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ca u. jHMfflRnmHNnHnflmBHfl^Hkse. wo mB^^fflgHHBHEjBHBm^BH^Ki ofSn ^ dgrnent, Life i3 HMBnwnHnnH and thua l^c 001130" MHBMWbMM friends is Angels wCQ.t on or r ^ ' (subject of this brief memoir wag cq© wnosovmm ^B fve piety and gentleness c$>uld not fail to win the gBB. pnate regards of all wbofermed her acquaintance. of herhv one who knew her well,. '/To a disBH^jpn naturally amiable, was added the 'meek and ^BBKipirit' of. the. gospel While she won upon all HB fid, by her kindness in word and look, she failed B ' a impress all with the firmness of her principles, H .'../dignity which sustained cheerfuluess without levB.;:^W gentleness without softness." ,W. ~ For Congre33. >.'>) friends "6f .Jlon. FRAXKLIN L MOSES anKT iqe him as a candidate to represent this Congres- District in the next.Congress. , FOUND. B LARGE KEY has- boon left at this office, found K i. by a servant, which the owner can have by payB ; JT-for this notice. Dec. 28. I MRSTCI1 EESBOROTTGH'S A DAUGHTER'S BOARDING AND DAT SCHOOL, I FOB YOUNG LADIES, K No. 18, Chrtrch Street, Charleston, S. O. ,.;.:|AHE Exercises of this School will'be resumed on .1. the 3d of Janory, 1853. Young Ladies are faitli| dly instructed in all the branches of a complete Eng ih eflucation. with the Languages. Music, Drawing, B^wijncin# and Fancy Worka V Commodious School Rooms have bean recently ereoI' -ad on tho promises. The greatest attention is" paid to I the deportment of the pupils, as well as to their perso| nal comfort. The locality is one of the most desirable in the city, experience having proved it to be of unsurpassed salubrity. ^ Dec. 28.21. I Bull Road and Bauk Dirldeud. P r|"MIE South Carolina Railroad Company have doI" dared a Dividend of THREE DOLLARS AXD I FIFTY CENTS Der Share for the lastsi^ months, and ft tl*& Southwestern Railroad Bank have declared for the sank time, a Dividend of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS I per share. The united Dividend of FOUR DOLLARS I AND TWENTY EIVE CENTS per Share will be the aforesaid Bank, on and after ^he 1st prox. tufRoad Dividedd of Three Dollars and Fifty Cents HI V>ek having no correepondmg^haw'sWhc Bank, IjR. pal^oi^ndajjH^il^Tst proximofafjhe Bu^Kg&uH^SPR!rapany !n John Street.J TH03. WARING, Auditor X W So. Ca Rail Road Co. B JAMES G. HOLMES, Cashier. g^HT-Three Pairs of Horses. H£, sell on Monday the 3d day of January next, Court House in Camden, 3 pairs splendid ^I^^BUorses. One pair are fancy and the others rr>- i"> ""W fifftiian without reserve. XV W oyiyt «w* . BE ~. SOUTH-CAROLINA B*txpebance advocate. HLl^pcr having been removed Vo Cumden, and iiinpTTn h*»m1 control of the ' mbaanbttyjmUDQ published regularly every week on and after the Sth of January. *jv Tha paper is designed as the Oegax >of the Cause ot Temperance, embracing every Odder and Organisation, It will be a Miscellaneous Family Journal and Agricultural Pater, and tbo.aim of the present ^roprieBor wiin>e to maico ttin oveiyrfespect worthy the confidence and support, not only of Ternperanoe Men,- but of the reading public generally. ^ I '" all. who fool an interest in its success, will,- at once, use their influence to accomplish its permanent establishment. TERMS-TWO DOLLARS,' IN ADVANCE. Subscriptions for six months received at the samorato. In each case the cash must aocompany the order and oil letters by mail arc expected to be pre-paid. £3^~TliOso who havo paid the former proprietor in advance for the year 1852, will be furnished with the pQjper until the time for which tlioy have paid expires. The accounts for 1852 having been transferred to the gu'oseriber, tboee who are in arrears will oblige him by remitting tlieajnooiit^mmediatitly. Address THO. J. WARREN, Camden, S. C. December 24,-1852. .>*- » Egg^Wni our brethren of the press give the above notice a few insertions in tboir respective papers? . IIV"» i*in« .'I . « hi y - t< The Camden Male Academy "1"XTIIA be opened on the first (3rd) Monday in Jan- T T uary by S. U. UETASS. The course ofinstruction will embrace all thebranches of a ,thorough English Education. The scholastic year will be divided into two sessions of five months each. TEEMS FEE SESSION". For the Elementary Branches,. $12.00 For. th# more advanced Studies, 16.00 .The above, together with tholr'ghqr branches of ® Mathematics, 18.00 g Dea 10 09 tf I JUST REC£1TCV K*~ AT THE WHOLESALE HOUSES, ft 9 A BOXES BUCKWHEAT, 600 Havana Oranges, Rico, Lard, and Mackg^reL- ^ W. C. MOORE. The Southern Agriculturist, flfti MONTHLY Journal of Rural Affairs, Mechanics, CgftjL Manufactures, Pomology and Horticulture. Bl EDITED BY A. G. SUMMER. SUM HER, Pomological and Horticultural Editor. HTji:'- subscriber -will publish, at Laurensville, S. C., N^Boout the 20th January, 1853, the first number of a ^Hew Agricultural Journal, the Editorial management Hff which will be UDdcr the charge of Col. A. G. Sumwho will be assisted in the Horticultural and Po"niolosrtcal Departments by Mr. William Summer, of Pomaria. The "Agriculturist" will be printed on fine ^ rr">^ lari»n ftntavo. double paper, Wiui new ijiovici aJKv. , columns, and will contain Thirty-two pages. No advertisements will be admitted in the body of the work, but such Will be published on a cover if desired. Specimen nnmbcrs will be sent to persons wishing to examine before subscribing, but in no case will a name bo octered upon our books until the subscription is paid.- ^.SgftWrorSUBSCRIPTION. invariably in advance $1 tt u |q R. M. STOKES, Proprietor. ftAll Post Masters are particuiany requeaicu w [.Agents. Pea U. I Wanted for Ike next Xear. rE or six able-bodied Negroes to work at the Damdcn Depot. Apply to the subscriber early. N. D. BAX 1*.Y. ipnfi Boxes Cheese# Just received by J V % C. MOORE. j tern -iii'.j-'fj-i1 MOO firs; quality Rio .Hondo SiiGARS Hp 5000 do do Golcl'Lcaf do W 2000 do do Regalia Received and lor salobv 1 ri'iV -v. a nrr, a. 1 TTOrrTXT 1/ec.o, leez. -orwuvp -a. auoi.u>. t t-tt .: .**-.t4 ?ri -fir CAi?Et> (quarts and pints) "Longwortli's" Spark0 ding Catawba Wide. Received and'for sale by Dec. 6, 1S52. SHAW k AUSTIN. Tea, Tea, Tea. UNPOWDER/ Hyson. Imperial, Young Hyscn vJ and Black, of superior quality. Received and for sale by SHAW k AUSTIN. 2 OCTAVES " Sanderniann's" Old Fort Wine, for medicinal purposes. Received and for sale by Dec. G, 1852. SHAW A: AUSTIN. 1 A KITTS, No. 1 MackareI (new)' Iv 10 qr. bis. do do do 2 boxes dried Cod (new.) Received and for sale by iDec. 6,1852. 8NAW & AUSTIN. j CVBBLS. Kennedy's Bufcer Crackers. iii Received and for salo bv Doc 6. 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. j^A TWO-POUND. cans fresh Salmon. t)U Received and for sale by Dec 6. 1S52. SHAW AUSTIN. H11DS. choice Baltimore cured Bucon Sides. yO " Received and for sale by Dec. 5,1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. 1HHD. "Coward's" Hams. Received and for sale by Dec. 6, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. 2 CASES No. 1 Sraokjd Salmon 2 do do do Halibut Receivod and for Dec. 6, 185.2. "SHAW <fc AUSTIN. Hanging Lamps. luiminnr Srurtfc Ono onmA honnlifnl r»>rnfl. r Just received at Z. J. DeDAY'S. Doc. 21..3t Christmas IS now near at band, thatime for making Presents. I have a largo and beautiful selection, to which I invite the attention of the Ladies in particular, and the public generally Z. J. DellAY. Dec. 21..3t Window Glass. THE subscriber nas;ust received a large invoice of that fine "Patapsco" GLASS, varying hv»ize from 8 ^ 10 to 18 ^ 2-1, to which he invites the special attention of his customers. Z. J. DoilAY. Dec. 21tf AC Private Sale. A Likely NEGRO WOMAN. 