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xaaaSaHaaBHaNMKfaaBfl I'AI liCM'iito AcciiMitions llllll lllteiHlllt's ('iiVlllllfl'll ly Coiiiim'I I'liti'i'mvpr. in ( S.Mt.UIIO.OOII I'llOI'IT lint I "THE ROUNDERS." ounilcra'' Theatre ,, llroiKi-- s ('Luton Horn . . ti Loss mi Country Checks , (Minit'.p sjivM All i:niiiiiiiilioiis w.ihiii.p i.coriti-ocnre- r . mi llilmi r 1 r .vt'x I i ., UK I chairman of tin-- ; j'kikisi ny 1 e, House look notice " put on last nlR-h- t ut tlio l u letter nddrcssed to him hy ' ileum-- , Homo .v..iinifl I ntetmver, oo nisei for the hurlesipie in this city. tlu summer r, Vutul-rli- p. on account "" rlnK. However, nave partially avoided 1. i ntermver letter, 11 cotnmutn-- , -" iwiwimr una snori sKiriwi x.v .'l t Mr ruio, sr.vlhi; Hi' made roplv I ' Ill '.IS til" tl'.pOIIll)ll tlCfld Of tllO i i.niiii'Mit tii'iuiry, p.irlicuUrly because ,i tomionymous members, Ac, w h I cm Iffdly believe would form t. o! n i'iirt"oii imitation from you ir v. r (olii'.iCtKw to member of tin1 Cl'.'.ir-- ,t l l! 'i;i' Mi nuderlip went on to say that to;on "nponsitilo gentlemen con- - burlesipn. V.inderlip. committee, Essentially lijiof committee." "Wizard enoiii'li with the ( do numbers and electric eltects which would ii volunteer appear belore your liave done more pretentious ( due impri'ssiuii entertainment. t' . far the r i us rellec-te- the atti-- . . .,f rounsel. so much PEACE LUNCHEON FOR nun the actual as limit! tlii- exidence so as support, if possible, ! Neiifvllli- - (inmt of Svtr ;i i eivt'U assumption, lie aiwsi' ' ike lor .:iiille, the sensational state-i- - tint the profits of the .Sew Yotlt In- "i the nlleclinii of country checks tiini.i"i milium This state-- 1 i of rnnrse einaiiHtes not from a witness I. 'nun vour counsel, but the prei. re-i- i! - of tin' heanni; hive undoiihtolly is n Hie mind many readeis the in- - t pre in.ii it mis neen oniciaiiy nrouirni r:. ii a henrinc your committee that the tii ii the New Vork banks from this fi r tproimntp that l.irse tleure As r ot New Vork , trakinc a profit from lu" " .V"""""" idheition of country checks the work nlli' entails upon them n loss from j:,ivi.iv to per milium. I this conclusion from the the National City Hunk, with nli ti I am familiar Other bankers tell i their experience Is similar to that i National City l.jnk. To unote e.i-- n . f rum the figures of the National City Il.iik excess amount recelied from Co. sent hi- - was to a'.i the in us of of of net of Hie i ollci tlon last year c.ime mid some other .hat is ,o . " ' - from depositors of w, ,,f , of ifi"ik-- , amount us by and Knolls), the seeks not to but also of JOti.tKM. a,1 ,ior- - !. whole time we were on an uveraire ii t i.. e of $7.1100,000 of money, s that n - the iiMTiWi- - amount of noiuitry checks ii 1. t In process of collection, credit lor Bluli had been civen to tho depositors. - that money worth 4 cent It nl represent n loss of Jisn.imo, airaint t h h we had the inruttie of jun.tnio, f rally th business colli-i-tini- ; country .I, lis nut this bank :io,ij. I hat beiiu' the I think It is fair to sav tint business country collections ln cot tho banks New ork citv at Such HI) a pr.cit as Ii.ih been in. id' in the business ii- iumtry collei Hons has been made by I'limtrv banks. Thev have received a nri;e vro-- s total. That total of tourse ,s not bv anv means nil uot!t them, but hntever profit there is in business foes to the tu tntr ml., aiui It is a profit hii under exisiin.' i urid.tions it sei-ni- to mc they are i.-.ii- entitled tor the ernce which th-- v m olb-- i tunr hese and torwanbm' tie- - proi'-e.l- .. that it bei nines aiai'.ible In the bank Mhuli his the oriental nn-it- ' note ,n newspaper the nt hearinu' that tie- - .tn-iin-nt is ni.ul.. ' n.e of tie- - ne -- pai -- I - lour ii .-- out tin- statement that Hie Infor- - ii hi "ti tn the l leitrlns House ' ll l'IIUI!l-- i .11 K'spei I to the bonk- -. 'ti- - i rp.i'eral, eir of he various banks i i, lie i la1 ( ten i In House coin- - itn-- i ?i'ssio:, of the stains of r talis o.uiner and and that this " r in. iu tniitln b" of i he utmost value r -- r am .. of the niarlii-- t s lllteiue.its as .leaMlllf III" till-- a idaiile nr tit th" render's mind a a v nne-- s r I to sm h a n. 1n,r illutt i'es the bad i llect prodiii cd tn u.i.-nj- s s.,, h s,,,prio-n- i uns Made bv ti - an. siji'li had linen na Ii- - r would not lininb'"Ml true 'Ho ' r iij Hoii-- ii cjiiiuuttce has no more ..Ii ol hfl'iits of n haul, I ti ii k ', in, jour uniii-el'- s i lurther tisan it tin- - the - Limes Iron) iln- - batik c.iimm.-- r that e t tli been lour.d in solvent i on -- .1 h leatin House - the .onl ol ih" batik and ,1 - 'hat snide, never hnv III iiefoie is oi the examination. I .i V. were found bv the nt then tuopei n In the committee in detail, , : the bank is solvent and Iu tin- - ' e . imiiier i'topi-rl- inannirrd I iilisc.' uclv no knoiv eili . oi ,,s nnatts. This method " ii . ' nml is one i, ' l'll-l'"- d bv I he I "lit lllfo l lenr- - ' '. latloii at He- - tune ol the .. I v.v.,1-1- 1 I,, mk troubles ihere, and ' Mtpletelv the nt'iiroval - I u r, ,,, n a- - adopted, irni-tl- ' all) ' bv i he New ork associa 1 i avoid a of somc- - - troubles hep- - a- - tippiirenily an eflnrt to tente i that the House ,i"in iillcrior motives - I' ln iiii'inlieiship In th" l eics i hem from such member- - li p- uns notliini: ... iii tin- - examination to ' ' - " n an inlerenie, It was ' !". eh -i . and nothlni! id .i is to iiminuta a siis. t.ut S" f.ll t. () ami If Ps lll'lliau'e- - I crtaiulv no bank ' pi ll"i llom I I'MlHlB Hoil-- f "ti tilled ii ilh 'I hu H ..-- . is urn a irtuiip of banditti, lice, lomposed ol .n in thi i oiintty and its hlstoty pi anil lotiservntlon at .Hid Ill tunes ol panic olthe the w holu nation. .lull Inmate Met urns. ' ' i.iiwiii-slon- er Palrii k A 'III! llll of l III lull look pOss...,. ' old Uuci'its louuty J. ill in l.oui; i.isl llie old mil h"i hotne. ll and that she " little bund thnt Mi le I l Jail In lllntkiudl'e Island isi-- in H'liilli rliottly lui old and in-- pioiiilae nan lulllllid la- -i 1 i'iiiiiis..'iln-- i e l ' l n hhe s to put to ' !r I I till Mis Hr.ldi s.'i.l II,. ., ,,.rii,,,tii lnr ill. MERRY 00 I t'olitmhln Thi-nlr- c Put on n nni-m- er Mnalrnl htm. "Hie (la It Intiililn I Helen Mrrrllt 1, ld Msi Mrs Ci'orirf a tlrorites llltlv llrifh. . Ir Kniill I. .seldom . t.rorirrs. A TillTnlit Ktiiill.. (ins CaMllcill' ,. in I l n fnr i.lii.eiiu ..r 1. .!.. ........ . jt .fin Ml I Mls l.nul-- r Prune lie tlx Adcle llarlsnd .MI(loldlrr Untiling I' A.Turnrr Abtioit Wnrthlry . Italph Austin . .Victor h'ahn ...Al l'orrrt rtlmr Wilson . Mai KrnnriU' Arthur Itlrr . . .1. II. Prr;ott . W II Unpen r P. Murphy It ouch cry ufter from ' to a musical comedy when ti Milliliter show tlic itnitfi? Mr , "I is in two acts ntul four scenes and originally priHiuu-- under tht of "Let Do It." Tlic hook in liv Aaron Hoffman. I'atil West, well known for hi work in tho of Oz" and "Babes in Toy-land- ." wrote the lyric- -, and NhI I). Aver composed the music. There was at Usual scarcely plot to follow but it wan sumcient to carry several pretty musical tsl le.irmt; House to cnslit a mmit'e- - to m of has been not BARON. facts to to York per ,ii l.i.omi.noii Hie londitlon illation examiner exnrniner lllnlatrra at the Shvot. World Church Peace l.ieua for every-wher- e mill Church l'pace 1eaituo for th I'nitvd States nre tho lntet vrntures to on President Tnft's peaie plans and the of wars, huch formed the of complitnentury ulven yesterdny by New Vork Feder- ation of Churches to llaron de Neufville ut the Hotel Savoy. Two of the seerhes at the lilucheoii were in The Hev. Dr. .lunliis II. Itemen- - snyder presided. is at the head of the ti. f.ict Instead bank. , of the,"""" h V a a He welcomed the Huron, whose homo is rankfort-on-.Mal- "Our Kmperor on many occasions says he Is not a cessation of war between nations," observed the llaron, "but every time Kmperor William says no he means yes. .Ministers speak to many propis. If they speak pence many peopl will hear and be Influenced. Act on this conviction, the llaron two 'years iico tnvitisl more than mo ministers oi r.nui.inu to come iiermany I hoy of country checks unit Isltwd u. ,.., ay. the amount - to'Tn.'la'i,:.. 'WSSSR the the lht. forIni11K. ,.ra,ive league the charged Herman lertrymen. This roimtrr banks for service of collettion, league only nil end ar lf .in .ippaient total but diirmi: !"'t',;.r i1!lii"i'r.vl:"t''on hl"""(l tinir per or of case the of of the the of lul counsel the stoi this any the .niste, repoMtion .ll.ll t'le-.-.o- u nlthoiitfli lertainly such ,o,si. blithest hiliielitntloll ralisnnrli he i lie nev i reiieni i.yncii, no lias Jiit been made head of a department of oiiucll devoted to cause of untioiiiiced the forming of u Church Pe.-.c- l.e.iitue and the llnnnclal support i.c- - onled peace work by Mrs Klmer lll.ick ol this ( lly One k'ift of .isl has just been reielved and other Ulfts are probable l lie pi, in Is to ko every religious limlv and there back mi President 'laft 's ph.n for arbitration treaties mid an hrliltral court at lie Untrue. Hie proposition of the Huron that American enter the World and e that they with t.eniia.i and Kntilish peace inoieiiienis ns uy inn nurou ini-- i lea-- ' !:.oni.ofi to M.noo,n.i annually hearty response. to to'd htatetnent I t inoiiir .Sew Vork resent Were the Hev. Ilr S Kdwnrd Inuin', the Hev l)r .1. J. oitni:, the Hev Howard C l!ob-lilli- s, Hev. Percv S. Hrant, the Hev lr. K A. and the Hev Mr. William t arter. BIGGEST HARVARD REUNION. Ini-lilil- I lull to .. I i I tl I'iritili- - from Hie Hip Hotel Aslnr. New ork Is to behold on Friday and Saturday of this week Hie Inruest K.nherlni: jnf Hnrvnrd men ever outside of Cum-liridu- e It is to be a national reunion of alumni - the sixteenth nnnual imetltiK of the Ass( lined Harvard Clubs. It Ls held iiist before the class day tuid ineni week iu order that alumni may i;o rik'ht from New to Cambridge. I here will be business sessions and luni'h'-o- nl Club on , but real will bcitln with n parade at 7 o'cloik on I'ridnv evemiu from the Club to Hotel Astor. where the itinuitl dinner will be held. Joseph II Chonte, '.'..'. is to lie s'raiid marshal of the procession end all sorts of other noted uraduates will be unions the trampers, i he dinner truest of honor will he President Lowell. on Saturday special steamboat will take the purtv to W'pst Point. 