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jlfpp . w: ''" " Hill I_ U- "-J.I LL*trange qngstioo f^et the answer i* not *o <lis" tint! as could be desired* The enemy's Gov efnment, we know, takra the second view our position. To the Washington authorities we are simply criminals awaiting punishment, who Buy he hanged, or may be pardoned, In their eyes, oar country is not our but their*k hosuitise* wbicft Uier :nrry. on are nos, btU military execution *u<J coerpot. There i*t in their opinioh, no cqoa!Hv# of * righto between as; no more than between the ;^Sico atsd a gang of garrolem whom the police ,* beating down. Even the one tyiitfoin of apparent recognition, upon their pare, of our m a war-emkif^ pe«*plt\ namely, the cv change of prisoner* 0mc*±tirtt to which policy compelled them for a StUe while) b at an end. #wo would not treat, fomooth, with Sfsjor (^noni'Bwth#! The outlaw*, indeed, pretend to tastes and preference# as to which of the efficient police cototaldeft shall f»c sent to dnd with them. 11»© fiothfioa* erwttart* demand Jtd be brought J««ck to their dot)4 by gentle *" mandikc officer*, and to be handled with kid fflotes, do tfn»r J * m This *tv all aware, m tlie manner tur which onr snemie# thsw the whjccl; niti<l to «fa» them jonies, tliCT accordst»ce Willi their * theory* The? lock l^ ^r GrwralMcifgfttt in ' {a State pem<<mlUr\\ together lit* officer* and men: and the people of the State <*£ Uliio are to deal uj»n them a* common horse H$ale^ wad felony t*h*« in the fact withm the **id State, Tl»iff#iioot atkl hang Confederals oflh *ee» who reesait within the Confederate State# feryheCmfWmtejmnt; they laogk at ogr hollow thread of ^Maiwtion** threat* which they £wd we do m*4% ami Mfeve we dare tiot, r^W3cnte. Titer find 4 de* d n*gtt> irfb^ on tin? Voad somewhere, ami tlijy take the" 8f*t Confederate dferr ami whiter ifycy can lav haM$ 'spots, make them knee! down'm thf-i &&& corpse, *tw! #!««5ot them thc*v. of rv *ta!iatH>o titty ieprtC If *ach a W at tpamed<*fthe? pick oat MHtot general* and wde* '»ek th be held *> fottiagt* for their condemned 'ruffian*, whether whiteV Uack. We roar W .. if wc fern*, Gd&m! I'k&il «hhI in i<» fete - l0yrtk~~*$hm)hl rv>>4 ihma me» von *iU W fcimpfy ctiifcy <3 The? 'in ©&>*? a!*w£ tl*at ! u it not &V re-Wb ami («Ik» lute ?«»fna£r5t a* rett*» 50 by <W?t ih© l*W» of %wralj?y ?*» tWe who are $ait*m«s£ them for 'ihetr emm*. i^di sI«rort, i|jf» " *Li Jam * %.'* : iUtiihs* in hv*4 k not tin? 'miticMt trf»H <hs> 4«« 10 w |»£v a ititlefitriiildiRt W &*? 5 i *** ft at Iwat rreagtilxs m ^ 'i* Mltgwi*;*? ^hm* 4!* war. Now, «* *; fefiffct <**r *h* we tiurr not**? 4*ru »m 4t% nt afirn&rt* fwm fttetjM tftm £r <*itrag»» }wl«^ *»4 fatfnier, tiu« (km wmttvui *i&r* virtmttt aekmrn?*-*?**** a*<| an-frp? * UMht, thf wW? ttaaorr. jjr, ym»ln Sewaftte- tZrrwivi Mttrgxti m^hn a 1 1: ^ha ttgwOS***; Sm i*fc**r, t* il.r?am into * ^C#t* **aftt»U triail i J 'ajgfrrMim Ssjh«<rbiai»4 !»«» miant&J I***/. ^ %it*U lay *mj pfomt*«r a^ng| ' cwtftlk* S+*T\h Aar« treat d »4 jwjNMtti* of ttir. SJU^MV«, *' JCtifKUfick, rid« when. A her «pt,» ** 3h the toftt&atior* of Ifckhwond, ib> h<wt*$* a&J hencoop*, ejicaHng th« Iwt *pomt» t naxl £ktfhtn£, +mfflu£ off »i their pl***ar? bor*e*. *>«!«*» l»4fw; toWe of the thche* *!** , t. * ^pfwebeiHtah hut what caw t *ir f Tfctsr offi. aw e*»ttdtict*«! to the fjfif*r and «#**} with *i!ittif»gni»I>f) co»**defwtk»M , the prfeatethtpti* *'«ws raw of the treatment *>f hiWrtblo agd pritof&rs iubn io feattl& He* era! !im*!rp>l «? tb» l**t marauding jwig «m now !b the 'Confederate priaot** at Richmond. They arv jnot chained up to * IVrntonftwr W felony not handed ow U'te dealt with k the outraged law* of Virginia. Why Hut f iVfh&j* Ufa , State Gorcniwent at Iffehwoml J* not the true , *Cowi5m*frt of Virginia J ffc?d»a}** the true GoV< t- fe^§**< oW at Wheeling or at Ah'Xan* "drill, cr at ; aisd tit***} raider* and ro\>4 'hm have, committed n#1 offence agama Ihat ^Oevtnimrof, or agafiUt the people of the real State of Virginia. that ia the *T0r#n Stale.. Thia i* the theory at Washington : thoae in 'fdvllttn" harp na riffh'f* J siufio do lie thcae caitiffs a* w»* done l»r M«tf2p*n in Ohio, would - ** * 4. not there ?*e tvgtrded the kgiliwattt fetaiut* lion of Ue!i£*f*i»u» tml a* a new adtti^e l»r rebel*; and, (hmbtie**, if the wreleftra wcw Bangui, an e^njil ftr,i||i»er of 1 Vmfcdfrratn officer*, of the ti?ghe*t rank they have jjOt, wmild awing; and oor Government know* ft; ami in it$ bnnianity and Christian chant? antwoita,-Again, two Yankee officer* are solemnly designated, b? Jot, to be etecuicd in retaliation for two of oun most fonliy murdered. lint, in the eyes of o«r ©ncim**, we hate no right* «rf retal iation. n«>r any other right*, So they coolly inform its that if we do at we June threatened, the/ trill not rcgarij it at rrttl'ttxin, last a* a new crime, to be teterelj ptitttsbed. The) # choose o it fwo officer* of rank, one a brigadiergeneral, and inform thai their lives shall r< answer for the t^o whom we propose to ese cistc. Well, ihit Government, after month* o^ hesitation, g*?