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Business Model: A Strategic Business Approach, Case of Bank BJB

Feb 11, 2018



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  • 7/23/2019 Business Model: A Strategic Business Approach, Case of Bank BJB


    MM 5012

    Business Strategy

    Business Model: A Strategic Management Approach, Case of Bank bjb

    29111311 Haidir Afesina (FEZI)

    MBA Executive 46





  • 7/23/2019 Business Model: A Strategic Business Approach, Case of Bank BJB




    1.1Company Success in The PastTransformation has deeper intention than

    change, which requires stronger control

    by bank bjb toward its scheme and

    process to become one of the major banks

    in Indonesia. It can be seen by

    repositioning its position in order to be

    conventional bank and get rid the

    perception of regional development bank

    (BPD). There are three significant steps that BJB did according to bank bjb annual report


    1. Transparency of corporate governance practice.By transparency, accountability, independency, and fairness carried out with

    responsibility of its management, bank bjb move forward to reach its goal and adapt

    the companys behavior in accordance with publics expectation. Successful Initial

    Public Offering (IPO) marks it in 2010.

    2. Enhancing for greater growth.Various work programs especially on micro segment, carefully planned and

    consistently implemented, have resulted in improvements and quality enhancements

    in various areas of the organization and its operations, leading to faster growth in all

    business lines of bank bjb.

    3. Developing growth and profit.Broadened its service networks and enlarged its range of product offerings, as well as

    successfully promoted its corporate branding as a national bank. Also to consolidate

    and strengthen its business fundamentals, which will enable bank bjb to continue to

    grow profitably. During 2012, bank bjb has a healthy performance in growth and

    profit, as the table shown that the profit in 2012 has increase more than 23% along

    with more than 30% of asset (table 1). In addition, bank bjb has expanded its channel

    by 84.23% to seize opportunities in all areas in Indonesia.

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  • 7/23/2019 Business Model: A Strategic Business Approach, Case of Bank BJB




    Looking at an organization as a whole, each individual leader often sees the organization

    primarily through his or her lens and filters. Those with finances biases see the organization

    as an economic revenue generator; those with marketing see the organization as a means of

    creating products or services for customer; those with technology backgrounds see the

    organizations as a source of information; those with human resource background see the

    organization`s talent and culture. Each of these views is right and wrong. Organizations exists

    as an integrated whole. In fact, they can be divided into parts, but they only operate and make

    sense when the parts work together. Accordingly, it needs the right strategy formulation in

    order to aligned all views and achieve the company`s vision (figure 1).

    Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

    Sources: Various sources

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    It starts with strategy inputs by examining external and internal environment in order to

    determine its resources, capabilities, and core competencies as the sources of strategic inputs.

    These are the first two steps to see whether its competence aligned with the vision and

    mission of company. External analysis using PEST gives the overviewed of macro-

    environment of the industry that describe the opportunities and threat (Ireland, Hoskisson and

    Hitt, 2011) along with industry analysis using Porter five forces with the outcome of industry

    level attractiveness. On the other hand, internal analysis explore its value chain (primary and

    supporting activities) to see company`s activities that create competitive advantage and core

    competencies (resources based view) in order to explore the core that support business


    4.1 External Analysis

    4.1.1 PEST


    Bank Indonesia (BI) as the regulator has issued the new regulation that required banks to

    allocate minimum of 20% of the total loan for micro, small medium enterprise(UMKM/SMEs). Many argued that BI associated the program with election or others`

    politician intervention. It is becoming important issue, because the distribution of wealth of

    society in terms of credit to public enterprise is unequal, as well as in terms of access to

    finance and capital. Regardless of the background, BI`s steps to enhance the role of the

    banking industry in SMEs market is positive and should be supported. Thus the competition

    in this segment would be highly competitive from both of national and international banks.

    Micro banking market will be increasingly lively as banks were forced to give credit to SMEs

    segment. Furthermore, BI`s policy also is also forcing banks to decrease interest rates and

    improve intermediary function. This would be another challenge as many banks enjoyed huge

    profits in 2012 by the high lending rates. In addition, bank bjb that still has a strong

    relationship with West Java government would be affected, especially for the independent of

    its strategic decision.