'Ihere llie cadets will pl.iy Imsehall with nine of irraduates uud there will be i speiiil review ind Inspection of the Hick in town In the evenlnit after Hie l'railllates will have class dinners ami Hon dinitiriiasioin)lted BPcrl smoker in the larce ballroom of arin.- - Hi" Asior. Hie members of each class tlnin has was of Cle.illnic excludes Cleailnc brouuht oui llie Whitney prisoners i'll Whltnev dltei'ied Thc(iihnhi ram Stephens not nil tho Kdotunt Herman. for for Ins- - the the into ministers ministers the U'lih.irt commence-- ' the ork two the Hnrv.ird the splurge Harvard the mornim: Hnrvnrd battalion. will Ue semen lou'einer. I Here will tie muslo and sonus and probably a vaudeville show, tin Sunday everybody will no to a party nt the seashore. It is announced that all Harvard men will be welcome at the whether or not they bvloni; to any club or THAWS COME HOME. 'llie liriii'Hi- - XVnsblimt on Mm Ilr In us Hoily or Constll-Ciellr- Hill. The .N'orlh Oermiin I.loyd steamship flcork'e Washington, In yesterday from Hienien, Southiimpton and (.'lierhmirs. hiouchl the body of Frank D. Hill. I'nlti d States Coiisul-tjenir- nt Ft ankfurt-on-Mai- who was killed l.j fall on May 23. AinotiK the passetiKt tfi vvcie Mis. ilrnjmnlu Thaw of I'lltsburi;. her dnuKh-ter- . Miss Henrietta Thaw, and the latlet's biothct, Hcnjatnlu Thaw, Jr., Hcrnanl F. (Jlmliil and his In lib, who was Miss .Men Hctnlielnii r William 1.. Phelps, William S. SpauldliiK. Fred W. Taylor iinti Waltci Wyckoff, Atnonk' the' at rivals on the New Vork and I'oito It ko Huei fojitto in (rum .liinn weio .Stistliencs llihn and W, T .Mills, tlvlfgatrs to the Hepubllcnn na- tional convention at Unlearnt, and IVdto A. tiuericro, to the Ueinoctutlc natliinal i on l . ill Ion lit ll.'iltllnotc. tin the I'lhimii lo wi le repicscntiitlV'e.s of I have Miy knowledge Porto Itlco suk:u conuninles on their way .inns lloue there nevei uns to Washington, unu -. nice, commla-..- . bank .ippli,,,, lor, lin'c,' lpl.!Hd were in k -- I, .lived a i lean bill ot health, , Adams, Casslus H.'ifsley. Ficderlck H solvent, il It liinl the mini-- i Husromh, C'nspci H iJcckui, I'rtiz I'n-tz- iiliidi the rulHsol tho feld and Allan It Hca. th" these ondltlons illness most lines, to Ktleted ic reel week atllolia Ihe lo Mcrr title UeorKe help lunclipon He -- wu reunion, DROPS DEAD IN PENKSY TRAIN. II. Itlcli. Ilrnl Hslnte llenler, stricken In I'iltadelililn. I'lill.Ant'.t.l'lHA, .lime pi II Hu h. mem- ber ol ttio teat estate firm of A ,1 lllcli A Co.. with ofllces In the .Si user building, Sen Vork, and m I'.'l-l.- 'i aimer street, Francisco, died on the I'ennsylvanlo limited train from apoplexy as the train 'arrived hern nt I o'clock this afternoon Mi. Itlch. who was on his way to .Sew vork on liu'lness trip, was sittlnif in the I Horn thai iii.lilutliui Ivali 'sTViii tin it rv. "'"Vi . V,,. thV.i In lnr tin. laat llilrtv Venta oe. lien'' , ... , .... tear., 11 il .e .' I 11,1. to k t n a a ,, n n a out they were uniitiie to 110 Rnytninir tor I1I111. Ihe lindy was taiten iroin tiin train here Hnd vuih turned over to Oliver H. Hair Ihe New ork olllce was called up and one) ol his relatives came hern and elainied the hotly Mr Itlch was fll years old. Mr Itlch a brother of David filch of :11ft West Ninety-fourt- h streot and of Mr I'. H. I.ivitiitnon ol New nrn Its .ins born lu New tirienns nna went to "lid lr. In nll Tn-iln- -. rannisro when 11 youtur man He has H ". i.ilivavi. in llie rent estate niisinesa He II.'IS two Tiroiliers ill nan r I ll III mi 11, .1 Huh and Hairy Itit-- lie ei.iin.i In l.i, 11, Inn Mi llradv ua 11 bachelor and lived at 2121 Van N'esa " lav whii h N Inientleil fur tho I avenue, ruin lie belonjtert to ' yl Cieuiue uuxt beubou. Jthe Inlon Leatrue tlub of an francisco of Hip Third An of Mnyors in rii.ii. THE SUN, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1912. HOME RULE FOR CITIES Conference 300 DKLKUATKS ATT KM) Proposed Establishment of a ('cntriil Hnrenn of Mnniciptil liiforiniitioii. Urli'A, .June In- .- Tho third annual con ference of the Mayors and other municipal officers of New York State opened In this city this afternoon. About son delegate are iu attendance, reprpsetitini; every city of Importance in tho State, Lieut.-Oo- v. Thomas F. Conway was present and xvlll attend ex'ory session of tho confer i ; court ence, and will address Tuesday. ,, mn,iT niu,,n tn-tl- m nM .. Sherman was . t(,n,ay iiiade the ndtlrcss Zul m Colllm, , )hn xvns Wash- - k Smi( ,lft,,rnoon W(Un., niKion . nine. after all. spaniel. point in Mrtl Zui ma(o th ol(, tnihlftl nterest ami will, merit taMnK ,)ftcl ,() rtml mortance of lepers ana, ,m.H mftRnilled the In every reKard the 1 by .,,,., .. ,1M.,,M fnr the most successful alherini; of kind ever held in the State. The labors the two previous confer- ences are now shaping themselves into definite results Some needed reforms are to be brought about, some In existing laws made and legislation enacted that will better the conditions of the cities of the State. The keynote of the con- ference is "more homo rule for cities," The city officials will work unitedly to obtain this. 'Features of the opening session were the recoinmetidat ion of tho water PAY .lamps nvi.nUf leave wth Policeman .enry advisorv committee of central bureau of ,WeRt street station Paul which Augusta delegates place i definite paying mtti'1- - ,,tt.H loosing h- -r mis-eac- h city to contribute tjss little tor exer.-Ise- . address of Kobert sho work" for-- f,rovt"' nii.lfr.l --eeretjirx- of the Citv Club , at t.ll Park New Itichard P. French of West The delegates liegan to arrive from nil parts of the State this forenoon. Many of them are from the eastern wirt of the State, including about lifty from New-Yor- city headed by llnlpb ma- jority leader of the New York Hoard of Aldermen Tux hdward Kaufman and Tax Kdwnrd I.. npxititcd siecially by Mayor (iaynor to tepresent the were oh board the 'Ibis is the time New York tlele- - Hit ion to conference bv Mayors. f lulTalo mid llochester sent ilele. gutions too making official recognition of tlie confen-ni-- for the fin time nUo. The first formal action of confer- ence was tin- - mis-tin- of the committee This committee pre-onte- d most ImiHirtant retsirt the ot central bureau of State dog, on McfSirr llie iKMiein in nry sign-s- l Mayor John K. Sague of Pougtikeepsie, Samuel I,ew-isoh- n and Hmkerd New York, executive of confer- ence, presented to delegates their Tho rc)rt says Cities villages should lie irlven ;. I. .Y S ,, m in ,tii A local to make their Occidental Movvery eieiy as Michael Katz municipal organiy.iiion we conceive to the number ol ofll er shall be enough t'i pernio of the i lion of offlieholders. the unices shall lie suRleivni in importance to attiact men ol there shall lie sufficient ot niithoritv respoti- - blllty to permit of in the mliiiiu- - ' rat ii.ii of in nun nil.ilrs lie-- e prin- ciples include Mayor otincil plan i omnii-slo- n liinn, ivluil, h.uilil be proviili-i- l 111 lliiillii orgaiii-zalliu- i the of each -- il''li loilu In- - et in iiintrol ol any n municipal elect Hie the election of inuiiicltiii! - ieis without the use ol national partv em- - lilems ot permitting cities to nearly i it x elections on it i Issues Hubert S. Iilnkerd, secretary City Club of New speaket afternoon xvhen conference settled down to "Since everyone believes In home rule, why don't we have Taking for his theme, Iilnkerd said that not since days of tiov. Tllucn Ktz mi h-- s trouhl.- - and ut built upon "that freedom In locul mntters" which tumle if Amerlcun citi- zenship. HlnUerJ snhl hr up 11L' laws of ll'i: ami Hint tlfty-on- e of this.' In 'xpi-cill- Irrltiitlni; man- ner' with .uvernnicnl. "The salaries membeii- - tor year l!tl' aiiKiunteil In MOO.CMlO." lie contlnueil. "while leul.xlntlv HCM-In- for ll'lU easily State half million. Duislile of one important city measure, what to mu- nicipal It yielded this: That Hooslck may l.Mi.OOO of lis streets, that of Albany property to of Albnn. that Port Chester bor- row moncv to house, that Kast t'hrster may costlnit not js.uou, thnt Hurfiilo may chansc salary of of education, that certain vll-l.i- e may not sprinkle vlllaue streets, that Cortland trice to HelplnK and thnt SaratoKii Sprlnss h iiiyurr These serious proposals. Iilnkerd j asked Mayors to take note, embodied In chapters S, 10, 2S, 31'. and of laws 1912 Kmplre State The speaker passnae act and ftnvernor sarv. prima revival inn'l, tortneriv 01 nu nicncn social in municipalities. Mavors Thomas H.O'Neill of Auhtirn anil John Reamer Ithaca the discussion There papers, inciudinK paper the ciencx- - of nuhlic Prof Pntil II of New 01m on municipal llRhtintj problem (lenrun F.. Van Keeneti, chairman New Vork State Thncon- - feretice will cnntiutin and etlnesdny The principal uppaker of evrnini;, , Chairman CieorRe K. Kennen discussed of xvith particular reference to lliivno wtiicn was 1 rained ty the Commission passed liv nf 11)12. failed of Re in I Assembly. Van Kennen said that Ih total I more than 40n,noo horse-powe- r which absolutely to Htate whioh 'can economically and utilized. further appears, ho tn of such reservoirs to developed uniiuvcioiea sites niotiR streams, and in addition we nearly 800.000 undeveloned I power claimed to privately owned tliroiiRh riparian rmhbi and legislative uratits, which ittclutle power nt l.oti on Ih-.