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Benzy the untold story

Apr 13, 2017


sowndarya rya
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Page 1: Benzy the untold story
Page 2: Benzy the untold story


This story is completely about the Dog The Man`s best friend, a true story which

held in SALEM, THE STEEL CITY. One fine day that is on December 15,

2011Sunday the best thing happened yes our hero the golden Labrador pup is

adopted by the 14 years old girl named Rya and her family. Though there are many

dogs in a pet shop our hero seeks her attention. His eyes grabbed her heart she

lifted it up from the cage gently she pampered him with love our hero started to lick

her hands and slowly started to bight with his milky teeth, Rya looked at her father

Because he is the one goanna pay for it, Indie puppies are adopted!!!Breed dogs are

purchased not fair but still stands as a bitter truth!!!!Rya`s dad is ready to pay

because his daughters happiness means him lot. On the other hand a red face enters

Rya`s mom who wants to keep her house clean and stay away from dogs but

convinced slowly by her elder daughter Saranya the mommy’s world and Rya the

daddy`s girl then our hero was adopted. Our super hero was excited to visit his

forever home. ‘And they returned back with a dog’ said Brownie to his son……Rya`s

family is much attached with dogs and cats the reason behind is Rya`s parents those

lovable souls doesn’t have children for more than 10 years on that period of time

dogs and cats plays Rya`s and Saranya`s role.

Now the cats started to whisper ‘here after we don’t get enough milk from mommy’

brownie`s son blinked. Accidentally our super hero met those cats. Rya came slowly

to those lovable cats lifted them gently and introduces her new guest But she got a

scratches instead of a hand shake. Benzy stared she kissed him with love. ‘Mommy

calling lets go’; Rya. Everyone started to have their dinner Saranya Interrupted with

a paper ‘’choose a name from this list for our new guest dad’’; ‘’it’s your wish my

daughter ‘dad replied each selected a different name here the fight starts between

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the siblings both started yelling and finally Rya selected the name that is Benzy with

the remembrance of her lost dog which is dead due to bone marrow. Cats started to

hide each other afraid of Benzy and jealous too because he seeks the whole

attention by his beautiful eyes and golden hair. Days pass Benzy. Pusey and Brownie

became friends.

Brownie which is 6 years old a calm and cute girl on the other Pusey naughty foodie

boy which is a 2 years old and Benzy turned two. They shared their food, all the

three started to eat pedigree together Rya`s mom still wonder do really cats eat

pedigree yes those cats exist in Rya`s house. Benzy kidnapped all their hearts by

his eyes and By his golden fur, rather than being a pet he becomes a best guide dog.

Benzy started to bight each and every thing footwear, water bottles, clothes, Plastic

covers, everything...things become worse. Whoever comes to Rya`s home will go

back with bear foot it’s because of Benzy...starts from small thing remote, Sissy`s

cotton Sole, Dad`s white shirt, Rya`s pink towel and Mommy`s fabric Saree. .

Mommy fed up Benzy got severely from his mommy....Dad interrupted

‘Stop!!Stop hitting him’’

Rya and her sissy kept calm both are at the peak of anger and it’s her favourite pink

towel turned into number of pieces, she is busy in searching the other part of the

towel and her sissy searched everywhere for her stole she couldn’t find it..’Benzy

you you ate it?? Open your mouth Oooopen’ she scared but then found it next

morning in its Benzy`s the garden

Rya bought a new bike Activa Maroon colour which is her dads present for her

birthday. She loved it. She started to have a best drives with her friends. She wiped

and cleaned her bike but failed to cover it. On the third day morning Rya`s dad was

shocked that terrific sound from portico called ‘Sowndaryaaaaaaa’. She is Busy in

sleeping!! Said Rya mom Benzy was really afraid he knew he did something wrong

hidden under car again her mom started to shout.....Rya`s sissy hurried to wake her

up. Rya too shocked

‘Why the bike is uncovered what the hell your doing?? Dad shouted ruggedly.

Rya`s favourite bike seat was tasted by his lovable pet.

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`It happens only because of your carelessness you know very well about him then

why didn’t you cover your bike..... You’re studying 12th std almost grown up not a

small child to guide you ‘said mommy with angry face.

Her sibling giggled obviously they are the happiest person in the world when you get

terribly from your parents. Everyone shouted at Rya but none at Benzy. Rya too!!!!

Benzy usually taken to hospital for vaccination by Rya and her Dad in a two wheeler

but one day he never wants to get on the bike..... Tried lot but couldn’t... vet would

shout when the vaccination date gets late...Rya asked for car...

