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Page 1 Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020 St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 * 847-966-8145 *

8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 * 847-966-8145 * www 15, 2020 Third Sunday of Lent Page 1 St. John Brebeuf Church 8307

Sep 18, 2020



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Page 1 Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020

St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 * 847-966-8145 *

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Page 2 Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020

Dear Parishioners, Our journey to new hope continues! Some days I can identify with the writer of Psalm 10:

Lord, why do you stand afar off and hide yourself in times of distress? The poor man is devoured by the pride of the wicked: he is caught in the schemes that others have made.

In my pastoral experience and in my own life, I have won-dered where God is when you hear the bad news of your best friend diagnosed with cancer, or a young mother and father go through the agony of having a stillborn baby. Yes, too, when you see the horror on TV of innocent people cut down by senseless street violence, and now with the global wide spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. How do we find hope for ourselves and those who seem caught in circumstances beyond their control? Where is God? In all this we ask for grace to enter the paschal mystery; to walk with Christ through death to new life. In this journey with the Lord, St. John of the Cross reminds us: we will not make it far, he says, unless we can distin-guish the absence of God from our feelings of God's absence. We must be able to move ahead, despite the feel-ing of absence, confident of God's presence. Please pray for yourself, for those you love and for the stranger, that even when you feel that God has abandoned you and those in your prayers, you and they will believe in His presence and abiding love. Perhaps you are in need of some pastoral attention to your marriage or you are in a long-term civil marriage and you don't know what to do. I invite you to give me a call and let's discuss your situation. Many times we can address the issue and bring a sense of peace and joy to your relation-ship. Not all situations can be quickly normalized, but many can be addressed pastorally. With prayers for you and those you love, Father Mike Meany

Drodzy Parafianie, Nasza wędrówka ku nowej nadziei trwa! W niektóre dni mogę się utożsamiać z autorem Psalmu 10: Dlaczego z dala stoisz, o Panie, w czasach ucisku się kryjesz, gdy występny się pyszni, biedny jest w udręce i ulega podstępom, które tamten uknuł? W moim duszpasterskim doświadczeniu, jak i w osobistym życiu zastanawiałem się nieraz, gdzie jest Bóg? Chociażby w sytuacji, kiedy słyszysz ymy złe wieści o najlepszym przyjacielu, u którego zdiagnozowano raka, lub gdy młoda matka i ojciec cierpią z powodu utraty swojego dziecka. Czy wtedy, kiedy w telewizji widzi my horror niewinnych ludzi dotkniętych sytuacją bezsensownej przemocy na ulicy albo teraz kiedy koronavirusCOVID+19 rosprzestrzenia się w świecie. Jak znaleźć nadzieję dla siebie i tych, którzy znaleźli się w okolicznościach poza ich kontrolą? Gdzie jest Bóg? W tym wszystkim prośmy o łaskę wejścia w tajemnicę paschalną; iść z Chrystusem przez śmierć do nowego życia. W tej podróży z Panem św. Jan od Krzyża przypomina nam, że: nie dojedziemy daleko, chyba że będziemy w stanie odróżnić nieobecność Boga od naszych odczuć nieobecności Boga. Musimy być w stanie iść naprzód, pomimo naszego uczucia nieobecności - pewni, że Bóg jest obecny. Proszę, módlcie się za siebie nawzajem, za tych, których kochacie i za nieznajomych, nawet wtedy gdy czujecie, że Bóg opuścił was i tych, za których się modlicie, uwierzycie w Jego obecność i trwałą miłość. Być może potrzebujesz troski duszpasterskiej o swoje małżeństwo lub jesteś w długotrwałym małżeństwie cywilnym i nie wiesz, co robić. Zapraszam do skontaktowania się ze mna, aby przyjrzec się Twojej sytuacji. W wielu przypadkach możemy rozwiązać ten problem i wnieść poczucie pokoju i radości do Twojego związku. Nie wszystkie sytuacje można szybko znormalizować, ale wiele z nich można rozwiązać pastoralnie. Z modlitwami za Was i tych, których kochacie, Ks. Mike Meany