- ' St. Lawrence, whioli Is capable of producing Rou.'iOO horse-powe- r. llnd i therefore that I hern is upproxiinately l,40ii,oiiti liorM-pov- vcr within State which Is wholly uiitpssl commercial ami industrial purposes." best estimates, I Ml ln li. n.... ,.n.,,.l.i.lrt.l ll.n mini " " : :" Inn It mil ntr-i- u w VI Illlw ,11 lint, ill linn 171.tif clusive of locomotives does exceed horse-powe- r, and that therefore power in (imply sufficient to provide every rpipilre-tne- nt mid to turn every wheel that is PtignRed in commercial enterprise DOGS RAN LOOSE. I'm llnnprit In Court tn Mettle IIok In Ten of ilogs had to pay yester- day in Sltlo police accord-in"- ; to size of their pets because had let niti on Sunditv in Man- hattan Square I'urk in violation of the city ordinances, ordinance and tho sanitary Maclstrato H.vris impoHPil fines totalling .Meanwhile tho cops are learning difference between n trench pond In ninko an to of ft iJlu of wclciimo to the Qf lmt, deleKates. but unable to n i mis Iloston bull but a Cooker In of attendance, evidence of I ,,, ,m,, Rood in the and I of ft ,,0icrmani Mur. presented in(K,)aotl ,ia1 other conference I , ,. the of changes advisory Hubert atohtv. act lor deteimine county huy license eotiHlslentli- evil Vork Mrs Zuli to a 3 Burton a lawyer, who live at 1.17 West Fifty-nint- h street, to pay $J because bulldog was running at large the park. told Magistrate Harris that he in accord ordinance and aikisl to he fined of frankness court linK.sol a t2 fine. Wallaco Kttinger. who on stage in "Officer OCrt" calls that Worthy a "hell of cop. looked as he wished he the .s..ahlihment pl!mR t. of the a information, the 8'y-eight- h determination of the to a II line rntoz. "curred bv the conference on n basis. a share of the two expense, and the S. 8S, J Uve f t entral est. York. i 118 Kightieth Folks, Commissioner Commis- sioner Heydecker, city, train. lirsl has sent a the (urge the a recommending establishment a but lilt- - I'liics i mendatioiis, by S, of committee the were the consideration. and full the th" kill that detinue e ' and thai .mil eftlt lencv -t nml I a and i a a lot, citv. pto. nfti mote j v the the this the It'.'" Mr. the had aKo anil the Mr. hail tiri-- t of anil the the over cost the Kovernttiont'' the mav sell the (Ire lire over the Its superin- tendent may the Kut dOKH." Mr. the were respectively of empnwerlnr; "one who will Commission, the of led Ihe Uy thn by the Conservation the Conservation Commission, tho conservation the I Conservation the hut the Mr of the developed I " construction una the find tho unde- veloped the We tho for tho obtainable' I n t.tul ! not llie undeveloped for BECAUSE for the the tho SIR. tho the fine H. his He was tho tin. the his the the a for ",p I'omeranians wl, mav street gladly handed over for the lilierty of his bull, w also did Alice Sanders, an of tut West Kighty-thir- d Rtrts-t- , tor her diminutive Pomeranian, which has a broken Chester of 1.1 West Seven! iiit up for- his uxercise. and Charles F.. Cox of nr.i West Seventv-elght- h street handed over for his Hos-to- li terrier's gambol Two little I'nm. 'eraninns lielonging to )r Mason or 3H1 West F.ightloth street cost her II, and Philip Pnnford. who lives at West laghtv-seeon- d paid for his Pomeranian Peter hotel manager who nt lll West Figlitieth street, said that his Charles spaniel was on a le.nshbut went loose when h", McOirr. stooed to tie his shoe lace. insisted that the lenc-l- i wa not on municipal information Hie for t the the for Mcflirr paid $. DEATH RATHER THAN CHARITY. Ilnprlrss Cripple l.rfl nml in self Including! n!nn "ho registered nt Hotel the right own charters, 'l he t on early yesterday principle which underlie morning tried to l.e small' and detail- - should should names, of Yotlt, was the ipjestlon, this' taken entire in worth llantl Vork. called for on other on water passu said, "that HatilL nlone From I'nrU. owners West thpy them code. have tilled in limit. only when there fc artist aged $3 Mary 7s strisu. Prince Policeman Tried Letter I'oeiu. powers shoiiM answer yield himself by inhaling illuminating gas He was found unconscious at o'clock and would have accomplished his purpose save for first aid efforts of Policemen 11 nan mid Murphy, who were called when the day clerk mih-IIii- I gas had written eight lettei and left them to be mailed. Another was "to whom it may concern, "and read Hi Mis I am doing th s v oluntai ilv tho absolute l,c. emit lie (,e cause In these ilavs of the survival of the llttest mi crippled t oinlltliin renders it impi'-Mli- l" fiu me to secure positi.ui, mid rather than dopi-ni- l loutter on kind irn-nd- s or beiome i hatity patient I prefer ending It altogether lielote loner 111 the scale erv sltiieri'lv. Besides tin was poem signed M. It Only ,ilclile's jrrM's. Tivas shown To llui's ho p.vsril It hv unktimvtl WhMiiirii tektunv the nxms or cin-.- l Of otis rtiinni'ttlair siich itfrt He llr there In hl ntvrKlcsplr I I nwrpt. iiiirninirnr.l, unrrcosnl.-.ri- l Ix A , wh Unw Hsij t,.-,- t tlH. there I''ii cri-u- t n ilcmnnil by cl .tw lllK r,Knt t , utnputnt.Hl wtn of the State for ytcm nf tnunlcl- - VH.irH fur tuherciilar pal Kiivcrnment. capable r expansion, Jia( tVMl wjln tn,.wU allcl for ,imo has iilvvayH been the the fiiunil tlealt a local of of llie e u illil this Tails pnve city may repair a a enujlni; trustees monev Association may 12.'i. 14'.' 127 the of of the New the of n municipal for' nirecior Vice were a Hans nnd Commission. Van lull, nnd Senate a and "It hy linpioveil horse- - f- - park and MrH had pay had i with though s and leg. Hall street '.' Mctiirr a liviis .xturtna sclilr n ti a Katz n v a a sinking a read u a n u it home He lui'l written u nood deal of tioetry. it was expliued, hut none of it had been printed Katz is now a pris- oner nt St Vincent's Hospital lie will probublv recover I'ln- - nml I'ln em. viiri'm link niHiiKBlnn illr-r- cr nf I'irriiii. n ill imn Mtiirtiimn a tli- - MHiirrtjtiid tor lm.loti He will i.p a t.rnail Mirks nii tr,,. ir,, m jn. iluOi m hu st ti.jr of thf t'ontlnrrit. "I..i Dinri- .Mix Vlnltnn" iTIu- - Dance nf tin- - Violin IkhI Ii Hr- -t ptnilui Hon on tiiBf at llummerisii tn's Vlitorl.i Theatre afternoon nml on the roof nxr-ilt-- at k : Mine N.ivoi.i Hiu ,t cmi'.iiiv of elulitrrn il.ince IMenly mlr.ul'-- iu tlif ai'cnmi'uiiltiii nt nf lx 'i,.lv iinllnUt- - "A rtuit'rtly on the Wli.e!." which np-ii- nt he Tlilrt ninth .strut Theatre on .Ian-unr- y :. will ilnne r 111 r II y after to mnr nki. the perforuitinrr for the I.resmt InltiK for Situnlai. June The rroilurtlon will reopen again curly In An- - tireum nenii-ar- y to arranKe for fin "A llultrrriy on the Wheel" lieiatie the rut ! utiiipoiieil alniont lj of Knullih pluyera .mil they all on in.iKliiK vacation trip- - home. HUH" Purki- - the SLtrc", vllteil Hammer-'- i hi' Itmif ilarilen laat nliiht and per- sonally onitrattilnwit her alBter, Orair HiluiK, fot her skilful exhlhlllnn of faniy Ice -- katlnj veto special hills thus made unneccs-- 1 Illanch- - DufnvM. who l -- lnfln the Til" rhl"f paper nt session 'donna role nf M.ihii m the of "The of tho conference was hv OeorRe .1 Knee- - Pirates of penz.inn" at ihe Cualnn Thatre. nffl schools of of tho resources Iw Iteach, collie's the has bein engaxeil to lieconie a regular mem- ber of the Gilbert Hnd Sullivan orgatilia-lio- When the rmnpany. Mart" on lie trnnncnntlri'tital totit. iihlih i to keep tt cnnsiantly on llie roail until the middle nf April. Mla Imfftilil will cing Malnl In Patlince In "Patience." Joarphlne In "Pinafore" ami Vum Vum In "The Mikado" A II WnoiU will Iii fiimortate'l with Co- han Ilurrl" In the management nf both the new I'ohan A Harris Theatre In The llronx and the Aetor Theatre, which waa rerintly iiriiuln-- from Wngenhala A Kern-ie- Mr Woods haa dennltrly decided to open Ida new Julian I'ltlnge Theatre with "Within the Law," In which Jane Cowl xvlll umume th" leading role. Kither Henry Miller In "The Halnbow" or flnyninnil Hitch-loc- k In "The Ited Widow" will he the open-In- g iittrartlnn at the new Cohan, Harrla A Wuodn llronx Theatre, Having rnlei mined the llerinan and Amerltan sailors Hi the Winter Harden Sun- day evi nltig, fifty members of the mu-l- c hall were Biieata yeaterrtay afternonn of Klag t.ieut .urt'iiuin ann I. lent, t.ary 01 tbe itnnoiind Ihe flood waters and reculatei I.nulalana an. I l.leul Ki'lni of the Moltke. the (low of btri-um- s nearly 2IW,nr0 horse- - llefrerhinrnla wire aeiicil aboard the I.nul.l-powc- r will be added Ut the present ' una, sfter nhuh the party wa received on be any the ilirni.ui lla.-ahl- I.aat evening all of th- - offliira of the tleet not 011 duty nor In attendance at tho Waldorf-Aftorl- a dinner occupied boitt at tha Winter aardtn. WIFE AGAINST HUSBAND L Mrs. Mnehlfcldt on Stand Tells A limit His Actions After Denth of Patrick Hums. COl'SIX ALSO TESTIFIES I'ristiner's Uelatives End Prose-ciition- 's Cukc Tell His With liinsfley. tda May Muehlfetilt. daughter of John H. Ijemttion, one of the agents of the Parkhurst society nt the time of th Ixow Investigation, took the stand yesterday against her husband, Frank W. Muehl-feld- t, who is on trial before Judge Malotie in (iptieral Sessions lor tho minder of Patrick Hums, ex-- l. hief of Police of Find-le- Ohio, In Durns's saloon at 830 Forest avenue, Tho Itronx, on the morning of February II. Mrs. Mtiehlfeldt is 21 years old, as is her husband mid is comely She npj-'ar- in court with a lint trimmed xvith red roses, a red ribbon about her neck und a feather boa, and did not seem to l greatly worried over her husband's pre- dicament, Mrs, Muehlfoldt testified that from in o'clock on the morning of February Hi to .1 o'clock on the following morning she did tint see her husband. He camo home, she said, at 5 o'clock on the morning of Feb- ruary II with a cut on his head and told I l.n. I... 1....I . I tU. I. i it unit in' mill iriciiru iiiit i ui ill ..ii argument in Stratiss's saloon on Second avenue, A imlicomati, lie said, had hit him over the head. He atlded that Hig Bill I.ingley, his cousin, already con- victed of murder in th first degree for Bums's death, was with him at the tin.e ' He also warned her. sho said, not to open the door, as he feared "the gang Iroin Strnuss's" would come ox-o- r to make trouble. I.ate in the day, Mrs. Mtiehlfeldt added, I.ingley came to the house and the two cousin hud a half hour conwrsntion in th bathroom with the door locked. Mill later Mtiehlfeldt got a copy of an evening piiier ntul ixuid the headlines of the story of llurns's murder without comireni. Her husband remained tn his lion.e. which wa at 2:75 Bassford axenue. The Bronx. I fnr the rest of the week without going out nt all. '1 hen he borrowed money of hi wife, saying lie wa going out of town Before he left Mrs Mtiehlfeldt hoard his mother tell him that the iolice had iden- tified I.ingley. already under artcst in connect Inn with another case, ns con- nected with the Hums murder, and advise him to get out of towin , On Mrs. Muchlleldt said that her father, John II. Lcinmoii, was formerly with the Parkhurst Society, of winch Assistant District Attorney Mos- - ,who is prosecuting Mtiehlfeldt. at that time was counsel. She suld that Meuhl-feld- t had kept omjsiny with her for .1 year and n half lWoie their marriage and that ne unit neen an active xvorker in the Dutch Ketormeil Church m Hist street and had attctidt-- church with het e'ery Sunday Her husband, she said, .hart taken a course in automobile driving I in the Y. M. C. A., and up to last January , had lieen employed as a messenger by I the brokerage firm of William K, Hooligan A Co. Detective Frank T Casassa, who amsted Muehlfeldt. said be lound him asleep in hi room 111 the New Jersey Training School for Feeble Minded Hoy's and Oirls, where Mtiehlfeldt was mi at- tendant That was 111 12 ir, o'clock in the 'mottling Casaja said he and lvtectivv .xicrvennn went into the room, woke up Mui hlfeldt and told him be was under urrcst for the murder ol Hums. Another relative t Muehlfeldt 's ap- peared on the stand against him in th person ol Ada May linlmaun. a thiid cousin to Mtiehlfeldt mid also to Hu- - Hill , Uligley She was a witness iu the I.ingley ittliil mid told practically the same stor'v yesteniay. At buigley's reiiu.-st- , slie smii, she had warned Muchlleldt that the police were after him 'I he prosecution rested and Mr. Ivy said that he expected to have all the defenin in bv THE SEAGOERS. Thotr Willi Ale SuIIIiik Tda- - for Hnslnnil ami the t'oiilliirnt, AnioriR those salllnn y on the steainslilp Kiuniilnzi8sn iVelle. fur lirettun. are . ' Mr. .U.iJh AilUr. Ilr Mllluiin l.nillctt, Mr. I.ilriijn.l N ilicl tunc. i Juliet llrr Itunu-- Mr ntul Mrs Ailolphu- - lliisrh. Mr. unit Mi Henry lis inn, Hr 1: Pilot, ,lr . Ilr ltoti-- rt ti e Tunc, lly the Muuretunla anil Samurl Col Inutirrlhuall Sloan. The liev Tharles si rontione. A. sianl.lxin htanre. I'apt C l. link Crtrr. Mr till Mrs I M peM. Mr .'iml Mrs William . Ilraily. Pr Jo.eph rolllnv, Mr nrt Mrx Max tiiu Hfiihelm, I'tof .1 A Manilel. Mr anil Mm (', 11. Onh teilcrlrk Somnici, Mi's M .Suniiller .lliil Mls 1: ' .sommer, Mr ana Mrs. Ilenjainln Stern. Ilr anil 111 John ti 1'lata Mr Ml. J II tl. Cmvperttiuall l.leul Cul II. I. l;k ilahl. Mr l.ilMar.l Sieien.. Mr. ,. l I.eiriirli. Ihe Hev. Hr I liuijiiill. Mr anil lr John 1. niieriiniHt ll the .Mi uvv ni ' The ids s ile l.atior. sun, Tnvi iim nil. pi ami Mr. Mrs M II I'rli-e- . 1'iana Ilr. anil Mr,. Arthur Mr and Xtr. Ilrnry I' ru. !!;., Iloxnlm.111 Prof Wlllhm S John In the second and third c.iblnn of the Nleuw Amsterdam will sail !i0o members of the Itoheinliin Gymnastic A?9oelatlon. who will take part In the Kmnastlc to be held In Praniio on .lutie 26. No.lea of llie Social World. Ml anil Mrs William II Sage nf Albany are al the Hi Heel- - far a ehort vlelt Mr and Mri Dewitt Clinton rtlalr. who have rriently ri turned from Kurope, are at the Plana Mr and Mr llenjamln Thaw, after a lour of the world, are at the I!it7..farltnn They will anon go to Neivpoit Mr and Mr- - Aleiamlrr l.aughlln and family of Plttaburi: have been at the Hotel xanueriillt alnie their return from Uuiope ' Mra Edward .V Hreltung and Mlaa ,Iq. llette nreltung will nail y for Europe ' They will paaa the greater part of the sum-- J mer In Verealllea, where later on they will he Joined by Mr Hreltung Col rtobert M. Thnmpaon retumeil tn the j St lira-I- yeaterday from Southampton. I, I He will tall for Europe on I'rlday 10 attend the Olympic games In Stockholm with Mr, j TlKimpaon, who la now In Europe The wedillng of Mra I" Thornton rtoe. a daughter of Mra. John C Calhoun Thornton to t'harlea If. Tlilerlot will take place thla afternoon at Villa Memo, the country home of the brlde'a mother, In St Jatuei, I,. Ml Carolina Lawrence Churchill, 11 niece nf Mr. Henry Vatea Satterler, will b mar- ried t'i tieorge II Ilartholomew In Calvary Church on June 27 William C. Ilartholomew will art as hi brother's beat man The- - t will be no reception. ' MIm MarJorle Me, daughter of Henry C I'll, American MlnlHef in Madrid, will be I rua r Ii il tn Shnnc I.ralle, a ton of Col, and sir, jonn i.eatie or isimlon, thla afternoon nt the Cedara, the country home of the brlde'a slater, Mrs. W, Jlourka Cockran, la Port Waahlniton, L. I. 1 Yellowstone Park and the Scenic Northwest ft?"i l,iii is lit I'.,,, RrstcLvs-j- J mmm s V COMI'UliSSI-- MK IMKIi-PKOOI- -' II. DIN . In II nr.- - uii i.sir 'w. HI 11 it Stamfmiiu, t'onn , lunc lu C 111 to 7 m ll 'I nl and without pending lltidmi; XI I an See America NOW! MOTHER MURDER Let me tell you about excursion dates in May, June and July, and cost of through tickets. Special Summer Tour- ist and Convention Fares lonR limits, liberal stopover3. See the Prosperity States of Ameiica along the Northern Pacific Railway. Special! Parties of Elks and Others arc making the trip Portland, Tticomn, Seattle, Spokane, etc. Join th'? one ftom your section end travel in conr.d"nl eomjumy. Through from Chl-- u , ,, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Kan- sas St. Paul nii'l Minneapolis. Ak for Ycllo-,vto:- Park liternturr: and par- ticulars of trip via only line nlrkinl enl 'ice. :cuinn .June 15 Sept. 13. 101 . v .VKiisHns',t!r. I'". irrt.. 1214 llrtfiiirn, I'lmn- - .tfrtiini ijr. topi Northern Pacific Ky How An American, Who Was Diaz Secret Agent, Escaped From Mexico will be an extraordinary THERE by this man in next SUNDAY'S SUN telling of the remarkable scene when he bid farewell to the deposed President in the Utter castle, and how he was hounded all over Mexico before he got to the coast. Order THE SUNDAY SUN for regular delivery from your newsaea ET7I 112 Wl'ST olt ST., h'ixVK 5567 CO! I'MTifS I'OI'NDnp 1863 HELD FOR AllrAetl lliix't 1 re lliilrl IIoiiim. 'an here late this allertioou Coro-- 1 Mix New Haven county ordered 'the detention Mrs. Joiin Doyie MaplevvoiMl avenue, llriditeporl, further investigation clmrK" that munleretl haliy Inst Monday Hume Hotel, New Huven Mrs Doyle went hotel Mon-tia- y nii'.ht uLotii o'clock with luiby anil n.mie. She departed about o'clock. rctiuti. baby lound nillo-cali-- d Last Wednenlav Poyle Hniiui'porl c.tlile ceremony perfnrnied lound with HridKcptui who preceded hereon Wctlties- - tecepllon uny. nuuiii both beini: iield Coroner li.x's LICENSE FOR ROOF. Siiiiiii-i-'- s Oiiriia In low to trains City, tti to rr aw Xnr )'i v!f a JSS, In In rBa IN Hut iutiicht tier of of ol W.9 p"tnl-- j iiik ol tin- sh her the Ihe Inst tin- an Mie did not liu was next tiny. Mr left her in was by was by of was are nil Sum mer Olniiui. Mioxt 'Ihe M.ulleiiii (inlili-n- . j which has been underKoilii; iiianv in the In at two neck- -, una Iniinallv opi'in-i- l 'last uiiflil. but under adieiee 111111111- -' The bar was closed ' explained by John ! .Mi conn sol fill H011I roof Vllllllll operate llllder Ihe llrell-- e ot Madison Square (iiinlen proier, bill llate yesteniay was that as the ' iitilt o the roof used was over Ihe Theilire and Ih" .Madison Cnnieil llnll. whlili under sepnrnle thea-l- l leal luenses. llie excise llu'ii-- n of. Ihe .Harden pi nut avail When application (or a separate exrl-- e license was niiidn was totind that in license of the ( Theiit hail mil revoked, and under Hie law .111 excise li- cense mil he Issued The new toot garden, however, was filled LINCOLN RELICS FOR MUSEUM. I.anitirrt Colleclloii (in In prlusflehl. PitlitvnKbi'iita, Juno 10. The Lincoln collection gathered by th" l.itn Mnjtir William H or thin Is to a in tho l.incoln at SprlnKflcld. accordins to p. do-;'.- ' friend of Major inn collection is eaid to ls the most completo in oxli-- t once ami is at abnnt ilSu.iitiii Major 1. nml). also wn tho of tho i'liuckerny collaciinn in tho world. hie Is at about S2S0,ntin. 1 It ia to be eold, probably inuol. 1 tier. fTv5R7 t iki'-pko- o! STOUAGlv IIOI'SIJHOI.I) T'M"STEWMT TF.LlirHONH Porter III ue-loi- Nt.w Havkn, .lime III Miss Louise) Hlge- - lrr low, daiinhler of Mr and Mrs. Frank Ij. llnteloiv or llili eity and itrantlilniiuhtsr of the IU" tiov Unhurt II. Illitelnw. was tins in the t hurch or the to iJon.ild Wallncu Porter. : 'uile, I'.iii.. .mil Harvard M01l1c.1l School, l'.u. bride was attended by Mint Helen Porter, sMcr of the brideitroom, and three liiili'.-in.iii- Mi Until llrnlnaril of Misi' h.irlolle llopkinsof Hunsor. Me mid Miss Iliiih New Haven 'I he In .iesToom had a- - Ins best mini I.Diila ' I lictitin-'iAa- of Sen Haven, a Yale e. lid the Inelllded Pirrre-.o- at Hiiteloi, Sen Haven, 11I1' 'n, S i h.irles 1,. I.ei.i-- i 01 .New lale. 'it ' S, ,losi'ili Seovdl Porter ol MiddleloiMi. j ' "nil.. .le. 'Hi. Iie'llletll 11. Vehs of Si r.intoii, 'n . vale, 'us, )r tieorge I in-- J coin Woreo-te- i . . ami Ilr Walter l..nev ol t heveuiie. v o , llnrvard, M . hiisbaud and lo Stain- -' 'Ihe the 'foul, ij licit' Hev Watson I. Phillip, 1). I thl rltr Churles II. Stroilt, a assisted the Hev .lav htocklnif .New. youth her tuniU,.. Mass A followed tli nw arrcsieu aiouii xviui eeremon j. NO bail innf ol ihaiiKi'i stances. A Intyte. the learned finrtlen Situate per would iarrleti te could III. cily reatlnR plaou Mubeum l.amnru-- i valued lines', valued coons nitenioon Ke.leetner Ihe Purler ol "sliera ll.iven, ol llrimkl 11 In lloeU lmt k ( oiiitiils. inner 1 nlvin 'lomliln has aiiieed to tletull several of his associates In point nut to the member nf the llrookiyn heitiriic ns ll.ei- sail iilnnu' the It v inner- - Mrnnl the llni'iovetiients ni-- i mil . j plislied nnd (Otiteiiildaied bv llie Din k lie. piirtincnt Ihe leavue lias eliaitered the nteauiri Amnliioii lo make an all dm trip up the Hudson tn view Ihn (lerniilll and llm I Xinerii'iiu lialtleshli's, and lo note thewnter ' t runt I hi. li.iu lmersl.i le P.i il.- - ivlilrl. ulll the M.'lillMin Sipiate iiitueli n "" "' i"n Coninaiiv. ll had been expected Hint the, it operati'd It been I'rnliHlit.v Will liinl H!.. 'I Hartford, 01 Rrf- - ill XVniiieii .lerTrraimlana I nllr. s uirenie conn In ii t M1C.1II slened articles ol iiienriinintlni for tha oin. in' .lefleisOli tilth of N"e.v ork, w lili li has been 01 iriinied bv Mrs .1 lle'Ues Cinvvell, ,Ms Neil ji llimnellv Mcl'all, Mrs .lohn H'l.eitv, .Mr- - Walter Francis. Hums Mrs leini'irill. Hill. Mrs II Howard ltiilii-i- k ml Mi (leorire I'ranils herr. '1 he lrt uieetliik- - is to he held at the Waldorf next I. ill V Glass before Breakfast tones up the itomach, dara the head and do you gostL Hunyadi Jauos Water NATURAL tAXATIVK Qatekly Bsllevca AONftTIPATlQfi t KhM"" ayw

