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EneMIES within our government & churches 3.90 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 06/04/2020 [Economic Battle Plan TM points: 100) page 1 Background Briefing – Enemies Within – The Infiltration of Our Politicians and Churches America is facing a serious threat from within. It is a threat to our personal economics and the future of our nation. While it was not that long ago that the media would laugh at the prospects of a socialist competing in a presidential race, the reality is our politicians and churches have been infiltrated from within as part of the communist agenda. Constitutional America in the vision of the founders is under a bigger threat than ever. Today’s briefing will look at how communists are targeting our churches, long considered the bedrock of America and freedom. In many cases, the language of the church has been co-opted to push a Marxist agenda with doctrine that literally goes against biblical teachings. Second, there has been a Marxist/communist takeover of the Democratic Party that made any potential for a moderate democrat presidential candidate unachievable. Bernie Sanders may be out of the presidential race, but Joe Biden and other top candidates are following the same communist playbook. While this may sound radical, we invited Trevor Loudon to provide the details of his research in this area. There is one group holding back the communist socialist strategy–conservative evangelicals voting for patriotic candidates. See why it is critical Americans hold the line, educate others, and stand stronger than ever for the future of America! This next election really does come down to a choice between communism and freedom. Your Mission: To better understand the infiltration of communism/socialism within America’s churches and leading democrat politicians. “I’m far more scared of the political and economic fallout from COVID 19 than I am of the actual disease.” –Trevor Loudon”

Background Briefing – Politicians and Churches

Nov 15, 2021



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EneMIES within our government & churches 3.90CLEARED FOR RELEASE 06/04/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 100)

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Background Briefing – Enemies Within – The Infiltration of Our Politicians and Churches

America is facing a serious threat from within. It is a threat to our personal economics and the future of our nation. While it was not that long ago that the media would laugh at the prospects of a socialist competing in a presidential race, the reality is our politicians and churches have been infiltrated from within as part of the communist agenda.

Constitutional America in the vision of the founders is under a bigger threat than ever. Today’s briefing will look at how communists are targeting our churches, long considered the bedrock of America and freedom. In many cases, the language of the church has been co-opted to push a Marxist agenda with doctrine that literally goes against biblical teachings.

Second, there has been a Marxist/communist takeover of the Democratic Party that made any potential for a moderate democrat presidential candidate unachievable. Bernie Sanders may be out of the presidential race, but Joe Biden and other top candidates are following the same communist playbook. While this may sound radical, we invited Trevor Loudon to provide the details of his research in this area.

There is one group holding back the communist socialist strategy–conservative evangelicals voting for patriotic candidates. See why it is critical Americans hold the line, educate others, and stand stronger than ever for the future of America! This next election really does come down to a choice between communism and freedom.

Your Mission: To better understand the infiltration of communism/socialism within America’s churches

and leading democrat politicians.

“I’m far more scared of the political and economic fallout from COVID 19 than I am of the actual disease.” –Trevor Loudon”

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Ep. 3-90 (OSINT) Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing. This includes quotes and summaries from Kevin Freeman and Trevor Loudon.

Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker, and public speaker from New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist, and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics. He is best known for his book, Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress and his similarly themed documentary film Enemies Within. He is also a contributor at Epoch Times.

1. There are Communist Enemies working within the US to take down Western Civilization:

Loudon identifies three pro-communist groups working in America:

→ Communist Party USA, the old traditional one that was once pro-Soviet party is now in bed with China.

→ The pro-Chinese Freedom Road Socialist Organization is a completely pro Chinese Communist Party.

→ The Liberation Road, a group who gave us Black Lives Matter, is also pro-Chinese Communist Party.

They have all been pushing 3 themes:

a. We shouldn’t blame China for Covid-19. This could have happened anywhere. It’s not the Chinese fault.

b. China has been helping the world solve this problem. We should be so grateful for China, for sending teams to Italy, sending teams to other countries to help out.

c. China’s magnificent response to this crisis shows the vast superiority of a socialized healthcare system where people can be forcibly quarantined, locked down, and people can be compulsorily treated.

We have got this organized socialist health care system far better than this haphazard random approach that you’re seeing in the West.

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They are promoting that socialism is better for dealing with these things. It wasn’t China’s fault. And racist America really is to be blamed for this.

