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Aditi Sharma and Sunnie Lee WHAP Period: 4 Key Cities

Aditi Sharma and Sunnie Lee WHAP Period: 4 Key Cities.

Jan 18, 2016



Coral Chandler
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Page 1: Aditi Sharma and Sunnie Lee WHAP Period: 4 Key Cities.

Aditi Sharma and Sunnie LeeWHAP

Period: 4

Key Cities

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CHAPTER 5 - Iran

Persepolis Cyrus began Achaemenids’ rule, defeated Medes Built by Darius I extended Persian control and

organized the government Near Elam and Mesopotamia Geographical center of the empire Had important skilled workers

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• New cit ies after Dark Age• New Intel lectual Currents

• Humanism• New technologies• Pre-Socrates, new philosophies

CHAPTER 5 - Archaic Greece (800-480 BCE)

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CHAPTER 5 – Archaic Greece (PT. 2)

AthensPolitical, Cultural and Economic

RenaissanceLarge population & Fertile land Important government reformers

Solon Pisistratus Pericles

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CHAPTER 5 – Archaic Greece (PT. 3)

Sparta Southern part of Greek mainland Military state (because of fear of helot-uprising) Invaded areas (i.e. Messenia) Used hoplite tactics Economic, political and cultural reinassance was

suppressed, military aspects overruled Weren’t normal, didn’t trade Almost communist-like

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CHAPTER 5 – Classical Greece (480 BCE-323 BCE)

Persian Wars Struggles between Persia and Greece (Delian League)

Dominant rule of AthensSocrates and Plato (new philosophies, Plato’s

Academy, new take on education)Athenian navy Athenian power/ruleInequality in society

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• Alexander the Great (son of Phi l l ip II) gained power after/because of Peloponnesian War• Alexander favored Persian elements but bui lt Greek-style cit ies

Hellenistic Age

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CHAPTER 5 – Hellenistic Age

Three Kingdoms:Ptolemies (Egypt)

Did not enforce Greek culture/ways Alexandria: Located between Egypt and Mesopotamia

Seleucids (Eastern areas) Persian-style government

Antigonid (Macedonia and Greece) Homogeneous Population

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• Ruled lands in the Mediterranean Sea• Used their natural resources• First ruled by 7 Kings and transformed into a republic

The Romans

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Chapter 6: Roman Republic

Roman Republic Leaders Two Consuls Senate The Tribune : Patron/ Client Relationship

Shared privileges of citizenshipConquest Wars and Expansion

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Failure of the Roman Republic

Failure of the Republic Decline in military and senate power Gauis Marius : led to private armies under generals. Civil wars = resulted from loyalty to generals Augustus ends the republic and creates the Roman


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• Urban Empire• Granted Cit izenship

Roman Empire

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Roman Empire

Carthage & Other Cities Large populations = Strains on resources Elegant Townhouses & Villas Town Councils maintained law & order Lavish Amenities & Attractions Pax Romana : Safety & Stable life guranteed Aqueducts

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Rise of the Byzantine Empire

Constantinople Built by Constantine More educated & Christian population Capital of the Byzantine empire

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• Founder: Shi Huangdi• Total itarian Structure • Unifi ed the Chinese Civi l ization = Standardization• Confucianism & Legalism

Qin Dynasty

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• Founder: Liu Bang• Combined Legalism with Confucianism• Mil i tary Expansion• Formation of the Gentry

Han Dynasty

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The Han Empire

Chang’an Located in the Wei Valley Protected by a ring of hills High walls protected important areas Important city on the Silk Road

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• First Central ized Empire of India• Founder: Chandragupta Maurya• Based on Buddhism

The Mauryan Empire

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• Located near Trade Routes•Founder: Chandragupta•Based on Hinduism

The Gupta Empire

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The Gupta Empire

Pataliputra “Theater State” Located on Trade Routes Capital of the Empire Fertile Land

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Southeast Asia

**better map on pg. 191 in your textbooks!

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Important Cities in South East Asia


Capital of Srivijayan Kingdom Dominated Indian Ocean Trade Route Navigable Rivers Sumatran Sea Port

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• Trade route for Mediterranean & China• From Antioch – Chang’an

Silk Road

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• Trade across Indian Ocean & South China Sea• Used monsoon winds to navigate

Indian Ocean Maritime System

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•Trade in caravan cit ies across the Sahara

Trans-Saharan Caravan Routes

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Cities on the Trans Saharan Caravan Rotes

New technologies (camel breeding, stirrups, etc.)

