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第四屆台北國際鋼琴學術研討會暨研究生學術論文發表會 47 從台灣社會音樂聯合考級曲目和通過率的關係 探討現今鋼琴學習者的共通性 蘇育代 中國文化大學西洋音樂學系專任助理教授 摘要 本研究旨在使用資料探勘 (Data Mining) 技術,分析台灣社會音樂 聯合考級鋼琴曲目、選曲組別比較、自選曲的使用率等與通過率關係, 並藉由考官對考生等級、曲目、評語等表現綜合評析,探討台灣鋼琴 學習者共通性。本研究資料取自中國文化大學推廣教育部音樂教育中 (2000-2008 ) 音樂考級資料庫。鋼琴考生共 837 人,報 考 次 數 共 1514 次,共九個級數 (level) 。其中蒐集 9702 9708 二期的考官評審資料, 單曲等級成績共 1028 筆,考官對單曲評語項目共 1544 筆,本研究利 用資訊科學中之線上分析處理 (On-Line Analytical Processing) 技術以進 行「鋼琴」樂器之分析: (1) 鋼琴報考次數於各等級、組別、年齡層區 間、通過率情形; (2) 鋼琴選曲次數於等級、組別與通過率之差異等多 維度總量及增減變動; (3) 鋼琴單曲等第次數於各等級、各評語類別及 項目多維度總量及增減變動;(4) 鋼琴曲目評語次數於各等級、各曲目、 等第多維度總量及增減變動。 關鍵字: 鋼琴、曲目選擇、評鑑、線上分析處理、資料探勘


May 31, 2015



蘇育代 (2009). 從台灣社會音樂聯合考級曲目和通過率的關係探討現今鋼琴學習者的共通性。p. 47-82,第四屆台北國際鋼琴學術研討會,台北,台灣,5月8-9日,2009。
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  • 1. (Data Mining) (2000-2008 ) 837 1514 (level) 9702 9708 1028 1544 (On-Line Analytical Processing) (1) (2) (3) (4) 47

2. Explore piano students' common performing behaviours by analyzing the pass rate associated with the pianorepertoire in the Taiwan United Music Grade Test byYu Tai SuAssistant Professor of the Music Department Chinese Culture UniversityAbstract This research employed data mining technology to discover how Taiwanese piano students present their learning outcomes during the Taiwan United Music Grade Test, and find out their common performing behaviours. The database was retrieved from the Music Education Institute at the Chinese Culture University with a total of 837 candidates and 1514 registrations respectively in 9 levels during 2000-2008. Among these, we obtained the grading of 1028 examinee with 1544 comments from the judges in 2008. We analyzed the pass rate associated with the level, the comments from judges, and the selection of piano repertoire including required and elective pieces. The on-line analytical process (OLAP) introduced in this study is to emphasize on (1)distribution of number of piano registration by each individual level, team, age segment and pass rate; (2)distribution of number of piano repertoire selection by level, team, pass rate difference and other multi-dimension and increase/decrease variances; (3)distribution of piano repertoire selection associated with comments and level, andother multi-dimensionand increase/decrease variances; (4)distribution of judge comments associated with level, repertoires and other multi-dimension and increase/decrease variances. Keywords piano, repertoire selection, evaluation, on-line analyticalprocessing, data mining48 3. 1. 