetto sono generalmente ritombate, di conseguenza le verifiche relative allo stato limite EQU vanno effettuate solo in presenza di ritombamenti fortemente asimmetrici e opere di sostegno degli scavi assenti e/o dimensionate come provvisionali;


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• Le verifiche di capacità portante del terreno di fondazione sono sostanzialmente superflue, le verifiche di stabilità dell’insieme terreno – struttura vanno eventualmente effettuate sulla base della configurazione di scavo e in fase di studio della sistemazione finale, e sono quindi relative all’assetto generale del piazzale di imbocco;

• La presenza del sistema di impermeabilizzazione della galleria artificiale e drenaggio al piede muretta consente di abbattere il livello di falda, annullando le pressioni neutre sulla struttura.

Le verifiche agli stati limite vengono effettuate confrontando gli effetti delle azioni di

progetto, corrispondenti ad un determinato stato limite, Ed, con le resistenze di progetto


dd ER ≥

Gli effetti delle azioni di progetto e le resistenze di progetto sono funzione della geometria

di progetto, dei parametri di progetto e delle azioni di progetto.

Parametri e azioni di progetto vengono calcolati a partire dai corrispondenti valori

caratteristici, applicando ad essi dei coefficienti di sicurezza parziali definiti dalla normativa

in funzione dell’approccio progettuale adottato e dello stato limite di riferimento.

Scelta dell’approccio progettuale

Per quanto riguarda le verifiche nei confronti degli stati limite STR e GEO, le NTC 2008

prevedono due approcci progettuali, definiti come segue:

• Approccio 1 – si impiegano due diverse combinazioni di gruppi di coefficienti parziali, rispettivamente definiti per le azioni, per la resistenza dei materiali e, eventualmente, per la resistenza globale del sistema. Si fa riferimento alle colonne A1 e M1 (combinazione 1) e A2 e M2 (combinazione 2) di Tabella 4-1 e Tabella 4-2, dove è stato posto

γG1 c.p. del peso proprio della struttura, nonché del peso proprio del terreno e

dell’acqua (se pertinenti);

γG2 c.p. dei pesi propri degli elementi non strutturali;

γQi c.p. delle azioni variabili.


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• Approccio 2 – si impiega un’unica combinazione di gruppi di coefficienti parziali definiti per le azioni, per la resistenza dei materiali e, eventualmente, per la resistenza globale del sistema. Si fa riferimento alla colonna A1 di Tabella 4-1 e M1 di Tabella 4-2.

Tabella 4-1 Verifiche SLU – coefficienti parziali per le azioni o per l’effetto delle azioni secondo NTC 2008.

Tabella 4-2 Verifiche SLU – coefficienti parziali per i parametri geotecnici del terreno secondo NTC 2008

Generalmente la combinazione 1 risulta più gravosa ai fini delle verifiche strutturali, mentre

la combinazione 2 è più gravosa ai fini delle verifiche geotecniche.

La normativa non fornisce indicazioni relativamente alla tipologia di approccio da seguire.

Vista la natura delle opere in progetto, e la tipologia di verifiche da eseguire in questa

sede, si predilige l’approccio 2, anche perché le gallerie artificiali sono soggette

sostanzialmente a carichi permanenti generati dall’interazione fra terreno e struttura, il

terreno è contemporaneamente un carico sfavorevole e favorevole (stabilizzante).


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In pratica, si procede come segue:

• I calcoli vengono effettuati applicando coefficienti parziali unitari sia alle azioni che alle resistenze;

• Le verifiche dei livelli di sollecitazione vengono effettuate applicando un opportuno coefficiente parziale alle azioni interne (effetti delle azioni) e verificando le sezioni con il metodo agli stati limite.

Da normativa, il coefficiente parziale da applicare per passare dalle azioni caratteristiche a

quelle di progetto dovrebbe essere pari a 1.30 (come da colonna A1 di Tabella 4-1), in

quanto i carichi agenti sono permanenti strutturali e permanenti non strutturali ma di valore

definito (dati dal peso del terreno). In analogia alle gallerie artificiali soggette anche a

carichi stradali, per le quali si applica la normativa relativa ai ponti, si applica un

coefficiente parziale pari a 1.35 (corrispondente ai carichi permanenti stradali e ai variabili

da traffico).

Si osserva inoltre che adottando un approccio di tipo 1, per la combinazione 2 si

dovrebbero ridurre i parametri caratteristici del terreno applicando i coefficienti parziali

della colonna M2. Ciò causerebbe la formazione di zone plasticizzate più estese di quanto

risulterebbe applicando i valori caratteristici, o addirittura plasticizzazioni ove invece il

terreno sarebbe sollecitato in campo elastico, con una conseguente valutazione irrealistica

dello stato di sollecitazione nella struttura.

Dimensionamento per carichi sismici

Per quanto riguarda l’analisi della galleria artificiale in condizioni sismiche, il calcolo viene

svolto con il procedimento pseudo-statico, in cui l’azione sismica è rappresentata da un

insieme di forze statiche orizzontali e verticali date dal prodotto delle forze di gravità per un

coefficiente sismico.

Per la galleria artificiale i coefficienti sismici orizzontale (kh) e verticale (kv) che interessano

tutte le masse risultano calcolati come di seguito:

rgaSk gh /)/(⋅=

hv kk ⋅= 5,0


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S = fattore che tiene conto del profilo stratigrafico del terreno di fondazione;

ag = accelerazione orizzontale massima;

r = è il rapporto tra l’accelerazione che determina il massimo spostamento permanente

compatibile con i vincoli e l’accelerazione corrispondente alla condizione di

equilibrio limite per spostamento incipiente pari a 1.0.

Le NTC 2008 prevedono, ai fini del dimensionamento nei confronti dei carichi sismici, la

suddivisione del territorio nazionale secondo una griglia individuata mediante le coordinate

di 10751 punti (distanti fra loro non più di 10 km), per ognuno dei quali viene fornita

l’accelerazione massima al suolo per 9 valori del tempo di ritorno (TR).

Si assume:

Classe d’uso IV cu = 2

Vita nominale dell’opera: VN = 200 anni

Di conseguenza il dimensionamento deve essere effettuato con TR = 2475 anni.

Le opere oggetto della presente relazione ricadono nel comune di Reggello (Firenze),

nella zona interessata dall’intervento l’accelerazione massima al suolo per il TR di

riferimento è pari a

ag = 0.227*g

In base alla natura del sottsuolo e allo spessore delle coltri si assume

S = 1

Ai fini del calcolo si assume quindi

kh = 0.227 kv = 0.114.


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4.2.2. Stati limite di esercizio

Vengono presi in considerazione gli stati limite di esercizio di seguito elencati:

• Limitazione tensioni

• Fessurazione.

Le modalità di verifica sono riportate nel par. 5.


La definizione dei carichi agenti e la modalità applicativa di questi fanno riferimento ad una

schematizzazione del comportamento della struttura secondo una sequenza progressiva

come riportato in Figura 4-2.

Figura 4-2 Sequenza progressive applicazione carichi


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In sintesi, la galleria artificiale attraversa 3 situazioni:

1. la configurazione iniziale corrisponde alla fase di realizzazione della galleria artificiale. Essa è caricata esclusivamente dal suo peso proprio;

2. successivamente la galleria viene ritombata. A breve termine si considerano ancora collaboranti le paratie che sopportano anche gli eventuali carichi sismici provenienti dal terreno. La galleria artificiale deve sostenere, oltre ovviamente al peso proprio, i carichi provenienti dal terreno di riporto; essi essenzialmente si distinguono in un carico verticale distribuito a diagramma triangolare funzione dell’altezza del ricoprimento sulla zona di calotta, due carichi orizzontali distribuiti funzione della spinta del terreno. Particolare attenzione deve essere rivolta alla scelta del coefficiente di spinta del terreno. Nei casi in cui l’elemento resistente, in questo caso la galleria artificiale, può avere spostamenti significativi o comunque tali da mobilitare la spinta attiva si utilizza il coefficiente ka, viceversa nei casi di spostamento impedito si deve usare il coefficiente k0. A rigore, la galleria artificiale, in quanto caratterizzata da forma chiusa, ha per definizione spostamenti orizzontali impediti e quindi dovrebbe ricadere nel caso di applicazione della spinta a riposo k0. Anche in virtù della presenza delle paratie, però, non è sempre possibile la definizione del classico cuneo di spinta, per cui ci si riconduce alla situazione di spinta attiva, condizione che verifica anche la possibilità di un trasferimento nel tempo, proprio di quella spinta attiva che le paratie sopportano verso l’artificiale. In tale finestra temporale, l’eventuale sisma risulta assorbito dalla paratia;

3. infine, a lungo termine, completato il ritombamento si ammette che le paratie non assolvano più completamente la loro funzione statica anche dove esse siano dimensionate come definitive (si vedano le relazioni di calcolo delle opere di imbocco), per cui si considera che la galleria artificiale, con la ricostituzione dello stato tensionale originario del terreno, sia assoggettata alla spinta del terreno calcolata con il coefficiente a riposo, con possibilità di presenza di un’azione sismica aggiuntiva.

Sono definite le seguenti tipologie di analisi e le corrispondenti azioni:

• statica: comprende i carichi gravitativi derivanti dal peso proprio della struttura, i carichi in calotta derivanti dal ricoprimento (con valori anche variabili in funzione dell’inclinazione trasversale) e dall’eventuale sovraccarico stradale (o comunque accidentale) previsto in superficie e i carichi laterali dovuti alla spinta delle terre e alla spinta idraulica.

La verifica viene condotta agli stati limite ultimo e di esercizio.

Le analisi prevedono le seguenti combinazioni di carico allo stato limite di esercizio


( )QPPPR PkaHVkastat +++= )()(


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( )QPPPR PkHVkstat +++= )0()0(


Pv: carichi verticali del terreno

PP: peso proprio della struttura

Q: sovraccarichi

PH(ka) = spinta laterale orizzontale del terreno, nelle condizioni di spinta attiva

PH(ko) = spinta laterale orizzontale del terreno, nelle condizioni di spinta e a


La verifica allo stato limite ultimo è condotta, secondo le approssimazioni

comunemente effettuate, moltiplicando le sollecitazioni dell’analisi ai valori nominali

per il coefficiente 1.35

• sismica: in tale analisi i coefficienti sismici verticali e orizzontali sono:


⋅= rcon


k gh

hv kk ⋅= 5,0

ed alle precedente combinazione di azione vengono aggiunte le seguenti:

− un’azione definita attraverso la relazione di normativa

2HkPE hg ⋅⋅=Δ= γ

applicata lateralmente ad un solo lato della struttura (con punto di applicazione

a metà altezza della struttura oppure distribuita sulla stessa come pressione),

per l’altezza di riferimento della struttura stessa, dove gaS g⋅ viene sostituito


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da kh, γ rappresenta il peso del terreno e H l’altezza della struttura misurata a

partire dalla base della muretta sino alla quota dell’arco di calotta;

− il contributo verticale derivante dall’applicazione della componente verticale del sisma kv sui carichi verticali del terreno:

vV kP ⋅

− gli effetti di kv sulle spinte orizzontali, in quanto la spinta orizzontale è conseguenza diretta (attraverso il coefficiente di spinta) della pressione verticale.

hvV kkP ⋅⋅

− le azioni inerziali sul rivestimento della galleria dovute al contributo sismico:

vP kP ⋅ hP kP ⋅

Per le analisi in condizioni sismiche viene applicato il seguente schema di

applicazione per le combinazioni rare:

PkHVhvVvVhPvPksism PPPkkPkPkPkPER +++⋅⋅+⋅+⋅+⋅+= )0()0(

La verifica viene condotta al solo stato limite ultimo sulla base delle sollecitazioni

risultanti dall’applicazione dei sistemi di forze descritti senza, dunque, ulteriori


Tali tipologie di analisi dovranno essere contestualizzate secondo gli schemi di riferimento

precedentemente riportati, da cui le combinazioni di carico illustrate.

In funzione di quanto sopra riportato, si procederà nel calcolo della galleria artificiale

secondo quanto riassunto nel seguito.


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• Analisi statica: analisi allo stato limite di esercizio (SLE), con le seguenti combinazioni di carico:

1) Pstat PR =

2) a PkaHVkastat PPPR ++= )()(

b QPPPR PkaHVkastat +++= )()(


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3) a PkHVkstat PPPR ++= )0()0(

b QPPPR PkHVkstat +++= )0()0(

La verifica strutturale allo stato limite ultimo viene condotta moltiplicando le

sollecitazioni dell’analisi ai valori nominali per il coefficiente 1.35

• Analisi sismica: analisi al solo stato limite ultimo (SLU), con le combinazioni di carico di seguito riportate. La verifica strutturale allo stato limite ultimo viene condotta senza incremento delle sollecitazioni.

Convenzioni di segno:

− sisma dall’alto verso il basso: positivo (+)

− sisma dal basso verso l’alto: negativo (-)

− sisma da SX verso DX: positivo (+)

− azione sismica E diretta come il sisma;

− (kh * kv * Pvsx) con segno positivo è l’incremento di spinta orizzontale dovuto

all’azione del sisma verticale (Kv*Pv), in compressione rispetto alla struttura

diretta da SX verso DX;


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− (kh * kv * Pvdx) con segno positivo, quindi diretta da DX verso SX, in quanto

incremento di spinta orizzontale in compressione dovuto all’azione del sisma

verticale (Kv*Pv);

− Kv*PP: diretta come il sisma verticale;

− Kh*PP: diretta come il sisma orizzontale

4a) PkHV








4b) PkHV









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4c) PkHV








4d) PkHV








TIPO DENOM DESCRIZIONE1_ST_PP Solo peso proprio2a_ST_ka Ka, no sovraccarico

2b_ST_kaQ Ka, con sovraccarico3a_ST_k0 K0, no sovraccarico

3b_ST_k0Q K0, con sovraccarico4a_SI Sisma verso basso, da sinistra4b_SI Sisma verso basso, da destra4c_SI Sisma verso alto da sinistra4d_SI Sisma verso alto da destra







Tabella 4-3 Quadro riepilogativo combinazioni di carico


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Il dimensionamento delle gallerie artificiali viene fatto nell'ipotesi semplificativa che non sia

presente la struttura costituita dal solettone e dai suoi pali di fondazione (protesi in c.a.),

che in realtà riduce notevolmente l'effetto delle spinte del terreno sulla struttura, in quanto

tali opere sono state calcolate come provvisionali e in ogni caso a lungo termine il loro

contributo deve essere trascurato. L'analisi viene pertanto effettuata modellando la

struttura con la sua geometria, applicando ad essa i carichi trasmessi dal terreno e

modellando l'interazione con il terreno circostante mediante molle di adeguata rigidezza.

4.4.1. Software utilizzato

Sulla base di quanto esposto, è stato realizzato un modello di calcolo in grado di simulare,

con sufficiente adeguatezza, i fenomeni descritti ai paragrafi precedenti.

Il software utilizzato nella modellazione numerica è il SAP2000, prodotto dalla C.S.I.

dell’università di Berkeley.

Detto software è un solutore ad elementi finiti (metodo degli spostamenti); assemblata la

matrice di rigidezza globale del sistema e note le forze presenti, la soluzione del sistema

viene raggiunta attraverso un algoritmo di risoluzione di equazioni a blocchi.

Noti gli spostamenti di ogni nodo della struttura (riferiti ad un sistema di coordinate

globale), si risale allo spostamento locale di ogni nodo (passando per la matrice di

rototraslazione locale di ogni elemento) e quindi successivamente alle azioni assiali,

flessionali e taglianti nell’elemento (moltiplicando gli spostamenti all’estremità di ogni

elemento per la sua matrice di rigidezza locale).

Il modello strutturale ha lo scopo di simulare la struttura, l’interazione fra questa e il terreno

ed i carichi esterni gravanti sull’opera.

Per il calcolo delle azioni interne si adotta dunque un “metodo alle reazioni iperstatiche”,

dove le sollecitazioni e le deformazioni sono determinate per via numerica mediante il

programma di calcolo.


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Il calcolo considera un tratto di galleria avente profondità unitaria (1m); viene quindi

definito un modello della sezione schematizzando la struttura in conci monodimensionali

(elementi beam o frame). Gli spessori delle varie aste sono variabili a seconda della

funzione strutturale (calotta, piedritto, arco rovescio) ad esse competente.

4.4.2. Vincoli elastici

Per simulare l’interazione tra il terreno e la struttura vengono introdotti degli elementi

elastici (molle) in corrispondenza dei nodi strutturali; la rigidezza delle molle dipende dalle

proprietà elastiche del terreno e dalle dimensioni strutturali degli elementi collegati al nodo.

Calotta e piedritti

La rigidezza in direzione normale del terreno è calcolata secondo la formula di Galerkin:

REKn ×+

=)1( ν


E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno di ritombamento

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno

R = raggio di curvatura dell’asse di calotta

All’interno del programma, tale interazione è schematizzata attraverso l’utilizzo di elementi

elastoplastico (“gap”), caratterizzati dalla capacità di reagire solo a compressione. Nel

caso si verificasse “l’apertura” (ovvero l’elemento andasse in compressione), la rigidezza

diverrebbe immediatamente nulla.

La zona di calotta è caratterizzata, al contorno, dalla presenza dell’impermeabilizzazione,

che non impedisce la reazione in direzione normale, abbattendo, invece, la rigidezza in

direzione trasversale.

I valori di calcolo per le molle nodali nel modello numerico sono definiti moltiplicando il

valore unitario per l’ampiezza della zona di influenza di ciascun nodo.


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Arco rovescio

La rigidezza in direzione normale del terreno è calcolata secondo la formula di Galerkin:

REKn ×+

=)1( ν


E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno di fondazione

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno

R = raggio di curvatura dell’asse dell’arco rovescio

Per tale zona è calcolata altresì una rigidezza trasversale, attraverso la formulazione


)32tan(* φtt KK =

I valori di calcolo per le molle nodali nel modello numerico sono definiti moltiplicando il

valore unitario per l’ampiezza della zona di influenza di ciascun nodo, componendo

settorialmente le due componenti, anche in funzione della relativa inclinazione delle

“corde” colleganti i punti nodali lungo lo sviluppo dell’elemento.


Il calcolo delle molle verticali situate sul piano di imposta murette è effettuato attraverso

l’impiego della formulazione di Bousinnesq :

( ) wn IB


= 21 ν


E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno


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ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno

Iw = coefficiente di forma

B = base della fondazione

Per tale zona è calcolata altresì una rigidezza trasversale, attraverso la formulazione


)32tan(* φtt kk =


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4.5.1. Stratigrafia di riferimento

Sulla base di quanto riportato in Relazione Geotecnica e sulla base di quanto evidenziato

dalle indagini geognostiche attualmente disponibili, è stata adottata la stratigrafia riportata

in Tabella 4-4.

profondità γ φ' c' Em kN/m3 ° kPa MPa

0÷6 coltre 20 26 0 506÷13 MML' 24 32 30 54013÷19 MML 25 46 150 2450


Tabella 4-4 Stratigrafia di riferimento

4.5.2. Elementi strutturali

Si prevede l'impiego di calcestruzzo Rck40 (E=36GPa).

La struttura viene modellata con elementi "beam" aventi larghezza unitaria e spessore

corrispondente a quello reale della struttura.

In Figura 4-3÷Figura 4-6 sono riportati gli schemi delle carpenterie delle opere in progetto.


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Figura 4-3 Galleria artificiale - sezione

Figura 4-4 Portale - sezione


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Figura 4-5 Portale lato Firenze - profilo

Figura 4-6 Portale lato Roma - profilo


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La struttura della galleria artificiale di imbocco è stata suddivisa in tratte, denominate


• Galleria artificiale

• Portale di imbocco, tratto a sezione chiusa (sez. 1)

• Portale di imbocco, tratto a becco di flauto (privo di calotta, sez. 2).

Per ognuna di queste tratte è stato generato un modello ad elementi finiti con il codice di

calcolo Sap. La struttura è stata modellata con elementi "beam", vincolata a terra con

molle. L'interazione fra struttura e terreno di ritombamento/laterale è stata modellata con

elementi "gap", ovvero molle non resistenti a trazione.

E' stata cautelativamente trascurata l'eventuale presenza del solettone a tetto della

struttura (la galleria artificiale è stata considerata come direttamente a contatto con il

terreno, in modo da assorbire tutti i carichi generati da esso).

Le combinazioni previste sono riportate in Tabella 4-3. Per la combinazione 1 (solo peso

proprio) non viene considerata la presenza di elementi "gap".

4.6.1. Risultati delle analisi

I dati di input e i risultati delle analisi numeriche per le diverse tratte in cui è stata suddivisa

la struttura (dati geometria, carichi, spostamenti nodali, sollecitazioni negli elementi

strutturali) sono riportati negli allegati di calcolo, unitamente ai risultati delle verifiche


Nel par. 5 sono riportati i principali risultati delle verifiche strutturali.


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Le verifiche sono state eseguite, per ogni combinazione di carico, secondo il Metodo degli

stati limite (di esercizio e ultimo), con riferimento alla normativa relativa al calcolo delle

strutture in c.a. per uso civile ed industriale, su ciascun elemento monodimensionale

(elemento beam/frame) che schematizza la struttura.


5.1.1. Verifica a pressoflessione

Le verifiche vengono svolte secondo il metodo semiprobabilistico agli stati limite, con

riferimento alle modalità di seguito riportate.

I valori di riferimento per le caratteristiche di resistenza dei materiali (di progetto e limiti)

sono definite secondo le più recenti indicazioni di normativa.

Verifica allo stato limite ultimo

Per la verifica allo stato limite ultimo viene utilizzata la seguente combinazione di azioni:

- per analisi in condizioni sismiche, in quanto le azioni prese in conto (peso proprio

struttura, sovrastruttura, forze indotte dalla pressione del terreno o dell’acqua) risultano

classificate come permanenti (G):

R = E+Gk

- per analisi in condizioni statiche, la verifica allo stato limite ultimo viene condotta

attraverso la definizione delle seguenti azioni di progetto:



dove N ed M sono le sollecitazioni derivanti dalle analisi numeriche nelle condizioni

nominali di carico (SLE).


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Le resistenze del calcestruzzo sono definite attraverso le relazioni:

fck=0.83*Rck (resistenza caratteristica)

fck=0.83*Rck/γc=0.83*Rck/1.60 (resistenza di calcolo)

Per le sezioni strutturali esaminate è stato definito il dominio di rottura, frontiera della

superficie di plasticizzazione per assegnate caratteristiche geometriche e di resistenza dei

materiali, in modo da poter verificare che la coppia ordinata (Nd, Md), rappresentativa dello

stato di sollecitazione riferita alla singola combinazione di carico, non violi il criterio di


Si verificherà che le sollecitazioni di calcolo risultino interne al dominio di resistenza di

progetto delle sezioni strutturali, cioè che risulti un coefficiente di sicurezza Fs>1.

Verifica allo stato limite di esercizio

La verifica della sezione a questo stato limite è stata effettuata ipotizzando le seguenti

condizioni ambientali:

• Ambiente aggressivo, sulla superficie interna della galleria;

• Ambiente aggressivo, sulla superficie esterna della galleria.

e viene condotta per le sole analisi in condizioni statiche, calcolando le tensioni massime

sul rivestimento a partire dai valori nominali ottenuti dalla analisi e confrontando queste

con quelle ammissibili definite attraverso le relazioni:

σc<=0.45fck (combinazione quasi permanente, gruppi esposizione a,b)

σs<= 0.70 fyk

La verifica risulta completata, nel caso di significativi valori di trazione per le barre di

armatura, da verifica a fessurazione. Si fa notare come, in realtà, non risulti necessaria


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tale verifica per tensioni lato acciaio almeno pari a 200MPa (rispettato inoltre il vincolo

della spaziatura), come da indicazioni in EC2.

Il valore di apertura delle fessure ammesso è di 0.2 mm, che viene portato a 0.3 in ragione

del rapporto fra copriferro adottato e copriferro minimo, come da Circolare 252 del


L’ampiezza di calcolo delle fessure è ottenuta dalla relazione:



wm : apertura media delle fessure

srm: distanza media finale tra le fessure;

srm= 50+0.25k1 k2 φ /ρr

φ : diametro delle barre

k1 : coefficiente che tiene conto della tipologia delle barre =0.8 per barre lisce;

k2 : coefficiente che tiene conto della forma del diagramma delle deformazioni, pari a

0.5 in flessione ed 1.0 in trazione

ρr : rapporto di armatura efficace As/Ac eff, , dove As è l’area dell’armatura contenuta

nell’area tesa efficace Ac eff,.

εsm: deformazione media che tiene conto di una serie di effetti, fra cui “tension stiffening”,

ritiro, ecc.;

εsm =σs/Es (1-β1 β 2 (σsr/σs)2)

σs: tensione dell’acciaio calcolata nella sezione fessurata per la combinazione di azioni



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σsr: tensione dell’acciaio calcolata nella sezione fessurata per la sollecitazione

corrispondente al raggiungimento della resistenza a trazione fctm nella fibra di

calcestruzzo più sollecitata nella sezione interamente reagente.

β1 = 1 per barre ad aderenza migliorata

β2 = 0.5 nel caso di azioni di lunga durata o ripetute.

5.1.2. Verifica a taglio

La verifica viene condotta, per le sezioni in calcestruzzo armato, attraverso la valutazione

di uno stato limite ultimo.

Il metodo di calcolo a taglio si basa su tre valori della resistenza di calcolo:

− VRd1: resistenza di calcolo dell’elemento privo di armatura a taglio;

− VRd2: massima forza di taglio di calcolo che può essere sopportata senza la

rotturalle bielle;

− VRd3: forza di taglio di calcolo che può essere sopportata da un elemento

con armatura a taglio;

Le sezioni in cui il taglio Vsd è minore di VRd1 non richiedono apposita armatura a taglio.

Per le sezioni in cui Vsd>VRd1, deve essere posta un’armatura a taglio tale che:


I valori di tali grandezze sono determinati come ai punti, e dell EC2.


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I ferri utilizzati per l’armatura della galleria artificiale sono riassunti in Tabella 5-1, e

risultano rispettare il vincolo di armatura minima.

intradosso estradosso intradosso estradossoArco rovescio 110 φ26/15+φ26/30 φ26/15 φ16/15 φ12/15 φ16/30/45 φ16/75/75Piedritti 100 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ16/15 φ16/15 φ16/30/45Calotta 100 φ26/15+φ26/30 φ26/15+φ26/30 φ16/15 φ16/15 φ16/30/45

CavallottiElemento strutturale

Armatura di forza Ripartitori SpilliSpessorecm

Tabella 5-1 Galleria artificiale - Armatura

I ferri ripartitori sono costituiti da φ16/15 cm, al fine di rispettare una percentuale del 20%

dell’armatura principale. Tutte le armature si intendono passanti alle riprese di getto.

L'armatura a taglio disposta rispetta il vincolo di armatura minima e consente di assorbire

le sollecitazioni di taglio dove risulta necessaria un'armatura specifica.

I risultati delle analisi numeriche e delle verifiche strutturali sono riportati in Allegato 1, di

seguito si riportano sinteticamente alcuni grafici rappresentativi del comportamento della

struttura e i principali risultati delle verifiche strutturali.


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5.2.1. Risultati analisi

Comb 1_ST_PP

Comb 2a_ST_ka Comb 2b_ST_k0


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Comb 3a_ST_k0 Comb 3b_ST_k0Q

Comb 4a_SI Comb 4b_SI

Comb 4c_SI Comb 4d_SI

Figura 5-1 Galleria artificiale – Deformata struttura


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Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap

Figura 5-2 Galleria artificiale – Sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali per la combinazione 3b


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Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap

Figura 5-3 Galleria artificiale – Sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali per la combinazione 4a


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5.2.2. Verifica arco rovescio

Figura 5-4 Galleria artificiale, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-12.4 -196.6 59.2 59.2 477.0 5135.8 1016.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-455.9 -1218.7 -242.2 242.2 539.3 5135.8 1078.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -464.1 -1267.3 -251.4 251.4 540.4 5135.8 1080.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -795.0 -1008.0 -196.1 196.1 586.9 5135.8 1126.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -811.1 -1052.7 -204.5 204.5 589.1 5135.8 1128.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -592.9 -1505.6 285.3 285.3 558.5 5135.8 1098.2 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -562.1 -1692.1 -325.5 325.5 554.2 5135.8 1093.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -605.0 -1134.9 220.0 220.0 560.2 5135.8 1099.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -573.3 -1331.3 -264.0 264.0 555.7 5135.8 1095.4 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 5-2 Galleria artificiale, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio


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VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.200

-3.1 -197.8 -12.6 - -1.14 Verif. 29.98 41.8 Verif. 0.011 0.018 Verif.-8.3 -194.7 -2.5 - -1.13 Verif. 30.30 40.7 Verif. 0.011 0.018 Verif.

-343.7 -1138.5 21.9 - -6.84 Verif. 33.54 212.5 Verif. 0.107 0.181 Verif.-348.9 -1149.6 31.9 - -6.91 Verif. 33.56 214.4 Verif. 0.108 0.184 Verif.-322.5 -1149.6 -105.6 - -6.89 Verif. 33.26 216.6 Verif. 0.110 0.187 Verif.-348.5 -1185.3 22.0 - -7.11 Verif. 33.43 222 Verif. 0.114 0.194 Verif.-353.7 -1196.4 32.0 - -7.18 Verif. 33.45 223.9 Verif. 0.115 0.196 Verif.-327.2 -1196.4 -109.9 - -7.16 Verif. 33.17 226.2 Verif. 0.118 0.200 Verif.-630.9 -920.6 27.4 - -5.73 Verif. 38.75 142.6 Verif. 0.039 0.067 Verif.-636.0 -933.9 37.5 - -5.82 Verif. 38.69 144.9 Verif. 0.041 0.071 Verif.-598.5 -933.9 -80.3 - -5.80 Verif. 38.12 148 Verif. 0.045 0.077 Verif.-642.2 -963.4 27.5 - -5.99 Verif. 38.48 150.6 Verif. 0.047 0.080 Verif.-647.4 -976.8 37.6 - -6.07 Verif. 38.43 153 Verif. 0.049 0.084 Verif.-609.5 -976.8 -84.2 - -6.05 Verif. 37.88 156.1 Verif. 0.053 0.090 Verif.

Tabella 5-3 Galleria artificiale, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLE

5.2.3. Verifica piedritti

Figura 5-5 Galleria artificiale, piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-551.8 -130.7 71.3 71.3 510.8 4637.1 998.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -3048.1 1596.9 477.9 477.9 859.0 4637.1 1346.3 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -3150.4 1658.1 501.0 501.0 873.3 4637.1 1360.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -3018.3 -1521.3 -364.4 364.4 854.9 4637.1 1342.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -3121.5 -1590.4 -383.8 383.8 869.3 4637.1 1356.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -2392.9 1704.1 -540.9 540.9 767.6 4637.1 1254.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -2256.3 -1846.1 -639.0 639.0 748.6 4637.1 1235.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1896.1 1469.5 -577.1 577.1 698.3 4637.1 1185.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1778.6 -1651.6 -690.1 690.1 681.9 4637.1 1169.2 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.

Tabella 5-4 Galleria artificiale, piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 50 / 70


VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.232

-297.1 -297.4 -29.0 - -2.18 Verif. 37.26 48.9 Verif. 0.013 0.023 Verif.-2096.6 -1618.6 269.5 - -12.02 Verif. 41.17 226.9 Verif. 0.086 0.146 Verif.-2237.8 -1859.7 -313.2 - -13.76 Verif. 39.92 274.5 Verif. 0.127 0.216 Verif.-2251.5 -1703.4 -312.1 - -12.66 Verif. 41.54 235.2 Verif. 0.090 0.153 Verif.-2170.5 -1684.8 279.4 - -12.51 Verif. 41.07 237.1 Verif. 0.094 0.159 Verif.-2315.0 -1935.9 -327.4 - -14.32 Verif. 39.82 286.9 Verif. 0.136 0.232 Verif.-2328.7 -1772.5 -326.3 - -13.17 Verif. 41.43 245.9 Verif. 0.098 0.167 Verif.-2099.2 -1149.1 238.2 - -8.65 Verif. 49.09 116 Verif. 0.031 0.053 Verif.-2228.9 -1392.4 -266.6 - -10.43 Verif. 45.58 162.7 Verif. 0.044 0.075 Verif.-2242.6 -1259.4 -265.5 - -9.47 Verif. 48.36 131.1 Verif. 0.035 0.060 Verif.-2172.8 -1201.1 246.3 - -9.04 Verif. 48.81 122.7 Verif. 0.033 0.056 Verif.-2306.2 -1456.6 -279.7 - -10.90 Verif. 45.32 172 Verif. 0.047 0.080 Verif.-2319.9 -1317.1 -278.6 - -9.90 Verif. 48.06 138.8 Verif. 0.038 0.064 Verif.

Tabella 5-5 Galleria artificiale, piedritti - verifica allo SLE

5.2.4. Verifica calotta

Figura 5-6 Galleria artificiale, calotta - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-158.5 -46.5 -124.4 124.4 455.9 4637.1 943.2 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-1995.8 -451.3 814.2 814.2 712.2 4637.1 1199.5 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.

-2070.2 -480.7 847.7 847.7 722.6 4637.1 1209.9 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-2233.9 -346.6 662.3 662.3 745.4 4637.1 1232.7 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -2316.0 -374.6 691.5 691.5 756.9 4637.1 1244.2 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -2043.4 -1138.5 -585.3 585.3 718.9 4637.1 1206.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -2063.1 -1127.8 620.7 620.7 721.6 4637.1 1208.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1749.1 -917.9 -407.5 407.5 677.8 4637.1 1165.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1773.9 -952.6 440.3 440.3 681.3 4637.1 1168.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 5-6 Galleria artificiale, calotta - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 51 / 70


VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.278

-52.8 236.4 -1.7 -1.59 - Verif. 29.25 51.8 Verif. 0.013 0.023 Verif.-1061.6 1571.0 -37.0 -10.98 - Verif. 34.14 283.9 Verif. 0.155 0.263 Verif.-1061.2 1571.0 25.6 -10.98 - Verif. 34.14 283.9 Verif. 0.155 0.263 Verif.-1061.5 1562.4 32.9 -10.92 - Verif. 34.18 281.9 Verif. 0.153 0.261 Verif.-1100.0 1636.9 -37.3 -11.44 - Verif. 34.10 296.3 Verif. 0.164 0.278 Verif.-1099.8 1636.9 28.8 -11.44 - Verif. 34.10 296.3 Verif. 0.164 0.278 Verif.-1100.1 1627.4 36.1 -11.37 - Verif. 34.14 294 Verif. 0.162 0.275 Verif.-1327.2 1245.0 -33.8 -8.91 - Verif. 38.89 185.8 Verif. 0.071 0.121 Verif.-1326.5 1245.0 12.1 -8.91 - Verif. 38.89 185.9 Verif. 0.071 0.121 Verif.-1326.7 1240.4 19.5 -8.88 - Verif. 38.94 184.8 Verif. 0.070 0.119 Verif.-1327.0 1233.6 26.8 -8.83 - Verif. 39.02 183.2 Verif. 0.069 0.117 Verif.-1374.4 1301.1 -33.6 -9.31 - Verif. 38.77 195.2 Verif. 0.078 0.133 Verif.-1373.9 1301.1 15.3 -9.31 - Verif. 38.76 195.2 Verif. 0.078 0.133 Verif.-1374.1 1295.6 22.6 -9.27 - Verif. 38.82 193.9 Verif. 0.077 0.131 Verif.

Tabella 5-7 Galleria artificiale, calotta - verifica allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 52 / 70



I ferri utilizzati per l’armatura della galleria artificiale sono riassunti in Tabella 5-8, e

risultano rispettare il vincolo di armatura minima.

Spessorecm intradosso estradosso intradosso estradosso

Arco rovescio 100 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ14/15 φ14/15 φ16/30/45 φ16/75/75Piedritti 90 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ14/15 φ14/15 φ16/30/45Calotta 90 φ26/15 φ26/15 φ14/15 φ14/15 φ16/30/45

CavallottiElemento strutturale

Armatura di forza Ripartitori Spilli

Tabella 5-8 Portale (tratto coperto, sez 1) - Armatura

I ferri ripartitori sono costituiti da φ14/15 cm, al fine di rispettare una percentuale del 20%

dell’armatura principale. Tutte le armature si intendono passanti alle riprese di getto.

L'armatura a taglio disposta rispetta il vincolo di armatura minima e consente di assorbire

le sollecitazioni di taglio dove risulta necessaria un'armatura specifica.

I risultati delle analisi numeriche e delle verifiche strutturali sono riportati in Allegato 2, di

seguito si riportano sinteticamente alcuni grafici rappresentativi del comportamento della

struttura e i principali risultati delle verifiche strutturali.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 53 / 70


5.3.1. Risultati analisi

Comb 1_ST_PP

Comb 2a_ST_ka Comb 2b_ST_k0

Comb 3a_ST_k0 Comb 3b_ST_k0Q


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 54 / 70


Comb 4a_SI Comb 4b_SI

Comb 4c_SI Comb 4d_SI

Figura 5-7 Portale (tratto coperto, sez 1) – Deformata struttura


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 55 / 70


Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap

Figura 5-8 Portale (tratto coperto, sez 1) – Sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali per la combinazione 3b


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 56 / 70


Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap

Figura 5-9 Portale (tratto coperto, sez 1) – Sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali per la combinazione 4a


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 57 / 70


5.3.2. Verifica arco rovescio

Figura 5-10 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

21.0 -197.5 -42.2 42.2 502.6 5427.4 989.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-441.0 -275.3 103.2 103.2 567.0 5427.4 1054.3 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -462.8 -381.6 116.8 116.8 570.1 5427.4 1057.3 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -710.6 -3.7 102.7 102.7 604.6 5427.4 1091.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -755.6 -91.8 115.8 115.8 610.9 5427.4 1098.2 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -370.0 -906.8 213.8 213.8 557.1 5427.4 1044.4 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -459.9 -490.1 -128.1 128.1 569.7 5427.4 1056.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -731.2 585.4 202.0 202.0 607.5 5427.4 1094.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -636.5 298.1 -117.5 117.5 594.3 5427.4 1081.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 5-9 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 58 / 70


VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.059

9.3 -171.0 15.5 - -1.15 Verif. 25.81 44.7 Verif. 0.012 0.021 Verif.6.6 -93.1 -4.2 - -0.62 Verif. 25.66 24.5 Verif. 0.007 0.011 Verif.

-209.9 -479.0 24.0 - -3.39 Verif. 30.74 102.8 Verif. 0.028 0.048 Verif.-204.9 -493.9 35.5 - -3.48 Verif. 30.49 107.1 Verif. 0.029 0.050 Verif.-220.4 -493.9 -23.5 - -3.49 Verif. 30.83 105.6 Verif. 0.029 0.049 Verif.-215.7 -486.1 -14.4 - -3.44 Verif. 30.80 104.1 Verif. 0.028 0.048 Verif.-218.9 -572.7 34.0 - -4.03 Verif. 30.15 125.9 Verif. 0.035 0.059 Verif.-236.6 -572.7 -33.6 - -4.04 Verif. 30.47 124.3 Verif. 0.034 0.058 Verif.-231.9 -560.8 -24.4 - -3.96 Verif. 30.48 121.7 Verif. 0.033 0.056 Verif.-516.9 52.3 57.8 -0.69 -0.21 Verif. - -3.7 - - - Verif.-362.0 -472.8 7.4 - -3.42 Verif. 34.41 87.4 Verif. 0.024 0.041 Verif.-357.3 -477.8 16.6 - -3.46 Verif. 34.20 89.1 Verif. 0.024 0.041 Verif.-382.7 -536.9 46.2 - -3.88 Verif. 33.79 101.8 Verif. 0.028 0.047 Verif.-400.1 -536.9 -11.4 - -3.88 Verif. 34.17 100.2 Verif. 0.027 0.047 Verif.-395.4 -534.1 -2.2 - -3.86 Verif. 34.11 100 Verif. 0.027 0.046 Verif.

Tabella 5-10 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , arco rovescio - verifica allo SLE

5.3.3. Verifica piedritti

Figura 5-11 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 59 / 70



Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-449.9 104.4 66.7 66.7 454.7 4138.5 889.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-1247.1 -314.6 167.2 167.2 564.9 4138.5 999.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-1459.3 -411.0 203.2 203.2 594.3 4138.5 1029.2 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-1389.7 884.8 -338.2 338.2 584.7 4138.5 1019.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1601.9 950.0 -332.7 332.7 614.0 4138.5 1048.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1019.3 1553.3 -663.5 663.5 533.4 4138.5 968.3 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-949.0 -981.2 -462.8 462.8 523.7 4138.5 958.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -786.3 1434.5 -677.1 677.1 501.2 4138.5 936.1 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-741.0 -912.3 -493.1 493.1 494.9 4138.5 929.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 5-11 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio

VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.045

-250.7 -235.4 28.0 - -2.08 Verif. 33.82 45.2 Verif. 0.012 0.021 Verif.-252.0 -235.4 -9.5 - -2.08 Verif. 33.88 45.1 Verif. 0.012 0.021 Verif.-843.6 -515.4 31.6 - -4.64 Verif. 39.99 74.9 Verif. 0.020 0.034 Verif.

-1035.4 495.2 -92.7 -4.51 - Verif. 45.54 55.6 Verif. 0.014 0.023 Verif.-1042.4 524.1 -92.7 -4.76 - Verif. 44.25 62.5 Verif. 0.016 0.027 Verif.-1012.0 -623.6 31.5 - -5.62 Verif. 39.83 91.3 Verif. 0.024 0.041 Verif.-1001.1 -640.0 34.1 - -5.76 Verif. 39.16 96.6 Verif. 0.026 0.044 Verif.-1199.6 564.5 -75.2 -5.15 - Verif. 45.98 62.1 Verif. 0.015 0.026 Verif.-862.2 -352.8 53.5 - -3.24 Verif. 50.20 31.7 Verif. 0.007 0.012 Verif.

-1022.4 577.5 -250.5 -5.22 - Verif. 41.57 78 Verif. 0.020 0.034 Verif.-1029.4 655.4 -250.5 -5.89 - Verif. 39.23 98.6 Verif. 0.026 0.045 Verif.-1019.5 -451.9 55.0 - -4.13 Verif. 47.69 45.8 Verif. 0.011 0.019 Verif.-1179.6 627.1 -246.4 -5.69 - Verif. 42.91 79.6 Verif. 0.020 0.034 Verif.-1186.6 703.7 -246.4 -6.35 - Verif. 40.57 99.6 Verif. 0.026 0.044 Verif.

Tabella 5-12 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , piedritti - verifica allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 60 / 70


5.3.4. Verifica calotta

Figura 5-12 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , calotta - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-168.3 -44.6 96.4 96.4 415.7 4138.5 705.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -927.6 -225.0 204.5 204.5 520.7 4138.5 810.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -986.4 -113.4 248.8 248.8 528.9 4138.5 818.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-1046.0 -85.6 139.1 139.1 537.1 4138.5 827 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1142.9 -52.0 169.2 169.2 550.5 4138.5 840.4 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -760.8 366.1 212.7 212.7 497.7 4138.5 787.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -754.3 159.5 -103.3 103.3 496.8 4138.5 786.7 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -571.4 -41.0 -194.6 194.6 471.5 4138.5 761.4 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -551.0 106.6 94.8 94.8 468.6 4138.5 758.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 5-13 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , calotta - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 61 / 70


VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.088

-227.8 -228.5 -33.5 - -2.21 Verif. 30.60 56.7 Verif. 0.019 0.033 Verif.-49.3 207.5 3.1 -1.91 - Verif. 23.90 70.9 Verif. 0.024 0.041 Verif.

-815.8 -515.4 -28.8 - -5.06 Verif. 36.91 94.7 Verif. 0.032 0.055 Verif.-805.2 -502.0 -24.8 - -4.93 Verif. 37.16 91.1 Verif. 0.031 0.053 Verif.-372.5 442.2 -1.3 -4.25 - Verif. 29.12 117.9 Verif. 0.040 0.068 Verif.-968.6 -640.0 -39.4 - -6.28 Verif. 36.10 122.2 Verif. 0.042 0.071 Verif.-958.1 -621.3 -35.4 - -6.10 Verif. 36.43 116.8 Verif. 0.040 0.068 Verif.-440.1 558.2 -15.9 -5.35 - Verif. 28.61 152.5 Verif. 0.052 0.088 Verif.-823.1 -366.1 17.3 - -3.60 Verif. 45.46 44.6 Verif. 0.014 0.023 Verif.-796.6 -366.1 -23.9 - -3.60 Verif. 44.46 46.8 Verif. 0.014 0.025 Verif.-486.8 324.5 -1.5 -3.18 - Verif. 35.95 62.4 Verif. 0.021 0.036 Verif.-976.7 -456.4 8.5 - -4.49 Verif. 43.97 59.8 Verif. 0.019 0.032 Verif.-944.1 -456.4 -41.4 - -4.49 Verif. 43.01 62.6 Verif. 0.020 0.033 Verif.-565.7 387.5 -21.6 -3.80 - Verif. 35.49 76.2 Verif. 0.026 0.044 Verif.

Tabella 5-14 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , calotta - verifica allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 62 / 70



I ferri utilizzati per l’armatura della galleria artificiale sono riassunti in Tabella 5-15, e

risultano rispettare il vincolo di armatura minima.

Spessorecm intradosso estradosso intradosso estradosso

Arco rovescio 100 φ26/15 φ26/15+φ26/15 φ18/15 φ18/15 φ16/30/45 φ16/75/75Piedritti 90 φ26/15+φ26/15 φ26/15+φ26/15 φ18/15 φ18/15 φ16/30/45Muretta 110 φ26/15+φ26/15 φ26/15+φ26/15+φ26/30 φ18/15 φ18/15 φ16/30/45

CavallottiElemento strutturale

Armatura di forza Ripartitori Spilli

Tabella 5-15 Portale (tratto a becco di flauto, sez 2) - Armatura

I ferri ripartitori sono costituiti da φ18/15 cm, al fine di rispettare una percentuale del 20%

dell’armatura principale. Tutte le armature si intendono passanti alle riprese di getto.

L'armatura a taglio disposta rispetta il vincolo di armatura minima e consente di assorbire

le sollecitazioni di taglio dove risulta necessaria un'armatura specifica.

I risultati delle analisi numeriche e delle verifiche strutturali sono riportati in Allegato 3, di

seguito si riportano sinteticamente alcuni grafici rappresentativi del comportamento della

struttura e i principali risultati delle verifiche strutturali.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 63 / 70


5.4.1. Risultati analisi

Comb 1_ST_PP

Comb 2a_ST_ka Comb 2b_ST_k0

Comb 3a_ST_k0 Comb 3b_ST_k0Q


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 64 / 70


Comb 4a_SI Comb 4b_SI

Comb 4c_SI Comb 4d_SI

Figura 5-13 Portale (tratto a becco di flauto, sez 2) – Deformata struttura


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 65 / 70


Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap

Figura 5-14 Portale (tratto a becco di flauto, sez 2) – Sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali per la combinazione 3b


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 66 / 70


Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap

Figura 5-15 Portale (tratto a becco di flauto, sez 2) – Sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali per la combinazione 4a


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 67 / 70


5.4.2. Verifica arco rovescio

Figura 5-16 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-32.1 -9.7 38.5 38.5 438.3 4637.1 925.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-349.9 505.0 173.3 173.3 482.6 4637.1 969.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -436.2 719.3 247.4 247.4 494.7 4637.1 981.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -522.5 825.9 243.3 243.3 506.7 4637.1 994 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -649.7 1146.2 345.5 345.5 524.5 4637.1 1011.7 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -757.3 1791.6 483.6 483.6 539.5 4637.1 1026.7 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -430.4 635.8 -180.3 180.3 493.9 4637.1 981.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -750.2 1800.5 477.6 477.6 538.5 4637.1 1025.7 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -425.2 643.7 -176.9 176.9 493.1 4637.1 980.4 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 5-16 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 68 / 70


VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.168

-14.4 8.7 10.2 -0.06 - Verif. 51.30 0.7 Verif. 0.000 0.000 Verif.-13.1 -34.3 13.8 - -0.25 Verif. 25.74 9.7 Verif. 0.003 0.006 Verif.-9.1 -34.3 -12.3 - -0.25 Verif. 24.64 10.2 Verif. 0.003 0.006 Verif.

-275.8 585.0 105.2 -3.94 - Verif. 36.41 91.8 Verif. 0.022 0.038 Verif.-280.5 539.9 114.3 -3.65 - Verif. 36.95 83.1 Verif. 0.018 0.031 Verif.-285.3 491.0 123.5 -3.34 - Verif. 37.66 73.7 Verif. 0.016 0.027 Verif.-348.8 844.7 161.4 -5.65 - Verif. 35.75 135.7 Verif. 0.054 0.092 Verif.-353.5 776.5 170.6 -5.22 - Verif. 36.22 122.6 Verif. 0.045 0.077 Verif.-358.2 704.5 179.7 -4.76 - Verif. 36.83 108.9 Verif. 0.035 0.059 Verif.-414.7 909.6 148.0 -6.11 - Verif. 36.23 143.6 Verif. 0.059 0.100 Verif.-419.4 846.9 157.1 -5.72 - Verif. 36.68 131.6 Verif. 0.051 0.086 Verif.-424.1 780.5 166.2 -5.29 - Verif. 37.23 118.9 Verif. 0.042 0.071 Verif.-521.2 1284.5 223.4 -8.58 - Verif. 35.67 206.9 Verif. 0.099 0.168 Verif.-525.9 1190.8 232.6 -7.99 - Verif. 36.07 189.1 Verif. 0.088 0.149 Verif.-530.6 1093.4 241.7 -7.37 - Verif. 36.56 170.6 Verif. 0.076 0.129 Verif.

Tabella 5-17 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 69 / 70


5.4.3. Verifica piedritti

Come spessore di riferimento per le verifiche strutturali è stato assunto il valore minimo

relativo al tratto di struttura interessato, ovvero 90cm. Per le combinazioni in condizioni

sismiche 4a e 4c in corrispondenza dell’innesto con la muretta le sollecitazioni sono

esterne al dominio di resistenza della sezione considerata. In tale tratta però la struttura

presenta spessori maggiori rispetto a quelli assunti nei calcoli (superiori a 110 cm);

considerando uno spessore più realistico (110cm) e prevedendo verri aggiuntivi nel tratto

interessato (φ26/30) la sezione risulta verificata.

Si tenga inoltre presente che la sezione di riferimento assunta ai fini del calcolo è molto

vicina al tratto di portale a sezione chiusa, mentre nei calcoli viene trascurato l’effetto

tridimensionale, inoltre i piedritti sono di altezza variabile, quindi le sollecitazioni nel nodo

di muretta decrescono rapidamente.

Figura 5-17 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling 70 / 70



Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-107.2 -136.2 -57.1 57.1 407.2 4138.5 842.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-467.7 1176.0 -250.9 250.9 457.1 4138.5 892 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -565.2 1650.0 -314.9 314.9 470.6 4138.5 905.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -467.7 1625.5 -394.8 394.8 457.1 4138.5 892 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -565.2 2271.9 -495.6 495.6 470.6 4138.5 905.5 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-385.0 3083.9 -694.3 694.3 445.7 4138.5 880.5 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-272.6 -1163.6 -322.6 322.6 430.1 4138.5 865 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -300.9 2802.1 -694.3 694.3 434.1 4138.5 868.9 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-218.4 -1120.5 -322.6 322.6 422.6 4138.5 857.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 5-18 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio

VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.274

-220.8 -182.7 0.0 - -1.43 Verif. 38.30 25 Verif. 0.005 0.009 Verif.-164.6 -182.7 -14.1 - -1.40 Verif. 35.24 28.4 Verif. 0.006 0.011 Verif.-275.4 -504.0 105.6 - -3.76 Verif. 31.97 90 Verif. 0.025 0.043 Verif.-339.5 813.3 -185.8 -6.00 - Verif. 30.83 152.3 Verif. 0.068 0.116 Verif.-346.5 871.1 -185.8 -6.42 - Verif. 30.66 164.2 Verif. 0.076 0.129 Verif.-343.5 -750.2 143.6 - -5.56 Verif. 31.18 138.4 Verif. 0.059 0.101 Verif.-411.7 1149.7 -233.3 -8.44 - Verif. 30.32 219.8 Verif. 0.109 0.185 Verif.-418.7 1222.2 -233.3 -8.96 - Verif. 30.19 234.9 Verif. 0.118 0.201 Verif.-271.4 -626.5 152.2 - -4.63 Verif. 30.97 116.6 Verif. 0.045 0.077 Verif.-339.5 1113.2 -292.4 -8.13 - Verif. 29.87 216.8 Verif. 0.108 0.183 Verif.-346.5 1204.1 -292.4 -8.78 - Verif. 29.73 235.9 Verif. 0.119 0.202 Verif.-337.9 -940.1 208.6 - -6.90 Verif. 30.33 179.6 Verif. 0.085 0.145 Verif.-411.7 1568.7 -367.1 -11.40 - Verif. 29.51 310 Verif. 0.161 0.274 Verif.-418.7 1682.9 -367.1 -10.11 - Verif. 32.06 288.4 Verif. 0.147 0.251 Verif.

Tabella 5-19 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, piedritti - verifica allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-1 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1







Carreggiata Nord in variante

Gallerie artificiali di imbocco

Relazione tecnica e di calcolo dei rivestimenti

Allegato 1 – Analisi numerica galleria artificiale: risultati e verifiche


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-2 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1


1.  INTRODUZIONE ................................................................................................................................................... 4 

2.  GEOMETRIA E CARICHI ................................................................................................................................... 5 

2.1.  GEOMETRIA DEL MODELLO .............................................................................................................................. 5 

2.2.  CARATTERISTICHE DEGLI ELEMENTI STRUTTURALI .......................................................................................... 8 

2.3.  VINCOLI ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 

2.3.1.  Vincoli a terra ........................................................................................................................................... 11 

2.3.2.  Vincoli elastici .......................................................................................................................................... 12 

2.4.  CARICHI AGENTI ............................................................................................................................................. 17 

2.4.3.  Combinazioni di carico ............................................................................................................................. 17 

2.4.4.  Carichi nodali ........................................................................................................................................... 19 

3.  RISULTATI DELLE ANALISI ........................................................................................................................... 26 

3.1.  SPOSTAMENTI NODALI .................................................................................................................................... 26 

3.2.  DIAGRAMMI SOLLECITAZIONI NEGLI ELEMENTI STRUTTURALI ....................................................................... 37 

3.2.5.  Combinazione 1_ST_PP ........................................................................................................................... 37 

3.2.6.  Combinazione 2a_ST_ka .......................................................................................................................... 38 

3.2.7.  Combinazione 2b_ST_kaQ ........................................................................................................................ 39 

3.2.8.  Combinazione 3a_ST_k0 .......................................................................................................................... 40 

3.2.9.  Combinazione 3b_ST_k0Q ........................................................................................................................ 41 

3.2.10.  Combinazione 4a_SI ................................................................................................................................. 42 

3.2.11.  Combinazione 4b_SI ................................................................................................................................. 43 

3.2.12.  Combinazione 4c_SI ................................................................................................................................. 44 

3.2.13.  Combinazione 4d_SI ................................................................................................................................. 45 

3.3.  TABELLE RISULTATI ANALISI .......................................................................................................................... 46 


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-3 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

4.  PRINCIPALI VERIFICHE STRUTTURALI .................................................................................................... 73 

4.1.  ARCO ROVESCIO ............................................................................................................................................. 73 

4.2.  PIEDRITTI ....................................................................................................................................................... 76 

4.3.  CALOTTA ........................................................................................................................................................ 79 


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-4 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1


Il presente allegato ha per oggetto il dimensionamento della galleria artificiale di imbocco.

La modellazione (eseguita con il codice di calcolo Sap) è stata eseguita per un tratto di

struttura di profondità pari a 1m e tiene conto delle reali geometrie della struttura, nonché

delle caratteristiche del terreno di ritombamento e degli ammassi interessati dallo scavo.

Si fa presente che in corrispondenza di entrambi gli imbocchi è prevista la realizzazione di

un solettone in c.a. di contrasto fra le paratie di imbocco previste sui due lati della galleria

artificiale, che viene quindi ad essere realizzata (tutta o in parte) sotto protesi. Dato che

tutte le opere di sostegno degli scavi sono provvisionali, a titolo cautelativo ne viene

trascurata la presenza, applicando tutti i carichi dati dal terreno direttamente alla struttura

della galleria artificiale.

Le analisi numeriche vengono condotte con riferimento alla configurazione più gravosa fra

quelle previste per la geometria in esame, ovvero per l’imbocco lato Roma della Galleria


Nei paragrafi che seguono vengono riportate le caratteristiche del modello numerico

utilizzato (geometria, vincoli, carichi), i risultati delle analisi numeriche condotte per le

condizioni di carico di riferimento, le verifiche strutturali nelle sezioni maggiormente



Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-5 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1



La struttura viene schematizzata con 52 aste e 50 nodi, vincolati in arco rovescio e sotto il

piano di imposta delle murette con molle (sia in direzione normale che tangenziale) ed

elementi Gap (molle non lineari, che non resistono a trazione) in corrispondenza dei nodi

di piedritto e calotta a contatto con il terreno. Gli elementi Gap sono vincolati con nodi

ausiliari (complessivamente sono presenti 85 nodi). La geometria del modello

rappresentata in Figura 2-1; coordinate nodali, incidenza aste ed elementi “gap” sono

riportate rispettivamente in Tabella 2-1, Tabella 2-2 e Tabella 2-3.

Figura 2-1 Galleria artificiale – Geometria modello


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-6 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE: Joint CoordinatesJoint CoordSys CoordType XorR Y Z SpecialJt GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZText Text Text m m m Yes/No m m m

1 GLOBAL Cartesian 7.91 0 -1.95515 Yes 7.91 0 -1.955152 GLOBAL Cartesian 7.91 0 -1.07655 Yes 7.91 0 -1.076553 GLOBAL Cartesian 7.91 0 -0.4909 Yes 7.91 0 -0.49094 GLOBAL Cartesian 7.91 0 0.36048 Yes 7.91 0 0.360485 GLOBAL Cartesian 7.91 0 1.36 Yes 7.91 0 1.366 GLOBAL Cartesian 7.88315 0 2.35952 Yes 7.88315 0 2.359527 GLOBAL Cartesian 7.80269 0 3.35616 Yes 7.80269 0 3.356168 GLOBAL Cartesian 7.66885 0 4.34704 Yes 7.66885 0 4.347049 GLOBAL Cartesian 7.43264 0 5.54919 Yes 7.43264 0 5.5491910 GLOBAL Cartesian 6.78359 0 6.30932 Yes 6.78359 0 6.3093211 GLOBAL Cartesian 6.05719 0 6.99589 Yes 6.05719 0 6.9958912 GLOBAL Cartesian 5.26172 0 7.6011 Yes 5.26172 0 7.601113 GLOBAL Cartesian 4.40624 0 8.11803 Yes 4.40624 0 8.1180314 GLOBAL Cartesian 3.50053 0 8.54079 Yes 3.50053 0 8.5407915 GLOBAL Cartesian 2.5549 0 8.86457 Yes 2.5549 0 8.8645716 GLOBAL Cartesian 1.58013 0 9.08566 Yes 1.58013 0 9.0856617 GLOBAL Cartesian 0.58735 0 9.20155 Yes 0.58735 0 9.2015518 GLOBAL Cartesian 4.09E-14 0 9.22 Yes 4.09E-14 0 9.2219 GLOBAL Cartesian -0.58735 0 9.20155 Yes -0.58735 0 9.2015520 GLOBAL Cartesian -1.58013 0 9.08566 Yes -1.58013 0 9.0856621 GLOBAL Cartesian -2.5549 0 8.86457 Yes -2.5549 0 8.8645722 GLOBAL Cartesian -3.50053 0 8.54079 Yes -3.50053 0 8.5407923 GLOBAL Cartesian -4.40624 0 8.11803 Yes -4.40624 0 8.1180324 GLOBAL Cartesian -5.26172 0 7.6011 Yes -5.26172 0 7.601125 GLOBAL Cartesian -6.05719 0 6.99589 Yes -6.05719 0 6.9958926 GLOBAL Cartesian -6.78359 0 6.30932 Yes -6.78359 0 6.3093227 GLOBAL Cartesian -7.43264 0 5.54919 Yes -7.43264 0 5.5491928 GLOBAL Cartesian -7.66885 0 4.34704 Yes -7.66885 0 4.3470429 GLOBAL Cartesian -7.80269 0 3.35616 Yes -7.80269 0 3.3561630 GLOBAL Cartesian -7.88315 0 2.35952 Yes -7.88315 0 2.3595231 GLOBAL Cartesian -7.91 0 1.36 Yes -7.91 0 1.3632 GLOBAL Cartesian -7.91 0 0.36048 Yes -7.91 0 0.3604833 GLOBAL Cartesian -7.91 0 -0.4909 Yes -7.91 0 -0.490934 GLOBAL Cartesian -7.91 0 -1.07655 Yes -7.91 0 -1.0765535 GLOBAL Cartesian -7.91 0 -1.95515 Yes -7.91 0 -1.9551536 GLOBAL Cartesian -6.53308 0 -1.95515 No -6.53308 0 -1.9551537 GLOBAL Cartesian -5.80297 0 -2.33215 No -5.80297 0 -2.3321538 GLOBAL Cartesian -4.88563 0 -2.72968 No -4.88563 0 -2.7296839 GLOBAL Cartesian -3.9413 0 -3.05797 No -3.9413 0 -3.0579740 GLOBAL Cartesian -2.97519 0 -3.31521 No -2.97519 0 -3.3152141 GLOBAL Cartesian -1.99264 0 -3.49997 No -1.99264 0 -3.4999742 GLOBAL Cartesian -0.99908 0 -3.61124 No -0.99908 0 -3.6112443 GLOBAL Cartesian -1.148E-13 0 -3.64839 No -1.148E-13 0 -3.6483944 GLOBAL Cartesian 0.99908 0 -3.61124 No 0.99908 0 -3.6112445 GLOBAL Cartesian 1.99264 0 -3.49997 No 1.99264 0 -3.4999746 GLOBAL Cartesian 2.97519 0 -3.31521 No 2.97519 0 -3.3152147 GLOBAL Cartesian 3.9413 0 -3.05797 No 3.9413 0 -3.0579748 GLOBAL Cartesian 4.88563 0 -2.72968 No 4.88563 0 -2.7296849 GLOBAL Cartesian 5.80297 0 -2.33215 No 5.80297 0 -2.3321550 GLOBAL Cartesian 6.53308 0 -1.95515 No 6.53308 0 -1.9551551 GLOBAL Cartesian 8.91 0 -1.95515 Yes 8.91 0 -1.9551552 GLOBAL Cartesian 8.91 0 -1.07655 Yes 8.91 0 -1.0765553 GLOBAL Cartesian 8.91 0 -0.4909 Yes 8.91 0 -0.490954 GLOBAL Cartesian 8.91 0 0.36048 Yes 8.91 0 0.3604855 GLOBAL Cartesian 8.91 0 1.37343 Yes 8.91 0 1.3734356 GLOBAL Cartesian 8.88207 0 2.41322 Yes 8.88207 0 2.4132257 GLOBAL Cartesian 8.79729 0 3.4634 Yes 8.79729 0 3.463458 GLOBAL Cartesian 8.65585 0 4.51051 Yes 8.65585 0 4.5105159 GLOBAL Cartesian 8.36334 0 5.99921 Yes 8.36334 0 5.9992160 GLOBAL Cartesian 7.50935 0 6.99934 Yes 7.50935 0 6.9993461 GLOBAL Cartesian 6.70523 0 7.75937 Yes 6.70523 0 7.7593762 GLOBAL Cartesian 5.82466 0 8.42932 Yes 5.82466 0 8.4293263 GLOBAL Cartesian 4.87766 0 9.00156 Yes 4.87766 0 9.0015664 GLOBAL Cartesian 3.87504 0 9.46955 Yes 3.87504 0 9.4695565 GLOBAL Cartesian 2.82824 0 9.82797 Yes 2.82824 0 9.8279766 GLOBAL Cartesian 1.74919 0 10.07272 Yes 1.74919 0 10.0727267 GLOBAL Cartesian 0.66115 0 10.19973 Yes 0.66115 0 10.1997368 GLOBAL Cartesian 4.53E-14 0 10.22049 Yes 4.53E-14 0 10.2204969 GLOBAL Cartesian -0.66115 0 10.19973 Yes -0.66115 0 10.1997370 GLOBAL Cartesian -1.74919 0 10.07272 Yes -1.74919 0 10.0727271 GLOBAL Cartesian -2.82824 0 9.82797 Yes -2.82824 0 9.8279772 GLOBAL Cartesian -3.87504 0 9.46955 Yes -3.87504 0 9.4695573 GLOBAL Cartesian -4.87766 0 9.00156 Yes -4.87766 0 9.0015674 GLOBAL Cartesian -5.82466 0 8.42932 Yes -5.82466 0 8.4293275 GLOBAL Cartesian -6.70523 0 7.75937 Yes -6.70523 0 7.7593776 GLOBAL Cartesian -7.50935 0 6.99934 Yes -7.50935 0 6.9993477 GLOBAL Cartesian -8.36334 0 5.99921 Yes -8.36334 0 5.9992178 GLOBAL Cartesian -8.65585 0 4.51051 Yes -8.65585 0 4.5105179 GLOBAL Cartesian -8.79729 0 3.4634 Yes -8.79729 0 3.463480 GLOBAL Cartesian -8.88207 0 2.41322 Yes -8.88207 0 2.4132281 GLOBAL Cartesian -8.91 0 1.37343 Yes -8.91 0 1.3734382 GLOBAL Cartesian -8.91 0 0.36048 Yes -8.91 0 0.3604883 GLOBAL Cartesian -8.91 0 -0.4909 Yes -8.91 0 -0.490984 GLOBAL Cartesian -8.91 0 -1.07655 Yes -8.91 0 -1.0765585 GLOBAL Cartesian -8.91 0 -1.95515 Yes -8.91 0 -1.95515

Tabella 2-1 Galleria artificiale – Coordinate nodi


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-7 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE: Connectivity - FrameFrame JointI JointJ IsCurved

Text Text Text Yes/No1 1 2 No2 2 3 No3 3 4 No4 4 5 No5 5 6 No6 6 7 No7 7 8 No8 8 9 No9 9 10 No10 10 11 No11 11 12 No12 12 13 No13 13 14 No14 14 15 No15 15 16 No16 16 17 No17 17 18 No18 18 19 No19 19 20 No20 20 21 No21 21 22 No22 22 23 No23 23 24 No24 24 25 No25 25 26 No26 26 27 No27 27 28 No28 28 29 No29 29 30 No30 30 31 No31 31 32 No32 32 33 No33 33 34 No34 34 35 No35 35 36 No36 36 37 No37 37 38 No38 38 39 No39 39 40 No40 40 41 No41 41 42 No42 42 43 No43 43 44 No44 44 45 No45 45 46 No46 46 47 No47 47 48 No48 48 49 No49 49 50 No50 50 1 No51 50 2 No52 36 34 No

Tabella 2-2 Galleria artificiale – Aste


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-8 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE: Connectivity - LinkLink JointI JointJText Text Text

1 1 512 2 523 3 534 4 545 5 556 6 567 7 578 8 589 9 59

10 10 6011 11 6112 12 6213 13 6314 14 6415 15 6516 16 6617 17 6718 18 6819 19 6920 20 7021 21 7122 22 7223 23 7324 24 7425 25 7526 26 7627 27 7728 28 7829 29 7930 30 8031 31 8132 32 8233 33 8334 34 8435 35 85

Tabella 2-3 Galleria artificiale – Elementi link (gap)


La struttura stata schematizzata attribuendo ad ogni elemento il suo spessore reale, per i

tratti a spessore variabile è stato considerato un valore rappresentativo della struttura nella

zona corrispondente.

Di seguito si riportano le caratteristiche delle sezioni presenti nel database del file (Tabella

2-4) e la tabella di assegnazione delle sezioni agli elementi strutturali (Tabella 2-5). La

vista estrusa della struttura è invece riportata in Figura 2-2.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-9 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE: Frame Section Properties 01 - GeneralSectionName Material Shape AutoType t3 t2 Area

Text Text Text Text m m m2CA075 RCK40 Rectangular 0.75 1 0.75CA090 RCK40 Rectangular 0.9 1 0.9CA100 RCK40 Rectangular 1 1 1CA110 RCK40 Rectangular 1.1 1 1.1CA120 RCK40 Rectangular 1.2 1 1.2

Tabella 2-4 Galleria artificiale – Definizione sezioni

Figura 2-2 Galleria artificiale – Vista estrusa


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-10 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE: Frame Section AssignmentsFrame AutoSelect AnalSect MatProp

Text Text Text Text1 N.A. CA100 Default2 N.A. CA110 Default3 N.A. CA100 Default4 N.A. CA100 Default5 N.A. CA100 Default6 N.A. CA110 Default7 N.A. CA120 Default8 N.A. CA120 Default9 N.A. CA120 Default

10 N.A. CA120 Default11 N.A. CA110 Default12 N.A. CA100 Default13 N.A. CA100 Default14 N.A. CA100 Default15 N.A. CA100 Default16 N.A. CA100 Default17 N.A. CA100 Default18 N.A. CA100 Default19 N.A. CA100 Default20 N.A. CA100 Default21 N.A. CA100 Default22 N.A. CA100 Default23 N.A. CA100 Default24 N.A. CA110 Default25 N.A. CA120 Default26 N.A. CA120 Default27 N.A. CA120 Default28 N.A. CA120 Default29 N.A. CA110 Default30 N.A. CA100 Default31 N.A. CA100 Default32 N.A. CA100 Default33 N.A. CA110 Default34 N.A. CA100 Default35 N.A. CA075 Default36 N.A. CA110 Default37 N.A. CA110 Default38 N.A. CA110 Default39 N.A. CA110 Default40 N.A. CA110 Default41 N.A. CA110 Default42 N.A. CA110 Default43 N.A. CA110 Default44 N.A. CA110 Default45 N.A. CA110 Default46 N.A. CA110 Default47 N.A. CA110 Default48 N.A. CA110 Default49 N.A. CA110 Default50 N.A. CA075 Default51 N.A. CA075 Default52 N.A. CA075 Default

Tabella 2-5 Galleria artificiale – Assegnazione sezioni agli elementi frame


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-11 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1


La struttura è vincolata con molle elastiche al contatto fra arco rovescio (o piano imposta

murette) e il terreno / ammasso roccioso.

Nella zona di piedritti e calotta sono presenti molle non lineari, la cui rigidezza a trazione è

nulla (link/gap). Questi elementi collegano nodi della struttura con nodi vincolati a terra.

2.3.1. Vincoli a terra

TABLE: Joint Restraint AssignmentsJoint U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

51 Yes Yes Yes No No No52 Yes Yes Yes No No No53 Yes Yes Yes No No No54 Yes Yes Yes No No No55 Yes Yes Yes No No No56 Yes Yes Yes No No No57 Yes Yes Yes No No No58 Yes Yes Yes No No No59 Yes Yes Yes No No No60 Yes Yes Yes No No No61 Yes Yes Yes No No No62 Yes Yes Yes No No No63 Yes Yes Yes No No No64 Yes Yes Yes No No No65 Yes Yes Yes No No No66 Yes Yes Yes No No No67 Yes Yes Yes No No No68 Yes Yes Yes No No No69 Yes Yes Yes No No No70 Yes Yes Yes No No No71 Yes Yes Yes No No No72 Yes Yes Yes No No No73 Yes Yes Yes No No No74 Yes Yes Yes No No No75 Yes Yes Yes No No No76 Yes Yes Yes No No No77 Yes Yes Yes No No No78 Yes Yes Yes No No No79 Yes Yes Yes No No No80 Yes Yes Yes No No No81 Yes Yes Yes No No No82 Yes Yes Yes No No No83 Yes Yes Yes No No No84 Yes Yes Yes No No No85 Yes Yes Yes No No No

Tabella 2-6 Galleria artificiale – Vincoli a terra


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-12 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

2.3.2. Vincoli elastici

Criteri di definizione rigidezze vincoli elastici

Per simulare l’interazione tra il terreno e la struttura vengono introdotti degli elementi

elastici (molle) in corrispondenza dei nodi strutturali; la rigidezza delle molle dipende dalle

proprietà elastiche del terreno e dalle dimensioni strutturali degli elementi collegati al nodo.

Calotta e piedritti

La rigidezza in direzione normale del terreno è calcolata secondo la formula di Galerkin:

REKn ×+

=)1( ν

Per la zona di calotta è valutata una rigidezza normale pari a 4273kN/m3, essendo:

E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno di ritombamento = 50MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

R = raggio di curvatura dell’asse di calotta = 9.36m

Per la zona dei piedritti è valutata una rigidezza normale pari a 23201kN/m3, essendo:

E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno di ritombamento = 540MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

R = raggio di curvatura dell’asse dei piedritti = 18.62m

All’interno del programma, tale interazione è schematizzata attraverso l’utilizzo di elementi

elastoplastico (“gap”), caratterizzati dalla capacità di reagire solo a compressione. Nel

caso si verificasse “l’apertura” (ovvero l’elemento andasse in compressione), la rigidezza

diverrebbe immediatamente nulla.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-13 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

La zona di calotta è caratterizzata, al contorno, dalla presenza dell’impermeabilizzazione,

che non impedisce la reazione in direzione normale, abbattendo, invece, la rigidezza in

direzione trasversale.

I valori di calcolo per le molle nodali nel modello numerico sono definiti moltiplicando il

valore unitario per l’ampiezza della zona di influenza di ciascun nodo.

Arco rovescio

Per la zona di arco rovescio è valutata una rigidezza normale pari a 59480 kN/m3,


E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno di fondazione = 1000MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

R = raggio di curvatura dell’asse di calotta = 13.45m

Per tale zona è calcolata altresì una rigidezza trasversale che assume valore pari a

35270kN/m3, attraverso la formulazione seguente:

)32tan(* φtt KK =

Avendo definito un valore dell’angolo d’attrito pari a 46°.

I valori di calcolo per le molle nodali nel modello numerico sono definiti moltiplicando il

valore unitario per l’ampiezza della zona di influenza di ciascun nodo, componendo

settorialmente le due componenti, anche in funzione della relativa inclinazione delle

“corde” colleganti i punti nodali lungo lo sviluppo dell’elemento.


Per il calcolo delle molle verticali situate sul piano di imposta murette è posta pari a

290843kN/m3 in direzione normale e 172461 kN/m3 in direzione trasversale. Il calcolo è

effettuato attraverso l’impiego della formulazione di Bousinnesq :


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-14 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

( ) wn IB


= 21 ν

)32tan(* φtt kk =


E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno = 1000MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

Iw = coefficiente di forma = 2.25

B = base della fondazione = 1.63m

φ = angolo attrito terreno di fondazione = 46°

Valori adottati nelle analisi

TABLE:  Joint Spring Assignments 1 ‐ UncoupledJoint CoordSys U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text N/m N/m N/m N‐m/rad N‐m/rad N‐m/rad

1 GLOBAL 140555837,9 0 237037037 0 0 035 GLOBAL 140555837,9 0 237037037 0 0 036 GLOBAL 164643073,2 0 265398662,8 0 0 037 GLOBAL 52116384,47 0 62689070,01 0 0 038 GLOBAL 54453512,71 0 68212463,72 0 0 039 GLOBAL 51139077,36 0 67188178,39 0 0 040 GLOBAL 47542050,67 0 65792755,99 0 0 041 GLOBAL 43682334,52 0 64033733,47 0 0 042 GLOBAL 39581127,16 0 61920817,85 0 0 043 GLOBAL 35261491,74 0 59465900,85 0 0 044 GLOBAL 39581127,16 0 61920817,85 0 0 045 GLOBAL 43682334,52 0 64033733,47 0 0 046 GLOBAL 47542050,67 0 65792755,99 0 0 047 GLOBAL 51139077,36 0 67188178,39 0 0 048 GLOBAL 54453512,71 0 68212463,72 0 0 049 GLOBAL 52116384,47 0 62689070,01 0 0 050 GLOBAL 164643073,2 0 265398662,8 0 0 0

Tabella 2-7 Galleria artificiale – Molle in arco rovescio/murette


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-15 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE:  Link Property Definitions 01 ‐ GeneralLink LinkType Mass Weight RotInert1 RotInert2 RotInert3 DefLength DefAreaText Text Kg N N‐m‐s2 N‐m‐s2 N‐m‐s2 m m2

CAL1 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1CAL2 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1CAL3 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED1 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED2 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED3 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED4 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED5 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1V1 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

Tabella 2-8 Galleria artificiale – Definizione proprietà elementi gap 1/2

TABLE:  Link Property Definitions 05 ‐ GapLink DOF Fixed NonLinear TransKE RotKE TransCE RotCE DJ TransK RotK TransOpenText Text Yes/No Yes/No N/m N‐m/rad N‐s/m N‐m‐s/rad m N/m N‐m/rad m

CAL1 U1 No Yes 4273504 0 1 0,000001CAL2 U1 No Yes 2521368 0 1 0,000001CAL3 U1 No Yes 3397436 0 1 0,000001PIED1 U1 No Yes 23200859,29 0 1 0,000001PIED2 U1 No Yes 25868958 0 1 0,000001PIED3 U1 No Yes 21460794,84 0 1 0,000001PIED4 U1 No Yes 16704618,69 0 1 0,000001PIED5 U1 No Yes 19720730,4 0 1 0,000001V1 U1 No Yes 16405280,6 0 1 0,000001

Tabella 2-9 Galleria artificiale – Definizione proprietà elementi gap 2/2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-16 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  L ink P roperty Ass ignmentsL ink L inkT ype L inkJ oints L inkP rop L inkFDPropText Text Text Text Text

1 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D5 None2 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D4 None3 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D3 None4 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D1 None5 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D2 None6 Gap TwoJ oint C AL2 None7 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None8 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None9 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None10 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None11 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None12 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None13 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None14 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None15 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None16 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None17 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None18 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None19 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None20 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None21 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None22 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None23 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None24 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None25 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None26 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None27 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None28 Gap TwoJ oint C AL2 None29 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D2 None30 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D1 None31 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D3 None32 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D4 None33 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D5 None

Tabella 2-10 Galleria artificiale – Assegnazione caratteristiche elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-17 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1


2.4.3. Combinazioni di carico

Si riportano di seguito la definizione dei carichi elementari (la cui codifica è riportata in

relazione) e delle combinazioni di carico definite.

Per queste ultime si precisa che in sede di calcolo sono stati adottati coefficienti parziali

unitari, in quanto l’amplificazione necessaria ai fini delle verifiche allo SLU viene effettuata

al momento della verifica, in modo da avere a disposizione anche i valori nominali per le

verifiche allo SLE.

TABLE: Load Pattern DefinitionsLoadPat DesignType SelfWtMult


Tabella 2-11 Galleria artificiale – Definizione casi elementari di carico


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-18 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE: Case - Static 1 - Load AssignmentsCase LoadType LoadName LoadSFText Text Text Unitless

DEAD Load pattern DEAD 1KA Load pattern DEAD 1KA Load pattern SP_ka 1KA Load pattern PTERR 1KAQ Load pattern DEAD 1KAQ Load pattern SP_ka 1KAQ Load pattern PTERR 1KAQ Load pattern Q 1KAQ Load pattern Q_ka 1K0 Load pattern DEAD 1K0 Load pattern SP_k0 1K0 Load pattern PTERR 1K0Q Load pattern DEAD 1K0Q Load pattern SP_k0 1K0Q Load pattern PTERR 1K0Q Load pattern Q_k0 1K0Q Load pattern Q 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_D 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_D 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_sx 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern SP_S_sx 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_D 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX -1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_D 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_dx 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern SP_S_dx 1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_D -1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX 1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_D -1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_sx -1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern SP_S_sx 1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_D -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_D -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_dx -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern SP_S_dx 1

Tabella 2-12 Galleria artificiale – Definizione combinazioni di carico


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-19 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

2.4.4. Carichi nodali

Di seguito si riportano i carichi nodali relativi ai singoli casi di carico.

