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UCisi:MySt Abroham Colrct I hrit t r..r{1. T,'12(rlrt I\r( I bv lh..onrprlrr bnN\ingrlid I r.b. burnn,dhif! wNnLrLhl I I ri I r blr rdnld* Nl4l)e I hrr. I n, irr.!h.,.l l tlurrht !, nrlr.ll \\ h,r J..t I.].1. k) I'r.l?l ()ui.klr. llnho!t lr\ihlifr. I fur ri rny.rl.n arr luli! | nt: 'I rn flrnringr.].1. n{r l,i l\Lr.l \\orLJ Jvbonr lik. n, j,rr? \u4rtrli,.rh th.r. \Qs i rnu\. Nlri.r I !.r\ \Lrr. rb.ut thI Ardrl (irLrir llrin!ini I J. lJv th. rD. I r...iv.,lr n'fl,v lrof, \l.rdin. I lilJ alr.. r n,r,._ \fn. r.k,.ituh.trnl l,rnn,rl rlr.t lh. l{r1 nrrr ( !' ll.,ilJ llvr.ll tr.* ro on3tr,)fcrrru,q lt \. .riL tr$ !ik( r lrcni$nd on r \urh.r {li} I l.l llrrL I i.r: (lelin,rrl\ !,,intj inlhf fghl Jne.rnm \1.tr1'n rnd I Nrr. rr\lng !,lnrJ Ll,.,lrd' rliJl \roul(l{LiL u\ borh \!ih.o{,...* I \v$ on nrl1$1r rgrfi hrtthrnrd I Nrs trvLng t. g.t boLJ ol Siron lhf .r.nt.rgirinr: Ior lh. r.!urr.(1 d.iurirrtitnu Lu.kiL1, h. \.n1nt air r.rt. shNt \r(h thr br.v.l.inl fnlrpth Ii nrrDriftl I lhoughl ll)okn r Jtrr \lxNkln't b. r(l \rll LD tlrrit.l fivrgrlron J h. rn (;fr\ un I F1..trl,ing1,n,[..ll,ri8hr]i.1 .. rlir t.n\r (-nri\ a). Iu.nlr! nunlrg rt 9rm l g.r nn lni \trtrU in (_.ntr. lt (r) nurlr! lnrv.h: I tut m rrt \r.rth.r g.r: g.l oi rhf h,k. rnJ h.grn rl,. i1rtrnc1Il.trl'ng.,q.,id{ tlrr nrD! lic.kLr\ rd rdd e.nLnq nuk.d b! rh. r d\cnrlrn3lih I il i (1.,n l ..rl,l Nu r l.,n,|(t r r\!n \rlr rr rxfn rtr xlrl,nr, ,n,rn,lc In .n,mnrrr.l re cnn.crr.l r1,,. h,,lr m :1,? \.,r1rrh{\lrird I n.rr l,r r !JU'|n. nah.ur' I run rh.rghr ( \r. ar.i. ni rrh$Ir nNr.\ sh. hrl rhi' hinr. nD|.l1r.1r. 'fr!.,'l hrr Jtr..I..trnlr. h.r nrn(l \h. fr )b:hl\ lrr\ighr 1,, ']nr\ gur i, tuDrpl|lr]\ .ii/r:l rh!ughl t h,rl hru tr:r lhr,i. nr.itrrg.d h.r nnnl.nJ h.l!l ri..xr ni I a\kn q! rl rl rr' fo$ri,l. r. fJ in, br.rLl.,n ()lr I 1i.kl r l),iJllJn 1hr ir!drrq ll,rr rin dr lr)d.ll:k Jd Dar lro: I cJi ll.JU\J,\ or J Jou,l\ J.n ll,dn,o.q lr.rd(,id r.\r rlhsrd.rn trct' \.lnm. r,. I .,nn,l.rc r1,d {ri l..nlItiL \ih 1l,r.L,n,J. I Inc( i $r\ ror l,n,! rn!: ri \tr!rr lLugL.ror. nr: :rF$rk{ ll| hnl\artr. \.r!.ol i' n..f i,r.nrntr\ I rinrrl in Pirr' ro!rl .hDb.(ltrt.rl l.lrr0 nr!{r.