2000 (Taiwan United Music Grade Test) (Burrack,2002; Goolsby, 1999; Nielsen, 2008) (Goolsby) (formative assessment) (placementassessment) (diagnostic 49 4. assessment) (summative assessments) (Goolsby,1999) 1 (Burrack) (Burrack, 2002) (Persellin) (Persellin, 2000) (Reynolds) (Reynolds, 2000) (Apfelstadt, 2000) (Scott, 2004) (creating a rubric) (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority) 2006-2010 (1) 1 50 5. (Accuracy and control) (2) (Technical skill,dexterity and security) (3) (Tone quality,articulation and phrasing) (4) (Flexibility) (Data mining) (J. Roiger, 2003) (Hornel, 2004) (NeuralNetworks) (voice leading) (Cheng Fa Tsai et al., 2009) (data clustering method) (On-Line AnalyticalProcessing; OLAP) 51 6. 2. (knowledge discovery and datamining; KDD) (Fayyad, 1996) 1 89 97 ( 89 97 ) (datapreprocessing) (data cleaning) MicrosoftAnalysis Services Excel OLAP 1 1 8908~9702 (stu_applystu) 5125 (sch_apply) 5231 (stu_applydetail) 12834 13 (dimension) 1. (stu_list) 2. (stu_cat) 3. (stu_item) 4. (stu_level) 5. (stu_music) 6. (stu_zip) 7. (stu_city) 8. (stu_area)9. (stu_student)10. (stu_teacher)11. (stu_yt) 12. (stu_oldrange) 13. (stu_score) (stu_applystu) 52 7. (stu_apply) (stu_applydetail) (stu_list) (stu _cat) ( ) (stu_item) (stu_level)(stu_musictype) (stu_music) (stu_zip) (stu_city) (stu_area) (stu_student) (stu_teacher) (stu_yt) (stu_oldrange)(stu_range) (stu_score) 1 53 8. 189-97 stu_applystu5125 stu_apply 5231 stu_applydetail 12834 stu_list1079 stu_cat 4 stu_item15 stu_level 10 stu_musictype 16 stu_music 988 stu_zip 371 stu_city18 stu_area4 stu_student 2740 stu_teacher 770 stu_yt17 stu_oldrange80 stu_range 8 stu_score 8 54 9. 155 10. ( ) 2 2 I-- 1 II-- 2 III-- 3 IV-- 4 56 11. 2000 2008 9702 9708 3 3(9702~9708) stu_musicscore_p 1028 stu_musicskill_p 1544 stu_mskillcat3 stu_mskill 8 stu_mscore 4 129 (stu_musicscore_p) 4 1028 (stu_musicskill_p) (Scott, 2004) (rubric) (VictorianCurriculum and Assessment Authority) 2006-2010 B970909001 B B3 B970908003 A 57 12. A2 B B1 1544 4 (stu_mskillcat) A. (Performing Skill) B. (Interpretation)C. (Stage Presence) (stu_mskill) 8 A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 (stu_mscore) 4 4 1 2 3 4 5 A. A1 Performing Posture Skill A2 techniques / coordination ok A3 rhythm/duration B. B1 Interpretation phrasing / articulation B2 structure /continuity B3 stylistic awarenessXX C. C1 Stageconfident Presence C2 presentation 58 13. 3. (On-Line AnalyticalProcessing) (1) (2) (3) (4) (OLAP) (roll-up) (drill-down) (slice) (dice) (pivot) (data cube) 3.1 OLAP 5581 1,918 34% 1,541 28% 2 5 OLAP (slice) (dice) (roll-up) (drill-down) (pivot) Microsoft Excel 2 3 4 9702~9708 5 9702~9708 59 14. 2 Cube 3 Cube 60 15. 49702~9708 Cube 59702~9708 Cube 61 16. 4. 4.1 ( 30 ) 6 1 9 ( ) 9 56.25% 41.67%( ) 77.46% 64.23%( ) 89.71% 80%( ) 62 17. 6 (drill-down) 0-10 11-20 21 7 30 ( ) ( ) 1 2 10% 3 4 24% 57 33% 8 42% 9 7 0-1011-20 7:10, 7:10, 20:20, 24:23 11-20 11 21 63 18. 7 A B 4 8 4 79.78% 6 71.43% B 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 A AB 1345 AB B 64 19. B A B CD 8 AB 9 A B A B 65 20. 