Saba Caravan city near the coast Trading center with diverse populations

Petra Caravan City Traded native products

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•Rival of the Byzantine•Followers of Zoroastrianism•Ruled in Iran

Sassanid Empire

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**This is the end of Chapter 8. Chapter 9 is Islam, which Maddie, Shahriyar and Sydney did a good job of explaining. Mrs. Hallgren will be going over Chapters 10 and 11 for the quiz in class! This powerpoint covers Chapters 5-12 and will be up on Edmodo and Facebook to use as another study tool for the test on Tuesday. Good luck guys! :D

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Key Cit ies : Mecca & Medina

Islamic Kingdoms

**You guys should know this from Maddie, Sydney and Shahriyar’s presentation!

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• Rule of the Pope• Infl uenced by Christ ianity•Strongly disl iked Paganism•Monastism•Crusades on pg. 270

Western Church

**Better map on pg. 258 in your textbooks!

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• Founder: Constantine•Capital : Constantinople•Paganism died easi ly

Byzantine Empire

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• Founder : Vladimir I•Orthodox Christ ianity•Dependent on Byzantine

Kievan Russia

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• Built Grand Canal•Unifi ed China•Strong infl uence of Buddhism•(another) Chang’an

Sui Empire

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• Founder : Li Shimin• Decedents of the Turks• Tributary City

Tang Empire

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Tang Empire Cities

(yet another) Chang’an Cultural & Economic Capital Near the Grand Canal & Wei River Valley Sea Port Destination of Tributes

Canton (Guangzhou) Coastal city Connected to the Capital

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Empires during Tang Rein

Uigur and Tibetan Empire Uigurs = Turkish group with ties to Islam and China Tibet: Islamic, Indian, Chinese & Greek Culture

Friendly with the Tang, liked Buddhism at first Ended with Monastic Rule

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Post Tang Empires

Song Empire Largest successor of the Tang empire Capital: Kaifeng

Liao Challenged the Song empire Northern China

Jin Empire Ruled by the Jurchens Southern Song Empire

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Key cities in the Song Empire

Hangzhou Advanced technology allowed flow of the river

through the city avoided the Burbonic plague Multistory wooden apartments & narrow streets Large population Expertise in water supply & waste management Amenities : Restaurants, Parks and Tea Houses

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Korean, Japanese & Vietnamese Empires

Koryo Allied with the Song & disliked Jin and Liao. Used movable type print

Japan Yamato Empire

Capital: Nara & Kyoto Influenced greatly by Chinese empires

Kamakura Shogunte Military Regimine rule of Japan

Vietnam Ammam Empire

Modeled after Chinese empires Rivals with Champa Government resembled early Tang

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Mesoamerican Classical Period

Teotihuacan Civilization Most important civilization of Mesoamerica Rapid Population growth Religious Detailed Architecture Relatively Peaceful, Military = important

Mayan Civilization Shared similar culture Powerful cities controlled rural cities Lasted through Classical period

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Mesoamerican Post Classical

The Toltecs Similar to the Teotihuatican Based on military power Two kings or chieftains ruled One ruler was exiled and led to decline

The Aztecs Twin Capitals : Tenochititlan and Tlateloclo Military success = empire Tribute system & Long distance Trade

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Northern People

Anasazi Chaco Canyon = community

Mound Building Cultures Adena Hopewell Mississippian

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Andean Civilizations

Moche Military Control

Chimu Powerful Coastal Civilization

Tiwanku Highly stratified society

Wari military power ended Moche

Incas initially a chiefdom that expanded with conquest Expanded trade system