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Open Journal of Statistics, 2014, 4, 377-390 Published Online August 2014 in SciRes. How to cite this paper: Marques and Pereira, C. (2014) Bayesian Analysis of Simple Random Densities. Open Journal of Sta- tistics, 4, 377-390. Bayesian Analysis of Simple Random Densities Paulo C. Marques F., Carlos A. de B. Pereira Departamento de Estatística, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil Email: [email protected] , [email protected] Received 13 June 2014; revised 15 July 2014; accepted 21 July 2014 Copyright © 2014 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). Abstract A tractable nonparametric prior over densities is introduced which is closed under sampling and exhibits proper posterior asymptotics. Keywords Bayesian Nonparametrics, Bayesian Density Estimation, Random Densities, Random Partitions, Stochastic Simulations, Smoothing 1. Introduction The early 1970’s witnessed Bayesian inference going nonparametric with the introduction of statistical models with infinite dimensional parameter spaces. The most conspicuous of these models is the Dirichlet process [1], which is a prior on the class of all probability measures over a given sample space that trades great analytical tractability for a reduced support: as shown by Blackwell [2], its realizations are, almost surely, discrete proba- bility measures. The posterior expectation of a Dirichlet process is a probability measure that gives positive mass to each observed value in the sample, making the plain Dirichlet process unsuitable to handle inferential problems such as density estimation. Many extensions and alternatives to the Dirichlet process have been proposed [3]. In this paper we construct a prior distribution over the class of densities with respect to Lebesgue measure. Given a partition in subintervals of a bounded interval of the real line, we define a random density whose reali- zations have a constant value on each subinterval of the partition. The distribution of the values of the random density on each subinterval is specified by transforming and conditioning a multivariate normal distribution. Our simple random density is the finite dimensional analogue of the stochastic processes introduced by Thorburn [4] and Lenk [5]. Computations with these stochastic processes involve an intractable normalization constant, and are restricted to values of the random density on a finite number of arbitrarily chosen domain

Bayesian Analysis of Simple Random Densities · Bayesian Nonparametrics, Bayesian Density Estimation, Random Densities, Random Partitions, ... Our simple random density is the finite

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Page 1: Bayesian Analysis of Simple Random Densities · Bayesian Nonparametrics, Bayesian Density Estimation, Random Densities, Random Partitions, ... Our simple random density is the finite

Open Journal of Statistics, 2014, 4, 377-390 Published Online August 2014 in SciRes.

How to cite this paper: Marques and Pereira, C. (2014) Bayesian Analysis of Simple Random Densities. Open Journal of Sta-tistics, 4, 377-390.

Bayesian Analysis of Simple Random Densities Paulo C. Marques F., Carlos A. de B. Pereira Departamento de Estatística, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil Email: [email protected], [email protected] Received 13 June 2014; revised 15 July 2014; accepted 21 July 2014

Copyright © 2014 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Abstract A tractable nonparametric prior over densities is introduced which is closed under sampling and exhibits proper posterior asymptotics.

Keywords Bayesian Nonparametrics, Bayesian Density Estimation, Random Densities, Random Partitions, Stochastic Simulations, Smoothing

1. Introduction The early 1970’s witnessed Bayesian inference going nonparametric with the introduction of statistical models with infinite dimensional parameter spaces. The most conspicuous of these models is the Dirichlet process [1], which is a prior on the class of all probability measures over a given sample space that trades great analytical tractability for a reduced support: as shown by Blackwell [2], its realizations are, almost surely, discrete proba-bility measures. The posterior expectation of a Dirichlet process is a probability measure that gives positive mass to each observed value in the sample, making the plain Dirichlet process unsuitable to handle inferential problems such as density estimation. Many extensions and alternatives to the Dirichlet process have been proposed [3].

In this paper we construct a prior distribution over the class of densities with respect to Lebesgue measure. Given a partition in subintervals of a bounded interval of the real line, we define a random density whose reali-zations have a constant value on each subinterval of the partition. The distribution of the values of the random density on each subinterval is specified by transforming and conditioning a multivariate normal distribution.

Our simple random density is the finite dimensional analogue of the stochastic processes introduced by Thorburn [4] and Lenk [5]. Computations with these stochastic processes involve an intractable normalization constant, and are restricted to values of the random density on a finite number of arbitrarily chosen domain

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points, demanding some kind of interpolation of the results. The finite dimensionality of our random density makes our computations more direct and transparent and gives us simpler statements and proofs.

An outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we give the formal definition of a simple random density. In Section 3, we prove that the distribution of a simple random density is closed under sampling. The results of the simulations in Section 4 depict the asymptotic behavior of the posterior distribution. We extend the model hierarchically in Section 5 to deal with random partitions. Although the usual Bayes estimate of a simple ran-dom density is a discontinuous density, in Section 6 we compute smooth estimates solving a decision problem in which the states of nature are realizations of the simple random density and the actions are smooth densities of a suitable class. Additional propositions and proofs of all the results in the paper are given in Section 7.

2. Simple Random Densities Let ( ), , PΩ F be the probability space from which we induce the distributions of all random objects consi-dered in the paper. For some integer 1k ≥ , let k

+ be the subset of vectors of k with positive components.

Write kR for the Borel sigma-field of k . Let kλ denote Lebesgue measure over ( ),k k R . We omit the

indexes when 1k = . The components of a vector kv∈ are written as 1, , kv v . Suppose that we have been given an interval [ ],a b ⊂ , and a set of real numbers 0 1, , , kt t t∆ = , such

that 0 1 ka t t t b= < < < = , inducing a partition of [ ],a b into the 1≥k subintervals

[ ) [ ) [ ) [ ]1 1 2 2 1 1, , , , , , , , .k k ka t t t t t t b− − −

The class of simple densities with respect to this partition consists of the nonnegative simple functions which have a constant value on each subinterval and integrate to one. Let 1i i id t t −= − , for 1, ,i k= , and define the map : kS∆ → by ( ) 1

ki iiS u d u∆ =

= ∑ . Each simple density :f → within this class can be represented as

( ) [ ) ( )1,


i i


i t ti

f x h I x−


= ∑

in which ( )1, , kkh h h= ∈ is such that each 0ih ≥ , and ( ) 1S h∆ = . The ih ’s are the heights of the steps

of the simple density f. From now on, let 1 1:k

r k kv d v d v r+= ∈ + + = , for r∈ . Note that, by the definition of the id ’s given above, it follows that r = ∅ if 0r ≤ . Moreover, define the projection on the first 1−k coordinates

1: k kπ −→ by ( ) ( )1 1 1 1, , , , ,k k kv v v v vπ − −= . For a normal random vector ( )1, , kZ Z Z= with mean km∈ and kk × covariance matrix Σ , denote by ( ),kU L m Σ the distribution of the lognormal random

vector ( )1e , , e kZZU = . If Σ is nonsingular, it is easy to show that U has a density

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1 22 1 1


12 exp log log ,2 k


U ii

f u u u m u m I uπ+

−− Τ− −


= Σ × − − Σ − ∏

in which Σ is the determinant of Σ , and we have introduced the notations ( )1log log , , log ku u u Τ= and ( )1, , km m m Τ= .

We define a random density whose realizations are simple densities with respect to the partition induced by ∆ specifying the distribution of the random vector of its steps heights. Informally, the steps heights will have the distribution of a lognormal random vector U given that ( ) 1S U∆ = . The formal definition of the random density is given in terms of a version of the conditional distribution of U given ( )S U∆ and the expression of its conditional density with respect to a dominating measure. However, we are outside the elementary case in which the joint distribution is dominated by a product measure. In fact, we have in Proposition 7.1 a simple proof that Lebesgue measure 1kλ + and the joint distribution of U and ( )S U∆ are mutually singular.

A suitable family of measures that dominate the conditional distribution of U given ( )S U∆ , for each value of ( )S U∆ , is described in the following lemma.

Lemma 2.1. Let : krτ → R be defined by ( ) ( )( )1

1r k k rA d Aτ λ π−−= , for r∈ . Then, each rτ is

a measure over ( ),k k R . The proof of Lemma 2.1 is given in Section 7. Figure 1 gives a simple geometric interpretation of the meas-

ures rτ when the underlying partition is formed by three subintervals. The following result is the basis for the formal definition of the random density.

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Figure 1. Geometrical interpretation of the measures rτ of Lemma 2.1, for 0r > , in the particular case when 3k = . The value of ( )r Aτ is the area of the projection ( )rAπ

multiplied by 13d − .

Theorem 2.2. Let ( ),kU L m Σ , with nonsingular Σ , and let r rτ

∈ be the family of measures over ( ),k k R defined on Lemma 2.1. Then, we have that ( )| : k

U S Uµ∆ +× → R defined by

( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )| d ,




f uA r I u u

f rµ τ

= ∫

is a regular version of the conditional distribution of U given ( )S U∆ , in which

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )d .k rU rS Uf r f u I u uτ∆

= ∫

Moreover, ( ) ( )| 1rU S U rµ∆

= , for each 0r > . The necessary lemmata and the proof of Theorem 2.2 are given in Section 7. The following definition of the

random density uses the specific version of the conditional distribution constructed in Theorem 2.2. Definition 2.3. Let ( ),kU L m Σ , with nonsingular Σ . We say that the map :ϕ ×Ω→ defined by

( ) ( ) [ ) ( )1,


i i


i t ti

x H I xϕ ω ω−


= ∑

is a simple random density, in which ( )1, , kH H H= are the random heights of the steps of ϕ , with distri-bution given by ( ) ( ) ( )| 1H U S UA Aµ µ

∆= , for kA∈R , and ( )|U S Uµ

∆ is the regular version of the conditional

distribution of U given ( )S U∆ obtained in Theorem 2.2. Hence, for every kA∈R , we have

( ) ( )( ) ( )

( ) ( )1 1d ,



f hA I h h

fµ τ

= ∫

in which ( ) ( )( )11 1 1k kA d Aτ λ π−

−= and it holds that ( )1 1Hµ = . We use the notation ( ),mϕ ∆ Σ .

3. Conditional Model Now, we model a set of absolutely continuous observables conditionally, given the value of a simple random density ϕ . The following lemma, proved in Section 7, describes the conditional model and determines the form of the likelihood.

Lemma 3.1. Consider ( ),mϕ ∆ Σ represented as

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( ) ( ) [ ) ( )1,

1, ,

i i


i t ti

x H I xϕ ω ω−


= ∑

and let the random variables 1, , nX X be conditionally independent and identically distributed, given that H h= , with distribution

( ) ( ) ( )1| d ,X H A

A h f y yµ λ= ∫

in which we have defined ( ) [ ) ( )1,1 i i

ki t tif y h I y

−== ∑ . Define ( )1, , nX X X= and let ( )1, , n

nx x x= ∈ .

Then, ( )|X H nhµ λ⋅ , almost surely [ ]Hµ , with Radon-Nikodym derivative

( ) ( )||




kX H c

X H iin

x h f x h hµλ =

= =∏

in which [ ) ( )1 ,1 i i

ni jt tjc I x

−== ∑ , for 1, ,i k= .

The factorization criterion implies that ( )1, , nc c c= is a sufficient statistic for ϕ . That is, in this condi-tional model, as one should expect, all the sample information is contained in the countings of how many sample points belong to each subinterval of the partition induced by ∆ .

Using the notation of Lemma 3.1, and defining ( )1, , kc c c Τ= , we can prove that the prior distribution of ϕ is closed under sampling.

Theorem 3.2. If ( ),mϕ ∆ Σ , then ( )*| ,X x mϕ = ∆ Σ, in which *m m c= + Σ .

This result, proved in Section 7, makes the simulations of the prior and posterior distributions essentially the same, the only difference being the computation of *m .

4. Stochastic Simulations We summarize the distribution of a simple random density ( ),mϕ ∆ Σ , represented as ( ) ( ) [ ) ( )

1,1,i i

ki t tix H I xϕ ω ω

−== ∑ , in two ways. First, motivated by the fact, proved in Proposition 7.5, that the

prior and posterior expectations are predictive densities, we take as an estimate the expectation of the steps heights [ ] [ ]( )1

ˆ E , ,E kh H H= . Second, the uncertainty of this estimate is assessed defining

( ) 1 1ˆ ˆ, : max ,i ii k

B h h h h≤ ≤

= ∈ − <

for 0> , and taking as a credible set the ( )ˆ,B h with the smallest such that ( ) ( ) ˆ: ,P H B hω ω γ∈ = , in which ( )0,1γ ∈ is the credibility level.

The Random Walk Metropolis algorithm [6] is used to draw dependent realizations of the steps of ϕ as values of a Markov chain ( )




≥. The two summaries are computed through ergodic means of this chain. For

example, the credible set is determined with the help of the almost sure convergence of

( )( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ˆ ˆ, ,


1 ˆE : , .N

iNB h B h

iI H I H P H B h

Nω ω→∞


→ = ∈ ∑

As for the parameters appearing in Definition 2.3, we take in our experiments all the im ’s equal to one, and the covariance matrix ( )ijσΣ = is chosen in the following way. Given some positive definite covariance func-tion :C × → , we induce Σ from C defining

11 , ,2 2

j ji iij

t tt tCσ −−

+ +=

for , 1, ,i j k= . In our examples we study the family of Gaussian covariance functions defined by ( ) ( )2

, , e x yC x y θρ θ ρ − −= , with dispersion parameter 0ρ > and scale parameter 0θ > . Example 4.1. Let ( ),mϕ ∆ Σ and consider the sample space [ ]0,1 with 0,0.01,0.02, ,0.98,0.99,1∆ = .

For the sake of generality, we induce Σ from the family of Gaussian covariance functions with fixed disper-sion parameter 0ρ but with random scale parameter 20000YΘ = + , in which ( )Gamma 2,0.001Y . These choices guarantee that computations with Σ are numerically stable. In Figure 2, the summaries of the prior distribution of ϕ show that the value of 0ρ controls the concentration of the prior. Fixing 0 0.05ρ = and

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generating data from the mixture

( ) ( ) ( )1 1 1Beta 1,10 Beta 10,10 Beta 30,5 ,3 3 3⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅

we have in Figure 3 the posterior summaries for different sample sizes. Note the concentration of the posterior as we increase the size of the samples.

Figure 2. Effect of the value of ρ0 on the concentration of the prior. The curves in black are prior expectations and the gray regions are credible sets with credibility level of 95%.

Figure 3. Posterior summaries for Example 4.1. On each graph, the black simple density is the estimate ϕ , the light gray region is a credible set with credibility level of 95%, and the dark gray curve is the data generating density.

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We observe the same asymptotic behavior of the posterior distribution with data coming from a triangular distribution and a mixture of normals (with appropriate truncation of the sample space).

5. Random Partitions Inferentially, we have a richer construction when the definition of the simple random density involves a random partition. Informally, we want a model for the random density in which the underlying partition adapts itself ac-cording to the information contained in the data.

We consider a family of uniform partitions of a given interval [ ],a b . Each partition of this family will be described by a positive integer random variable K, which determines the number of subintervals in the partition. Since the parameter ρ of the family of Gaussian covariance functions used to induce Σ may have different meanings for different partitions, we treat it as a positive random variable R.

Explicitly, we are considering the following hierarchical model: K and R are independent. Given that K k= and R ρ= , we choose the uniform partition of the interval [ ],a b induced by

( ) ( )( )2 1, , , , , ,

b a k b ab aa a a a bk k k

− − − − ∆ = + + +

induce ,ρ θΣ from the family of Gaussian covariance functions, and take the simple random density ( ),,m ρ θϕ ∆ Σ

. Finally, the observables are modeled as in Lemma 3.1. This hierarchy is summarized in the following graph.

In the following example, instead of specifying priors for K and R, we define the likelihood of K and R by ( ) ( )| ,, ,x X K RL k f x kρ ρ= , whose form is obtained in Proposition 7.6, find the maximum

( ) ( ),ˆ ˆ, arg max ,k xk L kρρ ρ= , and use these values in the definitions of the prior, determining the posterior sum-

maries as we did in Section 4. Example 5.1. With a sample of size 2000 generated from a ( )Beta 4,2 distribution, we find the maximum

of the likelihood of K and R at ( ) ( )ˆ ˆ, 9,1.43k ρ = . In Figure 4 we have the posterior summaries obtained using these values in the definition of the prior. Moreover, in the left graph of Figure 5 we have the distribution func-tion F corresponding to the estimated posterior density. For the sake of comparison, we plot in the right graph of Figure 5 some quantiles of this distribution F against the quantiles of the distribution 0F from which we generated the data.

6. Smooth Estimates It is possible to go beyond the discontinuous densities obtained as estimates in the last two sections and get smooth estimates of a simple random density ϕ solving a Bayesian decision problem in which the states of nature are the realizations of ϕ and the actions are smooth densities of a suitable class.

In view of Theorem 3.2, it is enough to consider the problem without data. As before, the sample space is the interval [ ],a b , which is partitioned according to some ∆ . For a density f with respect to Lebesgue measure, we

denote its 2L norm by ( )1 222 df f λ= ∫ .

Proposition 6.1. For 1N ≥ , let 1, , Ng g be densities with respect to Lebesgue measure, with support [ ],a b , such that

2ig < ∞ , and let D be the class of densities of the form 1

Ni ii gα

=∑ , with 0iα ≥ , for

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Figure 4. Posterior summaries for Example 5.1. The black simple density is the estimate ϕ , the light gray region is a credible set with credibility 95%, and the dark gray curve is the data generating density.

Figure 5. Example 5.1. On the left graph, the black curve is the estimated distribution function F and the gray curve is the data generating distribution function F0. On the right graph, we have the comparison of some of the quantiles of F and F0.

1, ,i N= , and

1 1Nii α= =∑ . Let ( ),mϕ ∆ Σ and define S as the class of densities which are realizations

of ϕ . Define the loss function :L × → S D by

( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )22

2, d .b

aL s f s f s x f x xλ= − = −∫

Then, the Bayes decision is 1

ˆ ˆNi ii gϕ α

== ∑ , in which ˆiα minimize globally the quadratic form

, 1 1,


i j ij i ii j i

Q M Jα α α= =

= −∑ ∑

subject to the constraints 0iα ≥ , for 1, ,i N= , and 1 1Nii α

==∑ , with the definitions

( ) ( ) ( )d ,b

ij i jaM g x g x xλ= ∫

( ) ( ) ( )2 E d .b

i iaJ g x x xϕ λ= ∫

We use the result of Proposition 6.1, proved in Section 7, choosing the ig ’s inside a class of smooth densities that serve approximately as a basis to represent any continuous density with the specified support.

For the next example, suppose that the support of the densities is the interval [ ]0,1 . Bernstein’s Theorem (see [7], Theorem 6.2) states that the polynomial

( ) ( )0

1N N ii


NiB x f x xiN


= −

approximates uniformly any continuous function f defined on [ ]0,1 , when N →∞ . Suppose that f is a density.

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If we define, for 0, ,i N= ,

( ) ( )( )

1 1,


i N iNifiN N

αΓ + Γ − + = Γ +

we can rewrite the approximating polynomial as ( ) ( )0N

N i iiB x g xα=

=∑ , in which ig is a density of a ( )Beta 1, 1i N i+ − + random variable. Hence, if we take a sufficiently large N, we expect that any continuous

density with support [ ]0,1 will be reasonably approximated by a mixture of these ig ’s. Example 6.2. Suppose that we have a sample of 5000 data points simulated from a truncated exponential

distribution, whose density is

( )( )

[ ] ( )2 1

0 0,12

2e .e 1


f x I x− −


Repeating the analysis made in Example 5.1, we find the maximum of the likelihood of K and R at ( ) ( )ˆ ˆ, 9,0.86k ρ = . The left graph of Figure 6 presents the posterior summaries. After that, we solved the prob-lem of constrained optimization in Proposition 6.1 and found the results shown in the right graph of Figure 6.

7. Additional Results and Proofs In this section we present some subsidiary propositions and give proofs to all the results stated in the paper.

Proposition 7.1. Let ( ),kU L m Σ and denote by ( ),U S Uµ∆

the joint distribution of U and ( )S U∆ . Then, ( ) 1, kU S Uµ λ

∆ +⊥ .

Proof. Define the set 1 111: kk k

i i kiA v d v v+ ++=

= ∈ = ∈∑ R . Then,

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( )( ),1

: , : 1,k

i iU S Ui

A P U S U A P d U S Uµ ω ω ω ω ω ω∆ ∆ ∆


= ∈ = = =

by definition of S∆ . On the other hand, note that ( )1 0k Aλ + = , since this is the ( )1k + -volume of the k-di- mensional hyperplane defined by the set A. Since ( ) ( ), 0c

U S U Aµ∆

= , the result follows.

Proof of Lemma 2.1. When 0r ≤ , the result is trivial, since in this case r =∅ , making rτ a null measure. Suppose that 0r > and let : k kg → be the function defined by

( )1

1 11

1, , , .k

k k i iik

g v v v v d vd


= −

Define 1: k krh − → by ( ) ( ),rh y g y r= . We will show that ( ) ( )1

r rA h Aπ −= , for every A∈R . Suppose that ( )ry Aπ∈ . Then, there is a rv A∈ such that ( ) ( )1 1, , ky v v vπ −= = and

( ) ( )1

1 11

1, , , , .k

r k i iik

h y g y r v v r d vd


= = −

Figure 6. Example 6.2. On the right graph, the black simple density is the estimate ϕ , and the light gray region is a credible set with credibility 95%. On both graphs the dark gray curve is the data generating density. On the left graph, the black smooth density is the Bayes decision of Proposition 6.1.

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Since rv∈ , we have that ( )11

1 ki i ki


r d v vd

=− =∑ , implying that ( )rh y v= . Since v A∈ , it follows from

the definition of the inverse image of rh that ( )1ry h A−∈ and, therefore, we conclude that

( ) ( )1r rA h Aπ −⊂ . To prove the other inclusion, suppose that ( )1

ry h A−∈ and define ( )rv h y= . Hence, v A∈ and by the definition of rh we have that

( )1

1 11

1, , , , ,k

k i iik

v g y r y y r d yd


= = −

implying that rv∈ , because 1

ki ii d v r

==∑ . Since rv A∈ and ( )y vπ= , it follows that

( )ry Aπ∈ . Therefore, ( ) ( )1r rh A Aπ− ⊂ . Hence, we have that 1 1

r k k rd hτ λ− −= and the properties of the inverse image of rh and the Lebesgue measure entail that each rτ is a measure over ( ),k k R .

Lemma 7.2. Let ( ),kU L m Σ . Let ξ , defined by

( ) ( )( ) : , ,kkA u u S u Aξ λ + ∆= ∈ ∈

be a measure over ( )1 1,k k+ + R . Denote by ( ),U S Uµ∆

the joint distribution of U and ( )S U∆ . Then, we have that ( ),U S Uµ ξ

, with Radon-Nikodym derivative ( ) ( ), ,d dU S U U S Ufµ ξ∆ ∆

= given by

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ), , ,rUU S Uf u r f u I u


in which ku∈ and r∈ . Proof. Define the function 1: k kT +

+ → by ( ) ( )( ),T u u S u∆= . Note that 1k Tξ λ −= . Define the func-

tion 1: kψ + → by ( ) ( ) ( ),rUu r f u I uψ = , with ku∈ and r∈ . The diagram

commutes, since ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )

( )( ) ( ),

S UU UT u u S u f u I u f uψ ψ∆

∆= = = , for every ku +∈ . For every 1kA +∈R , we have that

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1 1

1, : , :

d d

, d , d , ,r


U k kT A T A



f u u T u u

u r u r f u I u u r

µ ω ω ω ω ω

λ ψ λ

ψ ξ ξ

− −

−∆= ∈ = ∈

= =

= =

∫ ∫

∫ ∫

in which the fifth equality is obtained transforming by T, ku∈ and r∈ . It follows that ( ),U S Uµ ξ∆

, and the Radon-Nikodym derivative has the desired expression.

Lemma 7.3. Let ξ be the measure defined on Lemma 7.2 and let r rτ∈ be the family of measures

defined on Lemma 2.1. Then, for every measurable nonnegative 1: kψ + → , we have that

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )1 , d , , d d ,k k ru r u r u r u rψ ξ ψ τ λ+ =∫ ∫ ∫

in which ku∈ and r∈ . Proof. Define : k kf → by ( ) ( )1 1 1, , , k

k i iif u u u d u− == ∑ . Hence, f is a differentiable function whose

inverse is the differentiable function g defined on Lemma 2.1. The value of the Jacobian on the point kv∈ is ( ) 1

g kJ v d −= . Let kA∈R , 1ky −∈ , r∈ , and define rh as in Lemma 2.1. When 0r > , we have already shown in the course of the proof of Lemma 2.1 that ( ) ( )1

r rA h Aπ −= , for every kA∈R . Remembering that, by definition, k

r +⊂ , it follows that ( ) ( )1 kr rA h Aπ −

+= and we conclude that ( ) ( )rAI yπ =

( )( ),kAI g y r

+. Now suppose that 0r ≤ . In this case, since r =∅ , we have that ( ) ( ) ( ) 0

rAI y I yπ ∅= = .

As for the value of ( )( ),kAI g y r

+, consider two subcases: since

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( )1

1 11

1, , , , ,k

k i iik

g y r y y r d yd


= −

if any of the 0iy ≤ , then ( )( ), 0kAI g y r


, otherwise, we have



1 0,k

i iik

r d yd


− <

and again it happens that ( )( ), 0kAI g y r


. Therefore, we conclude that in this case also

( ) ( ) ( )( ),krA AI y I g y rπ +


. Hence, for kA∈R and B∈R , we have that

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )

( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



: ,


, , d ,

d ,

d d d ,



k r



B kA

B g kA

k B kA

k k rB A B

A B u u A S u B

I u I S u u

I g y r I r J y r y r

d I y I r y r

d y r A r



ξ λ




λ λ τ λ



+ ∆


× = ∈ ∈ ∈




= =


∫ ∫ ∫

in which 1ky −∈ and r∈ , the third equality is obtained transforming by f, and the penultimate equality is a consequence of Tonelli’s Theorem. The result follows from the Product Measure Theorem and Fubini’s Theorem (see [8], Theorems 2.6.2 and 2.6.4).

Lemma 7.4. Let ( ),kU L m Σ . Let r rτ∈ be the family of measures defined on Lemma 2.1. Let ( )S Uµ

be the distribution of ( )S U∆ . Then, ( )S Uµ λ∆

with Radon-Nikodym derivative ( ) ( )d dS U S Ufµ λ∆ ∆

= given by

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )d .k rU rS Uf r f u I u uτ∆

= ∫

Proof. Let A∈R , ku∈ , and r∈ . Let ξ be the measure defined on Lemma 7.2. We have that

( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )( ) ( ),

: : ,

d ,

d ( ) d ,

k r

k r

kS U


U rA


A f u I u u r

f u I u u r

µ ω ω ω ω ω

µ ξ

τ λ

∆ ∆


= ∈ = ∈ ∈

= × =


∫∫ ∫

in which the penultimate equality follows from Lemma 7.2, and the last equality follows from Lemma 7.3. Hence, ( )S Uµ λ

∆ and the Radon-Nikodym derivative has the desired expression.

Proof of Theorem 2.2. Let ( ),U S Uµ∆

be the joint distribution of U and ( )S U∆ , and let ( )S Uµ∆

be the distribution of ( )S U∆ . For kA∈R and B∈R , by the definition of conditional distribution, we have that

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

, |


, d

dd ,




A B P U A S U B A r r

A r r r

µ µ µ

µµ λ


∆ ∆ ∆

∆× = ∈ ∈ =


in which we have used the Leibniz rule for the Radon-Nikodym derivatives. On the other hand, by Lemmas 7.2 and 7.3, we have that

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ), d , d d ,r rU U rU S U A B B A

A B f u I u u r f u I u u rµ ξ τ λ∆ ×

× = =∫ ∫ ∫

with ku∈ and r∈ . Both expressions for ( ) ( ),U S U A Bµ∆

× are compatible if

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )|

d,rU rA


f u I u uA r

f rτ


= ∫

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for almost every r [ ]λ . Therefore, we have that ( ) ( )| rU S U rµ τ∆

⋅ , for almost every 0r > [ ]λ , with Radon- Nikodym derivative ( ) ( ) ( )| |d d rU S U U S Uf rµ τ

∆ ∆= ⋅ given by

( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )| ,




f uf u r I u

f r∆


as desired. The fact that ( ) ( )| 1rU S U rµ∆

= follows immediately.

Proof of Lemma 3.1. Let hα be the measures over ( ),n n R defined by ( ) ( ) ( )1 dik ch i niA

A h xα λ=

= ∏∫ , for

each 1h∈ . Let 1 nB B B= × × , with iB ∈R , for 1, ,i n= . By the hypothesis of conditional indepen-dence and Tonelli’s Theorem, we have that

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) [ ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )


| |1 1

,11 1



d d

d .

j j

i i


n n

X H X H j j jBj j

n n k

j n i j nt tB Bij j

kci n hB


B h B h f x x

f x x h I x x

h x B

µ µ λ

λ λ

λ α

= =

== =


= =

= =

= =

∏ ∏∫

∑∏ ∏∫ ∫


Hence, ( )|X H hµ ⋅ and hα agree on the π -system of product sets that generate nR . Therefore, by Theo-rem A.26 of [9], both measures agree on the whole sigma-field nR . It follows that ( )|X H nhµ λ⋅ , almost surely [ ]Hµ , and the Radon-Nikodym derivative has the desired expression.

Proof of Theorem 3.2. By Bayes Theorem, for each kA∈R , we have that

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )


| 0 | 01

0 11 1



d d

d dd

d ,1





H X X H H i HA Ai

kc HiA


kci UA

iS U

A x C f x h h C h h

C h h h

C h f h I h hf

µ µ µ

µ ττ





= =



∏∫ ∫



in which we have used the expression of the likelihood obtained in Lemma 3.1, the Leibniz rule for the Ra-don-Nikodym derivatives, the expression of 1d dHµ τ in Definition 2.3, and the constant 0C is such that

( )| 1 1H X xµ = . The remainder of the proof relies on some matrix algebra. Let I be the identity matrix. Since,

by definition, Σ is symmetric , we have that ( ) ( ) ( )1 1 1I IΤ Τ ΤΤ − − Τ −= = ΣΣ = Σ Σ = Σ Σ . Therefore, we have that

( )1 1Τ− −Σ = Σ . Write logl h= . Since the scalar 1l mΤ −Σ is equal to its transpose ( )1 1l m m lΤΤ − Τ −Σ = Σ , we have


( ) ( )1 1 1 12 .l m l m l l m l m mΤ − Τ − Τ − Τ −− Σ − = Σ − Σ + Σ

Defining d c= Σ , we have

( ) ( )

( )

( )

* 1 *


1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 11


1exp 2 22

1exp 2 2 2 ,2



ih l m l m

d l l l m l m m

C d l l l m l m m m d d d

Τ −


Τ − Τ − Τ − Τ −

Τ − Τ − Τ − Τ − Τ − Τ −

− − Σ − = − − Σ + Σ − Σ + Σ = − − Σ + Σ − Σ + Σ + Σ + Σ

with ( )( )( )1 11 exp 1 2 2C m d d dΤ − Τ −= − − Σ − Σ . Define *m m d= + . Since the scalar

( )1 1 1d m d m m dΤΤ − Τ − Τ −Σ = Σ = Σ , we have that ( )* 1 * 1 1 12m m m m m d d d

Τ − Τ − Τ − Τ −Σ = Σ + Σ + Σ . Hence, we obtain

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( ) ( )

( ) ( )( )( ) ( )

* 1 *


1 * 1 * 1 *1

* 1 *1


1exp 221exp .2



ih l m l m

C l l m l m m

C l m l m

Τ −


Τ ΤΤ − − −

Τ −

− − Σ − = − Σ − Σ + Σ = − − Σ −

Using this result in the expression of |H Xµ together with the expression of Uf , we have

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )* 1| 2 1d ,H X UAA x C f h I h hµ τ= ∫

in which ( ) ( ) ( )2 0 1 1S UC C C f∆

= and *Uf is a density of the random vector ( ),kU L m∗ ∗ Σ . We conclude

that, given that X x= , the vector H has the distribution of the heights of the steps of ( ),mϕ∗ ∗∆ Σ , as de-sired.

Proposition 7.5. Suppose that the random variables 1 1, , nX X + are modeled according to Lemma 3.1. De-note by

iXµ the distribution of iX , for 1, , 1i n= + . For convenience, use the notations ( ) ( )1, ,nnX X X=

and ( ) ( )1, ,n knx x x= ∈ . Then, for every A∈R , we have

1) ( ) ( ) ( )E diX A

A y yµ ϕ λ= ∫ , for 1, , 1i n= + ;

2) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

1|E dn


n n n

AX XA x y X x yµ ϕ λ


= = ∫ , a.s. ( )nXµ .

Proof. By Definition 2.3, we have

( ) [ ) ( ) ( ) ( )1,

1E E d ,ki i


i Ht ti

y H I y f y hϕ µ−


= = ∑ ∫

in which kh∈ and ( ) [ ) ( )1,1 i i

ki t tif y h I y

−== ∑ , for y∈ . In an analogous manner, we have

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )( )|

E d .nkn n n

H Xy X x f y h xϕ µ = = ∫

For item 1), note that

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )

( ) ( )

|, d

d d d d

E d ,

ki i

k k

kX i X H H



A P X A H A h h

f y y h f y h y

y y

µ µ µ

λ µ µ λ

ϕ λ

= ∈ ∈ =

= =


∫∫ ∫ ∫ ∫∫

in which the fourth equality follows from Tonelli’s Theorem. For item 2), for each nB∈R , we have ( ) ( )

( )( ) ( )( )( )

11 |

, d .n nn

n n nn B X X X

P X A X B A x xµ µ+

+ ∈ ∈ = ∫

On the other hand, we have ( ) ( )

( )( )( ) ( )

( )( )( ) ( )

( )( )( ) ( )

( )( )( ) ( )( )( )

( ) ( )( ) ( )( )( )( ) ( )

( )( )( ) ( )

( )( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )( )( )


1 1

| , ,

|1 ,

|1 |



, , ,

, d ,

d ,

d d

d d d

d d d

E d d ,

n nkn


n nk

n nk

n nk


n n kn n

n n


nX HnB X H

n nX HnB H X X

n n


n n


n n n



A x h x h

A h x h

A h h x x

f y y h x x

f y h x y x

y X x y x

µ µ

µ µ

µ µ µ

λ µ µ

µ λ µ

ϕ λ µ


+ +



∈ ∈ = ∈ ∈ ∈






= =

∫ ∫

∫ ∫ ∫

∫ ∫ ∫

∫ ∫

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in which the third equality follows from the hypothesis of conditional independence and Theorem B.61 of [9], the fourth equality is a consequence of Theorem 2.6.4 of [8], and the sixth equality is due to Tonelli’s Theorem. Comparing both expressions for ( ) 1 , n

nP X A X B+ ∈ ∈ , we get the desired result. Proposition 7.6. Let 1

K P Kµ −= over ( ), 2 be the distribution of K and let 1R P Rµ −= over ( ), R

be the distribution of R. Denote by ,K Rµ the joint distribution of K and R, which by the independence of K and R is equal to the product measure K Rµ µ× , and let , ,K R Hµ be the joint distribution of K, R and H. In the hie-rarchical model described in Section 5, we have that ( )| , ,X K R nkµ ρ λ⋅ , almost surely ,K Rµ , with Ra-don-Nikodym derivative

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )| ,| , | | ,

d, , d , ,

d kX K R

X K R X H H K Rn

x k f x k f x h h kµ

ρ ρ µ ρλ

= = ∫

for the |X Hf defined on Lemma 3.1. Proof. Let nA∈R and 2B∈ ⊗ R . By the definition of conditional distribution, we have

( ) ( ) ( )| , ,, , , d , .X K R K RBP X A K R B A k kµ ρ µ ρ∈ ∈ = ∫

On the other hand, by arguments similar to those used in the proof of Proposition 7.5, we have

( ) ( )

( ) ( )( ) ( )

( ) ( )( ) ( )

( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )

( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )

| , , , ,

| , ,

| | , ,

| | , ,

| | , ,

, ,

, , ,

, , d , ,

d , ,

d , d ,

d d , d ,

d , d d , .










X H n H K R K RB A

X H H K R n K RB A



A k h k h

A h k h

A h h k k

f x h x h k k

f x h h k x k

µ ρ µ ρ

µ µ ρ

µ µ ρ µ ρ

λ µ ρ µ ρ

µ ρ λ µ ρ



∈ ∈

= ∈ ∈ ∈






∫∫∫ ∫

∫ ∫ ∫

∫ ∫ ∫

Comparing both expressions for ( ) , ,P X A K R B∈ ∈ , we have

( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )| , | | ,, d , d ,kX K R X H H K R nAA k f x h h k xµ ρ µ ρ λ= ∫ ∫

almost surely ,K Rµ , and the result follows. Proof of Proposition 6.1. By Tonelli’s Theorem, the expected loss is

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )20E , d 2 E d ,

b b

a aL f f x x f x x x Cϕ λ ϕ λ= − + ∫ ∫

in which we have defined the positive constant ( ) ( )20 E d


aC x xϕ λ = ∫ . By hypothesis, each f has the form

( ) ( )1N

i iif x g xα=

=∑ , leading us to

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) 0, 1 =1

E , d 2 E d ,N Nb b

i j i j i ia ai j i

L f g x g x x g x x x Cϕ α α λ α ϕ λ=

= − + ∑ ∑∫ ∫

in which we have used the linearity of the integral. Therefore, minimizing the expected loss is the same as solving the problem of constrained minimization of the quadratic form Q. For the matrix ( )ijM M= , note that, for every non null ( )1, , N

Ny y y Τ= ∈ , we have

( ) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

, 1 , 1


, 1 1


d d 0,

N N bi j ij i j i ja

i j i j

N Nb bi i j j i ia a

i j i

y My y y M y y g x g x x

y g x y g x x y g x x


λ λ


= =

= =

= =

= = >

∑ ∑ ∫

∑ ∑∫ ∫

in which we have used the linearity of the integral. Therefore, the matrix M is positive definite, yielding (see [10]) that the quadratic form Q is convex and the problem of constrained minimization of Q has a single global

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solution ( )1ˆ ˆ, , Nα α . Since the Bayes decision is the f that minimizes the expected loss, the result follows.

8. Conclusion The random density considered in the paper can be extended to multivariate problems introducing analogous partitions of d-dimensional Euclidean space. Also, as an alternative to the empirical approach used in Section 5, we can specify full priors for the hyperparameters. Although more computationally challenging, this choice de-fines a more flexible model with random dimension for which the density estimates are no longer simple densi-ties. More general random partitions can also be considered.

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