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DAVIDSON (2006): Change means doing things differently – refers to a significant difference in what was before.

Doing things in a new way Following a new path Adopting new technology Installing a new system Following new management procedures Merging Reorganizing Or any other highly significant, disruptive


DAVIDSON (2006): Change means doing things differently – refers to a significant difference in what was before.

Doing things in a new way Following a new path Adopting new technology Installing a new system Following new management procedures Merging Reorganizing Or any other highly significant, disruptive



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Analyse the nature of the change faced by organization - to determine magnitude & potential impactLocating change on the change spectrum3 situasi dlm spektrum perubahan:

Hard aspects :static change environment Soft aspects : people orientation Fleksibel (in between hard & soft aspects)

Analyse the nature of the change faced by organization - to determine magnitude & potential impactLocating change on the change spectrum3 situasi dlm spektrum perubahan:

Hard aspects :static change environment Soft aspects : people orientation Fleksibel (in between hard & soft aspects)

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Persekitaran perubahan statikObjektif dan kekangan yang dapat diukur dengan jelasImplikasi serta mertaSkala jangka pendekBersemuka yang minimal – heavily mechanized

Persekitaran perubahan statikObjektif dan kekangan yang dapat diukur dengan jelasImplikasi serta mertaSkala jangka pendekBersemuka yang minimal – heavily mechanized

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Perubahan 100% berorientasikan manusia Objektif dan skala masa tidak jelas Persekitaran adalah dinamik dan sukar

dijelaskan Hubungan personal Respon emosi

Perubahan 100% berorientasikan manusia Objektif dan skala masa tidak jelas Persekitaran adalah dinamik dan sukar

dijelaskan Hubungan personal Respon emosi

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Images of Managing Change

• The images we hold of organization – affect the interpretations of– What we think is going on– What we think needs to happen– How we think should happen

• Providing vision and meaning to our staff so that their identity becomes closely associated with the organization


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Images of Managing Change

• Two key images of managing– Management as control…– Management as shaping...

• Three key images of change outcomes– Intended change outcomes– Partially intended change outcomes– Unintended change outcomes


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Images of Managing Change

• Controlling…– top-down management– It is based on controlling the activities in the

organization.– It can be illustrated by Fayol’s characteristics of

management – planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling.


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Images of Managing Change

• Shaping…– a more participative style of management.– mold change outcomes through encouraging a

variety of players within the organization to be involved in the various stages of change.

– focuses on improving the capabilities of the organization.


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• Intended Change Outcomes:– regards change is a result of planned action

instigated and influenced by a change manager– can be achieved through three broad strategies:

• Empirical-rational strategies– assume that people are rational & follow their own self-interest

• Normative-re-educative strategies– Assume that changes occur when people dispense with their

old, normative orientations & gain commitment to new ones

• Power coercive strategies– Achieving intentional change by those with greater power

Images of Change Outcomes

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Images of Change Outcomes

• Partially Intended Change Outcomes:– Only some change intentions are achievable

– there is often a discrepancy between the change that is planned and that which occurred

– Affected by• Power

• Processes

• Interest

• the different skill levels of managers

– The intended outcomes of change may need to be re-modified during the implementation process, so the result of which is partially intended change outcomes.


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Images of Change Outcomes

• Unintended Change Outcomes:– Managers often have great difficulty in achieving

intentional change outcomes

– Forces beyond the control of the change manager that greatly influence the outcomes of change

– these can impede any attempts to achieve intended change within an organization.

– There are a plethora of internal or external factors that prevail over the impact of the change manager.

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Images of Change Managers

Images of Managing

Controlling . . . (activities)

Shaping . . .(capabilities)

Images of Change







• six images of change managers –Director, Navigator, Caretaker, Coach, Interpreter, Nurturer

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Images of Change Managers

Director image of management as control; change outcomes as

being achievable Assumption:

Change is a strategic choice that manager make and the survival and general well-being of the organization depends on them

Supported by the n-step models and contingency theory.


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Images of Change Managers

Coach Assumption:

Change managers are able to intentionally shape the organization’s capabilities in particular way

Relies upon building in the right set of values, skills and “drills” that are deemed to be the best ones to be drawn upon in order to achieve desired organizational outcomes.

Related to OD approaches.

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Images of Change Managers

Navigator Control is the heart of management action, although a

variety of external factors mean that managers may achieve some intended change outcomes and others will occur over which they have little control.

Assumption: Change unfolds differently over time and according to

the context in which the organization finds itself Supported by the contextualist and processual theories

of change.


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Images of Change Managers

Interpreter The manager creates meaning for other

organizational members, helping them to make sense of various organizational events and actions.