18years of age, perfectly healthy and a good House Servant, sold for no fault; the only object being to change tho investment. Apply to , MOFFAT k MOORE, "Brokers and Auctioneers. Doc. X Portrait of John C. CatJionu! THE subscribers are preparing for publication and have nearly completed a large Full Length Likeness of Sortn Carolina's Illustrious Statesman:.engraved in ilio highest style of art, on steel, by A. IL Ritchie, from an original painting. The details of-tho likeness will be linislied from a celebrated Daguerreotype taken from life, and which is pronounced the best likeness extant. Size of tho engraving, with suitable margin for framing, will be 30 by 23 inches. The style and finish of tho work will be superior to any tbiuj^ yet executed in this countiy. Every copy will be printb<jnproof style, on extra flno plato paper, manufactured c*^^y for the purpose. It will be sold by subscription price of Vico "Dnllnrji ii«r mnv. and readV for ahont the 1st of December next Orders received by^^^J. R. A. BACHIA & Co., Publishers. 23 Chambers St., New York. Dec. 21, Ira ETwntey'i tefiee ALL persons having demands against the estatoof James Boskin, doc'd. will present them duly attested within the time prescribed by law, and all parsons indebted to said estate'will make immediate pay. mont to A. G. BASKIN, Ex'or. Oct'22. 85 DijocPTrr^rnc: ni? JL XV /UJl UVi. V*.' v* The Lancaster Ledger. ON thefir.«tof January next, this paper will boenlorged ami greatly improved. The Editor in happy to announre to hi* reader* that he has made such arrangements a* will enable him to give weekly, a news letter from Charleston. the metropolis of the Ntpte, Washington City and New i'ork. There letters will be written by men of experience and information, and all matters of general in (erect will be faithfully chronicled. The arrangements require a considerable outlay, but the evidence we have received the first year, encourages us to march onward and give our readers a weekly paper inferior to none in the Southern Country. We cannot redure our price from two dollars but any person sending us si* new subscriber* and twelve dollars, will receive the Ledger one year gratia R.S.BAILEY. \ Editor & Proprietor. Lancaster C. II., S. C., Dec. 8 1852. iv TO HIRE. ~ Off the first Monday in January, before the Court House in Camden, for one year, several Negroes, belonging to the McKinnons. Dec. 24. J. M. DESAUSSURE, Guardian Camden Bridge Company. THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at the Bank of Camden on Saturday the first day of January; at 10 o'clock. Dec. 24. J. C. WEST, Sec'y. New Books, Annuals. &c. Napoleon Dynasty, or History of the Napoleon Family, with 20 authentic Portraits. 1 voL 8vo. Napoleon and his Marshalis. Illustrated, 1 vol. 8vo. Gallery of Byron's Beauties; The Waverly Gallery The Home Circle; The Book of ttye Heart Shakspearo Tales Girlhood of Shakspeare's Heroines Women of Early Christianity Women of the Now Tostament; Pictorial Testament Romance of Indian Life Memoirs of the Great Metropolis A Step from the New World to the Old Small Books on Great Subjects; Cabin A Parlor, by Randolph Contentment bettor than Wealth. ANNUALS FOR 1853. Tflo Ins, in various styles; Gift Book of Geins Gem of Beauty; Gem of the Season Friendships Gift; Remember Me; The Garland; Pearl Dew Drop; Ice King; Juvenile Keepsake Kiss Kringle'e Christmas tree; Beck of Christmas. Almanacs, Diaries and Plantation Registers for 1853. A. YOUNG. Dec. 22, 1853. Notice. ALL persons indebted to F. V. Snider, are requested to make immediate payment to Moreau Nnudin; be having been appointed by tlio court as assignee to take charge of the assigned notes aud accounts, Ac. Dec. 21. C. 0. WITTE. GEO. M. GOODWIN. WITTE GOODWIN, COMMISSION jn LuttiAii jl w, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LiaUORS, &c. NO. 92, EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. » MISSES ANDTHPREN'S BOOTS & SHOES* THE subscribers have just received an assorttoenl ment of Misses and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, among which ore many new and beautiful styles. Oct. 26. ALDEN & MURRAY. k. Li- ..'#' I 1"1 "..' 1. "i SiS Iv 1 case fresh Currant#! -50 pkgs. Baisins. in whole, half and*quarter boxes, * -I^yecaiid-BmK'h- ' . 20 crop rigs 2 bagsBordeaux Almonds Eno-lish Walnuts, Filberts, Brazil Nuts, Citron, Lemon? and Oranges. Received and for sale by Dec. 6ri852. SHAW A AUSTIN. A A BAGS Ru Hedge's Family Bnckwheat. Receijl\J red and lor sale by SHAW A AUSTIN. * . - « V- A CASE Pie Fruit & 1 do Pino Apple in juico. Received and for sale by SHAW A AUSTIN. OA BOXES Mild Goshen Cheese. Received and for. OU sale by -f SHAW A AUSTIN. j |A Bbls. Mercer Potatoes. Received and for sale by 1U Dec. 6, 1852. SIIAW A AUSTIN. 1 1CA SE frecli Maccaroni. Received and for sale by Dec. G, 1852. SIIAW A AUSTIN. i CASE pQtftoS Yannouth Herring JL 1 do do Anchovib Paste Received aud lor saie bv E Dec. 6,1852 'stlAW & AUSTIN. 1CASE genuine London Mustard 1 do do Fronci) do Received and for sale bv Dec. 6,1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. J 1CASE Cross© & Blackwell's English Pickles, consisting of Piccaliliy, Chovr-Cliow, Cauliflower and mixed Pickles. Received and for sale by Dec. 6, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. 1CASE of Crosse & Black well's English Sauces, consisting of Worcestershire, Reading, Harvey and John Bn!L Received and for sale by Dec. 6, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. pf CASES assorted French Cordials. Received and . u lor saic oy SHAW & AUSTIN. jj Christmas Presents. c JUST received a large variety of Goods suitable for Christmas and New Year Presents.consisting I ot'Cuix.j Vases. Toilet Bottles, Water Bottles,. Puff Boxes, Jewel. Wafer and Pin Boxes. China Figures. Inkstands, Pitchers, Ring Holders, China Baskets, Lava Figures, Terra Cor.v Baskets and VaseSv, China Candlesticks, Cups and Saucers, Motto Cups, China Tots. GAMES. mkW^ Mansion'of H appiness, Reward of mI^^meri- can Eagle, What D'ye Buy, Five Senses, The Little Brii-e, Game of Patience, Ijominoes, Lotos 1 Chessmen, ic., with Dolls of evem^kind, dressed, on- ° dressed, China, Wax, and Gcy\K Perciia. Also, a largo assortment rith)rums, Tin Toys. Com- h siox Toys, Ratc LES^CrtAcpEnSj Fire Works of every J w^cHpHun, 'Av^iner wnnj o;uer gooas too numerous to mention. For sale by J Dec. 10.99 tf V, FRANCIS L. ZEMP. J Not/ice. ALL persons having demands against Lemuel Boy- 1 kin, deceased, will hn nd them in, properly attest- I ed; and those indebted to he Estate will present them ^ to Burwell Boykin, qualific d Executor. Nov 5. B9 3m Cl BOOTS AHTD SHOES' ~ " '"kA PAIRS Gentleman's Boy's Youth's and Chil- "I O \J dren's BOOTS, lip and Calf pegged and sew- J eil, welt and puip, fair, stitched and fudged, 0 from No. 6, Chifis. to No. 13 Men's.from t< $1 to $10 J T Gentlemen'f One Calf an{mlloth and Congress Gaiters. " ' f " BdHees, lair and stitched " wdjrpmof " from Men's calf L. and B. peg- - - ; Ladies' and M isse^ n/^oftCTs, colors and sizes ^ " " VAcalt GoSt, Kid, Morocco and enamelled BriAml Buskins, Ties and Slippers, from 75c. to j^Vfor snfle at the lowest prices. _ Oct. 26. ^^WOROIAN k BOONE. B%¥itL JOSEPII B. KERS^S^^ Attorney and Solicitor, f has removed to ^' pce at tlio corner of Court , House Square. ComdfljjVj^C. Oct. 22.w3m 0 WOBHtl FAIR PREMIUM SOAP.