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July 23, 2015 July 23, 2015 July 23, 2015 July 23, 2015 Church Leadership Our ministers and lay leaders are available to answer any questions you may have to help you connect with the ministries of First Baptist Church. Church Office: 785/843.0020, ext. 201 [email protected] Rev. Matt Sturtevant Senior Pastor, x.202 [email protected] Rev. Cheryl Harader Associate Pastor of Adult Spiritual Formation, x.204 [email protected] Cody Knapik Intern for Youth Spiritual Formation, x.205 [email protected] Amelia Lawson Intern for Children’s Spiritual Formation x.205 [email protected] Jenny Purvis Office Manager, x.203 [email protected] Evelyn Falen Organist [email protected] Holly Grassy Bookkeeper, (785) 917-9622 [email protected] John Pauls Moderator [email protected] Buddy Langford Custodian Preparing for Worship July 26, 2015 Worship at 9:30 a.m Worship at 9:30 a.m Worship at 9:30 a.m Worship at 9:30 a.m. (Roger Williams Room) ninth Sunday after Pentecost ninth Sunday after Pentecost ninth Sunday after Pentecost ninth Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Matthew Sturtevant Scripture: John 6.1-21 SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL More than 40 people have taken part in the Adult and Youth Sunday school experience of The 3 Colors of Ministry: A Trinitarian Approach to Identifying and Developing Your Spiritual Gifts. You are invited to come take part in this study, so please join us for Sunday School this week. More books ae being ordered. “So,” you might be wonder- ing, “what happens when I identify my gifts? Will you just give me more work to do?” The answer might surprise you: “Of course not!” When you are confi- dent in your area(s) of giftedness, then you have a God-given basis to say both “yes” and “no” when an opportunity to serve is offered to you. In addition, when we know your area(s) of giftedness, we will be much more likely to only offer those areas of service that fit your gift area(s). In the fall, a second part to this study will be offered as a Wednesday night activity. We will meet together as God’s church to see where God has gifted us as a con- gregation. We will discuss our areas of strength and weakness as a church, and we will share our own strengths and weaknesses. We meet at 10:45 a.m. in the Roger Williams Room. Our leaders for these weeks will be Nancy and Tim Bonner, and Revs. Matt Sturtevant and Cheryl Harader. Refreshments & Reception for Amelia Lawson, RWR, 10:30 a.m Quarterly Business Gathering Sunday, July 26 Immediately following Sunday School at 11:45 (Refreshments at 10:30 a.m. -Reception for Amelia Lawson) Sunday School: 10:45-11:45 a.m.
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  • July 23, 2015July 23, 2015July 23, 2015July 23, 2015

    Church Leadership Our ministers and lay leaders are available

    to answer any questions you may have to

    help you connect with the ministries of

    First Baptist Church.

    Church Office:

    785/843.0020, ext. 201

    [email protected]

    Rev. Matt Sturtevant

    Senior Pastor, x.202

    [email protected]

    Rev. Cheryl Harader

    Associate Pastor of Adult Spiritual

    Formation, x.204

    [email protected]

    Cody Knapik

    Intern for Youth Spiritual Formation,


    [email protected]

    Amelia Lawson

    Intern for Childrens Spiritual Formation


    [email protected]

    Jenny Purvis

    Office Manager, x.203

    [email protected]

    Evelyn Falen


    [email protected]

    Holly Grassy

    Bookkeeper, (785) 917-9622

    [email protected]

    John Pauls


    [email protected]

    Buddy Langford


    Preparing for Worship

    July 26, 2015

    Worship at 9:30 a.mWorship at 9:30 a.mWorship at 9:30 a.mWorship at 9:30 a.m.

    (Roger Williams Room)

    ninth Sunday after Pentecostninth Sunday after Pentecostninth Sunday after Pentecostninth Sunday after Pentecost

    Rev. Matthew Sturtevant

    Scripture: John 6.1-21


    More than 40 people have taken part in the

    Adult and Youth Sunday school experience of

    The 3 Colors of Ministry: A Trinitarian Approach

    to Identifying and Developing Your Spiritual Gifts.

    You are invited to come take part in this study, so

    please join us for Sunday School this week. More

    books ae being ordered. So, you might be wonder-

    ing, what happens when I identify my gifts? Will you

    just give me more work to do? The answer might

    surprise you: Of course not! When you are confi-

    dent in your area(s) of giftedness, then you have a

    God-given basis to say both yes and no when an

    opportunity to serve is offered to you. In addition,

    when we know your area(s) of giftedness, we will be

    much more likely to only offer those areas of service that fit your gift area(s). In

    the fall, a second part to this study will be offered as a Wednesday night activity.

    We will meet together as Gods church to see where God has gifted us as a con-

    gregation. We will discuss our areas of strength and weakness as a church, and we

    will share our own strengths and weaknesses. We meet at 10:45 a.m. in the

    Roger Williams Room. Our leaders for these weeks will be Nancy and Tim

    Bonner, and Revs. Matt Sturtevant and Cheryl Harader.

    Refreshments & Reception for

    Amelia Lawson, RWR, 10:30 a.m




    Sunday, July 26 Immediately following Sunday School at 11:45

    (Refreshments at 10:30 a.m. -Reception for Amelia


    Sunday School:

    10:45-11:45 a.m.


    Summer Worship Series

    July 12-August 9

    We have spent time, effort, and money on an important part of our life as Gods church: the physical plant. This sum-

    mers Worship and Sunday School time will move us forward as we build the body of Jesus, our community of faith. Dur-

    ing our Summer Worship and Sunday School Series, July 12-August 9, we will together explore what it means to build our

    community from the inside-out.

    During our worship series, we will explore the Biblical theme of building the body through various Scriptures. We will

    together ask how God might be using our individual gifts for use in communal and Gospel ways.