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Monday, March 16 - Lenten Weekday 6:30 am Martin J. Arens 8:30 am Kazimiera Rafalik (Sybirak 10th d/a) Tuesday, March 17 - Lenten Weekday 6:30 am Teresa Kelly Joseph Zirko (8th d/a) Patrick O'Connor 8:30 am Joseph Cierny (Bday Blessings), Daisy Oliveros & Family (Bday Blessings) Wednesday , March 18 - Lenten Weekday 6:30 am Robert Boller 8:30 am Hedy Sancho ( Health & Blessings) 7:00 pm Halina & Edward Nowak Anastazji, Konstantego, & Jana Milanowskich Ludwik & Stanislawa Golebiowski Maria, Antoni & Andrzej Czyz Alojza, Tadeusz & Teresa, Adam, Stanislaw Janus, Danuta Rafalko (5th d/a) Thursday, March 19 - Lenten Weekday 6:30 am August Merkel (6th d/a) 8:30 am Elishwa Khoshaba Aram Youkhana Jozef Reszka Friday, March 20 - Lenten Weekday 6:30 am Ignacy Folwaczny 8:30 am Albert DeLorenzo, Mark Narsolis (Bday Thanksgiving), Francisco Carandang (Bday Thanksgiving), Claudia Aquino (Bday Thanksgiving) Saturday, March 21 - Lenten Weekday 7:30 am All Par ishioners 5:00 pm - Celebrant: Fr. Meany Josef & Teresia Schwartzli Alicia Duarte Maria Kudron (2nd d/a) Giuseppe Genualdi, Mark Beierwaltes, Marcjanna , Waclaw, Arnold Buzanowski, Eleanor Grochowski, Enrico & Ida Costabile, (Bday Blessings), William Boyd, Bill Sellke (Health) 6:30 pm - Celebrant: Fr. Komperda Jan Dziadkowiec, Henryk Stankiewicz, Ryszard Wazny(1st d/a), Halina Bereziecka & leokadia Nowicka Henryk Stankiewicz

Sunday, March 22 - Fourth Sunday Of Lent 7:30 am - Celebrant: Fr. Carlton John Reinwald 9:00 am - Celebrant : Fr. Fr. Carlton Arthur & Dorothy Kapchinski, Corazon Santiago 10:45 am - Celebrant : Fr. Carlton Kurt Kapustka, Roslyn Ledesma (2nd d/a), Stefan Niedorezo Tomas Root (Health) 12:30 pm - Celebrant: Fr. Komperda Wladyslawa & Kazimierz Urbas Stanislaw Sak Walter & Darek Ciechanowski Jan Dziadkowiec Felicja & Sewerin Redlinski Zdzislaw Redlinski Kazimiera Rafalik (Sybirak - 10th d/a) Jozef, Jadwiga & Artur Rafalko Jozef Gala Jozef Malacha Anna Gazda ( Bday Remembrance), Bronislawa Swiecicka, Stefan Najman (60th d/a), Stanislaw Pankiewicz (22nd d/a), Magdalena & Stanislaw Komorek 4:30 pm - Gorzkie Zale - Fr. Przemek 6:00 pm - Celebrant: Fr. Przemek For all parishioners

Liturgy Schedule -- Mass Intentions for the Week of Mar.16 - 22

Requests for Mass Intentions -- Please submit all Mass Intentions to the parish office two weeks in advance of your request so they can be printed in the bulletin. (Unless there is an early deadline for bulletin, this will be shortened). Only intentions printed in the bulletin will be read at Mass. Intencje mszalne -- Proszę przedstawić wszystkie intencje mszalne do biura parafialnego 14 dni przed żądanym terminem tak, aby można je wydrukować w biuletynie. O ile nie jest wyznaczony wczesniejszy ter-min biuletynu, czas ten zostanie skrócony. Tylko intencje wydrukowane w biuletynie zostaną odczytane podczas Mszy św.

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Page 4 Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020

Instructions to Ministers of Communion (at daily and weekly Masses) Until further notice, we will not have the cup at Com-munion time during all Masses, and we will not give the host on the tongue. Please follow these instructions: Wash your hands before you come to church, and if you wish you may use the church restrooms to wash your hands when you arrive. As you come up to the Altar, there will be two small tables at the front with hand sanitizer -- one on the baptism side and one on the choir side. Please quickly pause to use the hand sanitizer on your way to the Altar. Stand on the pulpit side as usual for the host. Distribute the host into people’s hands (the priest will make an announcement to re-frain from requesting the host on the tongue). Following Communion, please briefly pause to use hand sanitizer as you return to your seat. Thank you for all that you do. Fr. Meany

