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*elIueiaY4 rur September 22,1967 Marshfieldlligh School, Marshfieltl,Missouri Vol. XV. No. I Meet thePrincipal By Debbie Gallion , Amid the hustle and bustle of phone calls, tardy students, and lockers that won't open, it's not always easy to find MarsMield's new high school principal, Mr. George T, Bal- lard. Mr. Ballard, who is begin- ning his ninth year here at M.H.S.,was one of our coiches ,:-for five years and our counse- lor for the past three. He stated that he enjoyedcounselingvery much, and he is certain that he will be just as happy in his new position as our principal. However, there is a big dif- ference in the two jobs. As Mr. Ballard puts it, "I find it's quite different frori:' corin' seling in the way you deal with the students' problems." "The teachers have helped me considerably," stated Mr. Ballard. He then went on to explain that those teachers who are in charge of certain out- side activities and activities within the school have been most helpful in reminding him of his duties connected with their activities. As far as drastic changes in the school rules or policies are concerned, Mr. Ballard plans none. However - and let this be a warning, students - he commented that there are too many people tardy during the day because of trips to their lockers, and if this doesn't stop, there ',might" have to be set times when students can visit their lockers. So relax, everybody. The kansition promises to be a smooth one. New Teachers ) ers on the staff, here is a list of them along with their teach- ing positions. Mr. William Mistler - In- dusbial Arts. Miss Eleanor Aldrige - HomeBconomics. Mrs. Verna Ohler - Publi- MIKE CRUISE By Bob Baldwin Starting right end for the Marshfield Blue Jays this year is Mike Cruise. Mike is a returning senior letterman from last year. Last season when J. C. Jarratt had a sud- den appendicitis operation and was out for the rest of the season, Mike took his starting position at center for the re- maining games and did a tre- mendous job. This season we can expect a lot of action from him on the offensive line, de- fensive line, and as a top pass receiver. ., ,*,'t*i* JIM HARTMAN By Bob Baldwin At the starting.left hallback position once again is Jim Hart- man. Jim has been an all-con- ference halfback for the past two years" He led yards, rush- ug for the Jays last season and played good defense al$o. As defensive halfback he has done a wonderful job in backirg the line and on pass defense. This was proven in the game against Willow Springs when Jim picked off a Bear pass and rana thirty-five lardtouclp down for the Jays. We can ex- pect a lot of action from Jim in the remainder of the season. ."ll?:: %rr,l"fi';,.".*#,1', BIUE JAySBTASI Mr. William Moore - Mr. Robert Triplett - By David Lea The Jays went all the way in Friday night's clash with Bolivar. Jim Hartnan led the TD tally carrying the ball over the goal line twicefor12points. Bob Winslow broke loose in tlte third quarter for a 51 yard run for a touchdown and then came back to make the con- version attempt. Rod Vestal also came into his won as he received a pass from John Brooks to make the total 25. Bolivar made their scores in the first and third quarters when McBride, their halfback, (continued on page 4) RECENTLY MANIFESTED STUDENT LEADERS (Better Known As By Marq McNabb The 1967-68 school system is well staffed with a capable faculty. Of the twenty-seven teachers now employed, tenare new. These men and womenare gomC to help you this year to get a better education. Their purpose here is not selfish for they spend manyertra hours on their own grading papers and talking with their students. This, of course, applies to all the teachers. In case you do @ F.H.A. By Margie Davis With the whopprng new mem- bership of one-hundred-fifteen members, the Marshfield Chap- ter of the Future Homemakers of America held its first meet- ing on September 12,withPres- (continued on page 4) cal E. & Health. ^'Hi T: ::::" "::: IIBERAT0RS, 25-13 medial Reading. Mrs. Jimmie Smith - Guid- anceCounselor. Mrs. Mabel Owen- Special Education. The Blue Jay Chatter Staff would like to welcome these new teachers to the Marshfield SchoolSystem.

a. Blue Jay Chatter Vol XV, #1

Jan 29, 2016



Eugene Greer

September 22, 1967. Marshfield High School, Marshfield, Missouri.
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: a. Blue Jay Chatter Vol XV, #1

*elIueiaY4 rurSeptember 22, 1967 Marshfield lligh School, Marshfieltl, Missouri Vol. XV. No. I

Meet the PrincipalBy Debbie Gallion

, Amid the hustle and bustleof phone calls, tardy students,and lockers that won't open,it's not always easy to findMarsMield's new high schoolprincipal, Mr. George T, Bal-lard.