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2711,64 0 0 02 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3898,48 0 0 03 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2121,88 0 0 04 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2625,96 0 0 05 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,65 0 0 06 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2979,02 0 0 07 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3262,73 0 0 08 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3788,09 0 0 09 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3787,5 0 0 010 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3403,38 0 0 011 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3261,56 0 0 012 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2977,97 0 0 013 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,15 0 0 014 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,14 0 0 015 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,16 0 0 016 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,15 0 0 017 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2251,78 0 0 018 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1667,43 0 0 019 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2251,78 0 0 020 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,15 0 0 021 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,16 0 0 022 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,14 0 0 023 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,15 0 0 024 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2977,97 0 0 025 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3261,56 0 0 026 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3403,38 0 0 027 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3787,5 0 0 028 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3788,09 0 0 029 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3262,73 0 0 030 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2979,02 0 0 031 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,65 0 0 032 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2625,96 0 0 033 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2121,88 0 0 034 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3898,48 0 0 035 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2711,64 0 0 036 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐4485,48 0 0 037 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2842,63 0 0 038 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3120,53 0 0 039 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3120,53 0 0 040 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3120,53 0 0 041 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3120,53 0 0 042 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3120,53 0 0 043 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3120,53 0 0 044 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3120,53 0 0 045 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3120,53 0 0 046 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3120,53 0 0 047 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3120,53 0 0 048 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3120,53 0 0 049 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2842,63 0 0 050 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐4485,48 0 0 0

Tabella 2-13 Galleria artificiale – Carichi nodali


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-20 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5423,29 0 0 0 0 02 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 7796,97 0 0 0 0 03 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 4243,75 0 0 0 0 04 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5251,93 0 0 0 0 05 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,3 0 0 0 0 06 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5958,04 0 0 0 0 07 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6525,47 0 0 0 0 08 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 7576,18 0 0 0 0 09 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 7575 0 0 0 0 010 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6806,76 0 0 0 0 011 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6523,13 0 0 0 0 012 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5955,94 0 0 0 0 013 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5672,3 0 0 0 0 014 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5672,28 0 0 0 0 015 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5672,31 0 0 0 0 016 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5672,3 0 0 0 0 017 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 4503,57 0 0 0 0 018 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 3334,86 0 0 0 0 019 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 4503,57 0 0 0 0 020 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5672,3 0 0 0 0 021 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5672,31 0 0 0 0 022 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5672,28 0 0 0 0 023 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5672,3 0 0 0 0 024 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5955,94 0 0 0 0 025 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6523,13 0 0 0 0 026 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6806,76 0 0 0 0 027 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 7575 0 0 0 0 028 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 7576,18 0 0 0 0 029 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6525,47 0 0 0 0 030 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5958,04 0 0 0 0 031 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,3 0 0 0 0 032 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5251,93 0 0 0 0 033 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 4243,75 0 0 0 0 034 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 7796,97 0 0 0 0 035 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5423,29 0 0 0 0 036 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 8970,97 0 0 0 0 037 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5685,27 0 0 0 0 038 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6241,06 0 0 0 0 039 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6241,06 0 0 0 0 040 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6241,07 0 0 0 0 041 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6241,07 0 0 0 0 042 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6241,07 0 0 0 0 043 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6241,07 0 0 0 0 044 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6241,07 0 0 0 0 045 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6241,07 0 0 0 0 046 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6241,07 0 0 0 0 047 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6241,06 0 0 0 0 048 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 6241,06 0 0 0 0 049 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5685,27 0 0 0 0 050 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 8970,97 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-21 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

9 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐94686,74 0 0 010 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐188789,79 0 0 011 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐197313,38 0 0 012 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐203326,12 0 0 013 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐207549,89 0 0 014 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐210646,3 0 0 015 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐213174,9 0 0 016 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐215551,63 0 0 017 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐172930,05 0 0 018 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐129217 0 0 019 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐175427,38 0 0 020 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐223917,39 0 0 021 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐226377,29 0 0 022 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐228084,71 0 0 023 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐228431,37 0 0 024 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐226700,95 0 0 025 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐222118,18 0 0 026 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐213896,58 0 0 027 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐107667,74 0 0 09 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐10746,95 0 0 010 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐21427,64 0 0 011 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐22395,07 0 0 012 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐23077,51 0 0 013 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐23556,91 0 0 014 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐23908,36 0 0 015 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐24195,35 0 0 016 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐24465,11 0 0 017 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐19627,56 0 0 018 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐14666,13 0 0 019 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐19911,01 0 0 020 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐25414,62 0 0 021 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐25693,82 0 0 022 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐25887,61 0 0 023 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐25926,96 0 0 024 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐25730,56 0 0 025 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐25210,41 0 0 026 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐24277,26 0 0 027 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐12220,29 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-22 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐4530,94 0 0 0 0 02 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐3772,57 0 0 0 0 03 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐3702,44 0 0 0 0 04 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐4768,75 0 0 0 0 05 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐5150,43 0 0 0 0 06 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐5143,01 0 0 0 0 07 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐5120,75 0 0 0 0 08 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐5650,23 0 0 0 0 09 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐5055,72 0 0 0 0 010 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐3727,35 0 0 0 0 011 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐3328,21 0 0 0 0 012 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐2891,14 0 0 0 0 013 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐2421,06 0 0 0 0 014 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐1923,42 0 0 0 0 015 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐1403,83 0 0 0 0 016 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐868,21 0 0 0 0 017 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐346,12 0 0 0 0 018 PTERR_S_dx GLOBAL ‐47,54 0 0 0 0 018 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 57,04 0 0 0 0 019 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 415,34 0 0 0 0 020 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 1041,85 0 0 0 0 021 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 1684,6 0 0 0 0 022 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 2308,11 0 0 0 0 023 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 2905,28 0 0 0 0 024 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 3469,37 0 0 0 0 025 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 3993,85 0 0 0 0 026 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 4472,82 0 0 0 0 027 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 6066,86 0 0 0 0 028 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 6780,28 0 0 0 0 029 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 6144,9 0 0 0 0 030 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 6171,61 0 0 0 0 031 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 6180,51 0 0 0 0 032 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 5722,5 0 0 0 0 033 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 4442,92 0 0 0 0 034 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 4527,08 0 0 0 0 035 PTERR_S_sx GLOBAL 5437,13 0 0 0 0 09 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3245,25 0 0 010 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐6877,25 0 0 011 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐7609,35 0 0 012 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8254,75 0 0 013 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8805,95 0 0 014 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐9256,7 0 0 015 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐9602 0 0 016 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐9837,75 0 0 017 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐7900,65 0 0 018 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5873,5 0 0 019 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐7900,65 0 0 020 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐9837,75 0 0 021 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐9602 0 0 022 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐9256,7 0 0 023 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8805,95 0 0 024 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8254,75 0 0 025 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐7609,35 0 0 026 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐6877,25 0 0 027 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3245,25 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-23 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐2467,85 0 0 0 0 02 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐2054,78 0 0 0 0 03 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐2016,59 0 0 0 0 04 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐2597,37 0 0 0 0 05 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐3751,9 0 0 0 0 06 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐4691,78 0 0 0 0 07 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐4671,47 0 0 0 0 08 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐5154,51 0 0 0 0 09 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐5061,26 0 0 0 0 010 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐4062,54 0 0 0 0 011 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐3627,5 0 0 0 0 012 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐3151,13 0 0 0 0 013 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐2638,79 0 0 0 0 014 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐2096,39 0 0 0 0 015 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐1530,07 0 0 0 0 016 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐946,29 0 0 0 0 017 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐377,25 0 0 0 0 018 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐8,45 0 0 0 0 019 Q_k0 GLOBAL 315,75 0 0 0 0 020 Q_k0 GLOBAL 792,04 0 0 0 0 021 Q_k0 GLOBAL 1280,66 0 0 0 0 022 Q_k0 GLOBAL 1754,67 0 0 0 0 023 Q_k0 GLOBAL 2208,65 0 0 0 0 024 Q_k0 GLOBAL 2637,48 0 0 0 0 025 Q_k0 GLOBAL 3036,2 0 0 0 0 026 Q_k0 GLOBAL 3400,33 0 0 0 0 027 Q_k0 GLOBAL 4612,15 0 0 0 0 028 Q_k0 GLOBAL 5154,51 0 0 0 0 029 Q_k0 GLOBAL 2789,09 0 0 0 0 030 Q_k0 GLOBAL 2801,21 0 0 0 0 031 Q_k0 GLOBAL 2805,25 0 0 0 0 032 Q_k0 GLOBAL 2597,37 0 0 0 0 033 Q_k0 GLOBAL 2016,59 0 0 0 0 034 Q_k0 GLOBAL 2054,78 0 0 0 0 035 Q_k0 GLOBAL 2467,85 0 0 0 0 01 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐1435,34 0 0 0 0 02 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐1195,1 0 0 0 0 03 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐1172,88 0 0 0 0 04 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐1510,68 0 0 0 0 05 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐2351,35 0 0 0 0 06 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐3066,69 0 0 0 0 07 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐3053,41 0 0 0 0 08 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐3369,14 0 0 0 0 09 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐3422,81 0 0 0 0 010 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐2824,4 0 0 0 0 011 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐2521,95 0 0 0 0 012 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐2190,76 0 0 0 0 013 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐1834,56 0 0 0 0 014 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐1457,48 0 0 0 0 015 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐1063,75 0 0 0 0 016 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐657,89 0 0 0 0 017 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐262,27 0 0 0 0 018 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐20,96 0 0 0 0 019 Q_ka GLOBAL 206,39 0 0 0 0 020 Q_ka GLOBAL 517,7 0 0 0 0 021 Q_ka GLOBAL 837,08 0 0 0 0 022 Q_ka GLOBAL 1146,9 0 0 0 0 023 Q_ka GLOBAL 1443,64 0 0 0 0 024 Q_ka GLOBAL 1723,94 0 0 0 0 025 Q_ka GLOBAL 1984,55 0 0 0 0 026 Q_ka GLOBAL 2222,55 0 0 0 0 027 Q_ka GLOBAL 3014,64 0 0 0 0 028 Q_ka GLOBAL 3369,14 0 0 0 0 029 Q_ka GLOBAL 1622,19 0 0 0 0 030 Q_ka GLOBAL 1629,24 0 0 0 0 031 Q_ka GLOBAL 1631,59 0 0 0 0 032 Q_ka GLOBAL 1510,68 0 0 0 0 033 Q_ka GLOBAL 1172,88 0 0 0 0 034 Q_ka GLOBAL 1195,1 0 0 0 0 035 Q_ka GLOBAL 1435,34 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-24 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐118303,25 0 0 0 0 02 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐93988,62 0 0 0 0 03 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐89288,87 0 0 0 0 04 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐109476,02 0 0 0 0 05 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐148762,95 0 0 0 0 06 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐174305,32 0 0 0 0 07 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐161911,43 0 0 0 0 08 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐165884,37 0 0 0 0 09 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐147672,44 0 0 0 0 010 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐110812,75 0 0 0 0 011 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐92720,02 0 0 0 0 012 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐75776,04 0 0 0 0 013 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐60045,36 0 0 0 0 014 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐45487,57 0 0 0 0 015 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐31961,06 0 0 0 0 016 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐19243,58 0 0 0 0 017 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐7562,32 0 0 0 0 018 SP_k0 GLOBAL 4,55 0 0 0 0 019 SP_k0 GLOBAL 7592,64 0 0 0 0 020 SP_k0 GLOBAL 19274,94 0 0 0 0 021 SP_k0 GLOBAL 31873,91 0 0 0 0 022 SP_k0 GLOBAL 45091,56 0 0 0 0 023 SP_k0 GLOBAL 59092,29 0 0 0 0 024 SP_k0 GLOBAL 73974,12 0 0 0 0 025 SP_k0 GLOBAL 89751,04 0 0 0 0 026 SP_k0 GLOBAL 106351,07 0 0 0 0 027 SP_k0 GLOBAL 153017,42 0 0 0 0 028 SP_k0 GLOBAL 186502,39 0 0 0 0 029 SP_k0 GLOBAL 107825,06 0 0 0 0 030 SP_k0 GLOBAL 115273,29 0 0 0 0 031 SP_k0 GLOBAL 122449,37 0 0 0 0 032 SP_k0 GLOBAL 119865,5 0 0 0 0 033 SP_k0 GLOBAL 97355,21 0 0 0 0 034 SP_k0 GLOBAL 102207,76 0 0 0 0 035 SP_k0 GLOBAL 128174,63 0 0 0 0 01 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐68807,37 0 0 0 0 02 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐54665,53 0 0 0 0 03 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐51932,07 0 0 0 0 04 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐63673,29 0 0 0 0 05 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐93231,01 0 0 0 0 06 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐113931,06 0 0 0 0 07 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐105830,05 0 0 0 0 08 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐108426,88 0 0 0 0 09 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐99867,3 0 0 0 0 010 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐77040,44 0 0 0 0 011 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐64461,82 0 0 0 0 012 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐52681,84 0 0 0 0 013 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐41745,39 0 0 0 0 014 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐31624,36 0 0 0 0 015 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐22220,31 0 0 0 0 016 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐13378,73 0 0 0 0 017 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐5257,56 0 0 0 0 018 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐40,13 0 0 0 0 019 SP_ka GLOBAL 4962,77 0 0 0 0 020 SP_ka GLOBAL 12598,67 0 0 0 0 021 SP_ka GLOBAL 20833,72 0 0 0 0 022 SP_ka GLOBAL 29473,17 0 0 0 0 023 SP_ka GLOBAL 38624,45 0 0 0 0 024 SP_ka GLOBAL 48351,65 0 0 0 0 025 SP_ka GLOBAL 58663,91 0 0 0 0 026 SP_ka GLOBAL 69514,17 0 0 0 0 027 SP_ka GLOBAL 100016,67 0 0 0 0 028 SP_ka GLOBAL 121903,42 0 0 0 0 029 SP_ka GLOBAL 62713,06 0 0 0 0 030 SP_ka GLOBAL 67045,09 0 0 0 0 031 SP_ka GLOBAL 71218,84 0 0 0 0 032 SP_ka GLOBAL 69716,01 0 0 0 0 033 SP_ka GLOBAL 56623,6 0 0 0 0 034 SP_ka GLOBAL 59445,93 0 0 0 0 035 SP_ka GLOBAL 74548,75 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-25 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐55764,31 0 0 0 0 02 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐46430,62 0 0 0 0 03 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐45567,49 0 0 0 0 04 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐58691,09 0 0 0 0 05 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐63388,54 0 0 0 0 06 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐63297,21 0 0 0 0 07 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐63023,24 0 0 0 0 08 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐69539,86 0 0 0 0 09 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐62222,89 0 0 0 0 010 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐45874,12 0 0 0 0 011 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐40961,68 0 0 0 0 012 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐35582,49 0 0 0 0 013 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐29797,09 0 0 0 0 014 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐23672,4 0 0 0 0 015 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐17277,55 0 0 0 0 016 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐10685,46 0 0 0 0 017 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐4259,85 0 0 0 0 018 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐585,04 0 0 0 0 018 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 585,04 0 0 0 0 019 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 4259,85 0 0 0 0 020 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 10685,46 0 0 0 0 021 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 17277,55 0 0 0 0 022 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 23672,4 0 0 0 0 023 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 29797,09 0 0 0 0 024 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 35582,49 0 0 0 0 025 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 40961,68 0 0 0 0 026 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 45874,12 0 0 0 0 027 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 62222,89 0 0 0 0 028 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 69539,86 0 0 0 0 029 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 63023,24 0 0 0 0 030 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 63297,21 0 0 0 0 031 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 63388,54 0 0 0 0 032 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 58691,09 0 0 0 0 033 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 45567,49 0 0 0 0 034 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 46430,62 0 0 0 0 035 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 55764,31 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-26 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1



Si riportano di seguito i diagrammi delle deformate per le condizioni di carico analizzate.

Successivamente si riportano i valori degli spostamenti nodali in forma tabellare.

Comb 1_ST_PP

Comb 2a_ST_ka Comb 2b_ST_k0


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-27 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

Comb 3a_ST_k0 Comb 3b_ST_k0Q

Comb 4a_SI Comb 4b_SI

Comb 4c_SI Comb 4d_SI

Figura 3-1 Galleria artificiale – Deformata struttura


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-28 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  J oint DisplacementsJ oint OutputC ase C aseT ype U1 U2 U3 R 1 R 2 R 3Text Text Text m m m R adians R adians R adians

1 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000201 0 ‐0.001176 0 0.000259 02 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000429 0 ‐0.001184 0 0.00025 03 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000573 0 ‐0.00119 0 0.000234 04 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000758 0 ‐0.001199 0 0.000191 05 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000922 0 ‐0.001209 0 0.000125 06 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.00101 0 ‐0.001216 0 0.000042 07 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.00102 0 ‐0.001223 0 ‐0.000029 08 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000965 0 ‐0.001237 0 ‐0.000087 09 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000817 0 ‐0.001273 0 ‐0.000162 010 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000671 0 ‐0.001403 0 ‐0.000213 011 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000511 0 ‐0.001579 0 ‐0.000246 012 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000354 0 ‐0.001791 0 ‐0.000266 013 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000215 0 ‐0.002026 0 ‐0.000263 014 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000109 0 ‐0.002259 0 ‐0.000235 015 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000041 0 ‐0.002465 0 ‐0.000186 016 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.00000798 0 ‐0.002619 0 ‐0.000121 017 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐4.307E ‐07 0 ‐0.002704 0 ‐0.000046 018 1_S T_PP C ombination 7.571E ‐16 0 ‐0.002718 0 3.051E ‐17 019 1_S T_PP C ombination 4.307E ‐07 0 ‐0.002704 0 0.000046 020 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.00000798 0 ‐0.002619 0 0.000121 021 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000041 0 ‐0.002465 0 0.000186 022 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000109 0 ‐0.002259 0 0.000235 023 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000215 0 ‐0.002026 0 0.000263 024 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000354 0 ‐0.001791 0 0.000266 025 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000511 0 ‐0.001579 0 0.000246 026 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000671 0 ‐0.001403 0 0.000213 027 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000817 0 ‐0.001273 0 0.000162 028 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000965 0 ‐0.001237 0 0.000087 029 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.00102 0 ‐0.001223 0 0.000029 030 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.00101 0 ‐0.001216 0 ‐0.000042 031 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000922 0 ‐0.001209 0 ‐0.000125 032 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000758 0 ‐0.001199 0 ‐0.000191 033 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000573 0 ‐0.00119 0 ‐0.000234 034 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000429 0 ‐0.001184 0 ‐0.00025 035 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000201 0 ‐0.001176 0 ‐0.000259 036 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000201 0 ‐0.000822 0 ‐0.000219 037 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000126 0 ‐0.000677 0 ‐0.000179 038 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000065 0 ‐0.000535 0 ‐0.000133 039 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000029 0 ‐0.000431 0 ‐0.000093 040 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.00001 0 ‐0.000359 0 ‐0.000061 041 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐0.000002063 0 ‐0.000313 0 ‐0.000036 042 1_S T_PP C ombination 2.291E ‐07 0 ‐0.000289 0 ‐0.000017 043 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐3.748E ‐18 0 ‐0.000281 0 ‐9.646E ‐18 044 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐2.291E ‐07 0 ‐0.000289 0 0.000017 045 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000002063 0 ‐0.000313 0 0.000036 046 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.00001 0 ‐0.000359 0 0.000061 047 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000029 0 ‐0.000431 0 0.000093 048 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000065 0 ‐0.000535 0 0.000133 049 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000126 0 ‐0.000677 0 0.000179 050 1_S T_PP C ombination 0.000201 0 ‐0.000822 0 0.000219 0

Tabella 3-1 Galleria artificiale – Spostamenti nodali


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-29 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  J oint DisplacementsJ oint OutputC ase C aseT ype U1 U2 U3 R 1 R 2 R 3Text Text Text m m m R adians R adians R adians

1 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.001051 0 ‐0.005019 0 0.001303 02 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.002189 0 ‐0.005056 0 0.001238 03 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.00289 0 ‐0.005088 0 0.001138 04 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.003779 0 ‐0.005139 0 0.000916 05 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.004558 0 ‐0.005198 0 0.000593 06 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.004978 0 ‐0.005246 0 0.000188 07 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.00501 0 ‐0.005297 0 ‐0.000184 08 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.004688 0 ‐0.005389 0 ‐0.000521 09 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.003811 0 ‐0.005623 0 ‐0.001002 010 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.002901 0 ‐0.006459 0 ‐0.001361 011 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.001879 0 ‐0.007598 0 ‐0.001593 012 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.000869 0 ‐0.008993 0 ‐0.001738 013 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.000026 0 ‐0.010551 0 ‐0.001737 014 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.000712 0 ‐0.012107 0 ‐0.001565 015 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.00115 0 ‐0.013488 0 ‐0.00125 016 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.001355 0 ‐0.014536 0 ‐0.000828 017 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.001395 0 ‐0.015134 0 ‐0.000337 018 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.001381 0 ‐0.015245 0 ‐0.000032 019 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.001366 0 ‐0.015171 0 0.000274 020 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.001398 0 ‐0.014635 0 0.000769 021 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.001591 0 ‐0.013643 0 0.001196 022 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.002012 0 ‐0.01231 0 0.001514 023 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.002677 0 ‐0.010797 0 0.001684 024 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.003543 0 ‐0.009286 0 0.001672 025 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.004509 0 ‐0.007948 0 0.001506 026 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.005463 0 ‐0.006877 0 0.001246 027 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.006274 0 ‐0.006123 0 0.000849 028 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.006933 0 ‐0.005928 0 0.000313 029 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.007025 0 ‐0.005863 0 ‐0.000071 030 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.006708 0 ‐0.005832 0 ‐0.000497 031 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.005943 0 ‐0.00579 0 ‐0.000952 032 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.004785 0 ‐0.005727 0 ‐0.001287 033 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.00358 0 ‐0.005672 0 ‐0.001488 034 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.002675 0 ‐0.005638 0 ‐0.001565 035 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.001271 0 ‐0.005596 0 ‐0.001604 036 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.001277 0 ‐0.003415 0 ‐0.001356 037 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.000816 0 ‐0.002507 0 ‐0.001121 038 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.000436 0 ‐0.001609 0 ‐0.000845 039 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.000212 0 ‐0.000937 0 ‐0.000601 040 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.000096 0 ‐0.000469 0 ‐0.000396 041 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.000049 0 ‐0.000173 0 ‐0.00023 042 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.000041 0 ‐0.000019 0 ‐0.000095 043 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.00005 0 0.000013 0 0.000021 044 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.000057 0 ‐0.000063 0 0.000133 045 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐0.000045 0 ‐0.00025 0 0.000253 046 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.000003398 0 ‐0.000561 0 0.000394 047 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.000115 0 ‐0.001014 0 0.000562 048 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.000319 0 ‐0.001632 0 0.000759 049 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.000654 0 ‐0.002427 0 0.000975 050 2a_S T_ka C ombination 0.001049 0 ‐0.003211 0 0.001153 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-30 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  J oint DisplacementsJ oint OutputC ase C aseT ype U1 U2 U3 R 1 R 2 R 3Text Text Text m m m R adians R adians R adians

1 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.00109 0 ‐0.005185 0 0.00135 02 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.00227 0 ‐0.005224 0 0.001283 03 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.002997 0 ‐0.005257 0 0.00118 04 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.003918 0 ‐0.00531 0 0.000949 05 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.004724 0 ‐0.005371 0 0.000613 06 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.005157 0 ‐0.00542 0 0.00019 07 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.005184 0 ‐0.005473 0 ‐0.000197 08 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.004844 0 ‐0.00557 0 ‐0.000548 09 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.003925 0 ‐0.005814 0 ‐0.001048 010 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.002974 0 ‐0.006686 0 ‐0.00142 011 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.001909 0 ‐0.007875 0 ‐0.001661 012 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.000855 0 ‐0.009328 0 ‐0.001811 013 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.000077 0 ‐0.010951 0 ‐0.001809 014 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.000792 0 ‐0.012572 0 ‐0.001628 015 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.001247 0 ‐0.014007 0 ‐0.0013 016 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.001461 0 ‐0.015096 0 ‐0.000859 017 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.001502 0 ‐0.015714 0 ‐0.000347 018 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.001487 0 ‐0.015827 0 ‐0.000029 019 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.001472 0 ‐0.015748 0 0.00029 020 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.001506 0 ‐0.015185 0 0.000805 021 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.001708 0 ‐0.014148 0 0.001249 022 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.002147 0 ‐0.012758 0 0.001578 023 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.00284 0 ‐0.011183 0 0.001753 024 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.00374 0 ‐0.009611 0 0.001737 025 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.004744 0 ‐0.008221 0 0.001563 026 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.005733 0 ‐0.007111 0 0.001291 027 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.006572 0 ‐0.00633 0 0.000877 028 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.007249 0 ‐0.00613 0 0.000318 029 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.007338 0 ‐0.006064 0 ‐0.000081 030 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.007001 0 ‐0.006032 0 ‐0.000525 031 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.006197 0 ‐0.005989 0 ‐0.000998 032 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.004987 0 ‐0.005924 0 ‐0.001345 033 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.003728 0 ‐0.005867 0 ‐0.001552 034 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.002785 0 ‐0.005832 0 ‐0.00163 035 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.001324 0 ‐0.005788 0 ‐0.00167 036 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.00133 0 ‐0.00352 0 ‐0.001409 037 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.000851 0 ‐0.002576 0 ‐0.001165 038 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.000456 0 ‐0.001644 0 ‐0.000878 039 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.000222 0 ‐0.000946 0 ‐0.000624 040 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.000102 0 ‐0.00046 0 ‐0.000411 041 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.000054 0 ‐0.000154 0 ‐0.000238 042 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.000045 0 0.000004752 0 ‐0.000098 043 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.000054 0 0.000038 0 0.000023 044 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.000061 0 ‐0.000042 0 0.000139 045 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐0.000049 0 ‐0.000238 0 0.000264 046 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.000002005 0 ‐0.000561 0 0.00041 047 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.000118 0 ‐0.001032 0 0.000584 048 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.000331 0 ‐0.001673 0 0.000788 049 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.000677 0 ‐0.002498 0 0.001011 050 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 0.001088 0 ‐0.003311 0 0.001196 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-31 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  J oint DisplacementsJ oint OutputC ase C aseT ype U1 U2 U3 R 1 R 2 R 3Text Text Text m m m R adians R adians R adians

1 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.000815 0 ‐0.004584 0 0.001018 02 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.0017 0 ‐0.004618 0 0.000938 03 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.002214 0 ‐0.00465 0 0.000834 04 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.002841 0 ‐0.004702 0 0.000646 05 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.00338 0 ‐0.004761 0 0.000414 06 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.003677 0 ‐0.004812 0 0.000139 07 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.003714 0 ‐0.004862 0 ‐0.000119 08 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.003503 0 ‐0.00494 0 ‐0.000368 09 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.002875 0 ‐0.005125 0 ‐0.000755 010 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.002182 0 ‐0.005778 0 ‐0.001056 011 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.001391 0 ‐0.006678 0 ‐0.001251 012 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.000604 0 ‐0.007786 0 ‐0.001374 013 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000094 0 ‐0.009028 0 ‐0.00138 014 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000629 0 ‐0.010274 0 ‐0.00125 015 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000967 0 ‐0.011384 0 ‐0.001005 016 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.00112 0 ‐0.012233 0 ‐0.000674 017 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.00114 0 ‐0.012727 0 ‐0.000286 018 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.001122 0 ‐0.012827 0 ‐0.000045 019 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.001102 0 ‐0.01278 0 0.000198 020 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.001112 0 ‐0.012372 0 0.000593 021 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.001248 0 ‐0.011597 0 0.000936 022 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.001566 0 ‐0.010545 0 0.001195 023 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.002081 0 ‐0.009342 0 0.001336 024 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.002758 0 ‐0.008133 0 0.001331 025 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.003518 0 ‐0.007059 0 0.001199 026 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.00427 0 ‐0.006198 0 0.000986 027 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.004902 0 ‐0.005595 0 0.000656 028 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.005383 0 ‐0.005435 0 0.000222 029 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.00543 0 ‐0.005376 0 ‐0.000071 030 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.005173 0 ‐0.00534 0 ‐0.000387 031 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.00459 0 ‐0.005293 0 ‐0.000717 032 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.003725 0 ‐0.005231 0 ‐0.000968 033 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.002819 0 ‐0.005176 0 ‐0.001142 034 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.002126 0 ‐0.005142 0 ‐0.001227 035 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.001006 0 ‐0.005104 0 ‐0.001286 036 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.00101 0 ‐0.003321 0 ‐0.001118 037 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000635 0 ‐0.002566 0 ‐0.000929 038 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000327 0 ‐0.001817 0 ‐0.000704 039 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000147 0 ‐0.001253 0 ‐0.000502 040 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000057 0 ‐0.000858 0 ‐0.000333 041 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000026 0 ‐0.000607 0 ‐0.000194 042 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000026 0 ‐0.000477 0 ‐0.00008 043 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000041 0 ‐0.000449 0 0.000018 044 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000054 0 ‐0.000514 0 0.000112 045 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000052 0 ‐0.000673 0 0.000213 046 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐0.000018 0 ‐0.000936 0 0.00033 047 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.000067 0 ‐0.001316 0 0.000467 048 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.000229 0 ‐0.001831 0 0.000626 049 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.000496 0 ‐0.002488 0 0.000798 050 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 0.000813 0 ‐0.003132 0 0.000938 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-32 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  J oint DisplacementsJ oint OutputC ase C aseT ype U1 U2 U3 R 1 R 2 R 3Text Text Text m m m R adians R adians R adians

1 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.000847 0 ‐0.004736 0 0.001056 02 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.001764 0 ‐0.004771 0 0.000973 03 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.002297 0 ‐0.004805 0 0.000865 04 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.002948 0 ‐0.004858 0 0.000668 05 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.003504 0 ‐0.004919 0 0.000425 06 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.003806 0 ‐0.004972 0 0.000137 07 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.003835 0 ‐0.005025 0 ‐0.000133 08 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.003605 0 ‐0.005107 0 ‐0.000393 09 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.002939 0 ‐0.005301 0 ‐0.000796 010 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.00221 0 ‐0.005988 0 ‐0.001108 011 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.00138 0 ‐0.006931 0 ‐0.00131 012 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.000555 0 ‐0.00809 0 ‐0.001437 013 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000175 0 ‐0.009389 0 ‐0.001442 014 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000734 0 ‐0.01069 0 ‐0.001304 015 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.001086 0 ‐0.011846 0 ‐0.001046 016 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.001245 0 ‐0.012729 0 ‐0.000699 017 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.001266 0 ‐0.01324 0 ‐0.000294 018 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.001247 0 ‐0.013341 0 ‐0.000041 019 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.001226 0 ‐0.013289 0 0.000213 020 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.001238 0 ‐0.012857 0 0.000624 021 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.001382 0 ‐0.012043 0 0.000982 022 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.001715 0 ‐0.010942 0 0.001249 023 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.002253 0 ‐0.009685 0 0.001394 024 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.002959 0 ‐0.008425 0 0.001386 025 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.00375 0 ‐0.007308 0 0.001245 026 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.00453 0 ‐0.006415 0 0.001022 027 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.005184 0 ‐0.005791 0 0.000677 028 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.005676 0 ‐0.005626 0 0.000223 029 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.005716 0 ‐0.005567 0 ‐0.000084 030 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.005437 0 ‐0.00553 0 ‐0.000414 031 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.004819 0 ‐0.005483 0 ‐0.000759 032 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.003906 0 ‐0.005418 0 ‐0.00102 033 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.002953 0 ‐0.005362 0 ‐0.001199 034 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.002225 0 ‐0.005326 0 ‐0.001286 035 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.001053 0 ‐0.005286 0 ‐0.001345 036 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.001058 0 ‐0.003424 0 ‐0.001167 037 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000667 0 ‐0.002637 0 ‐0.000968 038 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000345 0 ‐0.001856 0 ‐0.000733 039 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000157 0 ‐0.001269 0 ‐0.000523 040 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000064 0 ‐0.000858 0 ‐0.000346 041 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000031 0 ‐0.000598 0 ‐0.000201 042 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000031 0 ‐0.000464 0 ‐0.000082 043 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000046 0 ‐0.000436 0 0.00002 044 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000059 0 ‐0.000506 0 0.000118 045 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000056 0 ‐0.000672 0 0.000223 046 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐0.000021 0 ‐0.000946 0 0.000344 047 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.000068 0 ‐0.001343 0 0.000487 048 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.000237 0 ‐0.001879 0 0.000651 049 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.000515 0 ‐0.002562 0 0.000829 050 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 0.000844 0 ‐0.00323 0 0.000974 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-33 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  J oint DisplacementsJ oint OutputC ase C aseT ype U1 U2 U3 R 1 R 2 R 3Text Text Text m m m R adians R adians R adians

1 4a_S I C ombination 0.001892 0 ‐0.006587 0 0.002151 02 4a_S I C ombination 0.003774 0 ‐0.006641 0 0.002187 03 4a_S I C ombination 0.005069 0 ‐0.006679 0 0.002199 04 4a_S I C ombination 0.006953 0 ‐0.00674 0 0.002164 05 4a_S I C ombination 0.009084 0 ‐0.006812 0 0.002008 06 4a_S I C ombination 0.010993 0 ‐0.006831 0 0.0017 07 4a_S I C ombination 0.012562 0 ‐0.006769 0 0.00134 08 4a_S I C ombination 0.013754 0 ‐0.006669 0 0.000959 09 4a_S I C ombination 0.014613 0 ‐0.006575 0 0.000347 010 4a_S I C ombination 0.014684 0 ‐0.006591 0 ‐0.000162 011 4a_S I C ombination 0.014443 0 ‐0.006924 0 ‐0.000555 012 4a_S I C ombination 0.014009 0 ‐0.007587 0 ‐0.000914 013 4a_S I C ombination 0.013479 0 ‐0.008572 0 ‐0.001197 014 4a_S I C ombination 0.012976 0 ‐0.009776 0 ‐0.001296 015 4a_S I C ombination 0.012598 0 ‐0.011034 0 ‐0.001229 016 4a_S I C ombination 0.012386 0 ‐0.01218 0 ‐0.001017 017 4a_S I C ombination 0.012328 0 ‐0.013065 0 ‐0.00069 018 4a_S I C ombination 0.012343 0 ‐0.013414 0 ‐0.000454 019 4a_S I C ombination 0.012375 0 ‐0.013613 0 ‐0.000197 020 4a_S I C ombination 0.012415 0 ‐0.013579 0 0.000272 021 4a_S I C ombination 0.012344 0 ‐0.013069 0 0.000748 022 4a_S I C ombination 0.012066 0 ‐0.012121 0 0.001195 023 4a_S I C ombination 0.011511 0 ‐0.010822 0 0.001573 024 4a_S I C ombination 0.010648 0 ‐0.0093 0 0.001845 025 4a_S I C ombination 0.009511 0 ‐0.007729 0 0.001942 026 4a_S I C ombination 0.008188 0 ‐0.006263 0 0.001913 027 4a_S I C ombination 0.00678 0 ‐0.004996 0 0.001763 028 4a_S I C ombination 0.004836 0 ‐0.004547 0 0.00153 029 4a_S I C ombination 0.003412 0 ‐0.004302 0 0.00137 030 4a_S I C ombination 0.002151 0 ‐0.004142 0 0.001171 031 4a_S I C ombination 0.001113 0 ‐0.00405 0 0.000896 032 4a_S I C ombination 0.000355 0 ‐0.003985 0 0.000577 033 4a_S I C ombination ‐0.000022 0 ‐0.003929 0 0.000231 034 4a_S I C ombination ‐0.000116 0 ‐0.003894 0 0.00000395 035 4a_S I C ombination 0.000042 0 ‐0.003869 0 ‐0.000198 036 4a_S I C ombination 0.000073 0 ‐0.003369 0 ‐0.000465 037 4a_S I C ombination 0.00024 0 ‐0.002997 0 ‐0.000491 038 4a_S I C ombination 0.000416 0 ‐0.002527 0 ‐0.000487 039 4a_S I C ombination 0.000551 0 ‐0.002066 0 ‐0.000458 040 4a_S I C ombination 0.000642 0 ‐0.001635 0 ‐0.000413 041 4a_S I C ombination 0.000693 0 ‐0.001249 0 ‐0.000357 042 4a_S I C ombination 0.00071 0 ‐0.00092 0 ‐0.000289 043 4a_S I C ombination 0.0007 0 ‐0.000665 0 ‐0.000203 044 4a_S I C ombination 0.000675 0 ‐0.000507 0 ‐0.000088 045 4a_S I C ombination 0.000654 0 ‐0.000482 0 0.000069 046 4a_S I C ombination 0.000665 0 ‐0.000634 0 0.000279 047 4a_S I C ombination 0.00075 0 ‐0.001015 0 0.000553 048 4a_S I C ombination 0.000965 0 ‐0.00168 0 0.000895 049 4a_S I C ombination 0.00138 0 ‐0.002674 0 0.001299 050 4a_S I C ombination 0.001925 0 ‐0.003754 0 0.001663 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-34 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  J oint DisplacementsJ oint OutputC ase C aseT ype U1 U2 U3 R 1 R 2 R 3Text Text Text m m m R adians R adians R adians

1 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.00022 0 ‐0.00335 0 ‐0.000057 02 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000288 0 ‐0.00337 0 ‐0.000278 03 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000552 0 ‐0.003404 0 ‐0.000522 04 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.001191 0 ‐0.003456 0 ‐0.00088 05 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.002252 0 ‐0.003517 0 ‐0.001176 06 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.003552 0 ‐0.003613 0 ‐0.001394 07 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.00501 0 ‐0.003785 0 ‐0.001537 08 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.006576 0 ‐0.004046 0 ‐0.001654 09 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.008642 0 ‐0.004515 0 ‐0.001844 010 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.010098 0 ‐0.005819 0 ‐0.001967 011 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.011451 0 ‐0.007315 0 ‐0.001982 012 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.012608 0 ‐0.008912 0 ‐0.001882 013 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.013492 0 ‐0.010466 0 ‐0.00162 014 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.01407 0 ‐0.011813 0 ‐0.001259 015 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.014372 0 ‐0.012831 0 ‐0.000831 016 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.014463 0 ‐0.013432 0 ‐0.000371 017 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.014436 0 ‐0.013571 0 0.000088 018 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.014406 0 ‐0.013438 0 0.000345 019 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.014389 0 ‐0.013154 0 0.000583 020 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.014435 0 ‐0.012373 0 0.000921 021 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.014627 0 ‐0.011313 0 0.001151 022 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.014983 0 ‐0.010119 0 0.001239 023 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.015467 0 ‐0.008958 0 0.001158 024 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.01598 0 ‐0.007998 0 0.000885 025 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.016398 0 ‐0.007356 0 0.000521 026 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.016613 0 ‐0.007047 0 0.000114 027 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.016498 0 ‐0.007066 0 ‐0.000423 028 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.015521 0 ‐0.007179 0 ‐0.001081 029 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.014189 0 ‐0.007296 0 ‐0.001506 030 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.012422 0 ‐0.00737 0 ‐0.001925 031 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.010248 0 ‐0.007354 0 ‐0.002293 032 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.007808 0 ‐0.007278 0 ‐0.002472 033 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.005657 0 ‐0.007214 0 ‐0.002497 034 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.004187 0 ‐0.007173 0 ‐0.002468 035 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.002075 0 ‐0.007115 0 ‐0.002413 036 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.002114 0 ‐0.003957 0 ‐0.001842 037 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.001511 0 ‐0.002766 0 ‐0.00143 038 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.001055 0 ‐0.001679 0 ‐0.000975 039 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000821 0 ‐0.000962 0 ‐0.000591 040 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000731 0 ‐0.000563 0 ‐0.000285 041 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000721 0 ‐0.000419 0 ‐0.000053 042 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000744 0 ‐0.000469 0 0.000116 043 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.00077 0 ‐0.000661 0 0.000236 044 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000779 0 ‐0.00095 0 0.000318 045 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.00076 0 ‐0.001304 0 0.000374 046 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000707 0 ‐0.001699 0 0.000408 047 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000621 0 ‐0.002113 0 0.000422 048 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000504 0 ‐0.002524 0 0.00041 049 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000368 0 ‐0.002904 0 0.000364 050 4b_S I C ombination ‐0.000258 0 ‐0.003168 0 0.00029 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-35 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  J oint DisplacementsJ oint OutputC ase C aseT ype U1 U2 U3 R 1 R 2 R 3Text Text Text m m m R adians R adians R adians

1 4c_S I C ombination 0.00143 0 ‐0.005062 0 0.001593 02 4c_S I C ombination 0.002821 0 ‐0.005104 0 0.001617 03 4c_S I C ombination 0.003774 0 ‐0.005134 0 0.001627 04 4c_S I C ombination 0.005171 0 ‐0.005183 0 0.001623 05 4c_S I C ombination 0.006785 0 ‐0.00524 0 0.001551 06 4c_S I C ombination 0.008289 0 ‐0.005257 0 0.001379 07 4c_S I C ombination 0.009593 0 ‐0.005203 0 0.001154 08 4c_S I C ombination 0.010653 0 ‐0.005108 0 0.000897 09 4c_S I C ombination 0.011532 0 ‐0.004996 0 0.000458 010 4c_S I C ombination 0.011742 0 ‐0.00488 0 0.000081 011 4c_S I C ombination 0.011705 0 ‐0.004985 0 ‐0.000216 012 4c_S I C ombination 0.011503 0 ‐0.005327 0 ‐0.000497 013 4c_S I C ombination 0.011203 0 ‐0.005916 0 ‐0.000736 014 4c_S I C ombination 0.010893 0 ‐0.006689 0 ‐0.000847 015 4c_S I C ombination 0.01065 0 ‐0.007535 0 ‐0.000841 016 4c_S I C ombination 0.01051 0 ‐0.008341 0 ‐0.000732 017 4c_S I C ombination 0.010474 0 ‐0.009 0 ‐0.000535 018 4c_S I C ombination 0.010488 0 ‐0.009281 0 ‐0.000386 019 4c_S I C ombination 0.010517 0 ‐0.009465 0 ‐0.000218 020 4c_S I C ombination 0.010564 0 ‐0.00953 0 0.000099 021 4c_S I C ombination 0.010543 0 ‐0.009264 0 0.000434 022 4c_S I C ombination 0.010385 0 ‐0.00868 0 0.000762 023 4c_S I C ombination 0.01003 0 ‐0.007826 0 0.001057 024 4c_S I C ombination 0.009446 0 ‐0.00678 0 0.001289 025 4c_S I C ombination 0.008647 0 ‐0.005664 0 0.001397 026 4c_S I C ombination 0.007688 0 ‐0.004595 0 0.00141 027 4c_S I C ombination 0.006639 0 ‐0.003647 0 0.001338 028 4c_S I C ombination 0.005131 0 ‐0.003298 0 0.00122 029 4c_S I C ombination 0.003966 0 ‐0.003099 0 0.00115 030 4c_S I C ombination 0.002866 0 ‐0.002964 0 0.001058 031 4c_S I C ombination 0.001871 0 ‐0.002886 0 0.000909 032 4c_S I C ombination 0.00104 0 ‐0.002835 0 0.000698 033 4c_S I C ombination 0.000523 0 ‐0.002791 0 0.00043 034 4c_S I C ombination 0.000301 0 ‐0.002763 0 0.000239 035 4c_S I C ombination 0.000231 0 ‐0.002746 0 0.000062 036 4c_S I C ombination 0.000259 0 ‐0.00262 0 ‐0.000213 037 4c_S I C ombination 0.000335 0 ‐0.002424 0 ‐0.000268 038 4c_S I C ombination 0.000431 0 ‐0.002142 0 ‐0.000301 039 4c_S I C ombination 0.000512 0 ‐0.001839 0 ‐0.000308 040 4c_S I C ombination 0.000571 0 ‐0.001536 0 ‐0.000297 041 4c_S I C ombination 0.000605 0 ‐0.001248 0 ‐0.00027 042 4c_S I C ombination 0.000614 0 ‐0.000992 0 ‐0.000229 043 4c_S I C ombination 0.000603 0 ‐0.000784 0 ‐0.000171 044 4c_S I C ombination 0.000579 0 ‐0.000645 0 ‐0.000088 045 4c_S I C ombination 0.000557 0 ‐0.000603 0 0.000028 046 4c_S I C ombination 0.000557 0 ‐0.000694 0 0.000185 047 4c_S I C ombination 0.000611 0 ‐0.000957 0 0.000391 048 4c_S I C ombination 0.00076 0 ‐0.001435 0 0.000649 049 4c_S I C ombination 0.001059 0 ‐0.002161 0 0.000954 050 4c_S I C ombination 0.001457 0 ‐0.002958 0 0.001229 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-36 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  J oint DisplacementsJ oint OutputC ase C aseT ype U1 U2 U3 R 1 R 2 R 3Text Text Text m m m R adians R adians R adians

1 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000433 0 ‐0.002226 0 ‐0.000341 02 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000749 0 ‐0.002238 0 ‐0.000542 03 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.001161 0 ‐0.002265 0 ‐0.000755 04 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.001973 0 ‐0.002306 0 ‐0.001042 05 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.003152 0 ‐0.002354 0 ‐0.001236 06 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.004456 0 ‐0.002437 0 ‐0.001329 07 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.005801 0 ‐0.002588 0 ‐0.001362 08 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.007153 0 ‐0.00281 0 ‐0.001388 09 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.008831 0 ‐0.003189 0 ‐0.001456 010 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.009954 0 ‐0.004198 0 ‐0.001495 011 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.010962 0 ‐0.005317 0 ‐0.00146 012 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.011794 0 ‐0.006473 0 ‐0.001338 013 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.012399 0 ‐0.007554 0 ‐0.001099 014 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.012772 0 ‐0.008446 0 ‐0.000808 015 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.012946 0 ‐0.009076 0 ‐0.000487 016 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.01298 0 ‐0.009399 0 ‐0.000161 017 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.01294 0 ‐0.0094 0 0.00015 018 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.012913 0 ‐0.009257 0 0.000317 019 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.012897 0 ‐0.009017 0 0.000466 020 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.012925 0 ‐0.008427 0 0.000666 021 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.013051 0 ‐0.007682 0 0.000783 022 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.013277 0 ‐0.006887 0 0.000795 023 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.013566 0 ‐0.006158 0 0.000686 024 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.013839 0 ‐0.005611 0 0.000441 025 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.014005 0 ‐0.005315 0 0.000146 026 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.013989 0 ‐0.005263 0 ‐0.000171 027 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.013701 0 ‐0.005444 0 ‐0.00058 028 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.012647 0 ‐0.005587 0 ‐0.001067 029 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.011399 0 ‐0.005705 0 ‐0.001367 030 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.009851 0 ‐0.005775 0 ‐0.001648 031 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.008041 0 ‐0.005764 0 ‐0.001874 032 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.006084 0 ‐0.005703 0 ‐0.00196 033 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.004398 0 ‐0.005652 0 ‐0.001946 034 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.003259 0 ‐0.005619 0 ‐0.001914 035 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.001627 0 ‐0.005573 0 ‐0.001866 036 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.001662 0 ‐0.003133 0 ‐0.001411 037 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.001205 0 ‐0.002224 0 ‐0.001084 038 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000866 0 ‐0.001408 0 ‐0.000724 039 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000699 0 ‐0.000883 0 ‐0.000423 040 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000642 0 ‐0.000608 0 ‐0.000184 041 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000645 0 ‐0.000533 0 ‐0.000004495 042 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000671 0 ‐0.000608 0 0.000124 043 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000696 0 ‐0.000789 0 0.000211 044 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000705 0 ‐0.001038 0 0.000265 045 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000693 0 ‐0.001327 0 0.000293 046 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000657 0 ‐0.001628 0 0.000296 047 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000602 0 ‐0.001919 0 0.000274 048 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000539 0 ‐0.002174 0 0.000223 049 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000485 0 ‐0.002362 0 0.000134 050 4d_S I C ombination ‐0.000468 0 ‐0.002443 0 0.000027 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-37 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1


Nei paragrafi seguenti si riportano i diagrammi delle sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali

(aste e elementi gap) per le condizioni di carico analizzate.

Si precisa che per la combinazione 1_ST_PP sono stati disattivati gli elementi gap, in

quanto tale combinazione è relativa alla fase costruttiva, prima della realizzazione dei


3.2.5. Combinazione 1_ST_PP

Azione assiale Momento flettente



Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-38 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

3.2.6. Combinazione 2a_ST_ka

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-39 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

3.2.7. Combinazione 2b_ST_kaQ

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-40 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

3.2.8. Combinazione 3a_ST_k0

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-41 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

3.2.9. Combinazione 3b_ST_k0Q

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-42 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

3.2.10. Combinazione 4a_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-43 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

3.2.11. Combinazione 4b_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-44 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

3.2.12. Combinazione 4c_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-45 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

3.2.13. Combinazione 4d_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-46 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1


T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐342230.64 38216.64 0 0 0 ‐13034.341 0.4393 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐331248.19 38216.64 0 0 0 ‐29822.831 0.8786 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐320265.75 38216.64 0 0 0 ‐46611.332 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐408712.31 52843.53 0 0 0 ‐96821.812 0.29283 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐400659.55 52843.53 0 0 0 ‐112295.852 0.58566 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐392606.8 52843.53 0 0 0 ‐127769.893 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐392606.8 52843.53 0 0 0 ‐127769.893 0.42569 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐381964.55 52843.53 0 0 0 ‐150264.853 0.85138 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐371322.3 52843.53 0 0 0 ‐172759.824 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐371322.3 52843.53 0 0 0 ‐172759.824 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐358828.3 52843.53 0 0 0 ‐199168.884 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐346334.31 52843.53 0 0 0 ‐225577.955 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐347628.26 43525.7 0 0 0 ‐225577.955 0.49994 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐335134.27 43861.28 0 0 0 ‐247422.065 0.99988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐322640.28 44196.85 0 0 0 ‐269433.956 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐324547.55 26814.15 0 0 0 ‐269433.956 0.49994 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐310843.78 27920.48 0 0 0 ‐283115.976 0.99988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐297140.02 29026.81 0 0 0 ‐297351.087 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐298269.75 13034.81 0 0 0 ‐297351.087 0.49994 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐283406.53 15042.45 0 0 0 ‐304369.557 0.99988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐268543.31 17050.09 0 0 0 ‐312391.728 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐269082.24 982.06 0 0 0 ‐312391.728 0.61257 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐251049.89 4525.23 0 0 0 ‐314078.538 1.22514 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐233017.54 8068.4 0 0 0 ‐317935.789 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐207012.31 ‐107276.17 0 0 0 ‐317935.789 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐195610.49 ‐97540.43 0 0 0 ‐266755.989 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐184208.68 ‐87804.68 0 0 0 ‐220441.7310 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐173795.61 ‐106946.65 0 0 0 ‐220441.7310 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐163496.95 ‐96050.61 0 0 0 ‐169716.5510 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐153198.29 ‐85154.57 0 0 0 ‐124436.811 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐143244.61 ‐101004.94 0 0 0 ‐124436.811 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐134923.04 ‐90067.2 0 0 0 ‐76691.4811 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐126601.47 ‐79129.45 0 0 0 ‐34412.4312 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐117441.91 ‐92178.1 0 0 0 ‐34412.4312 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐110980.26 ‐81484.71 0 0 0 8982.6312 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐104518.62 ‐70791.32 0 0 0 47033.5313 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐96374.08 ‐81532.75 0 0 0 47033.5313 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐91089.53 ‐70211.31 0 0 0 84951.5113 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐85804.99 ‐58889.87 0 0 0 117211.4614 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐79036.22 ‐67703.69 0 0 0 117211.4614 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐74989.03 ‐55883.29 0 0 0 148093.5114 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐70941.85 ‐44062.9 0 0 0 173068.1815 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐65838.85 ‐51376.36 0 0 0 173068.1815 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐63075.18 ‐39191.8 0 0 0 195699.4515 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐60311.5 ‐27007.24 0 0 0 212241.3416 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐57087.8 ‐33284.4 0 0 0 212241.3416 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐55639.15 ‐20874.62 0 0 0 225774.6616 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐54190.5 ‐8464.83 0 0 0 233106.0317 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐53278.64 ‐13024.96 0 0 0 233106.0317 0.29382 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐53048.06 ‐5683.09 0 0 0 235854.4217 0.58764 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐52817.49 1658.77 0 0 0 236445.64

Tabella 3-2 Galleria artificiale – Sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-47 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

18 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐52817.49 ‐1658.77 0 0 0 236445.6418 0.29382 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐53048.06 5683.09 0 0 0 235854.4218 0.58764 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐53278.64 13024.96 0 0 0 233106.0319 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐54190.5 8464.83 0 0 0 233106.0319 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐55639.15 20874.62 0 0 0 225774.6619 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐57087.8 33284.4 0 0 0 212241.3420 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐60311.5 27007.24 0 0 0 212241.3420 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐63075.18 39191.8 0 0 0 195699.4520 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐65838.85 51376.36 0 0 0 173068.1821 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐70941.85 44062.9 0 0 0 173068.1821 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐74989.03 55883.29 0 0 0 148093.5121 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐79036.22 67703.69 0 0 0 117211.4622 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐85804.99 58889.87 0 0 0 117211.4622 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐91089.53 70211.31 0 0 0 84951.5122 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐96374.08 81532.75 0 0 0 47033.5323 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐104518.62 70791.32 0 0 0 47033.5323 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐110980.26 81484.71 0 0 0 8982.6323 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐117441.91 92178.1 0 0 0 ‐34412.4324 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐126601.47 79129.45 0 0 0 ‐34412.4324 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐134923.04 90067.2 0 0 0 ‐76691.4824 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐143244.61 101004.94 0 0 0 ‐124436.825 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐153198.29 85154.57 0 0 0 ‐124436.825 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐163496.95 96050.61 0 0 0 ‐169716.5525 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐173795.61 106946.65 0 0 0 ‐220441.7326 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐184208.68 87804.68 0 0 0 ‐220441.7326 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐195610.49 97540.43 0 0 0 ‐266755.9826 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐207012.31 107276.17 0 0 0 ‐317935.7827 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐233017.54 ‐8068.4 0 0 0 ‐317935.7827 0.61257 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐251049.89 ‐4525.23 0 0 0 ‐314078.5327 1.22514 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐269082.24 ‐982.06 0 0 0 ‐312391.7228 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐268543.31 ‐17050.09 0 0 0 ‐312391.7228 0.49994 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐283406.53 ‐15042.45 0 0 0 ‐304369.5528 0.99988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐298269.75 ‐13034.81 0 0 0 ‐297351.0829 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐297140.02 ‐29026.81 0 0 0 ‐297351.0829 0.49994 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐310843.78 ‐27920.48 0 0 0 ‐283115.9729 0.99988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐324547.55 ‐26814.15 0 0 0 ‐269433.9530 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐322640.28 ‐44196.85 0 0 0 ‐269433.9530 0.49994 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐335134.27 ‐43861.28 0 0 0 ‐247422.0630 0.99988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐347628.26 ‐43525.7 0 0 0 ‐225577.9531 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐346334.31 52843.53 0 0 0 225577.9531 0.49976 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐358828.3 52843.53 0 0 0 199168.8831 0.99952 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐371322.3 52843.53 0 0 0 172759.8232 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐371322.3 52843.53 0 0 0 172759.8232 0.42569 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐381964.55 52843.53 0 0 0 150264.8532 0.85138 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐392606.8 52843.53 0 0 0 127769.8933 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐392606.8 52843.53 0 0 0 127769.8933 0.29283 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐400659.55 52843.53 0 0 0 112295.8533 0.58566 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐408712.31 52843.53 0 0 0 96821.8134 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐320265.75 38216.64 0 0 0 46611.3334 0.4393 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐331248.19 38216.64 0 0 0 29822.8334 0.8786 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐342230.64 38216.64 0 0 0 13034.34

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-48 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

35 0 1_S T_PP C ombination 9902.58 63573.28 0 0 0 13034.3435 0.45897 1_S T_PP C ombination 9902.58 72179.02 0 0 0 ‐18118.9835 0.91795 1_S T_PP C ombination 9902.58 80784.77 0 0 0 ‐53222.0935 1.37692 1_S T_PP C ombination 9902.58 89390.51 0 0 0 ‐92275.0136 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐3145.58 ‐12551.56 0 0 0 ‐197783.6836 0.41085 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐8329.32 ‐2512.51 0 0 0 ‐194689.1436 0.8217 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐13513.06 7526.54 0 0 0 ‐195719.1537 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐2133.99 ‐33122.14 0 0 0 ‐195719.1537 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐7600.01 ‐20508.74 0 0 0 ‐182314.5237 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐13066.03 ‐7895.33 0 0 0 ‐175215.1438 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐4970.84 ‐42566.73 0 0 0 ‐175215.1438 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐9484.83 ‐29582.15 0 0 0 ‐157182.0738 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐13998.81 ‐16597.56 0 0 0 ‐145639.8139 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐9176.88 ‐43885.18 0 0 0 ‐145639.8139 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐12713.88 ‐30601.16 0 0 0 ‐127022.5139 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐16250.89 ‐17317.15 0 0 0 ‐115045.6940 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐13604.04 ‐39370.97 0 0 0 ‐115045.6940 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐16144.53 ‐25860.93 0 0 0 ‐98741.4740 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐18685.01 ‐12350.88 0 0 0 ‐89190.7241 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐17406.45 ‐30886.53 0 0 0 ‐89190.7241 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐18936.38 ‐17225.1 0 0 0 ‐77165.5841 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐20466.31 ‐3563.67 0 0 0 ‐71969.5942 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐20001 ‐19897.81 0 0 0 ‐71969.5942 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐20511.91 ‐6160.47 0 0 0 ‐65456.5242 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐21022.83 7576.86 0 0 0 ‐65810.5343 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐21022.83 ‐7576.86 0 0 0 ‐65810.5343 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐20511.91 6160.47 0 0 0 ‐65456.5243 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐20001 19897.81 0 0 0 ‐71969.5944 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐20466.31 3563.67 0 0 0 ‐71969.5944 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐18936.38 17225.1 0 0 0 ‐77165.5844 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐17406.45 30886.53 0 0 0 ‐89190.7245 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐18685.01 12350.88 0 0 0 ‐89190.7245 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐16144.53 25860.93 0 0 0 ‐98741.4745 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐13604.04 39370.97 0 0 0 ‐115045.6946 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐16250.89 17317.15 0 0 0 ‐115045.6946 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐12713.88 30601.16 0 0 0 ‐127022.5146 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐9176.88 43885.18 0 0 0 ‐145639.8147 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐13998.81 16597.56 0 0 0 ‐145639.8147 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐9484.83 29582.15 0 0 0 ‐157182.0747 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐4970.84 42566.73 0 0 0 ‐175215.1448 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐13066.03 7895.33 0 0 0 ‐175215.1448 0.49988 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐7600.01 20508.74 0 0 0 ‐182314.5248 0.99977 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐2133.99 33122.14 0 0 0 ‐195719.1549 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐13513.06 ‐7526.54 0 0 0 ‐195719.1549 0.41085 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐8329.32 2512.51 0 0 0 ‐194689.1449 0.8217 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐3145.58 12551.56 0 0 0 ‐197783.6850 0 1_S T_PP C ombination 9902.58 ‐89390.51 0 0 0 ‐92275.0150 0.45897 1_S T_PP C ombination 9902.58 ‐80784.77 0 0 0 ‐53222.0950 0.91795 1_S T_PP C ombination 9902.58 ‐72179.02 0 0 0 ‐18118.9850 1.37692 1_S T_PP C ombination 9902.58 ‐63573.28 0 0 0 13034.3451 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐51719.47 ‐108245.83 0 0 0 ‐105508.6751 0.81668 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐43482.64 ‐95337.22 0 0 0 ‐22378.0251 1.63335 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐35245.8 ‐82428.6 0 0 0 50210.4852 0 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐51719.47 ‐108245.83 0 0 0 ‐105508.6752 0.81668 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐43482.64 ‐95337.22 0 0 0 ‐22378.0252 1.63335 1_S T_PP C ombination ‐35245.8 ‐82428.6 0 0 0 50210.48

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-49 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1543843.5 248985.4 0 0 0 ‐112385.321 0.4393 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1532861.05 248985.4 0 0 0 ‐221764.11 0.8786 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1521878.6 248985.4 0 0 0 ‐331142.892 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2183007.1 114564.14 0 0 0 ‐644728.842 0.29283 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2174954.34 114564.14 0 0 0 ‐678276.382 0.58566 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2166901.58 114564.14 0 0 0 ‐711823.923 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2166901.58 166496.21 0 0 0 ‐711823.923 0.42569 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2156259.33 166496.21 0 0 0 ‐782699.693 0.85138 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2145617.08 166496.21 0 0 0 ‐853575.464 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2145617.08 230169.5 0 0 0 ‐853575.464 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2133123.09 230169.5 0 0 0 ‐968604.94 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2120629.1 230169.5 0 0 0 ‐1083634.335 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2128547.62 266346.88 0 0 0 ‐1083634.335 0.49994 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2116053.63 266682.45 0 0 0 ‐1216875.655 0.99988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2103559.64 267018.02 0 0 0 ‐1350284.746 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2124028.09 267277.86 0 0 0 ‐1350284.746 0.49994 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2110324.33 268384.19 0 0 0 ‐1484184.166 0.99988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2096620.57 269490.52 0 0 0 ‐1618636.687 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2122230 261435.31 0 0 0 ‐1618636.687 0.49994 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2107366.78 263442.95 0 0 0 ‐1749840.477 0.99988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2092503.56 265450.59 0 0 0 ‐1882047.978 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2125526.64 246403.49 0 0 0 ‐1882047.978 0.61257 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2107494.3 249946.66 0 0 0 ‐2034072.998 1.22514 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2089461.95 253489.83 0 0 0 ‐2188268.459 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1937974.61 ‐666661.35 0 0 0 ‐2188268.459 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1926572.8 ‐656925.61 0 0 0 ‐1857529.059 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1915170.99 ‐647189.87 0 0 0 ‐1531655.2110 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1761548.92 ‐657596.84 0 0 0 ‐1531655.2110 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1751250.26 ‐646700.81 0 0 0 ‐1205735.8510 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1740951.59 ‐635804.77 0 0 0 ‐885261.9211 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1595058.45 ‐621758.11 0 0 0 ‐885261.9211 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1586736.88 ‐610820.37 0 0 0 ‐577263.8211 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1578415.31 ‐599882.62 0 0 0 ‐27473212 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1445382.76 ‐563504.08 0 0 0 ‐27473212 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1438921.11 ‐552810.69 0 0 0 4213.9912 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1432459.47 ‐542117.3 0 0 0 277815.8213 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1316526.34 ‐486045.39 0 0 0 277815.8213 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1311241.79 ‐474723.95 0 0 0 517893.9513 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1305957.25 ‐463402.51 0 0 0 752314.0414 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1210782.57 ‐390484.94 0 0 0 752314.0414 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1206735.38 ‐378664.55 0 0 0 944509.9814 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1202688.2 ‐366844.15 0 0 0 1130798.5315 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1131229.49 ‐280188.52 0 0 0 1130798.5315 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1128465.81 ‐268003.96 0 0 0 1267781.4815 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1125702.14 ‐255819.39 0 0 0 1398675.0516 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1080301.29 ‐158747.91 0 0 0 1398675.0516 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1078852.64 ‐146338.13 0 0 0 1474910.2916 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1077403.98 ‐133928.34 0 0 0 1544943.5917 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1062012.66 ‐51705.55 0 0 0 1544943.5917 0.29382 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1061782.08 ‐44363.68 0 0 0 1559057.0917 0.58764 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1061551.5 ‐37021.81 0 0 0 1571013.41

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-50 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

18 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1061232.67 25591.22 0 0 0 1571013.4118 0.29382 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1061463.24 32933.09 0 0 0 1562415.6218 0.58764 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1061693.82 40274.95 0 0 0 1551660.6519 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1076700.35 125012.15 0 0 0 1551660.6519 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1078149 137421.94 0 0 0 1486083.3319 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1079597.65 149831.73 0 0 0 1414304.0620 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1126663 255015.05 0 0 0 1414304.0620 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1129426.67 267199.61 0 0 0 1283812.4720 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1132190.35 279384.17 0 0 0 1147231.521 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1209146.27 377983.32 0 0 0 1147231.521 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1213193.46 389803.71 0 0 0 955376.0221 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1217240.64 401624.11 0 0 0 757613.1422 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1322891.42 488681.4 0 0 0 757613.1422 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1328175.97 500002.84 0 0 0 510559.6222 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1333460.51 511324.28 0 0 0 257848.0623 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1465463.21 581704.25 0 0 0 257848.0623 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1471924.85 592397.64 0 0 0 ‐35537.8423 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1478386.5 603091.03 0 0 0 ‐334267.8924 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1633051.61 651705.59 0 0 0 ‐334267.8924 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1641373.18 662643.33 0 0 0 ‐662698.8824 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1649694.75 673581.07 0 0 0 ‐996596.1325 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1822054.52 695550.51 0 0 0 ‐996596.1325 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1832353.18 706446.54 0 0 0 ‐1346928.7325 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1842651.84 717342.58 0 0 0 ‐1702706.7526 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2026162.85 708526.49 0 0 0 ‐1702706.7526 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2037564.66 718262.23 0 0 0 ‐2059234.3226 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2048966.48 727997.98 0 0 0 ‐2420627.4527 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2228979.03 ‐251838.21 0 0 0 ‐2420627.4527 0.61257 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2247011.38 ‐248295.04 0 0 0 ‐2267443.7227 1.22514 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2265043.72 ‐244751.87 0 0 0 ‐2116430.4328 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2230066.3 ‐258778.73 0 0 0 ‐2116430.4328 0.49994 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2244929.52 ‐256771.09 0 0 0 ‐1987558.4728 0.99988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2259792.74 ‐254763.45 0 0 0 ‐1859690.229 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2237812.74 ‐313189.65 0 0 0 ‐1859690.229 0.49994 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2251516.5 ‐312083.33 0 0 0 ‐1703390.7429 0.99988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2265220.27 ‐310977 0 0 0 ‐1547644.3830 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2243461.37 ‐365102.26 0 0 0 ‐1547644.3830 0.49994 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2255955.37 ‐364766.69 0 0 0 ‐1365199.0730 0.99988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2268449.36 ‐364431.12 0 0 0 ‐1182921.5231 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2257846.92 353986.79 0 0 0 1182921.5231 0.49976 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2270340.91 353986.79 0 0 0 1006013.231 0.99952 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2282834.9 353986.79 0 0 0 829104.8732 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2282834.9 284270.78 0 0 0 829104.8732 0.42569 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2293477.15 284270.78 0 0 0 708093.6432 0.85138 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2304119.4 284270.78 0 0 0 587082.4233 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2304119.4 227647.18 0 0 0 587082.4233 0.29283 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2312172.16 227647.18 0 0 0 520421.0533 0.58566 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐2320224.92 227647.18 0 0 0 453759.6734 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1738984.23 132023.07 0 0 0 192685.734 0.4393 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1749966.68 132023.07 0 0 0 134688.2334 0.8786 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐1760949.13 132023.07 0 0 0 76690.76

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-51 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

35 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐121207.87 434597.51 0 0 0 76690.7635 0.45897 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐121207.87 443203.25 0 0 0 ‐124752.6235 0.91795 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐121207.87 451808.99 0 0 0 ‐330145.8135 1.37692 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐121207.87 460414.74 0 0 0 ‐539488.7936 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐338524.27 11859.24 0 0 0 ‐1131606.336 0.41085 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐343708.01 21898.29 0 0 0 ‐1138540.9636 0.8217 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐348891.75 31937.35 0 0 0 ‐1149600.1637 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐322481.35 ‐105617.83 0 0 0 ‐1149600.1637 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐327947.37 ‐93004.42 0 0 0 ‐1099956.0437 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐333413.4 ‐80391.01 0 0 0 ‐1056617.1638 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐324863.68 ‐166891.9 0 0 0 ‐1056617.1638 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐329377.67 ‐153907.32 0 0 0 ‐976435.8338 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐333891.65 ‐140922.74 0 0 0 ‐902745.2939 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐337689.93 ‐179374.62 0 0 0 ‐902745.2939 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐341226.93 ‐166090.61 0 0 0 ‐816398.8839 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐344763.94 ‐152806.59 0 0 0 ‐736692.9440 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐353936.47 ‐157922.87 0 0 0 ‐736692.9440 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐356476.96 ‐144412.82 0 0 0 ‐661126.4240 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐359017.44 ‐130902.78 0 0 0 ‐592313.3741 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐368655.85 ‐115103.03 0 0 0 ‐592313.3741 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐370185.77 ‐101441.6 0 0 0 ‐538189.6841 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐371715.7 ‐87780.17 0 0 0 ‐490895.1442 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐378805.18 ‐61193.83 0 0 0 ‐490895.1442 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐379316.1 ‐47456.5 0 0 0 ‐463738.8142 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐379827.01 ‐33719.16 0 0 0 ‐443449.5743 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐383009.41 ‐4555.14 0 0 0 ‐443449.5743 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐382498.49 9182.2 0 0 0 ‐444606.0743 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐381987.57 22919.54 0 0 0 ‐452629.6644 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐381894.1 47592.71 0 0 0 ‐452629.6644 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐380364.18 61254.14 0 0 0 ‐479835.144 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐378834.25 74915.58 0 0 0 ‐513869.6945 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐377133.31 87457.89 0 0 0 ‐513869.6945 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐374592.83 100967.93 0 0 0 ‐560965.345 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐372052.34 114477.98 0 0 0 ‐614814.3746 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐371859.34 106097.86 0 0 0 ‐614814.3746 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐368322.33 119381.88 0 0 0 ‐671171.3246 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐364785.32 132665.89 0 0 0 ‐734168.7547 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐370771.16 93092.35 0 0 0 ‐734168.7547 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐366257.17 106076.93 0 0 0 ‐783949.6147 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐361743.19 119061.51 0 0 0 ‐840221.2548 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐380203.25 36543.93 0 0 0 ‐840221.2548 0.49988 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐374737.23 49157.34 0 0 0 ‐861641.6448 0.99977 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐369271.21 61770.75 0 0 0 ‐889367.2749 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐403779.04 ‐64183.28 0 0 0 ‐889367.2749 0.41085 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐398595.3 ‐54144.23 0 0 0 ‐865059.849 0.8217 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐393411.56 ‐44105.18 0 0 0 ‐844876.8950 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination 32488.19 ‐380086.82 0 0 0 ‐393189.2450 0.45897 2a_S T_ka C ombination 32488.19 ‐371481.08 0 0 0 ‐220714.5850 0.91795 2a_S T_ka C ombination 32488.19 ‐362875.34 0 0 0 ‐52189.7350 1.37692 2a_S T_ka C ombination 32488.19 ‐354269.6 0 0 0 112385.3251 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐531501.91 ‐481438.36 0 0 0 ‐451687.6551 0.81668 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐523265.07 ‐468529.74 0 0 0 ‐63779.7751 1.63335 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐515028.24 ‐455621.13 0 0 0 313585.9652 0 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐298630.58 ‐535265.04 0 0 0 ‐592117.5152 0.81668 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐290393.74 ‐522356.43 0 0 0 ‐160250.6952 1.63335 2a_S T_ka C ombination ‐282156.9 ‐509447.82 0 0 0 261073.98

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-52 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1595518.3 258689.11 0 0 0 ‐116009.781 0.4393 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1584535.85 258689.11 0 0 0 ‐229651.391 0.8786 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1573553.4 258689.11 0 0 0 ‐343292.992 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2255884.23 122253.26 0 0 0 ‐667838.022 0.29283 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2247831.47 122253.26 0 0 0 ‐703637.142 0.58566 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2239778.72 122253.26 0 0 0 ‐739436.273 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2239778.72 175358.21 0 0 0 ‐739436.273 0.42569 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2229136.47 175358.21 0 0 0 ‐814084.53 0.85138 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2218494.22 175358.21 0 0 0 ‐888732.744 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2218494.22 240542.18 0 0 0 ‐888732.744 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2206000.22 240542.18 0 0 0 ‐1008946.024 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2193506.23 240542.18 0 0 0 ‐1129159.35 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2201740.12 277109.63 0 0 0 ‐1129159.35 0.49994 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2189246.13 277445.2 0 0 0 ‐1267781.355 0.99988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2176752.13 277780.78 0 0 0 ‐1406571.166 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2197939.57 277152.95 0 0 0 ‐1406571.166 0.49994 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2184235.81 278259.28 0 0 0 ‐1545407.536 0.99988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2170532.05 279365.61 0 0 0 ‐16847977 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2196973.72 270354.61 0 0 0 ‐16847977 0.49994 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2182110.5 272362.25 0 0 0 ‐1820459.917 0.99988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2167247.28 274369.89 0 0 0 ‐1957126.528 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2201319.21 254149.04 0 0 0 ‐1957126.528 0.61257 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2183286.86 257692.21 0 0 0 ‐2113896.248 1.22514 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2165254.51 261235.38 0 0 0 ‐2272836.419 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2007575.45 ‐692381.62 0 0 0 ‐2272836.419 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1996173.64 ‐682645.87 0 0 0 ‐19292439 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1984771.82 ‐672910.13 0 0 0 ‐1590515.1410 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1825338.93 ‐683654.03 0 0 0 ‐1590515.1410 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1815040.27 ‐672758 0 0 0 ‐1251573.3810 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1804741.61 ‐661861.96 0 0 0 ‐918077.0511 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1653105.92 ‐646885.88 0 0 0 ‐918077.0511 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1644784.35 ‐635948.13 0 0 0 ‐597521.0411 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1636462.78 ‐625010.39 0 0 0 ‐282431.3112 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1498025.69 ‐586480.24 0 0 0 ‐282431.3112 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1491564.05 ‐575786.85 0 0 0 7997.312 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1485102.4 ‐565093.46 0 0 0 293081.7513 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1364356.91 ‐505748.55 0 0 0 293081.7513 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1359072.36 ‐494427.11 0 0 0 543006.7713 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1353787.82 ‐483105.67 0 0 0 787273.7614 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1254619.82 ‐405946.34 0 0 0 787273.7614 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1250572.64 ‐394125.94 0 0 0 987196.7214 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1246525.46 ‐382305.55 0 0 0 1181212.2915 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1172081.57 ‐290636.78 0 0 0 1181212.2915 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1169317.9 ‐278452.21 0 0 0 1323416.8915 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1166554.22 ‐266267.65 0 0 0 1459532.116 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1119319.13 ‐163645.07 0 0 0 1459532.116 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1117870.48 ‐151235.28 0 0 0 1538214.7616 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1116421.82 ‐138825.5 0 0 0 1610695.4717 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1100489.54 ‐51985.37 0 0 0 1610695.4717 0.29382 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1100258.96 ‐44643.5 0 0 0 1624891.1917 0.58764 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1100028.39 ‐37301.64 0 0 0 1636929.73

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-53 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

18 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1099821.49 28767.49 0 0 0 1636929.7318 0.29382 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1100052.06 36109.35 0 0 0 1627398.6918 0.58764 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1100282.64 43451.22 0 0 0 1615710.4719 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1116130.59 132779.37 0 0 0 1615710.4719 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1117579.24 145189.16 0 0 0 1546251.3819 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1119027.89 157598.95 0 0 0 1470590.3520 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1168367.89 268242.03 0 0 0 1470590.3520 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1171131.56 280426.59 0 0 0 1333488.4220 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1173895.24 292611.15 0 0 0 1190297.121 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1254342.22 396043.22 0 0 0 1190297.121 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1258389.41 407863.62 0 0 0 989415.9621 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1262436.59 419684.01 0 0 0 782627.4222 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1372631.45 510692.01 0 0 0 782627.4222 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1377916 522013.45 0 0 0 524573.8222 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1383200.54 533334.9 0 0 0 260862.1923 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1520585.35 606568.93 0 0 0 260862.1923 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1527047 617262.32 0 0 0 ‐44950.1423 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1533508.64 627955.71 0 0 0 ‐356106.6224 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1694137.04 678164.08 0 0 0 ‐356106.6224 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1702458.61 689101.82 0 0 0 ‐697760.5624 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1710780.18 700039.57 0 0 0 ‐1044880.7725 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1889397.63 722237.75 0 0 0 ‐1044880.7725 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1899696.29 733133.79 0 0 0 ‐1408550.6425 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1909994.96 744029.82 0 0 0 ‐1777665.9426 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2099754.52 734036.64 0 0 0 ‐1777665.9426 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2111156.34 743772.38 0 0 0 ‐2146942.5226 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2122558.15 753508.13 0 0 0 ‐2521084.6627 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2308224.89 ‐262125.08 0 0 0 ‐2521084.6627 0.61257 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2326257.23 ‐258581.91 0 0 0 ‐2361599.4927 1.22514 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2344289.58 ‐255038.74 0 0 0 ‐2204284.7628 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2308105.39 ‐270441.04 0 0 0 ‐2204284.7628 0.49994 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2322968.61 ‐268433.4 0 0 0 ‐2069582.3428 0.99988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2337831.83 ‐266425.76 0 0 0 ‐1935883.6229 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2314982.76 ‐327407.27 0 0 0 ‐1935883.6229 0.49994 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2328686.52 ‐326300.94 0 0 0 ‐1772476.2129 0.99988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2342390.28 ‐325194.61 0 0 0 ‐1609621.8930 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2319713.2 ‐381813.13 0 0 0 ‐1609621.8930 0.49994 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2332207.19 ‐381477.56 0 0 0 ‐1418822.1530 0.99988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2344701.18 ‐381141.98 0 0 0 ‐1228190.1831 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2333622.58 371107.34 0 0 0 1228190.1831 0.49976 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2346116.57 371107.34 0 0 0 1042725.6931 0.99952 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2358610.57 371107.34 0 0 0 857261.2132 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2358610.57 299880.65 0 0 0 857261.2132 0.42569 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2369252.82 299880.65 0 0 0 729605.0232 0.85138 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2379895.06 299880.65 0 0 0 601948.8333 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2379895.06 242084.17 0 0 0 601948.8333 0.29283 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2387947.82 242084.17 0 0 0 531059.9133 0.58566 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐2396000.58 242084.17 0 0 0 460170.9934 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1801470.45 131864.48 0 0 0 193188.5434 0.4393 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1812452.9 131864.48 0 0 0 135260.7434 0.8786 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐1823435.35 131864.48 0 0 0 77332.94

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-54 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