\. (n.r.i jr).Inr. rlrnrg\ rrrr..l.Ji.nrl\ gdrmgb.rt.r I gol nn i nrDl...l trl (;ir.,l.\!n.nrl/ \.\ rll I hrd \i! 10!)knr l,,rrrhh rlr.\li\ \.!1. Th. n,n \r. \hn,ng r,tu,,r.rl.ulirn, riJJr rir,.r1,'r ai.r ri .r I.r hftr^ I \.dld lrr.nn. tn:trll r Jdr\: lQn.d !r nn!.lt ii ..ri:h.!tn. rh. nrL.(l\ l{ll I \rn: r i.odi !!n.\rhcr..ld iwrr JroDi .r.fld riirhl rr wrs fl.Iing in Df h.rl. bul th.r r nfLr righli,i'r nin.J 11. r.\r ,.frn) t,ilnL, Ir,!f\. \.x nrl,tr\ff rribrltrr nrl (,|)s h trr\ rrt thtr.ji lidd.d ro l,)ll,r rlrt ntrr. nrr.l ji.L,.\. n,. i A nol r.N\l I nott.d !' nrdr f.orl. I tr.* qotriq bi.l$xi rDil ln' tr.i.rl Nol!dr Lnt{ llr.\!Jl 'lliftd l,.r^ hrr I nrfn.,ut.ll,i nr (.r orr,t tht! r\ lhtd, rl Jr fJn\ .,t|r {r\ ltrggorf. I'ur r Lcin I (n.Lr l Lri' m iig uQ nr\ J.\lrrrrr l noff r (l|JBgn. {rr S.rn. inJ ln!nd r l(! nuli I holflin th. r(l lh. r...f!.n^r Lrtrs \rrv nri.lo ornfr nr. i B.l{,grinrfir^r Lrrl. I \r$ \.$h!i! rr'.n,rh.\. l hil tr !.o.l righti nr.p rnl bcgJ lo t..l in(l h(.': S.Lrl,v rnd {f.l\.1 n,klr.cdrl,i rli.nI lnlli*d the,\utlr\ rourt:1,.r1 u'inN th. (il'S r\ r rr .'rn.r !) nrN .n $lr..r I rr' bf r llrtlrll\ lrIr (rning Ih. li.rd$fnl\. r\.' \(h,nE $J: t.rl.d l,u1 [tr rlrr nt\.r .nd rr.]i.n)\ llre r.drrcrr $r: \lrrrlJ.ulr. I (r\ f r$,nq Jll rho! L(\fl\ Flid. lr(ir{ r hitrl fho(, h.r. i.n lh.r 0l i\a\ I w.Dl J inv.Ll rn cn ,\!\oi\ th. \,nt,lrI x1rrin,nJ tfJn Ir.,ng.rl(lrrl.rl. rnr r[. L.rr 1\r. \v..1' nrr,l. nr..L I',r rhtr' ()lnntrAl\ I ncc.Ut n,rir r n,r !, .l.rr rll rl,r rriJud ll,!n rh. f,r,r u1trr.r.n di uf N i'our.tfr\. rtrn. uP rhf .ngrn. rr!.i fi\ hirnn\ tuiinS I hil.!.n. Il \'\ r.l nr. nrdnrshl rhtrr I rrtr!i in BuuvrF. Th.!iih hold rhil srr {+r$Nd (, of rPrn rJ\ urrortun .L\ .lL\.J I \'r\ { lr.l th. h.t.lhrd r por.h. rt I \r. p'or..t.d th.rlrDrrl\ l. th. 5|lr(.tr lcg.nJrr\ \ir nJcr J .,v'n rhr|oali .id.c,l rr... rn,i ril .rLcr \n 1io!rLr.r rlI. !urn \vcrr 'n. n) I \ir.rl.d !d b.hDd hnir lhcrc \'r. r.,'nln,r.$lr ! !i t1i. rd.rrrnn, dd r !rl.r d.r,b\ lh!r!' irrrd !' ltrrl n,u.1i b,,qhr.r tli.!l Ar MJlnd n\.il..t tb. lnlL(rnrs dun[g. th. h.t.l r.i.flnlri.r rnnrl 5h. L,!'l.d rl D. \ rrh ifn\.n].n' iur n. rrgdri I rr\ rflka..t \h. r,,l.t Dc llrrr I l)irn.! rh. \ur $ llnfuSh. c.rr Sood rlr I lth.t Argu\t I tr!,k r (.rLi lo l)d.' rnd rh..


Nov 13, 2014




An artilcle by a chap called Abraham Cohen who cycled from Calais to Brindisi
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Page 1: Calais-Brindisi

UCisi:MyStoryAbroham Colrct

I h r i t t r . . r {1 . T , '12( r l r t I \ r (

I bv lh . .onrpr l r r bnN\ ing r l id

I r .b . burnn ,dh i f ! wNnLrLh lI I ri I r blr rdnld* Nl4l)e I hrr.I n , .1 . l r i r r . !h . , . l l t lu r rh t! , n r l r . l l \ \ h , r J . . t I . ] .1 . k )I'r.l?l ()ui.klr. llnho!t lr\ihlifr.I fu r r i rny . r l .n a r r lu l i ! | n t :

' I rn f l rn r ingr . ] .1 . n { r l , il \L r . l \ \o rLJ Jvbonr l i k . n , j , r r?

\u4rtrli,.rh th.r. \Qs i rnu\.N l r i . r I ! . r \ \L r r . rb .u t th IArdrl (irLrir llrin!ini I J.

l Jv th . rD. I r . . . i v . , l r n ' f l , vl ro f , \ l . rd in . I l i l J a l r . . r n , r , ._\ fn . r .k , . i tuh . t rn l l , rnn , r l r l r . t lh .l { r1 n r r r ( i rc . l r ! ' l l . , i l J l l v r . l lt r . * ro on3t r , ) fc r r ru ,q l t \ . . r iLt r$ ! i k ( r l r cn i $nd on r \u rh . r{ l i } I l . l l l r rL I i . r : ( le l in , r r l \ ! , , in t jin lh f fgh l Jne . rnm \1 . t r1 'n rndI Nr r . r r \ lng ! , ln rJ L l , . , l rd ' r l i J l\roul(l {LiL u\ borh \!ih.o{,...*I \ v$ on nr l1$1r rg r f i h r t th rnrd

I Nrs t rvLng t . g . t boLJ o l S i ronlhf .r.nt.rgirinr: Ior lh. r.!urr.(1d . iu r i r r t i tnu Lu .k iL1 , h . \ .n1ntair r.rt. shNt \r(h thr br.v.l.inl

fnlrpth Ii nrrDriftl I lhoughlll)okn r Jtrr \lxNkln't b. r(l \rllLD t l r r i t . l f i v rg r l ron J h . rn ( ; f r \

un I F1 . . t r l , ing1 ,n , [ . . l l , r i8hr ] i .1

. . r l i r t .n \ r ( -n r i \ h . r . l . .n r . a ) .Iu.nlr! nunlrg rt 9rm l g.r nnlni \trtrU in (_.ntr. lt (r) nurlr!lnrv.h: I tut m rrt \r.rth.r g.r:g . l o i rh f h ,k . rnJ h .g rn r l , .i1rtrnc1 Il.trl'ng.,q.,id{ tlrr nrD!lic.kLr\ rd rdd e.nLnq nuk.d b! rh.

r d \cnr l rn3 l ih I i l i (1 . ,n l

. . r l , l Nu r l . ,n , | ( t r r \ !n \ r l rr r rx fn r t r x l r l ,n r , ,n , rn , l c In.n , mnr r r . l re cnn.c r r . l r1 , , . h , , l rm :1 ,? \ . , r1 r rh { \ l r i rd I n . r r l , rr ! JU ' |n . nah.ur ' I run rh . rghr (\ r . a r . i . n i r rh$ I r nNr . \ sh .hr l rh i ' h in r . nD| . l1 r .1 r . ' f r ! . , ' lh r r J t r . . I . . t rn l r . h . r n rn( l \h .

f r )b :h l \ l r r \ ighr 1 , , hh . l r ' ]n r \

gur i , tuDrp l | l r ] \ . i i / r : l rh !ugh lt h,rl hru tr:r lhr,i.n r . i t r rg .d h . r nnn l .nJ h . l ! lr i . . x r n i I a \kn q ! r .kh r l r l r r '

fo$r i , l . r . f J in , b r . rL l . ,n ( ) l r I1i.kl r l),iJllJn 1hr ir!drrql l , r r r in d r l r )d . l l : k


Dar l ro : I cJ i l l . JU\J , \ o r JJou, l \ J .n l l ,d n ,o .q l r . rd ( , idr . \ r r lhs rd . rn t rc t ' \ . lnm.r , . I . ,nn , l . rc r1 ,d { r i l . .n l I t iL \ ih1 l , r .L ,n ,J . I Inc ( i $ r \ ro r l ,n , !

rn!: ri \tr!rr lLug L.ror. nr::rF$rk{ ll| hnl\artr. \.r!.ol i'n . . f i , r .n rn t r \ I r in r r l in P i r r 'ro ! r l lLur ih .n r .hDb. ( l t r t . r ll . l r r0 n r ! { r . \ . (n . r . i j r ) . In r . r l rn rg \rrrr..l.Ji.nrl\ gdrmgb.rt.r I golnn i nrDl...l trl (;ir.,l.\!n.nrl/

\ . \ r l l I h rd \ i ! 10 ! )knr l , , r r rhhr l r . \ l i \ \ . !1 . Th . n ,n \ r . \hn ,ngr , tu , , r . r l .u l i rn , r i JJ r r i r , . r1 , ' rai.r ri .r I.r hftr^ I \.dld : t r l l r Jdr \ : lQn.d ! r nn ! . l t i i

..ri:h.!tn. rh. nrL.(l\ l{ll I \rn:

r i . od i ! ! n . \ r hc r . . l d iw r r J roD i

. r . f l d r i i r h l r r w rs f l . I i ng i n D f

h . r l . bu l t h . r r n f L r r i gh l i , i ' rn i n . J 11 . r . \ r , . f r n ) t , i l nL ,I r , ! f \ . \ . x n r l , t r \ f f r r i b r l t r r n r l( , | ) s h t r r \ r r t t h t r . j i l i dd .d

ro l , ) l l , r r l r t n t r r . n r r . l j i . L , . \ .

n,. i A nol r.N\l I nott.d !' nrdr

f.orl. I tr.* qotriq bi.l$xi rDil

l n ' t r . i . r l No l ! d r Ln t { l l r . \ ! J l' l l i f t d

l , . r ^ h r r I n r f n . , u t . l l , i r . l i

n r ( . r o r r , t t h t ! r \ l h t d , . . n r

r l J r f Jn \ . , t | r { r \ l t r ggo r f .

I'ur r Lcin I (n.Lr l Lri' m iig

uQ n r \ J . \ l r r r r r l no f f r( l | JBgn . { r r S . r n . i n J l n ! nd

r l ( ! nu l i I ho l f l i n t h . r ( l

l h . r . . . f ! . n ^ r L r t r s \ r r v n r i . l o

ornfr nr. i B.l{,grinrfir^r Lrrl.

I \r$ \.$h!i! rr'.n,rh.\. l hil

tr !.o.l righti nr.p rnl bcgJ lo

t . . l n r . ng . r i n ( l h ( . ' : S .L r l , v r nd

{ f . l \ . 1 n , k l r . cd r l , i r l i . n I l n l l i * d

t he , \ u t l r \ r ou r t : 1 , . r 1 u ' i nN t h . ( i l ' S

r\ r rr .'rn.r !) nrN .n $lr..r I

r r ' b f r l l r t l r l l \ l r I r ( r n i ng I h .

l i . r d$ fn l \ . r \ . ' \ ( h , nE $J : t . r l . dl , u1 [ t r r l r r n t \ . r . nd r r . ] i . n ) \

llre r.drrcrr $r: \lrrrlJ.ulr. I (r\

f r $ , nq J l l r ho ! L ( \ f l \ F l i d . l r ( i r {

r hitrl fho(, h.r. i.n lh.r 0l

i\a\ I w.Dl J inv.Ll rn cn

, \ ! \ o i \ t h . \ , n t , l r I x1 r r i n , nJ t f Jn

Ir.,ng.rl(lrr l.rl. rnr r[. L.rr1\r. \v..1' nrr,l. nr..L I',r rhtr'( ) l nn t rA l \ I ncc .U t n , r i r r n , r ! ,

. l . r r r l l r l , r r r i Jud l l , ! n r h . f , r , ru1 t r r . r . n d i u f N i ' ou r . t f r \ .

r t r n . uP rh f . ng rn . r r ! . i f i \

h i r nn \ t u i i nS I h i l . ! . n . I l \ ' \

r.l nr. nrdnrshl rhtrr I rrtr!i

i n Buuv rF . Th . ! i i h ho ld r h i l

srr {+r$Nd (, of rPrn rJ\

urrortun .L\ .lL\.J I \'r\ { lr.l

t h . h . t . l h rd r po r . h . r t L . i n I \ r .

p'or..t.d th.rlrDrrl\ l. th.

5 | l r ( . t r l cg .nJ r r \ \ i r nJc r J

. , v ' n r h r | oa l i . i d . c , l r r . . . r n , i

r i l . r Lc r \ n 1 i o ! r L r . r r l I . ! u rn\vcrr 'n. n) I \ir.rl.d !d b.hDd hnir

l hc r c \ ' r . r . , ' n l n , r . $ l r !

! i t 1 i .

rd.rrrnn, dd r !rl.r d.r,b\ lh!r!'

irrrd !' ltrrl n,u.1i b,,qhr.r tli.!l

A r MJ lnd n \ . i l . . t t b .

lnlL(rnrs dun[g. th. h.t.l

r.i.flnlri.r rnnrl 5h. L,!'l.d rlD . \ r r h i f n \ . n ] . n ' i u r n . r r gd r i

I r r \ r f l ka . . t \ h . r , , l . t Dc l l r r r I

l ) i r n . ! r h . \ u r $ou ld l J r . i l l l n f uSh .

c.rr So od rlr I lth.t Argu\t I tr!,kr ( . rL i lo l )d . ' rnd rh . . p . t t .d

Page 2: Calais-Brindisi

I had.linbcd 6,.100 nrdrcs, .over.dsi2krn ldwxsst l2skm short ofIhe 60okm larg.t. I N$ surc I.ould

One. f thepr .b leN I h ld onmy ride Nrs tlut rllthe hotels inwhr.h I stqtd.harged nr brerkrinso I i{onld hale nr lerk rhe h.tekIrter in ordei ro be $l-" h ert nvbreiktu!. lhissL.tted ne r.omlealingern! {hi.l.,in ne dearlt1n termsofharingnr ride Lre inhthc nignt to x.hiert m,v trgd flr

On anolher dar I Nas.Klingalong ta$ing all these litde pla.esand rhsewsnowhere ro lind Narc.I $as lhnslr nnd hot inAigr.nont.Icouldn t rake ir anrmorc. As I hca.di no ise , l . sk loud l l i i l hac \as rshoP nearbl r lovely old ladr anddn old guy boked dr me rr),irgr,im*.then minds upnlDt I kasdoing. I told thcm I ivrsdornSth(br$rto \\hcn I lookcd at hn ia..hc h.d x spa* in his.]ts. H. srdl'OhAudaxlh! Fren.h: So I repled:'Ycs,

,v.s btrt I'm tfom lnghnd. oiI don't know hr d tr&L livingr EnglmdlI m alwalsc.ntusedwhcn pcoplc ask m. wh.rc I m tr.nlThe hell I don't kno$r ]\nd therert.rnrdi so r.u.\.le trll the wd riomkrael? l \ondered ial $.!ld hire

up or th. bik. rnd pushidg hrrdI suddcnlr h.rrd a loud looked at rhechain a.d look.d rt th.bik.; I drdntRrllvkn.s trhar lodo:r\t the topofthe hill I \r$ r house ind \valkednry bike rhere trirh rhe chain innrrh d I ieededaslreq dnve.rnavbe r lrln ol plie6 I kno.kedon thedo.i r Fren.h guylookedatme ruspiciousll I shortdhinr thcrhain and ridd aith bod,v langu.geto.xplain hin hhdr I needed Alittle whil.l.tcr h. r.alis.d he \3snot gorng to 5e. thc ba.koinre.lle*enl back rn,8ot nro s.r.wdrnrrsand ! p.n ol pli.b. I had mysurgi.JgLokson so pushingand hr'isring Inranaged to put thc.hxin toScthcronlvtorealiselt would naron. ̂ nrYnnd: lnded r ne\L pinl I had gon€ throughmr brg thr.wng rhinSs.n rhe ioorscrr.hing ior rhis par !nd rheiei t \as l I p i .k dup nrymul r l too land now I r.alised lddnineedrs.r.\driver \tr,v quickl\t I hgu.edout hoNtoe\tra.t theoU pnr dndhl thc.ex one lit wI m) rihelixrng a.hain). lle lo.ked at me bc.aus.l was nlkrn8 allthe\e noises in Engnsh. Soon on mr war

lrom thereon I kro( il\€rveasv

Trying to rely on my GPS proved lruitless so Ikqt slopping people asking them for directionstorell hi,n nvlifd no4 Bv rhe tineI \ras sittnrg rs (;ues.l H.n.ur inthctr krl.hcn, dfnrking rn jc. .oldcoke,l had plentr oftinc to cxplarnlo nrv.omplex rlentit,vlo them1l{ the okl nmn. whose namc $asserge !.!doin, pulled out allthcold nsvspapds showlns nr thathe wtu vcry lanous in luiucl1992.I warntqutcsurc I mdc6to.dc\crlrhnrg conc.ll,ras thcrc srs llangnaSe barrier Hednl Alpe d'Hu.z1:l liner non nop in 2.1hou6 Hilbod\ undetue.r nr6d tcs( nrseeh.w itreaded t the efecrs oarhefide I underslo.dhe lse.l tobehandictrpped belore this So llera. hour oichlring, dri.king andresrinBl had lo sa,v ml goodb),es.l1 {!s !uile energi5inB, sitling andtalki.S to theser{o 6\esand I aclt

Ch rbir,v, xl 390kmhrsncxlon nry hst, r'ith 10,193 nr.trcs.hmbon Srtufdar l6th Augd. lhc hillsmd thc nrountint stxded to caN.harc..I fclt i was gctting st.oDgerso I.y.lcd up thchills st dnrg up.Howcrcr, that Farti.dar hill waslery necp, a hard.linb up andthcrcirsaverl iast ri.le dolvn and thenup dd up aganr s.b.rn tobed\{n ner, Fui l.yrl slaie, nrnding

wirh rhebike I knew I needed iorepla.e the .h!in and r .a\erte a\soon as possrblc. l atrned rt (:ol delllt. CenF al onSundrrrilh Augusr total.Imb l:.500nrrnd I had.overcd L,0l6knr.I r{asbr.k on tn.k. the knr.ount so,ngwdl, the ncather xns bcautililand*d the d,nrb itrlirasnt thathrd.As I arnd onto th.ltalian sde.lhel a longJollrlridc downh lbr{tuirea whilebui then. ne} problcnrstrted Heredd lhere I.ould nolhrd dre signposts living to.elvon my (iPS pi.ved liuitle\s$ Ikepr stopping pe.tle asking lhemnr dtre.rions lher {ere ver,r nice,alwrys smiling, riLing quenionind tving ki help me as nuch asthe l .ou ld l le l r3b i r norea t hom€in ltalli there wN r good ene.grtlosrng tfom rh. people.

Tortona: Itond.y l3th Augusrrl:10 am (ot.l.limb 14,rum. Imanaged to lind a bi.ltlc shoF wilha nice Italian grg: th. shop sas.lread.r dosd br lun.h. bur aliershorving him mI brcrcl.ard, h. pDlth. bike on lhc st.nd with i sDileon his fa.e. Likeanagician rrh notind t. str.e, he replaced tbe chain.asdte, adjNred lhegeld Md elentrucd the tfod wheel lt\ra r€d

tlrill rrl.h,ng hin \itu kno*a

Bood r(orker rfh€n \ou sce one.IhadloBoba.L h mr dnhn.e

lhdr &r I lrrired al rhe holelilround hidni8hl i rra(ed mu.hh.'e gefling l$t aDd lhcn I.onldn'teet up h rht nd.ning I I should relr on tleGl,sas l *ast€d too mu.h lrnrc asturg

Fople,orlhe right dncdrons. AlicrnamFing mr bre\cl.ard in Tonona,I pul mI ne\t destrnation on thc GPSCastell r\rquato. Thc GPS shoFcdnre 122\nr.I chc.ked lhc rotrtclh€et and il shoEd llokm loYclrlI didnr nind rnlingan extn lloso rhar I .onld foll.\r the CPS nnilI \as ridirg rlorS up and do$n INas us.d lo this bt now but lhen Istart.d to go up a up Froni 100.rlo l[loonr nrr. ric lokl! Allx andnrr darlinSCPS Nanled ro m*e me.ross thcm. Thes. 'nountalns hirdrr to .limb tld the aoldu \ l t . Ccnn. l r s tsne .pa l l t le

{a_Y up. On the way down, I lrctc,v.1ist, Marzelo. I aslcd hinr rfrt wasnecessar,! lo .ro$ thc AlPs to gctto caslell Arquato. rlis answcr wasa sinplc no: \t mdc togcther tillCastellArqualo. Hc otired nre a bedlherebui I{anted to qdc a bitnrorcro.o!er Lhe 200tn dehijusl lo beon ihe sale side.I uanderedlhroughlhis bcautiiul pr.iuresque crN t*ingphotos.I must sxr thk ridetook

beaubtnl af .nnectur., lovel,v litlleroads bur the presure ro .on,deLenr lrsk slopped me liom errolinSthc lranquilllt,v of ltrc pla.cs. llr..loct {asliclii.B$ I leli m,vliicndard helded txardi Sal!,.rag8imelefiD, lhn uas d beaulilul liltlesfr lo\i, m! Lind of tldce 10 $ak

]ourselain the h.l sFinS sarer,hale vourb.dt s.rubbed $i(h sallDd 'n!d,.o.L toursellin rhe saunaind thci the llnal louch,havea niceslron8 poNerlul dlssdge ro clelnse

Page 3: Calais-Brindisi


alllhe (i\nx tfom rour bol\r Ohrha l {ou ld b . n i . .L I r r rcd lhereil around Nfn, book.n r holelindthen $1ic. it .rm. to rhc .run.h:d\e.,vr|lIrg xas.losed DonI Losetropc, tomof o!!' hJ!e ir rlll Brt I had nrldcli.rtJ. F\ er,v iMnlng I hrl trncx on.. Br,lci hedrr.d.l lch th^pi.tLnenlue fL.. ro.ortiNre nrrLrittl!. of rhe r)rd\ Jrd thc mountnrr.

Sa$uolo: Ta€sda-v l9th Atrgusll,.l94km, I 6,200m .hnb. At lPnr

I lNolered r rc\v \rJf.t 'ni.rtinginto Lnlo rhe (;PS rid nos I fulelerr \e(rd \ilLg. tronr th. drcnreet lr \LtrttrkDg J b( ol c\rrr rtrn.hut dt lcnn I kn.\ I \r\ nor g.n'S to

In Bolognn I nopted l.rlun.hh this posh tnnlll re{Ju.rnr lt l.hrbn l ih in Th .Codr r rhea nu l .'ll.r. hrs r gur silring on hn orrn.Fing cv.r,r \aman rhrr tasied hlnrhom top tobor!,m Fr..r lmc rotime, the\vrir.s\.rnrc ro.h.t k'hin som.thingabout hinr relr I'Lrc\ er,vbodv slro\d hrnr respelr Ireilvwrntcd to trke J pi.ture.ahin)blt som.holr I thoughlrhi\ nrrvnothrv . b . .naver rgood ider i I iunstriedar hin. rvrng to rSurd our 'fit wisrll nrrinrgintrtion or ryherh.ithei. wrs \om.thL.8 rhcrd

San M.nno on htdnesd.y20th, ll:t5rm 1,673kn. th..getring used ro thc ttat ro.d \{u gera 5h..1nom th. n.cp.linrb or $i\llrino lh. sun .ookirrg vou. htrd,rhe mou.uid killirg roor lineei,rt w$ ! deseft lik..Ltv \rith r \rnllsuroundn\g it I rooksome pholo\n.d wr\ oll tr th. n.\t nounhinThrt $rs or. ot th. hJrd.n dr\\'lh.rc !r$ rJteep!l'nb up tnd astc.p drop do\vn ft s$ tr lorg rndrgontring dJl Nor trr rronr.\n.onn,I nrnaged ro gdt lost Jrd up onb rorl The .rrs $er. llr nrg p.stm. :nd I G l r rbn nnrn id r .d . I.oula n'. r gu,v ard r gtrl.nnsngth. ro.!l i I notped n.rr toth.nrrnd !\lcd them how l.ouki len\erhis dr.ddlirl reLr quiredrng.rou\ 50 ther\hosed . rrh.Rthcr.nme tiom lldv ldrk.d ar meNor.l.nng hotr I (iulduk. n$bLk o\rfth. fen.cdd rhrorgh rh.burh.s. But then ll,rh'reh'voungLrdv tol.1 her bovli'en,l (, h.Lp menr l.[nrb.d o\!r the Gi.eud h.

hr.dcd D. or.r the brl,e rnd h.drd.nt.d !onklhrng shiLh n)undcdl1|i| \rnd.rlhe run.€l "o I ldrkcdird! Thdrc \,( r df road go,.gur , te r1 l ,e | r idg . l lha l lok hke lrunrd l b c Dd thcn lh . , .adenddd $ rh rs ncg lc . l& lho ! \c . v , l,lgurd,l n \r.uld bc posrble ro of.ilhe glrd,nd Sorlnough lhe ba.lgrre Inrd rh.dii road and Boln\our uNlell As I rras going th(,u8rrrhebrk ! r t . l lound nr ) \e l l in rrurllo\rcr icll I {Jned $rlkmgpushnrg lhe rill {dls oisunlld{.hind seJr.hing l.r r prtn. As I $.lle,td.eFr inh rlie n.ld I orldnllind an\ IJlrl\ I rhougbt nurbe Ishould A, b rh..dgc oirhe rieldbut Jll thrr. \rs rhcrc Nere spilvbush€\ Sl{^\l\. Jr I \ lk.d thiougl,lhcll€1,1. r r|.ughr .rnrc lhronghnn d \ .h r t i l I go l b i r r€n l . \ rerak ? '\.reNtr\ ai(n.n.ol th.p rognDmeson lvpo fp .dou l . Idc.ided I \hould Drlte r l.t ofnoi\e,so rhrl lhe lnrkd r.uld ktoN thilI rfar I .oul,h r mlkc up n)Dnnd \fhrl uar \$^r benrE on Ihijl Jn roador rn rhn l le ld Ahcranhour I qur.ll\ chc.ledhoN nN.h\r.tcranJ nn)d I hxd. run \a\ ntr&'d ro sp..d a right inrh. n.]d. lr \fas gelling drrl Dd I.raMgcd b ger orflhe \unrlow.rli.ld lr \ras io good nrndnr8on a. l . r ig roud. l \ rJ ron rdd nrad I\rs pr$rng horse\ in,l rlc\ .iadcrll th.rc ncrrou: roise\ rid rlr.doss \ .cn l .nz \ I \ r rs l fa f ,nAdra lnon. or thenr \rouldN.tlo.n'. In.din nrJ cid.d m honr oii rN,in,rre gric I \rtrs D i la.Dc,\ l)r.lrrd l.orld crnl\ s.rle 1ln\ SJr.bur rh. L1.\.lc Nith ill lhe lu88rir.(r! rn.rh.r no.\r The dog\ \'.r.b r rknr8mrd and I kne$ l1 l ld l .a r t l Jn . io l . l imbdorer rhc l iD . .rnd. hdg$glIoD mrlu.rn'\ .n dr.

8Ie. r r.N D\ trng Jm dorn t.rostlr. garc iu( lo r$.h rlie bf oflhcbr.\.le \rhild.n l.'8s rL.rc dargh.Brn rhe rn r \ r .ound r {e rgh l .11 , { , ri big $,ing, gor.rv l!'gs doN. indth. bile \$\ hda\rar up. I slill hadto n ru(q le t ,8d n o rc r th .ga le bu llhcn I \ris\f!lkinE.nlhis grar.lrord sudd€nl\ rhd GI's.aDc ilrreand he roudrrord. At l.6t I \-i\b i . I on r r r r l Jnd r l r t r l c \ fh , le h rc ' Irri,\ed rt Ara.ona rer\ Lire rr niqIL\onrehres I rcillYlhlnt rh*e nnn.'bod\ lh.R \rilchnrg or.r nrc, a rbconc lq I \ i l l l nn run ou i o r

Ir rh.nrorDrnS, on rrc nad olt0aAnaioni. ron run oltr '_.ur.vcsxnd hr \c lo . lnnb i ;0nr I -J te ron . i tgor a b i l la l re r indrh . . N . rc lo l \ o lshon rnJ ne?p iliDbs$_You lrnnhonc r id n r .n thcr .n inorhdr .nen \2sr \ . r \ ha rn le lo le fuDn,

In , ' f f .d lh . r . n , r the n iSh l \ . \ tdr\..n mv Na,v lo C$rllr.rdxrors u{ril.thercNerc nu. hilll N.x uil.mblc Il nin.dgc l ln rgLr .n ' I ioppcJ r l i t rhorcli l)ur lh.v {.rr'.rll hrll ni I{ lec lded nr . . r t i r c k , I i ,gg i r I r rJd.i l'trd iecldgrbout tlns nighrrlde Jsnr\ ligl,r' {.i('rol brighl efough {.ilhlnir!1d lh. rotrd arn I wi\{tuirerned J s l . fp .da ta ho l .Land f r idrn, diin.r rDd lhc lol.l nrlT rd.i xn . . r l l s to l r , ! ro l ind . r b .dbu l I h .L l fo lu r l $ I tookn l i k . aman. , \ l le in ldhrd a goor l nea lA l i i hour \ l , r . r I g . tb l indea b ,YJtru.k, hi1 r1,e L.rb.ll.w o1lD,v blkdard .onrnnn.d nr r d .s t in r I dn l r , rto i vo ld lhn r iSh l r i . l c i s I kDewtoDrclhlngbrd wtrs goi|g b hapfenI kneLr l .ou ld . l iop D,v led i t , v i i r$r\ rrdr ro happcn NI,v kneernd.lboN Ncre blee,ling, rh..h i.ur.ortlhcbilie bul orll.$!in'I Nis hncnr lke a good nndier I pi.kcd up nrb ikc . l i xed lhe .hr in a rd . r . l rd t r l lsamro roggir Lremutrll,v I nNnltr posi holtl s all llc.dN holclsw.r.rirll. The re.dJJli.nst lookcl trtN xnn I knew J did.l look good\ l r l c8wr ' iu l l .ab l . .d rs I b id l ..v.le n,r r $hilclrll I rea.he.l rherNi and $c Noufd,lidil ii.r sltrbili\e. NII lei rrnr rvasbleediDg, mr nrirl rA.ov.r.d !ibldrd.llciskcd li)r430 I lool.d rt \ wa l .h . l l {a \5 rnr i l J i n rLddr ,vI ( .u ld h iv . lo le i \e r ) $e \ . t t l .d,D € t0 . n .nk l ingb.erk l i i hRrs ib.ruirul holel J hrd r g.od shoNcrw,\hed ml .htrh.s ind b,v tim. I$ai tun asl..pnri leN houA I dr.r,rlier br.rktrn, all .lerneJ uf I J.ltn,.crnd norg Tlr g!) lun th.rd.eprn

dc.nled l,i 1i!ver photol r1h . r . . I i c l l a b r l l i ke J l ,uv .

h Jell rsrf!nnlliJi h!d bee.t i rhD r .a .h . I h i ( l covd ,ed . l ,288km!r larard m,r \Pnil\ $er. hlgh Iadv.Lla dr\ Llrr rl Albcrob.loa !n {ue l i r l l c ld i r wnh nrangelook inghou"es l took soDe pho lo \ind . i . r ieJ on nr l l r i rs i . I l L ra \ a!.r,vc.r,v.ide wrh jun a l.$ inillh r l l s i . {11he re r l wrs I la t . l a r rve li r r ! rn l i s l in 1 l ,e rh .nur r Ih i ( lomtl.lel mr Ir.\ei $ ll !a,vs andl i r houA rndr f .nnours l i le r I$ai on rh. tirr to Pel,r ir (

l I Jd i good l in .e . ,D r l re b .a l . I|d bookc l i . rb i r l rw$ i Ia rg .$Jk l rg upmlhe )mi is l t la l t

8o .d ro l to l .ep i . e ld o . rh .Im.oun i on the o l l ,e r | r .d th .d.r+irc* d.r.errled rid il srs rb,t oia sho.llo nr\ \){c ll drdnitrLcldrgLr mc k) 8.t or.rn rnd Inarted !,drio) r rcrl Flind tup nBh, ) l id rv n i Crcc .c bu t lhars , ,u ldber1 , rdorh . r r iD . t