Manager need to be able to provide legitimate arguments & reasons

Supported by the sense-making theory of organizational change

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Images of Change Managers

Caretaker The manager’s control is severely constrained by a

variety of internal and external forces beyond their scope.

The caretakers have a limited role on whether change will occur or not

Have little influence over the direction of change Supported by life-cycle, population-ecology and

institutional theories.


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Images of Change ManagersNurturer Assumption:

even small changes may have a large impact on organizations: and

managers are not able to control the outcome of these changes but may nurture their organizations.

Managers may nurtute, facilitates organizational qualities that enable positive self-organizing to occur.

Have little ability to influence the direction of change Related to chaos and Confucian/ Taoist theories.

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Three Core Uses of the Images

• These six images of change managers have three core uses:– They highlight a variety of assumptions that change

managers make about change and increase the awareness of different interpretations of change.

– They draw attention to the dominant images of change within an organization.

– They highlight a range of perspectives available to change managers.


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Linking Vision and Change

Refer Chapter 9_Palmer

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Vision• The role of vision in producing organizational change is

linked to the image one has of managing change • Vision is commonly thought of as a guide for the

organization in identifying the appropriateness of particular changes that are proposed

• Examples:– “solve unsolved problems innovatively” - 3M– “give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same things as rich people”

- Wal-Mart– “Untuk menjadi di antara badan corporat yang terunggul di dunia

dalam bisnes tenaga dan yang berkaitan” -- Tenaga Nasional– “to become Asia’s premier automotive brand; a brand that connects

with people and provides products which become life companions” -- Proton


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Images of Managing Change vs VisionImages Link Vision and Change

Director Vision is something that is essential to producing successful organizational change. It should be articulated early on and it is up to leaders to do this.

Navigator Vision is important but not necessarily able to be achieved because of competing visions that exist among various organizational parties and stakeholders.

Caretaker Vision is in many ways immaterial to the way change will proceed. Change is rarely the outcome of visionary actions

Coach Vision is something that is important and is more likely to emerge through the facilitation skills of the change leader interacting with his or her followers, shaping their agendas and desired futures.

Interpreter Vision is the ability to articulate the inner voice of the organization, that which is lived, be it core ideology or values, and that underpins the identity of the organization.

Nurturer Vision is emergent from the clash of chaotic and unpredictable change forces. Visions are likely to be temporary and always in the process of being rewritten.


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How Context affects Vision• ability to produce visionary change depends on

– Change susceptibility• Degree to which there is acceptance of the need to change

– Resource availability• The extent to which resources are on hand to engage in strategic change

• 4 organizational contexts in terms of their ability to produce visionary change

– Rigid organizations

– Bold organizations

– Overmanaged organizations

– Liberated organizations


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How Context affects Vision…cont

• Rigid organizations– have little in the way of available resources and lack

acceptance of the need for change– Hierarchical & inflexible

• Bold organizations– low resources but high acceptance of the need for

change– More organic structures & less rule-bound– Visionary leadership is more likely to emerge

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How Context affects Vision…cont

• Overmanaged organizations– high resource availability but little acceptance of the

need for change– More stable environment & dominated by past practices

• Liberated organizations– High acceptance of the need for change, & high

availability of resources– those where visionary processes are likely to be most


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Failure of Vision• Visions can fail for a number of reasons including

being:– too specific

– too vague

– inadequate

– too unrealistic

– too complex

– irrelevant

– blurred

• A vision must be able to adapt over time• A dominant vision will be one that outlasts others that

may be present within the organization.9-27

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Debates linking Vision and Change

• three key debates that link vision and change. – Does vision drive change or emerge during

change?– Does vision help or hinder change?– Is vision an attribute of heroic leaders or of heroic



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Vision Is an Attribute of Heroic Leaders

• successful strategic organizational change will only occur when it is led effectively.

• Charismatic leaders secure images in their followers and enact their visions through four processes:– Framing –

• art of managing the meaning of followers, getting them to accept the vision’s interpretation and meaning by stressing its importance and aligning it with followers’ value.

– Scripting• extends framing, building upon it by coordinating and integrating more

specific sets of ideas and actions.– Staging

• selection of symbols, artifacts, props and setting for reinforcing the vision– Performing

• enacting the vision, occurs through exemplification of required behaviours and promotion of themselves and their vision.


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Vision is an Attribute of Heroic Organizations

• It is a visionary company that will last the distance, irrespective of its leadership.

• Vision consists of a core ideology which defines what the organization stands for

• it becomes the core purpose and envisioned future of the organization– “solve unsolved problems innovatively” - 3M– “give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same things as rich people” -

Wal-Mart– “To be a leading oil and gas multinational of choice” – Petronas– “to meet the various needs of the consumer everyday by marketing and

selling foods of a consistantly high quality” - Nestle