35 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐130145.49 451481.23 0 0 0 77332.9435 0.45897 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐130145.49 460086.97 0 0 0 ‐131859.6135 0.91795 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐130145.49 468692.72 0 0 0 ‐345001.9735 1.37692 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐130145.49 477298.46 0 0 0 ‐562094.1336 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐343313.56 11948.81 0 0 0 ‐1178375.2636 0.41085 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐348497.3 21987.86 0 0 0 ‐1185346.7136 0.8217 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐353681.04 32026.91 0 0 0 ‐1196442.7137 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐327167.51 ‐109916.34 0 0 0 ‐1196442.7137 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐332633.53 ‐97302.93 0 0 0 ‐1144649.8237 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐338099.55 ‐84689.53 0 0 0 ‐1099162.1938 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐330080.72 ‐173416.18 0 0 0 ‐1099162.1938 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐334594.71 ‐160431.59 0 0 0 ‐1015719.4738 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐339108.69 ‐147447.01 0 0 0 ‐938767.5439 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐343749.56 ‐186221.13 0 0 0 ‐938767.5439 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐347286.57 ‐172937.12 0 0 0 ‐848998.6639 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐350823.58 ‐159653.11 0 0 0 ‐765870.2640 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐360880.31 ‐163804.72 0 0 0 ‐765870.2640 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐363420.8 ‐150294.67 0 0 0 ‐687363.4940 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐365961.28 ‐136784.63 0 0 0 ‐615610.241 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐376343.16 ‐119252.51 0 0 0 ‐615610.241 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐377873.09 ‐105591.07 0 0 0 ‐559412.2541 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐379403.02 ‐91929.64 0 0 0 ‐510043.4442 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐386992.79 ‐63266.09 0 0 0 ‐510043.4442 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐387503.71 ‐49528.75 0 0 0 ‐481851.2342 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐388014.63 ‐35791.42 0 0 0 ‐460526.143 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐391421.12 ‐4546.45 0 0 0 ‐460526.143 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐390910.2 9190.89 0 0 0 ‐461686.9443 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐390399.28 22928.22 0 0 0 ‐469714.8744 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐390306.11 49519.72 0 0 0 ‐469714.8744 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐388776.19 63181.15 0 0 0 ‐497883.644 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐387246.26 76842.59 0 0 0 ‐532881.4745 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐385381.82 90829.36 0 0 0 ‐532881.4745 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐382841.34 104339.41 0 0 0 ‐581662.4345 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐380300.85 117849.46 0 0 0 ‐637196.8546 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐379898.12 110091.67 0 0 0 ‐637196.8546 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐376361.11 123375.68 0 0 0 ‐695550.2446 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐372824.11 136659.69 0 0 0 ‐760544.1147 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐378731.82 96490.36 0 0 0 ‐760544.1147 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐374217.84 109474.94 0 0 0 ‐812023.5847 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐369703.85 122459.53 0 0 0 ‐869993.8448 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐388456.76 37685.96 0 0 0 ‐869993.8448 0.49988 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐382990.74 50299.37 0 0 0 ‐891985.1148 0.99977 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐377524.72 62912.77 0 0 0 ‐920281.6349 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐412883.17 ‐67034.83 0 0 0 ‐920281.6349 0.41085 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐407699.43 ‐56995.77 0 0 0 ‐894802.649 0.8217 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐402515.69 ‐46956.72 0 0 0 ‐873448.1250 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 35293.05 ‐392274.11 0 0 0 ‐406345.6750 0.45897 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 35293.05 ‐383668.37 0 0 0 ‐228277.3850 0.91795 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 35293.05 ‐375062.63 0 0 0 ‐54158.950 1.37692 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination 35293.05 ‐366456.88 0 0 0 116009.7851 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐545612.64 ‐497585.45 0 0 0 ‐467102.4551 0.81668 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐537375.8 ‐484676.83 0 0 0 ‐66007.6451 1.63335 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐529138.96 ‐471768.22 0 0 0 324545.0352 0 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐294482.48 ‐553676.32 0 0 0 ‐616281.1352 0.81668 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐286245.64 ‐540767.71 0 0 0 ‐169378.2752 1.63335 2b_S T_kaQ C ombination ‐278008.8 ‐527859.1 0 0 0 266982.45

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-55 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1404128.44 280451.56 0 0 0 ‐150527.281 0.4393 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1393145.99 280451.56 0 0 0 ‐273729.091 0.8786 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1382163.54 280451.56 0 0 0 ‐396930.892 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2188116.05 ‐115438.39 0 0 0 ‐743368.72 0.29283 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2180063.29 ‐115438.39 0 0 0 ‐709565.162 0.58566 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2172010.53 ‐115438.39 0 0 0 ‐675761.623 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2172010.53 ‐26149.52 0 0 0 ‐675761.623 0.42569 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2161368.28 ‐26149.52 0 0 0 ‐664630.033 0.85138 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2150726.03 ‐26149.52 0 0 0 ‐653498.444 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2150726.03 83326.5 0 0 0 ‐653498.444 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2138232.04 83326.5 0 0 0 ‐695141.664 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2125738.05 83326.5 0 0 0 ‐736784.895 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2131203.11 174931.56 0 0 0 ‐736784.895 0.49994 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2118709.12 175267.14 0 0 0 ‐824324.045 0.99988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2106215.13 175602.71 0 0 0 ‐912030.966 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2126631 236030.27 0 0 0 ‐912030.966 0.49994 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2112927.23 237136.6 0 0 0 ‐1030308.476 0.99988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2099223.47 238242.93 0 0 0 ‐1149139.077 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2130658.8 285669.72 0 0 0 ‐1149139.077 0.49994 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2115795.58 287677.37 0 0 0 ‐1292458.617 0.99988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2100932.36 289685.01 0 0 0 ‐1436781.868 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2146465.68 326470.71 0 0 0 ‐1436781.868 0.61257 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2128433.33 330013.88 0 0 0 ‐1637853.798 1.22514 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2110400.98 333557.05 0 0 0 ‐1841096.169 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2026540.9 ‐570806.49 0 0 0 ‐1841096.169 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2015139.09 ‐561070.75 0 0 0 ‐1558261.419 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2003737.27 ‐551335 0 0 0 ‐1280292.2110 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1884375.42 ‐548534.18 0 0 0 ‐1280292.2110 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1874076.76 ‐537638.14 0 0 0 ‐1008878.2510 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1863778.1 ‐526742.1 0 0 0 ‐742909.7211 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1751303.56 ‐509304.38 0 0 0 ‐742909.7211 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1742981.99 ‐498366.64 0 0 0 ‐491111.7611 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1734660.42 ‐487428.89 0 0 0 ‐244780.0612 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1632494.06 ‐456408.46 0 0 0 ‐244780.0612 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1626032.41 ‐445715.07 0 0 0 ‐19356.4212 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1619570.77 ‐435021.68 0 0 0 200723.0713 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1530573.12 ‐391772.23 0 0 0 200723.0713 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1525288.57 ‐380450.78 0 0 0 393687.0213 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1520004.03 ‐369129.34 0 0 0 580992.9414 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1446777.25 ‐315082.86 0 0 0 580992.9414 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1442730.06 ‐303262.47 0 0 0 735505.7714 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1438682.88 ‐291442.07 0 0 0 884111.2115 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1383418.4 ‐228226.33 0 0 0 884111.2115 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1380654.73 ‐216041.77 0 0 0 995125.4215 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1377891.05 ‐203857.2 0 0 0 1100050.2416 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1342418.49 ‐133293.43 0 0 0 1100050.2416 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1340969.84 ‐120883.65 0 0 0 1163564.316 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1339521.19 ‐108473.86 0 0 0 1220876.4117 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1327647.6 ‐48474.55 0 0 0 1220876.4117 0.29382 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1327417.02 ‐41132.68 0 0 0 1234040.5817 0.58764 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1327186.45 ‐33790.82 0 0 0 1245047.57

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-56 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

18 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1326502.21 12148.76 0 0 0 1245047.5718 0.29382 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1326732.79 19490.62 0 0 0 1240399.4418 0.58764 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1326963.36 26832.49 0 0 0 1233594.1219 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1337265.52 89451.55 0 0 0 1233594.1219 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1338714.17 101861.34 0 0 0 1185788.6419 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1340162.83 114271.13 0 0 0 1131781.2220 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1375439.77 193349.35 0 0 0 1131781.2220 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1378203.45 205533.91 0 0 0 1032107.8220 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1380967.12 217718.47 0 0 0 926345.0421 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1439484.18 293717.82 0 0 0 926345.0421 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1443531.37 305538.21 0 0 0 776602.2721 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1447578.55 317358.61 0 0 0 620952.1122 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1528778.11 386940.92 0 0 0 620952.1122 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1534062.65 398262.36 0 0 0 424744.6422 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1539347.2 409583.8 0 0 0 222879.1323 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1641809.25 469175.2 0 0 0 222879.1323 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1648270.89 479868.59 0 0 0 ‐1426923 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1654732.54 490561.98 0 0 0 ‐256761.2824 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1776001.34 536528.17 0 0 0 ‐256761.2824 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1784322.91 547465.92 0 0 0 ‐527630.9424 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1792644.48 558403.66 0 0 0 ‐803966.8725 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1929315.09 587140.61 0 0 0 ‐803966.8725 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1939613.75 598036.64 0 0 0 ‐1100120.2925 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1949912.42 608932.68 0 0 0 ‐1401719.1426 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2097331.54 617311.07 0 0 0 ‐1401719.1426 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2108733.36 627046.81 0 0 0 ‐1712660.6926 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2120135.17 636782.56 0 0 0 ‐2028467.7927 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2236031.74 ‐314230.03 0 0 0 ‐2028467.7927 0.61257 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2254064.09 ‐310686.86 0 0 0 ‐1837064.627 1.22514 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2272096.43 ‐307143.68 0 0 0 ‐1647831.8628 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2224733.2 ‐257462.77 0 0 0 ‐1647831.8628 0.49994 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2239596.42 ‐255455.13 0 0 0 ‐1519617.828 0.99988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2254459.64 ‐253447.49 0 0 0 ‐1392407.4329 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2228927.81 ‐266623.61 0 0 0 ‐1392407.4329 0.49994 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2242631.57 ‐265517.28 0 0 0 ‐1259388.229 0.99988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2256335.33 ‐264410.95 0 0 0 ‐1126922.0630 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2235793.98 ‐269915.61 0 0 0 ‐1126922.0630 0.49994 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2248287.97 ‐269580.04 0 0 0 ‐992064.3530 0.99988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2260781.96 ‐269244.46 0 0 0 ‐857374.4231 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2252737.96 207398.06 0 0 0 857374.4231 0.49976 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2265231.96 207398.06 0 0 0 753725.2331 0.99952 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2277725.95 207398.06 0 0 0 650076.0432 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2277725.95 87532.56 0 0 0 650076.0432 0.42569 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2288368.2 87532.56 0 0 0 612814.332 0.85138 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2299010.45 87532.56 0 0 0 575552.5733 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2299010.45 ‐9822.65 0 0 0 575552.5733 0.29283 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2307063.21 ‐9822.65 0 0 0 578428.9133 0.58566 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐2315115.96 ‐9822.65 0 0 0 581305.2534 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1576465.5 181447.33 0 0 0 279107.0334 0.4393 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1587447.95 181447.33 0 0 0 199397.5834 0.8786 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐1598430.4 181447.33 0 0 0 119688.13

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-57 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

35 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐88119.89 388696.36 0 0 0 119688.1335 0.45897 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐88119.89 397302.11 0 0 0 ‐60687.8735 0.91795 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐88119.89 405907.85 0 0 0 ‐245013.6735 1.37692 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐88119.89 414513.59 0 0 0 ‐433289.2836 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐625672.1 17376.98 0 0 0 ‐911388.6436 0.41085 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐630855.84 27416.03 0 0 0 ‐920590.2636 0.8217 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐636039.58 37455.08 0 0 0 ‐933916.4337 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐598475.88 ‐80330.93 0 0 0 ‐933916.4337 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐603941.9 ‐67717.53 0 0 0 ‐896912.8337 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐609407.92 ‐55104.12 0 0 0 ‐866214.538 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐587965.72 ‐132585.85 0 0 0 ‐866214.538 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐592479.7 ‐119601.26 0 0 0 ‐803182.2438 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐596993.69 ‐106616.68 0 0 0 ‐746640.7839 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐588880.84 ‐145251.09 0 0 0 ‐746640.7839 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐592417.85 ‐131967.08 0 0 0 ‐677352.239 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐595954.85 ‐118683.07 0 0 0 ‐614704.0940 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐595381.16 ‐130037.48 0 0 0 ‐614704.0940 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐597921.65 ‐116527.43 0 0 0 ‐553077.0640 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐600462.14 ‐103017.38 0 0 0 ‐498203.541 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐603244.32 ‐96871.63 0 0 0 ‐498203.541 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐604774.25 ‐83210.19 0 0 0 ‐453193.4141 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐606304.18 ‐69548.76 0 0 0 ‐415012.4742 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐609744.35 ‐53864.73 0 0 0 ‐415012.4742 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐610255.27 ‐40127.4 0 0 0 ‐391519.8542 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐610766.19 ‐26390.06 0 0 0 ‐374894.3143 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐613471.06 ‐7586.83 0 0 0 ‐374894.3143 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐612960.14 6150.5 0 0 0 ‐374535.3143 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐612449.22 19887.84 0 0 0 ‐381043.444 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐614945.21 33908.99 0 0 0 ‐381043.444 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐613415.29 47570.42 0 0 0 ‐401408.5644 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐611885.36 61231.86 0 0 0 ‐428602.8745 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐615834.03 64554.4 0 0 0 ‐428602.8745 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐613293.55 78064.45 0 0 0 ‐464249.3745 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐610753.06 91574.5 0 0 0 ‐506649.3446 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐618935.51 77419.27 0 0 0 ‐506649.3446 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐615398.51 90703.28 0 0 0 ‐548670.2946 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐611861.5 103987.29 0 0 0 ‐597331.7347 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐628245.71 64473.51 0 0 0 ‐597331.7347 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐623731.73 77458.09 0 0 0 ‐632806.4647 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐619217.74 90442.68 0 0 0 ‐674771.9848 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐648989.58 16620.23 0 0 0 ‐674771.9848 0.49988 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐643523.56 29233.64 0 0 0 ‐686232.8148 0.99977 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐638057.53 41847.05 0 0 0 ‐703998.8949 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐682337.48 ‐65535.86 0 0 0 ‐703998.8949 0.41085 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐677153.74 ‐55496.81 0 0 0 ‐679135.7149 0.8217 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐671970 ‐45457.76 0 0 0 ‐658397.0950 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 47527.93 ‐343321.81 0 0 0 ‐304424.8450 0.45897 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 47527.93 ‐334716.07 0 0 0 ‐148824.3350 0.91795 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 47527.93 ‐326110.33 0 0 0 2826.3850 1.37692 3a_S T_k0 C ombination 47527.93 ‐317504.59 0 0 0 150527.2851 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐862972.35 ‐441726.41 0 0 0 ‐353972.2451 0.81668 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐854735.52 ‐428817.8 0 0 0 1503.8651 1.63335 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐846498.68 ‐415909.18 0 0 0 346437.8152 0 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐661203.57 ‐490636.61 0 0 0 ‐478099.3652 0.81668 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐652966.73 ‐477728 0 0 0 ‐82679.4952 1.63335 3a_S T_k0 C ombination ‐644729.89 ‐464819.38 0 0 0 302198.23

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-58 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1450721.98 292509.71 0 0 0 ‐155584.111 0.4393 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1439739.53 292509.71 0 0 0 ‐284083.041 0.8786 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1428757.08 292509.71 0 0 0 ‐412581.962 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2260772.9 ‐114585.28 0 0 0 ‐771626.52 0.29283 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2252720.14 ‐114585.28 0 0 0 ‐738072.772 0.58566 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2244667.38 ‐114585.28 0 0 0 ‐704519.043 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2244667.38 ‐23279.82 0 0 0 ‐704519.043 0.42569 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2234025.13 ‐23279.82 0 0 0 ‐694609.053 0.85138 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2223382.88 ‐23279.82 0 0 0 ‐684699.064 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2223382.88 88793.57 0 0 0 ‐684699.064 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2210888.89 88793.57 0 0 0 ‐729074.514 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2198394.9 88793.57 0 0 0 ‐773449.955 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2204081.29 182196.43 0 0 0 ‐773449.955 0.49994 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2191587.3 182532.01 0 0 0 ‐864621.115 0.99988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2179093.31 182867.58 0 0 0 ‐955960.036 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2200171.62 244049.21 0 0 0 ‐955960.036 0.49994 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2186467.86 245155.54 0 0 0 ‐1078246.526 0.99988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2172764.09 246261.87 0 0 0 ‐1201086.117 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2205149.16 294358.95 0 0 0 ‐1201086.117 0.49994 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2190285.94 296366.59 0 0 0 ‐1348749.757 0.99988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2175422.72 298374.23 0 0 0 ‐1497417.098 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2222335.82 335753.61 0 0 0 ‐1497417.098 0.61257 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2204303.47 339296.78 0 0 0 ‐1704175.458 1.22514 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2186271.12 342839.95 0 0 0 ‐1913104.279 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2098027.42 ‐593979.13 0 0 0 ‐1913104.279 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2086625.61 ‐584243.39 0 0 0 ‐1618688.79 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2075223.8 ‐574507.64 0 0 0 ‐1329138.6910 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1951211.85 ‐571408.86 0 0 0 ‐1329138.6910 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1940913.19 ‐560512.82 0 0 0 ‐1046292.8310 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1930614.53 ‐549616.79 0 0 0 ‐768892.411 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1813599.29 ‐530923.23 0 0 0 ‐768892.411 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1805277.72 ‐519985.48 0 0 0 ‐506290.1511 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1796956.15 ‐509047.74 0 0 0 ‐249154.1712 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1690557.15 ‐475852.03 0 0 0 ‐249154.1712 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1684095.5 ‐465158.64 0 0 0 ‐14013.3712 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1677633.86 ‐454465.25 0 0 0 215783.2813 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1584898.38 ‐408200.74 0 0 0 215783.2813 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1579613.83 ‐396879.3 0 0 0 416957.5813 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1574329.29 ‐385557.86 0 0 0 612473.8614 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1498025.81 ‐327773.86 0 0 0 612473.8614 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1493978.63 ‐315953.46 0 0 0 773329.1614 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1489931.44 ‐304133.07 0 0 0 928277.0815 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1432389.72 ‐236607.12 0 0 0 928277.0815 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1429626.04 ‐224422.56 0 0 0 1043479.6915 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1426862.37 ‐212237.99 0 0 0 1152592.9216 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1390016.19 ‐136967.24 0 0 0 1152592.9216 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1388567.53 ‐124557.45 0 0 0 1217943.0116 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1387118.88 ‐112147.67 0 0 0 1277091.1517 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1374892.05 ‐48258.62 0 0 0 1277091.1517 0.29382 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1374661.47 ‐40916.76 0 0 0 1290191.8817 0.58764 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1374430.9 ‐33574.89 0 0 0 1301135.43

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-59 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

18 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1373859.92 15270.02 0 0 0 1301135.4318 0.29382 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1374090.5 22611.89 0 0 0 1295570.2118 0.58764 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1374321.08 29953.75 0 0 0 1287847.819 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1385319.85 96433.83 0 0 0 1287847.819 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1386768.51 108843.62 0 0 0 1236552.8419 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1388217.16 121253.41 0 0 0 1179055.9420 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1425368.34 204936.93 0 0 0 1179055.9420 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1428132.02 217121.49 0 0 0 1073591.5120 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1430895.69 229306.06 0 0 0 962037.6921 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1492262.45 309414.46 0 0 0 962037.6921 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1496309.64 321234.85 0 0 0 804450.3321 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1500356.82 333055.25 0 0 0 640955.5922 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1585254.5 406050.29 0 0 0 640955.5922 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1590539.04 417371.73 0 0 0 435197.9722 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1595823.59 428693.17 0 0 0 223782.3223 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1702665.22 490832.5 0 0 0 223782.3223 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1709126.87 501525.89 0 0 0 ‐24189.3123 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1715588.51 512219.28 0 0 0 ‐277505.124 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1841718.86 559739.31 0 0 0 ‐277505.124 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1850040.43 570677.05 0 0 0 ‐559974.8124 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1858362 581614.8 0 0 0 ‐847910.7925 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2000153.32 610827.46 0 0 0 ‐847910.7925 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2010451.99 621723.5 0 0 0 ‐1155902.0125 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2020750.65 632619.54 0 0 0 ‐1469338.6526 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2173313.67 640360.93 0 0 0 ‐1469338.6526 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2184715.48 650096.67 0 0 0 ‐1791799.6526 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2196117.3 659832.42 0 0 0 ‐2119126.227 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2315845.76 ‐326265.93 0 0 0 ‐2119126.227 0.61257 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2333878.11 ‐322722.76 0 0 0 ‐1920350.1727 1.22514 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2351910.46 ‐319179.58 0 0 0 ‐1723744.5828 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2302996 ‐269135.62 0 0 0 ‐1723744.5828 0.49994 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2317859.22 ‐267127.97 0 0 0 ‐1589694.7928 0.99988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2332722.44 ‐265120.33 0 0 0 ‐1456648.729 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2306226.74 ‐279700.65 0 0 0 ‐1456648.729 0.49994 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2319930.51 ‐278594.32 0 0 0 ‐1317091.7329 0.99988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2333634.27 ‐277487.99 0 0 0 ‐1178087.8630 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2312204.3 ‐284322.91 0 0 0 ‐1178087.8630 0.49994 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2324698.29 ‐283987.34 0 0 0 ‐1036027.3830 0.99988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2337192.28 ‐283651.76 0 0 0 ‐894134.6531 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2328733.91 221046.47 0 0 0 894134.6531 0.49976 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2341227.91 221046.47 0 0 0 783664.5431 0.99952 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2353721.9 221046.47 0 0 0 673194.4332 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2353721.9 98583.6 0 0 0 673194.4332 0.42569 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2364364.15 98583.6 0 0 0 631228.3832 0.85138 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2375006.4 98583.6 0 0 0 589262.3333 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2375006.4 ‐788.2 0 0 0 589262.3333 0.29283 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2383059.16 ‐788.2 0 0 0 589493.1333 0.58566 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐2391111.92 ‐788.2 0 0 0 589723.9434 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1635876.39 181816.59 0 0 0 280927.934 0.4393 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1646858.84 181816.59 0 0 0 201056.2434 0.8786 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐1657841.29 181816.59 0 0 0 121184.57

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-60 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

35 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐96868.53 404827.66 0 0 0 121184.5735 0.45897 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐96868.53 413433.41 0 0 0 ‐66595.2635 0.91795 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐96868.53 422039.15 0 0 0 ‐258324.8935 1.37692 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐96868.53 430644.89 0 0 0 ‐454004.3336 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐636983.97 17485.21 0 0 0 ‐954150.0336 0.41085 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐642167.71 27524.27 0 0 0 ‐963396.1236 0.8217 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐647351.45 37563.32 0 0 0 ‐976766.7637 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐609482.23 ‐84189.42 0 0 0 ‐976766.7637 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐614948.25 ‐71576.01 0 0 0 ‐937834.3737 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐620414.28 ‐58962.61 0 0 0 ‐905207.2338 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐599267.68 ‐138476.81 0 0 0 ‐905207.2338 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐603781.66 ‐125492.22 0 0 0 ‐839230.1738 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐608295.65 ‐112507.64 0 0 0 ‐779743.9139 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐600811.32 ‐151473.82 0 0 0 ‐779743.9139 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐604348.33 ‐138189.81 0 0 0 ‐707344.6839 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐607885.34 ‐124905.8 0 0 0 ‐641585.9240 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐608029.04 ‐135446.92 0 0 0 ‐641585.9240 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐610569.53 ‐121936.87 0 0 0 ‐577254.840 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐613110.02 ‐108426.82 0 0 0 ‐519677.1441 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐616533.43 ‐100789.38 0 0 0 ‐519677.1441 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐618063.36 ‐87127.95 0 0 0 ‐472708.6241 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐619593.29 ‐73466.51 0 0 0 ‐432569.2642 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐623505.33 ‐55990.03 0 0 0 ‐432569.2642 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐624016.25 ‐42252.7 0 0 0 ‐408014.2342 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐624527.16 ‐28515.36 0 0 0 ‐390326.2943 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐627503.48 ‐7919.58 0 0 0 ‐390326.2943 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐626992.57 5817.76 0 0 0 ‐389800.9643 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐626481.65 19555.09 0 0 0 ‐396142.7144 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐629112.23 35179.58 0 0 0 ‐396142.7144 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐627582.3 48841.02 0 0 0 ‐417143.0244 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐626052.37 62502.45 0 0 0 ‐444972.4745 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐630061.98 66974.21 0 0 0 ‐444972.4745 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐627521.49 80484.26 0 0 0 ‐481828.645 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐624981.01 93994.31 0 0 0 ‐525438.246 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐633261.9 80245.55 0 0 0 ‐525438.246 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐629724.89 93529.57 0 0 0 ‐568871.9746 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐626187.88 106813.58 0 0 0 ‐618946.2247 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐642867.66 66643.82 0 0 0 ‐618946.2247 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐638353.68 79628.4 0 0 0 ‐655505.8547 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐633839.69 92612.98 0 0 0 ‐698556.2848 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐664311.54 16724.5 0 0 0 ‐698556.2848 0.49988 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐658845.52 29337.91 0 0 0 ‐710069.2348 0.99977 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐653379.5 41951.32 0 0 0 ‐727887.4449 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐698869.18 ‐68925.46 0 0 0 ‐727887.4449 0.41085 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐693685.44 ‐58886.41 0 0 0 ‐701631.6449 0.8217 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐688501.7 ‐48847.36 0 0 0 ‐679500.3950 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 52739.37 ‐353874.23 0 0 0 ‐313897.8450 0.45897 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 52739.37 ‐345268.49 0 0 0 ‐153454.0550 0.91795 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 52739.37 ‐336662.75 0 0 0 3039.9350 1.37692 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination 52739.37 ‐328057.01 0 0 0 155584.1151 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐888170.13 ‐456565.25 0 0 0 ‐365602.5551 0.81668 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐879933.29 ‐443656.64 0 0 0 1992.0751 1.63335 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐871696.45 ‐430748.02 0 0 0 359044.5452 0 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐664552.25 ‐508173.66 0 0 0 ‐500145.752 0.81668 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐656315.41 ‐495265.05 0 0 0 ‐90403.7652 1.63335 3b_S T_k0Q C ombination ‐648078.57 ‐482356.43 0 0 0 308796.04

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-61 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2195720.43 ‐268683.14 0 0 0 4396.291 0.4393 4a_S I C ombination ‐2184737.98 ‐268683.14 0 0 0 122428.251 0.8786 4a_S I C ombination ‐2173755.53 ‐268683.14 0 0 0 240460.212 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2619620 231710.19 0 0 0 148017.432 0.29283 4a_S I C ombination ‐2611567.25 231710.19 0 0 0 80166.32 0.58566 4a_S I C ombination ‐2603514.49 231710.19 0 0 0 12315.173 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2601392.61 316755.31 0 0 0 12315.173 0.42569 4a_S I C ombination ‐2590750.36 316755.31 0 0 0 ‐122524.43 0.85138 4a_S I C ombination ‐2580108.11 316755.31 0 0 0 ‐257363.964 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2577482.15 420979.4 0 0 0 ‐257363.964 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐2564988.16 420979.4 0 0 0 ‐467752.54 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐2552494.16 420979.4 0 0 0 ‐678141.035 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2563883.12 495409.62 0 0 0 ‐678141.035 0.49994 4a_S I C ombination ‐2551389.13 495745.19 0 0 0 ‐925899.965 0.99988 4a_S I C ombination ‐2538895.13 496080.76 0 0 0 ‐1173826.656 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2572441.29 527121.49 0 0 0 ‐1173826.656 0.49994 4a_S I C ombination ‐2558737.53 528227.82 0 0 0 ‐1437632.276 0.99988 4a_S I C ombination ‐2545033.77 529334.15 0 0 0 ‐1701990.997 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2587344.94 546380.66 0 0 0 ‐1701990.997 0.49994 4a_S I C ombination ‐2572481.72 548388.3 0 0 0 ‐1975650.347 0.99988 4a_S I C ombination ‐2557618.5 550395.94 0 0 0 ‐2250313.398 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2612728.81 552739 0 0 0 ‐2250313.398 0.61257 4a_S I C ombination ‐2594696.47 556282.17 0 0 0 ‐2589990.868 1.22514 4a_S I C ombination ‐2576664.12 559825.35 0 0 0 ‐2931838.789 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2527872.46 ‐598682.15 0 0 0 ‐2931838.789 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐2516470.64 ‐588946.4 0 0 0 ‐2635072.829 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐2505068.83 ‐579210.66 0 0 0 ‐2343172.4210 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2357872.88 ‐616338.69 0 0 0 ‐2343172.4210 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐2347574.22 ‐605442.65 0 0 0 ‐2037872.3310 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐2337275.56 ‐594546.61 0 0 0 ‐1738017.6611 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2194144.9 ‐610743.25 0 0 0 ‐1738017.6611 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐2185823.33 ‐599805.51 0 0 0 ‐1435524.3811 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐2177501.76 ‐588867.76 0 0 0 ‐1138497.3712 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2043421.03 ‐585270.09 0 0 0 ‐1138497.3712 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐2036959.38 ‐574576.7 0 0 0 ‐848673.5512 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐2030497.74 ‐563883.31 0 0 0 ‐564193.8813 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1909113.14 ‐542200.42 0 0 0 ‐564193.8813 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐1903828.59 ‐530878.98 0 0 0 ‐296051.5913 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐1898544.05 ‐519557.54 0 0 0 ‐33567.3314 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1793088.79 ‐481552.89 0 0 0 ‐33567.3314 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐1789041.61 ‐469732.5 0 0 0 204140.9314 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐1784994.42 ‐457912.1 0 0 0 435941.815 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1698493.25 ‐405568.01 0 0 0 435941.815 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐1695729.57 ‐393383.45 0 0 0 635584.6915 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐1692965.9 ‐381198.89 0 0 0 829138.216 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1627987.06 ‐316761.7 0 0 0 829138.216 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐1626538.41 ‐304351.91 0 0 0 984342.7616 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐1625089.76 ‐291942.12 0 0 0 1133345.3917 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1591459.69 ‐233747.09 0 0 0 1133345.3917 0.29382 4a_S I C ombination ‐1591229.11 ‐226405.22 0 0 0 1200946.2317 0.58764 4a_S I C ombination ‐1590998.53 ‐219063.35 0 0 0 1266389.89

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-62 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

18 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1574706.35 ‐172862.43 0 0 0 1266389.8918 0.29382 4a_S I C ombination ‐1574936.93 ‐165520.57 0 0 0 1316101.6418 0.58764 4a_S I C ombination ‐1575167.5 ‐158178.7 0 0 0 1363656.219 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1562357.79 ‐92842.79 0 0 0 1363656.219 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐1563806.44 ‐80433.01 0 0 0 1406954.5519 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐1565255.09 ‐68023.22 0 0 0 1444050.9620 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1569090.68 19492 0 0 0 1444050.9620 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐1571854.36 31676.56 0 0 0 1431264.920 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐1574618.03 43861.12 0 0 0 1412389.4621 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1599427.68 135173.78 0 0 0 1412389.4621 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐1603474.87 146994.18 0 0 0 1341881.0221 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐1607522.05 158814.57 0 0 0 1265465.1822 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1654370.87 251661.62 0 0 0 1265465.1822 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐1659655.41 262983.06 0 0 0 1136865.1922 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐1664939.95 274304.5 0 0 0 1002607.1823 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1734292.41 365739.19 0 0 0 1002607.1823 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐1740754.05 376432.58 0 0 0 817152.4623 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐1747215.7 387125.97 0 0 0 626353.5924 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1838490.92 473919.82 0 0 0 626353.5924 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐1846812.49 484857.57 0 0 0 386773.2224 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐1855134.06 495795.31 0 0 0 141726.5825 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1966917.83 574278.67 0 0 0 141726.5825 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐1977216.49 585174.7 0 0 0 ‐147998.9325 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐1987515.15 596070.74 0 0 0 ‐443169.8726 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2117285.8 661951.85 0 0 0 ‐443169.8726 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐2128687.61 671687.59 0 0 0 ‐776421.1926 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐2140089.42 681423.33 0 0 0 ‐1114538.0727 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2276399.2 ‐207590.41 0 0 0 ‐1114538.0727 0.61257 4a_S I C ombination ‐2294431.55 ‐204047.24 0 0 0 ‐988459.2927 1.22514 4a_S I C ombination ‐2312463.89 ‐200504.06 0 0 0 ‐864550.9628 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2263920.94 ‐69775.9 0 0 0 ‐864550.9628 0.49994 4a_S I C ombination ‐2278784.16 ‐67768.26 0 0 0 ‐830169.0528 0.99988 4a_S I C ombination ‐2293647.38 ‐65760.62 0 0 0 ‐796790.8429 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2275294.96 ‐5600.21 0 0 0 ‐796790.8429 0.49994 4a_S I C ombination ‐2288998.72 ‐4493.88 0 0 0 ‐794267.6229 0.99988 4a_S I C ombination ‐2302702.49 ‐3387.55 0 0 0 ‐792297.530 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2297058.53 63722.17 0 0 0 ‐792297.530 0.49994 4a_S I C ombination ‐2309552.53 64057.75 0 0 0 ‐824238.6430 0.99988 4a_S I C ombination ‐2322046.52 64393.32 0 0 0 ‐856347.5531 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2325774.97 ‐199716.9 0 0 0 856347.5531 0.49976 4a_S I C ombination ‐2338268.96 ‐199716.9 0 0 0 95615831 0.99952 4a_S I C ombination ‐2350762.95 ‐199716.9 0 0 0 1055968.4632 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2353388.91 ‐389247.92 0 0 0 1055968.4632 0.42569 4a_S I C ombination ‐2364031.16 ‐389247.92 0 0 0 1221667.432 0.85138 4a_S I C ombination ‐2374673.41 ‐389247.92 0 0 0 1387366.3433 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2376795.29 ‐540857.29 0 0 0 1387366.3433 0.29283 4a_S I C ombination ‐2384848.05 ‐540857.29 0 0 0 1545744.2733 0.58566 4a_S I C ombination ‐2392900.81 ‐540857.29 0 0 0 1704122.234 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1014976.15 810533.92 0 0 0 1047087.6734 0.4393 4a_S I C ombination ‐1025958.6 810533.92 0 0 0 691021.7434 0.8786 4a_S I C ombination ‐1036941.05 810533.92 0 0 0 334955.82

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-63 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

35 0 4a_S I C ombination 621595.47 122570.89 0 0 0 334955.8235 0.45897 4a_S I C ombination 621595.47 131176.63 0 0 0 276724.235 0.91795 4a_S I C ombination 621595.47 139782.37 0 0 0 214542.7835 1.37692 4a_S I C ombination 621595.47 148388.12 0 0 0 148411.5536 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1096615.83 189056.9 0 0 0 210451.4736 0.41085 4a_S I C ombination ‐1101799.57 199095.95 0 0 0 130715.0436 0.8217 4a_S I C ombination ‐1106983.31 209135 0 0 0 46854.0637 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐1010462.51 116485.45 0 0 0 46854.0637 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐1015928.53 129098.85 0 0 0 ‐14527.8737 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐1021394.55 141712.26 0 0 0 ‐82215.0638 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐936988.22 62705.61 0 0 0 ‐82215.0638 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐941502.2 75690.19 0 0 0 ‐116806.0438 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐946016.18 88674.77 0 0 0 ‐157887.8239 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐880719.74 33210.03 0 0 0 ‐157887.8239 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐884256.75 46494.05 0 0 0 ‐177809.2539 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐887793.76 59778.06 0 0 0 ‐204371.1640 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐837718.72 27370.02 0 0 0 ‐204371.1640 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐840259.21 40880.07 0 0 0 ‐221429.7540 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐842799.7 54390.12 0 0 0 ‐245241.8141 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐803982.36 43127.23 0 0 0 ‐245241.8141 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐805512.28 56788.66 0 0 0 ‐270215.0341 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐807042.21 70450.09 0 0 0 ‐302017.3942 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐775744.97 77187.47 0 0 0 ‐302017.3942 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐776255.89 90924.8 0 0 0 ‐344035.7842 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐776766.81 104662.14 0 0 0 ‐392921.2643 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐749787.56 124985.42 0 0 0 ‐392921.2643 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐749276.64 138722.75 0 0 0 ‐458833.1143 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐748765.72 152460.09 0 0 0 ‐531612.0644 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐718183.22 177254.35 0 0 0 ‐531612.0644 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐716653.29 190915.79 0 0 0 ‐623633.3944 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐715123.36 204577.22 0 0 0 ‐722483.8845 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐681150.57 225734.39 0 0 0 ‐722483.8845 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐678610.08 239244.44 0 0 0 ‐838701.8145 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐676069.6 252754.49 0 0 0 ‐961673.2246 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐640844.27 258458.25 0 0 0 ‐961673.2246 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐637307.26 271742.26 0 0 0 ‐1094192.8146 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐633770.26 285026.27 0 0 0 ‐1233352.8947 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐601905.21 259283.23 0 0 0 ‐1233352.8947 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐597391.23 272267.81 0 0 0 ‐1366210.0447 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐592877.24 285252.39 0 0 0 ‐1505557.9948 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐571899.19 207794.73 0 0 0 ‐1505557.9948 0.49988 4a_S I C ombination ‐566433.17 220408.14 0 0 0 ‐1612584.0548 0.99977 4a_S I C ombination ‐560967.14 233021.55 0 0 0 ‐1725915.3749 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐560664.03 93661.53 0 0 0 ‐1725915.3749 0.41085 4a_S I C ombination ‐555480.29 103700.58 0 0 0 ‐1766458.5549 0.8217 4a_S I C ombination ‐550296.55 113739.63 0 0 0 ‐1811126.2850 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐647439.73 ‐662827.52 0 0 0 ‐899281.850 0.45897 4a_S I C ombination ‐647439.73 ‐654221.78 0 0 0 ‐597036.8250 0.91795 4a_S I C ombination ‐647439.73 ‐645616.04 0 0 0 ‐298741.6550 1.37692 4a_S I C ombination ‐647439.73 ‐637010.29 0 0 0 ‐4396.2951 0 4a_S I C ombination 90767.27 ‐627771.65 0 0 0 ‐911844.4851 0.81668 4a_S I C ombination 99004.11 ‐614863.03 0 0 0 ‐404429.7851 1.63335 4a_S I C ombination 107240.95 ‐601954.42 0 0 0 92442.7852 0 4a_S I C ombination ‐2034687.73 ‐377187.05 0 0 0 62039.9252 0.81668 4a_S I C ombination ‐2026450.89 ‐364278.44 0 0 0 364808.352 1.63335 4a_S I C ombination ‐2018214.05 ‐351369.82 0 0 0 657034.53

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-64 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐845397.91 898693.33 0 0 0 ‐362035.211 0.4393 4b_S I C ombination ‐834415.46 898693.33 0 0 0 ‐756829.391 0.8786 4b_S I C ombination ‐823433.01 898693.33 0 0 0 ‐1151623.562 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2256322.67 ‐639027.34 0 0 0 ‐1846114.742 0.29283 4b_S I C ombination ‐2248269.92 ‐639027.34 0 0 0 ‐1658989.912 0.58566 4b_S I C ombination ‐2240217.16 ‐639027.34 0 0 0 ‐1471865.083 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2238095.28 ‐496224.79 0 0 0 ‐1471865.083 0.42569 4b_S I C ombination ‐2227453.03 ‐496224.79 0 0 0 ‐1260627.163 0.85138 4b_S I C ombination ‐2216810.78 ‐496224.79 0 0 0 ‐1049389.234 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2214184.82 ‐318037 0 0 0 ‐1049389.234 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐2201690.83 ‐318037 0 0 0 ‐890447.164 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐2189196.83 ‐318037 0 0 0 ‐731505.085 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2183019.67 ‐153729.38 0 0 0 ‐731505.085 0.49994 4b_S I C ombination ‐2170525.68 ‐153393.81 0 0 0 ‐654733.515 0.99988 4b_S I C ombination ‐2158031.68 ‐153058.24 0 0 0 ‐578129.716 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2163748.15 ‐20541.57 0 0 0 ‐578129.716 0.49994 4b_S I C ombination ‐2150044.39 ‐19435.24 0 0 0 ‐568136.76 0.99988 4b_S I C ombination ‐2136340.63 ‐18328.91 0 0 0 ‐558696.87 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2160711.74 101909.6 0 0 0 ‐558696.87 0.49994 4b_S I C ombination ‐2145848.52 103917.24 0 0 0 ‐610147.337 0.99988 4b_S I C ombination ‐2130985.3 105924.88 0 0 0 ‐662601.558 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2177731.27 223187.51 0 0 0 ‐662601.558 0.61257 4b_S I C ombination ‐2159698.92 226730.68 0 0 0 ‐800405.128 1.22514 4b_S I C ombination ‐2141666.57 230273.85 0 0 0 ‐940379.139 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2040674.03 ‐609783.19 0 0 0 ‐940379.139 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐2029272.22 ‐600047.45 0 0 0 ‐638065.299 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐2017870.4 ‐590311.7 0 0 0 ‐340617.0110 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1918209.84 ‐532002.76 0 0 0 ‐340617.0110 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐1907911.18 ‐521106.72 0 0 0 ‐77464.8310 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐1897612.52 ‐510210.68 0 0 0 180241.9211 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1811612.52 ‐445289.28 0 0 0 180241.9211 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐1803290.95 ‐434351.53 0 0 0 400047.5611 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐1794969.38 ‐423413.79 0 0 0 614386.9212 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1723836.23 ‐353910.93 0 0 0 614386.9212 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐1717374.58 ‐343217.54 0 0 0 788586.1612 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐1710912.94 ‐332524.15 0 0 0 957441.2513 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1655495 ‐259656.8 0 0 0 957441.2513 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐1650210.45 ‐248335.36 0 0 0 1084378.9113 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐1644925.91 ‐237013.92 0 0 0 1205658.5314 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1605993.51 ‐161610.27 0 0 0 1205658.5314 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐1601946.32 ‐149789.88 0 0 0 1283471.5514 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐1597899.14 ‐137969.48 0 0 0 1355377.1815 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1575863.08 ‐60857.42 0 0 0 1355377.1815 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐1573099.41 ‐48672.86 0 0 0 1382746.7315 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐1570335.74 ‐36488.3 0 0 0 1404026.916 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1565557.16 41714.85 0 0 0 1404026.916 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐1564108.51 54124.63 0 0 0 1380078.4216 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐1562659.85 66534.42 0 0 0 134992817 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1573227.66 129156.77 0 0 0 134992817 0.29382 4b_S I C ombination ‐1572997.08 136498.64 0 0 0 1310900.6417 0.58764 4b_S I C ombination ‐1572766.51 143840.51 0 0 0 1269716.1

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-65 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

18 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1587222.81 190220.93 0 0 0 1269716.118 0.29382 4b_S I C ombination ‐1587453.38 197562.79 0 0 0 1212746.9118 0.58764 4b_S I C ombination ‐1587683.96 204904.66 0 0 0 1153620.5319 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1619176.63 266288.76 0 0 0 1153620.5319 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐1620625.28 278698.55 0 0 0 1017438.4919 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐1622073.93 291108.33 0 0 0 875054.5120 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1686380.95 365413.77 0 0 0 875054.5120 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐1689144.63 377598.33 0 0 0 689389.8120 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐1691908.3 389782.89 0 0 0 497635.7221 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1781608.3 456799.13 0 0 0 497635.7221 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐1785655.48 468619.53 0 0 0 266391.0721 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐1789702.67 480439.92 0 0 0 29239.0322 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1903630.38 536239.72 0 0 0 29239.0322 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐1908914.92 547561.17 0 0 0 ‐241582.3622 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐1914199.47 558882.61 0 0 0 ‐518061.7723 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2050174.81 599335.59 0 0 0 ‐518061.7723 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐2056636.45 610028.98 0 0 0 ‐820259.1523 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐2063098.1 620722.37 0 0 0 ‐1127800.6824 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2218040.76 641642.95 0 0 0 ‐1127800.6824 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐2226362.33 652580.7 0 0 0 ‐1451202.7424 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐2234683.9 663518.44 0 0 0 ‐1780071.0725 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2404341.04 660731.62 0 0 0 ‐1780071.0725 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐2414639.71 671627.66 0 0 0 ‐2113002.525 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐2424938.37 682523.7 0 0 0 ‐2451379.3626 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2602966.99 652627.67 0 0 0 ‐2451379.3626 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐2614368.8 662363.42 0 0 0 ‐2779970.8126 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐2625770.62 672099.16 0 0 0 ‐3113427.8227 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2711141.21 ‐535841.4 0 0 0 ‐3113427.8227 0.61257 4b_S I C ombination ‐2729173.55 ‐532298.23 0 0 0 ‐2786271.7927 1.22514 4b_S I C ombination ‐2747205.9 ‐528755.06 0 0 0 ‐2461286.228 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2690528 ‐514053.4 0 0 0 ‐2461286.228 0.49994 4b_S I C ombination ‐2705391.22 ‐512045.76 0 0 0 ‐2204792.2428 0.99988 4b_S I C ombination ‐2720254.44 ‐510038.12 0 0 0 ‐1949301.9829 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2684054.8 ‐554089.42 0 0 0 ‐1949301.9829 0.49994 4b_S I C ombination ‐2697758.56 ‐552983.09 0 0 0 ‐1672567.1129 0.99988 4b_S I C ombination ‐2711462.32 ‐551876.76 0 0 0 ‐1396385.3430 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2677971.86 ‐587273.58 0 0 0 ‐1396385.3430 0.49994 4b_S I C ombination ‐2690465.85 ‐586938.01 0 0 0 ‐1102867.7230 0.99988 4b_S I C ombination ‐2702959.84 ‐586602.44 0 0 0 ‐809517.8631 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2689072.3 542187.02 0 0 0 809517.8631 0.49976 4b_S I C ombination ‐2701566.29 542187.02 0 0 0 538554.6531 0.99952 4b_S I C ombination ‐2714060.28 542187.02 0 0 0 267591.4432 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2716686.24 427573.45 0 0 0 267591.4432 0.42569 4b_S I C ombination ‐2727328.49 427573.45 0 0 0 85577.732 0.85138 4b_S I C ombination ‐2737970.74 427573.45 0 0 0 ‐96436.0433 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2740092.62 334461.99 0 0 0 ‐96436.0433 0.29283 4b_S I C ombination ‐2748145.38 334461.99 0 0 0 ‐194375.7333 0.58566 4b_S I C ombination ‐2756198.14 334461.99 0 0 0 ‐292315.4234 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2368266.08 ‐357687.35 0 0 0 ‐346545.6934 0.4393 4b_S I C ombination ‐2379248.53 ‐357687.35 0 0 0 ‐189414.3634 0.8786 4b_S I C ombination ‐2390230.98 ‐357687.35 0 0 0 ‐32283.03

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-66 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

35 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐772102.9 706355.33 0 0 0 ‐32283.0335 0.45897 4b_S I C ombination ‐772102.9 714961.07 0 0 0 ‐358455.8935 0.91795 4b_S I C ombination ‐772102.9 723566.81 0 0 0 ‐688578.5535 1.37692 4b_S I C ombination ‐772102.9 732172.55 0 0 0 ‐1022651.0136 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐506275.96 ‐138791.36 0 0 0 ‐2054194.5336 0.41085 4b_S I C ombination ‐511459.7 ‐128752.31 0 0 0 ‐1999234.2836 0.8217 4b_S I C ombination ‐516643.44 ‐118713.26 0 0 0 ‐1948398.5837 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐522737.69 ‐269001.89 0 0 0 ‐1948398.5837 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐528203.72 ‐256388.49 0 0 0 ‐1817081.2437 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐533669.74 ‐243775.08 0 0 0 ‐1692069.1538 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐562084.29 ‐325495.08 0 0 0 ‐1692069.1538 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐566598.28 ‐312510.5 0 0 0 ‐1532604.4938 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐571112.26 ‐299525.91 0 0 0 ‐1379630.6339 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐610486.43 ‐324926.19 0 0 0 ‐1379630.6339 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐614023.44 ‐311642.18 0 0 0 ‐1220525.1939 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐617560.44 ‐298358.17 0 0 0 ‐1068060.2240 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐659750.73 ‐290260.43 0 0 0 ‐1068060.2240 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐662291.22 ‐276750.38 0 0 0 ‐926340.1640 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐664831.7 ‐263240.34 0 0 0 ‐791373.5841 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐704987.2 ‐239502.4 0 0 0 ‐791373.5841 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐706517.12 ‐225840.97 0 0 0 ‐675064.5341 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐708047.05 ‐212179.54 0 0 0 ‐565584.6242 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐744084.3 ‐185788.68 0 0 0 ‐565584.6242 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐744595.22 ‐172051.34 0 0 0 ‐476145.2242 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐745106.14 ‐158314 0 0 0 ‐393572.9143 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐777049.27 ‐137888.04 0 0 0 ‐393572.9143 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐776538.36 ‐124150.7 0 0 0 ‐328078.3143 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐776027.44 ‐110413.37 0 0 0 ‐269450.844 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐812718.75 ‐105058.97 0 0 0 ‐269450.844 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐811188.82 ‐91397.54 0 0 0 ‐220347.9844 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐809658.89 ‐77736.11 0 0 0 ‐178074.345 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐854537.24 ‐91391.58 0 0 0 ‐178074.345 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐851996.76 ‐77881.53 0 0 0 ‐135765.7745 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐849456.27 ‐64371.48 0 0 0 ‐100210.7146 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐906319.76 ‐99050.97 0 0 0 ‐100210.7146 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐902782.76 ‐85766.95 0 0 0 ‐54016.8746 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐899245.75 ‐72482.94 0 0 0 ‐14463.5147 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐971833.71 ‐128282.23 0 0 0 ‐14463.5147 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐967319.72 ‐115297.65 0 0 0 46417.4447 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐962805.74 ‐102313.07 0 0 0 100807.5948 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1054411.98 ‐177221.36 0 0 0 100807.5948 0.49988 4b_S I C ombination ‐1048945.96 ‐164607.95 0 0 0 186245.2348 0.99977 4b_S I C ombination ‐1043479.94 ‐151994.54 0 0 0 265377.6349 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐1145586.7 ‐234080.06 0 0 0 265377.6349 0.41085 4b_S I C ombination ‐1140402.96 ‐224041.01 0 0 0 359487.349 0.8217 4b_S I C ombination ‐1135219.22 ‐214001.96 0 0 0 449472.4350 0 4b_S I C ombination 745641.74 ‐79870.52 0 0 0 269834.1150 0.45897 4b_S I C ombination 745641.74 ‐71264.78 0 0 0 304517.6150 0.91795 4b_S I C ombination 745641.74 ‐62659.03 0 0 0 335251.3250 1.37692 4b_S I C ombination 745641.74 ‐54053.29 0 0 0 362035.2151 0 4b_S I C ombination ‐2213765.3 ‐328121.21 0 0 0 179638.3151 0.81668 4b_S I C ombination ‐2205528.47 ‐315212.6 0 0 0 442335.8251 1.63335 4b_S I C ombination ‐2197291.63 ‐302303.98 0 0 0 694491.1852 0 4b_S I C ombination 276651.69 ‐677660.81 0 0 0 ‐1031543.5152 0.81668 4b_S I C ombination 284888.52 ‐664752.2 0 0 0 ‐483385.5552 1.63335 4b_S I C ombination 293125.36 ‐651843.59 0 0 0 54230.27

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-67 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1696348.21 ‐212461.81 0 0 0 ‐11574.551 0.4393 4c_S I C ombination ‐1685365.76 ‐212461.81 0 0 0 81759.491 0.8786 4c_S I C ombination ‐1674383.31 ‐212461.81 0 0 0 175093.542 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐2097875.41 71790.48 0 0 0 92480.422 0.29283 4c_S I C ombination ‐2089822.66 71790.48 0 0 0 71458.192 0.58566 4c_S I C ombination ‐2081769.9 71790.48 0 0 0 50435.963 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐2083891.78 156835.6 0 0 0 50435.963 0.42569 4c_S I C ombination ‐2073249.53 156835.6 0 0 0 ‐16327.393 0.85138 4c_S I C ombination ‐2062607.28 156835.6 0 0 0 ‐83090.734 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐2065233.24 261059.69 0 0 0 ‐83090.734 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐2052739.25 261059.69 0 0 0 ‐213557.844 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐2040245.25 261059.69 0 0 0 ‐344024.955 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐2053196.42 349148.67 0 0 0 ‐344024.955 0.49994 4c_S I C ombination ‐2040702.43 349484.24 0 0 0 ‐518662.195 0.99988 4c_S I C ombination ‐2028208.44 349819.82 0 0 0 ‐693467.26 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐2060578.47 408005.08 0 0 0 ‐693467.26 0.49994 4c_S I C ombination ‐2046874.71 409111.4 0 0 0 ‐897721.776 0.99988 4c_S I C ombination ‐2033170.95 410217.73 0 0 0 ‐1102529.447 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐2076292.8 454038.72 0 0 0 ‐1102529.447 0.49994 4c_S I C ombination ‐2061429.58 456046.36 0 0 0 ‐1330023.377 0.99988 4c_S I C ombination ‐2046566.36 458054 0 0 0 ‐15585218 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐2104508.14 489621.58 0 0 0 ‐15585218 0.61257 4c_S I C ombination ‐2086475.79 493164.75 0 0 0 ‐1859534.528 1.22514 4c_S I C ombination ‐2068443.44 496707.92 0 0 0 ‐2162718.59 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐2076146.78 ‐423251.22 0 0 0 ‐2162718.59 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐2064744.97 ‐413515.47 0 0 0 ‐1953626.39 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐2053343.15 ‐403779.73 0 0 0 ‐1749399.6510 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1961542.35 ‐429831.25 0 0 0 ‐1749399.6510 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1951243.69 ‐418935.22 0 0 0 ‐1537308.9310 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1940945.03 ‐408039.18 0 0 0 ‐1330663.6411 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1851031.56 ‐423875.27 0 0 0 ‐1330663.6411 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1842709.99 ‐412937.53 0 0 0 ‐1121559.9211 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1834388.42 ‐401999.79 0 0 0 ‐917922.4712 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1749140.69 ‐407481.24 0 0 0 ‐917922.4712 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1742679.05 ‐396787.85 0 0 0 ‐716950.8112 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1736217.4 ‐386094.46 0 0 0 ‐521323.313 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1657795.32 ‐381877.4 0 0 0 ‐521323.313 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1652510.77 ‐370555.96 0 0 0 ‐333304.4113 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1647226.23 ‐359234.52 0 0 0 ‐150943.5414 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1577626.08 ‐345950.32 0 0 0 ‐150943.5414 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1573578.89 ‐334129.93 0 0 0 18995.6714 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1569531.71 ‐322309.53 0 0 0 183027.515 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1510677.28 ‐300487.12 0 0 0 183027.515 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1507913.61 ‐288302.55 0 0 0 330154.9315 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1505149.93 ‐276117.99 0 0 0 471192.9716 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1458777.94 ‐246486.93 0 0 0 471192.9716 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1457329.29 ‐234077.15 0 0 0 591276.8616 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1455880.64 ‐221667.36 0 0 0 705158.8117 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1430185.46 ‐193128.08 0 0 0 705158.8117 0.29382 4c_S I C ombination ‐1429954.88 ‐185786.22 0 0 0 76082517 0.58764 4c_S I C ombination ‐1429724.3 ‐178444.35 0 0 0 814334.01

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-68 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

18 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1415387.36 ‐154858.18 0 0 0 814334.0118 0.29382 4c_S I C ombination ‐1415617.94 ‐147516.32 0 0 0 858755.7618 0.58764 4c_S I C ombination ‐1415848.52 ‐140174.45 0 0 0 901020.3219 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1400822.29 ‐105530.05 0 0 0 901020.3219 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1402270.94 ‐93120.26 0 0 0 950659.2919 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1403719.59 ‐80710.47 0 0 0 994096.320 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1396657.3 ‐31460.86 0 0 0 994096.320 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1399420.97 ‐19276.3 0 0 0 1006774.5620 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1402184.64 ‐7091.74 0 0 0 1013363.4421 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1407248.38 47823.62 0 0 0 1013363.4421 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1411295.56 59644.02 0 0 0 986509.321 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1415342.75 71464.41 0 0 0 953747.7822 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1433857.63 131293.66 0 0 0 953747.7822 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1439142.18 142615.1 0 0 0 885303.1522 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1444426.72 153936.54 0 0 0 811200.523 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1477423.18 217330.79 0 0 0 811200.523 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1483884.83 228024.18 0 0 0 699914.723 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1490346.47 238717.57 0 0 0 583284.7424 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1538017.69 303851.34 0 0 0 583284.7424 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1546339.26 314789.09 0 0 0 428698.1824 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1554660.83 325726.83 0 0 0 268645.3425 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1616712.97 390349.27 0 0 0 268645.3425 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1627011.63 401245.31 0 0 0 70840.825 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1637310.3 412141.35 0 0 0 ‐132409.1726 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1713172.46 473661.92 0 0 0 ‐132409.1726 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1724574.28 483397.66 0 0 0 ‐371560.326 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1735976.09 493133.41 0 0 0 ‐615576.9827 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1802808.53 ‐191508.97 0 0 0 ‐615576.9827 0.61257 4c_S I C ombination ‐1820840.88 ‐187965.79 0 0 0 ‐499349.2427 1.22514 4c_S I C ombination ‐1838873.23 ‐184422.62 0 0 0 ‐385291.9428 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1786443.18 ‐39892.65 0 0 0 ‐385291.9428 0.49994 4c_S I C ombination ‐1801306.4 ‐37885.01 0 0 0 ‐365849.8728 0.99988 4c_S I C ombination ‐1816169.62 ‐35877.37 0 0 0 ‐347411.4929 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1794594.36 37095.4 0 0 0 ‐347411.4929 0.49994 4c_S I C ombination ‐1808298.13 38201.73 0 0 0 ‐366233.5129 0.99988 4c_S I C ombination ‐1822001.89 39308.06 0 0 0 ‐385608.6230 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1813718.35 119660.97 0 0 0 ‐385608.6230 0.49994 4c_S I C ombination ‐1826212.34 119996.54 0 0 0 ‐445515.830 0.99988 4c_S I C ombination ‐1838706.34 120332.12 0 0 0 ‐505590.7531 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1838437.64 ‐256251.77 0 0 0 505590.7531 0.49976 4c_S I C ombination ‐1850931.63 ‐256251.77 0 0 0 633655.0531 0.99952 4c_S I C ombination ‐1863425.62 ‐256251.77 0 0 0 761719.3532 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1860799.66 ‐434337.79 0 0 0 761719.3532 0.42569 4c_S I C ombination ‐1871441.91 ‐434337.79 0 0 0 946612.632 0.85138 4c_S I C ombination ‐1882084.16 ‐434337.79 0 0 0 1131505.8533 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1879962.28 ‐577061.32 0 0 0 1131505.8533 0.29283 4c_S I C ombination ‐1888015.04 ‐577061.32 0 0 0 1300485.3233 0.58566 4c_S I C ombination ‐1896067.8 ‐577061.32 0 0 0 1469464.7934 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐688931.75 698381.76 0 0 0 911256.2334 0.4393 4c_S I C ombination ‐699914.2 698381.76 0 0 0 604458.5234 0.8786 4c_S I C ombination ‐710896.65 698381.76 0 0 0 297660.82

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-69 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

35 0 4c_S I C ombination 546885.34 57327.96 0 0 0 297660.8235 0.45897 4c_S I C ombination 546885.34 65933.71 0 0 0 269373.9435 0.91795 4c_S I C ombination 546885.34 74539.45 0 0 0 237137.2535 1.37692 4c_S I C ombination 546885.34 83145.19 0 0 0 200950.7636 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1035680.46 159942.54 0 0 0 335379.8436 0.41085 4c_S I C ombination ‐1040864.21 169981.59 0 0 0 267605.0636 0.8217 4c_S I C ombination ‐1046047.95 180020.64 0 0 0 195705.7437 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐959098.3 113075.53 0 0 0 195705.7437 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐964564.32 125688.94 0 0 0 136028.3637 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐970030.34 138302.35 0 0 0 70045.7438 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐891802.24 74662.09 0 0 0 70045.7438 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐896316.22 87646.68 0 0 0 29477.938 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐900830.21 100631.26 0 0 0 ‐17580.7539 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐838984.3 49984.23 0 0 0 ‐17580.7539 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐842521.3 63268.24 0 0 0 ‐45887.3439 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐846058.31 76552.25 0 0 0 ‐80834.4240 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐798235.95 40697.19 0 0 0 ‐80834.4240 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐800776.43 54207.23 0 0 0 ‐104555.0640 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐803316.92 67717.28 0 0 0 ‐135029.1641 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐766781.33 46908.17 0 0 0 ‐135029.1641 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐768311.25 60569.6 0 0 0 ‐161892.4241 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐769841.18 74231.04 0 0 0 ‐195584.8242 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐741762.37 67362.32 0 0 0 ‐195584.8242 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐742273.29 81099.66 0 0 0 ‐232691.7742 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐742784.2 94836.99 0 0 0 ‐276665.843 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐720535.04 99481.76 0 0 0 ‐276665.843 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐720024.12 113219.1 0 0 0 ‐329828.7743 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐719513.21 126956.43 0 0 0 ‐389858.8244 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐696299.36 135413.8 0 0 0 ‐389858.8244 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐694769.43 149075.23 0 0 0 ‐460964.744 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐693239.5 162736.66 0 0 0 ‐538899.7245 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐669169.03 169427.73 0 0 0 ‐538899.7245 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐666628.54 182937.78 0 0 0 ‐626970.8145 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐664088.06 196447.83 0 0 0 ‐721795.3646 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐640650.94 192907.3 0 0 0 ‐721795.3646 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐637113.93 206191.32 0 0 0 ‐821547.0446 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐633576.93 219475.33 0 0 0 ‐927939.1947 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐614075.63 194022.75 0 0 0 ‐927939.1947 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐609561.64 207007.34 0 0 0 ‐1028173.6347 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐605047.66 219991.92 0 0 0 ‐1134898.8548 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐594937.8 157670.11 0 0 0 ‐1134898.8548 0.49988 4c_S I C ombination ‐589471.78 170283.52 0 0 0 ‐1216868.3848 0.99977 4c_S I C ombination ‐584005.76 182896.92 0 0 0 ‐1305143.1549 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐589778.22 76384.36 0 0 0 ‐1305143.1549 0.41085 4c_S I C ombination ‐584594.48 86423.41 0 0 0 ‐1338587.9949 0.8217 4c_S I C ombination ‐579410.74 96462.46 0 0 0 ‐1376157.3850 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐526300.74 ‐519473.85 0 0 0 ‐685924.650 0.45897 4c_S I C ombination ‐526300.74 ‐510868.11 0 0 0 ‐449475.0850 0.91795 4c_S I C ombination ‐526300.74 ‐502262.37 0 0 0 ‐216975.3650 1.37692 4c_S I C ombination ‐526300.74 ‐493656.62 0 0 0 11574.5551 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐75211.73 ‐486074.4 0 0 0 ‐690232.7851 0.81668 4c_S I C ombination ‐66974.89 ‐473165.79 0 0 0 ‐298538.7651 1.63335 4c_S I C ombination ‐58738.05 ‐460257.17 0 0 0 82613.1152 0 4c_S I C ombination ‐1866967.64 ‐272362.61 0 0 0 134429.0852 0.81668 4c_S I C ombination ‐1858730.8 ‐259453.99 0 0 0 351589.8952 1.63335 4c_S I C ombination ‐1850493.96 ‐246545.38 0 0 0 558208.56

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-70 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐513835.87 808230.81 0 0 0 ‐332259.721 0.4393 4d_S I C ombination ‐502853.42 808230.81 0 0 0 ‐687313.91 0.8786 4d_S I C ombination ‐491870.97 808230.81 0 0 0 ‐1042368.072 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1778646.1 ‐690122.74 0 0 0 ‐1651599.142 0.29283 4d_S I C ombination ‐1770593.35 ‐690122.74 0 0 0 ‐1449512.182 0.58566 4d_S I C ombination ‐1762540.59 ‐690122.74 0 0 0 ‐1247425.213 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1764662.47 ‐554725.07 0 0 0 ‐1247425.213 0.42569 4d_S I C ombination ‐1754020.22 ‐554725.07 0 0 0 ‐1011284.33 0.85138 4d_S I C ombination ‐1743377.97 ‐554725.07 0 0 0 ‐775143.384 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1746003.93 ‐386074.78 0 0 0 ‐775143.384 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1733509.94 ‐386074.78 0 0 0 ‐582198.774 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1721015.94 ‐386074.78 0 0 0 ‐389254.165 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1718575.49 ‐219621.86 0 0 0 ‐389254.165 0.49994 4d_S I C ombination ‐1706081.5 ‐219286.28 0 0 0 ‐279540.315 0.99988 4d_S I C ombination ‐1693587.5 ‐218950.71 0 0 0 ‐169994.236 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1701547.55 ‐72140.3 0 0 0 ‐169994.236 0.49994 4d_S I C ombination ‐1687843.79 ‐71033.97 0 0 0 ‐134204.966 0.99988 4d_S I C ombination ‐1674140.03 ‐69927.64 0 0 0 ‐98968.797 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1701503.58 64172.86 0 0 0 ‐98968.797 0.49994 4d_S I C ombination ‐1686640.36 66180.51 0 0 0 ‐131553.227 0.99988 4d_S I C ombination ‐1671777.14 68188.15 0 0 0 ‐165141.358 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1722344.34 200393.23 0 0 0 ‐165141.358 0.61257 4d_S I C ombination ‐1704311.99 203936.4 0 0 0 ‐288981.788 1.22514 4d_S I C ombination ‐1686279.64 207479.57 0 0 0 ‐414992.679 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1648202.95 ‐432821.42 0 0 0 ‐414992.679 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1636801.14 ‐423085.68 0 0 0 ‐201117.649 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1625399.32 ‐413349.93 0 0 0 7891.8310 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1575541.62 ‐355412.32 0 0 0 7891.8310 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1565242.96 ‐344516.28 0 0 0 182790.7810 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1554944.29 ‐333620.25 0 0 0 352244.2911 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1515500.54 ‐278034.3 0 0 0 352244.2911 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1507178.97 ‐267096.56 0 0 0 488462.2111 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1498857.4 ‐256158.82 0 0 0 619213.8512 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1469248.98 ‐203625.57 0 0 0 619213.8512 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1462787.33 ‐192932.18 0 0 0 718306.1512 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1456325.69 ‐182238.79 0 0 0 812054.2913 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1436323.52 ‐132961.08 0 0 0 812054.2913 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1431038.98 ‐121639.64 0 0 0 875674.2113 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1425754.43 ‐110318.2 0 0 0 933636.0914 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1415268.68 ‐64117.22 0 0 0 933636.0914 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1411221.49 ‐52296.83 0 0 0 962725.7714 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1407174.31 ‐40476.43 0 0 0 985908.0515 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1405842.15 3072.33 0 0 0 985908.0515 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1403078.48 15256.89 0 0 0 981327.9315 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1400314.8 27441.45 0 0 0 970658.4216 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1407928.86 68974.23 0 0 0 970658.4216 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1406480.21 81384.02 0 0 0 933086.7316 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1405031.56 93793.81 0 0 0 889313.0917 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1419156.84 125912.26 0 0 0 889313.0917 0.29382 4d_S I C ombination ‐1418926.26 133254.12 0 0 0 851239.0417 0.58764 4d_S I C ombination ‐1418695.68 140595.99 0 0 0 811007.79

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-71 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

18 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1432131.56 164002.66 0 0 0 811007.7918 0.29382 4d_S I C ombination ‐1432362.13 171344.52 0 0 0 761742.0418 0.58764 4d_S I C ombination ‐1432592.71 178686.39 0 0 0 710319.119 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1457282.44 209276.12 0 0 0 710319.119 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1458731.09 221685.9 0 0 0 602629.8219 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1460179.74 234095.69 0 0 0 488738.6120 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1506832.32 270887.4 0 0 0 488738.6120 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1509595.99 283071.96 0 0 0 350314.6220 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1512359.67 295256.52 0 0 0 205801.2521 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1574520.44 327974 0 0 0 205801.2521 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1578567.62 339794.39 0 0 0 38938.5421 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1582614.81 351614.79 0 0 0 ‐133831.5722 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1659688.05 378175.48 0 0 0 ‐133831.5722 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1664972.6 389496.93 0 0 0 ‐325658.4122 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1670257.14 400818.37 0 0 0 ‐523143.2823 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1761017.3 418949.22 0 0 0 ‐523143.2823 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1767478.95 429642.61 0 0 0 ‐735190.3623 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1773940.59 440336 0 0 0 ‐952581.624 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1876531.25 447423.16 0 0 0 ‐952581.624 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐1884852.82 458360.9 0 0 0 ‐1178919.9324 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐1893174.39 469298.64 0 0 0 ‐1410724.5425 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐2004953.53 462651.18 0 0 0 ‐1410724.5425 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐2015252.19 473547.21 0 0 0 ‐1644662.8525 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐2025550.85 484443.25 0 0 0 ‐1884046.5826 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐2142633.53 462314.84 0 0 0 ‐1884046.5826 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐2154035.34 472050.59 0 0 0 ‐2117526.8626 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐2165437.15 481786.33 0 0 0 ‐2355872.727 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐2185227.87 ‐482037.82 0 0 0 ‐2355872.727 0.61257 4d_S I C ombination ‐2203260.22 ‐478494.65 0 0 0 ‐2061675.2227 1.22514 4d_S I C ombination ‐2221292.57 ‐474951.47 0 0 0 ‐1769648.1828 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐2161258.55 ‐429952.07 0 0 0 ‐1769648.1828 0.49994 4d_S I C ombination ‐2176121.77 ‐427944.43 0 0 0 ‐1555199.8328 0.99988 4d_S I C ombination ‐2190984.99 ‐425936.79 0 0 0 ‐1341755.1829 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐2153558.59 ‐442223.83 0 0 0 ‐1341755.1829 0.49994 4d_S I C ombination ‐2167262.35 ‐441117.5 0 0 0 ‐1120946.3929 0.99988 4d_S I C ombination ‐2180966.11 ‐440011.17 0 0 0 ‐900690.6930 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐2148289.42 ‐447252.8 0 0 0 ‐900690.6930 0.49994 4d_S I C ombination ‐2160783.41 ‐446917.22 0 0 0 ‐677175.0530 0.99988 4d_S I C ombination ‐2173277.4 ‐446581.65 0 0 0 ‐453827.1731 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐2157666.95 387995.2 0 0 0 453827.1731 0.49976 4d_S I C ombination ‐2170160.94 387995.2 0 0 0 259922.8231 0.99952 4d_S I C ombination ‐2182654.93 387995.2 0 0 0 66018.4632 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐2180028.97 273381.63 0 0 0 66018.4632 0.42569 4d_S I C ombination ‐2190671.22 273381.63 0 0 0 ‐50357.3632 0.85138 4d_S I C ombination ‐2201313.47 273381.63 0 0 0 ‐166733.1833 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐2199191.59 180270.17 0 0 0 ‐166733.1833 0.29283 4d_S I C ombination ‐2207244.35 180270.17 0 0 0 ‐219521.2633 0.58566 4d_S I C ombination ‐2215297.11 180270.17 0 0 0 ‐272309.3334 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1868476.69 ‐321466.06 0 0 0 ‐304655.7934 0.4393 4d_S I C ombination ‐1879459.14 ‐321466.06 0 0 0 ‐163436.3934 0.8786 4d_S I C ombination ‐1890441.59 ‐321466.06 0 0 0 ‐22217

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-72 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

T AB L E :  E lement Forces  ‐ F ramesF rame S tation OutputC ase C aseT ype P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

35 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐672933.19 566695.14 0 0 0 ‐2221735 0.45897 4d_S I C ombination ‐672933.19 575300.88 0 0 0 ‐284289.6235 0.91795 4d_S I C ombination ‐672933.19 583906.62 0 0 0 ‐550312.0435 1.37692 4d_S I C ombination ‐672933.19 592512.37 0 0 0 ‐820284.2636 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐530835.52 ‐127572.29 0 0 0 ‐1639072.2336 0.41085 4d_S I C ombination ‐536019.26 ‐117533.24 0 0 0 ‐1588721.3536 0.8217 4d_S I C ombination ‐541203 ‐107494.19 0 0 0 ‐1542495.0137 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐543071.89 ‐223884.36 0 0 0 ‐1542495.0137 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐548537.91 ‐211270.95 0 0 0 ‐1433731.2437 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐554003.94 ‐198657.54 0 0 0 ‐1331272.7238 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐573336.55 ‐264035.57 0 0 0 ‐1331272.7238 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐577850.54 ‐251050.99 0 0 0 ‐1202530.7438 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐582364.52 ‐238066.41 0 0 0 ‐1080279.5539 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐610899.43 ‐262103.01 0 0 0 ‐1080279.5539 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐614436.44 ‐248819 0 0 0 ‐952578.4739 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐617973.44 ‐235534.98 0 0 0 ‐831517.8640 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐649663.13 ‐235867.84 0 0 0 ‐831517.8640 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐652203.61 ‐222357.79 0 0 0 ‐716987.8440 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐654744.1 ‐208847.75 0 0 0 ‐609211.2841 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐686093.6 ‐199091.02 0 0 0 ‐609211.2841 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐687623.52 ‐185429.59 0 0 0 ‐513103.2741 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐689153.45 ‐171768.16 0 0 0 ‐423824.442 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐718784.89 ‐161581.64 0 0 0 ‐423824.442 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐719295.8 ‐147844.3 0 0 0 ‐346485.7342 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐719806.72 ‐134106.97 0 0 0 ‐276014.1543 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐747911.47 ‐129564.89 0 0 0 ‐276014.1543 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐747400.56 ‐115827.55 0 0 0 ‐214680.1743 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐746889.64 ‐102090.22 0 0 0 ‐160213.2744 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐781446.72 ‐110901.7 0 0 0 ‐160213.2744 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐779916.79 ‐97240.26 0 0 0 ‐108189.7744 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐778386.86 ‐83578.83 0 0 0 ‐62995.4145 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐822323.17 ‐107641.77 0 0 0 ‐62995.4145 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐819782.68 ‐94131.73 0 0 0 ‐12563.6545 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐817242.19 ‐80621.68 0 0 0 31114.6446 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐873493.63 ‐119806.95 0 0 0 31114.6446 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐869956.62 ‐106522.93 0 0 0 87684.0846 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐866419.61 ‐93238.92 0 0 0 137613.0447 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐937516.74 ‐145310.14 0 0 0 137613.0447 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐933002.75 ‐132325.56 0 0 0 207005.9847 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐928488.77 ‐119340.97 0 0 0 269908.1248 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1016176.23 ‐179761.03 0 0 0 269908.1248 0.49988 4d_S I C ombination ‐1010710.21 ‐167147.62 0 0 0 356615.3148 0.99977 4d_S I C ombination ‐1005244.19 ‐154534.22 0 0 0 437017.2549 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐1100040.37 ‐211237.14 0 0 0 437017.2549 0.41085 4d_S I C ombination ‐1094856.63 ‐201198.09 0 0 0 521741.8949 0.8217 4d_S I C ombination ‐1089672.88 ‐191159.04 0 0 0 602341.9950 0 4d_S I C ombination 694134.7 ‐9279.24 0 0 0 337257.0850 0.45897 4d_S I C ombination 694134.7 ‐673.5 0 0 0 339541.150 0.91795 4d_S I C ombination 694134.7 7932.25 0 0 0 337875.3150 1.37692 4d_S I C ombination 694134.7 16537.99 0 0 0 332259.7251 0 4d_S I C ombination ‐2091427.63 ‐223608.05 0 0 0 265084.9151 0.81668 4d_S I C ombination ‐2083190.8 ‐210699.43 0 0 0 442429.0751 1.63335 4d_S I C ombination ‐2074953.96 ‐197790.82 0 0 0 609231.0852 0 4d_S I C ombination 142441.44 ‐534005.63 0 0 0 ‐818787.9852 0.81668 4d_S I C ombination 150678.27 ‐521097.02 0 0 0 ‐387949.6952 1.63335 4d_S I C ombination 158915.11 ‐508188.41 0 0 0 32346.46

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-73 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1


Si riportano di seguito le verifiche effettuate nelle sezioni maggiormente sollecitate (SLU e


L’armatura di riferimento è indicata in Tabella 4-1.

Spessorecm intradosso estradosso intradosso estradosso

Arco rovescio 110 φ26/15+φ26/30 φ26/15 φ16/15 φ12/15 φ16/30/45 φ16/75/75Piedritti 100 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ16/15 φ16/15 φ16/30/45Calotta 100 φ26/15+φ26/30 φ26/15+φ26/30 φ16/15 φ16/15 φ16/30/45

CavallottiElemento strutturale

Armatura di forza Ripartitori Spilli

Tabella 4-1 Galleria artificiale – Armatura


Per ognuna delle verifiche vengono individuate, per ogni condizione di carico, le condizioni

maggiormente gravose, in base alle quali vengono successivamente effettuate le verifiche.

In Tabella 4-2 e in Tabella 4-3 sono riportati i valori di riferimento per le verifiche strutturali

rispettivamente allo SLU e allo SLE.

I risultati delle verifiche allo SLU sono riportate in Figura 4-1 (dominio di interazione M-N) e

in Tabella 4-4 (verifiche a taglio), i risultati delle verifiche allo SLE (limitazione delle

tensioni e apertura delle fessure) sono invece sintetizzati in Tabella 4-5.

Tutte le verifiche risultano soddisfatte.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-74 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLU PRESSOFLESS1 36 0.00 1_ST_PP 4.25 -267.01 -16.942 36 0.41 1_ST_PP 11.24 -262.83 -3.393 36 0.41 2a_ST_ka 464.01 -1537.03 29.564 36 0.82 2a_ST_ka 471.00 -1551.96 43.125 37 0.00 2a_ST_ka 435.35 -1551.96 -142.586 36 0.41 2b_ST_kaQ 470.47 -1600.22 29.687 36 0.82 2b_ST_kaQ 477.47 -1615.20 43.248 37 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 441.68 -1615.20 -148.399 36 0.41 3a_ST_k0 851.66 -1242.80 37.01

10 36 0.82 3a_ST_k0 858.65 -1260.79 50.5611 37 0.00 3a_ST_k0 807.94 -1260.79 -108.4512 36 0.41 3b_ST_k0Q 866.93 -1300.58 37.1613 36 0.82 3b_ST_k0Q 873.92 -1318.64 50.7114 37 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 822.80 -1318.64 -113.6615 48 1.00 4a_SI 560.97 -1725.92 233.0216 49 0.00 4a_SI 560.66 -1725.92 93.6617 49 0.41 4a_SI 555.48 -1766.46 103.7018 49 0.82 4a_SI 550.30 -1811.13 113.7419 36 0.00 4b_SI 506.28 -2054.19 -138.7920 36 0.41 4b_SI 511.46 -1999.23 -128.7521 36 0.82 4b_SI 516.64 -1948.40 -118.7122 37 0.00 4b_SI 522.74 -1948.40 -269.0023 49 0.00 4c_SI 589.78 -1305.14 76.3824 49 0.41 4c_SI 584.59 -1338.59 86.4225 49 0.82 4c_SI 579.41 -1376.16 96.4626 36 0.00 4d_SI 530.84 -1639.07 -127.5727 36 0.41 4d_SI 536.02 -1588.72 -117.5328 36 0.82 4d_SI 541.20 -1542.50 -107.49

SLU TAGLIO1 46 1.00 1_ST_PP 12.39 -196.61 59.242 39 0.00 2a_ST_ka 455.88 -1218.71 -242.163 22 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ 1867.32 352.16 720.004 39 0.00 3a_ST_k0 794.99 -1007.97 -196.095 39 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 811.10 -1052.65 -204.496 47 1.00 4a_SI 592.88 -1505.56 285.257 38 0.00 4b_SI 562.08 -1692.07 -325.508 47 1.00 4c_SI 605.05 -1134.90 219.999 38 0.00 4d_SI 573.34 -1331.27 -264.04

Tabella 4-2 Galleria artificiale, arco rovescio - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLU

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLE1 36 0.00 1_ST_PP 3.15 -197.78 -12.552 36 0.41 1_ST_PP 8.33 -194.69 -2.513 36 0.41 2a_ST_ka 343.71 -1138.54 21.904 36 0.82 2a_ST_ka 348.89 -1149.60 31.945 37 0.00 2a_ST_ka 322.48 -1149.60 -105.626 36 0.41 2b_ST_kaQ 348.50 -1185.35 21.997 36 0.82 2b_ST_kaQ 353.68 -1196.44 32.038 37 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 327.17 -1196.44 -109.929 36 0.41 3a_ST_k0 630.86 -920.59 27.42

10 36 0.82 3a_ST_k0 636.04 -933.92 37.4611 37 0.00 3a_ST_k0 598.48 -933.92 -80.3312 36 0.41 3b_ST_k0Q 642.17 -963.40 27.5213 36 0.82 3b_ST_k0Q 647.35 -976.77 37.5614 37 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 609.48 -976.77 -84.19

Tabella 4-3 Galleria artificiale, arco rovescio - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-75 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

Figura 4-1 Galleria artificiale, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-12.4 -196.6 59.2 59.2 477.0 5135.8 1016.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-455.9 -1218.7 -242.2 242.2 539.3 5135.8 1078.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -464.1 -1267.3 -251.4 251.4 540.4 5135.8 1080.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -795.0 -1008.0 -196.1 196.1 586.9 5135.8 1126.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -811.1 -1052.7 -204.5 204.5 589.1 5135.8 1128.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -592.9 -1505.6 285.3 285.3 558.5 5135.8 1098.2 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -562.1 -1692.1 -325.5 325.5 554.2 5135.8 1093.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -605.0 -1134.9 220.0 220.0 560.2 5135.8 1099.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -573.3 -1331.3 -264.0 264.0 555.7 5135.8 1095.4 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 4-4 Galleria artificiale, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-76 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.200

-3.1 -197.8 -12.6 - -1.14 Verif. 29.98 41.8 Verif. 0.011 0.018 Verif.-8.3 -194.7 -2.5 - -1.13 Verif. 30.30 40.7 Verif. 0.011 0.018 Verif.

