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Page 1: Beyond Parazine Issue 1


Location reviews

Team feature

Events listings


Creepy stories

Articles from





Much, much


Page 2: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

In this months issue

3. Welcome to beyond

4. A word from Past Investigations

5. Are we over equipped?

7. Growing up in a haunted house, by Mark Matthews

10. Too much information can be a bad thing.. By Nick Evans

12. Photos

13. Photos

14. Investigation report

19. Paranormal fun

20. Ross Allison, the Angry Ghost Hunter

24. Galleries of Justice Ad

26. Englands Haunted...Poltergeist by Stephen Renfield pt1

28. Photos

29. How medium Works feature by Kevin

37. Photos

38. Englands Haunted...Poltergeist pt2

41.Paranormal Myth or Legend, The Crying Boy Paintings

43. Team Feature

45. Famous Paranormal Photo thoughts

46. Shadow Person feature by Anito Jo-Intenzo

50. Sleep Well, creepy stories

52. Photos

53. Simon Healy (ex Most Haunted social media) interview

Page 3: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Welcome to beyond

We here at beyond parazine aim to bring you

the latest from the paranormal world every


You will find articles from our highly

respected and experienced contributors on a

wide variety of subjects.

There are monthly features on paranormal

teams from around the world, product reviews

on equipment, photographs submitted by teams

and if your after teams local to you then the

paranormal directory is the place to look.

There will be a new location featured every

month with reviews and reports from

investigators that have been to the locations.

Have fun, enjoy and if you wish to contribute an

article or give any feedback please contact

the editorial team at

[email protected]

A massive thank you to everyone who has

Contributed articles for publication.

Past Investigations/Beyond Parazine would like to state that articles within this magazine are

the views of the contributors and not necessarily ours.

Page 4: Beyond Parazine Issue 1


Investigating the paranormal world is a fascinating job, throughout our years

investigating we have come across a huge variety of approaches to an investiga-

tion, not only in the equipment used but even down to what people like to be


Many, probably most like to be called paranormal investigators or paranormal

researchers, we have noticed there seems to be a lot who are against being

labelled as ghost hunters, why? We don’t know.

We ourselves do not mind being labelled as ghost hunters after all that is

basically what we are doing when investigating, agreed when at a location we do

research things, do experiments etc etc but when it is all said and done we are

hunting for proof of the spirit world, ghost hunting.

Of course this is just our humble opinion and everyone has their own, which is

part of what makes this field so diverse and interesting. The same goes for

videos and photographs, what one person sees as a fantastic catch and believes

may be a ghost others see it as something they feel they can explain away.

Throughout this magazine you will see numerous photographs sent by many

teams and individuals from around the world, it is not our place to judge them

as definitely paranormal or not, we receive many messages from teams on our

Facebook page telling us they are afraid of posting any photographs or videos

due to being ridiculed and abused by other paranormal investigators, we find

this unacceptable and will not put up any such abuse coming from anything

sent to us for publication here.

We hope this magazine will be enjoyed by many people, not just investigators

but anyone with an interest in the paranormal world, if you are interested in

having any photographs or articles included then please feel free to email them

to us at [email protected].

Page 5: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Are We Over Equipped?

As paranormal investigators we all know the

feeling, getting everything charged up before an

investigation, packing everything away into

cases, could it be the modern day investigator

just has too much equipment?

How much is enough and how much is too much, we all make our own

decisions on what we like to use and take on an investigation but are we

taking too many gadgets that all do the same job? Take the good old EMF

meters as an example, there is dozens of different designs on the market all

claiming to be the best and detect some different energy field to the last one,

are these claims to be believed or is it just a sales pitch?

The more equipment we take to a location the more

time we are spending unpacking, setting up running

cables etc and then breaking it all down and packing it

again the less time we are actually spending investigating

which also brings about the fact of the more cameras,

digital voice recorders, cctv systems we use the more

footage there will be to analyse afterwards.

Its as though every week a new piece of equipment becomes

available, improved from the previous model so it becomes

the must have item for the serious investigator, but is it really

any better?

Many teams seem to be starting to ‘go back to basics’

recently, is going backwards really the way forwards, do we

only really need a good night vision camcorder, digital voice

recorder, emf meter and a still camera?

Page 6: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Who knows what is the best way to investigate and what is the

best equipment to have?

Every team and each person has their own way of conducting

an investigation and it is all down to personal preferences, are

many of the gadgets we use today so scientific in the way they

work that most of us don’t really know how to use them


Could it possibly be a bit daunting for

private clients when investigators turn up

at their house with huge cases of

equipment full of weird gadgets that

beep, flash lights and all manner of

things when its possible they expected

you to turn up with a camera and some


One vital piece that we really cannot do this work without is ourselves, our

senses, our emotions, our feelings we get at a location, these are worth

much much more than any piece of electronic wizardry we may be able to

buy. As part of a ‘back to basics’ approach we perhaps need to rely on

what our senses are telling us more than what our equipment is.

Submit an article to

[email protected]

Page 7: Beyond Parazine Issue 1



The first recollection I had would have been just before my teens.

I remember my parents burning some board game in the back garden, but

this was no monopoly, it was the Ouija.

My Dad worked and my Mum’s job was a housewife, usual for the period

I grew up in.

The first time I remember anything ‘strange’ happening was after mum

had done some ironing. I remember seeing it on the edge of their bed,

nothing unusual in that. What happened next was not usual at all.

“Have you moved that ironing?” my Mum asked “no” I replied, I’m still

not sure to this day if she thought it was one of us kids messing around.

After a search I think my Mum must have just thought it will turn up, and

it did. A week or so later my mum found it at the bottom of one of the

wardrobes, and no it definitely was not a childish prank!

I am not sure in the time gap between the happenings, I was too busy with

my music and other teenage things. The second thing I remember was

one night, we were all asleep when the landing light came on, on its own.

My Mum got up and turned it off, and we went back to sleep.

We had the typical pictures falling off walls, which unless your there at the

time, its hard to say it was paranormal. One of the more frightening times

for me was the day when my younger brother and me were in on our own.

We had bunk beds at the time, and our bedroom was next to the

bathroom. I had gone up stairs to the toilet, and as I was stood I heard a

loud bang come from our bedroom, it sounded as though someone had

jumped from the top bunk. I just remember shouting for my brother to

get up stairs! I was literally frozen to the spot.

It was after this that I really didn’t like being in the house on my own.

I used to come home at dinner time and walking into an empty house was

no easy task, I did not like to walk about to much, it was like if I sit still

they might not see me.

Page 8: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

My Dad was a spiritual man, so much as spirits visited him, and that didn’t

bother him at all. My dads friends Pete and John, father and son, were

very much into the paranormal, John had cleared many a haunted


John came to our house one afternoon, my parents had blamed the things

that were happening on the Ouija board. John had come to do a

‘clearing’, draw a line around the house and remove whatever was there.

After things were completed I remember my dad saying to my Mum,

“whatever it was went out the house, circled and came back in on the

landing” and it wasn’t a good spirit either.

My Mum used to say that whenever she was in the kitchen she always felt

as though there was someone in the doorway staring at her.

Just writing this has taken me right back there, and believe me it’s not a

nice feeling.

My Uncle, who lived in Mapperley, was also going through a lot of bad

things at his house. The more that things escalated at his, the worse things

got at ours.

It began to feel ‘dark’ and one night we had a real bad smell of rotten

eggs, my Mum explained it as being connected to what was happening in

Mapperley. As you can imagine it was very frightening.

On one occasion my Uncle phoned us in a panic, saying he and my Aunty

were stood outside and wouldn’t go back in as ‘they’ were there. We

jumped in the car and drove from Long Eaton to help my Uncle. When

we pulled up I could feel the energy from across the road, it was like a

feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I felt really sick. Us kids didn’t go in,

we were sent to my Nanas.

Growing up with this made me block everything out, I just didn’t want to

feel scared like I had.

As things moved on, and my Dad and Pete tried to help my Uncle, my

Aunty Joy, who was my Mums sister, came round our house one night to

talk about what was going off with my Uncle. I was in the front room, my

brother was a sleep on the sofa, and the adults were sat around the table

in the dining room.

Page 9: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

I remember very clearly, as they talked about removing the spirits from my

Uncles house there was a humming noise, it started quiet and grew louder,

then there was a big flash of white light over the table. I think everyone was in

shock, my Mum was saying “that’s because we were talking about Kens” It

was then I heard 2 footsteps coming down the stairs, it seemed to be in slow

motion and I remember thinking if we’re all downstairs and there’s nobody

upstairs who’s that coming down??

It sent me into a panic, I started crying and shouting, my Mum put her arms

around me and my Dad went to take a look. That night I was in bed. barely

able to look over the sheets. I heard my Mum asking my Dad “has it gone?”

to which my Dad replied “no, its still here”, not what I wanted to hear.

My Dad and Pete went round to my Uncles house one night when they were

out. My Dad said that when they walked in they saw a suitcase at the bottom

of the stairs, they walked around the house and then my Dad said “it’s time to

go” They left the house and my Dad got in the car and started driving away,

he said he looked in his mirror and there was a young woman sat in the back.

After a few miles he looked again and she was gone.

In 1985 we sold the house, and right up to the day we left there was always

something in there, and we have wondered if the new owners had anything


I have lived in many properties since then and there always seems to be things

going off, people have often said to me that something follows me around.

I have never really had any direct experiences, in as much as I have never

seen or heard anything, but little things do happen, and sometimes I think is it

the spirit from our old house?

As I have chosen to investigate the paranormal it surprises me that it doesn’t

scare me, but I can only put it down to the fact that I am so busy setting up

the equipment that I don’t have time to get scared!

Mark Matthews (Mids Para)

Do you have a personal story about living in a

haunted location?

Email to [email protected]

Page 10: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Too much Information can be a bad thing...

Paranormal investigators inevitably take members of the public on

investigations, information about the specifics of the site is a key element in any

initial brief that we give to them. However, what we say and how we say it, can

and does, in some way affect the outcome of the investigation.

How? Let me give you an example of a fairly innocuous generic briefing:

“Hello and welcome to this very active site, we’ve conducted many

investigations here over the years and most people get some very good evi-

dence, everything from video to A1 EVPs, you won’t be disappointed but

what we will say is – Don’t be scared!”

That statement appears to be innocent enough..... Or is it?

The simple answer is; NO it isn’t innocent. It’s a loaded statement that is biased

towards there being paranormal activity on the site.

If we break it down we can see why this is the case:

Before they even get to the site the guests will already have an element of

expectation and belief that the site they are visiting is haunted. They are then

informed that “....most people get some very good evidence....” Do they really

want to be in the minority of people who don’t experience something?

This expectation is then reinforced by an experienced investigator with expert

insight that it’s an active site – “...many investigations over the years... you won’t

be disappointed... Don’t be scared....” That final point is worth extra note

because the human brain cannot process negative information; we have to think

about the thing not to be scared of, in order not to think about it! They’ve even

been told what type of evidence they can expect to find “ and A1

EVPs...” The site has definitely been hyped up, and this is all done without any

back story or specific details on the site and more than likely, quite innocently.

It’s impossible for us as to ignore aspects of human physiology and psychology

when investigating, the majority of people are unaware that the way in which a

simple greeting to a group can influence the outcome of an investigation; the

subtle nuances of the non verbal communication, the tone and not just what is

being said can all play a part in influencing a guest, we may not do it

deliberately, but we do it nonetheless.

Page 11: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

It’s impossible for us as to ignore aspects of human physiology and psychology

when investigating, the majority of people are unaware that the way in which

a simple greeting to a group can influence the outcome of an investigation; the

subtle nuances of the non verbal communication, the tone and not just what is

being said can all play a part in influencing a guest, we may not do it

deliberately, but we do it nonetheless.

I hope this short article has given you food for thought, I hope its raised

questions and I certainly hope it’s given you a small insight into how too much

information, deliberate or not, can be a bad thing.

Take care, be safe and above all, happy hunting.

Nick Evans a short Biography

I had my first paranormal experience aged 3 some 43 years ago. I’ve been a

paranormal investigator for a number of years and have had my fair share of

‘odd’ experiences. I’m a qualified adult education tutor, NLP master

practitioner and am currently studying Psychology at University in the UK.

To advertise you events

Please contact us


[email protected]

Page 12: Beyond Parazine Issue 1


This photograph was taken at

35 Stonegate, York, England.

At the time it was taken only

the photographer and three

women were present, all of

who were sat down. What is

in the mirror?

This was taken at Wilne

cemetery, Derbyshire in

England. There was nobody

smoking at the time and the

weather was warm and dry.

It was not seen when the

Picture was taken.

Page 13: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

This was kindly submitted by

Somebody and is a very sad

Story, the young man was

Sadly murdered in November

2012, the family concerned

Receive many signs from the

boys spirit and called in a local

Paranormal team to perform

an investigation.

The image on the left was

Captured by the team during

Their investigation.

The image on the right is

Taken from the young

mans headstone

Page 14: Beyond Parazine Issue 1




Investigation Report, Yesterdays World, Battle

The team have been to Yesterdays World

many times over the years and must say we

have always had a lot of unexplained activity.

When the team were asked to do a charity

event for Tiny footprints to Heaven one

location we decided to use was Yesterdays

World. Once all the guests were in we head-

ed off for a medium walk round.

Medium walk Round

Our first area on the walk round was the landing on the first floor. Mario

started to tune into the building, informing us of a lady he was sensing. At the

same time a guest started to feel very sick and unwell and was taken out.

There were also growls heard by many of the guests in the corridors. There

was a lot of k2 activity in the building and a very strong smell of marijuana

which kept disappearing then returning. Many of the guests had the feeling of

being touched on the arms and legs.

Page 15: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Vigil area 1: Front Building Group 1 Attic

As the evening is all about the guests, as a group we decided to conduct a

séance which proved to be quite active. All of the team were sat on the floor

apart from our team member Joy, who was sat in the corridor just outside.

The majority of guests witnessed a figure move across the room and at the same

time the window appeared to be obstructed by something or someone before

reappearing again. Below is a list of other observations made by guests.

