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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 1 Project Title: Content Strategy for Cahir House Hotel Presented by: Shane Hickey Course: Cerficate in Digital Markeng Module: Social Media Markeng and PR Lecturer: Keith Feighery Date: 14/10/2014
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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 1

Project Title: Content Strategy for Cahir House Hotel

Presented by: Shane Hickey

Course: Certificate in Digital Marketing

Module: Social Media Marketing and PR

Lecturer: Keith Feighery

Date: 14/10/2014

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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 2

Table of Contents

1.0) Executive Summary

2.0) Business Overview

2.1) Product

2.2) Cahir and its Amenities

3.0) Situation Analysis

3.1) Digital Communication Channels

3.2) Competitor Analysis

4.0) Buyer Persona’s

4.1) Mapping Persona’s to Channels

5.0) Business Objectives, Digital Goals and KPI’s

5.1) Facebook

5.2) Twitter

5.3) Linkedin

5.4) Google Adwords

5.5) SEO

5.6) Mailchimp



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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 3

Executive Summary

The purpose of this paper is to develop a content strategy for Cahir House Hotel which is a three star 42 bedroom hotel in

county Tipperary. A review will be undertaken of the current content strategy with an analysis of this. A target audience will

be identified and a content plan for two weeks will be produced. The paid, owned and earned media channels will all be


Given that it is a two week content plan though we are a little limited in the scope. Area’s that could be examined which

will only be touched on in this report include Website redesign with a highly optimised site and an examination into the

possibility of digitally targeting overseas visitors to Ireland.

2.0) Business Overview

Cahir House Hotel is a three star 42 bedroom Hotel in the heritage town of Cahir in south Tipperary. The Hotel offers mod-

ern amenities such as wireless internet, a health spa, O'Brien's bar and Bistro.

2.1) Product

The hotel caters for weddings with a range of gold, silver and bronze packages and also cater for civil ceremonies. Confer-

ences can also be organised that can cater for numbers of up to 400. They also host a number of special events including

Darts and Snooker Matches and musical events..

2.1) Cahir and its Amenities

Cahir is twinned with Scarborough in the UK. Local tourist attractions include Cahir Castle one of Ireland’s best preserved

Castles, the Swiss Cottage, Mitchelstown Caves and the Rock of Cashel.

Cahir is also very popular for fishing with the rivers Suir, Nore and Blackwater all close by. Salmon and Trout fishing on the

River Suir in particular draw large number of foreign visitors.

Tipperary has a number of sporting attractions including three Horse racing tracks and Clonmel greyhound racing.

Tipperary also has fantastic natural amenities and is a haven for hikers with good walks in the Vee and the Galtee Mountains

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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 4

3.0) Situational Analysis

3.1) Digital Communication Channels

Cahir House Hotel have 4,097 likes and 1,145 visits which ranks quite favourably when compared with

their competitors. They post very regularly on special offers, events and special seasonal and topical

campaigns such as a special offer surrounding Tipperary’s involvement in the hurling All Ireland. They

also post twitter hash tags linking to their Twitter page. Areas that could be examined include setting

up separate Facebook pages for different elements of the business such as weddings and

conferences, Facebook retargeting and running Facebook specific special offers.

Cahir House also have a very good presence on Twitter compared to their competitors. They have 381

followers on Twitter and tweet frequently. Both their Facebook and Twitter thumbnails could take

more prominence on the landing page of their website to reflect the effort they put into their social

media marketing. They also follow 250 twitter accounts including tourism boards, and local business

and amenities. The content that is posted on Twitter and Facebook is the same and this could be

examined in terms of having platform specific content.

Cahir House Hotel have no profile on LinkedIn and their competitors have a very poor representation

on this platform. Given that Cahir House can cater for conferences of up to 400 they should create a

business profile for LinkedIn and the owners of the business and look at networking and posting good

content on LinkedIn as a way of generating conference business for the Hotel. LinkedIn is extremely

powerful now and can be used for connecting with ex alumni and following groups connected with the

Hotel industry.

Cahir House have only one follower on G+ although they have 157,095 views. Although G+ has been

effectively been abandoned as a project by Google it is still very important in terms of search engine

optimisation and local listings. One of the reasons possibly why Cahir House appears in the local

listings when searching for hotels in Tipperary. Their profile could be more complete and the G+

thumbnail added to the landing page of the website.