Instrukcje dla Szafarzy Eucharystii w czasie wzmożonego zagrożenia wirusowego Polish Do momentu odwołania w czasie Eucharystii Komunia Święta będzie udzielana pod jedną postacią (Ciało Chrystusowe), i zachęcamy aby z przyczyn higienicznych przyjmować Komunię Świętą na dłoń. Prosimy przed przyjściem do kościoła umyć ręce lub/i je zdezynfekować przy dozownikach przy wejściu do kościoła. Przed podejściem do ołtarza i udzielaniem Komunii Świętej prosimy szafarzy aby zdezynfekowali ręce przy stanowisku z dozownikiem (hand sanitizer) który będzie umieszczony przed pierwszymi ławkami w kościele. Po Komunii Świętej prosimy również zdezynfekować ręce przy stanowisku z dozownikiem w drodze powrotnej do ławki. Dziękujemy za zrozumienie i Waszą posługę. Ks. Michael Meany

Following the Archdiocese of Chicago recommendations regarding the Coronavirus/COVID 19 Prevention Guidelines, St. Brebeuf Parish is following these measures to prevent the spread of illness:

A Few Words About Wills More than a mere legal document that will be accepted in a court of human law, a well-prepared will is a statement of faith, hope and love. Family, charities, and others in need will benefit from this, your final; act of material kindness. St. John Brebeuf Parish would consider it a privilege to be mentioned in your will. Thank you, for not only your consideration but for all your other gift sacrifices.

SJB Children’s Liturgy of the Word All parents, please encourage your children to join when the clergy invites them to come forward to hear the good news of the Lord. We welcome all of our children ages 6-10 to participate!

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Page 5 Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020

Guidance re: COVID-19 incident at Vaughn High School in Chicago From: Bishop Ron Hicks Dr. Jim Rigg Vicar General Superintendent, Office of Catholic Schools March 9, 2020 We have been monitoring the news about the spread of Corona-virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), particularly the cases identified in the Chicago area. The archdiocese has issued guidelines for worship services based on advice from public health authorities and we have joined with the Holy Father in praying for all affect-ed by this epidemic. We are writing today to share developments that may have an impact on some archdiocese facilities. The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) has recently confirmed a case of COVID-19 involving a staff member at Vaughn Occupational High School, a Chicago public school. The CDPH has stated that the immediate health risk to the general public from this case remains low. The CDPH recommended that anyone present at Vaughn School between February 25 and March 6 self-quarantine. The CDPH and CPS also advised that: “People who were not at Vaughn between February 25 and March 6 do not have restrictions at this time, even if they have been in contact with someone at Vaughn. They can attend work and school, as long as they are not sick. This applies to: Family members, care providers or those who share a house

hold with Vaughn students, staff, and service providers Students, faculty and staff at other schools or other members

of the community who may have come into contact with members of the Vaughn community

Students who shared the bus with Vaughn students” Based

on this guidance, and our own contacts with CDPH and Illi-nois Department of Public Health we are not closing arch-diocese schools where a student or staff member has a con-nection with Vaughn.

We will follow the same guidance for other cases of secondary family exposure. Students and staff with a family member who might have had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case will be allowed to attend work and school, as long as they are not sick The health and safety of our Parish and School communities is our first priority. We ask that you join us in protecting our com-munity by following the guidance of public health authorities and your medical provider. It is critically important that our commu-nity share only trusted sources of information. For the most reliable information, please visit: Chicago Department of Public Health

coronavirus CDPH has developed an FAQ that will be up-dated regularly as the situation develops.

The Illinois Department of Public Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

coronavirus . We will continue to follow the guidance of local, state, and fed-eral health officials will update you as our situation changes or more information becomes available. Please email [email protected] if you have concerns or ques-tions of the archdiocese or the Office of Catholic Schools. As a faith community, we must respond with compassion and prayer to everyone affected by the COVID-19 epidemic around the world, particularly those who do not have access to medical and community support. We will include these brothers and sis-ters in our prayers for the sick and those who have died. Please keep our community in your prayers and know that we are pray-ing for you.

Dear St. John Brebeuf Parish and School Community Members, As you know, we have been monitoring the situation with Coronavirus (COVID-19). We have already implemented the measures recommended by the Archdiocese of Chicago, and will continue to follow these procedures. These include proper hand washing and special instructions during all Masses designed to limit the spread of illness. The Archdiocese issued a statement on Monday, March 9th directed to all Archdiocesan schools and parishes that I wanted to share with you. This does not change any of the procedures we have already put into place. I encourage you to pray for the families affected by this situation and for our nation. Yours in Faith, Fr. Mike Meany

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Page 6 Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020

MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY Remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way by donating the altar bread and wine that are used at Mass each

week. Suggested donation is $50. Please contact the parish office to select a date.