and aw mmm · ti Loss mi Country Checks, (Minit'.p sjivM All i:niiiiiiiilioiis w.ihiii.p mi llilmi r i.coriti-ocnre- r. 1 r.vt'x I i., UK I chairman of tin--; j'kikisi ny 1 e, House

Jun 04, 2020



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Page 1: and aw mmm · ti Loss mi Country Checks, (Minit'.p sjivM All i:niiiiiiiilioiis w.ihiii.p mi llilmi r i.coriti-ocnre- r. 1 r.vt'x I i., UK I chairman of tin--; j'kikisi ny 1 e, House



liCM'iito AcciiMitions lllllllllteiHlllt's ('iiVlllllfl'll ly

Coiiiim'I I'liti'i'mvpr.








('Luton Horn . .

ti Loss mi Country Checks , (Minit'.p

sjivM All i:niiiiiiiilioiis w.ihiii.pi.coriti-ocnre- r


mi llilmi r 1

r .vt'xI i ., UK


chairman of tin-- ; j'kikisi ny 1 e,

House look notice " put on last nlR-h-t ut tliol u letter nddrcssed to him hy ' ileum-- , Homo

.v..iinifl I ntetmver, oo nisei for the hurlesipie in this city. tlu summerr, Vutul-rli- p. on account "" rlnK. However, nave partially avoided1. i ntermver letter, 11 cotnmutn-- , -" iwiwimr una snori sKiriwix.v .'l t Mr ruio, sr.vlhi; Hi' made roplvI ' Ill '.IS til" tl'.pOIIll)ll tlCfld Of tllOi i.niiii'Mit tii'iuiry, p.irlicuUrly because,i tomionymous members, Ac,w h I cm Iffdly believe would formt. o! n i'iirt"oii imitation from you irv. r (olii'.iCtKw to member of tin1 Cl'.'.ir-- ,t

l l! 'i;i'Mi nuderlip went on to say that

to;on "nponsitilo gentlemen con- -







with the ( do numbers and electric eltects which wouldii volunteer appear belore your liave done more pretentious( due impri'ssiuii entertainment.t' . far ther i us rellec-te- the atti-- .. .,f rounsel. so much PEACE LUNCHEON FOR

nun the actual as limit!tlii- exidence so as support, if possible, ! Neiifvllli- - (inmt of Svtr;i i eivt'U assumption, lie aiwsi' '

ike lor .:iiille, the sensational state-i- -

tint the profits of the .Sew YotltIn- "i the nlleclinii of country checks

tiini.i"i milium This state-- 1

i of rnnrse einaiiHtes not from a witnessI. 'nun vour counsel, but the prei. re-i- i!

- of tin' heanni; hive undoiihtollyis n Hie mind many readeis the in- -t pre in.ii it mis neen oniciaiiy nrouirni r:.ii a henrinc your committee that thetii ii the New Vork banks from thisfi r tproimntp that l.irse tleure As

r ot New Vork ,

trakinc a profit from lu" " .V""""""idheition of country checks the work

nlli' entails upon them n loss fromj:,ivi.iv to per milium.

I this conclusion from thethe National City Hunk, with

nli ti I am familiar Other bankers telli their experience Is similar to that

i National City l.jnk. To unote e.i-- n

. f rum the figures of the National CityIl.iik excess amount recelied from



hi- -











i ollci tlon last year c.ime mid some other.hat is ,o .

" ' - from depositors of w, ,,f , ofifi"ik-- , amount us by and Knolls),

the seeks not to but alsoof JOti.tKM. a,1 ,ior- -

!. whole time we were on an uveraireii t i.. e of $7.1100,000 of money, s thatn - the iiMTiWi- - amount of noiuitry checksii 1. t In process of collection, credit lorBluli had been civen to tho depositors.

- that money worth 4 cent Itnl represent n loss of Jisn.imo, airaint

t h h we had the inruttie of jun.tnio,

f rally th business colli-i-tini- ; country.I, lis nut this bank :io,ij.

I hat beiiu' the I think It is fair tosav tint business country collectionsln cot tho banks New ork citv at

Such HI) apr.cit as Ii.ih been in. id' in the businessii- iumtry collei Hons has been made by

I'limtrv banks. Thev have receiveda nri;e vro-- s total. That total of tourse,s not bv anv means nil uot!t them, but

hntever profit there is in businessfoes to the tu tntr ml., aiui It is a profit

hii under exisiin.' i urid.tions it sei-ni-

to mc they are i.-.ii- entitled tor theernce which th-- v m olb-- i tunrhese and torwanbm' tie- - proi'-e.l-

.. that it bei nines aiai'.ible In the bankMhuli his the oriental


' note ,n newspaper thent hearinu' that tie- - .tn-iin-nt is ni.ul..

' n.e of tie- - ne -- pai -- I - lourii .-- out tin- statement that Hie Infor- -

ii hi "ti tn the l leitrlns House' ll l'IIUI!l-- i .11 K'spei I to the bonk- -.

'ti- - i rp.i'eral, eir of he various banksi i, lie i la1 ( ten i In House coin- -

itn-- i ?i'ssio:, of the stains ofr talis o.uiner and and that this" r in. iu tniitln b" of i he utmost valuer -- r am .. of the niarlii-- t

s lllteiue.its as .leaMlllf III" till-- a

idaiile nr tit th" render's minda a v nne-- s r I to sm h a

n. 1n,r illutt i'es the bad i llect prodiii cdtn u.i.-nj- s

s.,, h s,,,prio-n- i uns Made bvti - an. siji'li had linen

n a Ii- - r would not lininb'"Ml true 'Ho' r iij Hoii-- ii cjiiiuuttce has no more..Ii ol hfl'iits of n haul,





in, jour uniii-el'- si lurther tisan it tin- - the

- Limes Iron) iln-- batik c.iimm.-- r thate t tli been lour.d in solvent i on --

.1 h leatin House- the .onl ol ih" batik and

,1 - 'hat snide, never hnv III iiefoieis oi the examination.

I .i V. were found bv thent then tuopei

n In the committee in detail,, : the bank is solvent and Iu tin- -

' e . imiiier i'topi-rl- inannirrdI iilisc.' uclv no knoiv eili

. oi ,,s nnatts. This method" ii . ' nml is one lli.ili, ' l'll-l'"- d bv I he I "lit lllfo l lenr- -

' '. latloii at He- - tune ol the.. I v.v.,1-1- 1 I,,mk troubles ihere, and

' Mtpletelv the nt'iiroval - I

u r, ,,, n a- - adopted, irni-tl- ' all)' bv i he New ork associa1 i avoid a of somc- -

- troubles hep- -

a- - tippiirenily an eflnrt to tentei that the House

,i"in iillcrior motives- I' ln iiii'inlieiship In th"

l eics i hem from such member- -

li p- uns notliini:... iii tin- - examination to' ' - " n an inlerenie, It was

' !". eh -i . and nothlni!id .i is to iiminuta a siis.


S" f.llt.


ami If Ps lll'lliau'e- -

I crtaiulv no bank' pi ll"i llom I I'MlHlB Hoil-- f

"ti tilled ii ilh 'I huH ..-- . is urn a irtuiip of banditti,

lice, lomposed ol.n in thi i oiintty and its hlstoty

pi anil lotiservntlon at.Hid Ill tunes ol panic olthe

the w holu nation.

.lull Inmate Met urns.' ' i.iiwiii-slon- er Palrii k A

'III! llll of l III lull look pOss...,.' old Uuci'its louuty J. ill in l.oui;

i.isl llie

old mil h"i hotne. lland that she

" little bund thnt Mi le I l

Jail In lllntkiudl'e Islandisi-- in H'liilli rliottly lui old

and in-- pioiiilae nan lulllllid la- -i

1 i'iiiiiis..'iln-- i

e l ' l n hhe s to put to' !r

I I till Mis Hr.ldi r.nes.'i.l II,. ., ,,.rii,,,tii lnr ill.


t'olitmhln Thi-nlr- c Put on n nni-m- er

Mnalrnl htm."Hie (la It


I Helen Mrrrllt1,ld Msi

Mrs Ci'orirf a tlroritesllltlv llrifh. .

Ir KniillI. .seldom .

t.rorirrs.A TillTnlit Ktiiill..(ins CaMllcill'


inI l n fnr

i.lii.eiiu ..r 1. .!.. ......... jt .fin

Ml I

Mls l.nul-- r Prune lietlx Adcle llarlsnd

.MI(loldlrr UntilingI' A.Turnrr

Abtioit Wnrthlry. Italph Austin

. .Victor h'ahn...Al l'orrrtrtlmr Wilson

. Mai KrnnriU'Arthur Itlrr

. . .1. II. Prr;ott. W II Unpenr P. Murphy

It ouch cry ufter from' to a musical comedy when

tiMilliliter show


itnitfi? Mr,

"I is in twoacts ntul four scenes and originallypriHiuu-- under tht of "LetDo It." Tlic hook in liv Aaron Hoffman.I'atil West, well known for hi work intho of Oz" and "Babes in Toy-land- ."

wrote the lyric- -, and NhI I). Avercomposed the music. There was at Usualscarcely plot to follow but it wansumcient to carry several pretty musical

tsl le.irmt; Houseto cnslit a

mmit'e- - tom of

has been not BARON.facts to

to York









lllnlatrra at the Shvot.World Church Peace l.ieua for every-wher- e

mill Church l'pace 1eaituo for thI'nitvd States nre tho lntet vrntures toon President Tnft's peaie plans and the

of wars, huch formed theof complitnentury

ulven yesterdny by New Vork Feder-ation of Churches to llaron deNeufville ut the Hotel Savoy.

Two of the seerhes at the lilucheoii werein The Hev. Dr. .lunliis II. Itemen- -snyder presided. is at the head of theti. f.ict Instead bank. ,

of the,""""





He welcomed the Huron, whose homo isrankfort-on-.Mal-

"Our Kmperor on many occasions sayshe Is not a cessation of war betweennations," observed the llaron, "but everytime Kmperor William says no he meansyes. .Ministers speak to many propis.If they speak pence many peopl willhear and be Influenced.

Act on this conviction, the llaron two'years iico tnvitisl more than mo ministersoi r.nui.inu to come iiermany I hoy

of country checks unit Isltwdu. ,.., ay. the amount - to'Tn.'la'i,:.. 'WSSSR

the the lht. forIni11K. ,.ra,ive leaguethe charged Herman lertrymen. This

roimtrr banks for service of collettion, league only nil end arlf .in .ippaient total but diirmi: !"'t',;.r i1!lii"i'r.vl:"t''on hl"""(l

tinir per


casethe of



the of

lul counsel







t'le-.-.o- u







i lie nev i reiieni i.yncii, no lias Jiitbeen made head of a department ofoiiucll devoted to cause of

untioiiiiced the forming of u ChurchPe.-.c- l.e.iitue and the llnnnclal support i.c- -onled peace work by Mrs Klmer lll.ick

ol this ( lly One k'ift of .isl has just beenreielved and other Ulfts are probablel lie pi, in Is to ko every religious limlvand there back mi President 'laft 's ph.n forarbitration treaties mid an hrliltral courtat lie Untrue. Hie proposition of theHuron that American enter theWorld and e that they

with t.eniia.i and Kntilish peaceinoieiiienis ns uy inn nurou ini-- i

lea-- ' !:.oni.ofi to M.noo,n.i annually hearty response.






inoiiir .Sew Vork resent Werethe Hev. Ilr S Kdwnrd Inuin', the Hevl)r .1. J. oitni:, the Hev Howard C l!ob-lilli- s,

Hev. Percv S. Hrant, the Hev lr.K A. and the Hev Mr. Williamt arter.



I lull to





tl I'iritili- - from HieHip Hotel Aslnr.

New ork Is to behold on Friday andSaturday of this week Hie Inruest K.nherlni:

jnf Hnrvnrd men ever outside of Cum-liridu- e

It is to be a national reunion ofalumni - the sixteenth nnnual imetltiK ofthe Ass( lined Harvard Clubs. It Ls heldiiist before the class day tuidineni week iu order that alumni mayi;o rik'ht from New to Cambridge.

I here will be business sessions andluni'h'-o- nl Club on ,

but real will bcitln with n paradeat 7 o'cloik on I'ridnv evemiu from the

Club to Hotel Astor. where theitinuitl dinner will be held. Joseph IIChonte, '.'..'. is to lie s'raiid marshal of theprocession end all sorts of other noteduraduates will be unions the trampers,i he dinner truest of honor will he PresidentLowell.

on Saturday special steamboatwill take the purtv to W'pst Point. 'Iherellie cadets will pl.iy Imsehall with nineof irraduates uud there will bei speiiil review ind Inspection of the

Hick in town In the evenlnitafter Hie l'railllates will have class dinners ami

Hon dinitiriiasioin)lted BPcrl smoker in the larce ballroom ofarin.-- Hi" Asior. Hie members of each classtlnin has




brouuht oui





Whltnev dltei'ied


ram Stephens

not nil










commence-- 'the


the Hnrv.irdthe splurge

Harvard the




will Ue semen lou'einer. I Here will tiemuslo and sonus and probably a vaudevilleshow, tin Sunday everybody will no toa party nt the seashore.

It is announced that all Harvard menwill be welcome at the whetheror not they bvloni; to any club or


'llie liriii'Hi-- XVnsblimt on Mm Ilr In usHoily or Constll-Ciellr- Hill.

The .N'orlh Oermiin I.loyd steamshipflcork'e Washington, In yesterday fromHienien, Southiimpton and (.'lierhmirs.hiouchl the body of Frank D. Hill. I'nlti dStates Coiisul-tjenir- nt Ft ankfurt-on-Mai-

who was killed l.j fall on May23. AinotiK the passetiKt tfi vvcie Mis.ilrnjmnlu Thaw of I'lltsburi;. her dnuKh-ter- .

Miss Henrietta Thaw, and the latlet'sbiothct, Hcnjatnlu Thaw, Jr., HcrnanlF. (Jlmliil and his In lib, who was Miss.Men Hctnlielnii r William 1.. Phelps,William S. SpauldliiK. Fred W. Taylor iintiWaltci Wyckoff,

Atnonk' the' at rivals on the New Vorkand I'oito It ko Huei fojitto in (rum weio .Stistliencs llihn and W, T.Mills, tlvlfgatrs to the Hepubllcnn na-tional convention at Unlearnt, and IVdtoA. tiuericro, to the Ueinoctutlcnatliinal i on l . ill Ion lit ll.'iltllnotc. tin theI'lhimii lo wi le repicscntiitlV'e.s of

I have Miy knowledge Porto Itlco suk:u conuninles on their way.inns lloue there nevei uns to Washington, unu -. nice, commla-..- .

bank .ippli,,,, lor, lin'c,' lpl.!Hd werein k -- I, .lived a i lean bill ot health, , Adams, Casslus H.'ifsley. Ficderlck

H solvent, il It liinl the mini-- i Husromh, C'nspci H iJcckui, I'rtiz I'n-tz-

iiliidi the rulHsol tho feld and Allan It Hca.

th"these ondltlons


lines, to


ic reel

week atllolia




title UeorKe




-- wu



II. Itlcli. Ilrnl Hslnte llenler, strickenIn I'iltadelililn.

I'lill.Ant'.t.l'lHA, .lime pi II Hu h. mem-

ber ol ttio teat estate firm of A ,1 lllcli A

Co.. with ofllces In the .Si user building,Sen Vork, and m I'.'l-l.- 'i aimer street, Francisco, died on the I'ennsylvanlolimited train from apoplexy as the train

'arrived hern nt I o'clock this afternoonMi. Itlch. who was on his way to .Sew

vork on liu'lness trip, was sittlnif in theI Horn thai iii.lilutliui Ivali 'sTViii tin it rv. "'"Vi . V,,. thV.iIn lnr tin. laat llilrtv Venta oe. lien'' , ... , ....



il .e.'

I 11,1.











out they were uniitiie to 110 Rnytninir torI1I111. Ihe lindy was taiten iroin tiin trainhere Hnd vuih turned over to Oliver H. HairIhe New ork olllce was called up and one)ol his relatives came hern and elainied thehotly Mr Itlch was fll years old.

Mr Itlch a brother of David filchof :11ft West Ninety-fourt- h streot and ofMr I'. H. I.ivitiitnon ol New nrn Its.ins born lu New tirienns nna went to

"lid lr. In nll Tn-iln- -. rannisro when 11 youtur man He hasH


i.ilivavi. in llie rent estate niisinesaHe II.'IS two Tiroiliers ill nan r I ll III mi 11,

.1 Huh and Hairy Itit-- lieei.iin.i In l.i, 11, Inn Mi llradv ua 11 bachelor and lived at 2121 Van N'esa

" lav whii h N Inientleil fur tho I avenue, ruin lie belonjtert to' yl Cieuiue uuxt beubou. Jthe Inlon Leatrue tlub of an francisco

of Hip Third Anof Mnyors

in rii.ii.





Proposed Establishment of a('cntriil Hnrenn of Mnniciptil


Urli'A, .June In- .- Tho third annual conference of the Mayors and other municipalofficers of New York State opened In thiscity this afternoon. About son delegateare iu attendance, reprpsetitini; everycity of Importance in tho State, Lieut.-Oo- v.

Thomas F. Conway was present andxvlll attend ex'ory session of tho confer

i ;


ence, and will address Tuesday. ,, mn,iT niu,,n tn-tl- m nM ..Sherman was . t(,n,ay

iiiade the ndtlrcss Zul m Colllm, , )hnxvns Wash- -

k Smi( ,lft,,rnoon W(Un.,niKion . nine. after all. spaniel.

point in Mrtl Zui ma(o th ol(, tnihlftlnterest ami will, merit taMnK ,)ftcl ,() rtmlmortance of lepers ana, ,m.H mftRnilled the

In every reKard the 1 by .,,,., .. ,1M.,,Mfnr the most successful alherini; ofkind ever held in the State.

The labors the two previous confer-ences are now shaping themselves intodefinite results Some needed reformsare to be brought about, some Inexisting laws made and legislation enactedthat will better the conditions of the citiesof the State. The keynote of the con-

ference is "more homo rule for cities,"The city officials will work unitedly toobtain this. 'Features of the openingsession were the recoinmetidat ion of tho





wth Policeman .enryadvisorv committeeof central bureau of ,WeRt street station

Paul which Augustadelegates place i

definite paying mtti'1- - ,,tt.H loosing h- -r mis-eac- h

city to contribute tjss little tor exer.-Ise- .

address of Kobert sho work" for-- f,rovt"'nii.lfr.l --eeretjirx- of the Citv Club , at t.ll ParkNew Itichard P. French of West

The delegates liegan to arrive from nilparts of the State this forenoon. Many ofthem are from the eastern wirt of theState, including about lifty from New-Yor-

city headed by llnlpb ma-jority leader of the New York Hoard ofAldermen Tux hdwardKaufman and Tax

Kdwnrd I.. npxititcdsiecially by Mayor (iaynor to tepresentthe were oh board the 'Ibisis the time New York tlele- -

Hit ion to conference bv Mayors.flulTalo mid llochester sent ilele.gutions too making official recognitionof tlie confen-ni-- for the fin time nUo.

The first formal action of confer-ence was tin- - mis-tin- of thecommittee This committee pre-onte- d

most ImiHirtant retsirtthe ot central bureau of

State dog, on McfSirrllie iKMiein in nry

sign-s- l Mayor John K.Sague of Pougtikeepsie, Samuel I,ew-isoh- n

and Hmkerd New York,executive of confer-

ence, presented to delegatestheir Tho rc)rt says

Cities villages should lie irlven

;. I. .Y

S ,,




localto make their Occidental Movvery

eieiy as Michael Katzmunicipal organiy.iiion we conceive to

the number ol ofll er shall beenough t'i pernio of the i lionof offlieholders. the unices shall liesuRleivni in importance to attiact men ol

there shall lie sufficientot niithoritv respoti- -

blllty to permit of in the mliiiiu- - '

rat ii.ii of in nun nil.ilrs lie-- e prin-ciples include Mayor otincilplan i omnii-slo- n liinn, ivluil, h.uililbe proviili-i- l 111 lliiillii orgaiii-zalliu- i

the of each -- il''li loiluIn- - et in iiintrol ol any

n municipal electHie the election of inuiiicltiii! -

ieis without the use ol national partv em- -

lilems ot permitting cities tonearly i it x elections on it i

IssuesHubert S. Iilnkerd, secretary City

Club of New speaketafternoon xvhen conference

settled down to"Since everyone believes In home rule,why don't we have Takingfor his theme, Iilnkerd said thatnot since days of tiov. Tllucn Ktz

mi h-- s

trouhl.- - andutbuilt upon "that freedom In locul

mntters" whichtumle if Amerlcun citi-zenship.

HlnUerJ snhl hrup 11L' laws ofll'i: ami Hint tlfty-on- e of this.'

In 'xpi-cill- Irrltiitlni; man-ner' with .uvernnicnl.

"The salaries membeii--

tor year l!tl' aiiKiunteilIn MOO.CMlO." lie contlnueil. "while

leul.xlntlv HCM-In- for ll'lUeasily State half million.Duislile of one important city measure,what to mu-nicipal It yielded this:That Hooslck may l.Mi.OOO

of lis streets, that ofAlbany property toof Albnn. that Port Chester bor-row moncv to house, thatKast t'hrster maycostlnit not js.uou, thnt Hurfiilomay chansc salary of

of education, that certain vll-l.i- e

may not sprinkle vlllauestreets, that Cortland triceto HelplnK andthnt SaratoKii Sprlnss h iiiyurr

These serious proposals. Iilnkerd j

asked Mayors to take note,embodied In chapters S, 10,

2S, 31'. and of laws1912 Kmplre State

The speaker passnaeact and


sarv. primarevival

inn'l, tortneriv 01 nu nicncnsocial in

municipalities. Mavors Thomas H.O'Neillof Auhtirn anil John Reamer Ithaca

the discussion Therepapers, inciudinK paper theciencx- - of nuhlic ProfPntil II of New 01m onmunicipal llRhtintj problem (lenrun F..

Van Keeneti, chairman New VorkState Thncon- -feretice will cnntiutin and

etlnesdnyThe principal uppaker of evrnini;, ,

Chairman CieorRe K. Kennendiscussed

of xvithparticular reference tolliivno wtiicn was 1 rained ty the

Commission passed livnf 11)12. failed of Re in

I Assembly.Van Kennen said that Ih total

I more than 40n,noo horse-powe- r whichabsolutely to Htate whioh

'can economically andutilized.

further appears, hotn of such reservoirs to

developed uniiuvcioiea sites niotiRstreams, and in addition

we nearly 800.000 undevelonedI power claimed to privately owned

tliroiiRh riparian rmhbi and legislativeuratits, which ittclutle

power nt l.oti on Ih-.- '

St. Lawrence, whioli Is capable ofproducing Rou.'iOO horse-powe- r. llnd

i therefore that I hern is upproxiinatelyl,40ii,oiiti liorM-pov- vcr within Statewhich Is wholly uiitpssl commercialami industrial purposes."

best estimates,I Ml ln li. n.... ,.n.,,.l.i.lrt.l ll.n tl.itmini " " : :"



mil ntr-i- u w VI Illlw ,11 lint, ill linn 171.tifclusive of locomotives does horse-powe- r, and that therefore

power in (implysufficient to provide every rpipilre-tne- nt

mid to turn every wheel that isPtignRed in commercial enterprise


I'm llnnprit In Court tn Mettle

IIok In

Ten of ilogs had to pay yester-day in Sltlo police accord-in"- ;

to size of their pets becausehad let niti on Sunditv in Man-

hattan Square I'urk in violation of thecity ordinances, ordinance andtho sanitary Maclstrato H.vrisimpoHPil fines totalling

.Meanwhile tho cops are learningdifference between n trench pond In

ninko anto of ft iJluof wclciimo to the Qf lmt,

deleKates. but unable to ni mis Iloston bull but a Cooker

In of attendance, evidence of I ,,, ,m,,Rood in the and I

of ft ,,0icrmani Mur.presented in(K,)aotl ,ia1other conference I , ,.















Mrs Zuli to a 3

Burton a lawyer, who liveat 1.17 West Fifty-nint- h street, to pay$J because bulldog was running atlarge the park. told MagistrateHarris that he in accordordinance and aikisl to he fined

of frankness courtlinK.sol a t2 fine.

Wallaco Kttinger. who on stage in"Officer OCrt" calls that Worthy a "hell of

cop. looked as he wished he

the .s..ahlihment pl!mR t. of thea information, the 8'y-eight- h

determination of the to a II line rntoz."curred bvthe conference on n basis.

a share of the twoexpense, and the S. 8S, J Uve

f t entral est.York. i 118 Kightieth



sioner Heydecker,

city, train.lirsl has sent a




establishment abut

lilt- - I'liics imendatioiis, by

S, ofcommittee the

were theconsideration.

and fullthe


thatdetinue e



eftlt lencv-t nml I

a and ia

a lp.illot,


pto. nfti

mote j



this the


the had



Mr. hailtiri-- t of




cost the


themav sell the


overthe Its superin-


the Kut


the wererespectively


empnwerlnr;"one who will

Commission, the


Ihe Uythn




Conservation Commission, thoconservation


Conservationthe hutthe







tho unde-veloped the



tho obtainable'I n t.tul !


llie undevelopedfor










was thotin. the

his the






street gladly handed over for the liliertyof his bull, w also did Alice Sanders, an

of tut West Kighty-thir- d Rtrts-t- , torher diminutive Pomeranian,which has a broken

Chester of 1.1 West Seven!iiit up for- his uxercise.

and Charles F.. Cox of nr.i West Seventv-elght- h

street handed over for his Hos-to- li

terrier's gambol Two little I'nm.'eraninns lielonging to )r Masonor 3H1 West F.ightloth street cost her II,and Philip Pnnford. who lives at Westlaghtv-seeon- d paid for hisPomeranian

Peter hotel manager whont lll West Figlitieth street, said

that his Charles spaniel was ona le.nshbut went loose when h", McOirr.stooed to tie his shoe lace.

insisted that the lenc-l- i wa not onmunicipal information Hie for t the


Mcflirr paid $.


Ilnprlrss Cripplel.rfl nml

in self Including! n!nn "ho registered nt Hotelthe right own charters, 'l he t on early yesterdayprinciple which underlie morning tried to



detail- -should



ofYotlt, was

the ipjestlon,







Vork.called for





said, "that




















TriedLetter I'oeiu.





himself by inhaling illuminating gas Hewas found unconscious at o'clock andwould have accomplished his purposesave for first aid efforts of Policemen11 nan mid Murphy, who were calledwhen the day clerk mih-IIii- I gas

had written eight lettei and leftthem to be mailed. Another was "towhom it may concern, "and read

Hi Mis I am doing th s v oluntai ilvtho absolute l,c. emit lie (,e cause Inthese ilavs of the survival of the llttestmi crippled t oinlltliin renders it impi'-Mli- l"

fiu me to secure positi.ui, mid rather thandopi-ni- l loutter on kind irn-nd- s or beiomei hatity patient I prefer ending It altogetherlielote loner 111 the scale

erv sltiieri'lv.Besides tin was poem signed M.

ItOnly ,ilclile's jrrM's. Tivas shownTo llui's ho p.vsril It hv unktimvtlWhMiiirii tektunv the nxms or cin-.- l

Of otis rtiinni'ttlair siich itfrtHe llr there In hl ntvrKlcsplr I

I nwrpt. iiiirninirnr.l, unrrcosnl.-.ri- l


A , wh Unw Hsij t,.-,- t tlH.there I''ii cri-u- t n ilcmnnil by cl .tw lllK r,Knt t , utnputnt.Hl wtnof the State for ytcm nf tnunlcl- - VH.irH fur tuherciilarpal Kiivcrnment. capable r expansion, Jia( tVMl wjln tn,.wU allcl for ,imo

has iilvvayH been

the thefiiunil

tlealt alocal

of of

llie eu

illil this

Tails pnvecity

mayrepair a

a enujlni;



12.'i. 14'.' 127 the ofof the New

the ofn municipal for'



Hans nnd







"It hy

linpioveilhorse- -

f- -




had pay









Mctiirr aliviis












n u

it home He lui'l written u nood deal oftioetry. it was expliued, hut none of ithad been printed Katz is now a pris-oner nt St Vincent's Hospital lie willprobublv recover

I'ln- - nml I'ln em.viiri'm link niHiiKBlnn illr-r- cr nf

I'irriiii. n ill imn Mtiirtiimna tli- - MHiirrtjtiid tor lm.loti He will i.p

a t.rnail Mirks nii tr,,. ir,, m jn.iluOi m hu st ti.jr of thf t'ontlnrrit.

"I..i Dinri- .Mix Vlnltnn" iTIu- - Dance nftin- - Violin IkhI Ii Hr- -t ptnilui Hon ontiiBf at llummerisii tn's Vlitorl.i Theatre

afternoon nml on the roof nxr-ilt--

at k : Mine N.ivoi.i Hiu ,t cmi'.iiivof elulitrrn il.ince IMenly mlr.ul'-- iu tlifai'cnmi'uiiltiii nt nf lx 'i,.lv iinllnUt- -

"A rtuit'rtly on the Wli.e!." which np-ii-

nt he Tlilrt ninth .strut Theatre on .Ian-unr- y

:. will ilnne r 111 r II y after tomnr nki. the perforuitinrr for theI.resmt InltiK for Situnlai. June Therroilurtlon will reopen again curly In An- -

tireum nenii-ar- y to arranKe forfin "A llultrrriy on the Wheel"

lieiatie the rut ! utiiipoiieil alniont lj

of Knullih pluyera .mil they allon in.iKliiK vacation trip- - home.

HUH" Purki-- the SLtrc", vllteil Hammer-'- ihi' Itmif ilarilen laat nliiht and per-

sonally onitrattilnwit her alBter, OrairHiluiK, fot her skilful exhlhlllnn of faniyIce -- katlnj

veto special hills thus made unneccs-- 1

Illanch- - DufnvM. who l -- lnfln theTil" rhl"f paper nt session 'donna role nf M.ihii m the of "The

of tho conference was hv OeorRe .1 Knee- - Pirates of penz.inn" at ihe Cualnn Thatre.



of tho






has bein engaxeil to lieconie a regular mem-ber of the Gilbert Hnd Sullivan orgatilia-lio-

When the rmnpany. Mart" on lietrnnncnntlri'tital totit. iihlih i to keep ttcnnsiantly on llie roail until the middle nfApril. Mla Imfftilil will cing Malnl In

Patlince In "Patience." Joarphlne In"Pinafore" ami Vum Vum In "The Mikado"

A II WnoiU will Iii fiimortate'l with Co-

han Ilurrl" In the management nf boththe new I'ohan A Harris Theatre In Thellronx and the Aetor Theatre, which waarerintly iiriiuln-- from Wngenhala A Kern-ie-

Mr Woods haa dennltrly decided toopen Ida new Julian I'ltlnge Theatre with"Within the Law," In which Jane Cowl xvlllumume th" leading role. Kither HenryMiller In "The Halnbow" or flnyninnil Hitch-loc- k

In "The Ited Widow" will he the open-In- g

iittrartlnn at the new Cohan, Harrla AWuodn llronx Theatre,

Having rnlei mined the llerinan andAmerltan sailors Hi the Winter Harden Sun-

day evi nltig, fifty members of the mu-l- c

hall were Biieata yeaterrtay afternonn of Klagt.ieut .urt'iiuin ann I. lent, t.ary 01 tbe

itnnoiind Ihe flood waters and reculatei I.nulalana an. I l.leul Ki'lni of the Moltke.the (low of btri-um- s nearly 2IW,nr0 horse- - llefrerhinrnla wire aeiicil aboard the I.nul.l-powc- r

will be added Ut the present ' una, sfter nhuh the party wa received on



the ilirni.ui lla.-ahl- I.aat evening all ofth- - offliira of the tleet not 011 duty nor Inattendance at tho Waldorf-Aftorl- a dinneroccupied boitt at tha Winter aardtn.



Mrs. Mnehlfcldt on Stand TellsA limit His Actions After

Denth of Patrick Hums.


I'ristiner's Uelatives End Prose-ciition- 's

Cukc Tell HisWith liinsfley.

tda May Muehlfetilt. daughter of JohnH. Ijemttion, one of the agents of theParkhurst society nt the time of th IxowInvestigation, took the stand yesterdayagainst her husband, Frank W. Muehl-feld- t,

who is on trial before Judge Malotiein (iptieral Sessions lor tho minder ofPatrick Hums, ex-- l. hief of Police of Find-le-

Ohio, In Durns's saloon at 830 Forestavenue, Tho Itronx, on the morning ofFebruary II. Mrs. Mtiehlfeldt is 21 yearsold, as is her husband mid is comelyShe npj-'ar- in court with a lint trimmedxvith red roses, a red ribbon about her neckund a feather boa, and did not seem to l

greatly worried over her husband's pre-dicament,

Mrs, Muehlfoldt testified that from ino'clock on the morning of February Hi to.1 o'clock on the following morning she didtint see her husband. He camo home, shesaid, at 5 o'clock on the morning of Feb-ruary II with a cut on his head and toldI l.n. I... 1....I . I tU. I.i it unit in' mill iriciiru iiiit i ui ill ..iiargument in Stratiss's saloon on Secondavenue, A imlicomati, lie said, had hithim over the head. He atlded that HigBill I.ingley, his cousin, already con-

victed of murder in th first degree forBums's death, was with him at the tin.e

' He also warned her. sho said, not to openthe door, as he feared "the gang IroinStrnuss's" would come ox-o- r to maketrouble.

I.ate in the day, Mrs. Mtiehlfeldt added,I.ingley came to the house and the twocousin hud a half hour conwrsntion inth bathroom with the door locked. Milllater Mtiehlfeldt got a copy of an eveningpiiier ntul ixuid the headlines of the storyof llurns's murder without comireni.Her husband remained tn his lion.e. whichwa at 2:75 Bassford axenue. The Bronx.

I fnr the rest of the week without going outnt all. '1 hen he borrowed money of hiwife, saying lie wa going out of townBefore he left Mrs Mtiehlfeldt hoard hismother tell him that the iolice had iden-tified I.ingley. already under artcst inconnect Inn with another case, ns con-nected with the Hums murder, and advisehim to get out of towin ,

On Mrs. Muchlleldtsaid that her father, John II. Lcinmoii,was formerly with the Parkhurst Society,of winch Assistant District Attorney Mos- -

,who is prosecuting Mtiehlfeldt. at thattime was counsel. She suld that Meuhl-feld- t

had kept omjsiny with her for .1

year and n half lWoie their marriage andthat ne unit neen an active xvorker in theDutch Ketormeil Church m Histstreet and had attctidt-- church with hete'ery Sunday Her husband, she said,

.hart taken a course in automobile drivingI in the Y. M. C. A., and up to last January, had lieen employed as a messenger byI the brokerage firm of William K, Hooligan

A Co.Detective Frank T Casassa, who

amsted Muehlfeldt. said be lound himasleep in hi room 111 the New JerseyTraining School for Feeble Minded Hoy'sand Oirls, where Mtiehlfeldt was mi at-tendant That was 111 12 ir, o'clock in the

'mottling Casaja said he and lvtectivv.xicrvennn went into the room, woke upMui hlfeldt and told him be was underurrcst for the murder ol Hums.

Another relative t Muehlfeldt 's ap-peared on the stand against him in thperson ol Ada May linlmaun. a thiidcousin to Mtiehlfeldt mid also to Hu- - Hill

, Uligley She was a witness iu the I.ingleyittliil mid told practically the same stor'vyesteniay. At buigley's reiiu.-st-

, slie smii,she had warned Muchlleldt that the policewere after him 'I he prosecution restedand Mr. Ivy said that he expected tohave all the defenin in bv


Thotr Willi Ale SuIIIiik Tda- - forHnslnnil ami the t'oiilliirnt,

AnioriR those salllnn y on thesteainslilp Kiuniilnzi8sn iVelle. furlirettun. are .


Mr. .U.iJh AilUr.Ilr Mllluiin l.nillctt,Mr. I.ilriijn.l N ilicl

tunc.i Juliet llrr Itunu--

Mr ntul Mrs Ailolphu- -lliisrh.

Mr. unit Mi Henrylis inn,

Hr 1: Pilot, ,lr .

Ilr ltoti-- rt ti e Tunc,lly the Muuretunla

anil Samurl Col InutirrlhuallSloan.The liev Tharles

si rontione.A.

sianl.lxin htanre.I'apt C l. link Crtrr.Mr till Mrs I M peM.Mr .'iml Mrs William .

Ilraily.Pr Jo.eph rolllnv,

Mr nrt Mrx Max tiiuHfiihelm,I'tof .1 A Manilel.Mr anil Mm (', 11. Onh

teilcrlrk Somnici,Mi's M .Suniiller .lliil

Mls 1: ' .sommer,Mr ana Mrs. Ilenjainln

Stern.Ilr anil 111 John ti


Mr Ml. J IItl. Cmvperttiuall

l.leul Cul II. I. l;kilahl.

Mr l.ilMar.l Sieien..Mr. ,. l I.eiriirli.Ihe Hev. Hr I

liuijiiill.Mr anil lr John 1.

niieriiniHtll the .Mi uvv ni '

The ids s ile l.atior. sun,Tnvi iim nil. pi ami Mr.

Mrs M II I'rli-e- . 1'ianaIlr. anil Mr,. Arthur Mr and Xtr. Ilrnry I'

ru. !!;., Iloxnlm.111Prof Wlllhm S John

In the second and third c.iblnn of theNleuw Amsterdam will sail !i0o membersof the Itoheinliin Gymnastic A?9oelatlon.who will take part In the Kmnastlc

to be held In Praniio on .lutie26.

No.lea of llie Social World.Ml anil Mrs William II Sage nf Albany

are al the Hi Heel- - far a ehort vlelt

Mr and Mri Dewitt Clinton rtlalr. whohave rriently ri turned from Kurope, are atthe Plana

Mr and Mr llenjamln Thaw, after a lourof the world, are at the I!it7..farltnn Theywill anon go to Neivpoit

Mr and Mr- - Aleiamlrr l.aughlln andfamily of Plttaburi: have been at the Hotelxanueriillt alnie their return from Uuiope

' Mra Edward .V Hreltung and Mlaa ,Iq.llette nreltung will nail y for Europe

' They will paaa the greater part of the sum-- J

mer In Verealllea, where later on they willhe Joined by Mr Hreltung

Col rtobert M. Thnmpaon retumeil tn thej St lira-I- yeaterday from Southampton. I, I

He will tall for Europe on I'rlday 10 attendthe Olympic games In Stockholm with Mr,

j TlKimpaon, who la now In Europe

The wedillng of Mra I" Thornton rtoe. adaughter of Mra. John C Calhoun Thorntonto t'harlea If. Tlilerlot will take place thlaafternoon at Villa Memo, the country homeof the brlde'a mother, In St Jatuei, I,.

Ml Carolina Lawrence Churchill, 11 niecenf Mr. Henry Vatea Satterler, will b mar-ried t'i tieorge II Ilartholomew In CalvaryChurch on June 27 William C. Ilartholomewwill art as hi brother's beat man The- -

t will be no reception.'

MIm MarJorle Me, daughter of Henry CI'll, American MlnlHef in Madrid, will be

I rua r Ii il tn Shnnc I.ralle, a ton of Col, andsir, jonn i.eatie or isimlon, thla afternoonnt the Cedara, the country home of thebrlde'a slater, Mrs. W, Jlourka Cockran, laPort Waahlniton, L. I.


Yellowstone Parkand the

Scenic Northwest


l,iii is lit I'.,,,

RrstcLvs-j- J




InII nr.- -

uii i.sir 'w.


11 it

Stamfmiiu, t'onn , lunc lu







and withoutpending lltidmi;

XI I an

See AmericaNOW!


Let me tell you about excursion datesin May, June and July, and cost ofthrough tickets. Special Summer Tour-ist and Convention Fares lonR limits,liberal stopover3. See the ProsperityStates of Ameiica along the NorthernPacific Railway.

Special! Parties ofElks and Others

arc making the trip Portland, Tticomn, Seattle,Spokane, etc. Join th'? one ftom your sectionend travel in conr.d"nl eomjumy. Through

from Chl-- u , ,, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Kan-sas St. Paul nii'l Minneapolis.

Ak for Ycllo-,vto:- Park liternturr: and par-ticulars of trip via only line

nlrkinl enl 'ice. :cuinn .June 15 Sept.13. 101 . v

.VKiisHns',t!r. I'". irrt..1214 llrtfiiirn,

I'lmn- - .tfrtiini ijr. topi

Northern Pacific Ky

How An American, WhoWas Diaz Secret Agent,

Escaped From Mexico

will be an extraordinaryTHERE by this man in nextSUNDAY'S SUN telling of

the remarkable scene when he bid

farewell to the deposed President in

the Utter castle, and how he washounded all over Mexico before he

got to the coast.


regular delivery from your



112 Wl'ST olt ST., h'ixVK

5567 CO! I'MTifS I'OI'NDnp 1863


AllrAetl lliix't 1 relliilrl IIoiiim.

'an here late this allertioou Coro-- 1

Mix New Haven county ordered'the detention Mrs. Joiin Doyie

MaplevvoiMl avenue, llriditeporl,further investigation clmrK"

that munleretlhaliy Inst Monday Hume Hotel,New Huven

Mrs Doyle went hotel Mon-tia- y

nii'.ht uLotii o'clock with luibyanil n.mie.She departed about o'clock.

rctiuti. baby lound nillo-cali-- d

Last Wednenlav PoyleHniiui'porl c.tlile ceremony perfnrnied

loundwith HridKcptui

who preceded hereon Wctlties- - tecepllonuny. nuuiii

both beini: iieldCoroner li.x's


Siiiiiii-i-'- s

Oiiriia In





rr awXnr )'i v!f







iutiichttier of

of olW.9 p"tnl-- j

iiik ol tin-

sh herthe

Ihe Insttin-

anMie did

not liu wasnext tiny.

Mr left herin was by

wasby of


nil Sum merOlniiui.


'Ihe M.ulleiiii (inlili-n- .

j which has been underKoilii; iiianvin the In at two neck- -, una Iniinallv opi'in-i- l

'last uiiflil. but under adieiee 111111111- -'

The bar was closed' explained by John ! .Mi connsol fill H011I

roof Vllllllll operate llllder Ihe llrell-- e otMadison Square (iiinlen proier, bill

llate yesteniay was that as the' iitilt o the roof used was over IheTheilire and Ih" .Madison Cnnieilllnll. whlili under sepnrnle thea-l- l

leal luenses. llie excise llu'ii-- n of. Ihe.Harden pi nut avail Whenapplication (or a separate exrl-- e licensewas niiidn was totind that inlicense of the ( Theiit hail milrevoked, and under Hie law .111 excise li-

cense mil he IssuedThe new toot garden, however, was



I.anitirrt Colleclloii(in In prlusflehl.

PitlitvnKbi'iita, Juno 10. The Lincolncollection gathered by th" l.itn MnjtirWilliam H or thin Is toa in tho l.incoln atSprlnKflcld. accordins to p. do-;'.- '

friend of Major inn collectionis eaid to ls the most completo in oxli-- t

once ami is at abnnt ilSu.iitiiiMajor 1. nml). also wn tho

of tho i'liuckerny collaciinn in thoworld. hie Is at about S2S0,ntin.

1 It ia to be eold, probably inuol.

1 tier.

fTv5R7 t iki'-pko-o! STOUAGlv



Porter III ue-loi-

Nt.w Havkn, .lime III Miss Louise) Hlge- -

lrr low, daiinhler of Mr and Mrs. Frank Ij.llnteloiv or llili eity and itrantlilniiuhtsr ofthe IU" tiov Unhurt II. Illitelnw. was

tins in the t hurch orthe to iJon.ild Wallncu Porter.

: 'uile, I'.iii.. .mil Harvard M01l1c.1l School,l'.u. bride was attended by MintHelen Porter, sMcr of the brideitroom, andthree liiili'.-in.iii- Mi Until llrnlnaril of

Misi' h.irlolle llopkinsof Hunsor.Me mid Miss Iliiih New Haven'I he In .iesToom had a- - Ins best mini I.Diila

' I lictitin-'iAa- of Sen Haven, a Yale e.

lid the Inelllded Pirrre-.o- at

Hiiteloi, Sen Haven, 11I1' 'n, Si h.irles 1,. I.ei.i-- i 01 .New lale. 'it' S, ,losi'ili Seovdl Porter ol MiddleloiMi.

j ' "nil.. .le. 'Hi. Iie'llletll 11. Vehs ofSi r.intoii, 'n . vale, 'us, )r tieorge I in-- Jcoin Woreo-te- i .

. ami Ilr Walterl..nev ol t heveuiie. v o , llnrvard, M .

hiisbaud and lo Stain- -' 'Ihe the'foul, ij licit' Hev Watson I. Phillip, 1). I thl rltr

Churles II. Stroilt, a assisted the Hev .lav htocklnif .New.youth her tuniU,.. Mass A followed tli

nw arrcsieu aiouii xviui eeremon j.



innf olihaiiKi'i

stances.A Intyte.



per would

lheairii.iliarrleti te



cilyreatlnR plaou Mubeum







Purler ol




llrimkl 11 In lloeU

lmt k ( oiiitiils. inner 1 nlvin 'lomliln hasaiiieed to tletull several of his associatesIn point nut to the member nf the llrookiynheitiriic ns ll.ei- sail iilnnu' the It v inner--

Mrnnl the llni'iovetiients ni-- i mil .j plislied nnd (Otiteiiildaied bv llie Din k lie.

piirtincnt Ihe leavue lias eliaitered thenteauiri Amnliioii lo make an all dm tripup the Hudson tn view Ihn (lerniilll and llm

I Xinerii'iiu lialtleshli's, and lo note thewnter' t runt I hi. li.iu lmersl.i le P.i il.-- ivlilrl. ulll

the M.'lillMin Sipiate iiitueli n "" "' i"nConinaiiv. ll had been expected Hint the,




I'rnliHlit.v Will






Rrf- -


XVniiieii .lerTrraimlana I nllr.s uirenie conn In ii t M1C.1II slened

articles ol iiienriinintlni for thaoin. in' .lefleisOli tilth of N"e.v ork,

w lili li has been 01 iriinied bv Mrs .1 lle'UesCinvvell, ,Ms Neil ji llimnellv Mcl'all,Mrs .lohn H'l.eitv, .Mr- - Walter Francis.Hums Mrs leini'irill. Hill. Mrs II Howardltiilii-i- k ml Mi (leorire I'ranils herr.'1 he lrt uieetliik- - is to he held at the Waldorfnext I. ill

V Glass before Breakfasttones up the itomach, darathe head and do you gostL



t KhM"" ayw