And “look at what great things China is doing around the world to help people.” All three groups are working as allies. But this is just like the Soviet Union in the 1930s. But they are going into overdrive, using American media and the American Communist parties to spread this stuff. And what I notice is, if it’s in the communist press today, it will be in the mainstream press tomorrow.” –Trevor Loudon

2. Enemies within the US Government, what you see may not be what you are really getting.

“I think the bad news story is that the communists have since the time of the KGB and the Soviet Union infiltrated our government. And now it’s Chinese communists who are primarily infiltrating” –Kevin Freeman

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How Soviet and Chinese communist infiltrated our Government politicians on the left.

→ The Chinese are the leaders of the world communist movement now.

→ Russia is China’s political, economic and military ally. They work together in the Shanghai’s Cooperation Organization, which is basically the old Warsaw Pact with a few extra countries added to it.


Assume you are leader of a communist/socialist regime and you don’t like President Trump. He’s giving you a hard time on trade and numerous other things as he encourages liberty and economic freedom.

So what are you going to do?

a. Are you going to get in to a multi-billion-dollar trade war, which you may lose?

b. Are you going to get into a multi-billion-dollar shooting war, which you could also lose?

c. Or are you going to spend a few million dollars buying up American politicians, creating unrest and promoting communism?

“You only need to buy a three or four up in the Senate to make a majority to get your way. You only need to buy a few congressmen in the House. The chairman of the Armed Services Committee or the head of the submarine technology section and the Armed Services Committee. You buy up strategic people, and many of these people already have communist connections.” –Trevor Loudon

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Examples of Political Infiltration:

You get the chairman of the Armed Services Committee or the head of the submarine technology section and the Armed Services Committee. You buy up strategic people, and many of these people already have communist connections.

We’ve got two people on the Armed Services Committee right now who are very close to the Communist Party USA:

→ Congressman Marc Veasey, out of Dallas Fort Worth area, served on the on the Armed Services Committee.

→ Also, a Congressman from Connecticut, Joe Courtney serves on the Submarine Technology Subcommittee.

The Chinese are challenging America on submarines. Is it a coincidence you’ve got a Communist Party affiliate serving on the submarine technology subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee?

“Democratic Socialist of America, Liberation Road, Communist Party USA. They couldn’t pass an FBI background check to drive a school bus. But there are no background checks in Congress. Zero. Do you think the Chinese know this? Do you think the Iranians know this? Do you think maybe they might try and exploit it? So what I do is I study these people.”

3. Documentation of communist associations:

Trevor Loudon has extensive research and documentation as he determines Chinese affiliation and influence. He built a Web site called K E Y W I K I. It has 127,000 files on it, all cross-linked works like Wikipedia.

How it works:

“So you type in say Mark Warner, senator from Virginia and you look at his ties to NAKASEC, which is a pro North Korean group. You look at his ties to the Russians. You look at his ties to several radical Islamic groups.”

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“Look at Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut. He serves the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Big, big man attacking Trump over Russia. He had a communist party member on his staff. He is at several meetings with the local Connecticut Communist Party on a regular basis. He goes to their events. He follows their line. As I said, a party member on his staff. He is also very heavily involved in CAIR, two Muslim Brotherhood fronts operating out of Connecticut. Both also work with the local Communist Party.

I’ve got pages and pages of documentary evidence on these guys connections. They do it because they don’t care, because the media is not going to scrutinize them. The FBI doesn’t dare to touch them. And there are no background checks.”

4. Enemies within the church: How to take America down from the inside.

The Church is the bedrock of America. Our constitution is based on the Bible. Today Marxists have corrupted churches and turned them into vehicles for socialism.

“Look, the left long ago determined, and I’m talking before the Bolshevik Revolution, that America was the enemy of world socialism. The American Constitution, explaining that your rights come from God, had to be overturned and they knew they could not do that from the outside. You know, nobody can just sail across the Atlantic to invade America or across the Pacific. So you would have to have a strategy of taking America down from the inside. And what is the bedrock of America, of the American Ethic, and The American Politics? It is American Conservatism and the Christian Church.”

A. You cannot easily take down America from the outside, so adversaries have to focus on the inside.

→ You can try to infiltrate the church.

→ You can try to turn churches into vehicles for socialism.

→ The first communist front established in this country was before the Bolshevik Revolution by communist Harry Ward through the Methodist Committee for Social Action. It was inside the Methodist church.

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o They turned Christian charity into socialist giveaways.o Welcoming the stranger become welcoming illegal immigrants.

→ These groups made major progress in protestant churches to the point that many people left and went into the evangelical movement.

o Marxists infiltrated the Catholic Church through what they call liberation theology. And now you have a Marxist-friendly pope and Pope Francis, who’s very close to Putin, supports, “no borders.”

“They twist good doctrines of the Christian church into things it doesn’t necessarily mean and basically turn it into a vehicle for socialism.” –Trevor Loudon

“The big area that was clean for so long was the American evangelical church particularly the Baptists. Now, these are the ‘crazy people’ who voted for Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan when the socialists are doing all this great work. The socialists have the colleges, they’ve got the education system tied up, they’ve got the media and Hollywood, but these crazy conservative Christians break out and vote for patriotic candidates. This cannot be allowed here.”

B. Now the infiltration in the church is expanding.

A look at other key Players infiltrating the church and transforming the meaning of the Gospel.

THE GOSPEL COALITIONIncluding: Jim Wallace and Sojourners, Obama’s spiritual advisers.

Tim Keller of the Gospel Coalition acknowledges a debt to the Frankfurt School, the old school of Communists who fled Nazi Germany and moved to America in the 1930s, who gave us political correctness and the sexual revolution.

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Several of the gospel coalition members are Marxists and they are promoting: → Social Justice

→ Critical race theory, which is pure Marxism.

→ Ending global warming

→ Welcoming illegal immigration

“You’ll go to a lot of churches in America now and you’ll hear nothing about sin or redemption. Instead, you’ll hear a lot about ending white privilege, getting on top of global warming, welcoming refugees, opening the borders and social justice.” –Trevor Loudon

Marxism is now even touching within the Southern Baptist Church.

→ Russell Moore, who’s the head of the Southern Baptist Social Ethics Committee, the public policy wing of the Southern Baptist Church, also serves on the board of the Gospel Coalition.

→ He is introducing Marxism into the Baptist church.

→ They had their national convention in Alabama, and they introduced critical race theory and voted on the floor. The convention is now part of the Baptist church toolbox for analyzing issues of race.

5. A Closer look at Critical Race Theory:

James Cone, a Marxist invented Critical Race Theory.

James Cone went to Cuba in 1982 to meet Fidel Castro, and work with Soviet Christian front groups. He took a man with them, called Jeremiah Wright. You may have heard of him, Barack Obama’s pastor Wright.

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“So critical race theory means that if you’re white, you’re automatically racist and you are part of the white capitalist power structure. So the only way you can end racism is to end the white capitalist power structure. So you have to end racism through revolution. Now, this is all through the churches, all through the seminaries and they been talking this at almost every major seminary I go to..” –Trevor Loudon

Unfortunately critical reach theory is becoming endemic in churches. An example of what this looks like is included in Trevor Loudon’s new documentary, Enemies within the Church, highlighted here: Missouri in 2015. “A woman called Michelle Higgins gets up and they say this is a conference for young teenage evangelicals and they’re all fired up and mainly white because it’s the Midwest. And she says the thing that God wants you to do more than anything else is to end white privilege. Some of these kids might be on food stamps, but they’ve got to end white privilege. So they’re all fired up. God wants us to end white privilege. God wants us to combat this racism in our churches. Michelle Higgins is a pastor. She is also a member of the Organization for Black Struggle, a Maoist communist group, which is a front for Liberation Road, which is the pro Chinese Communist Party that gave us black lives matter. These kids are being taught straight Marxism and thinking it’s Christianity.”

6. The Marxist communist takeover of the Democratic Party and 2020 Presidential candidates – It’s not just Bernie Sanders.

The top of the Democratic Party is being driven by Marxist. Trevor Loudon shares highlights of his research.

My thesis of the twenty-three major Democrats who stood in the race, 13 were Marxists. Of the 10 running in January 2020, 10 of them were Marxists.

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“Every one of the contenders, except for Michael Bloomberg, who has his whole range of his own problems, come from a Marxist background. That is Joe Biden. That is Pete Buttigieg, That is Amy Klobuchar. That is Elizabeth Warren. That is Julian Castro. That is Cory Booker. That is Tom Steyer, That is Tulsi Gabbard.”