Altar Bread and Wine For the week of March 15, 2020 offered for

Alina Carreno

Offered by: Duarte Family

Pray For Our Ill Members Names on our ill list will appear for four weeks; the number after each name is the number of weeks the name has appeared.

Please remember in prayer the following who are currently serving in the Armed Forces

Timothy Casey Christopher Vick Sgt. Joseph Merkel Sgt. Peter Merkel Robert Monaco Chief Ryan Morrow Thomas Neuhengen Scott Rodberg Mark Honsa Sgt. Daniel Cunningham Pvt. James Cunningham CW3 Louis Haberkorn CDR John Tutwiler Marian Niemotko SSGT Michael J. Archam PFC Seth D. Perkins A1C Andrew T. Perkins Sgt. Ramiro Cadena Susanne Connolly Tutwiler Lt. Joseph Disclafani Maj. Jacqueline Lis Yurgil Maj. Mark Yurgil May they return safely to their families.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-51b, 6, 7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Sunday: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41[1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]

Patricia Severin (2) Charles Pembleton (2)

K. Kozeny (2) Cameron Kozeny (2) Theresa Merrigan (2)

William Boyd (1)

Maria Wojcik (1) Teresa Lach (4)

Martha Gfesser (4) Kathy Walsh (1)

Diana Zumpano (1) Pat Harris (1)

Saturday, March 21 10:00 am Kaitlyn Maczek 5:00 pm Billy Fabbri, Sebastian Krupa 6:30 pm Ian & Aleksandra

Duda, Max Regulski Sunday, March 22 9:00 am Joseph Warnicki Samantha & Bryce Gozar 10:45 am Maddison Simi, Michael Pikulski Maddox Alvarez 12:30 pm Adrian Anszczak, Maya & Michelle Dorosz

Remember in your prayers those buried from our parish:

Zenon Olejniczak Dennis Foste

Lillian Fillicaro Kazmierz Woznica

Delores Kutka

Mother of Perpetual Help

Devotions Every First Wed. of the Month. After 8:30 AM

Mass Sat. After 7:30 AM Mass

Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group

Wednesday, After 7:00 PM Mass

(Including Benediction )

First Friday Devotions To the Sacred Heart of

Jesus After 8:30 AM Mass and

After 7:00 PM Polish Mass

First Saturday Devotions

To Immaculate Heart of Mary

After 7:30 AM Mass and After 6:30 PM Polish


Devotions in the Church Rosary

Save the Date - Sunday, March 22th Altar Server Parents we will be having a meeting in the PMC at 3:00 pm. Please contact Susan Schoen-feldt 224-217-2095 if you will be able to attend.

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Page 7 Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020

Easter Hope - Restorative Justice SJB Lenten Missions Schedule

March 19th & 20th 7:00 pm (Polish) March 21st. 6:30 pm and March 22dn 12:30 pm (Polish)

Fr.Pawel Komerda: Ks. Paweł Komperda jest księdzem pomocniczym w parafii: Incarnation w Crestwood w stanie Illinois. Święcenia kapłańskie przyjął w archidiecezji chicagowskiej w 2006 r. Był księdzem pomocniczym w parafiach: Prince of Peace i St. Thecla. Ostatnio był członkiem Wydziału Formacji Seminarium Duchownego St. Joseph College na Uniwersytecie Loyola. Pełnił również funkcję dyrektora liturgii i duszpasterskiego programu formacyjnego dla seminarium. Lubi organizować rekolekcje, misje parafialne i prezentacje na tematy związane z duchowością katolicką.

Holy Week Schedule

April 5– 11



Lenten Reconciliation Bilingual (English/Polish) Wednesday, April 1, 6:30 pm - 9:00pm

Spowiedź Wielkopostna (Polski– Angielski) Sroda , 1 kwietnia od godz.6:30 - 9:00 pm

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ALIVE IN YOU 2020 July 21-26, 2020

Summer Service Trip

13–18 yrs. Old Teens

Join SJ B Youth Ministry For a Life-Changing Experience! Mass, music, adoration, games, themed Din-ners, community service, and much more!

