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BCSNETsongsand Fasting

Apr 06, 2018



Nkor Ioka
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  • 8/3/2019 BCSNETsongsand Fasting


  • 8/3/2019 BCSNETsongsand Fasting


    SONGS AND FASTINGDur ing th is fast ing, a l l the c hor is t ers in the universe in

    a l l p lanes, sp i r i t ua l ly and physic a l ly are here t oget her ,

    and s ing melodious songs to t he Holy Spi r i t . Theyshou ld s tay t h roughout the per iod to re joice w i th

    God. Very soon, people w i l l be c oming f rom al l par t s of

    the wor ld to s tay w i th the Fa ther and part i c ipate in

    th is seventy-tw o hours dry fas t ing , and those

    w ho w ere w i th va r ious i l l nesses w i l l be made w ho le .

    May God bless His Holy Words. Amen. EXCERPTS FROM:Everlasting Gospel Delivered By

    The Sole Spiritual Head Of The Universe,

    Leader Olumba Olumba Obu on:-"FASTING AND PRAYER"

    TH ROUGH SONGS:Thank you Father , because you have descended w i th

    your heaven ly hosts to jo in your ch i ld ren on the ear th

    below to s ing pra ises, and g lor i fy your Name just as i t is

    done in heaven above. By songs of pra ises your g lor ious

    Name has been ra ised. Through songs, t here is no

    more w ar in N iger ia , Af r ica and t he ent i re four corners

    of t he inhabi ted ear th. Through songs, t he dead is

    ra ised; t hrough songs, t he chronic s inners are

    conver t ed and t ransform ed unto God. By songs of

    pra ises a l l those w ho d ied in the Lord are resurrec t ingdai ly ; and through songs a lso the s ic k are

    healed. Through songs th ose w ho a lw ays del iver

    st i l l -born babies now bear l iv ing c hi ldren. Simi lar ly t he

    barren now have c hi ldren t hrough songs. Through

    songs you have w iped tears f rom our eyes. Through

  • 8/3/2019 BCSNETsongsand Fasting


    songs death and Hades are removed and put in t o f iery

    furnace. Through songs d iv is ion, braw l and w ars are

    t aken aw ay - in the Nam e of Our Lord Jesus Chr is t .


    Through songs the k ingdoms o f t he w or ld have

    becom e the k ingdom of J ehovah God and His Chr is t . Let

    thank s, pra ises, domini on and pow er be g iven t o you,

    Fat her , in the Nam e of Our Lord J esus Chr is t . Am en.

    Through songs t hose w ho have no husbands or

    w ives have now been g iven; and th rough songs t hose

    w ho need passport s , v isas and scholarships have been

    given.We thank you because your ch i ldren are no longer

    hungry and t h i rs t y . The sun and moon no longer sc orch

    your ch i ldren bec ause you have spread your w ings of

    pro tec t ion over them . And you have succ essfu lly

    p i lo ted them to the s t ream of l i v ing w aters . You have

    w iped aw ay tears f rom our eyes. Le t t hanks, pra ises,

    and adorat ion be g iven t o the Father in t he Name of Our

    Lord J esus Chr is t . A-m en.We t hank you fo r t here is no more c ry ing , w a i l ing or

    lament at i on; in the Nam e of Our Lord Jesus Chr is t .


    The tabernac le o f God is now crow ded w i th m en. He

    is our Fat her , and w e are His ch i ldren. And neighbor

    sha l l no t t each h is ne ighbor t o k now God, fo r a l l sha l l

    know Him f rom the least to the greates t . He sha l l

    remem ber our in iqui t ies no more, in t he Name of Our

    Lord J esus Chr is t . Am en.

    Ex c erpt f rom Fat her s Div ine Prayer .

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  • 8/3/2019 BCSNETsongsand Fasting