9 AB 4.2 A B 2 3 A B 10 10.34% A B Op.100 , Op.68 No.8 Op.43 No.1 57.58% Op.37a BI150 53.64%66 21. 10 11 30 Op.100 30 ) Op.100 62 30 Op.39 58 47 23 43 (9702~9708 ) 11 56.25% 90% ( 30 )67 22. 11 () Burgmuller: Pastoral (Op. 100)(30)90.00% 1 B.Bartok: Children at play 14100.00% Bi Kuang, Tang/ Ching Chi, Chen: Liuyang River 13100.00% Burgmuller: Innocence Op.100(62)88.52% 2 Beethoven: Scottish Salute(30)90.00% M. Seiber: Jazz - Etudiette 8 71.43% D.Shostakovich: Barrel-Organ Waltz 24 83.33% 3 TchaikovskySweet Fantasy 4100.00% G.P.TelemannSongs2100.00% TchaikovskyNeapolitan Dance Op.39(58)76.79% 4 Ying-Hai Li: Ching Fan Shen (Selected from 2080.00% Grandmothers Story) Shande Ding: Countryside 757.14% D. Shostakovitch: Spanish Dance (47)60.00% Hu-Wei Huang: Aba Night Club (Selected from the 5 (32)56.25% Painting of Basu Suite) Ing-Hei Li: Playing Balls 2100.00% F.MendelassohnSong without words (43)66.67% 6 C.Boehm: Fountain12 27.27% Tsu-Chaung Wu/Ming-Shin Tu: Watergrass (Selected from 2100.00%68 23. drama The Mermail) J.BrahmsWaltz Op.39 No. 15 1060.00% 7 D.B.Kabalevsky: Rondo862.50% F.Chopin: Nocturnes Op.9 No.2 1070.00% 8 F.Schubert: Impromptu Op.142 No.2580.00% Mozart: Turkey March, Sonata in A Major, Mov. 3 10.00% S.Prokofiev: Prelude Op.12 No.75100% 9 F.Chopin: Polonaises Op.40 No.1450.00% () 30 4.3 12 A (Performing Skill) B (Interpretation) C (Stage Presence) (92 ) (145 ) (528 ) 36 B1. 528 A2. 466 A3. 271 B1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (970202001) (970202006) 69 24. 12 13 3 6 8 A. B. 14 B1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 (970202005) (970201004)70 25. 13 14 71 26. 4.4 15 AB ( 30 ) B. (W.A.Mozart) (C.F.Handel) (F.Couperin) (R.Schumann) Op.68 No.1 A. 15 AB 16 ( 30 ) (FR. Kuhiau) Op.55 No.1(C ) 82% 13% 5% 72 27. (Bach) 67.5% (W.A.Mozart) 63.16% 165. (OLAP) a) b) c) d) (1.) 56.25% 41.67% 73 28. 77.46% 64.23% (2.) 11-20 (3.) A B B A B B CD (4.) A B (5.) AB Op.100, Op.68 No.8 (6.) Op.43 No.1 57.58% (7.) Op.100 62 Op.39 58 47 43 74 29. 23 (8.) (FR. Kuhiau) Op.55 No.1(C ) 82% (PH.E.Bach) 67.5% (W.A.Mozart) 63.16% (9.) 2000-2008 (10.) 528 466 271 (11.) 75 30. 1. A B quot; quot;(Sele ct eith er group A or group B) . 2. A B (Pieces fro m group A and B canno t b e cro ss selected). 3. ( Ple as e p la y th e p iec es in sequ en tia l ord er dur ing th e te st). 4. 