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    SMEs occupy an important and strategic place in the economic growth and equitable

    development in all countries. They are viewed upon as a powerhouse of employment,

    innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. In both industry and service, almost 90% of enterprises

    are in the SME sector. GDP of Indonesia has increased 6% annual growth from IDR 708T in

    2010 to IDR 846T in 2011. Indonesian per capita income is predicted increase from USD

    3000 in 2010 to USD 5000 in 2014 and USD 14,000 in 2025 and up to number 44 in the

    world for global competitiveness index ratings from 54 in 2010 (World bank, 2012). Driven

    by strong domestic demand, economies of developing East Asia and Pacific continue to be an

    engine of global growth, growing at 7.5 percent in 2012, higher than any other region in the

    world ( Indonesian inflation rates below are 6.5% and predicted to be 3% in 2025.

    Means inflation remains under control although there is still risk of higher inflationary

    pressures. Thus Indonesia becomes the 17th

    biggest economy in G-20 (

    Banking industry has been more resilient as indicated by a secure level of CAR (Capital

    Adequacy Ratio) and it has been twice to the minimum level of 8% (exhibit 1). It therefore

    indicated the stability of banking industry in Indonesia. Moreover, further improvement in

    banking also reflected in credit growth improvement as the increasing trend of loan growth

    indicated a good economic condition that resulted becomes a favorite among foreign investor.

    However, the common problem with the loan is the process itself i.e. complicated



    As the economy grows and as more opportunities appear on the horizon, many expected to

    see rising incomes accompanied by increased consumer spending, driving more economic

    growth, especially for the middle class group. According to World Bank, Indonesia has one

    of the fastest growing middle classes with rate up to 7 million people a year (people who

    spend USD 2 to 20 a day). According to bps, the total of middle class are 56% or 154 million

    from 237 million Indonesian populations in 2010 (exhibit 2). From the population itself,

    there are 48% women. In 2020 it is predicted to be 265 million people with 180,3 billion

    (70%) productive ages i.e. 15-64 years old (world bank, 2012). The sizes of SMEs were 55

    million with 13 million people are not bankable (info bank, 2012). The market itself increases

    0.5-1.5% annually. Furthermore, there are 0.24% female are micro player. Having these huge

    SMEs, it offers attractive margins for banking. In addition, SMEs are the driving force behind

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    a large number of innovations and contribute to the growth of the national economy through

    employment creation, investments and exports.


    Many banks are leaving the traditional banking and move to Internet banking. Investment for

    IT is becoming mandatory in order to serve customer with easiness transactions everywhere.

    The era of mobile transforms the industry. Thus many banks reduce its physical outlet in

    order to concentrate with E-banking. This is becoming a problem for bank bjb, as it has no

    credit card and e-banking facilities. Bank bjb is member of ATM bersama and Prima, so

    that its ATM card is accessible to lfots of ATM machine with that logo. However, bank bjb

    has no access with international network provider such as VISA, Master card, American

    Express, while other competitor has offer this services. The investment has been started end

    of 2012. The technology developments force the bank to create a creative solution through its

    product and services in order to support the operational excellence so that customer would

    like to enjoy the facilities.

    The issue of whether Internet banking can satisfy what customers want remains unanswered

    question. However, in this globalization era, the Internet can be leveraged to act as a

    competitive weapon in businesses, especially for bank bjb in order to stay competitive.

    Internet banking and traditional PC banking differ with respect to the application software

    resident on the user's computer and hence the requirement for ongoing software upgrades and

    distributions. The value of the Internet as a distribution channel is its ability to enhance

    interactions between the bank and its customers, as opposed to merely providing a means for

    touching base with customers. The better a bank can identify its customers and know about

    them, the less it will depend on traditional marketing channels. On the other hand, SMEs

    need to overcome their problems and enhance their access to new technologies for increasing

    their competitiveness in the international market. For this, the government and banking sector

    have an important part to play & take a proactive role of identifying and encouraging new

    entrepreneurs. They must come forward to remove the bottlenecks faced by the SMEs at

    national & international level

    4.1.2 Porter Five ForcesThe industry environment has a more direct effect on the firms strategic actions. Using

    Porter`s five forces model analysis help the company to determine the long run profitability

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    in any given industry. This theory is based on the concept that there are five forces that

    determine the competitive intensity and attractiveness of a market. In addition it helps

    anticipate and exploit cultural change. The five forces are threat of new entrants, bargaining

    power of buyer, bargaining power of supplier, threat of substitute product or services, and

    rivalry among existing firms. Thus, the framework reveals the important differences among

    industries, how industries evolve and help companies find a unique position.

    Banking industry has a promising growth as many banks enjoyed huge profits in 2012 by the

    high lending rates. Based on Porter`s framework, the industry of micro financing is highly

    attractive (table 2). Not only few players who dominated the market (BRI, regional

    development bank (BPD), rural bank (BPR) but also the emerging of the people and industry

    itself who contribute to the economic growth. However, not all banks are able to penetrate in

    this segment, even bank bjb has only 0.4% market share of micro segments from IDR

    113.75T total of national micro credit. In addition the era of banking industry with Internet

    capability is highly competitive, regardless of its almost matured market (saturated), the

    profit remain dynamics.

    Table 2. Porter Five Forces






    of NewEntrants


    It takes strong capital requirements along with experience in

    order to compete in this segment. Economic scale becomes a

    barrier, as the distribution channels are important. Thus it

    dominated by big existing player such as BRI and Mandiri.

    However, new banks would still be able to compete, as the

    players from middle class bank are still low. Many banks are

    also offer the same product but with different labels. This also

    becomes another barrier for new player.



    g Power

    of Buyer


    Interest rate and service charge is sensitive indicator for Attractive

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    customer in bank industry, therefore customer is price

    sensitivity. Micro consumers can easily change from one bankto other bank whenever find the offer that suits them, especially

    for the process.


    g Power




    Government is the main regulator that control policy for banks

    and other financial institutions. However, bank still has power

    to decide its own rates, especially when the demand is higher.


    Threat of


    (Medium High)

    Many other financial institutions besides banks are competing

    in these segments. Thus it make consumers has lots of choices.








    The rivalry is not coming from the same micro banks, but also

    from high establish bank, international bank, and financial

    institution that offer various services and products. Many banks

    are also provide theirs IT advance services.


    4.2 Internal Analysis4.2.1 Value Chain Analysis

    Value chain analysis is based on the principles that firm exist to create value for their

    customers. It used to identify and evaluate the competitive potential of resources and

    capabilities (Ireland, Hoskisson and Hitt, 2011). The firms activities are divided into

    separate sets of activities that add value (primary and support). The firm can more effectively

    evaluate its internal capabilities by identifying and examining each of these activities. Each

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    value adding activity is considered to be a source of competitive advantage. It allows the firm

    to understand the parts of its operations that create value and those that do not. Primary

    activities and support activities are linked to each other.

    According to Porter (1980) five primary activities are inbound logistic, operations, outbound

    logistic, sales and marketing, and services, while the supporting activities are procurement,

    technology development, human resources, and firm infrastructures. The author tried to

    adjust those activities based on research at bank bjb (exhibit 3, exhibit 4). Bank bjb has to

    see that the primary activities as a step that has to add some increment value to the finished

    product or service, otherwise it is just a cost. A channel branch expansion outside West Java

    along with increasing its ATM machine has been done annually i.e. 56 branches, 742 ATM.

    Bank bjb mostly participate on government related activities than public activities. Its strong

    capital structures some from regional development source of cash. Public education has to be

    done aggressively in order to offer the product, services as many unfamiliar products for

    people besides micro financing. Bank bjb therefore struggle to generate demand from

    consumer banking. For micro financing process, bank bjb has offered a quick and easy loan

    process compare to others i.e. within a day. Indeed, there are still some requirements to be

    filled. However, the maximum amounts of loan are IDR 250 million with lower interest to

    others as bank bjb implemented the cost leadership i.e. 7-11%.

    With the sorting activities in the value chain, in order to

    reduce operating costs by choosing the pattern of

    outsourcing. However, out sourcing can only be done in

    areas that do not create value or areas at a substantial

    disadvantage compared to competitors. In contrast, bank

    bjb put its outsourcing as a sales promotion female and

    some as a customer service. In fact, bank bjb stressed on

    giving personalized customer service to the entire

    employee as their core competences. Thus it could be a

    problem as become customer service needs not only

    adequate product knowledge, but also as brand

    ambassador. The recruiting is not only focusing on young

    age with a good looking criteria from top universities, but also focusing on finding the

    personality that accordance with bank bjb. In addition the talent mapping and incentive based

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    performance should be encouraged. This to prevent hijacking from other banks and also to

    aligned the social mission of bank bjb. Therefore the selective strategy has to be done as

    competitive advantage arises from the activities in a company`s value chain. A good business

    strategy presents a specific action plan to overcome a defined challenge.

    4.2.2 Resources Based ViewCategorized as tangible or intangible, resources can be defined as inputs into a firms

    production process, such as capital equipment, the skills of individual employees, patents,

    finances, and talented managers (Ireland, Hoskisson and Hitt, 2011). As a source of

    competitive advantage for a firm over its rivals, it should be met the four criteria; rare

    (capabilities that are not possessed by competitors), valuable (capabilities that help a firm

    neutralize threats or opportunities), costly to imitate capabilities (capabilities that other firms

    cannot easily develop), non-substitutable capabilities (capabilities that do not have strategic

    equivalents). The tangible resources are financial, organizational, physical and technological,

    while the intangible are human and reputational. From the tangible aspect (organization),

    Bank bjb has a limited product portfolio that served in niche market. In addition the corporate

    culture (Go Spirit) is established for family working environment. In other words, care is not

    only to customer but also to colleagues. From the intangible aspects, the reputation of bank

    bjb within West Java and Banten is high, however it is still hard to convince public regarding

    its new status as conventional banking especially outside West Java & Banten. In addition the

    innovation on its IT system is still behind major competitor, as explain the details of

    resources and capabilities (exhibit 5, exhibit 6). Most of bank bjb competence is temporary

    competitive advantage TCA). Thus bank bjb should combine single competence in order to

    create sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) as shown below:

    Table 3. Combination of resources

    Category ResourcesValuabl

    eRare Imitable








    Technology YES YES YES YES TCA




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    A business-level strategy is an integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions the

    firm uses to gain a competitive advantage by exploiting core competencies in specific product

    markets. Porter (1980) developed three generic strategies (cost leadership, differentiation and

    focus) to help the firm outperformed rivals within industry, and so successfully position itself

    against the five forces.

    5.1 Current Business Level Strategy.

    Bank bjb business level strategy is competitive strategy i.e. cost leadership. Means relatively

    standardized product, features acceptable to many customers and lowest competitive price.

    According to Ireland, Hoskisson and Hitt, the risks are:

    A loss of competitive advantage to newer technologies A failure to detect changes in customers needs The ability of competitors to imitate the cost leaders competitive advantage through

    their own unique strategic actions.

    Bank bjb is focus on lowering their operational cost. The product is based on interest loan,

    while others fee based income. For instance is its savings product has low administration fees

    compare to others. Also by cooperate with bersama and prima for ATM network with

    free of charge withdrawal all over Indonesia. Its ATM also function as debit card that can be

    used in any BCA EDC (electronic data capture) machine.

    According to Tracey and Wiersema, bank bjb adopted the strategy of product leadership for

    its segment i.e. PNS (West Java & Banten government officer). In addition, since IPO in

    2010, bank bjb also aggressively on market penetration. Bank bjb customer segmentation is

    male and female with age of 21-45 years old and middle low (IDR 1-2 million per month).

    Mostly their targets are West Java & Banten government officers and SMEs. In order to

    satisfy their target, the product that they give is related with their payroll, such as easiness

    transaction, ATM debit facilities along with consumer loans. For SMEs, varieties loan

    products with low interest such as KMU (Kredit Mikro Utama), KUR (kredit Usaha Rakyat)

    and KCR (Kredit Cinta Rakyat) are becoming favorites. Therefore many of its branches and

    ATM are close with government areas. Bank bjb launched Waroeng bjb, which as lending

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    outlets.Bank bjb is also providing wireless EDC in order to help SMEs transaction without

    coming the bank. The future of bank bjb plans to focus with growth in the SME sector with

    the support of existing consumer sector at this time. Therefore bank bjb tried to build its

    CRM in order to reach customer in rural and also build the awareness.