Male and female presence felt ( names were recorded but we do not make

them public knowledge)

4 guests started to get pain in their head as another guest felt a presence of a

man hanging in the corridor

A nanny ( childminder) was also felt ( Again name has been recorded)

Group 1 Sweet Shop

We decided to move onto our second vigil area, the

sweet shop located on the first floor. As we

commenced our séance multiple K2 activity was

observed within the room. One of the female guests

mentioned a gentlemen’s name that she was sensing, a growl was heard by a

majority of those present. Our celebrity guest Paul Gannon, who was wearing

hearing enhancers on the other side of the room started to hear some taps

coming from the adjoining room.

A number of guests also started to complain about pains in their knees

Cold spots were also felt within the room by numerous people. Temperature

was tested with a laser thermometer which registered a difference of 5 degrees.

Numerous aromas were smelt by numerous guests

A guest picked up a name which was verified by our team historian / genealogist

Page 16: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Vigil Area 2 Back Building

Due to the size of the group, the

decision was made to divide

them into 2 smaller groups 1st

group ground floor 2nd group

royal rooms.

Royal Room

Footsteps were heard

The team selected table tipping as their form of experiment and upon calling

out the table to started rocking before finally going onto one leg and rotating

360 degrees

One of the guests struggled to speak coherently struggled

Ladies name came up on the ovilous ( which has come up on previous

investigations )

Knocking was heard

A female guest sensed a 16th century lady

Ground Floor

The vigil area was by the old pub front and telephone box

Taps and bangs were heard on the stairs

A loud bang came from telephone box area while it was being discussed

Bell ring from telephone box heard by more than one guest

Mario our medium, decided to do a visualisation experiment with a small

group. He asked them all what they were seeing and all seemed to see an old

lady with curly hair with a stern expression.

Page 17: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Free Time

During free time everybody has the choice to conduct experiments

themselves. Jim, Joy and Kev accompanied some of the guests to the ground

floor streets area. We stood by the staircase and proceeded with a séance

experiment we were hearing taps and bangs in response to Jim’s voice which

seemed to be concentrated by the red door in this area. Jim reported feeling

very hot one of the guests took a temperature reading with a laser

thermometer and took a reading of 22 degrees where Jim was standing.

The reading within the rest of the room was 18 degrees (no heater observed)

she preceded a more detailed recording. Jim’s legs recorded a temperature

of 24 degrees, his chest was 32 degrees and his head was 18 degrees.

An observation was made that the padlock on the red door had started to

swing in response to Jim’s voice. At this point numerous guests sensed a

young girl of approx 8 years of age. Others

guests experimented with calling out but no

movement were seen on the padlock. It only

seemed to move in response to Jim’s voice.


After reviewing certain evidence we have found

some interesting photographs taken throughout

the evening. Evp and CCTV have yet to be

reviewed but will be posted up at a later date if

anything is recorded. Numerous names that

have been recorded during this investigation on

the ovilous and other audible equipment have

been verified with historical records.

These names will not be divulged due to future

investigations at this location.

Page 18: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

All in all a very active evening with some very strange phenomena. Yesterdays

world has yet again proved to be very active and I know when I speak for all at

TSUK when we say we can’t wait to go back and investigate again.

Total Raised £2500

This was made up of the following

£260 raised by our team member Joy of Sincerely Yours Florist of

Herne Bay Kent

£2210 Raised by the TruthSearchers UK, Kirk Bacon Memorial Fund

charity Event, which we rounded up to £2240

Joy presenting her cheque to Emma and Lisa the creators of Tiny Footprints

to Heaven

Above: (Left) Jim & Joy, (right) Kev & Mario of TruthSearchers UK. (centre) Emma & Lisa of Tiny Footprints to Heaven

Above : (Left) Emma & (right) Lisa of Tiny Footprints to Heaven. (centre) Joy of Sincerely Yours Florist Herne Bay.

Page 19: Beyond Parazine Issue 1


Page 20: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Ross Allison has been investigating the paranormal for more than 25

years. His work has taken him all over the world to London, Paris,

Romania, Rome, Mexico, Scotland, Ireland, Greece, Spain and

many other exciting locations. Throughout his travels, Ross

has collected ghost stories, investigated haunted sites and

photographed some of the most beautiful cemeteries you can only


Besides his passion for exploring the unknown, Ross has written a number of

books, with articles featured in magazines and blogs. He also enjoys traveling

the US to speak with students, fellow ghost hunters and others that fancy a

good ghost story.

Throughout his career, Ross has appeared on a number of programs, books,

magazines, documentaries and radio shows. You may have seen him on

shows like: Ghost Hunters, Scariest Places on Earth, America’s Ghost

Hunters, The Montel Show and quite a few others. Keep an eye out for his

new book, Spooked in Seattle, in bookstores.

You can also join Ross on his Blogtalkradio show The Angry Ghost Hunter

every Thursday at 7pm PST

Para-Drama, is there a need for it?

“Witch! Witch!” is shouted from the crowd, raising their pitchforks and

torches as they chase down the accused for the public witch burning. Witch

Hunts demonstrate how greed, jealousy, fear and misunderstandings lead to

many misfortunes of those involved. Unfortunately, this kind of behavior still

occurs today. Now, Western culture no longer tolerates witch burnings (too

messy), but we still can be labeled accusers, as we point the finger and do the

name calling. There are still followers, those who chant out wrong doings with

pitchforks and torches in hand (well, maybe not pitchforks and torches, more

like cellphones and ipads) and lastly, the victim, the individual tied to the


We know what it’s like to have the aching feeling of a knife pierced in our

backs, or to have participated in the whispering taunts when that person

leaves the room. And kept the rumour mill spinning as we spread the juicy

gossip of the he said, she said crap. We all have been a victim of it or even in

some way a part of it. Drama, drama, drama! Even when we have both hands

on the wheel, we just can’t steer away from it.

Page 21: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

It’s in our homes, workplaces and even our best of friends can dish us up a

good heaping pile of it. So it’s no surprise we find it even in the field of

paranormal. “SCREAM!!!!!”

In fact, it’s so common that we have given it its own word “Para-Drama.”

Now, it’s nothing you’ll find in the dictionary, and it still comes up underlined

in red when using Spellcheck, but it’s becoming a popular word among us ghost

hunters and paranormal investigators. It is nothing more than conflict regarding

any given situation or series of events caused by individuals or groups in the

paranormal investigation field.

Throughout my years in this field, I have experienced betrayal, rejection,

ridicule, and heartbreak. I have been witness to plenty of drama played out in

several groups (including my own), usually ending with folks leaving a group,

being excluded or even termination. I have witnessed emails and online fights

break out among members and other groups. These conflicts can be the focus

of investigation methods, interpretation of data, psychic impressions, protocol,

territory, personal conflicts, equipment used or obtained evidence, investigation

location, media and even becoming a popularity contest just to name a few.

Let’s be frank here, is this level of immaturity and unprofessionalism getting

completely out of hand? Has investigating the spooks sparked our inner

children? And now we take our toys and run when things don’t go our way?


With overwhelming amounts of people chasing ghosts, many groups and

individuals have been known to display egos, competitiveness and jealousy

targeted at those they simply disagree with or don't understand and in most

cases, don’t even know personally. It’s the belief that if we make others look

bad, we make ourselves look good. But who really has the time for this type of


Are we so prepared to go to war with our fellow ghost hunter, when we may not

even have the facts straight? We call ourselves investigators, yet in most cases

we have not even taken the correct steps in finding truth to what’s happened

when dealing with the situation.

Could all this simply be nothing more than wrong assumptions,

misinterpretations which lead to multiple opportunities for misunderstandings

in our community, all due to the lack of communication we have with one


Remember, every tale has two sides to the same story.

Page 22: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Take this example for instance: In the casino you spend $20 on a slot machine

that just didn’t pay out. As you walk away, some stranger jumps on the same

machine and pops in a nickel and hits the jackpot. How does this make you

feel? You’re pissed, even furious at the person who just won big.

It’s human nature that effects our reactions and influences our behaviour

towards perfectly innocent and random events.

Just like in ghost research, we can spend hours investigating a haunted location

and get nothing, but when another team goes in and walks away with something

amazing, we tend to respond with “We didn’t get anything there; so it wasn’t

haunted, so that group must have faked their evidence.” This type of thing

happens all the time. And the term for this is simply jealousy. Remember with

ghost hunting, it’s all about being at the right place at the right time.

There is no such thing as a perfect team or investigator; there will always be

power struggles, conflicts, personality clashes, and disagreements about how

others feel the group should be run. In fact, you may not agree with some of

the techniques and/or equipment used on investigations, however, we all strive

to do our best to learn what works and what doesn’t.

We don’t need to deal with a rat race to find the perfect evidence or to become

the most popular group. It’s almost like geeks vs. jocks in high school. And in

this field, we know the geeks are going to win ;-) The best thing you can do to

avoid this type of behaviour and prevent yourself from becoming a Para-Drama

Queen is to leave the negative attitude at home. Always be professional.

You don’t have to like everyone in this field, just treat them with respect.

Remember attitude is everything.

What we need to do is work together. Learn to develop better ways of having

direct communication with the other groups and individuals in this field. Have

a face-to-face conversation if at all possible or at least on the phone which

offers a more effective way in communication. Here are few good reasons why

you’ll want to do this:

1. Issues can be dealt with faster

2. Less room for misunderstanding in the content of the text

3. Builds relationships & communication skills

Don’t allow yourself to be a victim in how your email was interpreted. Potential

damage is done through emails and text, often enough that can never be


Page 23: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

So get off the Para-Drama bandwagon and motivate yourself and your team to

what brought you here in the first place, to have a better understanding of the

unknown. For your experience in this field should never be diminished by

resentment or our own insecurities but filled with the pleasure of having that

encounter you’ve been longing for, an experience filled with the paranormal

and NOT Para-Drama .

Article kindly submitted by Ross Allison.

Do you host haunted event nights?

Why not advertise in beyond parazine.

Please contact us for amazing rates!

Get your event seen

Get your name known

Email us for details

[email protected]

Have you been to an amazing location?

Want to share your thought?

We are looking for articles about haunted

locations from around the world.

We would like you the investigator to share

your opinions on locations yo have visited.

[email protected]

Page 24: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Nottingham’s Galleries of Justice

Voted Englands most haunted lo-


There is good reason paranormal teams keep returning to this fantastic

venue, dating back to the 14th century it is steeped in history with many

original features and areas to explore.

Paranormal experiences abound in the grand courtroom, experience the

total darkness that is the original dark cells, feel the atmosphere in the

womens area and the oubliette cave area.

Floor after floor & room after room of history awaits the intrepid


Featured on various TV investigations, one of the rare times Ghost Hunters

International actually declared a place was definitely haunted.

This is one place you most definitely need to add to your list of must go

venues, you will then add it to your must return list.

Contact Nottinghams Galleries of Justice to book your unforgettable event.

Nottingham’s Galleries of Justice Call on: 0115 952 0555

The Lace Market, High pavement, Nottingham, NG1 1HN

Page 25: Beyond Parazine Issue 1
Page 26: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

England’s Haunted......



Stephen Renfield

I have been searching the length and breadth of England to bring you some

of our alleged hauntings. Some could be real, some are known fakes that

bring fame and fortune.

Even so, I personally find the whole thing very fascinating as some public

houses claim theirs to be the most haunted in England while other places

claim to have reoccurring poltergeist activity.

Some places have closed their doors to paranormal investigators, while

others welcome them with open arms.......

In this addition, I have looked into alleged Poltergeist activity in England.

Case 1


One case that has me absolutely fascinated is one of Edinburgh’s most

notorious, The McKenzie Poltergeistat Greyfriars Cemetery.

Most people do not realise that this is one of the sites of cruel England.

The Covenanters prison here was the first recorded concentration camp in

the 1600s.

Greyfriars Graveyard

In 1637, approximately 1800 Presbyterians were held here in the walled

section of the graveyard, which now is called the covenanters prison.

It is here that the prosecutor at the time, Sir George McKenzie who was a

lawyer and lord advocate to Charles II, ordered the torture and killing of

the prisoners.

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This man is said to have lied and cheated to bring charges against these

prisoners. He was given the nickname ‘’Bluidy (Bloody) McKenzie’’

Upon McKenzie’s death on 8th May 1861, McKenzie’s body was brought up

from London and laid to rest in Greyfriars Kirkyard close by to the covenants


Erected over his grave is a rounded mausoleum designed by James Smith.

Now called the Black Mausoleum.

Sir George McKenzie

Early in 1999, a homeless man broke into the

mausoleum to sleep, here and he desecrated the

coffin in his search for a comfortable place and

also fell through the floor revealing a hidden room

which was filled with unidentified skeletons.

It is said that he disturbed more than just a tomb,

that he had disturbed something in

the afterlife.

The homeless man did not stay here long needless

to say. There are no reports of why he fled,

it could have been that he himself encountered

something sinister.

Today there have been over 500 reports of attacks

on visitors by unseen hands.

Visitors have been knocked unconscious, left with

bruises, being cut and some even being bitten.

Of the 500 attacks 180 have been left unconscious.

Could this be the evil predator, Sir George


A great place to visit steeped in history and a great

place to investigate too.

The Covenanters Prison

McKenzie’s mausoleum today

Page 28: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Photo’s This was taken at Annesley

Hall, Nottingham, England.

The poet Lord Byron often

Stayed here and it was the

Inspiration for some of his

Poems. Nothing was see at

The time the photo was


This was captured on a

Clear, dry and warm

night, nobody in the team

was smoking and nothing

was seen at the time.

If you have a photo you would like to see featured

Please email it to [email protected]

Along with a brief description.

Page 29: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

How mediums work - the difference between working with a Psychic link

and a Spirit link. (This is only a rough guide but may interest people to

know the basics of how mediumship works). Someone who is Psychic is

said to be in touch with their, and anybody else's, soul. They do not need

to be in the same room as each other, or even the same country to be able

to do this. Therefore they can perform a soul reading, where they can

connect with someone's soul, and read information about a person's past,

present, and possible future with or without tarot or oracle cards. When

reading on a psychic link the person reading consciously or unconsciously

pushes their energy field or auric field outwards and forwards.

The word Clairvoyant comes from the

French for Clear Seeing. Nowadays the

word Clairvoyant is often use to describe

someone with Psychic powers because

they can "clearly see" things most people

cannot, including the future. There are

other "Clairs" as well. Clairsentience

means clear sensing or feeling,

Clairaudience means clear hearing,

Clairgustance is clear smelling,

Clairknowing is when you just know.

Mediumship is when a medium raises

their energy in order to act as a

conductor or relayer of information

direct from the spirit world and pushes it

outwards and behind them, consciously

or unconsciously. The word medium

means the thing in which something is

transported or transmitted.

How Mediums Work

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That is what we say when we talk of the medium of television or the media

when referring to television, radio, newspapers, etc. They transmit

information from person to person. A Spiritual Medium transmits

information from a spirit, a departed loved one to someone on the earth


The medium cannot work alone and

works in partnership with their spirit

guide who is in control at all times of

finding the spirit person that is needed for

the communication, the information that

is being received and the way that the

medium receives it. The most important

thing when working as a medium is the

relationship that is built up between the

medium and their guide and the trust

bond that builds over time as the working

relationship develops.



Mediums are taught ways to connect to

spirit before they give a message. All

mediums will use some form of energy

expansion or connection technique to

help them get ready to work with spirit.

There are lots of different ways and none

are wrong, it is just best to try a few before

you work out what is best for you. Some

people like to say a prayer or do some

form of protection.

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If you have not been taught how to connect to spirit or are interested in

other ways of connecting with spirit before you do readings, this article may

help you. All matter and energy vibrates, we vibrate as human and so do

spirit. We are all energy and vibrate on different levels. Humans vibrate at

a slower rate and spirit vibrates higher or faster. When a medium connects

to spirit, they have to raise their vibrations and the spirit guide and spirit

communicating through the medium have to lower their vibrations until the

two meet in the middle.

When you feel that there is a weak link

or the information is not flowing, it is

just that your energy levels or vibrations

are not raised enough for spirit to

communicate properly with you. Your

energy levels or vibrations will also go

up and down as you do your reading.

If you get a no answer or a not sure

answer during your reading, your

energy will shrink back down and you

have to push it back out again to be

able to continue with the reading.

Some people will naturally do this,

most have to be aware of it and

practice it and be conscious of it during

a reading and that way you are able to

be in control and get the most amount

of evidence through in your reading for

your sitter.

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This is an exercise that is a quick and easy way to expand your own energy

and raise your own vibrations and then connect to spirit. It may help to read

it first and then close your eyes as it is a visualisation exercise. If you keep

practicing and it works for you then you will get the hang of it and do it with

your eyes open. Imagine your aura or your energy field as a bubble around

your body, front, back, sides and over your head.

The energy can be clear, coloured, multi

coloured, its up to you its your energy.

Now concentrate on your breathing

slowing it down in and out. Now with every

out breath imagine your energy

bubble/aura expanding away from your

body, upwards, outwards, front, sides and

back. With each out breath push it out

more, and more, expanding it out, more

and more. It can grow to fill the room, you

can push it out through the roof of your

house, towards the stars, its up to you, just

push it out and when you are happy, stop.

Keeping your energy there ask for the

white light of spirit to shine down on you

and enter your body through your head,

through your crown chakra. Feel this light

energy as it fills your body. Then with your

next out breath, push it out through your

stomach, or solar plexus chakra into your

energy field/aura. See or feel the light

energy mixing with your own, the colours

mixing or merging with ease.

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When you are ready re focus on the energy entering your body through

your crown chakra. Then quick as a flash see it coming into your body

down the length of your spine and below and back up again, faster and

faster, quicker and quicker until it is a continuous up and down flow

constant and continuous. When you are ready open your eyes.

You should feel, lighter, lifted and happy. You are now connected to spirit.

This process, helps you first grow or expand your energy or auric field and

raise your vibrations. Then when you have raised them it connects you to

spirit and lets spirit lower their vibrations to merge with yours.



You are now working with your own energy

whilst you are connected to spirit. Keep the

bubble in your mind. If you get a no in

your message or a don't know, consciously

visualise your energy pushing out again, the

bubble pushing out and get that

re-connection you need to keep the

connection strong with spirit as you work.

Ask your guides to help you with this and

they will. . If you are connected in this way

and still are having trouble connecting, feel

that the link is weak or can't get the

evidence you need, then the other reason

will be that the person communicating

through you in spirit is too far away from

you on the edge of your energy bubble and

you need them to come in to your energy

as close as you possibly can to get the

information from them to pass on to their

loved ones in their message.

Page 34: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

You need to mentally or verbally ask the spirit working with you to move as

close into your energy as they can, get them in as close as you can till you

can feel them really really feel them. You are in control and sometime will

have to tell them what to do to communicate through you. Your guide will at

all times be in place right behind you and will always be as close to you as it

is possible to get. This is why, when you see mediums on a platform in a

church or doing a demonstration, they will move around a lot or move

forwards and backwards. It is because they are moving themselves into the

energy of the spirit that they are working with.

Sometimes it helps when you want to get

your link with spirit to stand up to do it,

you will find yourself moving backwards

and forwards side to side, just go with it.

When you have your link, you can ask

them mentally or verbally to move with

you to the chair where you are working to

give out your message and your guide will

help you. When spirit work with us as

mediums they will use the moisture in our

bodies and it is easy to become

dehydrated. Drink plenty of water before,

during and after you do a message and

this will keep you hydrated, concentrating

properly and keep your energy up where

it needs to be. This again is why all

mediums in circle, on platform or doing

private sittings always drink a lot of water,

and if you try this when you are working

with spirit it should help you.

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It is vitally important for you to close down as a medium EVERY TIME

you finish working with spirit. As soon as you start to work with spirit you

are in the eyes of spirit, a medium, you just have to develop your

mediumistic abilities. You will vibrate on a higher frequency than others on

the earth plane, when you start to work with spirit.

Those in spirit will see your light shining brighter than others and know that

they can possibly communicate through you to their loved ones.

You will find your own family and loved

ones in spirit, and those of friends/

strangers will come to you because of

this. You must be aware of this and stay

closed to this unless you and your guide

wish you to bring a message through. If

you do not, then your energy will be

drained and you will find that you are

not fully feeling very with it/day dream-

ing etc. You need to keep living your

physical life, and so asking your guides

not to connect when you are working etc

will also help you. When you have been

working as a medium you must always

and every time close down after you

have finished your message(s). Again

there is no wrong or right way to close

down it can range from really quick to

very complicated and will depend on

your teachings and background with

working with spirit. If you need a quick

and easy way to disconnect and close

down, then here is one for you.

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It is all about intentions and if your thoughts are saying to your guide, close

me down, then they will do. Close you eyes and send out your thoughts to

your guide of love and thank them for working with you as you have

worked with them. As guide and mediums together in partnership. Ask that

the energy that has been built up whilst you have been working with spirit

be sent out into the universe or into the world to be used where it is needed


To heal the sick, to comfort the suffering.

Then imagine your energy bubble

shrinking back down, to your body.

Some people may say a small prayer. Do

what is right for you. When you are

closed down, your sprit guide has the

intelligence to stop all spirits from

coming though with messages for you.

They will do this for you and protect you.

All you have to do is ask them once to do

this for you everytime you close down,

then you can consider it done. Working

with spirit is a two way process, as soon as

you start you build your relationship with

your guide. They are your guide and you

are their medium. Ask your guide for

help to communicate with spirit, with

your messages, to open and close and

they will always do their best to help you.

Page 37: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Photo’s This was taken at Hermits

Cave, Dale Abbey,

Derbyshire, England.

