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A Quarter to Vic - Orientation Booklet

Mar 02, 2016




Orientation 2013 - What you need to know before coming to Orientation Week!
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: A Quarter to Vic - Orientation Booklet

a Quarter to VicVictoria College Orientation 2013

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Table of Contents1

WelcomeWhat is Orientation?Our Theme: A Quarter to VicA Message from the Orientation Student Co-ChairsPresident’s WelcomeDean of Students’ WelcomeThe Dean’s OfficeThe Registrar’s OfficeHow to Check-in for OrientationOrientation Schedule 2013Event DescriptionsCommuter Students and Mature StudentsMeet the Exec Team!Info Hub and MealsFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat to BringNote to ParentsMap of Victoria University



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You may be wondering why, after being accepted to the University of Toronto, you are now receiving all of this information from Vic-toria University. Victoria University in the University of Toronto comprises two colleges: Victoria College and Emmanuel College. U of T St. George campus (downtown) is divided into colleges; Vic-toria College is approaching 3300 students. You will hear us change between Victoria University and Victoria College, but mostly we just say “Vic”! Fortunately for you, Vic has always been known as one of the most welcoming and beautiful colleges on campus. Wel-come to your new home!

Here at Vic, we have a flourishing and active student community. There is no end to the number of clubs, activities, and other re-sources available to you here. At Vic we are proud of our diverse, friendly, and accepting atmosphere, and we welcome our profes-sional faculty students – Engineering, Music, and Phys Ed – as they are a vital part of our community. In addition to the great people, Vic also has the nicest quad on campus, historic residence buildings, and a beautiful theatre for student events. These unique features provide a quiet hideaway amidst the hustle and bustle of downtown Toronto. At Vic we know how to have fun, and Orientation Week is only the beginning!

Victoria College!welcome to


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Orientation strives to be inclusive, accessible and safe. In order to help us reach this goal, please let us know about any accessibility needs and/or concerns, allergies or medical conditions that you think we should be aware of. There is a place on the online registration form at where you can let us know this infor-mation, or alternatively, you can email the Orientation Student Co-Chairs at [email protected].

As one of the bigger colleges at U of T, Vic has the resources, dedication, and passion to provide some

of the greatest events you’ve ever seen. Vic is known for having a wonderful Orientation Week, a tradition we have always been proud of. With all the events we have planned, we’re in no danger of losing our reputa-tion! Your level of participation is up to you, so check out the schedule to see what interests you!


Orientation Week is a great opportunity to become familiar with Victoria College and its community.

Every year the Orientation Executive strives to provide a wide variety of events that appeal to everyone. This year we are continuing to offer academic information sessions to help you navigate your first year at univer-sity. From the Registrar’s Academic Welcome to the transitional seminars, you will find everything you will need to become acquainted with academics at the uni-versity level.

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a Quarter to VicNow that you know a little more about Vic and Orientation Week, you might be wondering why the cover of this e-booklet says “A Quarter to Vic: Victoria College Orientation 2013”.

Every Orientation Week has a unique theme and logo. The theme is what sets your Orien-tation apart from all the others that have come before and will come after. The logo will appear on all sorts of Orientation materials you will receive when you arrive here such as the very popular and fashionable Orientation t-shirts that all incoming students, Orientation Leaders and Executives, Dons, student council members, and staff wear during the week! So what is A Quarter to Vic, and why did this year’s Orientation Executive choose it to be your theme? It’s helpful to look at our theme from two different angles: the name and the logo.

When time came to select this year’s theme, the exec was faced with a challenge. We all agreed that we wanted a theme that would express and encapsulate everyone’s expe-rience and what it meant to all of us – as first years, leaders and everyday students passionate about the college we call home. Once we started talking, we realized that everyone had a different story, a different experience to share. It was this that got us thinking; Orientation isn’t about creating an experience, it’s about helping you make your own experi-ence and start a new chapter in your own stories.

This being said, though we may all have different stories, places we come from, values, all of our stories are what

come together to create a history; a collective of different stories, events, discoveries, and contributions that ultimately define who we are as a community. Everyone that has called Victoria College home has helped create the welcoming community it is today and you too, will have a chance to contribute to the story of Victoria College.

We felt that “A Quarter to Vic” represented perfectly the chapter that you are just about to begin. Your time is here and that it’s your chance to make write your own story. To rep-resent our week, we have chosen a sundial to symbolize the start of this new journey. To us, it’s a representation of possibility. A tool created to help realize potential; it represents discovery, innovation and ingenuity and going forth to the great unknown. We hope that similar to this timeless object, your experience here at Victoria College will last you a life-time and help you on your own journey ahead of you to new. We hope that Orientation will give you the tools to discover your own potential and what Victoria College has to offer.


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a message from the Orientation Student Co-Chairs


I remember the first time I stepped foot onto Vic campus, long before Orientation Week, during Open Vic actu-ally, and at a time when I was unsure whether or not I made the right decision in choosing UofT, let alone Victoria College. It was a nice (but chilly) morning in spring, the vines seemed to engulf every surface of the buildings here, I heard birds chirping and it seemed to be the most beautiful feeling. I was intimidated, overwhelmed, and perhaps anxious about coming to a new place where I knew nobody. Now here I am, three years later, having no doubt in my mind that I chose the right place. I could never have foreseen, on that chilly spring morning, exactly how much I would grow to love Vic, and how much it would mean to me. I’d like to echo what a close friend of mine once said, that “Victoria has become more than just a school to me, and Orientation more than just a week”. I wholeheartedly feel this way and I hope that one day, you do as well. - Komal

From the moment I announced my decision to attend UofT, I had never experienced so much doubt. Though at first I was uneasy with my decision, it didn’t last long. From the moment I arrived at my own Commuter Orien-tation, I knew I had made the right choice. One of the unique things which makes Victoria College such a re-markable place are the people you will find here and my fondest memories will always involve the extraordinary people I have met—in the most random ways if I may add. It is hard to find a place where everyone is so friendly, approachable and accepting of who you are; and it are these similarities, and differences of every individual which contributes to the unique culture and spirit of our college. It was Commuter Orientation and Orientation Week that helped me realize this about Vic, as well as my own potential and impact on this amazing community. I hope with every bit of my inner Victorian that you will also one day be able to walk onto Vic campus and have the same feeling of ‘Home Sweet Home’ as I do. - Jenny

Our goal is to help you find a home at Vic, and to echo that you are always welcome here. Here at Vic, you will meet some of the most amazing individuals and create some of your most cherished memories. You’ll be valued, challenged, accepted and appreciated. You’ll grow, learn, try new things and explore new places; all of which starts at Orientation Week.

In this e-book, you will find more information about Orientation Week itself, in hopes to bet-ter prepare you for what’s to come. During O-Week, we offer a diverse range of programming which is inclusive towards everyone, regardless of age, personality, or preference. The Orienta-tion Executive have been working hard all sum-mer to put the schedule together to make it inter-esting, exciting, informative and fun. We hope you find something in this schedule that piques your interest, and most of all, we hope you real-ize that Victoria College is a place where you are welcome.

See you in September! Komal Minhas & Jenny Pazio

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Welcome to Victoria College, where your imagination will be unbound, where educa-tion is more than a mat-ter of degree.You are the newest members of a historic community. On our Charter Day this Octo-ber, Victoria Univer-sity will celebrate its 177th birthday. With a charter from King Wil-liam IV on 12 October 1836 (long before Can-ada became a nation), Upper Canada Acad-emy came into exis-tence in Cobourg On-tario. Four years after young Victoria became

Queen, we became Victoria College, and then in 1884 Victoria University. Six years later we federated with the University of Toronto; we moved in 1892 to our present site, and now Victoria University is made up of two colleges – Victoria College which is yours, and our theological faculty, Emmanuel College.

We have a distinguished history, and you are about to add to that distinction. Every year it becomes more difficult to gain accep-tance to Vic, just because of the growing numbers of students who want to study here. So this is a highly accomplished class; it’s also a very active and engaged class. We admit deliberately those who want to be involved in their education. What you learn, of course, is what you are graded on. But you know that’s just part of the story. Your learning does not start or stop at the classroom door; it goes on in a myriad of activities. With the same care with which we selected you, Vic has developed pro-grams to enrich your experience. We believe in a fullblooded, fully rounded education. We want to open up possibilities, to welcome you into the freedoms of mind and imagination. That’s why we have introduced our signature set of discussion groups in “Ideas for the World.” That’s the reason for the dozens of societ-ies, groups and clubs where friendships are forged. That’s why we promote international exchanges, why we insist on including a small class in your first year.

If you commute from home (and more than half of you do), there is a package of activities and opportunities, special to Vic, that you will enjoy, particularly as you make new friends. If you live in residence, you have a ready-made new set of communities waiting for you. Both commuting and resident students have ac-cess to Burwash Dining Hall for meals, where the food is every bit as good as the company.

One of the most visible developments at Vic that you will enjoy is the new Goldring Student Centre. This is one of the finest stu-dent centres in the country, and this year you are its first inhabit-ants. There will be an official opening on September 25.

Make sure, then, that you are fully part of the Vic story this year. You’ll write your own part in the story, but you won’t do it alone. In the A.B.B. Moore foyer of Old Vic, inscribed on the wall are the words of a great president of Victoria University in the last century: Education must take place in a community. A commu-nity is a place of support, on good days and in times of stress and strain. That’s where you are; this is where you belong. Welcome.

Paul W. GoochPresident

President’s Welcome Dean of Students’ Welcome


Welcome to Victoria College!

Your time in university is pivotally located be-tween growing up and being out in the world. There are very few chunks of time in one’s life when so many changes of such im-portance happen. You will be learning new and challenging mate-rial, meeting friends you will have for a life-time, feeding your cu-riosity by trying things and thinking thoughts you had not before. You will stretch your-self to become wiser and more understanding of the world around you. These may all sound like platitudes now – typical words from the Dean – but they are also true.

You have chosen to come to Vic, which was a brilliant decision! The opportunities here are many, both in terms of sheer volume and in terms of variety. Your school work and your other activi-ties will come together to make your experience enriching and fun. Your academic experience will be of the highest calibre. At the University of Toronto you will be at the biggest and best research institution in the country. You will have extremely tal-ented people as peers, and you will have a quality of professors and selection of courses that is unparalleled. You will also have many different avenues by which you can get involved, both at Vic and in the broader university. There are clubs and societies, sports teams, student government and politics groups, theatre and music groups, academic societies and community outreach op-portunities, and many, many other offerings, including our new “Ideas for the World” programme.

You are lucky to be coming to a college that places great im-portance on the overall quality of your university experience. Whether you are a commuter student (and enjoying our new commuter student experience package) or a resident student liv-ing right in the college, your time here will be memorable. There is a large and dedicated staff and a great pool of upper year stu-dents ready to help you find the opportunities that suit you. We will help you to explore your options and we will help you if you have difficulties along the way.

Vic students have the best of both worlds: a small and acces-sible college environment and a huge research institution full of all of the academic and social opportunities that these offer. All you need to do is take advantage of it all. Make sure you try new things and get just a bit uncomfortable so you can learn in the most robust sense of the term.

You’ll have a great time at Vic. University is an exciting time of making decisions and creating a life and career, and Vic is, I believe, the very best place to do so. We take seriously our motto, abeunt studia in mores (studies pass into character). You will have fun, you will learn, and you will grow. You will be the architect of you.

Good luck, and I look forward to meeting you!Kelley CastleDean of Students

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The Office of the Dean of Students

Victoria College Registrar’s Office

Contact Information

Office Hours

Contact Information


The Office of the Dean of Students, located in the Goldring Student Centre, strives to support and challenge students in their personal development during their years at Victoria. We have many programmes that will broaden and enrich your university experience beyond the classroom. We also under-stand that university can be overwhelming at times, and we are here to guide students to resources that can ease their tran-sition to university life.

The Dean’s Office is responsible for the operation of the resi-dences, the commuter experience package and for maintain-ing a community where students can succeed both personally and academically. To aid in this process we have Dons for residence and commuter students. They will give peer guid-ance, sponsor events, provide information about services on campus, and they are responsible for maintaining community standards at all times. They work with the student council (VUSAC) to provide activities for the enjoyment and benefit of students throughout the year.

As a team, and in cooperation with our very active students, the Dean’s office staff works to create an environment that encourages personal development and participation in the community. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel welcome to drop by the office at any time.

The Registrar’s Office is your first stop at the University of Toronto. We are here to offer support regarding your ques-tions about academic, career, financial, or personal matters. We are also happy to clarify or explain any university regula-tion or requirement you need to know about.