    Competitor Analysis

    The two main competitors are bank Bukopin and BTPN

    (exhibit 8). Both of them are interest in SMEs as their

    target. Bank Bukopin, is a powerful SMEs player. It is no

    11 top banks that successfully get rid of its image as

    cooperative bank, while bank bjb still struggle with its

    image as regional development bank. In addition, bank

    Bukopin has a wider network along with its e-banking

    facilities. Second, bank BTPN is an emerging SMEs

    player. Despite of its position on no 15, bank BTPN able

    to attract consumer through its insurance product with unlimited age. It also develops banking

    community through sub branches in the SMEs communities. Therefore, bank bjb has to be

    able to combine through its process as differentiation i.e. quick and easy process. The

    opening of waroeng BJB has to be increases through channel partnership. However, any

    such strategy must occur in the context of rules of the game for socially desirable competitive

    behavior, established by ethical standards and through public policy. The rules of the game

    cannot achieve their intended effect unless they anticipate correctly how businesses respond

    strategically to competitive threats and opportunities. Furthermore, the Author recommends

    bank bjb to acquire existing rural banks (BPR) in order to increase its market share in SMEs

    (exhibit 9).

    5.2 Future Business Level Strategy

    Since bank bjb transform itself to be conventional banking, its business strategy should be

    change. Despite of serving mass market through its expansion, the Author argued that bank

    bjb has to play in niche market according to the analysis of external and internal factors i.e.

    Women, 21-45 years old, with social class B, C1, C2 and D. Therefore, bank bjb should focus

    with customer intimacy according to its core competence, while the product will be

    customized based on customer needs. The quality of service is an essential issue in this

    industry because the offered products are usually difficult for the customer to understand and

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    to differentiate. Therefore integrated marketing communication has to be developed and well

    targeted asbank relationships are strongly based on interpersonal relationships. The Author

    proposed focus differentiation as new business level strategy (exhibit 7). Based on the

    analysis both of internal and external, bank bjb has to redefine its positioning through its

    marketing strategy. Marketing strategy has to be aligned with its business strategy in order to

    achieve company`s vision. According to Maslow hierarchy of needs, consumers of bank are

    categorized to safety needs, as they need a security and protection. The bank therefore is able

    to guarantee security in addition to the money. Bank bjb therefore try to fulfill their segments

    through its customized and specialized product and services. By still maintaining its SMEs,

    bank bjb is also able to target women, especially on micro.

    Strategic Positioning

    The Author proposed its positioning as women financial solutions both of consumer banking

    and SMEs. The globalization, technology and liberalization of the market, which support the

    entrance of new national and international banks as well as the changing patterns of consumer

    activity, have led to a highly competitive environment. Accordingly, bank bjb is not only

    compete with local BPD (bank Jateng, bank DKI), state owned bank (Mandiri, BRI), private

    banks (Bank Mega, Bank danamon), rural banks (BPR KS, BPR Jatim) but also with other

    financial institution such as pegadaian, leasing companies and other international banks. In

    order to achieve its vision to be top 10 banks, bank bjb has to differentiate and then

    aggressively communicated its message as a modern conventional bank. As fact, bank bjb as

    a brand has low awareness outside West Java & Banten. Brands, from a strategic perspective,

    help to create unique features to distinguish a company from other competitors who offer

    similar products and services.

    Positioning statement

    For womenpreneur, bank bjb, is a women financial solution that delivers quick and easy

    process with high trust and high touch, because only bank bjb who understand local needs.

    Growth Strategy

    Bank bjb has range of product portfolio. It is important to be more aggressive penetrate into

    market as many people unfamiliar with the product (exhibit 11). Therefore it needs to

    analyze which category that has the highest revenue and potentially to be developed. Using

    BCG matrix (exhibit 12), bank bjb has to concentrate on micro credit along with developing

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    another savings product along with applying

    reward strategy in order to acquire new

    customer i.e. direct gift when open account,

    point reward to change with gift directly.

    These are method to gain customer loyalty. It

    is proved to be effective as BRI and BCA

    has done it. The needs of product development are a must in order to compete and attract

    customer, especially customization product along with personalized service. In service

    industry, service quality has been identified as a key success factor for the prospective

    performance and represents a significant element of the bank s brand values. Consumer

    satisfaction is mainly influenced by customer service and the way organizations deal with

    customer problems.

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    A corporate level strategy is expected to help the firm earn above returns by creating value.

    The corporate level strategy`s value is ultimately determined by the degree to which the

    business in the portfolio are worth more under the management of the company than they

    would be under any other ownership (Ireland, Hoskisson and Hitt, 2011). Diversified firms

    vary according to their level of diversification and the connections between and among their

    business. Bank bjb is pursuing a low-level diversification strategy, categories as dominant

    business strategy. It is between 70% and 95% of revenue comes from a single business.