A bit different from the

Usual ‘orb’ photo’s we see.

This was taken in

a cemetery in


England. It was

Taken using a full

spectrum camera,

nobody was in

shot when the

photo was taken.

Page 38: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

England’s Haunted......



Stephen Renfield

Case 2


In August of 1977 Margaret Hodgson called the police to her rented home

after two of her four children had witnessed furniture moving and knocking

sounds. Even a neighbour had been called to the house and after witnessing

a chest of drawers moving on its own had fled the home. A female police

constable had even witnessed a chair slide across the floor and then flip over,

but could not explain this. Later the police released a statement saying that

this was not a police matter and withdrew all investigation there.

Tappings, strange noises and demonic voices were later claimed here.

The story of the Enfield Poltergeist reached the national press and

investigators for the Society of Psychical Research. Member Maurice Gross

& Guy Lyon-Playfair took up the case.

The home of the Hodkins’ Green

Street, Enfield

They recorded Janet, aged 11 speaking with an

unexplained demonic voice. The rasping

male voice sent a chill through the room.

Hauntingly, it delivered a message from beyond

the grave, describing in graphic detail the

moment of death.

‘Just before I died, I went blind, and then I had

an ’aemorrhage and I fell asleep and I died in

the chair in the corner downstairs.’

The eerie voice — which can still be heard on audio tapes today — is

reportedly that of Bill Wilkins.

The recording was made in Enfield, North London, in the Seventies, several

years after his death.

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A news reporter also captured Janet being thrown out of her bed.

Janet Hodgson, aged 11 at the time,

appeared to be thrown out of her

bed while her helpless

sister could only look on.

Naturally, many questions arose, whether it was all a hoax — but no

explanation other than the paranormal has ever been convincingly put

forward. Years later, Janet would tell a Channel 4 documentary:

‘It started in a back bedroom, the chest of drawers moved, and you could hear


Mum said: “I want you to pack it in.”

‘We told her what was going on, and she came to see it for herself. She saw

the chest of drawers moving. When she tried to push it back, she couldn’t.’

Janet’s sister Margaret explained how the activity increased.

‘There were strange little noises in the house, You couldn’t make out what was

going on. None of us slept.

‘We put on our dressing gowns and slippers and went next door.’

The family appealed for help from their neighbours, Vic and Peggy

Nottingham. Vic, a burly builder, went to investigate.

He says: ‘I went in there and I couldn’t make out these noises — there was a

knocking on the wall, in the bedroom, on the ceiling. I was beginning to get a

bit frightened.’

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Most of the activity centred on 11-year-old Janet. She went into violent

trances, which were awful to watch. Janet told Channel 4

‘I felt used by a force that nobody understands. I really don’t like to think

about it too much.

I’m not sure the poltergeist was truly “evil”. It was almost as if it wanted to be

part of our family.

'It didn’t want to hurt us. It had died there and wanted to be at rest. The only

way it could communicate was through me and my sister.’

Some cast doubt on the events, however. Two SPR experts caught the

children bending spoons themselves, and questioned why no one was allowed

in the same room as Janet when she was using her gruff voice, apparently that

of Bill Wilkins.

Indeed, Janet admitted that they fabricated some of the occurrences.

She told ITV News in 1980: ‘Oh yeah, once or twice (we faked phenomena),

just to see if Mr Grosse and Mr Playfair would catch us. They always did.’

Now aged 45, Janet lives in Essex with her husband, a retired milkman.

she describes the poltergeist activity as traumatic.

‘It was an extraordinary case. It’s one of the most recognised cases of

paranormal activity in the world.

But, for me, it was quite daunting. I think it really left its mark, the activities,

the newspaper attention, the different people in and out of the house.

It wasn’t a normal childhood.’

Asked how much of the phenomena at Green Street was faked, she says: ‘I’d

say 2 per cent.’

She also admitted playing with an Ouija board with her sister, just before the

activity flared up at the house.

She says she was unaware that she went into trances, until she was shown


‘I recall being very distressed by the photos when I was a child, I was very


‘I knew when the voices were happening, of course, it felt like something was

behind me all of the time.

They did all sorts of tests, filling my mouth with water and so on, but the

voices still came out.

Don’t miss

More poltergeist stories next month

From Stephen renfield

Page 41: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Paranormal? Myth? Legend?

How the curse of the crying boy evolved...

The Spanish artist J Bragolin (who also went by

aliases Franchot Seville and Bruno Amadio)was

said to have painted a deaf and dumb Spanish

street urchin by the name of Don Bonillo, who

would have been between three and five years old

at the time.

It is thought that Bragolin found the child

wondering around the streets of Madrid.

The orphan boy had run away after seeing his

parents die in a blaze and never spoke again.

And because wherever he settled, fires would

mysteriously break out, he became known to the

locals as Diablo or devil.

Warned by a Catholic priest that the boy was

jinxed, Bragolin nevertheless insisted on painting

the boy and is rumoured to have tried beating the

curse out of him.

When the artist's studio burnt down in a blaze he

blamed the orphan boy, and Bragolin's career

was likewise jinxed for evermore. For nobody

would buy his paintings again after this.

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It is thought that 19-year-old Don Bonillo later died

in a car accident when the car he was in exploded

into flames. Nobody came forward to claim his


These crying boy paintings were later mass

reproduced in the 1980's and were readily available

in places like

Woolworths and Boots.

The curse of the crying boy began in Yorkshire,

September 1985 when over 50 mysterious house

fires were thought to have been caused by the

paranormal painting. In most cases the houses

were completely destroyed and only the painting

remained untouched. It is thought that the

paintings didn't burn because they were printed

on compressed hardboard and hard to ignite.

Even so, there is not a firefighter in Yorkshire

who will allow one in his/her home.

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This months featured team

Dayton Ohio Supernatural

Team leader Aaron Bilbrey (bottom left, with core members Krista,

Kevin & Jane) began ghost hunting with his family a couple of years

ago when they went to Prospect Place in Dresden Ohio. It had been

featured on Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures. They made

contact with a little girl there who rolled a ball out into the hall.

They later found EVPs of her answering questions.

After that he was hooked.

He started booking places himself under the name Dayton Ohio

Supernatural. The name turned out to be a blessing because they

started getting referrals from other groups for the Dayton area.

He has been very lucky in his captures of EVPs. almost always

coming away with a large amount of Class A's. The main goal of the

Dayton Ohio Supernatural group is to have fun, but also educate

others as well. This is why they have started a daily feature on their

Facebook page called "The Ghost Hunting Tip of the Day". Aaron

tries to give an informative and unique look into paranormal

investigating, all the while giving ideas to make other groups more

successful in their capture of evidence.

Some of the places investigated: Prospect Place, Sedamsville

Rectory, Poasttown Elementary, Bryn Du Mansion, Whispers Estate,

Mansfield Prison, Twin City Opera House, and Bobby Mackey's.

They have upcoming investigations at Waverly Hills Sanitarium and

Thornhaven Manor.

Page 44: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Past investigations


mids para

Bring you a night at Old gresley hall,

swadlincote Derbyshire

7pm until midnight

Only £20 per person

Refreshments included

We are a non profitable group who are based in

Gainsborough, Lincolnshire just showing a keen

interest into the unknown and paranormal activity, is

there life after death and do UFO's exist, taking a

scientific approach we look into to finding the

evidence, we have an ever expanding team. We do

not do public events or put on stage shows like

others, we are solely investigators if you wish to

contact us please use the email below

[email protected]

To get your paranormal team noticed please

email us at [email protected]

with your details.

Page 45: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

One of the most famous

ghost photographs ever


The photograph known as

'The Brown Lady of

Raynham Hall' is probably

the most famous picture of

a ghost ever taken.

Captured on 19 September

1936 by two photographers,

the picture shows a curious

transparent image,

suggestive of a hooded

figure, apparently

descending a wooden

staircase in Raynham Hall,

Norfolk, England.

Comments when recently posted on Facebook

Very good picture because it is so well known that if almost become

representative of Ghost Picture.


110% legit, it has been proven again & again

Have seen this photo many times and I'm fascinated by it every time

Its meant to be (which is subject to debate) a woman & her young son.

Page 46: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Anita Jo Intenzo-Haunted Author Classically trained as a fine artist, I graduated with honors from Moore College of

Art in Philadelphia. My fine arts training in painting and sculpture along with my

knowledge of restoration materials evolved into a business where I'm able to

preserve and restore family treasures: I wrote a

non-fiction book, Estate of Horror that has just been published. It is now up on

Amazon, Kindle. Check out my website: for updates on

my ghostly news.

Have you seen a shadow person? Read about one of the world's current

phenomenons in my updated blog that is happening more and more

frequently and being reported to the paranormal community.

What is a shadow person? By definition a

shadow person, also known as a shadow

figure, shadow being or black mass, is an

alleged paranormal entity. Their movement

is often described as being very quick and

disjointed; they may first move slowly, and

then rapidly "hop" to another part of

a surrounding. Some witnesses describe this

movement as though the shadow entities they

have seen "danced" from one wall to the

next. They often completely disappear into

solid walls.

A number of religions, legends, and belief systems describe shadowy

spiritual beings or supernatural entities such as shades of the underworld,

and various shadowy creatures have long been a staple of folklore and

ghost stories. The phenomenon can take many forms: big, hairy, shadowy

spiders, cats, clouds, black masses, or where a head is directly connected

to a set of broad shoulders and, at times, you can see red glowing eyes.

Shadow people are described with striking similarities all over the world

such as the Hat-Man which is described the same from small children to

adults. The common traits are dark silhouettes with human shapes (usually

a masculine shape) and profiles. Some shadow people are wearing coats

and hats and a few have claimed to see them with bright red glowing eyes.

Page 47: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Others talk about the "Hat Man," a solid creature as having "a Zorro-type hat"

or "a Fedora type hat". He wears a three piece suit and a cape or a long trench

coat, and possesses glowing red or solid black eyes. Even more terrifying is

the entity covered in a Hooded Black Cloak with no feet!

Where Do They Come From?

There is scientific research that tells of several physiological and psychological

conditions can account for reported experiences of shadow people.

A possibility could be it's an illusion from sleep deprivation, which may lead

to hallucinations. Another theory is that Shadow people are psychological in

nature, and that they are somehow linked to a modern stressful lifestyle.

One scientific explanation is that shadow people are seen mainly in

the corner of ones eye from a condition known as Pareidolia, that could be

responsible. This is a condition where vision in the peripheral area of the eye

incorrectly interprets random patterns of light/

shadow or texture as being familiar patterns

such as faces and human forms.

Can shadow people be spirits of once living

human beings that are stuck here on earth

and maybe for one reason or another can't

move on? A lot of people who have seen and

experienced shadow people don't think that

shadow people are residual haunting's. Most people who have seen shadow

people think that they are intelligent and able to come and go when they want.

Some people even say they think shadow people may be another life form

entirely or may be the extra-dimensional inhabitants of another universe.

Online discussion forums devoted to paranormal and supernatural topics

describe Shadow People as menacing, among other believers and paranormal

authors, there is no consensus that shadow people are either evil, helpful, or


One of the more frightening forms witnesses recall is the black mass,

an appalling dark form with a vaguely humanoid stance, which the witnesses

unanimously feel represents pure evil can jump on your chest to choke

you. The "Hat Man," is claimed to be a form of evil incarnate and speculated

that the being is the Devil himself!

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My Own Experiences With Shadow People

August 2009: our cousins visited the house of my deceased friend hoping to

capture some paranormal activity on their cameras. The chapter describing

what took place during that visit is in my published book, Estate of Horror.

Our cousin *"Karen" sat on a chair during the time spent documenting the

activity in the basement of the house that harrowing day and soon felt a

presence behind her. Following photo shows what she captured on film. Her

sister also recorded a darting dark figure behind a wardrobe closet.

*named changed

On June 2010: My son, Chris awoke suddenly in his bedroom and saw a dark

figure near his chair. He instinctively snapped a picture with his cell phone

camera and went back to sleep as it was very early. When he woke up several

hours later he thought he had dreamed the event. That was until he looked at

the image he captured on the camera. A dark hooded creature that seems to

float off the floor. He showed it to me as he was getting dressed and I suggested

he take another photo of the chair to compare before and after. That is why

there is a slight change of the shirts moved in the other frame but the photos

were taken the same morning.

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My family have seen small shadows darting along the baseboards and ceilings

in our home and these have been connected with poltergeist activity at the

same time.

July 6, 2012: This figure showed up again last year when we filmed my book

trailer. On our teaser, before you see the shadow man at the beginning of the

video (the first 10 seconds) reflected on our white door and just before you

see him there is a brief EVP of a dog barking.

Our producer and crew said no one heard any dog barking or noise (this was

midnight and no one was around but us) when they were filming

and our cinematographer and director and crew were not wearing hats.

Our brimmed hat shadow man came to my son later (who is very psychic) in a

dream and told him was a former resident who murdered his wife in the early

1900's. My son described him as wearing farmer's overalls and a brimmed hat

along with his companion-a large black dog with red eyes. We researched in

county records (the property dates to the early 1800's) and indeed a former

owner went to prison for murdering his wife in 1900's.

So, Should You Be Afraid?

It depends. Has it caused you to be frightened by its presence or has shown

aggression towards you? That can be a problem. If you've never been harmed

it may just be part of the home's original history (like with our experience) and

is just an echo of a spirit or ghost that has existed for an extended period of

time. It could be a being created through negative psychic energy or a lost soul

who has been wronged, has unfinished business or has evil intent. Perhaps just

an hallucination or optical illusion brought on by the psychological

circumstances of stress, or mental illness. These are things you have to keep in

mind to understand its reason for being there or just exactly why they are

suddenly there at all. As the old 1940's radio detective show "The Shadow"

used to say in its opening line, "Only the Shadow Knows!"

Artist rendering of our

shadow man as seen on


Page 50: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Sleep Well…. A man moves into a new house..

Every morning as he leaves for work a

little girl in the house opposite looks

out of her window, she watches him

go to his car and leave, he has never

seen anyone enter or leave the house

and begins to grow concerned.

One morning as he leaves he see the

girl…she is frantically banging on the

window with a look of terror and

appeared to be screaming for help!

Taking his eyes off her for a split

second as he grabbed his phone to

call for help, he looks back and she is


He calls the police to report what has

just happened, to his surprise he is

told prank calls are an arrestable

offence, he assures the police that he

is deadly serious and not pranking..

The police inform him that he is then

mistaken as the little girl who lived in

the house went missing 8 years ago,

her parents left the area 2 years ago….

Nobody has lived there since…

Page 51: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

A couple take their children to the

families picnic where every year the

wife takes a family portrait. When

adding this years photo to the album

she notices a woman at the very back of

the group who she doesn’t recognise,

going back through previous years she

notices the unknown woman is there

every year…

Confused about who she is she shows

her husband, he freezes with shock!

He recognises her from photos he had

seen as a child….it was his mother who

had died giving birth to him.

He grabbed the albums and rushed to

show his father…he told his father

about his mother being in the photos,

he quickly opened the album to show

him, but she had vanished from every

single photo.

….she never appeared again.

I suddenly awoke realising I

had slept in and was late for

work, grabbing my clothes I

quickly dressed and rushed

from the house.

Running to the bus stop as fast

as I could, shouting out a few

‘Hello’s’ to people I knew…

My still sleepy mind began

registering nobody was

returning my greetings, they

didn’t even acknowledge me!

Some people can be so


As I was running it suddenly

dawned on me I had left my

wallet on the bedside table,

angry with myself I spun round

and ran even faster back home

to get my wallet, again everyone

seemed oblivious to me as I

sprinted through the streets.

I burst through the front door

and took the stairs in a few

bounds, as I flung my bedroom

door open I froze in horror….

I was still in bed, quiet clearly


Submit your short stories


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Page 52: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

This was taken during

An investigation at a pub/bar

Nobody was in the frame when

The photo was taken. One of

the reports from the location is

a white figure rushing to go

Upstairs which are to the right

As you look at the picture.

Has this figure been caught?

Caught at


Galleries of

Justice, England.

Upon lightening a

Dark photo, what

Appears to be two

Figures becomes

Visible. Right one

Standing and left

One seated..

Page 53: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Simon Healy, New on the Paranormal Scene and

Upcoming Future Singer. Known for his input in

bringing the Fans of Most Haunted together for

over 3 years but has since moved on to concentrate

on his Singing Career and Investigations into the

Paranormal. He is a Wonderful, Dedicated, Friendly

Hard Working Guy who is always there for everyone

and which is why people love him so much, what you

see is what you get with Simon! His Motto "we

should be all working together" x

What got you interested in the paranormal?

"Ever Since I was little I was fascinated in the Paranormal by watching movies

and TV shows based on the Paranormal and listening to stories my granny told

me about her sightings of ghosts being relatives etc One of my fave show's was

Most Haunted which I thought was a fantastic show which opened my eyes to

the Paranormal world, loved how being locked away in a haunted location with

a camera for 24 hours was so exciting and thrilling. Being a fan of the dark I

just loved how the show was put together and planned out it really taught me a

lot in terms of equipment, experiments and techniques to use when Ghost

Hunting. From watching the show to Ghost Hunting now in the present day it

has been a wonderful journey and I’m so excited to see where My Investiga-

tions into the unknown take place next"

Did you enjoy your time with Most Haunted?

Yes it was an Amazing Experience to take part in what I watched for over 10

years, Fantastic Team and Locations it was an amazing experience to be

with the Team filming and to see what it was like and it has definitely made

me believe that there is life after death, you have to experience paranormal

activity in person then you can say wow I believe! So much different than

watching it on TV. It was a dream come true and I Thank Karl and Yvette for

giving Me the chance to tag along and experience the thrill and fun of Ghost

Hunting on Most Haunted.

Page 54: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

What is your scariest time on an investigation (what happened)?

"My Fave so Far was a Wollaton Hall Nottingham with the Amazing Haunted

Events UK Team which I am Now a Team member with, they are the Best

Ghost Hunting Company in the UK So Please Check them Out

The Investigation began in Wollaton Hall Nottingham in the

Grooms room. We Started of with Table Tipping, we all stood around the

table in the centre of the room and placed our hands lightly on the table and

called out and asked questions with which the table started to move across the

floor. No way was anyone pushing it cos you cant and you would know by the

pressure of your hands! At one point the table tilted onto two legs and it was so

hard to even try and push it back down again, it was Amazing! Bojana decided

to move the table near the steps of the entrance of the room, and again the

Table moved about. What came to us was a Spirit of a little girl who wanted to

play with us. So we all stood in a circle and got

marbles and placed them on our hand flat out in

front of us and called out and asked the little girl

to push them off our hands onto the floor. In

which in time they were pushed and moved off

our hands it was amazing. while that happened my

left eye twitched a lot like someone was pinching

my left eye, it also felt as if something was

stroking my back. I felt a lot of cold spots and

tingling sensations over My Body too. The Door of the room we were in was

shut but started to move as the light from the door went brighter and then

dimmed, there was no wind or breeze. We called out and asked for the door to

be pushed open and closed, which it did but was like a child was trying to push

the door gently it was Fantastic! We also noticed while that was happening that

a black figure was standing on the steps, even though we were in darkness the

light from the door that was opening and closing shone on the steps into

the room very lightly so that we could see a black silhouette figure appearing

and it went again on the steps that led down into the room of where we stood,

we also tried placing marbles on these steps stood back in the dark and one was

moved of the steps onto the floor in front of us INCREDIBLE!!

We got lots tapping and noises around the room too .

It really was an experience and has made me believe even more that there is

definitely life after death."

Page 55: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Why did you leave Most Haunted?

"Just to quote I wasn’t part of the Most Haunted Team but I did a hell of a lot

of hard work for the social media of MH for over 3 years. I felt I did my bit

for the fans, but sadly to some it wasn’t enough. But I was proud of what I

achieved in the Fan Base I worked hard to bring together after the show

finished on TV in 2010. I am so grateful for the fun experience I had with the

Most Haunted Team and I wish them luck for the future. I am now putting

Myself first and focusing on my own career and talents with my Singing and

Ghost Hunting. 2014 has been a refresh for Me and its time to move onto

bigger and better things now"

What is your favourite location and why?

Oh so far it has to be Wollaton Hall Nottingham. Amazing Location and

Looks Incredible!

Wollaton Hall

The hall is quite a wonderful building in itself, with over 500 acres of deer

park it was built by Francis Willoughby. The hall is now used to house

exhibits of the Nottingham Natural History Museum and the industrial past of

the city.

In the early 1980’s two staff were chatting to a foreman and heard laboured

breathing. It sounded like it was in the room with them, as they listened the

sound moved away and faded as if the person was walking off.

On another evening an attendant heard a tune being whistled, another witness

was called so they could check the room. When they looked inside there was

nothing so they shut the door and carried on, the tune then started up again

inside the room so they decided to leave it for good.

With a building that has been there since 1588 it seems some of the residents

enjoy it enough to carry on sticking around.

Thanks to Simon Healy for answering our questions

Join His Facebook Group at "Simon Healy's Para-Music-unity"

Page 56: Beyond Parazine Issue 1

Coming next month…..

Part 2 of Stephen Renfields Poltergeist feature

More amazing photographs

Interview with surprise guest

Venue reviews

Lots more articles

New features

Investigation reports

Equipment reviews

Sleep Paralysis Article

Your letters


Much, much more

Out 30/5/2014

[email protected]