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Bilete Oral Bilingv

Oct 16, 2015



Welcome message from author
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I. Read the following text aloud:

The Summer Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, China from August 8 to August 24. Competitors from around the world will compete for the gold, silver or bronze medals. For some athletes, winning is not a real possibility. However, they will strive to set personal and /or national bests in their events. Of course, many world records will also be broken during these games. The intensely competitive nature of the games, the strong national pride involved and the challenge in facing the best athletes from around the world combine to demand the top performances from each individual.In a world where soccer (football), basketball, golf and tennis dominate television broadcasts, the Summer Olympic Games provide a chance to observe sports not usually covered. When was the last time you watched water polo, or fencing? Chances are you watched them during the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Greece. In this age when many people are fortunate enough to have cable TV connections, spectators can watch a wide variety of athletic competitions.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the goal of those competitors who probably won't win medals?2. Which type of sport doesn't generally dominate broadcasts?3. According to the author, when was the last time you probably watched water polo?4. What are your favourite sports and why do you like them?


1. Read the following text aloud:

Normal, healthy people can improve their memories very easily. First of all, learn to relax if youre trying to memorise something. You may miss important items if your mind is on something else, or if you werent paying attention because of anxiety you retain information best when you are alert and concentrating. If youre having trouble concentrating, increase the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain. Despite its small size, the brain uses 20% of the bodys oxygen requirement. So try to combine study with exercise, particularly the kind of exercise that gets you breathing faster. Keep your mind fit as well as your body by doing mental workouts. Crosswords, scrabble and quizzes all help to keep your mind in shape.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What ways of improving your memory does the author mention?1. What kind of physical exercise is the most efficient in boosting your memory and why?1. When do people learn best?1. What examples of mental workouts does the writer give?


I. Read the following text aloud:

Thomas Alva Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world might still be a dark place. However, the electric light was not his only invention. He also invented the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and over 1,200 other things. About every two weeks he created something new.Thomas A. Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847. His family moved to Port Huron, Michigan, when he was seven years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only two months. His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. His natural curiosity led him to start experimenting at a young age with electrical and mechanical things at home.Thomas Edison was totally deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other, but thought of his deafness as a blessing in many ways. It kept conversations short, so that he could have more time for work. He called himself a "two-shift man" because he worked 16 out of every 24 hours. Sometimes he worked so intensely that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Of all the inventions of Thomas Edison, which was probably the most important for civilization?2. Where did he go to school?3. What did Edison think of his deafness?4. What do you consider to be the greatest invention of the 20th century?


1. Read the following text aloud:

It is not surprising that training shoes have become such big business. Sporting activities of all kinds have become popular, particularly inexpensive sports like running, where equipment is unnecessary apart from shoes. Runners suffer more injuries than many other athletes. The runner repeatedly strikes the ground with his feet, which can have disastrous effects. Research has led to the development of running shoes and a considerable reduction in problems with the feet and ankles. A combination of padding and air cushions provide protection from hitting the pavement with a force twice your weight.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the two reasons the writer mentions in connection with the success of training shoes?1. What, according to the writer, is the benefit of using running shoes?1. Why is running considered an inexpensive sport?1. Which is the force with which we hit the ground?


I. Read the following text aloud:

Eddie was a carpet fitter, and he hated it. For ten years he had spent his days sitting, kneeling or crawling on floors, in houses, offices, shops, factories and restaurants. Ten years of his life, cutting and fitting carpets for other people to walk on, without even seeing them. When his work was done, no one ever appreciated it. No one ever said "Oh, that's a beautiful job, the carpet fits so neatly." They just walked all over it. Eddie was sick of it. He was especially sick of it on this hot, humid day in August, as he worked to put the finishing touches to today's job. He was just cutting and fixing the last edge on a huge red carpet which he had fitted in the living room of Mrs.Vanbrugh's house. Rich Mrs. Vanbrugh, who changed her carpets every year, and always bought the best. Rich Mrs.Vanbrugh, who had never even given him a cup of tea all day. Well, it was four o'clock and he had nearly finished. At least he would be able to get home early today. He began to day-dream about the weekend, about the Saturday football game he always played for the local team, where he was known as "Ed the Head" for his skill in heading goals from corner kicks.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. How long had Eddie been working as a carpet fitter?2. What did Eddie hate about his job?3. Why didnt Eddie like Mr. Vanbrugh?4. How important do you think it is to find pleasure in the job that you choose do? Why?


1. Read the following text aloud:

The speed of your handwriting can be estimated by the fluency and continuity of your script; disconnected writing is usually slower than connected writing, which is made in a continuous motion. A very fast writing shows intelligence and an ability to get down to essentials very quickly. Large handwriting is rarely fast, as the writer tends to waste time and effort. It is a fact that the more articulate you are, the faster you will write, so fast writing is a clear indication of your ability to speak fluently as well as your mental capacity. In the same way, the more simplified your writing, the quicker you will write, and the more elaborate your writing, the more time you take over it. Intelligent writers often depart from the writing style they were taught at school because they find it too slow. They adopt an original and economical form of writing. Many executives have small, fast writing, but large signatures.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What, according to the writer, is the connection between handwriting and intelligence?1. What, in the writers view, is the connection between writing and speaking?1. Why do some intelligent writers abandon the writing style they were taught at school?1. What is unusual about the handwriting of some executives?


I. Read the following text aloud:

Three years ago on the last day of January, I had a big problem. I will never forget that day. The story began when my uncle, my cousin, and I went to the desert. My uncle was the oldest at 72, but he was still strong. My cousin at that time was 10 years old, and I was 25 years old. All of us liked hunting. We usually went hunting at the weekend, especially in winter, because winter is the hunting season. On the 25th of January, we decided to go hunting. All things were ready in the car, a Range Rover with four-wheel drive. We set off on Thursday afternoon, and it took us three hours by car. We reached the place we were looking for at 5:15 pm. First, we fixed the tent, then we made coffee and had a few minutes of rest.After that, we left to go on the hunt. We hunted using a falcon. Often, we hunt birds and rabbits. We spent two hours without finding anything. We decided to go back to the camp. On our way back, my cousin saw a rabbit. He cried, "Rabbit!! Rabbit! Quick!" I took the falcon's head cover and flung it off aggressively. When the rabbit saw the falcon, it ran fast, but my falcon was a professional hunter. He flew up and came down to trick the rabbit. After two minutes, the rabbit was caught. We took it and went back to the camp where we started to cook our dinner. We ate the delicious food, drank Arabic coffee, and sat around the fire talking until 10:30 in the evening. Then we went to bed.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. When did the author and his friends usually go hunting?2. What did they use in their hunt?3. What did they capture?4. Why do some people like hunting?


1. Read the following text aloud:

When I first went to live in Spain I couldnt speak any Spanish. I had to learn to speak quickly because of my job. Some friends suggested buying a television and this turned out to be a good idea. At first, I didnt really understand anything at all, but little by little I began to pick up the main ideas. I would read an English newspaper the same day, so I knew what was happening around the world and could understand the news. But the best programmes for learning Spanish were the game shows. I must have watched hundreds of them in the first few months after I came to live here. Because the same patterns are repeated again and again, you learn the rules of the language almost automatically. Although they were not the types of programmes I would normally have watched, I began to quite enjoy them. I speak Spanish well now, but I still watch them sometimes.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. Did the writer learn Spanish in the traditional way of learning foreign languages? Explain.1. What was the role the English newspapers played in the process of learning Spanish?1. How did the writer learn the rules of the language?1. Which TV programmes did the writer start enjoying?


1. Read the following text aloud:

How do we select our partners from all the thousands of possible people? People are often attracted to others who have a lot in common with them even if we dont always realise that they have anything in common. We give out unspoken messages about ourselves every day from the way we walk, talk and hold ourselves. Its not just the way we dress, but our posture, facial expressions, movements, tone of voice, accent and so on. If you put a group of people who dont know each other in a room together and ask them to pair up, they will naturally choose partners who are of similar family background, social class and upbringing. We are all looking for something familiar, though we may not be aware of exactly what it is.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What evidence is there in the text that we like what we know?1. What, according to the writer, helps the others realise what we are like?1. Is the choice of our partners a conscious process? Give evidence from the text.1. Give examples of body language that help us select our partners?


I. Read the following text aloud:

Mountain biking is becoming an increasingly popular sport, as people become more interested in keeping fit and doing activities which take them out of their homes. It is not only a pleasurable way of improving your fitness, but also one of the most rewarding ways to explore the countryside. However, it is important to follow a few simple rules, otherwise you could destroy the environment and spoil other peoples enjoyment. Cyclists can use any road but they must pay attention to the type of path they are on. Some paths are only designed for people who are on foot, so if you are cycling on these, you could cause inconvenience to walkers as well as ending up being taken to court by the owner of the land you are on. On any other path, you should still respect walkers and be careful if you are passing horse riders.Other things which you are asked to do are to close gates behind you, so that farm animals cannot escape, and to take your rubbish home with you. Always let someone know where you are going and have the right equipment and clothing for the conditions otherwise you could create unnecessary problems for yourself.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do people take up mountain biking?2. Why should people follow a few rules while doing mountain biking?3. What things do bikers need in order to practise this sport?4. What do you do in order to keep fit?


1. Read the following text aloud:

Loneliness is a disease of modern living, a result of people being more mobile and having more opportunities. With the break-up of family units, there is little stability on which to build good relationships. Loneliness isnt something that can be solved simply by seeing a counsellor, speaking to someone on the telephone or being in the company of a lot of people. Advice often given includes: joining clubs, taking up a sociable hobby or even trying a part-time job.To ease the feeling of emptiness takes time. Friendships have to be allowed to grow and deep bonds cant be formed with just anyone. Anyone might be a victim of loneliness at some time or another in their lives. If you change jobs, get married or move, you too might have problems in a new environment.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What, according to the writer, cannot efficiently help people who feel lonely?1. What could turn out to be useful solutions for lonely people?1. Why does it take time to reduce the feeling of loneliness?1. Which factors could contribute to our feeling lonely?


I. Read the following text aloud:

Stress is important. We all need a certain amount of it in order to lead fulfilling lives. However, if we have too much of it, it can have the opposite effect. Some people can tolerate greater levels of stress than others, but most of us will suffer at some time in our lives. It is therefore a good idea to learn a few stress management techniques. Identifying the cause of the problem we have, so that we can treat it more effectively, is one of the first steps towards reducing stress. The second is talking to a person you can trust, who will listen and, if necessary, give you some positive advice. Not only are smoking and drinking harmful to our health, they actually increase stress rather than reduce it. Take up walking instead, which is not only healthy but it helps you think more clearly, too. Unnecessary noise should be avoided as much as possible, however, laughter is one of the best ways to make yourself feel considerably better.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do people need a certain amount of stress?2. What are the benefits of walking?3. Can you name a few stress management techniques?4. What do you do in order to relax?


I. Read the following text aloud:

Last summer we decided to stay at a camping site on an island in the south because all accommodation became more and more expensive. We would have sunbathing every day, then we would make some sightseeing and at weekends we would have a travel around the island. One day, when we made an excursion to a ruined castle, the whether changed all of s sudden and black clouds appeared from nowhere. After a few moments, a heavy rain started, and it was so dark that we could hardly see a thing. We looked for a shelter in the ruins. Once our eyes got used to the darkness, we started exploring the place. It was quite scary but our curiosity was greater than our fear. Presently we reached a large hall whose ceiling had saved its original beauty. Huge spider webs hung from the walls and it was a big crack through one could see outside. All at once an usually strong lightning revealed a painting hid in a small niche. We couldnt believe what we saw: it bore the signature of a famous 16th century master.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the text about?2. What did the characters do when a storm started?3. What did they find in the ruins?4. What kind of holidays would you prefer, full of activities or less active?


I. Read the following text aloud:

Susie is a miniature poodle. She has her hair combed every day and she goes to the dogs hairdresser once a month. She wears ribbons and a woollen jacket on cold days. She gets best quality fillet steak and a bowl of cream twice a day. If she shows any signs of a cold or fever, she is immediately taken to a vet. She takes part in all family celebrations; she sits in her mistress lap and is fed with a spoon. She is loved, pampered and adored. An average of 700 dollars is spent on her every month.Some animal lovers go as far as burying their pets in animal cemeteries. They buy them jewellery and treat them as their own children, if not better. At the same time there are hundreds of animals that have nothing to eat and nowhere to go. Very often these animals have once had their own homes and masters, but they were thrown away, abandoned and forgotten.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. How does Susies mistress look after her?2. What is Susies diet?3. What do some rich people do with their pets when they die?4. In your opinion, why do some people abandon their pets?


I. Read the following text aloud:

Graffiti, the art of writing on the walls, is believed to be as old as the human race. It is a way of commenting on current social and political events, and of mocking advertising slogans. It can also be a way of expressing oneself for people who have no chance or no courage to express their views in public. Graffiti writers use all sorts of walls available but probably the most popular are public lavatory walls, maybe because of the privacy they guarantee. Most graffiti are witty and humorous and provide excellent free entertainment.However, it can be a form of vandalism. This is why in most countries it is regarded as a criminal offence. In Britain, if you are caught painting walls, you can be punished with a fine, or even sent to prison for up to ten years. The authorities can also order you to remove every trace of your activity and sometimes they organize graffiti removing squads.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the purposes of graffiti writing?2. Are all kinds of graffiti equally entertaining?3. What does the law say about graffiti?4. What is your personal attitude towards graffiti?


I. Read the following text aloud:

I sat in on an English lesson at the Gamal Secondary school in Yemen. The Scottish instructor one of the three Britons employed in the Yemeni school system was drilling the class in the difference between the present simple and the present continuous. There were 20 very thin, very eager boys aged between 14 and 22. They had been trained to compete continually against each other. The moment the instructor was half way through a question his voice was drowned by shouts of Teacher! Teacher! If a student began to stumble over an answer, the others fought to grab the question for themselves bellowing for the teachers attention. I once taught in an English school for a term: had the children in my class ever shown a small fraction of the enthusiasm displayed by 6these Yemeni students I might have stayed in the job a great deal longer.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is this text about?2. Were the Yemeni students advanced in the study of English?3. Can you compare Yemeni and British students?4. Are there aspects of the Romanian school system you dont like?


I. Read the following text aloud:

Read the following text and then answer the questions:

When at the age of 3 David Bolton began using a calculator, his parents foresaw that he would do well at school. They could not have anticipated however that at the age of 16 he would divide his time between his school exams and selling his own programmes to property firms, doctors and other professionals. The business opportunities may never come if I dont seize them now and I also understand why my parents and my headmaster would prefer me to stay in school. However I cannot concentrate on my lessons if I need to meet clients.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the text about?2. What has David had to choose between?3. If you were in his shoes what choice would you make?4. What are your plans for the future?


I. Read the following text aloud:

On June 23, 1894, at 10.00 a.m., a baby boy was born in the White Lodge, Richmond Park. He was healthy and weighed 8 lb. His parents were George, Queen Victorias grandson, and his wife, Mary. The boy was christened Edward Albert Christian Andrew Patrick David.When Edward was 12 years old, he was sent to the naval training centre at Osborn, on the Isle of Wight. His father thought that the Navy would teach him everything he needed in life. At Osborne, Edward was immediately nicknamed The Sardine because he was undersized and extremely skinny. He had a tough time there. His schoolmates tormented him. Once they poured red ink over his head, saying that Edward looked much better with red hair. Another time they pushed his head under a raised window and slammed it down on his neck. They said later they wanted to remind him of the execution of Charles I.In 1910 Edward VII died and George V succeeded to the throne. Soon after, in July 1911, Edward went to Caernarvon Castle to be installed as Prince of Wales.

II. Answer the following questions:

a. Who was born on 23 June 1894?b. How would you describe Edwards life at the naval training centre?c. Why did Edward go to the Caernarvon Castle?d. Being famous may be a horrible experience give your opinion.


II. Read the following text aloud:

Witnesses may pick out from an identification parade the person who most resembles their idea of what the criminal would look like, a group of psychologists from the British Psychological Society was told on Saturday. Mr. Bull, a senior lecturer, said research had shown that the public tended to link abnormal appearance with abnormalities of behavior. One apparently wildly held belief is the what is beautiful is good stereotype. An individual facial attractiveness has an effect on how threatening other people judge that person to be. I have found that the addition of one or two small scars to a face leads to that face being judged more dishonest.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the text about? 2. Do you agree with the idea of the text? 3. What do you understand by to judge a book by its cover? 4. Have you ever misjudged anyone on account of their looks?


III. Read the following text aloud:

Read the text and answer the questions:

What a magnificent creature she is, he thought, as he frequently did. She was a big girl, tanned like a gypsy, and with a high colour. Her heavy, bright brown hair had not yet been done up for the day; it hung down, over one shoulder in a thick braid. She was twenty-seven and still had, as on the day he married her, the look of a carefully bred and beautifully groomed animal kept permanently at the peak of its condition for some high use which has not yet arrived and possibly never will arrive. Holman had seen it often on boys and girls of Emmys class, thought seldom to such a degree or accompanied by so much beauty.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the text about?2. What is the relationship between the man and the woman?3. Briefly paraphrase the way he sees her.4. Give a brief description of a person you know well.


I. Read the following text aloud:

In the spring of 1941, I was ten years old, and the Second World War had started two years before. I lived in Plymouth, an important naval base in the south-west of England, with my five brothers and sisters, and my mother and father. The bombing of Plymouth had been fairly heavy at that point, but there were warnings that the situation was going to get much worse. For this reason, my parents decided to send me and another sister to the countryside where they thought we would be safer. However, we werent evacuated together as we were going to different schools. I dont remember much about the train journey, except that we were all carrying little cases and gas masks. When we arrived in Newquay I remember going to the house of a Mrs Pascoe who lived with her fourteen-year-old daughter, Hilda. It seemes like I was there for years, but in fact it could only have been two or three weeks. Soon after we returned to Plymouth, we were bombed out of our house.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. When did the Second World War begin? 2. Why did the writers parents decide to send him and his sister to the countryside? 3. Why werent the writer and his sister evacuated together? 4. How long did he stay in Newquay?


I. Read the following text aloud:

A month ago I had no idea that on a Saturday afternoon in November Id be hanging 30 metres above the ground and enjoying it. Now I looked down at the river far below me, and realised why people love rock-climbing.My friend Matt and I had arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The accomodation wasnt woderful, but we had everything we needed (beds, blankets, food), and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh air.On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friends, Kevin and Simon, while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. We had come from various places and none of us knew the area. We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors, but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves first. Climbing out was harder than going in, but after a good deal of pushing, we were out at last covered in mud but pleased and excited by what wed done.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the writer say about how she spent her weekend?2. How does she feel about the time spent outdoors?3. Why do you think she enjoyed caving?4. Would you consider spending such a weekend? Why/Why not?


I. Read the following text aloud:

Winter is dangerous because its difficult to know what is going to happen and accidents take place so easily. Fog can be waiting to meet you over the top of a hill. Ice might be hiding beneath the melting snow, waiting to send you off the road. The car coming towards you may suddenly slide across the road.Rule Number One for driving on icy roads is to drive smoothly. Uneven movements can make a car suddenly very difficult to control. So every time you either turn the wheel, touch the brakes or increase your speed, you must be as gentle and slow as possible. Imagine you are driving with a full cup of hot coffee on the seat next to you. Drive so that you wouldnt spill it.Rule Number Two is to pay attention to what might happen. The more ice there is, the further down the road you have to look. Test how long it takes to stop by gently braking. Remember that you may be driving more quickly than you think. In general, allow double your normal stopping distance when the road is wet, three times this distance on snow, and even more on ice. Try to stay in control of your car at all times and you will avoid trouble.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the two rules a driver must respect in winter?2. Who is this text for?3. Why does the writer talk about a cup of coffee?4. What other rule would you add? Why?


I. Read the following text aloud:

When I opened my first Body Shop in 1976 my only object was to earn enough to feed my children. Today The Body Shop is an international company rapidly growing all around the world. In the years since we began I have learned a lot. Much of what I have learned will be found in this book, for I believe that we, as a company, have something worth saying about how to run a successful business without giving up what we really believe in. Its not a normal business book, nor is it just about my life. The message is that to succeed in business you have to be different. Business can be fun, a business can be run with love and it can do good. In business, as in life, I need to enjoy myself, to have a feeling of family and to feel excited by the unexpected. I have always wanted the people who work for The Body Shop to feel the same way.Now this book sends these ideas of mine into the world, makes them public. Id like to think there are no limits to our family, no limits to what can be done. I find that an exciting thought. I hope you do, too.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did the writer start his business, The Body Shop?2. What is the book about?3. How does the writer feel about the business she runs?4. How important are friendly working relationships in a successful company?


1. Read aloud the following text:

The best age to start learning the violin is between three and six, says Margaret Porter, a violinist and music teacher. Its the time when you are learning about the world. Margaret, who lives in London, prefers to take pupils at three and four, although she has made lots of exceptions for keen five-year-olds. When she started teaching the violin in 1972, her first class consisted of her childrens five-year-old school friends.Margarets pupils have group lessons. Each group has about a dozen pupils and each lesson lasts an hour, once a fortnight. In addition, each pupil has one individual lesson a week with her. Parents also have to attend the classes. It is important that the parents take an active interest in the lessons.From the earliest lessons pupils learn to play by ear. They do not even try to read music until they have been playing for seceral years, and for a long time there is a big difference between their playing and reading of music. Margaret says that her method is not supposed to produce great violinists, and always suggests that pupils who perform particularly well should leave and study the violin using more traditional methods.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is between three and six the best age to start learning the violin?1. What types of lessons do Margarets students have?1. How do Margarets students begin to learn the violin?1. In your opinion, what is important when learning a musical instrument?


I. Read aloud the following text:

Last week I went to visit Atlantic College, an excellent private college in Wales. Unusually, it gives young people much needed experience of life outside the classroom, as well as the opportunity to study for their exams. The students, who are aged between 16 and 18 and come from all over the world, spend the morning studying. In the afternoon they go out and do a really useful activity, such as helping on the farm, looking after people with learning difficulties, or checking for pollution in rivers.One of the great things about Atlantic College students is that they come from many different social backgrounds and countries. As few can afford the fees of 20,000 over two years, grants are available. A quarter of the students are British, and many of those can only attend because they receive government help.I really admire the college for trying to encourage international understanding among young people, as Barbara Molenkamp, a student from the Netherlands, said. You learn to live with people and respect them, even the ones you dont like. During the summer holidays my mother couldnt believe how much less I argued with my sister.To sum up, Atlantic College gives its students an excellent education, using methods which really seem to work.II.Answer the following questions:1. What does Atlantic College offer its students?1. What is wonderful about Atlantic College? Why?1. What are the advantages of studying in an international environment? 1. What kind of college would you like to study in? Why?


I.Read the following text aloud:

A recent report on the eating habits of children in Britain suggests that children from age three to sixteen show a strong dislike for vegetables and only eat sufficient amounts of fruit and vegetables at Christmas. One researcher says not eating properly may have serious consequences on a childs speech and physical development, resulting in poorer performance at school.

One solution is to give children extra iron and vitamins but in the long run it is more effective if children get the right ingredients in their daily diet. Unfortunately, parents choose food for their children that is quick and convenient to prepare, rather than food which is fresh and healthy; consequently, it is difficult later to get children to change their habits.II.Answer the following questions:1. What are the consequences of not eating properly?2. What is the right solution in this case?3. Which are the most frequent mistakes that parents usually do?4. Do you eat healthy?


I.Read the following text aloud:

When I injured my back I had to take a break from my running career. I decided to introduce more women to the sport, to show them how much fun it can be and to give them the confidence to get out and run. I decided to start a running club for women in my area because I was annoyed by the attitude of many race organisers. They complain about the lack of women in the sport but also use this as an excuse for not providing separate changing facilities.I put up posters and 40 women, young and old, fit and unfit, joined. All of them were attracted by the idea of losing weight but I dont think they had really thought about running before. When or if they did, they had a picture of painful training. They didnt think of chatting and smiling while running in beautiful places, like by a river.At first they ran for only a minute now they can run for thirty minutes. Theyve also learned from other runners about diet and keeping fit in general.I wanted to do something for womens running and Ive had so much pleasure watching their progress almost as much as theyve had themselves.

II. Answer the following questions:3. Why did the writer start a running club for women?3. Why were the women in the area interested in the running club?3. What did women think of running before joining the club?3. What physical exercises do you do to keep fit?

Preedinte de comisie, Comisia de examinare, Prof. _____________________ Prof._____________________
