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APRIL 10, 2014 APRIL 10, 2014 APRIL 10, 2014 APRIL 10, 2014 Church Leadership Our ministers and lay leaders are available to answer any questions you may have to help you connect with the ministries of First Baptist Church. Rev. Matt Sturtevant Senior Pastor, x. 202 [email protected] Rev. Dr. Meredith Holladay Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation, x. 204 [email protected] Jenny Purvis Office Manager, x.203 [email protected] Nathan Benfield Volunteer Building Manager, x.201 [email protected] Jim Davidson Chancel Choir Director [email protected] Holly Grassy Bookkeeper [email protected] John Pauls Moderator [email protected] Evelyn Falen Organist [email protected] Buddy Langford Custodian Church Office: 785/843.0020 [email protected] Palm Sunday and Holy Week Schedule, April 13-20 April 13—Palm Sunday Your child is invited to participate in a palm pro- cessional during the 11 a.m. worship service. Chil- dren should come to Rm. 139 at 10:50 a.m. They will receive a palm branch and instructions. Immediately following the processional they will return to a seat with you in the sanctuary. Two-five year olds will then go to extended care. April 13—Sanctuary of the Cinema 6:00 p.m., A Serious Man, Judson Rm. (see next page for more information) Monday-Friday, April 14-18 Ecumenical Holy Week Services Trinity Lutheran Church 1245 New Hampshire St. Services begin at noon, followed by a light lunch. No lunch following Good Friday Service. April 16 No Wednesday Evening Meal Meet and Eat groups are encouraged to meet together instead. April 17—Maundy Thursday 7:00 p.m.: Communion and Foot Washing service April 18– Good Friday 7:00 p.m.: Joint Worship Service at First Presbyterian Church (2415 Clinton Parkway) Combined choirs: Requiem for the Living, Dan Forrest April 20– Easter Sunday 8-10:30 a.m. An Easter Flower Cross will be located at the courtyard entrance. Please bring fresh flowers from your garden (or store bought.) 6:30 a.m. Sunrise service, outside 8-10:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast served in the Roger Williams Room 8:30 a.m. Worship, sanctuary 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 Worship, sanctuary April 21—Easter Monday Church office closed. Preparing for Worship APRIL 13, 2014 APRIL 13, 2014 APRIL 13, 2014 APRIL 13, 2014 Palm Sunday Palm Sunday Palm Sunday Palm Sunday “Did Jesus have to die?” Rev. Meredith Holladay Scripture: Matthew 27.27-54

April 10 This Week at FBC

May 26, 2017



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Page 1: April 10 This Week at FBC

APRIL 10, 2014APRIL 10, 2014APRIL 10, 2014APRIL 10, 2014

Church Leadership Our ministers and lay leaders are

available to answer any questions you

may have to help you connect with

the ministries of First Baptist Church.

Rev. Matt Sturtevant

Senior Pastor, x. 202

[email protected]

Rev. Dr. Meredith Holladay

Associate Pastor of

Spiritual Formation, x. 204

[email protected]

Jenny Purvis

Office Manager, x.203

[email protected]

Nathan Benfield

Volunteer Building Manager, x.201

[email protected]

Jim Davidson

Chancel Choir Director

[email protected]

Holly Grassy


[email protected]

John Pauls


[email protected]

Evelyn Falen


[email protected]

Buddy Langford


Church Office:


[email protected]

Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Schedule, April 13-20

April 13—Palm Sunday

Your child is invited to

participate in a palm pro-

cessional during the 11

a.m. worship service. Chil-

dren should come to Rm.

139 at 10:50 a.m. They will

receive a palm branch and instructions.

Immediately following the processional

they will return to a seat with you in the

sanctuary. Two-five year olds will then go

to extended care.

April 13—Sanctuary of the Cinema

6:00 p.m., A Serious Man, Judson Rm.

(see next page for more information)

Monday-Friday, April 14-18

Ecumenical Holy Week Services

Trinity Lutheran Church

1245 New Hampshire St.

Services begin at noon, followed by a

light lunch. No lunch following Good

Friday Service.