Mommy shouts she is the one who wants to keep everything clean not only her home

also her car too............they went by walk its about 3 kilometres, well they reached

the clinic. Benzy smiled at vet. Yes dogs do speak!!!!Dogs do laugh but only to those

who listen. Vet greeted back him with vaccination.

During her 12th std Rya was depressed by her cycle tests and tuitions. She wants her

parents to stay up next to her to take care all problems.. They were busy in their

jobs both are engaged in different profession. Her sister doing her graduation in

Coimbatore who visits home thrice in six months distance relationships are the best

not only in love sometimes between siblings too. Rya was Lonely at the top but all

her loneliness was braked out by Benzy. One who welcomes her home with a smile

who removes her socks who wants a last sip of her coffee who wants to cum with

her wherever she goes no matter tuition or school.

One day Rya`s friends arrived home all were afraid of Benzy Everyone.......

Rya with a pride pampered him. Benzy loves soft drinks 7up and sprite his favourite.

All her friends gave biscuits and dropped a sip of 7up to make a friend zone with

Benzy, Next Morning 7up proved that for every action there is equal and opposite

reaction Benzy`s throat became double larger, Rya don’t want to go school by

leaving her dog in this situation but her mother didn’t allow she had her economics

cycle test after a battle with her mom she went school. Rya`s sissy and her father

rushed to hospital Vet got tensed ‘it’s not a human to feed whatever you want it is a

highly breed dog’. Daddy kept calm and after few injections they came back to home.

Rya couldn’t write exams she was mentally not prepared she worried about her at

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exam hall where she suppose to write her exam. She kept her paper empty her

economics teacher came stares at Rya`s Answer sheet and went. She decided to fill

something on her paper it doesn’t mean she is afraid of her teacher but mean... it is

the only way to predict her from over-thinking. She kept herself engaged for next

two hours .As soon as the exam completed she took her school bag and searched for

one rupee coin unfortunately Rya couldn’t find it...her friend with three coins helped

her out both went to office room where she could make a call by one rupee coin

phone which really does not exist nowadays. Her father picked Hello!! Manly loud


’Dad it’s me Sowndarya

‘Where are you calling from???What happened is everything okay’ with a tensed and

shivered voice telling me is any problem??He continuously questioned and never

listened .Rya; ‘No daddy’. Then why did u call me is any problem with your teachers

should I come to meet your Principal...`insert the coin girl’ Rya at hyper

’dadddddddy I`ve just made a call to know about Benzy’s health condition’’ ‘’its good

slowly recovering come home earlier’’ said her father she dropped the call coin

ends. She returned home as like other days he greeted her she just hugged him and

kissed her. ‘Nothing will happen to you my boy get well soon’ kissed him on his


Days pass Rya completed her schooling, Her board results came she passed her 12th

with 90%.Rya`s father wants his daughters to be independent. He wants her to go

out of Salem and explore the world. The day came.... these long days Rya was under

the shelter of her parents now she is leaving her parents her lovable pets for her

higher studies it is about the first time she is separating from his parents and her

pets. Rya packed all her necessities and ready with luggage’s Benzy starred with

confusion ‘where is she leaving??’Rya nodded over her pets. Benzy kept calm no

sound...She is ready to leave those eyes that melted her heart ‘

`Get into the car’ her uncle directed. Rya reached her PG After fine meal

’it’s time to leave its already 6pm’’ said his father. Her mom with unrolled tears

advised her lot but her dad never gave a piece of advice. He said one thing

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’Don’t believe and belong others’.

Rya never cries in front of others, she never express, she bottle up her feelings

when everyone cried she kept quiet. As soon as they left she started to weep alone.

They returned home Benzy`s eyes searching for Rya he didn’t allow anyone to lock

the gate he still searched for Rya he searched her in car, upstairs in kitchen pooja

room under bed everywhere and few regular places where they both use to play hide

and seek together. As like humans without coffee his day never starts. The coffee

kept untouched. Mommy called her ‘Rya it is on loudspeaker now’

‘Dey Benzy ma why you didn’t have your coffee’ he sharpened his ears heard her

voice searched ‘where the voice actually comes from’

After few days he became normal. Rya came home for vacation Benzy welcomes her

with extra joy. That unexpressed love He licked all her face......she enjoyed her

vacation. Each and every morning sharp at 6`o clock Benzy comes to her room and

wake her up for a morning walk and slowly wake his mommy for coffee.

