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34 6 300語までの長文読解 300語までの長文読解 300語までの長文読解 300語までの長文読解 300語までの長文読解 300語までの長文読解 次の英文はカナダに住んでいるジェーン Janeの家にホームステイをしている真衣子 Maiko)さんがェーンの友達のリサ Lisaから受け取った手紙と真衣子さん自身が書いた日記です。下の いにえなさい。 宮崎いろいろな不定詞 分詞・関係代名詞 受動態・現在完了 比 較 間接疑問 holiday 休日の  pick up ~を迎えに行く 【Ⅰ】 手紙の類として最も適切なものを次の1 つ選びなさい。 お礼状     いさつ賀状     次の質問に対する答えとなるように手紙の内容をもとにして英文を完成させなさい。 (質問) What should Maiko take to the party? 答えShe . の( 共通して入る適切な語を英語 1 語で答えなさいあなたが真衣子さんの立場になって【Ⅱの日記の に英語 1 語を書きなさい。また( 内容にあうように7 語以上の英文を1 文書きなさい。ただし符号( .!?など)は語の入れないものとしま69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 9 69 69 69 Dear Maiko, You are invited to a holiday party! Date : Friday , 20 Time : 5:00 p.m.8:00 p.m. Place : 400 Seattle Avenue Hosts : Bob and Lisa Please bring one present. My brother, Bob will pick you and Jane up at Janes house at 4:30 p.m. At the party, we will decorate the Christmas tree and sing Christmas songs together. We will also exchange presents and enj oy Christmas dinner t hat my mother will cook for us. Please come and enjoy our party! Lisa 5 10 15 【Ⅰ】真衣子さんが受け取った手紙 Friday, ① 20 Today, we had a Christmas party at Lisas house. We all enjoyed it. First, we decorated the Christmas tree. Then Lisas mother served dinner. It was v ery nice. After dinner, we sang Christmas songs together. I knew only one of them. It was Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.I learned it in English classes in Japan. At the end of the party, we exchanged presents. I got a cute stuffed animal. Jane got a book. She looked ② to get it, because . I had a very good time tonight. I will have another party at home on New Y ears Day in about 2 weeks. I am glad to have such experiences in Canada. 5 10 15 真衣子さんが書いた日記

6 pw Õ ¡r Y ð ! 6~qOì M M s Æ º üº~ E ʺ yy ¢ « £y holiday ys Ôwyy pick up y 4QtæX ² ³ w ´w...

Mar 27, 2018



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6 300語までの長文読解300語までの長文読解300語までの長文読解300語までの長文読解文300語までの長文読解300語までの長文読解

次の英文は,カナダに住んでいるジェーン(Jane)の家にホームステイをしている真衣子(Maiko)さんが,ジェーンの友達のリサ(Lisa)から受け取った手紙と,真衣子さん自身が書いた日記です。下の⑴~⑷の問いに答えなさい。 〈宮崎〉

いろいろな不定詞 分詞・関係代名詞受動態・現在完了比 較 間接疑問

  (注) holiday 休日の  pick ~ up ~を迎えに行く

⑴ 【Ⅰ】の手紙の種類として,最も適切なものを,次のア~エから 1つ選びなさい。ア お礼状     イ あいさつ状     ウ 年賀状     エ 招待状

(    )

⑵ 次の質問に対する答えとなるように,【Ⅰ】の手紙の内容をもとにして,英文を完成させなさい。 (質問) What should Maiko take to the party?

 (答え) She .

⑶ 【Ⅰ】,【Ⅱ】の( ① )に,共通して入る適切な語を,英語 1語で答えなさい。

⑷  あなたが真衣子さんの立場になって,【Ⅱ】の日記の( ② )に英語 1語を書きなさい。また,( ② )の内容にあうように, ③ に 7語以上の英文を, 1文書きなさい。ただし,符号( , .!?など)は語の数に入れないものとします。②       ③


Dear Maiko,

You are invited to a holiday party!

Date : Friday, ( ① ) 20  Time : 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.  Place : 400 Seattle Avenue  Hosts : Bob and Lisa

Please bring one present.

 My brother, Bob will pick you and Jane up at Jane’s house at 4:30 p.m. At the party, we will decorate the Christmas tree and sing Christmas songs together. We will also exchange presents and enjoy Christmas dinner that my mother will cook for us.Please come and enjoy our party! Lisa





Friday, ( ① ) 20

 Today, we had a Christmas party at Lisa’s house. We all enjoyed it. First, we decorated the Christmas tree. Then Lisa’s mother served dinner. It was ver y nice. After dinner, we sang Christmas songs together. I knew only one of them. It was “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.” I learned it in English classes in Japan. At the end of the party, we exchanged presents. I got a cute stuffed animal. Jane got a book. She looked ( ② ) to get it, because ③ . I had a very good time tonight. I will have another party at home on New Year’s Day in about 2 weeks. I am glad to have such experiences in Canada.





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いろいろな不定詞 分詞・関係代名詞受動態・現在完了比 較 間接疑問

I’ve been interested in the environment since we

studied about global warming. Last week, when I was

looking for some information about the environment

on the Internet, I found very interesting facts about

forests. Today I’m going to talk about them.

F irst, look at the graph. This graph shows the

forest area percentages of Japan and four other

countries. You can see that a high percentage of the

land in Japan is forest area. Also, aren’t you surprised

to see that the forest area percentages of the other

countries are lower? For example, look at the forest

area percentage of ① . I thought that it would be

over 50%, but the forest area percentage of ① is

about a half of the forest area percentage of Japan.

Now look at the table. This table shows ten

prefectures with the highest forest area percentages in

Japan. You can see that only two prefectures have

forest area percentages that are (② h   ) than 80%.

Gifu is one of them.

I like Gifu very much because Gifu is rich in nature.

So, I hope that I can do something good for the

environment in the future to take care of the forests in


(注) forest area percentage(s) 森林率(ある地域の面積の中で森林面積が占める割合)   prefecture(s) 県  rich in nature 自然に恵まれた


⑴ 本文中の ① に入れるのに最も適切な国名を,次のア~エから 1つ選びなさい。ア Russia      イ Canada      ウ China      エ Australia (    )

⑵ 本文中の②の( )に入れるのに最も適切な英語を, 1語書きなさい。ただし,( )内に示されている文字で書き始め,その文字も含めて答えること。

⑶ 本文の内容にあっているものを,次のア~エから 1つ選びなさい。ア The graph shows how many rivers each country has.

イ The table shows ten countries with the highest forest area percentages in the world.

ウ Takashi was surprised to f ind the forest area percentage of Japan is lower than 50%.

エ Takashi wants to help the environment by taking care of the forests in Gifu.

(    )








0 20 40 60 80 100(%)










TableKochi 84.3%Gifu 81.5%

Shimane 78.4%Nagano 78.1%

Yamanashi 78.0%Nara 77.1%

Wakayama 76.9%Iwate 76.9%

Miyazaki 76.2%Tokushima 75.3%

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健司さんのクラスでは英語の時間に「博物館の入場料は無料にすべき(Museums should be free.)か,有料にすべきか」というテーマについて考えました。各問いに答えなさい。 〈長野〉

いろいろな不定詞 分詞・関係代名詞受動態・現在完了比 較 間接疑問

授業の最初に,「無料にすべき」と考えるグループAと「有料にすべき」と考えるグループBに,それぞれ代表の 3人が選ばれ,次のような討論をしました。

グループA:We think museums should be free. Things in

museums are very important for all people, because it is

fun to see them and we can learn a lot from them. We

believe the city government should protect those


グループB:We think museums should not be free.

Museums need a lot of money. They have to take care of

their buildings and they also have to buy new treasures.

This money should come from the people who visit


グループA:Why do people have to pay money? The government should do it because many people

enjoy visiting museums. With good museums a city will be famous, and if they are free, more

people will visit the city. These visitors will use their money in the city.

グループB:When we go to the movies, we pay money, of course. We pay money when we want to

enjoy something. If people enjoy both museums and movies, why do you still think museums are

so different?

グループA:Things we learn at museums are very special. For example, at a history museum, we

can see, listen to and feel our history. We can experience it.

グループB:There are many kinds of museums: art, science and others. Some people may want to

visit art museums, but not science museums. Many people do not visit all kinds of museums.

The government should support different things, for example, schools and libraries, because a lot

of people use them.

 (注) government 役所  protect 守る  come from ~から出る  pay (お金を)払う    visitor(s) 訪問者  both 両方とも  still それでもまだ  support 支える

⑴ 討論の内容とあっている英文を,次のア~カから 2つ選びなさい。ア Group A says that museums don’t need much money to pay the people who work there.

イ Group A says that the government should pay for something many people enjoy.

ウ Group A doesn’t think that we can learn history well at a history museum.

エ Group B says that it is not fun to go to museums.

オ Group B thinks that people are interested in many different things.

カ Group B believes that science museums are better than history museums.

 (注) group グループ(    ) (    )


Should museums be free?





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⑵ 健司さんはこの討論を聞きながら,それぞれのグループの考えを次のようにメモにまとめました。

〔健司さんのメモ〕A:Museums should be free,

  because …the city government should protect our treasures.

…(  )…things we can learn there are very special.

B:Museums should not be free,

  because X…you should pay if you want to enjoy something.

Y…people may want to go to some kinds of the museums, but not all.

Z…they need a lot of money.

① (  )に入る適切な英文を,次のア~エから 1つ選びなさい。ア people will study science more. イ more people will visit libraries.

ウ a city will have more visitors. エ more people will be interested in history.

(    )

② X~Zを討論に出てきた順に並べかえて,その記号を左から順番に書きなさい。(    )→(    )→(    )

⑶  討論を聞いたあとクラスのみんなで話し合い,出された意見を黒板に書き出しました。グループBと同じ立場の意見を次のア~オから 3つ選びなさい。

〔黒板に書かれた意見〕ア A museum will be a better place with the money from visitors.

イ Our city government is not big enough to help museums.

ウ We want to see and enjoy our treasures again and again without using money.

エ A museum should be a place even a student with no money can enter.

オ People who are interested and want to pay money should go to museums.

(    ) (    ) (    )

⑷  健司さんは,討論や黒板に書かれた意見を参考にしながら,自分の考えを発表するために,次のような発表原稿をつくりました。下線部①,②の(  )に入る適切な英語を,それぞれ 1語で書きなさい。ただし,あには入れる必要がなければ×を書きなさい。

〔健司さんの発表原稿〕I think museums should

①(   ) be free. The people who enjoy visiting them should help

museums. I also think that things we experience at museums can be learned from different

things, for example, ②(   ) or the Internet. We have a lot of ways to study. The government

should support them more.

① ②

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⑸ 次の質問について,あなたの考えを英語で答えなさい。

If museums are not free, do you still want to visit them? Why?

次の Yes, I do. No, I don’t.のいずれかの(  )に○をつけ,その理由を表す英文を Becauseに続けて 1

文で書きなさい。(  ) Yes, I do. (  ) No, I don’t.

Because .

次の英文は,高校 1年生の正輝(Masaki)が,英語の授業で行ったスピーチの原稿です。これを読み,⑴,⑵に答えなさい。 〈和歌山〉

いろいろな不定詞 分詞・関係代名詞受動態・現在完了比 較 間接疑問

 My grandmother lived in an old house a few years ago. It was in the countryside of Wakayama. She

got very old and needed some help, so she came to our city and started living with my family. After

that, no one lived in her old house. Then, her town in the countryside started a project to renew old

houses like my grandmother’s. In the project a lot of volunteers help to clean old houses. And the

houses are rented to someone. When my grandmother heard about the project, she decided to rent her

house to someone.

 My family went to my grandmother’s house and cleaned it. Some volunteers also helped us. Among

them there was a man from Australia. His name was Tom. He saw the homepage of the town and came

to the town. He was staying there with a farming family.

 Tom said, “Old houses in this town are wonderful. They are not very hot in summer, so we don’t have

to use air conditioners. My favorite place is irori. You can use it for cooking. It also makes the room

warm in winter. It’s great! Now many people live in modern houses, but I think it is very nice to live in

an old Japanese house. I like living and farming in this town.” I was happy to hear that.

 Cleaning the old house was not easy. But my family and the volunteers worked hard together. The

house became very beautiful.

 I thought my grandmother’s house was just an old one at f irst. When I cleaned my grandmother’s

house, I learned many good things about old Japanese houses. I want to live in an old Japanese house

someday. I also hope many people will come to this town and enjoy old houses.

 (注) countryside いなか  town 町  project プロジェクト,取組  renew 新しくする    volunteer ボランティア  rent 貸す  among ~ ~の中に    homepage (インターネットの)ホームページ  farm 農業をする  air conditioner エアコン

irori いろり  modern 近代的なi

 ⑴  文中の内容にあうように,次の①~③の(   )にあてはまる最も適切なものを,それぞれ次のア~エから 1つ選びなさい。① Masaki’s grandmother lives with Masaki’s family because (   ) .ア she decided to clean her old house

イ she needed the help of Masaki’s family

ウ the town started a project to clean old houses

エ the town decided to rent her house

(    )





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② Tom decided to (   ) .ア teach English to old people in the town

イ rent his house in Australia

ウ come to the town after seeing the homepage

エ live in Masaki’s grandmother’s house

(    )

③ Masaki found good things about Japanese old houses when (   ) .ア he started his life in the countryside of Wakayama

イ he lived in his grandmother’s house with his family

ウ he came to the city to live with his grandmother

エ he cleaned his grandmother’s house with some volunteers

(    )

 ⑵  正輝はスピーチの発表後に,トム(Tom)に電子メールを送りました。次はそのメールの一部です。これを読み,あとの①,②に答えなさい。

 Hi, Tom! How are you? Thank you very much for helping us.

I was glad that                  . Now I love Japanese old


 Last week I talked about you in my class. The students in my class enjoyed it

and they want to see you. We will be happy if you talk about your experience in

our class.


TomMasakiSeptember 10

①  本文の内容にあうように,電子メールの A にあてはまる最も適切なものを,次のア~エから1つ選びなさい。ア you taught me about your life in Australia

イ you came to my house to see me with your friends

ウ you talked to me about Japanese old houses

エ you showed how to make irori to mei

(    )

②  電子メールの B に,「私たちのクラスに来てもらえますか。」という意味を表す英語を書きなさい。ただし,語数は 4語以上とし,符号 ( .,? !など) は語数に含まないものとします。

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