Need to register by March 31st. To register, contact Youth Ministry Director: Emilia Walasik: [email protected]

Children's Bulletins

Don’t forget to pick up a bulletin for your children before mass, they can be found in the back of the church.

Catholic Women’s Club Meeting

Tuesday, March 24, 2020 7 pm in the PMC center

Join the CWC for a FREE seminar on planning

your final arrangements in advance.

Your Life. Your Legacy. Plan to Make it Right!

(Sponsored by Malec & Sons Funeral Home)

Discover 4 simple steps to planning your final arrangements Bring peace of mind to yourself and your family Opportunity to receive a FREE personal Planning Guide Conversation and helpful advice. Please RSVP by March 22nd by calling the Parish office at: 847-966-8145

Save the Date:

Holy Thursday Bus Pilgrimage

Thursday, April 9th.

More details to follow.

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Page 10 Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020

Anointing of the Sick Liturgy Sakrament Namaszczenia Chorych Our Parish will be celebrating this special encounter with God on Saturday, March 21 at 10:00 am Please attend if you feel that at this time in your life you need God’s tender care.

The Anointing of the sick As Roman Catholics we have always believed in and practiced the anointing/healing of the sick. Jesus healed people according to the scriptures as found in (James 5:14-15): “Is there anyone sick among you? He should ask for the presbyters of the church. They in turn are to pray over him, anointing with oil in the Name of the Lord. This prayer uttered in faith will reclaim the one who is ill, and the Lord will restore him to health.” We cordially invite you, family, and care givers to attend this Mass and Sacrament. Afterwards, light refreshments will be served in the PMC room C.

Nasza parafia będzie świętować to szczególne spotkanie z Panem Bogiem w sobotę, 21 marca o godzinie 10:00 rano.

Serdecznie zapraszamy, jeśli czujesz, że w tym momencie życia potrzebujesz Sakramentu Uzdrowienia.

Jako katolicy, zawsze wierzyliśmy i praktykowaliśmy namaszczenie/uzdrawianie chorych. Jezus uzdrawia ludzi według Pisma Świętego, jak to zostało przekazane (Jakub 5: 14-15): ”Choruje ktoś wśród was? Niech sprowadzi kapłanów Kościoła, by się modlili nad nim i namaścili go olejem w imię Pana. A modlitwa pełna wiary będzie dla chorego ratunkiem i Pan go podźwignie, a jeśliby popełnił grzechy, będą mu odpuszczone.” Serdecznie zapraszamy was, rodziny i opiekunów do uczestnictwa w tej Mszy Sw. po Mszy Sw. na mały poczęstunek.

Welcome Sunday Hosted by St. John Brebeuf Welcome Ministry

Sunday, March 15, after the 10:45am mass, join us for coffee and breakfast treats from Maier’s Bakery in the Parish Ministry Center.

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March 15—Third Sunday of Lent: In today’s Gospel, Jesus says: “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to

finish his work.”

Through your almsgiving you are doing the will of the Father and finishing the work of Jesus. Know that your nickel, dime or quarter is multiplied by the coins place by others in the St.Vincent de Paul Poor Box. Have you considered joining the Society of St. Vincent DePaul? Is there a family you know who needs assis-tance? Please call the Society of St. Vincent DePaul so that together we can help the suffering and poor.

All information will be strictly confidential. St. John Brebeuf Parish Office: (847) 966-8145

15 marca - Trzecia Niedziela Wielkiego Postu: W dzisiejszej Ewangelii Jezus mówi: „Moim

pokarmem jest spełnianie woli Tego, który Mnie posłał, i dokończenie Jego dzieła”. Przez jałmużnę spełniacie wolę Ojca i kończycie dzieło Jezusa. Wiedz, że twój nikiel, dziesięciocentówka lub dwudzpięciocentówka są mnożone przez monety umieszczone przez inne osoby w St.Vincent de Paul Box.

Czy zastanawiałeś się nad tym aby przyłączyć się do To-warzystwa św. Wincentego a Paulo? Jeśli znasz rodzinę która potrzebuje pomocy prosze zadzwoń do naszego Stowarzyszenia St. Vincent de Paul. Razem możemy pomóc cierpiacym i potrzebującym. Wszystkie informacje bedą ściśle poufne. St. John Brebeuf: 847-966-8145

WIEKI POST— podzielmy się żywnością.