‘You are my best companion miss u Benzy take care of mom and dad’. The vacation

ends with thousand words undelivered. Rya got the best of friends. They made her

college life even better. Mommy is busy in reading books Benzy`s collar locked with

a chain. Benzy keeps on barking mommy keeps on shouting at him. ‘Benzy keep

calm’ said Mommy. Benzy dragged his chain came closer to her and started to bark

terribly, she never noticed she continues reading Benzy gave signals she couldn’t

recognize it. Finally she saw it was a snake venomous snake under the car. Benzy

caught it both started to shout to seek neighbours help.

All her neighbours wonder ‘what a brilliant dog!!!!!Benzy was attached to each and

every person in their family. In fact it is a family member too. When all pray together

Benzy join them. He loves to take bath often especially Rya and Benzy loves to play

in water. ’Stop playing with water’ said mom they never listened but they ended up

due to empty tank said. Brownie became old and feeble it couldn’t walk and she

didn’t return home for more than three days.

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Suddenly he hears `Meowwww’ sound

Benzy rushed out and searched for brownie and that was the other black cat who is

also searching for brownie yes that is brownie`s boyfriend. After a week he found

Brownie Dragged mommy to show....her legs were injured and recovered slowly by

mommy`s care This makes brownie and Benzy much closer. Benzy loves fruits and

veggies whenever Rya`s mom cook Benzy never allows mommy to continue until she

feed him with few veggies which is finely chopped. Her vacation ends Rya stepped

into her second year of her college. She missed him lot. Her eyes filled with tears

her friends convinced her ‘it’s just a dog come on yaar grow up man ‘said Rya`s


`some people doesn’t know how much I love my dog but that’s okay my dog

knows’ with a smile in his face and tears in his eyes whispered to her bestieee.

Saranya drives car well in fact everyone in her family drives well. Benzy loves

travelling. But only in car and always want to occupy the first seat which is next to

the driver. But none allow either her mother, Sister or her father. Rya felt sad if she

had known driving she could make it happen.

It’s a festive time that`s Pongal. Benzy want to complete the pooja much earlier.

‘Only after completing prayers and poojas you are suppose to touch the sugarcane’

said mommy Benzy eagerly waits. Not only sugarcane, tender coconut, carrot, sweet

pumpkin, groundnuts these are certain things Benzy really loves to eat. Rya`s family

was extremely happy with their dog. Brownie again yielded 2 kittens one is brown

colour and another one in ash colour. Benzy sat next those kittens stared at them but

actually Benzy is afraid of those small kittens.

Apart from cats and his family he loves children. Rya`s neighbour Rakshita 3 years

old girl when she passes our gate Benzy greet with that barking sound...When she

cries Benzy grabs the attention it makes her to smile. He loves children some

parents were really afraid of it. Leave your children to dogs they learn so many

things that no one can teach it is not beware of dogs it’s beware of people. In the

smooth flow Benzy turned five. Became a very calm boy with discipline....maturity


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June 2016 Rya`s mom called her I think Benzy is sick he couldn’t eat he couldn’t

walk .said mommy. Rya shocked

“Why don’t you take him for hospital mummy please ask daddy to take care of him”

“We both are busy in Arun`s marriage you please come soon don’t fail to attend his

wedding and we try our best to reach Vet “Said mommy.

Rya couldn’t come she is busy in her intern it’s not a weekend too. But she couldn’t

bear the pain she got the bus travelled for hours and reached home just to see him.

His stomach is much larger, there is no chance of pregnancy it’s a male dog...Rya


Early morning along with her father she rushed to hospital. Vet greeted him no

response from Benzy side. Vet checked him thoroughly he said Benzy`s liver is

damaged. It is a liver failure. Dad shocked to hear where Rya doesn’t know about the

problem in detail she just raised the question to the Vet `is it curable or non

curable???’ she expected for the positive answer

‘Non curable’ vet replied she simply got the prescriptions with hope.

`Daddy stay here let me go and buy medicines’

She went to medical shop and gave the prescription slip she couldn’t believe still

again she raised the same question

`actually I am purchasing these medicines for liver failure patient is it curable or non

curable’. `It’s not easy to recover’ he replied. She paid the bill and left

`Let’s go daddy’.

Reached home; Mommy what happen to him?? Why is he like this?? What vet said??

Why are you holding this much of tablets??Daddy explained her.

Benzy hesitates to intake its medicines. Slowly weight reduced all of sudden

drastically changed within two days. Tablets doesn’t work again went back to vet

gave some diet charts with few tablets. No use of it. Rya longed for him his favourite

bone biscuit is next to him it’s untouched, The ball is at the corner. Her collar

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became unfit due to loss in weight. Rya`s father can’t keep calm he took Benzy to

the animals research centre which is actually a specialized hospital in Nammakal.

Salemite definitely knows. Rya went along with them.