If you experience any difficulty (an illness or other personal matter) that affects your academic performance in any way, make an appointment to discuss your situation and your op-tions with an academic advisor as soon as possible.

We also offer 15 minute drop-in appointments every Wednes-day morning from 10 am to 12 pm and Wednesday afternoon from 2 pm to 4 pm (subject to advisor availability we reserve the discretion to stop accepting drop-ins prior to the time noted. Please come early). The Student Awards Manager is happy to assist you with financial planning issues as well as bursary and scholarship information.

Dean of StudentsKelley Castle, [email protected] Dean of StudentsScott Johnston, [email protected] Life CoordinatorBergita Petro, [email protected] Residence Operations AssistantWanda Hughes, [email protected] Life CoordinatorSamantha Hartlen, [email protected] of International Student LifeCaitriona Brennan, [email protected]

Please provide your full name and student number with all inquiries. Victoria College Registrar’s Office73 Queen’s Park Crescent, Northrop Frye Hall 106Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1K7Tel: (416) 585-4508Fax: (416) 585-4459Email: [email protected]

Mondays: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Tuesdays: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Wednesdays: 10 am - 4:30 pm

Thursdays: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Fridays: 9:30 am - 4 pm

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Upon arrival at the Victoria University campus, there are three things you must do to completely check in:

Step 1 - Residence Check-in & Move-inCheck in at the following locations according to your as-signed building to pick up your key:

Step 2 - Orientation Check-inAfter moving into your new home, head over to Old Vic, to check in with the Orientation Leaders, and pick up your Frosh Kit.

Step 3 - Residence OrientationMeet your Don and your floormates at 4 p.m. in the Com-mon Room area of your residence house or floor. Your at-tendence is mandatory!

As always, your Orientation Execs and Leaders will be there to guide you through the

entire check-in process!

IMPORTANT: If you are staying in residence and have indicated on your online registration form that you would like to host a commuter student, this commuter will be sleeping on the floor of your residence room and will have key access to your room for Orientation Week. Commuter students will arrive on the morning of Monday, September 2nd and will depart on Saturday, September 7th at 12 noon.

Hosting a commuter student during Orientation is a great way to meet new people, make new friends, and help commuter students experience all the Orientation programming without worrying about a long commute home, late at night.

Check-in date: Sunday, September

1st, 2013

Don’t forget to REGISTER for

Orientation at!


Margaret Addison: Burwash Hall (Upper and Lower): Rowell Jackman Hall: Annesley Hall:

Margaret Addison Hall Front DeskCheck-in Tent, Victoria College Quad Check-in Tent, Victoria College QuadAnnesley Hall Foyer

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How to Check-in:

As always, your Orientation Execs and Leaders will be there to guide you through the

entire check-in process!

Don’t forget to REGISTER for

Orientation at!


Not staying on campus overnight for the week?

Check-in for Orientation between 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in the Old Vic Foyer. Once you have picked up your Orientation Kit, head to the quad to meet with your Dons at 11:30 a.m.

Please Note: If you choose not to stay in residence for the week there will be a locked storage room made available for you to store your belongings.

Check-in date: Monday, September

2nd, 2013Signed up and staying on campus for

the week?Check-in between 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.Upon arrival to the Victoria University campus, there are three things you must do to check in:

Step 1 - Room AssignmentGo to the foyer of Old Vic to find your assigned room and to get your key. Keys must be returned by no later than 12 p.m. on Saturday, September 7th, 2013.

Step 2 - Orientation Check-inBe sure to check in for Orientation at Old Vic and pick up your Frosh Kit before heading over to your room for the week!

Step 3 - Grand Meet & GreetAt 10:45 a.m., meet your Don and the student you will be staying with in your house / floor! As you will be staying on campus, your attendence is vital!

IMPORTANT: Commuter student billeting is very limited and not guaranteed. Due to the limited number of spaces we are not able to accommodate any more requests for billeting.


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12 pm












12 am


Sunday, September 1st Monday, September 2nd Tuesday, September 3rd

9 am

The Grand Meet and Greet12 pm - 1 pm


Opening Ceremonies2 pm - 3 pm


Pizza in the Quad1 pm - 2 pm


A Lost Civilization

Dance Party!

9 pm - 2 amNed’s Cafe

Breakfast with your Presidents10 am - 11 am

Burwash Dining Hall

Registrar’s Academic Welcome & Dean’s Welcome

11 am - 12:30 pmIsabel Bader Theatre

Humanities & Social Sciences Meet & Greet

3:30 pm - 4:30 pmGoldring Student Centre

Scavenger Hunt4:30 pm - 6 pmMeet in Quad

Casino Night8 pm - 2 am

Old Vic

Residence Check-In &

Move-In10 am - 4 pm

for parking locations: Please see the document online

entitled “CHECK-IN” at !

Don’t forget to pick up your Orientation materials from

the Old Vic foyer!

Residence Orientation4 pm - 9 pm

Your Residence House/Floor

Please note that Free Food may not mean meals.


Free Food at event

MoveU Zumba Workshop

4 pm - 5 pmQuad

Dinner6 pm - 7 pm

On Your Own or in Burwash Dining Hall

TED TAlk6 pm - 7 pm

Northrop Frye 003

Dissolve7 pm - 8:30 pm

Isabel Bader Theatre

Learn the Frosh Dance3 pm - 4 pm


Guest Lectures I:2 pm - 3:30 pm

Northrop Frye 003

Frosh Plays4 pm - 5 pm

Isabel Bader Theatre

SECsy Time12:30 pm - 2 pm

Northrop Frye 003

Club Workshop12:30 pm - 2 pm

Goldring Student Centre

Transitional Seminars 14:30 pm - 6 pm

Old Vic

MATSO6 pm - 7 pm

Copper Room in the Goldring Centre

MoveU Zumba Workshop

5 pm - 6 pmQuad

Frosh Plays5 pm - 6 pm

Isabel Bader Theatre

Free Time

Theme of the Day: Ancient Civilizations The 20s The Dark Ages The 80s Present Day

Meeting With the Dons

10:45 am - 12 pm

Commuter Registration

9:30 am - 12 pmOld Vic Foyer

Board Games9 pm - 2 am

The Cat’s Eye

Dinner7 pm - 8 pm

On Your Own or in Burwash Dining Hall

Board Games&

Pool Tournament10 pm - 2 am

Ned’s Cafe&

the Cat’s Eye

Page 13: A Quarter to Vic - Orientation Booklet


Humanities & Social Sciences Meet & Greet

3:30 pm - 4:30 pmGoldring Student Centre

Guest Lectures I:2 pm - 3:30 pm

Northrop Frye 003

Club Workshop12:30 pm - 2 pm

Goldring Student Centre

Wednesday, September 4th Thursday, September 5th Friday, September 6th

Discovering Vic by Night

10 pm - 2 amAround Vic

Ask Your Leaders

10 am - 11:30 pmGoldring

Student Centre

Stretchworks11:30 am - 12:30 pm


Vera Victoria: Traditional Ceremonies

7:30 pm - 9:30 pmMeet in the Quad

Scarlet & Gold Party

10 pm - 2 amA Secret Toronto


UTSU Parade1:30 pm - 4 pm

Toronto City Streets(Meet in Quad)

UTSU ConcertLupe Fiasco

4:30 pm - 7 pmU of T Front Campus

Closing Ceremonies: The Launch!7:30 pm - 8:30 pm


UltraNow8:30 pm - 11:30 pm

The Cat’s Eye

Some meals will be provided for FREE as indicated above. For the remaining meals, we highly encourage all commuter students to purchase commuter meal vouchers for Orientation. Residence students can use their normal meal plans for meals.

Life Science & Physical / Natural Sciences Meet & Greet

3:30 pm - 4:30 pmGoldring Student Centre

VCAA Workshop

11:30 am - 12:30 pmMarg Ad Field

Campus Tours10 am - 1 pm

Meet in the Quad

Transitional Seminars II10 am - 11:30 pm


Clubs Day10 am - 1 pm

Kings College Circle

UTSU Party11:30 pm - 2 am

Buses Leave From Hart House


Guest Lectures II:2 pm - 3:30 pm

Northrop Frye 003

Orientation Convocation3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Isabel Bader Theatre(Meet in the Quad)

Alumni Social:Meet the Trailblazers

5:30 pm - 6:30 pmOld Vic

Dinner4:30 pm - 5:30 pmOn Your Own

or in Burwash Dining HallThe 80s Beat:

Wacky Tacky Fashion Show5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Wacky Tacky Boat Cruise6:30 pm - 10 pmMeet in Quad



12 pm












12 am


9 am

International Students Reception1 pm - 2:30 pmAlumni Hall in Old Vic

Rainbow Sprinkles:LGBTQ & Allies Social

1 pm - 2:30 pmGoldring Student


Free Time

Lunch With Innis12:30 pm - 1:30 pm


Carnival & Barbeque

10:30 am - 1:30 pmQuad

Student Life Involvement

Fair11 am - 1;30 pm

Old Vic

Free Time

Free Time

UTSU Party Alternative

Free Time

Theme of the Day: Ancient Civilizations The 20s The Dark Ages The 80s Present Day

Dinner6:30 pm - 7:30 pmOn Your Own

or in Burwash Dining Hall

Board Games

10 pm - 2 amNed’s Cafe

Light Night Hootenanny

6:30 pm - 10 pmThe Cat’s Eye

Free Time

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Event Descriptions


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Residence Orientation: Your Residence House / Floor

10 am - 12 pm Residence Check-in and Move-in: After registering online, check in on campus and get pumped for Orientation Week! Be sure to get your Frosh ID and a lot of free swag!Your Residence Building and Old Vic Foyer (Enter from the Quad)

4 pm - 9 pm

MONDAY10 am - 12 pm Commuter Registration: After registering online, check-in in person and get pumped for Ori-

entation Week! Be sure to get your Frosh ID and a lot of free swag! Commuter students staying in resi-dence are required to attend the “Meeting With Your Don” from 10:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. Old Vic Foyer

12 pm - 1 pm The Grand Meet and Greet: Come to the Quad for some ice breakers, cheers, and meet your Exec, leaders, and other first years. Quad

1 pm - 2 pm Pizza in the Quad: Grab some pizza and get to know the Victoria College Don team, which in-cludes both residence and commuter dons. This is a easy way to get to know your fellow Victorians! Quad

2 pm - 3 pm Opening Ceremonies - activation: Time Travel: Your new beginning starts here! You will be welcomed and introduced to Victoria College, and will be given the break down of the rest of the week. Quad

3 pm - 4 pm Learn the Frosh Dance: Come out and learn this year’s frosh dance! The frosh dance is one of the most memorable parts of Orientation Week! Don’t worry if you don’t have dance experience, it’s easy and fun! Quad

4 pm - 6 pm Frosh Plays: Come to Bader Theatre for funny short skits put on by your leaders! Please be on time for either show at 4 pm or 5 pm. Isabel Bader Theatre

4 pm - 6 pm MoveU Zumba Workshop: Come by for a fun Zumba workshop. Quad6 pm - 7 pm Dinner: On you own or in Burwash Dining Hall

7 pm - 8:30 pm Dissolve: Isabel Bader Theatre

8:30 pm - 9 pm Free Time

9 pm - 2 am A Lost Civilization Dance Party: A party celebrating ALL the ancient civilizations? You know it! Come out to the first dance party ever to be held in the new Goldring Student Center where we can enjoy doing the mummy dance and shout all night like the Spartans. Togas, hair wreaths, gladiator boots, tribal patterns, and absolutely anything you think represents this event are all encouraged! Pack wisely and remember to bring your Frosh ID! Goldring Student Centre


9 pm - 2 am Board Games: Alternative to the Dance Party is a low-key board games night! The Games Room in the Cat’s Eye

TUESDAY10 am - 11 am Breakfast With Your Presidents: You are cordially invited to attend breakfast with the Presi-

dent of Victoria University, Professor Paul Gooch, and the President of the Victoria University Students’ Administrative Council (VUSAC), Jelena Savic. You can use your residence or commuter meal plan, or pay cash for a buffet breakfast Burwash Dining Hall

11 am - 12:30 pm Registrar’s Academic Welcome & Dean’s Welcome: A Victoria College Orientation Tradition. Come meet our Dean of Students, Kelley Castle, and your Associate Registrar, Emanuel Melo, and learn some important things about your next four years. Isabel Bader Theatre

12:30 pm - 2 pm SECsy Time: This isn’t your high school sex ed. class - get ready to get blown away. The University of Toronto Sexual Education and Peer Counselling Centre is a volunteer-run student service that provides information on all aspects of human sexuality in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Come learn and ask about pleasure and protection. Northrop Frye 003

12:30 pm - 2 pm Club Workshop: The Clubs Workshop offers a great opportunities to experience the diversity ofclubs at Vic. Vic Dance, the Fencing Club, and the Arts and Crafts club will be running interactive work-shops, so feel free to try out what these clubs have to offer. Goldring Student Centre

2 pm - 3:30 pm Guest Lecture I: The Guest Lectures will give you a first hand glimpse into not only the feel of a real university lecture, and will give you a chance to meet some of the professors you could be learning from in the coming year. Come meet this year’s special guests! Northrop Frye 003


Ancient Civilizations

The 20s

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Humanities & Social Sciences Meet & Greet: After attending Guest Lectures I, meet and mingle with some of our university’s brightest minded individuals while enjoying delicious food. It’s a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Goldring Student Centre

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4:30 pm - 6 pm Scavenger Hunt: Meet new friends and discover new locations on the Vic campus in this unique scavenger hunt. Search for clues and complete challenges. The first team to complete this challenge will win a prize! Dress according to the weather (bring umbrellas and rain boots if necessary). Meet in the Quad

4:30 pm - 6 pm Transitional Seminars: Want to find out how to be a successful student and how to get involved? Come out to Transitional Seminars in Old Vic on either Tuesday or Thursday to discover what U of T is all about, and the various services and resources Vic has to offer to ease your transition to University! Old Vic

6 pm - 7 pm TED Talk: Education & Equity: Join the Education & Equity Commission in one of our signa-ture events for some learning outside the classroom. We’ll be watching a TED talk, followed by a tutorial style discussion. Come learn about one of VUSAC’s commissions while engaging in some thought- pro-voking conversation. Northrop Frye 003

7 pm - 8 pm Free Time

6 pm - 7 pm MATSO (Mature and Transfer Students Orientation) see page 17

8 pm - 2 am Casino Night: Win big at Casino Night! This just-for-fun night of blackjack, poker, roulette, and more gives you a real casino feel, without breaking the bank! Old Vic

8 pm - 2 am Alternative to Casino Night: come down to the Cat’s Eye for a relaxing movie or to the games room (also in the Cat’s Eye) to enjoy games and a pool tournament. Cat’s Eye

WEDNESDAY10 am - 1 pm Campus tours: Your first time going to classes at a big university that stretches across four subway

stations may be stressful, especially if you are unfamiliar with the buildings. Well, we have the best solu-tion for that! Bring your campus map, some comfortable walking shoes and meet your fantastic leaders in the Quad for a tour around our beautiful campus. Meet in the Quad

10 am - 1 pm UTSU Clubs Day: See the myriad of over 200 clubs U of T has to offer. Front U of T Campus

1 pm - 2:30 pm International Students Reception: Have you travelled from outside of Canada to come to Vic? This is your chance to see what resources are available to you, and to meet our International Student Life Coordinator Caitriona Brennan! You will also have the opportunity to mingle with other new stu-dents and leaders, and to share experiences from across the globe! Refreshments will be served. Old Vic

1 pm - 2:30 pm LGBTQ & Allies Reception: This event is for all students who are allies or are interested in get-ting more involved in the lesbian, gay, trans, bi, queer, and allies community around Vic and around U of T. Find out more information from this drop-in session while satisfying your sweet tooth with treats served by the VicPride! team and help create a positive space for all students. Goldring Student Centre

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Free Time

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Orientation Convocation: Orientation Convocation is a formal welcome for all students. There will be a series of welcome speeches from the President, the Principal, and the VUSAC President, and a Honorary degree will be conferred . The recipient, Izzeldin Abuelaish will then give an inspiring speech. Visit for more informa-tion! Isabel Bader Theatre (Meet in the Quad)

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Alumni Social: Meet the Trailblazers: Are you interested in Vic jewels from the past? Stop by for a few surprises, alongside some of Vic’s best and brightest. Old Vic

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Dinner: Dinner on your own or in Burwash Dining Hall

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Vera Victoria: Traditional Ceremonies: Take part in Vic’s historical ceremonies, Vera Victoria (or the “True Vic”), that contribute to our college’s culture and community bond. Those par-ticipating are encouraged to leave their bags, purses, and high heels in their rooms or in the commuter storage space. Meet in Quad

9:30 pm - 10 pm Free Time

10 pm - 2 am Return to the Dark Ages : Masquerade Ball (Scarlet & Gold Party): Be ready to dance in your most becoming attire. Mingle amongst your masked comrades and enjoy the music! But shh, the location is a secret! Leave your bags in residence or in commuter storage, since there are no bags allowed. Shuttle buses will be located in front of Isabel Bader Theatre on Charles Street

10 pm - 2 am Board Games: Alternative to the Scarlet & Gold Party, come by Ned’s Café for a fun-filled board games night, or the Cat’s Eye for a movie. Ned’s Café, Cat’s Eye, in the Goldring Student Centre


The Dark Ages

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THURSDAY10 am - 11:30 am Ask Your Leaders: Want a heads up as to how your school year might be? Come to the Goldring

Centre and ask leaders about their first year experience was like. Rooms are divided by general fields of study and each leader will be of a different major. The first half will be a formal question and answer period and the second half will be an informal mixer. Goldring Student Centre

10 am - 11:30 am Transitional Seminars II: Want to find out how to be a successful student and how to get in-volved? Come out to Transitional Seminars in Old Vic on either Tuesday or Thursday to discover what U of T is all about, and the various services and resources Vic has to offer to ease your transition to Uni-versity! Old Vic

11:30 am - 12:30 pm Stretchworks (Yoga): Come by the Quad for a well-needed yoga session. Quad

11:30 am - 12:30 pm VCAA Workshop: Marg Ad Field

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch with Innis: WHY? Because Vic <3 Innis! Be sure to stop by the Quad, grab some pizza, and hang out with Innis College. It will be a great time to show off your favourite cheers and to make some new friends! Quad

1:30 pm - 2 pm Free Time

2 pm - 3:30 pm Guest Lectures II: If you’re interested in the Physical Sciences, you will definitely want to hear this lecture! Come sit in! Northrop Frye 003

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Life Sciences & Physical / Natural Sciences: After attending Guest Lecture II, come down to meet with the amazing professors who will be teaching you at U of T while enjoying delicious food. It’s a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Goldring Student Centre

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Dinner: On your own or in Burwash Dining Hall

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm The 80s Beat: Wacky Tacky Fashion Show: Come one, come all in your wackiest, craziest attire! Strut your stuff on the catwalk while we pump up the music! Get a taste of what’s to come on the Wacky Tacky Boat Cruise. Meet in Quad

6:30 pm - 10 pm Wacky Tacky Boat Cruise: Bring your wackiest clothing, dancing shoes, boat ticket, and money to purchase subway tokens. The Wacky Tacky Boat Cruise may be the most fun you will ever have on a boat, so be ready to look crazy, and dance even crazier! No bags or waterbottles will be allowed on the boat. Meet in the Quad

6:30 pm - 10 pm Light Night Hootenanny: Alternatively to the boat cruise, come by the Cat’s Eye for a low-key jam session and some music. Cat’s Eye, Goldring Student Centre

10 pm - 2 am Vic By Night: This is a low key but fun event. If you want to take a breather from some of the high-energy events of the week, we will be hosting movies in the Cat’s Eye as well as doing ghost tours around Vic. Meet in the Quad

FRIDAY10:30 am - 1:30 pm Carnival & BBQ: The carnival is a great way to hang out with your friends in our beautiful quad and

also make new friends. There will be music, food, a dunk tank & carnival floaties. It will be a great way to get pumped, for the day. Quad

11 am - 1:30 pm Student Life Involvment Fair: The Student Life Involvement Fair is a great chance for you to see the ways in which you can get involved with student life at Vic through your student council (VUSAC) and other campus groups around U of T. Come out to see all the clubs and groups at Vic, and pick up a nomination form for your chance to get involved with student council! Don’t forget to bring a white t-shirt to participate in the tie-dye workshop! Quad

1:30 pm - 4 pm UTSU Parade: March through the streets of downtown Toronto with 5000 other U of T students! This is one of the most famous events of Orientation Week. Be sure to wear your Vic t–shirt and bring your cheering voice and some water. Meet in the Quad

7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Closing Ceremonies: The Launch!: This marks the end of your Orientation Week time trav-elling, but initiates the beginning of your time here at Victoria College and all of the wonderful times you are about to have. Meet in the Quad to celebrate the end of an experience and the beginning of new travels! Meet in the Quad

8:30 pm - 11:30 pm Ultra Now: The Ultra Now is an open mic event that will occur at the end of the week in the Cat’s Eye. Come out to see your fellow classmates perform or volunteer to perform yourself! There will be acoustic acts as well as big band acts playing so don’t miss out. Snacks will be served and all that you need is to bring yourself and an instrument! The Cat’s Eye

16The 80s

Present Day

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Commuter Students


1) Students who will be living off campus during the academic year (This may or may not include an affinity for the TTC/Go Transit/Driving).

2) 80% of the Vic population.

Victoria College works to increase the involvement and connection of commuter students to the campus, and works with student leaders and groups to help co-ordinate and sustain the vibrant campus life for which Victoria is known.

For students not living in residence, establishing links to the community can be an additional challenge, and Victoria recognizes that this sense of community is very important to the success and enjoyment of all students. For this reason, Vic offers a special Commuter Orientation Weekend that takes place prior to Orientation Week.

Commuter Dons

The Commuter Dons at Vic are here as student advisers, helping commuter students with personal, academic, financial, and social matters. They can direct students to services around the college, as well as the university and in the city. Their office is located in the VUSAC office in the Goldring Student Centre, so feel free to visit their office hours to talk. In addition, the Commuter Dons also prepare a number of social events and educational programs; they aim to help students make connections throughout the year and to make the most of their out-of-classroom experiences.


A Mature or Transfer Student is any student who is not joining us directly from high school. All students are encouraged to attend Orientation Week! As Victoria College students, you have already paid an Orientation fee, and you are more than welcome to attend all of the events.

Victoria College will be holding a Mature and Transfer Student Orientation on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013 in the Goldring Student Centre. The event will run from 6 pm to 7 pm, and will include a guest speaker detailing life at Vic. Speakers will outline resources available on campus, how to use the Registrar’s Office, and how to get involved at Vic. Following the speaker, we invite you to mingle with members of the faculty, the Registrar’s office, academic advisers, and current Vic students. We will also be holding short tours of Victoria College. Some snacks will be provided at the beginning of the event.

For more information on this event, please email [email protected].

Mature and Transfer Students

Commuter Orienation

VOCA Breakfast


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Samantha is the Campus Life Coordinator at Victoria Col-lege. She is here to help you ad-just into university life. You can ask her about anything such as involvement on campus, study skills, careers, health and well-ness, and anything else that you may have questions about. Her

door is always open to talk about personal things going on in your life. She also loves to get visitors and to chat about mu-sic and TV! Stop by her office in the Goldring Student Centre anytime!


Going into her final year, Jenny is studying accounting and economics in the Rotman Commerce program. When she’s not busy telling terrible jokes or chasing down the cast of Suits while they film in To-ronto, you can find her enjoy-ing what the city has to offer, playing the ukulele, or setting the facts straight about accountants (no, she does not own a pocket protector, nor does she carry a calculator at all times…she has an abacus for that!). She is UBER-excited to be one of this year’s co-chairs and can’t wait to welcome you to Victoria College! Brace yourself, Orientation is coming!

Throughout Orientation week, you will see these individuals in their pink EXEC t-shirts. They are very excited to meet you in September as they have worked throughout the summer to bring you Orientation 2013! When you see them on campus, don’t be afraid to come say hello, ask them some questions, or simply give them a wave! Here are a few things about them:


Komal is entering her fourth year at Victoria College as a commuter student. She is stud-ying Animal Physiology, Hu-man Biology, and Psychology. Komal loves Disney movies, pomegranates, camping, and the rain! This fall, Komal will be on the Exec team for the Victoria College Off-Campus

Association. Komal is super thrilled to meet each and every one of you, and hopes that you’re as excited about Orienta-tion as she is! Most importantly, she welcomes you to Victoria College.


Susan is going into her 4th year, completing a special-ist in Ecology & Evolution-ary Biology. When she’s not “studying,” drinking too much coffee, or watching Grey’s Anatomy, Susan enjoys eat-ing, sleeping, and playing video games. This year Susan is directing Frosh Plays and hopes you’ll come by to watch. She loves talking and meet-ing new people, so stop by and chat with her! Susan was re-ally nervous her first year, but hopes you’ll come by to say hi!




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Chelsea is going into her sec-ond year at Vic, studying psychology and languages (French, Spanish, and Italian). She loves dance, the colour purple, and all her fellow Vick-ies! She is an Exec for the Vic-toria Off-Campus Association (VOCA) and would enjoy talk-ing to anyone interested in be-

coming involved at Vic. Chelsea fell in love with Vic during her first year, after discovering the lovely people and boundless op-portunities Vic has to offer. She loves the positive, upbeat atmo-sphere of Orientation Week and can’t wait to meet you all soon!


Jacob is entering his third year at U of T and is study-ing Criminology and Ethics, Society & Law. He lived in residence for his first year, off-campus for his second, and will be studying abroad in Austra-lia for half of his third! Jacob enjoys swimming, fencing, playing video games, watch-ing TV, and hanging out around Vic. If you don’t see him during the Traditional Ceremonies, you might see him in the Quad fencing or playing Ninja and Werewolf. He’s super ex-cited to be a part of Orientation, and can’t wait to meet you!


Rachelle is starting her fourth year at Vic and has been a commuter student for the past three. Although the com-mute to Toronto can be long, it makes window shopping easy and napping a morning ritual. She really loves her studies in Neurosicence, Psychology and Physiology, but her favourite

memories from university will always be of her time at Vic. Besides swimming and figure skating, Rachelle is passionate about music and art. Come bring her all your questions! She hopes to be as helpful as she can be - especially during Orienta-tion week!


Patrick is a third year Neuro-science/Animal Physiology major at Vic. Not only does he love science, but his other pas-sions include of martial arts, comic books as well as being the front man of the alterna-tive rock band known as Wjolf. You can always find him on nice days playing his guitar in the Vic Quad, or at any open mic event (see you at the Ultra Now!). He plans to make O-Week an inspiring time for every-one and hopefully make the week have an explosive impact for years to come.


Spencer is starting his third year at Victoria College, and is studying English, History, and Philosophy. A volleyball team rep and Cat’s Eye Sub Com-mittee member, he spends much of his free time playing pool in the Cat’s Eye. Spencer is very excited to be a part of the 2013 Orientation Exec!


Ashley is super excited to be heading into her second year studying Ethics, Society & Law, and Equity. Ashley was in her first year at Vic (this past year) and she is definitely looking forward to meeting you! Ori-entation Week holds a very special place in Ashley’s heart, and she can’t wait to create an unforgettable experience for all the incoming Victorians!



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Jelena is going into her fifth year at Vic, and is majoring in Human Biology and Phi-losophy. In addition to be-ing an Orientation Exec, she is the VUSAC President this year – so if she’s not in class, she’ll probably be somewhere around the Goldring Student Center, drinking coffee and

making to-do lists. Her favorite escapes on campus are the Emmanuel Library in the winter, and the University College quad during the fall. They’re absolutely beautiful! During O-week, she’ll be running the VUSAC Student Life Involvement Fair and the Guest Lecture receptions, so drop by! You can also grab breakfast and have a chat with her at the Breakfast With Your Presidents! She can’t wait to meet you all!


Christine is going into her fourth year as a Sociology, An-thropology and History stu-dent. When she’s not too busy studying, she can be found lounging in the Cat’s Eye, sing-ing with Vic Chorus, or flip-ping pancakes as the 2013/2014 VUSAC Commuter Commis-sioner at the weekly VOCA pancake brunches. For her, Victoria College fosters a safe and positive environment filled with friendly and welcoming faces. She’s ecstatic for Orientation and she is excited to meet all of you! THE COUNTDOWN IS ON! GET EXCITED FOR O-WEEK!


Nirusha is starting her third year at U of T studying Political Science, Philosophy, and Cana-dian Studies. She is a commuter student from the west end. She is also a huge Imagine Drag-ons and One Direction fan and appreciates anything and everything related to pandas. Nirusha enjoys playing sports, watching quality television shows and indulging in decadent cheesecakes. This year she is also the president of VCAA (Vic-toria College Athletics Association) and cannot wait to see you all get involved with intramurals. She is so stoked to be planning O-Week and looks forward to kicking it ancient-style with you Monday night! Smell ya later, froshies!


Peter is a student at Victoria College, but you should al-ready know that. He is going to his third year studying Global Health. He doesn’t live a very interesting life; during the sum-mer, he goes to work and then goes home and watches TV. This summer he watched the whole series of Justice League

and will start watching a new TV show very soon. His favou-rite part about Victoria College is how friendly everyone is. I’ll see all you lovelies in the quad!-Love Peter


Ready for some MORE fun facts and words of advice?

Visit to read blogs written by the EXEC Team!


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Have a question, concern, or want to know more about Toronto or U of T? The Info Hub has the answers to all your student and city life questions!

U of T is a giant school, and as such it offers a myriad of different communities, resources, and opportunities, it can be hard to keep it all straight, much less figure it all out in your first week! At the Info Hub, we have information regarding the Accessibility Centre, First Nations House, Hart House, the Multifaith Centre, LGBTQ resources, Sexual Harrass-ment resources, and many, many more. If you have a specific question or need, the Info Hub is designed to not only answer your questions, but also to direct you to websites, offices, and communities that can more directly assist you. Like all spaces at Victoria Col-lege, this is a positive space and all students are welcome.

Toronto is a huge city that we are still exploring every day! To help you get better ac-quainted with this incredible city, the Exec team has been working together to find the coolest, cheapest, and most interesting things to do and places to see around the dowtown area. Looking for a delicious place to eat or an interesting neighbourhood to explore? Descriptions and locations are provided at the Info Hub, as well as free maps to the city of Toronto. The Toronto Transit Committee (or the TTC) is an extensive transit program that runs throughout Toronto- for $3 you can cross the entire city via subway, street car, or bus! If you have any questions about this, or are unsure about connections and transfers, maps and answers are also provided at the Info Hub. Happy exploring!