-yAh supply ofF. S. Clea ver's celebratod "V\^®Fa;r Premium Honey Soap. Warranted genu! ^feeceived and for sale at J Dec. 3.lni. Z. J. Dell AY'S. tg TrnnkHt Carpet ll$ and Valises. WE havo just receivednmjy fuu flnd complete assortment of the awrl articles, of every size V and qnality, viz: 1\ 1' TRUNKS.from 62a to iftA . CARPET BAGS.from t«A0]]cet and most com mon. to the largest and mostSfclTiiflceut; 0f exceed / ingly rich and beautiful pnttefc 7 £ VALICES.of various sizcabA patterns. Call and mc see them at WOHj&{\y ^ BOONE'S. erl COOFfcRB Biireaueu jnmim:* new Raisins, Al- _ moods, Lemons, Currantj, KWacts, and fine Cheese. Just opened by |£\ BONNET. Receive*?# ~T " 1 ON Consignment, a Lot °^\^OjXERT WARE, cet consistingof JUGS. JARS^ ctiftwS, BUTTER we DISHESi &c. To be sold at VkiKs.l priccs by ] Nov. 9..90 tf ^WkN. . DRESS CSOOB^S. \ J. K.lUil ngureu uuu pumi uuna.-ai \ cer Cashmeres and DeLaines, pj^iand fpted. to A largo variety of small pattern jHuSincp, iychildron. EMBROIDERIES.Comprisi^&lfall nssLent0f J Collars, Chemisettes, Undendcevi^mindkerLfS) &c. ry i With a large toftyj V . Kid, Silk and Sewing Silk GloveBfliSt opert at Oct. 15. A. M. AMBkENNEV'S. ry |{riSWer StW\ \ in c ' 1'llE subscriber has now on h;HM very cho\ lot deli of Sperm, Solar mid Lard Oil anB^T,jng Flu to * which ho invites the attention of ^ {jfctomers. \ . Dec. 3. DeHA) d1 ou St AVe^Kl V* "1 Splendid Parlor Grates SmoofanJlron Ueatoi Ap] Plain do do Iron \ 1 Cooking Stoves *£{ ! » . Office do Collc<3^Bj»iua A Tea and Coffee Urns. Received by ^ -Z J Dec. 3. McDOWAlaTl COOPER. \ 11 Gun<t. , A SPLENDID assortment of anU Double P Barrelled G UNS, from $5 to WnPtvitb powder V Flasks, Shot Bags and Pouches, jKMssion Caps, V Cleaning Rode, <£c. Received and flj«gbv OJ Dec. 3. McDOWA^g^QOPER. ^ ULHTIBER FOR^EB b< WHITE PINE, Ash, Hickory, iSBtMahogany, Cherry, Juniper, Black "W alnnKB every va- _ riety of Northern Lumber. GRINf) STONESand ICE, for salens andqugn- J titles to suit purchasers Address « B JOHN B MARWB(rent, in CharlestonJ^reHouae. th FL RE8H PRESTON A MERRILL'JBgL, pow. DERS. Received to-day by || kl Nov. 2. T-J'M|mAN. Piano Foil««>at JSvcfjiced Prices. Secant Rosewood Case Piano Jforte. direct M/"^rom the Manufacture nf.JTuns & Co.,'JTew York* City, anrl will be sold for $300! 'cash, or good- paper. Warranted if well used. ; Also.One second hand P&noFortfe, {fa good style and good tune, and can he jted^or^iOO cash or good paper, if applied for soon to J. B. F. BOOUIjJv. Doc. 10. 90 ' . . PIASTO FORTES. THE subscriber respectfully invites the attention of the public generally to his stock of PIANO r»/^Ti«tnr» .J i<" j A.x - e uxxijao, six, six anu a nan auu soveu unuivu, iwjsi.wood cases, with all the improvements, Harp Pedal, 3olid Iron Frames, and warranted'to stand any climate. These Instruments are unsurpassed for richness of tone elegance of workmanship, and having the agency, they will be sold at manufacturer's prjees, either for cash, or 3n time. These Instruments are from the celebrated house of Hallett & Allen, Boston.they are carefully packed and can be sent to any part of the country without injury. GEO. ALDEN. Nov. 26. 05 tf s Yarn and Oznabnrgs. ftAA BUNDLES Concord Yarn; 30doMountDeat "/ born do.; 30 pc's. DeKalb Oznaburgs, For wlo by W. C. MOORE. Barry's Tricopkerous. A Preparation for the HAIR, so cheap that all can OL afford it, and yet so popular that the elite every vhere use and praise it. A fresh supply direct from Jew York, received and for salo at Nov. 9. Z. J. DeHAY'S. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER! C^CE)CZD2jE)S30 A M- dc R. K£IA£DY have at last reCX ccivcil their FAIjL STOCK. l.nd respectfully invite their friends and the public ;en orally, to an examination of the largest and best elected stock of FANCY. AND DOMESTIC DRY JOODSlhey have ever had offered them, and at pries that cannot fail to please. Oct. 15. iREAT AND IMPORTANT EVENT! ALL .OF NEW GOODS HAVE COME TO HAND! and ffj ", PPT2. JAMES WILSON. ' Notice. [HAVE a large assortment of Negro Blankets that I will sell at reduced prices. Persons in want, will !o well to call and ertamine them. Aiso, all-wool. 'lains, Linscys, Ac. very low. E. W. BONNEY. BOY'S BOOTS at Cost..Also, a large lot of Servant's Shoes for sale low, at BONNET'S. A FKW box. s low priced Tobacco, lor Plantation t\ use. For said at BONNEY'S, IVolice. r WILL sell on Friday, tho 31st inst, at tlie resiL dcnco of Wm. D. Peebles, tho articles mentioned in is Schedule, and assigned to m.o for the benefit of his rediiora. Terms Cash. December 14. M. NAUDIN, Assignee. IVolice. [" WILL sell on the first Monday in January next L before the Court House, one GOLD WATCH, and thcr articles mentioned in his schedule and assigned > mo by D. II. Shular, for the benefit of his creditors, erras Cash. M. NAUDIN, .Assignee. December 14. 100 tf CAMDEN BAZAAR LOOK HEBE! LOOK HEBE11 yUST received a now supply of WINTER GOODS, _ bfonnets^'ilats,' fef and Shoe^T rocerios, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and China J\are, Ac., Ad"; jy Selling at Charleston prices. M. DRTTCKETl k On Camden, Nov. 2. 88 tf 3N and aiiertho 1st. November, tho Passenger and Moil Train will leave tho Camden Depot at Six clock, A. M. N. D. 3AXLEY, Agent. Nov. 2. 88 tf 1 .-. . Notice. ( 1 LL persons having demands against the estate of 1. Elijah Sill, dee'd. will hand them in properly at- i sted, and all indebted will make payment to < Nov. 20..w2m. E. E. SILL, Adm'r. s Fresh Tamarinds J"AY bo had at , I WORKMAN'S DRUG STORE. 8 Notice. LLL persons indebted to Samnel 3enson deceasod " are lequeated to call immediately and make pay int, and those having claims will render them prop- " y attestod to J. DUNLAP, Adm'r. j Doc. 17. 101 tf n BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! . J ^HE Subscriber intending to closo his business, of- j, fere his Stock of Groceries at extremely low pri- p i for CASH. All who desire bargains would do j, II do call and examine, before purchasing else whore, p Kov 2..S8tl R. W. ABBOTT. FOR SALE, a AO SHARES in the South Carolina Rail Road, p xO belonging to the Town of Camden. Anynum- ci of Shares will bo sold to suit purchasers. Apply tl MOFFAT & MOORE. Brokers and Auctioneers, Camden, S. C. )ec. 21. 102 tf ^"Charleston Courier please copy until 1st Janunicxt, and send bill to this ofDe. It GALVANIZING, &c. 'HE subscriber is prepared to carry on the art o J Electro-Metallargy, commonly called Galvanism' 01 ill its branches. Work warranted. Terms, cash on fir very. T. CARPENTER. or lov. 23. 91 tf B. ti< For Sale, pr LIKELY NEGRO it AN, a first rate Carpenter, lbout thirty years of age, perfectly sound and healthy, mi ply to MOFFAT tc MOORE, th icc. 21tf Brokers and Auctioneers. Cs . lia SUPERB Stock of Fancy Goods for Christmas. _ Just received and for sale by of lec. 21 W. C. MOORE. to' Notice. gg HE Distributees of Mrs Rachel Leigh, dee'd. arc hereby notified that theNegro property bolonging pj. er estate will bo roady for distribution on the first fanuary next. All persons indebted to tho estate f0I purchases mndo at tho salo are hereby requested to >e forward and pay thoir notes, as settlements must ,jr( 'ade. 1 JOHN U. INGREM, Ex'r. R. Leigh. ^ ly. 20,1852. 