Mr. Ballard, who is begin-ning his ninth year here atM.H.S., was one of our coiches

,:-for five years and our counse-lor for the past three. He statedthat he enjoyed counseling verymuch, and he is certain that hewill be just as happy in hisnew position as our principal.

However, there is a big dif-ference in the two jobs. AsMr. Ballard puts it, "I findit's quite different frori:' corin'seling in the way you dealwith the students' problems."

"The teachers have helped

me considerably," stated Mr.Ballard. He then went on toexplain that those teachers whoare in charge of certain out-side activities and activitieswithin the school have beenmost helpful in reminding himof his duties connected withtheir activities.

As far as drastic changesin the school rules or policiesare concerned, Mr. Ballardplans none. However - and letthis be a warning, students -he commented that there aretoo many people tardy duringthe day because of trips totheir lockers, and if this doesn'tstop, there ',might" have to beset times when students canvisit their lockers.

So relax, everybody. Thekansition promises to be asmooth one.

New Teachers )ers on the staff, here is a listof them along with their teach-ing positions.

Mr. William Mistler - In-dusbial Arts.

Miss Eleanor Aldrige -Home Bconomics.

Mrs. Verna Ohler - Publi-


By Bob BaldwinStarting right end for the

Marshfield Blue Jays this yearis Mike Cruise. Mike is areturning senior lettermanfrom last year. Last seasonwhen J. C. Jarratt had a sud-den appendicitis operation andwas out for the rest of theseason, Mike took his startingposition at center for the re-maining games and did a tre-mendous job. This season wecan expect a lot of action fromhim on the offensive line, de-fensive line, and as a top passreceiver.

., ,*,'t*i*JIM HARTMAN

By Bob BaldwinAt the starting.left hallback

position once again is Jim Hart-man. Jim has been an all-con-ference halfback for the pasttwo years" He led yards, rush-ug for the Jays last seasonand played good defense al$o.As defensive halfback he hasdone a wonderful job in backirgthe line and on pass defense.This was proven in the gameagainst Willow Springs whenJim picked off a Bear passand rana thirty-five lardtouclpdown for the Jays. We can ex-pect a lot of action from Jimin the remainder of the season.."ll?:: %rr,l"fi';,.".*#,1', BIUE JAyS BTASIMr. William Moore -

Mr. Robert Triplett -

By David LeaThe Jays went all the way

in Friday night's clash withBolivar. Jim Hartnan led theTD tally carrying the ball overthe goal line twicefor12points.Bob Winslow broke loose intlte third quarter for a 51 yardrun for a touchdown and then

came back to make the con-version attempt. Rod Vestalalso came into his won as hereceived a pass from JohnBrooks to make the total 25.

Bolivar made their scoresin the first and third quarterswhen McBride, their halfback,

(continued on page 4)


(Better Known AsBy Marq McNabb

The 1967-68 school systemis well staffed with a capablefaculty. Of the twenty-seventeachers now employed, tenarenew. These men and womenaregomC to help you this year toget a better education. Theirpurpose here is not selfishfor they spend many ertra hourson their own grading papersand talking with their students.This, of course, applies to allthe teachers. In case you [email protected] Margie Davis

With the whopprng new mem-bership of one-hundred-fifteenmembers, the Marshfield Chap-ter of the Future Homemakersof America held its first meet-ing on September 12, withPres-

(continued on page 4)

cal E. & Health.