-343.7 -1138.5 21.9 - -6.84 Verif. 33.54 212.5 Verif. 0.107 0.181 Verif.-348.9 -1149.6 31.9 - -6.91 Verif. 33.56 214.4 Verif. 0.108 0.184 Verif.-322.5 -1149.6 -105.6 - -6.89 Verif. 33.26 216.6 Verif. 0.110 0.187 Verif.-348.5 -1185.3 22.0 - -7.11 Verif. 33.43 222 Verif. 0.114 0.194 Verif.-353.7 -1196.4 32.0 - -7.18 Verif. 33.45 223.9 Verif. 0.115 0.196 Verif.-327.2 -1196.4 -109.9 - -7.16 Verif. 33.17 226.2 Verif. 0.118 0.200 Verif.-630.9 -920.6 27.4 - -5.73 Verif. 38.75 142.6 Verif. 0.039 0.067 Verif.-636.0 -933.9 37.5 - -5.82 Verif. 38.69 144.9 Verif. 0.041 0.071 Verif.-598.5 -933.9 -80.3 - -5.80 Verif. 38.12 148 Verif. 0.045 0.077 Verif.-642.2 -963.4 27.5 - -5.99 Verif. 38.48 150.6 Verif. 0.047 0.080 Verif.-647.4 -976.8 37.6 - -6.07 Verif. 38.43 153 Verif. 0.049 0.084 Verif.-609.5 -976.8 -84.2 - -6.05 Verif. 37.88 156.1 Verif. 0.053 0.090 Verif.

Tabella 4-5 Galleria artificiale, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLE


Per ognuna delle verifiche vengono individuate, per ogni condizione di carico, le condizioni

maggiormente gravose, in base alle quali vengono successivamente effettuate le verifiche.

In Tabella 4-6 e in Tabella 4-7 sono riportati i valori di riferimento per le verifiche strutturali

rispettivamente allo SLU e allo SLE.

I risultati delle verifiche allo SLU sono riportate in Figura 4-2 (dominio di interazione M-N) e

in Tabella 4-8 (verifiche a taglio), i risultati delle verifiche allo SLE (limitazione delle

tensioni e apertura delle fessure) sono invece sintetizzati in Tabella 4-9.

Tutte le verifiche risultano soddisfatte.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-77 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLU PRESSOFLESS1 6 1.00 1_ST_PP 401.14 -401.42 39.192 6 1.00 2a_ST_ka 2830.44 -2185.16 363.813 29 0.00 2a_ST_ka 3021.05 -2510.58 -422.814 29 0.50 2a_ST_ka 3039.55 -2299.58 -421.315 6 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ 2930.22 -2274.48 377.146 29 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 3125.23 -2613.44 -442.007 29 0.50 2b_ST_kaQ 3143.73 -2392.84 -440.518 6 1.00 3a_ST_k0 2833.95 -1551.34 321.639 29 0.00 3a_ST_k0 3009.05 -1879.75 -359.94

10 29 0.50 3a_ST_k0 3027.55 -1700.17 -358.4511 6 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q 2933.23 -1621.47 332.4512 29 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 3113.41 -1966.48 -377.6013 29 0.50 3b_ST_k0Q 3131.91 -1778.07 -376.1014 6 1.00 4a_SI 2545.03 -1701.99 529.3315 7 0.00 4a_SI 2587.34 -1701.99 546.3816 33 0.29 4a_SI 2384.85 1545.74 -540.8617 33 0.59 4a_SI 2392.90 1704.12 -540.8618 2 0.00 4b_SI 2256.32 -1846.11 -639.0319 2 0.29 4b_SI 2248.27 -1658.99 -639.0320 29 0.00 4b_SI 2684.05 -1949.30 -554.0921 29 0.50 4b_SI 2697.76 -1672.57 -552.9822 6 0.50 4c_SI 2046.87 -897.72 409.1123 6 1.00 4c_SI 2033.17 -1102.53 410.2224 33 0.29 4c_SI 1888.02 1300.49 -577.0625 33 0.59 4c_SI 1896.07 1469.46 -577.0626 2 0.00 4d_SI 1778.65 -1651.60 -690.1227 2 0.29 4d_SI 1770.59 -1449.51 -690.1228 29 0.00 4d_SI 2153.56 -1341.76 -442.2229 29 0.50 4d_SI 2167.26 -1120.95 -441.12

SLU TAGLIO1 2 0.00 1_ST_PP 551.76 -130.71 71.342 31 0.00 2a_ST_ka 3048.09 1596.94 477.883 31 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 3150.39 1658.06 500.994 30 0.00 3a_ST_k0 3018.32 -1521.34 -364.395 30 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 3121.48 -1590.42 -383.846 33 0.59 4a_SI 2392.90 1704.12 -540.867 2 0.00 4b_SI 2256.32 -1846.11 -639.038 33 0.59 4c_SI 1896.07 1469.46 -577.069 2 0.00 4d_SI 1778.65 -1651.60 -690.12

Tabella 4-6 Galleria artificiale, piedritti - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLU

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLE1 6 1.00 1_ST_PP 297.14 -297.35 29.032 6 1.00 2a_ST_ka 2096.62 -1618.64 269.493 29 0.00 2a_ST_ka 2237.81 -1859.69 -313.194 29 0.50 2a_ST_ka 2251.52 -1703.39 -312.085 6 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ 2170.53 -1684.80 279.376 29 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 2314.98 -1935.88 -327.417 29 0.50 2b_ST_kaQ 2328.69 -1772.48 -326.308 6 1.00 3a_ST_k0 2099.22 -1149.14 238.249 29 0.00 3a_ST_k0 2228.93 -1392.41 -266.62

10 29 0.50 3a_ST_k0 2242.63 -1259.39 -265.5211 6 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q 2172.76 -1201.09 246.2612 29 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 2306.23 -1456.65 -279.7013 29 0.50 3b_ST_k0Q 2319.93 -1317.09 -278.59

Tabella 4-7 Galleria artificiale, piedritti - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-78 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

Figura 4-2 Galleria artificiale, piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-551.8 -130.7 71.3 71.3 510.8 4637.1 998.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -3048.1 1596.9 477.9 477.9 859.0 4637.1 1346.3 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -3150.4 1658.1 501.0 501.0 873.3 4637.1 1360.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -3018.3 -1521.3 -364.4 364.4 854.9 4637.1 1342.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -3121.5 -1590.4 -383.8 383.8 869.3 4637.1 1356.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -2392.9 1704.1 -540.9 540.9 767.6 4637.1 1254.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -2256.3 -1846.1 -639.0 639.0 748.6 4637.1 1235.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1896.1 1469.5 -577.1 577.1 698.3 4637.1 1185.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1778.6 -1651.6 -690.1 690.1 681.9 4637.1 1169.2 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.

Tabella 4-8 Galleria artificiale, piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio

VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.232

-297.1 -297.4 -29.0 - -2.18 Verif. 37.26 48.9 Verif. 0.013 0.023 Verif.-2096.6 -1618.6 269.5 - -12.02 Verif. 41.17 226.9 Verif. 0.086 0.146 Verif.-2237.8 -1859.7 -313.2 - -13.76 Verif. 39.92 274.5 Verif. 0.127 0.216 Verif.-2251.5 -1703.4 -312.1 - -12.66 Verif. 41.54 235.2 Verif. 0.090 0.153 Verif.-2170.5 -1684.8 279.4 - -12.51 Verif. 41.07 237.1 Verif. 0.094 0.159 Verif.-2315.0 -1935.9 -327.4 - -14.32 Verif. 39.82 286.9 Verif. 0.136 0.232 Verif.-2328.7 -1772.5 -326.3 - -13.17 Verif. 41.43 245.9 Verif. 0.098 0.167 Verif.-2099.2 -1149.1 238.2 - -8.65 Verif. 49.09 116 Verif. 0.031 0.053 Verif.-2228.9 -1392.4 -266.6 - -10.43 Verif. 45.58 162.7 Verif. 0.044 0.075 Verif.-2242.6 -1259.4 -265.5 - -9.47 Verif. 48.36 131.1 Verif. 0.035 0.060 Verif.-2172.8 -1201.1 246.3 - -9.04 Verif. 48.81 122.7 Verif. 0.033 0.056 Verif.-2306.2 -1456.6 -279.7 - -10.90 Verif. 45.32 172 Verif. 0.047 0.080 Verif.-2319.9 -1317.1 -278.6 - -9.90 Verif. 48.06 138.8 Verif. 0.038 0.064 Verif.

Tabella 4-9 Galleria artificiale, piedritti - verifica allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-79 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1


Per ognuna delle verifiche vengono individuate, per ogni condizione di carico, le condizioni

maggiormente gravose, in base alle quali vengono successivamente effettuate le verifiche.

In Tabella 4-10 e in Tabella 4-11 sono riportati i valori di riferimento per le verifiche

strutturali rispettivamente allo SLU e allo SLE.

I risultati delle verifiche allo SLU sono riportate in Figura 4-3 (dominio di interazione M-N) e

in Tabella 4-12 (verifiche a taglio), i risultati delle verifiche allo SLE (limitazione delle

tensioni e apertura delle fessure) sono invece sintetizzati in Tabella 4-13.

Tutte le verifiche risultano soddisfatte.

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLU PRESSOFLESS1 17 0.59 1_ST_PP 71.30 319.20 2.242 17 0.59 2a_ST_ka 1433.09 2120.87 -49.983 18 0.00 2a_ST_ka 1432.66 2120.87 34.554 18 0.29 2a_ST_ka 1432.98 2109.26 44.465 17 0.59 2b_ST_kaQ 1485.04 2209.86 -50.366 18 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 1484.76 2209.86 38.847 18 0.29 2b_ST_kaQ 1485.07 2196.99 48.758 17 0.59 3a_ST_k0 1791.70 1680.81 -45.629 18 0.00 3a_ST_k0 1790.78 1680.81 16.40

10 18 0.29 3a_ST_k0 1791.09 1674.54 26.3111 17 0.29 3a_ST_k0 1792.01 1665.95 -55.5312 17 0.59 3b_ST_k0Q 1855.48 1756.53 -45.3313 18 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 1854.71 1756.53 20.6114 18 0.29 3b_ST_k0Q 1855.02 1749.02 30.5315 19 1.00 4a_SI 1565.26 1444.05 -68.0216 20 0.00 4a_SI 1569.09 1444.05 19.4917 12 0.00 4a_SI 2043.42 -1138.50 -585.2718 15 1.00 4b_SI 1570.34 1404.03 -36.4919 16 0.00 4b_SI 1565.56 1404.03 41.7120 23 1.00 4b_SI 2063.10 -1127.80 620.7221 20 1.00 4c_SI 1402.18 1013.36 -7.0922 21 0.00 4c_SI 1407.25 1013.36 47.8223 12 0.00 4c_SI 1749.14 -917.92 -407.4824 14 1.00 4d_SI 1407.17 985.91 -40.4825 15 0.00 4d_SI 1405.84 985.91 3.0726 23 1.00 4d_SI 1773.94 -952.58 440.34

SLU TAGLIO1 12 0.00 1_ST_PP 158.55 -46.46 -124.442 23 1.00 2a_ST_ka 1995.82 -451.26 814.173 23 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ 2070.24 -480.74 847.744 23 1.00 3a_ST_k0 2233.89 -346.63 662.265 23 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q 2316.04 -374.63 691.506 12 0.00 4a_SI 2043.42 -1138.50 -585.277 23 1.00 4b_SI 2063.10 -1127.80 620.728 12 0.00 4c_SI 1749.14 -917.92 -407.489 23 1.00 4d_SI 1773.94 -952.58 440.34

Tabella 4-10 Galleria artificiale, calotta - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLU


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-80 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLE1 17 0.59 1_ST_PP 52.82 236.45 1.662 17 0.59 2a_ST_ka 1061.55 1571.01 -37.023 18 0.00 2a_ST_ka 1061.23 1571.01 25.594 18 0.29 2a_ST_ka 1061.46 1562.42 32.935 17 0.59 2b_ST_kaQ 1100.03 1636.93 -37.306 18 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 1099.82 1636.93 28.777 18 0.29 2b_ST_kaQ 1100.05 1627.40 36.118 17 0.59 3a_ST_k0 1327.19 1245.05 -33.799 18 0.00 3a_ST_k0 1326.50 1245.05 12.15

10 18 0.29 3a_ST_k0 1326.73 1240.40 19.4911 17 0.29 3a_ST_k0 1327.42 1234.04 -41.1312 17 0.59 3b_ST_k0Q 1374.43 1301.14 -33.5713 18 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 1373.86 1301.14 15.2714 18 0.29 3b_ST_k0Q 1374.09 1295.57 22.61

Tabella 4-11 Galleria artificiale, calotta - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLE

Figura 4-3 Galleria artificiale, calotta - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-158.5 -46.5 -124.4 124.4 455.9 4637.1 943.2 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-1995.8 -451.3 814.2 814.2 712.2 4637.1 1199.5 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.

-2070.2 -480.7 847.7 847.7 722.6 4637.1 1209.9 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-2233.9 -346.6 662.3 662.3 745.4 4637.1 1232.7 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -2316.0 -374.6 691.5 691.5 756.9 4637.1 1244.2 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -2043.4 -1138.5 -585.3 585.3 718.9 4637.1 1206.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -2063.1 -1127.8 620.7 620.7 721.6 4637.1 1208.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1749.1 -917.9 -407.5 407.5 677.8 4637.1 1165.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1773.9 -952.6 440.3 440.3 681.3 4637.1 1168.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 4-12 Galleria artificiale, calotta - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A1-81 / A1-81

TUN 050 Allegato 1

VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.278

-52.8 236.4 -1.7 -1.59 - Verif. 29.25 51.8 Verif. 0.013 0.023 Verif.-1061.6 1571.0 -37.0 -10.98 - Verif. 34.14 283.9 Verif. 0.155 0.263 Verif.-1061.2 1571.0 25.6 -10.98 - Verif. 34.14 283.9 Verif. 0.155 0.263 Verif.-1061.5 1562.4 32.9 -10.92 - Verif. 34.18 281.9 Verif. 0.153 0.261 Verif.-1100.0 1636.9 -37.3 -11.44 - Verif. 34.10 296.3 Verif. 0.164 0.278 Verif.-1099.8 1636.9 28.8 -11.44 - Verif. 34.10 296.3 Verif. 0.164 0.278 Verif.-1100.1 1627.4 36.1 -11.37 - Verif. 34.14 294 Verif. 0.162 0.275 Verif.-1327.2 1245.0 -33.8 -8.91 - Verif. 38.89 185.8 Verif. 0.071 0.121 Verif.-1326.5 1245.0 12.1 -8.91 - Verif. 38.89 185.9 Verif. 0.071 0.121 Verif.-1326.7 1240.4 19.5 -8.88 - Verif. 38.94 184.8 Verif. 0.070 0.119 Verif.-1327.0 1233.6 26.8 -8.83 - Verif. 39.02 183.2 Verif. 0.069 0.117 Verif.-1374.4 1301.1 -33.6 -9.31 - Verif. 38.77 195.2 Verif. 0.078 0.133 Verif.-1373.9 1301.1 15.3 -9.31 - Verif. 38.76 195.2 Verif. 0.078 0.133 Verif.-1374.1 1295.6 22.6 -9.27 - Verif. 38.82 193.9 Verif. 0.077 0.131 Verif.

Tabella 4-13 Galleria artificiale, calotta - verifica allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-1 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2







Carreggiata Nord in variante

Gallerie artificiali di imbocco

Relazione tecnica e di calcolo dei rivestimenti

Allegato 2 – Analisi numerica portale, sezione 1: risultati e verifiche


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-2 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2


1.  INTRODUZIONE ................................................................................................................................................... 4 

2.  GEOMETRIA E CARICHI ................................................................................................................................... 5 

2.1.  GEOMETRIA DEL MODELLO .............................................................................................................................. 5 

2.2.  CARATTERISTICHE DEGLI ELEMENTI STRUTTURALI .......................................................................................... 8 

2.3.  VINCOLI ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 

2.3.1.  Vincoli a terra ........................................................................................................................................... 11 

2.3.2.  Vincoli elastici .......................................................................................................................................... 12 

2.4.  CARICHI AGENTI ............................................................................................................................................. 17 

2.4.3.  Combinazioni di carico ............................................................................................................................. 17 

2.4.4.  Carichi nodali ........................................................................................................................................... 18 

3.  RISULTATI DELLE ANALISI ........................................................................................................................... 26 

3.1.  SPOSTAMENTI NODALI .................................................................................................................................... 26 

3.2.  DIAGRAMMI SOLLECITAZIONI NEGLI ELEMENTI STRUTTURALI ....................................................................... 37 

3.2.5.  Combinazione 1_ST_PP ........................................................................................................................... 37 

3.2.6.  Combinazione 2a_ST_ka .......................................................................................................................... 38 

3.2.7.  Combinazione 2b_ST_kaQ ........................................................................................................................ 39 

3.2.8.  Combinazione 3a_ST_k0 .......................................................................................................................... 40 

3.2.9.  Combinazione 3b_ST_k0Q ........................................................................................................................ 41 

3.2.10.  Combinazione 4a_SI ................................................................................................................................. 42 

3.2.11.  Combinazione 4b_SI ................................................................................................................................. 43 

3.2.12.  Combinazione 4c_SI ................................................................................................................................. 44 

3.2.13.  Combinazione 4d_SI ................................................................................................................................. 45 

3.3.  TABELLE RISULTATI ANALISI .......................................................................................................................... 46 


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-3 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

4.  PRINCIPALI VERIFICHE STRUTTURALI .................................................................................................... 73 

4.1.  ARCO ROVESCIO ............................................................................................................................................. 73 

4.2.  PIEDRITTI ....................................................................................................................................................... 76 

4.3.  CALOTTA ........................................................................................................................................................ 79 


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-4 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2


Il presente allegato ha per oggetto il dimensionamento del tratto di portale a “becco di

flauto” con sezione chiusa (sezione di calcolo 1). La modellazione (eseguita con il codice

di calcolo Sap) è stata eseguita per un tratto di struttura di profondità pari a 1m e tiene

conto delle reali geometrie della struttura, nonché delle caratteristiche del terreno di

ritombamento e degli ammassi interessati dallo scavo.

Le analisi numeriche vengono condotte con riferimento alla configurazione più gravosa fra

quelle previste per la geometria in esame, ovvero per l’imbocco lato Roma della Galleria


Nei paragrafi che seguono vengono riportate le caratteristiche del modello numerico

utilizzato (geometria, vincoli, carichi), i risultati delle analisi numeriche condotte per le

condizioni di carico di riferimento, le verifiche strutturali nelle sezioni maggiormente



Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-5 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2



La struttura viene schematizzata con 50 aste e 48 nodi, vincolati in arco rovescio e sotto il

piano di imposta delle murette con molle (sia in direzione normale che tangenziale) ed

elementi Gap (molle non lineari, che non resistono a trazione) in corrispondenza dei nodi

di piedritto e calotta a contatto con il terreno. Gli elementi Gap sono vincolati con nodi

ausiliari (complessivamente sono presenti 81 nodi). La geometria del modello

rappresentata in Figura 2-1; coordinate nodali, incidenza aste ed elementi “gap” sono

riportate rispettivamente in Tabella 2-1, Tabella 2-2 e Tabella 2-3.

Figura 2-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Geometria modello


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-6 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  J oint C oordinatesJ oint C oordS ys C oordT ype XorR Y Z S pec ialJ t G lobalX G lobalY G lobalZText Text Text m m m Yes /No m m m

1 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.86 0 ‐1.95515 Yes 7.86 0 ‐1.955152 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.86 0 ‐1.11274 Yes 7.86 0 ‐1.112743 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.86 0 ‐0.4909 Yes 7.86 0 ‐0.49094 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.86 0 0.43455 Yes 7.86 0 0.434555 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.86 0 1.36 Yes 7.86 0 1.366 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.74495 0 2.69988 Yes 7.74495 0 2.699887 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.51235 0 3.67176 Yes 7.51235 0 3.671768 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.15831 0 4.60627 Yes 7.15831 0 4.606279 GLOBAL C artes ian 6.68855 0 5.4883 Yes 6.68855 0 5.488310 GLOBAL C artes ian 6.11068 0 6.3036 Yes 6.11068 0 6.303611 GLOBAL C artes ian 5.43403 0 7.03899 Yes 5.43403 0 7.0389912 GLOBAL C artes ian 4.66954 0 7.68258 Yes 4.66954 0 7.6825813 GLOBAL C artes ian 3.82957 0 8.22397 Yes 3.82957 0 8.2239714 GLOBAL C artes ian 2.92769 0 8.6544 Yes 2.92769 0 8.654415 GLOBAL C artes ian 1.97849 0 8.96692 Yes 1.97849 0 8.9669216 GLOBAL C artes ian 0.9973 0 9.15647 Yes 0.9973 0 9.1564717 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐5E ‐16 0 9.22 Yes ‐5E ‐16 0 9.2218 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐0.9973 0 9.15647 Yes ‐0.9973 0 9.1564719 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐1.97849 0 8.96692 Yes ‐1.97849 0 8.9669220 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐2.92769 0 8.6544 Yes ‐2.92769 0 8.654421 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐3.82957 0 8.22397 Yes ‐3.82957 0 8.2239722 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐4.66954 0 7.68258 Yes ‐4.66954 0 7.6825823 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐5.43403 0 7.03899 Yes ‐5.43403 0 7.0389924 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐6.11068 0 6.3036 Yes ‐6.11068 0 6.303625 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐6.68855 0 5.4883 Yes ‐6.68855 0 5.488326 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.15831 0 4.60627 Yes ‐7.15831 0 4.6062727 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.51235 0 3.67176 Yes ‐7.51235 0 3.6717628 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.74495 0 2.69988 Yes ‐7.74495 0 2.6998829 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.86 0 1.36 Yes ‐7.86 0 1.3630 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.86 0 0.43455 Yes ‐7.86 0 0.4345531 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.86 0 ‐0.4909 Yes ‐7.86 0 ‐0.490932 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.86 0 ‐1.11274 Yes ‐7.86 0 ‐1.1127433 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.86 0 ‐1.95515 Yes ‐7.86 0 ‐1.9551534 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐6.53308 0 ‐1.95515 No ‐6.53308 0 ‐1.9551535 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐5.80297 0 ‐2.33215 No ‐5.80297 0 ‐2.3321536 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐4.88563 0 ‐2.72968 No ‐4.88563 0 ‐2.7296837 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐3.9413 0 ‐3.05797 No ‐3.9413 0 ‐3.0579738 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐2.97519 0 ‐3.31521 No ‐2.97519 0 ‐3.3152139 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐1.99264 0 ‐3.49997 No ‐1.99264 0 ‐3.4999740 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐0.99908 0 ‐3.61124 No ‐0.99908 0 ‐3.6112441 GLOBAL C artes ian 0 0 ‐3.64839 No 0 0 ‐3.6483942 GLOBAL C artes ian 0.99908 0 ‐3.61124 No 0.99908 0 ‐3.6112443 GLOBAL C artes ian 1.99264 0 ‐3.49997 No 1.99264 0 ‐3.4999744 GLOBAL C artes ian 2.97519 0 ‐3.31521 No 2.97519 0 ‐3.3152145 GLOBAL C artes ian 3.9413 0 ‐3.05797 No 3.9413 0 ‐3.0579746 GLOBAL C artes ian 4.88563 0 ‐2.72968 No 4.88563 0 ‐2.7296847 GLOBAL C artes ian 5.80297 0 ‐2.33215 No 5.80297 0 ‐2.3321548 GLOBAL C artes ian 6.53308 0 ‐1.95515 No 6.53308 0 ‐1.9551549 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.86 0 ‐1.95515 Yes 8.86 0 ‐1.9551550 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.86 0 ‐1.11274 Yes 8.86 0 ‐1.1127451 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.86 0 ‐0.4909 Yes 8.86 0 ‐0.490952 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.86 0 0.43455 Yes 8.86 0 0.4345553 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.86 0 1.36 Yes 8.86 0 1.3654 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.73489 0 2.85993 Yes 8.73489 0 2.8599355 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.47005 0 3.96647 Yes 8.47005 0 3.9664756 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.07088 0 5.02012 Yes 8.07088 0 5.0201257 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.54124 0 6.0146 Yes 7.54124 0 6.014658 GLOBAL C artes ian 6.88969 0 6.93384 Yes 6.88969 0 6.9338459 GLOBAL C artes ian 6.12678 0 7.76297 Yes 6.12678 0 7.7629760 GLOBAL C artes ian 5.26483 0 8.48861 Yes 5.26483 0 8.4886161 GLOBAL C artes ian 4.31777 0 9.09901 Yes 4.31777 0 9.0990162 GLOBAL C artes ian 3.30092 0 9.58432 Yes 3.30092 0 9.5843263 GLOBAL C artes ian 2.23071 0 9.93668 Yes 2.23071 0 9.9366864 GLOBAL C artes ian 1.12445 0 10.1504 Yes 1.12445 0 10.150465 GLOBAL C artes ian 0 0 10.22203 Yes 0 0 10.2220366 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐1.12445 0 10.1504 Yes ‐1.12445 0 10.150467 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐2.23071 0 9.93668 Yes ‐2.23071 0 9.9366868 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐3.30092 0 9.58432 Yes ‐3.30092 0 9.5843269 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐4.31777 0 9.09901 Yes ‐4.31777 0 9.0990170 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐5.26483 0 8.48861 Yes ‐5.26483 0 8.4886171 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐6.12678 0 7.76297 Yes ‐6.12678 0 7.7629772 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐6.88969 0 6.93384 Yes ‐6.88969 0 6.9338473 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.54124 0 6.0146 Yes ‐7.54124 0 6.014674 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.07088 0 5.02012 Yes ‐8.07088 0 5.0201275 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.47005 0 3.96647 Yes ‐8.47005 0 3.9664776 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.73489 0 2.85993 Yes ‐8.73489 0 2.8599377 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.86 0 1.40285 Yes ‐8.86 0 1.4028578 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.86 0 0.43455 Yes ‐8.86 0 0.4345579 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.86 0 ‐0.4909 Yes ‐8.86 0 ‐0.490980 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.86 0 ‐1.11274 Yes ‐8.86 0 ‐1.1127481 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.86 0 ‐1.95515 Yes ‐8.86 0 ‐1.95515

Tabella 2-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Coordinate nodi


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-7 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  C onnectiv ity ‐ F rameF rame J ointI J ointJ Is C urved L eng th C entroidX C entroidY C entroidZ GUIDText Text Text Yes /No m m m m Text

1 1 2 No 0.84241 7.86 0 ‐1.533942 2 3 No 0.62184 7.86 0 ‐0.801823 3 4 No 0.92545 7.86 0 ‐0.028174 4 5 No 0.92545 7.86 0 0.897285 5 6 No 1.34481 7.80248 0 2.029946 6 7 No 0.99933 7.62865 0 3.185827 7 8 No 0.99933 7.33533 0 4.139028 8 9 No 0.99933 6.92343 0 5.047299 9 10 No 0.99933 6.39961 0 5.8959510 10 11 No 0.99933 5.77235 0 6.671311 11 12 No 0.99933 5.05178 0 7.3607912 12 13 No 0.99933 4.24955 0 7.9532713 13 14 No 0.99933 3.37863 0 8.4391814 14 15 No 0.99933 2.45309 0 8.8106615 15 16 No 0.99933 1.4879 0 9.0616916 16 17 No 0.99933 0.49865 0 9.1882417 17 18 No 0.99933 ‐0.49865 0 9.1882418 18 19 No 0.99933 ‐1.4879 0 9.0616919 19 20 No 0.99933 ‐2.45309 0 8.8106620 20 21 No 0.99933 ‐3.37863 0 8.4391821 21 22 No 0.99933 ‐4.24955 0 7.9532722 22 23 No 0.99933 ‐5.05178 0 7.3607923 23 24 No 0.99933 ‐5.77235 0 6.671324 24 25 No 0.99933 ‐6.39961 0 5.8959525 25 26 No 0.99933 ‐6.92343 0 5.0472926 26 27 No 0.99933 ‐7.33533 0 4.1390227 27 28 No 0.99933 ‐7.62865 0 3.1858228 28 29 No 1.34481 ‐7.80248 0 2.0299429 29 30 No 0.92545 ‐7.86 0 0.8972830 30 31 No 0.92545 ‐7.86 0 ‐0.0281731 31 32 No 0.62184 ‐7.86 0 ‐0.8018232 32 33 No 0.84241 ‐7.86 0 ‐1.5339433 33 34 No 1.32692 ‐7.19654 0 ‐1.9551534 34 35 No 0.8217 ‐6.16802 0 ‐2.1436535 35 36 No 0.99977 ‐5.3443 0 ‐2.5309136 36 37 No 0.99977 ‐4.41346 0 ‐2.8938237 37 38 No 0.99977 ‐3.45824 0 ‐3.1865938 38 39 No 0.99977 ‐2.48391 0 ‐3.4075939 39 40 No 0.99977 ‐1.49586 0 ‐3.555640 40 41 No 0.99977 ‐0.49954 0 ‐3.6298141 41 42 No 0.99977 0.49954 0 ‐3.6298142 42 43 No 0.99977 1.49586 0 ‐3.555643 43 44 No 0.99977 2.48391 0 ‐3.4075944 44 45 No 0.99977 3.45824 0 ‐3.1865945 45 46 No 0.99977 4.41346 0 ‐2.8938246 46 47 No 0.99977 5.3443 0 ‐2.5309147 47 48 No 0.8217 6.16802 0 ‐2.1436548 48 1 No 1.32692 7.19654 0 ‐1.9551549 34 32 No 1.57174 ‐7.19654 0 ‐1.5339450 48 2 No 1.57174 7.19654 0 ‐1.53394

Tabella 2-2 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Aste


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-8 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  C onnectiv ity ‐ L inkL ink J ointI J ointJ L eng th C entroidX C entroidY C entroidZText Text Text m m m m

1 1 49 1 8.36 0 ‐1.955152 2 50 1 8.36 0 ‐1.112743 3 51 1 8.36 0 ‐0.49094 4 52 1 8.36 0 0.434555 5 53 1 8.36 0 1.366 6 54 1.00279 8.23992 0 2.779917 7 55 1.00203 7.9912 0 3.819128 8 56 1.00203 7.61459 0 4.813199 9 57 1.00203 7.11489 0 5.7514510 10 58 1.00203 6.50019 0 6.6187211 11 59 1.00203 5.7804 0 7.4009812 12 60 1.00203 4.96718 0 8.085613 13 61 1.00203 4.07367 0 8.6614914 14 62 1.00203 3.11431 0 9.1193615 15 63 1.00203 2.1046 0 9.451816 16 64 1.00203 1.06087 0 9.6534417 17 65 1.00203 ‐2.5E ‐16 0 9.7210118 18 66 1.00203 ‐1.06087 0 9.6534419 19 67 1.00203 ‐2.1046 0 9.451820 20 68 1.00203 ‐3.11431 0 9.1193621 21 69 1.00203 ‐4.07367 0 8.6614922 22 70 1.00203 ‐4.96718 0 8.085623 23 71 1.00203 ‐5.7804 0 7.4009824 24 72 1.00203 ‐6.50019 0 6.6187225 25 73 1.00203 ‐7.11489 0 5.7514526 26 74 1.00203 ‐7.61459 0 4.8131927 27 75 1.00203 ‐7.9912 0 3.8191228 28 76 1.00279 ‐8.23992 0 2.7799129 29 77 1.00092 ‐8.36 0 1.3814330 30 78 1 ‐8.36 0 0.4345531 31 79 1 ‐8.36 0 ‐0.490932 32 80 1 ‐8.36 0 ‐1.1127433 33 81 1 ‐8.36 0 ‐1.95515

Tabella 2-3 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Elementi link (gap)


La struttura stata schematizzata attribuendo ad ogni elemento il suo spessore reale, per i

tratti a spessore variabile è stato considerato un valore rappresentativo della struttura nella

zona corrispondente.

Di seguito si riportano le caratteristiche delle sezioni presenti nel database del file (Tabella

2-4) e la tabella di assegnazione delle sezioni agli elementi strutturali (Tabella 2-5). La

vista estrusa della struttura è invece riportata in Figura 2-2.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-9 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE: Frame Section Properties 01 - GeneralSectionName Material Shape t3 t2 tf tw t2b tfb Area

Text Text Text m m m m m m m2CA075 RCK40 Rectangular 0.75 1 0.75CA090 RCK40 Rectangular 0.9 1 0.9CA100 RCK40 Rectangular 1 1 1CA120 RCK40 Rectangular 1.2 1 1.2CA200 RCK40 Rectangular 2 1 2

Tabella 2-4 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Definizione sezioni

Figura 2-2 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Vista estrusa


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-10 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  F rame  S ection Ass ignmentsF rame S ectionT ype AutoS elec t AnalS ect Des ignS ect MatP ropText Text Text Text Text Text

1 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default2 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default3 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default4 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default5 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default6 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default7 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default8 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default9 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default10 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default11 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default12 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default13 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default14 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default15 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default16 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default17 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default18 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default19 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default20 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default21 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default22 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default23 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default24 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default25 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default26 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default27 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default28 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default29 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default30 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default31 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default32 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default33 R ectangular N.A. C A075 C A075 Default34 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default35 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default36 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default37 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default38 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default39 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default40 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default41 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default42 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default43 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default44 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default45 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default46 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default47 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default48 R ectangular N.A. C A075 C A075 Default49 R ectangular N.A. C A075 C A075 Default50 R ectangular N.A. C A075 C A075 Default

Tabella 2-5 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Assegnazione sezioni agli elementi frame


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-11 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2


La struttura è vincolata con molle elastiche al contatto fra arco rovescio (o piano imposta

murette) e il terreno / ammasso roccioso.

Nella zona di piedritti e calotta sono presenti molle non lineari, la cui rigidezza a trazione è

nulla (link/gap). Questi elementi collegano nodi della struttura con nodi vincolati a terra.

2.3.1. Vincoli a terra

T AB L E :  J oint R es traint Ass ignmentsJ oint U1 U2 U3 R 1 R 2 R 3Text Yes /No Yes /No Yes /No Yes /No Yes /No Yes /No

49 Yes Yes Yes No No No50 Yes Yes Yes No No No51 Yes Yes Yes No No No52 Yes Yes Yes No No No53 Yes Yes Yes No No No54 Yes Yes Yes No No No55 Yes Yes Yes No No No56 Yes Yes Yes No No No57 Yes Yes Yes No No No58 Yes Yes Yes No No No59 Yes Yes Yes No No No60 Yes Yes Yes No No No61 Yes Yes Yes No No No62 Yes Yes Yes No No No63 Yes Yes Yes No No No64 Yes Yes Yes No No No65 Yes Yes Yes No No No66 Yes Yes Yes No No No67 Yes Yes Yes No No No68 Yes Yes Yes No No No69 Yes Yes Yes No No No70 Yes Yes Yes No No No71 Yes Yes Yes No No No72 Yes Yes Yes No No No73 Yes Yes Yes No No No74 Yes Yes Yes No No No75 Yes Yes Yes No No No76 Yes Yes Yes No No No77 Yes Yes Yes No No No78 Yes Yes Yes No No No79 Yes Yes Yes No No No80 Yes Yes Yes No No No81 Yes Yes Yes No No No

Tabella 2-6 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Vincoli a terra


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-12 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

2.3.2. Vincoli elastici

Criteri di definizione rigidezze vincoli elastici

Per simulare l’interazione tra il terreno e la struttura vengono introdotti degli elementi

elastici (molle) in corrispondenza dei nodi strutturali; la rigidezza delle molle dipende dalle

proprietà elastiche del terreno e dalle dimensioni strutturali degli elementi collegati al nodo.

Calotta e piedritti

La rigidezza in direzione normale del terreno è calcolata secondo la formula di Galerkin:

REKn ×+

=)1( ν

Per la zona di calotta è valutata una rigidezza normale pari a 5089kN/m3, essendo:

E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno di ritombamento = 50MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

R = raggio di curvatura dell’asse di calotta = 7.86m

Per la zona dei piedritti è valutata una rigidezza normale pari a 1143kN/m3, essendo:

E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno di ritombamento = 50MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

R = raggio di curvatura dell’asse dei piedritti = 35m

All’interno del programma, tale interazione è schematizzata attraverso l’utilizzo di elementi

elastoplastico (“gap”), caratterizzati dalla capacità di reagire solo a compressione. Nel

caso si verificasse “l’apertura” (ovvero l’elemento andasse in compressione), la rigidezza

diverrebbe immediatamente nulla.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-13 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

La zona di calotta è caratterizzata, al contorno, dalla presenza dell’impermeabilizzazione,

che non impedisce la reazione in direzione normale, abbattendo, invece, la rigidezza in

direzione trasversale.

I valori di calcolo per le molle nodali nel modello numerico sono definiti moltiplicando il

valore unitario per l’ampiezza della zona di influenza di ciascun nodo.

Arco rovescio

Per la zona di arco rovescio è valutata una rigidezza normale pari a 32119 kN/m3,


E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno difondazione = 540MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

R = raggio di curvatura dell’asse di calotta = 13.45m

Per tale zona è calcolata altresì una rigidezza trasversale che assume valore pari a

12544kN/m3, attraverso la formulazione seguente:

)32tan(* φtt KK =

Avendo definito un valore dell’angolo d’attrito pari a 32°.

I valori di calcolo per le molle nodali nel modello numerico sono definiti moltiplicando il

valore unitario per l’ampiezza della zona di influenza di ciascun nodo, componendo

settorialmente le due componenti, anche in funzione della relativa inclinazione delle

“corde” colleganti i punti nodali lungo lo sviluppo dell’elemento.


Per il calcolo delle molle verticali situate sul piano di imposta murette è posta pari a

167320kN/m3 in direzione normale e 65348 kN/m3 in direzione trasversale. Il calcolo è

effettuato attraverso l’impiego della formulazione di Bousinnesq :


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-14 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

( ) wn IB


= 21 ν

)32tan(* φtt kk =


E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno = 540MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

Iw = coefficiente di forma = 2.25

B = base della fondazione = 1.53m

φ = angolo attrito terreno di fondazione = 32°

Valori adottati nelle analisi

T AB L E :  J oint S pring  Ass ignments  1 ‐ UncoupledJ oint C oordS ys U1 U2 U3 R 1 R 2 R 3Text Text N/m N/m N/m N‐m/rad N‐m/rad N‐m/rad

1 GLOBAL 49990921.21 0 128000000 0 0 033 GLOBAL 49990921.21 0 128000000 0 0 034 GLOBAL 60624664.38 0 142089766.5 0 0 035 GLOBAL 22784449.85 0 31332907.65 0 0 036 GLOBAL 23348994.32 0 34473680.82 0 0 037 GLOBAL 21400553.43 0 34376921.87 0 0 038 GLOBAL 19333830.71 0 34090288.17 0 0 039 GLOBAL 17160292.06 0 33615248.05 0 0 040 GLOBAL 14891867.16 0 32954440.05 0 0 041 GLOBAL 12541310.85 0 32111586.46 0 0 042 GLOBAL 14891867.16 0 32954440.05 0 0 043 GLOBAL 17160292.06 0 33615248.05 0 0 044 GLOBAL 19333830.71 0 34090288.17 0 0 045 GLOBAL 21400553.43 0 34376921.87 0 0 046 GLOBAL 23348994.32 0 34473680.82 0 0 047 GLOBAL 22784449.85 0 31332907.65 0 0 048 GLOBAL 60624664.38 0 142089766.5 0 0 0

Tabella 2-7 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Molle in arco rovescio/murette


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-15 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Link Property Definitions 01 ‐ GeneralLink LinkType Mass Weight RotInert1 RotInert2 RotInert3 DefLength DefAreaText Text Kg N N‐m‐s2 N‐m‐s2 N‐m‐s2 m m2

CAL1 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1CAL2 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED1 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED2 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED3 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED4 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED5 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

Tabella 2-8 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Definizione proprietà elementi gap 1/2

TABLE:  Link Property Definitions 05 ‐ GapLink DOF Fixed NonLinear TransKE TransCE TransK TransOpenText Text Yes/No Yes/No N/m N‐s/m N/m m

CAL1 U1 No Yes 5089058,52 0 1 0,000001CAL2 U1 No Yes 5954198,47 0 1 0,000001PIED1 U1 No Yes 1051428,57 0 1 0,000001PIED2 U1 No Yes 3935383,5 0 1 0,000001PIED3 U1 No Yes 880000 0 1 0,000001PIED4 U1 No Yes 1427696,08 0 1 0,000001PIED5 U1 No Yes 971428,57 0 1 0,000001

Tabella 2-9 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Definizione proprietà elementi gap 2/2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-16 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  L ink P roperty Ass ignmentsL ink L inkT ype L inkJ oints L inkP rop L inkFDPropText Text Text Text Text

1 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D5 None2 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D4 None3 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D3 None4 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D1 None5 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D2 None6 Gap TwoJ oint C AL2 None7 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None8 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None9 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None10 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None11 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None12 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None13 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None14 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None15 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None16 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None17 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None18 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None19 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None20 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None21 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None22 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None23 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None24 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None25 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None26 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None27 Gap TwoJ oint C AL1 None28 Gap TwoJ oint C AL2 None29 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D2 None30 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D1 None31 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D3 None32 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D4 None33 Gap TwoJ oint P IE D5 None

Tabella 2-10 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Assegnazione caratteristiche elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-17 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2


2.4.1. Combinazioni di carico

Si riportano di seguito la definizione dei carichi elementari (la cui codifica è riportata in

relazione) e delle combinazioni di carico definite.

Per queste ultime si precisa che in sede di calcolo sono stati adottati coefficienti parziali

unitari, in quanto l’amplificazione necessaria ai fini delle verifiche allo SLU viene effettuata

al momento della verifica, in modo da avere a disposizione anche i valori nominali per le

verifiche allo SLE.

TABLE: Load Pattern DefinitionsLoadPat DesignType SelfWtMult


Tabella 2-11 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Definizione casi elementari di carico


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-18 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE: Case - Static 1 - Load AssignmentsCase LoadType LoadName LoadSFText Text Text Unitless

DEAD Load pattern DEAD 1KA Load pattern DEAD 1KA Load pattern SP_ka 1KA Load pattern PTERR 1KAQ Load pattern DEAD 1KAQ Load pattern SP_ka 1KAQ Load pattern PTERR 1KAQ Load pattern Q 1KAQ Load pattern Q_ka 1K0 Load pattern DEAD 1K0 Load pattern SP_k0 1K0 Load pattern PTERR 1K0Q Load pattern DEAD 1K0Q Load pattern SP_k0 1K0Q Load pattern PTERR 1K0Q Load pattern Q_k0 1K0Q Load pattern Q 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_D 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_D 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_sx 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern SP_S_sx 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_D 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX -1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_D 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_dx 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern SP_S_dx 1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_D -1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX 1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_D -1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_sx -1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern SP_S_sx 1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_D -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_D -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_dx -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern SP_S_dx 1

Tabella 2-12 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Definizione combinazioni di carico

2.4.2. Carichi nodali

Di seguito si riportano i carichi nodali relativi ai singoli casi di carico.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-19 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  J oint L oads  ‐ ForceJ oint L oadPat C oordS ys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2487.58 0 0 02 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3542.1 0 0 03 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1975.7 0 0 04 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2363.37 0 0 05 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2898.84 0 0 06 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2993.17 0 0 07 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 08 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 09 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 010 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 011 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 012 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 013 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 014 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 015 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 016 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 017 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.02 0 0 018 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 019 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 020 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 021 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 022 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 023 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 024 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 025 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 026 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 027 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552.03 0 0 028 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2993.17 0 0 029 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2898.84 0 0 030 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2363.37 0 0 031 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1975.7 0 0 032 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3542.1 0 0 033 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2487.58 0 0 034 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐4250.14 0 0 035 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2584.21 0 0 036 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836.84 0 0 037 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836.84 0 0 038 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836.85 0 0 039 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836.85 0 0 040 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836.85 0 0 041 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836.85 0 0 042 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836.85 0 0 043 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836.85 0 0 044 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836.85 0 0 045 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836.84 0 0 046 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836.84 0 0 047 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2584.21 0 0 048 DE AD_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐4250.14 0 0 0

Tabella 2-13 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Carichi nodali


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-20 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  J oint L oads  ‐ ForceJ oint L oadPat C oordS ys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 4975.16 0 0 0 0 02 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 7084.19 0 0 0 0 03 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 3951.39 0 0 0 0 04 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 4726.74 0 0 0 0 05 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5797.68 0 0 0 0 06 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5986.34 0 0 0 0 07 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 08 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 09 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.05 0 0 0 0 010 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.05 0 0 0 0 011 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 012 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 013 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 014 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 015 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.07 0 0 0 0 016 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 017 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.03 0 0 0 0 018 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 019 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.07 0 0 0 0 020 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 021 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 022 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 023 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 024 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.05 0 0 0 0 025 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.05 0 0 0 0 026 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 027 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5104.06 0 0 0 0 028 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5986.34 0 0 0 0 029 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5797.68 0 0 0 0 030 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 4726.74 0 0 0 0 031 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 3951.39 0 0 0 0 032 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 7084.19 0 0 0 0 033 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 4975.16 0 0 0 0 034 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 8500.29 0 0 0 0 035 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5168.42 0 0 0 0 036 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5673.69 0 0 0 0 037 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5673.69 0 0 0 0 038 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5673.7 0 0 0 0 039 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5673.7 0 0 0 0 040 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5673.7 0 0 0 0 041 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5673.7 0 0 0 0 042 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5673.7 0 0 0 0 043 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5673.7 0 0 0 0 044 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5673.7 0 0 0 0 045 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5673.69 0 0 0 0 046 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5673.69 0 0 0 0 047 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 5168.42 0 0 0 0 048 DE AD_S _S X GLOBAL 8500.29 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-21 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  J oint L oads  ‐ ForceJ oint L oadP at C oordS ys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

5 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐10316.53 0 0 06 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐26805.84 0 0 07 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐40012.29 0 0 08 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐49291.88 0 0 09 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐54610.69 0 0 010 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐56716.34 0 0 011 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐56480.99 0 0 012 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐54827.59 0 0 013 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐52657.92 0 0 014 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐50780.31 0 0 015 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐49847.4 0 0 016 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐50305.29 0 0 017 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐52358.25 0 0 018 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐55953.61 0 0 019 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐60780.39 0 0 020 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐66293.83 0 0 021 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐71752.97 0 0 022 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐76274.41 0 0 023 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐78898.54 0 0 024 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐78660.92 0 0 025 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐74669.26 0 0 026 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐66172.65 0 0 027 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐52627.88 0 0 028 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐34513.46 0 0 029 P TE RR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐12905.16 0 0 05 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1170.93 0 0 06 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3042.46 0 0 07 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐4541.4 0 0 08 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5594.63 0 0 09 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐6198.31 0 0 010 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐6437.31 0 0 011 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐6410.59 0 0 012 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐6222.93 0 0 013 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5976.67 0 0 014 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5763.57 0 0 015 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5657.68 0 0 016 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5709.65 0 0 017 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5942.66 0 0 018 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐6350.74 0 0 019 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐6898.57 0 0 020 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐7524.35 0 0 021 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8143.96 0 0 022 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8657.15 0 0 023 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8954.98 0 0 024 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8928.01 0 0 025 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8474.96 0 0 026 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐7510.6 0 0 027 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5973.26 0 0 028 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3917.28 0 0 029 P TE RR_S _D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1464.74 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-22 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  J oint L oads  ‐ ForceJ oint L oadP at C oordS ys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐665.66 0 0 0 0 02 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐565.89 0 0 0 0 03 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐597.98 0 0 0 0 04 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐715.31 0 0 0 0 05 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐875.48 0 0 0 0 06 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐893.42 0 0 0 0 07 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐736.76 0 0 0 0 08 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐702.03 0 0 0 0 09 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐655.96 0 0 0 0 010 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐599.29 0 0 0 0 011 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐532.93 0 0 0 0 012 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐457.96 0 0 0 0 013 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐375.58 0 0 0 0 014 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐287.13 0 0 0 0 015 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐194.03 0 0 0 0 016 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐97.81 0 0 0 0 017 P TE RR_S _dx GLOBAL ‐24.55 0 0 0 0 017 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 61.38 0 0 0 0 018 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 244.52 0 0 0 0 019 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 485.08 0 0 0 0 020 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 717.82 0 0 0 0 021 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 938.94 0 0 0 0 022 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 1144.89 0 0 0 0 023 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 1332.33 0 0 0 0 024 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 1498.23 0 0 0 0 025 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 1639.91 0 0 0 0 026 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 1755.08 0 0 0 0 027 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 1841.89 0 0 0 0 028 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 2233.55 0 0 0 0 029 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 2188.69 0 0 0 0 030 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 1788.28 0 0 0 0 031 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 1494.94 0 0 0 0 032 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 1414.71 0 0 0 0 033 P TE RR_S _s x GLOBAL 1664.14 0 0 0 0 05 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1150.5 0 0 06 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3476.5 0 0 07 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5866.4 0 0 08 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8238 0 0 09 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐10476.3 0 0 010 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐12545.2 0 0 011 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐14411.4 0 0 012 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐16044.6 0 0 013 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐17418.5 0 0 014 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐18510.8 0 0 015 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐19303.9 0 0 016 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐19784.9 0 0 017 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐19946 0 0 018 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐19784.9 0 0 019 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐19303.9 0 0 020 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐18510.8 0 0 021 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐17418.5 0 0 022 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐16044.6 0 0 023 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐14411.4 0 0 024 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐12545.2 0 0 025 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐10476.3 0 0 026 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8238 0 0 027 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5866.4 0 0 028 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3476.5 0 0 029 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1150.5 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-23 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  J oint L oads  ‐ ForceJ oint L oadP at C oordS ys F 1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐7344.76 0 0 0 0 02 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐6243.91 0 0 0 0 03 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐6598.01 0 0 0 0 04 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐7892.67 0 0 0 0 05 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐9659.9 0 0 0 0 06 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐9857.89 0 0 0 0 07 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐8129.3 0 0 0 0 08 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐7746.15 0 0 0 0 09 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐7237.82 0 0 0 0 010 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐6612.51 0 0 0 0 011 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐5880.3 0 0 0 0 012 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐5053.03 0 0 0 0 013 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐4144.07 0 0 0 0 014 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐3168.11 0 0 0 0 015 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐2140.94 0 0 0 0 016 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐1079.19 0 0 0 0 017 Q_k0 GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 018 Q_k0 GLOBAL 1079.19 0 0 0 0 019 Q_k0 GLOBAL 2140.94 0 0 0 0 020 Q_k0 GLOBAL 3168.11 0 0 0 0 021 Q_k0 GLOBAL 4144.07 0 0 0 0 022 Q_k0 GLOBAL 5053.03 0 0 0 0 023 Q_k0 GLOBAL 5880.3 0 0 0 0 024 Q_k0 GLOBAL 6612.51 0 0 0 0 025 Q_k0 GLOBAL 7237.82 0 0 0 0 026 Q_k0 GLOBAL 7746.15 0 0 0 0 027 Q_k0 GLOBAL 8129.3 0 0 0 0 028 Q_k0 GLOBAL 9857.89 0 0 0 0 029 Q_k0 GLOBAL 9659.9 0 0 0 0 030 Q_k0 GLOBAL 7892.67 0 0 0 0 031 Q_k0 GLOBAL 6598.01 0 0 0 0 032 Q_k0 GLOBAL 6243.91 0 0 0 0 033 Q_k0 GLOBAL 7344.76 0 0 0 0 01 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐4667.56 0 0 0 0 02 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐3967.97 0 0 0 0 03 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐4193 0 0 0 0 04 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐5015.76 0 0 0 0 05 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐6138.82 0 0 0 0 06 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐6264.64 0 0 0 0 07 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐5166.13 0 0 0 0 08 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐4922.64 0 0 0 0 09 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐4599.6 0 0 0 0 010 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐4202.22 0 0 0 0 011 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐3736.9 0 0 0 0 012 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐3211.18 0 0 0 0 013 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐2633.54 0 0 0 0 014 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐2013.32 0 0 0 0 015 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐1360.56 0 0 0 0 016 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐685.82 0 0 0 0 017 Q_ka GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 018 Q_ka GLOBAL 685.82 0 0 0 0 019 Q_ka GLOBAL 1360.56 0 0 0 0 020 Q_ka GLOBAL 2013.32 0 0 0 0 021 Q_ka GLOBAL 2633.54 0 0 0 0 022 Q_ka GLOBAL 3211.18 0 0 0 0 023 Q_ka GLOBAL 3736.9 0 0 0 0 024 Q_ka GLOBAL 4202.22 0 0 0 0 025 Q_ka GLOBAL 4599.6 0 0 0 0 026 Q_ka GLOBAL 4922.64 0 0 0 0 027 Q_ka GLOBAL 5166.13 0 0 0 0 028 Q_ka GLOBAL 6264.64 0 0 0 0 029 Q_ka GLOBAL 6138.82 0 0 0 0 030 Q_ka GLOBAL 5015.76 0 0 0 0 031 Q_ka GLOBAL 4193 0 0 0 0 032 Q_ka GLOBAL 3967.97 0 0 0 0 033 Q_ka GLOBAL 4667.56 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-24 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  J oint L oads  ‐ ForceJ oint L oadP at C oordS ys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐88992.02 0 0 0 0 02 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐70656.7 0 0 0 0 03 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐70765.99 0 0 0 0 04 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐77712.67 0 0 0 0 05 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐86620.33 0 0 0 0 06 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐75847.72 0 0 0 0 07 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐55042.07 0 0 0 0 08 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐45570.96 0 0 0 0 09 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐36515.61 0 0 0 0 010 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐28239.24 0 0 0 0 011 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐21004.18 0 0 0 0 012 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐14959.75 0 0 0 0 013 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐10137.34 0 0 0 0 014 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐6454.46 0 0 0 0 015 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐3726.16 0 0 0 0 016 S P _k0 GLOBAL ‐1683.92 0 0 0 0 017 S P _k0 GLOBAL 609.54 0 0 0 0 018 S P _k0 GLOBAL 4112.11 0 0 0 0 019 S P _k0 GLOBAL 8543.28 0 0 0 0 020 S P _k0 GLOBAL 13582.72 0 0 0 0 021 S P _k0 GLOBAL 19461.5 0 0 0 0 022 S P _k0 GLOBAL 26329.08 0 0 0 0 023 S P _k0 GLOBAL 34234.84 0 0 0 0 024 S P _k0 GLOBAL 43117.38 0 0 0 0 025 S P _k0 GLOBAL 52800.69 0 0 0 0 026 S P _k0 GLOBAL 62999.81 0 0 0 0 027 S P _k0 GLOBAL 73332.98 0 0 0 0 028 S P _k0 GLOBAL 98027.98 0 0 0 0 029 S P _k0 GLOBAL 108355.11 0 0 0 0 030 S P _k0 GLOBAL 95471.18 0 0 0 0 031 S P _k0 GLOBAL 85611.51 0 0 0 0 032 S P _k0 GLOBAL 84705.49 0 0 0 0 033 S P _k0 GLOBAL 105517.74 0 0 0 0 01 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐56553.99 0 0 0 0 02 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐44901.98 0 0 0 0 03 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐44971.44 0 0 0 0 04 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐49386.01 0 0 0 0 05 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐55046.79 0 0 0 0 06 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐48200.85 0 0 0 0 07 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐34978.96 0 0 0 0 08 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐28960.12 0 0 0 0 09 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐23205.49 0 0 0 0 010 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐17945.9 0 0 0 0 011 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐13348.05 0 0 0 0 012 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐9506.85 0 0 0 0 013 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐6442.23 0 0 0 0 014 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐4101.78 0 0 0 0 015 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐2367.95 0 0 0 0 016 S P _ka GLOBAL ‐1070.12 0 0 0 0 017 S P _ka GLOBAL 387.36 0 0 0 0 018 S P _ka GLOBAL 2613.22 0 0 0 0 019 S P _ka GLOBAL 5429.21 0 0 0 0 020 S P _ka GLOBAL 8631.75 0 0 0 0 021 S P _ka GLOBAL 12367.68 0 0 0 0 022 S P _ka GLOBAL 16732 0 0 0 0 023 S P _ka GLOBAL 21756.07 0 0 0 0 024 S P _ka GLOBAL 27400.88 0 0 0 0 025 S P _ka GLOBAL 33554.58 0 0 0 0 026 S P _ka GLOBAL 40036.07 0 0 0 0 027 S P _ka GLOBAL 46602.75 0 0 0 0 028 S P _ka GLOBAL 62296.29 0 0 0 0 029 S P _ka GLOBAL 68859.13 0 0 0 0 030 S P _ka GLOBAL 60671.46 0 0 0 0 031 S P _ka GLOBAL 54405.69 0 0 0 0 032 S P _ka GLOBAL 53829.92 0 0 0 0 033 S P _ka GLOBAL 67056 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-25 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

T AB L E :  J oint L oads  ‐ ForceJ oint L oadP at C oordS ys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐41508.72 0 0 0 0 02 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐35287.27 0 0 0 0 03 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐37288.47 0 0 0 0 04 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐44605.23 0 0 0 0 05 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐54592.67 0 0 0 0 06 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐55711.59 0 0 0 0 07 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐45942.49 0 0 0 0 08 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐43777.18 0 0 0 0 09 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐40904.31 0 0 0 0 010 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐37370.41 0 0 0 0 011 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐33232.33 0 0 0 0 012 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐28557.08 0 0 0 0 013 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐23420.1 0 0 0 0 014 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐17904.51 0 0 0 0 015 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐12099.49 0 0 0 0 016 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐6099.03 0 0 0 0 017 S P _S _dx GLOBAL ‐1531.02 0 0 0 0 017 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 1531.02 0 0 0 0 018 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 6099.03 0 0 0 0 019 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 12099.49 0 0 0 0 020 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 17904.51 0 0 0 0 021 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 23420.1 0 0 0 0 022 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 28557.08 0 0 0 0 023 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 33232.33 0 0 0 0 024 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 37370.41 0 0 0 0 025 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 40904.31 0 0 0 0 026 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 43777.18 0 0 0 0 027 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 45942.49 0 0 0 0 028 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 55711.59 0 0 0 0 029 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 54592.67 0 0 0 0 030 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 44605.23 0 0 0 0 031 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 37288.47 0 0 0 0 032 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 35287.27 0 0 0 0 033 S P _S _s x GLOBAL 41508.72 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-26 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2



Si riportano di seguito i diagrammi delle deformate per le condizioni di carico analizzate.

Successivamente si riportano i valori degli spostamenti nodali in forma tabellare.

Comb 1_ST_PP

Comb 2a_ST_ka Comb 2b_ST_k0


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-27 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

Comb 3a_ST_k0 Comb 3b_ST_k0Q

Comb 4a_SI Comb 4b_SI

Comb 4c_SI Comb 4d_SI

Figura 3-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Deformata struttura


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-28 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000308 0 ‐0,001777 0 0,000334 02 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000589 0 ‐0,001784 0 0,000326 03 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000786 0 ‐0,001791 0 0,000299 04 1_ST_PP Combination 0,001043 0 ‐0,001799 0 0,000244 05 1_ST_PP Combination 0,001239 0 ‐0,001808 0 0,000169 06 1_ST_PP Combination 0,001383 0 ‐0,001806 0 0,000036 07 1_ST_PP Combination 0,001367 0 ‐0,001818 0 ‐0,00007 08 1_ST_PP Combination 0,001255 0 ‐0,001867 0 ‐0,000168 09 1_ST_PP Combination 0,001069 0 ‐0,001973 0 ‐0,000248 010 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000842 0 ‐0,002141 0 ‐0,000304 011 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000605 0 ‐0,002365 0 ‐0,000333 012 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000388 0 ‐0,002627 0 ‐0,000333 013 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000214 0 ‐0,002903 0 ‐0,000305 014 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000094 0 ‐0,003161 0 ‐0,000253 015 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000026 0 ‐0,003372 0 ‐0,00018 016 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000001506 0 ‐0,00351 0 ‐0,000094 017 1_ST_PP Combination ‐6,486E‐16 0 ‐0,003558 0 1,762E‐17 018 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000001506 0 ‐0,00351 0 0,000094 019 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000026 0 ‐0,003372 0 0,00018 020 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000094 0 ‐0,003161 0 0,000253 021 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000214 0 ‐0,002903 0 0,000305 022 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000388 0 ‐0,002627 0 0,000333 023 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000605 0 ‐0,002365 0 0,000333 024 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000842 0 ‐0,002141 0 0,000304 025 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,001069 0 ‐0,001973 0 0,000248 026 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,001255 0 ‐0,001867 0 0,000168 027 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,001367 0 ‐0,001818 0 0,00007 028 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,001383 0 ‐0,001806 0 ‐0,000036 029 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,001239 0 ‐0,001808 0 ‐0,000169 030 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,001043 0 ‐0,001799 0 ‐0,000244 031 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000786 0 ‐0,001791 0 ‐0,000299 032 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000589 0 ‐0,001784 0 ‐0,000326 033 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000308 0 ‐0,001777 0 ‐0,000334 034 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000307 0 ‐0,001338 0 ‐0,000301 035 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000202 0 ‐0,001134 0 ‐0,000255 036 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000111 0 ‐0,000926 0 ‐0,0002 037 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000054 0 ‐0,000763 0 ‐0,000149 038 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000022 0 ‐0,000643 0 ‐0,000104 039 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000006212 0 ‐0,000562 0 ‐0,000065 040 1_ST_PP Combination ‐7,502E‐07 0 ‐0,000515 0 ‐0,000031 041 1_ST_PP Combination ‐1,677E‐18 0 ‐0,0005 0 5,816E‐18 042 1_ST_PP Combination 7,502E‐07 0 ‐0,000515 0 0,000031 043 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000006212 0 ‐0,000562 0 0,000065 044 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000022 0 ‐0,000643 0 0,000104 045 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000054 0 ‐0,000763 0 0,000149 046 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000111 0 ‐0,000926 0 0,0002 047 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000202 0 ‐0,001134 0 0,000255 048 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000307 0 ‐0,001338 0 0,000301 0

Tabella 3-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Spostamenti nodali


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-29 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,00102 0 ‐0,004076 0 0,000912 02 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,001785 0 ‐0,004094 0 0,000898 03 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,002331 0 ‐0,004112 0 0,000854 04 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,003091 0 ‐0,004139 0 0,00077 05 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,00376 0 ‐0,004165 0 0,000647 06 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,00448 0 ‐0,00414 0 0,000391 07 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,004759 0 ‐0,004101 0 0,000162 08 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,004809 0 ‐0,004108 0 ‐0,000068 09 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,00466 0 ‐0,004213 0 ‐0,000276 010 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,004368 0 ‐0,004446 0 ‐0,000446 011 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,003997 0 ‐0,004814 0 ‐0,000568 012 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,003613 0 ‐0,005296 0 ‐0,000634 013 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,003272 0 ‐0,005854 0 ‐0,000642 014 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,003012 0 ‐0,006431 0 ‐0,000596 015 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,002849 0 ‐0,006967 0 ‐0,000499 016 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,002778 0 ‐0,007401 0 ‐0,000359 017 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,002772 0 ‐0,007681 0 ‐0,000186 018 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,002789 0 ‐0,007774 0 0,000007703 019 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,00278 0 ‐0,007665 0 0,000209 020 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,002694 0 ‐0,007366 0 0,000404 021 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,002491 0 ‐0,006911 0 0,000576 022 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,002148 0 ‐0,006353 0 0,00071 023 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,001666 0 ‐0,005755 0 0,000794 024 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,001073 0 ‐0,005184 0 0,000817 025 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000422 0 ‐0,004697 0 0,000774 026 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,000218 0 ‐0,004329 0 0,000668 027 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,000771 0 ‐0,004092 0 0,000508 028 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,001169 0 ‐0,003968 0 0,00031 029 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,001391 0 ‐0,003909 0 0,000029 030 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,001328 0 ‐0,003881 0 ‐0,000158 031 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,001098 0 ‐0,003852 0 ‐0,000348 032 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,000844 0 ‐0,003832 0 ‐0,000489 033 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,00038 0 ‐0,003817 0 ‐0,000561 034 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,000373 0 ‐0,003026 0 ‐0,000583 035 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,000166 0 ‐0,002609 0 ‐0,000535 036 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000026 0 ‐0,002145 0 ‐0,000462 037 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000158 0 ‐0,001743 0 ‐0,000382 038 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000239 0 ‐0,001411 0 ‐0,000301 039 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,00028 0 ‐0,001153 0 ‐0,000222 040 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000294 0 ‐0,000971 0 ‐0,000143 041 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000291 0 ‐0,000867 0 ‐0,000063 042 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000283 0 ‐0,000845 0 0,000024 043 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000285 0 ‐0,000913 0 0,000122 044 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000311 0 ‐0,001085 0 0,000236 045 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000381 0 ‐0,001372 0 0,000367 046 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000519 0 ‐0,001786 0 0,000515 047 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000749 0 ‐0,002332 0 0,000675 048 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,001025 0 ‐0,002876 0 0,000808 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-30 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,001188 0 ‐0,004718 0 0,001085 02 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,002098 0 ‐0,004739 0 0,001066 03 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,002746 0 ‐0,00476 0 0,001009 04 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,00364 0 ‐0,004791 0 0,000899 05 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,004416 0 ‐0,004822 0 0,000741 06 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,005222 0 ‐0,004796 0 0,000418 07 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,005501 0 ‐0,004762 0 0,000133 08 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,005498 0 ‐0,004794 0 ‐0,000151 09 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,005255 0 ‐0,004955 0 ‐0,000407 010 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,004841 0 ‐0,00528 0 ‐0,000613 011 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,004339 0 ‐0,005772 0 ‐0,000754 012 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,003834 0 ‐0,006405 0 ‐0,000824 013 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,003393 0 ‐0,007122 0 ‐0,00082 014 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,003064 0 ‐0,007852 0 ‐0,000744 015 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,002862 0 ‐0,008512 0 ‐0,000606 016 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,002777 0 ‐0,009028 0 ‐0,000415 017 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,002772 0 ‐0,009337 0 ‐0,000186 018 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,002789 0 ‐0,009401 0 0,000064 019 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,002766 0 ‐0,00921 0 0,000316 020 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,002642 0 ‐0,008786 0 0,000552 021 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,00237 0 ‐0,00818 0 0,000753 022 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,001928 0 ‐0,007461 0 0,000901 023 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,001324 0 ‐0,006714 0 0,000981 024 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000601 0 ‐0,006018 0 0,000983 025 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,000173 0 ‐0,005439 0 0,000905 026 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,000908 0 ‐0,005015 0 0,000752 027 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,001513 0 ‐0,004753 0 0,000537 028 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,001911 0 ‐0,004624 0 0,000283 029 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,002047 0 ‐0,004566 0 ‐0,000066 030 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,001878 0 ‐0,004533 0 ‐0,000288 031 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,001514 0 ‐0,004499 0 ‐0,000504 032 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,001157 0 ‐0,004476 0 ‐0,000657 033 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,000548 0 ‐0,004459 0 ‐0,000734 034 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,00054 0 ‐0,003439 0 ‐0,000742 035 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,000278 0 ‐0,002913 0 ‐0,000674 036 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,000036 0 ‐0,002333 0 ‐0,000574 037 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000128 0 ‐0,001838 0 ‐0,000468 038 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000227 0 ‐0,001435 0 ‐0,000363 039 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000277 0 ‐0,001128 0 ‐0,000262 040 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000294 0 ‐0,000917 0 ‐0,000163 041 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000291 0 ‐0,000803 0 ‐0,000063 042 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000283 0 ‐0,00079 0 0,000043 043 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000287 0 ‐0,000888 0 0,000162 044 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000322 0 ‐0,001109 0 0,000298 045 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000411 0 ‐0,001467 0 0,000453 046 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000581 0 ‐0,001974 0 0,000627 047 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,00086 0 ‐0,002635 0 0,000814 048 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,001192 0 ‐0,003289 0 0,000967 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-31 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000966 0 ‐0,003862 0 0,000788 02 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,001624 0 ‐0,003879 0 0,000778 03 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,002096 0 ‐0,003898 0 0,000752 04 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,002778 0 ‐0,003925 0 0,000719 05 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,003429 0 ‐0,003951 0 0,000666 06 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004249 0 ‐0,003918 0 0,000522 07 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004696 0 ‐0,003839 0 0,000373 08 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004978 0 ‐0,003759 0 0,000209 09 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,0051 0 ‐0,003722 0 0,000046 010 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,005085 0 ‐0,00376 0 ‐0,000102 011 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004973 0 ‐0,003892 0 ‐0,000226 012 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004807 0 ‐0,004121 0 ‐0,000319 013 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004628 0 ‐0,004431 0 ‐0,000375 014 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004474 0 ‐0,004795 0 ‐0,000394 015 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004366 0 ‐0,005174 0 ‐0,000374 016 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004313 0 ‐0,005526 0 ‐0,000318 017 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,00431 0 ‐0,005807 0 ‐0,000229 018 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004336 0 ‐0,005983 0 ‐0,000112 019 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,00436 0 ‐0,006028 0 0,000023 020 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004344 0 ‐0,005934 0 0,00017 021 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004253 0 ‐0,005706 0 0,000316 022 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,004057 0 ‐0,005372 0 0,00045 023 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,00374 0 ‐0,004967 0 0,000562 024 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,003304 0 ‐0,004539 0 0,00064 025 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,002769 0 ‐0,004134 0 0,000678 026 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,002174 0 ‐0,00379 0 0,000672 027 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,001568 0 ‐0,003533 0 0,000622 028 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,001003 0 ‐0,00337 0 0,000536 029 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000384 0 ‐0,003277 0 0,000379 030 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000087 0 ‐0,003249 0 0,000246 031 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,000077 0 ‐0,00322 0 0,000067 032 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,000083 0 ‐0,003201 0 ‐0,000097 033 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000067 0 ‐0,003189 0 ‐0,000192 034 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000076 0 ‐0,002857 0 ‐0,000284 035 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000176 0 ‐0,002637 0 ‐0,000291 036 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,00028 0 ‐0,002364 0 ‐0,000282 037 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000358 0 ‐0,0021 0 ‐0,00026 038 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,00041 0 ‐0,001859 0 ‐0,000228 039 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000437 0 ‐0,001649 0 ‐0,000189 040 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000445 0 ‐0,00148 0 ‐0,000143 041 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000438 0 ‐0,001361 0 ‐0,000089 042 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000425 0 ‐0,001301 0 ‐0,000024 043 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000416 0 ‐0,001312 0 0,000056 044 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000424 0 ‐0,001411 0 0,000153 045 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000467 0 ‐0,001612 0 0,00027 046 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000567 0 ‐0,001928 0 0,000405 047 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000747 0 ‐0,002369 0 0,000555 048 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000973 0 ‐0,002825 0 0,000685 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-32 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,001107 0 ‐0,004457 0 0,000933 02 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,001887 0 ‐0,004477 0 0,000917 03 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,002441 0 ‐0,004499 0 0,000877 04 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,003229 0 ‐0,00453 0 0,000821 05 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,003963 0 ‐0,004561 0 0,000738 06 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,004847 0 ‐0,004529 0 0,00054 07 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,005292 0 ‐0,004456 0 0,000346 08 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,005529 0 ‐0,004398 0 0,000139 09 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,005573 0 ‐0,004408 0 ‐0,000061 010 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,00546 0 ‐0,004521 0 ‐0,000237 011 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,005243 0 ‐0,004755 0 ‐0,000377 012 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,004979 0 ‐0,005105 0 ‐0,000472 013 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,004722 0 ‐0,005544 0 ‐0,000518 014 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,004512 0 ‐0,00603 0 ‐0,000513 015 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,004374 0 ‐0,00651 0 ‐0,000459 016 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,004312 0 ‐0,006927 0 ‐0,000362 017 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,00431 0 ‐0,007232 0 ‐0,000229 018 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,004338 0 ‐0,007385 0 ‐0,000068 019 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,004351 0 ‐0,007364 0 0,000109 020 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,004306 0 ‐0,007169 0 0,000289 021 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,00416 0 ‐0,00682 0 0,000458 022 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,003885 0 ‐0,006356 0 0,000604 023 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,00347 0 ‐0,00583 0 0,000712 024 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,002929 0 ‐0,0053 0 0,000775 025 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,002296 0 ‐0,004819 0 0,000785 026 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,001623 0 ‐0,004429 0 0,000741 027 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000972 0 ‐0,00415 0 0,000649 028 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000404 0 ‐0,003981 0 0,000517 029 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,00015 0 ‐0,003887 0 0,000307 030 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,000365 0 ‐0,003855 0 0,000145 031 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,000422 0 ‐0,003821 0 ‐0,000058 032 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,000346 0 ‐0,003799 0 ‐0,000236 033 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,000075 0 ‐0,003785 0 ‐0,000337 034 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,000066 0 ‐0,003259 0 ‐0,000419 035 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000082 0 ‐0,002945 0 ‐0,000409 036 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000228 0 ‐0,002572 0 ‐0,000379 037 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000333 0 ‐0,002228 0 ‐0,000335 038 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000401 0 ‐0,001924 0 ‐0,000282 039 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000436 0 ‐0,001672 0 ‐0,000224 040 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000445 0 ‐0,001477 0 ‐0,00016 041 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000438 0 ‐0,001349 0 ‐0,000089 042 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000425 0 ‐0,001298 0 ‐0,000006854 043 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000418 0 ‐0,001335 0 0,000091 044 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000433 0 ‐0,001477 0 0,000207 045 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000492 0 ‐0,001739 0 0,000344 046 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000618 0 ‐0,002136 0 0,000502 047 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000841 0 ‐0,002677 0 0,000674 048 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,001115 0 ‐0,003226 0 0,000821 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-33 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 4a_SI Combination 0,002892 0 ‐0,005963 0 0,001851 02 4a_SI Combination 0,004452 0 ‐0,005994 0 0,001953 03 4a_SI Combination 0,005726 0 ‐0,006017 0 0,002109 04 4a_SI Combination 0,007781 0 ‐0,006051 0 0,00227 05 4a_SI Combination 0,009941 0 ‐0,006084 0 0,002321 06 4a_SI Combination 0,013024 0 ‐0,005867 0 0,002178 07 4a_SI Combination 0,015055 0 ‐0,005417 0 0,001931 08 4a_SI Combination 0,016736 0 ‐0,004817 0 0,001605 09 4a_SI Combination 0,018011 0 ‐0,004175 0 0,001233 010 4a_SI Combination 0,018876 0 ‐0,0036 0 0,000844 011 4a_SI Combination 0,019373 0 ‐0,003183 0 0,000464 012 4a_SI Combination 0,019573 0 ‐0,002988 0 0,000115 013 4a_SI Combination 0,019567 0 ‐0,003045 0 ‐0,000186 014 4a_SI Combination 0,019449 0 ‐0,003348 0 ‐0,000424 015 4a_SI Combination 0,019306 0 ‐0,003856 0 ‐0,000587 016 4a_SI Combination 0,019204 0 ‐0,004499 0 ‐0,000667 017 4a_SI Combination 0,01918 0 ‐0,005187 0 ‐0,000661 018 4a_SI Combination 0,01924 0 ‐0,005823 0 ‐0,000568 019 4a_SI Combination 0,019353 0 ‐0,006311 0 ‐0,00039 020 4a_SI Combination 0,019458 0 ‐0,006573 0 ‐0,000134 021 4a_SI Combination 0,01947 0 ‐0,006557 0 0,000185 022 4a_SI Combination 0,01929 0 ‐0,006248 0 0,00055 023 4a_SI Combination 0,018826 0 ‐0,00567 0 0,000939 024 4a_SI Combination 0,018003 0 ‐0,004887 0 0,001325 025 4a_SI Combination 0,016778 0 ‐0,003996 0 0,001682 026 4a_SI Combination 0,015156 0 ‐0,003108 0 0,00198 027 4a_SI Combination 0,013188 0 ‐0,002337 0 0,002195 028 4a_SI Combination 0,010976 0 ‐0,001782 0 0,002305 029 4a_SI Combination 0,007864 0 ‐0,001477 0 0,002252 030 4a_SI Combination 0,005828 0 ‐0,001449 0 0,002055 031 4a_SI Combination 0,004041 0 ‐0,001421 0 0,001677 032 4a_SI Combination 0,003075 0 ‐0,001401 0 0,001294 033 4a_SI Combination 0,00216 0 ‐0,001403 0 0,001059 034 4a_SI Combination 0,002197 0 ‐0,002576 0 0,000614 035 4a_SI Combination 0,002003 0 ‐0,002905 0 0,00035 036 4a_SI Combination 0,001905 0 ‐0,003076 0 0,000084 037 4a_SI Combination 0,001897 0 ‐0,003035 0 ‐0,000117 038 4a_SI Combination 0,001933 0 ‐0,002831 0 ‐0,000256 039 4a_SI Combination 0,001974 0 ‐0,002518 0 ‐0,000337 040 4a_SI Combination 0,001999 0 ‐0,002152 0 ‐0,000363 041 4a_SI Combination 0,001999 0 ‐0,001786 0 ‐0,000335 042 4a_SI Combination 0,001973 0 ‐0,001474 0 ‐0,000253 043 4a_SI Combination 0,001938 0 ‐0,001274 0 ‐0,000114 044 4a_SI Combination 0,001921 0 ‐0,001243 0 0,000089 045 4a_SI Combination 0,001962 0 ‐0,00144 0 0,000356 046 4a_SI Combination 0,002119 0 ‐0,001917 0 0,000691 047 4a_SI Combination 0,002457 0 ‐0,002719 0 0,001086 048 4a_SI Combination 0,002925 0 ‐0,003638 0 0,001446 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-34 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001095 0 ‐0,002066 0 ‐0,000445 02 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001487 0 ‐0,00207 0 ‐0,000592 03 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001959 0 ‐0,002089 0 ‐0,000831 04 4b_SI Combination ‐0,002871 0 ‐0,002115 0 ‐0,001055 05 4b_SI Combination ‐0,003925 0 ‐0,002141 0 ‐0,001168 06 4b_SI Combination ‐0,005545 0 ‐0,002315 0 ‐0,001207 07 4b_SI Combination ‐0,006706 0 ‐0,002618 0 ‐0,001162 08 4b_SI Combination ‐0,007751 0 ‐0,003039 0 ‐0,001067 09 4b_SI Combination ‐0,00863 0 ‐0,003531 0 ‐0,000932 010 4b_SI Combination ‐0,009317 0 ‐0,004043 0 ‐0,000771 011 4b_SI Combination ‐0,009808 0 ‐0,004521 0 ‐0,000597 012 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010121 0 ‐0,004923 0 ‐0,000423 013 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010287 0 ‐0,005216 0 ‐0,000259 014 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010348 0 ‐0,005386 0 ‐0,000113 015 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010344 0 ‐0,005435 0 0,000009341 016 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010313 0 ‐0,005375 0 0,000105 017 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010284 0 ‐0,00523 0 0,000172 018 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010277 0 ‐0,005031 0 0,000209 019 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010299 0 ‐0,00481 0 0,000214 020 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010344 0 ‐0,004604 0 0,000187 021 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010395 0 ‐0,004445 0 0,000125 022 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010421 0 ‐0,00436 0 0,000026 023 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010381 0 ‐0,004367 0 ‐0,000109 024 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010227 0 ‐0,004471 0 ‐0,000278 025 4b_SI Combination ‐0,009908 0 ‐0,00466 0 ‐0,000474 026 4b_SI Combination ‐0,009383 0 ‐0,004903 0 ‐0,000687 027 4b_SI Combination ‐0,008627 0 ‐0,005153 0 ‐0,000897 028 4b_SI Combination ‐0,007646 0 ‐0,00535 0 ‐0,001084 029 4b_SI Combination ‐0,006048 0 ‐0,005438 0 ‐0,001246 030 4b_SI Combination ‐0,004861 0 ‐0,005402 0 ‐0,001282 031 4b_SI Combination ‐0,003671 0 ‐0,005367 0 ‐0,001275 032 4b_SI Combination ‐0,002883 0 ‐0,005342 0 ‐0,001263 033 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001837 0 ‐0,005317 0 ‐0,001248 034 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001853 0 ‐0,003702 0 ‐0,001044 035 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001511 0 ‐0,003019 0 ‐0,000823 036 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001247 0 ‐0,002382 0 ‐0,000573 037 4b_SI Combination ‐0,00111 0 ‐0,001951 0 ‐0,000354 038 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001058 0 ‐0,001706 0 ‐0,000172 039 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001054 0 ‐0,001618 0 ‐0,000028 040 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001071 0 ‐0,001652 0 0,000078 041 4b_SI Combination ‐0,00109 0 ‐0,001776 0 0,000149 042 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001097 0 ‐0,001954 0 0,000188 043 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001089 0 ‐0,002157 0 0,000197 044 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001068 0 ‐0,002352 0 0,000176 045 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001043 0 ‐0,002511 0 0,000124 046 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001029 0 ‐0,002605 0 0,000039 047 4b_SI Combination ‐0,00105 0 ‐0,002604 0 ‐0,00008 048 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001114 0 ‐0,002515 0 ‐0,000203 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-35 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 4c_SI Combination 0,002547 0 ‐0,004867 0 0,001544 02 4c_SI Combination 0,003849 0 ‐0,004893 0 0,001644 03 4c_SI Combination 0,00493 0 ‐0,004912 0 0,001807 04 4c_SI Combination 0,006711 0 ‐0,00494 0 0,001995 05 4c_SI Combination 0,008633 0 ‐0,004967 0 0,002093 06 4c_SI Combination 0,011468 0 ‐0,004763 0 0,002048 07 4c_SI Combination 0,013412 0 ‐0,004328 0 0,001887 08 4c_SI Combination 0,015089 0 ‐0,003723 0 0,001644 09 4c_SI Combination 0,016432 0 ‐0,003039 0 0,001346 010 4c_SI Combination 0,017415 0 ‐0,002375 0 0,001016 011 4c_SI Combination 0,018054 0 ‐0,001821 0 0,000676 012 4c_SI Combination 0,018398 0 ‐0,001451 0 0,000345 013 4c_SI Combination 0,018517 0 ‐0,00131 0 0,000042 014 4c_SI Combination 0,018492 0 ‐0,001411 0 ‐0,000218 015 4c_SI Combination 0,018407 0 ‐0,001737 0 ‐0,00042 016 4c_SI Combination 0,01833 0 ‐0,002239 0 ‐0,000555 017 4c_SI Combination 0,01831 0 ‐0,002845 0 ‐0,000612 018 4c_SI Combination 0,018367 0 ‐0,003465 0 ‐0,000588 019 4c_SI Combination 0,018489 0 ‐0,00401 0 ‐0,000481 020 4c_SI Combination 0,018632 0 ‐0,004392 0 ‐0,000292 021 4c_SI Combination 0,018723 0 ‐0,004547 0 ‐0,000029 022 4c_SI Combination 0,018671 0 ‐0,004441 0 0,000294 023 4c_SI Combination 0,018381 0 ‐0,004074 0 0,000659 024 4c_SI Combination 0,017767 0 ‐0,003489 0 0,001043 025 4c_SI Combination 0,016766 0 ‐0,002761 0 0,00142 026 4c_SI Combination 0,015359 0 ‐0,001993 0 0,001761 027 4c_SI Combination 0,013569 0 ‐0,001297 0 0,002037 028 4c_SI Combination 0,011476 0 ‐0,000776 0 0,00222 029 4c_SI Combination 0,008408 0 ‐0,000484 0 0,002268 030 4c_SI Combination 0,006324 0 ‐0,000463 0 0,002135 031 4c_SI Combination 0,004434 0 ‐0,000441 0 0,001815 032 4c_SI Combination 0,00337 0 ‐0,000426 0 0,001467 033 4c_SI Combination 0,002298 0 ‐0,000431 0 0,001247 034 4c_SI Combination 0,002332 0 ‐0,001861 0 0,000802 035 4c_SI Combination 0,002071 0 ‐0,002324 0 0,000521 036 4c_SI Combination 0,001909 0 ‐0,002642 0 0,000232 037 4c_SI Combination 0,001858 0 ‐0,002727 0 0,000004071 038 4c_SI Combination 0,001866 0 ‐0,002628 0 ‐0,000161 039 4c_SI Combination 0,001892 0 ‐0,002396 0 ‐0,000267 040 4c_SI Combination 0,001911 0 ‐0,002086 0 ‐0,000318 041 4c_SI Combination 0,001909 0 ‐0,001752 0 ‐0,000317 042 4c_SI Combination 0,001885 0 ‐0,001445 0 ‐0,000263 043 4c_SI Combination 0,001847 0 ‐0,001221 0 ‐0,000155 044 4c_SI Combination 0,001818 0 ‐0,001133 0 0,000009983 045 4c_SI Combination 0,001835 0 ‐0,001235 0 0,000235 046 4c_SI Combination 0,001943 0 ‐0,001577 0 0,000521 047 4c_SI Combination 0,002204 0 ‐0,002199 0 0,000863 048 4c_SI Combination 0,002579 0 ‐0,002939 0 0,00118 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-36 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001299 0 ‐0,001113 0 ‐0,000668 02 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001877 0 ‐0,001114 0 ‐0,000807 03 4d_SI Combination ‐0,002478 0 ‐0,001128 0 ‐0,001023 04 4d_SI Combination ‐0,003551 0 ‐0,001148 0 ‐0,001204 05 4d_SI Combination ‐0,004721 0 ‐0,001168 0 ‐0,001261 06 4d_SI Combination ‐0,006404 0 ‐0,00134 0 ‐0,001202 07 4d_SI Combination ‐0,007523 0 ‐0,001627 0 ‐0,001081 08 4d_SI Combination ‐0,008458 0 ‐0,002001 0 ‐0,000915 09 4d_SI Combination ‐0,009176 0 ‐0,002402 0 ‐0,000723 010 4d_SI Combination ‐0,009674 0 ‐0,002775 0 ‐0,000523 011 4d_SI Combination ‐0,009974 0 ‐0,003073 0 ‐0,00033 012 4d_SI Combination ‐0,010114 0 ‐0,003264 0 ‐0,000158 013 4d_SI Combination ‐0,010142 0 ‐0,003338 0 ‐0,000015 014 4d_SI Combination ‐0,010106 0 ‐0,003302 0 0,000091 015 4d_SI Combination ‐0,010047 0 ‐0,003178 0 0,00016 016 4d_SI Combination ‐0,009995 0 ‐0,002999 0 0,000191 017 4d_SI Combination ‐0,009964 0 ‐0,002801 0 0,000188 018 4d_SI Combination ‐0,009957 0 ‐0,002622 0 0,000153 019 4d_SI Combination ‐0,009963 0 ‐0,002491 0 0,000092 020 4d_SI Combination ‐0,009962 0 ‐0,002433 0 0,000006362 021 4d_SI Combination ‐0,009925 0 ‐0,002461 0 ‐0,000099 022 4d_SI Combination ‐0,009823 0 ‐0,002581 0 ‐0,000223 023 4d_SI Combination ‐0,00962 0 ‐0,002787 0 ‐0,00036 024 4d_SI Combination ‐0,009286 0 ‐0,003061 0 ‐0,000507 025 4d_SI Combination ‐0,008797 0 ‐0,003377 0 ‐0,000658 026 4d_SI Combination ‐0,008137 0 ‐0,003698 0 ‐0,000803 027 4d_SI Combination ‐0,007311 0 ‐0,00398 0 ‐0,000931 028 4d_SI Combination ‐0,006342 0 ‐0,004182 0 ‐0,001028 029 4d_SI Combination ‐0,0049 0 ‐0,004265 0 ‐0,001078 030 4d_SI Combination ‐0,003902 0 ‐0,004237 0 ‐0,001054 031 4d_SI Combination ‐0,002947 0 ‐0,004208 0 ‐0,001004 032 4d_SI Combination ‐0,002337 0 ‐0,004188 0 ‐0,000974 033 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001538 0 ‐0,004168 0 ‐0,000954 034 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001553 0 ‐0,002939 0 ‐0,000779 035 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001304 0 ‐0,002435 0 ‐0,000596 036 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001122 0 ‐0,001984 0 ‐0,000393 037 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001037 0 ‐0,001701 0 ‐0,000219 038 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001014 0 ‐0,001566 0 ‐0,000077 039 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001024 0 ‐0,001551 0 0,00003 040 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001046 0 ‐0,001626 0 0,000104 041 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001065 0 ‐0,001761 0 0,000147 042 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001073 0 ‐0,001924 0 0,000159 043 4d_SI Combination ‐0,00107 0 ‐0,002085 0 0,00014 044 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001062 0 ‐0,002211 0 0,000091 045 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001062 0 ‐0,002274 0 0,000007869 046 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001092 0 ‐0,002242 0 ‐0,00011 047 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001179 0 ‐0,002089 0 ‐0,000262 048 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001317 0 ‐0,001858 0 ‐0,00041 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-37 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2


Nei paragrafi seguenti si riportano i diagrammi delle sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali

(aste e elementi gap) per le condizioni di carico analizzate.