    Mainly 70% revenue is generated from consumer banking followed by 30% of SMEs


    6.1 TOWS Matrix

    Having SWOT results from both of external and internal analysis, the TOWS matrix is being

    used as a conceptual matrix for systematic analysis that facilitates matching the external

    threat and opportunities with the internal strengths and weaknesses. (Exhibit 14). Bank bjb

    should be focus on building human capital. The recruitment should be based its goal and their

    core business. In addition, human capital readiness is important in this high competitive

    industry. Giving customer service is normal, but giving care by anticipating customers

    anxiety and desires are more important. It is all about the character that will become image of

    the brand. As the future of the bank would be SMEs by specializing on women, the human

    resources should be developing its micro business skills i.e. customer service. In addition the

    IT system has to develop by maximizing the use of Internet along with invest on IT system

    software. The system would be benefit as:

    1. Use integrated data source to guide automated event marketing2. Use enterprise data warehouse (EDW) to track customer interaction with the firm and

    marketing campaign

    3. Track and monitor marketing campaigns and assets using automated software such asmarketing resources management

    With IT, bank bjb would be able to maximize its program after its brand audit (explatory and

    inventory) in order to generate demand. From the Author point of few, bank bjb focus on

    building its assets. Banks that anticipate the power of the Internet will be in control of events.Conversely, banks that do not respond will be forced to accept changes that others initiate and

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    will effectively find themselves in a position of competitive disadvantage. In addition channel

    partnership with highly recognized institution that has wider distribution channel is being

    encouraged such as PLN, Pos Indonesia. It is believed to be much more effective as the future

    of banking industry is branchless.

    6.2 IPO

    Bank bjb is a pioneer among regional development banks that become public listing or IPO

    on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) on July 8, 2010. It offered to the public of

    2,424,072,500 Series B shares, (including EMSA) at an offering price of IDR 600 per share

    with total proceeds from the IPO of about IDR 1.4 trillion. Then bank bjb obtained a

    relatively large interest from domestic and foreign investors. The compositions of shares are

    25% owned by public, and 75% by government. Then it has 92.72% domestic shares and

    7.28% foreign shares. The highest price of shares during 2012 was IDR 1130 and the lowest

    was IDR 910 (exhibit 15). The reason that the shares prices low at that time was because it

    effected by bank bjb lawsuit case i.e. politics issue. Banks bjb use the funds from the offering


    1. Strengthening the companys capital,2. Support loan expansion, especially the SMEs sector3. Expansion of network and information technology development.


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    Strategy map is being made in order to achieve company`s primary objectives by associate it

    with balance scorecard as the performance measurement. In other words, it is a way to

    communicate to with a graphic depiction of strategic objectives and the factors linked to them

    (Kaplan and Norton, 2004). The importance of aligning human capital and IT programs also

    being stated in order to maintains high readiness and flexibility. The three elements on

    strategy map are:

    1. Quantify company`s goalsSet strategic targets and verify maps cause-effect links.

    2. Define the time lineTo ensure value-added proposition is workable and sustainable over time, determine

    how it will generate value in short-, medium- and long-term periods.

    3. Select initiativesPrioritize organizations actions, programs and initiatives, including investments in

    order to achieve its goals within the required time frames.

    7.1 Balance Scorecard

    Management performance measurement is a complex task since multiple inputs and multiple

    outputs are involved in the process. Kaplan and Norton (1992) proposed four balanced

    perspectives to measure performance comprehensively including financial, customer, internal

    business processes, and learning and growth perspective. These perspectives reflect the

    interests of the key stakeholders of companies involving shareholders, customers and

    employees. Kaplan and Norton (1996) proposed the cause-and-effect relationships among the

    four perspectives of BSC by measuring the strength of the linkages among measures in

    different. Measures such as ROI, shareholder value, profitability, revenue growth, and cost

    per unit are the lag indicators that show whether the organization's strategy is succeeding or

    failing (Kaplan, 2004). The balance scorecard of bank bjb can be seen on exhibit 18.

