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Bethel United Methodist Church A WORD FROM THE PASTOR….. Let’s Get Them Talking One day I was teaching a children’s Sunday School Class and we were talking about Moses. With great excitement the children were sharing details on Moses’ life which included his brother Ramses and the rivalry between these two brothers. I was not expecting Ramses’ name to be in the discussion. But it should not have surprised me. The children’s class also viewed Disney’s movie, “The Prince of Egypt.” Carefully, I shared with the children’s Sunday School Class that Disney didn’t get all the details just right. As I proceeded to give the Biblical version, the class seemed to enjoy hearing the missing details. Perhaps they enjoyed it more because an exciting and colorful image had already been planted in their minds by Disney. In recent days there have been a great number of religious television shows. Easter tends to draw out the classics like the “Ten Commandments.” However, there are many other options popping up in television listings for CNN, NBC, UP TV, the History, and Smithsonian channels. Here are a few examples: “Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery,” “Noah’s Ark,” and “The Dove Keepers.” Starting Easter Day, April 5 th , NBC is airing “A.D. The Bible Continues” and the exciting part about this particular program is that Bethel will use it as a 12-week Bible Study discussion series beginning Monday, April 6 th at 7:00pm in our conference room. Isn’t that great? In viewing the religious television shows, we may find that some of the stories or facts may not line up perfectly with scripture. But I would not be too alarmed about that. I am of the opinion even inaccurate portions of the Biblical story can be good news. It gets people talking about God and about Jesus. I believe the Holy Spirit can take even those small nuggets of truth and lead people to know the true and living God. In Acts 18 there is a story of Apollos, who is full of enthusiasm as he shares the good news of Jesus. Verse 24 states “He began to speak boldly in the synagogue; but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained the Way of God to him more accurately.” Apollos had most of the story right. He was well-versed in scripture. However, the Holy Spirit placed him in the path of Priscilla and Aquila who walked alongside him and shared with him a few other things that he needed to know about Jesus to better complete the Gospel Message. What an opportunity we have before us today. Many of our friends and neighbors may catch some of the movie presentations this month. What if we use those shows as a catalyst to get a really good conversations started? Whether we agree with the media presentations or not doesn’t even matter. What does matter is we have been given a forum to share what we know and love about Jesus. Led by the Holy Spirit ,we may help someone grow in their personal relationship with Jesus. Who knows, we may even lead someone to Jesus Christ. Let’s get them talking. “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” – John 12:32

Bethel United Methodist Church · Bethel United Methodist Church A WORD FROM THE PASTOR ... Keepers.” Starting Easter Day, ... Team #3- Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens,

May 04, 2018



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Page 1: Bethel United Methodist Church · Bethel United Methodist Church A WORD FROM THE PASTOR ... Keepers.” Starting Easter Day, ... Team #3- Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens,

Bethel United Methodist Church


Let’s Get Them Talking

One day I was teaching a children’s Sunday School Class and

we were talking about Moses. With great excitement the

children were sharing details on Moses’ life which included his

brother Ramses and the rivalry between these two brothers. I was not expecting Ramses’ name

to be in the discussion. But it should not have surprised me. The children’s class also viewed

Disney’s movie, “The Prince of Egypt.” Carefully, I shared with the children’s Sunday School

Class that Disney didn’t get all the details just right. As I proceeded to give the Biblical version,

the class seemed to enjoy hearing the missing details. Perhaps they enjoyed it more because an

exciting and colorful image had already been planted in their minds by Disney.

In recent days there have been a great number of religious television shows. Easter tends to

draw out the classics like the “Ten Commandments.” However, there are many other options

popping up in television listings for CNN, NBC, UP TV, the History, and Smithsonian channels.

Here are a few examples: “Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery,” “Noah’s Ark,” and “The Dove

Keepers.” Starting Easter Day, April 5th, NBC is airing “A.D. The Bible Continues” and the

exciting part about this particular program is that Bethel will use it as a 12-week Bible Study

discussion series beginning Monday, April 6th at 7:00pm in our conference room. Isn’t that


In viewing the religious television shows, we may find that some of the stories or facts may not

line up perfectly with scripture. But I would not be too alarmed about that. I am of the opinion

even inaccurate portions of the Biblical story can be good news. It gets people talking about

God and about Jesus. I believe the Holy Spirit can take even those small nuggets of truth and

lead people to know the true and living God.