** way, yields tff, confesse* thai 'W^* * ^ * &> 0 I Y*Wk < >- r*#£ * it has no riglitSyAnd lot* the condemned men go. In other word?, it accepts for ns, and in j ocr name, the position of rebels and male- Ei j factors. ^ bi ! On the same principle, preciseir, the Wash* ! iiigton Government maintains its right to pro- fleet d^&ertcra from Confederate regiments, \ when they are afterwards taken in the federal j . I ranks anJ iu Federal nnitorm. That Govern-j j tncnl never hesitate* tor a moment in punish | j* J ing it* own deserter* taken in the like circum- pj stance*; because it hold* that it has law and | justice on :t*,,iid<\ ami that irhikit loyal citizen* f«; j I»arc no right to 'desert their allegiance am! un j ton* traiums, rebel*, on the other hand, hare at |w | all time* the right and duly to desist from their ^ ) fftMlion and turn hotim men. It i* a part of us | their it *k**$ ]*art of our* I Gen- ^ rora! Pickett* indeed, ha* j«*i Mgtiifhsl hi* fit- °** I tenthm, *> (at a* hi* command extends to w | maintain the toil jiridicpsi of a belligerent, to ^ j in*»t npoti tb& right, of the Confederate States* | to pnmrii their ow?i deserting soldiers and if j J?! jtho Yankee accent** the usual threat in thai ** caw*. Pickett m* he will haoe ten for his one ft is r%hi; hut will Genera! Hckett he allowed »-r to ckmt <*ul josd continue that valttd Coiifciilef- cr s »-- .-Mf." | ate practise? We cannot Help doaUutg tt. j J*| ] Our Sot^ntoMt t* habituating u* by degree | the feeling that tve hare no rights a^agaipHi j'the \V«*hit^to» wstbormcv \Y© begin tie feci j b* j nlmmi like criminal* am! outlaw.*; am! to ac- p1 f knowledge to *nr very wIhi that onr enemy j ^ | Ha* «n ritje privilege* which «r« do not dare j 5* j 10 claim. ^ * ] f.y | jg $tti *wg are facotwider,*' it *m*t what; Wfcksd tUstiii ohj tlwawp, but what it l*s* j ®' finni** »\ a* hu*U*n* w«ttl gtntJcfm'rv in ; ^ Ob, flrponwr ; *?m| tWt forty parwit | power which afdrto ton *op«<l it*pi**-through i»t> (tiit f«*rty oosr*l What cant t* ihtd We Sfofcrr Mr* I*£v«l U ** are of wh*l»iiav*¥ very j b«nm fogiy to itbifW and murmur. j *!! i ThcY K'tV, can tfii* man l*p Mtffigjlp for film-1 ^ jl«j$£ ia e&*c of the a «*nt <.f plea tit ' r* | Ration «*f pnnMtment f If the can*c Tor whttrh * *k » a humlm! and fefty fltiWMml «f u* hare died, j j*' 1W tjfewn ai lart, i* thi* Chrattiifi mwk- L Hjtewi of hi* i**tem!e<l to *ato lit* own lifof Tiiev n | fe»i% trb*l rom&wrt an* fie*# Sac ftmiitncMs to .the hoaw^t^ &ti»iikii who li^c laeeit «it jvc« from tl «ir 'fitO'iie* its Te8t»r**co or VifgititJt, ., w!tc» ili« Sail thai fnir arms**, <?*«*» oa the J u cfcrmt'* i*>il «f«? tsrfiiihchl from tpvjng tta * in* 11* tatlm a U*c« rtf l# wiif w Iitcir «#§» Iu t*\ ficrtJilrriiioS Wn*f For *W liir* ** *#i. tft*r o*a<wvt-«tncai at *11 if it he itoi t«» ptt ttei tt«. «cr rmooieA* tu of <wtr cadi!i«4 fchess aw*I}« ; to uphoM our gtisttitt all it* ftfifft** &ml fittttulctfr, ami to uttr Fanner %**£ high t . i*ti «A*« U loa- lh oria^ Site racfc nod the haulier thftw+li tbt ilttvt , It#** s* ci^tar^injj, iRvaing ^ oar ior«dni to m**#v ami ptllitpi «* at phr** ' u C5tt\ *if<* U»at they will iKti ta mitnl aith tin* to ! l*k« in tto-tr ustttthe CfcfMmt'itj ami clii** ^ *}vv «»! nit this, U for the vm?mv-~io it* ami ?* i ««** ii j* enmhy jjntl euutesnjitl It an* tt«Vt j &*r (I** t*#r fieSu* ls**e l*m*t »<hM with the la !* elioiem4 Mood a( oar chU<IjVti thrat? titift? Icr* tiidp tvmtK j& it i* %*rf punfoi Jo tl*Mik It; *ti!l oiott? to. ^ | *ay it; but ti»a truth tint mi f Ith^ hattUhip* #t iw*r atnl»'j;'f»in!, fifid lln> % *c» a& U*fie* %e b*f$ won, mr ci*-wy jgwfttalht oW b* thf? gTvwl morai advantage j»is«i ,M pre«dii*v officer* of the !»* Imvo ot^r «#*M*clo*x So (win *»«J «o long ti4f« j % iciJol to the prpU»o*U>u and *»f- J m fcwnl ti»*fll «ie»;y o<tr r*|iuit rijjhf, I hat it trnHt 1 ~ ««?»»> i|i »!niior*!ifcm£ and ipo«iiin£ oflr *pwt,.* j T1f«? Yankee now hot to tinM I rl to u* >ilh *J * I"«t to Main*! oner u.% with « the whip. which* from time to |i«ni h* rnick*. ? **' And we are Yitgitiuibs CiroJ?&1*n\ the *Vliiv-j llri" {'kwl Me** m!) tif }iik cftttiioftij; at*! that pobctuwn thcrr, with hi* ihr j irul^r and dtwpi*ed Yankee. Soon, at lht% ' rate. all the pluck will he uk»*n oil§ ».t ih ; »u j alnill br trl*eh eoofr*w?d; and it n not war j \ thnt f ill fftiwb the work, hut criminal jmtyini- ^ denee and pro*eculb*£ attorney*; not <h*ncr- L j a!*, hut comtabkt; not the *nhre, but llto ; lintiiic^. Tbo *wor»! i* loo l*right, too higlo tempered, too nuMu no tikitrnmetii to l»o tjw*| upon wteb material.iboy will njUmatc the tab, * When, thei^ wotdd we practically *a$jgfc*t i1 ^ Vint, to pm to death .all nii<ierftcaa»ht tu the n ' « .1 . .. . . Ini llf, W m*i*i up<»it UK nun »*iwpu- ; hns* carry tng o»t of retaliation for murder*, n . tobfcrie* mid other outran -ith the wort j punctual exactitude; we cannot afford *w»e#ifj we would recover our rightful position, to bate them. one jot <* tittle: thirdly, on our neit en- j {lt trv ini(» I'etmvylvjuiia ami the parti ntlja-cut.a* enter then* we nurelv innot .to remember tfith jealous accuracy thl* proceeding* of Burnddt in j Ten nassee, of I toller in New Or Iran* and Nor . folk, of Milroy in Virginia. We hate no n*e f for anv Christian gentleman who will come short of the requirement*. It i* time that our 11 ' kind and religious ruhrr*, so benignant to our * eneime* shpuM bejrin I * Ibow mercy to ns; | end M the firrt and moil urgent work of nccev ^ sitr and mercy, it right and expedient that j . the robhera mid fire-raiser* just apprehended j I on the peninsula race! wish a quick trial and a ] . dog'* death. j al f Ms act act mcwdius, ' J b , Vajidosiso Tit OS K WHO Klia! i * I Jfc, * 'lit' MARRIED, In Sainter District, on tbe 10t2i in*L, by Rcr. T. R Mr. J. R. SHAW, of Kershaw. to Miss COlt- i &LIA. JANE, eldest daughter of the trfhciutiDj; p rsoti. *- n . ; « OBITUAEY. " .,. Departed lilt* lifj in fflfnden. on tf»* 4th of March.