Si precisa che per la combinazione 1_ST_PP sono stati disattivati gli elementi gap, in

quanto tale combinazione è relativa alla fase costruttiva, prima della realizzazione dei


3.2.1. Combinazione 1_ST_PP

Azione assiale Momento flettente



Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-38 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

3.2.2. Combinazione 2a_ST_ka

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-39 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

3.2.3. Combinazione 2b_ST_kaQ

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-40 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

3.2.4. Combinazione 3a_ST_k0

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-41 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

3.2.5. Combinazione 3b_ST_k0Q

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-42 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

3.2.6. Combinazione 4a_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-43 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

3.2.7. Combinazione 4b_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-44 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

3.2.8. Combinazione 4c_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-45 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

3.2.9. Combinazione 4d_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-46 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2


TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐278630,72 30860,67 0 0 0 ‐8110,811 0,42121 1_ST_PP Combination ‐269153,56 30860,67 0 0 0 ‐21109,541 0,84241 1_ST_PP Combination ‐259676,41 30860,67 0 0 0 ‐34108,272 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐333227,99 49381,4 0 0 0 ‐77330,292 0,31092 1_ST_PP Combination ‐326232,32 49381,4 0 0 0 ‐92683,892 0,62184 1_ST_PP Combination ‐319236,65 49381,4 0 0 0 ‐108037,493 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐319236,65 49381,4 0 0 0 ‐108037,493 0,46272 1_ST_PP Combination ‐308825,34 49381,4 0 0 0 ‐130887,493 0,92545 1_ST_PP Combination ‐298414,03 49381,4 0 0 0 ‐153737,484 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐298414,03 49381,4 0 0 0 ‐153737,484 0,46272 1_ST_PP Combination ‐288002,72 49381,4 0 0 0 ‐176587,484 0,92545 1_ST_PP Combination ‐277591,41 49381,4 0 0 0 ‐199437,485 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐280798,25 25453 0 0 0 ‐199437,485 0,67241 1_ST_PP Combination ‐265724,56 26747,27 0 0 0 ‐216987,395 1,34481 1_ST_PP Combination ‐250650,88 28041,53 0 0 0 ‐235407,576 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐252033,89 ‐9545,11 0 0 0 ‐235407,576 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐241100,27 ‐6928,29 0 0 0 ‐231291,996 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐230166,64 ‐4311,46 0 0 0 ‐228483,957 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐227759,3 ‐33480,97 0 0 0 ‐228483,957 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐217246,08 ‐29497,99 0 0 0 ‐212749,837 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐206732,86 ‐25515,02 0 0 0 ‐199005,858 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐201824,53 ‐51539,79 0 0 0 ‐199005,858 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐191901,65 ‐46255,06 0 0 0 ‐174573,628 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐181978,78 ‐40970,32 0 0 0 ‐152781,989 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐175309,5 ‐63729,29 0 0 0 ‐152781,989 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐166137,37 ‐57228,22 0 0 0 ‐122562,999 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐156965,24 ‐50727,15 0 0 0 ‐95592,3510 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐149260,15 ‐70233,46 0 0 0 ‐95592,3510 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐140987,03 ‐62621,14 0 0 0 ‐62401,110 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐132713,91 ‐55008,82 0 0 0 ‐33013,4411 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐124661,56 ‐71403,42 0 0 0 ‐33013,4411 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐117421,18 ‐62802,91 0 0 0 515,5211 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐110180,81 ‐54202,39 0 0 0 29747,1212 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐102412,9 ‐67744,44 0 0 0 29747,1212 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐96322,3 ‐58294,75 0 0 0 61235,6712 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐90231,71 ‐48845,06 0 0 0 88002,5713 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐83304,79 ‐59899,2 0 0 0 88002,5713 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐78462,44 ‐49753,09 0 0 0 115397,1513 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐73620,08 ‐39606,98 0 0 0 137722,1114 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐67999,59 ‐48628,04 0 0 0 137722,1114 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐64483,74 ‐37949,52 0 0 0 159351,914 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐60967,9 ‐27271,01 0 0 0 175646,0415 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐57014,89 ‐34786,41 0 0 0 175646,0415 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐54882,39 ‐23748,1 0 0 0 190269,815 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐52749,89 ‐12709,79 0 0 0 199378,1316 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐50710,89 ‐19300,16 0 0 0 199378,1316 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐49996,2 ‐8080,48 0 0 0 206218,6816 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐49281,52 3139,19 0 0 0 207453,17

Tabella 3-2 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-47 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

17 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐49281,52 ‐3139,19 0 0 0 207453,1717 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐49996,2 8080,48 0 0 0 206218,6817 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐50710,89 19300,16 0 0 0 199378,1318 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐52749,89 12709,79 0 0 0 199378,1318 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐54882,39 23748,1 0 0 0 190269,818 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐57014,89 34786,41 0 0 0 175646,0419 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐60967,9 27271,01 0 0 0 175646,0419 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐64483,74 37949,52 0 0 0 159351,919 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐67999,59 48628,04 0 0 0 137722,1120 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐73620,08 39606,98 0 0 0 137722,1120 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐78462,44 49753,09 0 0 0 115397,1520 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐83304,79 59899,2 0 0 0 88002,5721 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐90231,71 48845,06 0 0 0 88002,5721 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐96322,3 58294,75 0 0 0 61235,6721 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐102412,9 67744,44 0 0 0 29747,1222 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐110180,81 54202,39 0 0 0 29747,1222 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐117421,18 62802,91 0 0 0 515,5222 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐124661,56 71403,42 0 0 0 ‐33013,4423 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐132713,91 55008,82 0 0 0 ‐33013,4423 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐140987,03 62621,14 0 0 0 ‐62401,123 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐149260,15 70233,46 0 0 0 ‐95592,3524 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐156965,24 50727,15 0 0 0 ‐95592,3524 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐166137,37 57228,22 0 0 0 ‐122562,9924 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐175309,5 63729,29 0 0 0 ‐152781,9825 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐181978,78 40970,32 0 0 0 ‐152781,9825 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐191901,65 46255,06 0 0 0 ‐174573,6225 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐201824,53 51539,79 0 0 0 ‐199005,8526 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐206732,86 25515,02 0 0 0 ‐199005,8526 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐217246,08 29497,99 0 0 0 ‐212749,8326 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐227759,3 33480,97 0 0 0 ‐228483,9527 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐230166,64 4311,46 0 0 0 ‐228483,9527 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐241100,27 6928,29 0 0 0 ‐231291,9927 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐252033,89 9545,11 0 0 0 ‐235407,5728 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐250650,88 ‐28041,53 0 0 0 ‐235407,5728 0,67241 1_ST_PP Combination ‐265724,56 ‐26747,27 0 0 0 ‐216987,3928 1,34481 1_ST_PP Combination ‐280798,25 ‐25453 0 0 0 ‐199437,4829 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐277591,41 49381,4 0 0 0 199437,4829 0,46272 1_ST_PP Combination ‐288002,72 49381,4 0 0 0 176587,4829 0,92545 1_ST_PP Combination ‐298414,03 49381,4 0 0 0 153737,4830 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐298414,03 49381,4 0 0 0 153737,4830 0,46272 1_ST_PP Combination ‐308825,34 49381,4 0 0 0 130887,4930 0,92545 1_ST_PP Combination ‐319236,65 49381,4 0 0 0 108037,4931 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐319236,65 49381,4 0 0 0 108037,4931 0,31092 1_ST_PP Combination ‐326232,32 49381,4 0 0 0 92683,8931 0,62184 1_ST_PP Combination ‐333227,99 49381,4 0 0 0 77330,2932 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐259676,41 30860,67 0 0 0 34108,2732 0,42121 1_ST_PP Combination ‐269153,56 30860,67 0 0 0 21109,5432 0,84241 1_ST_PP Combination ‐278630,72 30860,67 0 0 0 8110,81

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-48 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

33 0 1_ST_PP Combination 15468,53 51140,84 0 0 0 8110,8133 0,44231 1_ST_PP Combination 15468,53 59434,08 0 0 0 ‐16343,1733 0,88461 1_ST_PP Combination 15468,53 67727,32 0 0 0 ‐44465,3233 1,32692 1_ST_PP Combination 15468,53 76020,57 0 0 0 ‐76255,6134 0 1_ST_PP Combination 18704,12 ‐2724,99 0 0 0 ‐165784,9334 0,41085 1_ST_PP Combination 13991,63 6401,42 0 0 0 ‐166540,1634 0,8217 1_ST_PP Combination 9279,13 15527,83 0 0 0 ‐171044,9935 0 1_ST_PP Combination 20220,44 ‐19573,3 0 0 0 ‐171044,9935 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 15251,33 ‐8106,56 0 0 0 ‐164126,6235 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 10282,22 3360,17 0 0 0 ‐162940,2936 0 1_ST_PP Combination 18535,81 ‐28434,49 0 0 0 ‐162940,2936 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 14432,19 ‐16630,33 0 0 0 ‐151676,6836 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 10328,57 ‐4826,16 0 0 0 ‐146313,837 0 1_ST_PP Combination 15572,75 ‐31238,8 0 0 0 ‐146313,837 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 12357,29 ‐19162,43 0 0 0 ‐133716,3937 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 9141,83 ‐7086,05 0 0 0 ‐127155,7838 0 1_ST_PP Combination 12227,02 ‐29368,33 0 0 0 ‐127155,7838 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 9917,48 ‐17086,47 0 0 0 ‐115544,7638 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 7607,95 ‐4804,61 0 0 0 ‐110073,2539 0 1_ST_PP Combination 9224,99 ‐24128,09 0 0 0 ‐110073,2539 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 7834,15 ‐11708,61 0 0 0 ‐101116,1439 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 6443,31 710,88 0 0 0 ‐98367,3440 0 1_ST_PP Combination 7097,6 ‐16721,61 0 0 0 ‐98367,3440 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 6633,13 ‐4233,12 0 0 0 ‐93129,8740 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 6168,66 8255,37 0 0 0 ‐94135,241 0 1_ST_PP Combination 6168,66 ‐8255,37 0 0 0 ‐94135,241 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 6633,13 4233,12 0 0 0 ‐93129,8741 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 7097,6 16721,61 0 0 0 ‐98367,3442 0 1_ST_PP Combination 6443,31 ‐710,88 0 0 0 ‐98367,3442 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 7834,15 11708,61 0 0 0 ‐101116,1442 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 9224,99 24128,09 0 0 0 ‐110073,2543 0 1_ST_PP Combination 7607,95 4804,61 0 0 0 ‐110073,2543 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 9917,48 17086,47 0 0 0 ‐115544,7643 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 12227,02 29368,33 0 0 0 ‐127155,7844 0 1_ST_PP Combination 9141,83 7086,05 0 0 0 ‐127155,7844 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 12357,29 19162,43 0 0 0 ‐133716,3944 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 15572,75 31238,8 0 0 0 ‐146313,845 0 1_ST_PP Combination 10328,57 4826,16 0 0 0 ‐146313,845 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 14432,19 16630,33 0 0 0 ‐151676,6845 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 18535,81 28434,49 0 0 0 ‐162940,2946 0 1_ST_PP Combination 10282,22 ‐3360,17 0 0 0 ‐162940,2946 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination 15251,33 8106,56 0 0 0 ‐164126,6246 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination 20220,44 19573,3 0 0 0 ‐171044,9947 0 1_ST_PP Combination 9279,13 ‐15527,83 0 0 0 ‐171044,9947 0,41085 1_ST_PP Combination 13991,63 ‐6401,42 0 0 0 ‐166540,1647 0,8217 1_ST_PP Combination 18704,12 2724,99 0 0 0 ‐165784,9348 0 1_ST_PP Combination 15468,53 ‐76020,57 0 0 0 ‐76255,6148 0,44231 1_ST_PP Combination 15468,53 ‐67727,32 0 0 0 ‐44465,3248 0,88461 1_ST_PP Combination 15468,53 ‐59434,08 0 0 0 ‐16343,1748 1,32692 1_ST_PP Combination 15468,53 ‐51140,84 0 0 0 8110,8149 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐39581,2 ‐96901,12 0 0 0 ‐89529,3249 0,78587 1_ST_PP Combination ‐31683,57 ‐84461,26 0 0 0 ‐18265,5949 1,57174 1_ST_PP Combination ‐23785,94 ‐72021,39 0 0 0 43222,0250 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐39581,2 ‐96901,12 0 0 0 ‐89529,3250 0,78587 1_ST_PP Combination ‐31683,57 ‐84461,26 0 0 0 ‐18265,5950 1,57174 1_ST_PP Combination ‐23785,94 ‐72021,39 0 0 0 43222,02

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-49 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐705126,35 21001 0 0 0 ‐28238,61 0,42121 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐695649,2 21001 0 0 0 ‐37084,371 0,84241 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐686172,04 21001 0 0 0 ‐45930,132 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐958566,38 29495,59 0 0 0 ‐145795,812 0,31092 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐951570,71 29495,59 0 0 0 ‐154966,532 0,62184 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐944575,04 29495,59 0 0 0 ‐164137,263 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐944575,04 74467,03 0 0 0 ‐164137,263 0,46272 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐934163,73 74467,03 0 0 0 ‐198595,013 0,92545 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐923752,42 74467,03 0 0 0 ‐233052,754 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐923752,42 123853,04 0 0 0 ‐233052,754 0,46272 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐913341,11 123853,04 0 0 0 ‐290362,634 0,92545 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐902929,8 123853,04 0 0 0 ‐347672,515 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐904645,51 101882,78 0 0 0 ‐347672,515 0,67241 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐889571,82 103177,05 0 0 0 ‐416614,315 1,34481 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐874498,13 104471,31 0 0 0 ‐486426,386 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐865460,16 26377,48 0 0 0 ‐486426,386 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐854526,54 28994,31 0 0 0 ‐500259,996 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐843592,92 31611,13 0 0 0 ‐515401,147 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐815760,94 ‐28796,62 0 0 0 ‐515401,147 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐805247,72 ‐24813,64 0 0 0 ‐502007,617 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐794734,49 ‐20830,67 0 0 0 ‐490604,238 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐755774,98 ‐72769,3 0 0 0 ‐490604,238 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐745852,11 ‐67484,56 0 0 0 ‐455564,48 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐735929,23 ‐62199,83 0 0 0 ‐423165,179 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐690953,76 ‐104562,85 0 0 0 ‐423165,179 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐681781,63 ‐98061,78 0 0 0 ‐372543,179 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐672609,5 ‐91560,71 0 0 0 ‐325169,5210 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐625970,29 ‐124554,59 0 0 0 ‐325169,5210 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐617697,18 ‐116942,27 0 0 0 ‐264836,0110 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐609424,06 ‐109329,95 0 0 0 ‐208306,111 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐564462,57 ‐133967,42 0 0 0 ‐208306,111 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐557222,2 ‐125366,9 0 0 0 ‐143516,2411 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐549981,83 ‐116766,39 0 0 0 ‐83023,7312 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐509008,91 ‐134371,19 0 0 0 ‐83023,7312 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐502918,31 ‐124921,51 0 0 0 ‐18244,2712 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐496827,72 ‐115471,82 0 0 0 41813,5413 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐461293,8 ‐127280,01 0 0 0 41813,5413 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐456451,44 ‐117133,9 0 0 0 102875,8113 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐451609,09 ‐106987,79 0 0 0 158868,4514 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐422399,52 ‐113908,81 0 0 0 158868,4514 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐418883,68 ‐103230,29 0 0 0 213116,6214 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐415367,84 ‐92551,77 0 0 0 262029,1315 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐393137,12 ‐95115,47 0 0 0 262029,1315 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐391004,62 ‐84077,16 0 0 0 306797,0815 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐388872,12 ‐73038,85 0 0 0 346049,616 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐374331,72 ‐71518,41 0 0 0 346049,616 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐373617,03 ‐60298,74 0 0 0 378981,6616 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐372902,35 ‐49079,06 0 0 0 406307,67

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-50 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

17 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐366602,94 ‐43720,57 0 0 0 406307,6717 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐367317,63 ‐32500,9 0 0 0 425350,1917 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐368032,31 ‐21281,22 0 0 0 438786,6618 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐370405,19 ‐12372,98 0 0 0 438786,6618 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐372537,69 ‐1334,67 0 0 0 442211,2618 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐374670,19 9703,64 0 0 0 440120,4319 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐386724,18 21515,39 0 0 0 440120,4319 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐390240,02 32193,9 0 0 0 426702,1619 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐393755,87 42872,42 0 0 0 407948,2320 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐416777,37 56111,83 0 0 0 407948,2320 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐421619,73 66257,94 0 0 0 377376,4220 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐426462,08 76404,04 0 0 0 341734,9721 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐461186,41 88686,88 0 0 0 341734,9721 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐467277 98136,57 0 0 0 295060,6121 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐473367,59 107586,25 0 0 0 243664,5822 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐519514,97 115780,34 0 0 0 243664,5822 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐526755,35 124380,85 0 0 0 183664,7722 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐533995,72 132981,37 0 0 0 119367,623 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐589881,93 133584,03 0 0 0 119367,623 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐598155,05 141196,34 0 0 0 50718,8323 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐606428,17 148808,66 0 0 0 ‐21733,5424 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐668738,79 138501,91 0 0 0 ‐21733,5424 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐677910,92 145002,98 0 0 0 ‐92561,9724 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐687083,05 151504,05 0 0 0 ‐166638,7425 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐750885,33 127816,12 0 0 0 ‐166638,7425 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐760808,21 133100,86 0 0 0 ‐23182425 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐770731,08 138385,59 0 0 0 ‐299649,8526 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐829757,21 100357,03 0 0 0 ‐299649,8526 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐840270,43 104340,01 0 0 0 ‐350789,626 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐850783,65 108322,98 0 0 0 ‐403919,527 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐897986,64 57069,64 0 0 0 ‐403919,527 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐908920,26 59686,46 0 0 0 ‐433088,8427 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐919853,89 62303,29 0 0 0 ‐463565,7128 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐947948,47 ‐10162,5 0 0 0 ‐463565,7128 0,67241 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐963022,15 ‐8868,23 0 0 0 ‐457167,5228 1,34481 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐978095,84 ‐7573,97 0 0 0 ‐451639,5929 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐986767,42 22361,14 0 0 0 451639,5929 0,46272 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐997178,73 22361,14 0 0 0 441292,5429 0,92545 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐1007590,04 22361,14 0 0 0 430945,4830 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐1007590,04 ‐38310,32 0 0 0 430945,4830 0,46272 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐1018001,35 ‐38310,32 0 0 0 448672,6230 0,92545 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐1028412,66 ‐38310,32 0 0 0 466399,7631 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐1028412,66 ‐92716,01 0 0 0 466399,7631 0,31092 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐1035408,33 ‐92716,01 0 0 0 495226,931 0,62184 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐1042404 ‐92716,01 0 0 0 524054,0332 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐565205,74 229117,92 0 0 0 283257,2632 0,42121 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐574682,9 229117,92 0 0 0 186751,2132 0,84241 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐584160,05 229117,92 0 0 0 90245,16

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-51 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

33 0 2a_ST_ka Combination 143084,96 95619,06 0 0 0 90245,1633 0,44231 2a_ST_ka Combination 143084,96 103912,3 0 0 0 46118,1833 0,88461 2a_ST_ka Combination 143084,96 112205,54 0 0 0 ‐1676,9533 1,32692 2a_ST_ka Combination 143084,96 120498,78 0 0 0 ‐53140,2434 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐317206,94 58160,39 0 0 0 ‐148634,6234 0,41085 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐321919,43 67286,8 0 0 0 ‐174404,6534 0,8217 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐326631,93 76413,21 0 0 0 ‐203924,2835 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐291667,76 21818,59 0 0 0 ‐203924,2835 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐296636,87 33285,33 0 0 0 ‐217697,0835 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐301605,98 44752,06 0 0 0 ‐237201,9336 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐272582,08 ‐2626,87 0 0 0 ‐237201,9336 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐276685,7 9177,29 0 0 0 ‐238839,1636 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐280789,32 20981,46 0 0 0 ‐246377,1137 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐259768,87 ‐15257,34 0 0 0 ‐246377,1137 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐262984,34 ‐3180,96 0 0 0 ‐241768,637 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐266199,8 8895,42 0 0 0 ‐243196,8938 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐251374,56 ‐17786,6 0 0 0 ‐243196,8938 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐253684,09 ‐5504,73 0 0 0 ‐237375,438 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐255993,62 6777,13 0 0 0 ‐237693,4239 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐245690,45 ‐12224,52 0 0 0 ‐237693,4239 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐247081,29 194,96 0 0 0 ‐234686,7239 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐248472,14 12614,45 0 0 0 ‐237888,3440 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐241289,36 ‐782,71 0 0 0 ‐237888,3440 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐241753,83 11705,77 0 0 0 ‐240618,4840 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐242218,3 24194,26 0 0 0 ‐249591,4241 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐237141,52 14176,52 0 0 0 ‐249591,4241 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐236677,05 26665 0 0 0 ‐259799,4541 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐236212,58 39153,49 0 0 0 ‐276250,2842 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐231554,62 28463,99 0 0 0 ‐276250,2842 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐230163,78 40883,48 0 0 0 ‐293583,1642 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐228772,93 53302,96 0 0 0 ‐317124,3443 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐225054,87 39067,81 0 0 0 ‐317124,3443 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐222745,33 51349,67 0 0 0 ‐339723,5143 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐220435,8 63631,53 0 0 0 ‐368462,1944 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐218813,27 42539,66 0 0 0 ‐368462,1944 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐215597,81 54616,03 0 0 0 ‐392745,5144 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐212382,35 66692,41 0 0 0 ‐423065,6445 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐214630,41 35055,03 0 0 0 ‐423065,6445 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐210526,79 46859,19 0 0 0 ‐443539,4845 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐206423,16 58663,36 0 0 0 ‐469914,0446 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐214864,53 12535,62 0 0 0 ‐469914,0446 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐209895,42 24002,35 0 0 0 ‐479046,4346 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐204926,31 35469,09 0 0 0 ‐493910,8647 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐220416,75 ‐23483,29 0 0 0 ‐493910,8647 0,41085 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐215704,26 ‐14356,88 0 0 0 ‐486137,5347 0,8217 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐210991,77 ‐5230,47 0 0 0 ‐482113,848 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐86556,5 ‐208300,21 0 0 0 ‐231652,1548 0,44231 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐86556,5 ‐200006,96 0 0 0 ‐141353,7548 0,88461 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐86556,5 ‐191713,72 0 0 0 ‐54723,4948 1,32692 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐86556,5 ‐183420,48 0 0 0 28238,649 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐588709,6 ‐226400,58 0 0 0 ‐95494,3749 0,78587 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐580811,98 ‐213960,72 0 0 0 77539,2649 1,57174 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐572914,35 ‐201520,86 0 0 0 240796,7750 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐192528,03 ‐235330,91 0 0 0 ‐250461,6550 0,78587 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐184630,4 ‐222891,05 0 0 0 ‐70409,9250 1,57174 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐176732,77 ‐210451,18 0 0 0 99865,67

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-52 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐816268,24 35558,01 0 0 0 ‐34011,011 0,42121 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐806791,08 35558,01 0 0 0 ‐48988,291 0,84241 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐797313,93 35558,01 0 0 0 ‐63965,562 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1115766,38 46972,93 0 0 0 ‐186278,282 0,31092 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1108770,71 46972,93 0 0 0 ‐200883,042 0,62184 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1101775,04 46972,93 0 0 0 ‐215487,83 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1101775,04 96137,37 0 0 0 ‐215487,83 0,46272 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1091363,73 96137,37 0 0 0 ‐259972,953 0,92545 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1080952,42 96137,37 0 0 0 ‐304458,14 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1080952,42 150539,14 0 0 0 ‐304458,14 0,46272 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1070541,11 150539,14 0 0 0 ‐374116,34 0,92545 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1060129,8 150539,14 0 0 0 ‐443774,55 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1062931,05 121237,66 0 0 0 ‐443774,55 0,67241 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1047857,36 122531,92 0 0 0 ‐525730,655 1,34481 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1032783,67 123826,19 0 0 0 ‐608557,076 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1022941,12 28879,93 0 0 0 ‐608557,076 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1012007,5 31496,75 0 0 0 ‐623641,076 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1001073,88 34113,58 0 0 0 ‐640032,597 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐968630,95 ‐39386,73 0 0 0 ‐640032,597 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐958117,73 ‐35403,76 0 0 0 ‐621347,577 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐947604,51 ‐31420,78 0 0 0 ‐604652,78 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐901108,63 ‐94453,19 0 0 0 ‐604652,78 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐891185,76 ‐89168,46 0 0 0 ‐558778,258 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐881262,88 ‐83883,72 0 0 0 ‐515544,379 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐826474,12 ‐134701,29 0 0 0 ‐515544,379 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐817301,99 ‐128200,22 0 0 0 ‐449863,329 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐808129,86 ‐121699,15 0 0 0 ‐387430,610 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐750184,79 ‐160057,95 0 0 0 ‐387430,610 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐741911,68 ‐152445,63 0 0 0 ‐309357,3910 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐733638,56 ‐144833,31 0 0 0 ‐235087,7711 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐676745,81 ‐171513,14 0 0 0 ‐235087,7711 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐669505,44 ‐162912,62 0 0 0 ‐151537,711 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐662265,07 ‐154312,11 0 0 0 ‐7228512 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐609627,64 ‐170634,58 0 0 0 ‐7228512 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐603537,05 ‐161184,89 0 0 0 10613,9312 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐597446,46 ‐151735,2 0 0 0 88791,2113 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐551372,26 ‐159162,9 0 0 0 88791,2113 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐546529,91 ‐149016,79 0 0 0 165784,1813 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐541687,55 ‐138870,69 0 0 0 237707,5214 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐503827,98 ‐138751,52 0 0 0 237707,5214 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐500312,13 ‐128073,01 0 0 0 304368,6714 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐496796,29 ‐117394,49 0 0 0 365694,1615 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐468429,54 ‐110877,81 0 0 0 365694,1615 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐466297,04 ‐99839,49 0 0 0 418337,9715 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐464164,54 ‐88801,18 0 0 0 465466,3416 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐446442,31 ‐76918,24 0 0 0 465466,3416 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐445727,63 ‐65698,56 0 0 0 501096,4916 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐445012,94 ‐54478,89 0 0 0 531120,6

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-53 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

17 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐438713,54 ‐38320,75 0 0 0 531120,617 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐439428,22 ‐27101,07 0 0 0 547465,0217 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐440142,91 ‐15881,4 0 0 0 558203,418 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐445697,61 3389,36 0 0 0 558203,418 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐447830,11 14427,67 0 0 0 553752,1418 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐449962,61 25465,98 0 0 0 543785,4619 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐468152,63 46358,1 0 0 0 543785,4619 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐471668,47 57036,62 0 0 0 517954,219 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐475184,32 67715,14 0 0 0 486787,320 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐506855,84 87994,73 0 0 0 486787,320 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐511698,2 98140,83 0 0 0 440284,7820 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐516540,55 108286,94 0 0 0 388712,6421 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐561805,14 124950,26 0 0 0 388712,6421 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐567895,73 134399,95 0 0 0 323918,8121 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐573986,32 143849,64 0 0 0 254403,3222 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐631798,21 153326,06 0 0 0 254403,3222 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐639038,59 161926,57 0 0 0 175643,322 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐646278,96 170527,09 0 0 0 92585,9323 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐714096,43 169087,39 0 0 0 92585,9323 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐722369,55 176699,7 0 0 0 6197,4523 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐730642,67 184312,02 0 0 0 ‐83994,6224 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐804259,16 168640,35 0 0 0 ‐83994,6224 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐813431,29 175141,42 0 0 0 ‐169882,1124 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐822603,42 181642,49 0 0 0 ‐259017,9525 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐896218,98 149500,02 0 0 0 ‐259017,9525 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐906141,86 154784,75 0 0 0 ‐335037,8425 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐916064,74 160069,49 0 0 0 ‐413698,3326 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐982627,23 110947,15 0 0 0 ‐413698,3326 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐993140,45 114930,12 0 0 0 ‐470129,5726 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1003653,67 118913,09 0 0 0 ‐528550,9527 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1055467,6 54567,19 0 0 0 ‐528550,9527 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1066401,22 57184,02 0 0 0 ‐556469,9127 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1077334,84 59800,84 0 0 0 ‐585696,428 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1106234 ‐29517,38 0 0 0 ‐585696,428 0,67241 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1121307,69 ‐28223,11 0 0 0 ‐566283,8628 1,34481 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1136381,38 ‐26928,84 0 0 0 ‐547741,5929 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1143967,42 49047,24 0 0 0 547741,5929 0,46272 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1154378,73 49047,24 0 0 0 525046,2129 0,92545 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1164790,04 49047,24 0 0 0 502350,8430 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1164790,04 ‐16639,98 0 0 0 502350,8430 0,46272 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1175201,35 ‐16639,98 0 0 0 510050,5730 0,92545 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1185612,66 ‐16639,98 0 0 0 517750,331 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1185612,66 ‐75238,67 0 0 0 517750,331 0,31092 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1192608,33 ‐75238,67 0 0 0 541143,431 0,62184 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1199604 ‐75238,67 0 0 0 564536,5132 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐676347,63 243674,93 0 0 0 301292,6932 0,42121 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐685824,78 243674,93 0 0 0 198655,1332 0,84241 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐695301,94 243674,93 0 0 0 96017,57

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-54 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

33 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 144576,39 124603,94 0 0 0 96017,5733 0,44231 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 144576,39 132897,19 0 0 0 39070,3933 0,88461 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 144576,39 141190,43 0 0 0 ‐21544,9433 1,32692 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 144576,39 149483,67 0 0 0 ‐85828,4234 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐333372,19 68245,96 0 0 0 ‐219108,5834 0,41085 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐338084,68 77372,37 0 0 0 ‐249022,2834 0,8217 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐342797,17 86498,78 0 0 0 ‐282685,5635 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐305671,03 23242,62 0 0 0 ‐282685,5635 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐310640,14 34709,35 0 0 0 ‐297170,2235 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐315609,25 46176,09 0 0 0 ‐317386,9236 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐285684,81 ‐6765,18 0 0 0 ‐317386,9236 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐289788,43 5038,98 0 0 0 ‐316955,4736 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐293892,06 16843,15 0 0 0 ‐322424,7437 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐272928,97 ‐21722,83 0 0 0 ‐322424,7437 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐276144,43 ‐9646,46 0 0 0 ‐314584,2337 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐279359,89 2429,92 0 0 0 ‐312780,5138 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐265050,22 ‐24096,23 0 0 0 ‐312780,5138 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐267359,75 ‐11814,37 0 0 0 ‐303804,9338 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐269669,28 467,49 0 0 0 ‐300968,8639 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐259939,81 ‐16655,39 0 0 0 ‐300968,8639 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐261330,66 ‐4235,91 0 0 0 ‐295747,2439 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐262721,5 8183,58 0 0 0 ‐296733,9340 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐255894,31 ‐2352,31 0 0 0 ‐296733,9340 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐256358,78 10136,18 0 0 0 ‐298679,4540 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐256823,25 22624,67 0 0 0 ‐306867,7741 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐251746,46 15746,11 0 0 0 ‐306867,7741 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐251281,99 28234,6 0 0 0 ‐317860,4241 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐250817,52 40723,09 0 0 0 ‐335095,8742 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐245803,98 32894,87 0 0 0 ‐335095,8742 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐244413,14 45314,35 0 0 0 ‐354643,6742 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐243022,3 57733,84 0 0 0 ‐380399,7843 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐238730,52 45377,45 0 0 0 ‐380399,7843 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐236420,99 57659,31 0 0 0 ‐406153,0443 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐234111,46 69941,17 0 0 0 ‐438045,8144 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐231973,36 49005,15 0 0 0 ‐438045,8144 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐228757,9 61081,53 0 0 0 ‐465561,1444 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐225542,44 73157,9 0 0 0 ‐499113,2745 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐227733,14 39193,33 0 0 0 ‐499113,2745 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐223629,52 50997,5 0 0 0 ‐521655,7845 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐219525,9 62801,67 0 0 0 ‐550099,0246 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐228867,8 11111,59 0 0 0 ‐550099,0246 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐223898,69 22578,33 0 0 0 ‐558519,5646 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐218929,58 34045,06 0 0 0 ‐572672,1547 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐236582 ‐33568,85 0 0 0 ‐572672,1547 0,41085 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐231869,51 ‐24442,44 0 0 0 ‐560755,1647 0,8217 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐227157,02 ‐15316,03 0 0 0 ‐552587,7648 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐85065,07 ‐237285,09 0 0 0 ‐264340,3348 0,44231 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐85065,07 ‐228991,85 0 0 0 ‐161221,7348 0,88461 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐85065,07 ‐220698,61 0 0 0 ‐61771,2948 1,32692 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐85065,07 ‐212405,37 0 0 0 34011,0149 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐614280,03 ‐264722,91 0 0 0 ‐133280,1649 0,78587 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐606382,4 ‐252283,04 0 0 0 69869,949 1,57174 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐598484,77 ‐239843,18 0 0 0 263243,8150 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐218098,45 ‐273653,23 0 0 0 ‐288247,4350 0,78587 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐210200,82 ‐261213,37 0 0 0 ‐78079,2950 1,57174 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐202303,19 ‐248773,51 0 0 0 122312,72

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-55 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐682915,43 ‐14090,12 0 0 0 ‐32487,271 0,42121 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐673438,28 ‐14090,12 0 0 0 ‐26552,411 0,84241 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐663961,12 ‐14090,12 0 0 0 ‐20617,562 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐971574,46 ‐58175,64 0 0 0 ‐108249,152 0,31092 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐964578,79 ‐58175,64 0 0 0 ‐90161,262 0,62184 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐957583,12 ‐58175,64 0 0 0 ‐72073,373 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐957583,12 12590,35 0 0 0 ‐72073,373 0,46272 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐947171,81 12590,35 0 0 0 ‐77899,243 0,92545 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐936760,5 12590,35 0 0 0 ‐83725,114 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐936760,5 90303,02 0 0 0 ‐83725,114 0,46272 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐926349,19 90303,02 0 0 0 ‐125510,564 0,92545 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐915937,88 90303,02 0 0 0 ‐167296,015 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐917436,82 98800,73 0 0 0 ‐167296,015 0,67241 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐902363,13 100095 0 0 0 ‐234165,425 1,34481 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐887289,44 101389,27 0 0 0 ‐301905,16 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐884086,09 48314,98 0 0 0 ‐301905,16 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐873152,47 50931,81 0 0 0 ‐326700,076 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐862218,85 53548,63 0 0 0 ‐352802,577 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐844127,8 9362,06 0 0 0 ‐352802,577 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐833614,58 13345,03 0 0 0 ‐358475,517 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐823101,36 17328 0 0 0 ‐366138,68 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐796562,56 ‐23857,12 0 0 0 ‐366138,68 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐786639,69 ‐18572,39 0 0 0 ‐355538,378 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐776716,81 ‐13287,66 0 0 0 ‐347578,739 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐745314,57 ‐50362,2 0 0 0 ‐347578,739 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐736142,44 ‐43861,13 0 0 0 ‐324038,789 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐726970,31 ‐37360,06 0 0 0 ‐303747,1710 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐693738,61 ‐70114,8 0 0 0 ‐303747,1710 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐685465,49 ‐62502,48 0 0 0 ‐270615,2110 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐677192,37 ‐54890,16 0 0 0 ‐241286,8411 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐644447,66 ‐83635,59 0 0 0 ‐241286,8411 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐637207,28 ‐75035,07 0 0 0 ‐201645,9211 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐629966,91 ‐66434,56 0 0 0 ‐166302,3612 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐599317,17 ‐91640,84 0 0 0 ‐166302,3612 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐593226,58 ‐82191,15 0 0 0 ‐122873,6712 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐587135,99 ‐72741,47 0 0 0 ‐84166,6313 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐559628,71 ‐94762,08 0 0 0 ‐84166,6313 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐554786,36 ‐84615,97 0 0 0 ‐39352,3613 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐549944 ‐74469,87 0 0 0 392,2814 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐526300,33 ‐93395,03 0 0 0 392,2814 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐522784,48 ‐82716,51 0 0 0 44390,4814 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐519268,64 ‐72037,99 0 0 0 83053,0115 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐500134,57 ‐87693,16 0 0 0 83053,0115 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐498002,07 ‐76654,85 0 0 0 124112,3115 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐495869,57 ‐65616,53 0 0 0 159656,1716 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐482018,7 ‐77693,28 0 0 0 159656,1716 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐481304,02 ‐66473,61 0 0 0 195673,5916 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐480589,33 ‐55253,93 0 0 0 226084,96

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-56 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

17 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐472414,34 ‐63495,12 0 0 0 226084,9617 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐473129,02 ‐52275,44 0 0 0 255008,0817 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐473843,71 ‐41055,77 0 0 0 278325,1518 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐471380,64 ‐45129,11 0 0 0 278325,1518 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐473513,14 ‐34090,79 0 0 0 298116,7718 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐475645,64 ‐23052,48 0 0 0 312392,9619 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐479769,42 ‐22814,25 0 0 0 312392,9619 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐483285,26 ‐12135,73 0 0 0 321124,5619 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐486801,1 ‐1457,21 0 0 0 324520,520 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐498977,71 2467,07 0 0 0 324520,520 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐503820,07 12613,18 0 0 0 320752,9820 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐508662,42 22759,28 0 0 0 311915,8321 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐529953,11 28888,91 0 0 0 311915,8321 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐536043,7 38338,6 0 0 0 295120,2921 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐542134,29 47788,29 0 0 0 273603,0822 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐572796,67 53921,06 0 0 0 273603,0822 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐580037,05 62521,58 0 0 0 244512,0522 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐587277,42 71122,09 0 0 0 211123,6623 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐626434,6 74647,08 0 0 0 211123,6623 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐634707,72 82259,4 0 0 0 171923,4923 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐642980,84 89871,72 0 0 0 128919,7324 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐688429,64 88225,7 0 0 0 128919,7324 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐697601,76 94726,77 0 0 0 83212,4524 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐706773,89 101227,84 0 0 0 34256,8325 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐754990,76 92434,99 0 0 0 34256,8325 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐764913,64 97719,72 0 0 0 ‐13249,7925 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐774836,51 103004,46 0 0 0 ‐6339726 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐821204,57 86215,24 0 0 0 ‐6339726 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐831717,79 90198,21 0 0 0 ‐107470,6226 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐842231,01 94181,19 0 0 0 ‐153534,3927 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐881486,93 70123,38 0 0 0 ‐153534,3927 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐892420,55 72740,2 0 0 0 ‐189226,227 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐903354,18 75357,03 0 0 0 ‐226225,5428 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐930516,7 40800,49 0 0 0 ‐226225,5428 0,67241 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐945590,39 42094,76 0 0 0 ‐254095,2128 1,34481 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐960664,08 43389,03 0 0 0 ‐282835,1429 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐973759,34 ‐69402,26 0 0 0 282835,1429 0,46272 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐984170,65 ‐69402,26 0 0 0 314949,2929 0,92545 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐994581,96 ‐69402,26 0 0 0 347063,4430 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐994581,96 ‐164873,44 0 0 0 347063,4430 0,46272 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐1004993,27 ‐164873,44 0 0 0 423354,4730 0,92545 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐1015404,58 ‐164873,44 0 0 0 499645,5131 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐1015404,58 ‐250484,95 0 0 0 499645,5131 0,31092 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐1022400,25 ‐250484,95 0 0 0 577525,9531 0,62184 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐1029395,92 ‐250484,95 0 0 0 655406,3932 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐433939,53 290030,03 0 0 0 367159,9232 0,42121 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐443416,69 290030,03 0 0 0 244997,2732 0,84241 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐452893,84 290030,03 0 0 0 122834,62

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-57 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

33 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination 187846,31 44690,45 0 0 0 122834,6233 0,44231 3a_ST_k0 Combination 187846,31 52983,7 0 0 0 101233,6833 0,88461 3a_ST_k0 Combination 187846,31 61276,94 0 0 0 75964,5833 1,32692 3a_ST_k0 Combination 187846,31 69570,18 0 0 0 47027,3334 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐516922,52 57832,96 0 0 0 52293,6834 0,41085 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐521635,01 66959,37 0 0 0 26658,1834 0,8217 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐526347,5 76085,77 0 0 0 ‐2726,9235 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐483456,86 37313,17 0 0 0 ‐2726,9235 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐488425,97 48779,91 0 0 0 ‐24245,2335 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐493395,08 60246,64 0 0 0 ‐51495,5936 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐454629,6 21896,25 0 0 0 ‐51495,5936 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐458733,22 33700,41 0 0 0 ‐65391,5636 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐462836,84 45504,58 0 0 0 ‐85188,2437 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐432201,47 11958,6 0 0 0 ‐85188,2437 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐435416,93 24034,97 0 0 0 ‐94184,5637 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐438632,39 36111,35 0 0 0 ‐109217,6838 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐415245,27 7786,84 0 0 0 ‐109217,6838 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐417554,8 20068,7 0 0 0 ‐116179,9738 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐419864,33 32350,56 0 0 0 ‐129281,7639 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐402675,32 9193,2 0 0 0 ‐129281,7639 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐404066,16 21612,69 0 0 0 ‐136981,4639 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐405457,01 34032,17 0 0 0 ‐150889,4740 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐393375,79 15555,41 0 0 0 ‐150889,4740 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐393840,26 28043,9 0 0 0 ‐161786,7940 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐394304,73 40532,39 0 0 0 ‐178926,9241 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐386334,74 25842,56 0 0 0 ‐178926,9241 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐385870,27 38331,04 0 0 0 ‐194966,6241 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐385405,8 50819,53 0 0 0 ‐217249,1342 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐379040,32 36010,65 0 0 0 ‐217249,1342 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐377649,48 48430,14 0 0 0 ‐238354,4742 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐376258,64 60849,62 0 0 0 ‐265668,1143 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐371833,9 43950,89 0 0 0 ‐265668,1143 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐369524,37 56232,75 0 0 0 ‐290708,2643 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐367214,83 68514,61 0 0 0 ‐321887,9144 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐365561,77 47003,5 0 0 0 ‐321887,9144 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐362346,31 59079,87 0 0 0 ‐348402,6544 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐359130,85 71156,25 0 0 0 ‐380954,1845 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐361601,9 42013,29 0 0 0 ‐380954,1845 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐357498,27 53817,45 0 0 0 ‐404906,3545 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐353394,65 65621,62 0 0 0 ‐434759,2446 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐361831,73 25438,65 0 0 0 ‐434759,2446 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐356862,62 36905,38 0 0 0 ‐450341,6546 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐351893,51 48372,12 0 0 0 ‐471656,1247 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐366745,45 ‐1683,42 0 0 0 ‐471656,1247 0,41085 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐362032,96 7442,99 0 0 0 ‐472839,2847 0,8217 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐357320,47 16569,4 0 0 0 ‐477772,0448 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐151357,5 ‐213523,15 0 0 0 ‐234333,9148 0,44231 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐151357,5 ‐205229,91 0 0 0 ‐141725,3648 0,88461 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐151357,5 ‐196936,66 0 0 0 ‐52784,9748 1,32692 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐151357,5 ‐188643,42 0 0 0 32487,2749 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐862777,17 ‐192482,16 0 0 0 5266,3549 0,78587 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐854879,54 ‐180042,3 0 0 0 151644,4849 1,57174 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐846981,91 ‐167602,44 0 0 0 288246,4750 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐277537,46 ‐223078,52 0 0 0 ‐243438,1350 0,78587 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐269639,83 ‐210638,66 0 0 0 ‐73015,250 1,57174 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐261742,2 ‐198198,8 0 0 0 87631,59

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-58 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐785044,9 3465,97 0 0 0 ‐40603,091 0,42121 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐775567,75 3465,97 0 0 0 ‐42062,981 0,84241 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐766090,59 3465,97 0 0 0 ‐43522,872 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1128774,46 ‐54139,54 0 0 0 ‐156519,292 0,31092 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1121778,79 ‐54139,54 0 0 0 ‐139686,32 0,62184 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1114783,12 ‐54139,54 0 0 0 ‐122853,313 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1114783,12 23224,46 0 0 0 ‐122853,313 0,46272 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1104371,81 23224,46 0 0 0 ‐133599,853 0,92545 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1093960,5 23224,46 0 0 0 ‐144346,384 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1093960,5 108829,8 0 0 0 ‐144346,384 0,46272 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1083549,19 108829,8 0 0 0 ‐194704,644 0,92545 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1073137,88 108829,8 0 0 0 ‐245062,895 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1075325,56 113534,37 0 0 0 ‐245062,895 0,67241 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1060251,88 114828,64 0 0 0 ‐321839,35 1,34481 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1045178,19 116122,91 0 0 0 ‐399485,986 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1041323,81 49801,14 0 0 0 ‐399485,986 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1030390,19 52417,97 0 0 0 ‐425023,536 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1019456,57 55034,79 0 0 0 ‐451868,617 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐997677,4 565,71 0 0 0 ‐451868,617 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐987164,18 4548,68 0 0 0 ‐453146,347 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐976650,96 8531,65 0 0 0 ‐456414,228 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐944125,14 ‐41355,87 0 0 0 ‐456414,228 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐934202,27 ‐36071,14 0 0 0 ‐437070,528 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐924279,39 ‐30786,4 0 0 0 ‐420367,419 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐885102,46 ‐74479,74 0 0 0 ‐420367,419 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐875930,33 ‐67978,67 0 0 0 ‐384776,829 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐866758,21 ‐61477,6 0 0 0 ‐352434,5710 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐824582,12 ‐98413,7 0 0 0 ‐352434,5710 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐816309 ‐90801,38 0 0 0 ‐305162,710 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐808035,89 ‐83189,06 0 0 0 ‐261694,4211 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐765860,17 ‐113495,8 0 0 0 ‐261694,4211 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐758619,8 ‐104895,28 0 0 0 ‐207133,4711 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐751379,43 ‐96294,77 0 0 0 ‐156869,8712 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐711514,71 ‐120441,36 0 0 0 ‐156869,8712 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐705424,12 ‐110991,67 0 0 0 ‐99050,6312 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐699333,52 ‐101541,98 0 0 0 ‐45953,0413 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐663502,54 ‐120060,97 0 0 0 ‐45953,0413 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐658660,19 ‐109914,86 0 0 0 11502,1513 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐653817,83 ‐99768,75 0 0 0 63887,714 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐623344,91 ‐113096,22 0 0 0 63887,714 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐619829,07 ‐102417,7 0 0 0 117729,8514 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐616313,23 ‐91739,18 0 0 0 166236,3415 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐592335,49 ‐100188,93 0 0 0 166236,3415 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐590202,99 ‐89150,62 0 0 0 213539,3115 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐588070,49 ‐78112,31 0 0 0 255326,8416 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐571708,19 ‐81973,35 0 0 0 255326,8416 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐570993,5 ‐70753,67 0 0 0 293482,8516 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐570278,82 ‐59534 0 0 0 326032,81

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-59 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

17 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐562103,83 ‐59215,05 0 0 0 326032,8117 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐562818,51 ‐47995,38 0 0 0 352817,3417 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐563533,19 ‐36775,7 0 0 0 373995,8218 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐563581,56 ‐32633,33 0 0 0 373995,8218 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐565714,06 ‐21595,02 0 0 0 387543,7718 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐567846,56 ‐10556,71 0 0 0 395576,2819 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐576814 ‐3113,06 0 0 0 395576,2819 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐580329,85 7565,46 0 0 0 394463,9319 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐583845,69 18243,98 0 0 0 388015,9220 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐602851,54 27765,96 0 0 0 388015,9220 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐607693,9 37912,06 0 0 0 371607,4920 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐612536,25 48058,17 0 0 0 350129,4221 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐642150,64 57689,43 0 0 0 350129,4221 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐648241,23 67139,12 0 0 0 318943,3321 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐654331,82 76588,8 0 0 0 283035,5822 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐694209,19 83781,27 0 0 0 283035,5822 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐701449,56 92381,79 0 0 0 239024,5122 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐708689,94 100982,3 0 0 0 190716,0823 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐757278,12 102945,99 0 0 0 190716,0823 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐765551,23 110558,31 0 0 0 13737623 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐773824,35 118170,62 0 0 0 80232,3324 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐828217,53 112343,24 0 0 0 80232,3324 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐837389,66 118844,31 0 0 0 22474,4124 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐846561,79 125345,38 0 0 0 ‐38531,8425 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐902553,35 109933,73 0 0 0 ‐38531,8425 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐912476,22 115218,47 0 0 0 ‐94781,9425 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐922399,1 120503,2 0 0 0 ‐153672,6226 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐974754,16 95011,59 0 0 0 ‐153672,6226 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐985267,38 98994,56 0 0 0 ‐202141,4526 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐995780,6 102977,53 0 0 0 ‐252600,4327 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1038724,65 68637,22 0 0 0 ‐252600,4327 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1049658,28 71254,04 0 0 0 ‐287549,6627 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1060591,9 73870,87 0 0 0 ‐323806,4228 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1088405,45 26066,85 0 0 0 ‐323806,4228 0,67241 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1103479,13 27361,12 0 0 0 ‐341769,0928 1,34481 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1118552,82 28655,39 0 0 0 ‐360602,0229 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1130959,34 ‐50875,48 0 0 0 360602,0229 0,46272 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1141370,65 ‐50875,48 0 0 0 384143,3729 0,92545 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1151781,96 ‐50875,48 0 0 0 407684,7230 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1151781,96 ‐154239,33 0 0 0 407684,7230 0,46272 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1162193,27 ‐154239,33 0 0 0 479055,0830 0,92545 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1172604,58 ‐154239,33 0 0 0 550425,4531 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1172604,58 ‐246448,85 0 0 0 550425,4531 0,31092 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1179600,25 ‐246448,85 0 0 0 627050,9931 0,62184 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1186595,92 ‐246448,85 0 0 0 703676,5432 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐536069 307586,11 0 0 0 390065,2332 0,42121 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐545546,16 307586,11 0 0 0 260507,8332 0,84241 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐555023,32 307586,11 0 0 0 130950,44

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-60 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

33 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 190976,53 70596,03 0 0 0 130950,4433 0,44231 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 190976,53 78889,28 0 0 0 97891,333 0,88461 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 190976,53 87182,52 0 0 0 6116433 1,32692 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 190976,53 95475,76 0 0 0 20768,5534 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐550295,44 67513,35 0 0 0 ‐502534 0,41085 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐555007,93 76639,76 0 0 0 ‐34637,7134 0,8217 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐559720,42 85766,17 0 0 0 ‐6800035 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐514227,04 39534,17 0 0 0 ‐6800035 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐519196,15 51000,91 0 0 0 ‐90628,5635 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐524165,26 62467,64 0 0 0 ‐118989,1636 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐483932,56 19218,79 0 0 0 ‐118989,1636 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐488036,18 31022,96 0 0 0 ‐131546,7136 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐492139,8 42827,12 0 0 0 ‐150004,9737 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐461001,26 7099,51 0 0 0 ‐150004,9737 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐464216,72 19175,88 0 0 0 ‐156572,3137 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐467432,18 31252,26 0 0 0 ‐169176,4438 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐444080,83 2851,36 0 0 0 ‐169176,4438 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐446390,37 15133,22 0 0 0 ‐173671,5538 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐448699,9 27415,08 0 0 0 ‐184306,1839 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐431739,84 5659,96 0 0 0 ‐184306,1839 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐433130,68 18079,45 0 0 0 ‐190239,6639 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐434521,52 30498,93 0 0 0 ‐202381,4640 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐422618,56 14286,82 0 0 0 ‐202381,4640 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐423083,03 26775,31 0 0 0 ‐212644,6340 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐423547,5 39263,8 0 0 0 ‐229150,641 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐415577,5 27111,15 0 0 0 ‐229150,641 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐415113,03 39599,63 0 0 0 ‐245824,4641 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐414648,56 52088,12 0 0 0 ‐268741,1242 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐408104,84 39543,89 0 0 0 ‐268741,1242 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐406714 51963,38 0 0 0 ‐291612,6742 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐405323,15 64382,86 0 0 0 ‐320692,5343 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐400669,46 48886,37 0 0 0 ‐320692,5343 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐398359,93 61168,23 0 0 0 ‐348199,8443 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐396050,4 73450,09 0 0 0 ‐381846,6744 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐394361,57 51862,59 0 0 0 ‐381846,6744 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐391146,11 63938,96 0 0 0 ‐410790,3944 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐387930,65 76015,34 0 0 0 ‐445770,9145 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐390904,85 44690,74 0 0 0 ‐445770,9145 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐386801,23 56494,91 0 0 0 ‐471061,4945 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐382697,61 68299,07 0 0 0 ‐502252,846 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐392601,91 23217,65 0 0 0 ‐502252,846 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐387632,8 34684,38 0 0 0 ‐516724,9846 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐382663,69 46151,11 0 0 0 ‐536929,247 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐400118,37 ‐11363,81 0 0 0 ‐536929,247 0,41085 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐395405,88 ‐2237,4 0 0 0 ‐534135,1647 0,8217 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐390693,39 6889 0 0 0 ‐535090,7248 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐148227,28 ‐239428,73 0 0 0 ‐260592,6948 0,44231 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐148227,28 ‐231135,49 0 0 0 ‐156525,9448 0,88461 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐148227,28 ‐222842,24 0 0 0 ‐56127,3548 1,32692 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐148227,28 ‐214549 0 0 0 40603,0949 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐908978,92 ‐228381,64 0 0 0 ‐25793,5649 0,78587 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐901081,29 ‐215941,78 0 0 0 148796,9449 1,57174 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐893183,66 ‐203501,92 0 0 0 313611,3150 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐323739,21 ‐258978 0 0 0 ‐274498,0350 0,78587 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐315841,58 ‐246538,14 0 0 0 ‐75862,7450 1,57174 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐307943,95 ‐234098,28 0 0 0 112996,42

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-61 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 4a_SI Combination ‐1213390,01 ‐436649,88 0 0 0 80394,141 0,42121 4a_SI Combination ‐1203912,86 ‐436649,88 0 0 0 264314,091 0,84241 4a_SI Combination ‐1194435,7 ‐436649,88 0 0 0 448234,042 0 4a_SI Combination ‐1207146,03 179359,73 0 0 0 606284,312 0,31092 4a_SI Combination ‐1200150,36 179359,73 0 0 0 550518,022 0,62184 4a_SI Combination ‐1193154,69 179359,73 0 0 0 494751,743 0 4a_SI Combination ‐1191178,99 246174,33 0 0 0 494751,743 0,46272 4a_SI Combination ‐1180767,69 246174,33 0 0 0 380840,763 0,92545 4a_SI Combination ‐1170356,38 246174,33 0 0 0 266929,784 0 4a_SI Combination ‐1167993,01 319160,26 0 0 0 266929,784 0,46272 4a_SI Combination ‐1157581,7 319160,26 0 0 0 119246,44 0,92545 4a_SI Combination ‐1147170,39 319160,26 0 0 0 ‐28436,985 0 4a_SI Combination ‐1162849,07 301609,27 0 0 0 ‐28436,985 0,67241 4a_SI Combination ‐1147775,39 302903,54 0 0 0 ‐231676,25 1,34481 4a_SI Combination ‐1132701,7 304197,8 0 0 0 ‐435785,76 0 4a_SI Combination ‐1149666,34 207955,56 0 0 0 ‐435785,76 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐1138732,71 210572,39 0 0 0 ‐540347,146 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐1127799,09 213189,21 0 0 0 ‐646216,17 0 4a_SI Combination ‐1119375,67 131754,66 0 0 0 ‐646216,17 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐1108862,45 135737,64 0 0 0 ‐713044,087 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐1098349,23 139720,61 0 0 0 ‐781862,218 0 4a_SI Combination ‐1075525,63 61946,36 0 0 0 ‐781862,218 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐1065602,76 67231,1 0 0 0 ‐814134,88 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐1055679,88 72515,83 0 0 0 ‐849047,979 0 4a_SI Combination ‐1022819,55 247,83 0 0 0 ‐849047,979 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐1013647,42 6748,9 0 0 0 ‐850795,979 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐1004475,29 13249,97 0 0 0 ‐855792,3210 0 4a_SI Combination ‐965351,16 ‐52793,87 0 0 0 ‐855792,3210 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐957078,04 ‐45181,55 0 0 0 ‐831314,9810 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐948804,93 ‐37569,23 0 0 0 ‐810641,2411 0 4a_SI Combination ‐906385,91 ‐97348,48 0 0 0 ‐810641,2411 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐899145,53 ‐88747,97 0 0 0 ‐764148,511 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐891905,16 ‐80147,45 0 0 0 ‐721953,1212 0 4a_SI Combination ‐848354,39 ‐133867,98 0 0 0 ‐721953,1212 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐842263,8 ‐124418,29 0 0 0 ‐657425,0912 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐836173,21 ‐114968,61 0 0 0 ‐597618,7213 0 4a_SI Combination ‐793015,36 ‐162748,05 0 0 0 ‐597618,7213 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐788173,01 ‐152601,94 0 0 0 ‐518834,3813 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐783330,65 ‐142455,84 0 0 0 ‐445119,6814 0 4a_SI Combination ‐741725,77 ‐184142,12 0 0 0 ‐445119,6814 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐738209,92 ‐173463,6 0 0 0 ‐355778,5314 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐734694,08 ‐162785,08 0 0 0 ‐271773,0415 0 4a_SI Combination ‐695735,9 ‐197948,23 0 0 0 ‐271773,0415 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐693603,4 ‐186909,91 0 0 0 ‐175623,3915 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐691470,9 ‐175871,6 0 0 0 ‐84989,1616 0 4a_SI Combination ‐656430,62 ‐203955,31 0 0 0 ‐84989,1616 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐655715,94 ‐192735,63 0 0 0 14116,716 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐655001,25 ‐181515,96 0 0 0 107616,51

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-62 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

17 0 4a_SI Combination ‐623253,15 ‐201963,45 0 0 0 107616,5117 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐623967,84 ‐190743,78 0 0 0 205727,1117 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐624682,52 ‐179524,1 0 0 0 298231,6618 0 4a_SI Combination ‐593879,89 ‐190704,68 0 0 0 298231,6618 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐596012,39 ‐179666,37 0 0 0 390761,9918 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐598144,89 ‐168628,06 0 0 0 477776,8819 0 4a_SI Combination ‐568961,52 ‐168248,01 0 0 0 477776,8819 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐572477,37 ‐157569,49 0 0 0 559176,3319 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐575993,21 ‐146890,98 0 0 0 635240,1320 0 4a_SI Combination ‐551923,2 ‐133794,99 0 0 0 635240,1320 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐556765,56 ‐123648,89 0 0 0 699557,720 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐561607,91 ‐113502,78 0 0 0 758805,6421 0 4a_SI Combination ‐546210,94 ‐88037,68 0 0 0 758805,6421 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐552301,53 ‐78587,99 0 0 0 800433,9621 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐558392,12 ‐69138,3 0 0 0 837340,6322 0 4a_SI Combination ‐554679,19 ‐33132,36 0 0 0 837340,6322 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐561919,57 ‐24531,84 0 0 0 851746,9622 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐569159,94 ‐15931,33 0 0 0 861855,9323 0 4a_SI Combination ‐579025,77 27579,15 0 0 0 861855,9323 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐587298,89 35191,47 0 0 0 846173,8623 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐595572,01 42803,78 0 0 0 826688,224 0 4a_SI Combination ‐619370,06 90067,21 0 0 0 826688,224 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐628542,19 96568,28 0 0 0 780060,7924 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐637714,32 103069,35 0 0 0 730185,0425 0 4a_SI Combination ‐674057,67 150263,32 0 0 0 730185,0425 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐683980,54 155548,06 0 0 0 653783,7425 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐693903,42 160832,79 0 0 0 574741,8726 0 4a_SI Combination ‐739733,54 204762,26 0 0 0 574741,8726 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐750246,76 208745,23 0 0 0 471434,726 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐760759,98 212728,2 0 0 0 366137,3927 0 4a_SI Combination ‐811696,67 251469,73 0 0 0 366137,3927 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐822630,29 254086,56 0 0 0 239833,5527 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐833563,92 256703,38 0 0 0 112222,1728 0 4a_SI Combination ‐889886,8 294797,32 0 0 0 112222,1728 0,67241 4a_SI Combination ‐904960,49 296091,59 0 0 0 ‐86436,6628 1,34481 4a_SI Combination ‐920034,17 297385,85 0 0 0 ‐285965,7629 0 4a_SI Combination ‐959370,86 ‐388522,79 0 0 0 285965,7629 0,46272 4a_SI Combination ‐969782,17 ‐388522,79 0 0 0 465744,929 0,92545 4a_SI Combination ‐980193,48 ‐388522,79 0 0 0 645524,0530 0 4a_SI Combination ‐982556,85 ‐535114,22 0 0 0 645524,0530 0,46272 4a_SI Combination ‐992968,16 ‐535114,22 0 0 0 893134,6930 0,92545 4a_SI Combination ‐1003379,47 ‐535114,22 0 0 0 1140745,3331 0 4a_SI Combination ‐1005355,17 ‐663460,53 0 0 0 1140745,3331 0,31092 4a_SI Combination ‐1012350,84 ‐663460,53 0 0 0 1347027,5831 0,62184 4a_SI Combination ‐1019346,51 ‐663460,53 0 0 0 1553309,8432 0 4a_SI Combination 67168,15 783550,34 0 0 0 940058,8232 0,42121 4a_SI Combination 57691 783550,34 0 0 0 61002232 0,84241 4a_SI Combination 48213,84 783550,34 0 0 0 279985,19

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-63 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

33 0 4a_SI Combination 737882,08 ‐225309,26 0 0 0 279985,1933 0,44231 4a_SI Combination 737882,08 ‐217016,02 0 0 0 377806,833 0,88461 4a_SI Combination 737882,08 ‐208722,77 0 0 0 471960,2633 1,32692 4a_SI Combination 737882,08 ‐200429,53 0 0 0 562445,5734 0 4a_SI Combination ‐889207,34 168137,65 0 0 0 1036952,7134 0,41085 4a_SI Combination ‐893919,83 177264,06 0 0 0 965998,4434 0,8217 4a_SI Combination ‐898632,32 186390,46 0 0 0 891294,5935 0 4a_SI Combination ‐811648,19 181713,95 0 0 0 891294,5935 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐816617,3 193180,69 0 0 0 797592,5235 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐821586,41 204647,42 0 0 0 698158,3936 0 4a_SI Combination ‐733577,12 180356,72 0 0 0 698158,3936 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐737680,75 192160,89 0 0 0 605050,4436 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐741784,37 203965,05 0 0 0 506041,7637 0 4a_SI Combination ‐664717,04 169424,28 0 0 0 506041,7637 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐667932,5 181500,66 0 0 0 418330,7337 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐671147,96 193577,03 0 0 0 324582,938 0 4a_SI Combination ‐606462,06 156705,63 0 0 0 324582,938 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐608771,6 168987,49 0 0 0 243178,3838 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐611081,13 181269,35 0 0 0 155634,3339 0 4a_SI Combination ‐558795,8 147991,3 0 0 0 155634,3339 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐560186,65 160410,79 0 0 0 78551,5739 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐561577,49 172830,27 0 0 0 ‐4739,5140 0 4a_SI Combination ‐520572,71 146933,25 0 0 0 ‐4739,5140 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐521037,18 159421,73 0 0 0 ‐81310,6240 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐521501,65 171910,22 0 0 0 ‐164124,5341 0 4a_SI Combination ‐489938,92 154990,3 0 0 0 ‐164124,5341 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐489474,45 167478,79 0 0 0 ‐244723,2341 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐489009,98 179967,27 0 0 0 ‐331564,7442 0 4a_SI Combination ‐455814,54 167701,11 0 0 0 ‐331564,7442 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐454423,7 180120,59 0 0 0 ‐418500,1442 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐453032,85 192540,08 0 0 0 ‐511643,8543 0 4a_SI Combination ‐417755,84 181265,28 0 0 0 ‐511643,8543 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐415446,31 193547,14 0 0 0 ‐605325,3843 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐413136,78 205829 0 0 0 ‐705146,4244 0 4a_SI Combination ‐376477,91 189638,73 0 0 0 ‐705146,4244 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐373262,45 201715,1 0 0 0 ‐802962,3444 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐370046,99 213791,48 0 0 0 ‐906815,0645 0 4a_SI Combination ‐334157,12 184686,01 0 0 0 ‐906815,0645 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐330053,5 196490,17 0 0 0 ‐1002087,1645 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐325949,88 208294,34 0 0 0 ‐1103259,9846 0 4a_SI Combination ‐294546,29 156470,09 0 0 0 ‐1103259,9846 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐289577,18 167936,82 0 0 0 ‐1184343,0346 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐284608,07 179403,55 0 0 0 ‐1271158,1247 0 4a_SI Combination ‐264559,31 101540,05 0 0 0 ‐1271158,1247 0,41085 4a_SI Combination ‐259846,82 110666,46 0 0 0 ‐1314750,7247 0,8217 4a_SI Combination ‐255134,33 119792,87 0 0 0 ‐1362092,948 0 4a_SI Combination ‐665261,35 ‐477539,88 0 0 0 ‐697544,0748 0,44231 4a_SI Combination ‐665261,35 ‐469246,64 0 0 0 ‐488159,2748 0,88461 4a_SI Combination ‐665261,35 ‐460953,4 0 0 0 ‐282442,6348 1,32692 4a_SI Combination ‐665261,35 ‐452660,16 0 0 0 ‐80394,1449 0 4a_SI Combination ‐1930130,96 ‐100713,79 0 0 0 474507,1349 0,78587 4a_SI Combination ‐1922233,33 ‐88273,93 0 0 0 548767,1449 1,57174 4a_SI Combination ‐1914335,7 ‐75834,07 0 0 0 613251,0250 0 4a_SI Combination 441880,15 ‐334692,76 0 0 0 ‐664548,8450 0,78587 4a_SI Combination 449777,78 ‐322252,9 0 0 0 ‐406411,4950 1,57174 4a_SI Combination 457675,41 ‐309813,04 0 0 0 ‐158050,27

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-64 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 4b_SI Combination ‐184676,5 466290,2 0 0 0 ‐185422,341 0,42121 4b_SI Combination ‐175199,34 466290,2 0 0 0 ‐381826,991 0,84241 4b_SI Combination ‐165722,19 466290,2 0 0 0 ‐578231,642 0 4b_SI Combination ‐949017,58 ‐462835,06 0 0 0 ‐981191,732 0,31092 4b_SI Combination ‐942021,91 ‐462835,06 0 0 0 ‐837287,682 0,62184 4b_SI Combination ‐935026,24 ‐462835,06 0 0 0 ‐693383,623 0 4b_SI Combination ‐933050,54 ‐350231,23 0 0 0 ‐693383,623 0,46272 4b_SI Combination ‐922639,23 ‐350231,23 0 0 0 ‐531322,933 0,92545 4b_SI Combination ‐912227,92 ‐350231,23 0 0 0 ‐369262,244 0 4b_SI Combination ‐909864,55 ‐222471,28 0 0 0 ‐369262,244 0,46272 4b_SI Combination ‐899453,25 ‐222471,28 0 0 0 ‐266319,264 0,92545 4b_SI Combination ‐889041,94 ‐222471,28 0 0 0 ‐163376,275 0 4b_SI Combination ‐865068,6 ‐149136,67 0 0 0 ‐163376,275 0,67241 4b_SI Combination ‐849994,91 ‐147842,4 0 0 0 ‐63530,915 1,34481 4b_SI Combination ‐834921,22 ‐146548,14 0 0 0 35444,176 0 4b_SI Combination ‐804128 ‐126800,64 0 0 0 35444,176 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐793194,38 ‐124183,82 0 0 0 98147,986 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐782260,76 ‐121566,99 0 0 0 159544,257 0 4b_SI Combination ‐754309,17 ‐103255,2 0 0 0 159544,257 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐743795,95 ‐99272,22 0 0 0 210141,977 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐733282,73 ‐95289,25 0 0 0 258749,548 0 4b_SI Combination ‐709297,8 ‐76574,54 0 0 0 258749,548 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐699374,92 ‐71289,81 0 0 0 295690,78 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐689452,05 ‐66005,07 0 0 0 329991,279 0 4b_SI Combination ‐671911,42 ‐48449,97 0 0 0 329991,279 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐662739,29 ‐41948,9 0 0 0 352575,759 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐653567,16 ‐35447,83 0 0 0 371911,8810 0 4b_SI Combination ‐643721,78 ‐21120,32 0 0 0 371911,8810 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐635448,66 ‐13508 0 0 0 380563,1310 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐627175,54 ‐5895,68 0 0 0 385410,7811 0 4b_SI Combination ‐625014,81 3198,4 0 0 0 385410,7811 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐617774,44 11798,92 0 0 0 381663,9711 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐610534,06 20399,44 0 0 0 373619,8112 0 4b_SI Combination ‐614983,78 22816,79 0 0 0 373619,8112 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐608893,19 32266,48 0 0 0 359858,2812 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐602802,6 41716,17 0 0 0 341375,0913 0 4b_SI Combination ‐612099,56 36927,41 0 0 0 341375,0913 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐607257,2 47073,51 0 0 0 320389,0213 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐602414,85 57219,62 0 0 0 294333,3214 0 4b_SI Combination ‐614583 45756,19 0 0 0 294333,3214 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐611067,16 56434,7 0 0 0 268802,8214 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐607551,31 67113,22 0 0 0 237936,6715 0 4b_SI Combination ‐620884,2 50492,47 0 0 0 237936,6715 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐618751,7 61530,78 0 0 0 209949,7415 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐616619,2 72569,09 0 0 0 176447,3816 0 4b_SI Combination ‐630078,71 53017,71 0 0 0 176447,3816 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐629364,02 64237,38 0 0 0 147153,3816 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐628649,34 75457,06 0 0 0 112253,32

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-65 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

17 0 4b_SI Combination ‐643048,88 55427,19 0 0 0 112253,3217 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐643763,56 66646,86 0 0 0 81755,3817 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐644478,25 77866,54 0 0 0 45651,3918 0 4b_SI Combination ‐662425,43 58954,3 0 0 0 45651,3918 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐664557,93 69992,61 0 0 0 13436,418 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐666690,43 81030,93 0 0 0 ‐24294,0219 0 4b_SI Combination ‐690280,13 63567,87 0 0 0 ‐24294,0219 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐693795,98 74246,38 0 0 0 ‐58724,3519 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐697311,82 84924,9 0 0 0 ‐98490,3420 0 4b_SI Combination ‐727693,92 68336,02 0 0 0 ‐98490,3420 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐732536,28 78482,12 0 0 0 ‐135170,1320 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐737378,63 88628,23 0 0 0 ‐176919,5521 0 4b_SI Combination ‐775263,15 71430,43 0 0 0 ‐176919,5521 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐781353,74 80880,12 0 0 0 ‐214971,5121 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐787444,33 90329,81 0 0 0 ‐257745,1322 0 4b_SI Combination ‐832645,46 70280,9 0 0 0 ‐257745,1322 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐839885,83 78881,42 0 0 0 ‐295010,5622 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐847126,2 87481,93 0 0 0 ‐336573,3523 0 4b_SI Combination ‐898182,81 61939,65 0 0 0 ‐336573,3523 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐906455,93 69551,97 0 0 0 ‐369424,0923 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐914729,05 77164,29 0 0 0 ‐406078,4224 0 4b_SI Combination ‐968686,59 43614,95 0 0 0 ‐406078,4224 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐977858,72 50116,02 0 0 0 ‐429495,3724 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐987030,85 56617,09 0 0 0 ‐456160,6525 0 4b_SI Combination ‐1039454,21 13303,3 0 0 0 ‐456160,6525 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐1049377,08 18588,03 0 0 0 ‐464128,125 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐1059299,96 23872,76 0 0 0 ‐474736,1426 0 4b_SI Combination ‐1104546,59 ‐29578,61 0 0 0 ‐474736,1426 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐1115059,81 ‐25595,64 0 0 0 ‐460951,8826 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐1125573,03 ‐21612,66 0 0 0 ‐449157,7727 0 4b_SI Combination ‐1157325,72 ‐83665,51 0 0 0 ‐449157,7727 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐1168259,34 ‐81048,68 0 0 0 ‐408006,9927 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐1179192,96 ‐78431,86 0 0 0 ‐368163,7428 0 4b_SI Combination ‐1187815,26 ‐157672,15 0 0 0 ‐368163,7428 0,67241 4b_SI Combination ‐1202888,95 ‐156377,88 0 0 0 ‐262579,0728 1,34481 4b_SI Combination ‐1217962,64 ‐155083,61 0 0 0 ‐157864,6729 0 4b_SI Combination ‐1217499,31 156151,83 0 0 0 157864,6729 0,46272 4b_SI Combination ‐1227910,62 156151,83 0 0 0 85609,3429 0,92545 4b_SI Combination ‐1238321,93 156151,83 0 0 0 13354,0130 0 4b_SI Combination ‐1240685,3 65407,39 0 0 0 13354,0130 0,46272 4b_SI Combination ‐1251096,61 65407,39 0 0 0 ‐16911,6130 0,92545 4b_SI Combination ‐1261507,92 65407,39 0 0 0 ‐47177,2331 0 4b_SI Combination ‐1263483,62 ‐16252,73 0 0 0 ‐47177,2331 0,31092 4b_SI Combination ‐1270479,29 ‐16252,73 0 0 0 ‐42123,9631 0,62184 4b_SI Combination ‐1277474,96 ‐16252,73 0 0 0 ‐37070,6832 0 4b_SI Combination ‐964906,61 ‐120508,27 0 0 0 ‐88223,1232 0,42121 4b_SI Combination ‐974383,76 ‐120508,27 0 0 0 ‐37464,2132 0,84241 4b_SI Combination ‐983860,92 ‐120508,27 0 0 0 13294,71

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-66 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

33 0 4b_SI Combination ‐312898,7 305773,48 0 0 0 13294,7133 0,44231 4b_SI Combination ‐312898,7 314066,72 0 0 0 ‐123784,8833 0,88461 4b_SI Combination ‐312898,7 322359,96 0 0 0 ‐264532,6333 1,32692 4b_SI Combination ‐312898,7 330653,2 0 0 0 ‐408948,5334 0 4b_SI Combination ‐417443,35 ‐41776,78 0 0 0 ‐819238,2834 0,41085 4b_SI Combination ‐422155,85 ‐32650,37 0 0 0 ‐803949,0534 0,8217 4b_SI Combination ‐426868,34 ‐23523,96 0 0 0 ‐792409,4235 0 4b_SI Combination ‐417735,31 ‐90630,51 0 0 0 ‐792409,4235 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐422704,42 ‐79163,77 0 0 0 ‐749970,6335 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐427673,53 ‐67697,04 0 0 0 ‐713263,8836 0 4b_SI Combination ‐427639,06 ‐118309,16 0 0 0 ‐713263,8836 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐431742,69 ‐106505 0 0 0 ‐657073,2936 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐435846,31 ‐94700,83 0 0 0 ‐606783,4137 0 4b_SI Combination ‐442625,79 ‐128781,54 0 0 0 ‐606783,4137 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐445841,25 ‐116705,17 0 0 0 ‐545425,8737 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐449056,72 ‐104628,79 0 0 0 ‐490105,1338 0 4b_SI Combination ‐459886,19 ‐128082,95 0 0 0 ‐490105,1338 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐462195,73 ‐115801,09 0 0 0 ‐429148,1638 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐464505,26 ‐103519,23 0 0 0 ‐374330,739 0 4b_SI Combination ‐477514,55 ‐121333,19 0 0 0 ‐374330,739 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐478905,39 ‐108913,71 0 0 0 ‐316782,2339 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐480296,24 ‐96494,22 0 0 0 ‐265442,0840 0 4b_SI Combination ‐494493,83 ‐112513,9 0 0 0 ‐265442,0840 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐494958,3 ‐100025,42 0 0 0 ‐212319,4940 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐495422,77 ‐87536,93 0 0 0 ‐165439,741 0 4b_SI Combination ‐510558,53 ‐104344,59 0 0 0 ‐165439,741 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐510094,06 ‐91856,1 0 0 0 ‐116400,8241 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐509629,59 ‐79367,62 0 0 0 ‐73604,7542 0 4b_SI Combination ‐531570,39 ‐101288,61 0 0 0 ‐73604,7542 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐530179,54 ‐88869,13 0 0 0 ‐26076,2742 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐528788,7 ‐76449,64 0 0 0 15243,9143 0 4b_SI Combination ‐558677,72 ‐103010,8 0 0 0 15243,9143 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐556368,19 ‐90728,94 0 0 0 63667,6943 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐554058,66 ‐78447,08 0 0 0 105951,9544 0 4b_SI Combination ‐592736,22 ‐107967,98 0 0 0 105951,9544 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐589520,76 ‐95891,6 0 0 0 156905,1144 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐586305,3 ‐83815,23 0 0 0 201821,4745 0 4b_SI Combination ‐634053,2 ‐113435,04 0 0 0 201821,4745 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐629949,58 ‐101630,88 0 0 0 255575,5745 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐625845,96 ‐89826,71 0 0 0 303428,9446 0 4b_SI Combination ‐682205,84 ‐115577,14 0 0 0 303428,9446 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐677236,73 ‐104110,4 0 0 0 358338,1846 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐672267,62 ‐92643,67 0 0 0 407515,3747 0 4b_SI Combination ‐729905,58 ‐108525,48 0 0 0 407515,3747 0,41085 4b_SI Combination ‐725193,09 ‐99399,07 0 0 0 450228,3447 0,8217 4b_SI Combination ‐720480,6 ‐90272,66 0 0 0 489191,7248 0 4b_SI Combination 384908,23 52394,4 0 0 0 271452,1448 0,44231 4b_SI Combination 384908,23 60687,65 0 0 0 246443,6948 0,88461 4b_SI Combination 384908,23 68980,89 0 0 0 217767,0948 1,32692 4b_SI Combination 384908,23 77274,13 0 0 0 185422,3449 0 4b_SI Combination ‐162736,85 ‐306026,25 0 0 0 ‐410289,7549 0,78587 4b_SI Combination ‐154839,22 ‐293586,39 0 0 0 ‐174680,5949 1,57174 4b_SI Combination ‐146941,59 ‐281146,53 0 0 0 51152,4450 0 4b_SI Combination ‐1317819,36 ‐130283,92 0 0 0 217739,5850 0,78587 4b_SI Combination ‐1309921,73 ‐117844,06 0 0 0 315237,950 1,57174 4b_SI Combination ‐1302024,1 ‐105404,19 0 0 0 402960,09

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-67 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 4c_SI Combination ‐1022012,08 ‐429964,76 0 0 0 79070,581 0,42121 4c_SI Combination ‐1012534,92 ‐429964,76 0 0 0 260174,711 0,84241 4c_SI Combination ‐1003057,77 ‐429964,76 0 0 0 441278,832 0 4c_SI Combination ‐989100,18 127034,41 0 0 0 612738,972 0,31092 4c_SI Combination ‐982104,51 127034,41 0 0 0 573241,62 0,62184 4c_SI Combination ‐975108,84 127034,41 0 0 0 533744,243 0 4c_SI Combination ‐977084,54 193849,01 0 0 0 533744,243 0,46272 4c_SI Combination ‐966673,23 193849,01 0 0 0 444045,493 0,92545 4c_SI Combination ‐956261,93 193849,01 0 0 0 354346,744 0 4c_SI Combination ‐958625,3 266834,94 0 0 0 354346,744 0,46272 4c_SI Combination ‐948213,99 266834,94 0 0 0 230875,584 0,92545 4c_SI Combination ‐937802,68 266834,94 0 0 0 107404,435 0 4c_SI Combination ‐957882,27 266690,42 0 0 0 107404,435 0,67241 4c_SI Combination ‐942808,58 267984,69 0 0 0 ‐72355,135 1,34481 4c_SI Combination ‐927734,9 269278,95 0 0 0 ‐252984,966 0 4c_SI Combination ‐953525,5 201096,3 0 0 0 ‐252984,966 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐942591,88 203713,13 0 0 0 ‐354119,086 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐931658,26 206329,95 0 0 0 ‐456560,727 0 4c_SI Combination ‐937216,48 144811,75 0 0 0 ‐456560,727 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐926703,26 148794,72 0 0 0 ‐529912,847 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐916190,04 152777,69 0 0 0 ‐605255,118 0 4c_SI Combination ‐910876,4 90351,89 0 0 0 ‐605255,118 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐900953,52 95636,63 0 0 0 ‐651720,898 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐891030,65 100921,36 0 0 0 ‐700827,259 0 4c_SI Combination ‐877383,21 39195,05 0 0 0 ‐700827,259 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐868211,08 45696,12 0 0 0 ‐722035,739 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐859038,95 52197,2 0 0 0 ‐746492,5610 0 4c_SI Combination ‐839262,28 ‐7881,44 0 0 0 ‐746492,5610 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐830989,16 ‐269,13 0 0 0 ‐744456,2910 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐822716,05 7343,19 0 0 0 ‐746223,6211 0 4c_SI Combination ‐798559,04 ‐50513,37 0 0 0 ‐746223,6211 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐791318,66 ‐41912,86 0 0 0 ‐723132,6411 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐784078,29 ‐33312,34 0 0 0 ‐704339,0212 0 4c_SI Combination ‐756849,31 ‐88481,35 0 0 0 ‐704339,0212 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐750758,72 ‐79031,66 0 0 0 ‐66248912 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐744668,13 ‐69581,98 0 0 0 ‐625360,6513 0 4c_SI Combination ‐715355,67 ‐121511,81 0 0 0 ‐625360,6513 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐710513,32 ‐111365,7 0 0 0 ‐567180,5313 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐705670,96 ‐101219,6 0 0 0 ‐514070,0414 0 4c_SI Combination ‐675127,03 ‐149182,44 0 0 0 ‐514070,0414 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐671611,19 ‐138503,92 0 0 0 ‐442196,9414 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐668095,34 ‐127825,41 0 0 0 ‐375659,5115 0 4c_SI Combination ‐637225,74 ‐170942,15 0 0 0 ‐375659,5115 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐635093,24 ‐159903,84 0 0 0 ‐293003,7815 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐632960,74 ‐148865,53 0 0 0 ‐215863,4916 0 4c_SI Combination ‐602870,38 ‐186233,48 0 0 0 ‐215863,4916 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐602155,7 ‐175013,8 0 0 0 ‐125612,5716 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐601441,01 ‐163794,13 0 0 0 ‐40967,7

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-68 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

17 0 4c_SI Combination ‐571416,91 ‐194551,74 0 0 0 ‐40967,717 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐572131,59 ‐183332,07 0 0 0 53439,5517 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐572846,28 ‐172112,39 0 0 0 142240,7418 0 4c_SI Combination ‐540505,78 ‐194350,76 0 0 0 142240,7418 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐542638,28 ‐183312,45 0 0 0 236592,8818 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐544770,78 ‐172274,14 0 0 0 325429,5819 0 4c_SI Combination ‐510566,69 ‐183348,88 0 0 0 325429,5819 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐514082,53 ‐172670,36 0 0 0 414374,3719 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐517598,38 ‐161991,84 0 0 0 497983,5120 0 4c_SI Combination ‐484699,69 ‐160170,39 0 0 0 497983,5120 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐489542,05 ‐150024,28 0 0 0 575479,8820 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐494384,4 ‐139878,17 0 0 0 647906,6321 0 4c_SI Combination ‐466173,46 ‐124668,47 0 0 0 647906,6321 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐472264,05 ‐115218,79 0 0 0 70783821 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐478354,64 ‐105769,1 0 0 0 763047,7222 0 4c_SI Combination ‐457954,52 ‐77936,5 0 0 0 763047,7222 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐465194,89 ‐69335,99 0 0 0 799841,0122 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐472435,26 ‐60735,47 0 0 0 832336,9523 0 4c_SI Combination ‐462266,55 ‐22133,95 0 0 0 832336,9523 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐470539,67 ‐14521,63 0 0 0 841494,6723 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐478812,78 ‐6909,31 0 0 0 846848,7924 0 4c_SI Combination ‐480247,5 39849,11 0 0 0 846848,7924 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐489419,63 46350,18 0 0 0 825313,524 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐498591,76 52851,25 0 0 0 800529,8725 0 4c_SI Combination ‐511763,98 104841,66 0 0 0 800529,8725 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐521686,86 110126,39 0 0 0 746824,125 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐531609,73 115411,13 0 0 0 690477,7426 0 4c_SI Combination ‐555411,98 169887,62 0 0 0 690477,7426 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐565925,2 173870,6 0 0 0 604596,1326 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐576438,42 177853,57 0 0 0 516724,3827 0 4c_SI Combination ‐608715,04 232712,97 0 0 0 516724,3827 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐619648,67 235329,8 0 0 0 399792,5927 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐630582,29 237946,63 0 0 0 281553,2628 0 4c_SI Combination ‐672984,78 300801,9 0 0 0 281553,2628 0,67241 4c_SI Combination ‐688058,47 302096,16 0 0 0 78856,9228 1,34481 4c_SI Combination ‐703132,15 303390,43 0 0 0 ‐124709,729 0 4c_SI Combination ‐735050,51 ‐408683,49 0 0 0 124709,729 0,46272 4c_SI Combination ‐745461,82 ‐408683,49 0 0 0 313817,729 0,92545 4c_SI Combination ‐755873,13 ‐408683,49 0 0 0 502925,7130 0 4c_SI Combination ‐753509,76 ‐551698,36 0 0 0 502925,7130 0,46272 4c_SI Combination ‐763921,07 ‐551698,36 0 0 0 758210,2430 0,92545 4c_SI Combination ‐774332,38 ‐551698,36 0 0 0 1013494,7831 0 4c_SI Combination ‐772356,68 ‐677054,79 0 0 0 1013494,7831 0,31092 4c_SI Combination ‐779352,35 ‐677054,79 0 0 0 1224003,7431 0,62184 4c_SI Combination ‐786348,02 ‐677054,79 0 0 0 1434512,7132 0 4c_SI Combination 213990,42 727942,76 0 0 0 876019,3932 0,42121 4c_SI Combination 204513,27 727942,76 0 0 0 569404,8732 0,84241 4c_SI Combination 195036,11 727942,76 0 0 0 262790,35

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-69 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

33 0 4c_SI Combination 692506,57 ‐252702,61 0 0 0 262790,3533 0,44231 4c_SI Combination 692506,57 ‐244409,37 0 0 0 372728,2233 0,88461 4c_SI Combination 692506,57 ‐236116,13 0 0 0 478997,9333 1,32692 4c_SI Combination 692506,57 ‐227822,89 0 0 0 581599,4934 0 4c_SI Combination ‐869665,22 147083,86 0 0 0 1087321,7834 0,41085 4c_SI Combination ‐874377,71 156210,26 0 0 0 1025017,4934 0,8217 4c_SI Combination ‐879090,2 165336,67 0 0 0 958963,635 0 4c_SI Combination ‐797346,65 171973,25 0 0 0 958963,635 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐802315,76 183439,98 0 0 0 870130,7535 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐807284,87 194906,72 0 0 0 775565,8636 0 4c_SI Combination ‐722992,58 178391,01 0 0 0 775565,8636 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐727096,2 190195,17 0 0 0 683440,5436 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐731199,83 201999,34 0 0 0 585414,537 0 4c_SI Combination ‐656379,8 171179,28 0 0 0 585414,537 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐659595,26 183255,66 0 0 0 496826,1737 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐662810,72 195332,04 0 0 0 402201,0438 0 4c_SI Combination ‐599519,12 158816,22 0 0 0 402201,0438 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐601828,66 171098,08 0 0 0 319741,4638 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐604138,19 183379,94 0 0 0 231142,3739 0 4c_SI Combination ‐552938,19 147868,28 0 0 0 231142,3739 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐554329,04 160287,76 0 0 0 154121,139 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐555719,88 172707,24 0 0 0 70891,5340 0 4c_SI Combination ‐515920,96 142819,92 0 0 0 70891,5340 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐516385,43 155308,41 0 0 0 ‐3623,3940 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐516849,9 167796,9 0 0 0 ‐84381,1141 0 4c_SI Combination ‐486893,16 146003,32 0 0 0 ‐84381,1141 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐486428,69 158491,81 0 0 0 ‐160487,3641 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐485964,22 170980,29 0 0 0 ‐242836,4242 0 4c_SI Combination ‐455286,36 153958,66 0 0 0 ‐242836,4242 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐453895,52 166378,14 0 0 0 ‐322902,1742 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐452504,68 178797,63 0 0 0 ‐409176,2443 0 4c_SI Combination ‐420515,42 163973,31 0 0 0 ‐409176,2443 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐418205,88 176255,17 0 0 0 ‐494213,7743 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐415896,35 188537,03 0 0 0 ‐585390,8244 0 4c_SI Combination ‐382923,84 171241,61 0 0 0 ‐585390,8244 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐379708,38 183317,98 0 0 0 ‐674010,344 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐376492,92 195394,36 0 0 0 ‐768666,5845 0 4c_SI Combination ‐344089,43 168996,19 0 0 0 ‐768666,5845 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐339985,8 180800,35 0 0 0 ‐856095,5745 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐335882,18 192604,52 0 0 0 ‐949425,2946 0 4c_SI Combination ‐306961,67 148754,67 0 0 0 ‐949425,2946 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐301992,56 160221,4 0 0 0 ‐1026651,5246 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐297023,45 171688,14 0 0 0 ‐1109609,847 0 4c_SI Combination ‐277497,35 107212,57 0 0 0 ‐1109609,847 0,41085 4c_SI Combination ‐272784,86 116338,98 0 0 0 ‐1155532,9547 0,8217 4c_SI Combination ‐268072,37 125465,39 0 0 0 ‐1205205,6948 0 4c_SI Combination ‐641332,45 ‐421412,87 0 0 0 ‐621744,5248 0,44231 4c_SI Combination ‐641332,45 ‐413119,63 0 0 0 ‐437185,0548 0,88461 4c_SI Combination ‐641332,45 ‐404826,39 0 0 0 ‐256293,7448 1,32692 4c_SI Combination ‐641332,45 ‐396533,15 0 0 0 ‐79070,5849 0 4c_SI Combination ‐1842287,98 ‐46014,72 0 0 0 505722,2949 0,78587 4c_SI Combination ‐1834390,35 ‐33574,86 0 0 0 536995,8749 1,57174 4c_SI Combination ‐1826492,72 ‐21135 0 0 0 558493,3250 0 4c_SI Combination 410151,78 ‐274569,98 0 0 0 ‐583461,1750 0,78587 4c_SI Combination 418049,41 ‐262130,12 0 0 0 ‐372572,5950 1,57174 4c_SI Combination 425947,04 ‐249690,26 0 0 0 ‐171460,14

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-70 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 0 4d_SI Combination ‐32116,73 436962,61 0 0 0 ‐176658,51 0,42121 4d_SI Combination ‐22639,57 436962,61 0 0 0 ‐360710,171 0,84241 4d_SI Combination ‐13162,41 436962,61 0 0 0 ‐544761,842 0 4d_SI Combination ‐741034,03 ‐493061,64 0 0 0 ‐912316,332 0,31092 4d_SI Combination ‐734038,36 ‐493061,64 0 0 0 ‐759014,272 0,62184 4d_SI Combination ‐727042,69 ‐493061,64 0 0 0 ‐605712,23 0 4d_SI Combination ‐729018,39 ‐381653,77 0 0 0 ‐605712,23 0,46272 4d_SI Combination ‐718607,08 ‐381653,77 0 0 0 ‐429111,523 0,92545 4d_SI Combination ‐708195,77 ‐381653,77 0 0 0 ‐252510,844 0 4d_SI Combination ‐710559,14 ‐255324,44 0 0 0 ‐252510,844 0,46272 4d_SI Combination ‐700147,83 ‐255324,44 0 0 0 ‐134365,884 0,92545 4d_SI Combination ‐689736,52 ‐255324,44 0 0 0 ‐16220,925 0 4d_SI Combination ‐671643,21 ‐167260,09 0 0 0 ‐16220,925 0,67241 4d_SI Combination ‐656569,53 ‐165965,82 0 0 0 95810,755 1,34481 4d_SI Combination ‐641495,84 ‐164671,56 0 0 0 206972,146 0 4d_SI Combination ‐621482,03 ‐120505,34 0 0 0 206972,146 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐610548,41 ‐117888,52 0 0 0 266530,426 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐599614,78 ‐115271,69 0 0 0 324781,167 0 4d_SI Combination ‐586682,83 ‐80240,09 0 0 0 324781,167 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐576169,61 ‐76257,12 0 0 0 363879,097 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐565656,39 ‐72274,15 0 0 0 400986,868 0 4d_SI Combination ‐559667,45 ‐41374,72 0 0 0 400986,868 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐549744,57 ‐36089,98 0 0 0 420339,988 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐539821,7 ‐30805,25 0 0 0 437052,519 0 4d_SI Combination ‐541476,02 ‐5739,35 0 0 0 437052,519 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐532303,89 761,72 0 0 0 438296,089 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐523131,76 7262,8 0 0 0 436291,310 0 4d_SI Combination ‐532178,55 24739,7 0 0 0 436291,310 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐523905,43 32352,01 0 0 0 422027,9910 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐515632,31 39964,33 0 0 0 403961,111 0 4d_SI Combination ‐530920,87 48441,4 0 0 0 403961,111 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐523680,5 57041,92 0 0 0 377608,0511 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐516440,12 65642,43 0 0 0 346957,6412 0 4d_SI Combination ‐536128,75 64385,5 0 0 0 346957,6412 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐530038,16 73835,19 0 0 0 312425,7712 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐523947,57 83284,87 0 0 0 273172,2413 0 4d_SI Combination ‐545825,34 72447,96 0 0 0 273172,2413 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐540982,99 82594,06 0 0 0 234437,8713 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐536140,63 92740,17 0 0 0 190633,8714 0 4d_SI Combination ‐558007,03 73422,15 0 0 0 190633,8714 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐554491,19 84100,67 0 0 0 151279,7214 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐550975,34 94779,19 0 0 0 106589,9115 0 4d_SI Combination ‐571009,33 68918,45 0 0 0 106589,9115 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐568876,83 79956,76 0 0 0 69396,2115 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐566744,33 90995,07 0 0 0 26687,0716 0 4d_SI Combination ‐583800,07 61120,68 0 0 0 26687,0716 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐583085,39 72340,36 0 0 0 ‐6655,6916 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐582370,7 83560,03 0 0 0 ‐45604,51

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-71 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

17 0 4d_SI Combination ‐597043,4 52384,8 0 0 0 ‐45604,5117 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐597758,08 63604,47 0 0 0 ‐74582,2717 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐598472,77 74824,14 0 0 0 ‐109166,0918 0 4d_SI Combination ‐613028,34 44291,55 0 0 0 ‐109166,0918 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐615160,84 55329,86 0 0 0 ‐134054,6518 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐617293,34 66368,17 0 0 0 ‐164458,6419 0 4d_SI Combination ‐633510,85 37338,15 0 0 0 ‐164458,6419 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐637026,69 48016,66 0 0 0 ‐185782,9619 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐640542,53 58695,18 0 0 0 ‐212442,9320 0 4d_SI Combination ‐659375,11 31333,83 0 0 0 ‐212442,9320 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐664217,46 41479,93 0 0 0 ‐230634,0920 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐669059,82 51626,04 0 0 0 ‐253894,8921 0 4d_SI Combination ‐691212,42 25415,05 0 0 0 ‐253894,8921 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐697303,01 34864,73 0 0 0 ‐268954,6821 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐703393,6 44314,42 0 0 0 ‐288736,1222 0 4d_SI Combination ‐728997,52 18151,9 0 0 0 ‐288736,1222 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐736237,89 26752,42 0 0 0 ‐299954,6222 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐743478,27 35352,93 0 0 0 ‐315470,4923 0 4d_SI Combination ‐771822,62 7800,23 0 0 0 ‐315470,4923 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐780095,74 15412,55 0 0 0 ‐321269,7723 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐788368,86 23024,87 0 0 0 ‐330872,6524 0 4d_SI Combination ‐817746,3 ‐7330,83 0 0 0 ‐330872,6524 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐826918,43 ‐829,76 0 0 0 ‐328833,8824 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐836090,56 5671,31 0 0 0 ‐330043,4525 0 4d_SI Combination ‐863804,23 ‐28445,83 0 0 0 ‐330043,4525 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐873727,1 ‐23161,09 0 0 0 ‐317150,4125 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐883649,98 ‐17876,36 0 0 0 ‐306897,9726 0 4d_SI Combination ‐906199,09 ‐55833,21 0 0 0 ‐306897,9726 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐916712,31 ‐51850,24 0 0 0 ‐279995,2626 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐927225,53 ‐47867,26 0 0 0 ‐255082,727 0 4d_SI Combination ‐940667,8 ‐88509,64 0 0 0 ‐255082,727 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐951601,42 ‐85892,81 0 0 0 ‐211511,4827 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐962535,04 ‐83275,98 0 0 0 ‐169247,828 0 4d_SI Combination ‐959075,85 ‐131425,09 0 0 0 ‐169247,828 0,67241 4d_SI Combination ‐974149,54 ‐130130,82 0 0 0 ‐81311,8328 1,34481 4d_SI Combination ‐989223,23 ‐128836,55 0 0 0 5753,8629 0 4d_SI Combination ‐983116,67 110432,81 0 0 0 ‐5753,8629 0,46272 4d_SI Combination ‐993527,98 110432,81 0 0 0 ‐56853,8629 0,92545 4d_SI Combination ‐1003939,29 110432,81 0 0 0 ‐107953,8730 0 4d_SI Combination ‐1001575,92 19688,37 0 0 0 ‐107953,8730 0,46272 4d_SI Combination ‐1011987,23 19688,37 0 0 0 ‐117064,1630 0,92545 4d_SI Combination ‐1022398,54 19688,37 0 0 0 ‐126174,4631 0 4d_SI Combination ‐1020422,84 ‐61971,75 0 0 0 ‐126174,4631 0,31092 4d_SI Combination ‐1027418,51 ‐61971,75 0 0 0 ‐106906,2931 0,62184 4d_SI Combination ‐1034414,18 ‐61971,75 0 0 0 ‐87638,1132 0 4d_SI Combination ‐772543,68 ‐137866,08 0 0 0 ‐108205,0232 0,42121 4d_SI Combination ‐782020,84 ‐137866,08 0 0 0 ‐50134,8832 0,84241 4d_SI Combination ‐791497,99 ‐137866,08 0 0 0 7935,26

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-72 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3Text m Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

33 0 4d_SI Combination ‐315287,49 255513,89 0 0 0 7935,2633 0,44231 4d_SI Combination ‐315287,49 263807,13 0 0 0 ‐106914,233 0,88461 4d_SI Combination ‐315287,49 272100,37 0 0 0 ‐225431,8233 1,32692 4d_SI Combination ‐315287,49 280393,61 0 0 0 ‐347617,5834 0 4d_SI Combination ‐424967,44 ‐54676,76 0 0 0 ‐687928,8934 0,41085 4d_SI Combination ‐429679,93 ‐45550,35 0 0 0 ‐667339,734 0,8217 4d_SI Combination ‐434392,43 ‐36423,94 0 0 0 ‐650500,135 0 4d_SI Combination ‐427022,91 ‐89090,61 0 0 0 ‐650500,135 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐431992,02 ‐77623,87 0 0 0 ‐608831,0835 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐436961,13 ‐66157,14 0 0 0 ‐572894,136 0 4d_SI Combination ‐436662,89 ‐107553,96 0 0 0 ‐572894,136 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐440766,52 ‐95749,8 0 0 0 ‐522079,8736 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐444870,14 ‐83945,63 0 0 0 ‐477166,3637 0 4d_SI Combination ‐450055,35 ‐114174,61 0 0 0 ‐477166,3637 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐453270,81 ‐102098,23 0 0 0 ‐423110,637 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐456486,27 ‐90021,85 0 0 0 ‐375091,6438 0 4d_SI Combination ‐465207,81 ‐113680,17 0 0 0 ‐375091,6438 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐467517,34 ‐101398,31 0 0 0 ‐321334,4138 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐469826,87 ‐89116,45 0 0 0 ‐273716,6939 0 4d_SI Combination ‐480856,35 ‐109918,86 0 0 0 ‐273716,6939 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐482247,19 ‐97499,38 0 0 0 ‐221874,0739 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐483638,04 ‐85079,89 0 0 0 ‐176239,7640 0 4d_SI Combination ‐496420,36 ‐105683,77 0 0 0 ‐176239,7640 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐496884,83 ‐93195,28 0 0 0 ‐126531,4540 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐497349,3 ‐80706,8 0 0 0 ‐83065,9441 0 4d_SI Combination ‐511853,04 ‐102612,64 0 0 0 ‐83065,9441 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐511388,57 ‐90124,15 0 0 0 ‐34892,8441 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐510924,1 ‐77635,66 0 0 0 7037,4542 0 4d_SI Combination ‐532893,62 ‐104163,26 0 0 0 7037,4542 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐531502,77 ‐91743,78 0 0 0 56002,9342 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐530111,93 ‐79324,29 0 0 0 98760,143 0 4d_SI Combination ‐560480,72 ‐109035,58 0 0 0 98760,143 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐558171,19 ‐96753,72 0 0 0 150195,5743 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐555861,66 ‐84471,86 0 0 0 195491,5344 0 4d_SI Combination ‐595081,23 ‐114711,4 0 0 0 195491,5344 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐591865,77 ‐102635,03 0 0 0 249815,6244 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐588650,31 ‐90558,65 0 0 0 298102,9245 0 4d_SI Combination ‐636461,1 ‐117493,62 0 0 0 298102,9245 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐632357,47 ‐105689,45 0 0 0 353885,8445 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐628253,85 ‐93885,29 0 0 0 403768,0346 0 4d_SI Combination ‐683538,74 ‐112606,42 0 0 0 403768,0346 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐678569,63 ‐101139,69 0 0 0 457192,2546 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐673600,52 ‐89672,96 0 0 0 504884,4347 0 4d_SI Combination ‐728612,84 ‐94396,94 0 0 0 504884,4347 0,41085 4d_SI Combination ‐723900,35 ‐85270,53 0 0 0 541792,6847 0,8217 4d_SI Combination ‐719187,86 ‐76144,12 0 0 0 574951,3448 0 4d_SI Combination 367072,81 87952,08 0 0 0 309870,4548 0,44231 4d_SI Combination 367072,81 96245,32 0 0 0 269134,6248 0,88461 4d_SI Combination 367072,81 104538,57 0 0 0 224730,6448 1,32692 4d_SI Combination 367072,81 112831,81 0 0 0 176658,549 0 4d_SI Combination ‐155710,65 ‐242043,77 0 0 0 ‐340311,349 0,78587 4d_SI Combination ‐147813,02 ‐229603,91 0 0 0 ‐154984,1349 1,57174 4d_SI Combination ‐139915,39 ‐217164,05 0 0 0 20566,9150 0 4d_SI Combination ‐1284120,15 ‐77637,31 0 0 0 265080,8950 0,78587 4d_SI Combination ‐1276222,52 ‐65197,45 0 0 0 321205,7550 1,57174 4d_SI Combination ‐1268324,89 ‐52757,59 0 0 0 367554,49

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-73 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2


Si riportano di seguito le verifiche effettuate nelle sezioni maggiormente sollecitate (SLU e


L’armatura di riferimento è indicata in Tabella 4-1.

Spessorecm intradosso estradosso intradosso estradosso

Arco rovescio 100 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ14/15 φ14/15 φ16/30/45 φ16/75/75Piedritti 90 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ26/15+φ16/15 φ14/15 φ14/15 φ16/30/45Calotta 90 φ26/15 φ26/15 φ14/15 φ14/15 φ16/30/45

CavallottiElemento strutturale

Armatura di forza Ripartitori Spilli

Tabella 4-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 – Armatura


Per ognuna delle verifiche vengono individuate, per ogni condizione di carico, le condizioni

maggiormente gravose, in base alle quali vengono successivamente effettuate le verifiche.

In Tabella 4-2 e in Tabella 4-3 sono riportati i valori di riferimento per le verifiche strutturali

rispettivamente allo SLU e allo SLE.

I risultati delle verifiche allo SLU sono riportate in Figura 4-1 (dominio di interazione M-N) e

in Tabella 4-4 (verifiche a taglio), i risultati delle verifiche allo SLE (limitazione delle

tensioni e apertura delle fessure) sono invece sintetizzati in Tabella 4-5.

Tutte le verifiche risultano soddisfatte.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-74 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLU PRESSOFLESS1 34 0.82 1_ST_PP 12.53 -230.91 20.962 40 0.50 1_ST_PP 8.95 -125.73 -5.713 46 1.00 2a_ST_ka -276.65 -666.78 47.884 46 1.00 2a_ST_ka -276.65 -666.78 47.885 47 0.00 2a_ST_ka -297.56 -666.78 -31.706 47 0.41 2a_ST_ka -291.20 -656.29 -19.387 46 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ -295.55 -773.11 45.968 47 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ -319.39 -773.11 -45.329 47 0.41 2b_ST_kaQ -313.02 -757.02 -33.00

10 47 0.41 3a_ST_k0 -488.74 -638.33 10.0511 47 0.82 3a_ST_k0 -482.38 -644.99 22.3712 34 0.00 3a_ST_k0 -697.85 70.60 78.0713 46 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q -516.60 -724.85 62.3014 47 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q -540.16 -724.85 -15.3415 47 0.41 3b_ST_k0Q -533.80 -721.08 -3.0216 34 0.00 4a_SI -889.21 1036.95 168.1417 47 0.41 4a_SI -259.85 -1314.75 110.6718 47 0.82 4a_SI -255.13 -1362.09 119.7919 34 0.00 4b_SI -417.44 -819.24 -41.7820 34 0.41 4b_SI -422.16 -803.95 -32.6521 47 0.82 4b_SI -720.48 489.19 -90.2722 34 0.00 4c_SI -869.67 1087.32 147.0823 47 0.41 4c_SI -272.78 -1155.53 116.3424 47 0.82 4c_SI -268.07 -1205.21 125.4725 34 0.00 4d_SI -424.97 -687.93 -54.6826 34 0.41 4d_SI -429.68 -667.34 -45.5527 47 0.82 4d_SI -719.19 574.95 -76.14

SLU TAGLIO1 37 0.00 1_ST_PP 21.02 -197.52 -42.172 34 0.82 2a_ST_ka -440.95 -275.30 103.163 34 0.82 2b_ST_kaQ -462.78 -381.63 116.774 34 0.82 3a_ST_k0 -710.57 -3.68 102.725 34 0.82 3b_ST_k0Q -755.62 -91.80 115.786 44 1.00 4a_SI -370.05 -906.82 213.797 38 0.00 4b_SI -459.89 -490.11 -128.088 36 1.00 4c_SI -731.20 585.41 202.009 45 0.00 4d_SI -636.46 298.10 -117.49

Tabella 4-2 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , arco rovescio - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLU


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-75 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLE1 34 0.82 1_ST_PP 9.28 -171.04 15.532 40 0.50 1_ST_PP 6.63 -93.13 -4.233 46 1.00 2a_ST_ka -204.93 -493.91 35.474 46 1.00 2a_ST_ka -204.93 -493.91 35.475 47 0.00 2a_ST_ka -220.42 -493.91 -23.486 47 0.41 2a_ST_ka -215.70 -486.14 -14.367 46 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ -218.93 -572.67 34.058 47 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ -236.58 -572.67 -33.579 47 0.41 2b_ST_kaQ -231.87 -560.76 -24.44

10 47 0.41 3a_ST_k0 -362.03 -472.84 7.4411 47 0.82 3a_ST_k0 -357.32 -477.77 16.5712 34 0.00 3a_ST_k0 -516.92 52.29 57.8313 46 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q -382.66 -536.93 46.1514 47 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q -400.12 -536.93 -11.3615 47 0.41 3b_ST_k0Q -395.41 -534.14 -2.24

Tabella 4-3 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , arco rovescio - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLE

Figura 4-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-76 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

21.0 -197.5 -42.2 42.2 502.6 5427.4 989.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-441.0 -275.3 103.2 103.2 567.0 5427.4 1054.3 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -462.8 -381.6 116.8 116.8 570.1 5427.4 1057.3 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -710.6 -3.7 102.7 102.7 604.6 5427.4 1091.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -755.6 -91.8 115.8 115.8 610.9 5427.4 1098.2 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -370.0 -906.8 213.8 213.8 557.1 5427.4 1044.4 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -459.9 -490.1 -128.1 128.1 569.7 5427.4 1056.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -731.2 585.4 202.0 202.0 607.5 5427.4 1094.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -636.5 298.1 -117.5 117.5 594.3 5427.4 1081.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 4-4 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio

VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.059

9.3 -171.0 15.5 - -1.15 Verif. 25.81 44.7 Verif. 0.012 0.021 Verif.6.6 -93.1 -4.2 - -0.62 Verif. 25.66 24.5 Verif. 0.007 0.011 Verif.

-209.9 -479.0 24.0 - -3.39 Verif. 30.74 102.8 Verif. 0.028 0.048 Verif.-204.9 -493.9 35.5 - -3.48 Verif. 30.49 107.1 Verif. 0.029 0.050 Verif.-220.4 -493.9 -23.5 - -3.49 Verif. 30.83 105.6 Verif. 0.029 0.049 Verif.-215.7 -486.1 -14.4 - -3.44 Verif. 30.80 104.1 Verif. 0.028 0.048 Verif.-218.9 -572.7 34.0 - -4.03 Verif. 30.15 125.9 Verif. 0.035 0.059 Verif.-236.6 -572.7 -33.6 - -4.04 Verif. 30.47 124.3 Verif. 0.034 0.058 Verif.-231.9 -560.8 -24.4 - -3.96 Verif. 30.48 121.7 Verif. 0.033 0.056 Verif.-516.9 52.3 57.8 -0.69 -0.21 Verif. - -3.7 - - - Verif.-362.0 -472.8 7.4 - -3.42 Verif. 34.41 87.4 Verif. 0.024 0.041 Verif.-357.3 -477.8 16.6 - -3.46 Verif. 34.20 89.1 Verif. 0.024 0.041 Verif.-382.7 -536.9 46.2 - -3.88 Verif. 33.79 101.8 Verif. 0.028 0.047 Verif.-400.1 -536.9 -11.4 - -3.88 Verif. 34.17 100.2 Verif. 0.027 0.047 Verif.-395.4 -534.1 -2.2 - -3.86 Verif. 34.11 100 Verif. 0.027 0.046 Verif.

Tabella 4-5 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , arco rovescio - verifica allo SLE


Per ognuna delle verifiche vengono individuate, per ogni condizione di carico, le condizioni

maggiormente gravose, in base alle quali vengono successivamente effettuate le verifiche.

In Tabella 4-6 e in Tabella 4-7 sono riportati i valori di riferimento per le verifiche strutturali

rispettivamente allo SLU e allo SLE.

I risultati delle verifiche allo SLU sono riportate in Figura 4-2 (dominio di interazione M-N) e

in Tabella 4-8 (verifiche a taglio), i risultati delle verifiche allo SLE (limitazione delle

tensioni e apertura delle fessure) sono invece sintetizzati in Tabella 4-9.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-77 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

Tutte le verifiche risultano soddisfatte.

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLU PRESSOFLESS1 5 1.34 1_ST_PP 338.38 -317.80 37.862 6 0.00 1_ST_PP 340.25 -317.80 -12.893 6 1.00 2a_ST_ka 1138.85 -695.79 42.684 31 0.31 2a_ST_ka 1397.80 668.56 -125.175 31 0.62 2a_ST_ka 1407.25 707.47 -125.176 6 0.50 2b_ST_kaQ 1366.21 -841.92 42.527 7 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ 1351.45 -864.04 46.058 31 0.62 2b_ST_kaQ 1619.47 762.12 -101.579 6 1.00 3a_ST_k0 1164.00 -476.28 72.29

10 31 0.31 3a_ST_k0 1380.24 779.66 -338.1511 31 0.62 3a_ST_k0 1389.68 884.80 -338.1512 6 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q 1376.27 -610.02 74.3013 31 0.31 3b_ST_k0Q 1592.46 846.52 -332.7114 31 0.62 3b_ST_k0Q 1601.90 949.96 -332.7115 31 0.31 4a_SI 1012.35 1347.03 -663.4616 31 0.62 4a_SI 1019.35 1553.31 -663.4617 6 1.00 4a_SI 1127.80 -646.22 213.1918 2 0.00 4b_SI 949.02 -981.19 -462.8419 2 0.31 4b_SI 942.02 -837.29 -462.8420 2 0.62 4b_SI 935.03 -693.38 -462.8421 6 1.00 4c_SI 931.66 -456.56 206.3322 31 0.31 4c_SI 779.35 1224.00 -677.0523 31 0.62 4c_SI 786.35 1434.51 -677.0524 2 0.00 4d_SI 741.03 -912.32 -493.0625 2 0.31 4d_SI 734.04 -759.01 -493.0626 6 1.00 4d_SI 599.61 324.78 -115.27

SLU TAGLIO1 31 0.62 1_ST_PP 449.86 104.40 66.662 4 0.00 2a_ST_ka 1247.07 -314.62 167.203 4 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 1459.29 -411.02 203.234 31 0.62 3a_ST_k0 1389.68 884.80 -338.155 31 0.62 3b_ST_k0Q 1601.90 949.96 -332.716 31 0.62 4a_SI 1019.35 1553.31 -663.467 2 0.00 4b_SI 949.02 -981.19 -462.848 31 0.62 4c_SI 786.35 1434.51 -677.059 2 0.00 4d_SI 741.03 -912.32 -493.06

Tabella 4-6 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , piedritti - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLU

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLE1 5 1.34 1_ST_PP 250.65 -235.41 28.042 6 0.00 1_ST_PP 252.03 -235.41 -9.553 6 1.00 2a_ST_ka 843.59 -515.40 31.614 31 0.31 2a_ST_ka 1035.41 495.23 -92.725 31 0.62 2a_ST_ka 1042.40 524.05 -92.726 6 0.50 2b_ST_kaQ 1012.01 -623.64 31.507 7 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ 1001.07 -640.03 34.118 31 0.62 2b_ST_kaQ 1199.60 564.54 -75.249 6 1.00 3a_ST_k0 862.22 -352.80 53.55

10 31 0.31 3a_ST_k0 1022.40 577.53 -250.4811 31 0.62 3a_ST_k0 1029.40 655.41 -250.4812 6 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q 1019.46 -451.87 55.0313 31 0.31 3b_ST_k0Q 1179.60 627.05 -246.4514 31 0.62 3b_ST_k0Q 1186.60 703.68 -246.45

Tabella 4-7 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , piedritti - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-78 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

Figura 4-2 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-449.9 104.4 66.7 66.7 454.7 4138.5 889.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-1247.1 -314.6 167.2 167.2 564.9 4138.5 999.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-1459.3 -411.0 203.2 203.2 594.3 4138.5 1029.2 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-1389.7 884.8 -338.2 338.2 584.7 4138.5 1019.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1601.9 950.0 -332.7 332.7 614.0 4138.5 1048.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1019.3 1553.3 -663.5 663.5 533.4 4138.5 968.3 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-949.0 -981.2 -462.8 462.8 523.7 4138.5 958.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -786.3 1434.5 -677.1 677.1 501.2 4138.5 936.1 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-741.0 -912.3 -493.1 493.1 494.9 4138.5 929.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 4-8 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-79 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.045

-250.7 -235.4 28.0 - -2.08 Verif. 33.82 45.2 Verif. 0.012 0.021 Verif.-252.0 -235.4 -9.5 - -2.08 Verif. 33.88 45.1 Verif. 0.012 0.021 Verif.-843.6 -515.4 31.6 - -4.64 Verif. 39.99 74.9 Verif. 0.020 0.034 Verif.

-1035.4 495.2 -92.7 -4.51 - Verif. 45.54 55.6 Verif. 0.014 0.023 Verif.-1042.4 524.1 -92.7 -4.76 - Verif. 44.25 62.5 Verif. 0.016 0.027 Verif.-1012.0 -623.6 31.5 - -5.62 Verif. 39.83 91.3 Verif. 0.024 0.041 Verif.-1001.1 -640.0 34.1 - -5.76 Verif. 39.16 96.6 Verif. 0.026 0.044 Verif.-1199.6 564.5 -75.2 -5.15 - Verif. 45.98 62.1 Verif. 0.015 0.026 Verif.-862.2 -352.8 53.5 - -3.24 Verif. 50.20 31.7 Verif. 0.007 0.012 Verif.

-1022.4 577.5 -250.5 -5.22 - Verif. 41.57 78 Verif. 0.020 0.034 Verif.-1029.4 655.4 -250.5 -5.89 - Verif. 39.23 98.6 Verif. 0.026 0.045 Verif.-1019.5 -451.9 55.0 - -4.13 Verif. 47.69 45.8 Verif. 0.011 0.019 Verif.-1179.6 627.1 -246.4 -5.69 - Verif. 42.91 79.6 Verif. 0.020 0.034 Verif.-1186.6 703.7 -246.4 -6.35 - Verif. 40.57 99.6 Verif. 0.026 0.044 Verif.

Tabella 4-9 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , piedritti - verifica allo SLE


Per ognuna delle verifiche vengono individuate, per ogni condizione di carico, le condizioni

maggiormente gravose, in base alle quali vengono successivamente effettuate le verifiche.

In Tabella 4-10 e in Tabella 4-11 sono riportati i valori di riferimento per le verifiche

strutturali rispettivamente allo SLU e allo SLE.

I risultati delle verifiche allo SLU sono riportate in Figura 4-3 (dominio di interazione M-N) e

in Tabella 4-12 (verifiche a taglio), i risultati delle verifiche allo SLE (limitazione delle

tensioni e apertura delle fessure) sono invece sintetizzati in Tabella 4-13.

Tutte le verifiche risultano soddisfatte.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-80 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLU PRESSOFLESS1 7 0.00 1_ST_PP 307.48 -308.45 -45.202 16 1.00 1_ST_PP 66.53 280.06 4.243 7 0.00 2a_ST_ka 1101.28 -695.79 -38.884 7 0.50 2a_ST_ka 1087.08 -677.71 -33.505 18 0.50 2a_ST_ka 502.93 596.99 -1.806 7 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 1307.65 -864.04 -53.177 7 0.50 2b_ST_kaQ 1293.46 -838.82 -47.808 17 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ 594.19 753.57 -21.449 7 1.00 3a_ST_k0 1111.19 -494.29 23.39

10 8 0.00 3a_ST_k0 1075.36 -494.29 -32.2111 19 1.00 3a_ST_k0 657.18 438.10 -1.9712 7 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q 1318.48 -616.16 11.5213 8 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 1274.57 -616.16 -55.8314 18 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q 766.59 534.03 -14.2515 10 0.00 4a_SI 965.35 -855.79 -52.7916 22 1.00 4a_SI 569.16 861.86 -15.9317 23 0.00 4a_SI 579.03 861.86 27.5818 11 0.00 4b_SI 625.01 385.41 3.2019 25 1.00 4b_SI 1059.30 -474.74 23.8720 26 0.00 4b_SI 1104.55 -474.74 -29.5821 11 0.00 4c_SI 798.56 -746.22 -50.5122 23 1.00 4c_SI 478.81 846.85 -6.9123 24 0.00 4c_SI 480.25 846.85 39.8524 9 0.00 4d_SI 541.48 437.05 -5.7425 9 0.50 4d_SI 532.30 438.30 0.7626 24 1.00 4d_SI 836.09 -330.04 5.67

SLU TAGLIO1 22 1.00 1_ST_PP -168.29 -44.57 96.392 24 1.00 2a_ST_ka -927.56 -224.96 204.533 23 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ -986.37 -113.39 248.824 25 1.00 3a_ST_k0 -1046.03 -85.59 139.065 24 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q -1142.86 -52.02 169.226 26 1.00 4a_SI 760.76 366.14 212.737 7 0.00 4b_SI 754.31 159.54 -103.268 17 0.00 4c_SI 571.42 -40.97 -194.559 14 1.00 4d_SI 550.98 106.59 94.78

Tabella 4-10 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1, calotta - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLU

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLE1 7 0.00 1_ST_PP 227.76 -228.48 -33.482 16 1.00 1_ST_PP 49.28 207.45 3.143 7 0.00 2a_ST_ka 815.76 -515.40 -28.804 7 0.50 2a_ST_ka 805.25 -502.01 -24.815 18 0.50 2a_ST_ka 372.54 442.21 -1.336 7 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 968.63 -640.03 -39.397 7 0.50 2b_ST_kaQ 958.12 -621.35 -35.408 17 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ 440.14 558.20 -15.889 7 1.00 3a_ST_k0 823.10 -366.14 17.33

10 8 0.00 3a_ST_k0 796.56 -366.14 -23.8611 19 1.00 3a_ST_k0 486.80 324.52 -1.4612 7 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q 976.65 -456.41 8.5313 8 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 944.13 -456.41 -41.3614 18 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q 567.85 395.58 -10.56

Tabella 4-11 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , calotta - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A2-81 / A2-81

TUN 050 Allegato 2

Figura 4-3 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , calotta - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-168.3 -44.6 96.4 96.4 415.7 4138.5 705.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -927.6 -225.0 204.5 204.5 520.7 4138.5 810.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -986.4 -113.4 248.8 248.8 528.9 4138.5 818.8 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-1046.0 -85.6 139.1 139.1 537.1 4138.5 827 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -1142.9 -52.0 169.2 169.2 550.5 4138.5 840.4 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -760.8 366.1 212.7 212.7 497.7 4138.5 787.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -754.3 159.5 -103.3 103.3 496.8 4138.5 786.7 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -571.4 -41.0 -194.6 194.6 471.5 4138.5 761.4 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -551.0 106.6 94.8 94.8 468.6 4138.5 758.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 4-12 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , calotta - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio

VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.088

-227.8 -228.5 -33.5 - -2.21 Verif. 30.60 56.7 Verif. 0.019 0.033 Verif.-49.3 207.5 3.1 -1.91 - Verif. 23.90 70.9 Verif. 0.024 0.041 Verif.

-815.8 -515.4 -28.8 - -5.06 Verif. 36.91 94.7 Verif. 0.032 0.055 Verif.-805.2 -502.0 -24.8 - -4.93 Verif. 37.16 91.1 Verif. 0.031 0.053 Verif.-372.5 442.2 -1.3 -4.25 - Verif. 29.12 117.9 Verif. 0.040 0.068 Verif.-968.6 -640.0 -39.4 - -6.28 Verif. 36.10 122.2 Verif. 0.042 0.071 Verif.-958.1 -621.3 -35.4 - -6.10 Verif. 36.43 116.8 Verif. 0.040 0.068 Verif.-440.1 558.2 -15.9 -5.35 - Verif. 28.61 152.5 Verif. 0.052 0.088 Verif.-823.1 -366.1 17.3 - -3.60 Verif. 45.46 44.6 Verif. 0.014 0.023 Verif.-796.6 -366.1 -23.9 - -3.60 Verif. 44.46 46.8 Verif. 0.014 0.025 Verif.-486.8 324.5 -1.5 -3.18 - Verif. 35.95 62.4 Verif. 0.021 0.036 Verif.-976.7 -456.4 8.5 - -4.49 Verif. 43.97 59.8 Verif. 0.019 0.032 Verif.-944.1 -456.4 -41.4 - -4.49 Verif. 43.01 62.6 Verif. 0.020 0.033 Verif.-565.7 387.5 -21.6 -3.80 - Verif. 35.49 76.2 Verif. 0.026 0.044 Verif.

Tabella 4-13 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 1 , calotta - verifica allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-1 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3







Carreggiata Nord in variante

Gallerie artificiali di imbocco

Relazione tecnica e di calcolo dei rivestimenti

Allegato 3 – Analisi numerica portale, sezione 2: risultati e verifiche


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-2 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3


1.  INTRODUZIONE ................................................................................................................................................... 4 

2.  GEOMETRIA E CARICHI ................................................................................................................................... 5 

2.1.  GEOMETRIA DEL MODELLO .............................................................................................................................. 5 

2.2.  CARATTERISTICHE DEGLI ELEMENTI STRUTTURALI .......................................................................................... 8 

2.3.  VINCOLI ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 

2.3.1.  Vincoli a terra ........................................................................................................................................... 10 

2.3.2.  Vincoli elastici .......................................................................................................................................... 10 

2.4.  CARICHI AGENTI ............................................................................................................................................. 15 

2.4.1.  Combinazioni di carico ............................................................................................................................. 15 

2.4.2.  Carichi nodali ........................................................................................................................................... 16 

3.  RISULTATI DELLE ANALISI ........................................................................................................................... 22 

3.1.  SPOSTAMENTI NODALI .................................................................................................................................... 22 

3.2.  DIAGRAMMI SOLLECITAZIONI NEGLI ELEMENTI STRUTTURALI ....................................................................... 33 

3.2.1.  Combinazione 1_ST_PP ........................................................................................................................... 33 

3.2.2.  Combinazione 2a_ST_ka .......................................................................................................................... 34 

3.2.3.  Combinazione 2b_ST_kaQ ........................................................................................................................ 35 

3.2.4.  Combinazione 3a_ST_k0 .......................................................................................................................... 36 

3.2.5.  Combinazione 3b_ST_k0Q ........................................................................................................................ 37 

3.2.6.  Combinazione 4a_SI ................................................................................................................................. 38 

3.2.7.  Combinazione 4b_SI ................................................................................................................................. 39 

3.2.8.  Combinazione 4c_SI ................................................................................................................................. 40 

3.2.9.  Combinazione 4d_SI ................................................................................................................................. 41 

3.3.  TABELLE RISULTATI ANALISI .......................................................................................................................... 42 


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-3 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

4.  PRINCIPALI VERIFICHE STRUTTURALI .................................................................................................... 60 

4.1.  ARCO ROVESCIO ............................................................................................................................................. 60 

4.2.  PIEDRITTI ....................................................................................................................................................... 64 


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-4 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3


Il presente allegato ha per oggetto il dimensionamento del tratto di portale a “becco di

flauto” con muri laterali ad altezza variabile (sezione di calcolo 2). La modellazione

(eseguita con il codice di calcolo Sap) è stata eseguita per un tratto di struttura di

profondità pari a 1m e tiene conto delle reali geometrie della struttura, nonché delle

caratteristiche del terreno di ritombamento e degli ammassi interessati dallo scavo.

Le analisi numeriche vengono condotte con riferimento alla configurazione più gravosa fra

quelle previste per la geometria in esame, ovvero per l’imbocco lato Roma della Galleria


Nei paragrafi che seguono vengono riportate le caratteristiche del modello numerico

utilizzato (geometria, vincoli, carichi), i risultati delle analisi numeriche condotte per le

condizioni di carico di riferimento, le verifiche strutturali nelle sezioni maggiormente



Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-5 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3



Il modello deriva da quello relativo al tratto di portale a sezione chiusa, con eliminazione

del tratto di calotta, pertanto la numerazione di nodi ed aste è la medesima.

La struttura viene schematizzata con 40 aste e 39 nodi, vincolati in arco rovescio e sotto il

piano di imposta delle murette con molle (sia in direzione normale che tangenziale) ed

elementi Gap (molle non lineari, che non resistono a trazione) in corrispondenza dei nodi

di piedritto e calotta a contatto con il terreno. Gli elementi Gap sono vincolati con nodi

ausiliari (complessivamente sono presenti 58 nodi). La geometria del modello

rappresentata in Figura 2-1; coordinate nodali, incidenza aste ed elementi “gap” sono

riportate rispettivamente in Tabella 2-1, Tabella 2-2 e Tabella 2-3.

Figura 2-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Geometria modello


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-6 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

T AB L E :  J oint C oordinatesJ oint C oordS ys C oordT ype XorR Y Z S pec ialJ t G lobalX G lobalY G lobalZText Text Text m m m Yes /No m m m

1 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.86 0 ‐1.95515 Yes 7.86 0 ‐1.955152 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.86 0 ‐1.11274 Yes 7.86 0 ‐1.112743 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.86 0 ‐0.4909 Yes 7.86 0 ‐0.49094 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.86 0 0.43455 Yes 7.86 0 0.434555 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.86 0 1.36 Yes 7.86 0 1.366 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.74495 0 2.69988 Yes 7.74495 0 2.699887 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.51235 0 3.67176 Yes 7.51235 0 3.671768 GLOBAL C artes ian 7.15831 0 4.60627 Yes 7.15831 0 4.606279 GLOBAL C artes ian 6.68855 0 5.4883 Yes 6.68855 0 5.488310 GLOBAL C artes ian 6.11068 0 6.3036 Yes 6.11068 0 6.303611 GLOBAL C artes ian 5.43403 0 7.03899 Yes 5.43403 0 7.0389912 GLOBAL C artes ian 4.66954 0 7.68258 Yes 4.66954 0 7.6825822 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐4.66954 0 7.68258 Yes ‐4.66954 0 7.6825823 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐5.43403 0 7.03899 Yes ‐5.43403 0 7.0389924 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐6.11068 0 6.3036 Yes ‐6.11068 0 6.303625 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐6.68855 0 5.4883 Yes ‐6.68855 0 5.488326 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.15831 0 4.60627 Yes ‐7.15831 0 4.6062727 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.51235 0 3.67176 Yes ‐7.51235 0 3.6717628 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.74495 0 2.69988 Yes ‐7.74495 0 2.6998829 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.86 0 1.36 Yes ‐7.86 0 1.3630 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.86 0 0.43455 Yes ‐7.86 0 0.4345531 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.86 0 ‐0.4909 Yes ‐7.86 0 ‐0.490932 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.86 0 ‐1.11274 Yes ‐7.86 0 ‐1.1127433 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.86 0 ‐1.95515 Yes ‐7.86 0 ‐1.9551534 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐6.53308 0 ‐1.95515 No ‐6.53308 0 ‐1.9551535 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐5.80297 0 ‐2.33215 No ‐5.80297 0 ‐2.3321536 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐4.88563 0 ‐2.72968 No ‐4.88563 0 ‐2.7296837 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐3.9413 0 ‐3.05797 No ‐3.9413 0 ‐3.0579738 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐2.97519 0 ‐3.31521 No ‐2.97519 0 ‐3.3152139 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐1.99264 0 ‐3.49997 No ‐1.99264 0 ‐3.4999740 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐0.99908 0 ‐3.61124 No ‐0.99908 0 ‐3.6112441 GLOBAL C artes ian 0 0 ‐3.64839 No 0 0 ‐3.6483942 GLOBAL C artes ian 0.99908 0 ‐3.61124 No 0.99908 0 ‐3.6112443 GLOBAL C artes ian 1.99264 0 ‐3.49997 No 1.99264 0 ‐3.4999744 GLOBAL C artes ian 2.97519 0 ‐3.31521 No 2.97519 0 ‐3.3152145 GLOBAL C artes ian 3.9413 0 ‐3.05797 No 3.9413 0 ‐3.0579746 GLOBAL C artes ian 4.88563 0 ‐2.72968 No 4.88563 0 ‐2.7296847 GLOBAL C artes ian 5.80297 0 ‐2.33215 No 5.80297 0 ‐2.3321548 GLOBAL C artes ian 6.53308 0 ‐1.95515 No 6.53308 0 ‐1.9551549 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.86 0 ‐1.95515 Yes 8.86 0 ‐1.9551550 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.86 0 ‐1.11274 Yes 8.86 0 ‐1.1127451 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.86 0 ‐0.4909 Yes 8.86 0 ‐0.490952 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.86 0 0.43455 Yes 8.86 0 0.4345553 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.86 0 1.36 Yes 8.86 0 1.3654 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.73489 0 2.85993 Yes 8.73489 0 2.8599355 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.47005 0 3.96647 Yes 8.47005 0 3.9664756 GLOBAL C artes ian 8.07088 0 5.02012 Yes 8.07088 0 5.0201271 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐6.12678 0 7.76297 Yes ‐6.12678 0 7.7629772 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐6.88969 0 6.93384 Yes ‐6.88969 0 6.9338473 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐7.54124 0 6.0146 Yes ‐7.54124 0 6.014674 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.07088 0 5.02012 Yes ‐8.07088 0 5.0201275 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.47005 0 3.96647 Yes ‐8.47005 0 3.9664776 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.73489 0 2.85993 Yes ‐8.73489 0 2.8599377 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.86 0 1.40285 Yes ‐8.86 0 1.4028578 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.86 0 0.43455 Yes ‐8.86 0 0.4345579 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.86 0 ‐0.4909 Yes ‐8.86 0 ‐0.490980 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.86 0 ‐1.11274 Yes ‐8.86 0 ‐1.1127481 GLOBAL C artes ian ‐8.86 0 ‐1.95515 Yes ‐8.86 0 ‐1.95515

Tabella 2-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Coordinate nodi


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-7 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

T AB L E :  C onnectiv ity ‐ F rameF rame J ointI J ointJ Is C urved L ength C entroidX C entroidY C entroidZText Text Text Yes /No m m m m

1 1 2 No 0.84241 7.86 0 ‐1.533942 2 3 No 0.62184 7.86 0 ‐0.801823 3 4 No 0.92545 7.86 0 ‐0.028174 4 5 No 0.92545 7.86 0 0.897285 5 6 No 1.34481 7.80248 0 2.029946 6 7 No 0.99933 7.62865 0 3.185827 7 8 No 0.99933 7.33533 0 4.139028 8 9 No 0.99933 6.92343 0 5.047299 9 10 No 0.99933 6.39961 0 5.8959510 10 11 No 0.99933 5.77235 0 6.671311 11 12 No 0.99933 5.05178 0 7.3607922 22 23 No 0.99933 ‐5.05178 0 7.3607923 23 24 No 0.99933 ‐5.77235 0 6.671324 24 25 No 0.99933 ‐6.39961 0 5.8959525 25 26 No 0.99933 ‐6.92343 0 5.0472926 26 27 No 0.99933 ‐7.33533 0 4.1390227 27 28 No 0.99933 ‐7.62865 0 3.1858228 28 29 No 1.34481 ‐7.80248 0 2.0299429 29 30 No 0.92545 ‐7.86 0 0.8972830 30 31 No 0.92545 ‐7.86 0 ‐0.0281731 31 32 No 0.62184 ‐7.86 0 ‐0.8018232 32 33 No 0.84241 ‐7.86 0 ‐1.5339433 33 34 No 1.32692 ‐7.19654 0 ‐1.9551534 34 35 No 0.8217 ‐6.16802 0 ‐2.1436535 35 36 No 0.99977 ‐5.3443 0 ‐2.5309136 36 37 No 0.99977 ‐4.41346 0 ‐2.8938237 37 38 No 0.99977 ‐3.45824 0 ‐3.1865938 38 39 No 0.99977 ‐2.48391 0 ‐3.4075939 39 40 No 0.99977 ‐1.49586 0 ‐3.555640 40 41 No 0.99977 ‐0.49954 0 ‐3.6298141 41 42 No 0.99977 0.49954 0 ‐3.6298142 42 43 No 0.99977 1.49586 0 ‐3.555643 43 44 No 0.99977 2.48391 0 ‐3.4075944 44 45 No 0.99977 3.45824 0 ‐3.1865945 45 46 No 0.99977 4.41346 0 ‐2.8938246 46 47 No 0.99977 5.3443 0 ‐2.5309147 47 48 No 0.8217 6.16802 0 ‐2.1436548 48 1 No 1.32692 7.19654 0 ‐1.9551549 34 32 No 1.57174 ‐7.19654 0 ‐1.5339450 48 2 No 1.57174 7.19654 0 ‐1.53394

Tabella 2-2 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Aste

T AB L E :  C onnectiv ity ‐ L inkL ink J ointI J ointJ L eng th C entroidX C entroidY C entroidZText Text Text m m m m

1 1 49 1 8.36 0 ‐1.955152 2 50 1 8.36 0 ‐1.112743 3 51 1 8.36 0 ‐0.49094 4 52 1 8.36 0 0.434555 5 53 1 8.36 0 1.366 6 54 1.00279 8.23992 0 2.779917 7 55 1.00203 7.9912 0 3.819128 8 56 1.00203 7.61459 0 4.81319

23 23 71 1.00203 ‐5.7804 0 7.4009824 24 72 1.00203 ‐6.50019 0 6.6187225 25 73 1.00203 ‐7.11489 0 5.7514526 26 74 1.00203 ‐7.61459 0 4.8131927 27 75 1.00203 ‐7.9912 0 3.8191228 28 76 1.00279 ‐8.23992 0 2.7799129 29 77 1.00092 ‐8.36 0 1.3814330 30 78 1 ‐8.36 0 0.4345531 31 79 1 ‐8.36 0 ‐0.490932 32 80 1 ‐8.36 0 ‐1.1127433 33 81 1 ‐8.36 0 ‐1.95515

Tabella 2-3 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Elementi link (gap)


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-8 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3


La struttura stata schematizzata attribuendo ad ogni elemento il suo spessore reale, per i

tratti a spessore variabile è stato considerato uno spessore rappresentativo della struttura

nella zona corrispondente.

Di seguito si riportano le caratteristiche delle sezioni presenti nel database del file (Tabella

2-4) e la tabella di assegnazione delle sezioni agli elementi strutturali (Tabella 2-5). La

vista estrusa della struttura è invece riportata in Figura 2-2.

TABLE: Frame Section Properties 01 - GeneralSectionName Material Shape t3 t2 tf tw t2b tfb Area

Text Text Text m m m m m m m2CA075 RCK40 Rectangular 0.75 1 0.75CA090 RCK40 Rectangular 0.9 1 0.9CA100 RCK40 Rectangular 1 1 1CA120 RCK40 Rectangular 1.2 1 1.2CA200 RCK40 Rectangular 2 1 2

Tabella 2-4 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Definizione sezioni

Figura 2-2 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Vista estrusa


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-9 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

T AB L E :  F rame  S ection Ass ignmentsF rame S ectionT ype AutoS elec t AnalS ect Des ignS ect MatP ropText Text Text Text Text Text

1 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default2 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default3 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default4 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default5 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default6 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default7 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default8 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default9 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default

10 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default11 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default22 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default23 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default24 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default25 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default26 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default27 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default28 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default29 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default30 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default31 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default32 R ectangular N.A. C A090 C A090 Default33 R ectangular N.A. C A075 C A075 Default34 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default35 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default36 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default37 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default38 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default39 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default40 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default41 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default42 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default43 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default44 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default45 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default46 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default47 R ectangular N.A. C A100 C A100 Default48 R ectangular N.A. C A075 C A075 Default49 R ectangular N.A. C A075 C A075 Default50 R ectangular N.A. C A075 C A075 Default

Tabella 2-5 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Assegnazione sezioni agli elementi frame


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-10 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3


La struttura è vincolata con molle elastiche al contatto fra arco rovescio (o piano imposta

murette) e il terreno / ammasso roccioso.

Nella zona di piedritti e calotta sono presenti molle non lineari, la cui rigidezza a trazione è

nulla (link/gap). Questi elementi collegano nodi della struttura con nodi vincolati a terra.

2.3.1. Vincoli a terra

TABLE: Joint Restraint AssignmentsJoint U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

49 Yes Yes Yes No No No50 Yes Yes Yes No No No51 Yes Yes Yes No No No52 Yes Yes Yes No No No53 Yes Yes Yes No No No54 Yes Yes Yes No No No55 Yes Yes Yes No No No56 Yes Yes Yes No No No71 Yes Yes Yes No No No72 Yes Yes Yes No No No73 Yes Yes Yes No No No74 Yes Yes Yes No No No75 Yes Yes Yes No No No76 Yes Yes Yes No No No77 Yes Yes Yes No No No78 Yes Yes Yes No No No79 Yes Yes Yes No No No80 Yes Yes Yes No No No81 Yes Yes Yes No No No

Tabella 2-6 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Vincoli a terra

2.3.2. Vincoli elastici

Criteri di definizione rigidezze vincoli elastici

Per simulare l’interazione tra il terreno e la struttura vengono introdotti degli elementi

elastici (molle) in corrispondenza dei nodi strutturali; la rigidezza delle molle dipende dalle

proprietà elastiche del terreno e dalle dimensioni strutturali degli elementi collegati al nodo.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-11 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

Calotta e piedritti

La rigidezza in direzione normale del terreno è calcolata secondo la formula di Galerkin:

REKn ×+

=)1( ν

Per la zona di calotta è valutata una rigidezza normale pari a 5089kN/m3, essendo:

E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno di ritombamento = 50MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

R = raggio di curvatura dell’asse di calotta = 7.86m

Per la zona dei piedritti è valutata una rigidezza normale pari a 1143kN/m3, essendo:

E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno di ritombamento = 50MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

R = raggio di curvatura dell’asse dei piedritti = 35m

All’interno del programma, tale interazione è schematizzata attraverso l’utilizzo di elementi

elastoplastico (“gap”), caratterizzati dalla capacità di reagire solo a compressione. Nel

caso si verificasse “l’apertura” (ovvero l’elemento andasse in compressione), la rigidezza

diverrebbe immediatamente nulla.

La zona di calotta è caratterizzata, al contorno, dalla presenza dell’impermeabilizzazione,

che non impedisce la reazione in direzione normale, abbattendo, invece, la rigidezza in

direzione trasversale.

I valori di calcolo per le molle nodali nel modello numerico sono definiti moltiplicando il

valore unitario per l’ampiezza della zona di influenza di ciascun nodo.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-12 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

Arco rovescio

Per la zona di arco rovescio è valutata una rigidezza normale pari a 32119 kN/m3,


E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno difondazione = 540MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

R = raggio di curvatura dell’asse di calotta = 13.45m

Per tale zona è calcolata altresì una rigidezza trasversale che assume valore pari a

12544kN/m3, attraverso la formulazione seguente:

)32tan(* φtt KK =

Avendo definito un valore dell’angolo d’attrito pari a 32°.

I valori di calcolo per le molle nodali nel modello numerico sono definiti moltiplicando il

valore unitario per l’ampiezza della zona di influenza di ciascun nodo, componendo

settorialmente le due componenti, anche in funzione della relativa inclinazione delle

“corde” colleganti i punti nodali lungo lo sviluppo dell’elemento.


Per il calcolo delle molle verticali situate sul piano di imposta murette è posta pari a

167320kN/m3 in direzione normale e 65348 kN/m3 in direzione trasversale. Il calcolo è

effettuato attraverso l’impiego della formulazione di Bousinnesq :

( ) wn IB


= 21 ν

)32tan(* φtt kk =



Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-13 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

E = modulo di deformabilità del terreno = 540MPa

ν = coefficiente di Poisson del terreno = 0.25

Iw = coefficiente di forma = 2.25

B = base della fondazione = 1.53m

φ = angolo attrito terreno di fondazione = 32°

Valori adottati nelle analisi

TABLE:  Joint Spring Assignments 1 ‐ UncoupledJoint CoordSys U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text N/m N/m N/m N‐m/rad N‐m/rad N‐m/rad

1 GLOBAL 49990921,21 0 128000000 0 0 033 GLOBAL 49990921,21 0 128000000 0 0 034 GLOBAL 60624664,38 0 142089766,5 0 0 035 GLOBAL 22784449,85 0 31332907,65 0 0 036 GLOBAL 23348994,32 0 34473680,82 0 0 037 GLOBAL 21400553,43 0 34376921,87 0 0 038 GLOBAL 19333830,71 0 34090288,17 0 0 039 GLOBAL 17160292,06 0 33615248,05 0 0 040 GLOBAL 14891867,16 0 32954440,05 0 0 041 GLOBAL 12541310,85 0 32111586,46 0 0 042 GLOBAL 14891867,16 0 32954440,05 0 0 043 GLOBAL 17160292,06 0 33615248,05 0 0 044 GLOBAL 19333830,71 0 34090288,17 0 0 045 GLOBAL 21400553,43 0 34376921,87 0 0 046 GLOBAL 23348994,32 0 34473680,82 0 0 047 GLOBAL 22784449,85 0 31332907,65 0 0 048 GLOBAL 60624664,38 0 142089766,5 0 0 0

Tabella 2-7 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Molle in arco rovescio/murette

TABLE:  Link Property Definitions 01 ‐ GeneralLink LinkType Mass Weight RotInert1 RotInert2 RotInert3 DefLength DefAreaText Text Kg N N‐m‐s2 N‐m‐s2 N‐m‐s2 m m2

CAL1 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1CAL2 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED1 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED2 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED3 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED4 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1PIED5 Gap 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

Tabella 2-8 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Definizione proprietà elementi gap 1/2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-14 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Link Property Definitions 05 ‐ GapLink DOF Fixed NonLinear TransKE TransCE TransK TransOpenText Text Yes/No Yes/No N/m N‐s/m N/m m

CAL1 U1 No Yes 5089058,52 0 1 0,000001CAL2 U1 No Yes 5954198,47 0 1 0,000001PIED1 U1 No Yes 1051428,57 0 1 0,000001PIED2 U1 No Yes 3935383,5 0 1 0,000001PIED3 U1 No Yes 880000 0 1 0,000001PIED4 U1 No Yes 1427696,08 0 1 0,000001PIED5 U1 No Yes 971428,57 0 1 0,000001

Tabella 2-9 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Definizione proprietà elementi gap 2/2

TABLE:  Link Property AssignmentsLink LinkType LinkJoints LinkProp LinkFDPropText Text Text Text Text

1 Gap TwoJoint PIED5 None2 Gap TwoJoint PIED4 None3 Gap TwoJoint PIED3 None4 Gap TwoJoint PIED1 None5 Gap TwoJoint PIED2 None6 Gap TwoJoint CAL2 None7 Gap TwoJoint CAL1 None8 Gap TwoJoint CAL1 None23 Gap TwoJoint CAL1 None24 Gap TwoJoint CAL1 None25 Gap TwoJoint CAL1 None26 Gap TwoJoint CAL1 None27 Gap TwoJoint CAL1 None28 Gap TwoJoint CAL2 None29 Gap TwoJoint PIED2 None30 Gap TwoJoint PIED1 None31 Gap TwoJoint PIED3 None32 Gap TwoJoint PIED4 None33 Gap TwoJoint PIED5 None

Tabella 2-10 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Assegnazione caratteristiche elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-15 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3


2.4.1. Combinazioni di carico

Si riportano di seguito la definizione dei carichi elementari (la cui codifica è riportata in

relazione) e delle combinazioni di carico definite.

Per queste ultime si precisa che in sede di calcolo sono stati adottati coefficienti parziali

unitari, in quanto l’amplificazione necessaria ai fini delle verifiche allo SLU viene effettuata

al momento della verifica, in modo da avere a disposizione anche i valori nominali per le

verifiche allo SLE.

TABLE: Load Pattern DefinitionsLoadPat DesignType SelfWtMult


Tabella 2-11 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Definizione casi elementari di carico


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-16 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE: Case - Static 1 - Load AssignmentsCase LoadType LoadName LoadSFText Text Text Unitless

DEAD Load pattern DEAD 1KA Load pattern DEAD 1KA Load pattern SP_ka 1KA Load pattern PTERR 1KAQ Load pattern DEAD 1KAQ Load pattern SP_ka 1KAQ Load pattern PTERR 1KAQ Load pattern Q 1KAQ Load pattern Q_ka 1K0 Load pattern DEAD 1K0 Load pattern SP_k0 1K0 Load pattern PTERR 1K0Q Load pattern DEAD 1K0Q Load pattern SP_k0 1K0Q Load pattern PTERR 1K0Q Load pattern Q_k0 1K0Q Load pattern Q 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_D 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_D 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_sx 1SISMA_D_SX Load pattern SP_S_sx 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_D 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX -1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_D 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_dx 1SISMA_D_DX Load pattern SP_S_dx 1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_D -1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX 1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_D -1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern PTERR_S_sx -1SISMA_U_SX Load pattern SP_S_sx 1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_D -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern DEAD_S_SX -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_D -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern PTERR_S_dx -1SISMA_U_DX Load pattern SP_S_dx 1

Tabella 2-12 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Definizione combinazioni di carico

2.4.2. Carichi nodali

Di seguito si riportano i carichi nodali relativi ai singoli casi di carico.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-17 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2487,58 0 0 02 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3542,1 0 0 03 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1975,7 0 0 04 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2363,37 0 0 05 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2898,84 0 0 06 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2993,17 0 0 07 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552,03 0 0 08 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552,03 0 0 09 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552,03 0 0 010 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552,03 0 0 011 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552,03 0 0 012 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1276,01 0 0 022 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1276,01 0 0 023 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552,03 0 0 024 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552,03 0 0 025 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552,03 0 0 026 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552,03 0 0 027 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2552,03 0 0 028 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2993,17 0 0 029 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2898,84 0 0 030 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2363,37 0 0 031 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1975,7 0 0 032 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3542,1 0 0 033 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2487,58 0 0 034 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐4250,14 0 0 035 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2584,21 0 0 036 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,84 0 0 037 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,84 0 0 038 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,85 0 0 039 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,85 0 0 040 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,85 0 0 041 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,85 0 0 042 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,85 0 0 043 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,85 0 0 044 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,85 0 0 045 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,84 0 0 046 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2836,84 0 0 047 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2584,21 0 0 048 DEAD_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐4250,14 0 0 0

Tabella 2-13 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Carichi nodali


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-18 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 4975,16 0 0 0 0 02 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 7084,19 0 0 0 0 03 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 3951,39 0 0 0 0 04 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 4726,74 0 0 0 0 05 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5797,68 0 0 0 0 06 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5986,34 0 0 0 0 07 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5104,06 0 0 0 0 08 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5104,06 0 0 0 0 09 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5104,05 0 0 0 0 010 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5104,05 0 0 0 0 011 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5104,06 0 0 0 0 012 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 2552,03 0 0 0 0 022 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 2552,03 0 0 0 0 023 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5104,06 0 0 0 0 024 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5104,05 0 0 0 0 025 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5104,05 0 0 0 0 026 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5104,06 0 0 0 0 027 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5104,06 0 0 0 0 028 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5986,34 0 0 0 0 029 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5797,68 0 0 0 0 030 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 4726,74 0 0 0 0 031 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 3951,39 0 0 0 0 032 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 7084,19 0 0 0 0 033 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 4975,16 0 0 0 0 034 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 8500,29 0 0 0 0 035 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5168,42 0 0 0 0 036 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,69 0 0 0 0 037 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,69 0 0 0 0 038 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,7 0 0 0 0 039 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,7 0 0 0 0 040 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,7 0 0 0 0 041 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,7 0 0 0 0 042 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,7 0 0 0 0 043 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,7 0 0 0 0 044 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,7 0 0 0 0 045 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,69 0 0 0 0 046 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5673,69 0 0 0 0 047 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 5168,42 0 0 0 0 048 DEAD_S_SX GLOBAL 8500,29 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-19 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

5 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐4046,31 0 0 06 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐7875,45 0 0 07 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8124,74 0 0 08 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐4633,79 0 0 023 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8278,2 0 0 024 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐17536,54 0 0 025 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐23875,57 0 0 026 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐26391,23 0 0 027 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐24384,83 0 0 028 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐17809,73 0 0 029 PTERR GLOBAL 0 0 ‐7382,76 0 0 05 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐459,26 0 0 06 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐893,86 0 0 07 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐922,16 0 0 08 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐525,94 0 0 023 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐939,58 0 0 024 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1990,4 0 0 025 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2709,88 0 0 026 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2995,4 0 0 027 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2767,68 0 0 028 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐2021,4 0 0 029 PTERR_S_D GLOBAL 0 0 ‐837,94 0 0 05 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1150,5 0 0 06 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3476,5 0 0 07 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5866,4 0 0 08 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8238 0 0 022 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐16044,6 0 0 023 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐14411,4 0 0 024 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐12545,2 0 0 025 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐10476,3 0 0 026 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐8238 0 0 027 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐5866,4 0 0 028 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐3476,5 0 0 029 Q GLOBAL 0 0 ‐1150,5 0 0 01 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐7344,76 0 0 0 0 02 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐6243,91 0 0 0 0 03 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐6598,01 0 0 0 0 04 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐7892,67 0 0 0 0 05 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐9659,9 0 0 0 0 06 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐9857,89 0 0 0 0 07 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐8129,3 0 0 0 0 08 Q_k0 GLOBAL ‐7746,15 0 0 0 0 022 Q_k0 GLOBAL 5053,03 0 0 0 0 023 Q_k0 GLOBAL 5880,3 0 0 0 0 024 Q_k0 GLOBAL 6612,51 0 0 0 0 025 Q_k0 GLOBAL 7237,82 0 0 0 0 026 Q_k0 GLOBAL 7746,15 0 0 0 0 027 Q_k0 GLOBAL 8129,3 0 0 0 0 028 Q_k0 GLOBAL 9857,89 0 0 0 0 029 Q_k0 GLOBAL 9659,9 0 0 0 0 030 Q_k0 GLOBAL 7892,67 0 0 0 0 031 Q_k0 GLOBAL 6598,01 0 0 0 0 032 Q_k0 GLOBAL 6243,91 0 0 0 0 033 Q_k0 GLOBAL 7344,76 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-20 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐4667,56 0 0 0 0 02 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐3967,97 0 0 0 0 03 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐4193 0 0 0 0 04 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐5015,76 0 0 0 0 05 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐6138,82 0 0 0 0 06 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐6264,64 0 0 0 0 07 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐5166,13 0 0 0 0 08 Q_ka GLOBAL ‐4922,64 0 0 0 0 022 Q_ka GLOBAL 3211,18 0 0 0 0 023 Q_ka GLOBAL 3736,9 0 0 0 0 024 Q_ka GLOBAL 4202,22 0 0 0 0 025 Q_ka GLOBAL 4599,6 0 0 0 0 026 Q_ka GLOBAL 4922,64 0 0 0 0 027 Q_ka GLOBAL 5166,13 0 0 0 0 028 Q_ka GLOBAL 6264,64 0 0 0 0 029 Q_ka GLOBAL 6138,82 0 0 0 0 030 Q_ka GLOBAL 5015,76 0 0 0 0 031 Q_ka GLOBAL 4193 0 0 0 0 032 Q_ka GLOBAL 3967,97 0 0 0 0 033 Q_ka GLOBAL 4667,56 0 0 0 0 01 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐46087,59 0 0 0 0 02 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐34182,91 0 0 0 0 03 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐32223,72 0 0 0 0 04 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐31607,61 0 0 0 0 05 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐30192,02 0 0 0 0 06 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐18262,86 0 0 0 0 07 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐7554,78 0 0 0 0 08 SP_k0 GLOBAL ‐165,55 0 0 0 0 09 SP_k0 GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 010 SP_k0 GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 011 SP_k0 GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 012 SP_k0 GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 022 SP_k0 GLOBAL 45,42 0 0 0 0 023 SP_k0 GLOBAL 3692,59 0 0 0 0 024 SP_k0 GLOBAL 8772,02 0 0 0 0 025 SP_k0 GLOBAL 15207,48 0 0 0 0 026 SP_k0 GLOBAL 22766,29 0 0 0 0 027 SP_k0 GLOBAL 31109,42 0 0 0 0 028 SP_k0 GLOBAL 46826,1 0 0 0 0 029 SP_k0 GLOBAL 58181,58 0 0 0 0 030 SP_k0 GLOBAL 54476,64 0 0 0 0 031 SP_k0 GLOBAL 51341,45 0 0 0 0 032 SP_k0 GLOBAL 52274,63 0 0 0 0 033 SP_k0 GLOBAL 67369,04 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-21 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint Loads ‐ ForceJoint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3Text Text Text N N N N‐m N‐m N‐m

1 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐29288,44 0 0 0 0 02 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐21723,07 0 0 0 0 03 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐20478,01 0 0 0 0 04 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐20086,48 0 0 0 0 05 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐19186,88 0 0 0 0 06 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐11605,96 0 0 0 0 07 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐4801,03 0 0 0 0 08 SP_ka GLOBAL ‐105,21 0 0 0 0 09 SP_ka GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 010 SP_ka GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 011 SP_ka GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 012 SP_ka GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 022 SP_ka GLOBAL 28,86 0 0 0 0 023 SP_ka GLOBAL 2346,62 0 0 0 0 024 SP_ka GLOBAL 5574,58 0 0 0 0 025 SP_ka GLOBAL 9664,28 0 0 0 0 026 SP_ka GLOBAL 14467,86 0 0 0 0 027 SP_ka GLOBAL 19769,88 0 0 0 0 028 SP_ka GLOBAL 29757,75 0 0 0 0 029 SP_ka GLOBAL 36974,11 0 0 0 0 030 SP_ka GLOBAL 34619,63 0 0 0 0 031 SP_ka GLOBAL 32627,24 0 0 0 0 032 SP_ka GLOBAL 33220,27 0 0 0 0 033 SP_ka GLOBAL 42812,69 0 0 0 0 01 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐24534,02 0 0 0 0 02 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐20856,79 0 0 0 0 03 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐22039,61 0 0 0 0 04 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐26364,23 0 0 0 0 05 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐32267,37 0 0 0 0 06 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐32928,72 0 0 0 0 07 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐27154,63 0 0 0 0 08 SP_S_dx GLOBAL ‐13311,17 0 0 0 0 09 SP_S_dx GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 010 SP_S_dx GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 011 SP_S_dx GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 012 SP_S_dx GLOBAL 0 0 0 0 0 022 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 13400,4 0 0 0 0 023 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 28712,2 0 0 0 0 024 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 32287,43 0 0 0 0 025 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 35340,67 0 0 0 0 026 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 37822,78 0 0 0 0 027 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 39693,58 0 0 0 0 028 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 48133,92 0 0 0 0 029 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 47167,19 0 0 0 0 030 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 38538,2 0 0 0 0 031 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 32216,64 0 0 0 0 032 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 30487,63 0 0 0 0 033 SP_S_sx GLOBAL 35862,87 0 0 0 0 0

Segue Tabella 2-13


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-22 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3



Si riportano di seguito i diagrammi delle deformate per le condizioni di carico analizzate.

Successivamente si riportano i valori degli spostamenti nodali in forma tabellare.

Comb 1_ST_PP

Comb 2a_ST_ka Comb 2b_ST_k0


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-23 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

Comb 3a_ST_k0 Comb 3b_ST_k0Q

Comb 4a_SI Comb 4b_SI

Comb 4c_SI Comb 4d_SI

Figura 3-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Deformata struttura


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-24 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000075 0 ‐0,001061 0 0,000029 02 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000099 0 ‐0,001064 0 0,000004027 03 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000085 0 ‐0,001068 0 ‐0,000048 04 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000005168 0 ‐0,001074 0 ‐0,000125 05 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000147 0 ‐0,001079 0 ‐0,000203 06 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000492 0 ‐0,001115 0 ‐0,000309 07 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000829 0 ‐0,001199 0 ‐0,000378 08 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,001211 0 ‐0,001347 0 ‐0,000432 09 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,001611 0 ‐0,001563 0 ‐0,000469 010 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,002005 0 ‐0,001844 0 ‐0,000491 011 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,002371 0 ‐0,002181 0 ‐0,000499 012 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,002693 0 ‐0,002565 0 ‐0,000501 022 1_ST_PP Combination 0,002693 0 ‐0,002565 0 0,000501 023 1_ST_PP Combination 0,002371 0 ‐0,002181 0 0,000499 024 1_ST_PP Combination 0,002005 0 ‐0,001844 0 0,000491 025 1_ST_PP Combination 0,001611 0 ‐0,001563 0 0,000469 026 1_ST_PP Combination 0,001211 0 ‐0,001347 0 0,000432 027 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000829 0 ‐0,001199 0 0,000378 028 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000492 0 ‐0,001115 0 0,000309 029 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000147 0 ‐0,001079 0 0,000203 030 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000005168 0 ‐0,001074 0 0,000125 031 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000085 0 ‐0,001068 0 0,000048 032 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000099 0 ‐0,001064 0 ‐0,000004027 033 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000075 0 ‐0,001061 0 ‐0,000029 034 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000071 0 ‐0,001004 0 ‐0,000052 035 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000051 0 ‐0,000964 0 ‐0,000053 036 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,00003 0 ‐0,000915 0 ‐0,000049 037 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000015 0 ‐0,000872 0 ‐0,000041 038 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000006085 0 ‐0,000836 0 ‐0,000032 039 1_ST_PP Combination ‐0,000001414 0 ‐0,000809 0 ‐0,000021 040 1_ST_PP Combination 8,981E‐08 0 ‐0,000793 0 ‐0,000011 041 1_ST_PP Combination ‐1,612E‐17 0 ‐0,000788 0 1,723E‐17 042 1_ST_PP Combination ‐8,981E‐08 0 ‐0,000793 0 0,000011 043 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000001414 0 ‐0,000809 0 0,000021 044 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000006085 0 ‐0,000836 0 0,000032 045 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000015 0 ‐0,000872 0 0,000041 046 1_ST_PP Combination 0,00003 0 ‐0,000915 0 0,000049 047 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000051 0 ‐0,000964 0 0,000053 048 1_ST_PP Combination 0,000071 0 ‐0,001004 0 0,000052 0

Tabella 3-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Spostamenti nodali


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-25 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000044 0 ‐0,000635 0 ‐0,000275 02 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,000191 0 ‐0,000636 0 ‐0,000326 03 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,000428 0 ‐0,000641 0 ‐0,000419 04 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,000875 0 ‐0,000647 0 ‐0,000535 05 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,00142 0 ‐0,000653 0 ‐0,000634 06 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,002356 0 ‐0,00074 0 ‐0,000754 07 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,003127 0 ‐0,000929 0 ‐0,000825 08 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,003927 0 ‐0,001235 0 ‐0,00088 09 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,004722 0 ‐0,001661 0 ‐0,000917 010 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,005481 0 ‐0,002201 0 ‐0,000938 011 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,006176 0 ‐0,002841 0 ‐0,000947 012 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐0,006786 0 ‐0,003567 0 ‐0,000948 022 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,017336 0 ‐0,007227 0 0,002221 023 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,015907 0 ‐0,005528 0 0,002219 024 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,014276 0 ‐0,004027 0 0,002209 025 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,012482 0 ‐0,002753 0 0,00218 026 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,010579 0 ‐0,001736 0 0,00212 027 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,008634 0 ‐0,000994 0 0,002023 028 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,006726 0 ‐0,000531 0 0,00188 029 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,004365 0 ‐0,000317 0 0,001613 030 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,002968 0 ‐0,000309 0 0,001377 031 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,001811 0 ‐0,000299 0 0,001087 032 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,001195 0 ‐0,000293 0 0,000856 033 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000575 0 ‐0,000296 0 0,000726 034 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000598 0 ‐0,001139 0 0,000483 035 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000443 0 ‐0,001427 0 0,000335 036 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000337 0 ‐0,001653 0 0,00019 037 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,00029 0 ‐0,001769 0 0,000083 038 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000275 0 ‐0,001803 0 0,000008901 039 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000274 0 ‐0,00178 0 ‐0,000038 040 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000276 0 ‐0,001723 0 ‐0,000065 041 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000274 0 ‐0,001648 0 ‐0,000078 042 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000267 0 ‐0,001566 0 ‐0,000083 043 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000253 0 ‐0,001482 0 ‐0,000086 044 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000233 0 ‐0,001397 0 ‐0,000091 045 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000204 0 ‐0,001307 0 ‐0,000103 046 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000164 0 ‐0,001204 0 ‐0,000125 047 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000105 0 ‐0,00108 0 ‐0,000159 048 2a_ST_ka Combination 0,000036 0 ‐0,000955 0 ‐0,000197 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-26 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,000028 0 ‐0,000475 0 ‐0,000414 02 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,000381 0 ‐0,000475 0 ‐0,000482 03 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,000726 0 ‐0,00048 0 ‐0,000603 04 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,001363 0 ‐0,000486 0 ‐0,000753 05 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,002123 0 ‐0,000493 0 ‐0,000875 06 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,003399 0 ‐0,00061 0 ‐0,001015 07 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,004429 0 ‐0,000861 0 ‐0,001093 08 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,00548 0 ‐0,001263 0 ‐0,001149 09 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,006514 0 ‐0,001816 0 ‐0,001186 010 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,007492 0 ‐0,002511 0 ‐0,001208 011 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,008385 0 ‐0,003334 0 ‐0,001216 012 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,009169 0 ‐0,004265 0 ‐0,001218 022 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,024987 0 ‐0,010208 0 0,003273 023 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,02288 0 ‐0,007705 0 0,003269 024 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,020481 0 ‐0,005495 0 0,003246 025 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,017849 0 ‐0,003626 0 0,00319 026 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,01507 0 ‐0,002141 0 0,003088 027 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,012244 0 ‐0,001063 0 0,00293 028 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,009489 0 ‐0,000396 0 0,002707 029 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,006102 0 ‐0,000091 0 0,002305 030 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,004113 0 ‐0,00008 0 0,001957 031 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,002473 0 ‐0,000069 0 0,001539 032 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,001602 0 ‐0,000061 0 0,001213 033 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000724 0 ‐0,000067 0 0,00103 034 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000757 0 ‐0,001266 0 0,000686 035 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000538 0 ‐0,001673 0 0,000473 036 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,00039 0 ‐0,001992 0 0,000266 037 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000326 0 ‐0,002153 0 0,000114 038 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000307 0 ‐0,002197 0 0,00001 039 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000307 0 ‐0,002163 0 ‐0,000055 040 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,00031 0 ‐0,002082 0 ‐0,000092 041 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000309 0 ‐0,001977 0 ‐0,000109 042 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000299 0 ‐0,001863 0 ‐0,000116 043 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000281 0 ‐0,001746 0 ‐0,000121 044 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000253 0 ‐0,001626 0 ‐0,00013 045 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000213 0 ‐0,001496 0 ‐0,000151 046 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000155 0 ‐0,001344 0 ‐0,000187 047 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 0,000067 0 ‐0,001155 0 ‐0,000242 048 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐0,000038 0 ‐0,000963 0 ‐0,000302 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-27 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 3a_ST_k0 Combination 9,231E‐07 0 ‐0,000341 0 ‐0,000464 02 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,000394 0 ‐0,00034 0 ‐0,000529 03 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,000767 0 ‐0,000344 0 ‐0,000644 04 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,001436 0 ‐0,000351 0 ‐0,000781 05 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,002216 0 ‐0,000357 0 ‐0,000891 06 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,003502 0 ‐0,000474 0 ‐0,001016 07 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,004528 0 ‐0,000724 0 ‐0,001088 08 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,005574 0 ‐0,001123 0 ‐0,001143 09 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,006602 0 ‐0,001673 0 ‐0,00118 010 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,007575 0 ‐0,002365 0 ‐0,001201 011 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,008464 0 ‐0,003183 0 ‐0,00121 012 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,009243 0 ‐0,004109 0 ‐0,001211 022 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,025077 0 ‐0,009256 0 0,003074 023 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,023098 0 ‐0,006905 0 0,003073 024 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,02084 0 ‐0,004826 0 0,003063 025 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,018351 0 ‐0,003059 0 0,003032 026 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,015697 0 ‐0,001642 0 0,002968 027 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,012962 0 ‐0,000601 0 0,00286 028 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,010247 0 0,000055 0 0,002697 029 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,006818 0 0,00036 0 0,002374 030 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,00474 0 0,000369 0 0,002073 031 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,002973 0 0,000378 0 0,001687 032 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,002003 0 0,000384 0 0,001371 033 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,00099 0 0,000377 0 0,001189 034 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,001022 0 ‐0,001029 0 0,000828 035 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000751 0 ‐0,001533 0 0,000596 036 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000558 0 ‐0,001953 0 0,000364 037 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000464 0 ‐0,002192 0 0,000186 038 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000429 0 ‐0,002294 0 0,000058 039 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,00042 0 ‐0,002296 0 ‐0,000027 040 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,00042 0 ‐0,002232 0 ‐0,000081 041 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000417 0 ‐0,002129 0 ‐0,000113 042 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000406 0 ‐0,002005 0 ‐0,000132 043 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000384 0 ‐0,001867 0 ‐0,000147 044 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,00035 0 ‐0,001717 0 ‐0,000164 045 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000299 0 ‐0,001551 0 ‐0,000192 046 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000225 0 ‐0,001358 0 ‐0,000233 047 3a_ST_k0 Combination 0,000116 0 ‐0,001125 0 ‐0,000292 048 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐0,000008286 0 ‐0,000896 0 ‐0,000353 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-28 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,000121 0 ‐0,000053 0 ‐0,000691 02 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,00071 0 ‐0,00005 0 ‐0,000782 03 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,001256 0 ‐0,000055 0 ‐0,000941 04 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,002228 0 ‐0,000062 0 ‐0,001128 05 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,003349 0 ‐0,000069 0 ‐0,001272 06 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,005171 0 ‐0,000233 0 ‐0,001427 07 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,006603 0 ‐0,00058 0 ‐0,001508 08 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,008042 0 ‐0,001129 0 ‐0,001564 09 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,009442 0 ‐0,001876 0 ‐0,001602 010 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,010759 0 ‐0,002812 0 ‐0,001623 011 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,011957 0 ‐0,003915 0 ‐0,001631 012 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,013008 0 ‐0,005164 0 ‐0,001633 022 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,035682 0 ‐0,013129 0 0,004483 023 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,032797 0 ‐0,009701 0 0,004478 024 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,029508 0 ‐0,006673 0 0,004454 025 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,025893 0 ‐0,004107 0 0,004394 026 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,022054 0 ‐0,002058 0 0,004282 027 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,01812 0 ‐0,000561 0 0,004102 028 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,014238 0 0,000376 0 0,003843 029 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,009376 0 0,000807 0 0,003351 030 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,006454 0 0,000818 0 0,002904 031 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,003988 0 0,000829 0 0,002349 032 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,002643 0 0,000837 0 0,001903 033 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,001238 0 0,000825 0 0,00165 034 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,001284 0 ‐0,001126 0 0,001145 035 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000912 0 ‐0,00182 0 0,000819 036 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000649 0 ‐0,002393 0 0,000494 037 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000524 0 ‐0,002717 0 0,000249 038 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000478 0 ‐0,00285 0 0,000075 039 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000468 0 ‐0,002849 0 ‐0,00004 040 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,00047 0 ‐0,00276 0 ‐0,000111 041 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000467 0 ‐0,002621 0 ‐0,000152 042 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000453 0 ‐0,002453 0 ‐0,000177 043 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000424 0 ‐0,002269 0 ‐0,000198 044 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000378 0 ‐0,002066 0 ‐0,000225 045 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000309 0 ‐0,001836 0 ‐0,000269 046 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000205 0 ‐0,001562 0 ‐0,000335 047 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 0,000048 0 ‐0,001223 0 ‐0,000429 048 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐0,000135 0 ‐0,000884 0 ‐0,000525 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-29 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 4a_SI Combination 0,000917 0 ‐0,000572 0 ‐0,000346 02 4a_SI Combination 0,000621 0 ‐0,000574 0 ‐0,000379 03 4a_SI Combination 0,000363 0 ‐0,000579 0 ‐0,000437 04 4a_SI Combination ‐0,000077 0 ‐0,000586 0 ‐0,000505 05 4a_SI Combination ‐0,000573 0 ‐0,000593 0 ‐0,000561 06 4a_SI Combination ‐0,001375 0 ‐0,00067 0 ‐0,000635 07 4a_SI Combination ‐0,002017 0 ‐0,000828 0 ‐0,000684 08 4a_SI Combination ‐0,002676 0 ‐0,001082 0 ‐0,000724 09 4a_SI Combination ‐0,00333 0 ‐0,001433 0 ‐0,000754 010 4a_SI Combination ‐0,003954 0 ‐0,001877 0 ‐0,000772 011 4a_SI Combination ‐0,004525 0 ‐0,002405 0 ‐0,00078 012 4a_SI Combination ‐0,005028 0 ‐0,003002 0 ‐0,000781 022 4a_SI Combination 0,06767 0 ‐0,022272 0 0,00814 023 4a_SI Combination 0,062431 0 ‐0,016049 0 0,008136 024 4a_SI Combination 0,056451 0 ‐0,010546 0 0,008111 025 4a_SI Combination 0,049854 0 ‐0,005869 0 0,008039 026 4a_SI Combination 0,042806 0 ‐0,002114 0 0,00789 027 4a_SI Combination 0,035522 0 0,000649 0 0,007631 028 4a_SI Combination 0,028259 0 0,002393 0 0,00723 029 4a_SI Combination 0,019033 0 0,003196 0 0,006409 030 4a_SI Combination 0,013408 0 0,003205 0 0,005624 031 4a_SI Combination 0,0086 0 0,003216 0 0,00462 032 4a_SI Combination 0,005936 0 0,003223 0 0,003805 033 4a_SI Combination 0,003099 0 0,003193 0 0,003337 034 4a_SI Combination 0,003187 0 ‐0,000784 0 0,002345 035 4a_SI Combination 0,002428 0 ‐0,002211 0 0,001676 036 4a_SI Combination 0,001897 0 ‐0,003384 0 0,001 037 4a_SI Combination 0,001654 0 ‐0,004029 0 0,000478 038 4a_SI Combination 0,001576 0 ‐0,004261 0 0,000099 039 4a_SI Combination 0,001575 0 ‐0,004195 0 ‐0,000157 040 4a_SI Combination 0,001593 0 ‐0,003931 0 ‐0,000315 041 4a_SI Combination 0,001596 0 ‐0,003554 0 ‐0,0004 042 4a_SI Combination 0,001571 0 ‐0,003125 0 ‐0,000431 043 4a_SI Combination 0,001513 0 ‐0,002691 0 ‐0,000429 044 4a_SI Combination 0,001426 0 ‐0,002277 0 ‐0,000408 045 4a_SI Combination 0,001316 0 ‐0,001897 0 ‐0,000381 046 4a_SI Combination 0,001188 0 ‐0,001554 0 ‐0,000355 047 4a_SI Combination 0,001045 0 ‐0,001244 0 ‐0,000335 048 4a_SI Combination 0,000916 0 ‐0,001007 0 ‐0,000326 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-30 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001166 0 0,000757 0 ‐0,001332 02 4b_SI Combination ‐0,0023 0 0,000766 0 ‐0,001509 03 4b_SI Combination ‐0,003354 0 0,000761 0 ‐0,001811 04 4b_SI Combination ‐0,005224 0 0,000754 0 ‐0,002167 05 4b_SI Combination ‐0,007375 0 0,000747 0 ‐0,002432 06 4b_SI Combination ‐0,010841 0 0,000442 0 ‐0,002697 07 4b_SI Combination ‐0,013536 0 ‐0,000207 0 ‐0,002823 08 4b_SI Combination ‐0,016221 0 ‐0,001227 0 ‐0,002906 09 4b_SI Combination ‐0,018813 0 ‐0,00261 0 ‐0,002959 010 4b_SI Combination ‐0,021242 0 ‐0,004333 0 ‐0,002989 011 4b_SI Combination ‐0,023447 0 ‐0,006363 0 ‐0,003001 012 4b_SI Combination ‐0,025379 0 ‐0,008659 0 ‐0,003002 022 4b_SI Combination 0,02034 0 ‐0,008131 0 0,002584 023 4b_SI Combination 0,018677 0 ‐0,006155 0 0,002583 024 4b_SI Combination 0,016779 0 ‐0,004407 0 0,002573 025 4b_SI Combination 0,014689 0 ‐0,002923 0 0,002545 026 4b_SI Combination 0,012463 0 ‐0,001733 0 0,002487 027 4b_SI Combination 0,010174 0 ‐0,00086 0 0,00239 028 4b_SI Combination 0,00791 0 ‐0,000311 0 0,002246 029 4b_SI Combination 0,005062 0 ‐0,000055 0 0,001969 030 4b_SI Combination 0,003341 0 ‐0,000045 0 0,001715 031 4b_SI Combination 0,00188 0 ‐0,000035 0 0,001394 032 4b_SI Combination 0,001079 0 ‐0,000027 0 0,001131 033 4b_SI Combination 0,000243 0 ‐0,000032 0 0,000981 034 4b_SI Combination 0,000267 0 ‐0,001195 0 0,000702 035 4b_SI Combination 0,000031 0 ‐0,001632 0 0,000533 036 4b_SI Combination ‐0,000152 0 ‐0,002027 0 0,000366 037 4b_SI Combination ‐0,000257 0 ‐0,002298 0 0,000242 038 4b_SI Combination ‐0,000315 0 ‐0,002477 0 0,000155 039 4b_SI Combination ‐0,000345 0 ‐0,002591 0 0,000097 040 4b_SI Combination ‐0,000362 0 ‐0,002662 0 0,000056 041 4b_SI Combination ‐0,000372 0 ‐0,0027 0 0,000021 042 4b_SI Combination ‐0,00038 0 ‐0,002705 0 ‐0,00002 043 4b_SI Combination ‐0,000394 0 ‐0,002664 0 ‐0,000081 044 4b_SI Combination ‐0,000424 0 ‐0,002553 0 ‐0,000172 045 4b_SI Combination ‐0,000491 0 ‐0,00234 0 ‐0,000306 046 4b_SI Combination ‐0,000626 0 ‐0,001984 0 ‐0,000491 047 4b_SI Combination ‐0,000873 0 ‐0,001445 0 ‐0,000732 048 4b_SI Combination ‐0,001197 0 ‐0,00084 0 ‐0,000969 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-31 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 4c_SI Combination 0,00089 0 ‐0,000311 0 ‐0,000359 02 4c_SI Combination 0,000584 0 ‐0,000312 0 ‐0,000386 03 4c_SI Combination 0,000325 0 ‐0,000316 0 ‐0,000432 04 4c_SI Combination ‐0,000103 0 ‐0,000322 0 ‐0,000482 05 4c_SI Combination ‐0,000568 0 ‐0,000327 0 ‐0,00052 06 4c_SI Combination ‐0,001298 0 ‐0,000396 0 ‐0,000569 07 4c_SI Combination ‐0,001866 0 ‐0,000536 0 ‐0,000601 08 4c_SI Combination ‐0,002442 0 ‐0,000757 0 ‐0,000629 09 4c_SI Combination ‐0,003007 0 ‐0,00106 0 ‐0,000651 010 4c_SI Combination ‐0,003544 0 ‐0,001443 0 ‐0,000664 011 4c_SI Combination ‐0,004035 0 ‐0,001895 0 ‐0,000669 012 4c_SI Combination ‐0,004466 0 ‐0,002408 0 ‐0,00067 022 4c_SI Combination 0,066805 0 ‐0,021435 0 0,007973 023 4c_SI Combination 0,061673 0 ‐0,015339 0 0,00797 024 4c_SI Combination 0,055814 0 ‐0,009949 0 0,007948 025 4c_SI Combination 0,049348 0 ‐0,005366 0 0,007882 026 4c_SI Combination 0,042435 0 ‐0,001683 0 0,007745 027 4c_SI Combination 0,035279 0 0,00103 0 0,007505 028 4c_SI Combination 0,028129 0 0,002746 0 0,007127 029 4c_SI Combination 0,019016 0 0,003536 0 0,006345 030 4c_SI Combination 0,013438 0 0,003544 0 0,005587 031 4c_SI Combination 0,00865 0 0,003552 0 0,004612 032 4c_SI Combination 0,005985 0 0,003558 0 0,003815 033 4c_SI Combination 0,003132 0 0,003527 0 0,003356 034 4c_SI Combination 0,003219 0 ‐0,000482 0 0,002372 035 4c_SI Combination 0,00245 0 ‐0,00193 0 0,001703 036 4c_SI Combination 0,001908 0 ‐0,003127 0 0,001025 037 4c_SI Combination 0,001657 0 ‐0,003795 0 0,0005 038 4c_SI Combination 0,001574 0 ‐0,004047 0 0,000116 039 4c_SI Combination 0,001571 0 ‐0,003995 0 ‐0,000144 040 4c_SI Combination 0,001587 0 ‐0,003742 0 ‐0,000307 041 4c_SI Combination 0,001591 0 ‐0,003371 0 ‐0,000396 042 4c_SI Combination 0,001565 0 ‐0,002944 0 ‐0,000432 043 4c_SI Combination 0,001507 0 ‐0,002507 0 ‐0,000434 044 4c_SI Combination 0,00142 0 ‐0,002087 0 ‐0,000417 045 4c_SI Combination 0,001307 0 ‐0,001698 0 ‐0,000392 046 4c_SI Combination 0,001175 0 ‐0,001342 0 ‐0,000369 047 4c_SI Combination 0,001025 0 ‐0,001016 0 ‐0,000352 048 4c_SI Combination 0,00089 0 ‐0,000767 0 ‐0,000343 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-32 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Joint DisplacementsJoint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3Text Text Text m m m Radians Radians Radians

1 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001193 0 0,001018 0 ‐0,001345 02 4d_SI Combination ‐0,002338 0 0,001028 0 ‐0,001516 03 4d_SI Combination ‐0,003392 0 0,001024 0 ‐0,001806 04 4d_SI Combination ‐0,00525 0 0,001018 0 ‐0,002144 05 4d_SI Combination ‐0,00737 0 0,001013 0 ‐0,00239 06 4d_SI Combination ‐0,010764 0 0,000716 0 ‐0,00263 07 4d_SI Combination ‐0,013385 0 0,000086 0 ‐0,00274 08 4d_SI Combination ‐0,015986 0 ‐0,000902 0 ‐0,002811 09 4d_SI Combination ‐0,01849 0 ‐0,002238 0 ‐0,002856 010 4d_SI Combination ‐0,020832 0 ‐0,003899 0 ‐0,00288 011 4d_SI Combination ‐0,022956 0 ‐0,005854 0 ‐0,00289 012 4d_SI Combination ‐0,024817 0 ‐0,008065 0 ‐0,002891 022 4d_SI Combination 0,019474 0 ‐0,007294 0 0,002418 023 4d_SI Combination 0,017918 0 ‐0,005445 0 0,002417 024 4d_SI Combination 0,016142 0 ‐0,00381 0 0,00241 025 4d_SI Combination 0,014183 0 ‐0,002419 0 0,002388 026 4d_SI Combination 0,012092 0 ‐0,001302 0 0,002342 027 4d_SI Combination 0,009932 0 ‐0,000479 0 0,002263 028 4d_SI Combination 0,007779 0 0,000042 0 0,002143 029 4d_SI Combination 0,005044 0 0,000286 0 0,001904 030 4d_SI Combination 0,00337 0 0,000294 0 0,001679 031 4d_SI Combination 0,00193 0 0,000302 0 0,001386 032 4d_SI Combination 0,001128 0 0,000308 0 0,001141 033 4d_SI Combination 0,000277 0 0,000302 0 0,001 034 4d_SI Combination 0,000299 0 ‐0,000893 0 0,00073 035 4d_SI Combination 0,000052 0 ‐0,001351 0 0,00056 036 4d_SI Combination ‐0,000141 0 ‐0,00177 0 0,000391 037 4d_SI Combination ‐0,000254 0 ‐0,002064 0 0,000264 038 4d_SI Combination ‐0,000316 0 ‐0,002262 0 0,000172 039 4d_SI Combination ‐0,00035 0 ‐0,002391 0 0,000109 040 4d_SI Combination ‐0,000368 0 ‐0,002473 0 0,000064 041 4d_SI Combination ‐0,000378 0 ‐0,002517 0 0,000025 042 4d_SI Combination ‐0,000386 0 ‐0,002523 0 ‐0,000021 043 4d_SI Combination ‐0,000399 0 ‐0,00248 0 ‐0,000085 044 4d_SI Combination ‐0,000431 0 ‐0,002363 0 ‐0,00018 045 4d_SI Combination ‐0,0005 0 ‐0,00214 0 ‐0,000317 046 4d_SI Combination ‐0,00064 0 ‐0,001772 0 ‐0,000506 047 4d_SI Combination ‐0,000892 0 ‐0,001217 0 ‐0,000748 048 4d_SI Combination ‐0,001223 0 ‐0,000599 0 ‐0,000987 0

Segue Tabella 3-1


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-33 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3


Nei paragrafi seguenti si riportano i diagrammi delle sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali

(aste e elementi gap) per le condizioni di carico analizzate.

Si precisa che per la combinazione 1_ST_PP sono stati disattivati gli elementi gap, in

quanto tale combinazione è relativa alla fase costruttiva, prima della realizzazione dei


3.2.1. Combinazione 1_ST_PP

Azione assiale Momento flettente



Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-34 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

3.2.2. Combinazione 2a_ST_ka

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-35 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

3.2.3. Combinazione 2b_ST_kaQ

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-36 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

3.2.4. Combinazione 3a_ST_k0

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-37 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

3.2.5. Combinazione 3b_ST_k0Q

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-38 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

3.2.6. Combinazione 4a_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-39 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

3.2.7. Combinazione 4b_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-40 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

3.2.8. Combinazione 4c_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-41 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

3.2.9. Combinazione 4d_SI

Azione assiale Momento flettente

Taglio Azione assiale elementi gap


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-42 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3


TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

1 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐132593,99 96825,72 0 0 0 ‐25306,57 1‐1 01 0,42121 1_ST_PP Combination ‐123116,84 96825,72 0 0 0 ‐66090,23 1‐1 0,421211 0,84241 1_ST_PP Combination ‐113639,68 96825,72 0 0 0 ‐106873,9 1‐1 0,842412 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐220803,84 ‐1,909E‐08 0 0 0 ‐182717,44 2‐1 02 0,31092 1_ST_PP Combination ‐213808,18 ‐1,91E‐08 0 0 0 ‐182717,44 2‐1 0,310922 0,62184 1_ST_PP Combination ‐206812,51 ‐1,911E‐08 0 0 0 ‐182717,44 2‐1 0,621843 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐206812,51 ‐2,002E‐08 0 0 0 ‐182717,44 3‐1 03 0,46272 1_ST_PP Combination ‐196401,2 ‐2,001E‐08 0 0 0 ‐182717,44 3‐1 0,462723 0,92545 1_ST_PP Combination ‐185989,89 ‐0,00000002 0 0 0 ‐182717,44 3‐1 0,925454 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐185989,89 ‐1,915E‐08 0 0 0 ‐182717,44 4‐1 04 0,46272 1_ST_PP Combination ‐175578,58 ‐1,915E‐08 0 0 0 ‐182717,44 4‐1 0,462724 0,92545 1_ST_PP Combination ‐165167,27 ‐1,915E‐08 0 0 0 ‐182717,44 4‐1 0,925455 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐164561,78 ‐14129,72 0 0 0 ‐182717,44 5‐1 05 0,67241 1_ST_PP Combination ‐149488,09 ‐12835,45 0 0 0 ‐173651,66 5‐1 0,672415 1,34481 1_ST_PP Combination ‐134414,4 ‐11541,18 0 0 0 ‐165456,15 5‐1 1,344816 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐131203,47 ‐31401,91 0 0 0 ‐165456,15 6‐1 06 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐120269,85 ‐28785,08 0 0 0 ‐150419,55 6‐1 0,499666 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐109336,22 ‐26168,26 0 0 0 ‐136690,48 6‐1 0,999337 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐105132,21 ‐39829,72 0 0 0 ‐136690,48 7‐1 07 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐94618,99 ‐35846,75 0 0 0 ‐117784,12 7‐1 0,499667 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐84105,77 ‐31863,78 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 7‐1 0,999338 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐79383 ‐42277,88 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 8‐1 08 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐69460,13 ‐36993,14 0 0 0 ‐81063,51 8‐1 0,499668 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐59537,25 ‐31708,41 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 8‐1 0,999339 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐55032,78 ‐39006,42 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 9‐1 09 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐45860,65 ‐32505,35 0 0 0 ‐46033,82 9‐1 0,499669 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐36688,52 ‐26004,28 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 9‐1 0,9993310 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐33092,47 ‐30449,27 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 10‐1 010 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐24819,35 ‐22836,96 0 0 0 ‐18103,7 10‐1 0,4996610 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐16546,24 ‐15224,64 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 10‐1 0,9993311 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐14480,75 ‐17201,03 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 11‐1 011 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐7240,37 ‐8600,52 0 0 0 ‐2148,68 11‐1 0,4996611 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐2,687E‐09 ‐2,405E‐09 0 0 0 ‐1,257E‐09 11‐1 0,9993322 0 1_ST_PP Combination 3,725E‐09 ‐3,725E‐09 0 0 0 ‐1,863E‐09 22‐1 022 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐7240,37 8600,52 0 0 0 ‐2148,68 22‐1 0,4996622 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐14480,75 17201,03 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 22‐1 0,9993323 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐16546,24 15224,64 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 23‐1 023 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐24819,35 22836,96 0 0 0 ‐18103,7 23‐1 0,4996623 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐33092,47 30449,27 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 23‐1 0,9993324 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐36688,52 26004,28 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 24‐1 024 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐45860,65 32505,35 0 0 0 ‐46033,82 24‐1 0,4996624 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐55032,78 39006,42 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 24‐1 0,9993325 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐59537,25 31708,41 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 25‐1 025 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐69460,13 36993,14 0 0 0 ‐81063,51 25‐1 0,4996625 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐79383 42277,88 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 25‐1 0,9993326 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐84105,77 31863,78 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 26‐1 026 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐94618,99 35846,75 0 0 0 ‐117784,12 26‐1 0,4996626 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐105132,21 39829,72 0 0 0 ‐136690,48 26‐1 0,9993327 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐109336,22 26168,26 0 0 0 ‐136690,48 27‐1 027 0,49966 1_ST_PP Combination ‐120269,85 28785,08 0 0 0 ‐150419,55 27‐1 0,4996627 0,99933 1_ST_PP Combination ‐131203,47 31401,91 0 0 0 ‐165456,15 27‐1 0,9993328 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐134414,4 11541,18 0 0 0 ‐165456,15 28‐1 028 0,67241 1_ST_PP Combination ‐149488,09 12835,45 0 0 0 ‐173651,66 28‐1 0,6724128 1,34481 1_ST_PP Combination ‐164561,78 14129,72 0 0 0 ‐182717,44 28‐1 1,3448129 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐165167,27 ‐5,122E‐09 0 0 0 182717,44 29‐1 029 0,46272 1_ST_PP Combination ‐175578,58 ‐5,122E‐09 0 0 0 182717,44 29‐1 0,4627229 0,92545 1_ST_PP Combination ‐185989,89 ‐5,122E‐09 0 0 0 182717,44 29‐1 0,9254530 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐185989,89 ‐4,773E‐09 0 0 0 182717,44 30‐1 030 0,46272 1_ST_PP Combination ‐196401,2 ‐4,783E‐09 0 0 0 182717,44 30‐1 0,4627230 0,92545 1_ST_PP Combination ‐206812,51 ‐4,793E‐09 0 0 0 182717,44 30‐1 0,9254531 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐206812,51 ‐3,725E‐09 0 0 0 182717,44 31‐1 031 0,31092 1_ST_PP Combination ‐213808,18 ‐3,715E‐09 0 0 0 182717,44 31‐1 0,3109231 0,62184 1_ST_PP Combination ‐220803,84 ‐3,705E‐09 0 0 0 182717,44 31‐1 0,6218432 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐113639,68 96825,72 0 0 0 106873,9 32‐1 032 0,42121 1_ST_PP Combination ‐123116,84 96825,72 0 0 0 66090,23 32‐1 0,4212132 0,84241 1_ST_PP Combination ‐132593,99 96825,72 0 0 0 25306,57 32‐1 0,84241

Tabella 3-2 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Sollecitazioni negli elementi strutturali


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-43 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

33 0 1_ST_PP Combination 93057,65 ‐3199,3 0 0 0 25306,57 33‐1 033 0,44231 1_ST_PP Combination 93057,65 5093,94 0 0 0 24887,57 33‐1 0,4423133 0,88461 1_ST_PP Combination 93057,65 13387,18 0 0 0 20800,41 33‐1 0,8846133 1,32692 1_ST_PP Combination 93057,65 21680,43 0 0 0 13045,1 33‐1 1,3269234 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐14359,64 10241,17 0 0 0 8705,57 34‐1 034 0,41085 1_ST_PP Combination ‐19072,13 19367,58 0 0 0 2623,18 34‐1 0,4108534 0,8217 1_ST_PP Combination ‐23784,62 28493,99 0 0 0 ‐7208,8 34‐1 0,821735 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐10853,23 1874,92 0 0 0 ‐7208,8 35‐1 035 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐15822,34 13341,65 0 0 0 ‐11012,07 35‐1 0,4998835 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐20791,45 24808,39 0 0 0 ‐20547,38 35‐1 0,9997736 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐9193,74 ‐3753,14 0 0 0 ‐20547,38 36‐1 036 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐13297,36 8051,02 0 0 0 ‐21621,61 36‐1 0,4998836 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐17400,98 19855,19 0 0 0 ‐28596,55 36‐1 0,9997737 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐8485,05 ‐7948,44 0 0 0 ‐28596,55 37‐1 037 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐11700,51 4127,94 0 0 0 ‐27641,65 37‐1 0,4998837 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐14915,97 16204,31 0 0 0 ‐32723,54 37‐1 0,9997738 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐8521,81 ‐10752,37 0 0 0 ‐32723,54 38‐1 038 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐10831,35 1529,49 0 0 0 ‐30418,35 38‐1 0,4998838 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐13140,88 13811,35 0 0 0 ‐34252,67 38‐1 0,9997739 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐9075,35 ‐12286,67 0 0 0 ‐34252,67 39‐1 039 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐10466,19 132,82 0 0 0 ‐31214,91 39‐1 0,4998839 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐11857,04 12552,3 0 0 0 ‐34385,46 39‐1 0,9997740 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐9919,07 ‐12722,34 0 0 0 ‐34385,46 40‐1 040 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐10383,54 ‐233,85 0 0 0 ‐31147,16 40‐1 0,4998840 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐10848,01 12254,63 0 0 0 ‐34151,66 40‐1 0,9997741 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐10848,01 ‐12254,63 0 0 0 ‐34151,66 41‐1 041 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐10383,54 233,85 0 0 0 ‐31147,16 41‐1 0,4998841 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐9919,07 12722,34 0 0 0 ‐34385,46 41‐1 0,9997742 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐11857,04 ‐12552,3 0 0 0 ‐34385,46 42‐1 042 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐10466,19 ‐132,82 0 0 0 ‐31214,91 42‐1 0,4998842 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐9075,35 12286,67 0 0 0 ‐34252,67 42‐1 0,9997743 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐13140,88 ‐13811,35 0 0 0 ‐34252,67 43‐1 043 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐10831,35 ‐1529,49 0 0 0 ‐30418,35 43‐1 0,4998843 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐8521,81 10752,37 0 0 0 ‐32723,54 43‐1 0,9997744 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐14915,97 ‐16204,31 0 0 0 ‐32723,54 44‐1 044 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐11700,51 ‐4127,94 0 0 0 ‐27641,65 44‐1 0,4998844 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐8485,05 7948,44 0 0 0 ‐28596,55 44‐1 0,9997745 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐17400,98 ‐19855,19 0 0 0 ‐28596,55 45‐1 045 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐13297,36 ‐8051,02 0 0 0 ‐21621,61 45‐1 0,4998845 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐9193,74 3753,14 0 0 0 ‐20547,38 45‐1 0,9997746 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐20791,45 ‐24808,39 0 0 0 ‐20547,38 46‐1 046 0,49988 1_ST_PP Combination ‐15822,34 ‐13341,65 0 0 0 ‐11012,07 46‐1 0,4998846 0,99977 1_ST_PP Combination ‐10853,23 ‐1874,92 0 0 0 ‐7208,8 46‐1 0,9997747 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐23784,62 ‐28493,99 0 0 0 ‐7208,8 47‐1 047 0,41085 1_ST_PP Combination ‐19072,13 ‐19367,58 0 0 0 2623,18 47‐1 0,4108547 0,8217 1_ST_PP Combination ‐14359,64 ‐10241,17 0 0 0 8705,57 47‐1 0,821748 0 1_ST_PP Combination 93057,65 ‐21680,43 0 0 0 13045,1 48‐1 048 0,44231 1_ST_PP Combination 93057,65 ‐13387,18 0 0 0 20800,41 48‐1 0,4423148 0,88461 1_ST_PP Combination 93057,65 ‐5093,94 0 0 0 24887,57 48‐1 0,8846148 1,32692 1_ST_PP Combination 93057,65 3199,3 0 0 0 25306,57 48‐1 1,3269249 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐154976,1 ‐63455,27 0 0 0 ‐4339,53 49‐1 049 0,78587 1_ST_PP Combination ‐147078,47 ‐51015,4 0 0 0 40640,07 49‐1 0,7858749 1,57174 1_ST_PP Combination ‐139180,84 ‐38575,54 0 0 0 75843,54 49‐1 1,5717450 0 1_ST_PP Combination ‐154976,1 ‐63455,27 0 0 0 ‐4339,53 50‐1 050 0,78587 1_ST_PP Combination ‐147078,47 ‐51015,4 0 0 0 40640,07 50‐1 0,7858750 1,57174 1_ST_PP Combination ‐139180,84 ‐38575,54 0 0 0 75843,54 50‐1 1,57174

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-44 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

1 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐44841,09 184503,66 0 0 0 ‐55814,3 1‐1 01 0,42121 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐35363,94 184503,66 0 0 0 ‐133528,52 1‐1 0,421211 0,84241 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐25886,78 184503,66 0 0 0 ‐211242,73 1‐1 0,842412 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐245484,13 ‐76263,57 0 0 0 ‐348778,54 2‐1 02 0,31092 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐238488,47 ‐76263,57 0 0 0 ‐325066,78 2‐1 0,310922 0,62184 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐231492,8 ‐76263,57 0 0 0 ‐301355,01 2‐1 0,621843 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐231492,8 ‐55785,56 0 0 0 ‐301355,01 3‐1 03 0,46272 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐221081,49 ‐55785,56 0 0 0 ‐275541,64 3‐1 0,462723 0,92545 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐210670,18 ‐55785,56 0 0 0 ‐249728,28 3‐1 0,925454 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐210670,18 ‐35699,08 0 0 0 ‐249728,28 4‐1 04 0,46272 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐200258,87 ‐35699,08 0 0 0 ‐233209,43 4‐1 0,462724 0,92545 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐189847,56 ‐35699,08 0 0 0 ‐216690,58 4‐1 0,925455 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐183707,53 ‐32346,58 0 0 0 ‐216690,58 5‐1 05 0,67241 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐168633,84 ‐31052,31 0 0 0 ‐195375,66 5‐1 0,672415 1,34481 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐153560,15 ‐29758,04 0 0 0 ‐174931,01 5‐1 1,344816 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐142469,57 ‐39143,11 0 0 0 ‐174931,01 6‐1 06 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐131535,95 ‐36526,29 0 0 0 ‐156026,42 6‐1 0,499666 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐120602,32 ‐33909,46 0 0 0 ‐138429,36 6‐1 0,999337 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐109428,17 ‐41569,77 0 0 0 ‐138429,36 7‐1 07 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐98914,95 ‐37586,8 0 0 0 ‐118653,56 7‐1 0,499667 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐88401,73 ‐33603,83 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 7‐1 0,999338 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐79383 ‐42277,88 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 8‐1 08 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐69460,13 ‐36993,14 0 0 0 ‐81063,51 8‐1 0,499668 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐59537,25 ‐31708,41 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 8‐1 0,999339 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐55032,78 ‐39006,42 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 9‐1 09 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐45860,65 ‐32505,35 0 0 0 ‐46033,82 9‐1 0,499669 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐36688,52 ‐26004,28 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 9‐1 0,9993310 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐33092,47 ‐30449,27 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 10‐1 010 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐24819,35 ‐22836,96 0 0 0 ‐18103,7 10‐1 0,4996610 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐16546,24 ‐15224,64 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 10‐1 0,9993311 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐14480,75 ‐17201,03 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 11‐1 011 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐7240,37 ‐8600,52 0 0 0 ‐2148,68 11‐1 0,4996611 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination 1,967E‐08 1,995E‐08 0 0 0 ‐1,614E‐08 11‐1 0,9993322 0 2a_ST_ka Combination 22,08 18,59 0 0 0 0 22‐1 022 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐7218,3 8619,1 0 0 0 ‐2157,97 22‐1 0,4996622 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐14458,67 17219,62 0 0 0 ‐8613,29 22‐1 0,9993323 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐21029,58 22577,94 0 0 0 ‐8613,29 23‐1 023 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐29302,7 30190,26 0 0 0 ‐21796,45 23‐1 0,4996623 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐37575,82 37802,58 0 0 0 ‐38783,19 23‐1 0,9993324 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐53152,26 47418,05 0 0 0 ‐38783,19 24‐1 024 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐62324,39 53919,12 0 0 0 ‐64100,4 24‐1 0,4996624 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐71496,52 60420,19 0 0 0 ‐92665,96 24‐1 0,9993325 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐95115,34 70613,31 0 0 0 ‐92665,96 25‐1 025 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐105038,22 75898,04 0 0 0 ‐129269,1 25‐1 0,4996625 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐114961,09 81182,78 0 0 0 ‐168512,82 25‐1 0,9993326 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐143886,48 88819,33 0 0 0 ‐168512,82 26‐1 026 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐154399,7 92802,3 0 0 0 ‐213887,61 26‐1 0,4996626 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐164912,92 96785,27 0 0 0 ‐261252,54 26‐1 0,9993327 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐194973,83 99981,06 0 0 0 ‐261252,54 27‐1 027 0,49966 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐205907,46 102597,88 0 0 0 ‐311863,13 27‐1 0,4996627 0,99933 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐216841,08 105214,71 0 0 0 ‐363781,24 27‐1 0,9993328 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐245275,36 102970,11 0 0 0 ‐363781,24 28‐1 028 0,67241 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐260349,04 104264,38 0 0 0 ‐433454,17 28‐1 0,6724128 1,34481 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐275422,73 105558,65 0 0 0 ‐503997,37 28‐1 1,3448129 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐290826,13 ‐118583,94 0 0 0 503997,37 29‐1 029 0,46272 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐301237,44 ‐118583,94 0 0 0 558869,11 29‐1 0,4627229 0,92545 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐311648,75 ‐118583,94 0 0 0 613740,84 29‐1 0,9254530 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐311648,75 ‐153203,57 0 0 0 613740,84 30‐1 030 0,46272 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐322060,06 ‐153203,57 0 0 0 684631,94 30‐1 0,4627230 0,92545 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐332471,37 ‐153203,57 0 0 0 755523,04 30‐1 0,9254531 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐332471,37 ‐185830,81 0 0 0 755523,04 31‐1 031 0,31092 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐339467,04 ‐185830,81 0 0 0 813301,3 31‐1 0,3109231 0,62184 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐346462,7 ‐185830,81 0 0 0 871079,57 31‐1 0,6218432 0 2a_ST_ka Combination 133308,17 480332,19 0 0 0 540554,38 32‐1 032 0,42121 2a_ST_ka Combination 123831,02 480332,19 0 0 0 338235,14 32‐1 0,4212132 0,84241 2a_ST_ka Combination 114353,86 480332,19 0 0 0 135915,91 32‐1 0,84241

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-45 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

33 0 2a_ST_ka Combination 466288,35 ‐152243,96 0 0 0 135915,91 33‐1 033 0,44231 2a_ST_ka Combination 466288,35 ‐143950,72 0 0 0 201420,28 33‐1 0,4423133 0,88461 2a_ST_ka Combination 466288,35 ‐135657,48 0 0 0 263256,51 33‐1 0,8846133 1,32692 2a_ST_ka Combination 466288,35 ‐127364,23 0 0 0 321424,58 33‐1 1,3269234 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐275826,46 105197,53 0 0 0 584950,68 34‐1 034 0,41085 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐280538,95 114323,94 0 0 0 539855,4 34‐1 0,4108534 0,8217 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐285251,44 123450,35 0 0 0 491010,54 34‐1 0,821735 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐249213,79 105468,42 0 0 0 491010,54 35‐1 035 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐254182,9 116935,16 0 0 0 435422,45 35‐1 0,4998835 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐259152,02 128401,89 0 0 0 374102,31 35‐1 0,9997736 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐222754,86 96042,57 0 0 0 374102,31 36‐1 036 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐226858,48 107846,74 0 0 0 323141,72 36‐1 0,4998836 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐230962,1 119650,91 0 0 0 266280,41 36‐1 0,9997737 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐199793,27 79290,95 0 0 0 266280,41 37‐1 037 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐203008,73 91367,33 0 0 0 223625,66 37‐1 0,4998837 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐206224,19 103443,71 0 0 0 174934,12 37‐1 0,9997738 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐181386,73 59054,92 0 0 0 174934,12 38‐1 038 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐183696,26 71336,78 0 0 0 142343,71 38‐1 0,4998838 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐186005,79 83618,64 0 0 0 103613,77 38‐1 0,9997739 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐167946,6 38262,6 0 0 0 103613,77 39‐1 039 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐169337,44 50682,08 0 0 0 81382,73 39‐1 0,4998839 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐170728,28 63101,57 0 0 0 52943,36 39‐1 0,9997740 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐159355,12 19025,31 0 0 0 52943,36 40‐1 040 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐159819,59 31513,8 0 0 0 40311,5 40‐1 0,4998840 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐160284,06 44002,29 0 0 0 21436,82 40‐1 0,9997741 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐155103,75 2780,62 0 0 0 21436,82 41‐1 041 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐154639,28 15269,11 0 0 0 16925,43 41‐1 0,4998841 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐154174,81 27757,59 0 0 0 6171,23 41‐1 0,9997742 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐153481,29 ‐12586,21 0 0 0 6171,23 42‐1 042 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐152090,45 ‐166,72 0 0 0 9358,73 42‐1 0,4998842 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐150699,6 12252,76 0 0 0 6337,92 42‐1 0,9997743 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐154310,43 ‐26350,31 0 0 0 6337,92 43‐1 043 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐152000,9 ‐14068,45 0 0 0 16440,28 43‐1 0,4998843 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐149691,37 ‐1786,59 0 0 0 20403,13 43‐1 0,9997744 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐157314,04 ‐37846,58 0 0 0 20403,13 44‐1 044 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐154098,58 ‐25770,2 0 0 0 36303,66 44‐1 0,4998844 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐150883,12 ‐13693,83 0 0 0 46167,4 44‐1 0,9997745 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐162104,44 ‐46327,01 0 0 0 46167,4 45‐1 045 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐158000,82 ‐34522,84 0 0 0 66375,21 45‐1 0,4998845 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐153897,2 ‐22718,68 0 0 0 80682,29 45‐1 0,9997746 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐168152,39 ‐50846,73 0 0 0 80682,29 46‐1 046 0,49988 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐163183,28 ‐39380 0 0 0 103233,78 46‐1 0,4998846 0,99977 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐158214,17 ‐27913,27 0 0 0 120053,22 46‐1 0,9997747 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐173134,45 ‐48310,97 0 0 0 120053,22 47‐1 047 0,41085 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐168421,96 ‐39184,56 0 0 0 138027,02 47‐1 0,4108547 0,8217 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐163709,47 ‐30058,15 0 0 0 152251,23 47‐1 0,821748 0 2a_ST_ka Combination 153022,38 11576,3 0 0 0 87681,79 48‐1 048 0,44231 2a_ST_ka Combination 153022,38 19869,54 0 0 0 80727,45 48‐1 0,4423148 0,88461 2a_ST_ka Combination 153022,38 28162,78 0 0 0 70104,95 48‐1 0,8846148 1,32692 2a_ST_ka Combination 153022,38 36456,02 0 0 0 55814,3 48‐1 1,3269249 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐863383,47 ‐55067,14 0 0 0 263526,1 49‐1 049 0,78587 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐855485,84 ‐42627,27 0 0 0 301913,71 49‐1 0,7858749 1,57174 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐847588,21 ‐30187,41 0 0 0 330525,19 49‐1 1,5717450 0 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐371981,8 ‐58863,74 0 0 0 64569,44 50‐1 050 0,78587 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐364084,17 ‐46423,87 0 0 0 105940,69 50‐1 0,7858750 1,57174 2a_ST_ka Combination ‐356186,54 ‐33984,01 0 0 0 137535,81 50‐1 1,57174

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-46 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

1 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐2347,29 245199,98 0 0 0 ‐73971,61 1‐1 01 0,42121 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 7129,87 245199,98 0 0 0 ‐177251,54 1‐1 0,421211 0,84241 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 16607,02 245199,98 0 0 0 ‐280531,46 1‐1 0,842412 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐264215,53 ‐107964,56 0 0 0 ‐459301,04 2‐1 02 0,31092 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐257219,87 ‐107964,56 0 0 0 ‐425732,84 2‐1 0,310922 0,62184 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐250224,2 ‐107964,56 0 0 0 ‐392164,64 2‐1 0,621843 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐250224,2 ‐83293,55 0 0 0 ‐392164,64 3‐1 03 0,46272 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐239812,89 ‐83293,55 0 0 0 ‐353622,65 3‐1 0,462723 0,92545 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐229401,58 ‐83293,55 0 0 0 ‐315080,66 3‐1 0,925454 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐229401,58 ‐58191,31 0 0 0 ‐315080,66 4‐1 04 0,46272 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐218990,27 ‐58191,31 0 0 0 ‐288154,09 4‐1 0,462724 0,92545 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐208578,96 ‐58191,31 0 0 0 ‐261227,53 4‐1 0,925455 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐199824,98 ‐50144,05 0 0 0 ‐261227,53 5‐1 05 0,67241 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐184751,29 ‐48849,78 0 0 0 ‐227945,47 5‐1 0,672415 1,34481 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐169677,6 ‐47555,51 0 0 0 ‐195533,69 5‐1 1,344816 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐153838,27 ‐52237,77 0 0 0 ‐195533,69 6‐1 06 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐142904,65 ‐49620,95 0 0 0 ‐170086,18 6‐1 0,499666 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐131971,02 ‐47004,12 0 0 0 ‐145946,2 6‐1 0,999337 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐115387,85 ‐49091,69 0 0 0 ‐145946,2 7‐1 07 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐104874,63 ‐45108,72 0 0 0 ‐122411,98 7‐1 0,499667 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐94361,41 ‐41125,74 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 7‐1 0,999338 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐79383 ‐42277,88 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 8‐1 08 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐69460,13 ‐36993,14 0 0 0 ‐81063,51 8‐1 0,499668 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐59537,25 ‐31708,41 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 8‐1 0,999339 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐55032,78 ‐39006,42 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 9‐1 09 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐45860,65 ‐32505,35 0 0 0 ‐46033,82 9‐1 0,499669 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐36688,52 ‐26004,28 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 9‐1 0,9993310 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐33092,47 ‐30449,27 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 10‐1 010 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐24819,35 ‐22836,96 0 0 0 ‐18103,7 10‐1 0,4996610 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐16546,24 ‐15224,64 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 10‐1 0,9993311 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐14480,75 ‐17201,03 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 11‐1 011 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐7240,37 ‐8600,52 0 0 0 ‐2148,68 11‐1 0,4996611 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐5,484E‐08 ‐9,855E‐09 0 0 0 1,364E‐08 11‐1 0,9993322 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐7854,44 14360,88 0 0 0 0 22‐1 022 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐15094,82 22961,39 0 0 0 ‐9324,28 22‐1 0,4996622 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐22335,19 31561,91 0 0 0 ‐22945,91 22‐1 0,9993323 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐38737,08 48312,9 0 0 0 ‐22945,91 23‐1 023 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐47010,2 55925,22 0 0 0 ‐48987,87 23‐1 0,4996623 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐55283,32 63537,54 0 0 0 ‐78833,42 23‐1 0,9993324 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐81787,01 81381,02 0 0 0 ‐78833,42 24‐1 024 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐90959,14 87882,09 0 0 0 ‐121120,67 24‐1 0,4996624 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐100131,27 94383,17 0 0 0 ‐166656,25 24‐1 0,9993325 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐134912,54 109652,85 0 0 0 ‐166656,25 25‐1 025 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐144835,41 114937,58 0 0 0 ‐222766 25‐1 0,4996625 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐154758,29 120222,32 0 0 0 ‐281516,33 25‐1 0,9993326 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐194275,17 130015,65 0 0 0 ‐281516,33 26‐1 026 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐204788,39 133998,62 0 0 0 ‐347475,4 26‐1 0,4996626 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐215301,61 137981,59 0 0 0 ‐415424,6 26‐1 0,9993327 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐254685,18 140840,64 0 0 0 ‐415424,6 27‐1 027 0,49966 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐265618,8 143457,46 0 0 0 ‐486451,2 27‐1 0,4996627 0,99933 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐276552,42 146074,29 0 0 0 ‐558785,33 27‐1 0,9993328 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐313326,89 141034,63 0 0 0 ‐558785,33 28‐1 028 0,67241 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐328400,58 142328,9 0 0 0 ‐654053,09 28‐1 0,6724128 1,34481 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐343474,26 143623,16 0 0 0 ‐750191,13 28‐1 1,3448129 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐363035,03 ‐156826,07 0 0 0 750191,13 29‐1 029 0,46272 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐373446,34 ‐156826,07 0 0 0 822758,45 29‐1 0,4627229 0,92545 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐383857,65 ‐156826,07 0 0 0 895325,77 29‐1 0,9254530 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐383857,65 ‐196461,46 0 0 0 895325,77 30‐1 030 0,46272 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐394268,96 ‐196461,46 0 0 0 986233,37 30‐1 0,4627230 0,92545 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐404680,27 ‐196461,46 0 0 0 1077140,96 30‐1 0,9254531 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐404680,27 ‐233281,7 0 0 0 1077140,96 31‐1 031 0,31092 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐411675,94 ‐233281,7 0 0 0 1149672,6 31‐1 0,3109231 0,62184 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐418671,6 ‐233281,7 0 0 0 1222204,23 31‐1 0,6218432 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 230491,59 681101,88 0 0 0 761482,51 32‐1 032 0,42121 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 221014,43 681101,88 0 0 0 474597,7 32‐1 0,4212132 0,84241 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 211537,28 681101,88 0 0 0 187712,88 32‐1 0,84241

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-47 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

33 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 669827,43 ‐220106,38 0 0 0 187712,88 33‐1 033 0,44231 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 669827,43 ‐211813,14 0 0 0 283233,23 33‐1 0,4423133 0,88461 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 669827,43 ‐203519,9 0 0 0 375085,42 33‐1 0,8846133 1,32692 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 669827,43 ‐195226,65 0 0 0 463269,47 33‐1 1,3269234 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐348790,86 161447,03 0 0 0 844669,38 34‐1 034 0,41085 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐353503,35 170573,44 0 0 0 776463,96 34‐1 0,4108534 0,8217 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐358215,84 179699,85 0 0 0 704508,95 34‐1 0,821735 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐313140,78 160297,76 0 0 0 704508,95 35‐1 035 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐318109,89 171764,5 0 0 0 621512,5 35‐1 0,4998835 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐323079 183231,23 0 0 0 532784,01 35‐1 0,9997736 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐277421,23 144855,68 0 0 0 532784,01 36‐1 036 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐281524,85 156659,84 0 0 0 457422,49 36‐1 0,4998836 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐285628,47 168464,01 0 0 0 376160,25 36‐1 0,9997737 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐246541,54 119488,8 0 0 0 376160,25 37‐1 037 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐249757 131565,18 0 0 0 313411,21 37‐1 0,4998837 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐252972,46 143641,55 0 0 0 244625,37 37‐1 0,9997738 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐221927,43 89509,39 0 0 0 244625,37 38‐1 038 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐224236,96 101791,25 0 0 0 196811,22 38‐1 0,4998838 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐226546,49 114073,11 0 0 0 142857,56 38‐1 0,9997739 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐204117,98 58901,59 0 0 0 142857,56 39‐1 039 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐205508,82 71321,08 0 0 0 110309,39 39‐1 0,4998839 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐206899,67 83740,56 0 0 0 71552,91 39‐1 0,9997740 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐192938,84 30480,49 0 0 0 71552,91 40‐1 040 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐193403,31 42968,98 0 0 0 53194,77 40‐1 0,4998840 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐193867,78 55457,47 0 0 0 28593,82 40‐1 0,9997741 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐187701,11 6116,45 0 0 0 28593,82 41‐1 041 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐187236,64 18604,93 0 0 0 22414,9 41‐1 0,4998841 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐186772,17 31093,42 0 0 0 9993,17 41‐1 0,9997742 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐186347,17 ‐16622,77 0 0 0 9993,17 42‐1 042 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐184956,33 ‐4203,29 0 0 0 15198,49 42‐1 0,4998842 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐183565,48 8216,2 0 0 0 14195,5 42‐1 0,9997743 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐188553,14 ‐36748,78 0 0 0 14195,5 43‐1 043 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐186243,61 ‐24466,92 0 0 0 29495,9 43‐1 0,4998843 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐183934,07 ‐12185,06 0 0 0 38656,78 43‐1 0,9997744 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐193861,39 ‐53323,19 0 0 0 38656,78 44‐1 044 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐190645,93 ‐41246,81 0 0 0 62293,84 44‐1 0,4998844 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐187430,47 ‐29170,43 0 0 0 79894,09 44‐1 0,9997745 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐201657,25 ‐65247,38 0 0 0 79894,09 45‐1 045 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐197553,63 ‐53443,22 0 0 0 109559,91 45‐1 0,4998845 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐193450,01 ‐41639,05 0 0 0 133325 45‐1 0,9997746 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐211119,5 ‐71099,91 0 0 0 133325 46‐1 046 0,49988 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐206150,39 ‐59633,17 0 0 0 166000,75 46‐1 0,4998846 0,99977 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐201181,28 ‐48166,44 0 0 0 192944,44 46‐1 0,9997747 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐219240,84 ‐67304,19 0 0 0 192944,44 47‐1 047 0,41085 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐214528,35 ‐58177,78 0 0 0 218721,62 47‐1 0,4108547 0,8217 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐209815,86 ‐49051,37 0 0 0 240749,2 47‐1 0,821748 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 212624,05 33558,29 0 0 0 135007,42 48‐1 048 0,44231 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 212624,05 41851,53 0 0 0 118330,3 48‐1 0,4423148 0,88461 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 212624,05 50144,78 0 0 0 97985,03 48‐1 0,8846148 1,32692 2b_ST_kaQ Combination 212624,05 58438,02 0 0 0 73971,61 48‐1 1,3269249 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1167079,62 ‐62907,29 0 0 0 381399,91 49‐1 049 0,78587 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1159181,99 ‐50467,43 0 0 0 425948,88 49‐1 0,7858749 1,57174 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐1151284,36 ‐38027,57 0 0 0 460721,72 49‐1 1,5717450 0 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐486151,82 ‐58902,81 0 0 0 105741,78 50‐1 050 0,78587 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐478254,19 ‐46462,95 0 0 0 147143,74 50‐1 0,7858750 1,57174 2b_ST_kaQ Combination ‐470356,56 ‐34023,09 0 0 0 178769,57 50‐1 1,57174

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-48 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

1 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination 14686,23 233521,42 0 0 0 ‐72594,59 1‐1 01 0,42121 3a_ST_k0 Combination 24163,39 233521,42 0 0 0 ‐170955,43 1‐1 0,421211 0,84241 3a_ST_k0 Combination 33640,54 233521,42 0 0 0 ‐269316,27 1‐1 0,842412 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐245484,13 ‐120006,54 0 0 0 ‐440022,4 2‐1 02 0,31092 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐238488,47 ‐120006,54 0 0 0 ‐402710,12 2‐1 0,310922 0,62184 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐231492,8 ‐120006,54 0 0 0 ‐365397,85 2‐1 0,621843 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐231492,8 ‐87782,82 0 0 0 ‐365397,85 3‐1 03 0,46272 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐221081,49 ‐87782,82 0 0 0 ‐324778,56 3‐1 0,462723 0,92545 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐210670,18 ‐87782,82 0 0 0 ‐284159,27 3‐1 0,925454 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐210670,18 ‐56175,21 0 0 0 ‐284159,27 4‐1 04 0,46272 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐200258,87 ‐56175,21 0 0 0 ‐258165,6 4‐1 0,462724 0,92545 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐189847,56 ‐56175,21 0 0 0 ‐232171,94 4‐1 0,925455 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐182897,31 ‐41782,85 0 0 0 ‐232171,94 5‐1 05 0,67241 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐167823,62 ‐40488,58 0 0 0 ‐204512,01 5‐1 0,672415 1,34481 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐152749,93 ‐39194,31 0 0 0 ‐177722,35 5‐1 1,344816 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐141814,55 ‐41879,91 0 0 0 ‐177722,35 6‐1 06 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐130880,93 ‐39263,08 0 0 0 ‐157450,28 6‐1 0,499666 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐119947,31 ‐36646,26 0 0 0 ‐138485,74 6‐1 0,999337 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐109406,79 ‐41626,2 0 0 0 ‐138485,74 7‐1 07 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐98893,57 ‐37643,22 0 0 0 ‐118681,75 7‐1 0,499667 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐88380,35 ‐33660,25 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 7‐1 0,999338 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐79383 ‐42277,88 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 8‐1 08 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐69460,13 ‐36993,14 0 0 0 ‐81063,51 8‐1 0,499668 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐59537,25 ‐31708,41 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 8‐1 0,999339 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐55032,78 ‐39006,42 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 9‐1 09 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐45860,65 ‐32505,35 0 0 0 ‐46033,82 9‐1 0,499669 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐36688,52 ‐26004,28 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 9‐1 0,9993310 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐33092,47 ‐30449,27 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 10‐1 010 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐24819,35 ‐22836,96 0 0 0 ‐18103,7 10‐1 0,4996610 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐16546,24 ‐15224,64 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 10‐1 0,9993311 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐14480,75 ‐17201,03 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 11‐1 011 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐7240,37 ‐8600,52 0 0 0 ‐2148,68 11‐1 0,4996611 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐2,504E‐08 ‐2,405E‐09 0 0 0 ‐8,708E‐09 11‐1 0,9993322 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination 34,75 29,25 0 0 0 0 22‐1 022 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐7205,63 8629,77 0 0 0 ‐2163,29 22‐1 0,4996622 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐14446 17230,28 0 0 0 ‐8623,95 22‐1 0,9993323 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐20107 23580,61 0 0 0 ‐8623,95 23‐1 023 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐28380,12 31192,93 0 0 0 ‐22308,1 23‐1 0,4996623 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐36653,24 38805,25 0 0 0 ‐39795,84 23‐1 0,9993324 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐50515,4 51138,3 0 0 0 ‐39795,84 24‐1 024 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐59687,53 57639,37 0 0 0 ‐66971,92 24‐1 0,4996624 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐68859,66 64140,44 0 0 0 ‐97396,35 24‐1 0,9993325 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐90366,14 79530,65 0 0 0 ‐97396,35 25‐1 025 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐100289,01 84815,39 0 0 0 ‐138455,15 25‐1 0,4996625 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐110211,89 90100,12 0 0 0 ‐182154,54 25‐1 0,9993326 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐137367,14 106027,38 0 0 0 ‐182154,54 26‐1 026 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐147880,36 110010,35 0 0 0 ‐236127,56 26‐1 0,4996626 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐158393,58 113993,33 0 0 0 ‐292090,72 26‐1 0,9993327 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐188051,18 128905,31 0 0 0 ‐292090,72 27‐1 027 0,49966 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐198984,8 131522,13 0 0 0 ‐357153,68 27‐1 0,4996627 0,99933 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐209918,42 134138,96 0 0 0 ‐423524,17 27‐1 0,9993328 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐241270,9 149608 0 0 0 ‐423524,17 28‐1 028 0,67241 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐256344,59 150902,27 0 0 0 ‐524556,72 28‐1 0,6724128 1,34481 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐271418,28 152196,53 0 0 0 ‐626459,55 28‐1 1,3448129 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐290826,13 ‐186600,9 0 0 0 626459,55 29‐1 029 0,46272 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐301237,44 ‐186600,9 0 0 0 712804,42 29‐1 0,4627229 0,92545 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐311648,75 ‐186600,9 0 0 0 799149,29 29‐1 0,9254530 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐311648,75 ‐241077,54 0 0 0 799149,29 30‐1 030 0,46272 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐322060,06 ‐241077,54 0 0 0 910701,86 30‐1 0,4627230 0,92545 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐332471,37 ‐241077,54 0 0 0 1022254,43 30‐1 0,9254531 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐332471,37 ‐292418,99 0 0 0 1022254,43 31‐1 031 0,31092 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐339467,04 ‐292418,99 0 0 0 1113172,95 31‐1 0,3109231 0,62184 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐346462,7 ‐292418,99 0 0 0 1204091,46 31‐1 0,6218432 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination 307460,09 668460,74 0 0 0 753457,93 32‐1 032 0,42121 3a_ST_k0 Combination 297982,93 668460,74 0 0 0 471897,65 32‐1 0,4212132 0,84241 3a_ST_k0 Combination 288505,78 668460,74 0 0 0 190337,36 32‐1 0,84241

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-49 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

33 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination 650592,76 ‐240307,24 0 0 0 190337,36 33‐1 033 0,44231 3a_ST_k0 Combination 650592,76 ‐232014 0 0 0 294792,68 33‐1 0,4423133 0,88461 3a_ST_k0 Combination 650592,76 ‐223720,76 0 0 0 395579,84 33‐1 0,8846133 1,32692 3a_ST_k0 Combination 650592,76 ‐215427,51 0 0 0 492698,85 33‐1 1,3269234 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐414713,1 147984,22 0 0 0 909572,96 34‐1 034 0,41085 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐419425,59 157110,63 0 0 0 846898,75 34‐1 0,4108534 0,8217 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐424138,08 166237,04 0 0 0 780474,94 34‐1 0,821735 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐377113,35 157285,26 0 0 0 780474,94 35‐1 035 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐382082,46 168752 0 0 0 698984,4 35‐1 0,4998835 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐387051,57 180218,73 0 0 0 611761,81 35‐1 0,9997736 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐338192,09 149169,21 0 0 0 611761,81 36‐1 036 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐342295,71 160973,37 0 0 0 534244,02 36‐1 0,4998836 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐346399,33 172777,54 0 0 0 450825,51 36‐1 0,9997737 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐303614,53 127754,02 0 0 0 450825,51 37‐1 037 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐306829,99 139830,4 0 0 0 383944,81 37‐1 0,4998837 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐310045,45 151906,78 0 0 0 311027,31 37‐1 0,9997738 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐275312,82 99202,8 0 0 0 311027,31 38‐1 038 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐277622,36 111484,66 0 0 0 258367,58 38‐1 0,4998838 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐279931,89 123766,52 0 0 0 199568,33 38‐1 0,9997739 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐254209,22 68333,13 0 0 0 199568,33 39‐1 039 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐255600,07 80752,61 0 0 0 162305,48 39‐1 0,4998839 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐256990,91 93172,09 0 0 0 118834,32 39‐1 0,9997740 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐240371,96 38727,89 0 0 0 118834,32 40‐1 040 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐240836,43 51216,38 0 0 0 96353,43 40‐1 0,4998840 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐241300,9 63704,87 0 0 0 67629,74 40‐1 0,9997741 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐233212,56 12927,56 0 0 0 67629,74 41‐1 041 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐232748,09 25416,05 0 0 0 58046,04 41‐1 0,4998841 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐232283,62 37904,54 0 0 0 42219,54 41‐1 0,9997742 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐230165,47 ‐11266,82 0 0 0 42219,54 42‐1 042 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐228774,63 1152,67 0 0 0 44747,49 42‐1 0,4998842 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐227383,78 13572,15 0 0 0 41067,14 42‐1 0,9997743 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐230860,43 ‐32464,25 0 0 0 41067,14 43‐1 043 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐228550,9 ‐20182,39 0 0 0 54225,76 43‐1 0,4998843 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐226241,36 ‐7900,53 0 0 0 61244,88 43‐1 0,9997744 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐234729,34 ‐49387,61 0 0 0 61244,88 44‐1 044 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐231513,88 ‐37311,23 0 0 0 82914,59 44‐1 0,4998844 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐228298,41 ‐25234,85 0 0 0 98547,51 44‐1 0,9997745 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐241006,96 ‐60669,4 0 0 0 98547,51 45‐1 045 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐236903,34 ‐48865,23 0 0 0 125924,86 45‐1 0,4998845 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐232799,71 ‐37061,06 0 0 0 147401,49 45‐1 0,9997746 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐248703,16 ‐64693,63 0 0 0 147401,49 46‐1 046 0,49988 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐243734,05 ‐53226,89 0 0 0 176874,83 46‐1 0,4998846 0,99977 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐238764,94 ‐41760,16 0 0 0 200616,12 46‐1 0,9997747 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐254854,06 ‐58034,97 0 0 0 200616,12 47‐1 047 0,41085 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐250141,57 ‐48908,56 0 0 0 222585,03 47‐1 0,4108547 0,8217 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐245429,08 ‐39782,15 0 0 0 240804,35 47‐1 0,821748 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination 187387,69 33394,64 0 0 0 133413,25 48‐1 048 0,44231 3a_ST_k0 Combination 187387,69 41687,88 0 0 0 116808,51 48‐1 0,4423148 0,88461 3a_ST_k0 Combination 187387,69 49981,12 0 0 0 96535,63 48‐1 0,8846148 1,32692 3a_ST_k0 Combination 187387,69 58274,36 0 0 0 72594,59 48‐1 1,3269249 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐1221620,74 ‐33918,84 0 0 0 416874,11 49‐1 049 0,78587 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐1213723,11 ‐21478,98 0 0 0 438641,89 49‐1 0,7858749 1,57174 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐1205825,48 ‐9039,12 0 0 0 450633,54 49‐1 1,5717450 0 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐492717,73 ‐52723,19 0 0 0 107391,11 50‐1 050 0,78587 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐484820,11 ‐40283,33 0 0 0 143936,68 50‐1 0,7858750 1,57174 3a_ST_k0 Combination ‐476922,48 ‐27843,47 0 0 0 170706,13 50‐1 1,57174

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-50 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

1 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 87861,91 327135,21 0 0 0 ‐100366,4 1‐1 01 0,42121 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 97339,06 327135,21 0 0 0 ‐238158,01 1‐1 0,421211 0,84241 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 106816,22 327135,21 0 0 0 ‐375949,62 1‐1 0,842412 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐264215,53 ‐169890,46 0 0 0 ‐609223,17 2‐1 02 0,31092 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐257219,87 ‐169890,46 0 0 0 ‐556401,06 2‐1 0,310922 0,62184 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐250224,2 ‐169890,46 0 0 0 ‐503578,94 2‐1 0,621843 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐250224,2 ‐131068,73 0 0 0 ‐503578,94 3‐1 03 0,46272 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐239812,89 ‐131068,73 0 0 0 ‐442930,19 3‐1 0,462723 0,92545 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐229401,58 ‐131068,73 0 0 0 ‐382281,43 3‐1 0,925454 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐229401,58 ‐91568,45 0 0 0 ‐382281,43 4‐1 04 0,46272 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐218990,27 ‐91568,45 0 0 0 ‐339910,43 4‐1 0,462724 0,92545 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐208578,96 ‐91568,45 0 0 0 ‐297539,44 4‐1 0,925455 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐198212,32 ‐68925,86 0 0 0 ‐297539,44 5‐1 05 0,67241 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐183138,63 ‐67631,59 0 0 0 ‐251628,37 5‐1 0,672415 1,34481 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐168064,94 ‐66337,33 0 0 0 ‐206587,57 5‐1 1,344816 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐151836,32 ‐60602,31 0 0 0 ‐206587,57 6‐1 06 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐140902,7 ‐57985,48 0 0 0 ‐176960,61 6‐1 0,499666 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐129969,08 ‐55368,65 0 0 0 ‐148641,19 6‐1 0,999337 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐114366,16 ‐51788,49 0 0 0 ‐148641,19 7‐1 07 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐103852,94 ‐47805,52 0 0 0 ‐123759,47 7‐1 0,499667 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐93339,71 ‐43822,54 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 7‐1 0,999338 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐79383 ‐42277,88 0 0 0 ‐100867,9 8‐1 08 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐69460,13 ‐36993,14 0 0 0 ‐81063,51 8‐1 0,499668 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐59537,25 ‐31708,41 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 8‐1 0,999339 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐55032,78 ‐39006,42 0 0 0 ‐63899,71 9‐1 09 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐45860,65 ‐32505,35 0 0 0 ‐46033,82 9‐1 0,499669 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐36688,52 ‐26004,28 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 9‐1 0,9993310 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐33092,47 ‐30449,27 0 0 0 ‐31416,27 10‐1 010 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐24819,35 ‐22836,96 0 0 0 ‐18103,7 10‐1 0,4996610 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐16546,24 ‐15224,64 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 10‐1 0,9993311 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐14480,75 ‐17201,03 0 0 0 ‐8594,72 11‐1 011 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐7240,37 ‐8600,52 0 0 0 ‐2148,68 11‐1 0,4996611 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐2,504E‐08 ‐2,476E‐08 0 0 0 2,108E‐08 11‐1 0,9993322 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐6432,75 15557,74 0 0 0 ‐2,98E‐08 22‐1 022 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐13673,12 24158,25 0 0 0 ‐9922,3 22‐1 0,4996622 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐20913,49 32758,77 0 0 0 ‐24141,96 22‐1 0,9993323 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐35116,06 52248,25 0 0 0 ‐24141,96 23‐1 023 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐43389,18 59860,57 0 0 0 ‐52150,27 23‐1 0,4996623 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐51662,3 67472,89 0 0 0 ‐83962,17 23‐1 0,9993324 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐75451,84 90319,08 0 0 0 ‐83962,17 24‐1 024 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐84623,97 96820,15 0 0 0 ‐130715,43 24‐1 0,4996624 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐93796,1 103321,22 0 0 0 ‐180717,03 24‐1 0,9993325 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐125916,82 126543,65 0 0 0 ‐180717,03 25‐1 025 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐135839,69 131828,38 0 0 0 ‐245266,49 25‐1 0,4996625 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐145762,57 137113,12 0 0 0 ‐312456,52 25‐1 0,9993326 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐183555,03 158311,9 0 0 0 ‐312456,52 26‐1 026 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐194068,25 162294,87 0 0 0 ‐392554,17 26‐1 0,4996626 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐204581,47 166277,84 0 0 0 ‐474641,96 26‐1 0,9993327 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐244312,86 184178,26 0 0 0 ‐474641,96 27‐1 027 0,49966 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐255246,48 186795,08 0 0 0 ‐567322,76 27‐1 0,4996627 0,99933 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐266180,11 189411,91 0 0 0 ‐661311,09 27‐1 0,9993328 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐307747,18 206018,71 0 0 0 ‐661311,09 28‐1 028 0,67241 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐322820,87 207312,97 0 0 0 ‐800274,58 28‐1 0,6724128 1,34481 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐337894,56 208607,24 0 0 0 ‐940108,35 28‐1 1,3448129 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐363035,03 ‐246777,8 0 0 0 940108,35 29‐1 029 0,46272 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐373446,34 ‐246777,8 0 0 0 1054298,56 29‐1 0,4627229 0,92545 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐383857,65 ‐246777,8 0 0 0 1168488,78 29‐1 0,9254530 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐383857,65 ‐309147,11 0 0 0 1168488,78 30‐1 030 0,46272 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐394268,96 ‐309147,11 0 0 0 1311538,83 30‐1 0,4627230 0,92545 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐404680,27 ‐309147,11 0 0 0 1454588,87 30‐1 0,9254531 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐404680,27 ‐367086,57 0 0 0 1454588,87 31‐1 031 0,31092 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐411675,94 ‐367086,57 0 0 0 1568722,94 31‐1 0,3109231 0,62184 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐418671,6 ‐367086,57 0 0 0 1682857 31‐1 0,6218432 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 464441,05 942948,61 0 0 0 1055958,08 32‐1 032 0,42121 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 454963,89 942948,61 0 0 0 658781,62 32‐1 0,4212132 0,84241 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 445486,74 942948,61 0 0 0 261605,15 32‐1 0,84241

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-51 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

33 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 930130,46 ‐339878,4 0 0 0 261605,15 33‐1 033 0,44231 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 930130,46 ‐331585,15 0 0 0 410101,41 33‐1 0,4423133 0,88461 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 930130,46 ‐323291,91 0 0 0 554929,52 33‐1 0,8846133 1,32692 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 930130,46 ‐314998,67 0 0 0 696089,47 33‐1 1,3269234 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐521197,02 223435,52 0 0 0 1284505,97 34‐1 034 0,41085 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐525909,51 232561,93 0 0 0 1190832,54 34‐1 0,4108534 0,8217 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐530622 241688,34 0 0 0 1093409,51 34‐1 0,821735 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐471314,01 232980,1 0 0 0 1093409,51 35‐1 035 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐476283,12 244446,83 0 0 0 974080,27 35‐1 0,4998835 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐481252,23 255913,57 0 0 0 849018,98 35‐1 0,9997736 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐419511,14 218015,99 0 0 0 849018,98 36‐1 036 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐423614,77 229820,15 0 0 0 737085,73 36‐1 0,4998836 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐427718,39 241624,32 0 0 0 619251,76 36‐1 0,9997737 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐373722,13 185370,16 0 0 0 619251,76 37‐1 037 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐376937,59 197446,54 0 0 0 523569,62 37‐1 0,4998837 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐380153,05 209522,91 0 0 0 421850,69 37‐1 0,9997738 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐336506,95 143411,09 0 0 0 421850,69 38‐1 038 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐338816,49 155692,95 0 0 0 347091,9 38‐1 0,4998838 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐341126,02 167974,81 0 0 0 266193,6 38‐1 0,9997739 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐309060,71 98584,51 0 0 0 266193,6 39‐1 039 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐310451,55 111003,99 0 0 0 213808,54 39‐1 0,4998839 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐311842,4 123423,48 0 0 0 155215,17 39‐1 0,9997740 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐291442,93 55604,13 0 0 0 155215,17 40‐1 040 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐291907,4 68092,62 0 0 0 124298,11 40‐1 0,4998840 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐292371,87 80581,11 0 0 0 87138,24 40‐1 0,9997741 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐282857,28 17753,73 0 0 0 87138,24 41‐1 041 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐282392,81 30242,21 0 0 0 75142,01 41‐1 0,4998841 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐281928,34 42730,7 0 0 0 56902,99 41‐1 0,9997742 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐280274,68 ‐17543,57 0 0 0 56902,99 42‐1 042 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐278883,83 ‐5124,09 0 0 0 62568,6 42‐1 0,4998842 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐277492,99 7295,4 0 0 0 62025,9 42‐1 0,9997743 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐283124,68 ‐48405,48 0 0 0 62025,9 43‐1 043 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐280815,15 ‐36123,62 0 0 0 83153,31 43‐1 0,4998843 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐278505,62 ‐23841,76 0 0 0 98141,2 43‐1 0,9997744 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐290566,13 ‐73039,58 0 0 0 98141,2 44‐1 044 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐287350,67 ‐60963,2 0 0 0 131634,18 44‐1 0,4998844 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐284135,21 ‐48886,82 0 0 0 159090,36 44‐1 0,9997745 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐301470,96 ‐89442,78 0 0 0 159090,36 45‐1 045 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐297367,34 ‐77638,61 0 0 0 200851,09 45‐1 0,4998845 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐293263,72 ‐65834,45 0 0 0 236711,09 45‐1 0,9997746 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐314371,93 ‐95174,39 0 0 0 236711,09 46‐1 046 0,49988 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐309402,82 ‐83707,65 0 0 0 281421,3 46‐1 0,4998846 0,99977 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐304433,71 ‐72240,92 0 0 0 320399,46 46‐1 0,9997747 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐325230,27 ‐86038,55 0 0 0 320399,46 47‐1 047 0,41085 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐320517,78 ‐76912,14 0 0 0 353873,66 47‐1 0,4108547 0,8217 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐315805,28 ‐67785,73 0 0 0 383598,27 47‐1 0,821748 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 279763,96 69767,25 0 0 0 209448,55 48‐1 048 0,44231 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 279763,96 78060,49 0 0 0 176755,99 48‐1 0,4423148 0,88461 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 279763,96 86353,73 0 0 0 140395,27 48‐1 0,8846148 1,32692 3b_ST_k0Q Combination 279763,96 94646,97 0 0 0 100366,4 48‐1 1,3269249 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1644500,93 ‐36923,78 0 0 0 588416,5 49‐1 049 0,78587 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1636603,3 ‐24483,92 0 0 0 612545,77 49‐1 0,7858749 1,57174 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐1628705,67 ‐12044,05 0 0 0 626898,92 49‐1 1,5717450 0 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐668394,57 ‐50056,61 0 0 0 174149,72 50‐1 050 0,78587 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐660496,94 ‐37616,74 0 0 0 208599,7 50‐1 0,7858750 1,57174 3b_ST_k0Q Combination ‐652599,32 ‐25176,88 0 0 0 233273,55 50‐1 1,57174

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-52 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

1 0 4a_SI Combination ‐95198,05 104036,01 0 0 0 ‐41200,29 1‐1 01 0,42121 4a_SI Combination ‐85720,89 104036,01 0 0 0 ‐85020,98 1‐1 0,421211 0,84241 4a_SI Combination ‐76243,74 104036,01 0 0 0 ‐128841,66 1‐1 0,842412 0 4a_SI Combination ‐272552,59 ‐71472,08 0 0 0 ‐225414,04 2‐1 02 0,31092 4a_SI Combination ‐265556,93 ‐71472,08 0 0 0 ‐203192,04 2‐1 0,310922 0,62184 4a_SI Combination ‐258561,26 ‐71472,08 0 0 0 ‐180970,03 2‐1 0,621843 0 4a_SI Combination ‐256585,56 ‐43199,75 0 0 0 ‐180970,03 3‐1 03 0,46272 4a_SI Combination ‐246174,25 ‐43199,75 0 0 0 ‐160980,44 3‐1 0,462723 0,92545 4a_SI Combination ‐235762,94 ‐43199,75 0 0 0 ‐140990,84 3‐1 0,925454 0 4a_SI Combination ‐233399,57 ‐16318,88 0 0 0 ‐140990,84 4‐1 04 0,46272 4a_SI Combination ‐222988,26 ‐16318,88 0 0 0 ‐133439,69 4‐1 0,462724 0,92545 4a_SI Combination ‐212576,95 ‐16318,88 0 0 0 ‐125888,54 4‐1 0,925455 0 4a_SI Combination ‐205111,23 ‐9506,23 0 0 0 ‐125888,54 5‐1 05 0,67241 4a_SI Combination ‐190037,54 ‐8211,96 0 0 0 ‐119931,62 5‐1 0,672415 1,34481 4a_SI Combination ‐174963,85 ‐6917,69 0 0 0 ‐114844,98 5‐1 1,344816 0 4a_SI Combination ‐163407,72 ‐18182,83 0 0 0 ‐114844,98 6‐1 06 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐152474,1 ‐15566 0 0 0 ‐106413,46 6‐1 0,499666 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐141540,48 ‐12949,18 0 0 0 ‐99289,48 6‐1 0,999337 0 4a_SI Combination ‐128775,09 ‐24402,63 0 0 0 ‐99289,48 7‐1 07 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐118261,87 ‐20419,65 0 0 0 ‐88091,46 7‐1 0,499667 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐107748,65 ‐16436,68 0 0 0 ‐78883,59 7‐1 0,999338 0 4a_SI Combination ‐95664,17 ‐30709,16 0 0 0 ‐78883,59 8‐1 08 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐85741,29 ‐25424,42 0 0 0 ‐64859,66 8‐1 0,499668 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐75818,42 ‐20139,69 0 0 0 ‐53476,32 8‐1 0,999339 0 4a_SI Combination ‐67616,67 ‐32285,41 0 0 0 ‐53476,32 9‐1 09 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐58444,54 ‐25784,34 0 0 0 ‐38968,67 9‐1 0,499669 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐49272,42 ‐19283,27 0 0 0 ‐27709,36 9‐1 0,9993310 0 4a_SI Combination ‐41093,46 ‐27407,27 0 0 0 ‐27709,36 10‐1 010 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐32820,34 ‐19794,95 0 0 0 ‐15916,76 10‐1 0,4996610 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐24547,22 ‐12182,63 0 0 0 ‐7927,76 10‐1 0,9993311 0 4a_SI Combination ‐17254,85 ‐16533,62 0 0 0 ‐7927,76 11‐1 011 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐10014,47 ‐7933,1 0 0 0 ‐1815,2 11‐1 0,4996611 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐2774,1 667,41 0 0 0 ‐5,341E‐09 11‐1 0,9993322 0 4a_SI Combination 11416,67 11279,14 0 0 0 ‐1,49E‐08 22‐1 022 0,49966 4a_SI Combination 4176,3 19879,65 0 0 0 ‐7784,45 22‐1 0,4996622 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐3064,07 28480,17 0 0 0 ‐19866,25 22‐1 0,9993323 0 4a_SI Combination 10083,31 63432,8 0 0 0 ‐19866,25 23‐1 023 0,49966 4a_SI Combination 1810,2 71045,12 0 0 0 ‐53463,06 23‐1 0,4996623 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐6462,92 78657,44 0 0 0 ‐90863,47 23‐1 0,9993324 0 4a_SI Combination ‐7709,52 127631,63 0 0 0 ‐90863,47 24‐1 024 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐16881,65 134132,7 0 0 0 ‐156260,42 24‐1 0,4996624 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐26053,78 140633,77 0 0 0 ‐224905,72 24‐1 0,9993325 0 4a_SI Combination ‐43244,39 199008,23 0 0 0 ‐224905,72 25‐1 025 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐53167,26 204292,96 0 0 0 ‐325663,03 25‐1 0,4996625 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐63090,14 209577,7 0 0 0 ‐429060,93 25‐1 0,9993326 0 4a_SI Combination ‐95765,44 272626,18 0 0 0 ‐429060,93 26‐1 026 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐106278,66 276609,15 0 0 0 ‐566277,17 26‐1 0,4996626 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐116791,88 280592,12 0 0 0 ‐705483,56 26‐1 0,9993327 0 4a_SI Combination ‐162670,69 344241,59 0 0 0 ‐705483,56 27‐1 027 0,49966 4a_SI Combination ‐173604,31 346858,42 0 0 0 ‐878142,06 27‐1 0,4996627 0,99933 4a_SI Combination ‐184537,94 349475,24 0 0 0 ‐1052108,09 27‐1 0,9993328 0 4a_SI Combination ‐248562,07 420675,09 0 0 0 ‐1052108,09 28‐1 028 0,67241 4a_SI Combination ‐263635,76 421969,36 0 0 0 ‐1335407,97 28‐1 0,6724128 1,34481 4a_SI Combination ‐278709,45 423263,63 0 0 0 ‐1619578,13 28‐1 1,3448129 0 4a_SI Combination ‐325016,58 ‐509015,4 0 0 0 1619578,13 29‐1 029 0,46272 4a_SI Combination ‐335427,89 ‐509015,4 0 0 0 1855112,2 29‐1 0,4627229 0,92545 4a_SI Combination ‐345839,2 ‐509015,4 0 0 0 2090646,26 29‐1 0,9254530 0 4a_SI Combination ‐348202,57 ‐606756,98 0 0 0 2090646,26 30‐1 030 0,46272 4a_SI Combination ‐358613,88 ‐606756,98 0 0 0 2371407,79 30‐1 0,4627230 0,92545 4a_SI Combination ‐369025,19 ‐606756,98 0 0 0 2652169,32 30‐1 0,9254531 0 4a_SI Combination ‐371000,89 ‐694266,46 0 0 0 2652169,32 31‐1 031 0,31092 4a_SI Combination ‐377996,56 ‐694266,46 0 0 0 2868029,71 31‐1 0,3109231 0,62184 4a_SI Combination ‐384992,22 ‐694266,46 0 0 0 3083890,1 31‐1 0,6218432 0 4a_SI Combination 1144430,39 1752421,51 0 0 0 1953471,51 32‐1 032 0,42121 4a_SI Combination 1134953,23 1752421,51 0 0 0 1215339,47 32‐1 0,4212132 0,84241 4a_SI Combination 1125476,07 1752421,51 0 0 0 477207,42 32‐1 0,84241

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-53 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

33 0 4a_SI Combination 1799120,62 ‐714237,53 0 0 0 477207,42 33‐1 033 0,44231 4a_SI Combination 1799120,62 ‐705944,29 0 0 0 791285,07 33‐1 0,4423133 0,88461 4a_SI Combination 1799120,62 ‐697651,05 0 0 0 1101694,55 33‐1 0,8846133 1,32692 4a_SI Combination 1799120,62 ‐689357,81 0 0 0 1408435,89 33‐1 1,3269234 0 4a_SI Combination ‐842522,11 427014,86 0 0 0 2621994,29 34‐1 034 0,41085 4a_SI Combination ‐847234,6 436141,27 0 0 0 2444680,14 34‐1 0,4108534 0,8217 4a_SI Combination ‐851947,09 445267,68 0 0 0 2263616,41 34‐1 0,821735 0 4a_SI Combination ‐747317,41 460640,53 0 0 0 2263616,41 35‐1 035 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐752286,52 472107,27 0 0 0 2030483,17 35‐1 0,4998835 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐757255,63 483574 0 0 0 1791617,87 35‐1 0,9997736 0 4a_SI Combination ‐645385,93 443677,36 0 0 0 1791617,87 36‐1 036 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐649489,55 455481,52 0 0 0 1566879,92 36‐1 0,4998836 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐653593,17 467285,69 0 0 0 1336241,25 36‐1 0,9997737 0 4a_SI Combination ‐553449,77 391100,43 0 0 0 1336241,25 37‐1 037 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐556665,23 403176,81 0 0 0 1137717,68 37‐1 0,4998837 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐559880,69 415253,18 0 0 0 933157,3 37‐1 0,9997738 0 4a_SI Combination ‐476794,87 320298,53 0 0 0 933157,3 38‐1 038 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐479104,4 332580,39 0 0 0 769975,17 38‐1 0,4998838 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐481413,94 344862,25 0 0 0 600653,51 38‐1 0,9997739 0 4a_SI Combination ‐417867,1 244729,08 0 0 0 600653,51 39‐1 039 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐419257,95 257148,56 0 0 0 475213 39‐1 0,4998839 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐420648,79 269568,05 0 0 0 343564,18 39‐1 0,9997740 0 4a_SI Combination ‐376718,7 174114,49 0 0 0 343564,18 40‐1 040 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐377183,17 186602,98 0 0 0 253405,58 40‐1 0,4998840 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐377647,64 199091,47 0 0 0 157004,17 40‐1 0,9997741 0 4a_SI Combination ‐351613,42 114862,72 0 0 0 157004,17 41‐1 041 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐351148,95 127351,2 0 0 0 96464,64 41‐1 0,4998841 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐350684,48 139839,69 0 0 0 29682,3 41‐1 0,9997742 0 4a_SI Combination ‐332866,92 64000,11 0 0 0 29682,3 42‐1 042 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐331476,08 76419,59 0 0 0 ‐5414,54 42‐1 0,4998842 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐330085,24 88839,08 0 0 0 ‐46719,69 42‐1 0,9997743 0 4a_SI Combination ‐318827,51 23264,54 0 0 0 ‐46719,69 43‐1 043 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐316517,97 35546,4 0 0 0 ‐61419,04 43‐1 0,4998843 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐314208,44 47828,26 0 0 0 ‐82257,9 43‐1 0,9997744 0 4a_SI Combination ‐307869,1 ‐6867,66 0 0 0 ‐82257,9 44‐1 044 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐304653,64 5208,71 0 0 0 ‐81843,26 44‐1 0,4998844 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐301438,18 17285,09 0 0 0 ‐87465,41 44‐1 0,9997745 0 4a_SI Combination ‐298560,75 ‐26691,1 0 0 0 ‐87465,41 45‐1 045 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐294457,13 ‐14886,94 0 0 0 ‐77073,3 45‐1 0,4998845 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐290353,51 ‐3082,77 0 0 0 ‐72581,9 45‐1 0,9997746 0 4a_SI Combination ‐289705,84 ‐36848,52 0 0 0 ‐72581,9 46‐1 046 0,49988 4a_SI Combination ‐284736,73 ‐25381,78 0 0 0 ‐57027,91 46‐1 0,4998846 0,99977 4a_SI Combination ‐279767,62 ‐13915,05 0 0 0 ‐47205,96 46‐1 0,9997747 0 4a_SI Combination ‐280194,69 ‐35827,2 0 0 0 ‐47205,96 47‐1 047 0,41085 4a_SI Combination ‐275482,2 ‐26700,79 0 0 0 ‐34361,13 47‐1 0,4108547 0,8217 4a_SI Combination ‐270769,71 ‐17574,38 0 0 0 ‐25265,89 47‐1 0,821748 0 4a_SI Combination 17100,22 ‐49351,77 0 0 0 ‐7778,8 48‐1 048 0,44231 4a_SI Combination 17100,22 ‐41058,52 0 0 0 12215,71 48‐1 0,4423148 0,88461 4a_SI Combination 17100,22 ‐32765,28 0 0 0 28542,08 48‐1 0,8846148 1,32692 4a_SI Combination 17100,22 ‐24472,04 0 0 0 41200,29 48‐1 1,3269249 0 4a_SI Combination ‐2978854,29 40456,72 0 0 0 1213558,4 49‐1 049 0,78587 4a_SI Combination ‐2970956,66 52896,58 0 0 0 1176876,56 49‐1 0,7858749 1,57174 4a_SI Combination ‐2963059,03 65336,44 0 0 0 1130418,59 49‐1 1,5717450 0 4a_SI Combination ‐293957,87 ‐85008,66 0 0 0 ‐17487,08 50‐1 050 0,78587 4a_SI Combination ‐286060,24 ‐72568,8 0 0 0 44430,71 50‐1 0,7858750 1,57174 4a_SI Combination ‐278162,61 ‐60128,94 0 0 0 96572,38 50‐1 1,57174

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-54 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

1 0 4b_SI Combination 345853,77 643217,98 0 0 0 ‐188214,02 1‐1 01 0,42121 4b_SI Combination 355330,93 643217,98 0 0 0 ‐459141,88 1‐1 0,421211 0,84241 4b_SI Combination 364808,09 643217,98 0 0 0 ‐730069,74 1‐1 0,842412 0 4b_SI Combination ‐272552,59 ‐322606,73 0 0 0 ‐1163571,97 2‐1 02 0,31092 4b_SI Combination ‐265556,93 ‐322606,73 0 0 0 ‐1063267,52 2‐1 0,310922 0,62184 4b_SI Combination ‐258561,26 ‐322606,73 0 0 0 ‐962963,07 2‐1 0,621843 0 4b_SI Combination ‐256585,56 ‐264392,01 0 0 0 ‐962963,07 3‐1 03 0,46272 4b_SI Combination ‐246174,25 ‐264392,01 0 0 0 ‐840622,32 3‐1 0,462723 0,92545 4b_SI Combination ‐235762,94 ‐264392,01 0 0 0 ‐718281,57 3‐1 0,925454 0 4b_SI Combination ‐233399,57 ‐201693,43 0 0 0 ‐718281,57 4‐1 04 0,46272 4b_SI Combination ‐222988,26 ‐201693,43 0 0 0 ‐624953,01 4‐1 0,462724 0,92545 4b_SI Combination ‐212576,95 ‐201693,43 0 0 0 ‐531624,45 4‐1 0,925455 0 4b_SI Combination ‐193005,19 ‐150499,27 0 0 0 ‐531624,45 5‐1 05 0,67241 4b_SI Combination ‐177931,5 ‐149205,01 0 0 0 ‐430862,87 5‐1 0,672415 1,34481 4b_SI Combination ‐162857,81 ‐147910,74 0 0 0 ‐330971,56 5‐1 1,344816 0 4b_SI Combination ‐140920,33 ‐112139,68 0 0 0 ‐330971,56 6‐1 06 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐129986,7 ‐109522,85 0 0 0 ‐275593,29 6‐1 0,499666 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐119053,08 ‐106906,03 0 0 0 ‐221522,56 6‐1 0,999337 0 4b_SI Combination ‐107784,78 ‐79807,44 0 0 0 ‐221522,56 7‐1 07 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐97271,55 ‐75824,46 0 0 0 ‐182640,82 7‐1 0,499667 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐86758,33 ‐71841,49 0 0 0 ‐145749,22 7‐1 0,999338 0 4b_SI Combination ‐78869,29 ‐62244,04 0 0 0 ‐145749,22 8‐1 08 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐68946,41 ‐56959,31 0 0 0 ‐115968,48 8‐1 0,499668 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐59023,54 ‐51674,57 0 0 0 ‐88828,32 8‐1 0,999339 0 4b_SI Combination ‐52859,24 ‐53106,15 0 0 0 ‐88828,32 9‐1 09 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐43687,11 ‐46605,08 0 0 0 ‐63917,33 9‐1 0,499669 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐34514,99 ‐40104,01 0 0 0 ‐42254,67 9‐1 0,9993310 0 4b_SI Combination ‐30725,47 ‐38675,26 0 0 0 ‐42254,67 10‐1 010 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐22452,36 ‐31062,95 0 0 0 ‐24831,87 10‐1 0,4996610 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐14179,24 ‐23450,63 0 0 0 ‐11212,67 10‐1 0,9993311 0 4b_SI Combination ‐13350,21 ‐19820,75 0 0 0 ‐11212,67 11‐1 011 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐6109,84 ‐11220,24 0 0 0 ‐3457,66 11‐1 0,4996611 0,99933 4b_SI Combination 1130,54 ‐2619,72 0 0 0 ‐2,469E‐08 11‐1 0,9993322 0 4b_SI Combination ‐2739,35 ‐638,16 0 0 0 0 22‐1 022 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐9979,73 7962,36 0 0 0 ‐1829,81 22‐1 0,4996622 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐17220,1 16562,87 0 0 0 ‐7956,99 22‐1 0,9993323 0 4b_SI Combination ‐28799,41 21174,8 0 0 0 ‐7956,99 23‐1 023 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐37072,53 28787,12 0 0 0 ‐20439,04 23‐1 0,4996623 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐45345,65 36399,44 0 0 0 ‐36724,69 23‐1 0,9993324 0 4b_SI Combination ‐65489,72 46111,59 0 0 0 ‐36724,69 24‐1 024 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐74661,85 52612,66 0 0 0 ‐61389,12 24‐1 0,4996624 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐83833,98 59113,73 0 0 0 ‐89301,88 24‐1 0,9993325 0 4b_SI Combination ‐111625,2 70613,07 0 0 0 ‐89301,88 25‐1 025 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐121548,08 75897,8 0 0 0 ‐125904,9 25‐1 0,4996625 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐131470,95 81182,54 0 0 0 ‐165148,5 25‐1 0,9993326 0 4b_SI Combination ‐164318,78 91676,79 0 0 0 ‐165148,5 26‐1 026 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐174832 95659,76 0 0 0 ‐211951,06 26‐1 0,4996626 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐185345,22 99642,73 0 0 0 ‐260743,76 26‐1 0,9993327 0 4b_SI Combination ‐219325,76 107525,35 0 0 0 ‐260743,76 27‐1 027 0,49966 4b_SI Combination ‐230259,39 110142,17 0 0 0 ‐315123,95 27‐1 0,4996627 0,99933 4b_SI Combination ‐241193,01 112759 0 0 0 ‐370811,67 27‐1 0,9993328 0 4b_SI Combination ‐274526,58 118279,45 0 0 0 ‐370811,67 28‐1 028 0,67241 4b_SI Combination ‐289600,26 119573,72 0 0 0 ‐450778,7 28‐1 0,6724128 1,34481 4b_SI Combination ‐304673,95 120867,99 0 0 0 ‐531616,01 28‐1 1,3448129 0 4b_SI Combination ‐325016,58 ‐146744,57 0 0 0 531616,01 29‐1 029 0,46272 4b_SI Combination ‐335427,89 ‐146744,57 0 0 0 599518,37 29‐1 0,4627229 0,92545 4b_SI Combination ‐345839,2 ‐146744,57 0 0 0 667420,72 29‐1 0,9254530 0 4b_SI Combination ‐348202,57 ‐196494,47 0 0 0 667420,72 30‐1 030 0,46272 4b_SI Combination ‐358613,88 ‐196494,47 0 0 0 758343,59 30‐1 0,4627230 0,92545 4b_SI Combination ‐369025,19 ‐196494,47 0 0 0 849266,47 30‐1 0,9254531 0 4b_SI Combination ‐371000,89 ‐243884,53 0 0 0 849266,47 31‐1 031 0,31092 4b_SI Combination ‐377996,56 ‐243884,53 0 0 0 925094,72 31‐1 0,3109231 0,62184 4b_SI Combination ‐384992,22 ‐243884,53 0 0 0 1000922,97 31‐1 0,6218432 0 4b_SI Combination 185419,74 547920,85 0 0 0 621018,17 32‐1 032 0,42121 4b_SI Combination 175942,59 547920,85 0 0 0 390230,12 32‐1 0,4212132 0,84241 4b_SI Combination 166465,43 547920,85 0 0 0 159442,07 32‐1 0,84241

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-55 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

33 0 4b_SI Combination 497673,4 ‐168075,25 0 0 0 159442,07 33‐1 033 0,44231 4b_SI Combination 497673,4 ‐159782,01 0 0 0 231948,73 33‐1 0,4423133 0,88461 4b_SI Combination 497673,4 ‐151488,77 0 0 0 300787,24 33‐1 0,8846133 1,32692 4b_SI Combination 497673,4 ‐143195,53 0 0 0 365957,59 33‐1 1,3269234 0 4b_SI Combination ‐414759,74 117524,23 0 0 0 669816,57 34‐1 034 0,41085 4b_SI Combination ‐419472,23 126650,64 0 0 0 619656,86 34‐1 0,4108534 0,8217 4b_SI Combination ‐424184,73 135777,05 0 0 0 565747,57 34‐1 0,821735 0 4b_SI Combination ‐389330,66 121952,03 0 0 0 565747,57 35‐1 035 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐394299,77 133418,77 0 0 0 501919,57 35‐1 0,4998835 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐399268,88 144885,5 0 0 0 432359,53 35‐1 0,9997736 0 4b_SI Combination ‐363388,31 111516,92 0 0 0 432359,53 36‐1 036 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐367491,94 123321,08 0 0 0 373663,55 36‐1 0,4998836 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐371595,56 135125,25 0 0 0 309066,85 36‐1 0,9997737 0 4b_SI Combination ‐340773,22 88800,49 0 0 0 309066,85 37‐1 037 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐343988,68 100876,87 0 0 0 261658,43 37‐1 0,4998837 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐347204,14 112953,24 0 0 0 208213,22 37‐1 0,9997738 0 4b_SI Combination ‐323179,73 58168,33 0 0 0 208213,22 38‐1 038 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐325489,26 70450,19 0 0 0 176065,99 38‐1 0,4998838 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐327798,8 82732,05 0 0 0 137779,25 38‐1 0,9997739 0 4b_SI Combination ‐311622,31 23085,43 0 0 0 137779,25 39‐1 039 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐313013,16 35504,91 0 0 0 123135,04 39‐1 0,4998839 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐314404 47924,4 0 0 0 102282,52 39‐1 0,9997740 0 4b_SI Combination ‐306539,72 ‐13673,54 0 0 0 102282,52 40‐1 040 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐307004,19 ‐1185,05 0 0 0 105996,31 40‐1 0,4998840 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐307468,66 11303,43 0 0 0 103467,3 40‐1 0,9997741 0 4b_SI Combination ‐307890,03 ‐49738,93 0 0 0 103467,3 41‐1 041 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐307425,56 ‐37250,45 0 0 0 125209,63 41‐1 0,4998841 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐306961,09 ‐24761,96 0 0 0 140709,17 41‐1 0,9997742 0 4b_SI Combination ‐317548,51 ‐87653,15 0 0 0 140709,17 42‐1 042 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐316157,66 ‐75233,66 0 0 0 181421,49 42‐1 0,4998842 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐314766,82 ‐62814,18 0 0 0 215925,5 42‐1 0,9997743 0 4b_SI Combination ‐335652,54 ‐124264,7 0 0 0 215925,5 43‐1 043 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐333343,01 ‐111982,84 0 0 0 274973,78 43‐1 0,4998843 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐331033,48 ‐99700,98 0 0 0 327882,55 43‐1 0,9997744 0 4b_SI Combination ‐361629,3 ‐155550,08 0 0 0 327882,55 44‐1 044 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐358413,84 ‐143473,7 0 0 0 402621,28 44‐1 0,4998844 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐355198,38 ‐131397,32 0 0 0 471323,21 44‐1 0,9997745 0 4b_SI Combination ‐394027,93 ‐176359,11 0 0 0 471323,21 45‐1 045 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐389924,31 ‐164554,94 0 0 0 556532,09 45‐1 0,4998845 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐385820,68 ‐152750,78 0 0 0 635840,25 45‐1 0,9997746 0 4b_SI Combination ‐430381,79 ‐180265,7 0 0 0 635840,25 46‐1 046 0,49988 4b_SI Combination ‐425412,68 ‐168798,96 0 0 0 723086,32 46‐1 0,4998846 0,99977 4b_SI Combination ‐420443,57 ‐157332,23 0 0 0 804600,34 46‐1 0,9997747 0 4b_SI Combination ‐462790,01 ‐159691,02 0 0 0 804600,34 47‐1 047 0,41085 4b_SI Combination ‐458077,52 ‐150564,61 0 0 0 868334,71 47‐1 0,4108547 0,8217 4b_SI Combination ‐453365,03 ‐141438,2 0 0 0 928319,48 47‐1 0,821748 0 4b_SI Combination 625931,11 221653,81 0 0 0 498837,3 48‐1 048 0,44231 4b_SI Combination 625931,11 229947,05 0 0 0 398964,36 48‐1 0,4423148 0,88461 4b_SI Combination 625931,11 238240,3 0 0 0 295423,27 48‐1 0,8846148 1,32692 4b_SI Combination 625931,11 246533,54 0 0 0 188214,02 48‐1 1,3269249 0 4b_SI Combination ‐1030040,47 ‐60822,99 0 0 0 303858,98 49‐1 049 0,78587 4b_SI Combination ‐1022142,84 ‐48383,13 0 0 0 346769,96 49‐1 0,7858749 1,57174 4b_SI Combination ‐1014245,21 ‐35943,26 0 0 0 379904,8 49‐1 1,5717450 0 4b_SI Combination ‐1227132,14 ‐14997,57 0 0 0 429482,18 50‐1 050 0,78587 4b_SI Combination ‐1219234,51 ‐2557,71 0 0 0 436380,27 50‐1 0,7858750 1,57174 4b_SI Combination ‐1211336,88 9882,16 0 0 0 433502,24 50‐1 1,57174

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-56 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

1 0 4c_SI Combination ‐63311,09 82418,08 0 0 0 ‐34900,34 1‐1 01 0,42121 4c_SI Combination ‐53833,94 82418,08 0 0 0 ‐69615,4 1‐1 0,421211 0,84241 4c_SI Combination ‐44356,78 82418,08 0 0 0 ‐104330,47 1‐1 0,842412 0 4c_SI Combination ‐218415,67 ‐71472,08 0 0 0 ‐182352,23 2‐1 02 0,31092 4c_SI Combination ‐211420,01 ‐71472,08 0 0 0 ‐160130,23 2‐1 0,310922 0,62184 4c_SI Combination ‐204424,34 ‐71472,08 0 0 0 ‐137908,23 2‐1 0,621843 0 4c_SI Combination ‐206400,04 ‐43199,75 0 0 0 ‐137908,23 3‐1 03 0,46272 4c_SI Combination ‐195988,73 ‐43199,75 0 0 0 ‐117918,63 3‐1 0,462723 0,92545 4c_SI Combination ‐185577,42 ‐43199,75 0 0 0 ‐97929,03 3‐1 0,925454 0 4c_SI Combination ‐187940,79 ‐16318,88 0 0 0 ‐97929,03 4‐1 04 0,46272 4c_SI Combination ‐177529,48 ‐16318,88 0 0 0 ‐90377,88 4‐1 0,462724 0,92545 4c_SI Combination ‐167118,17 ‐16318,88 0 0 0 ‐82826,73 4‐1 0,925455 0 4c_SI Combination ‐166510,68 ‐6191,88 0 0 0 ‐82826,73 5‐1 05 0,67241 4c_SI Combination ‐151436,99 ‐4897,61 0 0 0 ‐79098,4 5‐1 0,672415 1,34481 4c_SI Combination ‐136363,3 ‐3603,35 0 0 0 ‐76240,35 5‐1 1,344816 0 4c_SI Combination ‐133289,81 ‐10974,48 0 0 0 ‐76240,35 6‐1 06 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐122356,18 ‐8357,65 0 0 0 ‐71410,58 6‐1 0,499666 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐111422,56 ‐5740,83 0 0 0 ‐67888,33 6‐1 0,999337 0 4c_SI Combination ‐106312,92 ‐15892,75 0 0 0 ‐67888,33 7‐1 07 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐95799,7 ‐11909,78 0 0 0 ‐60942,39 7‐1 0,499667 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐85286,48 ‐7926,81 0 0 0 ‐55986,59 7‐1 0,999338 0 4c_SI Combination ‐79896,72 ‐22311,71 0 0 0 ‐55986,59 8‐1 08 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐69973,84 ‐17026,98 0 0 0 ‐46158,55 8‐1 0,499668 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐60050,97 ‐11742,24 0 0 0 ‐38971,09 8‐1 0,999339 0 4c_SI Combination ‐57206,31 ‐24906,7 0 0 0 ‐38971,09 9‐1 09 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐48034,18 ‐18405,63 0 0 0 ‐28150,31 9‐1 0,499669 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐38862,05 ‐11904,56 0 0 0 ‐20577,87 9‐1 0,9993310 0 4c_SI Combination ‐35459,47 ‐22223,28 0 0 0 ‐20577,87 10‐1 010 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐27186,35 ‐14610,96 0 0 0 ‐11375,52 10‐1 0,4996610 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐18913,23 ‐6998,65 0 0 0 ‐5976,76 10‐1 0,9993311 0 4c_SI Combination ‐15611,29 ‐14581,31 0 0 0 ‐5976,76 11‐1 011 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐8370,91 ‐5980,79 0 0 0 ‐839,7 11‐1 0,4996611 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐1130,54 2619,72 0 0 0 ‐7,622E‐09 11‐1 0,9993322 0 4c_SI Combination 13060,23 9326,83 0 0 0 0 22‐1 022 0,49966 4c_SI Combination 5819,86 17927,34 0 0 0 ‐6808,95 22‐1 0,4996622 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐1420,52 26527,86 0 0 0 ‐17915,26 22‐1 0,9993323 0 4c_SI Combination 17100,15 56976,43 0 0 0 ‐17915,26 23‐1 023 0,49966 4c_SI Combination 8827,03 64588,74 0 0 0 ‐48286,05 23‐1 0,4996623 0,99933 4c_SI Combination 553,91 72201,06 0 0 0 ‐82460,45 23‐1 0,9993324 0 4c_SI Combination 7481,7 116864,32 0 0 0 ‐82460,45 24‐1 024 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐1690,43 123365,39 0 0 0 ‐142477,38 24‐1 0,4996624 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐10862,56 129866,46 0 0 0 ‐205742,65 24‐1 0,9993325 0 4c_SI Combination ‐17521,13 185308,51 0 0 0 ‐205742,65 25‐1 025 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐27444,01 190593,25 0 0 0 ‐299654,72 25‐1 0,4996625 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐37366,88 195877,98 0 0 0 ‐396207,38 25‐1 0,9993326 0 4c_SI Combination ‐58136,59 258370,35 0 0 0 ‐396207,38 26‐1 026 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐68649,81 262353,32 0 0 0 ‐526300,51 26‐1 0,4996626 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐79163,03 266336,3 0 0 0 ‐658383,79 26‐1 0,9993327 0 4c_SI Combination ‐113189,95 332399 0 0 0 ‐658383,79 27‐1 027 0,49966 4c_SI Combination ‐124123,57 335015,82 0 0 0 ‐825124,99 27‐1 0,4996627 0,99933 4c_SI Combination ‐135057,19 337632,65 0 0 0 ‐993173,71 27‐1 0,9993328 0 4c_SI Combination ‐187878,02 415464,59 0 0 0 ‐993173,71 28‐1 028 0,67241 4c_SI Combination ‐202951,7 416758,86 0 0 0 ‐1272970,02 28‐1 0,6724128 1,34481 4c_SI Combination ‐218025,39 418053,13 0 0 0 ‐1553636,6 28‐1 1,3448129 0 4c_SI Combination ‐256635,68 ‐509015,4 0 0 0 1553636,6 29‐1 029 0,46272 4c_SI Combination ‐267046,99 ‐509015,4 0 0 0 1789170,67 29‐1 0,4627229 0,92545 4c_SI Combination ‐277458,3 ‐509015,4 0 0 0 2024704,74 29‐1 0,9254530 0 4c_SI Combination ‐275094,93 ‐606756,98 0 0 0 2024704,74 30‐1 030 0,46272 4c_SI Combination ‐285506,24 ‐606756,98 0 0 0 2305466,27 30‐1 0,4627230 0,92545 4c_SI Combination ‐295917,55 ‐606756,98 0 0 0 2586227,79 30‐1 0,9254531 0 4c_SI Combination ‐293941,85 ‐694266,46 0 0 0 2586227,79 31‐1 031 0,31092 4c_SI Combination ‐300937,52 ‐694266,46 0 0 0 2802088,19 31‐1 0,3109231 0,62184 4c_SI Combination ‐307933,18 ‐694266,46 0 0 0 3017948,58 31‐1 0,6218432 0 4c_SI Combination 1185544,15 1718705,27 0 0 0 1915482,42 32‐1 032 0,42121 4c_SI Combination 1176066,99 1718705,27 0 0 0 1191551,88 32‐1 0,4212132 0,84241 4c_SI Combination 1166589,84 1718705,27 0 0 0 467621,35 32‐1 0,84241

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-57 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

33 0 4c_SI Combination 1767085,58 ‐717568,03 0 0 0 467621,35 33‐1 033 0,44231 4c_SI Combination 1767085,58 ‐709274,79 0 0 0 783172,09 33‐1 0,4423133 0,88461 4c_SI Combination 1767085,58 ‐700981,55 0 0 0 1095054,68 33‐1 0,8846133 1,32692 4c_SI Combination 1767085,58 ‐692688,31 0 0 0 1403269,12 33‐1 1,3269234 0 4c_SI Combination ‐833828,19 418077,87 0 0 0 2617568,68 34‐1 034 0,41085 4c_SI Combination ‐838540,68 427204,28 0 0 0 2443926,31 34‐1 0,4108534 0,8217 4c_SI Combination ‐843253,18 436330,69 0 0 0 2266534,34 34‐1 0,821735 0 4c_SI Combination ‐740248,19 454681,77 0 0 0 2266534,34 35‐1 035 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐745217,3 466148,51 0 0 0 2036379,79 35‐1 0,4998835 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐750186,41 477615,24 0 0 0 1800493,2 35‐1 0,9997736 0 4c_SI Combination ‐639576,93 440291,01 0 0 0 1800493,2 36‐1 036 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐643680,55 452095,17 0 0 0 1577448,03 36‐1 0,4998836 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐647784,18 463899,34 0 0 0 1348502,15 36‐1 0,9997737 0 4c_SI Combination ‐548448,59 389596,34 0 0 0 1348502,15 37‐1 037 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐551664,05 401672,71 0 0 0 1150730,45 37‐1 0,4998837 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐554879,51 413749,09 0 0 0 946921,95 37‐1 0,9997738 0 4c_SI Combination ‐472254,52 320035,33 0 0 0 946921,95 38‐1 038 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐474564,05 332317,19 0 0 0 783871,38 38‐1 0,4998838 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐476873,58 344599,05 0 0 0 614681,29 38‐1 0,9997739 0 4c_SI Combination ‐413548,56 245149,93 0 0 0 614681,29 39‐1 039 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐414939,41 257569,42 0 0 0 489030,4 39‐1 0,4998839 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐416330,25 269988,9 0 0 0 357171,19 39‐1 0,9997740 0 4c_SI Combination ‐372482,26 174766,63 0 0 0 357171,19 40‐1 040 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐372946,73 187255,12 0 0 0 266686,6 40‐1 0,4998840 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐373411,2 199743,61 0 0 0 169959,2 40‐1 0,9997741 0 4c_SI Combination ‐347402,04 115404,17 0 0 0 169959,2 41‐1 041 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐346937,57 127892,65 0 0 0 109149,01 41‐1 0,4998841 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐346473,1 140381,14 0 0 0 42096 41‐1 0,9997742 0 4c_SI Combination ‐328672,66 64535,2 0 0 0 42096 42‐1 042 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐327281,82 76954,69 0 0 0 6731,68 42‐1 0,4998842 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐325890,98 89374,17 0 0 0 ‐34840,96 42‐1 0,9997743 0 4c_SI Combination ‐314605,19 23997,17 0 0 0 ‐34840,96 43‐1 043 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐312295,66 36279,03 0 0 0 ‐49906,54 43‐1 0,4998843 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐309986,13 48560,89 0 0 0 ‐71111,63 43‐1 0,9997744 0 4c_SI Combination ‐303520,04 ‐5641,77 0 0 0 ‐71111,63 44‐1 044 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐300304,58 6434,6 0 0 0 ‐71309,79 44‐1 0,4998844 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐297089,12 18510,98 0 0 0 ‐77544,75 44‐1 0,9997745 0 4c_SI Combination ‐293923,38 ‐24599,94 0 0 0 ‐77544,75 45‐1 045 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐289819,76 ‐12795,78 0 0 0 ‐68197,97 45‐1 0,4998845 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐285716,14 ‐991,61 0 0 0 ‐64751,92 45‐1 0,9997746 0 4c_SI Combination ‐284554,66 ‐33467,71 0 0 0 ‐64751,92 46‐1 046 0,49988 4c_SI Combination ‐279585,55 ‐22000,98 0 0 0 ‐50887,94 46‐1 0,4998846 0,99977 4c_SI Combination ‐274616,44 ‐10534,24 0 0 0 ‐42756,01 46‐1 0,9997747 0 4c_SI Combination ‐274326,78 ‐30861,9 0 0 0 ‐42756,01 47‐1 047 0,41085 4c_SI Combination ‐269614,29 ‐21735,49 0 0 0 ‐31951,18 47‐1 0,4108547 0,8217 4c_SI Combination ‐264901,8 ‐12609,08 0 0 0 ‐24895,93 47‐1 0,821748 0 4c_SI Combination ‐3163,65 ‐45954,64 0 0 0 ‐9571,05 48‐1 048 0,44231 4c_SI Combination ‐3163,65 ‐37661,4 0 0 0 8920,9 48‐1 0,4423148 0,88461 4c_SI Combination ‐3163,65 ‐29368,15 0 0 0 23744,7 48‐1 0,8846148 1,32692 4c_SI Combination ‐3163,65 ‐21074,91 0 0 0 34900,34 48‐1 1,3269249 0 4c_SI Combination ‐2927327,18 58712,63 0 0 0 1214299,56 49‐1 049 0,78587 4c_SI Combination ‐2919429,55 71152,5 0 0 0 1163270,93 49‐1 0,7858749 1,57174 4c_SI Combination ‐2911531,93 83592,36 0 0 0 1102466,16 49‐1 1,5717450 0 4c_SI Combination ‐259984,91 ‐71830,42 0 0 0 ‐15324,89 50‐1 050 0,78587 4c_SI Combination ‐252087,28 ‐59390,55 0 0 0 36236,5 50‐1 0,7858750 1,57174 4c_SI Combination ‐244189,65 ‐46950,69 0 0 0 78021,77 50‐1 1,57174

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-58 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

1 0 4d_SI Combination 377740,73 621600,05 0 0 0 ‐181914,07 1‐1 01 0,42121 4d_SI Combination 387217,89 621600,05 0 0 0 ‐443736,3 1‐1 0,421211 0,84241 4d_SI Combination 396695,04 621600,05 0 0 0 ‐705558,54 1‐1 0,842412 0 4d_SI Combination ‐218415,67 ‐322606,73 0 0 0 ‐1120510,16 2‐1 02 0,31092 4d_SI Combination ‐211420,01 ‐322606,73 0 0 0 ‐1020205,71 2‐1 0,310922 0,62184 4d_SI Combination ‐204424,34 ‐322606,73 0 0 0 ‐919901,26 2‐1 0,621843 0 4d_SI Combination ‐206400,04 ‐264392,01 0 0 0 ‐919901,26 3‐1 03 0,46272 4d_SI Combination ‐195988,73 ‐264392,01 0 0 0 ‐797560,51 3‐1 0,462723 0,92545 4d_SI Combination ‐185577,42 ‐264392,01 0 0 0 ‐675219,76 3‐1 0,925454 0 4d_SI Combination ‐187940,79 ‐201693,43 0 0 0 ‐675219,76 4‐1 04 0,46272 4d_SI Combination ‐177529,48 ‐201693,43 0 0 0 ‐581891,2 4‐1 0,462724 0,92545 4d_SI Combination ‐167118,17 ‐201693,43 0 0 0 ‐488562,64 4‐1 0,925455 0 4d_SI Combination ‐154404,63 ‐147184,93 0 0 0 ‐488562,64 5‐1 05 0,67241 4d_SI Combination ‐139330,95 ‐145890,66 0 0 0 ‐390029,65 5‐1 0,672415 1,34481 4d_SI Combination ‐124257,26 ‐144596,39 0 0 0 ‐292366,93 5‐1 1,344816 0 4d_SI Combination ‐110802,41 ‐104931,33 0 0 0 ‐292366,93 6‐1 06 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐99868,79 ‐102314,51 0 0 0 ‐240590,41 6‐1 0,499666 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐88935,16 ‐99697,68 0 0 0 ‐190121,41 6‐1 0,999337 0 4d_SI Combination ‐85322,6 ‐71297,56 0 0 0 ‐190121,41 7‐1 07 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐74809,38 ‐67314,59 0 0 0 ‐155491,74 7‐1 0,499667 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐64296,16 ‐63331,62 0 0 0 ‐122852,22 7‐1 0,999338 0 4d_SI Combination ‐63101,84 ‐53846,6 0 0 0 ‐122852,22 8‐1 08 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐53178,96 ‐48561,86 0 0 0 ‐97267,36 8‐1 0,499668 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐43256,09 ‐43277,13 0 0 0 ‐74323,1 8‐1 0,999339 0 4d_SI Combination ‐42448,88 ‐45727,43 0 0 0 ‐74323,1 9‐1 09 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐33276,75 ‐39226,36 0 0 0 ‐53098,97 9‐1 0,499669 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐24104,62 ‐32725,29 0 0 0 ‐35123,19 9‐1 0,9993310 0 4d_SI Combination ‐25091,48 ‐33491,28 0 0 0 ‐35123,19 10‐1 010 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐16818,37 ‐25878,96 0 0 0 ‐20290,64 10‐1 0,4996610 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐8545,25 ‐18266,64 0 0 0 ‐9261,68 10‐1 0,9993311 0 4d_SI Combination ‐11706,65 ‐17868,44 0 0 0 ‐9261,68 11‐1 011 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐4466,28 ‐9267,93 0 0 0 ‐2482,16 11‐1 0,4996611 0,99933 4d_SI Combination 2774,1 ‐667,41 0 0 0 ‐2,324E‐08 11‐1 0,9993322 0 4d_SI Combination ‐1095,79 ‐2590,47 0 0 0 0 22‐1 022 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐8336,17 6010,05 0 0 0 ‐854,32 22‐1 0,4996622 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐15576,54 14610,56 0 0 0 ‐6005,99 22‐1 0,9993323 0 4d_SI Combination ‐21782,58 14718,42 0 0 0 ‐6005,99 23‐1 023 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐30055,7 22330,74 0 0 0 ‐15262,04 23‐1 0,4996623 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐38328,81 29943,06 0 0 0 ‐28321,67 23‐1 0,9993324 0 4d_SI Combination ‐50298,51 35344,28 0 0 0 ‐28321,67 24‐1 024 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐59470,64 41845,35 0 0 0 ‐47606,07 24‐1 0,4996624 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐68642,76 48346,42 0 0 0 ‐70138,81 24‐1 0,9993325 0 4d_SI Combination ‐85901,95 56913,35 0 0 0 ‐70138,81 25‐1 025 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐95824,82 62198,09 0 0 0 ‐99896,59 25‐1 0,4996625 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐105747,7 67482,82 0 0 0 ‐132294,95 25‐1 0,9993326 0 4d_SI Combination ‐126689,93 77420,96 0 0 0 ‐132294,95 26‐1 026 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐137203,15 81403,93 0 0 0 ‐171974,4 26‐1 0,4996626 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐147716,37 85386,9 0 0 0 ‐213644 26‐1 0,9993327 0 4d_SI Combination ‐169845,02 95682,75 0 0 0 ‐213644 27‐1 027 0,49966 4d_SI Combination ‐180778,64 98299,58 0 0 0 ‐262106,88 27‐1 0,4996627 0,99933 4d_SI Combination ‐191712,26 100916,4 0 0 0 ‐311877,29 27‐1 0,9993328 0 4d_SI Combination ‐213842,52 113068,96 0 0 0 ‐311877,29 28‐1 028 0,67241 4d_SI Combination ‐228916,21 114363,23 0 0 0 ‐388340,75 28‐1 0,6724128 1,34481 4d_SI Combination ‐243989,89 115657,49 0 0 0 ‐465674,48 28‐1 1,3448129 0 4d_SI Combination ‐256635,68 ‐146744,57 0 0 0 465674,48 29‐1 029 0,46272 4d_SI Combination ‐267046,99 ‐146744,57 0 0 0 533576,84 29‐1 0,4627229 0,92545 4d_SI Combination ‐277458,3 ‐146744,57 0 0 0 601479,2 29‐1 0,9254530 0 4d_SI Combination ‐275094,93 ‐196494,47 0 0 0 601479,2 30‐1 030 0,46272 4d_SI Combination ‐285506,24 ‐196494,47 0 0 0 692402,07 30‐1 0,4627230 0,92545 4d_SI Combination ‐295917,55 ‐196494,47 0 0 0 783324,94 30‐1 0,9254531 0 4d_SI Combination ‐293941,85 ‐243884,53 0 0 0 783324,94 31‐1 031 0,31092 4d_SI Combination ‐300937,52 ‐243884,53 0 0 0 859153,19 31‐1 0,3109231 0,62184 4d_SI Combination ‐307933,18 ‐243884,53 0 0 0 934981,44 31‐1 0,6218432 0 4d_SI Combination 226533,5 514204,61 0 0 0 583029,07 32‐1 032 0,42121 4d_SI Combination 217056,35 514204,61 0 0 0 366442,54 32‐1 0,4212132 0,84241 4d_SI Combination 207579,19 514204,61 0 0 0 149856 32‐1 0,84241

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-59 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

TABLE:  Element Forces ‐ FramesFrame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStationText m Text Text N N N N-m N-m N-m Text m

33 0 4d_SI Combination 465638,35 ‐171405,75 0 0 0 149856 33‐1 033 0,44231 4d_SI Combination 465638,35 ‐163112,51 0 0 0 223835,76 33‐1 0,4423133 0,88461 4d_SI Combination 465638,35 ‐154819,27 0 0 0 294147,37 33‐1 0,8846133 1,32692 4d_SI Combination 465638,35 ‐146526,03 0 0 0 360790,82 33‐1 1,3269234 0 4d_SI Combination ‐406065,83 108587,24 0 0 0 665390,97 34‐1 034 0,41085 4d_SI Combination ‐410778,32 117713,65 0 0 0 618903,03 34‐1 0,4108534 0,8217 4d_SI Combination ‐415490,81 126840,06 0 0 0 568665,5 34‐1 0,821735 0 4d_SI Combination ‐382261,44 115993,27 0 0 0 568665,5 35‐1 035 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐387230,55 127460,01 0 0 0 507816,2 35‐1 0,4998835 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐392199,66 138926,74 0 0 0 441234,85 35‐1 0,9997736 0 4d_SI Combination ‐357579,32 108130,56 0 0 0 441234,85 36‐1 036 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐361682,94 119934,73 0 0 0 384231,66 36‐1 0,4998836 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐365786,56 131738,9 0 0 0 321327,74 36‐1 0,9997737 0 4d_SI Combination ‐335772,04 87296,4 0 0 0 321327,74 37‐1 037 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐338987,5 99372,77 0 0 0 274671,2 37‐1 0,4998837 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐342202,96 111449,15 0 0 0 221977,86 37‐1 0,9997738 0 4d_SI Combination ‐318639,38 57905,13 0 0 0 221977,86 38‐1 038 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐320948,91 70186,99 0 0 0 189962,2 38‐1 0,4998838 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐323258,44 82468,85 0 0 0 151807,03 38‐1 0,9997739 0 4d_SI Combination ‐307303,77 23506,28 0 0 0 151807,03 39‐1 039 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐308694,62 35925,77 0 0 0 136952,44 39‐1 0,4998839 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐310085,46 48345,25 0 0 0 115889,54 39‐1 0,9997740 0 4d_SI Combination ‐302303,28 ‐13021,4 0 0 0 115889,54 40‐1 040 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐302767,75 ‐532,91 0 0 0 119277,34 40‐1 0,4998840 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐303232,22 11955,57 0 0 0 116422,33 40‐1 0,9997741 0 4d_SI Combination ‐303678,65 ‐49197,48 0 0 0 116422,33 41‐1 041 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐303214,18 ‐36708,99 0 0 0 137894 41‐1 0,4998841 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐302749,71 ‐24220,51 0 0 0 153122,87 41‐1 0,9997742 0 4d_SI Combination ‐313354,25 ‐87118,05 0 0 0 153122,87 42‐1 042 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐311963,4 ‐74698,57 0 0 0 193567,71 42‐1 0,4998842 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐310572,56 ‐62279,08 0 0 0 227804,23 42‐1 0,9997743 0 4d_SI Combination ‐331430,23 ‐123532,07 0 0 0 227804,23 43‐1 043 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐329120,7 ‐111250,21 0 0 0 286486,29 43‐1 0,4998843 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐326811,16 ‐98968,35 0 0 0 339028,82 43‐1 0,9997744 0 4d_SI Combination ‐357280,24 ‐154324,18 0 0 0 339028,82 44‐1 044 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐354064,78 ‐142247,81 0 0 0 413154,75 44‐1 0,4998844 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐350849,32 ‐130171,43 0 0 0 481243,87 44‐1 0,9997745 0 4d_SI Combination ‐389390,56 ‐174267,95 0 0 0 481243,87 45‐1 045 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐385286,94 ‐162463,78 0 0 0 565407,41 45‐1 0,4998845 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐381183,32 ‐150659,62 0 0 0 643670,23 45‐1 0,9997746 0 4d_SI Combination ‐425230,62 ‐176884,89 0 0 0 643670,23 46‐1 046 0,49988 4d_SI Combination ‐420261,51 ‐165418,16 0 0 0 729226,29 46‐1 0,4998846 0,99977 4d_SI Combination ‐415292,4 ‐153951,42 0 0 0 809050,29 46‐1 0,9997747 0 4d_SI Combination ‐456922,1 ‐154725,71 0 0 0 809050,29 47‐1 047 0,41085 4d_SI Combination ‐452209,61 ‐145599,3 0 0 0 870744,66 47‐1 0,4108547 0,8217 4d_SI Combination ‐447497,12 ‐136472,89 0 0 0 928689,44 47‐1 0,821748 0 4d_SI Combination 605667,23 225050,94 0 0 0 497045,06 48‐1 048 0,44231 4d_SI Combination 605667,23 233344,18 0 0 0 395669,55 48‐1 0,4423148 0,88461 4d_SI Combination 605667,23 241637,42 0 0 0 290625,88 48‐1 0,8846148 1,32692 4d_SI Combination 605667,23 249930,67 0 0 0 181914,07 48‐1 1,3269249 0 4d_SI Combination ‐978513,37 ‐42567,08 0 0 0 304600,15 49‐1 049 0,78587 4d_SI Combination ‐970615,74 ‐30127,21 0 0 0 333164,33 49‐1 0,7858749 1,57174 4d_SI Combination ‐962718,11 ‐17687,35 0 0 0 351952,37 49‐1 1,5717450 0 4d_SI Combination ‐1193159,18 ‐1819,32 0 0 0 431644,38 50‐1 050 0,78587 4d_SI Combination ‐1185261,55 10620,54 0 0 0 428186,07 50‐1 0,7858750 1,57174 4d_SI Combination ‐1177363,92 23060,4 0 0 0 414951,62 50‐1 1,57174

Segue Tabella 3-2


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-60 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3


Si riportano di seguito le verifiche effettuate nelle sezioni maggiormente sollecitate (SLU e


L’armatura di riferimento è indicata in Tabella 4-1.

Spessorecm intradosso estradosso intradosso estradosso

Arco rovescio 100 φ26/15 φ26/15+φ26/15 φ18/15 φ18/15 φ16/30/45 φ16/75/75Piedritti 90 φ26/15+φ26/15 φ26/15+φ26/15 φ18/15 φ18/15 φ16/30/45Muretta 110 φ26/15+φ26/15 φ26/15+φ26/15+φ26/30 φ18/15 φ18/15 φ16/30/45

CavallottiElemento strutturale

Armatura di forza Ripartitori Spilli

Tabella 4-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2 – Armatura


Per ognuna delle verifiche vengono individuate, per ogni condizione di carico, le condizioni

maggiormente gravose, in base alle quali vengono successivamente effettuate le verifiche.

In Tabella 4-2 e in Tabella 4-3 sono riportati i valori di riferimento per le verifiche strutturali

rispettivamente allo SLU e allo SLE.

I risultati delle verifiche allo SLU sono riportate in Figura 4-1 (dominio di interazione M-N) e

in Tabella 4-4 (verifiche a taglio), i risultati delle verifiche allo SLE (limitazione delle

tensioni e apertura delle fessure) sono invece sintetizzati in Tabella 4-5.

Tutte le verifiche risultano soddisfatte.


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-61 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLU PRESSOFLESS1 34 0 1_ST_PP 19.39 11.75 13.832 39 1.00 1_ST_PP 16.01 -46.42 16.953 40 0.00 1_ST_PP 13.39 -46.42 -17.184 34 0.00 2a_ST_ka 372.37 789.68 142.025 34 0.41 2a_ST_ka 378.73 728.80 154.346 34 0.82 2a_ST_ka 385.09 662.86 166.667 34 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 470.87 1140.30 217.958 34 0.41 2b_ST_kaQ 477.23 1048.23 230.279 34 0.82 2b_ST_kaQ 483.59 951.09 242.59

10 35 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 422.74 951.09 216.4011 35 0.50 2b_ST_kaQ 429.45 839.04 231.8812 35 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ 436.16 719.26 247.3613 34 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 703.62 1734.08 301.6414 34 0.41 3b_ST_k0Q 709.98 1607.62 313.9615 34 0.82 3b_ST_k0Q 716.34 1476.10 326.2816 34 0.00 4a_SI 842.52 2621.99 427.0117 34 0.41 4a_SI 847.23 2444.68 436.1418 34 0.82 4a_SI 851.95 2263.62 445.2719 47 0.00 4b_SI 462.79 804.60 -159.6920 47 0.41 4b_SI 458.08 868.33 -150.5621 47 0.82 4b_SI 453.37 928.32 -141.4422 34 0.00 4c_SI 833.83 2617.57 418.0823 34 0.41 4c_SI 838.54 2443.93 427.2024 34 0.82 4c_SI 843.25 2266.53 436.3325 47 0.00 4d_SI 456.92 809.05 -154.7326 47 0.41 4d_SI 452.21 870.74 -145.6027 47 0.82 4d_SI 447.50 928.69 -136.47

SLU TAGLIO1 34 0.8217 1_ST_PP 32.11 -9.73 38.472 35 1.00 2a_ST_ka 349.86 505.04 173.343 35 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ 436.16 719.26 247.364 35 1.00 3a_ST_k0 522.52 825.88 243.305 35 1.00 3b_ST_k0Q 649.69 1146.18 345.486 35 1.00 4a_SI 757.26 1791.62 483.577 46 0.00 4b_SI 430.38 635.84 -180.278 35 1.00 4c_SI 750.19 1800.49 477.629 46 0.00 4d_SI 425.23 643.67 -176.88

Tabella 4-2 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, arco rovescio - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLU

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLE1 34 0.00 1_ST_PP 14.36 8.71 10.242 39 1.00 1_ST_PP 11.86 -34.39 12.553 40 0.00 1_ST_PP 9.92 -34.39 -12.724 34 0.00 2a_ST_ka 275.83 584.95 105.205 34 0.41 2a_ST_ka 280.54 539.86 114.326 34 0.82 2a_ST_ka 285.25 491.01 123.457 34 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 348.79 844.67 161.458 34 0.41 2b_ST_kaQ 353.50 776.46 170.579 34 0.82 2b_ST_kaQ 358.22 704.51 179.70

10 35 0.00 2b_ST_kaQ 313.14 704.51 160.3011 35 0.50 2b_ST_kaQ 318.11 621.51 171.7612 35 1.00 2b_ST_kaQ 323.08 532.78 183.2313 34 0.00 3b_ST_k0Q 521.20 1284.51 223.4414 34 0.41 3b_ST_k0Q 525.91 1190.83 232.5615 34 0.82 3b_ST_k0Q 530.62 1093.41 241.69

Tabella 4-3 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, arco rovescio - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-62 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

Figura 4-1 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-32.1 -9.7 38.5 38.5 438.3 4637.1 925.6 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-349.9 505.0 173.3 173.3 482.6 4637.1 969.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -436.2 719.3 247.4 247.4 494.7 4637.1 981.9 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -522.5 825.9 243.3 243.3 506.7 4637.1 994 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -649.7 1146.2 345.5 345.5 524.5 4637.1 1011.7 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -757.3 1791.6 483.6 483.6 539.5 4637.1 1026.7 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -430.4 635.8 -180.3 180.3 493.9 4637.1 981.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -750.2 1800.5 477.6 477.6 538.5 4637.1 1025.7 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -425.2 643.7 -176.9 176.9 493.1 4637.1 980.4 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 4-4 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-63 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.168

-14.4 8.7 10.2 -0.06 - Verif. 51.30 0.7 Verif. 0.000 0.000 Verif.-13.1 -34.3 13.8 - -0.25 Verif. 25.74 9.7 Verif. 0.003 0.006 Verif.-9.1 -34.3 -12.3 - -0.25 Verif. 24.64 10.2 Verif. 0.003 0.006 Verif.

-275.8 585.0 105.2 -3.94 - Verif. 36.41 91.8 Verif. 0.022 0.038 Verif.-280.5 539.9 114.3 -3.65 - Verif. 36.95 83.1 Verif. 0.018 0.031 Verif.-285.3 491.0 123.5 -3.34 - Verif. 37.66 73.7 Verif. 0.016 0.027 Verif.-348.8 844.7 161.4 -5.65 - Verif. 35.75 135.7 Verif. 0.054 0.092 Verif.-353.5 776.5 170.6 -5.22 - Verif. 36.22 122.6 Verif. 0.045 0.077 Verif.-358.2 704.5 179.7 -4.76 - Verif. 36.83 108.9 Verif. 0.035 0.059 Verif.-414.7 909.6 148.0 -6.11 - Verif. 36.23 143.6 Verif. 0.059 0.100 Verif.-419.4 846.9 157.1 -5.72 - Verif. 36.68 131.6 Verif. 0.051 0.086 Verif.-424.1 780.5 166.2 -5.29 - Verif. 37.23 118.9 Verif. 0.042 0.071 Verif.-521.2 1284.5 223.4 -8.58 - Verif. 35.67 206.9 Verif. 0.099 0.168 Verif.-525.9 1190.8 232.6 -7.99 - Verif. 36.07 189.1 Verif. 0.088 0.149 Verif.-530.6 1093.4 241.7 -7.37 - Verif. 36.56 170.6 Verif. 0.076 0.129 Verif.

Tabella 4-5 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, arco rovescio - verifica allo SLE


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-64 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3


Per ognuna delle verifiche vengono individuate, per ogni condizione di carico, le condizioni

maggiormente gravose, in base alle quali vengono successivamente effettuate le verifiche.


Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLU PRESSOFLESS1 2 0 1_ST_PP 298.09 -246.67 0.002 5 0.00 1_ST_PP 222.16 -246.67 -19.083 28 1.34 2a_ST_ka 371.82 -680.40 142.504 31 0.31 2a_ST_ka 458.28 1097.96 -250.875 31 0.62 2a_ST_ka 467.72 1175.96 -250.876 28 1.34 2b_ST_kaQ 463.69 -1012.76 193.897 31 0.31 2b_ST_kaQ 555.76 1552.06 -314.938 31 0.62 2b_ST_kaQ 565.21 1649.98 -314.939 28 1.34 3a_ST_k0 366.41 -845.72 205.47

10 31 0.31 3a_ST_k0 458.28 1502.78 -394.7711 31 0.62 3a_ST_k0 467.72 1625.52 -394.7712 28 1.34 3b_ST_k0Q 456.16 -1269.15 281.6213 31 0.31 3b_ST_k0Q 555.76 2117.78 -495.5714 31 0.62 3b_ST_k0Q 565.21 2271.86 -495.5715 28 1.34 4a_SI 278.71 -1619.58 423.2616 30 0.00 4a_SI 348.20 2090.65 -606.7617 31 0.31 4a_SI 378.00 2868.03 -694.2718 31 0.62 4a_SI 384.99 3083.89 -694.2719 2 0.00 4b_SI 272.55 -1163.57 -322.6120 2 0.31 4b_SI 265.56 -1063.27 -322.6121 31 0.62 4b_SI 384.99 1000.92 -243.8822 28 1.34 4c_SI 218.03 -1553.64 418.0523 30 0.00 4c_SI 275.09 2024.70 -606.7624 31 0.31 4c_SI 300.94 2802.09 -694.2725 31 0.62 4c_SI 307.93 3017.95 -694.2726 2 0.00 4d_SI 218.42 -1120.51 -322.6127 2 0.31 4d_SI 211.42 -1020.21 -322.6128 31 0.62 4d_SI 307.93 934.98 -243.88

SLU TAGLIO1 8 0 1_ST_PP 107.17 -136.17 -57.082 31 0.62 2a_ST_ka 467.72 1175.96 -250.873 31 0.62 2b_ST_kaQ 565.21 1649.98 -314.934 31 0.62 3a_ST_k0 467.72 1625.52 -394.775 31 0.62 3b_ST_k0Q 565.21 2271.86 -495.576 31 0.62 4a_SI 384.99 3083.89 -694.277 2 0.00 4b_SI 272.55 -1163.57 -322.618 34 0.00 4c_SI 300.94 2802.09 -694.279 2 0.00 4d_SI 218.42 -1120.51 -322.61

Tabella 4-6 e in Tabella 4-7 sono riportati i valori di riferimento per le verifiche strutturali

rispettivamente allo SLU e allo SLE.

I risultati delle verifiche allo SLU sono riportate in Figura 4-2 (dominio di interazione M-N) e

in Tabella 4-8 (verifiche a taglio), i risultati delle verifiche allo SLE (limitazione delle

tensioni e apertura delle fessure) sono invece sintetizzati in Tabella 4-9.

Come spessore di riferimento per le verifiche strutturali è stato assunto il valore minimo

relativo al tratto di struttura interessato, ovvero 90cm. Per le combinazioni in condizioni

sismiche 4a e 4c in corrispondenza dell’innesto con la muretta le sollecitazioni sono


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-65 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

esterne al dominio di resistenza della sezione considerata. In tale tratta però la struttura

presenta spessori maggiori rispetto a quelli assunti nei calcoli (superiori a 110 cm);

considerando uno spessore più realistico (110cm) e prevedendo verri aggiuntivi nel tratto

interessato (φ26/30) la sezione risulta verificata.

Si tenga inoltre presente che la sezione di riferimento assunta ai fini del calcolo è molto

vicina al tratto di portale a sezione chiusa, mentre nei calcoli viene trascurato l’effetto

tridimensionale, inoltre i piedritti sono di altezza variabile, quindi le sollecitazioni nel nodo

di muretta decrescono rapidamente.

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLU PRESSOFLESS1 2 0 1_ST_PP 298.09 -246.67 0.002 5 0.00 1_ST_PP 222.16 -246.67 -19.083 28 1.34 2a_ST_ka 371.82 -680.40 142.504 31 0.31 2a_ST_ka 458.28 1097.96 -250.875 31 0.62 2a_ST_ka 467.72 1175.96 -250.876 28 1.34 2b_ST_kaQ 463.69 -1012.76 193.897 31 0.31 2b_ST_kaQ 555.76 1552.06 -314.938 31 0.62 2b_ST_kaQ 565.21 1649.98 -314.939 28 1.34 3a_ST_k0 366.41 -845.72 205.47

10 31 0.31 3a_ST_k0 458.28 1502.78 -394.7711 31 0.62 3a_ST_k0 467.72 1625.52 -394.7712 28 1.34 3b_ST_k0Q 456.16 -1269.15 281.6213 31 0.31 3b_ST_k0Q 555.76 2117.78 -495.5714 31 0.62 3b_ST_k0Q 565.21 2271.86 -495.5715 28 1.34 4a_SI 278.71 -1619.58 423.2616 30 0.00 4a_SI 348.20 2090.65 -606.7617 31 0.31 4a_SI 378.00 2868.03 -694.2718 31 0.62 4a_SI 384.99 3083.89 -694.2719 2 0.00 4b_SI 272.55 -1163.57 -322.6120 2 0.31 4b_SI 265.56 -1063.27 -322.6121 31 0.62 4b_SI 384.99 1000.92 -243.8822 28 1.34 4c_SI 218.03 -1553.64 418.0523 30 0.00 4c_SI 275.09 2024.70 -606.7624 31 0.31 4c_SI 300.94 2802.09 -694.2725 31 0.62 4c_SI 307.93 3017.95 -694.2726 2 0.00 4d_SI 218.42 -1120.51 -322.6127 2 0.31 4d_SI 211.42 -1020.21 -322.6128 31 0.62 4d_SI 307.93 934.98 -243.88

SLU TAGLIO1 8 0 1_ST_PP 107.17 -136.17 -57.082 31 0.62 2a_ST_ka 467.72 1175.96 -250.873 31 0.62 2b_ST_kaQ 565.21 1649.98 -314.934 31 0.62 3a_ST_k0 467.72 1625.52 -394.775 31 0.62 3b_ST_k0Q 565.21 2271.86 -495.576 31 0.62 4a_SI 384.99 3083.89 -694.277 2 0.00 4b_SI 272.55 -1163.57 -322.618 34 0.00 4c_SI 300.94 2802.09 -694.279 2 0.00 4d_SI 218.42 -1120.51 -322.61

Tabella 4-6 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, piedritti - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLU


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-66 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

Frame Station OutputCase P M3 V2Text m Text kN kNm kN

SLE1 2 0.00 1_ST_PP 220.80 -182.72 0.002 5 0.00 1_ST_PP 164.56 -182.72 -14.133 28 1.34 2a_ST_ka 275.42 -504.00 105.564 31 0.31 2a_ST_ka 339.47 813.30 -185.835 31 0.62 2a_ST_ka 346.46 871.08 -185.836 28 1.34 2b_ST_kaQ 343.47 -750.19 143.627 31 0.31 2b_ST_kaQ 411.68 1149.67 -233.288 31 0.62 2b_ST_kaQ 418.67 1222.20 -233.289 28 1.34 3a_ST_k0 271.42 -626.46 152.20

10 31 0.31 3a_ST_k0 339.47 1113.17 -292.4211 31 0.62 3a_ST_k0 346.46 1204.09 -292.4212 28 1.34 3b_ST_k0Q 337.89 -940.11 208.6113 31 0.31 3b_ST_k0Q 411.68 1568.72 -367.0914 31 0.62 3b_ST_k0Q 418.67 1682.86 -367.09

Tabella 4-7 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, piedritti - Valori di riferimento per verifiche allo SLE

Figura 4-2 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di pressoflessione


Sollecitazioni Armatura taglio

N M T Vsd VRd1 VRd2 VRd3

[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] Risultato Verifica

-107.2 -136.2 -57.1 57.1 407.2 4138.5 842.1 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

-467.7 1176.0 -250.9 250.9 457.1 4138.5 892 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -565.2 1650.0 -314.9 314.9 470.6 4138.5 905.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -467.7 1625.5 -394.8 394.8 457.1 4138.5 892 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -565.2 2271.9 -495.6 495.6 470.6 4138.5 905.5 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-385.0 3083.9 -694.3 694.3 445.7 4138.5 880.5 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-272.6 -1163.6 -322.6 322.6 430.1 4138.5 865 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif. -300.9 2802.1 -694.3 694.3 434.1 4138.5 868.9 Vsd<=Vrd3. Verif.-218.4 -1120.5 -322.6 322.6 422.6 4138.5 857.5 Vsd<=Vrd1. Verif.

Tabella 4-8 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, piedritti - verifica allo SLU per sollecitazioni di taglio


Spea – Ufficio Tunnelling A3-67 / A3-67

TUN 050 Allegato 3

VERIFICHE SLE/TA SEZIONI IN CLSSollecit. Tensioni calcestruzzo asse neutro Tensioni Acciaio Fessuraz.

N M T σc(1) σc(2) x σs max.: w m w k max.:[kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [MPa] [MPa] [cm] [MPa] 0 [mm] [mm] 0.274

-220.8 -182.7 0.0 - -1.43 Verif. 38.30 25 Verif. 0.005 0.009 Verif.-164.6 -182.7 -14.1 - -1.40 Verif. 35.24 28.4 Verif. 0.006 0.011 Verif.-275.4 -504.0 105.6 - -3.76 Verif. 31.97 90 Verif. 0.025 0.043 Verif.-339.5 813.3 -185.8 -6.00 - Verif. 30.83 152.3 Verif. 0.068 0.116 Verif.-346.5 871.1 -185.8 -6.42 - Verif. 30.66 164.2 Verif. 0.076 0.129 Verif.-343.5 -750.2 143.6 - -5.56 Verif. 31.18 138.4 Verif. 0.059 0.101 Verif.-411.7 1149.7 -233.3 -8.44 - Verif. 30.32 219.8 Verif. 0.109 0.185 Verif.-418.7 1222.2 -233.3 -8.96 - Verif. 30.19 234.9 Verif. 0.118 0.201 Verif.-271.4 -626.5 152.2 - -4.63 Verif. 30.97 116.6 Verif. 0.045 0.077 Verif.-339.5 1113.2 -292.4 -8.13 - Verif. 29.87 216.8 Verif. 0.108 0.183 Verif.-346.5 1204.1 -292.4 -8.78 - Verif. 29.73 235.9 Verif. 0.119 0.202 Verif.-337.9 -940.1 208.6 - -6.90 Verif. 30.33 179.6 Verif. 0.085 0.145 Verif.-411.7 1568.7 -367.1 -11.40 - Verif. 29.51 310 Verif. 0.161 0.274 Verif.-418.7 1682.9 -367.1 -10.11 - Verif. 32.06 288.4 Verif. 0.147 0.251 Verif.

Tabella 4-9 Portale a becco di flauto, sez 2, piedritti - verifica allo SLE