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Boosting Reach: Increase Facebook Ad Exposure Without Ad Fatigue

May 05, 2021



Sandeep Mathias

We’re a data-driven agency, which means that when we’re running your ad campaigns, we’re all about the numbers. We want to see how your ads are performing, and we look at all the metrics. Not all metrics, however, should be given the same weight, and it’s hard for new advertisers to know exactly which metrics should be given more attention than others. As a result, plenty of people end up focusing on vanity metrics that look impressive but that are either irrelevant or misleading in terms of the success of the campaign.

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It’s easy to be excited when we see that our ad campaigns have gotten thousands of impressions, but if the same people are seeing the same campaigns over and over, it’s unlikely that the campaigns will yield what you’re putting into them. Optimizing for reach with targeted, relevant campaigns is the way to go, and with measures in place to reduce ad fatigue, your campaigns are much more likely to be successful. While this will require more ongoing work and new campaigns to be created consistently, it’s worth the effort, and the returns you see will be much higher.