^'Hi T: ::::" "::: IIBERAT0RS, 25-13medial Reading.

Mrs. Jimmie Smith - Guid-ance Counselor.

Mrs. Mabel Owen - SpecialEducation.

The Blue Jay Chatter Staffwould like to welcome thesenew teachers to the MarshfieldSchool System.

Page 2: a. Blue Jay Chatter Vol XV, #1

PhotogenicSeniorsIhe Roving Reporter

By Larry BeckerditeOuestion: What do You most

disiike about high school?Paul Longley - Goolishgreen

walls and Mrs. Nevergall.Bob Baldwin - Fifth hour

strdy hall teacher(Mrs. Never-gall).-

Duck Davison - I can't wearwhite Levis.

Vic Burchfield - A Spanishflea.

Eugene Greer - A two footLeprechaun that nobody seesbut me!

Bob Matteson - The brassi-ness of the teachers(Mrs.Nev-ergall).

Sally Abbott - The water onthe floor of the girls lockerroom.

Greg Mottesheard - ThedaY-light rule.

John Morris - GollY! TheY'recracking down on us.

Ronnie Bates - Theteachers.Jack Hilton The whole

works.Tom Burchfield - No sopho-

more burlesque in the gYm.Mary Ann Ward - All the

new rules - Yat cantt do any-

thing.Jerry Sharp - Mrs. Never-

galls study hall.The students - Mrs. Never-

gall.Mrs. Nevergall - The stu-

dents.Mr. Paul Ray - SameasMrs.

Nevergall.Mr. Ballard - The days are

too short (which is a lie!).Joan Trupp - PeoPle hitting

me in the back with chairs instudy hall.

Bungler - No light in thePublications tlPing room.


AttentionTroubled 0nesBy: Maggie

Do you have Problems? Noone to talk to? Are You lonelY?Do you sometimes feel likethe whole world is against You?Well, my friend, there is some-one who cares. At last, Maggiehas come to Your aid. AnYstrdent (or teacher) who is

September 13th and 14thmarked a big stepping stonein the senior Year as everYsenior made his journey tohave his mug, shots taken.

pressed and troubled, needs-to call upon Maggie for help.

You may wonder who or whatis a Maggie. Maggie is a Publicservant. Maggie is Your friend.Maggie wants to help You.

Now you are ProbablY won-dering - "How do I get intouch with Maggie?" To re-ceive Maggie's services, sim-ply write down Your foblgryinA arop it in the "Troublebox" which is now availablein the studY hall. The answerto ,your problem will appearin the Chatter.

Don't be ashamed. EverY-one has problems. If for somereason, our answers fail tobring you haPPiness, just re-member - even Ann Landersmakes mistakes.


Equally as important was Mon-day, September 18th, when theywere shaken to realitY as theydiscovered their true identitY.

Prelnration for the Pictureswas somewhat tedious andoftenfrustrating. Perhaps You havevour hair done the night beforebictures are taken. The nextmorning, to Your surPrise, Yorrfind that several sPrigs of hairstick straight out. What do Youdo? Panic, of course!

Preparation doesn't end athome. It requires much workafter arriving at school. Afterhours in the dressing room,you finallY have everY hairarranged in Place, Your draPeis on straight, and Your tiehas a Perfect knot. But iustbefore you go out, You musttake one last look in the mir-ror and most important of all,practice your smile.

Finally You've made it underthe bright lights. To Pleasevour fan club out front' Youho vour most dramatic Poses.cuak. click. click, click.That's all there was to it un-til Monday afternoon when newdiscoveries were made. Thediligent PreParation Paid offand the seniors found them-selves to be verY Photogenic.

rules - any-

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Page 3: a. Blue Jay Chatter Vol XV, #1

Bravo, Gals! our cheerleaders and pepsquadwas the best I have eyer seen -or should I sayheard. Through-out the game our gals kept upa steady stream of encourage-ment which not only showedthat we were proud of ourteam, but also spurred ourplayers on.

Excitement and enthusiasmwere at a high pitch even ont}te pep club bus before thegame. By the time we arrivedat Bolivar, the girlswerereadyfor anything. As soon as thegame started, it was evidentthat our team was ready, too.

Throughout the excitinggame, the cheering section andthe team seemed to give eachother energy and drive. Weshouted encouragement to theboys, and they dug in. At theresults of their efforts, wecheered even more.

Students at our footballgames have often been chidedabout their lack of school spirit.But never have I seen suchsupport for our football team.


We hope the students ofM.H.S. are as proud of theirband as the band is of its newuniforms.

Classes Are0rganized Black and Blue

Band ' AllBy Janice Atkison

_The MarsMield, marching,Blue Jay band members willbe stepping even higher thisyear in their new white spats.

Yes, after all the measuring,designing, and waiting, the newband uniforms have arrived.And none to soon, for our nexthome game is Friday, Septem-ber 22, During the half time ofthis game, the band will per-Igrq in all its glory wearingblack tuxedo pants and coat,powder blue and white over-lays, and white dome-shapedhats with powder blue plumes.The "tuxs" will be worn bythe boys for the formal con-cert in the spring.

SOPHOMORE:President - Steve Canbell,Vice president - Jerry Rich.

FRESHMAN:President - Mary Jane

McCall.Vice president - Charlie

Johnson.Secretary - Ginger Harmon.T?easurer - Diana Byrd.

tsy Debbie GallionFriday night's game with Bol-

ivar was exciting, stupendous,and superlative - not only be-cause our team played a greatgame, but because of the un-paralleled enthusiasm of ourpep club, cheerleaders, and allother Marshfield supporters!

The rousing spirit shown by

Welcome lo MHSNew SeniorsBy Margie Davis

This year the seniors ofMarshfield want to welcomeour four new class members.The two new girls are SheilaAustin from El Paso, Texas,and Elena Terzi, our foreignexchange student from ltaly.The new boys are Steve May-nard, who hails from Fresno,California, and Ray Riley, for-merly of Bakersfield, Missouri.

Also we have three girlsreturnir8 to finish here. Theyare Patti Jameson, Pat Moore,and Linda Buttram.

By Marcy Frick-The first class meeiings of

the school year were held onSeptember 11 during the thirdhour. These meetings were heldto elect class officers. Sopho-more, junior, and senior pres-idents and vice presidents wereelected last spring; but thefreshmen still had to elect alltheir officers. Due to a tie,the sophomores failed to electa secretary and a treasurer.

Class officers elected so farare as follows:

SENIOR:President - Larry Beeker-

dite.Vice president - Debbie Gal-

lion.Secretary - Hoover Case.Treasurer - Mike Cruise.

JUNIOR:President - David Thomas.Vice president - Dale Hart-

well.Secretary - Elaine Gennings.Treasurer - Barsha Davis.


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Page 4: a. Blue Jay Chatter Vol XV, #1

7 -4w,rye$fficrF."F"r6r ,"t ..

(continued from Page 1)

broke loose first on the groundthen to receive a pass fromAdams, quarterback, to maketheir total 12. He then carriedacross the second extra poihtattempt for the total of 13.

Top ondefense for the Marsh-field Blue Jays was RodneyVestal with 11 tackles and onefumble recovery. Lonnie Wil-son was high on thetackleehartwith 10 and 2 fumble recoverios.Also with an interception eachwere Lester Nunn and Jim Hart-man. Gary Wilson, also, rackedup a fumble recovery,

John Wheeler, starting tacklefor Bolivar, stated, 3,We didn'tthink we would have an''thinCto worry about before the game,but you fellows were t'up" forthe game and hit harder thananyone.wetve come up against."

Marsffield had a roughbreakwhen Bob Winslow pulled theligaments in his left knee. Bob,fullback, will be out for 2 to3 weeks. To adjust to this lossLester Nurur will start at of-fens ive ri.ght halfback and DavidLea will move to the fullback

Blast Bolivar Blue laysDnop 0pener

F.H.A.(continued from page 1)ident, Charlotte Beck, presid-hg. Elaine Gennings, secondvice president, gave the devo-tion. The program of work forthe year 1967-68 was read bythe first vice president, MarcyFrick. Standing .committeeswere appointed by their re-spective chairmans. The chap-ter also decided to sell Stan-ley products again this yearfor its rnoney making project.Iniatiation of new members was


Seven seniors and four jun-iors head the lettermen listof the Jay gridders this year.The senior lettermen are asfollows: Jim Hartnan 160pounds, hb; David Lea 170,hb;Robert Matteson 195, t; Rod-ney Vestal 160, e; Lonnie Wil-son 190, t; Tom Young 180, g;and Mike Cruise 180, e. Thejunior lettermen are Jim Hen-son 160, g; BobWinslowl90,fb;John Brooks 140, qb; and LewisChildress 195, t. Childress isa transfer letterman fromGer-many.

Beckner, Rhonda Chudomelka,and Janice Cook led the chap-ter in several songs and re-laxers. The meeting was thenadjourned.


F.F.A.By Marcy Frick

The MarsMield Chapter ofthe Future Farmers of Ameri-ca met the first period onSeptember trl, in room 15, withpre sident, Tom Rost, pre siding.

For the program at the firstmeeting, Jack Lilley, conser-vation agent, showed one filrnon gun safety. He also talkedto the boys about Wildlife Bun-dles. Mr. Lilley discussed thetypes of bundles and wherethe bwdles could be picked up.The meeting was then ad-journed.

F.F.A. officers for the com-ing year are president, TomRost; 1st vice president, JimGallion; secretary, Dean F elin;asst. secretary, GeraldWright;treasurer, Tom Young; asst.treasurer, David Young; re-porter, Mark Tirrner; asst. re-porter, John Sees; sentinel,Steve Buckner; asst. sentinel,Donald Hartwell.

By Lester NunnMHS opened its season Sep-

tember 8, without assistancefrom star tackle Bob Matteson.The result was a 13-6 defeatto the Willow Springs Bears.The Jays scored first on a 35yard return of an interruptedpass by Jim Hartman, seniorhalfback.

The Jay's lead stood untilthe third quarter, when theBears scored on a 5 yardplunge by fullback Bill Cooch.Then, minutes later, defensiveback Steve Steele intercepteda pass on the Jay's 20-yardline and ran it back to paydirt. The try for the exkapoint rryas also good, whichbrought the final score to 13-6.

Jim Hartnan, all conferencerunning back who slightiy in-jured his elbow in the finalminutes of the game, will beback in good form after acouple of days lay-off.Hartnanled the offensive attack forthe Jays with 84 yards rushingin 19 carries. Mike Cruise was



The Annual soap sprirnmagegot underway promptly at 8:00p.ffi., August 25. This Pre-season look at the Jays endedin a blue team victory. BobWinslow, blue fullback and A-team fullback, scored the win-ning touchdown to make theevening total of 8 to 0. Theremaining 2 Points were scoredon a safety by the blue teamfour.

Immediately after the ice anda lechrre by Coaches Gentry andTriplett at the half, then itbecame an A-team against B-team controlled scrimmage.

tops on defense with 6 tacklesand 3 assists.

During the course of the game,both Jim Hartman(21) andDavidLea (30) broke through the de-fense to score on long runsin excess of 50 yards.

According to Coach Genby,the scrimmage was tlte hardesthitting and most evenly matchedone that Marshfield has everhad. He stated, "We were quitesatisfied."

It was reported tlnt theamount of soap received ex-ceeded that of anY Previousyear. We add here, too, thatthere was only one bar oflava.


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