Cahir House Hotel has a professional produced video which is on YouTube but has only received 1,324

views. This video is not on their website which it should be. A search for Cahir House Hotel produces

584 results which is favourable when compared to competing hotels.

There is no sign up newsletter on the website and an email database is invaluable to a Hotel. There is

an email option on the Contact Us page and also an envelope icon on the landing page which brings

you through to the booking page screen. Most of the Cahir House competitors are availing of this

opportunity to email clients with special offers or news items that may be of interest. The content that

is used on Twitter and Facebook could be emailed out to their database at the very least.

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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 5

3.2) Competitor Analysis

Clonmel Park Hotel is a four star Conference, Leisure and Spa Hotel with 99

rooms. They have a very strong presence across Social Media with five different

Facebook pages targeting different aspects of the business. They also spend on

AdWords under their own name. Their site is very easy to navigate and is

content rich and with a ‘Book Now’ feature prominent on every page. They use for their payments.

Cashel Palace Hotel is a four star Hotel with bar and restaurant facilities and

caters for conferences and weddings. The site has a prominent booking facility

with excellent photographs. They take booking directly on their website and

email special offers to subscribers. They don’t seem to use Social Media

particularly in terms of postings and tweets.

Aherlow House Hotel has both room and self catering lodges set in its own pri-

vate woodlands. They have an excellent presence across all Social Media

particularly on Facebook and Twitter where they publish well designed topical

content. They don’t have any Google Analytics on their website or AdWords or

Display advertising.

Dundrum House Hotel Golf and Leisure Resort is set on 220 acres with an 18

hole golf course. They have some interesting features on their site including

online chat and an email sign up for special offers. They have a Google tracking

code for conversions and although their site is not heavily optimised. They also

spend on AdWords under the Search “Hotels in Tipperary” and their own brand

and have a prominent booking facility.

3.3) Social Media Followership:

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + You Tube

Clonmel Park 1,140 Likes

8,953 Visits

1,933 Tweets


Personal Page

No followers



492 Results

Company Video

Cashel Palace 221 Likes

1,641 Visits

3 Tweets


Personal Page

No followers

Profile but

No Followers

499 Results

Company Video

Aherlow House 6,903 Likes

2,693 Visits

764 Tweets


Company Page


1 Follower


131 Results

Company Video

Dundrum House 1,141 Likes

7,215 Visits

592 Tweets


Company Page




533 Results

Company Video

Cahir House 4,097 Likes

1,145 Visits

549 Tweets


No Profile 1 Follower


584 Results

Company Video

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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 6


Good presence on Facebook with 4,097 likes on Fa-

cebook although the levels of interaction with their

posts is poor.

Functional website with reasonable levels of

content and information on facilities at the Hotel

and local attractions.

Website is updated with events the Hotel is running.

219 reviews on Tripadvisor with 156 of these either

Excellent or Very Good.

93% recommendation rate on Expedia.

Good quality resolution images on the website.

Mobile version of the website is an exact replica of

the desktop version.

Hotel ranks well on Google local listings.

409 Backlinks to the site. (Backlinkwatch)

Reasonable speed and UX across mobile and

desktop (Google PageSpeed Insights)


No email sign up facility on the website.

Booking does not take a preference on the landing

page or other pages that are clicked on.

Lack of optimisation on the website in particular

with lack of title and heading tags and keywords.

No google analytics on the website meaning there is

no measurement or statistical analysis of unique

visitors, bounce rates or conversions.

Use of as a payment facilitator may

cause difficulty when tracking conversions.

No retargeting strategy on Search or Facebook.

Corporate video on Youtube is not on the website.

Vouchers, reviews, map and photos are all in the

booking section and should be separate headings.

No Google AdWords or Display spend.

No breadcrumb or URL structure.


The Hotel has no presence on LinkedIn which is a

platform where they could market the conference

element of their business.

Back links could be created from Hiking and Great

Outdoors websites as Tipperary has excellent hiking


To capitalise on their Facebook presence and use

paid Facebook advertising for the Wedding market.

Optimise the website with good title and heading

tags and keyword descriptions to rank better in


Improve the layout and structure of the website in

particular prioritise making a reservation.

Use email marketing to advertise special offers and

events that the Hotel is running.

Add rich content on local amenities and attractions.

A content rich blog could be added to the site.


According to Tripadvisor there are 28 hotels in

Tipperary but also 204 other accommodation

options so competition is fierce.