→ Tulsi Gabbard, who a lot of conservatives quite like, has got heavy ties. Yes, she has got heavy ties to the Russians. Yes. She supports North Korea and Venezuela. And she has a very long history with Democratic Socialists of America and other Marxist groups.

→ Pete Buttigieg’s father was one of the world’s leading scholars on the Italian communist Antonio Grinchy. This was his dad. Pete worked with Democratic Socialists of America and other Marxists all the way through his career as mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

→ Tom Steyer had Marxist links going back to Stanford University and he had more Marxists on his campaign staff than any other candidate except for Bernie Sanders.

→ Amy Klobuchar has a history with Democratic Socialism America going back to her university days. She went to the Soviet Union with her pro-Soviet father as a young woman. She worked with the Maoists of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, very tied into the Muslim radical left in Minnesota as well.

So what I’m saying is the Democratic Party, at least the top, has been taken over by Marxists completely. So it doesn’t matter that Joe Biden got the nomination, or if Bernie comes back in some blaze of glory or Michelle Obama parachutes out of nowhere, or Hillary Clinton, comes back.”

“You don’t put out a 270-page book calling 10 leading Democrats Marxists as a foreigner, without having the documentation, the photographs and the references to back it up. There are about as many reference pages in the book as there are actual text.” –Trevor Loudon

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5. WARNING: More research Loudon did on the “moderate” democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Joe Biden credits The Council for a Livable World for getting him elected.

The Council for a Livable World was set up by Soviet agent and relayed by the protege of another Soviet agent. And one of the very first senators they elected was a young man called Joe Biden in 1972. Joe was a 29-year-old city councilor up against a four-term Republican incumbent with an 80% approval rating. They raised $280,000 for him. That’s a lot of money in 1972, Delaware. And they got him elected. And he has worked to their benefit ever since.

→ Biden is supported by the Council for a Livable World.

→ The Council for a Livable World states they have gotten over 200 Senators elected.

→ They started off by going to very small states and electing far-left senators at a very low price because getting an elected senator in Delaware or Rhode Island was pretty cheap. It’s not like electing one to Texas or California.

→ At the time, the mantra was something like, “Help a candidate get elected with the following conditions:

o You work through your entire career to gut the US military. o You cancel weapons systems. o You oppose President Reagan. o You vote for treaties with the Soviet Union. o You get rid of our nuclear weapons. Do everything you can to stop and gut

the US military.”

“I have worked with the council from the beginning. I owe my job to the council. They work with me…They helped me negotiate the recent new START treaty with Russia.” –Joe Biden

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WARNING AMERICA: “It didn’t matter who the democrats chose, it’s going to be a communist.” –Trevor Loudon

Why you should care?

→ America has enemies within working to take down western civilization.

→ The church, the bedrock of America is being co-opted with a false communist doctrine.

→ The far left have closer ties to socialism and communism than they want you to know.

→ Loudon documents communist ties with almost all the leading democrat presidential candidates.

→ Many Americans are still living under the assumption we will always have our democracy.

→ The rise of critical race theory is a false ideology designed to tear America apart and it is being taught in the church.

→ China is leading the communist takeover and is executing a plan to dominate the world by 2045.

→ America is the world’s last hope for Liberty.

→ Economic Liberty is a key part of freedom and there are major economic implications to your investments under a communist/socialist society.

→ Loudon estimates there are 100 members of Congress and 20 in the Senate that have Marxist affiliations.

→ You are a small ship that can make a difference, it is time to do it now

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In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that rescued the British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk.]

Action Steps: 1. Be sure to understand your political candidates real beliefs and principles. Vote in

2020 and help others understand the realities within this battleplan.

2. Consider supporting Trevor Loudon’s new documentary, Enemies Within the Church. Go to Funding is 95% complete and you can help get this documentary seen across America.

3. Understand communist affiliation of political candidates at the research page Trevor Loudon built at

4. Read Trevor Loudon’s new book WHITE HOUSE REDS: Communists, Socialists & Security Risks Running for US President, 2020.

5. Learn more about how to weaponize your money. Let’s keep America exceptional with our giving, spending, and investing. Nominate your financial advisor for Economic War Room training at

6. Send this battle plan to friends and your financial advisor and ask them to sign up for our weekly battle plan updates at Be sure to catch the data and footnotes below for more documentation. We want you to have access to key information to make intelligent decisions.

