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52407115 Voltage Stability[1]

Apr 06, 2018



Saba Mannan
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    2010 2011


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  • 8/3/2019 52407115 Voltage Stability[1]



    AB T ACT

    As th use of renewable energy sources (R s) increases worl wi e, there is a rising interest

    on their im acts on power system operation and control. The important impacts of a large

    penetration of variable generations in area of operation and control can be summarized in the

    directions of regional overloading of transmission lines in normal operation as well as in

    emergency conditions, reduction of available tie-line capacities due to large load flows,

    frequency performance, grid congestions, increasing need for balance power and reserve

    capacity, increasing power system losses, increasing reactive power compensation, and

    impact on system security and economic issues. The distributed power fluctuation (due to

    using of variable generations) negatively contributes to the power imbalance, frequency and

    voltage deviations. Significant disturbance can cause under/over frequency/voltage relaying

    and disconnect some lines, loads and generations. Under unfavourable conditions, this may

    resultin a cascading failure and system collapse. Here we describe a procedure forimproving

    voltage stability condition of a power system by reactive power rescheduling or load

    shedding. For this purpose, a voltage stability index and its threshold value is used as the

    basis. Sensitivity factors are derived to relate change in voltage stability index for changes in

    reactive power at generation buses and changes in load atload buses. Using these sensitivity

    factors, a procedure is proposed for avoiding risk of voltage instability in a power system by

    applying reactive power rescheduling orload shedding.

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    I would like to convey my sincere thanks to Prof.DEVENDRA DODA (HOD, EE) for

    giving us such a wonderful opportunity to enhance our skills throughthese seminars.

    I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude, indebtedness to Mr. DUR


    NANDAN PATHAK(lecturer, EE, JNU, Jai pur), and all the faculty mem bers fortheir

    guidance, ever inspiring help, affectionate encouragement & motivation .They have been a

    great source ofinspiration forme.Ive been receiving valuable suggestions fromthem.

    I am also thankfulto Mrs. DEEPIKA CHAUHAN who helped me in my seminar withhis

    fullinterest. The uphilltask for completing this seminar report would have been impossible

    without support of all staffmember.

    No words are sufficientto express my gratitude to colleagues fortheir

    exemplary patience, understanding, co-operation & for creating congenial environment to

    carry outthis work.


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    Figure1. Flow chart for reactive power rescheduling or/and load Shedding to improve

    voltage stability condition of a power system.................... ....................................................19 Figure1 continued..................................................................................................................20

    Figure1 continued.................................................. ................................................................22

    Figure1 continued..................................................................................................................23 Figure2. IEEE30Bus system................................................................................................24

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    The problem related to voltage instability in a power systemis a major concern for power

    system operation and planning. A major factor contributing to voltage instability is thevoltage drop that occurs when active and reactive power ow throughinductive reactance of

    the transmission network; this limits the capability ofthe transmission network for power

    transfer and voltage support. The powertransfer and voltage support are furtherlimited when

    some ofthe generators hittheir eld or armature currenttime-over load capability limits.

    Voltage stability is threatened when a disturbance increases the reactive power demand

    beyond the sustainable capacity ofthe available reactive power resources. Voltage collapse is

    characterized by a slow variation in system operating point, due to increase in the loads, in

    such a way thatthe voltage magnitude gradually decreases until a sharp accelerated change

    occurs.Ithas been observed that voltage magnitudes, in general, do not give a good

    indication of proximity to voltage stability limit.In recentliterature, many voltage stabilityand voltage collapse prediction methods have been presented. Some ofthe important ones


    (1) Voltage collapse index based on a normalload ow solution (L-index);

    (2) Voltage collapse index based on closely located power ow solution pairs;

    (3) Voltage collapse index based on sensitivity analysis; and

    (4) Minimum singular value of Newton-Raphson power ow Jacobian matrix.

    These methods assess the closeness to the critical loading by looking in to the voltage

    stability sensitivity indices orthe smallest Eigen value or singular value ofload ow Jacobian

    matrix. Index presented in gives a scalar number to each load bus, called the L-index, to

    indicate the proximity of voltage collapse for a power system. The index value ranges from0

    to 1. The bus with largest value of L is the most vulnerable bus in the system. In the

    procedure for calculation of L has been simplied using some acceptable approximations;

    this reduces the computational burden considerably. A reliable voltage stability index Iihas

    been proposed, whose threshold value is found to be varying marginally between 0.43to 0.52

    as againstthe theoreticalthreshold value of0.5. The decrements ofthis index are rapid with

    respectto load variation as it approaches the proximity of voltage collapse. Therefore, index

    nearto 0.7is an alarming situation so far as voltage stability of a power systemis concerned.

    For a voltage stability index to be effective and useful, it should possess the following

    qualities: (1) Indicator/index should be related to the controllable parameters of a power

    system through a simple function; and (2) some corrective measures could be derived from

    the indices. The proposed procedure aims atinvolving only sensitive generation buses and/or

    load buses for reactive power rescheduling and/or load shedding, respectively, to improve

    voltage stability condition of a power system. Load shedding option is undertaken whenreactive power rescheduling of generation buses cannot improve voltage stability index of a

    bus to a desired value.

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    The objective ofthis section is to relate the above concepts oflarge disturbance and time

    scale decomposition to power system phenomena and models. We provide a classication of

    loss of stability mechanisms relevantto voltage phenomena. State approximation to be used

    and the overall systeminstability to be decomposed in several well dened categories. Let us

    assume a large disturbance and considerthe possible unstable system responses thatmight


    2.1 Transient Period

    In the transient period immediately following the disturbance the slow variables do not

    respond yet and may be considered constant. The three majorinstability mechanisms are

    T1: loss of equilibrium ofthe fast dynamics.

    T2: lack of attraction towards the stable post-disturbance equilibrium ofthe fast dynamics.

    T3: post-disturbance equilibrium oscillatory unstable. The transient period is the usualtime

    frame of angular stability studies. Forinstance, the loss of synchronism following too slow a

    fault clearing is a typical T2mechanism. This is also the time frame oftransient voltage

    stability, which results fromloads trying to restore their powerin the transienttime frame.

    Typical examples are induction motorloads and HVDC components.An example of T1voltage instability is the stalling of an induction motor fed through a long transmission line,

    after some circuittripping makes the transmission impedance too large.Motor stalling causes

    the voltage to collapse. The motormechanical and electricaltorque curves do notintersect

    any longer, leaving the system without a post-disturbance equilibrium. An example of T2

    voltage instability is the stalling ofinduction motors after a short-circuit.In heavily loaded

    motor and/or slowly cleared fault conditions, the motor cannot reaccelerate afterthe fault.The mechanical and electricaltorque curves intersect but at fault clearing, the motor slip is

    largerthan the unstable equilibrium value.

    2.2 Power System Stability

    Power system stability is the ability of an electric power system, for a given initial operating

    condition, to regain a state of operating equilibrium after being subjected to a physical

    disturbance, withmost system variables bounded so that practically the entire system remains


    2.3 Voltage Stability

    Voltage stability refers to the ability of a power systemto maintain steady voltages at all

    buses in the system after being subjected to a disturbance from a given initial operating

    condition. Characterized by loss of a stable operating point as well as by the deterioration of

    voltage levels in and around the electrical centre ofthe region undergoing voltage collapse

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    T e c ange in bus voltage vector [ V ] wit respect to c ange in reactive power

    injection vector [Q] can be expressed as:

    Substituting [V ] in Eq ( ) fro Eq ( ), we ave

    T e sensitivity factors [] relate c ange in t e index value for kt

    bus wit respect to c ange

    in reactive power injections at t e buses, but reactive power resc eduling can becarried outonly in t e generation buses, as suc , representing Eq ( ) only for generationbuses we ave

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    T e Jacobian atrix of NR load ow analysis relates c ange in real and reactive power

    injections wit respect to c ange in bus voltage angles and bus voltage agnitudes asfollows:-

    Substituting [ V ] in Eq ( ) fro Eq ( ) we ave

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    T e above equation can be expressed as:

    w ere [ ] and [] are t e sensitivity factors (SFs) relating [P] and [Q] to t e c ange in t e

    index value of kt bus Assu ing load power factors do not c ange wit c ange in load

    values, Eq ( 5) can be written as:

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    3.Determination ofSuitable Value of MG, ML, and Solution Procedure:-

    The proposed procedure aims at involving sensitive generation buses and/or load buses for

    reactive power rescheduling and/or load shedding, respectively, to improve the voltage

    stability condition of a power system. Load shedding option is undertaken when reactive

    power rescheduling of generation buses cannot improve the voltage stability index of avulnerable load bus to its desired value. To ensure participation of sensitive generation buses

    and/orload buses, buses having SF values more than cut off values cut and cut are selected

    for reactive power rescheduling and/or load shedding, respectively. A factor (KM > 1) is

    included for the purpose of ensuring that sufficient num ber of buses are included during

    improvement of the value of Ik and all the rescheduled (reactive power) generators or load

    shedding buses do no get xed at their limits. A value of KM 1.1 1.2 has been found to

    work well formost ofthe systems. The procedure adopted for the selection of participating

    buses is as follows:

    1. Store the bus number in arrays BRj and BLj for j = 1. . .N according to descendingorder of the sensitivity factor associated with each bus for reactive power rescheduling and

    load shedding, respectively (buses having highest sensitivity factor are ranked as one, bus

    with nexthighest sensitivity ranked two, and so on) and setM = 0.

    2. Set j = 1 and Iach = 0.3. i = BRj.4. Ifith bus is not a generation bus; go to step 6.5. If Iach > KMIk go to 15

    M = M + 1

    Iach = Iach + iQilimit

    6. j = j + 1.

    7. If j N; go to step 3.

    8. Set j = 1 and ML = 0.

    9.i = BLj.

    10.Ifith bus is not a load bus; go to 13.

    11.If j < 0 go to step 13.

    12.If Iach > KMIk go to 15.

    ML = ML + 1Iach = Iach + i PDi


    13. j = j + 1.

    14.If j N; go to step 9.

    15. Stop.

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    5.Simulations Results and Discussion

    To verify the applicability of the proposed procedure, simulations were carried out on

    IEEE30 bus system shown in Figure 2. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the procedure,

    both reactive power rescheduling and load shedding were carried out according to the

    requirements to improve the value ofthe indexIk ofmost vulnerable bus to its desired value

    Idesk . The system loading is adjusted in such a way that voltage stability indices of a few

    buses ofthe system falls below 0.75. Table 1 shows the generations, loads, and voltage

    conditions at these generation buses. Table 2 presents the loads, voltage condition, and

    voltage stability index of load buses of the system. It shows the minimum value of voltage

    stability index is appearing at load bus 19, the value is I19 = 0.718003. From voltage

    instability point of view, this bus is the most vulnerable bus. Simulations were carried outto

    improve this index to different desired value with different reactive power limits on the

    generation buses.Minimum value ofload, which cannot be shed atload bus, is taken as 20%

    ofthe initialload atthe bus. Table 3 presents the two different reactive powerlimits applied

    to the generation buses for simulation purpose. Power limits on the generation buses.

    Minimum value ofload, which cannot be shed atload bus, is taken as 20% ofthe initialload

    atthe bus. Table 3 presents the two different reactive powerlimits applied to the generation

    buses for simulation purpose.

    5.1.Desired Value of I19des

    = 0.75

    Case-I reactive power limits are applied to the generation buses for improving value ofthe

    voltage stability index at bus 19. The results obtained from simulation are presented in Tables

    4 and 5.

    The simulation results show that the voltage stability index is improved to 0.744932 from

    0.718003through reactive power rescheduling.In this case, load shedding is not required for

    improvement ofthe voltage stability index.

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    5.2. Desired Value of I19des

    = 0.8

    At rst, Case-I reactive power li its are applied to t e generation buses for i proving value

    of t e voltage stability index at bus T e results obtained fro si ulation are presented in

    Tables and

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    6.CONCLUSIONThe proposed procedure for reactive power rescheduling or load shedding aims atimproving

    voltage stability condition of a power system from proximity of voltage collapse.Index Ik, the

    voltage stability index ofthe most vulnerable bus of a power system, is used as the basis for

    the improvement of voltage stability condition of the system. Sensitivity factors are derivedto relate change in voltage stability index for change in reactive power at generation buses

    and change in load at load buses. The sensitivity factors are used to determine the required

    reactive power rescheduling and/orload shedding to im prove voltage stability condition of a

    power system. The proposed procedure aims at involving only sensitive generation buses

    and/or load buses for reactive power rescheduling and/or load shedding, respectively, to

    im prove voltage stability condition of a power system. Load shedding option is undertaken

    when reactive power rescheduling of generation buses cannotimprove voltage stability index

    of a bus to its desired value. The proposed procedure for improving voltage stability

    condition by reactive power rescheduling or load shedding can provide usefulinformation to

    power system planner/operator to undertake corrective action to avoid risk of voltage

    instability in a power system.

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    N Total number of buses in the system

    NG Total number of generation buses in the system

    NL Number ofload buses in the system

    Pi Injected active power atith bus

    Qi Injected reactive power atith bus

    QGi(max) Maximumlimit of reactive power generation atith bus

    QGi(min) Minimumlimit of reactive power generation atith bus

    PDi(min) Limit on load shedding ofthe ithload bus

    Si Pi + jQi

    Vi Magnitude of voltage atith bus

    i Angle ofthe bus voltage atith bus

    Gi j + jBi j Element of Y -BUS matrix atith row and j th column

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