    July 26: Feeding the Body (John 6.1-21); Pastor Matt preaching

    August 2: Equipping the Body (Ephesians 4.1-16); Pastor Matt preaching

    August 9: The Spirits Strength for the Body (1 Kings 19.4-8); Pastor Matt preaching

    Donate School Supplies Until July 31

    To Salvation Army or United Way In an effort to help low-income parents in our com-

    munity, a group of local agencies and businesses are

    working together to make sure children who qualify

    for free or reduced cost lunches have the tools they

    need for academic success. If you would like to do-

    nate school supplies (lists can be found at Walmart,

    Office Depot, or the USD 497 website), please de-

    liver them to the Salvation Army (946 New

    Hampshire St.) or the United Way (2518 Ridge

    Ct, #200). Monetary donations and gift cards are

    also welcomed.

    Operation Popsicle was a big hit

    again this year! Thank you Christy

    Miller, Wendy Wheeler, and all the

    others who made it a cool success!

    18 cases of water and over 1000

    popsicles were handed out to busy

    sidewalk sale shoppers on July 16.

    Farewell Reception

    This Sunday Join us as we wish Amelia

    Lawson farewell as she

    ends her internship with us

    here at First Baptist.

    There will be refresh-

    ments and a card shower

    immediately following

    worship this Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. in the

    Roger Williams Room.

    Her plans this fall include taking classes needed to finish

    her degree work for a masters in vocal performance,

    spending a good deal of time as an employee in the music

    library in Murphy Hall and at the Lied Center. She will

    be singing with the Chamber Opera, and certainly there

    will be other performances throughout the year you can

    catch her in!

  • Remember in Prayer

    Family & friends of Bob Shelley, who passed away on

    July 18. Services were July 23 at Rumsey-Yost Funeral


    International Ministries Missionaries: Becky Mann, serv-

    ing in Thailand.

    Regional Minister: ABC of Pennsylvania & Delaware:

    Dr. Jeffrey Johnson, serving in Pittsburgh, PA

    Local congregation: St. Margarets Episcopal Church

    You are invited to send prayer requests to:

    (E-mail coordinator) Betty Colbert, [email protected],

    (Telephone Prayer Chain) Hazel Nitcher, 843-5302, An-

    nie Merriam, 841-1384, or Judy Stuart, 856-1782, or

    The church office: 843-0020

    [email protected]

    Farewell Bokhee Min and Ken Lee and their children, Paul and

    Sophia, have moved to Georgia. Bokhee has two job

    interviews this weekend, so they arent sure of the city

    they will be living in. They should arrive in Georgia

    Thursday 7/23. Please keep their move and the job

    interviews in your prayers.

    Save the Date

    An all-church work day has been

    scheduled at Lawrence Habitat for

    Humanity on September 12. If

    you would like to participate,

    please contact Troy Reimer so he

    can gauge interest and begin plan-

    ning for the event.

    [email protected], or

    (785) 371-6509.

    Building Reconstruction


    We have a glass wall! The doors to

    our new center aisle should be in-

    stalled soon and the remaining fea-

    tures include flooring in the narthex

    space, wood trim, and final touches

    here and there. The siding has been

    installed on the south addition and

    ready for paint.

    Alpha Christian Childrens Home is

    100% privately funded and relies daily

    on the financial support of compas-

    sionate churches, groups, and individ-

    uals to meet the needs of the children

    who live there. Children at this home

    may have been abused or neglected,

    orphaned, troubled, poor, or from dysfunctional families.

    There are many ways to help Alpha, (see www. Al- but the way we are invit-

    ing this congregation to participate is by collecting and

    bringing your Campbell's & Best Choice UPC symbols

    and General Mills Box tops which are then redeemed for

    cash and school equipment. There is an envelope for

    your labels on the Missions bulletin board in the Christian

    Education hallway. Please contact Linda Lewis if you

    have questions about this project, 841-0346.

    The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did

    for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for

    me, Matthew 25:40.

    Alpha Christian Children's Home

    15017 27th Street

    PO Box 727

    Perry, Kansas 66073-0727

  • First Baptist Church

    1330 Kasold Drive

    Lawrence, Kansas 66049


    785/843-0021 (fax)

    Sunday Morning Volunteers

    July 26

    Nursery 9:30 a.m.Amy Munsterman

    11:00 a.m.Amy Munsterman

    Extended Care 11:00 a.m.Sherry


    Life of the Church

    Sunday, July 26

    9:30 a.m.Worship

    10:30 a.m.Refreshments & Reception for

    Amelia Lawson, RWR

    10:45 a.m.Sunday School

    11:45 p.m.Quarterly Business Meeting

    Monday, July 27

    8:00 p.m.rebroadcast of FBC worship

    (public access channel 99)

    Looking Ahead: .

    September 12: Work Day at Habitat for Humanity

    September 13, NE Area Mtg, FBC Topeka

    Staff Whereabouts

    Jenny Purvis will be taking some vacation time July 27-31. Pastor Cheryl will be out of

    town July 31-August 1.

    By the of July 19, 2015


    Weekly Receipts: $6,546.00

    YTD Receipts: $171,115.20


    Weekly Receipts: $1,544.25

    Cumulative Giving: $421,308.16

    If you would like more detailed financial information, please

    contact our bookkeeper at [email protected], 917-9622.

    Thank you for your generous giving. Your generosity helps to

    make our many ministries possible.

    The Leaflet newsletter is a weekly production of First

    Baptist Church. If you would like to receive the news-

    letter by E-mail, please contact the church office: jen-

    [email protected]. You may receive a hard

    copy in the mail by request: 843-0020. Copies are

    available for pick up each Sunday.