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Bloom's Taxonomy Bloom’s Taxonomy This presentation was created following the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Certain materials are included under the Fair Use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law. Further use of these materials and this presentation is restricted.

Bloom's Taxonomy Bloom’s Taxonomy This presentation was created following the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Certain materials are included.

Dec 25, 2015



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Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy

This presentation was created following the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Certain materials are included under the

Fair Use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law. Further use of these materials and this presentation is restricted.

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Bloom's Taxonomy

What is Bloom’s Taxonomy?

Benjamin Bloom created this taxonomy for categorizing level of abstraction of questions that commonly occur in educational settings.

What does that mean? What is “abstraction”?

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Bloom’s Taxonomy

In other words, a way to prioritize the type of questions being asked as to what knowledge, attitude or skill is required on the part of the responder to answer the question.

Ideas are abstract but they need to be measured/assessed in a concrete manner.

Rubrics Criteria

Bloom's Taxonomy

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Bloom's Taxonomy

THREE TYPES OF LEARNING Cognitive:– mental skills (knowledge)

Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (attitude)

Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (skills)

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Bloom's Taxonomy

Definition and Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy

A classification of thinking organized by level of complexityThere are six types of questions, #1 being the easiest #6 being the most complex.

1. Knowledge2. Comprehension3. Application4. Analysis5. Synthesis6. Evaluation

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Bloom's Taxonomy

KNOWLEDGE (RECALL)(memorize-regurgitate)

*observation and recall of information

*knowledge of dates, events, places

*knowledge of major ideas

*mastery of subject matter



Does not always require true understanding!

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Bloom's Taxonomy

KNOWLEDGEQuestion Cues



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Bloom's Taxonomy

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Bloom's Taxonomy


The student will define “kenning.” The student will identify a proper noun.

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Bloom's Taxonomy


*understanding information-meaningful way

*grasp meaning

*translate knowledge into new context

*interpret facts, compare, contrast

*order, group, infer causes

*predict consequences

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Bloom's Taxonomy




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Bloom's Taxonomy


USE information

USE methods, concepts, theories in new situations

SOLVE PROBLEMS using required skills or knowledge

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Bloom's Taxonomy


ShowTranslateMake/Construct IllustrateTeachDemonstrate


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Bloom's Taxonomy

ANALYSIS-to take apart

*Seeing patterns

*Organization of parts

*Recognition of hidden meanings

*Identification of components that make up the whole

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Bloom's Taxonomy

ANALYSISQuestion Cues



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Bloom's Taxonomy

ANALYSIS Question Cues



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Bloom's Taxonomy

SYNTHESIS-To pull together

*Use old ideas to create new ones *Generalize from given facts *Relate knowledge from several areas *Predict*Draw conclusions *Combining elements into a pattern not

clearly there before-using multiple sources

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Bloom's Taxonomy

SYNTHESISQuestion Cues



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Bloom's Taxonomy

SYNTHESISQuestion Cues

Integrate Modify Rearrange Substitute Develop Design What if?

FormulateComposePlan/PrepareRewrite Invent

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Bloom's Taxonomy

Products of Synthesis

Create original poems, songs, games, plays, speeches, some essays, etc.

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*Judgment based on criteria

*Compare and discriminate between ideas

*Assess value of theories, presentations


Make choices based on reasoned argument

*Verify value of evidence

*Recognize subjectivity

Bloom's Taxonomy

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Bloom's Taxonomy




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Bloom's Taxonomy


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Bloom's Taxonomy


For each of the levels of thinking, explain how you use it in everyday life.

Option A-Use a different activity to represent each level of thought.


Option B-Use ONE activity and EXPLAIN how each level occurs in the activity.

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ACTIVITY #2 Take the assigned reading from the

textbook. Create an assignment, writing prompt,

quiz or project that would measure a student at EACH of the levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.

Bloom's Taxonomy

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EXAMPLE-Students read the biography and two excerpts from the same author.

Knowledge-Where was the author born?

Comprehension-How did the author’s childhood influence his beliefs?

Application-Summarize the plot events of both excerpts.

Analysis-What techniques does the author use in each of his pieces? What effect do they have on the theme?

Continued on next slide

Bloom's Taxonomy

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Synthesis-write a personal narrative paragraph where you use an idea or technique as the author has done.

Evaluate-Is the author effective in communicating with his audience? What is the criteria?

Bloom's Taxonomy

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For AP Students

Bloom's Taxonomy

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Bloom's Taxonomy


You and your partner are to take the poem below and create an activity that would practice each of the levels of thinking in relation to the poem.

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Bloom's Taxonomy


Nature’s first green is goldHer hardest hue to holdHer early leaf’s a flowerBut only so an hourThen leaf subsides to leafSo Eden sank to griefAs dawn goes down to dayNothing gold can stay.-Robert Frost

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Bloom's Taxonomy


From Benjamin S. Bloom Taxonomy of educational objectives.

Published by Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA. Copyright (c) 1984 by Pearson


Copyright 1999 by Donald Clark; Created June 5, 1999. Updated July 5, 2001.