94 3m 8U1 \ LAND FOR SALE. ^ 4 i that Tract of LAND, lying on Bafton Crco bo' "V 'own as tho " Hurst Place," now owned by pa] Bojn. There aro from four to five hundred acres ' j the «ct and has tho Railroad running conveniently .. irouglt. Tenufcade known upon application to T. E. Boy- * n or MRurwell Boykin, Camden, 8. C. A Deccnir 14. 100 , -\ ! *\". m&M Negro.Man, a likely Boy, two Women ayd flom^ | dren,#beibg (lie residuary part of said Estate not otH-.'; erwise'disposed of by will. Terms.A credit of twelve months, purchasers git'" ing'notes With approved security, with intertet l'rom ' the day of sale, SAMUEL SPENCE, ExoV , t^All persons having demands against said Estate will hand them in properly attested, and those indebt' V ed wiUhiafcdpayment to ^ u SAMUEL-SPENCE, Ex'or. . Estate Sale. Bl HT order of J. P. Joy, Esq. Ordinary, will. be m < recently occupied by Samuel Benson, bis entire stock. Also,'all the Housebofd and Kitchen Furniture, a Cow and Calf, Pony, Ac. Terms of Sale..Sams under Twenty Dollars Castij~ above that amount approved endorsed notes, at four months, pafable at Bank- with interest from date. JAMES DUNLAP, Adm'r. Dec 17-101 5t ~ JfOTIcir BMY permission of the Court of Ordinary will, basold H{.'before the Court House on the Irst Monday in January, a negro men named Dayman, said negro" is a good wagon maker and is somewhat acquainted with -V Gin making and blnckBCflJtli work, and in general a A well disposed negro. Terms one fourth cash and-the . balance in one und two t ears with note ami approved security. & TWEED, Admr. L LASI) FOR SALE. IN EQOTTY.HERSHAW DISTBICT. . W. II. R. .Workman, Comm'r.) vs. j- Bill for Foreclosure. ; Zock Cantoy. ) IN conformity to an order in this cause made at the last June term of the said Court, I will offer for sale, beforo the Court House door in Camden, on the first Monday in January next, all that parcel or trncS of LAND, lying on the North side of Granny's Quarter'Creek, in the District aforesaid, containing one hnndrcd (100) acres more or less, being part of a tract lortrafyhftMitygi to J. Ridtnp, dec*d\ atndj»hvqyed \ me anermot &.ereinrBHJlstxktf to David Harrison, and .' by him toths children of TAsun Nettlcs,^aadc "S,ihcir " was sold and conveyed by VmJI to'mrnnon, late Commissioner of this Court to the Defendant, on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1851. Biddings to bo opened at the sum necessary to pay the amount due on the ^ first Monday* in January next, on the bond and hiort" ** gage given by the Baid Defendant to the said W. M. Shannon, lato Commissioner.estimated to amount toV. near two thousand (2,000) Dollars. Terms, cash.purchasers to pay for title deeds'. W. n. R. WORKMAN, C.E.K.D. Nov. 28, 1852. [$5.50] ts . . ". -r '»» t1"'*" x ADMINISTRATOR'S SAEE. BMYortlcr of tho Court of Ordinary of Kershaw Dis- ' trict, I will sell at Public Auction before tJkT Court House in Camden on the first Monday fu Jana-" ary next," EIGHTY-NINE NEGROES, belonging to tho estate of Lewis C. AdamsoD, dec'cL ALSO. On tho day following, at the Plantation of said deed, tho stock of MULES, HOGS, CATTLE, SHEEP, Wagons, Plantation Implements, CORN, FODDER, PROVISIONS, Ac. Prniw..Tho Negroes will be sold for one-fourth ca-h; tlie balance on a creditor one, two, and three years, with interest from day of sale. Purchasers to give bond with, approved personal security, and a mortgage-of the property. Tho other property, >uuio ui Linj uuuwbauu uuuei, cast!, over timt amount 7 >n a credit of 12 months, secured "by notes and approved sureties. Purchasers to pay for all necessary papers. J. B. KERSHAW, Adin'r L. C. Adamson, dee'd. Oct. 28. 87 is -..-.. III EQUITY. Exparte: Burwoll Foykln, A. II. Boykin, Lemuel W. Boy kin, and others. TTKDER the authority oftlie decree in the case above U stated, I will offer for sale at Public Auction at Lancaster Court House on the first Monday in February*... next the following tract of land, to-wii: A tract containing five hundred, more or less, acres, lying-in Lonjaster District on Cane Creek; bounded by the said trcek on tho east, and on all the other aides by lands aclonging to J. D. Witherepoon, Dr. Thornwell, Thornis K. Cureton, and Andrew Crockett, excepting nevertheless the mill and one acre© of land on the west, lide of Cane Creek, which were conveyed by S. D: Miler to D. H. Cantson on tho 20th April. 1833r:r /: Terms of Sale..One third cash, the balance upon a :redit of one and two years with interest from tho date, iccured by Bond and Mortgage of the premises. Pjir:baser to pay for papers. BURWELL BOYKIK, Ex Trust Estate Sale. [WILL sell at Public Auction, before the Court House in Camden, on tho first Monday in January .ext, a valuable family of Negroes.Honse Servants, clonging to Jno. Augustus Fraser, of Sumter District^ i Trust, viz: Henry 46, Katy, an excellent Pastiy look and Seamstress, 38, and their children.Abrarim 19, Moses 17, little Henry 15, Gcorgianna 11, oruelia 9, Jemima, 5, and Sarah 3 years of age. The terms of the side will be a credit of one, two, nd three years, with interest from the day of sale, ayable annually. The purchaser giving bond and sejrity and a mortgage of the property, and paying for to necessary papers. ISAAC N. LENOIR, Trustee. Deo. 17.5t : Iu Equity.Kershaw District. obert Wilson, vs. Paul T. Ytllepigue and Wife, and others..Bill for Partition and Account. "N obedience to an order in this cose made, dated . December 13th, 1852,1 will offer for sale, atpublifc itcry, boforo tho Court Houso door in Camden, on the ... at Monday in February next, and if theu prevented, i some succeeding sale day, the real Estate of Martha JpfT' Wilson, deceased, as set forth in the writ of parti-. ;# >n issued in this case, consisting of tho followingopcrty, to-wit: Ono tract or plantation of land, containing 485 acres, ore or less. Ivincr on tho waters of Raften Creek, in o State aforesaid, bounded by the Charleston and; imden road, and by lands of Larkin T. Dinkius, "Wll-, m Sanders, and John Sanders. Also, a House and Lot on Broad-street in the town, Camden, and Lots on Lyttleton Street in the said, . vim. The said Lots being known and distinguished: the plan of the said town by the Nos. Oil, and 912,' 2, and half lot No. 881. The said Plantation will not b'o sold for less than. ve Dollars per acre. V The house and lots on Broad-Street will not be sold-. less than Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200,) and tho. o Lots on Littleton-street, at not less than Four Huns xl Dollars ($400) Terms..So much cash as will pay the costs of the. so.for the balance, bond, with approved personal relies, and a mortgage of the premises, payable in, o equal annual instalments, the wholo beanng inter-, from date of sale, payable annually until the wholead is satisfied. Purchasers to pay for all necessary pore. W. H. R. WORKMAN, c. E. K. p. Dec. 21,^862. 102 tf Fresh Virginia Butter* NEW SUPPLY. Just received and for safe L by B. W. CHAMBERS, Doc. " : - *> flit? f >\ » *-*;a "> v. -> ? ; 4/-^' *3§J? : ^ i'- K-.^i

Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1852-12-28 [p ]. · jHMfflRnmHNnHnflmBHfl^Hkse.cau. mB^^fflgHHBHEjBHBm^BH^Ki^ ofSnwo dgrnent, Life i3 HMBnwnHnnHandthua MHBMWbMM l^c001130"

Jul 23, 2020



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Page 1: Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1852-12-28 [p ]. · jHMfflRnmHNnHnflmBHfl^Hkse.cau. mB^^fflgHHBHEjBHBm^BH^Ki^ ofSnwo dgrnent, Life i3 HMBnwnHnnHandthua MHBMWbMM l^c001130"


jHMfflRnmHNnHnflmBHfl^Hkse. wo

mB^^fflgHHBHEjBHBm^BH^Ki ofSn^ dgrnent,

Life i3HMBnwnHnnH and thua

l^c 001130"MHBMWbMM friends is

Angels wCQ.t on orr ^

' (subject of this brief memoir wag cq© wnosovmm

^B fve piety and gentleness c$>uld not fail to win the

gBB. pnate regards of all wbofermed her acquaintance.of herhv one who knew her well,. '/To a disBH^jpnnaturally amiable, was added the 'meek and

^BBKipirit' of. the. gospel While she won upon allHB fid, by her kindness in word and look, she failedB '

a impress all with the firmness of her principles,H .'../dignity which sustained cheerfuluess without levB.;:^Wgentleness without softness." ,W.

~ For Congre33.>.'>) friends "6f .Jlon. FRAXKLIN L MOSES anKT

iqe him as a candidate to represent this Congres-District in the next.Congress.

, FOUND.B LARGE KEY has- boon left at this office, foundK i. by a servant, which the owner can have by payB

; JT-for this notice. Dec. 28.


I FOB YOUNG LADIES,K No. 18, Chrtrch Street, Charleston, S. O.

,.;.:|AHE Exercises of this School will'be resumed on

.1. the 3d of Janory, 1853. Young Ladies are faitli|dly instructed in all the branches of a complete Engih eflucation. with the Languages. Music, Drawing,

B^wijncin# and Fancy WorkaV Commodious School Rooms have bean recentlyereoI'-ad on tho promises. The greatest attention is" paid toI the deportment of the pupils, as well as to their perso|

nal comfort. The locality is one of the most desirablein the city, experience having proved it to be of unsurpassedsalubrity. ^ Dec. 28.21.

I Bull Road and Bauk Dirldeud.P r|"MIE South Carolina Railroad Company have doI"dared a Dividend of THREE DOLLARS AXDI FIFTY CENTS Der Share for the lastsi^ months, andft tl*&Southwestern Railroad Bank have declared for thesank time, a Dividend of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS

I per share. The united Dividend ofFOUR DOLLARSI AND TWENTY EIVE CENTS per Share will be

the aforesaid Bank, on and after ^he 1st prox.tufRoad Dividedd of Three Dollars and Fifty Cents

HI V>ek having no correepondmg^haw'sWhc Bank,IjR. pal^oi^ndajjH^il^Tst proximofafjhe Bu^Kg&uH^SPR!rapany!n John Street.J

TH03. WARING, Auditor XW So. Ca Rail Road Co.


g^HT-Three Pairs of Horses.H£, sell on Monday the 3d day of January next,

Court House in Camden, 3 pairs splendid^I^^BUorses. One pair are fancy and the others

rr>- i"> ""W fifftiian without reserve.XV W oyiyt «w* .

BE ~. SOUTH-CAROLINAB*txpebance advocate.

HLl^pcr having been removed Vo Cumden, andiiinpTTn h*»m1 control of the

' mbaanbttyjmUDQ published regularly every week on

and after the Sth of January.*jv Tha paper is designed as the Oegax >of the Causeot Temperance, embracing every Odder and Organisation,It will be a Miscellaneous Family Journaland Agricultural Pater, and tbo.aim of the

present ^roprieBor wiin>e to maico ttin oveiyrfespectworthy the confidence and support, not only of TernperanoeMen,- but of the reading public generally. ^ I

'" all. who fool an interest in

its success, will,- at once, use their influence to accomplishits permanent establishment.TERMS-TWO DOLLARS,' IN ADVANCE.

Subscriptions for six months received at the samorato.In each case the cash must aocompany the order andoil letters by mail arc expected to be pre-paid.

£3^~TliOso who havo paid the former proprietor inadvance for the year 1852, will be furnished with the

pQjper until the time for which tlioy have paid expires.The accounts for 1852 having been transferred to the

gu'oseriber, tboee who are in arrears will oblige him byremitting tlieajnooiit^mmediatitly. Address

THO. J. WARREN, Camden, S. C.December 24,-1852. .>*- »

Egg^Wni our brethren of the press give the abovenotice a few insertions in tboir respective papers?

. IIV"» i*in« .'I. « hi y - t<

The Camden Male Academy"1"XTIIA be opened on the first (3rd) Monday in Jan-TT uary by S. U. UETASS.The course ofinstruction will embrace all thebranches

of a ,thorough English Education. The scholastic yearwill be divided into two sessions of five months each.


For the Elementary Branches,. $12.00For. th# more advanced Studies, 16.00

.The above, together withtholr'ghqr branches of® Mathematics, 18.00

g Dea 10 09tf


600 Havana Oranges, Rico, Lard, and Mackg^reL-^


The Southern Agriculturist,flfti MONTHLY Journal of Rural Affairs, Mechanics,

CgftjL Manufactures, Pomology and Horticulture.Bl EDITED BY A. G. SUMMER.

SUMHER, Pomological and Horticultural Editor.HTji:'- subscriber -will publish, at Laurensville, S. C.,

N^Boout the 20th January, 1853, the first number of a

^Hew Agricultural Journal, the Editorial managementHff which will be UDdcr the charge of Col. A. G. Sumwhowill be assisted in the Horticultural and Po"niolosrtcalDepartments by Mr. William Summer, of

Pomaria. The "Agriculturist" will be printed on fine^ rr">^ lari»n ftntavo. double

paper, Wiui new ijiovici aJKv. ,

columns, and will contain Thirty-two pages. No advertisementswill be admitted in the body of the work,but such Will be published on a cover if desired.

Specimen nnmbcrs will be sent to persons wishingto examine before subscribing, but in no case will a

name bo octered upon our books until the subscriptionis paid.- ^.SgftWrorSUBSCRIPTION.invariably in advance $1

tt u |q

R. M. STOKES, Proprietor.ftAll Post Masters are particuiany requeaicu w

[.Agents. Pea U.

I Wanted for Ike next Xear.rE or six able-bodied Negroes to work at the

Damdcn Depot. Apply to the subscriber N. D. BAX 1*.Y. ipnfiBoxes Cheese# Just received by


j tern -iii'.j-'fj-i1MOO firs; quality Rio .Hondo SiiGARSHp 5000 do do Golcl'Lcaf doW 2000 do do Regalia

Received and lor salobv1ri'iV ,» -v. a nrr, a. 1 TTOrrTXT

1/ec.o, leez. -orwuvp -a. auoi.u>.

t t-tt .: .**-.t4 ?ri-fir CAi?Et> (quarts and pints) "Longwortli's" Spark0ding Catawba Wide. Received and'for sale by

Dec. 6, 1S52. SHAW k AUSTIN.

Tea, Tea, Tea.UNPOWDER/ Hyson. Imperial, Young Hyscn

vJ and Black, of superior quality. Received andfor saleby SHAW k AUSTIN.

2 OCTAVES " Sanderniann's" Old Fort Wine, formedicinal purposes. Received and for sale by

Dec. G, 1852. SHAW A: AUSTIN.

1 A KITTS, No. 1 Mackare I (new)'Iv 10 qr. bis. do do do2 boxes dried Cod (new.) Received and for sale by

iDec. 6,1852. 8NAW & AUSTIN.j

CVBBLS. Kennedy's Bufcer Crackers.iii Received and for salo bvDoc 6. 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN.

j^A TWO-POUND. cans fresh Salmon.t)U Received and for sale byDec 6. 1S52. SHAW AUSTIN.H11DS. choice Baltimore cured Bucon Sides.

yO " Received and for sale byDec. 5,1852. SHAW & AUSTIN.

1HHD. "Coward's"Hams. Received and for sale byDec. 6, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN.

2 CASES No. 1 Sraokjd Salmon2 do do do HalibutReceivod and for

Dec. 6, 185.2. "SHAW <fc AUSTIN.

Hanging Lamps.luiminnr Srurtfc Ono onmA honnlifnl r»>rnfl.

r Just received at Z. J. DeDAY'S.Doc. 21..3t

ChristmasIS now near at band, thatime for making Presents.

I have a largo and beautiful selection, to which Iinvite the attention of the Ladies in particular, and thepublic generally Z. J. DellAY.

Dec. 21..3t

Window Glass.THE subscriber nas;ust received a large invoice of

that fine "Patapsco" GLASS, varying hv»ize from8 ^ 10 to 18 ^ 2-1, to which he invites the special attentionof his customers. Z. J. DoilAY.

Dec. 21tf

AC Private Sale.

A Likely NEGRO WOMAN. 18years of age, perfectlyhealthy and a good House Servant, sold forno fault; the only object being to change tho investment.Apply to , MOFFAT k MOORE,

"Brokers and Auctioneers.Doc. XPortrait of John C. CatJionu!

THE subscribers are preparing for publication andhave nearly completed a large Full Length

Likeness ofSortn Carolina's Illustrious Statesman:.engravedin ilio highest style ofart, on steel, byA. IL Ritchie, from an original painting. The detailsof-tho likeness will be linislied from a celebratedDaguerreotype taken from life, and which is pronouncedthe best likeness extant. Size of tho engraving,with suitable margin for framing, will be 30by 23 inches. The style and finish of tho work will besuperior to any tbiuj^ yet executed in this countiy.Every copy will be printb<jnproof style, on extra flnoplato paper, manufactured c*^^y for the purpose.It will be sold by subscription price of

Vico "Dnllnrji ii«r mnv. and readV for ahontthe 1st ofDecember next Orders received by^^^J.

R. A. BACHIA & Co., Publishers.23 Chambers St., New York.

Dec. 21, Ira

ETwntey'i tefiee

ALL persons having demands against the estatoofJames Boskin, doc'd. will present them duly attestedwithin the time prescribed by law, and all parsonsindebted to said estate'will make immediate pay.

montto A. G. BASKIN, Ex'or.Oct'22. 85t£

DijocPTrr^rnc: ni?JL XV /UJl UVi. V*.' v*

The Lancaster Ledger.ON thefir.«tof January next, this paper will boenlorged

ami greatly improved. The Editor in happy to announreto hi* reader* that he has made such arrangementsa* will enable him to give weekly, a news letter fromCharleston. the metropolis of the Ntpte, Washington Cityand New i'ork. There letters will be written by men ofexperience and information, and all matters of general in(erect will be faithfully chronicled.The arrangements require a considerable outlay, but the

evidence we have received the first year, encourages us

to march onward and give our readers a weekly paper inferiorto none in the Southern Country.We cannot redure our price from two dollars but any

person sending us si* new subscriber* and twelve dollars,will receive the Ledger one year gratiaR.S.BAILEY.

\ Editor & Proprietor.Lancaster C. II., S. C., Dec. 8 1852.

iv TO HIRE.~

Off the first Monday in January, before the CourtHouse in Camden, for one year, several Negroes,

belonging to the McKinnons.Dec. 24. J. M. DESAUSSURE, Guardian

Camden Bridge Company.

THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of thisCompany will be held at the Bank of Camden on

Saturday the first day of January; at 10 o'clock.Dec.24. J. C. WEST, Sec'y.

New Books, Annuals. &c.Napoleon Dynasty, or History of the Napoleon Family,with 20 authentic Portraits. 1 voL 8vo.

Napoleon and his Marshalis. Illustrated, 1 vol. 8vo.

Gallery of Byron's Beauties; The Waverly GalleryThe Home Circle; The Book of ttye HeartShakspearo TalesGirlhood of Shakspeare's HeroinesWomen of Early ChristianityWomen of the Now Tostament; Pictorial TestamentRomance of Indian LifeMemoirs of the Great MetropolisA Step from the New World to the OldSmall Books on Great Subjects;Cabin A Parlor, by RandolphContentment bettor than Wealth.

ANNUALS FOR 1853.Tflo Ins, in various styles; Gift Book of GeinsGem of Beauty; Gem of the SeasonFriendships Gift; Remember Me; The Garland; PearlDew Drop; Ice King; Juvenile KeepsakeKiss Kringle'e Christmas tree; Beck of Christmas.Almanacs, Diaries and Plantation Registers for 1853.

A. YOUNG.Dec. 22, 1853.

Notice.ALL persons indebted to F. V. Snider, are requested

to make immediate payment to Moreau Nnudin;be having been appointed by tlio court as assignee to

take charge of the assigned notes aud accounts, Ac.Dec. 21.






THE subscribers have just received an assorttoenlment ofMisses and Children'sBOOTS and SHOES,

among which ore many new and beautiful styles.Oct. 26. ALDEN & MURRAY.

k.Li- ..'#' I 1"1 "..' 1. "i SiS

Iv 1 case fresh Currant#!-50 pkgs. Baisins. in whole, half and*quarter boxes,

* -I^yecaiid-BmK'h- '

.20 crop rigs2 bagsBordeaux Almonds

Eno-lish Walnuts, Filberts, Brazil Nuts, Citron, Lemon?and Oranges. Received and for sale by

Dec. 6ri852. SHAW A AUSTIN.A A BAGS RuHedge's Family Bnckwheat. Receijl\Jred and lor sale by SHAW A AUSTIN.

* . - « V-

A CASE Pie Fruit& 1 do Pino Apple in juico. Received and for sale


OA BOXES Mild Goshen Cheese. Received and for.OU sale by -f SHAW A AUSTIN. j|A Bbls. MercerPotatoes. Received and for sale by1U Dec. 6, 1852. SIIAW A AUSTIN. 1

1CA SE frecli Maccaroni. Received and for sale byDec. G, 1852. SIIAW A AUSTIN.

i CASE pQtftoS Yannouth HerringJL 1 do do Anchovib PasteReceived aud lor saie bv E

Dec. 6,1852 'stlAW & AUSTIN.

1CASE genuine London Mustard1 do do Fronci) doReceived and for sale bv

Dec. 6,1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. J1CASE Cross© & Blackwell's English Pickles, consistingof Piccaliliy, Chovr-Cliow, Cauliflower andmixed Pickles. Received and for sale by

Dec. 6, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN.

1CASE of Crosse & Black well's English Sauces, consistingof Worcestershire, Reading, Harvey andJohn Bn!L Received and for sale by

Dec. 6, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN.

pf CASES assorted French Cordials. Received and .

u lor saic oy SHAW & AUSTIN. jjChristmas Presents. c

JUST received a large variety of Goods suitable forChristmas and New Year Presents.consisting I

ot'Cuix.j Vases. Toilet Bottles, Water Bottles,.Puff Boxes, Jewel. Wafer and Pin Boxes. ChinaFigures. Inkstands, Pitchers, Ring Holders, ChinaBaskets, Lava Figures, Terra Cor.v Baskets andVaseSv, China Candlesticks, Cupsand Saucers, MottoCups, China Tots.

GAMES. mkW^Mansion'ofH appiness, Reward of mI^^meri-canEagle, What D'ye Buy, Five Senses, The LittleBrii-e, Game of Patience, Ijominoes, Lotos 1

Chessmen, ic., with Dolls of evem^kind, dressed, on- °

dressed, China, Wax, and Gcy\K Perciia.Also, a largo assortment rith)rums, Tin Toys. Com- h

siox Toys, Ratc LES^CrtAcpEnSj Fire Works of every Jw^cHpHun, 'Av^iner wnnj o;uer gooas too numerousto mention. For sale by JDec. 10.99 tf V, FRANCIS L. ZEMP. J

Not/ice.ALL persons having demands against Lemuel Boy- 1kin, deceased, will hn nd them in, properly attest- Ied; and those indebted to he Estate will present them ^to Burwell Boykin, qualific d Executor.Nov 5. B93m Cl



'"kA PAIRS Gentleman's Boy's Youth's and Chil- "IO \J dren's BOOTS, lip and Calfpegged and sew- Jeil, welt and puip, fair, stitched and fudged, 0from No. 6, Chifis. to No. 13 Men's.from t<$1 to $10 JTGentlemen'f One Calfan{mlloth and Congress Gaiters.

" ' f " BdHees, lair and stitched" wdjrpmof " from

Men's calf L. and B. peg---

;Ladies' and Misse^n/^oftCTs, colors and sizes ^

"" VAcalt GoSt, Kid, Morocco andenamelled BriAml Buskins, Ties and Slippers,from 75c. to j^Vfor snfle at the lowest prices. _

Oct. 26. ^^WOROIAN k BOONE.

B%¥itLJOSEPII B. KERS^S^^ Attorney and Solicitor, f

has removed to ^' pce at tlio corner of Court ,

House Square. ComdfljjVj^C. Oct. 22.w3m 0


PREMIUM SOAP.-yAh supply ofF. S. Cleaver's celebratod "V\^®Fa;r Premium Honey

Soap. Warranted genu! ^feeceived and for sale at JDec. 3.lni. Z. J. DellAY'S. tg

TrnnkHt Carpet ll$ and Valises.WE havo just receivednmjy fuu flnd complete

assortment of the awrl articles, of every size Vand qnality, viz: 1\1'TRUNKS.from 62a to iftA .

CARPET BAGS.from t«A0]]cet and most common. to the largest and mostSfclTiiflceut; 0f exceed /ingly rich and beautiful pnttefc 7 £VALICES.of various sizcabA patterns. Call and mcsee them at WOHj&{\y ^ BOONE'S. erl

COOFfcRB Biireaueu jnmim:* new Raisins, Al-_

moods, Lemons, Currantj, KWacts, and fineCheese. Just opened by |£\ BONNET.

Receive*?# ~T " 1ON Consignment, a Lot °^\^OjXERT WARE, cet

consistingof JUGS. JARS^ ctiftwS, BUTTER we

DISHESi &c. To be sold at VkiKs.l priccs by ]Nov. 9..90 tf ^WkN. .

DRESS CSOOB^S. \ J.K.lUil ngureu uuu pumi uuna.-ai \ cer

Cashmeres and DeLaines, pj^iand fpted. toA largo variety of small pattern jHuSincp, iychildron.EMBROIDERIES.Comprisi^&lfall nssLent0f J

Collars, Chemisettes, Undendcevi^mindkerLfS) &c. ry iWith a large toftyj V.

Kid, Silk and Sewing Silk GloveBfliSt opert atOct. 15. A. M. AMBkENNEV'S. ry

|{riSWer StW\ \ in c' 1'llE subscriber has now on h;HM very cho\ lot deli

of Sperm, Solar mid Lard Oil anB^T,jng Flu to *which ho invites the attention of ^ {jfctomers. \ .

Dec.3. DeHA)d1 ou StAVe^Kl V* "1

Splendid Parlor Grates SmoofanJlron Ueatoi Ap]Plain do do Iron\ 1

Cooking Stoves *£{ ! » .

Office do Collc<3^Bj»iua ATea and Coffee Urns. Received by ^ -Z J

Dec. 3. McDOWAlaTl COOPER. \ 11


ASPLENDID assortment of anU Double PBarrelled G UNS, from $5 to WnPtvitb powder V

Flasks, Shot Bags and Pouches, jKMssion Caps, VCleaning Rode, <£c. Received and flj«gbvOJ


WHITE PINE, Ash, Hickory, iSBtMahogany,Cherry, Juniper, Black "W alnnKB every va- _

riety of Northern Lumber.

GRINf) STONESand ICE, for salens andqugn- Jtitles to suitpurchasers Address «BJOHN B MARWB(rent, CharlestonJ^reHouae. th

FLRE8H PRESTON A MERRILL'JBgL, pow.DERS. Received to-day by ||kl

Nov.2. T-J'M|mAN.

Piano Foil««>at JSvcfjiced Prices.Secant Rosewood Case Piano Jforte. direct

M/"^rom the Manufacture nf.JTuns & Co.,'JTew York*City, anrl will be sold for $300! 'cash, or good- paper.Warranted if well used.; Also.One second hand P&noFortfe, {fa good styleand good tune, and can he jted^or^iOO cash or goodpaper, if applied for soon to J. B. F. BOOUIjJv.

Doc. 10. 90' . .


THE subscriber respectfully invites the attentionof the public generally to his stock of PIANO

r»/^Ti«tnr» .J i<" j A.x - T»e uxxijao, six, six anu a nan auu soveu unuivu, iwjsi.woodcases, with all the improvements, Harp Pedal,3olid Iron Frames, and warranted'to stand any climate.These Instruments are unsurpassed for richness of toneelegance of workmanship, and having the agency, theywill be sold at manufacturer's prjees, either for cash, or3n time. These Instruments are from the celebratedhouse of Hallett & Allen, Boston.they are carefullypacked and can be sent to any part of the countrywithout injury. GEO. ALDEN.Nov. 26. 05tf s

Yarn and Oznabnrgs.ftAA BUNDLES Concord Yarn; 30doMountDeat"/ born do.; 30 pc's. DeKalb Oznaburgs, Forwloby W. C. MOORE.

Barry's Tricopkerous.A Preparation for the HAIR, so cheap that all canOL afford it, and yet so popular that the elite everyvhere use and praise it. A fresh supply direct fromJew York, received and for salo atNov. 9. Z. J. DeHAY'S.


A M- dc R. K£IA£DY have at last reCXccivcil theirFAIjL STOCK.

l.nd respectfully invite their friends and the public;en orally, to an examination of the largest and bestelected stock of FANCY. AND DOMESTIC DRYJOODSlhey have ever had offered them, and at priesthat cannot fail to please. Oct. 15.


and ffj ",PPT2. JAMES WILSON.



[HAVE a large assortment of Negro Blankets thatI will sell at reduced prices. Persons in want, will

!o well to call and ertamine them. Aiso, all-wool.'lains, Linscys, Ac. very low. E. W. BONNEY.

BOY'S BOOTS at Cost..Also, a large lot of Servant'sShoes for sale low, at BONNET'S.A FKW box. s low priced Tobacco, lor Plantationt\ use. For said at BONNEY'S,

IVolice.r WILL sell on Friday, tho 31st inst, at tlie resiLdcnco of Wm. D. Peebles, tho articles mentioned inis Schedule, and assigned to m.o for the benefit of hisrediiora. Terms Cash.December 14. M. NAUDIN, Assignee.

IVolice.[" WILL sell on the first Monday in January nextL before the Court House, one GOLD WATCH, andthcr articles mentioned in his schedule and assigned> mo by D. II. Shular, for the benefit of his creditors,erras Cash. M. NAUDIN, .Assignee.December 14. 100tf


yUST received a now supply of WINTER GOODS, _

bfonnets^'ilats,'fef and Shoe^Trocerios, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and ChinaJ\are, Ac., Ad";jySelling at Charleston prices.

M. DRTTCKETl k OnCamden, Nov. 2. 88tf

3N and aiiertho 1st. November, tho Passenger andMoil Train will leave tho Camden Depot at Six

clock, A. M.N. D. 3AXLEY, Agent.

Nov. 2. 88tf 1.-. .

Notice. (

1 LL persons having demands against the estate of1. Elijah Sill, dee'd. will hand them in properly at- i

sted, and all indebted will make payment to <Nov. 20..w2m. E. E. SILL, Adm'r. s

Fresh TamarindsJ"AY bo had at ,I WORKMAN'S DRUG STORE. 8

Notice.LLL persons indebted to Samnel 3enson deceasod "

are lequeated to call immediately and make payint, and those having claims will render them prop- "

y attestod to J. DUNLAP, Adm'r. jDoc. 17. 101tf n

BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! . J^HE Subscriber intending to closo his business, of- j,fere his Stock of Groceries at extremely low pri- pi for CASH. All who desire bargains would do j,II do call and examine, before purchasing elsewhore, pKov 2..S8tl R. W. ABBOTT.


AO SHARES in the South Carolina Rail Road, pxO belonging to the Town of Camden. Anynum- ciof Shares will bo sold to suit purchasers. Apply tl

MOFFAT & MOORE.Brokers and Auctioneers, Camden, S. C.

