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 AF Normal sinus Rhythm

Af Benedict

Oct 18, 2015



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  • AFNormal sinus Rhythm

  • Atrial FibrillationFast Irregularly Irregular

    SymptomsPalpitationBreathlessnessSignsFast irregular pulse

  • Assess effect Cardiac FailureBlood pressure

  • ClassificationIs it Episodic?




  • Paroxysmal If reverts to sinus rhythm within 7 days

    Paroxysmal -No PersistentReverts to sinus with treatment

    Persistent AF no Permanent Reverting failure

    Proximal permanent

  • TreatmentAnticoagulation CHAD S2 ScoreCCF -1HYpertention -1Age over 75 -1Diabetes Mellitus -1Stroke or TIA -2

  • Anticoagulation CHAD S2 0-1 AspirinCHAD S2 2-3 Aspirin /WarfarineCHAD S2 3 or above Warfarine

    Target INR 2-3

  • Valvular Heart Disease anticoagulation Warfarine (No CHAD S2 )

    Alone AF -No anticoagulation

  • Rate control in acute AFBeta Blocker- IV Atenolol 5 mg over 5 min

    Calcium Channel Blocker-Verapamil 5- 10 mg over 5 min

    Digoxin IV loading dose 1 mg over 2h Amiodarone

  • Rate Control In Chronic AFDrug of choice - Beta Blocker or Calcium Channel Blocker (Atenolol,Verapamil,Ditiazem, Digoxin)

  • Rhythm control Cardio version Drugs

  • CardioversionECG Evidence of Acute MIHypotensionHemodynamic InstabilityWPW SyndromeDrugsTry if less than 24 or 48 hoursAmiodarone,Propranolol avoid in Ashma

  • Flecainide (Avoid in Coronary Heart disease)

    Maintain Sinus Rhythm with Atenolol, Sotalol,Amiodarone

  • AF in HyperthyroidismDefinitionThyroid over activityCausesGraves diseaseToxic Multinodular GoitreSolitary Toxic Nodule/Adenoma

  • TreatmentAnti Thyroid Drugs E.g. Carbimazole,PropylthiouracilThyroidectomyRadioactive Iodine

  • HypothyroidismPrimary


  • Confirm TSH & T4

    Treatment Life Long Thyroxine on empty stomach

    MonitorTSH & T4