* r G4. Mrs. MART A. IftMHSOX. wifeof He*. A'. L t jgliHro. Hie tras bora i.i tiiu City of Charleston, p hntftrv 2<i 1816. e When t*»e <vHd. resist'e«* hand of death snatches s as oar chtc&ct wrthlr wir hearts are n wUlnis; to cotidso tire preckon«rema ns to thesr li rttt. soiiurr Conches of day, vjtl*o*i( memtc »;tcmpt, j t werer insKlequite. to convey ?o other* an Impres-1 r 11 of that worth and tno a! loe-lioe« winch was' to j m inestimably Dtn vlint iwSbr?? hat pencil can porter the aim-sole and Heir fwinre® that fmldcs man of the heitri, m Umt vit^i fet oet rmptibbv croft thai tmrrk and quiet which in «j the flight of tfod «>f su great p^e??" And «ud» SrU had Stint iiushwn. hike tIre p-*rt» an! yen tie r wrer*. which her <4 Um:o h»tvd *r» well t<» divf* » and trail her otre di#&far «r.«* mode**, rpotte**. ^profwuoif^ n»»d fa) afa Keh fro^nC4 of juttjr e d sr«"od wbvfcii 0.' iiedih'iit* lirotrxht) ulc, perhaps " lead, th&gxptt&J Iter own fr*U end ddicete frame J en unpfttdently in remissern/ to oUwe Her * ? >le*t pta*nra «"» to vt«H nrnl cheer the mdc. to Jl laeve liw trantt of th« por, and to Meoi? ami fi igbten tt»« jctt/iiway of ties dt*tn$«5«d S *# h*4.j>iU2 71 nw» the h««rr daily b ird>» «>f ^?>j4d health. bat rx- * wrrfiwiriy d4i2e.ii ami *v*tttmtec habit* enabled J 11>) <*w»pT»b M more *l«5> of"-ew, *i ?»&«rfy. [ I oaVpd irttttd h«r«» dob*. iter home tr»e *r*r a ! adr.'crf tattitfftd exMXitfMI afed order ~m4 t*4»r pf»» ? wfiUdi repeX a >rfl»lwtei« nt&ti which «e*k* .' ajd^y. hat tiwt «jwrii of *& I h»j» ] S hire for s^itaom hi tifcrif. and for #H Ihiu & W $t »t j IfHfe srtrtod. whklt adorn* eqtnt'lr « j**l co «ri» | 4 tS4jre. Aei *re **eh« «, in fnt. font an imtorard j of. that- acrnph| with which »he k -|>t her j m w«ul ahd **l*cd Unrtratly ifc*r G<*i Sh-* h *1 ;* cn a prolan; ebr«v.*u hir tbnn thirty %v*<K j J 4all Will bcor brajjw** th it *hp J* t* Is imhlr ea4 | r ti^iltt w>rVMit la* ariiM<l*)lti Wwi I J.'?4-*1 tjc n ^4^ *4» talm J* Si preeefML .\*ratf sa um? bei'Ktt !«:? d c*r»*& so [ * a»TYJ UK# itfifc l«V- «r|f&n #*** &?« *> jbl wbfck »!> \ ( *T*t 4ir?.l.l«tt, «Ha -aitls prJj-ti * df. |' wA tlii- aftJcSr* fef < !»>? Jontf vhMi 4«' f * -«d »fl fcuni pan? diflfesni-ov* w \ " <t*tUk act&M&ry.. A* sl*f to*j. *&emn m affcen! »pkwebel *W*akk 4mw I am rYi 4jr tojs*>: a»j *A*i'Ur " w Ui «*, w& *j i vasls arltl* «m- Dirim^i ii«? <L»ric * fir?.* »wI u^lr »fsM »?.« mid iwr* Ujr J ok to afcty tit* 2>m»« of JfsH«. ilstne «m5 b rack bk*wd hi« J Tw lUxw liv-o MrJfewi j?itt »vfm« l«< dfrrtfe liow ha fe«U noticed ll«w% k4m ^ ^ &< &**& >itftar - »b o^ar" f*#» w$* No istof# *i«J ngttbr aad j»>h! Sfc« diftkt ,&i {$9M* S«i * $&& arfttd I & of tSi*-*. Ol *t <L aoj tHott tvcatt bw a wo j*ttttf f. d. * .: 4 !*wm urn ii iim i 1 TBIBVTE OF BCIPECT. <' Ai o mctiiitgaf thb Wm Itefwrafcml Sotj ty tm ? * 9sb toH»»C cbs &&9wiay t*v#j«b&mid rvtsw{ot£*tf tenta***!: ,/ - , . 4 tVV Ui# lw wpm tomtom and Mtftt $# *«/ c f&Kt* *lri ill Iw tatfb u* i rv tlU<fU^OS^ ©* nit Ti» Prwtfd^iitt * w1**~ I r tratfw..^ So eb*» e »l^» <«f O* iHt?, «»i b »«s4* {, >dr fo in tiij* m-4 »CS f d %'f ir nld Ottr Btrui^ubbwi witii y bt*» j £*«&!??. kt&Vtne ibi w{f |«« s i* h^f ar*in. IU> i\ ftmifaL Tbii in h& <OMth tn»ba*«.-4 a na *h**an , ' -<L »U«t wo J«64?r t»bw *551&?4 Mf. **? 1 eiluM*** in thl% «ol Nrw tmwi. wn i Stai bf «M a «f | ^0 IU*o£t>«k» > to bl«ooi , 1 ' .' ' «*.- iJrAn A/!ljhinii.4 hi Mt' f »»** 5H imrv'I »*> » j- ^ iwt* wa '** tmi&md it? WflM^flqr, ,. h'*~bti& Oejtfik 1 If ia »l^ CmemImi |/tt»«} J Ma*. fits** prw&L I J Mft*.. ZiCK Lutftu. i S«?sfe>ft». I J '*_''JIllilSgKE. i" " ' .. U HWHUIgipp j SjJIlilMi * HAG3 ! RAGS!! % ' niiK nt»tyfe*T paw ?on tritrrK [ -or rsjr^v <1* Jit tffwl 5o or ks&U «Wk" *5 (S« afifcca, > j uji. m L--.aiQj.nni f .i » ,, ii r t t "'"i * _T. 1 POST OFFICE, CAMDElf. S C , V.ifL ARRAXOEMEXTS. 4jH t . *. ;? j 1 , - « J (jj cotm**Tox, eotrasu, wtmtor r A*» tfjir t *-r>*n«\ ?»y v no f M ^ A TStn*'*! ' *t G f,f> P 51 f * TV *i*r. T>4 «J >jr 4 at 11 00 AH. lA*CA*r£B, Ft VT l*<»C8. d?C, \XM k Pr \*r hr *1 <n >f ' my.So wt' day*. At M 00 A. M j . nto niLt, RtrtiSL pucf, A*c. "Iat, 1«t 11 05 M j wM-KtnxU]r. at It 00 A. 51 I ^ . trmnr (t^ ' . Tll.1.1*^ » ' *t «M - - . . y*n!»r. *»tv 12 00 W. j *. .Prkiar, at « 10 <*0 A. 11. OFFtf'R llOUftl Frroi S 05 VI in 3 <»0 P M . ami for a *hort iv* »ftoro;wnbi Ui? snail al n^hv T. W PgOCTK?, ry ~ NOTICE VLL Iiatinj rl^ns in*t th* R«ti{* of 4pm-« V trill pr«^n: ihc , fnr> ?/% me dolr «Up"^I at < W-ir « <| »y r»r**»t , * urn' nil p*rw>"»* iixirhled «o ««» I K lot* will t *ke puwtt. t m? of !wic 4jWliv6 ind. hl*-»| »f t* j an earrltj, A.- MAHY A U'lKA Admr , u*Wi m if ! i All >* " " NOTICE. 3KR30X."1 baring H <i it* n?iitut !h-i o(CoA L Xt A Aocrmri vPij| {4c*ih> present ti cm ! yac^ljXX.n, M. Bhanivwi, R*i *\ tin Br»h<& h aftV J D KIRKPATR1CK, Admr. j, M&rth 18 * * * _ r, NOTICE. '-i A LL Guardians, Trsstae*, reoelrer? and other*, who r\ an? Immid to ncoMiat to tb« Coajmlsaforw fa Jquity Mr Ker*!?aw> District. sr» hereby required to bi part nppeor before *aSd Co<mr\'&ofier at life oflksa at amden Ironi the 20ili i{«rrh 10 lit M«f next to rtaVft ,,r»uA in Jwntis, poseseiog <r flnnaffom^nr. wtiinz forth On o^.tk the p>nica:.afR r.d v.ilue «tf *»jch and *n account of a*i cione? J&I wr*l a*i*l paid for s »sd and to sabsUatiaie /MgM he «irn* l<r proper end safifcfeut v Often. Al>»o to mduc> all tead* Mt&. cort^cateS of «W oth*r t; lew* of fhfkca« ii, ftrti-ti. wh eh iw* m ^ *'*\ rtiirn : and »!«o ail tlifc de*»d3. b h of fc»U«, .»nd iher rmmioent* of ti? o of p^opert:. pmcha*?d *y him *r. o- ih *r>, for hi*, h*r. o- wird or es-tfoi qne * rt*\ Holes will be1a*neuUv»}y :«*u? \ ar»i?»st thoa» rho fcfl. i D. niJNLAP, Owniniooer in Equity K. D. ; GartdenMarch 13 ' 3 NOTICE. ro TRifiiwuoFrfjsv.srnoow p»ukf:**r*lw i>js rsit.x rJ%.\CliF.R> of Free vrhi !m«; not m*49 rtrntt# forth© 7 Of **IH pra"H»nt U»* *«m» ert^cd *ft or toft*** th* «r*t Matter m ApK! ntxV a tte B #i*d oJ Grmm^^o&er* of Fr*« Srhook vfil v*t «n tht&ifit. lill th*o who I«t«n1 T«Hun* ^ ?©?»***?<l-*&*#*»' jt?«r w?fl n»d» .unpltatioo nth* Bon d «r» ftVvt dir.' AH Tester* wv«*itot to ikedwrjf* Fro* SeVdj, tte £<*** of April »jrt m**i« «t»ndo *on of qm*>:6 *3^03. Ixffiwt a cn-niiW-i Ar^mtnMu 'wfn-rt »tfcie? r'rurr' ft ' V T»J3«W C--W r. -m m -r .. - C?roV* in tx» !>*trcfc. R? «rv!*f of -.*!« hoird» of :S?j Sdw*»H 5>r»fn«<* Wftrk*. A. L ycTKmux 3fa<*ti !S 1 Secnrtftij, B S.F. '* .^a latith t*arolhn-K?*,^» ;,v nt k u KTwsxif.* r«orMt toa»». fifefttiiibft r^t t r nwr^jf. rpr,TKr> * 1 *n *>1*9 f*$» «f vdVnltt jsr t*j<n mi »R and *#rAf 'Jfe- sm{« 0*d r«w»» rtd m£tt o* V, V, Mc^ta. h'o of tfco fEirriet aforesaid, deTh*** *$k.- m efj*» *>n1 wdmnafrh & and inipdtr, th * Vm4tv| tn » rrtKvWr* of <i* *»W1 I in Itn fl*r 1 nfqmt f*4M» rr* at W o*3lt 0?d&MtT*« V»m fr* ?H* «*& fki«tnrf. t*» h* at Ke»h»* Wi ll-n^ «n i&» imtt'x da? of April otzt f>«hwriww. ifnnr. wttr tlio Mid nd?a"Bl«tf*Uo» ft'ftSjSw m ?*r «n? ITftOfd etnA ft**!. ihi* 13th. da? <f fcfafzrv S*i thf t*sr rtf nn» T/vfd *m ttemM and <n t**«t*ht?<«?pfetii par the <m i SotwigotT of th* tt*** - f %oth r^jsr 13 « vr ^nAXA? r>. ft. K. n. " NO CAST'S flSpan ISM. t F?F,!t el«l* fl-tt an.I tr» th* \ TV**-?jrrtr<fc»*, ft» ^ Casriar* E *ac\ trlU :at* '.|| V?»rv!vrr. We»t >** <m4 Polity* >' 3 IS &. «s» Afirfhrtt st K &*«*>£* *. m Ttaf% * 4*1 \p A«*> « nrfswltwii 7 39 p, m. >n Tom Tb»n S»rs and S m'd »r* ten** fswdta lUp*. r.T nO^VARTr; ?njfr Tracsptf ^lUdfi, IS " tf *-- <y>"cc*.*»^»i*o<w<nymnminn,wa»n« i.r^nr « iiwjmii.» "i* m&mtfo\TK 5tAWl TRPO^TCORT.* >, Cisn^*. **»& Afttch Itth. I8SI. ,. "J^'f K r»Tr" I** t!t- triftMte&ta a/ Kntli ,<*«* jo*, «!*., ! ! o'clock. r». a. «&* »m 'Vn* hr* Tfciw rfl V &r&usi to sak* »s up t)«r wwlrfr nrtsro* net&ed. W. K HaffsYI* :A DcpastarjB iSii or C 4 «iini «o a! Sbgeh mx 'SGI, Pfbt&TCS w'i* to jpwi tVif !»»«-* 4 |*r Wit. tlvfck tht B*ftk w<fl «io &*$»> it, or ten** fc> tittir fgflfc tv* </ *me*» J*> lN*H Wf|l bo J <^>i. (mmUm rx? 4100 Ti<«¥ iiAll liettAr -m ,v .- wj ..w, Ajif tf*> fr»rtk»n* «*H tf&aftk. ftOfJ n«t lo b®#t ad**R» »g« £* r.ft«?r In Ap«! n**t. tHof*or8? bo fjftid In ih* >iwnt c;»rrv»>^Tt»» p»r all 't^^erton*. An4 lot it *o m &v*s*tM trflM* w>l^lft|filtt 19th. wrf emt nft?r J£Or£b*<..--ej»*tsEl ofbpr i$j 1|SS5M w, K. JOHN'SOK, PncWfsv , CON FEPK': tTK ,*T \TK '"WpojIT * RT. <UX0ft*»A 0, 5884. I fn \VK fcjoit opootftM »o 1«f tJj& 461 v-1 fP^jr^n nfs s- J"t$ F***n:»fir "far few3&s T«r**nrr aft ! trftl be r*-v r £> jjro*wt tft ^:JVI» * in-m* i*w. .it mr m t |-tt. IVt^irtC a t'iw k rtttaCT t^wta t *e»iHc* o* ('if H* > rooter' «n4 *B4r*#^pv "\ ml Hon **. wWeNnro v.iis *c ->r. (Vr«tttt* hrwfftns |4Wft ( v,v.. ** >' \ ?»**e »I* l'4!» A«*Wi*f wfcx* ntJcxintoJI tu ^6^^-.. "hark " Sg fVautTa! Funrfmhtaed w«t^ by 'Wm Jeff D*fK 4*n Hy f?ttV»ir wfft oU?sf #1 i^"|| JoSsldHf HflT5?ic flMMfttg KiMR (J** Vtrch to It: Mr.) *i Ft Ir d si a *. >a advaftaa. No fo. S www. i*.Usj G?c<v3rt. :|3 PROSPKOTUS 7*""" *:|S ^Thr r»tti«ft*»i C'onfoftersitis* I^flR pwtfwwe* to r**sma ««* jwbHfcatioo f Tint rrtvnttMWHTK.** |wft©r * bHof tnt^vtki or? Av or belwo tiw fir t of ij At>^*f proximo A»,c5 pr ** \* * only to defend the ^ *i r ^ *1*1 vIvoeaHl ih*c*»He«f **if iiow Invaded and stir i 'twintfr.ft*wd'tfe h-crcat* ©f our Sttt* tod 1 t " . ' 'I Alretdr Hare tro ooceirrd A>or ©"> OV <i+v «V<*copi?»m h «ik, tflsr. a e-n to Kave npprectated .?.« I >v * -T, t e p iMteifcfa"? 8f tta "OffR HUT*" {Atn|yirjrr iwwpwtsflji. VTe tra»t tb*we of v \ v»*r fn*rtU who tare not yti pwbaeribod will do #o at u wrirdir, rtf rf«t**crni>r:ftn firo tlo'Nra m rear A«t"*rt*«in* r.tes prr «^u*ra uro <h l*r* for tht first j naenkw*, aod w? dollar sr, I fiilr cenrs tor each J T nr.RSHMAK. »rnrv it March 4 ^ 1 >, :;.m&

The Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1864-03-18 [p ]. · 2014-05-19 · mawar-emkif^pe«*plt\ namely,the cv changeofprisoner* 0mc*±tirttto which policy compelled themfor

Jul 30, 2020



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Page 1: The Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1864-03-18 [p ]. · 2014-05-19 · mawar-emkif^pe«*plt\ namely,the cv changeofprisoner* 0mc*±tirttto which policy compelled themfor

jlfpp . w: ''"

" Hill I_ U- "-J.ILL*trangeqngstioo f^et the answer i* not *o <lis"tint! as could be desired* The enemy's Govefnment, we know, takra the second viewour position. To the Washington authoritieswe are simply criminals awaiting punishment,who Buy he hanged, or may be pardoned, Intheir eyes, oar country is not our but their*k

hosuitise* wbicft Uier :nrry. on are nos,

btU military execution *u<J coerpot.There i*t in their opinioh, no cqoa!Hv# of* righto between as; no more than between the

;^Sico atsd a gang ofgarrolem whom the police,* beating down. Even the one tyiitfoin ofapparentrecognition, upon their pare, of our

m a war-emkif^ pe«*plt\ namely, the cv

change of prisoner* 0mc*±tirtt to which policycompelled them for a StUe while) b at an end.#wo would not treat, fomooth, with Sfsjor (^noni'Bwth#!The outlaw*, indeed, pretend to

tastes and preference# as to which of the efficientpolice cototaldeft shall f»c sent to dndwith them. 11»© fiothfioa* erwttart* demand

Jtd be brought J««ck to their dot)4 by gentle *"mandikc officer*, and to be handled with kidfflotes, do tfn»r J

* m

This *tv all aware, m tlie manner tur

which onr snemie# thsw the whjccl; niti<l to «fa»them jonies, tliCT accordst»ce Willi their

* theory* The? lock l^ ^r GrwralMcifgfttt in' {a State pem<<mlUr\\ together lit* officer*and men: and the people of the State <*£ Uliioare to deal uj»n them a* common horse H$ale^wad felony t*h*« in the fact withm the **idState, Tl»iff#iioot atkl hang Confederals oflh*ee» who reesait within the Confederate State#feryheCmfWmtejmnt; they laogk at ogr

hollow thread of ^Maiwtion** threat* whichthey £wd we do m*4% ami Mfeve we dare tiot,

r^W3cnte. Titer find 4 de*d n*gtt> irfb^ on tin?Voad somewhere, ami tlijy take the" 8f*t Confederatedferr ami whiter ifycy can lav haM$'spots, make them knee! down'm thf-i&&&corpse, *tw! #!««5ot them thc*v. of rv

*ta!iatH>o titty ieprtC If *ach a W at

tpamed<*fthe? pick oat MHtot general* and wde*'»ek th be held *> fottiagt* fortheir condemned'ruffian*, whether whiteV Uack. We roarW

.. if wc fern*, Gd&m! I'k&il «hhI in i<» fete- l0yrtk~~*$hm)hl rv>>4 ihma me»

von *iU W fcimpfy ctiifcy <3 The?'in ©&>*? a!*w£ tl*at ! u it not &Vre-Wb ami («Ik» lute ?«»fna£r5t a* rett*»

50 by <W?t ih© l*W» of%wralj?y ?*» tWe who are $ait*m«s£ them for'ihetr emm*. i^di sI«rort, i|jf»

" *Li Jam * %.'* :

iUtiihs* in hv*4 k not tin?'miticMt trf»H <hs> 4«« 10w|»£v aititlefitriiildiRtW &*? 5 i*** ft at Iwat rreagtilxsm

^ 'i* Mltgwi*;*?^hm* 4!* war. Now, «*

*; fefiffct <**r ?» *h* we tiurrnot**? 4*ru »m 4t% nt afirn&rt* fwm fttetjMtftm £r <*itrag»» }wl«^ *»4 fatfnier, tiu« (kmwmttvui *i&r* virtmttt aekmrn?*-*?**** a*<| an-frp?*UMht, thf wW? ttaaorr. jjr, ym»ln

Sewaftte- tZrrwivi Mttrgxti m^hn a

1 1: ^ha ttgwOS***; Sm *» i*fc**r, t* il.r?am into *

^C#t* **aftt»U triaili

J 'ajgfrrMim Ssjh«<rbiai»4 !»«» miant&J I***/.^ %it*U lay *mj pfomt*«r a^ng|

' cwtftlk* S+*T\h Aar«treat d »4 jwjNMtti* of ttir. SJU^MV«,

*' JCtifKUfick, rid« when. Aher «pt,»** 3h the toftt&atior* of Ifckhwond, ib>

h<wt*$* a&J hencoop*, ejicaHng th« Iwt *pomt»t naxl £ktfhtn£, +mfflu£ off »i their pl***ar?

bor*e*. *>«!«*» l»4fw; toWe of the thche* *!**

, t. * ^pfwebeiHtah hut what caw t *ir f Tfctsr e*»ttdtict*«! to the fjfif*r and «#**} with

*i!ittif»gni»I>f) co»**defwtk»M , the prfeatethtpti**'«ws raw of the treatment *>f hiWrtbloagd pritof&rs iubn io feattl& He* era! !im*!rp>l«? tb» l**t marauding jwig «m now !b the'Confederate priaot** at Richmond. They arv

jnot chained up to * IVrntonftwrW felony not

handed ow U'te dealt with k the outragedlaw* of Virginia. Why Hut f iVfh&j* Ufa

, State Gorcniwent at Iffehwoml J* not the true

, *Cowi5m*frt of Virginia J ffc?d»a}** the true GoV<t- fe^§**< oW at Wheeling or at Ah'Xan*

"drill, cr at ; aisd tit***} raider* and ro\>4'hm have, committed n#1 offence agama Ihat

^Oevtnimrof, or agafiUt the people of the realState of Virginia. that ia the *T0r#n Stale..Thia i* the theory at Washington : thoae in'fdvllttn" harp na riffh'f* J siufio do lie thcaecaitiffs a* w»* done l»r M«tf2p*n in Ohio, would

-** * 4.

not there ?*e tvgtrded the kgiliwattt fetaiut*lion of Ue!i£*f*i»u» tml a* a new adtti^e l»rrebel*; and, (hmbtie**, if the wreleftra wcw

Bangui, an e^njil ftr,i||i»er of 1 Vmfcdfrratn officer*,of the ti?ghe*t rank they have jjOt, wmild

awing; and oor Government know* ft; ami init$ bnnianity and Christian chant? antwoita,-Again,two Yankee officer* are solemnly designated,b? Jot, to be etecuicd in retaliation fortwo of oun most fonliy murdered. lint, in theeyes of o«r ©ncim**, we hate no right* «rf retaliation. n«>r any other right*, So they coollyinform its that if we do at we June threatened,the/ trill not rcgarij it at rrttl'ttxin, last a* a

new crime, to be teterelj ptitttsbed. The)# choose o it fwo officer* of rank, one a brigadiergeneral,and inform o« thai their lives shall

r< answer for the t^o whom we propose to ese

cistc. Well, ihit Government, after month* o^

hesitation, g*?** way, yields tff, confesse* thai'W^* * ^ * &>0

I Y*Wk <>-r*#£


it has no riglitSyAnd lot* the condemned men

go. In other word?, it accepts for ns, and in

j ocr name, the position of rebels and male- Ei

j factors. ^

bi! On the same principle, preciseir, the Wash*! iiigton Government maintains its right to pro- fleetd^&ertcra from Confederate regiments,\ when they are afterwards taken in the federal j .I ranks anJ iu Federal nnitorm. That Govern-jj tncnl never hesitate* tor a moment in punish | j*J ing it* own deserter* taken in the like circum- pjstance*; because it hold* that it has law and

| justice on :t*,,iid<\ ami that irhikit loyal citizen* f«;

j I»arc no right to 'desert their allegiance am! un

j ton* traiums, rebel*, on the other hand, hare at |w| all time* the right and duly to desist from their ^) fftMlion and turn hotim men. It i* a part of us

| their it *k**$ ]*art of our* I Gen- ^rora! Pickett* indeed, ha* j«*i Mgtiifhsl hi* fit- °**

I tenthm, *> (at a* hi* command extends to w

| maintain the toil jiridicpsi of a belligerent, to ^j in*»t npoti tb& right, of the Confederate States* &»

| to pnmrii their ow?i deserting soldiers and if j J?!jtho Yankeeaccent** the usual threat in thai **

caw*. Pickett m* he will haoe ten for his oneft is r%hi; hut will Genera! Hckett he allowed »-r

to ckmt <*ul josd continue that valttd Coiifciilef- crs

»-- -» .-Mf."

| ate practise? We cannot Help doaUutg tt. j J*|] Our Sot^ntoMt t* habituating u* by degree |

the feeling that tve hare no rights a^agaipHij'the \V«*hit^to» wstbormcv \Y© begin tie feci j b*j nlmmi like criminal* am! outlaw.*; am! to ac- p1f knowledge to *nr very wIhi that onr enemy j ^| Ha* «n h« ritje privilege* which «r« do not dare j 5*j 10 claim. ^* ] f.y

| jg $tti *wg are facotwider,*' it *m*t what; *«

Wfcksd tUstiii ohj tlwawp, but what it l*s* j ®'finni** »\ a* hu*U*n* w«ttl gtntJcfm'rv t« in ;^

Ob, flrponwr ; *?m| tWt forty parwit |power which afdrto ton *op«<l it*pi**-through i»t>

(tiit f«*rty oosr*l What cant t* ihtd WeSfofcrr Mr* I*£v«l U ** are of wh*l»iiav*¥ very jb«nm fogiy to itbifW and murmur. j *!!

i ThcY K'tV, can tfii* man l*p Mtffigjlp for film-1 ^jl«j$£ ia e&*c of the a «*nt <.f plea tit


| Ration «*f pnnMtment f If the can*c Tor whttrh * *k

» a humlm! and fefty fltiWMml «f u* hare died, j j*'1W tjfewn ai lart, i* thi* Chrattiifi mwk- L

Hjtewi of hi* i**tem!e<l to *ato lit* own lifof Tiiev n

| fe»i% trb*l rom&wrt an* fie*# Sac ftmiitncMs to

.the hoaw^t^ &ti»iikii who li^c laeeit «it jvc«from tl «ir 'fitO'iie* its Te8t»r**co or VifgititJt, .,

w!tc» ili« Sail thai fnir arms**, <?*«*» oa the J ucfcrmt'* i*>il «f«? tsrfiiihchl from tpvjng tta * in* 11*tatlm a U*c« rtfl# wiifw Iitcir «#§» Iut*\ ficrtJilrriiioS Wn*f For *W liir* **

*« *#i. tft*r o*a<wvt-«tncai at *11 if it he itoit«» ptt ttei tt«. «cr rmooieA* tu

of <wtr cadi!i«4 fchess aw*I}« ; to uphoM our

gtisttitt all it* ftfifft** &ml fittttulctfr, ami touttr Fanner %**£ high t . i*ti «A*« U loa- lh

oria^ Site racfc nod the haulierthftw+li tbt ilttvt , It#** s* ci^tar^injj, iRvaing ^oar ior«dni to m**#v ami ptllitpi «* at phr** ' uC5tt\ *if<* U»at they will iKti ta mitnl aith tin* to

! l*k« in tto-tr ustttthe CfcfMmt'itj ami clii** ^

*}vv «»! nit this, U for the vm?mv-~io it* ami ?*i ««** ii j* enmhy jjntl euutesnjitl It an* tt«Vt

j &*r (I** t*#r fieSu* ls**e l*m*t »<hM with the la!* elioiem4 Mood a( oar chU<IjVti thrat? titift? Icr*tiidp tvmtK j&

it i* %*rf punfoi Jo tl*Mik It; *ti!l oiott? to.^| *ay it; but ti»a truth tintmi fIth^ hattUhip* #t iw*r atnl»'j;'f»in!, fifid lln> % *c» a&

U*fie* %e b*f$ won, mr ci*-wy h» jgwfttalhtoW b* thf? gTvwl morai advantage j»is«i ,M

pre«dii*v officer* of the !»* Imvo ot^r

«#*M*clo*x So (win *»«J «o long ti4f« j% iciJol to the prpU»o*U>u and *»f- J m

fcwnl ti»*fll U» «ie»;y o<tr r*|iuit rijjhf, Ihat it trnHt 1 ~««?»»> i|i »!niior*!ifcm£ and ipo«iiin£ oflr *pwt,.* jT1f«? Yankee now hot to tinM I rlto u* >ilh *J * I"«t to Main*! oner u.% with «

the whip. which* from time to |i«ni h* rnick*. ? **'

And we are Yitgitiuibs CiroJ?&1*n\ the *Vliiv-jllri" {'kwl Me** m!) tif }iik cftttiioftij; at*!that pobctuwn thcrr, with hi* i» ihr jirul^r and dtwpi*ed Yankee. Soon, at lht% '

rate. all the pluck will he uk»*n oil§ ».t ih ; »u jalnill br trl*eh eoofr*w?d; and it n not war j

\ thnt fill fftiwb the work, hut criminal jmtyini- ^denee and pro*eculb*£ attorney*; not <h*ncr- L ja!*, hut comtabkt; not the *nhre, but llto ;

lintiiic^. Tbo *wor»! i* loo l*right, too higlotempered, too nuMu no tikitrnmetii to l»o tjw*|upon wteb material.iboy will njUmatc thetab, *

When, thei^ wotdd we practically *a$jgfc*t i1 ^Vint, to pm to death .all nii<ierftcaa»ht tu the n

'« .1 . .. . .

Ini llf, W m*i*i up<»it UK nun »*iwpu- ;

hns* carrytng o»t of retaliation for murder*, n. tobfcrie* mid other outran -ith the wort jpunctual exactitude; we cannot afford *w»e#ifjwe would recover our rightful position, to batethem. one jot <* tittle: thirdly, on our neit en- j {lt

trv ini(» I'etmvylvjuiia ami the parti ntlja-cut.a*enter then* we nurelv innot .to remember tfith

jealousaccuracy thl* proceeding* of Burnddt in jTennassee, of I toller in New OrIran* and Nor

. folk, of Milroy in Virginia. We hate no n*e ffor anv Christian gentleman who will come

short of the requirement*. It i* time that our 11'

kind and religious ruhrr*, so benignant to our *

eneime* shpuM bejrin I * Ibow mercy to ns;| end M the firrt and moil urgent work of nccev


sitr and mercy, it i« right and expedient that j. the robhera mid fire-raiser* just apprehended jI on the peninsula race! wish a quick trial and a ]. dog'* death. j al

f Msact act mcwdius,' J b

, Vajidosiso TitOSK WHO Klia!



Jfc, * 'lit'

MARRIED,In Sainter District, on tbe 10t2i in*L, by Rcr. T. R

Mr. J. R. SHAW, of Kershaw. to Miss COlt- i

&LIA. JANE, eldest daughter of the trfhciutiDj; prsoti. *- n

.; «



Departed lilt* lifj in fflfnden. on tf»* 4th of March.* r

G4. Mrs. MART A. IftMHSOX. wifeof He*. A'. L t

jgliHro. Hie tras bora i.i tiiu City of Charleston, phntftrv 2<i 1816. e

When t*»e <vHd. resist'e«* hand of death snatches s

as oar chtc&ct wrthlr wir hearts are n

wUlnis; to cotidso tire preckon«rema ns to thesr lirttt. soiiurr Conches of day, vjtl*o*i( memtc »;tcmpt, j twerer insKlequite. to convey ?o other* an Impres-1 r

11 of that worth and tno a! loe-lioe« winch was' to jm inestimably Dtn vlint iwSbr??hat pencil can porter the aim-sole and Heir fwinre®that fmldcs man of the heitri, m Umt vit^i fet oetrmptibbv croft thai tmrrk and quiet which in «jthe flight of tfod «>f su great p^e??" And «ud»SrU had Stint iiushwn. hike tIre p-*rt» an! yentie rwrer*. which her <4 Um:o h»tvd *r» well t<» divf*» and trail her otre di#&far «r.«* mode**, rpotte**.^profwuoif^ n»»d fa) afa Keh fro^nC4 of juttjr e

d sr«"od wbvfcii 0.' iiedih'iit* lirotrxht) ulc, perhaps "

lead, th&gxptt&J Iter own fr*U end ddicete frame Jen h» unpfttdently in remissern/ to oUwe Her *

? >le*t pta*nra «"» to vt«H nrnl cheer the mdc. to Jl

laeve liw trantt of th« por, and to Meoi? ami fi

igbten tt»« jctt/iiway of ties dt*tn$«5«d S *# h*4.j>iU2 71

nw» the h««rr daily b ird>» «>f ^?>j4d health. bat rx- *

wrrfiwiriy d4i2e.ii ami *v*tttmtec habit* enabled J11>) <*w»pT»bM more *l«5> of"-ew, *i ?»&«rfy. [ IoaVpd irttttd h«r«» dob*. iter home tr»e *r*r a !adr.'crf tattitfftd exMXitfMI afed order~m4 t*4»r pf»» ?

wfiUdi repeX a >rfl»lwtei« nt&ti which «e*k* .'

ajd^y. hat tiwt «jwrii of *& I h»j» ] Shire for s^itaom hi tifcrif. and for #H Ihiu& W $t »t jIfHfe srtrtod. whklt adorn* eqtnt'lr « j**l co «ri» | 4

tS4jre. Aei *re **eh« «, in fnt. font an imtorard jof. that- acrnph| with which »he k -|>t her j

m w«ul ahd **l*cd Unrtratly ifc*r G<*i Sh-* h *1 ;*cn a prolan; ebr«v.*u hir tbnn thirty %v*<K j J4all Will bcor brajjw** th it *hp J* t* Is imhlr ea4 | r

ti^iltt w>rVMit la* ariiM<l*)lti WwiIJ.'?4-*1 tjc n ^4^ *4» talm J*Si preeefML .\*ratf sa um? bei'Ktt !«:? d c*r»*& so [ *

a»TYJ UK# itfifc l«V- «r|f&n #*** &?« *> jbl wbfck »!> \ (*T*t 4ir?.l.l«tt, «Ha -aitls prJj-ti * df. |'wA tlii- aftJcSr* fef < !»>?Jontf f« vhMi 4«' f *

-«d »fl fcuni pan? diflfesni-ov* w \ "

<t*tUk act&M&ry.. A* sl*f to*j. *&emn m affcen! »pkwebel*W*akk 4mw I am rYi 4jr tojs*>: a»j *A*i'Ur "

w Ui «*, w& *j i vasls arltl* «m- Dirim^i ii«? <L»ric *

fir?.* »wI u^lr »fsM »?.« mid iwr* Ujr Jok to afcty tit* 2>m»« ofJfsH«. ilstne «m5 b

rack bk*wd hi« J Tw lUxwliv-o MrJfewi j?itt »vfm« l«< dfrrtfe liow ha fe«U noticedll«w% k4m ^^ &<&**& >itftar - »b

o^ar" f*#» w$* No istof# *i«Jngttbr aad j»>h! Sfc« diftkt ,&i {$9M*

S«i* $&& arfttd I & of tSi*-*. Ol *t <L aoj tHotttvcatt bw a wo j*ttttf f. r» d.

* .: 4!*wm urnii iim i 1

TBIBVTE OF BCIPECT. <'Ai o mctiiitgaf thbWm Itefwrafcml Sotj ty tm ?

* 9sb toH»»C cbs &&9wiay t*v#j«b&mid rvtsw{ot£*tftenta***!: ,/ - , . 4tVV Ui# lw wpm tomtom and Mtftt $#*«/ c f&Kt* *lri ill Iw tatfb u* irv tlU<fU^OS^ ©* nit Ti» Prwtfd^iitt * w1**~ Ir tratfw..^ So eb*» e »l^» <«f O* iHt?, «»i b »«s4* {,>dr fo in tiij* m-4 »CS fd %'f ir nld Ottr Btrui^ubbwi witii i» y bt*» j

£*«&!??. kt&Vtne ibi w{f |«« s i* h^f ar*in.IU>i\ ftmifaL Tbii inh& <OMth tn»ba*«.-4

a na *h**an ,'

-<L »U«t wo J«64?r t»bw *551&?4 Mf. **? 1

eiluM*** in thl% «ol Nrw tmwi. wn i Staibf «M a «f |

^0 IU*o£t>«k» > to bl«ooi , 1' .' ' «*.- iJrAn A/!ljhinii.4 hi Mt'

f »»** 5H imrv'I »*> » j-^

iwt* wa '** tmi&md it? WflM^flqr, ,.

h'*~bti& Oejtfik 1

If ia »l^ CmemImi |/tt»«}J

Ma*. fits**prw&L I JMft*.. ZiCK Lutftu. i S«?sfe>ft».IJ '*_''JIllilSgKE. i" " '

.. U HWHUIgippj SjJIlilMi *

HAG3 ! RAGS!! %


niiK nt»tyfe*T paw ?on tritrrK[-or rsjr^v <1* Jit tffwl 5o or ks&U

«Wk" *5 (S« afifcca,> j uji. m L--.aiQj.nni f .i » ,, ii r t t "'"i* _T. 1


V.ifL ARRAXOEMEXTS. 4jH t. *. ;? j 1

,- « J (jj

cotm**Tox, eotrasu, wtmtor r

A*» tfjir t

*-r>*n«\ ?»yvno f M ^

A TStn*'*! ' *t G f,f> P 51 f* TV *i*r. T>4 «J >jr 4 at 11 00 AH. j«

lA*CA*r£B, Ft VT l*<»C8. d?C,\XM k Pr \*r hr *1 <n >f '

my.So wt' day*. At M 00 A. M j .

nto niLt, RtrtiSL pucf, A*c."Iat, 1«t 11 05 Mj

wM-KtnxU]r. at It 00 A. 51 I^

. trmnr (t^ '.

Tll.1.1*^ » ' *t«M - - . .

y*n!»r.*»tv12 00 W. j *.

.Prkiar, at « 10 <*0 A. 11.OFFtf'R llOUftl

Frroi S 05 VI in 3 <»0 P M . ami for a *hortiv* »ftoro;wnbi Ui? snail al n^hv

T. W PgOCTK?, ry~

NOTICEVLL Iiatinj rl^ns n£ in*t th* R«ti{* of

4pm-« V trill pr«^n: ihc ,

fnr> ?/% me dolr «Up"^I at < W-ir « <| »y *« r»r**»t ,

* urn' nil p*rw>"»* iixirhled «o ««» I K lot* will t

*ke puwtt. t m? of !wic 4jWliv6 ind. hl*-»| »f t* jan earrltj, A.- MAHY A U'lKA Admr ,

u*Wi m if ! iAll >* "


NOTICE.3KR30X."1 baring H <i it* n?iitut !h-i o(CoAL Xt A Aocrmri vPij| {4c*ih> present ti cm !yac^ljXX.n, M. Bhanivwi, R*i *\ tin Br»h<& h

aftV J D KIRKPATR1CK, Admr. j,M&rth 18 * *



NOTICE. '-iA LL Guardians, Trsstae*, reoelrer? and other*, whor\ an? Immid to ncoMiat to tb« Coajmlsaforw faJquity Mr Ker*!?aw> District. sr» hereby required to bipart nppeor before *aSd Co<mr\'&ofier at life oflksa atamden Ironi the 20ili i{«rrh 10 lit M«f next tortaVft ,,r»uA in Jwntis, poseseiog<r flnnaffom^nr. wtiinz forth On o^.tk the p>nica:.afRr.d v.ilue «tf *»jch and *n account of a*i cione? J&Iwr*l a*i*l paid for s »sd and to sabsUatiaie /MgMhe «irn* l<r proper end safifcfeut v Often. Al>»o tomduc> all tead* Mt&. cort^cateS of «W oth*rt; lew* of fhfkca« ii, ftrti-ti. wh eh iw*m ^*'*\ rtiirn : and »!«o ail tlifc de*»d3. b h of fc»U«, .»ndiher rmmioent* of ti? o of p^opert:. pmcha*?d *y him*r. o- ih *r>, for hi*, h*r. o- wird or es-tfoi qne *

rt*\ Holes will be1a*neuUv»}y :«*u? \ ar»i?»st thoa»rho fcfl. i D. niJNLAP,

Owniniooer in Equity K. D. ;

GartdenMarch 13'

3 TRifiiwuoFrfjsv.srnoow

p»ukf:**r*lw i>js rsit.x

rJ%.\CliF.R> of Free vrhi !m«; not m*49rtrntt# forth© 7 Of **IH pra"H»nt U»* *«m»

ert^cd *ft or toft*** th* «r*t Matter m ApK! ntxVa tte B #i*d oJ Grmm^^o&er* of Fr*« Srhook vfilv*t «n tht&ifit. lill th*o who I«t«n1 T«Hun*^ ?©?»***?<l-*&*#*»' jt?«r w?fl n»d» .unpltatioonth* Bon d «r» ftVvt dir.' AH Tester* wv«*itot toikedwrjf* Fro* SeVdj, tte £<*** of April»jrt m**i« «t»ndo *on of qm*>:6 *3^03. Ixffiwt a cn-niiW-iAr^mtnMu 'wfn-rt »tfcie? r'rurr' ft

' V T»J3«W C--W r. -m m-r .. -

C?roV*in tx» !>*trcfc. R? «rv!*f of -.*!« hoird» of:S?j Sdw*»H 5>r»fn«<* Wftrk*.

A. L ycTKmux3fa<*ti !S 1 Secnrtftij, B S.F.

'* .^a

latith t*arolhn-K?*,^» ;,v

nt k u KTwsxif.* r«orMt toa»».

fifefttiiibft r^t t r nwr^jf. rpr,TKr>* 1 *n *>1*9 f*$» «f vdVnltt jsr t*j<n mi »R and*#rAf 'Jfe- sm{« 0*d r«w»» rtd m£tt o*V, V, Mc^ta. h'o of tfco fEirriet aforesaid, deTh***

*$k.- m efj*» *>n1 wdmnafrh & andinipdtr, th * Vm4tv| tn » rrtKvWr* of <i* *»W1I in Itn fl*r 1 nfqmtf*4M» rr* atW o*3lt 0?d&MtT*«V»m fr* ?H* «*& fki«tnrf. t*» h* at Ke»h»*Wi ll-n^ «n i&» imtt'x da? of April otztf>«hwriww. ifnnr. wttr tlio Mid nd?a"Bl«tf*Uo»

ft'ftSjSw m ?*r «n? ITftOfd etnA ft**!. ihi* 13th. da?<f fcfafzrv S*i thf t*sr rtf nn» T/vfd *m ttemM and <n t**«t*ht?<«?pfetiipar the <m i SotwigotT of th*tt*** - f %oth r^jsr

13 « vr ^nAXA? r>. ft. K. n."


t F?F,!t el«l* fl-tt an.I tr» th*\ TV**-?jrrtr<fc»*, ft» ^ Casriar* E *ac\ trlU:at* '.||

V?»rv!vrr. We»t >** <m4 Polity*>' 3 IS &. «s» Afirfhrtt st K &*«*>£* *. m Ttaf% *

4*1 \p '« A«*> « nrfswltwii 7 39 p, m.>n Tom Tb»n S»rs and S m'd »r* ten** fswdtalUp*. r.T nO^VARTr;

?njfr Tracsptf ^lUdfi,IS

" tf*-- <y>"cc*.*»^»i*o<w<nymnminn,wa»n« i.r^nr « iiwjmii.» "i*

m&mtfo\TK 5tAWl TRPO^TCORT.*>, Cisn^*. **»&Afttch Itth. I8SI. ,.

"J^'f K r»Tr" I** t!t- triftMte&ta a/ Kntli,<*«*jo*, «!*., ! ! o'clock. r».a. «&*»m 'Vn*hr* Tfciw rflV &r&usi to sak*»s up t)«r wwlrfr nrtsro* net&ed.

W. KHaffsYI* :ADcpastarjB

iSii or C 4 «iini «o a!Sbgeh mx 'SGI,

Pfbt&TCS w'i* to jpwi tVif!»»«-* 4 |*r Wit. tlvfck tht B*ftkw<fl «io t» &*$»> it, or ten** fc> tittir

fgflfc tv* </ *me*» J*> lN*H Wf|l boJ <^>i. (mmUm rx? 4100 Ti<«¥ iiAll liettAr

-m,v .- wj ..w,

Ajif tf*> fr»rtk»n* «*H tf&aftk. ftOfJ n«t lo b®#t ad**R»»g« £* r.ft«?r In Ap«! n**t. tHof*or8? bo fjftid In ih*>iwnt c;»rrv»>^Tt»» p»r all 't^^erton*. An4 lot it

*om &v*s*tM trflM* w>l^lft|filtt 19th.wrf emt nft?r J£Or£b*<..--ej»*tsEl ofbpr i$j

1|SS5M w, K. JOHN'SOK, PncWfsv,

CON FEPK': tTK ,*T \TK '"WpojIT * RT.<UX0ft*»A 0, 5884.I

fn \VK fcjoit opootftM »o1«f tJj& 461v-1fP^jr^n nfs s- J"t$ F***n:»fir "far few3&sT«r**nrr aft ! trftl be r*-v r £> jjro*wt tft

^:JVI» * in-m* i*w. .it mr m t|-tt. IVt^irtC a t'iw k rtttaCT t^wta t*e»iHc* o* ('if H*> rooter' «n4 *B4r*#^pv "\

ml Hon **. wWeNnro v.iis*c ->r. (Vr«tttt* hrwfftns |4Wft ( v,v..

** >' \ l» ?»**e »I* l'4!» A«*Wi*fwfcx* ntJcxintoJI tu ^6^^-..

"hark" Sg

fVautTa! Funrfmhtaed w«t^ by'WmJeff D*fK 4*n Hy f?ttV»ir wfft oU?sf #1 i^"||

JoSsldHf HflT5?ic flMMfttg KiMR (J** Vtrch to It:Mr.) *i Ft Ir d si a *. >a advaftaa. No fo.Swww. i*.Usj G?c<v3rt. :|3

PROSPKOTUS 7*""" *:|S^Thr r»tti«ft*»i C'onfoftersitis*

I^flR pwtfwwe* to r**sma ««* jwbHfcatioof Tint rrtvnttMWHTK.** |wft©r * bHof

tnt^vtki or? Av or belwo tiw fir t of ijAt>^*f proximo A»,c5 pr ** \* * only to defend the ^ *ir ^ t» *1*1 vIvoeaHl ih*c*»He«f **if iiow Invaded and

stir i 'twintfr.ft*wd'tfe h-crcat* ©f our Sttt*tod 1




' 'IAlretdr Hare tro ooceirrd A>or ©"> OV

<i+v «V<*copi?»m h «ik, tflsr. a e-n to Kave npprectated.?.« I >v * -T, t e p iMteifcfa"? 8f tta "OffR HUT*"

{Atn|yirjrr iwwpwtsflji. VTe tra»t tb*we of v\

v»*r fn*rtU who tare not yti pwbaeribod will do #o at

u wrirdir,rtf rf«t**crni>r:ftn firo tlo'Nram rear

A«t"*rt*«in* r.tes prr «^u*ra uro <h l*r* for tht first j

naenkw*, aod w? dollar sr, I fiilr cenrs tor eachJ T nr.RSHMAK.

»rnrv itMarch 4^