In Acts 18 there is a story of Apollos, who is full of enthusiasm as he shares the good news of

Jesus. Verse 24 states “He began to speak boldly in the synagogue; but when Priscilla and

Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained the Way of God to him more accurately.”

Apollos had most of the story right. He was well-versed in scripture. However, the Holy Spirit

placed him in the path of Priscilla and Aquila who walked alongside him and shared with him a

few other things that he needed to know about Jesus to better complete the Gospel Message.

What an opportunity we have before us today. Many of our friends and neighbors may catch

some of the movie presentations this month. What if we use those shows as a catalyst to get a

really good conversations started? Whether we agree with the media presentations or not

doesn’t even matter. What does matter is we have been given a forum to share what we know

and love about Jesus. Led by the Holy Spirit ,we may help someone grow in their personal

relationship with Jesus. Who knows, we may even lead someone to Jesus Christ. Let’s get

them talking.

“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” – John 12:32

Page 2: Bethel United Methodist Church · Bethel United Methodist Church A WORD FROM THE PASTOR ... Keepers.” Starting Easter Day, ... Team #3- Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens,

Bethel Service





Sunday School


Traditional Service


Third Sunday Donations

Please remember your Third Sunday donations for these mission initiatives:

A Friend’s House is dedicated to meeting the emotional and physical needs of children in crisis. Please consider donating to A Friend’s House. Look for the Little Wooden House in the Narthex to make your donation.

Helping in His Name Food Pantry. As you enter or leave worship, don’t forget to place your donations of beans in the supply bin near the church office.

Hello Bethel,

He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Hallelujah the Messiah

is risen. I hope everyone has had a spiritual Lenten season and

will have an enjoyable Easter season. The youth have been

busy bees learning about having quiet, meditative time with

God, having their youth retreat, and beginning work on service

projects. Always on the move!

We are eagerly about to begin a Good Samaritan study

where we will learn about the parable of the Good Samaritan

and how we can act out these good deeds in our lives as our

calling in Christ to love our neighbors. We will be making sock

puppets for the mission team to take with them to Honduras.

This will be a great way to talk about service and a wonderful

transition into our upcoming mission trip.

Coming up we are looking at our summer mission trip.

The current plan is to be away July 5-11, but we are still in the

process of deciding. Input would be helpful from youth and

parents alike! We will be travelling with the PASSPORT Pro-

gram to Birmingham, AL to help families in need with light

construction work.

Another tentative date we are looking at is Senior Sunday

to honor our graduating seniors. A possible date I am looking at

is May 17. Seniors and parents of seniors in Bethel Youth,

please let me know if this date works! I would like to get this

planned soon so that seniors know to be there that night, we can

prepare the evening, and seniors have enough time to ask

families to attend.

Joy in Grace,

Glory Cumbow

Page 3: Bethel United Methodist Church · Bethel United Methodist Church A WORD FROM THE PASTOR ... Keepers.” Starting Easter Day, ... Team #3- Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens,

Youth and Children’s Activities For April

9:45 Sunday School

11:00 Children’s Church – is held after the Children’s message in the 11:00am Easter Worship Service.

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt (rain or shine)

On April 4th at 10:00 a.m., please bring the children to the Chapel for a fun time. The

children will have snacks, a craft activity and talk about the true meaning of Easter be-

fore heading out to hunt Easter Eggs. Make sure they bring their Easter basket!

“We have been very blessed with plenty of donations of Easter Eggs, candy and trin-

kets for the Easter Egg Hunt. Thank you so much for all you do for our children. We

are so fortunate to have such caring and nurturing friends at Bethel!

Love, The Children’s Ministry Team”

Hi, everyone. Easter is here! Jesus is

ALIVE! What a wonderful time of year. I

feel like Spring is a reminder of Jesus ris-

ing from the dead. Do you see flowers

blooming? They were there all Winter, but

seemed dead. The trees were bare and now

they are all budding and blooming. The

birds are singing and building their nests.

The bunnies are hopping (and eating my

flowers). Butterflies are flitting around.

Everything is waking up and coming to

life! We should be that excited about Jesus.

Do you feel him alive and well in your


Christmas is Jesus’s Birthday, but Easter is

our Birthday! Jesus died for our sins so we

could live forever. What a great gift of love

Jesus has given us. Check your heart and

feel Jesus’s love pouring out for you and

those your love. Then share that love with

others - you never know how you can be

the BEST part of someone’s day.



Page 4: Bethel United Methodist Church · Bethel United Methodist Church A WORD FROM THE PASTOR ... Keepers.” Starting Easter Day, ... Team #3- Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens,


Nancy Beavers – Home

Mark & Keith Bingham Family

Scott Brimer and Family

Gloria Chamblee

Elouise Golden

Jean Cornwell

Wilma Flint

Rick Gilmore - Health Issues

Kim Enlow – Health Issues

Rominia Hall

Glen Maurice Harris

*Penny Hill

*Laura Zehner Johnson

Cindy Linde’s Nephew – BT

Missionaries worldwide

Ed Owens

Ernestine Phillips

Chris Poole

Rowena Powell

*Sheila Readdy

*Ed Redding

Angelica Searls

Jim Smith

Robert Simmons, Sr.

Robert Simmons, Jr.

Charmie Walters


Please remember our emergency food pan-try. If you could pick up one or two items dur-ing your trip to the market please drop your donation in the bin in the Narthex. We need more of the following:

Hygiene Items

Shampoo Conditioner Soap Toothpaste

Toothbrushes Deodorant Lotion Hand sanitizer

Toilet paper

GIVING SUMMARY– MARCH TO DATE General Fund Received $20,3333.00 Apportionments 80.00

Mortgage Retirement 542.50 Total: $41,368.50

Our Monthly Budget goal for 2015 is $29,755.00 DESIGNATED GIVING TO DATE If you want to know the financial state of Bethel with regards to the General Fund or the Designated Fund check out the board located near the men’s restroom. If you have any questions contact Doreen Elliott, Church Treasurer. I am normally in the church office on Tuesday mornings or you can email me at: [email protected]

In Christian Love, Doreen The United Methodist

meet every third Sat-

urday. At 7am we gather to

prepare the food and at 8am

we have breakfast. Come on

out guys and let’s have some

good food and fellowship.

March Designated Giving to date:

A Friend’s House $56.00

Pantry Dinners 83.00

Family Fun Fest

HMT Bibles



Seasoned Saints 10.00

HMT 1198.55

Back Pack 225.00

Mission Sandwiches 15.00

UMCOR 270.00

Abigail’s Pantry

Youth 180.00

TOTAL $40,368.50

The Wednesday

Mid-Day Bible

study meets at

12:00p.m. in the conference

room. Anyone interested in at-

tending a Bible study during the

day is welcome to join in.


Holy Thursday Service: Seder

Meal Ritual and Fellowship

Meal, April 2nd, 6:00pm (FH)

Good Friday Service - Friday,

April 3rd at 7:00pm (WC)

Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday,

April 4th at 10:30am (CH)

Easter Sunrise Service - Sunday,

April 5th at 7:00am (Fairview


Sunrise Breakfast - Sunday,

April 5th at 8:00am in Bethel


9:45am Sunday School

Combined Easter Worship Ser-

vice Sunday, April 5th at

11:00am (WC)

Bethel Church Family

Thank you so much

for the beautiful cards

of condolence , your

sweet messages of

love and support and

your prayers during

the illness and death

of my Shelley. I’m

so blessed to be a part

of a wonderful church

family like Bethel.

Nancy Brautigan

The Hospitality Team and Lips

Sunday School Classes are

providing a Spaghetti Supper

April 15th at 6:00pm in the

fellowship hall. The menu will

include assorted homemade

spaghetti sauces, salads, and



The Joy Circle

of the UMW

meet every

third Thursday at 7:00pm in

the Fellowship Hall.

Page 5: Bethel United Methodist Church · Bethel United Methodist Church A WORD FROM THE PASTOR ... Keepers.” Starting Easter Day, ... Team #3- Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens,


April 5th - EASTER Sunday

Children’s Sunday School: Pat Deloney

Children’s Church: Valerie Blackburn

Ushers: Team #4 - Bill Cowen, Johnny Goodwin, Bo Shealy, Duane Revenaugh

Nursery: 8:30AM - Cindy Brooking

11:00AM - Linda Henderson

Money Counters: J.P. & Mack Brown

Acolyte: Mandi Pierre & Autumn Scott

April 12th - 2nd Sunday of EASTER

Children’s Sunday School: Eugenia Walters

Children’s Church: Valerie Blackburn

Ushers: Team #1- Charlie Henderson, Linda Henderson, Marvin shanks, Mary Jo Shanks