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√ Talk with your financial advisor as it relates to your savings/investments. Ensure your advisor understand the potential impact economic/geo-political scenarios could have on your portfolio. LOOK FOR ECONOMIC WAR ROOM’S ADVISOR AND INVESTOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES COMING SOON.

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Shareable Quote:“If you put Bernie as 10 out of 10

communist. Cuomo would be an 8 and Biden would be 9.”

–Trevor Loudon

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room® and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment adviser.

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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman(List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access LinksAbout Trevor LoudonOvert Communist Groups in America: US Communist PartyOvert Communist Groups in America: Democrat Socialists of AmericaOvert Communist Groups in America: Freedom Road Socialist OrganizationOvert Communist Groups in America: Liberation RoadCritical Race TheoryMarxism in the ChurchJoe Biden’s Marxist Ties

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

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LATEST ARTICLE:[ ] Cities Burn, But None Dare Call It Communist Insurrection

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About Trevor Loudon[ ] Trevor Loudon Website

Trevor Loudon Author Page at Amazon

[ ] KeyWiki

The Sam Sorbo Podcast - Trevor Loudon

Trevor Loudon on CSPAN

Overt Communist Groups in America: US Communist PartyThe curious survival of the US Communist Party

‘A leftward shift’: Communist party USA sees chance as progressives surge

[ ] Communist Party membership numbers climbing in the Trump era

The Unexpected Afterlife of American Communism

The Chinese Communist Party Is Setting Up Cells at Universities Across America


Communist Party USA shirt sold on Amazon

Overt Communist Groups in America: Democrat Socialists of America[ ] Thousands of Americans Have Become Socialists Since March

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The Democratic Socialists of America Aren’t Winning Elections, but They Are Influencing Democrats


‘We’re here to win’: US democratic socialists move to center stage


Democratic Socialists of America’s membership surges amid coronavirus, report says

Overt Communist Groups in America: Freedom Road Socialist OrganizationFreedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO)

[ ] Freedom Road Socialist Organization (Epoch Times)

Have They No Shame? American Communists Exploit CCP Virus to Propagandize for Their Chinese Masters


Flipping Florida: How Pro-China Communists Plan to Turn the Sunshine State Blue in 2020


[ ] Pro-China Communists Working to Mobilize 40 Million New Voters Against Trump


White House Statement on PRC


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Overt Communist Groups in America: Liberation Road[ ] Liberation Road

How and Why Pro-China Communists Took Over Durham, North Carolina: Huge Implications for 2020


Bay Area Pro-China Communists Aim to Flip Arizona ‘Protect’ Nevada in 2020


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US communist organization building support for socialism in Mexico

[ ] Communists Winning Elections

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Pro-China Communists Claim Credit in Virginia Vote Flip

Critical Race Theory[ ] Marxist ‘Critical Race Theory’ Infiltrates Churches, the Culture

Critical Race Theory is Rooted in Cultural Marxism

Southern Baptist Professor admits views shaped by Marxist inspired Critical Race Theory


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‘Analytical tool’ or ‘Marxist ideology’? – Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality resolution debated at SBC

annual meeting


Marxism in the Church[ ] MITCHELL: Marxist concepts have footholds at SEBTS, SBTS

7-19-18: Invasion! How Marxism is infiltrating the church

How Marxist Thinking Is Seeping into the Church

[ ] Marx in Sheep’s Clothing

Cultural Marxism In The Churches

[ ] Marxism and the Manipulation of Man

Communism and Religion Can’t Coexist

Post-Modernism, Cultural Marxism, & Evangelicalism’s Future


Marxist Infestation In The Catholic Church

[ ] Social Justice and the SBC | Rod Martin

Evangelicalism’s ‘Newfound Obsession’ With Social Justice Is Threat To Gospel, John MacArthur Says

LBC pastor creates network to stop SBC’s leftward drift

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Communism, Marxism, and Socialism: Radical Politics and Jim Jones

Tim Keller & The Gospel Coalition bringing Marxism into the church? (Liberalism Exposed)

Karl Marx Meets the Gospel Coalition

[ ] Meet God’s Communists

Joe Biden’s Marxist Ties[ ] KeyWiki

Joe Biden Is China’s Choice for President

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Democratic Party’s progressive wing leverages political power to push Joe Biden leftward


‘Former’ Maoists Collude to Choose Biden’s Running Mate

Biden and Dems slurping down Sanders’ Marxist Kool-Aid

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