April 16

No Wednesday Evening Meal

Meet and Eat groups are encouraged to

meet together instead.

April 17—Maundy Thursday

7:00 p.m.: Communion and

Foot Washing service

April 18– Good Friday

7:00 p.m.: Joint Worship Service

at First Presbyterian Church

(2415 Clinton Parkway)

Combined choirs:

Requiem for the Living, Dan Forrest

April 20– Easter Sunday

8-10:30 a.m. An Easter Flower Cross will

be located at the courtyard entrance.

Please bring fresh flowers from

your garden (or store bought.)

6:30 a.m. Sunrise service, outside

8-10:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast served

in the Roger Williams Room

8:30 a.m. Worship, sanctuary

9:30 a.m. Sunday School

11:00 Worship, sanctuary

April 21—Easter Monday

Church office closed.

Preparing for Worship

APRIL 13, 2014APRIL 13, 2014APRIL 13, 2014APRIL 13, 2014

Palm SundayPalm SundayPalm SundayPalm Sunday

“Did Jesus have to die?”

Rev. Meredith Holladay


Matthew 27.27-54

Page 2: April 10 This Week at FBC

Easter Flowers for Sanctuary

If you would like to purchase a

plant, please fill out a form and place in

offering plate or contact the church

office no later than April 13.

(Forms are also available throughout

the building in Sunday School rooms

and on the First Touch table.)

By e-mail: [email protected]

Lawrence Family Promise invites you to participate in the 4th Annual Wayne Simeon Free

Throw Challenge. Make your hoop dreams come true at Allen Fieldhouse and help

Family Promise while you’re at it on Sunday, April 13, $10 per shooter/50 per team.

Sanctuary of the Cinema

April 13

6:00 p.m.

“A Serious Man”


2009, 1h, 46m, Rated R

Larry Gopnik, a Midwestern

mathematics teacher, watches

his life unravel over multiple

sudden incidents. Though

seeking meaning and answers

amidst his turmoil, he seems

to keep sinking.

Family Promise Host Week

April 13-20

If you are able to provide food or serve as an

evening or overnight host, please contact Wendy

Wheeler, 393-3688. Currently, these spots are available:

Host 7-9 p.m. 4/14 or 4/18. Overnight host: 4/14, 4/16 .

We Want to Hear From You!

The Spiritual Leadership Team wants to hear your thoughts about our congregation’s priorities and programs.

Why? After several years of focusing on big projects (i.e. decisions concerning the building, staff changes, and bylaws re-

vision), it is time to look at the sustained weekly and daily ministry and programs of our church In a world that is con-

stantly getting busier, we have begun to ask how we will engage in spiritual formation to prepare for a life of faith. As

good Baptists, we recognize that this is not a decision of only staff members or SLT leaders, but the entire congregation.

We want to hear from you as we discern our priorities together.

How? Over the last several months, the SLT has met, discussed, and partnered with the Fredrickson Center for Faith and

Church Vitality at Ottawa University in order to create a process for hearing your thoughts and opinions. After meeting

with the SLT and engaging our needs, the Fredrickson Center has designed questionnaires, and will confidentially adminis-

ter, collect, and prepare the feedback for dissemination. I get one of these questionnaires? The Fredrickson Center (who has done this process with several other

churches in other places) suggests that the best way to assure confidentiality and to avoid duplication is for every congre-

gation participant to request a questionnaire by a) emailing the church office to request a digital copy or b) calling or giving

your name to Jenny in the office to receive a paper copy and instructions via the Fredrickson Center. You may do either,

starting this week.

Who? YOU! We want to hear from you as we continue to together seek God’s vision for our congregation and our com-


Page 3: April 10 This Week at FBC

Remember in Prayer Bill Arnold, Rehab at LMH

Phyllis Burkhart, recovering from surgery, St. Luke’s

International Ministries Missionaries: Debbie & Keith My-

ers, serving in Mexico

Regional Minister: ABC of Metro New York: Rev. Isaac

Castaneda, serving in New York, NY

Local congregation: Lawrence Baptist Temple

Submit a prayer request If you have a prayer request to share with others who will

pray for you, please contact:

Hazel Nitcher: 843-5302

Annie Merriam: 841-1384

Martha Gage: [email protected]

Chupper Schedule:

4/13: Robinson

4/20: No ABY—(Easter Sunday)

4/27: Youth Team (Quad Nox)

Summer Camp Registration due!

Please let Pastor Meredith know if your

student(s) will be going. Final day to register:

April 27. Also please let her know if you need

financial assistance.

Spring Retreat Sign-Ups Due!

The total cost for the Spring Retreat is $25.

Dates: May 9-11, Tall Oaks Conference Center

Vacation Bible School

June 9-13, 2014

This year we are partnering with

several local churches for a com-

bined Vacation Bible School. We

will work together with Trinity Lu-

theran, Plymouth Congregational,

and Peace Mennonite Churches to

coordinate and celebrate VBS.

The theme is “Workshop of Wonders: Imagine & Build

with God,” and VBS will be in the evenings, June 9-13,

2014 located at Trinity Lutheran Church.

Each evening will begin with a meal for children and par-

ents. The week will conclude with a concert and pot luck

picnic at South Park.

The cost is $15/child, $45/family max.

Registration deadline: May 23.

Lawrence Habitat for Humanity

Women Build

Mother's Day 5K

We need your help to make the Mother's’ Day 5K a

success. If you would like to volunteer, please visit this


Volunteer meetings will be on April 14 and May 4

(required) at 4:30 p.m.

Please contact Maddie at 832-0777 for more infor-

mation. Thank you!

~Troy Reimer, FBC Habitat for Humanity Liaison

Women’s Evening Group

Evening Group:

Monday, April 14, 7:00 p.m.

Signs of Life Bookstore, 722 Massachusetts St.

Please call or text Kimberly Sturtevant to request child-

care, 785-230-2303.

Page 4: April 10 This Week at FBC

First Baptist Church

1330 Kasold Drive

Lawrence, Kansas 66049


785/843-0021 (fax)

Office Notes

Nathan is in Arizona and will return approx. April 15.

By the Numbers…as of April 6, 2014


Weekly Receipts: $8,229.50

YTD Receipts: $99,018.87


Weekly Receipts: $2,410.00

Cumulative Giving: $239,958.25

If you would like more detailed financial information, please

contact our bookkeeper at [email protected].

Thank you for your generous giving. Your generosity helps to

make our many ministries possible.

Sunday Morning Volunteers

Nursery 9:30 a.m.—Jenny Purvis

11:00 a.m.—Amy Munsterman

Extended Care Chad or Becki Johnston

Life of the Church

Sunday, April 13, Palm Sunday

8:30 a.m.—Worship

9:30 a.m.—Sunday School

11:00 a.m.—Worship

5:00 p.m.—ABY/Chupper

6:00—Sanctuary of the Cinema

Family Promise Week begins

Monday, April 14

Noon—Mon-Fri, Holy Week services at

Trinity Lutheran Church.

7:00 p.m.—FBC Book Club, church library

7:00 p.m.—Evening Women’s Group, Sign’s

of Life bookstore.

Tuesday, April 15

11:00 a.m.—Newsletter announcements due

Wednesday, April 16

No Church-wide meal

7:00 p.m.—Spiritual Leadership Team mtg.

Thursday, April 17

7:00 p.m.—Maundy Thursday service, Sanct.

Friday, April 18

7:00 p.m.—Good Friday service combined

evening worship at First Presbyterian


Looking Ahead:

4/20: Easter Sunday

4/27: Quarterly Business Gathering

Wednesday Night Supper

April 16

No Meal

2014 Ministry Chairs:

Our 1st quarter business gathering is April 27. Please send your ministry

reports as soon as possible to [email protected]. Contact

me or your ministry steward if you have any questions. Thank you!

~Jenny Purvis