    Learning and growth perspective

    It stressed on innovation, creativity, competition, and capabilities, and target subjective

    properties. This perspective aims to identify professions (human capital), system

    (informational capital), and organizational state (organizational capital) in order to support

    internal processes. The measurement will be seen from the turnover of employee along with

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    number of the champions in every division. Bank bjb strategies are:

    1. Develop human capitalIt is important for bjb to have a proper talent map. So that it will be talent based


    2. Information capitalBuild the IT infrastructure for developing knowledge management system and to

    documented any of learning process

    3. Developing competitive working environmentBy having a fair competitive environment, each individual will provide their best

    capabilities that would help the company achieve its vision

    Internal process perspective

    It identifies decisive processes in the organization. In this perspective, company mustmake

    sure that companys products and services meet the needs of customers.

    Bank bjb strategies are:

    1. Channel partnership with highly recognized public institution.2. Waroeng bjb outlets expansion3. New product development is needed to adapt with the current trend4. CRM and CSR will be actively encourage as the need of public education of banking

    products along with established awareness

    Costumer perspective

    Results in introduction of a valuable approach that guarantees loyalty of costumers. In this

    perspective we must keep constantly identifying parameters, which costumers consider as

    valuable, and provide them for costumers. The measurement will be seen from the increment

    of market share. Bank bjb strategies are:

    1. Customer satisfaction (quality of services) index2. Customization products based on customer insight and needs. However, provide the

    best solutions for customer is the main goal.

    3. Build the confidence of customer to be loyal and trust bank bjb through its programand social mission i.e. womenpreneur

    Financial perspective

    It defines tangible outcomes of organizations strategies and includes a series of traditional

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    To conclude all the ideas from the analysis above, the Author tried to create bank bjb

    business model. The business model itself can be illustrated using business model canvas. It

    is a flexible template for conceiving, completing and assessing business models (Osterwalder

    and Pigneur, 2010). Below are tnine building blocks cover an organizations customers,

    offer, infrastructure and financial viability.

    Figure 3. Business Model Canvas

    The proposed business models are:

    1. Value PropositionA women financial solution that delivers quick and easy process with high trust and

    high touch, because only bank bjb who understand local needs. It encourages women

    to be womenpreneur on SMEs. Having customization product based on women and

    SMEs needs and also low interest on their loan programs.

    2. Key PartnershipHaving partnership with insurance company and local government for their payroll

    distribution. Banking industry is highly regulated by the government. It is very

    important for regulatory agencies to maintain control over the banks because they are

    the lifelines of an economy. The control is also needed to protect the depositors

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    against any fraud. One example of a regulatory requirement is the Reserve

    requirement. It sets the minimum reserves that each bank must hold. The operations

    of a bank are highly IT intensive. Therefore to fulfill their IT needs, should partner

    with technology vendors. The technology vendors provide IT solutions in areas of

    customer experience management, multi-channel integration, business process

    improvement, loans origination and processing etc.

    3. Key ActivitiesCRM is becoming very important besides their banking operation (branch, call center,

    IT, and sales and marketing) in order to maintain its customer along with acquire new

    customers such as customer gathering and public relation.

    4. Key ResourcesCombining both of IT and human capital development are important intangible

    resources. From the tangible resources are coming form loan assets, bank bjb`s

    physical assets such as ATM machine and offices.

    5. Customer RelationshipsCRM along with personalized service on banking daily operations are becoming

    crucial factors to engage with customers. Social media is a trend to have customer

    insight and close with them.

    6. Customer SegmentsBesides SMEs and local government officers (PNS), women are becoming the next

    focus target.

    7. ChannelBeing expanded to outside West Java, it is important for bank bjb to apply channel

    partnership with high recognize institution such as PT. POS, PLN. Besides build their

    own offices, this type of distribution also would help them to save cost effectiveness.

    Local cooperative is also being encouraged for sub rural distribution channels.

    Waroeng bjb as lending outlets are build on public area for the accessibility. The use

    of social media and internet access are also being encouraged as channels.

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    8. Cost StructuresChannel costs are the key component of the cost structure of a bank. The interest paid

    by the bank to the depositors is also one of the important cost structure components.

    9. Revenue StreamsThe revenue is coming from lenders and IPO. The Author proposed bank bjb to also

    make money through Credit cards business.