)ec. 21. 102tf^"Charleston Courier please copy until 1st Janunicxt,and send bill to this ofDe. It

GALVANIZING, &c.'HE subscriber is prepared to carry on the art o JElectro-Metallargy, commonly called Galvanism' 01

ill its branches. Work warranted. Terms, cash on firvery. T. CARPENTER. orlov. 23. 91tf B.

ti<For Sale, pr

LIKELY NEGRO itAN, a first rate Carpenter,lbout thirty years ofage, perfectlysound and healthy, mi

ply to MOFFAT tc MOORE, thicc. 21tf Brokers and Auctioneers. Cs

. liaSUPERB Stock of Fancy Goods for Christmas.

_ Just received and for sale by oflec. 21 W. C. MOORE. to'

Notice. ggHE Distributees of Mrs Rachel Leigh, dee'd. archereby notified that theNegro property bolonging pj.

er estate will bo roady for distribution on the firstfanuary next. All persons indebted to tho estate f0Ipurchases mndo at tho salo are hereby requested to>e forward and pay thoir notes, as settlements must ,jr('ade. 1

JOHN U. INGREM, Ex'r. R. Leigh. ^ly. 20,1852. 943m 8U1

\ LAND FOR SALE. ^4 i that Tract of LAND, lying on Bafton Crco bo'"V 'own as tho " Hurst Place," now owned by pa]Bojn. There aro from four to five hundred acres


jthe «ct and has tho Railroad running conveniently ..

irouglt.Tenufcade known upon application to T. E. Boy- *

n or MRurwell Boykin, Camden, 8. C. ADeccnir 14. 100,

-\ !

*\". m&M

Negro.Man, a likely Boy, two Women ayd flom^| dren,#beibg (lie residuary part of said Estate not otH-.';erwise'disposed of by will.Terms.A credit of twelve months, purchasers git'"ing'notes With approved security, with intertet l'rom '

the day of sale,SAMUEL SPENCE, ExoV ,

t^All persons having demands against said Estatewill hand them in properly attested, and those indebt' Ved wiUhiafcdpayment to


Estate Sale.BlHT order of J. P. Joy, Esq. Ordinary, will. bem<

recently occupied by Samuel Benson, bis entire stock.

Also,'all the Housebofd and Kitchen Furniture, aCow and Calf, Pony, Ac.Terms of Sale..Sams under Twenty Dollars Castij~above that amount approved endorsed notes, at four

months, pafable at Bank- with interest from date.JAMES DUNLAP, Adm'r.

Dec 17-101 5t~

JfOTIcirBMY permission of the Court of Ordinary will, basoldH{.'before the Court House on the Irst Monday inJanuary, a negro men named Dayman, said negro" is agood wagon maker and is somewhat acquainted with -VGin making and blnckBCflJtli work, and in general a Awell disposed negro. Terms one fourth cash and-the

.balance in one und two t ears with note ami approvedsecurity. & TWEED, Admr.


W. II. R. .Workman, Comm'r.)vs. j- Bill for Foreclosure. ;

Zock Cantoy. )IN conformity to an order in this cause made at the

last June term of the said Court, I will offer forsale, beforo the Court House door in Camden, on thefirst Monday in January next, all that parcel or trncSof LAND, lying on the North side of Granny's Quarter'Creek,in the District aforesaid, containingone hnndrcd(100) acres more or less, being part ofa tract lortrafyhftMitygiijtto J. Ridtnp, dec*d\ atndj»hvqyed \me anermot &.ereinrBHJlstxktf to David Harrison, and .'

by him toths children ofTAsun Nettlcs,^aadc "S,ihcir"

was sold and conveyed by VmJI to'mrnnon, late Commissionerof this Court to the Defendant, on the 6thday of January, A. D. 1851. Biddings to bo openedat the sum necessary to pay the amount due on the ^first Monday* in January next, on the bond and hiort" **

gage given by the Baid Defendant to the said W. M.Shannon, lato Commissioner.estimated to amount toV.near two thousand (2,000) Dollars.

Terms, cash.purchasers to pay for title deeds'.W. n. R. WORKMAN, C.E.K.D.

Nov. 28, 1852. [$5.50] ts..". -r '»» t1"'*" x


BMYortlcr of tho Court of Ordinary of Kershaw Dis- '

trict, I will sell at Public Auction before tJkTCourt House in Camden on the first Monday fu Jana-"ary next,"

EIGHTY-NINE NEGROES,belonging to tho estate of Lewis C. AdamsoD, dec'cL ALSO.On tho day following, at the Plantation of said deed,

tho stock of MULES, HOGS, CATTLE, SHEEP,Wagons, Plantation Implements, CORN, FODDER,PROVISIONS, Ac.

Prniw..Tho Negroes will be sold for one-fourthca-h; tlie balance on a creditor one, two, and threeyears, with interest from day of sale. Purchasers togive bond with, approved personal security, and a

mortgage-of the property. Tho other property,>uuio ui Linj uuuwbauu uuuei, cast!, over timt amount 7>n a credit of 12 months, secured "by notes and approvedsureties. Purchasers to pay for all necessary papers.J. B. KERSHAW,

Adin'r L. C. Adamson, dee'd.Oct. 28. 87is


III EQUITY.Exparte: Burwoll Foykln, A. II. Boykin, Lemuel W.Boykin, and others.

TTKDER the authority oftlie decree in the case aboveU stated, I will offer for sale at Public Auction atLancaster Court House on the first Monday in February* the following tract of land, to-wii: A tract containingfive hundred, more or less, acres, lying-in LonjasterDistrict on Cane Creek; bounded by the saidtrcek on tho east, and on all the other aides by landsaclonging to J. D. Witherepoon, Dr. Thornwell, ThornisK. Cureton, and Andrew Crockett, excepting neverthelessthe mill and one acre© of land on the west,lide of Cane Creek, which were conveyed by S. D: Milerto D. H. Cantson on tho 20th April. 1833r:r /:Terms of Sale..One third cash, the balance upon a:redit of one and two years with interest from tho date,

iccured by Bond and Mortgage of the premises. Pjir:baserto pay for papers.BURWELL BOYKIK, Ex

Trust Estate Sale.[WILL sell at Public Auction, before the Court

House in Camden, on tho first Monday in January.ext, a valuablefamily of Negroes.Honse Servants,clonging to Jno. Augustus Fraser, of Sumter District^i Trust, viz: Henry 46, Katy, an excellent Pastiylook and Seamstress, 38, and their children.Abrarim19, Moses 17, little Henry 15, Gcorgianna 11,oruelia 9, Jemima, 5, and Sarah 3 years of age.The terms of the side will be a credit of one, two,nd three years, with interest from the day of sale,ayable annually. The purchaser giving bond and sejrityand a mortgage of the property, and paying forto necessary papers.

ISAAC N. LENOIR, Trustee.Deo. 17.5t


Iu Equity.Kershaw District.obert Wilson, vs. Paul T. Ytllepigue and Wife, and

others..Bill for Partition and Account."N obedience to an order in this cose made, dated. December 13th, 1852,1 will offer for sale, atpublifcitcry, boforo tho Court Houso door in Camden, on the ...

at Monday in February next, and if theu prevented,i some succeeding sale day, the real Estate of Martha JpfT'Wilson, deceased, as set forth in the writ of parti-. ;#

>n issued in this case, consisting of tho followingopcrty,to-wit:Ono tract or plantation ofland, containing 485 acres,ore or less. Ivincr on tho waters of Raften Creek, ino State aforesaid, bounded by the Charleston and;imden road, and by lands of Larkin T. Dinkius, "Wll-,m Sanders, and John Sanders.Also, a House and Lot on Broad-street in the town,Camden, and Lots on Lyttleton Street in the said, .

vim. The said Lots being known and distinguished:the plan of the said town by the Nos. Oil, and 912,'2, and half lot No. 881.The said Plantation will not b'o sold for less Dollars per acre. VThe house and lots on Broad-Street will not be sold-.less than Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200,) and tho.o Lots on Littleton-street, at not lessthan Four Hunsxl Dollars ($400)Terms..So much cash as will pay the costs of the balance, bond, with approved personalrelies, and a mortgage of the premises, payable in,o equal annual instalments, the wholo beanng inter-,from date of sale, payable annually until the wholeadis satisfied. Purchasers to pay for all necessary

pore. W. H. R. WORKMAN, c. E. K. p.Dec. 21,^862. 102tf

Fresh Virginia Butter*NEW SUPPLY. Just received and for safe

L by B. W. CHAMBERS,Doc.

" : - *> flit? f >\ » *-*;a

"> v. ->

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