New vet was afraid of Benzy he asked Rya to tie his mouth with a piece of cloth. Vet

gave some heavy doses and asked them to come back tomorrow. It’s about 2 hours

of travelling right from their home to the hospital. It is not easy again the next day

Rya went alone with his driver

Vet ‘Shall we take scan’ Rya blinked

`I cannot say anything right now let’s wait for the scan report’.

`Sir...where is the scanning centre??? Rya questioned with shivered voice

`It’s next to the four wheeler parking’ vet.

Even though its government hospital everything is not free. Rya at queue waiting to

pay the scan bill other side Benzy at the stretcher taken by her driver for trimming.

Benzy didn’t support....started to bite everyone...he became ferocious and wild

dragged his collar rushed to Rya who is standing in queue for a long time. Rya left

the queue `come here my boy` hugged him...driver continued and he paid the bill.

Benzy always wants her to stay next to him, it may be 5 years old but to her it’s still

a small child. Benzy`s eyes that turned red. There are so many dogs which are

abandoned by their fosters. Benzy scared. Benzy`s golden hair was trimmed by 55

year old man. Rolled with tears she started to scold him.

`Sir Methuva pannunga’ pleased with low voice

‘sariyaa trim panalana scan pana mudiyathu paravalaya’ replied with lack of good

sense, she again repeated the same `trim slowly it might hurt him’

Will it‘re grow’??? – Old man laughed ‘yes’.

That precious golden hair which is found all over her home on furniture on bed in car

everywhere but she hates to see it in dustbin those are just priceless. His pinkish

skin shown, winked with shock

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Other vet the chief doctor smiled at her softly and asked

`why are you crying???’

Rya kept unanswered but her eyes said all she need is her dog.

`Let’s start!!!Hold his leg tightly if u didn’t ....the scan report may not be clear


Rya holds his leg tightly according to the vet’s direction

Successfully Benzy co operated

Waited for their scan report as like them there are so many pet handlers waiting for

their results with their dogs. Around 10 chairs were ordered from left to right every

chair is occupied Rya sat on the 5th chair Benzy completely hate that place due to

untidiness. Benzy wants to sit on the chair the woman next to her understands

she stood `let him sit ‘said 40 year old woman Rya thanked her.

Mr.dharamlingam ‘It’s me sir am his daughter yeah you [with little pause] come in

‘Here Benzy`s scan report ....his kidney is totally damaged’ Vet replied.

Rya is at the hyper and confused Sir is liver or kidney.

’Kidney failure it is at the final stage we could extend the life of the dog but cannot

cure this problem completely’

‘Sir but the previous vet said it`s liver failure’ ‘He might be wrong’ the vet.

Vet handed over few prescription lists with the scan reports `this prescription does

not hold any tablets’ Then??? `It is all in the liquid form two injections the rest two

is a kind of trips....So your suppose to visit pet clinic nearby regularly to inject these

medicines without fail’ Rya listened carefully and thanked him for explaining her

patiently. Vet smiled......

Driver opened the door ‘Benzy get in’ Rya softly `he couldn’t’ driver said....she

slowly lifted him and both seated comfortably. Driver started!!!Rya had thousand

questions unanswered. Why me??Why this disease?? Do Benzy really deserve

this???So many questions.

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Benzy who loves to have a ride in car now lying calmly without any sound...Days

pass things change Rya realized but couldn’t accept the truth still.

Anna shall we go to Appa`s office??? Asked Rya ‘yes sure’ driver replied kindly.

Daddy ‘I am out...standing in front of your office....holding Benzy I couldn’t come in

you please come to parking’ Rya dropped the call’.

Dad arrived...He is really shocked to see Benzy`s pinkish skin without hair

Rya said whatever the vet said to her...

When did they ask us to come again??Dad questioned she controlled her breath not

to cry in front of her father. ‘Next week daddy’

Had coffee together and left home. Mom arrived from work ‘Benzy Benzy’ called

mommy eagerly with love...

He appeared with his trimmed body Mommy started to weep to see him like this.

She couldn’t see him ‘that pinkish skin is shown with scratches I don’t know how he

could bear all his pain’ Mommy

Mommy and Rya decided to dress up him just to hide his pinkish skin...

Saranya`s unfit t-shirt becomes Benzy`s cool outfit. Next morning mom tries to

remove his t-shirt Benzy didn’t allow.

‘I think he love`s it and feels comfortable with it’; Saranya

Little improvement again Rya and her mother roamed together with prescription lists

where they couldn’t get any of the medicines which is listed same reply from every

medical shop.


