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The Untold Story One World Government/One World Religion Written & Directed by S. Rodgers Voice: Female English accent - Step out of the box, please. Now, follow me into your f uture… which begins with the past… Go directly to train whistle (Schindler‘s List) (Show scenes of Americana 1950s)  Voice Narrator (male) -What if you were to wake up tomorrow morning only to discover that this country you live in America - is not what you think it is? (Switch to 1930s scenes with Henry Ford) Are you aware that many Key: Blue = Title, credits, voice direction. Red = Direction for film, photos, animation. Black = Narration or other voice.

The Untold Story One World Religion

Apr 05, 2018



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The Untold Story

One World Government/One World Religion

Written & Directed by S. Rodgers

Voice: Female – English accent - Step out of the box,

please. Now, follow me into your future… which begins with

the past…

Go directly to train whistle (―Schindler‘s List‖) (Show

scenes of Americana 1950s) 

Voice – Narrator (male) -What if you were to wake up

tomorrow morning only to discover that this country you

live in – America - is not what you think it is? (Switch to

1930s scenes with Henry Ford) Are you aware that many


Blue = Title, credits, voice direction.

Red = Direction for film, photos, animation.

Black = Narration or other voice.

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prominent American business men such as Henry Ford

, backed Hitler in WWII?

What if you learned of a secret agenda, shared by the

wealthiest one percent in the world, to reduce the earth‘s 

current population by 90 percent , turning the world back

into the dark ages of terror (Scene from the Imposter – 

torch lighting the hay) with a totalitarian one world

government?  (Scene from Imposter – Pope from the back

before audience) 

What if you realized that the inmates really are running

the asylum and you are just one lowly clerk (Clark

Kent/Lois Lane at desk from ―Superman‖) in a conglomerate

of workers, one third of which have been persuaded to the

inmates‘ point of view? You don‘t know whom you can and

cannot trust.

If you think I‘m describing the latest computer game,

think again; nor, is it Hollywood‘s newest blockbuster. This

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is reality and you‘re living in what Scripture calls the ―last


Show spider spinning web from the Imposter.

Male voice: English accent - "When a well-packaged web

of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over

generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and

its speaker a raving lunatic." -- Dresden James 

Are you out of that box, yet?

These truly insane 

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have been fostering a pack of lies onto a totally

unsuspecting American public for decades! (Scenes from

Americana 1950s) 

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The Truth is – and this does sound absurd - they actually 

worship Satan, the devil (yes, this evil

entity really does exist!).

Source ―The Imposter‖ – Satan falling from heaven – next,

Satan in black commanding his human army.

And, they do his bidding on earth, which is to ultimately

destroy all of mankind; but first, Satan must get the

stupid mortals to worship him, as the insane ones do.

I call them insane, because they truly are . Think about it.

Only a crazy person would reject the benevolent Creator‘s

promise of eternal life and believe the mendacities

presented by Satan: they believe they can kill off up to

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95% of the world‘s population without harming themselves;

that they will be able to live eternally through life 

extension technologies created by science and travel

around the universe exploring other worlds. (Source – DVD

– ―End Game‖ by Alex Jones) This is why they‘ve been

feverishly working on warp drive and other space travel

technologies. (Source – DVD – Conspiracy Theory – Area


A fool says in his heart, there is no Mighty One.

As you can see, Satan‘s promises to them are cheap

counterfeits of the Creator‘s promises to us.

We are offered eternal life as spirit beings and we will

become joint heirs of all  things with Yahusha Messiah. ―All

things‖ includes everything created – the entire Universe!

If you‘ve always wanted to be a terra former, you may get

your desire! (Source – movie – Wrath of Khan – sending

Spock‘s coffin to planet where life is being generated by

Project Genesis)

The differences are literally that of life and death.

Father Yahuah‘s desire shall be accomplished, whereasSatan‘s desire will not be. Unless they repent, the crazy

people will be burned up and become stubble beneath our


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―For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and

all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. Andthe day which is coming shall burn them up,‖ says Yahuah

of hosts, ―that will leave them neither root nor branch. 2 

But, to you who fear My Name, the Sun of Righteousness

shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out

and grow fat like stall-fed calves. 3 You shall trample the

wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of yourfeet on the day that I do this,‖ Says Yahuah of hosts.

Malachi 4:1-3

Male voice: English accent - "Men think in herds, go mad

in herds, but recover their senses one by one." -- Charles


 Yes, the Truth does seem outlandish to us, for the crazy

ones have executed their wicked deeds brilliantly with

precise control over the nations. Their activities have been

well documented and you are welcome to check my


Please do check them out for yourselves and, after

considering the facts we are presenting on this DVD, we

hope each and every one of you recovers his or her senses

without delay. Furthermore, we desire that you will draw

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closer to your Creator and repent of breaking His

Commandments which He gave for all mankind, so that you  

will not be destroyed along with the criminally insane.

If you‘ve been watching the news, you can plainly see

there‘s a scheme being perpetrated by Satan through the

wickedly insane to destroy our Western way of life and

ultimately depopulate the world.

Even so, we must remember that our war is not with flesh

and blood, but with wicked spirits in high places. The

crazies who call themselves the ―elite‖ are simply Satan‘s

pawns carrying out his will upon humanity.

―For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against

principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the

darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness

in the heavenly places.‖

Ephesians 6:12

Satan and his fallen messengers are working through

wicked men to attain one purpose: Satan‘s desire to be 

worshipped! He was kicked out of the heavenly realm and

onto planet earth, where he has been carefully

orchestrating his plan for many years.

This time, we know from scriptural prophecy that he will

succeed, but not for long. Satan‘s rule will be over in a

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little less than 3 and a half years, because time is cut

short for the elect‘s sake! (Matthew 24:22) 

―And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his messengersfought with the dragon; and the dragon and his messengers

fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for

them in heaven any longer. So, the great dragon was cast

out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who

deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and

his messengers were cast out with him.‖

Revelation 12:7-9

―Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them!

Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the

devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because

he knows that he has a short time.‖ 

Revelation 12:12

So, how will Satan accomplish his goal of worship? He has

it well-planned out. He has carefully rehearsed each

component of his diabolical plan down here on earth.

Through the Inquisition of the ―Holy Roman Empire,‖ helearned how to torment humans, causing the most painful

deaths imaginable to those who would not bow down to him.

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In the early part of the twentieth century, he learned how

to destroy freedom and the family in one fatal swoop by

implementing an atheistic communistic government in China

and Russia.

He has since repeated this ploy in other nations. Next, he

learned how to implement a police state to control and lead

large populations into mass extermination in the death

camps of Nazi Germany.

Have you climbed out of that box, yet?  A

much larger holocaust than happened during World War II

lies just ahead of us. A dictator, worse than Hitler, is on

the horizon. He will rule within a Communist/Nazi police

state - a New World Order. (Source – YouTube – Daddy

Bush calls for a ‗New World Order) 

This worldwide dictatorship will implement depopulation

through abortion, selective breeding and mass sterilization!

We are told to watch and pray without ceasing just before

this dreadful time. 1Thessalonians 5:17 and Luke 21:36

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 You may be wondering, ―Why do they want to murder us ?‖

The answer to this question can be summed up in one word:

Control. It‘s less demanding on a handful of crazy folks to

manage a smaller number. Our current global population is

slightly under 7 billion people.

Satan‘s serv ants, comprised of Jesuits, Bilderbergs, other

―think tank‖ assemblages and secret societies, have

decided to expunge and limit earth‘s population to 500 

million souls.

 You can see this number literally written in stone on the

―Georgia Guidestones‖ in Elberton, Georgia. This ―American

Stonehenge‖ contains ten guidelines for mankind. (Source – 

Daniel Hapnie video)

Anyone over 50 will be considered useless and disposable

(except for the crazies, of course) and they will be among

the first put to death - by euthanasia. You can read

about this in Obama‘s health ―kill‖ bill. Older Americans

are to be ―advised‖ by health officials to consider

voluntary euthanasia, so as to not become a burden on

their families.Those whom the insane will allow to survive will be young,

mostly sterilized slaves under a one-world government. So

now, we‘ll look at what this New World Order government

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will be like once the crazy people have taken over and

depopulated the planet. The best analogy I know of to

describe their designs on humanity is…the Borg.

If you‘re a Star Trek fan, you‘ll likely recall that the Borg

was the most formidable enemy of the Enterprise and

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Federation of Planets. This adversary was a highly

sophisticated group of altered humanoids containing many

enhanced cybernetic components.

They operated in a manner comparable to a bee hive.

Individuals are expendable, but each Borg must protect

the hive at all costs. Though made up of many individuals,

they were programmed to work for the communal benefit.

They could not even think as individuals, but only as one

voice: the collective.

This is what we‘re up against now in real life! Did the

writers and producers of Star Trek know this - many

years in advance? The New World Order ―Borg‖ machine

wants to incorporate a few of us into their drone collective

and zap the rest of us out of existence! Thankfully, this is

NOT where our story ends!

This is the Borg queen, the hive‘s queen bee. She is

analogous to the Babylonian Mystery Religion‘s ―queen of

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heaven,‖ which became incorporated into the Catholic

Church as ―Mary, queen of heaven.‖

This is Satan‘s system personified – Communism - combinedwith Hitler‘s Nazism. Hitler said his Third Reich had been

modeled after the Catholic Church, which is the power  

behind this New World Order throne – the Borg queen!

This brings us to the one world religion. You may be

wondering what this religion will be like. The following

video clip includes a statement from the Christian

evangelist Billy Graham (a Jesuit), who states that

basically anyone , no matter what his or her belief system,

has a relationship with ―Christ!‖ No repentance required!

Oh, and did you know that even atheists have a

relationship with ―Christ,‖ according to Graham and the

other globalists? (Source – Billy Graham clip on DVD)

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  Billy Graham

Many of us grew up listening to Billy Graham preach. Wow!Could he ever hold an audience! I know it sounds almost

unbelievable that Graham would say those words you just

heard, but believe it, brethren. He is a crazy Satan


What Graham is promoting here is a Catholic doctrine

known as ecumenism, or the ―love‖ doctrine. This false

teaching instills a belief that all religions are equal, there

are many paths to heaven and we are to love and respect

the wisdoms and traditions of different faiths. Scripture

teaches there is only one path to salvation, through the

Hebrew Messiah, Yahusha.

―Yahusha said to him, ‗I am the way, the truth, and the

life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.‘‖ 

(John 14:6)

Certainly, you are to love those of other belief systems,

but it is not showing love towards them to accept their

beliefs as being equal to scripture , which is what

ecumenism teaches we must do; furthermore, this ―love‖

doctrine does not permit true believers to show others

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Truth from scripture, because that would invalidate their  

belief systems, showing them disrespect.

In fact, the Bible is already being termed ―hateliterature‖ and will soon be banned. It will likely be

burned, also, in the near future, as happened centuries


The Catholic system has always hidden Truth from the

people. When William Tyndale translated and published the

first English Bible, the newly printed manuscripts were

confiscated and burned by decree of the Roman Church. 

(Source – article -

le.html )

Has Catholicism changed? Can a leopard change her spots?

The answer is an emphatic ―no!‖ According to the following

online article, American Catholics are taught a watered

down version of Catholicism, compared with those in

Europe. (Source – article -

church-really-changed/ )

Dr. Walter Martin is a recognized authority on

comparative theologies. He states, ―…there [in Europe] you

find the theology I‘m talking about now – today. Just as

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much as alive as when Boniface the VIII and…the popes of

yesteryear wrote it, and said it had to be believed.

 You must understand what you are seeing in this country is

not pure Roman Catholic theology. What you are seeing in

this country is a watered down version adapted to the

American mind so that the Americans will live with it.

Rome is a great chameleon. She changes color on what

ever surface you place her. Here in this country she

cannot do the things she does in Spain and Italy and

survive. And so, she is different. The face is different,

but underneath the theology remains unchanged. The

statement [in 1964 by Pope Paul VI – "nothing really

changes in the traditional doctrine."] is true.

They never change on the basics. They will change on the

peripherals, [but] never on the centrality, the authority of

the papacy‖ (Walter Martin, Roman Catholicism – Part 2 of 3 , side 1, cassette #4011, Walter Martin‘s Religious

InfoNet, emphasis added).

―The days are coming,‖ declares the Sovereign Yahuwah,

―when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine

of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the

words of Yahuwah.‖ Amos 8:11

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We must realize where this is going. Our children are

being spoon-fed these doctrines of demons and they will

believe them, if we don‘t wake up and teach them Yahuah‘s

Truth before it‘s too late!

Scripture commands us to ―Cry aloud, spare not, lift up

thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their

transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.‖ Isaiah


We are to come out of all false religion, not embrace it,

as Billy Graham does!

―These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in

self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the

body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the


Colossians 2:23

―And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‗Come out

of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins,

and that ye receive not of her plagues.‘‖

Revelation 18:4

Alberto Rivera, an ex-Jesuit priest, who was murdered by

a Vatican assassin in 1997 for leaving the priesthood and

giving his testimony against it, said it was the Jesuits, a

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Catholic organization, who invented both Communism and


Alberto Rivera

According to a publication put out by the Vatican, the

Catholic Church states that Capitalism is no better than

Socialism or Communism! Of course they believe this,

because the Jesuits invented these population-controlforms of ―government!‖ Thus, they are paving the way for

Catholics, Protestants and others to accept tyranny .

The Jesuits understood that in order for Communism to

take over a society, some changes had to be made within  

that society. First, there had to be a total breakdown of

the family and its value system.

According to Kerby Anderson, author of ―The Decline of a

Nation,‖ nations most often fall from within, and this fall

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is usually due to a decline in the moral and spiritual values

within the family. As the family goes, so goes a nation.

Anderson states, ―In the Soviet Union, as in everyCommunist country, the power has not come to the

Communists' hands because the downtrodden masses willed

it so. The power has come from the top down in every


Kerby Anderson

Kerby Anderson‘s research shows many similarities between

the family breakdown just prior to the fall of Rome andwhat is currently happening here in the United States.

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Some cold and calculated moves were made in Russia.

Women had to be taken out of the home to make this

Communist system work.

The first thing they did was to implement a government

daycare system to care for young children. Advertisements

enticed women to go to work, become liberated from the

home and equal to men. This opened the door for women to

 join the workforce and they did, in droves.

Now, the children were being raised by the state, which

operated on an atheistic value system, eroding family

values and especially, the belief in a Creator . It did not

take long before extra-marital affairs had become the

norm, the family was delegated to history and Communism

was born.

Do you think it can‘t happen here in the United States of

America? Think again. It already is happening here! During

World War II, American women began working outside the

home in appreciable numbers; still, most families remained

intact, until the 1970s, when ―no-fault‖ divorce became

law on the heels of the ―hippie-free-love-movement‖ andlegalized abortion.

Now that marriage and childbirth have become demoted to

the dustbins of history, America is finished as a super-

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power and leading economic nation. The problem: She

doesn‘t know it or believe it!

We haven‘t officially embraced Communism; in fact, mostAmericans would totally deny such an allegation. In reality,

we are on a fast track towards becoming a Communist

nation under the Obama Administration.

We will be wholly communistic once we become fully

integrated into Satan‘s one world government. We know

this will happen, because biblical prophecy tells us the

end-time beast will rule the entire world. This is the

Great Tribulation we are entering.

And all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation

13:3 (last part)

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not sincethe beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall

be. Matthew 24:21

According to big business billionaire George Soros, America

is the biggest obstacle to the so-called ―elitist‘s‖ one

world government plans. But, as we‘ve shown here, it is

coming right along.

Many may ask, ―Why would a g-d fearing nation, such as

America be destroyed?‖ The truth is this nation does not  

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fear Yahuah! If the people feared Him, they would obey  

Him and He would have mercy on them.

But showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me andkeep My commandments. Exodus 20:6

If ye love me, keep my commandments. John 14:15

For this is the love of Yahuah, that we keep his

commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. 1John 5:3

Those who do fear Yahuah and keep His commandments will

be protected from the Great Tribulation in a place He

prepares for them in the wilderness.

And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle,

that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place,

where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a

time, from the face of the serpent. Revelation 12:14 But, even those who are keeping His commandments must

be counted worthy! Some will not be protected.

―Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be

counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to

pass, and to stand before the Son of Adam.‖

Luke 21:36

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15And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood

after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried

away of the flood.

16And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened

her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon

cast out of his mouth.

17And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to

make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the

commandments of Yahuah, and have the testimony of

 Yahusha Messiah. Revelation 12:15-17

Revelation 3:8-10 tells us who will be protected: They are

those who have kept His word and not denied His Name!  

 You see, it is important that we know   Yahuah‘s Name and

His Son Yahusha‘s Name and use these names when we

pray and tell others about them.8I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open

door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little

strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my


9Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan,

which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold,I will make them to come and worship before thy feet,

and to know that I have loved thee.

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10Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also

will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall

come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the

earth. Revelation 3:8-10