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BI Publisher Bursting - Delivering/sending emails conditionally  Here is the sample code to send emails conditionally from BI/XML Publisher bursting feature. Problem Statement: enerate pay sli ps for all the employees at one shot and ema il the pay sli ps to res pec ti!e employee. ". #lt er $MP tabl e and added a column call ed emai l to hold emai ls of each indi !i dual employees. #nd then update email column to add email Ids %here you %ant your emails to be deli!ered. &. 'reate a (ata template Sample code a!ailable  here ). (efault pac*age Sample code a!ailable here +.(efine a concurrent program and assign the concurrent program to a responsibility as per your con!enience. ,. (esign a simple - template and register the same. Sample template a!ailable here 0. -egister data template1 created in 2" abo!e 3. -egister control file for bursting. Sample code a!ailable here Pac*age Sample code  here.

BI Publisher Bursting(XML)

Jul 06, 2018



Sumit Kasana
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4. Submit the concurrent program defined in 2+. If e!erything goes fine1

you should be able to see emails deli!ered at the email ids pro!ided.

Sample (ata in XML format.

5. Sample output belo%..

Posted by 'handra - Matta at "6:,5 #M -eactions:

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Friday, October 16, 2!

BI Publisher" #o$ to Print chec% bo& on BI Publisher 

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'uestion" #o$ to (rint )hec% bo& on BI Publisher*+ Publisher. e(orts0


ollo% these steps to create chec*bo8es or any symbols for your XML Publisher -eports.". (esign - template.

&. Place your chec* bo8es on the template.

  or MS 9--(;&6631 chec* bo8 a!ailable under <(e!eloper< menu/Legacy tools.

). -ight 'lic* on chec*bo8 and etnter criteria ho% the chec* bo8 should beha!e.

  $8: 9hich means1 %hen the <(=>MI#I7< is ?1 then chec* bo8 is chec*ed.ther%ise un;chec*ed.

+. (esign other chec* bo8es in similar %ay.

 7ote: (o not enter criteria under @BI Publisher PropertiesA. $nter criteria only on @orm field

Help e8tA.

,. Sa!e template as -. If you test/pre!ie% your template it %ill not sho% chec* bo8es properly.

Instead it %ill sho% diamond shaped pictures or any other un* characters.

his is e8pected beha!ior1 as Bi Publisher could not find e8act mappings for the chec* bo8es

%hen generating output.

0. o do character set/fonts mappings..

a*e @8do e8ample.cfgA file1 %hich %ill be a!ailable in your machine @ /BI PublisherCBIPublisher (es*topCemplate Builder for 9ordCconfigA

Sa!e as this file as @8do.cfgA in the same folder.

Derify the @9ingdingsA family property is correctly pointing to the @fontsA directory in yourmachine or not.

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?ou may also notice that @rtf;chec*bo8;glyphA property already a!ailable in .cfg file and %hich

is set to @9ingdingsE6&,+E6"06A.

hese t%o steps are important to sho% chec* bo8es correctly.

3. est your - template. ?ou may notice chec* bo8es displayed properly in the output.

#fter changing abo!e property in @8do.cfgA file and placed it under @ /BI PublisherCBI Publisher

(es*topCemplate Builder for 9ordCconfigA

-eturn to - template and clic* on pre!ie% again to !erify the results. 

 7o% - emplate creation and setups steps reFuired to generate chec* bo8es are completed.

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'reate (ata definition1 emplate and then upload your - template.

3o com(lete 4ont ma((ings at server side,

". Log in as XML Publisher #dministrator.

&. 7a!igate to #dministration;Gont iles;G'reate ont ile.

). ields are ont 7ame and ile.

or ont 7ame choose any descripti!e name.

ile %ill bro%se your P' to locate the font file.

+. 7a!igate to ont Mappings;G'reate ont Mapping Set.

,. Mapping name is the name you %ill gi!e to a set of fonts.

0. Mapping code is the internal name you %ill gi!e to this set.

3. ype: P( orm for P( templates. to P( for all other template types.


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 4. 'reate ont Mapping this allo%s you to add fonts to a setJ.

5. ont amily is the e8act same name you see in 9ord under onts.

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If you dont use the same name the font %ill not be pic*ed up at runtime.

"6. Style and %eight must also match ho% you use the font in %indo%s.

 7ormal and 7ormal are good defaults.

"". Language and erritory should remain blan* 7>LLJ.

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"&. 7a!igate to 'onfiguration eneral;G Processing;Gont Mapping Set.

'an also be done at data def and template le!el under $dit 'onfiguration.

Hierarchy is Site;G (ata (ef ;G emplate."). Select your ne% mapping set.

"+. Ma*e sure the font is not referenced under ile;GProperties;G'ustom in the - templatefile.

",. >nder eneral set a emporary (irectory.

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he font %ill be do%nloaded here under /fonts to be used at runtime1 the first time the font is


"0. >pload a template that uses your special font and test using pre!ie% or by submitting a

concurrent reFuest.