4 ( Th e fo r th p iece in group A or B can ber ep la c ed b y a n y p i ec e f r o m t h e S e le c t ed ) . Category Content Level One [A ] Group A 1. (K.Czerny) Op.599 No.19 K.Czerny: Etude Op.599, No.19 2. (C.F.Handel) C.F.Handel: Passepied 3. (B.Bartok) B.Bartok: Sorrow 4. (L.V.Beethoven) L.V.Beethoven: Russian Folk SongRepertoire[B ] Group B 1. (l.Berkovich) Berkovich : Etudes 2. (J.S.Bach) J.S.Bach: German Folk Song 3. (J.Haydn)G J.Haydn: Major G Sonata, Movement 4 4. (Gurlitt) Gurlitt: A sad tale 1. / Bi Kuang, Tang/ Ching Chi, Chen: Liuyang River 2. (Op.100)Selected Burgmuller: Pastoral (Op. 100) 3. B.Bartok: Children at play Level Two [A ] Group A 1. Gurlitt: Etudes 2. Repertoire Handael : Gavotte 3. Mozart: Rondo 4. Op. 68 No. 1 Schumann: Melodie Op.68 No.176 31. Category Content[B ] Group B 1. Op.176 No.14 J.B.Duvermoy: Etudes Op.176 No.14 2. F. Couperin: Gavotte 3. S. Arnold: Allegro 4. Ai-Pin, Jin: Childrens Flowers 1. Op.100 Burgmuller: Innocence Op.100 2. SelectedLudwig van Beethoven: Scottish Salute 3. M. Seiber: Jazz - Etudiette Level Three [A ] Group A 1. Loschhorn: Etudes 2. J.S.Bach: Polonaise 3. Op.55 No.1 C Fr.Kuhiau: Presto Op.55 No.1 Major C, Movement 2 of Sonatina 4. Op.100 Burgmuller: Ballade Op.100Repertoire[B ] Group B 1. Op.37 A. Lemoine: Etudes Op.27 2. C.F. Handel: Courante 3. Op.36 No.3 C M.ClementiAllegro Op.36 No.3 Major C, Movement 3 of Sonatina 4. Op.68 No.8 Schumann: Wilder Reiter Op.68 No.8 1. D.Shostakovich: Barrel-Organ Waltz 2. SelectedG.P.TelemannSongs 3. TchaikovskySweet Fantasy Level Four [A ] Group A 1. Op.46 No.1 HellerEtudes Op.46 No.1Repertoire 2. J.S.BachAllemande 3. Op.36 No.5 G 77 32. Category Content M.ClementiRondo Op.36 No.5 Major G, Movement 3 of Sonatina 4. F.GriegGrandmothers Minuet[B ] Group B 1. Op.849 No.12 Carl CzernyEtudes Op.849 No.12 2. N0.4 J.S.BachTwo-Part Inventions No.4 3. Op.20 No.1 G J.L.DussekRondo Op.20 No.1 Major G, Movement 2 of Sonatina 4. Op.12 No.2 F.Grieg: Waltz Op.12 No.2 1. Shande Ding: Countryside 2. Op. 39() SelectedTchaikovskyNeapolitan Dance Op.39 3. (quot;quot;) Ying-Hai Li: Ching Fan Shen (Selected from Grandmothers Story) Level Five [A ] Group A 1. Op.109 Burgmuller: Agitato Op.109 2. No.14 Bach: Two-Part Inventions No.14 3. (D ) J.Haydn: Finale (Major D, Sonata, Movement 3) 4. - Op.37a TchaikovskyApril- Snowdrop Op.37aRepertoire[B ] Group B 1. Op.636 No.6 Carl Czerny: Etudes Op.636 No.6 2. BWV.937 J.S.Bach: Prelude BWV.937 3. -D D.B.KabalevskyVariation in D Major Toccatta 4. BI150 F.ChopinWaltz BI150 1. (quot;quot;) Ing-Hei Li: Playing Balls (Miscellaneous Sketch IV) 2. (quot;quot;) SelectedHu-Wei Huang: Aba Night Club (Selected from the Painting of Basu Suite) 3. D. Shostakovitch: Spanish Dance Level Six [A ] Group ARepertoire 1. Op.299 No.11 Carl Czerny: Etudes Op.29 No.11 78 33. Category Content 2. Op.14 G.P.Telemann: Bourree Op.14 3. G Hobxv127 J.Haydn: Major G, movement 1 of Sonata, Hobxv127 4. Op.43 No.1 F.Grieg: Butterfly Op.43 No.1[B ] Group B 1. Op.636 No.10 Carl Czerny: Etudes Op.636 No.10 2. No.10 J.S.Bach: Two-Part Inventions No.10 3. G K283 W.A.Mozart: Major G Sonata, Movement 1, K283 4. Lu-Ting He :The Cowherd's Flute 1. C.Boehm: Fountain 2. SelectedF.MendelassohnSong without words 3. /(quot;quot;) Tsu-Chaung Wu/Ming-Shin Tu: Watergrass (Selected from drama The Mermaid) Level Seven [A ] A Group 1. Op.299 No.19 Carl Czerny: Etudes Op.299 No.19 2. No.15 J.S.BachThree-Part Sinfonias No.15 3. K.570 bB W.A.MozartRondo K.570 Major bB, Sonata, Movement 3 4. Op.38Nr.2 F.MendelassohnSong without wordsRepertoire[B ] Group B 1. No.17 J.B.CramerEtudes No.17 2. (D )L463(K430) D.ScarlattiSonata ( Major D) L463(K430) 3. ()WoO80 L.V.BeethovenVariation (VI)WoO80 4. (quot;quot;) Hu-Wei Huang: Spring in Chengdu (Selected from the Painting of Basu Suite) 1. D.B.Kabalevsky: Rondo 2. () SelectedPei-Shin, Chen: Mai Za Huo (Guangdong Folk Melody) 3. Op.39 No. 15 J.BrahmsWaltz Op.39 No. 15 Level Eight [A ]79 34. Category ContentRepertoire Group A 1. Op.299 No.24 Carl Czerny: Etudes Op.299 No.24 2. --E BWV817 J.S.Bach: Gigue French Suite- No.6, Major E BWV817 3. D K311 W.A.Mozart Major D Sonata, Movement 1, K311 4. F.Chopin Waltz Op.64 No.1[B ] Group B 1. Op.64 No.1 J.B.Cramer: Etudes Op.64 No.1 2. No.13 J.S.Bach: Three-Part Sinfonias No.13 3. C K330 W.A.Mozart: Major C Sonata, Movement 1 K330) 4. Chien-Chung, Wang: Embroidering a golden silk banner 1. k.331 A Mozart: Turkey March Major A Sonata, movement 3 2. Op.9 No.2 SelectedF.Chopin: Nocturnes Op.9 No.2 3. Op.142 No.2 F.Schubert: Allegretto Op.142 No.2 Level Nine [A ] Group A 1. Op.740 No.41 Carl Czerny: Etudes Op.740 No.41 2. G () J.S.Bach: Prelude & Fugue in G Major book II 3. a K310 Mozart: minor a , sonata, movement 1 K310 4. Villa-Lobos: PayasoRepertoire[B ] Group B 1. Op.72 No.5 M.Moszkowsky: Etudes Op72 No.5 2. (G ) L487(K125) D.Scarlatti: Sonata (Major G) L487(K125) 3. F Op.2 No1 L.V.Beethoven: minor F sonata, movement 1, Op.2 No.1 4. () Pei-Shin, Chen: Bold Thunder in Drought (Guangdong Folk Melody) 1. Op.40 No.1 F.Chopin: Polonaises Op.40 No.1 2. Op.12 No.7 SelectedS.Prokofiev: Prelude Op.12 No.7 3. Cl.Debussy: Clair de Lune80 35. 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Pearson Education Taiwan Ltd,Addison Wesley, 2003.Nielsen, Siw Graabraek. quot;Achievement Goals, Learning Strategies and InstrumentalPerformance.quot; Music Education Research 10.2 (2008): 235-47.Persellin, Diane. quot;The Importance of High-Quality Literature.quot; Music Educators Journal87.1 (2000): 17-18.Reynolds, H. Robert. quot;Repertoire Is the Curriculum.quot; Music Educators Journal 87.1(2000): 31-33.Scott, Sheila. quot;Evaluating Tasks for Performance-Based Assessments: Advice for MusicTeachers.quot; General Music Today 17, no. 2 (2004): 17-27.81 36. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. quot;VCE Music Solo PerformanceAssessment Handbook 2006-2010.quot; Australia: Victorian Curriculum andAssessment Authority, 2008. 82