Companies such as Airbnb have segmented the holi-

day accommodation even further given the custom-

er greater choice and

First impressions last on the net and the Cahir House

Hotel website needs to improve. It would be very

interesting to measure the bounce rate of the land-

ing page.

Without Google Analytics the Hotel has no means to

measure where it loses clients on the site.

Competitors are investing in Search Marketing such

as Dundrum House which is owned by the Dalata

Group who have a centralised marketing team.

No Digital strategy mean’s OTA can cannibalise

searches and bookings for Cahir House as they have

AdWords campaigns on their name search.

4.0) SWOT Analysis

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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 7

Buyer Persona’s:

Joe and Mary are in their early sixties are two retired teachers from Dublin. They

have very good pensions and are mortgage free giving them very good levels of

disposable income. Their three kids have all left home and they like to spend a lot

of their time travelling abroad and in Ireland. They are members of the Wayfarers

Associtation in Dublin who are a walking club and plan regular weekend excursions

throughout the country. Joe and Mary have hiked before in Tipperary in the

Galtee Mountains. They are internet savy and use the internet for booking holi-

days, email and general research. They are Facebook users using it to contact their

kids who are based overseas. Their favourite sites include Tripadvisor and discover-


Paul is a Sales Trainer in Vodafone in Dublin. He is in his late thirties and lives alone in

Dublin city centre. He is an extremely hard working professional and regularly works 60

to 70 a week. He is extremely tech savy and needs to be for his job. He organises n

quarterly offsite sales training courses for Vodafone sales people around Ireland.

These courses normally combine sales training and team building elements. The

numbers in the group are normally in the 50 person territory. Paul has a smartphone

and a tablet. He is an avid social media user and believes digital networking is very

important to his career. He has a Linkedin premium account and regularly contributes

industry related rticles to Linkedin. He is also a regular Twitter user and tweets daily.

Thomas and Niamh are a couple from Tipperary. Thomas is from Cahir and Niamh is

from Clonmel. Niamh is her late twenties and Thomas is in his late thirties. They recent-

ly got engaged and are planning to marry in Tipperary 12 months from their

engagement.. Niamh is a fitness instructor and Thomas is a landscaper. They are both

avid Social Media fans and plan to set up a website for their wedding to deal with is-

sues like directions to the venue and invitations. They are currently in the process of

researching their wedding online and is a regular user of and They have just updated their Facebook status to engaged.

Retired Couple Late thirties Professional Engaged Couple

Facebook YES NO YES

Twitter NO YES NO

Linkedin NO YES NO





Mapping Persona’s to Channels

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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 8

Business Objectives, Digital Goals and KPI’s:

The Business Objectives , Digital Goals and KPI’s for this two week content plan will be displayed using the RACE format

below. In order for us to measure the effectiveness of the campaign the Google Analytics code will need to be included

on the code for each individual page on the website.



REACH Increase Brand

Awareness in Ireland

Increase Social Media


Increase Visitor








200 connections on Linkedin

400 New Facebook followers

100 New Twitter Followers

200 Email signups

5000 Page Impressions

ACT Higher Engagement


Lower the bounce

rate on Home page

Increase LinkedIn



engagement levels

on Social Media


Engagement levels

with the Website






10% Engagement per LinkedIn


15% Engagement per Social

Media Post

Reduce Bounce rate on

website by 20%

Increase Page Views per visit

by 10%

Email Engagement 5%

CONERT Increase Conversions on


Convert new

network of contacts

from Linkedin,

Facebook, Twitter

and Email.






20 Conversions from Linkedin

50 Conversions from

Facebook and Twitter

20 Conversion from PPC

10 Conversions from Email

ENGAGE Improve Customer


Increase repeat

visitor numbers to

the site

Increase numbers

of new visits to

website and Social







Increase Email Engagement

Increase Social Media


Increase repeat visitor

numbers to the website

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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 9

Facebook is by far and way the largest Social Media platform in Ireland with current user levels estimated at 2.25 million

according to recent research (Irish Independent, 2014)

Cahir House Hotel are effectively using Facebook but could improve on the engagement levels on their organic posts and

also use Facebook to target prospective wedding couples who are looking for a venue.

Relationship status updates are extremely popular on Facebook and Cahir House could use paid Facebook advertising

and ‘Custom Audiedences’ to target couples who have recently changed their status to engaged.

We look at both a sample of a new organic post that will hopefully increase engagement levels and look at a paid post to

target clients for Cahir House as a wedding venue.

At the moment Cahir House Hotel are effectively mixing Twitter and Facebook incorporating hash tag posts into some of

their Facebook adverts. Content is the same across both platforms but this is not necessarily a bad thing. They are also

following a large number of companies that have an impact on their industry and customers.

The objective behind any tweet should be to make it interesting and funny. Examples of catchy targeting hikers and gen-

eral visitors to the area. Links to photographs can be created using Bitly to shorten elongated URL links.

Hike the Galtee Mountains this weekend and rest your weary bones at Cahir House Hotel

#Hike #Galtee #HotWhiskey #Comfybed #CahirHouse

Check out this incredible photo taken of the Vee in Tipperary #Knockmealdown #CahirHouse #Hiking #Ireland

LinkedIn now has an estimated over 300 million users worldwide (Forbes, 2014). Ireland has over 1 million LinkedIn users

(Silicon Republic, 2013). The primary purpose of LinkedIn is for business networking and job hunting but it is becomingly

increasingly popular as a marketing tool.

Cahir House Hotel has no LinkedIn profile so the first issue is to address this and update LinkedIn with completed profiles of

the business owners. One of the KPI’s was to have over 200 connections on LinkedIn in the time frame of the two week con-

tent plan.

Cahir House can use LinkedIn in particular to target business professionals who are looking to book conference space and

organise team building weekends. There are some simple strategies that can be employed to connect with business

professionals that book these kind of events. For example Boolean searches can be conducted with key phrases such as

“Event Managers” to link with the key decision makers within organisations that book events.

You can also create groups to provide some thought leadership in area (Socialmediaexaminer, 2013)Cahir House Hotel

could for example set up or join a group relating to conferences in Ireland and write a post on annual spend and numbers of

conferences being held among other topics.

Paid LinkedIn advertising ca n also be used but the primary objectives are to setup the company profile and add relevant


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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 10

Campaign: Campaign Level

Negative Keywords

AD Group Keywords





Northern Ireland

Five Star


Weddins’s “Weddings in Tipperary”

“Wedding Reception


“Civil Ceremonies”

“Tipperary Weddings”

“Weddings in Munster”

“Weddings in Clonmel”

“Weddings in Cashel”

“Weddings in Munster”

Hiking Couple Hostel


Wicklow Mountains

Macgillycuddy Reeks

Mourne Mountains


Hikers “Hiking in Ireland”

“Hiking in Tipperary”

“Walks in Tipperary”

“Galtee Mountains”



“The Vee”



Google Adwords will be used as a two week Pay Per Click campaign targeted at attracting customers looking for

information on weddings and hiking in Tipperary. Google Analtics will allow accurate measurement of the Click

Through Rate (CTR) from this campaign.

Research was carried put using the Google Keyword Planner to get information on the keyowrds and suggested key-

words that could be used in the campaign. Negative keywords will also be used to ensure the campaign is highly target-

ed and effective.

Search Enginer Marketing (SEM) for the Hotel industry is extremely competitive and expensive. OTA’s such as have driven up the price for hotels and quite often run PPC campaigns with the hotel names

so that clients will book with them before booking directly with the Hotel. Cahir House Hotel should run a permanent

campaign under their own name as current searches reveal other OTA’s are running these under their name at the mo-

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Cahir House Hotel Content Strategy 11

Although we can only light touch on SEO they are some key areas that the company need to address in order to properly op-

timise their website. At the moment there are no title, heading or meta tags on the site.

At the moment Cahir House Hotel does not have an email sign up on their website. Thiis function needs to be created at

the website and can also be collected from guests when they checkin to the Hotel. The importance of email marketing in

the Hotel industry cannot be underestimated and is an effective way of targeting customers who have expressed genuine

interest in your product and have explicitilly stated they want to be contacted by you.

The list needs to be grown organically as oppose to purchasing an email database. Mailchimp will then be used email these

clients using the A/B Split Campaign m,ethod which will allow to test effectiveness of campaign running concurrently.

Campaigns can for special offers and events as they happen in the hotel:

From: Cahir House Hotel

Subject Line Group A: Book Wedding Fair tickets online for 10% discount.

Subject Line Group B: Hearty Meal and Stay for €49pp after your Knockmealdown Hike.

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