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Max Roxana Joey Mitzy Joshua Johnny David Alan G Ryan Brianna Ramon Cameron Cincere Andres Adolfo Nyashia Emma Jose Brian Matthew Christopher Carlos Alan R Natalie Ricardo Massire Christian Elizabeth Angel Gia Linder Sualee Thursday April 26, 2012 Imagine that you are flying a kite when suddenly you are lifted up and start soaring with the kite. Write about what happens next.
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  • 1. Imagine that you are flying a kite when suddenly you arelifted up and start soaring with the kite. Write about whathappens next. ThursdayApril 26, 2012 AndresCameron Joshua CarlosLinder Alan G AngelDavidRamon Jose CincereEmmaBriannaNatalieGia Adolfo Alan R Elizabeth RicardoMatthew Nyashia ChristopherSualee MitzyRoxana JohnnyMax Brian Massire Christian Ryan Joey

2. Morning WritingApril 26 is Richter Scale Day.This scale measures themagnitude of an earthquake.The higher the number, thestronger the quake is. Numberyour paper one to five. Listfive things that personallyshake you up. The higher thenumber, the more it shakesyou up. Write neatly, skipping a line, and use looseleaf (lined) paper. Hand in once you are finished. The work will be graded. 3. Reading Spirit of Endurance (p. 518)GenreNonfiction gives informationand facts about real people,places, events, andsituations.Generate QuestionsProblem and SolutionsLook for actions or stepstaken to solve a problem. Asyou read, use your Problemand Solution Map 4. disturbing frigidScarydangerous difficult. Icycreepytreacherous oldabandonfrightening creakyadventurous uninhabited 5. Reading Spirit of Endurance (p. 518)ProblemWithout a ship, the men must rescue themselves.Attempt Outcome They attempt crossing the ice toThe men give up and make camp on reach Paulet Island. an ice floe, which starts to melt.Outcome Attempt The men make it to Elephant Island, Shackleton gives the order to launchbut is is deserted. They still need to bethe boats.rescued. Attempt Outcome Shackleton and others leave to find They land on the wrong side of the help on South Georgia Island. island and must hike across it.SolutionShackleton reaches the whaling station and returns to Elephant Island to take his crew home. 6. How will they camp?why did they just give up?Why would they continue?what will they eat?Can they use the lifeboat? 7. Reading Spirit of Endurance (p. 518)Reading HomeworkPractice book, page 152.Answer the question in yournotebook. 8. Math Exam 9. Spelling North and South Poles1. margin 11. damage2. jolt 12. ranger3. surge13. jumble4. plunge 14. luggage5. jigsaw 15. baggage6. legend 16. dodge7. ridge17. challenge8. budge18. journal9. lodge19. judgment10. agent 20. knowledge 10. Spelling Proofread and ReviewThemenfacedthechallengofsailingintheAntarcticwithcourage.Theychoppedicefromtheboattokeepsailing.Theirsmallboatalreadyhaddamajefromalargesurgheoficywater.Still,theymanagedtodoggethelargestwaves.Itwastheirgoaltoavoidanyhighcrestordeepplundge.Theirjourneybecamealejendoftriumphoverdanger.Writing ActivityWrite a paragraph about a time when you or someoneyou know had to be brave. Use four words from yourspelling list. 11. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when doneChallenge1. The Antarctic weather was a ____________for Shackleton and his men.write spelling word here: 12. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done Damage2. The Endurance suffered ___________ fromthe pressure of the ice floes.write spelling word here: 13. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done3. Some sailors kept a _____________ while at journalsea.write spelling word here: 14. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done jigsaw4. Working a ____________ puzzle is a goodway to pass the time.write spelling word here: 15. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when donesurge5. Each __________ of cold ocean watersoaked the boat and the sailors.write spelling word here: 16. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done6. ______________ of the sea and of fixing Knowledgeboats helped Shackletons men stay safe.write spelling word here: 17. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done7. They piled all of their belongings, their luggage_____________ and _____________, on the ice. baggagewrite spelling word here: 18. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done8. Two lifeboats were used to make a___________ for shelter.lodgewrite spelling word here: 19. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done9. It must have felt great to cross the last ridge____________ and see the whaling station.write spelling word here: 20. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when donejudgment10. Shackleton used good _____________when he said that they should leave theboat.write spelling word here: 21. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done11. avoid ________________dodgewrite spelling word here: 22. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done agent12. cause _____________write spelling word here: 23. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done jumble13. mix up _____________write spelling word here: 24. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done14. fall ______________plunge write spelling word here: 25. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when donejolt15. bump ______________ write spelling word here: 26. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done16. edge _____________marginwrite spelling word here: 27. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done17. story _____________legendwrite spelling word here: 28. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done18. park worker ____________ rangerwrite spelling word here: 29. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence with the correct spelling word. tap here when done19. move _____________ budgewrite spelling word here: 30. Spelling Word MeaningsSpelling HomeworkVocabulary Word MapStudy for exam tomorrow 31. Language Arts Prepositions (p. 428)RULESA preposition is a wordthat relates a noun orpronoun to anotherword in a sentence.This book about bicycles is Teds. 32. My desk is inside my school.I do my homework at Abraham House. 33. I eat dinner at home. 34. I play soccer in Manhattan. 35. Language Arts Prepositions (p. 428)Some common prepositions include: about from to after in under against near until before of up below over upon by on with during past without 36. Language Arts Prepositions (p. 428)Guided PracticeUnderline the preposition in each sentence.1. We drove into the park2. Our bicycles were in the cartrack.3. We stopped beside the biketrail. 37. Language Arts Prepositions (p. 428)Guided PracticeUnderline the preposition in each sentence.4. We followed the trail over a hill.5. The sun was shining through thetrees.6. Billy rode under a bridge. 38. Language Arts Prepositions (p. 428)Guided PracticeUnderline the preposition in each sentence.7. I followed behind him.8. Suddenly, he stopped by abrook.9. Near the water, we saw a deer. 39. Language Arts Prepositions (p. 428)Guided PracticeUnderline the preposition in each sentence.10. We watched quietly for a fewminutes. 40. Language Arts Prepositions (p. 428)Language ArtsHomeworkPractice Book, page 86 41. Homework Summary Thursday, April 26, 2012Reading1. Practice book, page 1522. Answer the questions in your notebook.Spelling1. Vocabulary Word Map Handout2. Study for testLanguage Arts1. Practice book, page 86D.E.A.R. Time1. Bring a book to read 42. 7 Reward1089764523Pizza PartyWheel of FunSpellingBrainPOPClass WorkSilent Snack1 No Snack 43. Attachments imgres 948869