Almsgiving - Jamużna - zapraszamy wszystkich do zbiórki żywności w puszkach (z min.6 miesięcy przdatności do spożycia) w niedzielę 15 i 22 marca podczas Mszy Sw. o 12:30. Zebrana żywność zostanie przekazana

potrzebującym do Catholic Charities i Uncle Peter Ministry. Bóg zapłać.

Easter Season Flower Memorials What a beautiful way to remember your loved ones, living or deceased, with a donation in the amount of $10 toward the purchase of flowers which will grace the church environment from Easter until Pentecost. Only one name or one family name may be listed per donation., i.e. Mr. John Smith or John Smith Family. You may then place it in the offering basket or return it to the parish. All memorials must be received by Easter Sunday, April 12th. so that they can be published in the Divine Mercy Sunday, April 19th bulletin. Please note that the names of those memorialized will be printed, not the donor’s name. Please place this completed form along with your donation, in an envelope marked Easter Flowers.

Easter Flower Memorials

Memorial Name ______________________________________ Donor’s Name _______________________________________ Amount Enclosed ____________

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SJB Parish Lenten Fish Fries

Mark your calendars: Fridays March 20 & 27,

5 PM - 7PM

SJB Rev. Thomas May Ministry Center Pre-Sale $10 Door $12

Half Price Kids 6 - 12 Years Old -Kids Under 5 Free

Limited to 250 Dinners Each Friday!

During Lent the religious faithful abstain from eat-ing meat on Fridays. ... “So traditionally it' s been

to give up meat on the Lenten Fridays in response to the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.”

Tickets now on sale at the parish office

UNCLE PETE’S MINISTRY STARTING SEASON! Uncle Pete’s Sack Dinner Ministry is about to kick off its 2020 sea-

son. This ministry continues to serve those less fortunate in the Chicagoland area by serving over 400 meals per month, provid-ed by the St. John Brebeuf Community. Your involvement would be greatly appreciated … and it’s easy. On March 14 and 15, at all the weekend masses, brown bags and menu guidelines will be available at tables as you exit the church. You simply need to fill the bags and return them to the front of church on the morning of Tuesday, March 24, between 5:45 AM and 9:00 AM. We need your help. Please consider being a part of this very worthwhile ministry. If you are interested in volunteering to distribute bags after the masses, please contact Dan Vonder Heide at 773.910.5536. Thank you, and God bless.

Celebrate Women in March Plan to join your sisters in faith at the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) “Women of the Silver Screen” luncheon/Fundraiser on Saturday, March 28th at the Drury Lane, 100 Drury Lane, Oak-brook Terrace, IL, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Cost: $50.00 per person. Food, entertainment and raffles. For more information, please call Judi Stephens (your CWC and ACCW representative at: 847-842-9295

A Reminder for the Upcoming Primary Election

A foundational principle to keep in mind is that, as a tax-exempt religious organization under §501(c)(3) of the IRS Code, we, as the Archdiocese of Chicago with its parishes, schools and agen-cies, are prohibited from participating or intervening in political campaigns on behalf of, or in opposition to, any political candi-date for national, state or local office. There can be no negotiation of that principle, as a violation of it in any instance has the potential of impacting us all. This means the following: That there can be no direct or indirect support or opposition to a particular candidate for elective public office through a sermon or church bulletin, or encouraging individuals who visit a parish/ school/agency website to access a linked website that supports or opposes a candidate; • that there can be no financial support to any candidate, which includes direct monetary contributions to a candidate, providing free or selective use of volunteers or paid staff to a candidate, allowing a candidate to use parish/school/agency facilities or office equipment, or providing candidates with mailing lists; • there can be no distribution of campaign literature or voter education material other than from the Archdiocese of Chicago or the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on Church premises, through parish mailings, during worship services, or by other means. If you have any specific questions about partic-ular requests made of you in this regard, please contact the par-ish office. As we know, we must always conduct ourselves with charity, striving to seek the common good. Thank you and please pray for our country.

St. Joseph Table at Immaculate Conception 7263 W. Talcott Ave. in Chicago

March 22, 2020 - 10:30am to 3:00pm at .

Please join us for food, fellowship and entertainment. Suggested $5/Adult and $1/Child free-will offering. Contact: Rob Lohman at 312-907-7929 or [email protected] for details.


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Mar. 15 Family Mass 10:45, Welcome Sunday after mass. Mar. 19-20 Polish Lenten Mission, 7:00 pm Mar. 20 Holy Name Men’s Club Fish Fry 5:00 pm PMC Ctr . Mar. 20 Stations of the Cross, 3:15 English, 7:00pm Bilingual Mar. 21 Anointing of the Sick Mass, 10:00 am Mar. 21 Polish Lenten Mission 6:30 pm Mar. 22 Polish Lenten Mission 12:30 pm Mar. 27 Holy Name Men’s Club Fish Fry 5:00 pm PMC Ctr .

Mar. 29 Live Concert “ A Brain Illumination” 3;30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous meets in School Room 20 on Mon, Tues.,

and Wed. 7:30-10 pm. Golden Agers Bingo 9:30am -1:30pm in PMC C. The schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances, so

please check to confirm events.

Calendar of Upcoming Events at SJB

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, and to love. Let us continue to pray daily: “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Easter Candle Memorial What a beautiful way to remember your loved ones, living or deceased, with a donation toward the purchase

of the large Easter Candle (approx. $750.00) and other small Easter candles (250.00). If you would like to make a donation, please call or stop in at the parish office - 847-966-8145.


Fill your CRS Rice Bowl with dollar and coins or

give online at:

Don’t forget to turn in your Rice Bowl after Lent

Attention Volunteers! All volunteers at St. John Brebeuf parish must be com-pliant with the Virtus Program. It is the responsibility of each volunteer to make sure that they complete all the steps and turn in any needed forms to the parish office site administrator. During the month of March, all volunteers are asked to log in to to check their com-pliance status. When you log in:

If a Criminal Background Check is needed you will automatically be prompted to complete it. There are two steps: the first you will complete on the screen, the second will come to you in an email. You must complete both steps.

Make sure your contact information including email

and phone number are correct. If you are volunteering and are not familiar with the Virtus program, or if you have problems logging in, please contact Liz McGowen in the parish office (847-966-8145 or [email protected]). She can also help you if you do not have access to a computer. Please take a moment to do this before April 1. Thank you -- we appreciate all that our volunteers do!

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St. John Brebeuf Church

“We are a people of faith who respond to our Baptismal call to holiness by caring for one another and journeying together with Christ through pray-

er, sacraments, lifelong formation and service in light of the Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”

Mass Schedule

Saturday 5:00 pm, 6:30 pm (Polish)

Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am, 12:30 pm (Polish), 6:00 pm

Monday-Friday 6:30 & 8:30 am

Wednesday 7:00 pm (Polish)

Saturday 7:30 am

First Friday 7:00 pm Mass (Polish)

See Bulletin for Holy Days

Reconciliation Saturday 11:00 am-Noon (English & Polish)

First Friday 6:00 pm (English & Polish)

See Bulletin for Advent & Lenten Reconciliation Dates

March 15, 2020


Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany Associates: Rev. Przemyslaw Tomczyk Rev. Robert Carlton Pastoral Associate: Mac Karaban Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin Deacons: Larry Skaja (retired) Andy Beierwaltes School Principal: Dr. Mary Maloney Music /Liturgical Dir.: Marek Rachelski Children’s Choir Dir.: Ewa Fair Fr. Meany's Assistant: Liz McGowen Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz Maintenance Director: John Mazur Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist Bulletin Editor: Maria Garcia

Parish Office

Rev. Thomas May Ministry Center 8305 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 (847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Parish Office Hours

Monday & Tuesday 9am - 8pm Wednesday 9am - 7pm

Thursday & Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 1pm

Sunday 9:30am - 12:30pm


School Principal: Dr. Mary Maloney 8301 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714

Website: (847) 966-3266

Religious Education

Fr. Przemek Tomczyk (847) 966-3269

Youth Ministry Contact Fr. Robert Carlton or Emilia Walasik

(847) 966-8145

Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals,

Anointing of the Sick

Please call the Parish Office (847) 966-8145

Eucharistic Adoration

Parish Ministry Center Chapel, 8305 N. Harlem Ave.

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 7am - 8pm Wednesdays 7am - 7pm

Fridays 7am - 5pm Saturdays 7am - 6pm Sundays 7:00 am - 12:30 pm

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CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. John Brebeuf Church #512142 8305 N. Harlem Avenue Niles, IL 60714 TELEPHONE 847 966-8145 CONTACT PERSON Maria R. Garcia EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat DC Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Thurs. 9:30 am SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION March 15, 2020 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 14 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS