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The aerodrome is located 1.8 km east-northeast of Caransebeş in western Romania, in Caraş-Severin county. A former military base, this was the only commercial airport in Romania not located in the proximity of a large urban area. Since the airport sale, the airport was closed to public and Romanian Aeroclub operates here, mostly for general avia�on. ADMINISTRATOR: SC Caransebes Airport SA ADDRESS: No.1, Airport Road, Caransebeș, Caraș-Severin County CONTACT PERSON: Olariu Gabriel Daniel (General Director) +40 722 436 142 offi[email protected]) SERVICES AT THE AERODROME: Maintenance: On request. Hangarage: Yes, on prior request. Fuel: On request. ACTIVITIES AT THE AERODROME: Romanian Aeroclub Flight School for: PPL, ULM and Gliders Contact Person: Chris�an Iorgov +40 722 568 565 [email protected] Avia�on College: Olariu Gabriel Daniel +40 722 436 142 TRANSPORTATION: Taxi +40 726 225 545 Rompetrol Partner (3.4 km from the aerodrome) ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Eden Guesthouse Caransebeș **** 2.6 km from the aerodrome +40 721 242 534 Restaurant Armando, 2.5 km from the aerodrome +40 752 111 323, +40 255 517 308 recep�[email protected] ATTRACTION NEAR THE AERODROME: Love Tunnel situated on the railway that connects Caransebeș with Bautar it was accidentally discov- ered in 2013 Valiug Lake is the perfect spot for prac�cing nau�cal sports, fishing and for sunbathing. It is a water storage lake on Barzava, used for producing electrical energy, having an area of 12.6 ha. The construc�on of the dam took place in 1909 Ochiul Beiului Lake is of karst origin and is part of Cheile Nerei Na�onal Park. The blue-green water does not freeze even in winter. Ski Resort - Muntele Mic (h�ps://travelguidero- Mountain Bike - Muntele Mic TARCU PEAK (h�ps:// ©2018 RAS AirDesign Produced by - 59 CARANSEBEŞ - LRCS


Nov 19, 2021



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The aerodrome is located 1.8 km east-northeast of Caransebeş in western Romania, in Caraş-Severin county. A former military base, this was the only commercial airport in Romania not located in the proximity of a large urban area. Since the airport sale, the airport was closed to public and Romanian Aeroclub operates here, mostly for general avia�on.

ADMINISTRATOR: SC Caransebes Airport SAADDRESS: No.1, Airport Road, Caransebeș, Caraș-Severin CountyCONTACT PERSON: Olariu Gabriel Daniel (General Director) +40 722 436 142

[email protected])

SERVICES AT THE AERODROME: • Maintenance: On request. • Hangarage: Yes, on prior request. • Fuel: On request.

ACTIVITIES AT THE AERODROME: Romanian Aeroclub Flight School for: • PPL, ULM and GlidersContact Person: Chris�an Iorgov +40 722 568 565 [email protected]

Avia�on College: Olariu Gabriel Daniel +40 722 436 142

TRANSPORTATION: Taxi +40 726 225 545 Rompetrol Partner (3.4 km from the aerodrome)ACCOMMODATION & FOOD:

Eden Guesthouse Caransebeș **** 2.6 km from the aerodrome +40 721 242 534

Restaurant Armando, 2.5 km from the aerodrome +40 752 111 323, +40 255 517 308 recep�[email protected]

ATTRACTION NEAR THE AERODROME: • Love Tunnel situated on the railway that connects Caransebeș with Bautar it was accidentally discov-ered in 2013• Valiug Lake is the perfect spot for prac�cing nau�cal sports, fishing and for sunbathing. It is a water storage lake on Barzava, used for producing electrical energy, having an area of 12.6 ha. The construc�on of the dam took place in 1909• Ochiul Beiului Lake is of karst origin and is part of Cheile Nerei Na�onal Park. The blue-green water does not freeze even in winter.• Ski Resort - Muntele Mic (h�ps://• Mountain Bike - Muntele Mic TARCU PEAK (h�ps://



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