    Bank bjb Brand Guidelines (2010)

    Bank BJG Annual Report (2012)

    Henry, Anthony E (2011), Understanding Strategic Management, 2nd Edition, Oxford

    University Press

    Ireland, R.D, Hoskisson, R.E, and Hitt, M.A (2011), The Management of Strategy; Concept

    & Cases, 9th Edition, South-Western Cengage Learning

    Porter, Michael E (1980), Competitive Strategy, Techniques for Analyzing Industries and

    Competitors, Free Press/Simon & Chuster

    Porter, Michael E (1985), Competitive Advantage, Creating and Sustaining Superior

    Performance, Free Press/Simon & Chuster

    Kaplan, Robert S., Norton, David P. 2004. Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into

    Tangible Outcomes. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing

    Kaplan, Robert S., Norton, David P. 1996. The Balanced Scorecard. Boston: Harvard

    Business School Press.

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    Exhibit 1. Sufficient CAR (%)

    Source: Bank Indonesia, April 2012

    Exhibit 2. The Rising of Middle Class (in USD)

    Class Cut off 2003 (%) 2010 (%)

    Low 20 0.1 0.2

    Note: Per capita expenditure per day is adjusted to the 2005 purchasing power parity terms.

    Source: World Bank, March 2011, based on Susenas.

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    Exhibit 4. Supporting Activities





    Risk Management Strategic planning



    Internal training and send employee to workshop based on TNA(training need analysis)

    Compensation system based on performance Management trainee program


    Recruitment is done by rigorous selection refer to education level andskill that have core competence in communication skills from top


    Vendor and outsource selectionTechnology


    No internet banking No mobile banking No credit card facilities

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    Exhibit 5. Capabilities

    Resources Explanation


    Regional development source of cash IPO since 2010


    Strong government related Corporate culture i.e. Go spirit (service oriented) Range of product portfolio


    Its total asset in 2012 is IDR 70.84T/+30.11% Branch network i.e. 56 branch, 228 sub branches

    ATM network i.e. 742 in Indonesia


    Lack of IT development i.e. No mobile banking, no internet banking No credit cards facilities


    Management trainee program Young age with communication skills from top universities Competence based

    Innovation No innovation in terms of product or services


    Strong image as regional development bank of West Java andBanten

    Low awareness outside West Java & Banten

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    Exhibit 6. Core Competencies

    Category ResourcesValu










    CapitalYES NO NO NO




    Product, cultureYES YES YES YES SCA



    (branches, ATM)



    Internet facilitiesYES NO YES NO TCA



    Employee skillsYES NO NO NO TCA



    Exhibit 7. Future Business Level Startegy






    BROAD Cost Leadership Differentiation

    NARROW Cost Focus

    Focus Differentiation

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    Exhibit 12. BCG Matrix




    Consumer loani.e. Kredit Guna Bakti

    Depositsi.e. Deposito suka-suka






    Debit card (ATM) Savings product

    i.e. Tanda Mata berjangka



    High Market Low Market

    Exhibit 13. BJB Product Portfolio

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    Exhibit 14. TOWS Matrix



    S2:Strong financial


    S3:Strong customer base in

    West Java and Banten


    W1:Lack of IT


    W2:Human capital


    W3:Low brand image


    O1:Emerging marketon micro outside

    West Java

    O2:Women on micro



    S1-S2-O1Expansion outside WestJava and Banten

    S3-02Redefining its

    Segmentation, targeting,



    W1-W2CRM and CSR W2-W2

    Employee branding

    W3-O1-O2Invest on Ads, CRM,



    O1:Many banks are

    entering SMEs

    including other

    financial institution

    O2:IT as competitive

    advantage from



    S1-S2-O1Acquire local rural


    S3-O1Channel partnership

    Create community

    among SMEs

    S2-O2:Invest on IT



    W1-O2Invest on IT system

    W2-O1Human capital


    W3-W1CRM and heavily on


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    Exhibit 15. Bank bjb Shares Price

    Source: Bank bjb Annual report 2012

    Exhibit 17. Road Map Bank bjb

    Source: Bank bjb Guideline

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    Exhibit 18. Strategy Map Balance Scorecard

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    Exhibit 20.Financial Highlights

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    Source: Bank bjb Annual Report 2012

    Exhibit 21. Ratio

    Source: Bank bjb Annual Report 2012

    Exhibit 22. Growth and Profit

    Source: Bank bjb Annual Report 2012

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    Exhibit 23. Existing Business Model

    Exhibit 24. Business Model Recommendation