Make sure you stay fed and hydrated throughout the week! A number of meals will be provided for Vic students throughout the week. The meals provided during Orientation Week will be delicious, and we will have limited amounts of alternatives for those who have special dietary needs (vegetarian, halal, gluten-free, etc).

Orientation Meal Plans - For Commuter StudentsThere are some meals that are not included during Orientation Week. For your conve-nience, you have the option to purchase meal plans from the Victoria College Burwash Dining Hall.

Orientation Meal Plans3 meals OR 5 meals in Burwash Dining Hall3 vouchers for $31.50 including taxes5 vouchers for $52.00 including taxesVouchers expire Friday, September 7th after breakfast.

For all meals in Burwash, you will require a meal plan. Residence students can use their residence meal plans, or or their VicDollars at Ned’s Café. Commuter students can purchase Orientation Week meal plans from Vic Food Services, or can go off campus for meals. We HIGHLY recommend that our commuter students purchase meal plans so they can integrate more fully with their peers on campus. Ned’s Café is an on-campus café for students. Ned’s serves hot meals and sandwiches, and has a wide variety of snacks and drinks available for purchase with cash or with Vic Dollars (included with some meal plans). There is a cozy seating area for students to en-joy their food and to socialize with other Vic students and new friends.

The Info Hub



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Frequently Asked Questions


Will I meet people from other colleges and/or faculties?You definitely will! The Orientation Executive have made a special effort to join with other colleges and faculties in offer-ing events. You can party down with the Music faculty first years at the Wacky Tacky Boat Cruise, and make some Innis College friends during Lunch with Innis.

What is Residence Orientation?This program is designed to give first year residence students the opportunity to adjust to campus living, interact with floor mates, and meet their Dons before the upper year students return to residence. It gives the residence Dons a chance to steer new students through important information and give them “insider tips” on making the most of university life. This year, Residence Orientation will begin in the afternoon on Sunday, September 1st, 2013 and will end mid–day on Monday, Sep-tember 2nd, 2013.

Is there any faculty involvement during the week?You will have the chance to engage with faculty members before class begins in a more informal setting throughout the week. Be sure to look at our program description in the schedule portion of the booklet. Events include: Registrar’s Aca-demic Welcome, Guest Lecture Receptions, Orientation Convocation, and Vera Victoria: Traditional Ceremonies.

What do “LGBTQ” and “Allies” Mean?LGBTQ: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer. You may also see LGBTTIQQ2S: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transexual, Intersexed, Queer, Questioning, and 2-Spirited. Allies: anyone– straight or not –who supports the LGBTTIQQ2S community or any of its members.

What is VUSAC?The Victoria University Students’ Administrative Council is your elected student council at Vic. A council of 19, with 11 elected in the spring and 8 in the fall (a few spots are saved for first year students), VUSAC puts together programming and oversees all Victoria clubs. Visit their office in the Goldring Student Centre, or website at, to find out more about your parties, educational and charity events, theatre productions and trips, clubs, the $50,000 Student Projects Fund, and commuter events!

What is UTSU?The University of Toronto Students’ Union represents and serves 41 000 full-time undergraduate arts and science and pro-fessional faculty students. They tackle issues of student rights, access to services, and campus life. Some of the services they provide include the health care and dental plan, childcare, subsidized entertainment tickets, and photocopying. To get involved and find out more, check out

Well, all of this information is great, but how much is it going to cost?Here’s the great thing: the cost for all the basic programming is covered in your student fees. However, the Commuter Orien-tation and the meals for commuter students (with the exception of the barbeque on Friday) are not included in this package. Residents can use their meal plans and commuters will have the option to purchase Orientation meal plans.

So, is attendance mandatory?You’ve already paid for Orientation so you might as well come check it out. You don’t have to stay for the whole week but we sin-cerely think you will find our events useful, informative, and fun! Besides, how often do you get a week at school without homework and tests? Take advantage of this opportunity to get used to your new environment before the workload arrives. Trust us, you’ll be glad you did. How you spend your time is up to you, but we ask that you fill out the online registration form at www.vicu.uto-

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Everyone will need:• Casual clothes and comfy shoes.• Theme-related clothes for each day• One outfit that is obnoxious, loud, covered in sequins etc.

for the Wacky Tacky Dinner and Boat Cruise on Wednesday. (Clothes will also be provided in the Quad).

• A nice outfit for the formal events on Wednesday – no need to be overly fancy (unless you’d like to be!) We’re talking about anything that makes you feel good. Think semi-formal!

• Some extra cash. Unless you have a meal plan, most meals during the week will NOT be covered so you will need extra money for food, subway tokens, etc.

• Sunscreen.• Water bottle.

Commuter students intending to stay in resi-dence during the week should bring:• A sleeping bag, pillow, and an air mattress or foam sheet. (You

will be sleeping on the floor of a residence room so please bring something to make yourself more comfortable!)

• Towels and toiletries. (Flip flops too!)

Note to ParentsIt is normal to be nervous about sending your new university stu-dent off to participate in Orientation. However, you should be as-sured that this transition period is critical in making friends, learn-ing about resources that are available, and making university a home for the next few years.

The Exec team (found in pink shirts) and the Leaders (clad in yel-low shirts) are here to guide our new students through their first days on campus. We hope to create a welcoming environment and

a positive space for all students. Our Campus Life Coordinator, Samantha Hartlen, will be present at the various activites through-out the entire week and is a great resource for students.

If you do have any questions or concerns that are not addressed in this handbook, please feel free to contact the Orientation Execu-tive at [email protected]. In addition, you can call the Office of the Dean of Students at (416) 585-4494

What You Need to Bring23

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Victoria University Campus Map


Q - QuadAN - Annesley HallBT - Isabel Bader TheatreBW - Burwash Dining HallCH - Stephenson HouseEM - Emmanuel CollegeGC - Goldring Student CentreLB - Lower BurwashMG - Margaret Addison HallNF - Northrop Frye HallPR - E. J. Pratt LibraryRJ - Rowell Jackman HallUB - Upper Burwash VC - Old Vic

Best Parking / Move-in Locations

Annesley: Annesley Drive Margaret Addison: Marg-Ad DriveRowell Jackman: Charles StreetNorth House: Charles StreetMiddle, South & Gate House: St. Mary’s StreetLower or Bowles-Gandier: St. Mary’s Street or Lane Off of Queen’s Park


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Welcome to Orientation Week 2013!