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Both got the medicines finally

‘Ampicilin 500 ml

Ranitin220 ml


R l bottle100ml’the owner directed

‘’Sir what about this renal diet food???’’Mommy. ‘Sorry no stock’

They paid the bill and left the shop.

Due to Benzy`s illness Mommy approached vet to visit her home regularly for

treatment, he accepted their concern and came home.....treatment has completed

successfully now you can remove the mouth cap

`Let him have some deep breath’ said vet.

Three days continued fourth day vet couldn’t come due to his busy schedule...Benzy

felt sick again rushed to nearby hospital `your dog doesn’t have enough blood its

anaemic no red blood cells here is certain iron and calcium boosts feed him twice in

a day without fail after the treatment. Here is the dose which is injected to animals

due to lack of blood its cost around ₹980 your suppose to inject this weekly twice.

It’s not easy for a middle class family to spend but his father ready to spend all his

money to save Benzy. Saranya graduated and she started to earn she sacrificed her

first salary for Benzy ‘They continued going to the same hospital for week....due to

non availability of driver Mommy sacrificed her lunch break came home to pick his

son to hospital. After completing the treatment mom allowed Benzy to allocate the

first seat. He placed him comfortably with seat belt. Mommy started to drove his car

at the maximum speed just to reach earlier to her work place. Brave woman; the

backbone of Rya`s family.

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Somehow Treatment benefited.....But still Benzy hesitates to eat food, consulted the

vet regarding it

‘Renal diet 2 kg`s which specially provided for canine health development specially

preferred for renal failure patients try that it could give you the better results and

for your information you couldn’t get here much easily search somewhere else to

purchase it earlier’ vet said

Saranya choose online shopping to purchase Benzy`s food. Finally it was on their

door step Benzy loved to eat. Recovered slowly but still his pinkish skin the trimmed

place stands with marks without his shiny hair.

Benzy slowly recovered but not like before his shiny hair started to fall...his pinkish

tongue turned white due to lack of blood continuous change in weight but its active

and little healthy. Rya`s family somehow happy now but they have to visit Vet for 10

days once if they fail they face the poor Benzy.

Only 50% recovered but her family thanked all the vets `they are just doing the

amazing job Benzy is at the final stage without those VETs effort Benzy would be

worse than this’....Said Daddy with unrolled tears.

Benzy wants to speak few words to his family right from his age of one but he

knows it`s the right time

Benzy`s words here it follows

‘’Don’t be annoyed when I jump all over you, the second you walk through the door

I have lot less time on this earth and I am the happiest when I am spending that time

with you

Give me time to understand what you want from me I promise I`ll do my best

Put your trust in me after all, I have to trust you with every aspect of my life

otherwise I`d never survive

Talk to me!!!We may not speak the same language but the sound of your voice

always brightens my day.

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Comfort me when I am scared....I feel safe when I am with you

Let me inside when the weather turns bad

Don’t stay angry with me too have your family you have your own friends

to make you feel happy,

But I only have you

Keep in mind that I’ll never forget how you treated me

Show me that humans can be loving and are not filled with hate.

If you treat me well I’ll be your best friend forever. Give me freedom to be a bit wild

and get a bit dirty.

Let`s meet some new friends introduce me to some dogs, cats or even big animals.

Meeting others who look and smell like me makes my life a lot more enjoyable.

Learning new tricks helps to keep me sharp it gives me chance to impress you. I

love it when you`re proud of me.

And when I got old, please love as much as you did when I was young I might not be

a sweet little puppy anymore but I love you as much as I did then.

Be at my side when I take my final breath

I know it won’t be easy but I really need you to be with me when my time on this

earth has come to an end.

Every one of my final moments will be that easier with you close to me’’.

These were the words of fiver years old Labrador boy to his family and thanked

them with smile.

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To the readers

RYA the character who is the writer of the story this is my first story yeah It’s me

that is why I stressed my character [he he].Standing here with few words and lots of

hope. Readers pray hard for Benzy to recover soon. Other thing to be mentioned is

above incidents are true. Please do omit the grammatical mistakes hence this is my

first draft will develop my skills soon.

To the pet lovers [my kind of people]

Raise your voice for the voiceless keep adopting dogs. While adopting Benzy am just 14

years old am just attracted by his beauty and his breed. But now I realized one thing there

might be en number of breed dogs but you know what the best breed is ‘STRAY DOGS’ Feed

them with food and serve love they don’t have shelters but they still survive in world its only

because of you people the pet lovers if you fail to feed you could never see them again. Be

the best of Tailians. I never ask you to pray for Benzy I knew you pray even hard before I

ask .I just want to shower your blessings.