Nursery: 8:30AM - Denise Mainer

11:00AM - Jeannette Moore

Money Counters: J.P. & Mack Brown

Acolyte: Mimie & Mima Dawonde

April 19th - 3rd Sunday of EASTER

Children’s Sunday School: Patti Pierce

Children’s Church: Valerie Blackburn

Ushers: Team #2- Sheila Ricks, Harold Moore, Jeannette Moore, Macie McWilliams

Nursery: 8:30AM - Cheryl Newsted

11:00AM - Kellie Frissell

Money Counters: J.P. & Mack Brown

Acolyte: Victoria Scott

April 26th - 4th Sunday of EASTER

Children’s Sunday School: Deena Goodwin

Children’s Church: Valerie Blackburn

Ushers: Team #3- Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens, Mary Ann Hill, William Cowan

Nursery: 8:30AM - Clarice Brooking

11:00AM - Sheila Ricks

Money Counters: J.P. & Mack Brown

The Girl Scouts are having a

Mad About Science event

Saturday, April 18, 2015

from 11:00am to 3:00pm in

the Fellowship Hall. The cost for the event is $15 and

the last day to register is April 20th.

A registration form is available in the Narthex. For

more information see Flyer on the bulletin board and or

contact Joni McRae at 770-702-9414 or email her at

We have noticed that many people are shying away from

carrying check books or cash with

them. Therefore, Bethel UMC has

added online giving as an alterna-

tive way of giving. Go to to access.

This method is also convenient for

those who are traveling on vacation

and want to remain current in giv-

ing their financial support. The giving through the web-

site is serviced through VANCO. There is a small ser-

vice fee to the church from VANCO for the website giv-

ing. Another method of electronic giving can be done

through personal bank accounts via the bill pay. Of

course cash and checks are welcome as well. Thank you

for your continued support of the ministries here at


Check out the QR code image with your smartphone.

This QR code should lead to the online giving.

We are

praying for

a world


hunger. In 2015, Bread for the World is urging

Congress to strengthen our nation’s child nutrition

programs including school meals, which help chil-

dren grow and learn. Please help by writing a

letter to congress and visit

For more information please see the bulletin board.


April 5th - EASTER Sunday

Children’s Sunday School: Pat Deloney

Children’s Church: Valerie Blackburn

Ushers: Team #4 - Bill Cowen, Johnny Goodwin, Bo Shealy, Duane Revenaugh

Nursery: 8:30AM - Cindy Brooking

11:00AM - Linda Henderson

Money Counters: J.P. & Mack Brown

Acolyte: Mandi Pierre & Autumn Scott

April 12th - 2nd Sunday of EASTER

Children’s Sunday School: Eugenia Walters

Children’s Church: Valerie Blackburn

Ushers: Team #1- Charlie Henderson, Linda Henderson, Marvin shanks, Mary Jo Shanks

Nursery: 8:30AM - Denise Mainer

11:00AM - Jeannette Moore

Money Counters: J.P. & Mack Brown

Acolyte: Mimie & Mima Dawonde

April 19th - 3rd Sunday of EASTER

Children’s Sunday School: Patti Pierce

Children’s Church: Valerie Blackburn

Ushers: Team #2- Sheila Ricks, Harold Moore, Jeannette Moore, Macie McWilliams

Nursery: 8:30AM - Cheryl Newsted

11:00AM - Kellie Frissell

Money Counters: J.P. & Mack Brown

Acolyte: Victoria Scott

April 26th - 4th Sunday of EASTER

Children’s Sunday School: Deena Goodwin

Children’s Church: Valerie Blackburn

Ushers: Team #3- Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens, Mary Ann Hill, William Cowan

Nursery: 8:30AM - Clarice Brooking

11:00AM - Sheila Ricks

Money Counters: J.P. & Mack Brown

Page 6: Bethel United Methodist Church · Bethel United Methodist Church A WORD FROM THE PASTOR ... Keepers.” Starting Easter Day, ... Team #3- Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens,


Simply encourage your members to regis-ter online at

Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and regis-ter your card with your organization after you sign up.

If a member does not yet have a Kroger Plus card, please let them know that they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.

Click on Sign In/Register

Most participants are new online customers, so they must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the ‘New Customer?’ box.

Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and condi-tions

You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.

Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step.

Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.

Update or confirm your information.

Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm.

To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page.

REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your group until after your member(s) register their card(s).

Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number.

Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count.

Remember to use UMCmarket because ...

UMCmarket makes it possible for Bethel to receive

donations from retailers every time you make an online pur-

chase. You won’t have to change anything from how you

shop today, and there's no additional cost or charge for

either you or Bethel!

The stores send UMCmarket the contributions and once

Bethel reaches a $100 in total donations, a check will be

mailed to us. Just go to, click on the “Get

Started” button and register.

Sign up with your Facebook account or enter your email

address and create a password. You’ll be prompted to

download the Easy Give button and find our church (listed

as Bethel Stockbridge). You’ll see the UMC Cross &

Flame icon in your browser toolbar. It will allow you to

shop directly at store websites and let you know you are

connected. Once you have registered you will the see the

incredible list of stores that participate (or do a search for a

store to see if it is on the list).

Once the Easy Give button is downloaded you don't have to

remember to go into to shop.

Graduation Day and summer is right around the corner! Before

you shop, register at and know that a percent-

age of your purchase will be donated to Bethel!

Bishop’s Special Offering

This year Bishop Michael Watson has two initiatives:

No Malaria and the Wesley Woods Community of

Caring Project. Prayfully consider giving to these


Come join us for

Murder, Mayhem, and Marshmallow Salad

A murder mystery dinner theatre comedy by Shelley Sellepack

Friday and Saturday April 24th and 25th. Sign up for the dinner

in the Narthex

Page 7: Bethel United Methodist Church · Bethel United Methodist Church A WORD FROM THE PASTOR ... Keepers.” Starting Easter Day, ... Team #3- Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens,



Rev. Dr. Candy Thacker, Senior Pastor [email protected] Margaret Marlow, Music Director [email protected] Glory Cumbow, Youth Director [email protected] Linda Flanigan, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Brian McClure, Musician [email protected] Randy Godwin, Praise/Worship Leader [email protected] Doreen Elliott, Treasurer [email protected]


2015 Pictorial Directory!

Remember April 3rd is the last

day to get your picture taken for

the Church Directory.

There has been an overwhelming

response being photographed for

the Bethel Pictorial Directory by

our Bethel congregation! Thank

you so much for making the effort

and taking the time to make the

directory be a success. If you

have purchased pictures, they will

be arriving soon by U.S. Postal

Service. The directories should

be arriving in July.

Many thanks to the 125 people

who had their photos taken in

March for the Bethel Pictorial Di-

rectory! The Friday, April 3rd

photo schedule is filled, but if you

would like to be added to a wait-

ing list, please contact Joan

McElroy at (770) 843-6356 or

[email protected].

The Seasoned

Saints Tuesday,

April 14th at 9:00

AM. are taking a

day trip to Callaway

Gardens on We will

meet at the Church and ride together.

The cost will be $20.00 each which

covers the cost of admission, $15.00

and $5.00 for transportation. There is

a limit of 25 persons. We will have

lunch in the gardens and this will be

an additional cost. We plan to be

back at the church about 5:00 pm.


A.D. Bible Study Class begins Monday,

April 6th at 7:00p.m. and will be held in

the Conference Room. Plan to watch the

NBC television program A. D. The Bible

Continues. The 12-week series airs on

Sundays and will premier on April 5th at

9pm EST. Mondays attend class to dis-

cuss each program. This will be a very

interesting, enlightening, and inspiring

class. See website

bible-continues for more information.

We are seeking volunteers to help staff the nursery for the 8:30a.m. and 11:00a.m. services. If you can help, please contact Sheila Ricks.

We also need volun-teers to usher at both

services. If you can help, please contact Jock Baine.

Lindsay & Terry Powell

Doreen & Tim Elliott

4/5 4/9

Patti Pierce 4/1

Kristina Poole 4/1

Dustin White 4/2

George Valentine 4/3

Candy Thacker 4/4

Kristin Deloney 4/12

William Kerdsomboone 4/17

Jean Simms 4/20

Joan McElroy 4/22

Christopher Poole 4/22

Virginia Mullikin 4/23

Harold Thurman 4/26

Matthew Pierce 4/28

Page 8: Bethel United Methodist Church · Bethel United Methodist Church A WORD FROM THE PASTOR ... Keepers.” Starting Easter Day, ... Team #3- Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens,